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Dist. -&, Encinoao: Gt>rtrude PE>arce.

Dist--6-, Richardson: Edith ~orman.

- -- -·n;st. 8, wwte· 'C>ak.; - · -

Mm. Lorene S. Smoot. Di11t. 8, ·Bogle:

Gloria c~mpbell. Dist. 9, Ramon:

Charlotte Emerson • Dis~. 11, Nogal:

Mrs. Thelma Y. Chappel}. Dist. 12, Angus: \

•• H. ·L. Traylor. Dist. 14, Rabenton:

• Dora Rodriquez. Dru. 14~ Jiemtta:

... Felix Ramey. Dia~ lG, AJw:~-

W. R. LindJOY, Jr,


Diat. 34, Atpma: hyV. Payne. •

b . Diat. 35, Stebon: · Carl Oraiit

l{J.Tane R. 'rraylor YV ·l!maltutthinaon COw~ecoe.


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· Cllrd of 1'hanb

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Jeff -Herron'a Father Diea -

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• Official: )• .. · u.~:: Ltm.«tOift• ·

'---1--,-·- Paper-t4 . \ .... ,...._ ..... __ _

MEXICO~ FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 198~ . . - I

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Principles . f,!!l;)

. ~

6£ : Progress ' -"W:bat w~ need is a re-a.ftlnnation ·of fattb in our IY8"

tem .of free enterprise. Oniy b7 the encouragement of thrift and . of b~iness privately conducted"~ by buain• tnen • • • will lasting prosperity come!'

• •

· Philip A. Be~ -Pr-uident . A~eric~n B.-'n_lc~rl · · · · Ultion_.193B·311-., · :' .. . · •

. . . w~.sincereJy belie.rn_ tbtt tbJ>aai(!A_tli~ri~J11)fii1rlPie¥

ot rree enterprise, thrift · afid individual initiatiV&-·•which • ·- have combined to make our country great--form our main ·

• . '

0 j

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Public Welfare-..:.Reported b7 Mrs. Digitz,

Clovill. Mr. Huntalnger or the gentleman, Wbott.wit• IM!tl CI\IUO Vaughn and Carrizozo banb, iJ aet hel'ltlf a career ln votu. the president of tbia aasociation; :·:ALSO :-: _ . before hia election to tho preJi· "One Gua Gat'7fl .and "Mieker• 4ency be waa treasurer for sever· Bt&vt Ltttle 'l'aJlor'' · al years. The Mountaia Stattt • • • • • • · • Ill • • • * Banker, publiabed in Denver, Wednetday and ThWidaJ• which ia official organ of the ~810- Jant Wltbe,_, ~-OirlUo., Paulent ciation cafried an ex~ellen~ pbo- . Moort, Htney Wfl.ot,llln

UUlAptiJ ·. of ~- Hunt•t~!'' m the . "l-1 Arillli iWilf(it"

~- -.y--._,.ry-____ .,. ________ -·--- -- • --------- ··- --· ---- -- ,-~

a·wtiitettl pletur•-ot· Ari~ou in ... . . .· . . abd l)~:Y'IC'

. Bennett-WeatherahH --- _,


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Former leaden of Alballla'• famoa1 Amazon battallon11 tile three al1tera of Zor, dep{)!li:il ldn,c Cll Albania, are now in Greece. Prlnc:eaul' Ruhljo, !'tiJZeJC!D an4 Maxhlde, left to rlrht, accompallled QuetD Geraldine, former Coanteu Geraldine Apponyl of Uanrart, ~· Greece, where abe fted foUowlnr .Yal1's vlcto­riOill lnv&Jian oJ the mountain ldnrtom. The alstera VUlle4 the tJ.alled States lut Jear.

white lawn is used. tor 11ome qthe~; curtainJ I liked • • , the:y are ~ade slll lengtb, very full, ~d to

® - .... ·-- . ··- - :::::t:====--=-·~;::·· -::--=+::::::;::;::::::=..::;::::;::;;:::=:;;::;::=..l-! ll;;®~~~ · --······ ..... ciiK~i'Pio~tANi£i.i~lt-- ~"'scieli'iists · tom n::

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F&mlJJ pbotorraplu ln the Uvlnr room.

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-- - ""'---baltlna powdet wt · . · : iii~tar · · · ·

• I . · .

Towels or, Picture -· In,Qufck Stitchery·

Pattern No. 6UZ You'll lOve theDe qualrirmomo

that malta a hlt wherever they're used! The· appropriate mottoes (they come In pairs) mhlte them unusual llll .towclo and equally ef­fective ao small pictures or for pillow-tops. They're mainly In 10 to the Inch crooa-otltch with a bit of other nlmple aUtcbery to lend. variety. They're fllllcinatlng to do. Pattern 0242 contalno a trana!er pattern of 0 mouto av.crnglng 51il by '1% Inches: color oehcmea: ma­tePlalo needed; iUustratlbpo of otltchco.

