Download - 26 Pledges I Take With Speaking Tree

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26 pledges I take with Speaking TreeBe a true 'Indian'…take a vow today that we will not crib or rant about India but will make this day, the first verse in shaping our country. Speaking Tree invites you to take 26 pledges that will mark the crucial difference between what India is and what it can be! Let us join hands in giving India a 360 degree turn in the way Indians think, the way Indians feel, the way Indians act. Take the SpeakingTree Ipledge now and take the first step towards the India of your dreams…Select your pledge from the list below and Share it with your friends!

I will stand for the girl child1

The thirst for male children has led countless parents to kill female foetuses in the womb. Over 3 crore unborn girls have been killed thus since Independence.

I will throw chips packets and plastic bottles into the trash can2

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We live in a huge garbage bin, if one is to go by the number of chips packets and plastic bottles one sees heaped up round every corner.

I will make a Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Christian friend3

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There were 479 riots in the country, including Muzaffarnagar in Uttar Pradesh, in which 107 people lost their lives. Does it matter that 66 were Muslims and 41 were Hindus?

I will be the change I want to see4

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These famous words of Gandhi are as relevant today as they were in his time. Unless we change at the level of one, we can't ask for miracles to be delivered in our letterbox

I will not waste water or electricity even if I can afford it5

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Water and electricity are rare resources that are not only diminishing fast but belong to everyone.

I will respect people irrespective of their colour and country6

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Colour and culture just come from our environment. Why judge someone because of it?

I will visit an old-age home to cheer up the old and lonely.7

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When ageing parents are left behind or put in old people's homes, it has devastating effect on the emotions of the abandoned parents. The least we can do is spend some time with the lonely and elderly persons.

I will not waste food8

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Today’s lifestyle is about parties and extra food on the table. Instead of heaping our plates and throwing what we can’t eat, why can’t we just feed a hungry perosn? It may be the first square meal that person had in days.

I will offer my Bus or Metro seat to someone who needs it more9

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Do we need written rules to show empathy to the elderly, female passengers, young children and the disabled? If we can, we should vacate our seats for them.

I will say Thanks10

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Time is a gift, opportunities are privileges, and a moment is a treasure. Let's be grateful for it all.

I will give a stray dog a cup of milk11

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When I spend thousands on gourmet food for my pet, can’t I spare a mite for the hungry, uncared-for dog on the street?

I will donate my organs12

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Since 2005, more than four million people have died in the country because of non-availability of organs. Being an organ donor is a decision that can give someone a second chance at life.

I will count to Ten before I react13

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Anger is the time-bomb ticking inside us. Let's learn how to manage the demon within.

I will not ill-treat or abandon elderly family members14

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In today's nuclear family world, one doesn't live with the elderly. But does it have to mean that one forgets them totally or are callously indifferent to their needs?

I will raise my voice against sexual exploitation of children15

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Sexually exploiting a child is the worst thing one can do to the innocent beings. It leaves a scar for life and creates endless fear of adults

I will stop bargaining with rickshaw pullers16

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Rickshaw pullers are among the lowermost strata of society. They can hardly bargain for themselves. Why grudge them even their minimal wage?

I will fight for the cause of the people who are helpless17

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If I am stronger, can I not get up and fight for someone who cannot fight his own battles? It’s more than sympathy; it’s empathy

I will stand against honour killing.18

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Honour killings are based on caste-discrimination. Is it easier to hang your daughter than see her happily married to a man of her choice, though from a different caste?

I will stop my car to help when I see an accident19

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We are always on the rush, but let's reach out to make that difference between life and death.

I will pay chalan but not a single rupee as bribe to go scot-free20

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Corruption in India is a major issue that adversely affects its economy. More than 62% of Indians have firsthand experience of paying bribes or influence peddling to get jobs done in public offices successfully.

I will support all games and not just cricket21

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It's a cricket-crazy nation, no doubt, but let's root for other equally exciting sports.

I will not play loud music in religious events or processions22

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I love my religion, but I don't need to shove it down others' throats by keeping the celebration loud, do I? When it comes to prayer, remember God is not deaf!

I will Hug a less fortunate person today23

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Ya, the magic of jaadu ki jhappi is more felt than explained. Try it on a stranger and see the world light up with his smile!

I will stop hating Eunuchs (Hijras)24

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Eunuchs are simply the third sex and what right do we have to feel that our sex is superior to theirs? When our country has six million eunuchs, can we not give them a better life than dancing and singing on the streets?

I will stop cribbing and start Voting25

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A record 66 per cent of voters, comprising around 1.2 crore in numbers, exercised their franchise in the recent Delhi assembly election, owing in part to the excitement over the new entry - the Aam Aadmi Party, compared to the ruling Congress and the opposition BJP.

I will not pick a fight with my neighbours26

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Love thy neighbour, says the Bible, but the state of neighbourly relations in today's world is anything but friendly, making home not such a sweet home.