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Computerization is a control system that manages processes in industrial workplace. It reduced human errors and processing time, thus it can boost productivity and resulted into high quality of product produce. In Information System, computerization is concerned about interrelating different but interdependent transactions. This can result in a system with well-integrated processes that can perform much faster and more accurate than a manual system.

Enrollment is the process of entering and verifying data of student to register on a particular school. Different interrelated processes build up enrollment procedures called Enrollment System (ES). ES are used particularly in recording and retrieving student s information. Tracking student s information is also one feature of ES, in which the school can trace the standing of a student. Verifying payments was also added to update or browse student s billings.

Enrollment System is a good example of a computer generated process. This can lessen the workload and provides accurate information needed of the school. As a result, it will benefit not only the student but the administration as a whole.


Enrollment System is very essential in a school. In the case of Nyongani School Inc., it is composed of a manual system. Directress used manual system in recording and retrieving student s information. She also has information about student s payment. In fact, she does all the record keeping just by using ballpen and columnar sheet. On the other hand, Registrar Department also used manual system as a way of recording and retrieving student information. Another department is Accounting Office that administers student s payment manually.

Above our observation, human interventions will highly involve in this type of system. As a result, this may involve errors and redundancy of data resulting troubles in organization.


Background of the Company

1.2.1. History of the Company

The establishment of Nyongani School Inc. was conceived and planned during the year 1985 with the purpose of bringing quality yet affordable primary education close to the home s of some 500 children from families living within T.S. Cruz Subdivision, Interville III Subdivision, and Greenfields III Subdivision. The vision was to create a new school in the area that would help parents cut down costs on transportation allowances and safety hazards as brought about by sending kids to schools located around the busy town of Novaliches.


The name Nyongani was proposed from the name of its founder, Dr. Tobia Nyongani. It was transferred as time goes by to relatives. In present time, the grand daughter of founder, Mrs. Thelma S. Nyongani was the school directress.

The school which was then housed on a two-storey residential building along Osmea street formally opened in June of 1985 with only the Nursery, Kindergarten 1, Kindergarten 2 levels initially having a total enrolment of 36 students with 3 highly competent and trained teachers.

Subsequently, three levels were added yearly until the school year 1987-1988 when the first batch of grade VI students graduated. Its enrolment continued to increase in the years that followed when it market extended to other areas like Llano Road, Queensland Subdivision within its vicinity. In 1996, as it continued to attract more students, the school has to move to a new and permanent location- a 1,039-square meter lot at the corner of the Interville III Subdivision.

Meanwhile, the number of concerned parents has grown swiftly in favour of the location, functionality and curricular offerings at the same school. Given the recognition, the school recently opened the High school level to meet the demand of the parents wanting their children to continue their education in the same pre-school, elementary tradition have grown and accustomed.


Just last 2006; the second floor was partially built which now provides 6 spacious classrooms that accommodate the growing school population. Three of the classrooms can be converted into one multi-purpose function hall for small school gatherings and programs. The library with a large collection of books, magazines and other educational materials is also located at the second floor.

This year s anticipated full-grown enrolment, Nyongani School is now offering an advanced Math and Science curriculum with a full-force integration of wide variety of activities. Centralized computer network system is also being applied for more convenience for the students. The school is also trying to come up with Varsity team training of different sports to pave the way towards athletic skills of all Nyongani School students.

1.2.2. Vision Statement

The image we share of a successful learner is a well-rounded, thinking and compassionate student with a strong sense of values and personality identity, confident to take risks necessary to adapt to a challenging and unpredictable future. We want our students to be equipped not only with the foundation skills of literacy and numeracy but also a range of goal- oriented attributes including a lively sense of curiosity, self-reliance, hard-work and ability to work graciously with others. Most importantly, we envision our students to be creative and driven to realize their own dreams, talents and personal goals and be of service to our nation and its people. We believe that helping the students develop


faith in God and in their own abilities will be the best guarantee for them to achieve success in life.

1.2.3. Mission Statement

The school, in partnership with the parents and the community, is committed to providing safe, stimulating and nurturing environment so that each child can grow to become a well-balanced, thinking and caring individual who has strong desire for learning, compassion for others, fear of the Lord and the drive to realize one s full potential.


