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2011 Visual Arts

The Reflective Journal

The Reflective Journal is a body of work reflecting the candidate’s exposure to thetheory, process and practice of Visual Arts with special reference to the ExpressiveForms studied. The Journal must show evidence of research undertaken inclusive ofsamples, photographs, interviews, critiques, descriptive and personal statements andreflections,

The Journal should contain approximately 1000 words and must be presented in a formatno smaller than 21cm x 30cm and no larger than 30cm x 40cm.

On completion of the Reflective Journal, the students should have acquired:

I. knowledge of:• aspects of Visual Arts in the Caribbean through a study of the work done and

techniques used by artists and craft persons;• facts relevant to the topic of study;• description, interpretation and evaluation of artwork studied:

2. critical thinking and problem solving skills, in particular the ability to• identify and define problems related to art materials and processes;• analyze evidence and arrive at a personal opinion and solution:• interpret, compare, contrast and evaluate text and visual material;

3. attitudes, feelings and sensibilities, so that the student is open-minded enough toexamine alternative ideas rationally and to change position when the evidence warrantsit;

4. social and research skills, including the ability to:• work independently;• use a variety of research sources;• select and organize visual material relevant to written content:• compile and present a journal that is logical, organized and legible using skills in

illustration and layout.

The total mark assigned to the Journal is 90.

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Showcasing Agriculture

Through The Visual Arts

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I will start off by saying that I do believe that at first glance, not many personswould he able to see a connection heteen art and agriculture. However, I find thisarea rather interesting because agriculture inspires me and gives energy to mycreative mind.

It allows mc to express myself in a mriad ofays. Through this reflective journalI hope to show the “Art of Agricultures’, as I see it. Interweaving the topic withvisual arts in such an tv’cti\e manner can bring about interesting and variedpieces.

When I look out across the landscape, I am able to see lush egetation, li\ estockand It the human spirit to create great artistic expressions.The artist will be able to produce permanent collection of fine art based on,stimulated by, and portraying agriculture.

For me. I enjoy doing artwork both indoors and outdoors, What I behold becomesbeautiful is my eyes weather it is a landscape. livestock, still life offruitsegetable, or tools used in agriculture. The element of design such as colour,texture, shape, pattern among others are tremendous in this area.

At the end otit all, the beauty is what I am challemzed to cone.




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I will look at agriculture in a Caribbean context. Agriculture in the Caribbean is avaried and interesting one.

The Caribbean boasts a wide assortment of agriculture plants and vegetationranging from exotic fruits, ‘. egetables and herbs, to ground provisions and rootcrops.

Most Caribbean islands experience regular rainfall hich contributes to aro\ngfresh vegetable and fruits.

Farm life captures animals and man in a productive environment. The tools.materials and equipment used in agriculture also are of great value to this sector.

Over the centuries, agriculture has inspired many artist and photographers. Theyhave all sought to capture the many aspects of agriculture. From the majesticbeauty of an old sprawling dried up tree to healthy sturdy branches producing fruitsand leaves, Delicate foliage, petals and running vines can produce large massivefruits. Food which embodies the elements and principles of art in its essence lines.shapes. texture, colour, form, and pattern are displayed in their splendour andrepetition, movement, balance and unity are highlighted.

The a a ol’the sdnes the shapes of the leaves and the texture ofastrasberrv an lend theinselses to creating dillerent expressive forms,

As I dra, I rcact to my cnironment, and m ièeling. [he Caribbean boasts asealth of \ ceetation, of agricultural produce, and

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Fhe Caribbean islands also show considerable arie. Some islands still remainalmost agricultural. hile others turned briskly to 20th century trade andindustry. Some ha\e trien, bloodily or peacefull\ for freedom. hile others hakeremained colonies but whate\er the state of their economies or government, thedaz7le the isitor ith their \ i\ id natural beauty and ‘vegetation.

The drenching shoers that keep the islands fertile on e’verv side, are ‘ i id coloursfrom rich blues of sea and sky, to the fiery punctuation of tropical blossoms on adozen shade of luxuriant green cane fields.

