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Chapter 1:The Basics of Psoriasis

Chapter 2:Why Chose Home Remedies for Psoriasis?

Chapter 3:Relieving the Symptoms of Psoriasis

Chapter 4:Beat Psoriasis the Natural way

Chapter 5:Home Remedies for psoriasis

Chapter 6:Having The Right Diet Meal for Psoriasis

Chapter 7:Use Colostrum to Help Cure Psoriasis

Chapter 8:Taking Care of The Skin to Avoid Psoriasis Flare-up

Chapter 9:Dealing with Psoriasis


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Chapter 1:

The Basics of Psoriasis

In order to fully deal with the symptoms of psoriasis requires the need to

understand what psoriasis is and how it affects your skin. No one really

knows what causes psoriasis, but it is most closely related to a genetic link.

To understand psoriasis it’s important to figure out how normal skin works.

During the course of a month, the skin cells go through their lifestyle

process. The skin has two layers, the top and bottom layers. The newest

layers of the skin form on the bottom layer and slowly make their way to the

top. The top layer stays alive for those 28-30 days, before dying and falling

away. The process isn’t noticeable at all and we all use thousands of skin

cells each day during showers or towel drying afterwards.

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When someone suffers with psoriasis, their skin process moves much faster.

Often the cycle happens in only 3-4 days. The new cells develop much more

quickly and force themselves through the top layer of skin. These new cells

cause a bit of a buildup of dead skin on the surface. The good news is that

the skins cells seem to affect only a small patch of skin at a time. The most

common areas this happens in are the scalp, elbows, knees, or knuckles, but

it can show up anywhere really. These areas of patchy, scaly, red skin are

more commonly known as plaques.

Psoriasis remains a mystery as far as the main causes are concerned.

Research has shown about 30% of all causes is based on family history.

However, there are a few lifestyle choices that may be a factor as well.

Excessive drinking, being overweight, too much stress, anxiety, sunburn,

and even some medications can bring about psoriasis or make the symptoms

a bit late.

Psoriasis may look a bit disconcerting, but it is not contagious and if you

don’t have it you won’t get it. The symptoms affect each person differently;

while one person may have small areas of patchy skin, others will have

patches all over the body. In any case, psoriasis has no cure but learning to

know if you have it or not is the first step in finding ways to prevent


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Chapter 2:

Why Chose Home Remedies for Psoriasis?

There are a number of products and choices out there for sufferers of

psoriasis. There are store products, medication, or home remedies. Everyone

is different and not all things will work for everybody. Preferences are

different too while one person is fine with home remedies others prefer

doctor prescribed medications.

There are five main reasons why people chose home remedies over the other

choices. The first reason is home remedies are low cost and effective at the

same time. Not everyone wants to spend lots of money on medications and

creams when they can use products around the home they already have.

The second reason is there are no doctor’s visits. Not

everyone these days has health insurance and even with the

insurance a doctor’s visit can be pricy. There is not always

time to go to the doctor either, so home remedies also save


The third reason is the amount of choices home remedies

give you. You can do things at home and in your own time

and you can chose which treatments work best for you. Some people will

simply lotion after showers and drink extra water. Other people will opt for

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oatmeal bathes, wet wraps, or diet changes. There are many other treatments

to choose from.

The fourth reason is the fewer side effects with home remedies. Many

prescription medications and over the counter products come packed with

dangerous side effects. Home remedies are safer because they have little to

no side-effects. You want to find relief for psoriasis, not a whole load of

other medical issues.

The fifth reason is that there is nothing really to lose. You are in charge of

your own relief and creating your own remedy. Not many things can go

wrong and if they don’t work, you can always stop using them without

money being thrown out of your pocket.

Psoriasis is not fun to have and the outbreaks can be unbearable, but there

are things you can do to help alleviate the symptoms. Home remedies are a

cheap and easy way to find relieve.

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Chapter 3:

Relieving the Symptoms of Psoriasis

If you suffer with psoriasis, you know it is the breakouts and the symptoms

that can drive you crazy. The itching, the sores, the weeping skin; it is all a

lot to bear. There is no cure for psoriasis, but there are some surefire things

to do to relive the symptoms.