To obtain thl!l pattern, oend 15 cento In colno to The Sewing Cir­cle, Houoehold Arlo Dept., 259 Went 14th St., New York, N. Y • • Plcaoc write your name, ad­

drew and pattern munbcr plainly. ·~·---~--~ .. ~.~~~~~~.~~·~.~~--~·~-~-~~~~~­• F

1olultJpJy Faults Not to correct ol)e'o fault to to

make nmy onen.-ConfueiU!l.



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WHAT are YQJ.I doing · pbout plaids, strlpeo, dotD and checks

In print sllko for your spring and sfunmer frocks, {or your redlngote or ·bolero costume sultn and for the many blow;es you will need to com· pletc o .smart wardrobe? U you havo not already done so, you ~cnlly .rJhould take stop::~ in Ullo mutter, for one oz: the other of tbepe typeo has practically become n "muot" In tho up-to-thc.mlnute clothes collection.

Your choice Ia .In no way limited, for every typo from clanolc checkll and stripe!! to color-gloriflcd plold!l are reprenentcd and il's . ditto for dots. Quain\ checko in convcnUonnl sizes and simple two-color lrcalmt.n:lt which return to vogue with tho "southern belle" fnnhlono, lnoplrcd

tho movltr verolon or "Gone With " are at their boot In stiff

silk crepe. ehcclm nrc 115 styllah for_ mother as they nrc for daughter •. and as clrlc for evening ao for day wear .. Rcmlnlnccnt of Civil wnr dt~Yti i::l the drca:s cbown to tho right In the illWltraUon. It is of black and white checked oilk taf· feta with deep square .decolletage both front and bock. Dainty white lingerie embroidery (mo:~t .every costume carrieo a lingerie touch this seocon) outllneo the ·.GQuorcd neck· line and trimo the oprlghtly puff sleevco.

Surah silk 1!1 big ncwo. Paris dressmokero are making a big to-do about this silk, balling ito revival as one ()f the most ..slgolflcant fabric style trends tblo oencon. . The new -dleck $U1".ahs will delight you os

• •

Claque Organdy

also wW tho dotted pattcrninp. There's no end to stripes. They

start pin-stripe size and conUoue to !UJ~~~~ lQ,w!I!~~:~Jrt- wid· l arc ~tne

Pl"im and quaint VlctorJo.n otrlpea mostly juz;t one color on white, or

- -- ~-- + ' ~ i


BRAID used to give the . ,. bolero is 11 chief 1=hnrm ot

this pretty dress, Cor street · and daytime. It accent13 the soft fun­ness of the· bodice, above fi. tiny waist and slim-hipped, circular skirt. Make lt of fiat crepe, c~ecked or pHntcd \!Ilk for now. Ulter on, hnvo it in gingham, linen or batiste.

Pretty Basque Frock. Thla adorable basque frock Ia

smart for both nchool and" parties.

--: --TIPS to

ardeners • !i"£::33111!!' ... • =ce:. At* =•• •

Proper W4tering

tf you oro Bl)·le alert )'ou'D want ollko to tho hnndnome wider dir~· ... tolre otrlpeo, or It you hove gone gypsy oo Ia tho way ot fat~hWo this oprlng you wiD lnoist on stripes In vlva.cloun coloriJUl for a full skirt [ ACH .YO!lr •. more and more·

deners aro learning that gar· dcno should not be watered by .. prlnklin~.

to wear with your now eheer wbito blouno. With your navy or block l:!Uit you'll llo right In style u you wear 1;1 hat of Spanish strlpo allk and carry o bug to match.

Slmplo stripes, one color on white, nrc quite 11 featured theme In the latent faohlono. Sec tho dress cen­tered in tho group. It ts modo of block and white otrlpcd tnffota. It baa tho old-tanhicncd look that l! 110 decidedly new-:fa11hloncd 'for t~prlna and oummer lfl3!l. ,

You 'will not be able to resist tho now ollks ouch as foohWD!l tho

daytime duM to

thlo crepe dress. ll'a tfle !not word In eWe, is thiJ strik­Ing and youthful dr.e:m with Us swlna o.ktrt that menourctJ yardo and yards abnut the hemlln&. The bodice b draped and 1!1 detailed with il soft knotted bow. The lingerie touch is Introduced by a band of whlto mownelinc do sole, edging the neck· line and the sleeves.