1 have selected the expressive forms of drawings and painting and mixed mediato bring out my theme.

I feel that these two expressive tbrms lend themsehes very ell to the creati e,artistic & aesthetic beauty of nature itself

DRAWING - I have choosen the expressive frum of drawing because I enjoy bothdrawing indoors and outdoors,

I love to draw still life composition; by examining, studying and observing thingscarefully. I see hat materials objects and things are made of and I can transferthes lines, shape, sizes, textures, colour and patterns of the objects on paper in athree dimensional manner.

Uhe expressive tbrm of draing tends to capture quite vividly, the images of thesubject matter in a detailed rnannner, Iherefore. I can display a or’ theictual things being drawn using any drawing medium such as, pencil or LolouredLrayon among others; as eil as a combination of draw lug media.

PAIN [INC NI) IIXFD P JN I’1NG I be reason \\h\ I house painting andmixed media is bcause it al1o c inc a lndi\ tdual ntrrret tames, maneeRtem’ inindardhuiidu r y’rrain tin Thrnbhth’ xpe si efr I i expe srfl\ r ehts, lL1, nedc md f’ejjae in ‘y rt -iicees

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This epressie from can be easil\ to my theme, “Sho casing Agriculturethrough The Visual Arts, because I can depict or create images or sceneriesrelating to the farm. I can also create images using the animals of the farm, such asa rooster to a local point. I can apply the elements and principles of art to bring itout lines, texture, shape, colour, repetition, rhythm and harmony to make the pieceinteresting.

I can also apply ditThrent media in my painting and mixed media pieces such ascollage, painting, printing as welt as abstract compositions. For example, h’incorporating the collage technique in my ork, I can bring the pieces alive andmake them very interesting. Warm and cool colours can be utilized for thebackground of the pieces to bring them out. I can also use the art styles whether itis surrealism, pointillism, cubism or realism to give different styles to the ork.

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PE( F # I Ii k. n of, aaftt4 uf iLtahIes with

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Completed work

‘Iedinnr Prisina inked nith (r1yold iolour d

Pencil craons Year: 2011.

For this drawing piece I aITangd ariety oi’egetahi s cuch n rcx ett pp rJt pr

an I a 1’. t s k p ace n t ,

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wa’ placcd on h’ r’i ht side Ic n, v th tircen peppea cut in half Alco aneccallion was et in front on the tlflit’f) ‘iitli the carrot tip king on the knife bhde.

When producing the drawing on paper I first lightly drew the basic ‘tructure oft. .h object hc.n I ii ainly ft cu’ed n the. sias of the otjects ‘n tel n of the k.ngthand w idth of the object and the texture pattern that each object ha’s. I ilso obsers edhots s.ctions of some ohjcts us er lapped each others.

After drawing the basic sti ucture of’ the objects. I neatly washed the paper with aliitht colour and I took in consideration the materi ik that “ich item are made of sothat I can colour them as is realisticalk. Also the texture on the surface area ofeach object was carcfully t.xamined and applied

While col ‘uring he ‘b ei..ts, I olow I dept. itfng n the htpe )f the’ We ‘Iapplied my neutral colours in this piece. black and shite to gise the work life. Ilad:df iT ‘ith !b k tifl,i;tiT, t)’ 1 il anIuti ,ku srt.alot

I work with the medala such is pencil. risma crayons and crovola

While hiJing I enccuntcied ‘ømie dSlicu!t; ;ith shDdiag thc oiiion. I added a flatr urple colour which made thee mon blend in to the eggplant .So then I started to0’t ‘ugrn1b’c,’i ohs riot4 d’ngssha Iw idid o gi ‘p i thcu imd to be erasing quite often. rhis slowed me down along the ‘say. I loneier, tol4i.tIij1;l..I’ ll1 p —d I’djit.

shich ja’ e the onion a rich colour.

