Download - 21-Day Body Re-Engineering Program for Massive Muscle …€¦ · training phases. As a result, muscle mass gains and fat loss are accelerated dramatically. The diet program needs

Page 1: 21-Day Body Re-Engineering Program for Massive Muscle …€¦ · training phases. As a result, muscle mass gains and fat loss are accelerated dramatically. The diet program needs

Copyright © Hugo Rivera


21-Day Body Re-Engineering Program

for Massive Muscle Growth and

Dramatic Fat Loss

Page 2: 21-Day Body Re-Engineering Program for Massive Muscle …€¦ · training phases. As a result, muscle mass gains and fat loss are accelerated dramatically. The diet program needs

Copyright © Hugo Rivera




You should always consult a physician before starting any fat reduction and training


If you are unfamiliar with any of the exercises, consult an experienced trainer to instruct

you on the proper form and execution of the unfamiliar exercise.

The instructions and advice presented herein are not intended as a substitute for medical or

other personal professional counseling.

HR Fitness Inc, the editors and authors disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the

use of this system, its programs and advice herein.

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Copyright © Hugo Rivera


The biggest problem that bodybuilders encounter is that while at first the gains of muscle mass

come rather quickly, soon after they hit a plateau (a point where gains cease to come by).

Sometimes it seems that no matter how hard they workout at the gym, the muscle mass just

seems to remain the same. As a result, this causes frustration and leads most people to either

give up, buy a whole bunch of supplements or even use anabolic steroids.

The good news is that this is the very reason I decided to write this report. I want to share with

you a secret that I have found after years of trial and error of different training and nutrition


I have found that there is a way that you can accelerate your muscle mass gains

and fat loss dramatically and prevent it from reaching the dreaded plateau. By

applying this principle you will be able to fulfill your genetic potential as quickly

as humanly possible.

Not only will bodybuilders double their results from each workout (and cut their supplement bill

and training time dramatically), but they’ll also get to greatly accelerate results in terms of

massive muscle gains, strength and fat loss.

But first a little bit about myself.

How I Got Started

My formal education background believe it or not is in Computer Engineering. I graduated from

the University of South Florida back in 1998. So the question is: how did I end up from

engineering to being a competitive bodybuilder and best selling fitness author?

Well, I actually used to be very overweight as I was growing up so at an early age I experienced

the feelings of insecurity that come along with obesity as well as the scorn and ridicule from

some people. Since I kept hearing that the reason for my weight problems was food and that I

had to stop eating, I took the advice to heart being sick and tired of how I looked and felt.

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Copyright © Hugo Rivera


So this resulted in me going anorexic at the age of 13 and losing a total of 70 pounds in less

than a year. My family, very concerned about my health, took me to a nutritionist in an effort to

put some sense in me and stop the anorexic cycle.

This nutritionist mentioned one thing that changed my outlook on dieting forever: "Eating food

will not make you fat; only the abuse of the wrong sort of foods will." After listening to that

statement, it all seemed to make sense. I then began following the diet she gave me and

started to study the effects of foods on the human physiology.

Now the problem was that I looked too skinny and was as weak as they would make them. By

the age of fourteen a girl that I really liked back then told me that I would look better if I had

some muscle on me. She said that though I looked good, I was too skinny. Keep in mind that

anorexia left me weighing a bit less than 100-lbs. (Note: Interestingly enough, it was a girl who

made me decide to lose the weight as she called me a fat pig and said she would not go with

me to a party.)

So I asked my mom to get me a muscle magazine, the May 1990 Muscle & Fitness (which I still

have to this day) so that I could educate myself on the subject. After I saw an article called:

“How To Get BIG” written by the one and only, Arnold Schwarzenegger, I was hooked! To me,

Arnold just looked perfect so I chose him as the role model to follow. I also got inspired by the

physiques of Lee Labrada, Shawn Ray, and Francis Benfatto who were competing extremely

successfully back then. To me, all of these guys exemplified perfection, real works of art. They

all ate 6 times a day and trained hard day in and day out.

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Copyright © Hugo Rivera


So I simply started with following the training program and diet laid out by Arnold on his article.

As I was so underweight and skinny at the time, even with Arnold’s training, which was pretty

much overtraining, I still gained 40lbs during the summer. A proper six meal a day diet and

regular training with me being very underweight really pushed on the muscle mass even if I did

gain a little fat as well, but it was amazing to me and all my friends thought I was on steroids!

