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51 Secrets To Being An Extraordinary

High School Leader

A’ric Jackson

Ascending Phoenix Publishing Co.

Chicago - Atlanta

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Published by Ascending Phoenix Publishing, Co.

Copyright © 2012 A’ric Jackson

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without written

permission of the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

Distributed in the United States of America

51 Secrets To Being An Extraordinary High School Leader

By A’ric Jackson

Warning – DisclaimerThe purpose of this book is to educate and entertain. The author or

publisher does not guarantee that anyone following the techniques,

suggestions, tips, ideas, or strategies will become successful. The

author and publisher shall have neither liability or responsibility to

anyone with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be

caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book.

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This book is dedicated to those who have helped me take my journey to the next level.

Anquinette (Mom) & Henry McGee (Pops)

Michael (Dad) & Tanya Pettis (Mom)

Jerod Times

Wil Burks The Game Changer

Grandma (Delores) & Grandpa (Colton)

Mommy Dee & Daddy Don

Sheryl Burke

The Illinois Leadership Seminar Family

Kristen Nickels & Hopper

Dimi Moore & Naomi Hill

Keith Donovan

Austin Walker

And to each student who has allowed me to say a few words that would change their lives.

Each of you have directly impacted me during my journey of being someone who was out to transform the world.

Please let this book be an eternal symbol of my gratitude for your impact on me impacting the world.

I love you all!

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Have you booked one of America’s Top Youth Speakers?

A’ric JacksonThe Dream Achiever

Real. Empowering. Engaging.

In Your Face. High Energy.for

Action Focused and TransformationalStudent Programming


w w w.aric speak

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If you are looking to juice up your leadership, you have made the most important investment in your LIFE! Bold claim? YES! And I will stand behind it 100%. A lot of people have thought that I just sat down and wrote this book out of the blue. As much as I would like to take credit for that the opposite is true. This book has been in the workings for years. From me being in High School, to being a Manager at a Video Store, to working at a Radio Station as a producer and voice talent, to being the 1st

Assistant Business Manager at a Law Firm in the heart of Chicago, I have taken all of the lessons Given and earned over the years. After writing this book then reading it for myself, I had to laugh and say, “this book is small but it packs a punch!”

To me, that is how leadership should be. Leadership should not be about the title or the packaging of it all, however, it should really be about the results or the Punch that you produce. So take this book on and really apply even it is just one thing. My only request is that you actually TAKE ACTION. Without it, you would truly be in the same spot, same place, different time wondering when you will “make it.” ALRIGHT ENOUGH CHIT CHATTING!

Let's get's these Secrets Out!

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Secret #1

Know You Are Worthy

When it comes to being a leader, we play one of the largest roles in any group or organization, yet we will play

really small all because we feel “Why Me?” The real question is why not you? The mere fact that you have

stepped in or are desiring to lead others shows that you are courageous, bold and powerful. That alone demonstrates

that you and your group is worthy. So when the time comes, don’t be scared to make a BIG & BODACIOUS request. You are worthy! When you get outside support or help out of the blue know that YOU ARE WORTHY! When the people you are leading say how much you have

changed their lives . . . take the compliment. Why? SIMPLE.


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Secret #2

Get Out There!!!!

Where would we be if Christopher Columbus had not charted the Oceans & Seas? Where would your group be if you ARE NOT charting the Oceans & Seas? Being a Leader, the shy role will grow old really quick. Get out there and meet people. Tell others about your group &

upcoming events. Have people know who you are when you walk down the hall! How is that going to happen? You gotta put yourself out there! The #1 Reason a lot of students may not support your group, is not because they don’t want to, but because they just don’t know. So how will they know who you and your group are and what you

are up to?


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Secret #3

Be on the Lookout for Opportunity. . . Not Failure.

Do you realize that we walk around with an invisible pair of glasses on? Really we do. The only difference is the

lenses on the glasses are one of two. Either the Lenses are Lenses of Failure or they are Lenses of Opportunity.

When you are a leader and something does not go right or as planned, do you instantly see it as a failure?

Opportunity? Which one? I can guarantee you, that if you choose to look at everything as an opportunity, people

will learn so much from your leadership. No matter where, no matter when always be on the lookout for

opportunity. You never know, it just may be that opportunity that you and your group have been waiting


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Secret #4

Know That it is OK to Be Different

How much fun would life be if everyone we like you? Not just like you, but looked like you, acted like you, laughed like you, told the same jokes as you. . . Life

would get boring after about an hour. Being a leader in High School, take the lead in being different. Everyone

may like jeans and a t-shirt and you may just want to rock out in an Argyle Vest and Tie. Know that it is OK. Being

a leader, you have the power to say and show that Different is OK. As a matter of fact, it’s not just OK, it

can be amazing. From the way people dress, music they like, dancing they do, religious affiliation, preference of

friends, know that you can empower your group by empowering their choice to be different. Know this. An

empowered group . . .