On die .ornpletion of this d ass ing piece. I lightly shaded in the cast shadow, then it baiethb irt cc a e’totthetahL in 4hnrt7on ‘1w jut, ‘ ii hi

‘i.,ed a 0’ y jiev,s tn;ola for the ‘ at.k&roL C ‘ tttI e d’irsi’4 I ii ‘ed tie ()1hjg.’pioipd m a sefl ca! “t to lulls ornplete on drns:r.’ I or -omnieted t ‘rk Iii



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Betoic. procu. fir , 1 na gc.d tie large ‘tern in thc hackt hic.a vis the milk hocand then I plaed the ‘mailer tems in the front. so that the itern’ could %een andte..ach tar.t aud hA.. i ‘ic mitt o wi positoned on th left I ic oi me tsh!talong with a spatula leaning on the ho of milk which was accompanied by threebrnn g Besidttk at Ipi edasiuccr mdteacupwifl Has )lOrI’gtand half cut orange in front of the saucer. For the finishing touch (placed a ripebanara b ‘Aie the ‘a icer and tea cup wild mask the setting vuy interastinJ.

Bethre draw ing the items I keenl obsen ed the shapes. te’ctures, colour’, and siicsofall the While drawing, I first sketched the basic structure 01 all the itemslightly on a paper. After doing so I took keenly at the colour of the items and alsolook at were the light is hitting the items. (applied the technique that I was taughtsuch as gradual hEading in my drawing.

hile ‘hading I washed e cry thing on the paper dth a tight colour either with alight blue or y el low. I shaded each of the items according to the material that theydIt.t c’e i im I m h d.d si’h t immam alue now tm,lit to d uk. 1 uuiinu wlourover colour in this piece so it can ga e me a rich colour (realistic feeling). I use themedia uch as ptncil pri ‘ma crayon and royola and airbrush thi. three brownegs.

On ct npletion s. t thc objects .1 itt in the cast shadow then use pencil cra, s. n o%hade the surface area of the table in a horizontal nay and then I use a soft blue

ol fnr tjis hak.roiir d 0flfr. dra,irb (shaded ‘w hek sound a a ‘ti. ‘ay to fully compkte may drawing.



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lo kcd at ssher tb.. hil t ts’ hi Cng the item I iiu pplR.d the tcchni ze u.a had’n nd jrad ial b ending in tie drawip,.,.

While shading 1 vasbed ‘erythin on ii pap ‘r with a light c tour. I shaded eacho th ten s acc nh iz o the nat dat that they are ma he 1 orn. ai F ided subtonal alue from light to dark. I utiliie colour oer colour in this piece. I usedmedia Kh a pncil pri ma ray rn aid eroyola

While iwi king on thk piece 1 encountered some minor difficulties involved inshadin., the pot, I shadeS the ot in one flu bick colour it frst. 1 did not u’c anytonal alu. and I failed to observe where the light was really attecting theohjects.l lowever. I did not g e up hut realized. he harde%t was is the best ;say togo so I erased that ection 31 the pot wcre I hid applied a fiat black colour xl Ialso obsene,i wheN the light ‘was coming from to affect die pot. I used a darkblue and black prisma crnon and I work with these two crayons. using my tonalt’due shikolsaninjad sh.dintwhatl awnot vh4 I merely behesed to be‘here..When I was !inkhed. sas surprised at wh:it I bad accon1plished.

(n ci npl t on fthe c bleets .1 j ut in th cast shadow then u. cdi encil crayon ‘oshade the surface area of the table in a horizontal way and then I used a soft bluea yola fur he.iekto idoftk. Ira ir’t I Fideith’ ba’k,nundinas’ caIway t( lilly complt.te my drawin&.


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Idea, Preparation, Techniques, Materials, And Media used.

While preparing for all my painting and mixed medIa pi.eees, i• •had to reserrehfhrimages that nave me inspiration in relation to my theme “Shon casing Agriculturethrough the Visual Arts.” lnterpretations of the following themes were done.