Thcce plaid ailkB ore Just tho thing for tho blouse you will wear with your onvy or block or tho new navy. green oult that Ia cnunlng such a furore in Porltl. Copes and jackets lined with plaid silk nre on the style program, too, as arc also the new petticoats that are the stYle sensa­tion of the moment.

· Cl W•a:.m Zf••~per Uc!!m.

Late Styles Turn To Tailored Suits

In lli(t C"Jit l;i:lgii:lti Wt ct>fmg Mti Jarge group!! or very strictly tailored trufts wWcb bavulightl.Y)on&er-then

Sprinkling unua.Uy moloteos the surface coU only and thun the rdotn naturally como up there for water. When tho root oyotem Ia coocen· tratcd near the ourfaco there is more danger of Injury by hoeing; ond U oprlnkllng ID not dono con· stonUy, plnntD wlll bo quickly of. Tecfed by drouth. · •

Conoldercd from tho time anglo, moreover, npri.rlkllng 1D impractl·

• cal. Many bourn con bo waoted holdln . tho hooc and directing tho


great tmportnocc, but it UBunUy considered more economical to water thoroughly early In the Core­noon or late In the oJtcmoon olnce tho t:oil c~:~n them bo th!mltlab11' soalted with leoo looo from cvnpo-roUon. ·

The moot efficlenL method of vlo· tcrlng, according to Wolter H. Nlx· on, Z.'erry Seed Breeding Station vegetable expert, 1D to lay the hooe on the ground. Do no~ hove too heavy a flow of water, or there will be a wanhlng of soil and ex­ponure of roots. Let the water run slowly In one place for 20 mlnuteo to hnll on hour. KEEP THE ~SOIL MOIST,

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' 0 .,.,___ ,.)

'• •,

. . . It. pUffs· out so ch~trmlngl.f . at the

· sholl!der11~ fh\res 11t the skirt llem, a~d bUill 1ln to ll . small, ~in ted waist•Sasb·bows, tied In ·the-back, draw it in ~;nugJy, and look goy ·alld pretty besides. For licbO!!l. .Chaos~ CBlico ~r l!ercale. For· 'Dr .silk crepe .


The Questions 1. When does o breeze become

a wind? 2. How many miles docs tlie

earth travel dolly? 3. Does Yulton Territory belong

to Alaska? 4. How for can tho human cyo

see? 5. Can oriything be greater ln

wldtb than In length? · 6. '"In what year were the flrot

U. S. colno mode? 7. lo Joan of Arc's home otW In.


8. Doe!l on elephant drink with ltD trunk or Ito mouth?

1h lo.ll truo that U o cor going 40 mUC!l on hour otrllteo' o oolld wall, Jt would strllte with the oamo force 0t1 If it had fallen frQm a tall building? ' 10. Can cnrthqualteo, be pre.


The Anawel'J 1. When. it blowo from 7 to aa

mllco per hour. 2. On ltD annual trip around tho

11un tho earth trnvclo about 1 ,601,· 644 mllco dally.

3. No: It lll part of tho Dominion of Canada. 7l ~ •

-4.-An ~~~it. $limited dlnt.ance. depending o Ule olze arid brlghtncw of the object. For ex­amp!~, the ~In over !l2,060,COO mlleo o.wtry:

er~~t~~~u 0. In '1. Tho houcc whero oho won

bmn nttll 11tands 11t Domremy, In eastern France. Nearby ore the Cbcnu woodn where tte voleen called her t.o her potrlotlc mloolon. Tho dungeon n\ Rauen, whote che opent her lost doyo, lD olro nllU In exlatcnco. · 0. Itn mouth. It ouckn up water In lkl trunk nod squirtn It Into ltD mouth.

0. The Notional Bureau of Stand· ardD onytJ that o cur going 4!l tnllcn per hour, hitting agalnot a !Olld woU, would strike with. o torce equivalent to fal.Ung from a

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·- , i . _ . ; p;y:z;;;:;::aa.....,..L.,.,~!.,-_S: -~--~"~ _ _f . __ .t, l

Greater Flatterer . A Quiz With Answers Offering Information

Self-love Is the greatest of llat­terera.-Rochefoucauld.

height of 52 feet-at least a four-story bulldlng. J " • ·· •

10. Some general trends ot crustal dlsturb11nces may be pre­dicted, but no rcnl1¥~workoblc sys­tem hoo been produced. Tile case isn't hopeless, scientists conclud· lng thot "some day" fairly )'reclsc prcdlctlono may be mode alter a complete charting and otudy of earthqua.ko nrcoo has been com· I . • plctcd. That may toke 1)0 years.

