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  • 7/26/2019 500 Mock Questions on Colonization.docx


    500 Mock Questions on Colonization, Decolonization; Revolutions:French, American, Russian; Unification: tal!, "erman!, #orl$ #ars %More

    History,world history

    26 May 2016

    m&erialism an$ Colonization

    1. Discuss the basic feature of colonialism in what ways colonialism is differentfrom imperialism?

    2. European conuest of the world

    !. E"plain the wor#in$s of %mperialism in the conte"t of any one imperialistcountry.

    &. %n what ways are colonialism and imperialism related to each other?

    '. Define( Mercantilism, )olonial state, )anton *ystem

    6. +hat is colonialism? i-e an account of the different sta$es of colonialism.

    . +rite a note on the process of the e"pansion of the world by Europeanpowers.

    /. +rite a note on the process throu$h which the European powers conueredthe entire world.

    . )ritically discuss the -arious theories of imperialism.

    10. Discuss the measures ta#en by the ritish state towards modernisation.

    11. +hat was the impact of )olonialism on frica? Discuss.

    12. +rite a note on the imperialist ri-alries that de-eloped in the late 1th and theearly 20th century.

    1!. Define nation. +hat is the process throu$h which nations ha-e emer$ed inthe world?

    1&. Discuss the main features of direct colonial domination by European powers

    1'. Discuss the three sta$es of ritish colonialism in %ndia.

    16. Ma#in$ of the ritish 3ation4*tate
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    1. E"amine the features of colonialism with reference to the sta$es throu$hwhich it de-eloped.

    1/. +rite a note on 5heories of %mperialism

    1. +hat is colonialism? Discuss the -arious sta$es of colonialism.

    20. clea-er conuer will always impose his demands on the conuered byinstallments.

    21. fter 1' there $rew up a *tate of en$al which was a sponsored state aswell as a plundered state.

    22. ssess critically the economic impact of the ritish rule in %ndia till the end ofthe nineteenth century.

    2!. t the end of the battle of *edan 71/08, Europe lost a mistress and $ained amaster.

    2&. y 11&, the sic# man of Europe was no lon$er 9ust 5ur#ey ( it was Europeitself. E"plain.

    2'. )olonies are li#e fruits which clin$ to the tree only till they ripen.

    26. )ritically e"amine the culture system in the Dutch East %ndies 7%ndonesia8durin$ the nineteenth century. +hy was it dismantled?

    2. )ritically e"amine the Dutch colonial policy in %ndonesia.

    2/. Discuss the emer$ence of neo4imperialism in the late nineteenth century.

    2. Discuss the -iew that the ritish rule brou$ht about economic chan$es in%ndia to ser-e the needs of the imperial economy and establish a dependent formof underde-elopment in this country.

    !0. E"plain how merican imperialism in :hilippines differed with Europeanimperialism in %ndonesia and %ndo4)hina.

    !1. E"plain the ritish policy of *ubordinate union of %ndian *tates with ritish%ndia from 1/'/ onwards? How did the o-ernment of %ndia implement thispolicy durin$ this period?

    !2. Holland was en$a$ed in a systematic e"ploitation of %ndonesia in thenineteenth century. Elucidate.

    !!. %f imperialism is -iewed as a phase of the stru$$le for power between *tates,its result must be 9ud$ed in terms of its role in power politics.

    !&. %mperialism and )olonialism ha-e lon$ employed as instruments of nationalpolicy.

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    !'. %n all the lon$ annals of %mperialism, the partition of frica is a remar#ablefrea#.

    !6. Mercantilist philosophy was based upon a belief that pri-ate ;amp< socialinterests are not necessarily in harmony.

    !. 3ew imperialism was a nationalistic, not an economic phenomena.

    !/. =ne $reat effect of the $eo$raphical disco-eries of the 1'th century was the$rowin$ belief that merica, sia and frica were to be used e"tensi-ely for thebenefit of Europeans.

    !. =rientalism produced a #nowled$e of the past to ser-ice the needs of the)olonial *tates. Elucidate.

    &0. :lantations and mines, 9ute, ban#in$, insurance, shippin$ and e"port4import

    concerns in %ndia were run throu$h a system of interloc#in$ mana$in$ a$encies.

    &1. :ortu$al and *pain, the pioneers in world e"ploration, were also first in therace to conuer o-erseas countries

    &2. >abindranath 5a$ores nationalism was based on a )atholic internationalism.

    &!. 5he ritish conuest of *ind was both a political and moral seuel to the firstaf$han war. )omment.

    &&. 5he ritish industrial policy in the nineteenth century ruined the %ndianhandicrafts.

    &'. 5he ritish >a9 had a deeply racist aspect and it ultimately e"isted to protectcolonial e"ploitation.

    &6. 5he )hristian Missionary propa$anda from 1/1! onwards was ofteninsensiti-e and woundin$.

    &. 5he countries in the Middle East became, after 11, the scene of constanteffer-escence and some stri#in$ chan$es.

    &/. 5he )rimean +ar was the most useless war e-er wa$ed.

    &. 5he disco-ery of the new world, coincidin$ with the swift diffusion of printedboo#s, tau$ht the Europeans that 5ruth is the dau$hter not of authority, but oftime.

    '0. 5he educated middle class in the 1th century often found the domain ofreason to be oppressi-e, as it implied the historical necessity of ci-ili@in$scolonial rule.

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    '1. 5he forces of free trade and the ritish determination to create a political andadministrati-e en-ironment conducti-e to trade and in-estment had shaped theritish policy towards %ndia in the first half of the nineteenth century. A Elucidate.

    '2. 5he o-ernment of %ndia from )annin$ to )ur@on was re$arded as a white

    mans burden rather than as a call to creati-e effort or the preparation for a newera.

    '!. 5he %ndian Middle )lass firmly belie-ed that ritain had imposed a colonialeconomy on %ndia which had impo-erished the country.

    '&. 5he Monta$ue Declaration 720 u$ust 118 was obser-ed more closely inthe realm of imperial relations than anythin$ else.

    ''. 5he period 11 to 1&' is important in the history of E$ypt for thee"planation of its resources by reat ritain and rise of stron$ nationalism.


    '6. 5he railways, instead of ser-in$ as the catalyst of an industrial re-olution as in+estern Europe and the B*, acted in %ndia as the catalyst of [email protected] E"amine.