PIECE # I litle: - A Scene From, “Mother Nature’s Warmth”

Preliminary work

I •tirst tried shadinu the hair in different ot blue in the form of (‘b)n(fS butthen! thoueht ot nature and snades of browns and ereen came n mind so i usedt.he technique ul. aur bros h i.o spray the hair i..n a ttreen colour to repre era MotherNature

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JCompleted Work


)11’ -

) 1cdium: \irbrush, Prisnia mixed is ith Unji ob c(’h)urcti

Pencil cnn Oils. lear: 201 i

111 1 his art piece is based on the expressi e torm of Painting anti Mixed

Media It is entitled “Mother Nature’s Varmth,” When I began my research hr

ths itt pi ‘e I cLay Lap in theme in mind ‘Showeasing \grieulture throughthe isua krt’ Di ring ny researches I t ird g eat in piration irom the pick na!images teat I in h 1’ i irg the interact I c llectcd these piet)rial images ad a

i cdthr a a refe erie uide I enta nc shile o pleting h s piece.

let ing and puttin0 y Icelng and tk a it r aper. I rtlv sk ed (‘Ut

the t ‘s ‘ntee to protr the S ie\ er I dd i i J I trout 01 n n i a itea :i

i he err Ci. htm coma this pieee I 1hoCg. a I :1-epiret I‘m in rd I Who I knea ‘rHt e he PC’ t I 0 PHI Lhi he4i

C P P i lie’ a Were. r1imP, Pg. n; !tngi1imn busting zsW ‘Iac I ir:a \LWrr \ eu’

ia: CIm ‘0 tPet iJEe :5 tOPu”2 out r eier.

ci tO ci C C’ I )( I 1hi

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LI eggplant is attacl’ed to the tate Ibrn*’2 a hod5. flrnugh the running roots a formsan egplant. I he oizplant s orming a botth. in vhi h the b thy is comins from s

LI çumpkin ma a. drinks rrom fle ggj tait 11 e purr plin is rtpresenung thcwoman’s somb but is taking the form of a rose. I’he banaras iround the pumpkinare forming leaf petals and he tree or .1w right side of the paper has n’nning xiii:’

around it shich has strawberry growing from it.

I use the elements and principle in this painting and mixed media. the techniquethat I had used were prisma crayons. paint. erayola, airbrush vhich is a form ofpainting and print shidir; ethnique whij..h wds the women clothes. I ii o usedgesture. gradually blended technique the use of tonal value was great n this pieceand I experiment colour o’er colour so the piece come out looking nice mdinterting to the ieis er eyes.

While shading this piece. I aksays sashed the paper tsith a light colour. Whencontinuing shading I encountered some difficulties in shading the strawbt.rries. Id’J.t ipply a ft nk . F ‘fcr rp,J p0 ti I and U r ‘ uJiattention to the te’cture on he strawberrios, co the strawbern clour was flat. Ithen trased and added the oft pink crayon and paied attention to the te’cture. I haddicciplined myself to get the task done.

10 complete this piece. I liaded the ground like i candy te’iture and added a bluehackjound to fully compi bte this pie e


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PIECE # 2: Title A View from your perspectIve

‘1 A

Medium: paint, prisma mixed with Crayola cOloured

Pencil crayons. Year: 201 1.

This art piece Is based on the expressive form of Painting and Mixed Media. It isentitled “A View from My perspective.” When I began my research for this artpiece I always kept my theme in mind, which is , ‘Showcasing Agriculturethrough the Visna Art” During my researches I found great inspiration form thepictorial images that I saw hile using the internet as a reference and guide me,

Before drawing and putting my feeling and thought on paper, I lightly zketchedout the idea I wanted to portray to the lewer, I did a quick layout of\hat I 4antedto draw on the paper. Ibis piece is depicting an agriculture scenery. along the

Jseaside where there are boats \\hich tIsherrnen use to go fishing. a light house

tands on a cliff and a plantain a’ee at the left in the forecxound of the wane. I hispiece has a houce and oie’ in the niddIe backLround distance and the fure

ar0d has t nan ho juct a ene fwm farmina and a ‘ uan carry ma t trutt m

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PIECE # 3: Title King of the Farm

basket on her head, At the side of the can field a goat is eating grass. Thebackground was painted with a soft blue,

I used the techniques such as gradual blending and 1 also used the elements andprinciples of art. I worked with the media such as paint, crayola and prismacrayon.