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Secret #5

Look at other Leaders and Find Out What About Them Inspires You

As a leader in high school, know that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO REINVENT THE WHEEL! Yeah it’s that

simple. There are so many leaders who have either been a leader at your school, in your community or even country

that have caught your eye because of their leadership style. You may have seen a leader and said “Man, he is

smooth, and everyone likes working with him.” Or “She is no joke, she gets the job done. I want to be like her.” Either way it goes, there is a sea of examples of leaders

who you can choose to take after. The key with this though is that their leadership style INSPIRES you. Not

just one time, but all the time. Find out what it is that inspires you, then bring it to your leadership style and I

guarantee, people will find you to be an inspiration sooner than you know.

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Secret #6

Make Discipline Fun!

When we even hear the word “Discipline” we instantly think of some Drill Sergeant standing in front of your face screaming “YOU HEAR ME SOLDIER” and you scream

back “YES DRILL SERGEANT!!!” This is not the world I am talking about. Let’s be real, discipline is a

very real part of our lives whether we like it or not. Face it. If you want to be successful, discipline is required. If you want to get and “A” on the exam, you have to have

discipline to study. If you are looking to get a full ride on a football scholarship, then you have to have the discipline to practice during season and condition during off season. Some of you may see Discipline as this tough thing to do in order have XY or Z. I beg to differ. Did you know you

can make it fun? How? Easy, once you have set your goal for what it is that you want to accomplish, look at the Discipline as the Challenge Round on the dance game on

your Wii.

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Secret #7

Get Use To the Support of Your Community

As a leader one of the key things you must learn almost immediately is that there is a difference between being Co-Dependent on others and working in a community. Being Co-Dependent means that you operate in such a

way that you are demanding everyone does something for you AND if they don’t do it, your progress on whatever

you are working on or need is stopped. However, being in a community, the entire group takes on something and there is a synergistic effort to do so. If for some reason one person stops the progress, the community regroups and fills in the missing pieces. The community is all

about working together to achieve a common goal. With that being said, do you have the support of your

community? Your community is not only the people in your group, but the people supporting it as well. One thing that should be determined immediately from a

leadership stand point is if your group is co-dependent or community.

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Secret #8

Don’t Be a Know It All

One of the biggest myths as a Leader is that you are supposed to know it all!!! WRONG ANSWER!! What

you will notice in High School and even throughout your life, there are too many people trying to be a Jack of ALL

Trades and a Master at none. One thing you should be very clear about, as a leader is people are going to expect you to figure it all out. Well, you wanna know how some of the greatest leaders do that? They surround themselves

with people who can help solve the problem or get an answer the Leader does not have it. Being an

Entrepreneur, I know that I don’t know it all, and I love it! The joy of not knowing it all is that you get to seek out

those who may have or have access to what you are looking for. With this territory comes one of the greatest dynamics know to this world. Group & Team Effort! So

next time you don’t know the answer . . . work with someone who does. I promise, it will take your leadership


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Secret #9

Honor Your Word at All Times

This is one of the Golden Rules you must live by if you choose to be an extraordinary leader. When I say talk

about honoring your word, when you say it . . . just do it. One of the biggest downfalls of Leaders is that they say

they are going to do something then they don’t do it. What do you think that does to the trust of the ones who

are under their leadership?

When it all boils down to it. All you have as a leader is your word. People are trusting that you will stick by your word. Now if you don’t stick by your word, be real and own up to it. There is nothing worse than not honoring your word or doing what you say you will do and try to pretend like it never happened. Are there going to be

times where you have every intention of honoring your word, but you don’t? Yep. Will people get ticked off at you when you don’t honor your word and there will be

consequences for it? Of course. So the real deal is. Don’t make promises you can’t keep. AND to sum it up in one word – INTEGRITY. Without it, your world will always

seem out of control.

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Secret #10

Write It Down

Now that you know as a Leader it pays to honor your word one of the ways that you can assure that you do that

is by writing it down. As a leader, you will have great intentions or doing certain things, but you are what we call a Human Being. I said that to say we forget things. Even

with the best intentions. How often have you said to someone “I’ll text you later tonight.” Then it is a few

days later that same person walks up to you and says “hey you never text me, what’s up with that.”

Being a leader you will be bombarded by things to do, people to see, meetings to attend, and appearances to make. This does not even include your homework

assignments, tests and special projects that you have to do while you are in school. The best way to keep track of

your Extraordinary Life? Write it down. It is the best way to keep up with all of it. This will make a major

difference in your having a successful life both in and out of school.

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Secret #11

Separate Yourself from Failure

Just because you fail at something does not make you a failure. Leaders can be the worst enemies we will ever meet. Why? Because to put the world on our shoulders

and if a project or event that we are working fails, we automatically tell ourselves that we are failures. This

could not be further from the truth. You failed at a project, it doesn’t make you a failure. As a matter of fact it when

you fail and you move on knowing that the project or event was a failure and you are not . . . that is when

success shows up on your front door. So stop it. You are not a failure. You are just and Extraordinary Leader who had a project that failed. At the end of the day, you are

still successful.

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Secret #12Have Fun!

People who are in your group will often do this thing called “follow the leader.” Now here is something you

should know. It is not always about following the leader’s marching orders. It is more about following the leader’s attitude. Leadership is not about doing things and giving marching orders. Leadership is very much about setting

the tone. How do you set the tone? With your attitude. If you have a nasty attitude, then your group will follow

suit. If you have an attitude of being overwhelmed by it all, guess what, your group will be overwhelmed. So,

why not have the attitude of FUN! If you are having fun, they will have fun. Here’s a secret if you ever see your group getting frustrated or upset, change your attitude

gauge to having fun. You become their cheerleader and start having fun and encouraging to have fun as well. You will be amazed at how much you making it a point to have

fun will affect the rest of your group and they will start having fun as well. So go get your clown nose and bring

the fun on.