Add·Fru ~ Sl4le. Mctnr Oilla a at:imti6c lfh!cvement in mocot oil purity. Its pttrily iruurtJ that )''OU ncUI IXVU WOU')' about m.ctct uoun!cs due to aludge, cadxm or cmroslon. Ita cz. tnortliru1y mistantt to beat i.uutu you of fUll-boclit;d luhriatioa at my Jpttd. Be wd'ttc thfj lllll1mtl'. Change to Add-Pru QJ&dnSute todAy. Quaku

KILLS MANY INSECTS OH fLOWIIS • JIUITS VEGETAiliS & SHIUIS n-au.,.,,..t••••,. ..,,'-'·'-.,...,.., .. , ...

&aeeOilRefiniDgCorp..Oilaty,Pa. d~~~~::::j'f:::!.~



SPIN UPA FEW "MAJ<fN,~ SMOKES FIRSt +J:Iip-lcn.Slh jackets .and i uh1s usu.o.lly ore gored or plaite~ Jack­el!! baund around with braid are frequently shllwn with such suits.

'l'hey come in smootb twW. or hard woolens,· and are rather mas­cuiinc.looking, but go with blouses which are so sweet, feminine, and


• • •

· ~~. _ln'!tome girlish in

• · The ~al!t-and-sldrt them~ · evening has quite 'a following. SOtrtt! gay spirits have concocted lntormat dinner gowns by adding a bishop­sleeved shirtwaist blouse ot white sUk or dotted chlft'on to the long

• dark skirts of their evening tailleurs. Sometime they Unk the two with a gay cummerbund. · Others dress for lnrormal home

dinners in a long dark skirt and•a sheer short-sleeved white organdy blQuse. .


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can in Uu; dulr, t!:c way l!ult IJ*'f:il P.A. cut cliogt together." Yot1'll agree Prlnee Allx!rt Is Cltll grand "matdn'a" tobacco. Bnt J'OU can't ~ to a~jor Ita eooler; mellower smoking In your "makln'a• clgarot.tes until you trv lt. Honee the nminU1' eciipm beto.w:vr!UI_ thetKJ-riJk olret 011 tt. Yea, go to JO!ll' ttearekt dealerjs aniflputc tlp ror the bir red Prince Albert tin ~May.

Anl;l P.A.'scot what It fat(u for Joy In ~!!!!!! teol

so 11\ljj) • --.----~.··-----.. SO 1 ASTY . . ..... TJIII·•~ir ,,., .. ,_. ....... W 'I t~ fli.G'lAMf HO~IItiiC OPI.IIt S11U.. 1

.• TANH OPEN I ------------ ~- --- -- - ~


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FRiDAY, APRIL 28, 1~89,

-I 1 '

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WHY f(EE •




Dld JOU noti~t tlaat it takes time and experience to

aeeompllsb 111ythina wertb while?'" You can't ad­

vuUae today and expect to d.nd your store crowd·

ed tomorro" •nJeu jou haJt through constant ad· ·

urtiaing •d•cattd the Jllblic to read your adt. ·

'rht majorit7 of people are Jlow to act. You have to tell them the •me thina over and oYer-agai~ ~-~ . ~ ue~.ore tbe1 will ktu your mess11e. ~ '' ..-

- -----~--

Adnrtise now ftr t~e buaineJLIQtL -~ ~ '---.,. ----~~-~_~-o--_ ~ ~-- ~- --- .~-~ .---------- . .

•:nn •• rea.ttL .. •

. .

'· ~ ' .,,

A b V E R T I S E M E N T I N T if r S PAP E R -}t 'A: C H KEEP YOUR ·TRADE IN waax w·tLL

'TOUCH- WlTB Yo-tJlf STORK . .

----·------•'- --~-~-~-··-•--·~-~·---~_.,_,, ___ .._ ___ ,_, __ ,_~,-·-- •••-••'---'-•--•-·-- m• •·

BOOSTING-- 4: l'lOORESSIYE. COMMUNITY- .... 06 , - ·- _ _r . .........,, ·- - --- - t· -, _

- .. ,.

Notice for PobHcaUon United Statts Department

Ot the Interior.

. -



No. 487 •

• . .

BOOT SHOP __ . ~ " _ __,.,

- .. Bring me your ordedor ·


•• •

G. H. DORSETT . . Next Door to Light

Office. Co.'s

. · Highway ?80, West of

- -~-~-- -- ~Cit;VLrmits · --- -


QUART ................ 50c PINT'. . ............... 26t

• • St~rf 00 ProCII<t1. RPM 011



Meet.o on the first Thursday in each month.

• Coalora Lodge, No.l6

- Meeting dates · ist iiiid 3rd Saturdays of eac~ month · at 2 p.m.