The first thing to try is Omega-3 fatty acids, this is found is fish oil, among

other things. The best way to get fish oils is through capsule, they contain

the correct amount of fish oil necessary in each pill. Fish oils can help

autoimmune diseases as well as migraines, joint pains, and blood pressure


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The second thing to try is a probiotic enzyme. These work to help you digest

food better and more efficiently. They also carry an anti-inflammatory

chemical which can really help with psoriasis outbreaks. The enzymes also

keep a healthy balance in the stomach and strengthen the immune system.

The third thing to try is olive leaf extract. Olive leaf

extract is a natural antibiotic and sometimes work even

better than traditional antibiotics. You can get olive

leaf extract from any health store. Start by taking 2-3 a

day for three months and then take 4 a day for one


Olive leaf extract is an anti-microbial product. The

extract goes back many centuries. The extract will kill

most viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Olive leaf

extract has four main benefits. One is improving the

immune system and making it stronger. Two, it

controls the amount of bad bacteria, fungus, and

viruses in the system without destroying the good

stuff. Three, it raises energy levels so you feel more

motivated to do other things. Four, it lowers blood

pressure and reduces hypertension.

A fourth thing you can do to control symptoms of psoriasis is to eat

superfoods. Superfoods are those that are high in fiber, antioxidants, and are

100% organic. It takes only a cup of superfoods each day to increase energy

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and metabolism. Superfoods are dark fruits which include blueberries, acai

berries, and dark cherries.

Although there is no known cure for psoriasis there are many things you can

do to naturally control the symptoms.

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Chapter 4:

Beat Psoriasis the Natural way

Seeking relief from psoriasis can be a lifelong quest. You can search

everywhere for the perfect cure and never quite find it. There are plenty of

medications, creams, pastes, gels, and lotions out there, but they don’t

always work and they can be pricy. It gets time consuming and expensive to

dab a lotion all over the body two to three times a day or take a pill every

day. Most people just want something that is quick, simple, cheap, and


There are actually some things you can start doing for yourself that might

help with psoriasis and slow down the onset of another outbreak. Things you

can change around the house or personally, that don’t cost you an extra cent.

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In your home, try to find the perfect temperature. Flare-ups can be caused by

changes in the weather or temperatures in your own home. Going from one

extreme to the next is never a good thing. Slowly let your body adjusts to

warmer temperatures or colder ones. Too much sweat on the body, can lead

to irritation and itching which leads to scratching which can cause skin

injuries which will lead to flare ups. Most of the time is spent at home or in

the office, so make sure you have both places set at your perfect

temperature. It can take some time to find that temperature and other people

may have to adjust to it but it will help you in the long run. Temperature

control may be easier at home than it is at work.

Apply moisturizer often during the day. The

moisturizer should be of good quality and fragrance

free. Smelly lotion, the good scents, is a favorite

among women, but it can actually irritate the skin.

Avoid the pricy fruit smelling lotions and opt for one

that offers a good amount of moisture. Always

remember to lotion up after you shower or bath to

help keep that moisture locked in.

Switch to all-natural products. This means everything you use from hand

soap to makeup should be fragrant free and all natural. Look for products

that are hypoallergenic and are free and clear of irritants. Change your

laundry detergent to a free and clear type brand.

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Chapter 5:

Home Remedies for psoriasis

Home remedies are the lowest cost treatments for dealing with psoriasis.

More often than not, they are all-natural cures and won’t harm you with

harsh side-effects. Not all results work for all people and it may take trying a

few different remedies to find one that works for you. Listed below are some

of the most popular home remedies available out there.

The first one is an easy one, but it’s often forgotten by psoriasis sufferers.

Moisturize, moisturize, and then moisturize again. It’s quick, it’s simple and

it only takes a few minutes each day. When the skin is dry and flaky, it can

crack and become damaged. It is important to keep the skin moisturize on

the outside and the inside. For the outside, use unscented lotions and for the

inside drink plenty of water each day. The more water you drink each day

the better hydrated the skin will be.

