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Small and larger scale

Solar Thermal

for northern climates

Chris Bales

Solar Energy Research Center SERC, Högskolan Dalarna

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012


• Background

• Fundamentals

• System types for northern climates

• Current research and the future

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

My background…

• Born in Kenya (50 km from equator)

• Married to someone born 50 km from Arctic Circle

• Educated in England

• Engineering degree in electrical sciences

• 5 years at British Antarctic Survey

• Weather observer and technician

• 2 years at New Zealand Meteorological Service

• Working with climate databases

• 20 years at Högskolan Dalarna

• Started as technician….now associate professor

• Specialist in solar thermal, heat storage, system


• Mostly international projects

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Campus Lugnet

Humanities and Media


Health and Social


2 600 students



Technology and

Business Studies

1 900 students

Bergsskolan Filipstad

@ Web-Based

Distance Education



Högskolan Dalarna

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Student Numbers 2010

• 18 000 students

• 7 256 full-time students

• 11 800 distance students

• 1141 degrees conferred

Now over half the students

are distance students

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SERC – Solar Energy Research Center

• Founded 1984, grown steadily since

• 23 staff engaged in R&D and education:

4 Professors (part-time), 9 PhD, 8 PhD


(in process recruiting 1 more professor)

technician, 1-3 trainees, guest researchers

• Multidisciplinary research: technology and social sciences

• Variety of educational programmes

• Research turnover >1,5 M€/year

Energy and environmental technology

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SERC –Research Areas

Solar and biomass heating systems

Solar thermal systems and thermal storage

Solution vessel

Water vessel


Condensor /


• Conversion of electrically heated


• Development of solar and biomass

heating systems

• Lab and field measurements

• Modeling and simulation

• Minimising primary energy use and

harmful emissions

• Advanced thermal storage

• Chemical heat pumps

• Solar heating and cooling

• Seasonal storage of heat

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SERC –Research Areas

Energy use and societal processes

Small scale electricity generation

Social anthropology+Political


• Conversion of heating systems

• Installers and other market players

• Home owners choice of heating system

• Implementation of national energy policy

• PV grid connected systems

• PV/wind hybrid stand-alone systems

• Small scale cogeneration

Energy and buildings

• Passive houses of Massive wood

• Thermal storage in buildings

• Steel claddings for reduced heating and

cooling demand (Prelaq Energy)

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SERC –Education

• One year International Master program

in solar engineering – ESES (European

Solar Engineering School)

• Collaboration in 2 year solar and

biomass technician programme

• 2 year energy technician programme

(start 2008)

• Responsible for solar specialisation of

KTH’s 2 year master program

• Participation in development of ”nordic”

master in biomass and solar


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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Källa: PVGIS © European Communities, 2001-2006

Solar Radiation in Europe

kWh/m2/a %

Pori 1129 100

Hamburg 1104 98

Graz 1321 117

Sevilla 1947 172

Irradiation on an optimally tilted plane [kWh/m2/a]

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Feb Mar






Sep O





ly irr











Irradiation Potential

The uneven yearly distribution of

irradiation presents a problem in the

Nordic Countries:

Data: European Comission PVGIS,

Irradiation on an optimally tilted plane.

The energy demand is highest when

available irradiation is lowest.

For solar fractions > ~25% we

need seasonal storage of energy

from summer to winter (space heating+DHW systems)

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The solar thermal ”pinch”


5 0 0

1 0 0 0

1 5 0 0

2 0 0 0

2 5 0 0

3 0 0 0

Ja n F e b M a r A p r M a y Ju n Ju l A u g S e p O c t N o v D e c

(kW h )

E xcess irrad ia tion E xcess consum p tion

Usab le so la r ene rgy Irrad ia tion

To ta l consum p tion

3 0 0 0

2 5 0 0

2 0 0 0

1 5 0 0

1 0 0 0

5 0 0






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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Don’t forget – radiation varies from year to year!

Data for horisontal radiation – lower for higher latitudes

+/- 10% !!

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Temperature Important with Solar Thermal !

Figure: Lennart Molin

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Classification of systems

• Classification by use (load)

• DHW systems

• Combisystems

• Pool systems

• Process heat

• Solar cooling

• ….

• Domestic systems

• Multifamily houses

• District heating (large scale)

Traditional Scandinavian market:

domestic solar combisystems

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Pumped Solar Combisystem

Source: Solenetek AB

Auxiliar heat from:

Biomass boiler/stove


Heat pump

Gas/oil boiler


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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Small systems bought , larger systems custom built

• Small systems sized and installed by salesman/installer

• Buyer often gets quotes from several suppliers, but not


• Often ”standard” packages even though some

customisation is possible

• Larger systems designed by engineers

• Every system unique

• Engineers size system (simulation tools) and then do

detailed design

• Owner often not same as user

• Greater requirements on documentation and professionalism

• Often requirement for public call for tenders

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Trends: Full integration – or greater flexibility

More integration + System optimisation

+ Quicker installation

+ Smaller risk for faulty installation

+ Uses less space

- Less flexibility

- Everything must be bought at one time

Flexible systems + Can easily be changed

over time

+ Not everything has to be bought at same time

+ Not dependent on just one supplier

- More difficult to optimise (several different controllers)

- Greater risk for faulty installation

- Uses more space

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Integrated DHW systems

Standard size (60 x 60 cm) for tank unit

Figures: Vaillant GmBH

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Integrated boiler and tank

Oil or gas boiler in tank

(Germany – Solvis)

Source: Stocksbro energi(biosolpanna)

Pellet boiler in tank -

biosolpannan (Sweden –

Stocksbro energi).