    '. 5he rise and e"pansion of ritish empire was an accident rather than theresult of a deliberate policy and desi$n. )ritically e"amine this statement.

    '/. 5he simultaneous e"pansion of European powers o-erseas durin$ the last

    uarter of the 1th century brou$ht them into freuent collisions at a remotepoints all o-er frica and sia.

    '. 5he sponsors of the o-erseas e"pansion of Europe were national monarchies.

    60. 5he treaties made at the :aris :eace conference in 11420 were replete withunstable compromises, reflectin$ more materialism than idealism.Elucidate.

    61. 5race the sta$es in the partition of frica after 1/0. How did it affectinternational relations?

    62. 5race the -arious sta$es of European imperialism in frica in the nineteenthcentury.

    6!. +hat do you understand by %mperialism? How did it affect the people of siain the nineteenth century?

    6&. +hat do you understand by imperialism? *tate briefly its uniue features inthe case of frica?

    6'. +hat was the culture system in the Dutch East %ndies 7%ndonesia8 durin$ the1th century? +hy was it dismantled?

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    66. +rite a critiue on the partition of frica from 1/0 to 11&, with particularreference to ermanys imperial desi$ns in the )ontinent.

    6. Describe the steps, $i-in$ e"amples, by which the imperialist countries too#o-er most of frica.

    6/. +hy were sian and frican countries so easily dominated by the +esternpowers?

    6. How did nationalism help to ma#e imperialism popular in Europe?

    0. Describe the emer$ence of the Bnited *tates of merica as an imperialistpower i-e e"amples

    1. E"plain the meanin$ of the followin$ terms, with e"amples( *phere ofinfluence, e"ploitation, e"traterritorial ri$hts, protectorate, Monroe Doctrine,

    Dollar diplomacy.

    2. :repare maps of sia and frica showin$ the colonies and spheres ofinfluence of the -arious imperialist powers before the Cirst +orld +ar

    !. +rite an essay on *la-ery and *la-e 5rade and the *tru$$le for theirbolition

    &. How did the empires of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries differ from theempires of ancient times for e"ample, those of the Mauryas, the >omans and

    of le"ander?

    '. Discuss the differences between the imperialist e"pansion durin$ thesi"teenth to the ei$hteenth centuries and 1/0 to 11&

    6. 3ame and discuss some of the bi$ problems faced by newly independentcountries +hy are their problems also the problems of all countries?

    . Discuss the lon$4term impact of imperialist control on the countries of sia,frica and *outh merica

    /. 5he Eastern uestion has always been an international uestion. Elucidate.

    n$ustrial Revolution

    1. E"plain why the %ndustrial >e-olution led to the emer$ence of imperialism

    2. nalyse the different ways in which industriali@ation too# place in Europe.

    !. )ritically discuss the process of industriali@ation in ritain, Crance andermany.

    &. How did industrial re-olution impact the family system in Europe?

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    '. How did the industrialisation of >ussia ta#e place in the period prior to the>ussian >e-olution?

    6. How was >ussia industriali@ed durin$ the 1th century? E"amine.

    . i-e a critical account of the $ricultural >e-olution in +estern Europe in thesi"teenth and se-enteenth centuries. How did it affect the social and economiclife of the people?

    /. 5he %ndustrial >e-olution brou$ht about $reat chan$es in the social andeconomic life of Europe. E"plain.

    . 5he %ndustrial >e-olution )han$ed En$land in character and culture.

    10. 5he %ndustrial >e-olution put mobility in the place of stability.

    11. 5he period 1'00 to 100 in Europe has been called the heyday of the)ommercial >e-olution. E"plain the causes that led to this >e-olution e"amineits impact on society.

    12. 5he process of industriali@ation in some other countries of Europe wasdifferent from that in En$land.

    1!. +hat was the e"tent of industriali@ation in western Europe by the end of thenineteenth century?

    1&. +hoe-er says %ndustrial >e-olution, says cotton. )omment.

    1'. %dentify the main features of industrial de-elopment in %ndia from 11& to 1&with special reference to the emer$ence of a class of factory laborers.

    16. +hat conditions are most fa-ourable or essential for industriali@ation?

    1. i-e e"amples to show that the %ndustrial >e-olution with its demand for rawmaterials and mar#ets made nations more dependent on one another.

    1/. Describe the conditions which pre-ailed in industrial cities and factories as the

    %ndustrial >e-olution spread. How these conditions were slowly impro-ed?

    1. 5he %ndustrial >e-olution was a mi"ed blessin$.

    20. +hy does industriali@ation affect farmin$, transportation, communication,trade and how does it result in the need for more education?

    21. How does industriali@ation help in raisin$ the le-el or the standard of li-in$?

    22. +ould you say that industriali@ation was a natural step in mans pro$ress?+hy or why not?

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    'ocialism, Communism, Ca&italism, Revolutions

    1. 5he ideolo$y of *ubhash )handra ose was a combination of nationalism,fascism and communism.

    2. +hat were the features of the lower middle classes and the wor#in$ classesin Europe in the 1/th century?

    !. naly@e the chan$es in social structure as a result of moderni@ation in thewestern world.

    &. )ritiues of )apitalist Economy

    '. E"plain the -iews of >ousseau, Farl Mar" and Mahatma andhi on the natureof *tate.

    6. How did a nation state system de-elop amon$ the countries of Europe in the1th century?

    . How did the nation4states de-elop in 1th century Europe?

    /. How was the socialist pattern of industriali@ation different from the capitalistone?

    . Giberal 5heory of the *tate

    10. Ma#e a comparison between the )apitalist and the *ocialist patterns ofindustriali@ation.

    11. Mar" on demo$raphic chan$e

    12. 5ransition from Ceudalism to )apitalism

    1!. Define( +ar communism, +elfare *tate, )omintern

    1&. +hat do you understand by the state? +hat is the Mar"ist understandin$ of

    the state?

    1'. +hat do you understand by the state?+rite a note on the ma9or theories ofthe state.

    16. +hat is capitalist industriali@ation?+rite a note on the -arious theories for theemer$ence of capitalism. +rite a note on the European penetration of the 3ewworld.

    1. +hat is nationalism?+rite a note on its emer$ence in modern world.

    1/. +rite a note on commercial capitalism.

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    1. +rite a note on the socialist critiue of capitalist economy.

    20. )omment on the formation of the 3ation A *tate in ritain. How was theritish national identity fostered?

