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Disruptive Diner 3D Printing Becomes Big Business

Researchers at Notre Dame are currently printing skeletons of small animals using 3D imaging taken from CT scans. This could soon be used to duplicate human skeletons to prepare surgeons for surgery on their patients.

MIT introduces a ‘4D’ self-assembling product. This is a 3D-printed object that is capable of self-assembling or changing into another shape when exposed to an outside factor like heat, water, light or sound.

Wilfried Vancraen, recently voted the most influential person in the 3D printing sector, stated so far the industry has just been "replacing a product by a 3D printed product, and in many cases even not feasible, and in no cases really economical."

To use the technology at its full potential, what new products will we need to imagine for the first time ever?


Disruptive Diner 3D Printing Becomes Big Business

After a tumor took the left side of his face Eric Moger had to use his hand to cover the hole where his cheek was in order to talk. Eating and drinking were through a tube. When a surgeon found how to use a 3D printer to restore Eric’s face the operation changed his life!

The President even highlighted the potential of 3D printing in creating jobs and promoting innovation in the 2012 State of the Union Address.

The manufacturing applications of 3D printing are projected to grow up to 30 percent of the manufacturing industry.

While the 3D printing industry was worth $1.7 billion worldwide in 2011 it could grow to more than $3.7 billion by 2015.

Using the cities that you're tagged on in Facebook, Meshu prints out customized jewelry that maps your life in your city, your country, and the world.

Organovo has successfully created tiny functional 3D-printed livers. But they're only 4 millimeters wide!

The company hopes to develop normal sized ones to replace the need for kidney transplants.


Disruptive Diner 3D Printing Becomes Big Business

The 3Doodler let's you draw in 3D.How would this change the way you prototype your ideas?

3D printers have been around for the past 30 years but are only now entering into the public realm

3D printing no longer needs to be monochromatic. On April 30th BotObjects unveiled the first full-color desktop 3D printer.

Tokyo’s FabCafe created 3D printed gummy versions of their customers!

The Disruption Department works with kids in STEM education in St. Louis. They believe that 3D printing will help kids learn how to prototype their ideas, transforming the focus of education from end outcomes to process and implementation.

Freedom of Creation is leading the way in printable food. What benefit does 3D printing your food have? You can control the ingredients and exactly how they're structured. Could meals entirely made by 3D printing become a new delicacy? A necessity for space travel? Or will discerning palettes refuse to consume this redefinition of food production?


Disruptive Diner 3D Printing Becomes Big Business