NeJJie Lee Baker, NobJe Grand. Birdie Walker, Secretary •


. Funeral Director and

· Li~ Embalmer Thona-38.

: -: -: • N. ~lex

•r.· ~ a··--­., •• ,t .ur R-E-ST A-URA NT.

-7 =·- -, -.~ ' --· SHOk'i' ORDERS,.;...· -...

~e 3\w-rtt\&\6 . ~- ~'\Sw.-r ~&Q'lau•-·o•DeU: &bt, ~~

· . :PHoN!: as _ ·

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on business Monday. West.· .

"-=~""""'"'-711 , ..... ,1;;: ;=:. true snake story anq all who do It was May 10, 18*?.9, wthm the

. . '· ·.

.. ...

' ,.,


Mrs. J. E: Farley, or Alamo· not heliev:e invited to come Central. Pacific, met the Ur~ion · · Mr. and "Mrs; R.. C. Hemphill gordo, vtsit~d .~rs. Ziegler and and see for themi!Ellves. Pacific at Promontory, Utah, link- More pulling pqwc.-., lea.

returned from J!Jl Paso 'Pues<Jay Mrs.. Degitz. last Thursdfl.Y--~and- --Brotfmr\V:biltlp-pr:each:ed ___ f'o- a· ·tlur ·Atta~tic and Pacific by !~~c:~~~'::~~i ~~t1 ·-

- nigbt. .. ' Friday. , large crowd at church last sunday rail, and up the far West Tho~·· why GMC'a ;1:;1 Mr. F. J. Sa~er was1 a·. buTshiness M-iss M ~rim~ Oh.ase of Three mo;ning. _ .He preached . a.. -. !Pbe -drivin1gg~o~J+-~~dto~. $~~

visitorin CarriZOZO llSt Urs· ic lnco wit

C h · ·s · · h 1 F "d d · . · . day has lived through the years P01WEIR-P•AK. pi~ona.-at erme mlt . ~s~ r1 ay an • Mrs: Betty Armstrong 18 111 of in words and picture.. - I with V-Cabo-all with

.Mr. 'M. Doering:, ex-merchant, attended the dance g1ven 'by the IQtluenza. -M· · th 20

OOO S th p •triklng appearance! See of Carrrizozo, is holding hit! final Atheltic Association at· Com- · · ' ore an • ou ern &• GMC bcfo.-o you buy.

George Wells was in an auto cifi~ employes and members of

'\ .. . -.~ . .. '

• If . . . .

0 . Til,.. lt•YIIIJIIII u,.ur• our own YMAC

I' I• •t lowell n•ll••'• ,.,,.

d •.

closing out sale on women's shoes· munity hall. . • wreck last Saturday) in . which their11hmilies, representing .. all W T E · - ·preparatory to taking a trip to Greel" has been 10 his ear was .a.lmost · of

the ''Fair to the· east of and extending from Portland .


• •

us. daya, but improved sufficiently Ito Claunch farmers have_. pr~par- t? El Paso, ana from San . . CARRJZOZOrN• M! intends tp be gone several months. bQ tl\ken t_o_ Albuquerque Tyes· ed most of their land for plan.t· cfsco to Ogden, are expected to . . . .·

. day morqing. ing,.:lUtd tractors are. busy every take part in. the special program . I@" ,FOR SALE---Youl}g we'!n· · · 'day t tb E ·r A

ing pigs. H. E. Keller, Nogal:' · Elmer Eaker is adding a new. • · • a e xpos! 1on. r·r an g e • roof to the W.P. A. building back ' SC'hool will be out i-n Claunch meuts are b~tng made lor a nu~-of Paden'-s Drug Store. I bef.ore long. We are expec!tng ber of spectal !rains for the rail

Mr. and Mrs·. George Smith are . . . · 1 our new school house to be coru· roadE>rs and the1r frlend1.

V. REIL, Prop. ' .,. "' .,. '

now occupying ·an apartment The date or t?e Mtsslonary So- pleted in t1me lbr the opening of Gat.hering · in San Franc1sco

in the Scharf building next ciety zone meettng of the Alamo-, the fall term. Saturday, ·May 18, tbe Southern :---~.--.-·.··.,· ·.-..... ·- ---------------··.-.-.,--· ----------• to tho Garrard hotel, having mov- gordo zane of the Methodist • Pacific delegations will eelebrat~ . ~ __ / "~~ .. - - · - ·· - - -.ed..there.the.tirot.ofthe week. has been postponed .FJu hasb_een-v;ry prevalent Home-Coinli'lg Day prior to their ·no II and,. s 0 ru o- S_tor_e