Conceptual Model of Study

In this chapter, proponents used to outline possible courses of action needed to present preferred approach to use in the whole study. A framework can help the proponents to explain why they are doing a project in a particular way.

Figure 1.1. Conceptual Model of the Design of Enrollment System for Nyongani School Inc., structured by Stephen McHenry, Iterative Implementation.


The proponents adopt the Iterative Implementation/Continuos Integration Approach otherwise known as Design Implementation Increments made by Stephen McHenry, for designing their proposal. With this approach, the overall functionality of the system is broken down into feature sets. These feature sets, often based upon cases from the analysis stage, contain a group of individual features that are related, typically by functional area. In most cases, the entire set of feature required to support a functional area and will be too large to be considered a single feature set, and must be further divided to reduce the size.

Conceptual Framework of study is essential in the progress of the study and researcher s frame. The Framework of this design starts in knowing specific System Requirements of the school. This includes identifying problems regarding existing processes of the school. Due to the increasing population and in demand popularity of NSI, proponents focus on Enrollment System since every school has their own way of accepting student. As study goes on, proponents noticed that NSI uses a manual enrollment system that can result errors, redundancy and lots of time to process. This gives way to the second phase, the Data Gathering. Assorted in data gathering are Background Research (includes company background, mission and vision), to know their existing I.T. Infrastructure and different Process Interrelationship on their Enrollment System. The product of the requirements and data gathering would be the Analization. In this phase different processes and transactions involves on registration of students. These include paying tuition fees and initialize different reports for every department. All of these are conceptualize to decide a Design Proposal.


Parts of Conceptual Framework:

1. System Requirements

Includes identifying existing problems regarding

enrollment system of NSI. This produces functionality that the system should provide, which describes functions the system should perform, business logic that processes data, what data is stored and used by the system, and how the user interface should work. The result is the system as a whole and how it performs, not how it is actually going to do it.

2. Data Gathering

This involves getting relevant and related data from the

school that will undergo design proposal. Data gathering was assorted in tree features namely: Background Research, Existing I.T. Infrastructure and Process Interrelationship a. Background Research: Includes school s profile, vision and mission that will relate to the design proposal. b. Existing I.T. Infrastructure: Includes existing hardware and software components that can be a factor in design proposal. c. Process Interrelationship: Contains processes, transactions involve in the existing Enrollment System and how they are related to each other.


3. Analization

Involves planning and analyzing gathered information to undergo

a design proposal.

4. Design Proposal

Contains results and analyze it to form a design proposal. In

the case of NSI, proponents divided it in four main features that relate different department s works. a. Registration: Includes recording, verifying and retrieving student s information. b. Billing/Payments: Includes recording, retrieving and updating student s payments. c. Reports: Different reports will be the result of any transactions include in the design proposal.

5. Evaluation

Includes gaining feedbacks or any suggestion for improvement of

the design proposal.


Statement of the Objective

1.4.1. Objective

To design a Computerized Enrollment System for Nyongani School Inc. that will address the school s file-handling, and generation of forms and other documentation. In


addition, proponents would also want to lessen man-power workloads and minimize time consuming enrollment activities.

1.4.2. Scope

The proposed computerized enrollment system design covered the major processes in Nyongani School Inc, (NSI) namely: registration of the current and incoming students, class scheduling and sectioning, assessment of fees, files maintenance and reports needed (registration form, assessment slip, student master list, and other forms and reports essential to design). In addition, requisites for new student (Birth Certificate, Good Moral Character and Form 138) will be recognized in system design database by checkbox.

Since one of the specific objectives of the proponents is to improve computer literacy of the community of NSI, the design system would allow four user accounts which are the Student, Accounting, Registrar and Directress. Student user account would only access in their personal records. New student will be called Enrollee that can handle adding records of their own while old student (Student) will only update their previous record. This will act as registration of student to be enrolled. Accounting and registrar account will engage in their particular job mainly transaction of students record and payments. On the other hand, directress user account can access every feature of design system proposal.

The proposed designs also incorporate the processing of student s personal records, especially the mode of payment student will choose. The design proposed system has the


ability to verify and update student s payments. NSI do have many choices of payment for student to choose from. This was also incorporate to design proposal. Enrollee will just choose the mode of payment. Partner with it is the accounting personnel that will be in charge on input of the system.

