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<<Prepared by: Harold J Kamphinda Jnr >>



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Strictly Private & Confidential

© <<5MJC>> <<2013>>

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Table of Contents

Confidentiality Agreement

1) Executive Summary

2) Company Description

Financial Goal and Strategy


5MJC Proprietorship

3) Start up Funding Requirements

Invest into this project

4) Staffing and Operations

5MJC Management setup 5MJC Organization Structure Staffing

Training Plans

5) 5MJC Departments and Their Responsibilities

Buildings Department

City Planning Department

Citywide Administrative Services Department

Consumer Affairs Department

Correction Department

Cultural Affairs Department

Design & Construction Department

Education Department

Environmental Protection Department

Finance Department

Fire Department

Health & Mental Hygiene Department

Homelessness Services Department

Housing Preservation and Development Department

Human Resources Department

Information Technology & Telecommunications Department

Investigation Department

Juvenile Justice Department

Police Department

Probation Department

Law Department

Parks & Recreation Department

Records and Information Services Department

Sanitation Department

Small Business Services Department

Transportation Department

Youth & Community Development Department

Department Entertainment and Media

6) Contacts

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Document is confidential; therefore, the reader agrees not to disclose it without the

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1. Executive Summary


5MJC is a company that has got a vision of building five major cities in the nation of

Malawi. And these cities includes; Shekinah City, Heaven’s Gate City, Zion City, Zoe

City and Zeal City.

5Major Cities Building sites

Shekinah City (Lilongwe)

About Lilongwe

Lilongwe, (named after the Lilongwe River) is located in the central region of Malawi,

near the borders with Mozambique and Zambia. Lilongwe has an estimated

population of 781,538 as of 2012.

Lilongwe has existed for centuries as a small fishing village on the banks of the

Lilongwe River.

During the British colonial period in the beginning of the 20th century, Lilongwe was

chosen as British colonial administrative centre, due to its desirable geography. The

area had an easy navigable route to Lake Malawi, and connected to Lusaka (in

Zambia), Blantyre and Mzuzu. The administrative area where located in what is now

known as the City Centre. Up until the 1930s Lilongwe had at most a population of



Lilongwe is located on plateau situated at 1,050 m (3,440 ft) above sea level.


Lilongwe features a humid subtropical climate that borders on a subtropical highland

climate, with pleasantly warm summers and mild winters. Due to the altitude,

temperatures are lower than would be expected for a city located in the tropics.

Lilongwe features a short wet season that runs from December to March and a

lengthy dry season that covers much of the remainder of the year, particularly June

and July which are cooler than the rest of the year. However, the city sees heavy

downpours during its rainy season, seeing around 200 millimetres (7.9 in) of rain in a

month during the wettest months.

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Heaven’s Gate City (Blantyre) ….

About Blantyre

Founded in 1876 through the missionary work of the Church of Scotland and named

after the town of the same name in Scotland, Blantyre's historical importance is

rivalled by no other Malawian city. It has many historic and cultural heritage

resources, which constitute a vital part of the city and are crucial for its identity,

cultural and social well-being and attractiveness to business and tourism. It became a

British consular in 1883 and attained municipality status by 1895, making it Malawi's

oldest municipality. Blantyre is one of the oldest urban centres in east, central and

southern Africa; it pre-dates Nairobi, Harare and Johannesburg, hence has the

longest historic and cultural heritage in the region.

Blantyre is named after the town in South Lanarkshire, Scotland, where the explorer

David Livingstone was born. Livingstone's missionary endeavours saw the

establishment of the St Michael and All Angels church. The church dates from 1891

and was famously built by a team of local workmen with no knowledge of

architecture of building techniques. Urban development was further stimulated by

the construction of the railway. In 1956 it was merged with its sister city, Limbe, to form

one city.


Blantyre City lies in a hilly area; it has varied topography ranging from an elevation of

about 780 to 1,612 metres above sea level. There are three main types of

topographical features, which have major implications for the development of the

city: the hills, plateau and ridge and the natural drainage system. The most

conspicuous and dominant physical feature of the city is the numerous hills which are

found in all parts of the city. The main hills are the headwaters of several rivers and

streams which originate and radiate from the city, forming a natural drainage system

with nine distinct catchment areas: Likhubula, Lunzu, Mombezi and Khombwi, which

drain the northern part of the city, and Mudi, Chisombezi, Limbe, Luchenza and

Mwampanzi draining the middle and southern parts. Because of the hilly topography,

these natural drainage channels are narrow and have steep sides and gradients. The

plateau and ridge comprises all the land that is suitable for urban development

including extensive relatively flat land, the mountain piedmonts and plains, and long

narrow watersheds and strips of land which separate the rivers and streams.


The climate of Blantyre is greatly influenced by its location in the tropical zone and

altitude. The city experiences the tropical continental climate with two distinct

seasons in the year. The rainy season is from November to April, with continuing light

cold showers locally known as chiperoni from end of May to July. The dry season is

from May to October. The mean annual rainfall is 1,122 mm (44.17 in), of which about

80% falls within 3½ months between November and March.

The city is generally cool with mean annual temperatures ranging from 13 °C (55 °F)

during the cold season (May to July) to 21 °C (70 °F) during the hot season

(September to November). There are particularly two spells of uncomfortable

weather; the hottest season associated with high humidity soon before the onset of

the first rains (end October to November), and the frost along rivers, mist and chilly

showers and winds characteristic of the cold season in June and July.

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Zion City (Dedza District)


The western part of the district is on the Central African Plateau at an altitude of 1 200

to 1,600 m. higher mountain ranges separate this from land alongside Lake Malawi in

the Rift Valley at 500 m. The landscape is a mixture of grassland with granite outcrop,

natural woodland and commercial pine plantations on the mountains and some

bamboo forest nearer the lake. The wet season is November to April with almost no

rainfall at other times. The higher altitudes have moderate temperatures and can be

cold in June and July.

The main town is Dedza Township located on the M1 road 85km south of Lilongwe.

The town has banks, post office, petrol stations, accommodation and a range of

shops. There are smaller market towns with a post office, police station, shops and

market—Lobi, Linthipe, Mayani, Mtakataka. Most of the people live in rural villages as

subsistence farmers.

Zeal City (Salima District)

This is where the Zeal city shall be built; Salima is a district in the Central Region of

Malawi. The capital is Salima. The district covers an area of 2,196 km.² and has a

population of 248,214. The beach at Senga Bay is the weekend retreat of many from

the capital, Lilongwe, and has hosted the annual Lake of Stars festival since 2008,

when it was moved from Chintheche in order to be less remote. There is a range of

accommodation options in the area, though most are a few km off the main road.

Zoe City (Mzimba district)

This is where the Zoe city shall be built Mzimba is a district in the Northern Region of

Malawi. The capital is Mzimba. The district covers an area of 10,430 km.² and has a

population of 610,944.


There are eleven National Assembly constituencies in Mzimba: Mzimba Central,

Mzimba East, Mzimba Hora, Mzimba Luwelezi, Mzimba North, Mzimba North East,

Mzimba Solora, Mzimba South, Mzimba South East, Mzimba South West and Mzimba

West. Since the 2009 election all of these constituencies have been held by members

of the Democratic Progressive Party.

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Governing of 5MJC

The government of 5Major Cities shall be organized under the Cities Charter & shall

provide "strong" mayor-council system. The cities governing shall be more centralized

with the cities governments being responsible for public education, correctional

institutions, libraries, public safety, recreational facilities and sanitation, water supply

and welfare services.

The mayors of the cities shall be elected to a four-year term and they shall be

responsible for the administration of cities governments. The Council in each city shall

be the unicameral body consisting of 52 members, each elected for four year terms.

The Cities political geography shall be made up of five municipalities, each

coterminous with one of five counties of the City.

Executive branch

The Executive branch of each City shall consist of the Mayor, the Public Advocate,

the Comptroller, and five municipalities President. The heads of each city department

shall be appointed by the mayor. The mayor shall also appoint several Deputy Mayors

to head major offices within the executive branch of each city government. Deputy

Mayors shall report directly to the Mayor.

Mayors of 5major cities

The Mayors shall be responsible for all city services, police and fire protection,

enforcement of all city and state laws within the cities, and administration of public

property and most public agencies. The mayors shall directly be elected by popular

vote for a four-year term.

Public Advocate

5Major Cities Public Advocates

The Public Advocates shall directly be elected by the executive officials and shall

head the Office of the Public Advocates. The Public Advocate's primary responsibility

shall be to ease public relations with the government, investigate complaints

regarding city agencies, mediate disputes between city agencies and citizens, serve

as the city's ombudsman and advise the mayor on community relations. The Public

Advocates shall be an ex-officio member of all Council committees and shall be

permitted to introduce legislation in the Council. The position of Public Advocates

shall have little real enforceable authority.


The Comptrollers shall be the cities chief financial officers, who shall be elected

directly by members of the cities. In addition to managing the cities pension funds,

the Comptrollers shall advise the Mayors and the Cities Council on all financial

matters, fiscal policy and financial transactions. The Office of the Comptrollers shall

be empowered with limited investigational power over all cities expenditures and

finance, and shall be responsible for auditing the finances of all city agencies. The

Comptrollers shall be trustee’s on four of the five City pension funds, and shall serve as

investment advisors to all five, representing a large amount of assets, meaning they

shall be responsible for managing the assets of the pension funds. The Comptrollers

shall be responsible for issuing and marketing all city bonds.

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The Comptroller shall stand second, after the Public Advocates, in the line to succeed

mayors who have become unable to serve.

Public Advocates shall stand first in line of succession to the mayoralty in the event of

inability or incapacity of the mayors to continue in office, until a new election can be


Borough Presidents

The 15 boroughs of 5MJC shall be coterminous with their respective counties, but the

counties shall not have actual county governments. Each borough shall elect a

borough President by direct popular vote. Under the city’s charter, the borough

President's powers shall be limited. The last significant power of the borough

president— shall be to appoint members of the Board of Education.

borough s’ presidents shall advise Mayors on issues relating each borough, comments

on all land use items in their borough’s advocate municipality needs in the annual

municipal budget process, administer a small discretionary budget for projects within

each town, appoint Community Boards, and chair the Borough Boards.

5MJC Departments

In order to have everything well structured in the cities. 5MJC shall have 28

departments that shall deliver different important functions in the cities, these

departments includes:

Buildings Department

City Planning Department

Citywide Administrative Services Department

Consumer Affairs Department

Correction Department

Cultural Affairs Department

Design & Construction Department

Education Department

Environmental Protection Department

Finance Department

Fire Department

Health & Mental Hygiene Department

Homelessness Services Department

Housing Preservation and Development Department

Human Resources Department

Information Technology & Telecommunications Department

Investigation Department

Juvenile Justice Department

Police Department

Probation Department

Law Department

Parks & Recreation Department

Records and Information Services Department

Sanitation Department

Small Business Services Department

Transportation Department

Youth & Community Development Department

Department of Entertainment and Media

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The 5MJC Council

Shall be the lawmaking body of all the 5major cities. It shall have 52 members from 52

council districts throughout the boroughs of the cities. The Council shall serve as a

check against the mayor in a "strong" mayor-council government model.

The council shall monitor performance of city agencies and shall make land use

decisions as well as legislating on a variety of other issues.

The City Council shall also have the sole responsibility for approving the city budget

and each member shall be limited to four consecutive terms in office and shall be

able to run again after a four year interval.

The head of the City Council shall be called the orator. The orator shall set the

agenda and shall preside at the meetings of the City Council. Proposed legislation

shall be submitted through the orator’s Office.

The Council shall have 35 committees with oversight of various functions of the cities

governments. Each council member shall sit on at least three standing, select or

subcommittees. The standing committees shall meet at least once per month. The

orator of the Council, the Majority Leader, and the Minority Leader shall all be the ex

officio members of every committee.