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Secret #13Show Off Your Swagger!

In the Hip-Hop & Urban Culture you will hear the word “Swagger.” Defined, swagger is how one presents him or herself to the world. Oftentimes, some people see it being an “air.” So how does this pertain leadership? Thanks for

asking, I’ll tell you. I start off by asking you this question. How do you present yourself and yourself as a leader to the world? When people see you do they really

see confidence? Someone who is on the move and making things happen? Or do they see someone TRYING

to be “all that?” Pretending to be someone they are not with the idea of trying to impress? When it comes to you showing off your swagger, it is nothing more than you just

showing the world that you are confident. This is key when you are a leader. For the record, swagger is not just confidence. It confidence, excitement, joy, fun, laughter, willingness, persistence, and then some. People are more

apt to listen to those who show off their true swagger versus following one someone who is trying to pretend.

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Secret #14

Your Leadership Needs Your StyleIf all Leaders were the same . . . LIFE WOULD SUCK!!! Point blank, that is as straightforward as I can put it. We can go to school and learn every leadership skill, attend conferences and learn every leadership secret but there

will always be one thing missing . . . Your Style. One of the earliest choices made when stepping into leadership is

what style of leadership they will take on. Will they choose to be aristocratic? Fun with a slight edge of

straightforwardness? There are so many different styles of leadership that you can take on, however, the one thing

that will make your leadership complete is your style. In leadership you become very attentive to what works and what doesn’t work for you. You begin to see how you

influence people or need work in that area. You stumble upon certain ways that you choose to problem solve. You will be in constant discovery of yourself. My suggestion

is that you take what works and bring it to your leadership. What doesn’t work take it out! This is all

your style.

What will allow your leadership to really incorporate your style in leadership is really bringing who you are to the


You be You!

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Secret #15


Who wants to be around anyone who is serious all the time? LAUGH!! Yes, I know you are a leader, and you have deadlines to meet, meetings to go to, papers to do,

practices to make, but as a leader you cannot always be in a “I’m the leader” mode. Do you know that you laughing and making that a habit, you will have your team or group come together and always focus on the “positive” instead of the “negative” things. Can you imagine how much you

could get done as a group if that was available? So please. Train yourself to laugh, make a funny joke, do

something out of the blue. How about conducting a meeting in a funny wig or something when the group is

having a tough time. Please Laugh! When you do, know that you are training your group to do the same. Even when they are not laughing you can always stop and

scream “Laugh! PLEASE LAUGH!”

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Secret #16“Thank You” Goes on a Lifetime

Being a leader we get wrapped into focusing on getting from Point A to Point B all the time. Nothing is wrong

with that. In fact I want to say if you don’t have goals you are setting yourself up. So my question is, how are you

going to assure that you reach those goals? By saying two words that are not used nearly as much as they should

“thank you.” These two words hold so much weight and can spring a group into action. As a leader make it a common practice to thank people for the little things. Thank them for showing up to a meeting or practice.

Thank them for a great attitude. Thank them for just being a part. Sure there are going to be times when you will

thank them for completing a project or playing exceptionally well. What will make a world of difference is just thanking them for trusting you enough to be a part of your organization. Do you realize how many people don’t get thanked for being a part? And we wonder why so many people feel unappreciated. Take a stand today

and thank everyone! Thank them a whole and thank them individually. The more you practice this, the more it will

become a joy to do. Take time to say two words thank can literally change a life . . . Thank You.

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Secret #17Know the Difference Between

Power & ForceI HAVE THE POWER!!! That is a common line you will hear in a cartoon or even see on a movie with some evil

villain plotting to take over the world. Because of this, we collapse Power and Force. Some think that power is

force. I beg to differ. As a matter of fact, they are two very distinct things and can almost be defined in a way

that they contradict. Being a leader, you must realize that force is the very thing that will run people away. When

people choose to be under your leadership, they are trusting that you are going to be careful, caring,

understanding and powerful to LEAD them in the right direction, not FORCE them in the right direction. When powerful leadership is around, there is never a feeling of being forced. As a matter of fact you are inspired to take action. That my friend is Power. So here is how you can

distinguish Power versus Force. With power, you are straight-forward, open and a source of inspiration for your team so that they are inspired into action. With force you are hiding something, pretending you are all of that, acting as if you are the only one with the answers and often kill inspiration. Action does not happen and as a result more

FORCE is used. So which one do you choose? The Force that forces or the Power that inspires?