1.4.3. Delimitation

The design proposed system will be limited about the evaluation of new or transferee students. System design will not be capable to give an actual examination or evaluation of the requirements and credential of a new student. These processes will remain manual done by the directress but the result from it will be the input for the proposed ES.

In case of payments of students, proposed system design will only be limited on checking if the student was paid or not. It was not design to send any mail, SMS or reminders about unpaid school fees of the students. The cashier will print the summary of students with unpaid account and sent them to the respective adviser. Modes of payment are also fixed.

In the sense that money was involved in transactions of payments of students, design system proposal would only accept data and actually the money itself. There will be no devices used or made in design proposal that can accept money of the student as a payment. An instance of this is the new technology of paying bills through cards and ATM


that can result faster and ease of paying. Every payment involved would be administered manually by Accounting Department.


Significance of the Study

Due to the increasing population of Nyongani School Inc., this study helped the school regarding their enrollment transactions and activities. The proposed design aimed to benefit the school in their enrollment facilities such as maintaining the files, assessment of fees and especially the Enrollment System itself.

The School and it s Department

The main beneficiary of the study is Nyongani School Inc. NSI would be adapting the innovation of technology through application program database that will make their work with optimum performance. The develop system will be handling the flows and problems that the organization is encountering. With regards to the registrar and accounting department, the proposed design will help the school in maintaining the data of the students and the school will not use the manual data gathering. NSI will just need to check the system for the records needed.


The Future Researchers

For the future researchers, this study could be used for their reference in having an automated enrollment system if the future researchers would like to formulate a system such as this.

The Proponents

Proponents would also be a beneficiary of the study since they would value the importance of enhancing their skill and work performance while inheriting knowledge throughout the study.


Definition of Terms

Automation: Act of implementing the control of equipment with advance technology usually involving electronic hardware; Automation is a condition of being automatically operated or controlled.

Database: Database is a collection of information categorized by specific fields. It is also an integrated collection of logically related records or files consolidated into a common pool that provides data for one or more users.


Human Intervention: participation or engaging of man to any activities, work or even processes.

MS Office Access: is a relational database management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with graphically user interface and software development tools. It is a member of the Microsoft Office suite of applications, included the professional and higher editions or sold separately.

Primary Education: Primary Education is the first stage of compulsory education. It is preceded by pre-school or nursery education and is followed by secondary education. This stage of education is usually known as elementary education and is generally followed by middle school.

Registrar: department in the school engaging in student s record and data.

Retrieving: restoring; recovering data in relation to database.

Sectioning: done in scheduling student in their particular class.

Transactions: assessment of fees regarding payment of students.

Visual Basic 6.0: It is a language rapid application development environment that gives fast and easy intuitive tools to quickly develop Windows application.



Every piece of ongoing research needs to be connected with the work already done to attain an overall relevance and purposes. The review of literature thus becomes a link between the research proposed and the studies already done.

2.1. Local Literature and Studies

Ace Adrian Sandoval in Enrollment System

Enrollment System is useful especially when the school retrieves the important information from the student. The school can trace what is the standing of the students. Lack of Enrollment System in a school can lead to chaos and troubles. Students will be confused on what they should do to be able to enroll. It is extremely useful in the school in the way of working processes of enrolling become much easy.

Jenny Anto in Descriptive Method of Study

The main goal of this type of research is to describe the data and characteristics about what is being studied. The idea behind this type of research is to study frequencies, averages, and other statistical calculations. Although this research is highly accurate, it does not gather the causes behind a situation. Descriptive research is mainly done when a


researcher wants to gain a better understanding of a topic. For example, a frozen ready meals company learns that there is a growing demand for fresh ready meals but doesn t know much about the area of fresh food and so has to carry out research in order to gain a better understanding. It is quantitative and uses surveys and panels and also the use of probability sampling. Descriptive Research s also called Statistical Research.

Far Eastern University Enrollment System

With its 25,000 students, Far Eastern University (FEU) ranks among the biggest universities in the country in terms of population. And with a large population comes multiple problems in enrollment, student records and related data. Wanting a lasting solution to the problem, FEU asked consultants for recommendations. The result was a decision to automate FEU's enrollment system.

