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Spring/Summer 2011


M e t r o p a r k s o f t h e To l e d o A r e a

Grand Garden Marks 75 Years 4 Return of the American Elm 10

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In SeasonA Summer Of Discovery

A favorite path is good to have. When you set off down the same trail you’ve followed 100 times before, the familiar sounds and smells are comforting. You don’t have to think about

what’s around the next bend; you can concentrate instead on what’s on your mind – or nothing at all.

A new path is good to have, too. Seeing a scenic place for the fi rst time is refreshing, exhilarating, rewarding. After all, every well-known path was a new discovery once.

There are more than 100 miles of trails in nine Metroparks for you to explore. We encourage you to do just that.

This summer, a series of messages on a variety of cable television stations will give you some ideas about which parks to visit, and why. Each message will invite you to “come out and play” while tempting you with stunning images of places you may not have discovered on your own.

We’re also giving you an added incentive in the form of a fun promotion we call The Great Park Search. Each week from June 6 through the fi rst week in August, a new set of clues is being posted on a website. Nine clues will lead you to secret locations in nine parks – and chances to win prizes. The contest starts new each week. Visit or pick up a card at any Metropark for details.

Not that you need the added motivation. We think you’ll fi nd each new place comes with its own rewards.

Have a great summer!

published by


Metroparks of the Toledo Area5100 West Central AvenueToledo, OH 43615-2106419.407.9700

Board of Park CommissionersScott J. Savage, President

Fritz Byers, Vice President

Lera Doneghy, Vice President


Donald R. Rettig, Jr., [email protected]

Denise Johnson, Director, Visitor [email protected]

Patty Morgenstern, Membership/Customer Service [email protected]

Scott Carpenter, Public Relations Director/[email protected]

Jesse Mireles, Art Direction [email protected]

Valerie Juhasz, Production Manager [email protected]

© Metroparks of the Toledo Area 2011

On the cover:Grass-pink orchids are typically vivid magenta, as the name implies, but they occasionally appear paler or even white, as you see here. State-listed as a threatened species, grass-pinks are one of the rarest of Oak Openings' showy fl owers.

Opposite page:A runner heads down the Towpath Trail through a tunnel of redbud trees in spring bloom. The trail follows the Maumee River, connecting Farnsworth, Bend View and Providence Metroparks.

photos by Art Weber



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A Milestone For TheShipman Garden

Celebrating 75 Years

By Patrick Johnston

In a roundabout way, a crimi-nal who thoughtlessly de-stroyed parts of a beautiful

garden played an important – if unintentional – role in restoring a national treasure.

Five years ago, a man tried to elude Toledo police by driving a stolen truck through the re-gion’s most visited Metropark, Wildwood Preserve. The 500 acre

property once belonged to Cham-pion Spark Plug co-founder R.A. Stranahan, and included a 32,000 square foot mansion. In his haste to escape capture, the criminal crashed through a two-foot high brick wall and rampaged through the home’s formal garden.

The damage was unfortunate, but the incident set in motion a garden restoration project that promises to bring national recog-nition to the site.

The damage and restoration are even more significant when you consider the history of the gar-den.

Had someone listed the biggest barriers to entering the landscap-ing profession in America at the turn of the 20th Century, Ellen Biddle Shipman could have laid claim to them all. She boasted no formal training or professional experience. She was a divorced mother of three in a society that

The Manor House garden is one of the only places you can see the work of pioneering landscape designer Ellen Biddle Shipman.

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photo by Jesse Mireles

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predominantly believed women belonged at home with their children. At over 40, she nearly doubled the age of others look-ing to break into the industry. The biggest hurdle of all: she was a woman trying to succeed in a man’s field. Despite these chal-lenges, Shipman became one of the most successful landscape architects in American history.

At the height of her popularity, Shipman designed gardens for the wealthiest, most influential families in America. Her client list read like a who’s who of prominent Progressive Era indus-trialists and included the likes of the Vanderbilts, Rockefellers, DuPonts, and Fords. From Maine to Louisiana, the East Coast to the West, Shipman’s floral mas-terpieces dotted the American landscape. All told, she boasted some 650 gardens throughout the country. Sadly, today few

of this pioneering landscape ar-chitect’s gardens remain in their original condition. Two of these rare treasures are found in Ohio. One graces the former estate of R.A. and Page Stranahan in To-ledo, the other is in Akron at Stan Hywett Hall.

Everything about Shipman’s meteoric rise was unlikely, in-cluding the manner in which she broke into the field. In 1899, she, with her husband Louis and their three children, stayed in the home of a family friend, the renowned architect Charles Platt, during their own home’s renova-tion. Following the Shipmans' stay, Platt discovered some gar-den sketches Ellen inadvertently left behind. The architect was so impressed with her work that the following Christmas he gave Ship-man a drawing board, T-Square, and other drafting implements to encourage her hobby.

This kind gesture remained just that, until 11 years later when Louis abandoned the family and moved to England. Coinciden-tally, Charles Platt was in need of garden designers capable of matching his grand building de-signs. In this crucial moment, his mind returned to the promising garden designs of his friend Ship-man. One of the foremost archi-

The garden as it looks today, after an extensive restoration. A patio and additional plantings will be added this year just outside the garden to be used for weddings and other gatherings.

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tects in the United States decided to take a chance on an untrained, inexperienced female garden de-signer. The industry would never be the same.

Early in her career, Shipman was frustrated at how little she was allowed to do in the field. In the first decades of the twen-tieth century, landscaping was

considered men’s work, with women relegated to choosing flower arrangements. Shipman’s remarkable career revolution-ized the industry and cemented women’s place in the gardening profession.

The relationship between Platt and Shipman was by no means one of charity. With his clients

clamoring for unique gardens to compliment their new homes, Platt needed Shipman’s talents as much as she needed the work. The first major Platt/Shipman collaboration came in 1913 at the Fynmere Estate in Cooper-stown, New York. Their client was James Fenimore Cooper II, grandson of the famous author. Shipman was 43 years old when

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she landed her first major land-scaping contract.

Despite entering the field at such an advanced age, Shipman’s popularity grew quickly. Unlike some other garden designers of the era, she worked closely with her clients to match the gardens

to their specific tastes. Ship-man once explained, “When I am planting a garden…I always feel that it should be according to the owner’s desire.” She continued, “I feel strongly that each garden that I do is like a portrait of the person and should express their likes and dislikes.” This perspec-tive on garden design made her quite popular among her wealthy clientele. Within a few years, she was in high demand.

In 1920, Ellen opened her own company in New York City. As her prosperity grew, she hired a staff of her own - an all-female staff. By the time she closed her offices nearly 30 years later, Shipman

had trained dozens of female gar-deners, ensuring the profession would never again be considered an exclusively male domain.

Unfortunately, because Ship-man’s planting schemes were so complex and required constant

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upkeep, most of her gardens failed to remain in their original condition for long. As her master-pieces slowly disappeared over the decades, so too the memories of her remarkable career faded.

It took a high-speed police chase in the winter of 2006 to resurrect the legacy of Ellen Biddle Ship-man in Toledo.

Soon after the incident, Me-troparks Superintendent Dave

Zenk was poring over the original 1936 Shipman blueprints that are held in the Cornell Univer-sity archives. After securing a grant from the Carson Family Metroparks Fund at the Toledo Community Foundation, the park district began restoring the gar-den to its original glory.

In July 2008, the garden reopened to the public and remains the only Shipman garden in its original condition the public can tour for free. Visitors now stroll through the garden on their own or with a staff historian on a gar-den, mansion or estate tour.

This year marks the 75th an-niversary of Ellen Biddle Ship-man beginning to sketch plans for the Stranahan Estate. Today, the family no longer lives in the home and Champion Spark Plug

has rolled out of town, but the stunning Shipman garden still receives thousands of visitors every year.d

The garden was carefully restored according to the original drawings. Statuary was a common element in gardens of the era.

Ellen Biddle Shipman

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A study by the U.S. Forest Service, Northern Re-search Station’s of seed-

ling survival rates in the Toledo area will one day help establish when ash trees should be re-placed – before or after they’ve been killed by the emerald ash borer. The research project will also help restore Oak Openings Preserve Metropark.

Thousands of trees were planted in April and May throughout the Metroparks as part of an Ameri-can Recovery and Reinvestment Act project. The Northern Re-search Station’s portion of the project involves planting 800 seedlings in restoration trial plots in Oak Openings Preserve.

Trees planted in the trial plots include pin oak, sycamore and American elm, which was a dominant tree species in the Oak Opening Preserve floodplain be-fore being decimated by Dutch Elm Disease. The Metroparks planting marks the first time the Northern Research Station has replaced ash trees killed by the emerald ash borer, using disease-tolerant American elm on a large scale.

“American elm will be coming full circle in this restoration project,” said Kathleen Knight, a research ecologist with the Northern Re-search Station.

Elm Seedling Survival Study Part Of Federally-

Funded Project


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The borer has killed virtually all ash trees in areas where it has spread. The non-native, invasive insect was first detected in Michi-gan in 2002 and has spread to western Pennsylvania, Canada, southern Indiana and eastern Minnesota, often carried with firewood into new areas. The Northern Research Station’s research will help scientists an-swer a question that will become increasingly relevant: should ash trees be replaced while they are still healthy or after they die?