Council members shall be elected every four years.

Orator of the City Council

This office shall be elected by the members of the Council. It shall not be in the

immediate line of succession to the mayoralty between elections.

Standing Committees


Civil Rights

Civil Service & Labour

Community Development

(Select Committee)

Consumer Affairs


Cultural Affairs, Libraries &

International Intergroup


Economic Development


Environmental Protection


Fire & Criminal Justice Services

General Welfare

City Operations


Higher Education

Housing & Buildings


Juvenile Justice

Land Use

City Redevelopment

Mental Health, Developmental

Disability, Alcoholism, Drug Abuse and

Disability Services

Oversight and Investigations

Parks & Recreation

Public Safety

Rules, Privileges & Elections

Sanitation & Solid Waste Management

Small Business

Standards & Ethics

State & Federal Legislation

Technology in the Cities




Women's Issues

Youth Services

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Drug Abuse

Landmarks, Public Siting and Maritime Uses


Planning, Dispositions and Concessions

Public Housing

Senior Centers

Zoning and Franchises

The Role of the City Council

The Council shall monitor the operation and performance of city agencies; it shall

make land use decisions and shall approve the city's budget. It shall also legislate on

a wide range of other subjects. The Council shall be an equal partner with the mayors

in the governing of the 5major cities.


The budget shall be the centrepiece of policy making in the cities governments.

Through the budget, the Council shall establish priorities, and shall allocate resources

and shall set the policy agenda for the year. It shall be the single most important

municipal document that shall affect the lives of the city residents.

While the mayor shall propose the city's spending priorities for the upcoming year, the

council shall have the final budget approval powers. During the budget process, the

Council shall be able to change budget priorities and add special "terms and

conditions"requiring city agencies to report to the Council on how specific monies are

being spent throughout the year.

Land Use

Under the City’s Charter the Council shall acquire the power to review land use issues

and approve zoning changes, housing and urban renewal plans, community

development plans and the disposition of city-owned property. This power shall give

the Council the most significant voice in the growth and development of the cities.


The Council shall hold regular oversight hearings on city agencies to determine how

agency programs are working and whether budgeted funds are being well spent.


As the legislative body, the Council shall make and pass the laws governing the cities.

The Council shall pass landmark legislation on designated smoking areas in public

places, campaign finance, anti-apartheid, solid-waste recycling and restrictions on

assault weapons. Legislation pending in the Council shall be called an Introduction,

and shall be assigned a number. When an Introduction is signed by the Mayor it shall

become a local law and shall be assigned a new number.

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The Committee System

Most of the Council's legislative work shall be done in committee. It shall be there that

proposed legislation shall be initially debated by the members of other city branches

and the public shall be given a chance to comment.

Each Council Member shall serve on at least three of the Council's standing

committees, sub- and select committees and panels. The standing committees shall

meet at least once a month unless the Charter mandates otherwise. Committee

assignments shall be made by the Committee on Rules, Privileges and Elections and

voted on by the entire Council.

Most Council hearings shall be held in the Council Chambers or the adjoining

Committee Room in City Hall. Hearings shall also be held in one of the rooms of the

city hall. Meetings of the entire Council shall be referred to as Stated Meetings and

shall be held twice a month at the City Hall. A weekly schedule of Council hearings

shall be available in the Council's Office of Communications in the City Hall.

The Council Orator

The Council Orator shall be elected by the council members and shall primarily be

responsible for obtaining consensus on major issues. The representative for the position

of Minority Leader shall be elected from among the party with the next largest


5MJC Council of Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policy.

The 5MJC Council of Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policy shall be committed to

maintain a workplace free of discrimination and harassment. The policy shall apply to

all Members and employees of the Council and their conduct towards other

Members and employees of the Council. The policy shall include the type of conduct

that is prohibited, the process for making complaints under this policy and how such

complaints shall be resolved.

2. Company Description

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5MJC Proprietorship

5MJC is yet to be registered as a corporation from sole proprietorship so that we can

open up for investment opportunities and make the company capable of raising

finances through selling stocks and bonds.


5MJC is dedicated to offer very important products and services that have got high

potential of making unprecedented returns and these products and services

includes, Buildings and Neighborhoods,Education(kindergarten, primary and

secondary school, Colleges and universities, museums, libraries,

Transportation(electric trains, Buses, taxi cabs,Aiprlanes and ships, seaports, Road and

Rail network, airports, filling stations, Medical services (hospitals and health centres)

Tourism, hotels and restaurants, Media (television and radio, magazines and news

papers, Entertainments, (Sports, Music, Films and theatre) Electricity, Water Supply,

Sanitation Services, Security services (police) Legal services, Parks and Recreation


Financial Goal and Strategy

The financial goal of 5MJC is $1.5 trillion for the building of all the 5major cities and

thus Shekinah city (the largest of all five cities) shall be built with a budget of $500BN

and Heaven’s Gate City shall be built with a budget of $300BN and Zion City shall be

built with a budget of $200BN and Zoe City shall be built with $250BN and Zeal City

shall be built with a budget of $250BN.

In order to reach out to our ($1.5trillion) financial goal we plan to work with a large

network of angel investors and Venture Capitalist’s which are capable of investing up

to Billions of US dollars.

For example Zone Ventures who are based in the united states of America and they

invest in, IT Services, Media and Entertainment, Networking and Equipment Software

or the Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe venture capital firm and they focus their

investments in IT Services, health care, business products and services. 5MJC shall

work with such agencies to invest so that we can achieve financial practicability for

the 5major cities projects and create rapid revenues from the implementation. To

contact such investors we shall develop very sound proposals that shall be

developed by some of the best renowned business consultants.

5MJC also plans to work with individual investors in order to reach out to the targeted

financial goal of $1.5trillion. We plan to open up a free to air TV channel with its signal

carried throughout the whole world, so that we can get investors from oversees

nations. Outreaching to the masses through media television can help us reach our

financial goal rapidly in a sense that, we shall increase our chances of having more

investors when we publicise our services to millions of people around the globe.

There are 1210 billionaires in the World billionaires list of Forbes with a net worth of

$4trillion 5MJC has learned. Therefore we plan to launch a campaign to be in

contact with 1000 billionaires and invite each billionaire to invest $1.5BN into the 5mjc

project so that we can reach out to our financial goal of $1.5trillion.

3. Start up Funding Requirements

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<< 5MJC requires start up funds, in order to set out the company projects in operation

and work on towards raising the funds for the big financial goal.

Start-up funding Requirements

Start-up Expenses

Legal $500*12months

Consultants $15,000*12months

Insurance $15,000

Rent $2,000*12months

Office equipment/computers, furniture, desks and

tables, printers and

photocopiers/internet/shelves/brochures and







Television Channel

Television equipments



Employee salaries $50,000

Transportation $200,000

Total Assets

Total Requirements $7,091,000.00

Invest into this project

The project promises good returns

Investing into this project will ensure money investment loss protection and good

returns, since it’s a city business it has the advantage of receiving business people

who would want to rent in the city facilities.

And since these are major cities they shall have all those doing businesses and all

those living in the cities, including those from far countries use the facilities of the cities

like transportation, tourism, entertainment, accommodation and education “just to

mention a few” and this shall ensure the inevitability of use of the city resources but at

a cost and that’s why investing into these cities shall ensure no loss of your money.

The project is beneficial to the world’s economy

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Your investment into this project is important not only because it is capable of giving

you good returns but also will enhance the global economy in a sense that:

It will promote trade between nations around the globe

The availability of good transportation like, air cargo, Cargo ships, and the availability

of electricity and a good road network will ensure the possibility of trade between

the nation of Malawi and other nations, then that means other products from

overseas nations will find a ground of market since a way has been created and the

need in the Africa’s economy will start being met since there will be the availability of

those resources that the continent needed being distributed well in the countries of

the continent from these cities.

It will promote market of goods between nations around the globe

In the city there shall be other features like football leagues, basketball leagues, Music

competitions, and businesses that will be televised globally for others who have liked

them, to buy into them and this will help market city goods and services around the

world for others to use.

Africa is very rich in resources but is lacking good facilitation of those resources to

make sells; therefore implementation of these cities will ensure effective facilitation of

different important resources that are vital for the use of people around the globe.

And different companies in these cities will perform this kind of task. There are also

many companies that offer very important products around the globe but fail to

deliver their services to Africa because most of the African countries lack good

grounds on which those services can flourish for example problems of electricity and

transportation facilities can be one of the reasons but with the implementation of

these cities there are going to be many of the companies with their products

activated in the continent of Africa.

4. Staffing and Operations 5MJC plans to employ very innovative and competent people to serve on 5MJC

board. We also want to employ competent people from across the globe whose

services can help to elevate the company to another level..

5MJC Management setup

The management of 5MJC shall consist of the Chairman as the first authority in the

hierarchy and then shall come the executive branch which shall consist of the mayor,

the public advocate, the comptroller and the borough presidents. All the members in

the executive branch shall be responsible for driving the organization to its destination

and they shall be business minded people.

After the executive branch shall come the 5MJC council which shall serve the

company’s business purposes. After the 5MJC council shall come the council

committee’s and then shall come the 5MJC departments whose leaders shall head

the departments with a business mind.

5MJC Organization Structure

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Founder & Chairman

The Executive Branch

The Mayors

The Comptrollers

The Public advocates

The Borough Presidents

The 5MJC Council

The Council Committees

The 5MJC Departments


5MJC plans to hire competent employees who have got great credentials from well

recognised universities such as Harvard University or the regent university. We shall also

hire people who have ever worked for major cities, for example we can hire the

former New York City public advocate to serve as a mayor of one of the cities of


Training Plans

5MJC plans to constantly put its employees in training in order to make them capable

of delivering their services effectively when they are on duty. Therefore we shall hire

expertise from world renowned consultants like N2growth, to train our staff on

different topics.

5. The 5MJC Departments & their Responsibilities

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On this section you are going to read about the 5major cities departments and their

responsibilities. In order to achieve the company goals, 5MJC shall work with its

departments to establish company plans and purpose.

For example the Shekinah City Airport shall be built under the guidance and

management of the 5MJC Transport department. The department shall be

responsible for a number of transport projects.

The Department of Transportation

The Department of Transportation's responsibilities shall include day-to-day

maintenance of the city's streets, highways, bridges and sidewalks. The Department

of Transportation shall also be responsible for installing and maintaining the cities

street signs, traffic signals and street lights. The Department shall supervise street

resurfacing, pothole repair, parking meter installation and maintenance, and the

management of all citywide networks of municipal parking facilities.

The Department shall also be responsible for oversight of transportation-related issues,

such as city contracts for special education transportation services and issuance of

transport-related permits for vehicles and construction. The department shall also

advocate for transportation safety issues, including promotion of pedestrian and

bicycle safety. The department shall be responsible for buying and managing taxi

cars, electric trains, Buses, bicycles and 5MJC airplanes.

5MJC Taxi and Limousine Commission

There shall be about13, 237 taxis operating in all the 5major Cities, and 40,000 other

for-hire vehicles. Their distinctive Black and white paint shall make the icons. Taxicabs

shall be operated and licensed by 5MJC Taxi and Limousine Commission. The black

and white cabs, shall the only vehicles in the city that shall be permitted to pick up


Bus transit

The bus network in each city shall be extensive, with over 5,900 buses carrying

thousands of passengers every day on different routes. Buses owned by 5MJC shall

account for 80% of each city's surface mass transit.

Buses shall be labeled with a number and a prefix identifying the primary municipality

for each city.

In each city there shall be Terminals that shall serve as main gateway for interstate

buses into each city. The terminal shall serve both commuter routes and other

national routes.