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Secret #18Study to Show Thyself Approved

You thought being a leader was going to have you get away from doing studying? PLEASE!!! As a matter of

fact you will be doing almost twice the studying. Being a leader, your studying becomes your Genie in a Bottle. How so? When you study up on leadership, you get to

seek out people who you like, admire and just downright love and see study them. Prime example, one of the

people I have studied was Michael Jordan. I have read his books and have been able to apply some of the things he

learned about his game and life and apply to my game and life. Believe it or not, it was a lot of fun. I enjoyed

digging into his life. I know what it was that had him and the Chicago Bulls win their 6 championships and believe it or not it was through what Michael Jordan learned as a

Leader that had it happen. Studying leadership, you choose what and who you study. My only suggestion that

I have for you around this is jump into it with fun and expectation. Let’s say you want to know more about Sean

P. Diddy Combs (the next person I will be studying.) Conduct your study as a game. What would it take for

you to get to know so much about him that you feel comfortable enough to invite him to a Starbucks for a

Latte’ because you have studied him just that much. Your studying will be what you make it. So make it fun and

make it serve you.

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Secret #19Expose Yourself To Different Types of

Foods, Music and Styles

One secret to assuring that your leadership never gets boring is just putting yourself out there and experiencing the world. How can you experience the world without

traveling during the school year? If you are in a diverse community and you have people in your group who have a different background, ask them about it. Ask them about different customs or even favorite dishes that they have. What type of music do they like? Do they listen to the same music? Just begin to expose yourself to different cultures. You will be amazed how exposing yourself to

new cultures and backgrounds will have a profound effect on your leadership and leadership style. If you do not

have access to the diversity of people or communities, that is not an excuse. The Internet and Cable Television has made it so easy for us to tap in. Check out and see how

other leadership styles differ from culture to culture. From country to country. From sea to shining sea! Trust me, your leadership will be taken to a whole new level. I

don’t know maybe . . . World Class Leader!

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Secret #20Build Partnerships

You will not be able to do it on your own. Not only that, you group will not be able to do it on their own. So when

you and your group can’t do it all on your own, get in partnership with others. Being in High School, there are so many sources that you can tap into as far as teachers, guidance counselors, deans, principals and even other

student leaders. There is this misconception that you do not need anyone else. Contrary to popular belief you do

and you will. Let’s say your group is throwing a big dance. There are only 10 people in your group. If you are

not in partnership with other groups you may have 20 people at your dance. How much fun is that? It is when you build partnerships that you can create alliances with

other groups and or teachers who will have your dance be packed out. This is with any group. If you are in

partnership with others, you not only increase your exposure and, people who would not have known your group and what your group represents gets exposed to

you. Partnerships create a winning solution every time.

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Secret #21Show Your Appreciation

Your group does a lot of work. They give their time, their effort and their energy. Truth be told, without them, you would not have the opportunity to be the leader that you are today. Because this group of people following you

trust you enough to lead them, my recommendation is that you show your appreciation. There are so many ways that you can show your appreciation. Why not have a member appreciation day. Sponsor a picnic, meet out for bowling one night, or even just take one day of meeting time, get someone to bake some cookies and other goodies and put

a big ole’ Thank You Sign on the table with the cookies. It is never too late to appreciate.

When should you appreciate? Whenever. We show appreciation after a big win of a game or even a big

victory. How about you appreciate them when the is at one of the lowest or when they feel their work is not

enough. Your appreciation will be the very thing that will take your group to the next level and adopt the “Yes We

Can and Yes We Will” state of mind. No matter when you do, just knowing that it is never too late to appreciate.

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Secret #22 Get A Grip

Stop Freaking Out! Get A Grip! Crap happens. Plans get derailed, people act crazy, groups will freak. It is in these moments where you have to take everything in you and grab a hold of your sanity. Being a leader there will be problems that you see that the group doesn’t even see.

When that happens Get A Grip! There will be times where an issue shows up that no one was even expecting.

When that happens Get A Grip! When it seems like everyone is against you in your group Get A Grip! When you choose to take control of your thoughts alone and not

allow some craziness to jump off, you will be able to operate and make wise decisions from a clear mind. So

when you see that freak out moment show up . . .

Get A Grip!

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Secret #23 Be Real With Everyone

(Especially Yourself)

There is no room for phony people in leadership. One thing I love about high school leaders is the fact that they will be real. They will tell you when your clothes don’t match and tell you when your breathe is hotter than fire.

So when you are a leader know that your group will appreciate being real. Now you are who you are. But

have you ever noticed that we put on this façade to make ourselves look more important or even act like we are

invincible. That type of leader will not earn a great trust from their group. Who they will trust is someone who

they can relate to and know that no matter what, they will never feel belittled next to your presence. Be real with

everyone especially yourself. Be real with yourself because being an Extraordinary Leader will requires you to be just that. The great surprise shows up when you are real about your good, bad and ugly, your group will feel safe enough to be their real self. What an honor it would

be the leader of a group that feels free enough to be themselves in a world where many times we are portrayed

not to be good enough.

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Secret #24Listen More Than You Speak

You want to know when your leadership sucks? When you hear yourself talking all the dang on time. Leadership

is not about you and your ideas. It is about the ideas of the group you are leading. Extraordinary Leadership

shows that there is a leader who is willing to just sit and listen to any and everything that their group members

have to say. Now do not get this confused with when they say things to you, you always have to give an answer. So not true. Sometimes, people just want to be heard. Can you provide that for you group? Can you provide a safe

space for them to say anything they need say and feel respected enough that you won’t always put your two

cents in? When you create this foundation in your group through your leadership, you are going to see people grow and blossom like never before. You would amazed at how many people do not feel listened to. So what would your group become under your leadership if you made that a

rule that they have the freedom to communicate at anytime either with or without your commentary.