Knight and Jim Slavicek, a research biologist with the Northern Research Station, who bred and tested the elm seedlings used in the experi-mental planting, are studying factors that affect seedling success.

The research will compare the

growth and mortality of trees in two locations. At Oak Open-ings Preserve in Swanton, the combination of the emerald ash borer and damaging storms cre-ated sunny open spaces in the floodplain that, over the past few years, have been taken over by invasive vegetation that may compete with tree seedlings for sunlight and moisture.

In Cleveland, the emerald ash borer has not yet destroyed the city’s ash trees. Stands of ash trees are still healthy and create a canopy that limits sunlight and, with it, vegetative growth in the understory. If tree seedlings can establish in this environment, they may be poised to take ad-vantage of gaps as the ash trees die and crowd out the invasive vegetation. Research will evalu-ate the costs and benefits of the two planting strategies, provid-

ing information for managers as the beetle continues to spread and impact forests. Experimental plots will be planted in Cleveland later in May.

Both American Recovery and Re-investment Act funding and disas-ter funding will help Metroparks purchase native trees from area nurseries, as well as fund sea-sonal positions for planting and maintaining the young trees.

“Metroparks has been committed to preserving the unique natu-ral resources of this area since 1928,” said Donald R. Rettig, Jr., director of the park district. “We are excited to be part of research that will help our community and other communities throughout the region that will also need to restore forests damaged by the emerald ash borer.”

Facing page: American elm. This page: Restoration work will include removing invasive species, allowing native species to thrive.

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Field NotesProtected LandsFocus Of Exhibit“10,000 Acres...Protected For-ever,” a new exhibit featuring stunning images captured during the last year, is one of three new exhibits on display through August 28 at the Na-tional Center for Nature Pho-tography at Secor Metropark.

10,000 Acres refers to pre-serves and family farms throughout northwest Ohio that have been protected in perpetuity by the Black Swamp Conservancy. The ex-hibit includes landscape pho-tos as well as close-up images of plants and animals found on Conservancy properties.

The Conservancy has pro-tected farmland, meadows, wetlands, woods and other open spaces since its funding in 1993. The photo exhibit celebrates the impressive milestone of protecting more than 10,000 acres this year.

Not only does the Conser-vancy have a similar mission to Metroparks, there have been times that those mis-sions have overlapped. For example, in September 2004, Black Swamp protected its 25th property by placing a conservation easement on 40

acres of Oak Openings land adjacent to the Maumee State Forest. The property, now owned by Metroparks, fea-tures a mix of oak woodlands and forested wetlands.

Black Swamp partnered with Metroparks and Ducks Un-limited to secure grant fund-ing to preserve the property through the Clean Ohio Fund, as well as the North American Wetlands Conservation Act. The collaborative effort is an important part of the Green Ribbon Initiative to save the Oak Openings region.

Also on exhibit:Two other exhibits are open through the summer at the Photography Center:

Dragonflies: Northwest Ohio has a rich diversity of dragonflies and damsel-flies. A new exhibit includes

extraordinary images of these fascinating insects by Metroparks director of na-ture photography Art Weber, and guest photographers Rick Nirschl, Brian Zwiebel, George Sydlowski and others.

How Water Speaks To Us: “Water inspires us, re-vives our energy, and renews our spirit with a passion for life,” said nature photogra-pher Shirley Collins. This series of images of water in its many forms offers a look at its powerful allure.

Not Too Late To Sign Kids Up For CampMetroparks affordable sum-mer camps place children from preschoolers to teens in some of the most educa-tional, fun and scenic set-tings in northwest Ohio – the Metroparks.

Openings are still available for various camps, including weeklong day camps, one-day camps and specialty camps. Home base for all camps is Wildwood Preserve, 5100 W. Central Avenue.

Applications for financial as-sistance are available for all camps. Call 419-407-9701 or see for details and registration.

Photo by Art Weber from the "10,000 Acres" exhibit.

Photo from Shirley Collins' ex-hibit, "How Water Speaks To Us"

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Long-time Board Member Is Now AParks Hall Of Famer Former longtime member and president of the Board of Park Commissioners, Jack Gallon, has been inducted into the Ohio Parks and Recreation Association Hall of Fame. The induction was officially an-nounced in February during the annual OPRA conference in Cincinnati.

In addition to his service to Metroparks, Mr. Gallon has served parks and recreation throughout Ohio and the Midwest through his leader-ship in the state organization as well as the National Recre-ation and Parks Association. Among other things, he has sponsored an annual continu-ing education program for citizen leaders of park dis-tricts in Ohio.

Willie Makes Page One During StormIt was a great winter for ski-ing, skating and sledding

enthusiasts, who enjoyed extended periods of ice and snow cover from mid-December into March. But the winter was tough on one Metroparks icon – Wildwood Willie.

Each year on February 2, Willie emerges from hiding before his adoring fans to give the much anticipated forecast about what to expect for the remaining six weeks of winter.

Not this year. For the first time in memory, a near-bliz-zard forecast for Groundhog Day prompted the traditional Metroparks children’s pro-gram to be canceled. So Wil-lie issued his forecast in the form of a prepared statement a day early. He predicted that he was not likely to see his shadow – or much of any-thing else – if the predicted snowstorm arrived. The news was a welcome relief to weary Toledoans experiencing one of the snowiest winters on

record. (In folklore, a gloom-ing February 2 foreshadows an early spring.)

The next morning, readers of The Blade were greeted to a Groundhog Day photo of Wil-lie waving a white flag on the front page of the newspaper’s Second News section.

Researcher Uses Oak Openings DataIn Climate Study A University of Toledo pro-fessor’s study on climate change, published in a scien-tific journal, was based partly on data collected from a tower at Oak Openings Preserve. The study, “Recent Decline in the Global Land Evapotranspi-ration Trend Due to Limited Moisture Supply,” was pub-lished in Nature.

According to the University of Toledo, evapotranspiration is the second largest flux of wa-

ter on the planet, next to pre-cipitation, but it historically has been nearly impossible to track on a global scale. Dr. Jiquan Chen, UT professor of environmental sciences, and a team of scientists were able to do so in their study, which also used data from towers in Wisconsin, North Carolina, Michigan, Washington and China.

It Was A MemorableValentine’s DayThe second annual Valen-tine’s Day program at Oak Openings Preserve was an-other sold-out success – espe-cially for one couple. During the program, which involves a leisurely evening stroll fol-lowed by chocolate tasting by the warmth of a fireplace, participant Steve Colburn got down on one knee and proposed to his date, Sandy Klein. She said yes!

Young camper examines an earthworm at last year's Nature Camp.

From a tower at Oak Openings, Dr Chen conducted research for a study on climate change.

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Giving TreeOctober 2, 2010 through April 11, 2011

Wildlife Watching Better Because Of BP DonationThe Window on Wildlife at Pearson is an active feeding station maintained for many years by Friends of Pearson. It regularly attracts raccoons, chipmunks, squirrels, the occasional deer, and a wide variety of birds.

Inside, the viewing room re-cently underwent renovations to make it more comfortable for wildlife watchers.

Mark Dangler, president of BP-Husky Refinery LLC, Or-egon, presented a check for $15,000 to the Metroparks board December 22 as a dona-tion toward improvements at Pearson and Swan Creek Preserve. The money was used to renovate the Window on Wildlife in the Packer-Hammersmith Center at Pear-son and to plant trees at Swan Creek Preserve in Toledo.

BP previously contributed significant funding for the development of Pearson North and purchased a solar-powered utility vehicle for the park district, which is cur-rently in use at Oak Openings Preserve.

Gifts for PearsonHank’s Plumbing and Heating donated soil for improvements of the Pearson North Trail.

John and Yolanda Szuch made a donation to support the historic Johlin Cabin at Pearson North.

The AndersonsSupports Variety OfPrograms, ProjectsThe Andersons, Inc., has a long history of giving to Metroparks. The Maumee company’s generous support again in 2011 will help make the following programs and special events a reality:

Spring Concert at the Toledo Museum of ArtThe Great Park Search (sum-mer promotion)Nature CampMetroBarks Festival: A Day For DogsHappy Trails 5K Race/WalkMake A Difference DayCelebrating Nature Through Photography Contest

Holidays in the Manor HouseIce rink and fire pit with benches at Side Cut

Fallen TimbersBattlefield GiftsRobert and Sarah BrownRalph H. Johnson

Lathrop House GiftsDonations by the Ohio As-sociation of Colored Women’s Club (OACWA) Northwest District and Ken Wood were made to support the restora-tion of the Lathrop House.

Gifts Help Bring Downtown Park Closer To RealitiyThe France Stone Founda-tion has made many gener-ous gifts to Metroparks over the years. The Foundation's latest gift was made in sup-port of a brand-new park near Toledo's downtown. The property, known as The Middlegrounds, will one day be a quiet retreat overlooking the Maumee River right in the heart of the city.