    21. Define and discuss the characteristics of industrial capitalism.

    22. Define class society. Distin$uish between pre4 modern and modern classsociety.

    2!. nalyse the factors that helped the $rowth of nationalism in Eastern Europe.

    2&. +rite a note on the )hartist mo-ement.

    2'. >e-iew the bac#$round of the )hartist Mo-ement. Despite its failure how hadtheir demands been met in the succeedin$ years?

    26. 5he roots of )hartism are partly political and partly economic. Elaborate.

    2. Discuss some features of the socialist Europe in the post war world.

    2/. Discuss the de-elopment of new social classes in Europe.

    2. Discuss the political transition in ritain between 1/041/'0.

    !0. Discuss the position of the peasantry with the de-elopment of capitalism in


    !1. Discuss the process throu$h which ritain made a transition to a modernpolity.

    !2. Discuss the role of bureaucracy in the foundation of the Modern *tate inEurope.

    !!. Discuss the role of the bureaucracy in the formation of modern Europeanstates.

    !&. +hat was the nature of industrial capitalism as it de-eloped in Crance?

    !'. +hat led to the economic crisis in Europe in 12?

    !6. +hat was the nature of the liberal democratic re$imes that de-eloped durin$the period after the Cirst +orld +ar?

    !. +hat was the process throu$h which a modern class society emer$ed inEurope?

    !/. +hy did the Cirst *ocialist >e-olution ta#e place in >ussia?

    !. +rite a note on modern state and polity as it de-eloped in Europe.

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    &0. +rite a note on the de-elopment of industrial capitalism in En$land.

    &1. +rite a note on the emer$ence of new social $roups in 1th century Europe.

    &2. Discuss the si$nificance of %ndustrial )apitalism in Europe.

    &!. Doctrine of Cree 5rade

    &&. How did %ndustrial )apitalism de-elop in En$land?

    &'. How did the landed classes in En$land respond to the chan$es in theeconomy?

    &6. How did the =ttoman Empire brea# down and ma#e way for the emer$ence ofa nation4state system?

    &. >e-olutions of 1/&/

    &/. 5he +or#in$ )lass

    &. +as the ritish state able to de-elop a notion of liberty between 1/0 A 1/'0?

    '0. +hat are the characteristic features of nationalism as it de-eloped in Europe?

    '1. +hat are the main features of industrial capitalism?

    '2. +hat are the main features of the modern state and polity?

    '!. +hat do you understand by class society ?Discuss.

    '&. +hat do you understand by nationalism? How did nationalism de-elop inEurope?

    ''. +hat is class society? Discuss the transition to the modern class society.

    '6. +rite short note about >eform ct of 1/!2 in ritain

    '. +hat is socialism? +hy did the first socialist re-olution occur in >ussia?

    '/. +hat led to the >e-olutions of 1/&/ in Europe? +hat were its conseuences?

    '. +hat was the demo$raphic pattern in Europe in the 1/th and 1th centuries?

    60. ccount for the $rowth of Giberalism in ritain in the nineteenth century. Howfar did it influence the contemporary social and economic issues4in the country?

    61. Discuss the nature of the leadership and pro$ramme of the )on$ress*ocialist party.

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    62. Effect of ritish liberalism on the social or economic life of the people ofEn$land.

    6!. Crance was more fertile than ritain in producin$ new *ocialist theories andmo-ements, thou$h they bore less concrete results in Crance than in ritain.

    6&. Mar"ian )ommunism is primarily the offsprin$ of erman He$elianism andCrench *ocialism.

    6'. Most of the European >e-olutions of 1/&/ were nationalist as well as popularinsurrection a$ainst forei$n rule and repressi-e policy of Metternich.

    66. :resident Cran#lin >oose-elts 3ew Deal had the wish to start the politicaleconomy in a fresh, more promisin$ direction. Do you a$ree?

    6. :rotestantism contributed substantially to the rise of capitalism.

    6/. >ousseaus political philosophy contains the seeds of *ocialism, bsolutismand Democracy.

    6. 5he ill of >i$hts 716//8 set the seal on :arliamentary supremacy in En$land.

    0. 5he capitalism which $a-e the European empires their apparent solidarity andpermanence also hastened their downfall.

    1. 5he characteristic moti-e of this period 71/!041/18 was not so much

    Giberalism as 3ationalism.

    2. 5he )ommunist international and the Gea$ue of 3ations both announced theend of the alance of :ower.

    !. 5he emer$ence of left4win$ $roup in the 7%ndian8 con$ress radicali@ed itssocial economic a$enda.

    &. 5he perpetuation of the economic malaise was the main cause of the politicalinstability of Europe durin$ the ne"t two decades 7114!8. E"plain.

    '. 5he promptin$s of the heart are more to be trusted than the lo$ic of the mind.>ousseau.

    6. 5race the $rowth of capitalism in ritain in the se-enteenth and ei$hteenthcenturies. +hy was Crance, as compared to ritain, late in de-elopin$ thecapitalist spirit and the institutional framewor# of capitalism?

    . 5race the $rowth of )apitalism in En$land in the se-enteenth and ei$hteenthcenturies. How did it affect the +a$e *ystem in the country?

    /. 5race the rise and $rowth of the 3ew European *ociety in the inter4war


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    . E"plain the meanin$ of the followin$ terms ( %ndustrial >e-olution, capital,capitalism, socialism, protecti-e tariff, laisse@ faire.

    /0. +hat are the main features which distin$uish capitalism from feudalism?

    /1. How did the $rowth of trade unions help to put on end to the idea of laisse@faire?

    /2. *tudy the wea#nesses and disad-anta$es of producin$ $oods and ser-icesunder the capitalist system of production. +hat are the ad-anta$es that asocialist system can ha-e o-er a society based on capitalism?

    /!. E"plain the followin$ terms( 5hird Estate, our$eoisie, :roletariat, un#ers,:aris )ommune, Means of :roduction, *ocialism, Btopian *ocialists.

    /&. 5wo mar#ers( efferson, +ashin$ton, 5homas :aine, Gouis IJ%, Joltaire,

    >ousseau, Montesuieu, 3apoleon, *imon oli-ar, Ma@@ini, aribaldi, )a-our,ismarc#, abeuf, Farl Mar", >osa Gu"embur$.

    /'. +hen was the Cirst %nternational formed? +hat were its main contributions tothe $rowth of the socialist mo-ement?