• •

· ' . . April 24'th to May 4th. The Claunch tlus sprmg, but most of visit to Treasure ~- __ --~---· ~-~------ ___ , __ -----~-. - -- -------1---

·-a.:~~! .,'i,";!' J.2%tt;• ~ odist church in CWTizozo on the L. u. ::;J,h'':u.,., r:!':r':!; do~: Our Certified Goods will receive .' risl.t .bis wife_ who wus· ill 'At above date. · ; • 1) Southern Pacific bani:!, to ~be . the stamp of your approval

Turner·hosp1tal. - l Wool Situation railroad~~ gene~L()!I_ice building, Last Friday's El Paso Times lt'OR RENT--On~ 4 ·room 65 M!lrket, where.tbe visitors will

car' icd n photograph of Dr. R. E. apartment, p a r t I y Curnisht'd, - .., ~ be greeted by S. P; Club mem-Blaney and a brief sketch of the See Mrs. Pbipp!l. M 17-tr The wool situation in the Unit· bers and company executives for

· organization and nima of t h {' ed States for the new matketing 11 tour of the building. An after-Lincoln Co11nJ;y Chamber CJf Com· Mrs. T. J. Grafton and tJon~ season watt r.cported . · · ·· noon bo~t ride a.round San Fran-lllerce. 'Dr. Bl~ney attended· a Mr.1iu ·b Grafton, who have re· m?rl? fnvornb!c than l?ot y~r Bay, affordmg c 1 o

1e. up

meeting or the Highway 54 Asso- "d d tgA r r mnny !!plte some Irregularity 1D do- ol the San F.-.DC"iaco-Oak-. • . f a1 e a ngus o .. t' · d' t b ·

· cmt1oo an Dalhart Mon'day o have moved to Lincoln and re- mes ·~ pr1ceo, accor m~ o ureau land and Golden Gate br1dges, this week queat that their LiMoln County of agricultural economics. • will be followed by a dance apon-

N b t L tb t . t Smalle:r carry·ow,r or wool m- oored by Southern Pacific Post of ews e sen o a pom . • 1 "FOR SALE-Some two- · to tht;J new senpqn, extension o the American Legion. ·

f d B II Lincoln County students who the federal loan program to the A day-long program of.enter-year-old Here or u. •· will graduate from ~tate College 1939 clip, prospett.s for a much tamment and sightseeing has

• High Cla~s Cosmetics, Tooth Paste, Shuving Cream'

Candy, Cigars, Cigarettes,' Magazines, Fountain Service . .


Bring Us Your Presulptlon .

To Be filled '

When You Buy at ROLLAND'S You double your liu'ying Power

• • •

.. -

The Titaworth Co., Inc.; at ~ao CJ;"ucea t.h1s. y~ar . are: higher rate of mill conoumption bet'n ach<:!duled at the Exposition,

~bn,~M. Al~UJ~~anJ~~~~~~~duriqfirnthalf~~A~a~nd~ij~~;~~~~~~~~~~-~;=~~~-===~=====·=·===~==~~.=-=~~--10 on .,Miss Southern Pacific" from

Capitan both nrc candidaws for foreign markets were listed ao fa- among the "queen" candidates or

Phone 30 • • • • Carrizozo, New Mex.

Mrs • .'J. E. Farley of Alamogor­. do wa. a visitor at the Ziegler honio Jant Thuraday and Friday.

Bachelor or Science in Agriculture. vorable factoro. Hhtl vnriouo divlalona of tho ran-Miss Mildred Simmn, who has road, .. Tho wmncr will rule over

been visiting relatives in Los What citizen Wt>uld be tickled the fentivitics. Mrs. Frank Abel of El Paso, was a tJisitor at the home)_ of her si!lter, Mm. s. 0. Sproles last Saturday.

Angelen, arrived home Saturday. to death to be utterly Crightenl'd

Our advertisers are live wires. by nn industrial nnd bunine!l!l U. S. Civil Service Read their ads. boom?



. .

• •


Yeo •

Lubricants ••• formerly recommended •. • --- .. - 1:;

..... now found deficient for _modern motors.. ,~tand~rd answers K~ith a new KIND of oil, the 1939 RPM -built for tQday's operoting .conditions •

MOToR BXP~TS are facing prob_li:fllB today !Ita; o~_once lav()te(J · Iri lipite oflilglier pnces, cannot answer.

These reJ?ort that modern


Examination• -

-' .

· tn~0tet qatetOalJ -J" .-


Hotel •

LOCKIE • • •


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. ·-- . . . .Neuttaliztdiritatin(t . . . . '

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~dla · T'bletl. Help to prevent irritated atomach membr4nN,· Y et.t

· · · ~t What )'OU: W&Df. .. ,AdJa ·iv· H

te1fe£·.or JOW'·monet· \)!'ck, · ;~--- ----1,.-c. ~--- • -~ --~--l'WJ .. M!t-.D~-Sto~-.