Gifts for Swan CreekVolunteers in Parks donated three handicap-accessible picnic tables for Swan Creek Preserve.

Oak Openings GiftsLora GoerlichHaze McDonald

Gifts for Side CutFriends of Side Cut made a donation to purchase ad-ditional sidewalk pavers at the Window of Wildlife, and benches at the Wagener Sledding Hill and fishing line recycling stations.

The Edward Lamb Foundation made a donation to support the Interpretive Signage Proj-ect at Side Cut.

The renovated Window on Wildlife at Pearson Metropark

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The Prudence Lamb Trust made donations to support improvements and upgrades to the Lamb Center.

Nature Photography Center SupportAmerican Frame donated gift certificates for prizes at the National Center of Nature Photography’s photo contest.

Scott Carpenter donated books.

Leonard and Amy Hendricks donated five bird identifica-tion Guide Books.

Larry Low donated an Ansel Adams DVD.

ConnectionsBreakfast DonorsMetroparks held a fundrais-ing breakfast last spring, and donations from guests continued to come in through the year. Contributions were made by:Judge and Mrs. William J. SkowLinda SiegBrooks Insurance AgencyFifth Third Bank

Funds Help Improve Wildwood PreserveUpgrades to the trail en-trance were funded by a

grant from the Tiffany Elise Staelin Fund at the Toledo Community Foundation. The Fund is also responsible for the beautiful new look of the Visitors Center courtyard in recent years.

Stephen and Ellen Baugh made a donation to support the Window on Wildlife.

Ruth Blankerts donated an American flag in memory of her husband, Justice Blankerts.

The Michael Gospodarek Trust gave a gift to support Wildwood Preserve.

Education SupportArthur W. Hills gave a gift to support educational programs.

Ralph Johnson made a dona-tion to support the Kathryn Johnson Scholarship Fund.

The following gave donations to support special events:Fritz ByersLera DoneghyGary McBrideScott Savage

Kingston Healthcare Compa-ny, LLC donated refreshments for an event at the Manor House.

Hinkle Manufacturing donat-ed 18 weatherproof storage boxes for programs.

Medical Mutual/Healthy Ohio Cities donated t-shirts and printing for the Autumn Ad-venture.

The following gave donations to support historical program-ming:AnonymousElsa NadlerGreene Leather and Fur14th OVI/3rd Ark St. Casper Mystery ClubToledo Naturalists’ Associa-tion

General SupportThe following made dona-tions to support current ex-penditures at Metroparks:AnonymousEleanor DombrowskiGeneral Growth Properties, Inc.Richard D. and Agnes HeckmanThe Heymann FoundationMr. and Mrs. Arthur W. HillsMichael JasinkowskiJanice KrumelMartha Jane Doriot FundMetroparks Garden FountainHal Munger and David MungerArthur P. SmithChristine TurnbullMarjorie Z. Kaplin

Mark Plessner donated office equipment.

For the Happy Trails 5K RaceSt. Luke’s Hospital donated 1,000 plastic bags for race packets.

MetLife Insurance Company donated 25 stuffed Snoopy toys for this year's Metro-Barks event.The Countryside Garden Club gave a donation to support

the seed nursery at the Blue Creek Conservation Area.

Gifts for the Manor HouseBrowning Masonic CommunityBrynwyck Garden ClubCorey Woods Garden ClubDayton Women’s ClubDeborah Quinn

Black Swamp Hosta and Daylily Society gave a gift to support the restoration of the Ellen B. Shipman Garden at Wildwood.

Gifts Improve Manor House And GardenThe Stranahan Foundation gave a substantial grant to support the purchase an air conditioner for the Manor House, which was originally part of a Stranahan family estate.

The Carson Family Me-troparks Fund at the Toledo Community Foundation gave a grant to restore the formal gardens and landscaping at the Wildwood Manor House.

Matching GiftsDonations by an individual may be matched by the do-nor’s business or employer.

Owens-Illinois Charities Foundation matched the fol-lowing gifts to the member-ship program:Robert C. Hay, Sr.Kenneth W. Lovejoy

National Center for Nature Photography, Secor Metropark. Below: the Manor House, Wildwood Preserve

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The Inner-urban Bridge over the Maumee River, as viewed from Farnsworth Metropark. photo by Art Weber

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Metroparks Members make the difference in many ways, including funding projects that benefit park visitors in ways large and small. In an annual grant program, $50,000 was awarded in April to 19 projects suggested by members of the park district’s staff. Projects receiving fund-ing were:

•A golf cart for Wildwood rangers to use to patrol trails, and to offer transportation to people who need assistance.

•Portable lights for use at the new Side Cut sledding hill and at other nighttime activities.

•Supplies for Eagle Scout candidates building bridges at Oak Openings as service projects.

•A snow-thrower for clearing snow from the ice skating lakes at Pearson.

•An auger to remove sawdust from the mill at Providence.

•New grills to replace aging ones at Pearson.

•Supplies to purchase new gates at Providence.

•Trees to be planted at Side Cut to replace those that have been lost.

•Pop-up tents to use at spe-cial events.

•A travelling exhibit of na-ture photographs that will bring beautiful images of the Metroparks to new venues.

•Scholarships to send chil-dren to Metroparks summer camps.

•A new pond to attract birds and other animals to the Window on Wildlife at Oak Openings.

•Supplies used by volunteers monitoring a variety of spe-cies.

•A new Nature Explorers program in partnership with the Toledo Hospital pediatric therapy program.

•A keynote speaker for the next Oak Openings Forum.

•A new grill for the Mallard Lake Shelter at Oak Openings

•Brochures to promote the rangers’ SAFE program, a self-defense course for women.

•A portable microphone sys-tem for use in the Program Department.

•New lighting for the Indi-anola shelter at Farnsworth.

Members Grants Awarded To Projects, Programs

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Welcome ... New Members Members

Membership Renewals ...


October 2, 2010 through April 4, 2011

Thank-you - In 2010, the major-ity of Metroparks employees purchased memberships. Ninety-two employees either joined or renewed their memberships dur-ing a special campaign.

Andrea AnsteadDefne ApulLinda BarcusGabrielle Davis and Sharon BarnesDonald BaumanBruce BeaudryJennifer BerkFred and Susan BernheiselKathy BerryKenneth BessSherri A. BettingerMichael BiedenbachRonald and Stephanie Bishop IIMatt BoenkerFred BorckDonald BrayJoe and Julie BrennanConstance BrielFlorence BriggsMahlon BushChey CallDoug and Wendy CarrBrant and Jennifer CarrollJennifer CarterSharon ChubnerDevin and Erin ConnollyJason DiverMary DixonEleanor DombrowskiKaren Wood and David DonleyJoan DurhamSandy DurisGreg and LaVerne EdwardsSuzanne EichJohn EikostTrina ElieffHeidi FosterMegan FowlerDenis A. FranklinTracy and Patrick GallagherJudith GathardAngela GerberDonna GlinkaJohn W. GrangerRuth GriffinJosephine and John GrosjeanCarmella GulickElizabeth GuthrieMarilyn HalkerPaul HamrickRobert W. Heckman

Madonna HendersonDan HenryMarcel HesselingKimberly A. HighVaughn A. HobletSusan HowellKaren HoytEllen and Bob IngramAmanda JacksonElizabeth JacksonRenee JessenNicole JonesTiffany KeelMaura Kelly/Anthony Wayne Class of 1971Gretchen and Thomas KirkJennifer KlempnerMary KnakeGary and Bonnie KramerKimberly Kubly and Campbell FamilyErica KurfisAlbert and Virginia KurthMichelle LaForestTed LangDavid LeapardMark LohmanDonna LongPatricia Luketic

Anne Marie MarlowLindsey MartinRachel MastersAndrea MauterSteve and Barb MazurMichael McDermottPamela McMillinMarilee McSweenyAmy MeaslesKurt and Donna MeyersJulie MihalekJulie M. MillerLori MillerJustin MortemoreAmy MullerCynthia MyersLaura NovotnyStephen and Gretchen OneailOwens-Illinois Charities Foundation Inc.Rex and Lucinda PalmerNicole PeppersSusan PerryKen and Debbie PielKarolyn PoggiSusan PollaufNathan RamseyGary and Linda RegelNina Rettig

Sarah RodgersRochelle RothAshley RybakRenee SarraNancy SeayKathleen SebettoJessica SewaldTim ShermanJanet ShoviakDonna SmithPamela SmithMike SodaBobby StewartAngela StuckerMarcia SzemanscoToledo Road Runners ClubKristina VargaJohn VirtueElizabeth WesthovenPaul WibbelerBarb WilkowskiAngie WilliamsE. James Wolff, IIIKaren Ranney WolkinsDavid and Pamela ZenkJustin and Mollie ZenzEmily ZieglerLinda ZieroffLyndsay Zunk