    /6. +hen was the *econd %nternational formed? Cor which other $reat e-ent isthat year important? +hat were the main aims of the *econd %nternational?

    /. E"plain the conseuences of the economic crisis of 124!!.

    //. +hat, in your -iew, led to the collapse of the *o-iet Bnion and of thecommunist $o-ernments there and mother countries of Europe? Do you thin#this collapse means that ideas of socialism are no lon$er rele-ant? Discuss.

    /. Discuss the *ecret society mo-ement in Europe.

    0. )ritically e"amine the 3ew Deal of Cran#lin D. >oose-elt. Did he want tointroduce a sort of socialism?


    1. Crench political writers of the ei$hteenth century were influenced by Goc#eand also by the curious contrast. +hich they percei-ed between the $o-ernmentof his country and their own.

    2. How did 3apoleon onaparte heal the wounds of Crance inflicted by the>e-olution and correct the errors perpetrated by its leaders?

    !. How did 3apoleon fuse the Crench of the ancient re$ime with the Crance ofthe post4re-olutionary ear?

    &. How did 3epoleon onapart fuse the old Crance with the new?

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    '. %f monarchical misrole i$nited the Crench re-olution, lofty ideas both inspiredand sustained it.

    6. 3apoleon was the child of the >e-olution, but in many ways he re-ersed theaims and principles of the mo-ement from which he spran$

    . 3o e-ent as encompassin$ as the Crench >e-olution occurs in an intellectual-acuum.

    /. 5he connection between the philosophers and the outbrea# of the Crench>e-olution 71/8 is somewhat remote and indirect.

    . 5he Crench >e-olution 71/8 really achie-ed far less than what it intended toeffect. Do you a$ree?

    10. 5he Crench >e-olution 71/8 sou$ht to remo-e both the reli$ious and

    secular props of the e"istin$ social order. Elucidate.

    11. 5he Crench >e-olution attac#ed pri-ile$es and not property.

    12. 5he most important sin$le factor K in the years followin$ 11 was theCrench demand for security.

    1!. 5he 3apoleonic Empire was doomed because of its inherent and self4defeatin$ contradictions. Elucidate.

    1&. 5he writin$s of the philosophers had a tremendous influence on the minds ofthe people and created a re-olutionary awa#enin$ in their minds and formed theintellectual creed of the Crench >e-olution

    1'. 5o what e"tent did 3apoleons economic war with En$land become hisundoin$?

    16. +hat were the ideals of the Crench >e-olution of 1/? How far is it correctto say that it o-erthrew mercantilism and the sur-i-in$ relics of feudalism andcontributed to the political supremacy of the middle class?

    1. +hat were the main ideas behind the Crench >e-olution?

    1/. E"plain why the followin$ documents were re-olutionary when they werewritten ( Declaration of %ndependence, Declaration of the >i$hts of Man and)iti@en, )ommunist Manifesto,

    1. E"plain the impact of the Crench >e-olution on the *panish colonies inmerica.

    20. )ultural Ge$acy of the Crench >e-olution

    21. +hat is the le$acy of the Crench >e-olution for the modern world?

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    22. +hat was the impact of the Crench >e-olution on the social and political life ofCrance?

    2!. Discuss some aspects of a$riculture in Crance durin$ the 1/th century.

    2&. +rite a note on onapartism. +hat led to the failure of the *econd Empire inCrance?

    2'. +rite a note on the process throu$h which a modern state de-eloped inCrance.

    26. Discuss the factors leadin$ to the Crench e-olution of 1/.

    2. Discuss the impact of the Crench >e-olution on political systems in Europe.

    2/. E"plain how repression was combined with mobilisation of popular support

    under onapartism.

    2. E"plain the role of masses in o-erthrowin$ the ncient >e$ime in Crance.

    !0. Ganded classes in Crance

    !1. 2 mar#ers each( 5he our$eoisie, 5he irondins

    !2. 5he acobin >epublic and 5error

    !!. +hat are the salient features of modern politics as it de-eloped in Europeafter the Crench >e-olution?

    !&. +hat led to the downfall of the ncient >e$ime in Crance?


    1. )ritically e"amine the nature of the merican +ar of %ndependence.

    2. +hat were the distin$uishin$ features of merican society before the

    merican re-olution? How did they affect the subseuent re-olutionary process?

    !. Discuss the characteristics of pre4re-olutionary merican society.

    &. Discuss the important factors responsible for the merican >e-olution. +hatwere the effects of the >e-olution?

    '. How did the peculiarity of bein$ a new society affect the merican>e-olution?

    6. 5he merican >e-olution

    . 5he notion of liberty

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    /. t the news of the Declaration of %ndependence crowds $athered to cheer, fire$uns and cannon and rin$ church bells in :hiladelphia. oston and other places,but there were many people in merica who did not re9oice.

    . 3o 5a"ation without representation.

    10. 5he merican >e-olution was a natural and e-en e"pected e-ent in thehistory of colonial people who had come of a$e.

    11. 5he merican >e-olution was essentially as economic conflict betweenmerican capitalism as ritish mercantilism.

    12. 5he merican +ar of %ndependence depri-ed reat ritain of one empire, butit stren$thened the foundations of another .

    1!. 5he merican war of %ndependence transformed Europeans as well as


    1&. 5he reat Depression 712/4!&8 was attended by momentous conseuencesin the economic as well as in the political sphere.

    1'. 5o some e"tent, the merican +ar of %ndependence inspired the Crench>e-olution

    16. +hat were the factors that wor#ed in the draftin$ of the merican)onstitution? Do you a$reee the B* constitution bein$ an Economic Document?

    1. How far is it correct to say that e-ery feature of the merican )onstitution wasultimately of En$lish =ri$in?

    1/. E"plain briefly the conditions that brou$ht about the merican and Crenchre-olutions.

    1. +rite a note on L:eople >e-olt when )onditions become Bnbearable, usin$the either Crench, >ussian or merican re-olutions as e-idence.

    20. E"amine the issues in-ol-ed in the merican )i-il +ar. +as it a contest

    between two separate nations?


    1. +hat were the main features of industrialisation in >ussia?

    2. olshe-i#s

    !. +hat is the si$nificance of the >ussian >e-olution in the modern world?

    &. +hat led to the >ussian >e-olution of 11?+hat was its le$acy?

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    '. +rite a note on the =ctober >e-olution in >ussia.

    6. +rite a note on the si$nificance of >ussian >e-olution for 20th centurypolitics.