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.. : ! t!l!}.' ., !, ·;!~; : ·.•.:ld ··, :!'!!· ~!; .. ':.,; ~~. ;;; ·!···· New Transatlanti~- Airlin~r ·SerVice · · · · · · ···· · ·· · · · · ·

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01 I . , . " . • :'.. ; ., • . . . -~ · .. - : . . . , ,"-'.'·· ..••....•. : ...... C..c.:';"

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Yankee Clippen to Start ·· Early in May Between ·· ·' New Y-or.k, London

Ull r--"'+- · ~ ·

•• •

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Elmo· Scou W atsoJJ · h~r~ qq

llVOided. . •' .

·RIIvl~c ~«tf8'!'·- Blue·

rrf===~~~mFi~~~~-~.~~.::;~.sillts can -b!! reviVed . .

many .a ~~~~~ga clvl\jztlUon.

Also during this time he was making an even· gren~er contribll· tlon to posterity. He was recording his observations and tmpresslonn of the people and the !=OUntry through which he traveled. He Interviewed . ~

many frontier notables, among them the venerable Daniel Boone and later wrote a biography of the sreat Kentucky pioneer.

• • • By tho time ot Peck's death tn 1857 his journals numbered oomo 53 manuscript volumes which he willed J 11~Th~~~l:nn~l~n:Ccrt~t':~c~,~~:•{r~l·t~VI~~~en~us:ln~g to a library. At the bpglnninlf oH the Civil war. the went tine, benzine or Unaeed oil.

temporarily. When tho library was moved to new quarters at the end of the war It was left behind and eventually was ac:qulred by a paper mill and turned Into cardboard. Thus much prlcele!l!l his. torlcal lnlormntlon was lost.

But deoplto thls lo!l!l, Peck's ltto had nol been llvcd 1n vAin. Hill writings. publiDhcd tn the newopa· pers. had a great deal to do with bringing· settlers Into fillnolll and Mln!lourl and In establlllhlng those two commonwcaltlw.

• • • Under Five Flags

W ALPOLE ROLAND lB bclleved · to tJave been prcoont ot more

hlatodc evenl8 ~ known pen:on­tllr mont hls~e 1:hnrneten than any othu American who ts not fa· mou. 1m hU own righL

He under flvo Ongs, with an a · In the Turk·

. '

a commer­cial lacquer thinner lnotcad.

• • • Removlnt Duck Feathcn.-To

remove fcathero from duclw, firot' pick them dry. Thin leaven a down aU-over tho okin. To remove tho down, wring out o largo cloth In boUlns water and wrap It around tho duck tor five minuted, Remove the cloth and the down can be wiped off clltl1ly with a dry cloth.

C'aa'l Eat, Canfl" . Awfal 811

· H6Ailf'


Emlneac:c Tax O!nnuro l5 the tax a mnn paya

to tho ptibllc for being cmlnent.­Switt. .

Write foN.ree Catalog Of Hi-Qui'llity Seeds

The Rocky Mountain Seed Co. JJn: 1M. De•wn', C.l~

----"'~-- ---

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• HOTEL . . .. '

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O.H.C. Wta-WNU $1,_


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.C. Houdcm~ G.Qudis$- 'ExpJqdeJ,Some· F~ls~.,-~Notto.n$­'About foqd; W orns Hometnokers Ag,inst . -.· · ' ·

. ' . ' • . · · . F~U~cios and S'uperstjtions : -" ·. : •-· -· _~; .

By C. HOUSTON GOUDIS$ ... i .•

'l'.i{AS. been. w.ell..siiid that a little knowledge ·

when· cheene to gJven o proper place in the diet, It is unually well di{!'Cllted. Moreo.ver, It has been demonstrated that Uacro .l!l proc­Ucally nu dlJJerence ·between cheeoe and meat w1U1 reopect to ease of dig('ntlon.

An for tho completenenn with which thin food In utilized by the body, otudleo made by investlga· toro .tor tho United Staten depart­ment of agriculture, dcmon!ltrat­ed that on the average, about 05 per ccmt ot the protein and over 05 per cent of the fat of cheecc were dlgeoted and absorbed!

Some few pernonn m1;1y have pn nllergy to cheese jU!lt .nn they OFC


be baJ-nced by tht? iDclwJion ot foods eOJitalnlnr bp._ or cclluloso, sucb as fruits, veretables or w!lole rraln breads. When these foodJ arc omitted, It Is not tbc prc.a· cncc of ebeesc, but tbc abseuce of bulk that It respqnslble for the meal belnr lnsumclenU:r lauUve.