Essentially, you would become the person in their life where actually feel heard. In some cases it may be the

first time with you. Now that is Extraordinary Leadership.

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Secret #25Think, Act and Evaluate


Act, Think, Evaluate, Think Again and Then Act

When it comes to projects know that you are either in action or you are not. When your group takes on projects

instill in them the value of Think, Then Act and Then Evaluate. Let’s say the group has come up with an idea for a project, that is the “thinking” stage. The next thing that should happen is the group takes immediate action. After taking action the group can stop to evaluate if the

action being taken is effective. If it is, continue to act and if not, the group can go through the process of Think Act and Evaluate again. Where many groups mess up is they

“think” then they “evaluate” what they were thinking. Listen, how can a group effectively evaluate anything is no action has been taken? They get tricked into thinking

that evaluating thinking is going to have the action be great? Just the opposite. As a leader my request of you is that you keep your groups in the process. Think Act and

Evaluate. I promise you, your group will see some immediate and tangible results.

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Secret #26Either Let Go of Your Past or

There is No New Future

As a leader, you will come to the table with a past. As a matter of fact, everyone will. Now my question is what can you do with your past? Really? You cannot change it. You cannot fix it. You cannot revisit. Given that, if

everyone shows up to the table with their past, will there ever be a new future. Let’s take an example. There are 10 people in your group and you will be meeting at a round table. The table is clean and clear. The table represents

the future. These 10 people including yourself will show up with books, book bags, IPods and the like. Let’s say all

of this represents the past that each of you are carrying. When you show up for the round table meeting everyone

puts the things (past) on top of the table (the future). Once you begin the meeting you realize you want to create or build something new, but you cannot because there is no

room on the table (your future) because it is cluttered with your past. Let the past be the past. When you really start looking at that and having your group do the same. What would you and your group be able to create if you showed up to a table empty just waiting on you to create the new


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Secret #27 Give Your Team a Chance to Run


The group you oversee will be flowing with ideas often. If you desire to take your group to the next level, allow

them to start fulfilling on those ideas with your support. I know sounds scary, but give your group the chance to

initiate and run ideas and projects that they bring to the table. When they bring up the ideas, ask them would they

be willing to lead the project. If they say yes, let them know that they are the leader of this project and you will serve as an advisor. When you allow your team to run

things, you build this self sufficient community of people who become this machine of major accomplishment. Yes, your group could all focus on one project or event. What would be like for your group if there were two projects

going on and both of them were excellent? Know that the power you will instill in your group will be the greatest

investment in grooming, growing and taking your group to a whole new plain of accomplishment. It takes and

extraordinary leader to stand back and let the group do it.

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Secret #28Party With Your Team! Celebrate!

Get into the habit of celebrating with your team. We all like a party, a good party. Now the trick here is celebrate your great moments and also celebrate the moments that you fail as a group. You failing as a group is not a bad

thing at all. What does it mean when you fail as group? It means you were in action around making something

happen and it just didn’t quite work out. I would rather be able to celebrate accomplishments and failures with a

team of people who are in action versus celebrating when we only rarely win. So get the balloons and go party!

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Secret #29

Take on Your Physical Health

One of the challenges of being a leader is it can actually stress you out physically. Consider that you are going to be doing a lot thinking, a lot of pondering and even a lot of running around. With that, when your body becomes

overstressed, it begins to show physically. You will seem sleepy and tired often, irritated, even feel down on some

days. To counter act that is to really take on your physical health. Get out and go dancing, play volleyball, lift

weights, run whatever it is you like to do get into the habit of it because being active will introduce endorphins into

your system which is the natural stimulant to have you be engaged with your group on a long term basis. Who wants to be lead by someone who is sleepy, tired, and


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Secret #30Build New Habits

Destroy Habits That Suck!

There are habits currently that will not allow you to be an extraordinary leader. Playing video games for 4 hours on a school night when you know you have homework and

some work to do for you group, it’s not gonna work. Period. This is a habit that needs to be destroyed. How would your life, not just school life, but your life take shape if you were intentional about creating habits that

supported your success? Instead of playing video games for 4 maybe say, you will only spend 1 hour from 6 -7 pm playing, 7 – 8:30 pm, you will homework and 8:30 to 9:30

pm you spend on getting ready for your next meeting. Want to change an old habit? Do this. Recognize the bad

habit, set up a structure for the new habit like I just did and commit 20 days to it. If you stick to this, the old habit

is done and now have a habit that will support your extraordinary leadership. The great thing about that is you

can use this for any area of your life.

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Secret #31

Dress Up Every Once in a While

Isn’t it amazing how great you feel when you dress up for Homecoming or Prom? It seems like your spirits are lifted out of the blue. Do that every once and a while around your group. I’m not saying you need to put on

your tux or prom dress, but do a little extra and go above the average dress code every now and then. As a Leader,

your group will always be keeping their eyes on you. Following your lead, some may dress up every once in a

while. Make dressing up occasionally a group effort. What if your group chose a day a semester to just dress up and walk the halls as if each own the school. I say that’s great. What about you? So when you are going to pull

out that tie? What about the high heels?