FEU decided to automate the enrollment system in two phases: (1), the development of a system for enrollment and student records for Phase I, and (2) the integration of the student's financial records for. They worked closely with SQL*Wizard to pilot E*Wizard, an integrated system for student enrollment that contains modules with extensive inquiry and reporting capabilities. They also tapped FEU's Computer Services Department to iron out kinks. They reviewed organizational structures, assigned people to support groups and asked faculty advisers and staff to train. She also met with the representatives of individual institutes and with the support of the academic managers and SQL*Wizard's technical group, plotted the move to launch an integrated system during the


second semester. The preparation involved cleaning the database, standardizing labels for subject and preparing the subject requirements.

Samar State University Automated Enrollment System

Technology innovations had influenced man's work, from data processing, business transactions, research, planning, monitoring and even in medical operation of man s body is now entrusted to computer technology. Samar State University (SSU) as one of the University in Samar Island aims to be the center of excellence in education had recently made changes to some of its existing systems. The enrollment system of the university is now computerized, and other systems are on its way. This only show that they are coping with the latest technology.

The Automated Enrollment System of Samar State University aims for an accurate, user friendly, efficient system that can help both the student and personnel for fast data processing of enrollment. Engr. Hediki Hashimoto, a Japanese volunteer headed the creation and conceptualization of the system. The information technology faculty from the College of Engineering and Arts and Sciences assisted him. The system that is web based uses PHP programming language with data stored in MySQL is run through the intranet of SSU.

A dry-run for this automated enrolment was done last summer and the first semester of this school year. Offices affected with the automation were the registrar,


cashier, accounting, and the Colleges of Education, Engineering, Arts and Sciences, Industrial Technology, Nursing and Graduate Studies. Feedbacks from the students were formulated when the first semester started. Over 75 % of them say that the automation process of enrollment was better compared with the old system. With the good result of the dry run the automated enrolment system will be finally implemented this 2nd semester.

2.2. Foreign Literature and Studies

Stephen McHenry in Iterative Implementation Strategy

There is another implementation approach that eliminates problems of using a waterfall study. It is known as the Iterative Implementation/Continuous Integration Approach. This is also known as Design/Implementation Increments. In fact, issues come out that by using Iterative Implement, Waterfall Method was remove totally in industry of studies. This was invented to avoid a linear and sequential development of study unlike the Waterfall Study.

With this approach, the overall functionality of the system is broken down into feature sets. These feature sets, often based upon use cases from the analysis stage, contain a group of individual features that are related, typically by functional area. In most cases, the entire set of features required to support a functional area will be too large to be considered a single feature set, and must be further divided to reduce the size.


Long Beach City College Enrollment System

Southern California community college Long Beach City College has gone live with a new Cognos-based enrollment management system that was designed by Irvine, CA-based professional services firm e2e Analytix.

Prior to installing the new system, LBCC, which has two main campuses and multiple satellites that support nine schools and 34 departments, handled its enrollment via manual spreadsheets. With no reporting, continuity, or standard practices, and with lengthy error corrections, the school s enrollment management budgeting and planning took up to three months to compile, consolidate, and implement.

LBCC tapped e2e Analytix, which specializes in higher education, to design a webbased enrollment management system using Cognos Enterprise Planning software from Cognos Inc. (Ottawa, Ontario). Using Cognos for enrollment management was a unique application for Cognos, according to Dan Galuppo, e2e s director of professional services, but the result delivers real-time data collection, consolidation, workflow, and calculations to help LBCC enrollment staff make faster and more informed decisions.

2.3. Synthesis

The review of related literature and studies serve as a guideline and foundations of the proponents on their design proposal. Proponents used the information of Mr. Ace


Adrian Sandoval of enrollment system. Enrollment system is very important in a school. It is very useful in retrieving vital information of the students. Without it can lead difficulty both for the administration of school and student in enrollment processes.

Proponents also adopt method of study such as descriptive research. Descriptive method of study focuses in describing the data and characteristics about what is being studied. Since the proponents engage on ES of NSI, observation and describing of processes will be the key in knowing weaknesses and problems of existing enrollment system. Proponents also adopt the theory of Stephen McHenry which is the iterative implementation study. In this theory, the overall functionality of the system are broken down to feature sets. This feature sets represent different processes involves in ES activities.