In completion of this work, I painted the background in soft blue and I appliedgreen for the ground.

%Iedium: Prisnia mixed with Cravola coloured

Pencil crayons. Year: 201 1,

For my third paintina and mi\ed media piece I also did research on the internet tirpictorial images so my mind could flow with ideas that would inspire me and gke

me a clear idea of what to d.o is t.o my theme. I also c.onsultedthrough magazines and books.

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Before I proceeded I sketched and laid out hat I anted to dra ery Eighty on a

paper so that if I was not satisfied with it I could erase it, In this piece I drew a

rooster as the focal point on the right side of the paper hich as accompanied by

two little chicks. This piece also had a cow, windmill and a house on the left side

Jof the paper.

\fter drawing e’ery thing I started shading the rooster, I used lines on the rooster

such as cure and straight line which I enjoyed colouring. i was so happy when I

finished shading it because when I was done I was astounded at what I did or had

accomplished in a few hours. I had put all m feeling in this piece and I was not

tarful or frightened. I just did my best to shade and express myself. Truly I hae

never felt so overwhelmed. I felt like part of the rooster was part of me. fhat is

how much I admired this piece. The elements were used as well as the principle of

art in this work. I also shaded with tonal .alue. I worked with the media such as

paint. prisma crayon and crayola and was not afraid to shade and apply colour o’er


Fo finally tinsh this piece I painted the sky in white paint and different shades of

blue paint to form the clouds and shade the ground with different shades of yellow

zreen, blue and brown to ftrrn the rass.

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Carlo Val train was born in the beautiful island of Haiti (PortAPrince). lieis well known for his fascinating painting of lovely fruits, egetable andlandscape which he takes pride in painting.

He also paints intricate foliage, colorful birds and wildlife, abstracts andsocial commentary scenes depicting the difficulties of life in I-laid.

( arlo uses iid colours in his paintings which make his artworklife, and excitement, Ills pieces are interesting and ‘er attractive

s Iefp ni’ hew rk with1ai inc in rcst fhisp cctonal alue in 1uite a reaiitie w av and the element and rincipewell indied in his artwork

C arlo works wtth diffe1ent media ‘mh as acrlic and makes hs paintir oftll iiè draw ma ary interetinu and he s not afiiid a) mix hn ciours


fter carefully researching various artists in relation to thisexpressive form I (lecitled to feature this artist 1w the name ofCarlo Val train

filled with

based onHe c5

0 f de’icns

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•jdraw ing painting. In this piece there is a setting on a surthce v ith plankton, bread.banana, a\ocado, lime and a plate. Their are various shades of green, hron,yello and blue utilize in this piece and shapes. hich ou can see the lime has ancircle or globular shape. the bread is cy lindrical in shape and the plate is a squareshape.


In this piece ofork the artist use ofarious shade olcolour from the range oflight to dark (tonal alue). The artist did not use one medium in his artwork but hemade his ork intensie and filles ith vibrant colours hich make this pieceinteresting. Ihe avocado has a dark green to soft yellow, the bread has a soft\ellow colour with some brown added to it and the bread also has a pale colourwith some orange and brown apply to it. The background has a nice shade of redwith the reflection of the shadow of the banana and bread on it.



[his piece is attractive to my eves with it viid shades of colours but the thina thatI dislike about this piece is that the artist could have applied a little more brown onthe banana to nave it that rich banana feelinn and to add some texture on thea ocado to ga\ e it ii tè and work on the background more w ith a softer red andraree cok ir. I aRo by th h cc r usc t the obo rs h uscd in ha art

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The title of this piece is “Pineapple” and the artist who did this work is Carlo Valtrain.As I ohsered this art piece I notice that this art work is a still lifedrawing/painting. In this piece there is a setting on a surface with plate tilled ithpears and beside the plate on the right side there are sugar cane, pine appe and anapples laid on a surface, Fheir is various shades of green, brown, yellow, purpleand orange utilize in this piece ,while keenly observing this art piece I saw the useof different shape. Fhe apple has a circle or globular shape. the pineaple has anoval shape and the plate n has a trapezium shape.