October 2, 2010 through April 4, 2011

Ann AbateOmar and Eman Abu-YaseinMarjorie A. AchingerSharon and Ed AhlforsHendricus B. and Mary C. AlbregtJohn F. and Rosie E. AllorePam AlspachRichard and Kay D. AmendolaJudith A. AndersonMary Jo AndersonMichael and Carol AndersonSusan J. AndersonPaul and Carol AnspachGarabed K. and Millicent M. ApardianBruce ArnoldRuth M. ArnotMerlin J. and Antoinette B. ArtzJean E. AtkinCharles H. and Nancy Lee AtkinsRobert R. and Mary Ann AtwoodGayle J. AustinB. Hill’z Excavating, Inc.John and Lynn BachelorJohn R. Badhorn, Sr.Dr. George J. BaibakDorothy R. BakerDr. and Mrs. Roger Baker

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Jody BakerMr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. BakerTerry J. and Cynthia A. BakerDennis and Denise BalduffCatherine BaldwinBruce BamberMr. and Mrs. Jerald B. BannisterMargaret R. BaranoskiDonna Jean BardisJulie A. BarnesBert and Sharon BarnettGlen Victor BaronBetty Ann BarronMark E. and Christi S. BartmanRuth BaumannAlbert M. and Barbara J. BaumgartnerCarole BeamerLowell V. BeaversonAllan Sacks and June BechtholdChristopher and Stacey BeckLouise E. BedeeDavid and Cynthia BeekleyElsie B. BellnerLewis and Joann BennettMarilyn BennettMatthew A. and Linda E. BennettSharon BernhoftEllen E. BerryKathleen and Christopher BerryCarol BerstickerJames and Maryam BertaTom and Joyce BettingerJeffrey Mohlman and Korleen BialeckiThomas C. BiebesheimerBishop Leonard P. BlairSuzanne E. BlevinsG. Barton BlossomDavid W. and Sandra S. BlumfeldtKatherine BlystoneMorton and Susan BobowickPatricia BockertLouis C. and Ruth Ann BoehkRussell and Cathi Bohland

Annette L. BoiceDelbert E. and Frieda Fern BordnerRonald E. and Irene C. BostonDiane R. BouillonSandra L. BowdleTheodore and Elizabeth BowmanMary F. BoydRosemary BoydHerbert W. BoyerJoanne BranksJohn M. and Barbara J. BrennanNorm BrettelMary and Terry BreymaierMable A. BridgmanEric D. Britton and Sara J. WorleyCarol A. BrockettSusan L. BrotjePeter and Paula BrownSusan BrownEleanor F. BrunnerRichard A. and Kathleen C. BruntGerald A. and Kathryn T. BryantCarl and Laraine BrywczynskiDoris R. BuchananMary and Orville BucherRichard BuchholzBonita BuckleyLinda BufordCharles BunnerJean BurgbacherDonna BurkeRichard T. BurkeRoger and Heather E. BurkeFlora Rhodes BurkholderDale S. and Robert W. BurnettAnne BurnhamKeith and Susan BurwellMyrna BushDr. Candilee ButlerFritz and Katie ByersDonald R. and Alice U. CalabreseConstance C. CalmesEllen Broido and Jo CampbellJack R. and Joyce M. Carpenter

Eve CaseyAndrea L. CaverlyDeanna F. CedargrenKaren CentersKathleen A. ChamberlainHarry J. ChappellJames R. and Barbara M. CharvatLaurie and Mark CherryRobert G. and Elaine M. ChrismasFelica and Timothy ClarkRita and Bob ClarkJohn K. ClementMichael P. CloverJames E. and Sandra K. CoeSelma ColonyHeidi ConklinCheryl J. ConleyRobert D. ConleyDavid F. and Candace C. CooperJim and Jinnie CorthellEdward and Linda CostellPaul C. and Janet R. CothrelGeraldine Cottey CampCarolyn C. CovenMary CowieEllen S. CramerWallen and Suzanne CraneJames A. and E. Maxine Crawford, Sr.Albert H. and Sharon L. CrociBecky CrokeJoe and Mary CroyFrank W. Cubbon, Jr.Kyle CubbonDarla CulbersonRodney and Lori CundiffThomas M. DaleyCharles and Ann DanaDennis and Roberta DanfordKettlie DanielsAlfred S. DannhauserJanice E. DarahCurtis W. and Phyllis C. DavisHarriet and Martin DavisPatrick C. and Sara M. DavisonBarbara DeLandRobert and Diana DelaneyMarge DembowskiDavid Bodner and Beth Dennis

William V. A. and Jeanne S. DennlerDr. and Mrs. Dale E. DerickWilliam J. and Judith A. DesanaRose Marie and Donald DetlefHazel Marie DeubleThomas Burkstrand and Michele DevereauxPeter DewhirstDon and Bonnie DillerJan DixonSteve and Debbie DolginBeverly A. DomalskiKaren M. DomenicoDonald E. DotyShawn DowlingPatrick and Jude DowningMichael DraheimGary E. DudenMichael and Barbara DuffeyTim DuffeyBrian P. DugganLenore Hintz and Daniel DurliatThomas and Nancy DurnfordJames and Mary Ellen DurstShirley A. DwyerNichols M. and Judy DyeDonald W. DyerSusan D. EarlRuth EbyAlice and Richard EdwardsShirley EdwardsKevin EganDr. and Mrs. M. El-ShafieFred EldridgePaula C. EllingerDavid G. and Kathryn EllisMichael J. and Judith A. EncheffKaren D. EnisKurt ErichsenJohn H. and Martha P. EsbinNorman FairmanRichard and Kathleen FaistMichael FallJoseph and Elizabeth FausnaughSteven R. FedermanBernard FeganJulia Ann FellhauerLori and Paul FentonFlorence FergusonRichard and Margaret Fern

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Jim GrannerRoger H. and Sharon L. GrantMike and Beverly GreeneEsther GreenfieldBrian and Judith GribbleNancy GriffinRuss and Vicky GriggsGary Grime and Cindy SiefertPatrick and Susan GroveThomas J. and Betsy A. GschwindGeorge and Suzanne GussesJames V. and Kathleen M. HahnJoan HaighKaren HakelBrian HallLance R. and Jeanne R. HalseyGlenn and Judith A. HamburgSteven and Joy HammerScott and Melissa HamnerHarry L. Handley, Jr.Judith HanesRichard L. and Gail J. HansonDick and Pat HanuszRandolph R. and Sue J. HarmsDanny M. and Denise M. HarveyRobert G. and Peggie L. HauschSandy HauterJames and Diane HawkinsRobert C. and Bonita Hay, Sr.Michael D. HaynesBill and Sandy HebanLyle HecklingerRobert and Debra HecklingerRichard D. and Agnes HeckmanDonna HeerLeah I. HeimbeckKay HeinrichsChristopher R. and Judith A. HelmJim HelyerMarvin D. and Bonnie Jean HemingerMary Alice HenkelClay P. and Betty O. HeplerBeverly J. HerigRobert HermanJean HerslandMary J. Hertzfeld

Suzanne J. HessNorman and Dorothy HeydingerPeter Heydinger and Virginia KeilPatricia A. HilfingerBrenda HillJulia HochElaine HoefflinJohn and Alice HoffJames and Paula HofmannDr. Barbara B. HoldcroftElizabeth HollandPaul and Pamela HollenbeckDale F. and Patricia J. HomerTimothy and Pamela HorneBarbara HricovskyMary B. HubbardBrian HughesRobert HullPaul and Karen HuntMarjorie M. HuttonJeanne Y. HylantGlen A. and Helen H. IossiMaureen G. Ireland and Blinn FamilyCynthia IrmenCheryl A. JacksonFrances H. JacksonPatricia A. JacksonFrances E. JacobAngela JamesBradford C. and Lorraine JamesThomas JanickiPatricia A. and David D. JankowskiPaul JednakTom and Karen JenningsDavid and Jori JexAl and Christine JohnsonCarolyn K. JohnsonCharles R. JohnsonRalph H. JohnsonRobert B. and Patricia T. JohnsonWendy JohnsonKaren JohnstonSandra U. JonesDolores and Mel KaitaniakClarence H. KalmbachAndy and Rose KandikSamuel Z. Kaplan and Deborah E. Lipson

Jane KarauMary M. KarazimKathy KasprzakCheryl KazmierczakMark and Michelle KeelingJacqueline D. KeimWilliam and Joan KeisterDaniel C. and Marilyn J. KellerGeorge KellerbauerDon and Carime KellermeierAnita E. KellyRita F. KellyJames L. and Hilde M. KennedyJudy Kerstetter and FamilyJanice I. KilbrideHelene M. KilcorseShirley Sally KilleGerard and Sue KincadeBridgette A. and Calvin King, Sr.Germaine KirkHelen and Phil Kirk and FamilyCarole R. KiroffCharles KiskaddonNancy C. and Albert W. Kleine, Jr.Barb and John KlopfensteinJoe and April KlosowskiDon KlotzPaul B. and Judith A. KnapinskiDonna KnodleLeo and Sharon KnoxWilliam T. and Carol KobackJim and Kathie KoenigsekerMarjorie M. KohlerZale S. and Shirley A. KohlerBernard A. KokocinskiBetsy and David KolaskyFrank J. and Carol R. KollaritsJoseph and Jannette KomorowskiJanice KonoffCarla KonwinskiPaul KozlowskiThomas J. and Catherine A. KrallJoseph O. and Donna J. KramerDavid and Susan KrantzJohn P. and Ana M. KrausPaul and Carol KrausWilliam and Helen S. KreutzFred and Kathy KroutJanice Krumel