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Commuter rail network shall connect the suburbs in different regions to each city, and

shall consist of two different Railroads. The network systems in each city shall

converge at two terminals and Stations and shall contain more than 250 stations and

20 rail lines. Each city shall serve about 7,000 buses and 200,000 commuters daily.

The aerial tramway shall transport commuters from different regions of the Cities. The

Cities shall be home to some of the busiest rail stations and Terminal. The Mass train

transit in each City shall run 24 hours a day and about one in every three users of

mass train transit in each municipality and two-thirds of the nation's rail riders shall live

in these cities and their suburbs. The iconic City Subway system shall be the busiest in

many terminals.


Cycling in each City shall also be a mode of transportation, a large number of city

residents shall use bicycle on a typical day and make many trips each day even

more than other bus routes in each city. The each city shall have bike lanes; every

municipality in each city shall have bike lanes that shall be extended even on bridges

across Rivers of each city. Each city shall annually host the recreational cycling events

in each city's municipality.

There shall be more than 500 people in each city who shall annually work as pedicab

drivers, who shall handle many passengers. All the pedicab drivers in each city shall

be employed by the 5MJC company and licensed by each city’s council.


Horses in all the five major cities shall be one of the best ways of transportation. There

shall be horse Cabs in each city that shall serve thousands of residents in each city

and 5mjc shall be responsible for hiring Horse Cabs and the administration of the

horse cabs service.


Each city shall have shall have top international airports, namely Shekinah City airport,

Heaven’s Gate city airport, Zion City Airport, Zoe City Airport and Zeal City Airport.

Millions of travellers shall use these Airports and each city's airport shall be the busiest.

The Airports shall have Terminals that shall have very large entry points for

international arrivals.

The city’s airports shall be served by some of the closest transportation services like

Buses, Taxi cabs and regional rail services that shall convey all those who have just

arrived from the airport into their destination within the city, the Airports shall serve

domestic and international flights, the outbound international travel shall account for

travellers who go overseas and the inward shall cater for travellers domestic


Shekinah city Airport shall be the major entry point for international arrivals in all the

5Major Cities and shall be the largest international air freight gateway in all the cities

by value of shipments. About 100 airlines from more than 50 countries shall operate

direct flights to Shekinah City airports. All the Airports shall have public heliports that

shall be used mostly by business travellers.

5MJC Airplanes

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The 5MJC airplanes shall include Shekinah City Airways (SCA), Heaven’s Gate City

Airways (HGCA), Zoe City Airline, (ZCA) Zeal City Airline (ZECA) and Zion City Airline


The airlines shall have large fleet size, international flights, and international

destinations. The airlines shall carry millions of passengers and shall have License, to

carry passengers, cargo, and mail on aircraft with 20 or more seats. Each airline shall

have its base in each city for example; Shekinah City Airways (SCA) shall have its base

at Shekinah City Airport, Heaven’s Gate City Airways (HGCA) shall have its base at

Heaven’s Gate city airport,, Zoe City Airline shall its base at Zoe City Airport, (ZCA)

Zeal City Airline shall its base at Zeal City Airport (ZELCA) and Zion City Airline shall

have its base at Zion City Airport (ZICA).

All the Airlines shall serve nearly 150 destinations.

5MJC Airplanes Cargo

There shall be airplanes in all the cities that shall serve as world cargo airplanes. The

5MJC World Cargo Airplanes shall have global freight opportunities through the

Airways flight routes.

The 5MJC World Cargo Airplanes shall open World Cargo canters in all the 5major

Cities Airports and they shall be automated freight handling centre’s capable of

handling unusual and premium cargo, and fresh produce, of which it shall handle

over 80,000 tons per year.

Shekinah City International Airport


Direction Length

Surface Ft M

4L/22R 11,351 3,460 Asphalt

4R/22L 8,400 2,560 Asphalt

13L/31R 10,000 3,048 Asphalt

13R/31L 14,572 4,441 Concrete


Number Length

Surface Ft M

H1 60 18 Asphalt

H2 60 18 Asphalt

H3 60 18 Asphalt

H4 60 18 Asphalt

Statistics (2011)

Aircraft operations (ACI) 408,913

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Passengers (ACI) 47,683,529

Shekinah City International Airport

Shekinah City International Airport shall be an international airport located in the

borough of Charisa in Shekinah City.

Shekinah City Airport shall be one of the busiest international air passenger gateway

into the nation of Malawi, handling more international traffic than any other airport in


It shall also be the leading freight gateway to the country by value of shipments. The

airport shall be able to handle about 47,809,910 passengers, making it one of the

busiest in terms of passenger traffic.

Over ninety airlines shall operate out of Shekinah city airport. It shall have a base of

operations for Shekinah city airline and shall be a major international gateway hub for

Zeal City airline and Zion City airline.

Runways and operational infrastructure

Four runways (two pairs of parallel runways) shall surround the airport's central

terminal area.

Number Length Width ILS Notes




(4,442 m)



(61 m)

Cat. I (31L)

It shall be the second-longest commercial

runway in Africa. Adjacent to Terminals 1, 2

and 3. It shall handle approximately one half

of the airport's scheduled departures. The

runway shall be 200 feet (61 m) wide with a

concrete base instead of asphalt. This

runway shall be able to handle the Airbus


4R–22L 8,400 feet

(2,560 m)



(61 m)

Cat. III



Equipped at both ends with Approach

Lighting Systems (ALS) with sequenced

flashers, and touchdown zone (TDZ) lighting.

The Engineered Materials Arresting System

(EMAS) shall be installed at the northeast end

of the runway.




(3,460 m)



(46 m)

Cat. I (both


Adjacent to Terminals 4 and 5. Both ends shall

allow instrument landings down to three-

quarters of a mile visibility. Takeoffs shall be

conducted with one-eighth of a mile visibility.




(3,048 m)



(46 m)

Cat. II

(13L); Cat. I


Equipped at both ends with ILS and ALS

systems. Runway 13L shall have two

additional visual aids for landing aircraft, a

Visual Approach Slope Indicator System

(VASI) and a Lead-In Lighting System (LDIN).

The ILS on 13L, along with TDZ lighting, shall

allow landings down to half a mile visibility.

Takeoffs shall be made with visibility of one-

eighth of a mile.

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Shekinah City airport shall have over 25 miles (40 km) of taxiways to move aircraft in

and around the airfield.

The standard width of these taxiways shall be 75 feet (23 m), with 25-foot (7.6 m)

heavy-duty shoulders and 25-foot (7.6 m) erosion control pavements on each side.

The taxiways shall have centreline lights and shall generally be of asphalt concrete

composition 15 to 18 inches (460 mm) thick. An illuminated sign system shall provide

directional information for taxiing aircraft.

The Air Traffic Control Tower, shall be on the ramp-side of Terminal 4, and shall do FAA


An Airport Surface Detection Equipment (ASDE) radar unit shall sit atop the tower. A

gas-fired electric cogeneration plant shall generate electricity for the airport, with an

output of about 90 megawatts. It shall use thermal energy from the capture of waste

heat to heat and cool all of the passenger terminals and other facilities in the central

terminal area.

Aircraft service facilities shall include seven aircraft hangars, an engine overhaul

building, a 32-million-gallon (120,000 m3) aircraft fuel storage facility, and a truck



Shekinah City shall have seven terminals containing 151 gates, numbered 1–8. The

terminal buildings shall be arranged in a deformed v-shaped wavy pattern around a

central area containing parking, hotels, a power plant, and other airport facilities. The

terminals shall be connected by the Air Train system and shall access roads. There

shall be a way finding signage throughout the terminals.

Terminal 1

Terminal 1 shall have the ability to handle Airbus A380 aircraft. It shall be one of two

terminals (along with Terminal 4) having the capacity to carry the superjumbo

aircraft. Terminal 1 shall have 11 gates.

Terminal 2

Terminal 2 shall have 7 Jet way-equipped gates (20–22, 26–29) and 17 stands for

Connection carriers (23A–H, 23J, 25K–N, 25P–S).

Terminal 3

Terminal 3 Worldport

Terminal 3 shall be built as the World port.

Shekinah city airline shall use the entire terminal, and shall have a connector to

Terminal 2, its other terminal at Shekinah City airport. Terminal 3 shall have 16 Jetway

equipped gates: 1–10, 12, 14–18 with two hardstand gates (Gate 11) and a helipad

on Taxiway.

A $1.2 billion project shall be constructed for terminal 4, and that’s where Shekinah

city airways shall have its T3 operations. Additional aircraft parking stands to speed

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up ground handling shall be constructed and a connector between T2 and T4 for

Shekinah city airways transfers shall be constructed.

Terminal 4

Terminal 4, the international terminal, shall be able to handle the Airbus A380 and

shall be managed by an airline company. Terminal 4 shall be a major gateway for

international arrivals at Shekinah City. The 1,500,000-square-foot (140,000 m2) building

shall be built at a cost of $1.4 billion.

Terminal 4 shall have 17 gates in two concourses: A2–A7, B20, B22–B31. The number of

gates shall be expanded for all of Shekinah City airlines international flights to operate

well from Terminal 4.

Concourse A: shall have six gates, numbered A2–A7. Concourse B shall have eleven

gates, numbered B20–B31, with the exclusion of B21. As Terminal 4 have 2 terminals

built inside the terminal4 building.

Terminal 4 shall have shopping malls which shall offer a wide range of retail options

before security so that passengers and their families can enjoy shopping and dining


Chapels shall be located on the fourth floor (departure level).

The terminal shall be expanded, to nine new international gates, additional baggage

space, customs and border-security facilities, and shall serve many international

airlines daily, including Aer Lingus, Brazilian leading carrier TAM Airlines, and several

from the east, such as EgyptAir, Emirates, and Etihad Airways.

Terminal 5

The terminal shall be known for its many gift shops and gourmet restaurants, including

a steak house and a sushi restaurant. It shall also have some other sub terminals on

the inside of it.

The active T5 building shall have 26 gates: 1–12, 14–27. There is no gate. The terminal

shall be used by other Airlines, which shall have partnership with Shekinah City airline.

Terminal 7

Terminals 6 and 7

Terminal 7

The terminal shall constantly be renovated and expanded at a cost of $120 million

and shall be constructed by worlds renowned architects. The $251 million project shall

be designed and completed by renowned architects.

The terminal shall have 12 gates. 18-month-long project to enhance its premium

ground facilities at the terminal.

Terminal 8

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Terminal 8 shall be the largest passenger terminal at Shekinah city airport.

The terminal shall be built in phases, which shall involve the construction of a midfield

concourse. It shall be a major terminal, and shall host major international airlines.

The terminal shall offer dozens of retail and food outlets, 84 ticket counters, 44 self-

service kiosks, 10 security checkpoint lanes and Customs and Border Protection facility

that shall process more than 1,600 people an hour.

Terminal 8 shall have an annual capacity of 12.8M passengers. It shall have a

Flagship Lounge for premium class passengers.

Terminal 8 shall have 29 gates: 12 gates in Concourse B (1–8, 10, 12, 14, and 16) and

17 gates in Concourse C (31–47). Gate 31 shall further be subdivided into 5 regional

service gates for small jets, 31A–31E. Gate 32 shall be subdivided into 4 regional

service gates for small jets, 32F–32I. The total number of jet bridges shall be 36.

Passenger access to Concourse shall be by an underground tunnel which shall

include moving walkways.


In all the 5mojor cities there shall be natural advantages of deep water channels from

the surrounding water bodies for example Zeal City in Salima district shall be one of

the most important ports in all the City and the busiest because it shall be supplied by

lake Malawi as its efficient transformational waterway. Each year millions of tons of

ocean borne general cargo shall move through the cities ports, including 4.5 million

twenty-foot equivalent units of containerized cargo. Approximately more than 5,300

ships shall be able to deliver goods to the ports in every city. There shall be three

cargo terminals in each City port and other additional cargo terminals and

passenger terminals shall be constructed in other regions of the city.

