Download - 7.30pm Blessed to be a Blessing Tuesday Growing Disciples · David Pawson entitled “Unlocking the Bible”.


Prayer Requests to: Joyce Stanton 768 7852, Ngaire Fisher 768 6505

NEW HOME GROUP Dot and David have had two people enquiring about an evening home group in their home at 17 Westvale Drive. We would be using the excellent videos by David Pawson entitled “Unlocking the Bible”. If we can get at least two more interested it will be worthwhile getting it underway. Phone David or Dot if you might be interested. 768 5440. HYMNS FOR HERS CWCI invite everyone to an afternoon of

fellowship and hymn singing at All Saints Lounge, Bealey St, Hokitika next Sunday 14th August at 2pm, followed by afternoon tea.

See poster on the noticeboard for more details.

DESSERT & COFFEE EVENT The Johnson’s Support Group will be hosting a Dessert and Coffee event for your enjoyment again this year on Sunday 28th August at 4pm in the Trinity Hall. Tickets are available at Paper Plus for $20 per person. This is a fundraiser for the Johnson Family in Taiwan. Gather your friends and get your tickets. Look forward to exquisite food in a delightful setting. Leaflets with more details available in the foyer.

Theme for this week: 'What does Jesus require of us?'

Readings for this week:

Deuteronomy 8:1-9; (p.222); John 21:15-19 (p.1401)

Prayer for the Day: Thank you Lord Jesus for your precious gift of the Holy Spirit. We ask right now that you fill us to overflowing so we can love you more, follow you more closely and have greater power to tell others about your love, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Theme for next week: The Pearl Beyond Price and the Matchless Pearl

Readings for next week: Revelations 21:1-27; Matthew 13:45-46

Russell Nimmo

Val Boote & Karen Devescovi

Paula Parents


Anglican Parish of Greymouth & Kumara

6 & 7 August 2016

Blessed to be a Blessing Growing Disciples of Jesus

Monday Clergy Sabbath 8 Aug 3pm Crossroads Dance in Trinity Hall 7.30pm Lister’s Home Group, 5 Ida St 7.30pm Monday Friends Group in Parish Centre 7.30pm Johnson’s Support group meeting at 359 Main South Rd

Tuesday 9 Aug 9.15am Guild of St Raphael at 27 Shakespeare St 3pm Crossroads Dance in Trinity Hall 7pm Hawes’ Home Group, 57 Doyle St 7.30pm Marjorie’s Home Group, 9 Heaphy St Wednesday 10 Aug 10am Wednesday Women in Parish Centre 10am Dixon House Communion Service (David) 11am Kowhai Manor Communion Service (David) 3pm Crossroads Dance in Trinity Hall 6.30pm Young Adult’s Home Group in Parish Centre 7.15pm Lavers’ Home Group, 18c Serpentine Rd Thursday 11 Aug 9am-4.30pm TRINITY COLLEGE MUSIC EXAMS 11am Granger House Communion Service (David) 3pm Crossroads Dance in Trinity Hall 5.30pm 10am music practice in Church

Friday 12 Aug 10am Kids ‘n Coffee, in Trinity Centre 12.30-4.45pm TRINITY COLLEGE MUSIC EXAMS 3pm Crossroads Dance in Trinity Hall 7pm The Shed Youth Group, 186 Main South Rd,

Services Next Weekend 13 & 14 August 2016 SATURDAY : 6pm Communion (Prayer Book, Hymns, Reflective) SUNDAY : 8am Holy Communion (Quiet & reflective, no music. Finishes by 8.50am) 9.55am OASIS in Trinity Centre (7-11yr olds) & Sunday School (4-7yr olds)

10am Family Communion (Songs and hymns, open to Holy Spirit) 6pm Evensong KUMARA: 10am Extended Holy Communion

TRINITY COLLEGE MUSIC EXAMS All day Thursday and Friday afternoon the annual Trinity College music exams will be held in our complex. There will be NO ACCESS to others during this time except for Crossroads dancers who may use the hall only for their classes. Thank you for respecting the music students and teachers as they sit these important exams.

I write this at the beginning of the week

before I head to Synod. Thank you to all

those who have helped in many varied ways

to help out and make sure the parish keeps

ticking over while Marge and Robin are away.

It does make life so much easier for me. It

was great to meet three more newcomers

this week, Namely Kate and her daughter

Leah who are locals and have been coming

to kids and coffee, and Judy who has moved

down with her husband from just south of

Auckland. Make a point, if you see them in

church, of introducing yourself and making

them feel welcome into our family. Their

photos should be on the board very soon.

Have you considered lately asking a friend

along with you to church? You will not know

how they will respond until you ask them.

They can only say yes or no, and you accept

whichever response they give. We have

started a new home group at our home on

Fridays at 11am looking at the “Unlocking the

Bible” videos by David Pawson. Following the

video we have a light lunch and an

opportunity to ask any questions. We have

two people showing an interest in an evening

group, please contact Dot or myself if you are

interested. A final blessing, “Proverbs 15:15

For the despondent, every day brings trouble;

for the happy heart, life is a continual feast.”