Yvonne FeyRichard and Rebecca FinchJerry and Agnes FinferaAllison S. FisherMary Jane FloresPaula B. FollisElizabeth S. FordJanet E. ForsterJohn and Carole A. ForteJack and Susan FortneySteve and Janet FosterZella R. FoughtJohn and Kim FrautschiWilliam N. and Anne C. FreeWilliam FreitagJean A. FriisAlan and Deborah FritzJulie FritzJim and Florence FuerstBecky Fuhrman and Don LearyFrank and Susan FulkersonViola E. FunkScott GageLynda C. GallantHal and Maureen GardnerJim and Judy GatesMark E. GentryJeannie GeppertRobert E. and Paulette GiaimoEdgar C and Rita F. GibsonJ. Spencer GilchristSherrie and Jay GilchristBarbara H. GilmoreAudrey P. GingrasDr. and Mrs. Gerald GlassbergRichard J. and Sandra J. GlassonKent A. and Dolores A. GlauserPhyllis GogelGary, Patty and Grace GoldenBarbara GonsowskiLynne S. GoodmanDonald W. and Barbara L. GorrellInez E. GorsuchDr. James and Mrs. Mary Ellen GosmanPaul W.L. and Roxanna E. GrahamAnthony F. and Marianne R. Gramza

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Catherine and Pete MarinelliPaul and Kathryn MarionDavid and Pam MarshKevin and Diane McEwen MartinKevin W. and Mary E. MartinMary Ann MartinRobert and Kathryn MartinJohn P. and Saundra K. MasonRobert J. and Carol A. MasonHoward A. MatuszewskiJack L. and Mary A. MayerRuth A. McClurgDaniel and Teresa McCormickPat McGlauchlinGeorge F. and Chris McKissonPatrick A. McLeanJacalyn K. McMahonDr. and Mrs. Roger McNicholsJames and Aimee Meads, IIS. Thomas and Laura MegeathNorma J. MeierJohn O. MeloyThomas and Maureen MenacherKaren MenardTimothy D. and Amy L. MerkelNancy MerriamFrank S. MerrittDebbie MetcalfFlorence M. MetzgerLinda MeyerRichard and Mary MeyersCarmela A. MicallefHelen MichaelsPaula D. MiklovicClifford MiliosDavid K. MillerJoan MillerMariellen and James MillerNorman & Nancy MillerRobert C. and Pamela P. MillerRose M. MillerWineva I. MillerKeith E. Miller and Bernice G. SchwartzKeith and Nancy MillingerBecky MincheffNancy and John MinnsJo MinogueKristina Moazed

Susan and Bruce ModaraiJames and Ellen MoellerBetty MoharterDavid T. MohlerMildred L. MohrBeverly A. MomineeJoseph and Ruth MontionRalph K. and Betty L. MooreThomas L. and Christine MooreHarry W. MorganRobert A. and Ruth E. MorganJoanne MorgensternPatty A. MorgensternNancy C. MorningstarSusan Muenzer and Craig W. NilssonJoan MulheisenCarol L. and James P. MurrayRalph E. MussehlDavid and Mary MutchlerJoan S. MyersVirginia and John J. MyersElsa NadlerNap and Donna NasserDawn Ostrand NaujockDonald M. NavarreRalph NaveauxJoan A. NeeleySusan Nelson and FamilyPearl NeuhausHarry E. and Nancy Brown NicholsonLisle NiedElisabeth NigrovicRandy and Susie NissenFred D. and Hope NofzigerLois NofzingerBrian J. and Heather R. NorrisCynthia J. NowakPeter NoyesMaurice D. and Joan L. O’ConnellJoseph T. and Ann P. O’LearyGail S. Odneal and Mel HonigThomas L. and Mary A. OessJerry and Judith OlsonPatricia A. OsbornRay and Sheila OttoMartin and Noreen OverholtJohn Ozancin

David and Gwendolyn PageTom and Kathy PagePhilip PalmerHelen PalochkoBeverly A. PangleLisa K. PapenfussThomas and Gloria ParkerRalph S. ParksRichard L. Parrish, Jr.Walter B. PaulyGeorge A. PavukDennis and Linda PawleckiDavid M. PawlickiMichael and Kathy PeaceJerry and Zaunda PeacockLori K. PeakeJim and Barbara PeaseDonald G. PennellRobert O. and Mary Jean PerryWilliam A. and Melba S. PetersRuth Ann PetroffJames and Phyllis PettyMarilyn J. PicknellJohn Leslie and Kay E. PitherDan and Julie PompaTom and Karen PorterLee PostJudge John W. PotterWilliam J. Potvin and Linda MyersMaria A. PovsicJanet L. PrestonValerie J. PriceReid and Claire A. ProctorJack and Sarah PuffenbergerDavid W. and Karen L. PughRobert J. and Paula M. PulhujArthur L. and Janet Purinton, IICharles and Carol QuickMargaret C. RabideauWalter and Sharon RagerDr. and Mrs. Suresh RamnathBrain RamseyRonald and Jane S. RandallDoug and Kristina RasikNorman J. RasmussonDave RassenfossDr. and Mrs. James RavinKatherine RayMarjorie A. Reas

Martha and Dick KudnerWinifred KukRonald P. KustraLawrence J. KwiatkowskiGerald E. and Jennifer L. LaggerLillian LaggerThomas LandgraffRichard D. and Sally R. LaneRonald and Susan LangLynn M. LangelNancy A. and James W. LappBob and Luanne LarsonFrank J. LatendresseSteven A. and Paula LauerMark J. and Lori Le GendreWilliam J. LeddyMichael and Barbara LemonPhilip and Sally LenhartJoseph W. and Claramae R. LeonardMary Lou LeonardGary E. Levey and Cynthia PoeKen and Bob LevinAnita Levin and Ken LempertJohn W. LewandowskiTheodore LigibelWilliam R. and Barbara A. LindemanStanley LinverRobert S. and Imelda D. LoebGary A. and Kathy A. LoefflerMarilyn C. LongHubert M. and Dorothy S. LontzSam and Anna LovalentiJanet S. LuallenKathleen P. LundbergCarl and Andrea LundgrenPeter and Corrina LungulowArlynn H. LyleDavid J.and Haruko LyonsPatricia McConnell and Walt MacDonaldThomas F. and Ann A. MaidmentStephen & Megan MalczewskiRichard R. and Kathryn C. MaloneThomas and Susan MaloneStanley and Patricia MannDorothy J. Manning


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Ann RechtineRichard and Penelope RederJeanne ReedPaul R. and Rae J. RehfeldtTimothy & Susan ReichardRobert ReifertVivian M. RennerDavid C. and Hope J. RentonAlice Robie ResnickKorki and Don ResslerDon and Sue RettigJack G. and Denise S. RexReed and Inga ReynoldsRobert G. RiceDavid B. and Polly M. RichardsonJoseph A. and Beverly RideoutJim and Rosemary RileyTodd and Vicki RileyChris and Natalie RillingWarren C. and Martha L. RisherMae Jo RitchieSally A. RitterChristina M. RizzoCarol RoachLinda L. RobertsBrian and Laura RobinsonWilma M. RobinsonBeau RochteJoan L. RoeHarold D. and Marilyn A. RoestiGeneva RollerRobert R. and Phyllis M. RomickMarcia RomstadtThomas C. RoperHarvey and Edna RosenCindy and Marv RotondoBeth and Paul RoudaRheo D. and Sally O. RouillardJoette M. RozanskiMichael and Karen M. RudyCarl and Linda RuetzPeter and Patricia RumaDrs. Elizabeth and Richard D. RuppertJohn, Sally and Hannah RussJason and Dayna RusseauThomas and Phyllis RutterJohn RyanVirginia E. RyanRichard and Anderia RyleyNancy K. Saffer

Gary R. and Jeannette C. SamplesJason G. SandersonMaribelle SanzenbacherMarvin J. and Joan A. SavageSuzanne SavageLester E. and Ana F. Savory, Sr.Eileen L. SawyerLewis W. and Kay T. SaxbyDavid M. SaygersElizabeth C. SchaeferFred and Claire SchaeferRobert A. SchaeferPatricia SchaferJim and Sue ScheibJanice SchemenauerLaura M. SchererMary S. SchlatterRobert and Mary A. SchlembachKeith and Shirley SchlenderDennis M. SchmedlenAnthony and Lynn SchmenkWilliam C. and Bette T. SchmidlinPatricia SchmuckerBernard Schneider, Sr.Thomas J. and Nancy L. SchreiberMarlene SchultzTeri SchwartzFrederick W. and Priscilla L. SchwierRuth E. SearlesSue SextonRobert F. Seyfang and Susan Del VecchioMrs. Charlotte L. ShafferDebra ShafferJohn and Donna SharpColeen K. ShawJames F. and Nancy L. ShawStephen B. and Joyce P. ShawakerRonald and Marilyn SheckThomas and Margaret SheehanCathy SheetsMartha Merrill SheetsChalane and Charles SheldonDr. Dorinda ShelleyJohn H. and Lois B. ShellyAdele K. Shelton