Jude (ship)

About Jude Ship

The Jude shall be a transatlantic ocean ship and she shall be a major ocean ship,

and shall be one of the longest, widest and tallest passenger ship ever built and with

her gross tonnage of 148,528 and it shall operate and deliver services in all the 5major


The Jude Ship shall be intended to routinely cross the Atlantic Ocean, and shall

therefore be designed differently from many other passenger ships. Jude ship shall

have a maximum speed of over 30 knots (56 km/h; 35 mph) and a cruising speed of

26 knots (48 km/h; 30 mph),which is much faster than a contemporary cruise ship.

Instead of the diesel-electric configuration found on many ships, Jude ship shall use

integrated electric propulsion in order to achieve her top speed and These shall use

gas turbines to augment the power generated from the ship's diesels. Jude’s facilities

shall include 10 restaurants and 5 hotels and, five swimming pools, a theatre, a small

golf field and a garden centre.

Jude ship shall be one of the few ships afloat, to have remnants of a class system on

board, as seen in her dining options. The ship shall host so many events which shall

include weddings, Music, Dances, Sports, executive meetings, Awards and other.

Jude shall have about 14,164-square-metre (3.500-acre) of exterior deck space, with

wind screens to shield passengers as the ship shall travel at high speeds. Four of the

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ship's five swimming pools shall be outdoors. One of the pools on Deck 12 shall be

covered with a retractable magrodome.

The promenade shall pass behind the bridge screen and shall allow passengers to

completely circumnavigate the deck while protected from the strong winds

generated by the ship at speed. One circuit of the promenade shall be a distance of

620 m (2,030 ft). The flanking promenades shall be created by the need to step the

superstructure in, to allow for space for lifeboats. By Main standards the lifeboats shall

be lower on the ship's hull (15 m (49 ft) above the waterline), but for the sake of the

ship appearance and for the sake of avoiding the danger of the large Atlantic waves

from damaging the boats, the boats shall be 25 m (82 ft) above the waterline.

Spherical bow of Jude Ship

The Jude ship shall be too large to dock in many ports; passengers shall be ferried to

and from the ship in tenders, which shall be used as lifeboats in an emergency. While

at sea, these shall be stored in davits alongside the lifeboats. To transport passengers

to the shore, the tenders shall pull up to one of the four loading stations, each of

which shall have a large hull door that hydraulically opens outwards to form a

boarding platform, complete with railing and decking. The ship shall move around in

different continents around the globe and some of these continents include: Africa,

the ship’s home continent, America, Europe, and Asia. The Jude ship shall

circumnavigate South America in order to cross between the Atlantic and Pacific.


Many of the major public rooms on board shall be on the lowest public decks of the

ship, with the passenger cabin stacked above. The design shall allow larger rooms to

be contained within the stronger hull, as well as for more passenger cabins to have

private balconies higher up on the ship, where they shall be less affected by large

waves. The dining rooms shall be placed further aft, though not directly at the stern,

so that the fore and the aft pitching of the ship is most noticeable, and where

vibration from the propellers at full speed might cause discomfort to dining


Deck 2, the lowest passenger deck, shall contain the illuminations theatre, cinema

and planetarium, Court Theatre; luxurious Lobby; and the lower level of the "Jude

Restaurant". Deck 3 shall hold the upper levels of "Illuminations", the "Court theatre"

and the "Jude Restaurant", as well as a small shopping arcade the Chart Room and

the Executive Room. The other main public deck shall be Deck 7, on which their shall

be a Ranch "a Garden", "executive court", the “Grill Lounge", and restaurants for

higher-fare passengers. The public rooms on Deck 8 shall include English Restaurants,

an 8,000-volume library, a book shop and the upper part of the Jude Ranch. Also on

Deck 8 their shall be a large outdoor pool and terrace at the stern.

Jude Electricity

The Jude's power plant shall comprise of both four sixteen cylinder Wärtsilä 16V46CR

Enviro Engine marine diesel engines generating a combined 67,200 kW (90,100 hp) at

514 rpm, as well as two General Electric LM2500+ gas turbines which together shall

provide a further 50,000 kW (67,000 hp) all of which shall be converted into electricity

used to power electric motors which drive the propellers.


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More than 5000 commissioned works of art shall be visible in Jude's public rooms,

corridors, staterooms and lobbies, which shall be created by 128 artists from sixteen

different countries.

Water supply

Fresh water aboard Jude ship shall be supplied by three seawater desalination plants,

each with a capacity of 630,000 litres (170,000 US gal) per day, shall use multiple

effect plate (MEP) distillation technology. The plants' energy shall be supplied

primarily by steam and cooling water from the ship's gas turbines and diesel engines,

or if needed by steam from the ship's two oil-fired boilers. Average total water

production shall be 1,100,000 litres (290,000 US gal) per day with a capacity of

1,890,000 litres (500,000 US gal) so that there should be ample spare capacity. Potable

water tanks shall have a capacity of 3,830,000 litres (1,010,000 US gal) which shall be

enough for more than three days of supply.

Horses (horse cabs)

Horses in all the five major cities shall be one of the best ways of transportation. There

shall be horse Cabs in each city that shall serve thousands of residents in each city

and 5mjc shall be responsible for hiring Horse Cabs and the administration of the

horse cabs service.

5MJC City Planning Commission

The City Planning Commission shall be created under the City Charter and It shall

have members, all of whom shall be appointed by the Mayors and shall be given

responsibility of creating master plans.

The Commission shall operate under the terms of the city Charter, with 13 members in

each city. The board shall consists of a chair, who shall serve at the Mayor's pleasure,

and 12 other members who shall serve terms in office for five years on a staggered

basis. The Mayor in each city shall appoint the chair, who shall serve ex officio as the

Director of City Planning, and six other members. Each municipality President shall

appoint a single member.

The 5MJC Department of Design and Construction

(DDC) shall build many of the civic facilities which many of the city residents shall use

every day. As the City’s primary capital construction project managers, they shall

provide communities with new or renovated facilities such as firehouses, libraries,

police precincts, courthouses and senior canters. To successfully manage this

portfolio they shall partner with other City agencies, as well as with emerging and

world-renowned architects and consultants whose experience and creativity shall

bring efficient, innovative, and environmentally-conscious design and construction

strategies to the projects that shall be built.

The department shall have almost 1200 staff members who shall deliver well-built

roadway, sewer and water main construction projects in all the cities municipalities

and they shall be dedicated to complete more than 500 miles of new roadway, 600

miles of water mains, 400 miles of storm and sanitary sewers, and installed more than

42,000 sidewalk pedestrian ramps – all of which shall be essential for a vibrant cities

like shekinah, Heaven’s gate, Zeal, Zoe and Zion.

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With good leadership in design and construction the department shall be responsible

for providing City residents with buildings and services that shall be socially

responsible, progressively designed and environmentally sound.

The department shall focus on engaging firms with exceptional design expertise and

implementing innovative procurement, design and construction standards and

Infrastructure programs that shall enhance natural storm water drainage and

underscore efforts to respect the natural environment. Micro-tunnelling projects shall

use subsurface trenchless drilling technology which shall minimize construction

inconveniences to residents and businesses.

5MJC City Department of Buildings

The Department of Buildings shall have separate offices for each City borough, each

handling permitting and enforcement for that part of the City. Each office shall be

overseen by municipality Commissioners and one or more Deputy Municipality

Commissioners. At the senior level, Commissioners and Deputies shall report directly to

the Mayors.

The Department shall have staff of 1,100, including Plan Examiners who review

building plans and permit applications, and 426 building inspectors who shall visit

existing buildings and new construction to ensure that they are safe and shall comply

with all applicable laws and regulations. The Department shall issue 110,000 work

permits annually, and shall perform 324,000 inspections each year.

The department shall be responsible for building very tall, beautiful and artistic

buildings and Neighbourhoods that shall serve those who shall be working in the cities.

For example Shekinah City shall have a high-rise of buildings in two main

concentrations: the upper town and the lower town, each with its own uniquely

recognizable skyline. The upper town shall carry a large business area and shall be a

busy place and a home to most of the notable buildings like Trinity and seraphim



The department shall build excellent neighbourhoods like,

Eden Garden and Jasper

In Shekinah City Jasper shall boasts of its square boulevard along the river and a very

spectacular bridge and other great architecture, surrounding the neighbourhood

and Eden garden shall boasts of its nearby restaurants, busloads of tourists, including

tram and train transportation and the nearby park itself shall also bring beauty to the

neighbourhood because of its vast acres surrounding the neighbourhood.

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Blue Stone and Ice Land neighbourhoods in Zion City

Blue stone shall boast of the farms and the industrial sites that’s shall surround it and

the nearby road network and the airport, the bus stage and train stage the inside mini

shops, banks, nice trees and very big fence that shall surround it.

Ice Land

shall boasts of the farms and the industrial site the village shall be close to, the road

network and the airport also that shall be closer to the village, It shall also be supplied

with bus stage, train stage and airport stage. Inside the village shall be mini shops,

banks, nice trees surrounding it and a very big fence shall surround it.

Chisomo and Utatu Neighbourhoods

Chisomo shall boasts of its little distance to the city and its closeness to the road

network that takes you to the city and its shopping malls, hair salons, barber shops,

beauty shops and fabric shops.

Dynamic and Golden Neighborhoods in Heaven’s Gate City

Dynamic Neighborhood this family friendly neighborhood shall boast’s of its

surrounding entertainment places, like football stadium, hockey stadium, clubs, and

film theatres and also its surrounding shopping malls, road networks, avenues, barber

shops and hair salons. Golden village shall boast’s its very beautiful neighborhood

and expensive houses, probably It shall be a home for millionaires, celebrities and

other public figures.

Moyo and Luntha Neighborhoods in Zeal City

Moyo neighbourhood shall boast’s of its closeness to the cities busy avenues, internet

cafés, Post offices, Pharmacies, Laboratories and hospitals.

It shall be surrounded by trees and other road networks, including railway network.

Luntha shall boast’s of its closeness to Technology Museum and Zeal city port, a road

network that shall take you to the city. Gardens and trees shall also surround this city,

Luntha shall also be surrounded by, a Local market, (that sells farm produce) and

stores shall surround this neighbor Hood.

The 5MJC Department of Education (5MJCDOE)

The department shall have municipal branches in all the 5major cities that shall

manage each city's public school system. It shall have a large school system with

over 1.1 million students taught in more than 1,700 separate schools in all of the 5

major cities. The department shall cover all the municipalities in the 5major Cities

and Because of its immense size—there shall be more students in the system and

shall arguably be the most influential school system in the world.


The Department shall institute a number of innovative programs for teacher

recruitment and initiatives like to bring foreign competent teachers to teach in

each city's schools. Housing subsidies shall be in place for all experienced teachers

who shall relocate to the respective cities to teach.

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Millions of students shall attend public schools. There shall be thousands of students

from kindergarten through eighth grade in all the 5major cities.

About 40% of students in each city's public school system shall live in households

where a language other than English and Chichewa is spoken. The city's Department

of Education shall translate report cards, registration forms, system-wide alerts, and

documents on health and policy initiatives for parents into Spanish, Chichewa, Zulu,

French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Urdu, Persian, Hindi, Russian, Bengali, Haitian

Creole, Korean, and Arabic. There shall be after-school programs for students in late

middle schools and it shall be designed to enlarge candidates eligible for admission

to the selective schools by giving them extra lessons and teaching test-taking skills.