Proponents also compared the case of NSI enrollment system to other school such as FEU, SSU and LBCC which innovate their enrollment system to automation or computerized. By the aid of work of other school, proponents will have an idea on how to solve problems and formulate solution of being manual transferring to computerized.



This chapter will cover the research methods of the proponents on how they gather facts and relevant data. The proponents also added instruments used in study and procedure of gathering information.

3.1. Research Design

The proponents adopt descriptive study, and used quantitative approach in attaining relevant ideas that will involve in design proposal. In this scheme, proponents ask information in detailed questions regarding what they observed in actual to the school. They also adopt quantitative approach of study which observed particularly in numbers. This will give way to use the sampling method wherein data are manipulated by means of getting only sample that can represent a whole. A good instance is an enrollment system wherein student s population is much involved. By getting some portion in the population of students in every year level, they can achieve data by means of average answers.

3.2. Description of Participants

Every data to be gathered has a proof from the respondents. Proponents interact on different participants which works are related to the design proposal, to gather relevant data form them.


Directress was the overall head of enrollment system of NSI. She deals with student s evaluation and also has a list of copy of students enrolled and their respective payments from the reports of registrar and accounting department. By interview and observations, proponents will know current processes and transactions regarding enrollment activities.

On the other hand, registrar department manages master list of the students (new, transferee, old). The department was also assign in sectioning of the students. By the use of this information, proponents will gather data about sectioning and scheduling students. Another department that will help the design proposal is the accounting department. Accounting department deals with payments of students. Breakdown of fees and data of student s payments will help proponents to achieve the design proposal.

In addition to that, selected parents and students will be an important participant since they are the main beneficiary of the design proposal. With the aid of surveys and sets of questionnaires about enrollment procedures, proponents will know problems regarding existing ES.

3.3. Instruments used in Study

3.3.1. Interview Sheets


Provide set of questions done by interviewer to be answer by selected respondents. Different kinds of questions are indicated seeing as that proponents interviewed several kinds of personnel involve in the system. The following are directress, registrar and accounting department personnel since they are much involved in enrollment activities of NSI.

3.3.2. Checklist A tabular form consist of existing hardware and software components of NSI. List of hardwares and softwares are indicated with each detail specification. Proponents also include processes and transactions involved in existing enrollment system of NSI.

3.3.3. Gantt Chart Gantt chart is a graphical representation of the duration of task against the progression of time. It is a useful tool for planning and scheduling projects. Proponents used Gantt chart in order to them to monitor allotted time for the project. It was consist of bars scheduled from weeks of January and March.

3.3.4. Log Frame According to Will Allen and Irene Guijit (Nov. 1999), Log Frame stands for Logical Framework , is a simple method of tying goals and objectives into inputs, processes and outputs. Proponents used Log Frame to indicate task to be done for the project in the specific allotted time by the Gantt chart. It was so useful for them because it can add another monitor material for the progress of the study.


3.4. Procedures used in Study


The first procedure used by proponents was interview. Interview was done thru directress, registrar and accounting department personnel. The directress was questioned about the school s background (history, mission and vision) and about the evaluation of the students.

In addition to that, current processes and step-by-step transactions were also done by the used of interview. These include registration of students and payments that were assigned to registrar and accounting department. Sectioning and scheduling of students were also revealed by registrar department to the proponents.

3.5. Tabular Presentation and Analysis of Data

In this part of study, data gathered through used of instruments and procedures as a methodology of study are present and analyze in a detailed tabular form.


Table 3.1 Decision Making Table for Specific Problems related in Enrollment System of NSI

Table 3.1 shows the problems encountered by NSI in every enrollment schedule. It also includes times of occurrence of the problems, possible causes and particular solutions to the problems. The corresponding decision-makers are assigned in order to renovate and gain improvements in existing enrollment system.


Table 3.2 Users Involve in Enrollment System of NSI According to the collected information of the proponents, table 3.2 shows three main departments of NSI and their functions on existing Enrollment System.

Directress need the form 138 (previous report card) of the new student for taking the examination. If the student passed the examination, then requirements completion, evaluation and recording of data will follow. On the other hand, if it is old student, directress will only engage in evaluation of grades and verifying data of the student. Assessment slip will provide by the directress if the student bypass all requirements.