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Secret #32Invest in Yourself

When we look at the word invest many immediately see that as investing in the stock market. That’s not where I’m going at all. When I say invest in yourself, invest in your knowledge as a leader. Being school I know you have a lot to do and a lot of reading to do, so the last thing on your mind will be to pick up a book on leadership. I

challenge to do so. Even if you read for 20 minutes a day, you reading beyond what is required will give you the edge of being an Extraordinary Leader. Investing in

yourself is so underrated that I almost find fault in it. You will not be able to lead effectively if you are not

constantly expanding yourself. Yes, life will teach you some hard knock lessons. That does not mean you have to

learn the hard way all the time. Trust me, there is someone who has done what you are trying to do. So why not invest in yourself, by attending a workshop, leadership conference or even reading a book that will have you learn

without the agony of the experience. Take this on and know that the more you expand by investing in yourself,

the more your group will expand.

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Secret #33

Make Time for You!

You deserve a break! Being in leadership can get mentally taxing at times. So, I suggest that you make time

for you. I recommend no less than 3 hours a week that you just totally have for yourself. In this time you can do

anything. Kick it with your boys, hang out with your girls, take yourself to a movie, veg out on the couch while

munching down your favorite meal. Make it a habit of doing this. The three hours do not necessarily have to be all together, but if you want to replenish yourself, really

consider the 3 hours will benefit you.

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Secret #34Be Oblivious to Nothing!

Becoming a leader, your sense of awareness begins to increase. You start seeing things that you haven’t noticed

before. You witness first hand some things that you weren’t even expecting. The downfall of this is when it

comes to our groups we will see but not say anything. We will purposely turn the cheek to it so we don’t have to deal with it. You may see that there is tension between two of

your group member and you stand back and not say anything. Being a leader being oblivious is an option. Being and extraordinary leader, being oblivious is not tolerated. When you see things address them. If you don’t know how to address the entire situation, this is

when your partnerships and community outside the group can give you feedback and strategies to have this handled. Address it sooner rather than later so it will not affect your

groups performance.

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Secret #35

Obey the Law!

Stay Out of Trouble!

Stay Out of Jail!

An Extraordinary Leader cannot be so Extraordinary if behind bars, Duh!

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Secret #36Find a Mentor

In your structure of partnerships, it is great to have a Mentor in your corner. A mentor will be able to serve as a coach who can give you pointers on how to be effective.

It will be a relationship that would support you in overcoming those moments where you are stopped. A mentor can also be a sounding board for new ideas or

challenges that you are having. You cannot do it alone. Your mentor can be a teacher, a business owner, a leader of another team or even one of your parents. Ultimately

you get to choose they are for you.

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Secret #37 Evaluate Your Friends

Every 6 Months to a Year

Once becoming a leader, you become this immediate magnet to people. So many people will be blown away by the fact that you are the leader of the group that they will

just seem to attach themselves to you out of nowhere. They will start showing up at your lunch table. They may

even start showing up your locker. In some cases you acquaint yourself with new people and before we know it

these people are our “friends.” While I think that is great, I caution you to evaluate your new found and even current friends. Just because people like to be around you does not necessarily mean they would be great to be in a

friendship with. So some of the things you must start asking yourself is “why are they my friends?” “Do they just enjoy being around me just because?” “Do I enjoy

hanging out with them?” “Are they negative or give negative feedback?” These are just a few questions you

should ask. If you find that you are not liking the answers to some of these people, choose to not be their friend. No hard feelings. When it all boils down to it, just know that

it is up to you and it is your choice who you choose to have around.

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Secret #38Stay Away From Toxic People

If They are Negative . . . Stay Away From Them

If They always Have Attitude . . . Stay Away From Them

If They know it all but no results to show it . . . Stay Away From Them

If They find every thing wrong with the world . . . Stay Away From Them

If They are a “Hater” . . . Stay Away From Them

Being an Extraordinary Leader, there is no room for crap!

So Stay Away From Toxic People

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Secret #39Shake Things Up!

Groups get into the habit of doing the same thing over and over and over and over again. The same events, the same

fundraisers, the same the same the same. Being an extraordinary leader you are in the place to challenge your group to try out new things. Let’s say you’ve done a bake

sale every year. Great! Wonderful! How about trying putting on a dance or even a dance competition that will

have the different dance crews at your school compete for a prize. Guess what. That bake sale . . . can be done at

the event. Get use to shaking things up with your group. When you do this, your team not only gets complacent with what they do, but they also begin to grow in new

ways and with that, the group goes to new heights.

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Secret #40Live With Fear and Not IN Fear

Contrary to popular belief Fear will always be in your life. However, there are two ways you can deal with Fear:

Option A

You can Live IN Fear which means that you have given Fear the keys to your car and you are riding in the

passenger’s seat screaming the whole time because fear is behind the wheel driving your life.


Option B

You can Live WITH Fear which means that although Fear may always be there, you are behind the wheel in the

control driving your own life despite the fact that Fear is going along for the ride.

Your Call . . . Your Extraordinary Leadership . . . Your Life

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Secret #41

Do Group Evaluation After Every Event

Debriefing is a very powerful tool in leadership. A debrief is just a meeting with everyone after the event and you sit down and discuss the event. I suggest that you pose the

following questions: “What worked?” “What didn’t Work?” and “How was the overall project for you?”