Homemakers who have the Jn. terests of their famllles 1 ~ear& will banish the notion that cheese Is either conatlpatlng or difficult to digest when properly used. They will give thin oplendld food a regular place In their menus and thereby provide valuable

otomach by ac!.lon ot U1c hydrochloric acid I ··Some people oro atrafd to eat acld-tasllna • fruits because 'tho)' have the erroHOOUtl idda thrif they produce ••acidity'~ Jn tho body. In oplte or"lhelr acid to.ote, however, moat fruita havo on alltnllno reac­tion followina dlgeotlon.

lily earnest advice to home­makers is to diuC!Jard an aueh fadJJ and fanclu. Don't be ru.lded· by bearaay advlee. Eat a wide va­riety of foodllln moderaUon. Leana what consUtutu a well-balanced diet. Ancl make that your health Ideal. • 0-WUU...C llou11cn Goudlu-11131 tO.



boolts, Crnzypotch Leaflet t!howlng && nuttamtlc embrufitUl'Y lltt~lmlJ 1! included FREE. Addr.ell!4 Mrs. Spears. 210 S. Ocsploine!l St., ChJ.. cago, m.

-- - -~- -- - -· ------ ~

Dollars and Sense

Correct . ~ons~tion Before..;.NotAiterl ·


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WE. CARRY IN .STOCK: . . . .

0( •. ~ .. •' " ' '

· Jialvaniaed Rooflriit Sash and Doon .

Poultry Feed St~k Sali

) . • •

Window Glau -.. . .... .

St<X:k Med,icines


Garden ToQ)s, Gardeh Seeds, 'Onion Sets, Alfalfa St>ed, etc.·


ITE Wh~te King Granulated

White King Laundry Bar . White King T ~U~t Soa~

Scotch-Granulated. Soap ' .

Our Prices Are Reasonable

The Titsworth· (ompany, tnc • Capitan, N .. M.


, ..

e Come In-ace bow this re-Volutionary ti4W .. Cold·WaJl" J,>rl_gldnirc with t_b~ Mc:ter•Miser sa vet (ood'a vltnl Jultct from cJt,inJ out. How It pruerveg even bir,llly P.t!lldiablc (oodt days longer .•. rrolonql thclr original (reahoe§s-retalns ritb nu· ttidonal Yaluea-aave.- penk fresh flavor! Don'c buy until you've seen our demon· •traclon ot chis .srcu new .uirigcr<lt(.r. Convenlenr termt.u low ct 25c: a •'·w

Carrizozo Hardware· Co.;


V I S I T ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;----~

Our R.esta --- ·--- ~· ---•• -. -1fioti0r--11R~o~---.-· .-.-

Short Orders an • •

Chawin•Gt.1111, ~igarettest .... - Tobacco, Crackers; etc.


W• _Appreciate. Your Patronage:! . . .

• . l<lm~h;.;~"· . ~-· · imeol#' c ·. •WJ.s · ~ ' - ----· ·- --- •·'" . .[ . '. -.,.

. •. ' .

r. At the invitation Carrizo~o, but now o( Tu~umcari, beld in Tuhirosa on Sat. April is cf'nvalescing from ~n operatiou Carrizozo boy!! made a pretty which he underwent man El Paso good showing; . . hospital this week;. · · Pole Vault: Ja.ek qauncb, 1st;

' < ~ • -

Judge Frenger and his cnurt Babe Walker 2nd: Cha~. SnowSrd. officials al.'e to be hete Tu~sday, ' Discus Throw; J. Claunch~ . oi .. U.J 2


Kclvinator on disolay. · • • - • 'IN THE THIRD JUDICIAL DIS-

Lieut. and l\1to. Herbert Gmn· TRICT COURT OY THE STATE dio were here lnot Saturd!lY £rom OF NEW MEXICO WITHIN Tularoaa, visiting officers at thl AND FOR LINCOLN local CCC Camp. COUNTY·


" • •

NO. 458G


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·' with eycn BETTER thaq Ullual values, The materials are all nov· efty cottons in briJzht coJor combi·

·- nations, all with short sleeves for 'summer comfort. There's a varie- •

-.....,..,;...__"t.vnriifVti •

plets size 1ange, .. t""Y

• • • • - . •


Sa\~ 45 •


. -$7.50 AND $8.50

.Z I E G L E R 8 R 0 T 'H ~ R S .. . i .. • - p '

-· \



PRINTING NEEDS .~r • We Have • -Letterbeids

Stttements " ti((Ufir~ Window <ards ·


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. Miil Orders Given Prompt Attention . ' ~


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Seeks Office

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