    . )ollecti-i@ation of $riculture in B**>.

    /. ccount for the o-erthrow of the 5sarist re$ime in >ussia.

    . naly@e the causes of the >ussian >e-olutions of 11. +hy was the second>e-olution si$nificant in more than one way?

    10. E"amine the causes of the >ussian >e-olution of 11 and indicate itssi$nificance in world history.

    11. %n >ussia, Genin was the father of socialism, or$ani@er of the re-olution and

    the founder of the new >ussian society. E"amine the statement.

    12. Genins role in the >ussian >e-olution of 11

    1!. 5he impact of the Crench >e-olution 71/8 was initially confined the Europe,but, that of the >ussia >e-olution 7118 was $lobal. A )ritically re-iew.

    1&. 5he >ussian >e-olution 7118 was an economic e"plosion hastened by thestupidities of the autocratic o-ernments

    1'. 5he >ussian >e-olution of 11 was a sin$le re-olution which de-eloped twophases. Elucidate.

    16. +hat were the causes for the success of olshe-i# >e-olution of 11?Discuss its si$nificance in the history of the world.

    1. *talinist >ussia was a despotic re$ime. )ritically e"amine this -iew.

    1/. E"plain the followin$ terms( olshe-i#s, Menshe-i#s, *o-iet, Cebruary>e-olution, =ctober >e-olution, loody *unday, )ommunist %nternational

    1. Describe the social and economic conditions in >ussia before the >e-olutionof 11. How did >ussias participation in the Cirst +orld +ar help createconditions for the fall of the >ussian autocracy,

    20. +hat were the main ob9ecti-es of the >ussian re-olutionaries?

    21. Describe the immediate conseuences of the =ctober >e-olution on >ussiasparticipation in the Cirst +orld +ar, the ownership of land, and position of thenon4>ussian nationalities of the >ussian empire.

    22. E"plain the attitude of the B**>. towards the mo-ements for independence in


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    2!. Discuss the impact of the >ussian >e-olution on the world.

    2&. Discuss the -iew that the >ussian >e-olution was brou$ht about by a small$roup of re-olutionaries without the support of the masses.


    1. +hat were the basic characteristics of traditional )hinese economy? +hatwas the attitude of )hinese bour$eoisie towards the 111 >e-olution?

    2. E"amine the main features of the May Courth Mo-ement.

    !. y 1/61, )hina may be said to ha-e been fully thou$h $rud$in$ly opened tothe +esterner.

    &. )ritically analysis the cause and the results of the )hinese re-olution of 1&0

    '. Discuss the circumstances leadin$ to the )hinese >e-olution of 1& andanalyse its si$nificance.

    6. Discuss the internal problem of )hina after the Cirst +orld +ar and accountfor the establishment of )ommunist rule in the )hina in 1&

    . Di-ided into spheres of influence by forei$n powers, )hina in the 1th centurypresented a sorry spectacle. How did )hina react to it?

    /. E"amine the circumstances in china in the years 1&'4&. +hat did theBnited *tates do to resol-e the conflict between the 3ationalists and the)ommunists there?

    . How did the 5reaty :ort *ystem in )hina de-elop between 1/&0 and 1/60?+hat was its inference on )hinese attitude to forei$ners?

    10. %mportance of the =pium +ar in the history of )hina. i-e a critical account ofthe pro$ress of merchantalism in the 1th century. How far is it correct to say thatit pa-ed the way for the %ndustrial >e-olution?

    11. >e-iew the political circumstances in )hina in the years 1&'4& leadin$ tothe establishment of the )ommunist rule in the land. How did the Bnited *tatessee# to resol-e the conflict between the 3ationalists and the communists in theperiod?

    12. 5he 5reaty of 3an#in$ is the basic act in the imposin$ but unstable structureof international relations which $o-erned )hina for a hundred years.

    1!. +ith the proclamation in 3an#in$ of a )hinese >epublic with *un4Nat4*en asthe :resident in 111, the old )hina wilted rapidly.

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    1&. 5he years 1/&0 to 1/60 confronted the )hin$ dynasty and the people of)hina with unprecedented crises due to imperialist desi$ns of western powers.Discuss critically.

    1'. 5o what e"tent did the +estern powers brin$ )hina under their domination

    without anne"ation?

    16. 5race the distinct phases of the *ino4apanese +ar. ssess its politicaleconomic and cultural impact on )hina, both occupied and free.

    1. +hy is the period from 1/&2 to 100 considered as half a century ofhumiliations in the history of )hina? +hat was the reaction of )hina?

    1/. ll lon$ marches be$in with small steps.

    1. nalyse the factors responsible for the -ictory of the )ommunists in the ci-il

    war in )hina durin$ 1&'4&.

    20. nalyse the nature and impact of 5aipin$ >ebellion.

    21. nalyse the -arious factors responsible for the early nineteenth4century crisisin )hina.

    22. o"er >ebellion

    2!. )anton system

    2&. )ommunist :arty of )hina

    2'. )ritically analyse the factors responsible for o"er >ebellion. +hat was itssi$nificance?

    26. Describe the main characteristics of traditional )hinese economy.

    2. Discuss the a$rarian pro$ramme of the 5aipin$s. +hy did the uprisin$ fail?

    2/. Discuss the )hinese response to +estern imperialism in the 1/&0s.

    2. Discuss the contribution of *un4Nat4*en in the )hinese liberation mo-ement.

    !0. Discuss the emer$ence of nationalism in )hina. E"plain its important features.

    !1. Discuss the factors that hindered the $rowth of capitalism in )hina.

    !2. Discuss the factors which led to the o"er Bprisin$. E"plain the o"er:rotocol.

    !!. Discuss the impact of =pium +ars on )hina.

    !&. Discuss the relationship between reli$ion and peasant re-olts in )hina.

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    !'. Discuss the role of Mao 5se 5un$ in the )hinese >e-olution.

    !6. 5he announcement of the creation of the :eoples >epublic of )hina on=ctober1, 1' by Mao Oedon$ ended the ci-il war between the )hinese)ommunist :arty 7)):8 and the 3ationalist :arty 7FM58. A Elaborate.

    !. Discuss the role of students and intellectuals in the de-elopment of newculture after the re-olution of 111.

    !/. +hat led to the emer$ence of the 3ew )ulture mo-ement in )hina after there-olution of 111? +hat was the role of intellectuals in this mo-ement?