The next step will be in accounting department. Assessment slip that comes from the directress was the input for the students to involve in payments. Receipt will be the


output in accounting department. Afterwards, receipt will be the input for the students for them to become officially enrolled.

Table 3.3 Breakdown of Fees in each Level of Student in Enrollment System of NSI Table 3.3 shows the computation of the total tuition fees of student in respected year level. As the student s year increases, the amount of tuition fees also increases. According to an interview with the Directress, it is increasing due to the need of the students. For instance is the Computer Fee where higher student s year allotted more time on it. This breakdown of fees is fixed and may not change at all.


Table 3.4 Modes of Payment of Student in Enrollment System of NSI I. Modes of Payments Cash Basis: Upon Enrollment, pay the whole tuition fees. Monthly Basis with down payment Down Payment to be paid upon enrollment Remaining Balance month. Straight Monthly 1st Payment upon enrollment Succeeding Payments every 5th day of the month Late Payment will be charged 5% Interest per month of the amount due. divided into 10 months, payable every 5th day of the

II. Discount of Tuition Fees Registration of 2 or 3 kids of the same parents (2.5% discount/kid)


Registration of 4 or more kids of same parents (1 kid {tuition fee only} [lowest grade level] no more discounts) Total Cash Payment upon enrollment (7% discount per child)

Table 3.5 Student s Subject and desired Time of Class in NSI



This chapter discussed processes of designing the proposed system. It also include the System Requirements need by the proposed system, the System Context Diagram, the system s Flow Chart and Data Flow Diagram, the Visual Table of Contents (VTOC), Cost Benefit Analysis and proposed design in Graphical User Interface (GUI).

4.1. System Requirements

4.1.1 Existing I.T Infrastructure

Table 4.1 Existing Hardware Infrastructure of NSI


Table 4.2 Existing Software Infrastructure of NSI

4.1.2 Proposed I.T. Infrastructure

Since one of proponent s goals in this project was to design proposal by the use of the existing I.T. Infrastructure of NSI, they only required some modifications regarding software and hardware components. Proponents want to establish a good automated enrollment system wherein it will cost cheaper amount by using existing facilities and upgrading some of them. A list below shows to you some modifications and additional infrastructure for the design proposal.

Modification for Design Proposal

1. At least all PC are in Good Condition Many workstation to used in enrollment system, the lessen time enrollment activities consume. If we will count total number of computers to be used, it may build up


to eleven pc. In each department (Registrar and Accounting Department), there would be five computers and the one left will be reserved.

2. Two Printers must Function Well. Each Printer will be assigned in the two departments namely: Registrar and Accounting Department. This may facilitate both of them to initialize reports easily. For the Registrar, they can issue registration form of students with the desired section, schedule and subjects. In another view, both of them can easily print summarize reports for the Directress.

3. Every Computer must have the Design System. Related to the first modification, many workstations to use, the faster enrollment activities would finish. It is a must that all workstation should have the design system in order to get desired output for every process of enrollment system.

4. Visual Basic 6.0 and MS Access Since every computer has the design proposal, they must also contain the software Visual Basic 6.0. This was the programming application used by the proponents to design the proposal. MS Access must also indicate in every computer because it will serve as the database of the design proposal. Basic debugging and coding will adopt for any clarification in the design system.


5. Networking Workstation in Registrar and Accounting Department will adopt a LAN connection for easily sharing of files and data they particularly needed.

4.2 Context Diagram

Figure 4.1 Context Diagram of Enrollment System of NSI

The context diagram shows the relationship between external entities of NSI and how they interact to the enrollment system and another entity. One of the external entities is the old/new students. Students must complied input such as their data, payments and


must finish submission of requirements to accomplish their registration form. Afterwards, data and requirements of student will be process to generate output for registrar department. Student s registration form will generate with the respective section and schedule of students. Registrar department can also verify students report and master list. The same as registrar department, accounting department can also verify student report and data, but they rely on payment or fees of students. They also provide official receipt for a student copy. Lastly, directress office need the master list of the students and summarize reports of their payments. Still, directress can confirm updated students reports.



Figure 4.2 Data Flow Diagram of Proposed Enrollment System for Enrollees of NSI



Figure 4.3 Data Flow Diagram of Proposed Enrollment System for Student of NSI


4.4 Flowcharts

Figures used in Flowchart:

Off-page Connector: Create a logical connection from one process on one page to a process on another page.