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If the skin becomes too dry, take a bath or a shower. Or soak the dry,

patches of skin to help them fall of naturally and without harming the skin.

Use a mild soap that won’t irritate the skin or cause excessive dryness. Try

not to take too many long baths as that can remove precious oils from the

skin, oils needed to protect the skin from outside elements. You should also

put lotion immediately after bathing to lock in the moisture. Every bath or

shower should be done in lukewarm water, hot water will cause the skin to

itch and only cause further problems.

Wet wraps are another great home remedy. This treatment is often used right

after a bath or shower or at night before bed. After your bath or shower,

lotion the body as you normally would to keep in the moisture. Take some

ace bandages, or whatever is handy, and soak them in some lukewarm water.

Wrap the bandages around the problem areas like the elbows, knees, or

thighs. The wet wraps will keep the areas from flaring up or itching and will

keep the patchy areas from getting hard or infected.

There are many other things that can be done without spending loads of

money, a simple internet search or talking to your doctor will give you many

other ideas.

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Chapter 6:

Having The Right Diet Meal for Psoriasis

Changing what you eat can make all the difference in the world, especially if

you have psoriasis. The body is filled with toxins from the air we breathe to

the food we eat. The best way to remove these toxins is through the urine

and not through the skin; this is especially important for sufferers of


If you are diagnosed with psoriasis, it is best to change your eating habits as

soon as possible to alleviate the symptoms. Eating whole foods as opposed

to processed foods is a good start. You want to keep the toxins in the system

to a minimum and this can be done by eating organic produce instead of

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produce grown using pesticides. If organic food is out of your reach, make

sure to at least to wash off fruits and vegetables well to remove all the


Raw is the best way to consume vegetables because they lose some nutrients

when cooked. Raw vegetables are higher in fiber and are easy for the

digestive system to process. Some foods that are easy for the digestive

system to process are beans, seafood, nuts, green, leafy vegetables, and fresh

fruit. The more fruit and vegetables that are in your diet the less likely you

are to develop allergies.

Fats are normally not great for your body, but they body does need a small

amount of fatty acids to properly function. Fatty acids play a part in

eliminating and reducing inflammation. Some of the best fatty acids you can

add to the diet are cold water fish, flaxseed, and green leafy vegetables.

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High sodium food is not good for you and it can leave you dehydrated. Not

all salt is created equal. Switching out your refined salt with sea salt is more

natural, healthy choice. Natural sea salt will raise your energy, help relieve

the symptoms of allergies and rashes, protect against radiation, balance the

acid in the body, give you important minerals, add resistance to infection,

and replace lost electrolytes.

By simply changing what you eat, the body can take steps to naturally heal

itself and stay more healthy.

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Chapter 7:

Use Colostrum to Help Cure Psoriasis

Psoriasis is overly dry, flaky skin. It is a disease that plaques thousands of

people each year and can be an embarrassment. The skin becomes covered

with dry, patchy, red skin and it’s not always pretty to look at. Psoriasis

sufferers are always looking for natural cures or some way to control the

outbreaks and the symptoms associated with the disease.

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Colostrum is the first milk produced in the

mammary glands of every mammal right after

they give birth. This milk is a yellowish and

thick and that comes out in the first 24 hours, but

sometimes last a two or three days. This ‘first milk’

is important for young infants because it contains

vital minerals, vitamins, and antibodies

that ward off diseases until the immune system is

strong enough to fight on its own. Colostrum helps

the small bodies fight off the pollutants in the air

around them so they are not affected with autoimmune disease from the

start. The only side effect of Colostrum is it slows down the metabolism a

little and slows down the fat burning process of the body.

Colostrum only last a few days after the baby is born and doesn’t develop

until right after the birth. Babies get this through breastfeeding, but adults

can also benefit through supplements. All mammals produce Colostrum to

feed their young so it can be collected from cows, goats, or sheep that are

raised on farms.