The 5MJC Libraries (5MJCPL)

The 5MJC Libraries (5MJCPL) shall include the Shekinah City Public Library (SCPL)

Heaven’s Gate City Public Library (HGCL) Zion City Public Library (ZICPL) Zoe City

Public Library (ZECPL) Zeal City Public Library (ZLCPL) shall provide public library

system in each of the 5major cities. With nearly 53 million items, the Libraries shall be

among the largest public libraries in the world. The Libraries shall be distinctively

managed by the 5MJC company as nonprofit corporation operating with both

private and public financing. The libraries shall have branches in each cities

Municipality and it shall have great affiliations with academic and professional

libraries in the municipal areas of the cities. Most of the Cities Municipalities served

by their respective Public Libraries in their areas. The branch libraries shall be open

to the general public and shall consist of research libraries and circulating libraries.

All the 5major cities shall offer great Primary, Secondary and University Education:

for example:

Shekinah City University

Shall be a great university of all the universities in all the 5major cities.

The University shall encompass all the schools and colleges in all the Five Major

cities of Malawi (Including, Zion city, Shekinah city, Heaven’s Gate city, Zoe city

and Zeal City) in all five districts and other centers that shall be opened across the

nation and some of the examples of these schools and colleges are, Primary

schools, Secondary schools, Teachers college, Theological colleges, medical

colleges, IT colleges, Accounting Colleges, Music Schools and many more. The

university shall be one of the most powerful university in the whole of Africa... the

university shall have centers overseas in such nations like South Africa, Botswana,

Zambia, Namibia, Mozambique, Nigeria and Angola. The university shall be

founded by the initiative of the Five Major Cities Company. With its world class

teachers, organization and infrastructure the university shall offer the best

education in the world.

The university shall have two governing boards: the President and Associates of

Shekinah City College (also known as the Corporation) and the Board of Overseers.

The two boards shall perform the essential roles ordinarily associated with a board of

trustees, while helping to shape the University’s agenda, inquiring into the quality and

progress of its activities, and assuring that Shekinah City University remains true to its


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By charter, the Corporation shall exercise fiduciary responsibility with regard to the

University’s academic, financial, and physical resources and overall well-being. It

shall consist of the President, the Treasurer, and other members known as trustees.

Heaven’s Gate City University

Shall be the second largest university in all the 5major cities and it shall be an

independent, privately supported, an institution of higher education. Its official

corporate name shall be "The Trustees of Heaven’s gate City University and it shall be

managed and monitored by the 5MJC company. The university shall be governed by

27 Trustees, customarily including the President, who shall serve the ex officio.

With its world class teachers, organization and infrastructure the university shall offer

the best education in the world. We shall expect students from different nationalities

to come to the university and these shall including, Asians, Hispanics, Native

Americans, Britons, Africans, Indians, Mexicans and other nationalities.

There shall be a university park on the campus, a place where others if prefer can

take down their studies, assignments, discussions, celebrations, and other functions. To

the other side of the park their shall be a parking lot, where many shall park their cars

or other forms of their transportation. The park shall have beautiful trees and flowers

surrounding it and it shall be a ground of green grass. To the other side of the park

their shall be a road which shall lead you to the university complex.

Zion City University

Zion City University shall offer world class education because of its world class

teachers. The admission Entrance to the university shall depend on the students

passing rate marks from their previous school. The university shall accept high scores

of students from well recognized boards of education. And it shall admit students for

different programs and some of which shall be degree programs, post graduate

programs, and diploma programs.

The universities scholarships shall be open for different programmes including degree

programs, post graduate programs, and diploma programs. Named scholars shall be

selected by the admission committee from first-year applicants.

Those who shall be taken up for the scholarship programme shall be required to have

remarkable academic and personal achievements, dynamism, intellectual curiosity,

originality and independence of their thinking, and the diversity that stems from their

different cultures and their varied educational experiences. Scholarships shall also be

given to students by the admissions committee.

Zeal City University

Zion City University shall offer world class education because of its world class


Zion City University International Relations Council shall oversee university's

international organizations activities.

It shall host college and high school UN conferences for example, and hosts

speakers influential in international politics to speak on campus, train students from

underprivileged schools in other countries and oversees a competitive team,

which shall travel to colleges around the country and around the globe and to

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international conferences every year. The competitive team consistently shall win

the best and outstanding delegation awards and shall be considered one of the

top teams in the country and around the globe.

Zoe City University

Zoe City University shall be a great university which shall have great features like;

Traditions, Housing, Music, Leaders Forum, Technology and entrepreneurship, Speech

and debate, Broadcasting, Publications, Student life, Quality of education,

Scholarships, Financial aid and Admissions.

Zoe city University group of Entrepreneurs shall run groups which shall aim at fostering

entrepreneurship on campus. Each year the group shall host dozens of events,

including, business plan competition and a series of seminars.

Notable seminar speakers shall include some of the top CEOs of major companies

around the globe. Zion City University shall be a top supplier of young engineering

entrepreneurs for who shall establish companies Zion city and other major cities

around the globe.

The university shall have a media lab which shall promote innovations within the

city's media industry. The lab shall be a consortium of Zion City University, to connect

companies with universities in new technology research. Every year there shall be a

grant given for the up keep of the Media Lab. Every year, the lab shall host

roundtable discussions between the private sector and academic institutions. The

lab shall support research projects on topics of future generation technologies,

computer animation for films and games, emerging market techniques, and how to

develop new devices development. The lab shall also create media research and

development databases.

The 5MJC Department of Records and Information Services

Shall be a branch of the municipal government of 5MJC that shall organize and store

records and information from the city hall library and municipal Archives.

The 5MJC Department of Environmental Protection (5MJCDEP)

Shall manage the city’s water supply, and shall provide more than 1.1 billion gallons

(4,200,000 m3) of water each day to more than 9 million residents throughout the

5major cities through a complex network of nineteen reservoirs, controlled lakes and

rivers and 6,200 miles (10,000 km) of water pipes, tunnels and aqueducts. The

Department shall be responsible for managing the city's combined sewer system,

which shall carry both storm water runoff and sanitary waste, and fourteen sewage

treatment plants located throughout the cities. The Department shall carry out Clean

Water Act rules and regulations, which shall handle hazardous materials emergencies

and toxic site remediation, oversees asbestos monitoring and removal, enforcing the

city’s air and noise codes, bill and collect city water and sewer accounts, and shall

manage citywide water conservation programs.

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Drinking Water

5MJCDEP shall manage three upstate supply systems to provide the city's drinking

water. The overall distribution system shall have a storage capacity of 550 billion

gallons (2.1×109 m3) and shall provide over 1.2 billion gallons per day of high quality

drinking water to more than eight million residents in 5major cities and another one

million users in four upstate counties bordering on the water supply system. The

distribution system shall be made up of extensive grid of water mains stretching

approximately 6,500 miles (10,500 km).

Wastewater treatment

The city's wastewater shall be collected through an extensive grid of sewer pipes of

various sizes and stretching over 6,600 miles (10,600 km). The Bureau of Wastewater

Treatment shall operate 14 water pollution control plants treating and average of 1.5

billion gallons (5,700,000 m3) of wastewater a day; 89 wastewater pump stations: 8

dewatering facilities; and 490 sewer regulators.

Waste Management

The 5MJC Waste Management team shall aim at protecting each city’s

environment and the health of its citizens through innovative, rational, and

reasonable management of solid and hazardous materials that shall secure public

confidence and shall provide for sustainable economic development that shall be

responsive to environmental concerns. The team shall regulate and monitor solid

and hazardous waste facilities and generators of hazardous waste; control disposal

of radioactive materials and use of pesticides; and promote sound management of

wastes by communities, businesses and industries.

5MJC Department of Parks & Recreation

Shall be the department of 5MJC responsible for maintaining the city's parks system,

preserving and maintaining the ecological diversity of the city's natural areas, and

furnishing recreational opportunities for city's residents and visitors. Total area of the

properties maintained by the department shall be over 28,000 acres (113 km²).

The department shall maintain more than 1,700 parks of all the 5major cities,

playgrounds and recreation facilities across the city boroughs. It shall be responsible

for over 950 playgrounds, 700 playing fields, 550 tennis courts, 35 major recreation

canters, 30 outdoor pools, 14 miles (23 km) of beaches, and 13 golf courses, as well

as seven nature centers, six ice skating rinks, over 2000 green streets and five major

stadiums, basketball courts and Tennis Courts. The department shall also care for

park flora and fauna, community gardens, historic houses, statues and monuments,

and more than 2.5 million trees.

The 5MJC Department of Parks & Recreation shall produce many special events,

including concerts and movie premieres. In the summer, the busiest season, the

agency shall organize free carnivals and concerts, and shall send mobile recreation

vans to travel throughout the city boroughs providing free rental equipment for

skating, baseball, and miniature golf.

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5MJC Department of Parks & Recreation

Shall be the department of 5MJC responsible for maintaining the city's parks system,

preserving and maintaining the ecological diversity of the city's natural areas, and

furnishing recreational opportunities for city's residents and visitors. Total area of the

properties maintained by the department shall be over 28,000 acres (113 km²).

The department shall maintain more than 1,700 parks of all the 5major cities,

playgrounds and recreation facilities across the city boroughs. It shall be responsible

for over 950 playgrounds, 700 playing fields, 550 tennis courts, 35 major recreation

centers, 30 outdoor pools, 14 miles (23 km) of beaches, and 13 golf courses, as well

as seven nature centers, six ice skating rinks, over 2000 green streets and four major

stadiums. The department shall also care for park flora and fauna, community

gardens, historic houses, statues and monuments, and more than 2.5 million trees.

The 5MJC Department of Parks & Recreation shall produce many special events,

including concerts and movie premieres. In the summer, the busiest season, the

agency shall organize free carnivals and concerts, and shall send mobile recreation

vans to travel throughout the city boroughs providing free rental equipment for

skating, baseball, and miniature golf.

Park Law Enforcement

5MJC Parks Enforcement patch

The department shall maintain an enforcement division, called the Parks Enforcement

Patrol (PEP) which shall be responsible for maintaining safety and security within the

parks system. Parks Enforcement Patrol officers shall have peace officer status under

Cities’ Penal Law and shall be empowered through this status to make arrests and

issue tickets. PEP officers patrol land, waterways and buildings under the jurisdiction of

the Department of Parks and Recreation on foot, bicycle, horseback, boat and

marked patrol trucks. 5MJC Park Enforcement Patrol officers shall also be responsible

for physical site inspections of 5MJC park concession facilities to assure the

concessioners compliance with state laws.

Urban Park Rangers

The Urban Park Rangers shall provide many free programs year-round, such as nature

walks and activities.

They shall also operate programs such as The Natural Classroom for class trips and the

general public alike. "Explorer" programs shall be available for activities such as

canoeing in the city's flagship parks in all five boroughs.

Although 5MJC Park Rangers shall possess peace officer status and shall be

empowered through this status to make arrests and issue tickets, their primary mission

shall be education and conservation of resources.

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The Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS)

Shall ensure that City agencies have the critical resources and support needed to

provide the best possible services to the City. The agency shall support:

workforce needs in recruiting, hiring and training City employees

provides overall facilities management for City buildings;

purchase, sell and lease real property;

purchase, inspect and distribute supplies and equipment;

establish, audit and pay utility accounts that serve more than 4,000 buildings;

The agency shall implement energy conservation programs throughout City facilities

for example it shall be responsible for implementing and managing the city

hydroelectric power with 22.5 GW capability.

The agency shall offer a number of programs and opportunities for the public. For


it shall conducts social service examinations and coordinate internship

opportunities for individuals pursuing careers in City service.

It shall provide many opportunities for those seeking to do business with the

City, through the centralized procurement of real estate, goods and services;

It shall auction the City's surplus vehicles and equipments, and shall offer

unique gifts at City Stores.

Lines of Service

The Agency shall be made up of 2,000 diverse and talented employees and they

shall include architects, engineers, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, lawyers,

mechanics, procurement specialists, information technology specialists, custodians

and managers.