Yet, I did not even have a clue of what steroids where at that time!

Come to think of it, I guess that I was on steroids due to the fact that I was a teenager back then

producing tons of hormones (yes guys, if you are teenagers then you are on the most powerful

stack of anabolic steroids; the one produced by your own body)! This, in conjunction with the

fact that once I started to feed myself 6 times eating around 3,500-5,000 calories a day, made

me grow beyond belief on a daily basis and I guess this is what got me really hooked and led

me to become an avid natural bodybuilder.

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Copyright © Hugo Rivera


After, gaining all that mass, I reached a plateau unfortunately; a sticking point I could not get

past. As much as I loved Arnold I realized a natural bodybuilder like me could not keep up with

the routines of professional bodybuilders who were taking drugs and so I took to reading

countless books in my quest to find a perfect system.

The frustrating problem was that I started getting exposed to absolutely contradicting theories

on how to best gain muscle and lose fat. Upset at the fact that no one could give me a straight

answer I decided to take matters in my own hand and use myself as well as my training partner

as guinea pigs in order to find out what worked. This was the first time I really knew that I was

going to create my own system as I was going to test everything on myself, my training partner

and friends in order to find out what worked and what didn’t so that I could then throw out the

bad and keep the good.

I started my quest by recording everything I did down to the last detail. I’m quite analytical as a

person, which is I guess why I became an engineer years later, but even early It showed as I

read every book and article everywhere I could get my hands on. I was like a sponge for

information, reading stuff from trainers from all over the world. I started to put together training

routines and diet programs, and while some failed miserably some worked!

For instance, I will never forget what happened when I went from training 2-3 hours a day to

training for 45 minutes. I went through a growth spurt again! So through endless training

routines and diet combinations I started to really understand what worked and what didn't for me

and my training partners. I started finding principles and patterns of training that seemed to

work on everyone I tried them on. Above all, the most exciting part of my discoveries was the

fact that there was no necessity to stay all day at the gym in order to get results! Because I felt

that not many people in the industry cared about trainees actually reaching their goals, I decided

to create a web site and start conducting personal training during my college years in an effort

to spread all of the knowledge that I had acquired.

Once I had dialed in the timing, frequency and the important details of training and nutrition

cycling, that is when I decided to come up with the Body Re-Engineering System. It was at this

point that I became passionate about sharing my knowledge with people as I fully understood I

could help to double everyone’s results at the gym in half the time if they would employ my

training and nutrition cycling principles.

Because I needed to put together a website in order to graduate from Engineering school (that

was my Senior Project) that is how I started to post my first few fitness articles, and not much

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Copyright © Hugo Rivera


later have the first version of my Body Re-Engineering System. Notice that it took me from the

time I was 14 years old to after I graduated from college to learn all the secrets to muscle

building and fat loss on my own. However, with my Body Re-Engineering System, I am

confident that I can save anyone from all the troubles.

The Secret

The key to incredible muscle mass and optimal fat loss is the cycling principle. This principle

needs to be used in both the nutrition and the workout elements of the bodybuilding program.

Workouts need to be cycled in such a way that through the use of the right exercises and the

manipulation of training volume, intensity, and rest in between sets, you create a unique

metabolic situation whereby the body has to over compensate in order to adapt to the unique

training phases. As a result, muscle mass gains and fat loss are accelerated dramatically.

The diet program needs to cycle calories, carbohydrates, and even protein to trick the body into

releasing body fat while pushing nutrients into the muscle cell in order to increase size and

strength. The diet also has to be based on your individual metabolism and what your fitness

goals are. For example, most people have a normal metabolism, so therefore they need less

carbohydrate calories than a hardgainer (a naturally skinny person) who needs much more

calories in the form of carbs and fats.

Why Does The Cycling Principle Work?

A big problem encountered by bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts is the fact that they plateau

(stop making gains) after a few weeks of using a specific bodybuilding program. The way to do

fix that is to make use of the cycling principle, which is the principle that forms the basis of my

successful Body Re-Engineering program.

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Copyright © Hugo Rivera


The routines of my Body Re-Engineering program change in an orderly manner that takes the

body to the brink of overtraining and then allows it to recover, and thus, overcompensate (grow)

in response to the stress. These changes are what the cycling principle is all about.