On-page Connector: Create a logical connection from one symbol to another on the same page of the flowchart.

Process: Any processing function.


Stored Data: Any type of stored data. Terminator: Indicated the beginning or end of the system flow of the

Data: Can represent any type of data in the flowchart.

Decision: Decision point between two or more path in the flowchart.

Flow Lines: Connect process or entity from each another.



Figure 4.10 System Flowchart of Proposed Verification of Enrollee/New Student in Enrollment System of NSI



Figure 4.11 System Flowchart of Proposed Verification of Old Student in Enrollment System of NSI



Figure 4.12 System Flowchart of Proposed Registration of Student in Enrollment System of NSI



Figure 4.13 System Flowchart of Proposed Mode of Payment of Pre-School Student in Enrollment System of NSI



Figure 4.14 System Flowchart of Proposed Mode of Payment of Primary Level Student in Enrollment System of NSI



Figure 4.15 System Flowchart of Proposed Mode of Payment of High School Student in Enrollment System of NSI



Figure 4.16 System Flowchart of Proposed Process in Confirmation that Student is Officially Enrolled in Enrollment System of NSI


4.5 Virtual Table of Contents (VTOC)


Figure 4.17 System Virtual Table of Contents of Proposed Enrollment System for NSI


4.6 Graphical User Interface (GUI)


Figure 4.18 Form Login of Program for Proposed Computerized Enrollment System


1. Student User Account


Figure 4.19 Form Classification of Student for Proposed Computerized Enrollment System


1.1 Enrollee Student User Account


Figure 4.20 Student I.D. Tab in Student Profile Form for Proposed Computerized Enrollment System of NSI


Fields Restrictions:

1. Year Level

assigned to be in a form of combo box where the enrollee will just

select his required year level in enrollment system. Year Level: Nursery, Kinder, Grade 1 6 & 1st Year 4th Year. 2. Student Number (autonumber) the program will automatically set a student

number for the enrollee. Student numbers are set from the number of students enrolled in desired year level. 3. Section the program will automatically set section for the enrollee according to the number of enrolled student in the vacant section. The maximum number of student per section will be thirty. If it exceeds, another section will be open for enrollees. 4. School Year the program will automatically set the school year. 5. Time the program will automatically set time of student classes since it was fixed

by the school administration for every year level. 6. Room the program will automatically set available room per section of student. 7. Subjects the program will automatically set subjects of student since every year

level has their own fixed required subjects.



Figure 4.21 Student Information Tab in Student Profile Form for Proposed Computerized Enrollment System of NSI


Fields Restrictions:

1. Last Name enrollee can enter a max of 10 characters and accept letter and number formats. 2. First Name enrollee can enter a max of 10 characters and accept letter and number formats. 3. Middle Name number formats. 4. Age enrollee can enter a max of 2 characters and accept only number format. 5. Gender enrollee will have options either male or female. 6. Religion formats. 7. Date of Birth format. 8. Place of Birth - enrollee can enter a max of 10 characters and accept letter and number formats. 9. Address formats. 10. City/Town - enrollee can enter a max of 10 characters and accept letter and number formats. 11. State/Province - enrollee can enter a max of 10 characters and accept letter and number formats. enrollee can enter a max of 50 characters and accept letter and number enrollee will just select the date of his birthday in the month view enrollee can enter max of 10 characters and accept letter and number enrollee can enter max of 10 characters and accept letter and



Figure 4.22 Information Part 2 Tab in Student Profile Form for Proposed Computerized Enrollment System of NSI


Fields Restrictions:

1. Father s Name number formats.

enrollee can enter a max of 30 characters and accept letter and

2. Mother s Name - enrollee can enter a max of 30 characters and accept letter and number formats. 3. Guardian s Name - enrollee can enter a max of 30 characters and accept letter and number formats. 4. Occupation enrollee can enter a max of 10 characters and accept letter and

number formats. 5. Address formats. 6. City/Town - enrollee can enter a max of 10 characters and accept letter and number formats. 7. State/Province - enrollee can enter a max of 10 characters and accept letter and number formats. 8. Contact Number formats. enrollee can enter max of 15 characters and accept only number enrollee can enter a max of 50 characters and accept letter and number



Figure 4.23 Registration Form Tab in Student Profile Form for Proposed Computerized Enrollment System


1.2 Student User Account for Previous Student of NSI


Figure 4.24 Form Verification of Student for Proposed Computerized Enrollment System



Figure 4.25 Form Verification of Student Records of Previous Student for Proposed Computerized Enrollment System of NSI.