In this piece of an work the artist utili e arious shades of colour from the rangeof light to dark tonal ‘ alne Pie artist did not ork ‘s ith onk one medium in hi

rk h t I rade i v k it i s e h ch ak f s c Lr ot irI he apple as painted trom a dark green to o1t e1lo , die pear has a ott veHook it itl some ro added o it wIich ra it mt gold and ro ish LoloUr, me

sugar cane had a soft pink to purple added to it alone with some ‘ hite and thep Ic r or c nd r add 3 r r v e s r e

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leaE Ehe background has a nice shade of red, orange and yellow which gave you awarm feeling.


This piece is attractive with its vivid shades of colours, pattern and texture utilisebut the thing that I dislike about this piece is that the artist should have added more

texture to the pineapple to bring out the pattern of the pineapple, the sugar canelook like mediocre work, It doesn’t look realistic, he should have applied a littleblack and purple to it and the artist should have added a soft yellow to thebackground instead of the warm colours cause he make this piece feel like a sunsetscenar hut above that he handle the pears very well ,he gaed it a nice rich goldishpaint colour which made it very intersting and it had caught my attention and I alsolove how he paint the apple very nicely and I also love how the artist utilised histonal value in this work.

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Statement of retction

M }ourne of isual arts through fourth ftwm was quite challenging and e\eitin.During fourth form I learned that art does not mainly focus on drawing only hut itinvokes a writing aspect. I had a lot of experience of drawing basic structures andshading in fourth form but my skills in colouring was not at the standard it shouldbe. I was afraid to use colour oer colour. I used to colour objects in a flat way andI wasn’t quite observant, I used to let my fears of shading get in the way of mywork so at the end of the day I neer got the results I looked forward to. As I beganto shade. I was given the most challenging and demanding work of my life.

On my wa to fifth form I grasped some techniques and skills that I was taught infourth form by my teacher.Fifth form was quite an adventurous period for me. Ilearned to overcome my fear and use colour o\er colour. My shading skill wasimproving as the day ent by and I began to understand what drawing is all about,in terms of obsering, shading, drawing basic structure and to he disciplined. Ilearned how to paint which was a great opportunity for me. I learned how to mixpaint to get various shades of colour or medium. From my pre ious experiencesfrom fourth to fifth I learned that if you do not discipine yourself and know whatyour goals are, ou are on your to the know the road of no success ‘if you fail toprepare ,you prepare to fail.”

When I first heard that we have to write a reflective journal which is a part of theSBA. I was quite alarmed because I thought that was net necessary and I wasn’tinterested. The idea never jumps to me and I did not see the point hut as Icontinued in fifth form and completed my ha pieces. I realized that the journalwas quite intersng to write and express m ibelinus.

I also realized writing the journal can help me in life and open other doors/areas forInc in the art world, Art has helped rue to ohser\e objects keenly and has built up

imagination to attain a wider persuective.

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1)ctination of Terms



My raid



Three-dimensiona I


Tone drawing




1 iliage


Paraphernal a

wrapping around and through.

a picture of a person or animals.

‘ cry many: countless,

produce or inspire a memory or feeling etc.

a situation or setting in vhich something can bepresented.

having three dimensions (length. width, and heightor depth).

observing or watching.

dealing with the different shade either colour orpencil.

very unusual, from another part of the word.

a mixed collection of thin.s

s r d ou os r r tidel

atr. ipns.

o tw st o t ire c al t at ds toLthci

i nr us r’ics 1 equipu uLflt cIona t.

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Carter I larman

Carlo Valtrain

Ihomas \Jelson and Sons I td

Internet searches

Fhe West Indies. Canada: lime Inc. 1966

I lation \rt Online — for images.

Revised edition, London: I)esign and Patents

\ct, 1988.

Google corn

Google images

b ingcom

Yahoo. COrn


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‘Showcasing Agriculture Through the Visual Arts’


This section was marked out of a total of 5 as follows:

Visual Impact 1 markCover Design 2 marksLayout 2 marks

Visual impact for this cover was good. The design was very neat and colorful.The cover design was very appropriate and relevant to the theme. All the images wererelated to Agriculture’.