The 5MJC Department of Consumer Affairs

(5MJC DCA) shall be a department of the 5MJC that shall be responsible for

enforcing the city's consumer protection laws, licensing businesses, dealing with

consumer complaints, and participating in consumer education.

The 5MJC Department of Finance

Shall be the local taxation agency for 5major cities. The 5MJC Sheriff's Office shall be

its civil enforcement arm.

The 5MJ C Department of Small Business Services

Shall be the branch of the municipal government of 5MJC that shall provide

assistance and support to small business owners and encourage neighbourhood

development and shall link employers to the workforce.

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Mission Statement

The Department's primary operational goals shall be to

Ensure compliance with the City's tax and revenue laws

Provide up-to-date information to residents and taxpayers

Valuate of real property in the City

Record and maintaining property records

Provide business centers in each borough for the public to pay bills in-person

or to dispute tax and parking issues.


The Department shall be responsible for collection of parking fees from parking

meters and parking violations, administration and collection of the City's business and

excise taxes, and assessment and collection of property taxes and maintaining tax

maps and property records.

The Department shall also conduct business tax audits and public auctions of seized

property, and shall manage the City's Court and Trust Funds (including bail refunds),

investigate tax evasion cases, license wholesale vendors, and authorize businesses

to collect the 5MJC sales tax.

The 5MJC Department of Cultural Affairs

(DCLA) shall be dedicated to support and strengthen all the City's vibrant cultural life.

Among their Primary missions shall be to ensure adequate public funding for non-

profit cultural organizations, both large and small, throughout the five municipalities.

The cultures of the cities shall be reflected by the city's size and variety. There shall be

many cultural movements that shall emerge from the cities. The cities shall have

important centers for music, film, theater, dance and visual arts. Artists shall be drawn

into the city by opportunity, as the city government shall fund the arts with a large

budget and the cities shall be major centers for global art markets which shall grew

up along with national and international media centers.


The food culture in each city shall include a variety of world cuisines influenced by the

city's different people. The eastern Europeans and Italians shall contribute their

bagels, cheesecakes, and styled pizza’s, while ubiquitous Chinese restaurants shall

offer Chinese food. About 4,000 5MJC mobile food vendors many of whom shall be

Malawians shall make local foods like nsima,condowole,chigwada,ntambe,chiwaya

and other foods while other immigrants shall make Middle Eastern foods such as

falafels and kebabs standbys of modern although hot dogs and pretzels shall be

dominant. Each city shall host African restaurants that cook African food for example

Nigerian restaurants that shall offer Nigerian food, and Namibian restaurants that shall

offer Namibia foods and Congolese restaurants that shall offer Congolese Foods.


In each city the accent shall have distinctive municipal speech pattern called the

city dialect. the types of dialects in this city shall include Chichewa, English, French,

portugeese,Chitumbuka,Chiyawo,Chisena and Chitonga dialects. All the dialects in

each city shall be originated from different types of people from different walks of life

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for example English shall be considered one of the most recognizable accents in the

city because of the influence from Americans and Britons in the Cities.


There shall be museums in each city of which different Kinds and some of which shall


Artillery museum, Aviation museum ceramic museum, Children’s museum, Collection

(museum) Computer museum, Ecomuseum, Economics museum, Farm museum,

Fashion museum and Food museum and other.


Fashion shall be a major theme in all the cities and the fashion industry in all the

cities shall consist of four levels: the production of raw materials, principally fibres

and textiles but also leather and fur; the production of fashion goods by designers,

manufacturers, contractors, and others; retail sales; and various forms of

advertising and promotion. These levels shall consist of many separate but

interdependent sectors, all of which shall be devoted to the goal of satisfying

consumer demand for apparel under conditions that enable participants in each

city to operate at a profit in the industry.


Shekinah City Square shall have the highest annual attendance rate of tourist

compared to other cities. Tourism shall be each City's most vital industries, with millions

of combined domestic and international tourists visiting each city every year.

Major destinations shall include the Seraphim Building in Shekinah city; Statue of

Redemption in Zion City; the Lake in Zeal city; Theater productions in each city;

museums of Art, Technology museums, Political museums, Sports museums, Education

museums, Animals museums and Vegetation museums in each city. There shall be

great Parks such as Dynamic Park in shekinah city and wonderful Park in Zion City;

Grace Center; Heaven’s Gate City Square, luxury shopping centers in umoyo and

Charisa Avenues; and events such as city Parades and activities such as skating, Film

Festivals; and free performances in Central Parks.


Hotels in all the cities shall be centers for tourist attraction, for example Shekinah City

hotel shall be a landmark 20-story luxury hotel with a height of 250 ft (76 m) and

length of 400 ft. The Shekinah City Hotel shall offer guests and residents great services.

The Hotel shall feature 805 guest-rooms, 88 suites, a 7,000-square-foot (650 m2) Spa &

Fitness Center, 34,000 square feet (3,200 m2) of banquet and meeting space, a

business center, and four Triplex Penthouse suites. The Hotel shall offer two different

levels of guest room accommodations. The Towers’ Rooms shall occupy the top of

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the hotel on floors 40-54, and they shall feature either classical or art style rooms and

suites as well as butler services.

The 5MJC Department of fire (FD5MJC)

Shall be responsible for protecting the citizens and property of each city’s boroughs

from fires and fire hazards, by providing emergency medical services, technical

rescue as well as providing first response to biological, chemical and radioactive

hazards. The department shall have its headquarters in Shekinah City and its training

academy and shall have a fire academy for the training of its employees.

The 5MJCFD shall be one of the largest city fire department in the world and shall

have approximately 11,080 uniformed officers and fire fighters and over 3,300

uniformed Emergency Medical Technicians and paramedics, who shall face

extraordinary varied challenges. The 5MJC Department shall be organized in a

paramilitary fashion. The department's executive staff shall be divided into two areas

including a civilian fire commissioner who shall be in charge of the department and a

fire chief who shall be the operational lead.

The executive staff shall include the civilian fire commissioners who shall be

responsible for bureaus within the Department, along with the Chief of Department,

Chief of Fire Operations, Chief of EMS, the Chief Fire Marshal and the staff chiefs.

Staff chiefs shall include the seven citywide tour commanders, the Chief of Safety,

the Chief of Fire Prevention, and the Chief of Training.

Operationally and geographically, the departments shall be nominally organized into

five borough commands for the five traditional boroughs in each city. Within those

Borough Commands shall exist nine divisions, each headed by a Deputy Chief. Within

each division shall operate four to seven battalions, led by a Battalion Chief and

typically consisting of 180–200 fire fighters and officers. Each battalion shall consist of

four to eight companies, with a company being led by a Captain who shall

command three Lieutenants and 16–42 Fire fighters.

And then the unit shall consist of the members of the company on call during a given

tour, consisting of a Lieutenant or a Captain plus a number of Fire fighters depending

on the type of unit: 3–4 Fire fighters on an engine company, 5 on a ladder company,

(also known as a truck company), 5 for a rescue company, 5 for a squad company, 4

for a marine company, and 6 for the hazardous materials company.

The 5MJC Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications

Shall be the 5major cities agency that shall oversee each City's use of existing and

emerging technologies in administration operations, and its delivery of services to the

public". The agency shall often be viewed as a facilitator for the technology needs of

many most of the 5major cities Boroughs. The 5MJC Department of Information

Technology and Telecommunications shall be a Mayoral agency which shall be

charged to modernize the 5major cities IT infrastructure, make City administration

more transparent and accountable to taxpayers, and use innovative solutions to

improve the delivery of City services. The agency shall have approximately 1,200

employees and the agency shall operate from five locations across two boroughs in

each city.

In its role as the 5MJC IT utility, the agency shall establish each City's IT strategic

direction, security policies and standards and shall procure citywide IT services, and

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shall evaluate emerging technologies; provide project management, application

development and quality assurance services and shall maintain the, new

media development and operations, and Geographic Information Systems; and shall

operate in each City's data centre, the dedicated wireless network (5MJCWiN), the

wired network (City Net), the Citywide Service Desk, and telecommunications

systems; shall administer telecommunications franchise contracts providing fiber,

cable television, pay telephones, and mobile telecom equipment installed on City

property and streets. The department shall lead a citywide IT infrastructure

consolidation program and shall support the Emergency Communications

Transformation Program, The Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment, and the

Health and Human Services Connect and Accelerator programs and shall foster

public-private partnerships to improve IT service delivery.

The 5MJC Department of Entertainment and Media

The 5mjc department of entertainment and media shall be focused on each city’s

Media and entertainment issues and it shall make the 5major cities become world

centers for television, advertising, music, newspaper, and book publishing industries

and shall have some of the best media conglomerates such as Christ Tech Television

Network, CTN News paper, CTN radio and many other. Most of the world's top eight

global advertising agency networks shall have their headquarters in all of the 5major

cities. There shall be big recording labels' that shall be headquartered in 5major Cities

respectively. In all the 5major cities there shall be more than 200 newspapers and 350

consumer magazines which shall have their offices in the 5major cities, and the

enormous book-publishing industry that shall employ about 25,000 people in all the

5major cities.

Shekinah City TV

The Shekinah City TV shall be a commercial broadcasting television owned and

managed by 5MJC Company.

With 24hours of programming per week. Shekinah City TV shall provide 24hours of

prime time programming to affiliated stations like Christ Tech Network.

Weekend daytime programming shall consists of the infomercial block (Saturdays

from 10:00 am to Noon) and an hour-long news program Shekinah City News.

Sports programming shall also be provided, usually on weekends (although not every

weekend year-round), and most commonly afternoon hours.

The Shekinah City TV shall feature live broadcasts; including worldwide satellite link-

ups such as live News and live sporting events and other entertainment events.

Shekinah City TV's programming shall cater different type of audience.

with interesting programming like Animated

Series, Awards, Drama, News, Interviews, Infomercials, Reality shows, Sitcoms,Sports

and Talk Shows.

Shekinah City TV programming sometimes shall support causes such as HIV and Aids,

making a stand against human trafficking.

Shekinah City TV shall be available on terrestrial and in the United States and

worldwide on DBS systems such as DirecTV and DISH Network and via satellite

throughout in Africa via DSTV.

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The Shekinah City TV shall be composed of 2 VHF and 36 UHF television stations, which

shall broadcast all or part of Shekinah City TV's program lineup. During some high-

profile or live programming such as the great talent and the great Dance

(programmes that shall be initiated by the Shekinah city television).

Shekinah City HDTV

To ensure the best possible image quality in their new format, Shekinah City TV shall

have new Ikegami HDTV cameras so that all original programming for Shekinah City

TV to be shot using six Ikegami HDK-79EXIII full digital portable HD cameras and four

Ikegami HDK-790EXIII full digital studio HD cameras. Three additional Ikegami HDL-45A

multi-purpose compact HD "POV" (point-of-view) "box" cameras and four Ikegami

HLM-1750 WR 17-inches HD/SD multi-format color LCD monitors also shall ensure

superior HD picture quality of all programming.

Original shows talk shows and Sound programs shall be in constant production at

SCTV approximately 10,000 sq. ft. Studio A and 3,000 sq. ft. Studio B.

The HDK-790EXIII is Ikegami's top-of-the-line full digital HD studio camera system, which

is engineered for industry-leading picture quality, exceptional functionality, and highly

reliable performance. The HDK-790EXIII incorporates 2/3-inch 2,300,000-pixel 1080i AIT

CCD image sensors that achieve a horizontal resolution of 1,000 lines and a S/N ratio

of 60dB at f 10. Ikegami's advanced DSP (digital signal processing) technology

ensures that the HDK-790EXIII provides sophisticated, accurate color reproduction

and detail correction that renders beautiful HD images in all situations.