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Solar and biomass logical for Scandinavia

• Most popular form of system

• Many advantages

• Much work been done with them

• Building regulations a hinder in Sweden

• Retrofit the biggest market

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Handbook with all latest research results

• In Swedish – suitable for both consultants and installers

Tomas Persson

Researcher at SERC

[email protected]

Lars Andrén

Author, chairman Swedish

solar energy association

[email protected]

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Are building regulations a barrier for solar + biomass?



Heat load


13 000 kWh

110 kWh/m2 55 kWh/m2 55 kWh/m2

District heat


Heat load


16 500 kWh

110 kWh/m2

Exhaust air heat


Heat load


20 000 kWh

Ground heat



Heat load


25 000 kWh

Bought energy limited by

building regulations !

Different for electricity


heated houses Other heat source

90 kWh/m2

13 500 kWh 10 800 kWh

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Costs for different heating systems….

Kiruna, standardhus

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000






FVP kond.

FVP kond+Sol






Kapitalkostnad Underhållskostnad Energikostnad

For houses being built now

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Small scale solar and pellet system

Figure: Lennart Molin

Pellet stove and solar hot

water system separately

– suitable for houses with

electrical panel heaters

Combined system for

houses with water

distribution system

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

24 134

19 669 19 768 19 263 18 822 17 990 17 62715 750


1 012 350 397 387376 440



2 481 4 0223 789 3 978

3 932 4 604

4 176


5 000

10 000

15 000

20 000

25 000



73% 79% 80% 82% 86% 87% 97%

Systemeffektivitet, köpt energi


ig e




el (k






16 200 kWh/år


Solar and pellet systems – much better than pellet only

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Turn boiler/stove off during the summer

Figure: Lennart Molin

Also best for oil and gas


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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Solar and heat pump – many systems !!

• 70 commercial systems found in EU

• Many different designs

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Common Features for the two Technologies

• Both solar collectors and heat pumps

use electricity to make „free“ energy

available for hot water and space heat

• Both have decreasing efficiency with

increasing supply temperature

• Both have relatively high capital costs

and lower running costs compared to

conventional heating systems

• Both use thermal storage in systems

• The „free“ resource varies with the



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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Several Unanswered Questions !

• How can the systems be compared ?

• Which systems are good ?

• How can they be tested ?

• Can they be cost effective ?…….

IEA-SHC Task 44 will try to answer these !

EU project MacSheep is trying to develop better systems

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: W


& C


462 kWth; 660 m²

Multifamily houses – renovation key

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Solar and district heat

• Centralised large systems

• Decentralised that feed into network

• Decentralised that take out heat from network

• Not very common apart from Denmark boom

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Large Centralised systems


• Often ground mounted collectors

• Sweden and Denmark leaders

• Germany and Austria also (new system in Lilleström)

• Normally relatively low solar fraction

• Scale effects reduce costs

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Large Systems 2009

Källa: J-O Dalenbäck

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Example Strandby (DK) - 2008

• 8.000 m2 Arcon collector (18% solar fraction)

• 2x1.500 m3 steel tanks

• Natural gas CHP (+ abs. Heat pump)


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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Strandby - costs

Källa: – success factors

• 2.900 kr/m2 incl. all costs

• 2.350 kr/m2 after subsidies

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Decentralise feeding grid – example (2009)

• Vislanda – Alvesta energi

• 350 m2 in large roof integrated modules (~10% solar fraction)

• Prefabricated connection unit

Källa: – success factors

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Vislanda (2)

• 4.600 kr/m2 incl. all costs

• 2.450 kr/m2 after subsidies and ”roof replacement” costs

• Same as Danish larger system

• Economy dependent on what utility pays!

Källa: – success factors

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Decentralised – replaces bought energy

• Simple to add to existing houses with district heating

• Utilities often not positive to it

• 7.000 kr/m2 incl. all costs

• But replaces bought energy

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Danish Large Scale Systems

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Demonstration System – multisource RE

Seasonal solar storage in combination with other heat sources – mostly heat pump

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Midnight Sun Seminar 2012, 23rd Aug 2012

Current Research and the Future

Solar thermal;


Buildings and cities; 126


systems; 91

Solar Thermal Power; 56

Radiation &

resource forecasting; 64

Other; 148

ISES World Congress 2011 Papers

Collectors and PVT; 51

Storage; 41


cooling; 40

Testing and simulation; 40


applications; 27

Domestic hot

water systems; 22

Solar + heat pump; 21

Other; 36

Solar Thermal Papers

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Solar Collectors

• ”High” temperature (100 – 200°C) collectors for solar cooling or process heat

• IEA-SHC task in preparation

• + old

• Polymer collectors for domestic applications


Source : Aventa, Norway

Source : PSE, Germany

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• The dream of seasonal storage on smaller scale

• Material and process development

• Closed and open systems

• Basic and applied research

• Three new EU projects on seasonal storage

Source: J. van Berkel

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Thank you for your attention

[email protected]