There was excellent use of the design elements. The candidate had good control ofthe medium and displayed excellent knowledge of lines, shapes, colors and also theuse of space. Overall, the design was cohesive and attractive.


This section was marked out of a total of 10 as follows:

Creativity 3 marksNeatness 2 marksCohesive Layout 5 marks

The overall presentation of the journal must be creative and innovative, The pagesmust be exciting and inviting. The overall presentation must be neat and displaycohesiveness throughout. The visual aspects must support the theme throughout.

The presentation of this Journal was highly effective and creative. (Pages 1-35). Theimages were aptly suited to the theme and the expressive forms being explored. Thevisual content on each page was of a good quality and well organized with text andillustrations. The border on each page complemented the design throughout, and wasrelated to the theme, ‘Agriculture’.

The overall neatness and presentation of this journal was excellent.


This section is marked out of a total of 7 marks

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They must be sufficient to explain, support and identify concepts and themes.Materials can include but are not limited to: illustrations, photographs samples andpreparatory drawings. Any embellishment and decorative elements must relate to theconcepts in the journal and not just added to make it pretty’. The illustrations,photographs and samples are to be neatly presented and properly identified andlabeled. This should include for example: name of the artist, item, artwork ortechnique, the medium and or materials being used, the size of the work, whereapplicable and the year it was produced, where applicable.

The presentation of the visual elements in this journal was excellent. (pages 1-35).There was a design element creating a border on each page. This related to the themeof ‘Agriculture’. All the illustrations were adequate and related to the theme andexpressive forms. The illustrations throughout the journal were of a high quality andwere neatly labeled and identified. The artworks were clearly identified with thename of the piece and that of the artist. The size, medium and year of completionwere also identified. On page 9, this candidate showed the work in progress whichillustrated the exploration of different arrangements of the objects — in this casefruits and vegetables. A completed work was shown on page 10. On pages 12, 14,16, 17, 19 and 20 were excellent illustrations of the candidate’s work.


This section was marked out of a total of 10 marks. The candidate must include inthis section a minimum of 5 samples of the work of an artist or artisan; which couldinclude actual samples of work, photographs or illustrations. The samples should besufficient and relevant to the theme and the candidates’ own work. The samples mustbe of a good quality and relevant to the concepts, themes. techniques or subject matterbeing explored in the journal. If the samples are in the form of photographs, thesubject matter must be clearly visible and identifiable. They must also be properlylabeled.

The samples of the artist’s work provided on pages 24 were relevant to the theme.This artist, seen on page 23. produces paintings with an agricultural theme using paintand mixed-media. So. the selection of this artist was very relevant. The samples onpane 24. ‘Bread and Banana. Pineapple and ‘Sugarcane and Banana”, were of a veryhigh quality, but could have been more comprehensively labeled to include size.medium and date completed. The candidate must always keep in mind the fact thatthe persons who will he marking their work are not necessarily familiar with all theinformation that is being presented in the journal. So, it would be wise to explain,identify and illustrate all concepts and themes as comprehensively as possible. This isalso standard practice in the Visual Arts.

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This section was marked out of a total of 30 points.

In this section, the candidates must include a minimum of 5 samples for eachexpressive form being studied.

Each sample was marked out of maximum of 3 as follows:

Craftsmanship — proficient in choice of materials, meets conventional standards.some innovation seen relative to theme/task for 1 mark.

Design and Composition good use of design elements, line, colour, shape. mass.principles of design suited for purpose for I mark.

Originality — good or novel ideas. Samples were innovative and effective for 1 mark.

Some misunderstanding of the requirements for this section resulted in somecandidates submitting 3 samples for each expressive form rather than the required 5.

Candidates are required to submit 5 samples per expressive form.

This candidate’s samples were excellent. See pages 12, 14, 16 and 17. Theydemonstrated a high level of skill in using the media selected. The compositionswere excellent and also original. It was obvious that the candidate developed a highlevel of knowledge and skill of the elements and principles of good design. All of thecandidate’s samples were relevant to the theme.