Sara J. SherickRonald P. and Myrna G. SherrerDavid and Sandra ShuttElizabeth SidoGerald and Marilyn SiefertJim and Becky SilleryRegina E. SillettiMark W. and Debra M. SimmonsSharon F. Simmons & Ron CoffmanMary SimonRona and John SimonShirley SimonMargaret I. SinkeyTimothy J. and Laura A. SloanChristopher P. SmalleyDavid SmigelskiJames SmithMargaret and Merrill SmithMichael J. and Pat SmithSharon Bailey and Alan SmithStephen E. SmithJohn and Christy SoncrantMartha SpainCarol S. SpauldingCharles A. SperlingChristine L. SpetkaSteve and Vickie SprowRichard L. and Patricia R. SquibbRaymond J. and Patricia L. SquireDonald D. and Beverly J. St. ClairDr. Richard A. and Mrs. Lauretta A. St. JohnMr. and Mrs. Stephen H. StaelinCarol StansfieldTimothy M. and Mary A. StapletonMichael and Constance StarkDavid S. and Judy SteadLydia B. SteensenHoward and Dagmar SteinSusan F. SteinertRebecca SteingassRosetta Bessinger SteinmillerWilliam R. and Mary E. Steitz, Jr.Raymond W. and Virginia C. StevensTom and Mary Ann StibbeCharles A. and Carol M. Stocking

Michael L. and Denise M. StokesSpencer D. a nd Prudence W. StoneRobert L. Storer and Alvera J. BrandtJoseph and Carol StoseWalter StotzJerry StoverK. Elizabeth StoverRobert T. StrawmanWayne and Barb StrayerRoger StreiffertRobert F. and Carol F. StreightDavid A. and Ann StricklerCinda StutzmanElizabeth SutherlandPatricia SutherlandMary B. SutphinDouglas SweetDouglas SwiateckiPaul and Laurie SyringMarilyn L. SzaboJoanne SzalkowskiGerald F. and Iris E. SzelagowskiCathy SzymanowskiSandra SzymanskiMary B. TaylorLee TeareEffi TheissJean R. ThieroffBernard I. ThomasKatherine M. ThompsonMary A. ThompsonRose ThomsonRudolph L. ThoresonJim and Peg TichyJames E. TierneyJames and Bernice TillmanDr. and Mrs. James A. TitaFred and Jacquelyn TitoTom and Lynnette TitusRobert E. and Helen J. TobianJohn R. ToelkenToledo Area BicyclistsElliot Tramer and Chris ManzeyJames Toppin and Janet TraubJoan TravisFrancis E. and Constance M. TressoJim Troknya


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Scott & Margaret Upton TrumbullRonald G. and Pamela D. TumblinAnton and Tamara UrbasPhyllis A. UstaszewskiJohn F. ValdugaThomas and Joan Van AukenKathleen Van Der VeerMr. and Mrs. Martin A. Van ScoyThomas W. Vandini and Hodge FamilyClement J. and Elinore L. VascikWilliam L. and Anna Jean VaughanLucy C. VernileStephen H and Kristin B. VesseyMary J. VillegasChristine L. VischerJames V. and Julie A. VitaleLillian VogelDr. David L. WaggonerGary and Deborah WagnerJohnell WagonerDr. and Mrs. Aron WajskolFrank and Barb WallaceHardress J. and Gertrude G. WallerDennis WalshEileen WalshTanna WalshFoster V. and Marcia Ann WaltzPaul E. WardWilliam and Norma WarejkoThomas V. and Ruth A. WarnkaRichard J. and Roblynn L. WarnsGary M. and Diana F. WaughErnest W. Weaver, Jr.John and Lucy Jane WebsterJulie WeidnerDavid and Judy WeinbergRichard and Christine WeisfelderRichard WeisgerberElbert J. WellerL. Jack and Carolyn C. WellsBeth Welter

Karen WelterDavid WestrickGary WestrickGarnet WhaleyBruce A. and Mary E. WharramMartha WheelerRichard and Janice WhitakerDr. and Mrs. Peter WhiteAmy White and FamilyJames R. and Lois S. WhitemanSue WiegandChristine and Thomas Wierman, Jr.Janet L. WilhelmAngie WilliamsCharles E. WilliamsGeorge and Kristi Skeel WilliamsLeon and Ellie WilliamsLinda Wills and John KoontzSusan E. WilsonGeorge L. WinkleJeanne WinzelerEarl N. and Phyllis R. WitzlerE. James WolffJohn L. WolffMarge and Roger WoodburyDave and Sue WoolfordLee Alfred WrightRoger E. WymanMark R. and Helen Meyers WymerVirginia L. WysongRobin K. YargerHelen M. YglesiasAlgie L. and Alma L. YoungMohamed and Fatma YoussefNickolas ZientaraPeggy ZientaraCheryl ZimmermanJudith and Bill ZimmermanKurt ZimmermanPenny Phipps and Curt A. Zito Al and Jane ZohnKaren S. ZolgDr. Joel P. and Mrs. Nancy J. ZrullCarin Hopps and Jennifer Zunk

October 2, 2010 through April 4, 2011

Darla Austermiller, WallaceBecki Braley, DaisyMona Dokurno, Rocko, BrutusRoberta Hobbs, BoscoJennifer Lignoski, Quincy, Carmie, MasonJason Morris, PradaGene Rollins, BrooseClair Ruckman, Leia, Jay-JayKathy Silvestri, Sparti GirlKelly Smith, Merlin, Gretta, LadyJohn Starr and Carol Budzenski, Marty

October 2, 2010 through April 4, 2011

Paul Adams and FamilySophia Balasz and Jim Kralik, Ricky, LuLuJames F. and Nancy K. Bingle, MollyRussell A. and Amy Bless, CocoJim and Kay Blue, MagicMolly Bopp, QuinnDavid and Kris Bottles, MindyMark and Sarah Bratt, DaisyRichard and Nanette Bucklew, Birdie

Constance Cameron, China, JolieWillis and Mandy Day, Boca, Lily, IVWilliam and Sheila Earp, PunkieRose Edson, SassyKen and Jill Falls, Shure PetsRobert and Margo Gogel, Muffy, Woofie, Ruby, BubbaDavid O. and Linda M. Hart, LibbyJon and Kathryn Herdman, BenJanice Hussey, Skye, CallieScott Jaskela, RexPaul and Nancy Jomantas, Deuce, RegisPaul and Valerie Juhasz, Cooper, SeekerRobert W. and Rebecca S. King, SadieDavid and Teena Liber, JimmyGerald L. Lohman, BariArlene K. Markwood, KissyChristine Mayer, RudyMichael and Alissa MeyerBecky Mincheff, Alia, Bianca, CimbaMary Moore, Duffy, DollyJill and Daryl Moreau, MardiJo Anne Nagel, Georgie, GracieJerold A. and Susan Noss, Abby, JaceyGail Peery, Melvin, Ella Mae, SuzyWilliam and Constance Poole, LaineyHeather Reynolds, BaileyLarry and Sandra Rock, RubyNancy Ann Segan, KadjiDr. and Mrs. John Spiess, Shadow, BethBrian Von Wert, Hunter, CarrieVirginia L. Wolter, SierraJon Zabowski, Ziggy

MetroBarks Member Renewals…

Welcome New MetroBarks Members…


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September 31, 2010 through March 31, 2011

The following gifts were donated to support the Silver Trail at Oak Opening Preserve Metropark in memory of Andrei Boutylkine:Dee Billau Lisa BoutylkineWilliam and Jean Buckey Michael CroceVyacheslav and Irina Fedorchuk Timothy and Mariann JamesStacey LaPointe The McKay Hockey Group Roger and Brenda Neff Friends at Ohio Farmers InsuranceRuth Owen Ray and Judy Wilson

Curtis Bryan Garabed and Millicent Apardian

The following gift was donated to support Wildwood Preserve Metropark in memory of Samuel and Alice Carson: Samuel G. Carson, Jr.

Fawn, faithful dogRichard and Joni Prettyman

The following memorial gifts were donated to support the Na-ture Express Fund:Lewis Heldt Eleanor SonntagFrank KoesterWilliam and Susan ApplinNancy BenavidesBonnie BollettRuth A. BoschardKenneth H. and Rebecca FikeMarvin and Doris FikeBarbara J. HenkelLynn and June KoesterPhyllis KoesterSandra and Dan LazenbyKenneth and Debra PerryJack and Irene RaymondBarney SteinerMargaret Youssef

The following gifts were given to support Metroparks Blue Creek Conservation Area in memory of Warren Lee:Danny and Denise HarveyMr. and Mrs. Ronald Lee

Alice RuppJanet ForsterMary Ann Topmoeller

May 28, 2010 through March 31, 2011

The following honorarium gifts were given to support the Annual Fund Drive:

Laura KleverAnn Lampkowski

Alberto LeonardiTom and Pat McGlauchlin

Honorarium Benches

Virginia Hoffman and Family John Hoffman

Bob ZeunenFrom his loving family

Honorarium Bricks Pearson Metropark

Bay Area Credit Union

Kayleigh ErinDonna Hall

The following gift was given to support trail improvements in honor of John, Peggy, Dan and Joe Richey:Rev. Sarah Richey

Andrew and Kristin Kiser pur-chased a gift membership in honor of Renee Sarra.