    !. Discuss the role of *un Nat *en in the anti4 imperialist stru$$le in )hina.

    &0. Discuss the role of the communist party in the success of the >e-olution of1& in )hina.

    &1. Discuss the si$nificance of the o"er protocol.

    &2. Discuss the si$nificance of the May fourth mo-ement in )hina.

    &!. Discuss the socio4political reasons behind the emer$ence of Mar"ism in)hina.

    &&. E"amine the attitude of )hinese bour$eoisie towards the 111 >e-olution.

    &'. E"amine the main features of the May Courth Mo-ement.

    &6. E"plain the uneual treaties si$ned after the =pium +ars.

    &. Manchu#uo

    &/. =pen Door :olicy

    &. 5he +uchan$ >ebellion.

    '0. +hat led to the 5aipin$ Bprisin$? +hy did it fail?

    '1. +hat was the )hinese response to +estern imperialism in the 1/&0s?

    '2. +hat was the impact of the =pium trade on )hinese economy?

    '!. +hat was the impact of +arlordism on )hinese society?

    '&. +hat was the Gon$ March? Did it achie-e its $oals?

    ''. +hat was the nature of )hinese response to western imperialism in thesecond half of the nineteenth century. Discuss the $rowth of apanese industrial

    economy between the two +orld +ars.

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    '6. +hat was the si$nificance of the May Courth Mo-ement in )hina.

    '. +hat were main reasons for the failure of the 5aipin$ >ebellion?

    '/. +hat were the causes of the =pium +ars? How did they affect )hinas

    relations with the +estern powers?

    '. +hat were the initiati-es ta#en by the Mei9i $o-ernment to establish acentrali@ed political system

    60. +hat were the main features of the self4stren$thenin$ mo-ement in )hina?E"amine.

    61. +hat were the 5wenty =ne Demands? Discuss the reaction of )hina on thesedemands.

    62. +rite a note on the si$nificance of the )hinese >e-olution of 1&.

    6!. +rite an essay on *un Nat *en and the rise of 3ationalism in )hina.

    6&. Fuomintan$


    1. How did apan de-elop between 1/6/ and 1/&? Did the >estoration of Mei9imar# a sharp brea# with the past?

    2. How did the apanese occupation of *outh4East sian countries durin$ the*econd +orld +ar $i-e a boost to nationali@e in the re$ions? E"plain withe"amples.

    !. *how how the presence of a wea# and helpless )hina ne"t door brou$htabout the rise of militarism and collapse of democracy in apan.

    &. 5he n$lo4apanese 5reaty 71628 mar#s a milestone in the de-elopment ofapan as an siatic power.

    '. 5he years 1/'!41/& witnessed the transformation of apan. E"plain.

    6. 5race the $rowth of militarism in apan in the inter4war years. +hatinternational reaction did it pro-o#e?

    . Describe the imperialist e"pansion of 9apan up to 11&

    /. Militarism in apan

    . nalyse the main factors responsible for the decline of the 5o#u$awa


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    10. nalyse the si$nificance of n$lo4apanese alliance.

    11. n$lo4Crench ri-alry in apan

    12. Discuss the causes of the >usso4apanese +ar. +hat was its impact on the

    nationalism in sian countries?

    1!. Discuss the economic policies of the Mei9i $o-ernment.

    1&. Discuss the factors which led to the decline of the 5o#u$awa sho$unate inapan.

    1'. Discuss the main features of Mei9i constitution.

    16. Discuss the ma9or characteristics of the Mei9i political system.

    1. Discuss the nature of apanese imperialism up to the *econd +orld +ar.

    1/. Discuss the political and economic implications of the llied occupation ofapan.

    1. Discuss the political and economic reforms which contributed towards themodernisation of apan.

    20. Discuss the sta$es of apans emer$ence as an imperialist power durin$1/&4112.

    21. E"plain the de-elopments in the economy of apan prior to +orld +ar %%.

    22. E"plain the -arious ideolo$ies behind the e"pansionist policy of apan.

    2!. =utline the sta$es of apans emer$ence as an imperialist power durin$ theperiod 1/& A 112.

    2&. +hat was the impact of the >usso4apanese +ar?

    2'. +hat was the political implication of the llied Corces occupation of apan

    after the *econd +orld +ar?

    26. +hat were the main economic reforms carried out in apan after the Cirst+orld +ar?

    2. +hat were the political and economic reforms which contributed towards themoderni@ation of apan?

    2/. +hat were the primary issues in the economic de-elopment of apanbetween 1/6/ A 1//'?

    2. +hat were the -arious ideolo$ies behind the e"pansionist policy of apan?

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    !0. +hat was the role of political parties in apan between the two +orld +ars?

    !1. Discuss the si$nificance of the n$lo4apanese alliance.

    !2. ccount for the rise of militarism in apan between the two +orld +ars. How

    did it affect the peace of the world?

    !!. +rite a 3ote on Oaibatsu


    1. +rite a note on Oolle-erein 7)ustoms Bnion8

    2. Did the +eimar >epublic represent liberal democratic e"periment inermany? How successful was this e"periment?

    !. Discuss ismarc#s role in erman unification.

    &. Discuss the chan$es brou$ht by 3a@i rule in ermany.

    '. Discuss the role of ismarc# in unification of ermany.

    6. +rite a note on the emer$ence of 3ationalism in ermany?

    . Discuss the emer$ence of 3ationalism in ermany.

    /. Discuss the erman 3ational %dea.

    . E"plain the emer$ence of the two ermanies in post war Europe

    10. estapo

    11. *tate and *ociety in 3a@i ermany

    12. esmirch created a new ermany with the policy of blood and iron.

    1!. ismarc# united ermany not by ma9ority of -otes and speeches but by apolicy of lood and iron. %n the li$ht of this statement assess the contribution ofismarc# to the unification of ermany.

    1&. )omparison of the fascist re$ime in %taly with the 3ational *ocialist re$ime ofermany is almost ine-itable. 5he similarities are ob-ious, but there is one pointof difference which is worth mentionin$.

    1'. )ritically e"amine the main features of the forei$n policy of 3a@i ermany.

    16. +hat were the wea#nesses and difficulties of the +eimer >epublic? How did

    Hitler succeed in establishin$ his dictatorship?

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    1. Hitler did not really want a world +ar. His intention was only a short war with:oland.