Designed as Companion Camera systems, the Ikegami HDK-790EXIII uses the same

sensor block, identical video path, and DSP technology as Ikegami's HDK-79EXIII full

digital portable HD field camera. Both provide perfectly matching pictures and the

same operating functions. An optional Ikegami SE-H700 System Expander can also be

used to convert the HDK-79EXIII into an HDK-790EXIII-style studio camera, on which

can be mounted a seven-inch CRT or nine-inch LCD color viewfinder and a full "box-

style" studio lens.

Adding to SCTV creative options are its three Ikegami HDL-45A multi-purpose

compact HD POV cameras. Small and weighing less than 4 lbs., these cameras can

be mounted in locations where a camera operator isn't practical or possible, such as

high above the studio on a beam or catwalk. (The HDL-45A is also well-suited for use

in aircraft, traffic and weather monitoring locations, and other specialized


During show segments, we shall be using the HDL-45A's as POV cameras to get unique

bird's-eye-view or low-angle shots that can be remotely operated from the control


The Ikegami HDL-45A is outfitted with three 2,300,000-pixel AIT CCDs for outstanding

HD image capture in native 1080i (a 720p CCD version is also available). Also built into

the camera is Ikegami's advanced 14-bit A/D conversion and up to 38-bit digital

image processing for delivery of precise HD video. Ikegami DSP (digital signal

processing) technology also enables the HDL-45A to achieve advanced color

reproduction and detail-enhancement features (including Skin Detail).

All three camera models in used at Shekinah City TV shall share the same critical

technology including the CCD sensor type and DSP, for excellent camera matching.

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Also the same 200-series control panels can be assigned to any of the cameras with

full remote control of all camera functions.

SCTV shall be able to monitor its highly precise HD video imagery using its four Ikegami

HLM-1750 WR 17-Inch HD/SD multi-format color LCD monitors.

The Ikegami HLM-1750WR employs a 17-inch full-HD LCD panel (1920x1080) with wide

critical viewing angle, excellent brightness and contrast, fast response time, and

faithful color reproduction. Supporting multi-format SDI input, the HLM-1750WR also

includes DVI-D and VBS inputs as a standard feature. A 3G-SDI input is available as an

option (3G-SDI 1080/60p HD is increasingly popular as a high-quality "future-proof" HD

format). Best of all the HLM-1750WR is lightweight, consumes less power than

traditional monitors, and saves space through its flat-panel LCD design.

At SCTV superior HD image shall capture and HD monitoring shall be essential

components in the network's drive to expand its audience..

Shekinah City TV shall be a commercial television network (broadcast, cable or

satellite) that shall air programs in widescreen on its digital feed; programs produced

in this format shall be identified as being presented in “SCTV High Resolution


The HD feed shall allow sitcoms and drama series to be presented in this format and

reality, talk, and game shows shall be presented in the enhanced definition

widescreen mode. The children's sports show and debate program.

Shekinah City TV shall be a unique TV among other broadcasters in distributing its

network HD feed over satellite to affiliates as an MPEG transport stream intended to

be delivered bit-for-bit to viewers' television sets.

During network time, local commercials shall be inserted using a transport stream


Shekinah City TV shall broadcast sports programs with graphics optimized for 16:9


The network shall work with cable and satellite providers to comply and use the No.10

Active Format Description code they shall send out over SCTV programming, which

shall have 16:9 content displays in letterboxed mode on 4:3 screens and graphical

elements optimized for the 16:9 screens.


Music shall be an important means of entertainment in all the 5major cities, the 5mjc

department of entertainment and media shall establish record labels in each city

and these shall include; Shekinah city records, Heaven’s Gate City Records, Zion City

Records, Zoë City Records and Zeal City Records, which shall come under the

umbrella of 5mjc recordings. The 5mjc recordings shall be one of the largest global

recording labels and shall be administrated by the 5mjc department of

entertainment and media. The record label shall sign both local and international

skilled artists who shall do different types of music like Jazz, Pop, rock, Hip hop, and

many other types of music, the artists shall have robust promotion worldwide, through

5mjc recordings that shall make sure that the music is well marketed and selling


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5MJC League

This shall be a branch in the department of entertainment that shall conduct sports

leagues in all the 5major cities, the leagues shall include; Basketball, Football, Tennis,

Volleyball, Hockey, Golf, Motorsports, Handball, Swimming, Cricket, Rugby, and other.

(MCFA) Football’

Major Cities Football Association (MCFA)

The (MCFA) Major Cities Football Association

Shall be a professional league for different football clubs. At the top of the Major

Cities Football system, shall be the country's primary football competition. Contested

by 25 clubs, it shall operate on a system of promotion and relegation with the Football

League. The Major Cities League shall be a corporation in which the 25 member clubs

shall compete for the prize set by the Association. Seasons shall run from September

to June, with teams playing 38 matches each, totaling 380 matches in the season.

Most games shall be played in the afternoons of Saturdays and Sundays, the other

games during weekday evenings and they shall be sponsored by different

companies including 5major cities.

(MCHAL)Major Cities Handball League

The Major Cities Handball League season shall consists of 14 teams, each playing 26

regular season games. The eight best teams of the regular season shall advance to

further games, where they shall be divided into two groups of four teams each. No. 1

and 2 from the regular season shall start with 2 points. No. 3 and 4 shall start with 1

point, while no.5-8 shall start with no points. After these six games the two group

winners shall meet in the championship finals, while the runner-ups will play for the

bronze medals. Both the finals and the bronze matches shall be played as "best of 3"

series. The lowest placed team of the regular season shall directly be relegated to the

second-best division, and replaced by the winner of this. The teams shall finish as 9,

10, 11, 12 and 13 will together with no. 2, 3 and 4 from 1st division be divided in two

groups of four teams each. The group winners and the runner-ups will qualify for the

league in the next season. No. 3 in each group will meet each other in up to three

games to play for the last spot in the league. The loser and no. 4 in each group shall

play the 1st division in the following season.

MCHL Hockey League

The Major Cities Hockey League (MCHL; Shall operate as a major professional ice

hockey league of 30 franchise member clubs, that shall be headquartered in

Shekinah City, the MCHL shall widely be considered as the premier professional ice

hockey league in the world, and one of the major professional sports leagues in

Malawi and the whole Africa.

The MCHL shall draw many highly skilled players from all over the world and shall have

players from about 20 different countries.

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Major Cities Basketball Association (MCBA)

Basketball teams shall begin training camps in late September. Training camps

shall allow the coaching staff to evaluate players (especially rookies), scout the

team's strengths and weaknesses, prepare the players for the rigorous regular

season, and determine the 12-man active roster (and a 3-man inactive list) with

which they shall begin the regular season.

Teams shall have the ability to assign players with less than two years of experience

to the MCBA development league. After training camp, a series of preseason

exhibition games shall be held. The MCBA regular season shall begin in the last

week of October.

During the regular season, each team shall play 82 games, 41 each home and

away. A team shall face opponents in its own division four times a year (16 games).

Each team shall play six of the teams from the other two divisions in its conference

four times (24 games), and the remaining four teams three times (12 games). Finally,

each team shall play all the teams in the other conference twice apiece (30

games). This asymmetrical structure means the strength of schedule shall vary

between teams.

Over five seasons, each team shall have played 80 games against their division (20

games against each opponent, 10 at home, 10 on the road), 180 games against

the rest of their conference (18 games against each opponent, 9 at home, 9 on the

road), and 150 games against the other conference (10 games against each team,

5 at home, 5 on the road). Each team shall host and visit every other team at least

once every season.


MCBA Playoffs shall begin in late April, with eight teams in each conference going for

the Championship. The three division winners, along with the team with the next best

record from the conference shall be given the top four seeds. The next four teams in

terms of record shall be given the lower four seeds.

The (MCFA) Major Cities Football Association

Shall be a professional league for association football clubs. At the top of the Major

Cities Football system, shall be the country's primary football competition. Contested

by 25 clubs, it shall operate on a system of promotion and relegation with the Football

League. The Major Cities League shall be a corporation in which the 25 member clubs

shall act as shareholders. Seasons shall run from September to June, with teams

playing 38 matches each, totaling 380 matches in the season. Most games shall be

played in the afternoons of Saturdays and Sundays, the other games during weekday

evenings and they shall be sponsored by different companies including 5major cities.

(MCHAL) Major Cities Handball League

The Major Cities Handball League season shall consists of 14 teams, each playing 26

regular season games. The eight best teams of the regular season shall advance to

further games, where they shall be divided into two groups of four teams each. No. 1

and 2 from the regular season shall start with 2 points. No. 3 and 4 shall start with 1

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point, while no.5-8 shall start with no points. After these six games the two group

winners shall meet in the championship finals, while the runner-ups will play for the

bronze medals. Both the finals and the bronze matches shall be played as "best of 3"

series. The lowest placed team of the regular season shall directly be relegated to the

second-best division, and replaced by the winner of this. The teams shall finish as 9,

10, 11, 12 and 13 will together with no. 2, 3 and 4 from 1st division be divided in two

groups of four teams each. The group winners and the runner-ups will qualify for the

league in the next season. No. 3 in each group will meet each other in up to three

games to play for the last spot in the league. The loser and no. 4 in each group shall

play the 1st division in the following season.

MCHL Hockey League

The Major Cities Hockey League (MCHL; Shall operate as a major professional ice

hockey league of 30 franchise member clubs, that shall be headquartered in

Shekinah City, the MCHL shall widely be considered as the premier professional ice

hockey league in the world, and one of the major professional sports leagues in

Malawi and the whole Africa.

The MCHL shall draw many highly skilled players from all over the world and shall have

players from about 20 different countries.

The 5MJC Department of Correction

Shall be responsible for the entire City's inmates, and housing the majority of them. It

shall employ about 9,500 uniformed officers and 1,400 civilian staff for all the

5majorcities and shall have 543 vehicles and shall process over 100,000 new inmates

every year.

Retaining a population of inmates of between 13,000 and 18,000.

Power and Authority of Correction Officers

5MJC Correction officers shall be the state peace officers authorized to make

warrantless arrests, carry and use a firearm, and use physical and deadly force.

Officers shall have peace officer powers on duty and off duty.


There shall be ten titles (referred to as ranks) in the 5MJC Department of Correction.

However, there shall also be equivalent level civilian titles as well who shall also have

equivalent power and responsibility and they shall be saluted due to following

uniform customs and courtesies.

From highest to lowest rank, they are:

Title badge

Commissioner of Department

Chief of Department / First Deputy Commissioner

Deputy Chief / Deputy Commissioner

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Assistant Chief / Supervising Warden / Associate Commissioner

Warden / commanding officer

Deputy Warden in Command

Deputy Warden / Chaplain

Assistant Deputy Warden

Correction Captain

Correction Officer

Tour of Duty

In the 5MJC Department of Correction, one day shall be divided into three 8-hour

and 31-minute shifts: 11:00 PM to 7:31 AM (called a 2300hrs to 0731hrs), 7:00 AM to

3:31 PM (called an 0700hrs to 1531hrs), and 3:00 PM to 11:31 PM (called a 1500hrs to

2331hrs). Officers shall work 4 of these shifts per week based upon a rotating squad

chart (i.e. 4 working days, 2 days off then another 4 working days and 2 days off).

There shall also be a 5 and 2 squad (Monday - Friday, with Saturday and Sundays off)

for special units (i.e. Emergency Service Unit, Investigation Division, Intelligence Unit,

Academy and Firearms Training Units, etc.)

Equipment and Vehicles

Correction officers shall be equipped with a firearm, celayaton baton, canister of

chemical agent, handcuffs, flashlight, bullet resistant vest, and a radio that shall

directly be linked to the Central Dispatcher and other Corrections officers.

Although all correction officers shall be trained and authorized to carry firearms, only

correction officers at certain post assignments shall carry a firearm due to the

potential threat of prisoners overpowering an officer and seizing their firearm. No one

shall carry a firearm into a prison without the permission of the Warden or the

commanding Officer. Officers shall be assigned to prisoner transport units, hospitals,

court buildings, exterior patrol posts, and guard towers and shall carry firearms at all

times. All correction officers shall carry a firearm off duty.