The Cycling Principle is the key to consistent and rapid increases in muscle mass and strength

for the bodybuilder. This principle states that in order for the body to respond optimally, it cannot

be trained in the same manner all the time and that the best way to make the body respond is

through the correct variation of exercises, volume (number of sets times number of reps),

intensity (how heavy the weight is), and rest periods between sets.

How To Use The Cycling Principle in Your Workouts

Workout parameters are going to be determined by the phase of the program you are in. There

are going to be three phases that we will be repeating over and over again. The first week will

be an "Active Recovery Phase". In this phase you will only train with weights twice a week on a

full body routine before you start the next phase which will be called the "Loading Phase". The

"Loading Phase", which is three weeks in duration, is going to be a high volume phase with

short rest between sets. Training volume gradually increases over the course of the three weeks

in order to stress the body almost to the point of overtraining.

Then the next three weeks are going to be a higher intensity/lower volume phase (heavier

weights) with longer periods of rest between sets. This phase is called the "Growth Phase", as

volume is reduced but weights are increased in order to let the body catch up and super

compensate (grow muscle size and strength).

The Active Recovery Phase

The Active Recovery Phase has three main functions:

• First, according to leading strength expert Tudor Bompa, Ph.D., "you are trying to adapt the

anatomy of the body to the upcoming training so that you can create, or produce an injury free

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Copyright © Hugo Rivera


environment". Essentially, your tendons and ligaments should be strong enough to support the

stressful periods that will follow.

• Second, this phase is a great time to address any strength imbalance that your body might

have. This is the reason why mostly dumbbell work will be used during this phase.

• Finally, this phase will act as a great time in which the body will re-charge its energy stores

and allow for complete physical and mental recuperation.

How to Implement

Do 2 full body workouts each week (Monday/Thursday) consisting of 1-2 basic exercises per bodypart for 2-3 sets each.

Perform 12-15 reps and 60-90 second rest in between sets.

Make sure that your workouts are no longer than 60 min.

After a week, go to a loading phase.

The Loading Phase

During the Loading Phase the body is stressed with an increasing high volume of work that if

kept for too long will eventually result in overtraining and injury. During this phase, three things

will happen:

• The growth hormone output goes through the roof due to the short rest interval between sets

and the high volume.

• Hypertrophy (muscle growth) occurs by the body increasing the levels of creatine, water and

carbohydrates inside the muscle cell. This phenomenon is called muscle voluminization.

• The body's recuperation capabilities are upgraded in response to the stress imposed by the

increasing volume of work coupled with short rest intervals.

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Copyright © Hugo Rivera


How to Implement

Split your bodyparts over 3 days in the following manner:

Day 1: Chest/Back/Abs

Day 2: Shoulders/Biceps/Triceps

Day 3: Thighs/Hamstrings/Calves

Do 2-3 exercises per body part performing around 3 sets of 10-12 reps on the first week. Superset as much as you can and every week increase the number of sets by adding 1 per exercise.

For best results, do this split from Monday through Saturday.

After 3 weeks, go to a growth phase.

The Growth Phase

During the Growth Phase the body is not stressed by volume. This time the stimuli are heavy

weights. If this phase would be kept for too long eventually the body would cease to stop

making strength gains and you would plateau. This is the reason why you always need to go

back to a Loading Phase. During this phase the following three things will happen:

• The testosterone levels go through the roof in response to the longer rest in between sets and

the heavier weights.

• Hypertrophy (muscle growth) occurs by the body increasing the actual diameter of the

myofiber (the muscle fiber size) through increased protein synthesis (Note: protein synthesis is

creating protein strands through DNA and RNA and it takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell.)

• Since your body's recuperation abilities were built up to the maximum by the previous phase

and the volume has gone down dramatically, these extra recuperation abilities are used to

increase strength and build more muscle mass. The reason the body does this is in order to be

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Copyright © Hugo Rivera


prepared for another stressful period like the one it just went through. This adaptation

mechanism is the one that ensures the survival of the species.

How to Implement

Split your bodyparts over 3 days in the following manner:

Day 1: Chest/Back/Abs

Day 2: Shoulders/Biceps/Triceps

Day 3: Thighs/Hamstrings/Calves

Do 2-3 exercises per body part performing around 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 4 reps (increase the weight every set).

