Download - 3 Skeletal System Presentation copy Skeletal System... · Functions of the Skeletal System There are SIX main functions of the Skeletal System. These include: 1. Providing support

  • Skeletal System

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  • Functions of the Skeletal System

    ➢There are SIX main functions of the Skeletal System. These include:

    1. Providing support for the body 2. Protecting internal tissues and organs 3. Acting as a framework for attached

    muscles 4. Allowing movement of limbs and digits 5. Producing new red and white blood cells 6. Storing fat and minerals

  • Components of Skeletal System

    ➢There are THREE main parts of the skeletal system:

    1. Bones 2. Connective

    Tissue 3. Joints

  • Bone Structure

    ➢The outer layer is hard, densely packed, compact bone

    ➢Beneath the outer layer is spongy bone

    ▪Marrow: A tissue in the center of some bones ▪A less dense bone with cavities

    filled with red bone marrow, where blood cells are produced ▪Some bones have yellow marrow,

    which stores fat

  • Bone Categorization

    ➢Bones are categorized by shape. ▪ Long Bones

    • Ex. humerus, femur, radius, ulna, tibia and fibula

    ▪ Short Bones • Ex. wrist bones▪ Flat Bones

    • Ex. rib bone, scapula, and sternum

    ▪ Irregular Bones • Ex. vertebra, hip bone,

    and skull bones

  • Connective Tissue

    ➢Cartilage ▪ Strong, flexible

    connective tissue ▪ Acts as a cushion

    between two bones

    ▪ Shapes soft parts of the body (i.e. ears, tip of nose)

  • Connective Tissue

    ➢Ligaments ▪ A band of connective

    tissue that attaches one bone to another

    ▪ Ligaments attach to bones to create joints

    ➢Tendons ▪ A fibrous cord that

    attaches muscle to the bone

  • 1. Recall the percentage increase in sports related knee injuries in the last decade.

    2. Explain why knee surgeries can disrupt a child's growth.


  • Joints

    ➢Joints are points in which bones meet ➢Some joints do not move (i.e. joints in

    between bones of the skull)➢Flexible joints are joints that do allow movement and include:

    ▪Ball-and-socket joints ▪Hinge joints ▪Pivot joints ▪Ellipsoidal joints

  • Skeletal Problems

    ➢Fractures ▪ Hairline

    • Occur when the parts of the bone do not separate

    ▪ Transverse • Occur when the fracture is completely across the

    bone ▪ Comminuted

    • Occur when the bone shatters into more than two pieces

  • Skeletal Problems

    ➢Injuries to Joints ▪ Dislocation

    • Results when bones slip out of place

    ▪ Torn Cartilage • Results from a sharp blow to a joint

    or a severe twisting of a joint ▪ Bursitis

    • Results from painful inflammation of a bursa

    – A burse is a fluid-filled sac that can help to reduce friction in joints

  • Skeletal Problems

    ➢Injuries to Joints Continued… ▪ Bunions

    • Painful swellings of the bursae in the first joints of big toes.

    – Wearing ill-fitted shoes make bunions worse

    ▪ Arthritis • Inflammation of a joint • Can result from an injury, natural wear

    and tear, or disease • They can live normal lives if they

    manage the disease

  • Skeletal Problems

    ➢Repetitive Motion Injury ▪ Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    • Ligaments and tendons in the wrist swell • Pressure on nerves cause numbness,

    tingling in the thumb and forefinger, pain, and weakness in the hand

    ➢Scoliosis • Curving of the backbone • The spine curves to one side of

    the body in an S-shape or C-shape.

  • Skeletal Problems

    ➢Osteoporosis ▪ The gradual loss of bone tissues ▪ Bones weaken and become brittle

  • Preventing Problems

    Good health habits can keep your bones strong and healthy! • A diet that is rich in nutrients such as

    protein, fiber, potassium, and vitamin C can help keep your bones stay strong

    • Physical activity helps keep bones healthy and strong

    • Good posture means the bones and joints in your back stay in place and your muscles are used properly

  • Health Lab!!