On page 12, the name of the piece is ‘Breakfast from the Farm’. The theme is relevantto that of the journal, which is ‘Showcasing Agriculture Through the Visual Arts’.The presentation of the stages of development was excellent. The selection of thevarious objects in terms of size, texture, form and colour was given much thought.This candidate demonstrated a high level of knowledge and skill in creating mass andform. as seen in the portrayal of the banana, eggs and slices of oranges. Thearrangement of the objects on the surface was excellent, and the appropriate shadowswere cast by the objects unto the surface. The candidate demonstrated a high level ofskill in using the media. which. in this instance is a variet of pencil crayons.

On page 14, the composition is entitled. Backyard Gardening’. This theme is alsorelevant to the title of the journal. This is another excellent composition, with a rangeof objects demonstrating a variety of colour, texture, size and form, This piecedemonstrates an. excellent use of space. The placement of the objects creates interestand use of colour forces the viewer’s eyes to move around the piece. This candidatehas succeeded in achieving three dimensionality and perspective in the individualobjects as well as in the total composition. It is clear that this candidate has explored a

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On page 16, two preparatory studies for the painting and mixed media piece entitled,VIother Nature’s Warmth’ were presented. The candidate explored the use andcombination of techniques such as airbrushing. paint and crayons. The piece was verycreative and original. The candidate again demonstrated a high level of skill in usingthe medium. The composition was good. and drawing skills were excellent. Therewas a good sense of form and depth and perspective.

Theoretical Content

This section is marked out of a total of 28.

(a) Appropriateness of Title I markCommunication of information using correct grammarand appropriate jargon 2 marksLegibility 1 mark

The title of the journal. ‘Showcasing Agriculture Through the Visual Arts’, was veryappropriate. It was a broad enough title to encompass and explore both expressiveforms studied by the candidate. It was appropriate to the theme. The content of thejournal, both visual and text, was related to the title.

The candidate made excellent use of correct vocabulary and artistic jargon. The topicwas fully explored and articulated. All processes, concepts and exploratory workwere successfully articulated. Each page of the journal was neat and legible. Anappropriate font was used, and the decorations and illustrations did not obscure thetext in any way.

(b) Content (Historical, cultural, contemporary) 6 marksHistorical 2 marksCultural 2 marksContemporary 2 marks

This candidate did an excellent job of giving the background for the connectionbetween art and agriculture. This theme is evident throughout the journal. The stilllife compositions and mixed media compositions were all connected and related toagriculture and the arts. The historical stage was set on page 5. when the candidatespeaks to the fact that the theme. ‘Agriculture has been explored by many artiststhroughout the centuries. The theme is also placed in the Caribbean context with abrief outline of the history of the islands and the link and dependency on agriculture.It also links the rich flora and fauna of the islands to the theme.

The candidate introduced both expressive forms studied and how the theme would berelated to exploration in both (page 6).

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(c) Data Gathering Processes 8 marks

Relevance of sources 3 marksAppropriate range of sources 2 marksInformation gathering techniques 3 marks

This candidate utilized a range of sources including books and the Internet. For bothdrawing and painting and mixed media the candidate demonstrated a good grasp of avariety of medium and techniques with which to explore the theme. There was alsoevidence of a good grasp of artistic vocabulary and jargon related to both expressiveforms.

Overall, the data throughout the journal was sufficient and related to the theme.

Critical Analysis 10 marksCritique of own work and work of others 3 marksReflections 5 marksOrganization and relevance of information 2 marks

This candidate did not fully critique his/her own work. The information followingeach piece of work on pages 12, 14, and 17 was more description of process thancritique. Some attempt was made to critique the work of the artist, Carlo Valtrain, onpages 24, 25, and 26 but this needed to be more in depth and comprehensive.

There were some insightful reflections on page 29. Again this could have had moresubstance, and could have been expanded to really give more insight into the totalprocess and experiences. The candidate could have expounded on the journey. Theycould have spent some time comparing, contrasting and coming to personal opinions.Overall, this section, pages 24—29, was a fair interpretation of information gathered.

Overall this was a very good Reflective Journal.