These questions you pose to the entire. The gold found in doing this is you get a chance to really get a read of where

your group is. You get to know about some things that took place behind the scenes that had the event be either success or not as successful. Also, your group will feel heard. This is a major component of taking on the next project with a clean slate and new ideas. Make this a

practice and this practice will prove fruitful for years to come even after you have passed on your leadership.

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Secret #42

Quote Somebody

History has graced us with some of the greatest leaders and pioneers. More than we may ever have time to get to know. One thing that will keep your team inspired and in

action is if you quote a great leader or pioneer for your group. There are so many accomplished people who have left such great quotes that a sentence or two can literally

inspire you to greatness.

One of my favorite quotes right now is:

Success means we got to sleep at night knowing that our talents and abilities were used in a way that served others.

- Marianne Williamson

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Secret #43

Start at Home

Want to get practice in leadership? Start at home. Better yet start with yourself. It amazes me how many leaders I

have seen leading by the principal “do as I say not as I do?” What the heck! Are you serious? So being a leader means that you are going to have to take a close look at what’s going on in your own backyard. That means that you are going to have to start being on time for your life, doing what you said you would, being great with people

everywhere and even just keeping your room clean at home. When you start practicing leadership and choice making in your own life, it becomes easier when you are

with your group. Leadership is not an over the night thing. It is very much like a muscle. If you want it to get

bigger, you have to work it out. So if you are really looking to buff up your leadership . . . start by using your

leadership at home.

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Secret #44

It’s Not All About You

Your leadership will never be about you. For those of you reading this thinking that leadership is about the spotlight and the glitz and glamour of it all. That’s great, but you

are in the wrong field. It is not all about you boo. Who is about? It’s about those people who are a part of your

group. They are involved in a group that is allowing them the space to be greater than they have ever know

themselves to be. It’s about the people who your group helps. No matter how you help them whether it be on the Pep Squad making people laugh, shout and cheer, or a part

of Snowball, a group who really builds self-esteem like nobody’s business. This is why you are a leader. The true joy of being a leader is not being out in front. If you take

that route you will cheat yourself of one of the greatest gifts. That gift is having someone under your leadership

really walk away being a greater, stronger and more dynamic than before they joined. That my friend is worth living for.

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Secret #45Know that Success Will Be

Sprinkled with Failures

News Flash! You are going to fail! That thought sucks doesn’t it? I know, I even had a hard time writing this

because who really wants to fail? Absolutely no one. So, here is the secret. Your success is only going to be

generated by being in action. Being in action is going to cause to do things that do not work out. You will fail

often times. The joy of knowing that your failed attempt at something is putting you a step closer to your success, you have given yourself a freedom that many Leaders do

not have. Typical leaders try to do things that will not have them fail or even do not take action in order to avoid

failure. The Extraordinary Leader will take the action being clear that a failed attempt is bound to happen.

When it happens, they say it was a failed attempt and try again. This will lead extraordinary leaders to have way more successes than the typical leader who is afraid to fail. So hurry up! Fail fast! It puts you closer to your


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Secret #46Learning is Priority

If you suspect that you will need to be a progressive learner in order to become an extraordinary leader, you are

right. However, I caution and how you learn. If you expect your learning to be like your course to learning basic math, to algebra to trigonometry, you are setting

yourself up to fail. Extraordinary Leaders are clear that they are learning all the time. In order to do that, one has to realize that the lessons are not going to be typical. The

lessons will not always be in order. The lessons will spike learning curve. If you are a leader who is always looking

for a lesson in something or just even being inquisitive about something all the time, you are well on your way to

setting yourself apart from typical leaders.

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Secret #47

Be Wiling to Take Risks

You play small, you win small. You play big you win big. Take little risks, expect menial rewards, take big risks,

know that the rewards are great. If you are a leader, know that taking risks is something you should become a Master at. This does not mean that some of you risks will prove

worthy all the time, but I really want you to know that it is in your risk taking that you discover some great things about yourself, about your group and overall just about life. When you become a Master Risk Taker, you are equipping yourself with one of the greatest tools you

could ever have in being an Extraordinary Leader.

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Secret #48Connect & Partner With Other Leaders

Take Impossible out of your dictionary and vocabulary

If you have a dictionary I want you to go to it right now. Take a pair of scissors with you and look up the word

“impossible.” When you find it, I want you to cut it out of your dictionary. Here’s why. There is no such thing as

impossible. If you are reading this book and you look at the cars on the street, do you know that you years ago,

When Henry Ford had an idea of a car, people thought he was idiotic and this contraption would never come to

because it was “impossible.” Do you realize that if you have ridden in an airplane, some time ago, that was

considered “impossible.” What about cell phones. People at one point thought that being able to call another friend

across the country not being connect physically to a landline . . . yep they thought it was “impossible.” This is what I want you to consider. In your leadership, there are going to be tasks that seem impossible. The moment that comes up in your mind, start looking around and realize

that you are surrounded by things that were at one point in life considered impossible. So it that’s the case, what

makes you think that your leadership will not lead to the impossible becoming possible? Think about it.

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Secret #49 Burn The Ships!