The department shall use numerous vehicles including Chevrolet Impalas, Ford vans,

transport buses, fire trucks, and riot vehicles.

The 5MJC Police Department (5MJCPD)

The 5mjc Police Department shall be the largest municipal police force in the nation

of Malawi and shall have primary responsibilities in law enforcement and investigation

within the five boroughs of each city of 5major cities.

The 5MJCPD shall have a broad array of specialized services, including the

Emergency Services Unit, K-9, harbor patrol, air support, bomb disposal, anti-terrorism,

criminal intelligence, anti-gang, narcotics, public transportation, even public housing;

The 5MJC Transit Police and 5MJC Housing Authority Police Department mission shall

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be to "enforce the laws, preserve the peace, reduce fear, and provide for a safe


Each city of the 5major cities shall have its own police department and 5mjcpd shall

be a representational board for all the city police in all the 5major cities.

For example Shekinah city shall have its own police department called Shekinah city

police department and Heaven’s gate City also shall have its police department

called Heaven’s Gate City Police department and the same shall apply to all other

cities. All the police departments in each city shall be governed under 5MJCPD and

they shall share the same lawa and regulations.

The 5MJC Intelligence Division & Counter-Terrorism Bureau shall operate in secrecy

with little outside oversight, with officers stationed in other foreign cities.

The 5MJCPD shall authorized uniformed strength shall be 34,450. There shall also be

approximately 4,500 Auxiliary Police Officers, 5,000 School Safety Agents, 2,300 Traffic

Enforcement Agents, and 370 Traffic Enforcement Supervisors employed by the

department for all the 5major cities.

5MJCPD shall have extensive crime scene investigation and laboratory resources, as

well as units which shall assist with computer crime investigations.

The 5MJCPD shall run an anticrime computer network, which shall essentially be a

large search engine and data warehouse operated by detectives to assist officers in

the field with their investigations.

Organization and structure

The Department shall be divided into eight bureaus, six of which shall be enforcement

bureaus. Each enforcement bureau shall be sub-divided into sections, divisions, and

units, and into patrol boroughs, precincts, and detective squads. Each Bureau shall

be commanded by a Bureau Chief (such as the Chief of Patrol, the Chief of Housing,

Chief of Internal Affairs). There shall also be a number of specialized units (such as the

Operations Unit) that shall not be part of any of the Bureaus and shall report to the

Chief of the Department.


The department shall be affiliated with the 5MJC Police Foundation and the

5MJC Police Museum.

The department shall also run a Youth Police academy to provide positive

interaction with police officers and to educate young people about the

challenges and responsibility of police work.

The department shall also provide a citizen Police Academy which shall

educate the public on basic law and policing procedures.

The 5MJC Department of Investigation

Shall be an agency of the 5MJC government. It shall serve as an independent and

nonpartisan watchdog for 5MJC government.

Major functions shall include investigating and referring for prosecution cases of

fraud, corruption and unethical conduct by City employees, contractors and others

who receive City money. The DOI shall also be charged with studying agency

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procedures to identify corruption hazards and recommending improvements in

order to reduce the City’s vulnerability to fraud, waste and corruption. DOI shall also

investigate the backgrounds of persons selected to work in decision-making or

sensitive city jobs, and conduct Venders Examinations (VENDEX) of those who do

business with the City, to determine if they are suited to serve the public trust. DOI

lastly shall investigate members of the public who shall engage in corrupt,

fraudulent or unethical activities.

The 5MJC Department of Probation

Shall be a department of 5MJC which shall be responsible for providing supervision

for adults and juveniles placed on probation by judges in the Supreme, Criminal, and

Family courts. In addition, Probation officers shall be responsible for preparing

background reports that shall assist judges in determining appropriate sentences for

adult offenders and juvenile delinquents.

The 5MJC Department of Sanitation

Shall be a uniformed force of unionized sanitation workers in all the 5major cities. Their

responsibilities shall include garbage collection, recycling collection, street cleaning.

Like the rest of 5MJC's uniformed forces.

The 5MJC Department of Sanitation shall be one of the largest sanitation department

in the world, with 7,899 uniformed sanitation workers and supervisors, 2,041 civilian

workers, 2,230 collection trucks, 275 specialized collection trucks, 450 street sweepers,

365 salt and sand spreaders, 298 front end loaders, 2,360 support vehicles, and shall

handle over 12,000 tons of residential and institutional refuse and recyclables a day.

Law enforcement

The 5MJC Department of Sanitation shall have its own police force, which shall be

composed of four specialized units:

The Uniformed Sanitation Police Force

The illegal dumping task force

The Permit and Inspection Unit

The Environmental Police Unit

They shall be composed of uniformed and undercover officers who shall handle

sanitation related emergency calls, and enforce sanitation related laws in addition to

state and city traffic and criminal laws in the 5 boroughs of 5MJC.

The department’s officers shall be 5MJC’s peace officer certified by the 5MJC

Municipal Police Training Council. Officers shall carry and use firearms, carry and use

handcuffs, make warrantless arrests, issue summonses, and use physical and deadly

force. The police force shall use marked and unmarked police cars.

The 5MJC Department of Juvenile Justice

Shall be the branch of the municipal government of 5MJC that shall provide secure

and non-secure pre-conviction detention facilities for youths aged between 7 and 16.

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Crossroads Juvenile Centre

Crossroads Juvenile Center shall be a secure detention facility in all the 5Major Cities.

Horizon Juvenile Centre

Horizon Juvenile Center shall be a secure detention facility in all the 5Major Cities.

SEEDS (Sowing Encouragement and Education to Develop Skills)

SEEDS shall provide an alternative to secure detention for young people in the

Department's custody. It shall provide residential care for alleged Juvenile

Delinquents in a less restrictive setting while they await disposition of their cases in

Family Court.


The Department of Juvenile Justice shall oversee a network of non-secure group

homes and shall operate two non-secure detention facilities that shall be operated

through contracts with private social service organizations. Non-secure detention

facilities shall be characterized by the absence of physically restrictive hardware,

construction, and procedures.

5MJC Law Department

Shall be a branch of the municipal government of 5MJC responsible for most of the

city's legal affairs. The Department shall be headed by the Corporation Counsel of


Law Department shall represent the mayor and city officials in all civil litigation, in

juvenile delinquency proceedings in Family Court, and in prosecutions in the 5MJC

Criminal Court under the 5MJC Administrative Code. Among the Department's

duties shall be to draft contracts, leases, municipal bond issues, and other legal

documents for the cities; reviewing local and state legislation, and providing legal

advice to city officials on a wide variety of issues.

Legislative branch

5MJC Counties Supreme Court Building

The Supreme Court in the cities, shall be a jurisdiction which shall hear felonies and

major misdemeanours, significant lawsuits, and governmental and elections matters.

The Supreme Court Judges shall be elected.

Surrogate’s Court in the cities shall handle probate and guardianship matters. It shall

be a county court and shall exit’s independently from the City. Surrogates shall be

elected, each from the five municipalities.

5MJC Law department shall be responsible for civil, criminal, and family court

systems. All shall have a presence in each district and shall have city-wide


The 5MJC Civil Court shall handle all small claims cases (up to $5,000) and all civil

cases in the city, as well as residential and commercial landlord-tenant disputes.

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Judges of the Civil Court shall be elected to 10 year terms in either municipal-wide

or district elections.

The 5MJC Criminal Court shall be the beginning level trial court of criminal cases in

the cities. The court shall handle arraignments, misdemeanours, and minor felony

cases. Criminal motions shall also be handled in this court, along with some jury trials.

Major felony cases shall be referred to the 5MJC Supreme Court. Judges of the

Criminal Court shall be appointed by the Mayor up to 10 year terms.

The 5MJC Family Court shall hear matters involving children and families. Its

jurisdiction shall include custody and visitation, support, family offense (domestic

violence), persons in need of supervision, delinquency, child protective proceedings

(abuse and neglect), foster care approval and review, termination of parental

rights, adoption and guardianship. Judges of the Family Court shall be appointed by

the Mayor up to 10 year terms.

The 5MJC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (5MJC DOHMH)

Is a department that shall be responsible for public health along with issuing birth

certificates, dog licenses, and conducting restaurant inspection and

enforcement?...the department shall also be responsible for building hospitals in the

5major cities for example the Zion city hospital which shall be built and inspected by

the department shall have 3,261-bed general medical and surgical facility with

106,459 admissions and It shall perform 30,588 annual inpatient and 71,145

outpatient surgeries. Its emergency room shall have 230,474 visits.

The 5MJC Department of Youth & Community Development

Shall be the branch of the municipal government of 5MJC that shall support the

youth and their families through a range of youth and community development

programs, and shall administer city, state and federal funds to community-based


The 5MJC Department of Homeless Services (DHS)

Shall be a department of 5MJC that shall provide services to the homeless, though its

ultimate aim shall be to overcome homelessness. The Department of Homeless Shall

be created in response to the homeless in the cities. And the department shall

provide shelter to all homeless people in the 5major Cities.

The guiding principles of the department shall be to operate an emergency shelter

system for people without housing alternatives, provide services and resources to

assist shelter residents in gaining independent housing, and partner with local

agencies and non-profits to provide these services.

The 5MJC Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD)

The mayoral agency of 5MJC shall be responsible for developing and maintaining the

city's stock of affordable housing. The HPD shall be headquartered in Shekinah City

and shall include smaller branch offices in each city. The Department shall be

headed by a Commissioner, who shall be appointed by and shall report directly to

the Mayor.

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The 5MJC Human Resources Administration/Department of Social Services

(HRA/DSS) Shall be a Mayoral Agency of the 5major cities which shall be in charge of

the majority of the city’s social services programs. HRA shall help 5MJC residents in

need, through a variety of services that shall promote employment and personal

responsibility while providing temporary assistance and work supports.

Cash Assistance

Through its programs the department shall provide temporary cash assistance and

the eligibility shall be based on factors such as income and family size. Participation in

an employment program shall be required for anyone receiving temporary cash


Food Stamps

The HRA) Administration shall provide access to food stamps to low-income families,

the elderly, and the disabled. Food stamps shall be considered a work support, giving

working families an increased ability to purchase food. Unemployed food stamp

recipients who are able to work shall participate in an employment program.

Employment Services

HRA’s Employment Services shall connect HRA clients with employment and training

opportunities in the private and public sector. Many employment services programs

shall combine subsidized work and on-the-job training with guided job hunting and

workshops on resume writing and interviewing skills.

Public Health Insurance

HRA’s Medical Assistance Program (MAP), shall be part of the Medical Insurance and

Community Services Administration (MICSA), which shall provide free or low cost

health insurance to city residents who qualify and some of the Programs shall include

Medicaid, Child Health Plus, the Family Planning Benefit Program and many more.

Long Term Care Services

The Long Term Care Services Program shall offer a wide variety of in-home,

community based or institutional assistance programs for the elderly and persons with

disabilities who shall need medical care and help with daily tasks.

Home Care Services

The Home Care Services Program (HCSP) shall provide Medicaid-funded care

programs to seniors or disabled individuals that shall allow them to remain safely in

their homes, instead of a nursing home or other institution. Clients shall be required to

be eligible for Medicaid to receive these services.

HIV/AIDS Services

The HIV/AIDS Services Administration (HASA) shall help 5major Cities residents living

with AIDS or HIV gain access to benefits and support. HASA clients shall receive help

with medical care and housing assistance.

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6. Contacts

All those who are interested to invest into this project can contact us on


E-mail-address: [email protected]

Phone: (+265) 888 41 8909

Face book: 5MJC

YouTube: 5major cities