Honorarium Bricks Wild-wood Preserve

Steve, Barb, Jake Peyton and Eli ArmacostBarbara Armacost

The Boening FamilyJohn and Sally Boening

Sandra CormicanSamuel Z. Kaplan

Steven J. Darmofal

Alvin and Jan Grant

The Hardings, Dave and Sandy, J.D. and BethanySandra Harding

Nancy Katz

Ken and Hazel KimKen Kim

Arlene MarkwoodChris Markwood

Betsy Marlow and Tim RootBridget Marlow

Elisabeth NaceScott and Erica Fry

Jane and Jerry SobbBrian Sobb

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2898

VFW 2898 MSG. Military Support Group

The following gifts were given to support Oak Openings and Side Cut Metroparks in memory of Lyman Spitzer: Frank G. Beans and Anne E. YagerSamuel G. Carson, Jr.Walter and Lois ChurchillWilliam CosgroveStephen and Deborah DolginPaul David FrankelKathleen FrascoJohn and Cynthia Finn GalbraithJeffrey GreenblattRobert and Shelley JuliusJames E. KlineStacey and Harley KripleeGeorge and Stephanie LeBoutillierAnn Benjamin MatneyClinton and Pat MaukMarvin P. Miller and Kathleen A. KressElizabeth Boren MillhonPerrysburg Boat ClubDr. and Mrs. James RavinDavid and Kay RootTax and Benefits Department at Ropes & Gary LLPGreg and Cindy ShumakerRosalyn J. SiegelMr. and Mrs. Stephen H. StaelinStephen and Lynn Sutherland

The following gifts were given to support Side Cut Metropark in memory of Ken Weislak:James and Mary KulwickiThomas and Leigh OzukTerri Zbikowski

The following Metroparks membership was purchased in memory of Kent Estell:Teri Schwartz

The following memorial gifts were given to support the Annual Fund Drive:Fran BouillonTodd and Vicki RileyLinda BundaMr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Staelin James CrandallJudy M. CrandallTimothy FulkersonFrank and Susan FulkersonCharles “Bud” LaggerLillian LaggerJim LyleArlynn H. LyleLouise ManchineKurt and Lynn FranckHelen MorgensternJoanne MorgensternAndrew J. RakayCynthia A. Rakay


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Marian and Dick TrumbullScott and Margaret Upton TrumbullJames VickJoanne VickJulia Kay WilcoxKay S. and Larry D. WilcoxAlfred J. WagenerBrent and Carol WagenerJerry WelterKaren Welter

Memorial BenchesMichael GospodarekGary LoefflerAnn L. RultonRichard A. Rulton

Memorial Bricks, Wildwood PreserveE.A. DurdelFrom her three girlsDon and Peg EatonJoAnn LewinskiMarion GorskiNancy GorskiDale C. HansonGriseldis A. HansonThe Millers and the KohlersSharon KohlerSylvia Ann MichalakPhyllis ImperiJim and Pat MutchlerDennis Coe Taylor and Shirley TaylorMemorial Lamp Posts, Wildwood PreserveSylvia Ann MichalakMarilyn ArbaughHattie AugustyniakJulie and Dave BucknerSteven and Laurie DemersBruce Denman

John and Lea Ellwood-Filkins Evans FamilyStephen and Regina FergusonJodi L. FilbyStaff and Board at Findley Davies, Inc.Goering FamilyGourd FamilyGrewe FamilyGrizer FamilyAlan and Julie HarbersonMark and Cheryl HerrDenise and Stephen HorwitzDoug Jerzykowski and FamilyGreg JerzykowskiMichael Jerzykowski and FamilyPaul and Barbara JerzykowskiDave JorankoDean KaplanStaff at Maumee Machine and Tool CorporationMatherly FamilyMcKee FamilyDaniel and Annette MeadeAnn Marie MendelMertz FamilyC.S. and T.C. MichalakJeffrey and Martha MichalakMira & Kolena Antoinette MooreBeverly and Raymond MuellerPaddock FamilyBrian and Faith PaukenPeterson FamilyPirrone FamilyTracy and John PottsRankin FamilyDavid and Susan Reed Wilfred and Maureen SchmidtAudrey SobeckiSteinebiser FamilyTroyer FamilyThe Women of the Old West End

October 1, 2010 through April 4, 2011

Ronald and Judie AlessiGregory and Constance AlexanderHarvard L. ArmusAmir and Augusta AskariJohn and Lynn BachelorGertrude BagrowskiDr. George J. BaibakWilliam A. and GeorgeAnne BaldridgeMelvin and Loraine BargerMr. and Mrs. William I. BarkanAnne J. BasileCarole BeamerTerry L. BeaverMichael and Juliann BeazleyAllan Sacks and June BechtholdJoyce BehnerDavid P. and Heather D. BellianKaren BernardRobert W. BestTom and Joyce BettingerThomas C. and Anne Marie BlankEd BloedowJohn W. and Sally O. BoeningCarol Jean BomerSandra L. BowdleDorothy J. BoweRosemary BoydDr. and Mrs. Thomas Brady

John M. and Barbara J. BrennanMable A. BridgmanMs. Donald J. and Anne W. BrittCarol A. BrockettMary Elizabeth Brown, Esq.Mary Ann BuchananMary and Orville BucherBonita BuckleyNancy and Mark BurtonDonald R. and Alice U. CalabreseJohn C. and Carol CampbellJan CaronEve CaseyRobert G. and Elaine M. ChrismasDr. Leo and Mrs. Linda ClarkLindell S. ClemensVirginia CliffordKathy and Gary ClinkerNorman ConradPaul C. and Janet R. CothrelEllen S. CramerJudy M. CrandallWallen and Suzanne CraneKettlie DanielsThomas and Jean DavisPatrick C. and Sara M. DavisonWilliam and Sara Jane DeHoffMarge DembowskiMichael DerenWilliam J. and Judith A. DesanaEdward P. DescampsJean-Marie DeschampsMr. and Mrs. Dean R. DiehlCharles and Lera DoneghyThomas and Nancy DurnfordJean DustonShirley A. Dwyer

Annual Fund Donors


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Richard J. and Jeanne EastopElizabeth A. EberlyRose EdsonSu ElliottJenna EncheffMrs. James and Barbara FacciElizabeth H. FackelmanAnn M. FagoRichard and Kathleen FaistRick and Martha FanslerDaniel G. and Deborah L. FarbrotherLarry and Rebecca FarleyGlenn R. and Judith A. FennellRichard and Rebecca FinchCarol J. FingerhutIrene H. FinkJudy P. FinkelMr. and Mrs. Roy D. and Ruth FitkinInez FlemingDiane E. FolsomJames B. and Mary M. FooteElizabeth S. FordNancy FothZella R. FoughtKurt and Lynn FranckDr. Robert C. FriessJean A. FriisJim and Florence FuerstFrank and Susan FulkersonJohn and Cynthia Finn GalbraithLisa GathardDr. Pacifico S. GeronimoCharles and Patricia GibsonBarbara H. GilmoreAudrey P. GingrasDr. and Mrs. Gerald GlassbergMary Louise GlenDonald A. and Lynn M. GodfreyGary, Patty and Grace Golden

Lucy and Kenneth GoodendayDr. and Mrs. Michael A. GordonDonald W. and Barbara L. GorrellElizabeth GorskiNeil and Patricia Green and FamilyEsther GreenfieldMary C. GreisigerBrian and Judith GribbleRuss and Vicky GriggsWilliam E. GrussAllen D. Gutchess, Jr.Miles P. and Patricia A. HackerKaren HakelLance R. and Jeanne R. HalseyDavid Hamilton and FamilyEverett W. and Lana HarrisJay and Julie HarrisLeAnna D. and Cris E. Hastin, Jr.C. P. and Paula HauckIrene J. HeiberRoy A. and Joan HeinzVicki HemingerWilliam L. Henning, Jr.Brenda HillMrs. Ruth M. HoffmanRobert J. and Margaret E. HoppertonDallas and Linda HowardRandal R. and Juli Lynn HuberLucille C. HurmDrs. Jeanine and Jim Huttner and FamilyTim and Yvonne HymaCharles and Betty HyreRobert and Erma JacksyFrances E. JacobAnna H. JamesTheodore G. JenkinsDr. and Mrs. Eric JohanssenDenise and William Johnson

