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7 things you should boast about: By Dr Satish and Maalee Raiborde

(Jeremiah 9:23, 24. Let him glory that he knows me. Psalm 34:2, “My soul shall boast in the Lord. Psalm 44:8In God we boast all day long. Isaiah 61:6... In their Glory you shall boast. 2Cor 7:14 I have boasted to him about you.2 Cor 9: 2, 10:8, 12-18, 11:10,17. Philemon 6: if you want your faith to deliver the goods to you, then acknowledge everyday everything that is good inside you).

All boasting is not wrong, God’ desire that you boast DAILY in at least in 7 areas.

1. Boast daily that the Creator of the universes is your Heavenly father. So boast daily that you are the child of the King of Kings and you yourself are a king.

2. Boast daily that The blood of Resurrected Lord Jesus, God’s son still has power to save, heal, guard and protect

3. Boast daily that Holy Spirit is your senior Partner and Holy Spirit speaks, reveals, releases, restrains, imparts, calls, today that has made our bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit. Boast that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

4. Bible has no error and is the will of God, voice of God, hence call those things that are not that they were.

5. Boast about your Pastors, you’re Church, your commitment. I have set my affection on the house of my God. 1st Chronicle 29:3, Psalm 26:8, I love the habitation of your house and the place where your glory dwells... Mathew 10:41 and 2 Tim 5:17.

6. Boast about your parents, your spouse, about your children and vice versa. Therefore boast daily that your parents are gift of God to you and you are gift of God to parents, to your spouse and to church of Jesus Christ. Hebrew 13:7,17

7. Boast of who you are in Him, your calling and where you are going.... Philemon 6.Hebrew 3:1, 6. Boast that you are a tither, believer and good steward of His time and you will live long.

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Satish Raiborde Ministries international, 1311 Marley Drive, Columbia, SC 29072. USA. E-mail: [email protected].