Parish Website: Priest in Charge: Rev’d David Hastings Ph: 768 5440 Cell: 021 267 4619

email: [email protected]

Vicar: Reverend Marge Tefft, (on sabbatical leave) Email: [email protected] Asst Priest: Archdeacon Robin Kingston, (on leave) Parish Administrator: Nicky Hawes Ph 768 7508

Parish Office: 201 Tainui St, Greymouth Ph/Fax: 768 7508 Parish Email: [email protected]

Parish Mail: PO Box 27, Greymouth 7840 Parish Health Advisor: Marjorie Newcombe, Ph/Fax 768 7299

Grief Support: Kaye Brown 768 7105 Vicar’s Warden: Peter Wetherall 768 6714 People’s Warden: Diana Fensom 768 4942

Kumara Verger: Joe Payn 736 9960

Last Weekend: Attendance: 126 Offertory: $3,231 (Needed: $3,700 weekly) Total Earthquake funds received up to end of July 2016: $126,445

Earthquake donations received in July 2016: $2,905 Note: Funds received in August will be reported by mid September

CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR MISSIONS Ladies Guild are supporting the ‘Operation Christmas Child’ run by Samaritan’s Purse which supplies shoeboxes full of gifts for disadvantaged children in some of the world’s poorest places. In many cases this will be th first gift the child has ever received. The ladies are asking if anyone would like to donate small items to be included in these boxes. Items such as: Something to wear Something to play with Something for school Something to love Something special Something for personal hygiene All items must be new and suitable to pass through customs. Excluded items are: food of any kind, anything liquid or gel, anything with batteries, anything breakable, war related toys, religious items, gambling related items. There is a chart on the noticeboard with lots of ideas to spark your imagination. If you would like to contribute to this cause, please drop off items at the Parish Office by the end of August. If anyone would like to create a whole gift box themselves, there are brochures in the foyer with instructions on how to go about it. HOLY SPIRIT CONFERENCE Advance notice is given of the weekend conference in St John’s Anglican Church in Westport on 9-11 September. The speaker is Katherine Ruonala, Senior Pastor of Glory City Church, Brisbane and author of “Living in the Miraculous” and “From Wilderness to Wonders”. She

has a healing and prophetic ministry. More details coming soon. PROMISE KEEPERS - in 2 WEEKS PK 2016 is in Christchurch on Friday 19 and Saturday 20 August. Ian Hawes is the Greymouth Menz Group leader. Contact Ian 027 702 9598 with any questions and to arrange accommodation with the group. (Cost to be advised.) More details on the brochure in the foyer. WEST COAST ADULT LEARNING Literacy Westland and Buller Adult Learning Services have combined to form a new organisation offering opportunities for adults to receive free instruction and training (in Greymouth) in literacy, computers, mobile phones, and learner drivers licences. If interested see the letter on the noticeboard with more details. LARGE PRINT DEVOTIONAL We have 2 backdated large print copies of the devotional booklet put out by Our Daily Bread ministries. If you would like to have one or both of these please contact the Parish Office or see Nicky ACCOMMODATION REQUESTED A grandmother from Holy Trinity in Tauranga who has a grandson doing the Outdoor Recreation Course here at the Polytech, has asked if there would be anyone willing to offer accommodation for two nights on 18 & 19 October for four family members to come and attend his prize giving. If you are interested in helping out please contact Nicky at the Parish Office.


Loved any enemies this week? The challenge we are given is not easy, I am yet to meet someone who says it is easy. Without help from the creator of this world it is not possible. However, without forgiveness, hatred creates bitterness in the heart of the unforgiving.

Remember this, we believe in a just God, who will do all the judging that is required and action that is required even though it may not be until the day of judgment comes. We are warned not to judge others. We don’t have to accept what they do and it may be right in any given situation to tell them that, but we do it in a hopefully constructive and not destructive manner.

Be thankful that God is the sole judge, be grateful for that, and remember those words of Jesus that remind us to look first at ourselves. It just maybe there is a log in our eye that is obstructing our view and making it difficult for us to get the splinter out of another person’s eye.

Another response which is important is to reach out in love to those who are victims of hatred, and there are many in that situation, even in our own community in Greymouth.

Another proverb to help along the way; Proverbs 17:22 “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.”

6 & 7 A u g u s t 2 0 1 6

Theme: What does Jesus require of us? Sentence: The Lord requires that we do what is just, show constant love and live in humble fellowship with Him. Prayer:

Thank you Lord Jesus for your precious gift of the Holy Spirit. We ask right now that you fill us to overflowing so we can love you more, follow you more closely and have greater power to tell others about your love, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Readings: Deuteronomy 8:1-9; (p.222)

John 21:15-19 (p.1401)

6 & 7 A u g u s t 2 0 1 6

Theme: What does Jesus require of us? Sentence: The Lord requires that we do what is just, show constant love and live in humble fellowship with Him. Prayer:

Thank you Lord Jesus for your precious gift of the Holy Spirit. We ask right now that you fill us to overflowing so we can love you more, follow you more closely and have greater power to tell others about your love, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Readings: Deuteronomy 8:1-9; (p.222)

John 21:15-19 (p.1401)