Mary L. MazziottiGary and Beverly McBrideKathleen McCarthyPat McGlauchlinBeth J. McGowanJacalyn K. McMahonPaul E. MechlingJohn F. and Ann MeierKaren MenardFrank S. MerrittNed E. and Louise MiklovicDr. and Mrs. Roger A. MillerFred and Kathryn MillerJames L. and Sandra L. MillerJim and Deborah MillerNorman and Nancy MillerKeith E. Miller and Bernice G. SchwartzJo MinogueCarl and Judy MockJohnny and Lynne MoffettJames E. and Denise E. MollenkopfRaymond MontagueMr. Robert F. MontiJohn H. and Mary Pat MoorJoanne MorgensternNancy C. MorningstarDonald and Julie MoulDavid and Mary MutchlerDr. and Mrs. Richard E. MyersWalter D. and Susan D. MyersJack H. and Doris M. Myers, StanleyMathew and Jennifer Naujock and FamilyPearl NeuhausPatricia NewmanBob and Barbara Nichols, Sr.Lawrence and Carol NicholsNan Heckel NicholsonNancy K. NielsenElsie J. OlszewskiRuth Ormsby

Larry W. and Sharon E. JohnsonDolores and Mel KaitaniakMerl and Joan KardatzkeJudy KasperKathy KasprzakCheryl KazmierczakDon KlotzBernard A. KokocinskiPaul J. and Lois KolasinskiMary E. KonickiLawrence W. and Susan M. KowalskiJohn P. and Ana M. KrausMr. Chuck KreutzJanice KrumelSandra LaasLillian LaggerAnn LampkowskiJohn W. LandinRonald and Susan LangMarty LantzSteve LatschNancy and Fred LeetchJerald and Lydia LenningVivian J. LijewskiJana LintzNoryne LockwoodElmer P. LotshawSam and Anna LovalentiRichard W. and Sharon A. LuedtkeRonald E. LukasiewiczAndrew and Karen LykeArlynn H. LyleDavid J. LymanstallAlice F. LynchRichard MaasStephen and Megan MalczewskiDeepak and Judith MalhotraBenjamin and Martha MarshRobert and Kathryn MartinRobert J. and Carol A. MasonClinton and Pat MaukJack L. and Mary A. Mayer


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Peter R. OrserDorothy R. OtisNancy PahlBilly and Mary Ann ParkerPaul ParrickWalter B. PaulyRodney and Patti PearsonCharles T. and Luann J. PerzynskiBarbara J. PeternelRichard S. Phalin, Sr.Gail J. PhippsFlora PoadPauline A. PoldermanHarvey and Beatriz PopovichTom and Karen PorterJack R. PrettymanPaige M. PriceAshley PryorDavid W. and Karen L. PughCurt and Pat PulciniBill and Amanda RaderWalter and Sharon RagerCynthia RakayAnn RayJane F. RaymanMarjorie A. ReasPatrick A. and Lori J. ReddingtonProfessor David ReedGeorge William ReedMargot M. ReichertSteve and Lori ReinboltDavid and Carole ReinhardtRobert and Gloria RemyCarol S. RepassAlice Robie ResnickGregg M. and Susan J. RiceJames J. RichardJudge and Mrs. Reno R. RileyTodd and Vicki RileyPatricia RizziChristina M. Rizzo

Beau RochteHarold D. and Marilyn A. RoestiSandra F. RomanoffRobert R. and Phyllis M. RomickHoward and Ann RosenbergJohn and Elizabeth RothCatherine RourkeKelli RoutsongJoette M. RozanskiBrad and Julie RubiniRobert S. and Gladys R. RudolphMichael and Karen M. RudyDrs. Elizabeth and Richard D. RuppertThomas and Phyllis RutterJohn RyanVirginia E. RyanJay and Sue RynoDebbie and Bill SabaDorothy M. SaloffGregory and Margaret SammonsRobert and Patricia SandsCharles G. and Nancy A. SattlerMarvin J. and Joan A. SavageErnest R. and Virginia B. SaylorJohn C. and Marilyn ScarlettRobert A. SchaeferDr. and Mrs. Richard L. SchaferDr. Uta SchaubJim and Sue ScheibHeinz K. and Doris L. SchellerDennis M. SchmedlenDiana L. SchwindTimothy W. and Janice Harroun ScovicRobert R. Seeman and Karin A. JacobsonPamela SegurNancy J. SheaDonald and Marilyn ShefferlyChalane and Charles SheldonFrancis R. Sidle

James P. SigristSharon F. Simmons and Ron CoffmanJean M SimonJean SitesMichael and Kathy SkaffLewis O. and Peggy Smith, IIITheresa M. SmrekarMarlene J. SnyderEleanor SonntagMichel J. and Karen A. SoubeyrandChristine L. SpetkaJennifer Sader and Jesse SquireQuinton A. St. JohnJoseph Starkey, IIIMr. Herman P. SteeleSusan F. SteinertMark V. and Barbara Stender FamilyRandall and Rose StephensonJanet SternfeldCharles A. and Carol M. StockingMr. and Mrs. Robert S. StumpRuthie and David SummersRichard L. and Marilyn SuterElizabeth SutherlandDarrell and Antonia TalleyMary A. and Michael J. TateNorman R. Thal, Jr.Rose ThomsonDoris TitgemeyerToledo Area BicyclistsDr. and Mrs. Richard T. TorchiaRobert J. TowlesSusan TraresNeal Troy

Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Van ScoyVaivo and Marilyn VannakRoger and Sharon VeitchJoanne VickEugenia R. VogelBrent and Carol WagenerRussell C. WaiteRichard and Shelly WalinskiNathan C. WallaceJeanette WallerDennis WalshRobert A. and Deborah J. WaltersTim and Andrea WaltersHarry WardSuzanna WellsKaren WelterHenry C. WenteGary WestrickMorris C. WheelerDr. and Mrs. Peter WhiteMelvyn E. and Annette W. WicksKay S. and Larry D. WilcoxCharles E. WilliamsGeorge and Kristi Skeel WilliamsMarc and Carol Williams-YoungGerald L. and Joyce E. WillierJeanne WinzelerCatherine S. WitkerDave and Sue WoolfordMargaret WroblewskiJoan WuestJon ZabowskiNorman G. and Connie ZemmelmanDr. Joel P. and Mrs. Nancy J. Zrull


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Now Available For Rent

The Farmhouse At Wildwood

Rent this historic Farmhouse at Wildwood Preserve

for your special occasion.

Available for weddings, showers, parties, meetings,

family get-togethers.

For prices and availability, or to arrange a tour, call 419-407-9784.

Help preserve and protect the natural

heritage of northwest Ohio – a rewarding way to contribute to the community. What you’ll get in return is a greater understanding of the area’s nature, history and culture. The view is pretty good, too!

Administrative Opportunities | Volunteer Trail Patrol | Manor

House | History | Nature Pro-

gramming | Special Events | Stewardship & Beautifi cation

Make a difference... become a volunteer!Learn more about

how to get involved.

Call 419-407-9703.


Find Your Place

Whether you’re planning a board meeting or a baby shower, a team banquet or a family reunion, Metroparks offers a variety of meeting rooms and open shelters to suit your needs.

Metroparks members receive a 20 percent discount on the cost of all facility rentals, any day of the week. Other discounts may be available on weekdays only for non-profit and senior citizens organizations, and other government agencies. Only one discount per rental may be applied.

Manor HouseReserve the Wildwood Manor House for your wedding or other special occasion. The Manor House has several unique wedding packages to choose from. Call 419-407-9784 for details.

Outdoor Weddings Weddings are welcome in Metroparks public areas by reservation.

For reservations, availability and complete terms and regulations, call the Metroparks reservations number: 419-407-9710 or visit Reservations can be made online.

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• Authentic, mule-drawn canal boat• Working water-powered mill on the scenic Maumee River• Special events and demonstrations

Call ahead for times:419.407.9741

Providence Metropark 25 miles southwest of Toledo off US Rt 24 or 65

Drift Back to 1876


Remember Summer Camp?Your kids will, too.

Registration is now open for Metroparks day camps.

Details & Registration: | 419-407-9701

Nature Camp (Ages 7 to 12)Five-day sessions starting week of June 20 through week

of August 1, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fee: $95

Metroparks Explorers (Ages 5 to 6)August 8-12 or August 15-19, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fee: $95

Nature Quest (Ages 12 to 16)June 13-17, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fee: $125

New one-day camps available, too!

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Nature Shots

A Wandering Glider Dragonfl y Photo by Rick Nirschl

Photos selected by the National Center for Nature Photography at Secor Metropark.

Visit the center Saturdays and Sundays, noon to 5 pm.

Stunning Scenery captured by local photographersStunning Scenery Captured by Local Photographers


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Metroparks of the Toledo Area5100 West Central AvenueToledo, OH 43615-2106



Toledo, Ohio

Permit No. 727

Your Clean, Safe, Natural Places To Be




Members Make a DifferenceJoin Today! By becoming a member, you place yourself in the fi elds and forests protecting wildlife; help restore natural areas; as-sist naturalists in classrooms and workshops to educate children and teachers. Memberships make great gifts.

Metroparks members receive two issues per year of Metroparks Magazine and four issues of the Program Guide mailed to their home, plus discounts on facility and program reservation fees and invita-tions to special members-only events.

Become a member. Call 419-407-9700.