Download - 5 Things that Turn Off Buyers of Pleasanton Luxury Homes for Sale


5 Things that Turn Off Buyers of Pleasanton

Luxury Homes for Sale

Every home seller dreams of clinching that perfect deal. If you have listed your Pleasanton luxury home for sale, it pays to know the common complaints from buyers so you can avoid them during the selling process.

1. Dirt and Grime

Nothing will turn off a buyer faster than showing a dirty home. The biggest mistake of homesellers is not getting their property in the best possible condition. That’s why it is very important for sellers to make an extra effort to make sure that the home is spotless and free of debris.

2. Odors

If you want your Pleasanton CA luxury home for sale to sell fast, make sure it smells fresh and inviting. While the house is on the market, sellers are advised not to cook fried food, fish, or greasy food. Also, you have to deal with pet smells. Not all potential buyers are pet lovers. Cigarette smoke, mustiness, overpowering perfume and incense are other smell turn offs.

3. TemperatureBuyers are easily turned off if they can’t experience your home at its optimal comfort levels. And surely, a home that is too hot or too cold would raise some questions- does the heating or cooling work as it should? With such high ceilings, it is expensive to heat? Although the temperature will not automatically break the deal, it will be better if you create a comfortable environment for showings.

4. Old fixtures and appliances

Outdated fixtures and appliances will not impress potential buyers of your home. Investing on new cabinet hardware and doorknobs will make a huge difference. The same is true for worn out ceiling fans, light fixtures, and kitchen appliances. Ignoring these things can impede you from getting the highest price possible for your home.

5. Clingy SellersIt is not easy to let go of a property especially if it has been your home for several years. Even if you have made wonderful memories in that house, you need to commit to the process once you’ve decided to put up your Pleasanton estate home for sale. Give your agent and buyers the space they need. Clingy sellers that stay during showing or an inspection will turn off most buyers and make them uncomfortable. Keep your distance and divert your attention to the next property in your life.

Avoid these pitfalls and you are less likely to sabotage your sale. It always helps to put yourself in the shoes of the buyer.

For more practical tips on home selling, visit

Are you looking for Pleasanton homes for sale or need help in selling your Pleasanton home? Call me, Doug Buenz, at 925-621-0680. Our team of luxury real estate agents in Pleasanton at The 680 Group has the experience and expertise to provide you with unparalleled service in the real estate market.