    1/. Hitler was a creature flun$ to the top by the tides of re-olutionary chan$e, orthe embodiment of the collecti-e unconsciousness of a people obsessed with

    -iolence and death.

    1. How did the policy of appeasement escalate the problem of 3a@ia$$randi@ement?

    20. %solation of Crance constituted the #eystone of ismarc#s forei$n policy.Elucidate.

    21. %t is one of the ironies of history that 3apoleon was the creator of modernermany.

    22. 3apoleon #indled the national sentiment, but erman unity was achie-ed byismarc#. Discuss.

    2!. 5he political unification of ermany was accomplished solely by ismarc#

    2&. 5he Bnification of ermany was the one thin$ ismarc# was determined topre-ent.

    2'. 5here was an element of system in Hitlers forei$n policy His outloo# wascontinental.

    26. +as erman unification achie-ed more by coal and iron than by blood andiron?


    1. )omment briefly on the cultural bac#$round of %talian nationalism.

    2. Discuss the main features of the re-olutions of 1/&/.

    !. Discuss the emer$ence of 3ationalism in %taly.

    &. How do you e"plain the rise of fascism in Europe?.

    '. %talian 3ationalism

    6. +hat are the $eneral features of fascism?

    . +hat is Cascism? Discuss the foundation of Cascist state in %taly.

    /. +hat led to the rise of fascism in %taly? Discuss the nature of the fascist state.

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    . )orporate *tate was Mussolinis answer to sociopolitical problems of hiscountry. Elucidate.

    10. E"treme nationalism of the Cascist Jariety has -arious faces in -ariouscountries, but it has e-erywhere certain common characteristics.

    11. 5he roots of the rise of Cascism lay in :eace 5reaties.

    12. 5he unification of %taly and that of ermany constituted a contrast in respectof the ways they were affected and impact they left on later international politics.Elucidate.

    1!. 5he unification of %taly completedKthe destruction of the European order.

    1&. 5race the course of the mo-ement for %talian Bnification from 1/&/ withspecial reference to the contribution of Ma@@ini.

    1'. 5race the -arious sta$es that led to the Bnification of %taly between 1/&/ and1/0.

    16. +hat were the obstacles to %talian unification till 1/'2? How and with whatmethods was the unification of %taly achie-ed?

    1. Describe the different sta$es in the unification of ermany and %taly.

    1/. +hat were the main features of the fascist and 3a@i mo-ements?

    1. Describe the conseuences of the -ictory of fascism on %taly and ermany.

    20. +hat were the main aims of the forei$n policies of %taly, ermany and apan?

    21. +hat were the -iews of awaharlal 3ehru and the %ndian 3ational )on$resson fascism?

    #orl$ #ars

    1. How did the two +orld +ars affect politics in the 20th century?

    2. +hat were the conseuences of the ad-ent of 3uclear +eapons in ++2?

    !. )hemical +arfare

    &. +rite a note on the nature of the two +orld +ars.

    '. Discuss the implications of first world war on human society.

    6. Discuss the implications of second world war on human society.

    . How did the two +orld +ars affect the politics and economy of Europe?

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    /. +hat are main features of modern warfare?

    . naly@e the pro-isions of the 5reaty of Jersailles of 11 and e"amine the-alidity of ermanys ob9ections to the treaty.

    10. ny sin$le e"planation for the outbrea# of the Cirst +orld +ar li#ely to be toosimple. n amal$am of factors intellectual, social, economic as well as politicaland diplomatic contributed to this horrifyin$ conflict of monumental propositions.A E"plain.

    11. %n the lon$ run, the Gocarno 5reaty 7December 12'8 was descripti-e both ofthe 5reaty of Jersailles and of the )o-enant.

    12. %n the post 4*econd +orld +ar scenario friends in war did not remain friendsin peace. E"amine the truth of this -iew in the period of your study.

    1!. *how how the *panish )i-il +ar a prelude to +orld +ar %%.

    1&. 5he Manchurian crisis decided the fate of the lea$ue of 3ations.

    1'. 5he peace of Jersailles lac#ed moral -alidity from the start.

    16. 5he 5reaty of Jersailles was merely an armistice for twenty years.

    1. 5he +ars 7Cirst +orld +ars8 most permanent contribution to the spirit or thepost4+ar years was disillusion.

    1/. 5hus the Gea$ue sou$ht to achie-e to profoundest of all psycholo$icalre-olutions to transform the war mentality of man into a peace mentality.

    1. 5reaty of Jersailles contained the seeds of future conflicts.

    20. Bntil December 1&1 the battlefield of the *econd +orld +ar was e"clusi-elyEuropean and tlantic< thereafter it became also siatic and :acific.

    21. +hat led to the formation of the erlin4>ome 5o#yo a"is? %ndicate its impacton international politics.

    22. E"plain the basic reasons for the conflicts between European nations from thelate nineteenth century to the early years of the twentieth century.

    2!. +hat were the countries comprisin$ the 5riple lliance and the 5ripleEntente? +hat were the main aims of these $roupin$s?

    2&. +hat is meant by the :an4*la- mo-ement? +hy did it add to the conflictbetween >ussia and ustria?

    2'. E"plain the reasons for the entry of the Bnited *tates in the Cirst +orld +ar.

    26. +hy the war that bro#e out in 11& is called the Cirst +orld +ar?

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    2. E"plain the conseuences of the Cirst +orld +ar on ermany, ustria,Hun$ary and 5ur#ey

    2/. +hat were the purposes for which the Gea$ue of 3ations was established?

    2. +hy did >ussia withdraw from the war after the 11 >e-olution?

    !0. =n a map of the world, show the areas in sia and frica which causedconflicts amon$ -arious European countries lso show the European countrieswhich emer$ed as independent states after the Cirst +orld +ar.

    !1. How was the world redi-ided amon$ the -ictorious powers? :repare a mapto show the territories which were ta#en o-er from the defeated countries by the-ictorious countries.

    !2. How far were imperialist ri-alries the basic cause of the Cirst +orld +ar?

    !!. Do you thin# the peace treaties laid the foundations of a 9ust and stablepeace? Discuss.

    !&. How is it that an otherwise minor incident led to the outbrea# of a world war?Discuss.

    !'. +hat is meant by the term "is :owers

    !6. Describe the main e-ents between 1!6 and 1! which created conditions

    for another world war

    !. +hat did the +estern powers do to counter the a$$ressi-e acts of apan,%taly and ermany between 1!1 and 1!/?