2. Accounting User Account


Figure 4.26 Form Classification of Transaction of Payments of Student for Proposed Computerized Enrollment System



Figure 4.27 Form Student Payment Record List for Proposed Computerized Enrollment System



Figure 4.28 Form Student Payment Transactions for Proposed Computerized Enrollment System of NSI


Field Restrictions:

1. Date shows the day of transaction indeed. 2. Student Number student number of the student to pay. 3. Student Name max of 30 character and accept letter and number formats. Name of the student to pay. 4. Student Level combo box wherein the accounting personnel will just select the

corresponding year level of the student to pay. (Kinder, Nursery, Grade 1 -6 and 1st year 4th year) 5. Modes of Payment combo box wherein the accounting personnel will just select

the mode of payment student to pay choose. (Monthly Basis w/ Down Payment, Straight Monthly and Cash Basis) 6. Amount Paid (Currency Format) the initial payment of the student base from the

mode of payment he choose. 7. Save Button record list. save the student payment record transaction to the student payment


3. Registrar User Account


Figure 4.29 Form Student Record List for Proposed Computerized Enrollment System of NSI


4. Directress User Account


Figure 4.30 Multiple Document Interface of Proposed Computerized Enrollment System


Description of Menu Editor:


File Transactions 1. Students Registration creates a link to Form Student Profile (figure 4.20)

wherein you can add records of student. 2. Students Record List creates a link to Form Student Record List (figure

4.29) wherein you can add, edit and print student s record. (main job of Registrar Department) 3. Record Payment creates a link to Form Classification of Transaction of

Payment (figure 4.26) wherein you can manage student payments. (main job of Accounting Department) 4. Requirements creates a link to the feature of program wherein you can

manage student requirement as resulted from their evaluation. (main job of Directress) II. Reports create a link to ready to print reports. 1. Student s Payment payments. 2. Master List creates a link to the report of list of enrolled students. III. Maintenance 1. Back-up Database one feature of program wherein you can back-up the creates a link to the report of list of enrolled student s

database for the purpose of preparing it in another school year.



Figure 4.31 Form Checking Student s Requirement for Proposed Computerized Enrollment System of NSI


5. Other Feature of Enrollment System


Figure 4.32 Form Back-up Database for Proposed Automated Enrollment System of NSI



5.1 Summary

The study was begun in analyzing the problems regarding the enrollment system of NSI. With the aid of interviews, researches, surveys and keen observations, proponents discover problems such as student information redundancy and manual computations that will cause errors in data. On the other hand, we also notice that the reports submitted to directress office are not updated. This can cause inaccurate information to the existing NSI enrollment system. All of these problems are the effects of manual enrollment system of NSI.

These problems are the root cause, for the proponents to design automated enrollment system. With the help of required requirements of NSI enrollment system, proponents formulate three main processes that need innovation. The following are registration and verification of student in registrar department, record payment management in accounting department and both of the department must comply updated reports to be submitted to directress office.

By means of diagrams such as DFD and Flowchart with theories like Iterative Implementation and Descriptive Research Study, the enrollment system will merge in relative processes.


5.2 Conclusion

After all the studies, research and observation, the proponents therefore conclude that the Nyongani School Inc. (NSI), is having difficulties on their enrollment system particularly on management of students data and their payments. Different problems such as redundancy and errors in information of the students, not updated reports submitted to directress and time consuming enrollment activities was solved through designing automated enrollment system.

On the other hand, proponents accept the life of being a system analyst. They adopt the stages in making study through the use of interviews, researches, surveys and even observations. They are also train to use data flow diagram, flow chart and other graphical method of study in presenting the flow of the system proposed. Above all, proponents would be a beneficiary of this study since they analyze a manual enrollment system and convert it into an automated one.

5.3 Recommendations

Proponents recommend some training about programming in personnel and administration of NSI community since they are the main beneficiary of the design proposal. They must know basic debugging and coding of Visual Basic 6.0 for any clarification of the design system.