There is a story of a General who was overseeing an army. They were getting ready to go into battle on an

island with another army that outnumbered their own by a large amount. The General told them, they were going to this island to WIN this war. In assuring that they won, he commanded that the boats they traveled on to the island be burned upon arrival. In doing so he told the army, “we are

not leaving until we win!” Talk about commitment. Though this story may seem absurd to some, my question is, how many times as a leader have you looked at a task or project and instantly gave up on the battle before you even started. What separates extraordinary leaders from

plain same ole’ same ole leaders, is the Extraordinary Leader will demand that they are not leaving until they win! So when it comes to projects, events, and certain

task, you must go in with no other plan than to win!

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Secret #50

Be a Leader Who Builds Leaders

One of the unknown secrets of being the greatest leaders is by training, building and inspiring new leaders. One of

the traps of poor leadership is by being a leader who does not share what they have learned with others. Being a

leader who holds everything to themselves will set your group up for failure. It is also one of the quickest ways to bring a Dictatorship like style to the group. What cutting edge leaders are learning today is that they cannot do it all by themselves. There needs to be collaborations between those who are currently leading and those who desire to be leading. If you nurture an environment of being a leader who is constantly on the lookout for leaders, discovering those who don’t even know they have that in them, and begin training those people, your experience as a leader

will be so Off The Chain! By training others, you deepen your knowledge of what you are training them in. Leader

build leaders by doing just that. Constantly giving to others what they have learned. In doing so, their

leadership expands beyond recognition.

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Secret #51Honor Your Humanity

One thing that is rarely talked about as a leader is that no matter what type of leader you are, you will always be

human. For some there is this funny notion that when you become a leader all of a sudden you are not a Human-Being anymore. Wrong answer. When you become a

leader, it does not mean you have these new super powers all of a sudden. You will always be human. You are going

to be great some days. Then there are going to be some times where you make mistakes, not in the best mood or just “not feeling it.” That is ok. When you have those

moments take a second and realize that you are human. This is not the time invalidate yourself or your leadership. Honor the joy of being a Human Being and instill that in

your group.

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ConclusionJust so you know, I made this book an easy read.

Trust me, if you are a leader, considering being a leader, thought about being a leader, more than likely, you have a lot on your plate already. Consider this book a resource tool. I don't expect you to read this book and all of a sudden start taking on all 51 of the Secrets. As a matter of fact, ideally it would work if you took on each leadership secret, one per week, therefore, you get to use and practice it without climbing the walls. Look, I even gave you a week off (if I didn't it would be 52 secrets).

My commitment to you is that you experience your leadership and yourself as someone that you didn't even consider would produce the results that you would. Again, this book is designed for you to come back to every once in a while. If you find your leadership or even just everyday life just becoming one big ole stress ball, I promise, just one of these secrets will have a huge impact on you and your leadership. How do I know? Trust me, I'm not only the Author, I also use this book as my resource!

To your greatness, A'ric JacksonThe Dream Achiever

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A’ric Jackson The Dream Achiever

Did you like this book?

Check out A’ric Jackson’s other books!

5 Things Your Guidance Counselor Didn’t Tell You

Don’t Be Scurred

Fearless: The 7 Steps To Becoming An Extraordinary Leader In the World

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A’ric Jackson

Author, Speaker . . .


For the last eight years, people have allowed themselves to be inspired and motivated by the words of A’ric Jackson. His mission is to “T.I.E.” - Teach, Inspire and Encourage all those who hear him, and to take the challenge of helping others pursue their goals and dreams.

What began as passionate poetry designed to uplift the spirit has turned into the pursuit of affecting attitudes and changing conventional thought. A charismatic and genuinely heartfelt facilitator, A’ric knows that his “passion and desire for his audience allow him to connect with them while he is speaking.”

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After realizing how affected his audiences were by the poetry he would share, A’ric began to feel the tug of moving to the next level with his words. Selected as “Best New Speaker” in 2000 by the Chicago Chapter of the International Speech Organization, Toastmasters, this recognition made him realize how much he wanted to pursue this and how much a void needed to be filled with more strong teens and youth across America.

Watching him speak on stage helps you realize why he is such a unique and gifted orator. For it takes a genuine speaker to present information with shared experience, passion to research a topic much deeper, and to share that information with the audience using skills that will make it a memorable and exciting experience for all.

One of his greatest endeavors to date is his new book "5 Things Your Guidance Counselor Didn't Tell You!" The book is a down to earth, insightful and often humorous look at the colorful spectrum of the “NOW” generation’s journey to becoming a Certified Dream Achiever. The book was released Summer of 2008! Since that time he has released “51 Secrets to Being An Extraordinary High School Leader” “Don’t Be Scurrred” and “Fearless: The 7 Steps To Becoming An Extraordinary Leader In The World” He is preparing to release his latest book with focuses Bullying. “I love living my dream everyday and that dream is to transform the lives of teens across the world!”

Whether it is through his speaking or writing A'ric is interested in reaching the “NOW” generation and letting them know that there is someone who is willing to take a chance on them, encourage their hopes, and give them the

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tools needed to making their dreams a reality.

A’ric’s motto is “You must first learn to love yourself, then, allow others to follow,” and he believes that whenever someone takes time out of their life to hear what he has to say, and acts upon what he says, that makes him eternally grateful.

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