    !/. E"plain the terms( :honey +ar, *econd Cront, the attle of ritain

    !. Do you thin# +estern policy of appeasement of the fascist powers brou$htabout the *econd +orld +ar? +hy? =r why not?

    &0. +hat was the basic reason for the policy of appeasement?

    &1. Do you thin# the Bnited *tates was 9ustified in usin$ the atom bomb a$ainstapan?

    &2. +hy did the *o-iet Bnion si$n the 3on4$$ression :act with ermany? +hatdid she $ain from it? Discuss

    &!. +hat were the immediate conseuences of the *econd +orld +ar in Europe?

    &&. Cor a tired and timid $eneration Metternich was the necessary man.

    &'. 5he russels 5reaty of 1 March, 1&/ pa-ed the way for the formation of35=.

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    &6. 5he international situation that confronted the peacema#ers in :aris was inthe brutal realities of history, the result of a temporary redistribution of thebalance of power in the world.

    &. 5here was not only a difference of principles at :aris 7:eace )onference8 but

    a clash of personalities.

    &/. +hat do you understand by the notion of 5otal +ar? How did it affect militarystrate$y?

    Decolonization, )ationalism, Re$ra*in+ oun$aries -ost ##.

    1. +rite a note on the issue of L5he Forean uestion

    2. E"plain the -arious approaches towards decoloni@ation.

    !. +hat is Decoloni@ation? +rite with reference to Decoloni@ation in %ndia.

    &. +rite a note on Decoloni@ation $i-in$ reference to Crench and ritishdecoloni@ation.

    '. +rite an essay on the nature of international relations durin$ the post4+orld+ar period.

    6. +hat was the nature of politics and economy in Europe after the *econd+orld +ar?

    . Discuss critically the emer$ence of the modern democratic polity.

    /. Discuss the nature of politics in post4war Europe.

    . +hat was the nature of politics and economy in Europe after the *econd+orld +ar?

    10. +rite a note on the emer$ence of the unipolar world

    11. E"plain the process of economic reconstruction in past4world war Europe.

    12. +hat were the #ind of challen$es faced by the liberal democratic polities inthe initial years of the 20th century?

    1!. KK the European nations in emphasi@in$ their solidarity, their Europeans indealin$ with sian countries ine-itably $a-e rise to a feelin$ of sianness.

    1&. rab nationalism and oil A these were the principal Cactors in complicatin$ therelations of Middle Eastern countries with the outside world.

    1'. sian 3ationalism is 9ust a product of +estern impact on the sianintelli$entsia in the last decades of the nineteenth century.

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    16. oth freedom and partition were the wor# of %ndian middle classes.

    1. Discuss the aims of the establishment of the rab Gea$ue and assess it rolein safe$uardin$ the interests of the rab nations.

    1/. Europe faced peace in 1&' politically disor$ani@ed and economicallycrippled. Elaborate.

    1. E"plain the circumstances leadin$ to the emer$ence of 5hird +orld andanaly@e its impact on world affairs.

    20. i-e a brief account of the stru$$le a$ainst partheid in *outh frica.

    21. 3ascent nationalism in %ndo4)hina de-eloped within both an sian and aEuropean conte"t with but scanty reference in either case to traditionalistconsiderations.

    22. 3ominally the new 5ur#ey was republican and democratic.

    2!. =ne of the last *tron$holds A of oil imperialism and European colonialism it7Middle East8 culti-ates a fiery nationalism as a weapon a$ainst forei$noppression

    2&. =ne of the most important conseuences of the *econd +orld +ar wasdi-ision of Europe, eastern and western.

    2'. 5he rab nationalism had a peculiar character. %t stood for nationindependence for separate rab *tates as well as for the unity of all rabsirrespecti-e of their state boundaries. A E"amine.

    26. 5he )ollapse of erlin +all in 1/ brou$ht new ideas of co4operation inEurope.

    2. 5he decoloni@ation led to the brea#4up of empires.

    2/. 5race the $rowth of rab nationalism after the, Cirst +orld +ar. How far was ita reaction to oil imperialism?

    2. 5ur#ish renaissance $uided by Femal :asha re-olutioni@ed the 5ur#ish life amany le-els. mplify.

    !0. Bnder Mustafa Femals dictatorship< 5ur#ey was rapidly nationali@ed.

    !1. +hy did Jietnam $o throu$h thirty years of war after the *econd +orld +ar?

    !2. +ould you ar$ue that the 3on4li$ned Mo-ement played a crucial role indismantlin$ the colonialism?

    !!. +rite a critical note on the process of decoloni@ation accelerated by thesecond +orld +ar.

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    !&. %dentify the main strands in the E$yptian nationalist mo-ement in the first halfof the present century and e"plain the role played in it by Oa$hlul :asha.

    !'. %dentify the main strands in the 3ationalist Mo-ement in %ndonesia betweenthe two +orld +ars. How did apanese occupation of land influence the course

    of the Mo-ement?

    !6. Describe the $rowth of national mo-ements in sia after the Cirst +orld +ar.3ame the sian countries which won their independence between 11 and1!

    !. 5race the history of the freedom mo-ements in sian countries.

    !/. +hat were the main aims of the forei$n policy of the Bnited *tates? +hat wasthe reason for the military inter-ention of the Bnited *tates in Jietnam? +hatwere its conseuences?

    !. +hat was the impact of the :ortu$uese re-olution of 1& on the :ortu$uesecolonies in frica?

    &0. +hat is meant by nonali$nment? +hy did most of the newly independentcountries follow this policy?

    &1. 5race the history of the freedom mo-ements in frica

    &2. Describe the chan$es which ha-e ta#en place in *outh frica after 1/

    &!. 5race the de-elopments that led to the collapse of the *o-iet Bnion.

    &&. Describe the main chan$es which ha-e occurred in ermany and thecountries of *outhern Europe since 1/

    &'. Discuss the factors which led to the wea#enin$ of imperialism after the*econd +orld +ar

    &6. *ome countries of sia had become members of military alliances. Do youthin# it helped in stren$thenin$ their independence? +hy? =r why not? i-e

    ar$uments with e"amples

    &. Discuss the impact of the emer$ence of sian and frican countries asindependent nations on the world.

    &/. Do you thin# the post4)old +ar world is a safer place to li-e in and there is nodan$er of any country dominatin$ o-er other countries unli#e the )olonial times?