Colostrum can help the body in a number of ways. It fights off harmful

bacteria and viruses. It slows down the burning of fat, but encourages lean

muscle mass to develop. Colostrum speeds up the healing process when you

get injured. It rejuvenates the skin and keeps it looking healthy. The intestine

will be healthier, helping to get rid of all the excess waste. Colostrum builds

healthy cartilage which keeps joints functioning smoothly. Finally,

Colostrum will work to reduce anxiety.

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Finding Colostrum supplements can be done online or some health food

stores. The one thing to look for is the words “first milk” on the packaging.

The natural ingredients in the supplements will help heal the wounds of

psoriasis and help prevent future outbreaks.

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Chapter 8:

Taking Care of The Skin to Avoid Psoriasis Flare-up

Psoriasis is not a fun issue to be living with. There is no known cure, but

there are many ways to take care of yourself to prevent outbreaks. Taking

care of your skin and being aware of your triggers are the first steps.

The first thing to do is to protect the skin from yourself. When you have an

itch, you subconsciously scratch it. When you are awake, it is easier to catch

yourself scratching. As strange as it sounds, wearing gloves to bed at night

can stop you from waking up with weeping wounds in the morning. If you

notice breakouts on your arms, wear clothing that makes it hard for nail on

skin contact. If you wear tank tops or loose short sleeves, it is too easy to get

to the scratch with your bare nails.

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The leading problem with psoriasis is dry skin; if the skin is dry it becomes

itchy, dry, and scaly. It is one of the most overlooked triggers. Keeping the

skin moisturized is important to control flare-ups and keep psoriasis at bay.

Apply moisturizes after showers, bath, or spending a lot of time submerged

in water. Water actually sucks moisture from the skin, adding moisturizers

will lock in the moisture and keep the skin hydrated. If you feel an itch

coming on, trying adding some moisturizer to the area instead and see if that

helps. Wet wraps can help relieve some of the pain and inflammation

associated with psoriasis. Simply wet a wash cloth and place it on the sore

spot for a few minutes to feel instant relief.

Change up your diet and eat healthier. Fruits and vegetables added to your

diet will help keep your skin healthy. Eating healthy helps give the body

important nutrients and that carries all the way down to the skin. Fruits are

great for the skin and help fight off aging. Fatty acids like fish and some nuts

help lock moisture into the skin cells.

Keeping the skin in good, healthy condition will help prevent breakouts.

Moisturize and lotion on the skin on a regular basis to keep dry skin at bay.

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Chapter 9:

Dealing with Psoriasis

Anyone who suffers from psoriasis knows the heartache and embarrassment

that goes along with the disease. Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes dry,

scaly itching, rashes, and large red wounds. The rash is not pretty and the

weepy wounds can be hard to cover up. The embarrassment can cause you to

feel uncomfortable in public and have you dressed from head to toe, even in

the hottest months of summer.

Psoriasis is nothing to be embarrassed about; it is a skin condition with no

cure. Though you should try to avoid scratching at all cost, it is not always

possible. Anytime you have unsightly wounds or rashes, going out in public

can be difficult, but it should not keep you indoors or hiding out.

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Many times it may seem like you are the only person who suffers from

psoriasis. The truth is many other people feel the exact same way. Just as

you cover up your rashes, other people are out there doing the same thing.

The person in the chair next to you at work may suffer from psoriasis and

you would never know. There are many people out there who suffer

psoriasis and countless other skin problems. If it helps, you can join a local

support group with others just like you.

Leaving the comfort of your home and exposing your rashes can be difficult.

It’s easy to sit at home in shorts and t-shirt; you are used to the rashes and

patchy skin. However, hiding out in your house can just lead to more

problems. Feelings of anxiety or depression can sink in and that added stress

can actually cause the psoriasis to become even worse.

Stand up proud and tell people that you suffer from psoriasis. The rashes and

scars, from previous outbreaks, will most likely be noticeable so you might

as well stop the whispers and stares. Talking about the condition will also

help get the awareness out there. There may be people all around who suffer

from the same symptoms but never knew what they had. Talking about

psoriasis will empower you to take charge over the ailment instead of

allowing it to take charge over you.

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