Use modified supersets where you perform the set of 1 exercise, you rest 90 seconds, go to the set of an antagonistic exercise, rest 90 seconds, and then go back to the first exercise. So for example, if you are doing chest and back, first do the first set of your chest exercise for 10 reps, rest 90 seconds and do the first set of your back exercise for 10 reps. Then after a 90 second rest you go back to the chest exercise, add some weight and perform it for 8 reps. After a 90 second rest, you will do the same for the back exercise, and so on.

For best results, do this split from Monday through Saturday.

After 3 weeks, go to an active recovery phase.

What If Your Main Goal Is Fat Loss?

Even if you are training for fat loss, your main goal should always be to stimulate growth.

Otherwise, if you were to drastically reduce training poundage in order to perform a lot of high

reps, there would be no reason for the body to keep the muscle around. Because of this, you

should always train with muscle growth in mind and let the nutrition and the cardiovascular

exercise take care of reducing your body fat levels.

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Copyright © Hugo Rivera


How Can You Gain Muscle Without Gaining Fat?

Eating everything in sight and trying to lift as heavy as possible hoping that all of the increased

weight gain will come in the form of muscle is an old school strategy that will only lead to

excessive fat gain. The best time, in my opinion, to bulk up is after you have been dieting for a

long period of time. At this time your body will act like a sponge and absorb all of the nutrients

that you give it at peak efficiency in response to the fact that it has not been getting such an

influx of nutrients for a while. Also, if you are above 10% body fat, in which case you cannot see

your abs, then you need to concentrate on losing body fat up until the point (at the very least)

where you can see the top two rows of abs (when you have a four pack). Your bulk up plan will

work even better, however, if you get down to where you can easily see your full abdominal wall

(which is around 6-7% body fat for most people) as when you increase calories in this state,

your body will be more primed to gain most of the weight in the form of muscle mass in

response to the low calorie period that came before it. This is the strategy I successfully always

use and the reason why I can stay lean year round.

In order to gain quality weight, the nutrients that make up a muscle building diet have to be of a

high quality nature. While some hardgainers have such a fast metabolism that they could benefit

from also adding cheat meals to their nutrition plan, the best way to gain weight is through a

planned and controlled increase in macronutrient intake. By ensuring that the quality of the

nutrients is high (such as low glycemic index carbohydrates, low fat proteins and high quality

fats) muscle weight gain is optimized and fat weight is minimized. For most people, just a slight

caloric increase in the realm of 500 calories over what they burn is sufficient. Also, scheduling a

couple of lower calorie days helps to avoid fat from depositing and also helps to keep the

metabolism running efficiently.

What is Body Re-Engineering?

Body Re-Engineering is the system that I use in my exclusive online coaching program. This is

the culmination of many years of trial and error from my part. The workouts and diets are the

same ones that allowed me to gain over 80 lbs of shredded muscle naturally.

In my coaching program 12 months worth of training routines that follow the cycling principle as

well as diet programs that are completely tailored to your unique metabolism. These programs

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Copyright © Hugo Rivera


also use the cycling principle of caloric variation in order to prevent your metabolism from

getting used to the program. In this manner you will gain muscle and lose fat optimally.

The Body Re-Engineering system is versatile as not only can it be used by those looking to gain

muscle size and weight but also by the more casual lifter simply looking to lose fat, harden up

and tone to look good for the beach. And best of all, it works equally well for men and women

of any age and results are guaranteed regardless of genetics.

As you can see from the pictures of me as a kid I had terrible genetics; I was overweight and

then very skinny, but despite bad genetics, if you have the determination to consistently apply

body re-engineering, I guarantee you will achieve great results.

Is Body Re-Engineering Just for Bodybuilders?

Well, my definition of a bodybuilder is anyone that uses weights, cardiovascular exercise, and

nutrition to re-shape their physique. So by this definition, it is just for bodybuilders. However, if

the question refers to the program just exclusively being for people who want to make large

gains in muscle and hit low single levels of body fat for competition then the answer is no.

Anyone can use this program regardless of what the goals are. If losing fat weight is your goal,

then this system will help you achieve that faster than by just dieting alone. If your goal is

competitive bodybuilding then this will help you get there as well.

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Copyright © Hugo Rivera


21-Day Body Re-Engineering Program

Here’s a nice routine that uses the principles above and that you can use in order to get started

in the fast track to results in the next 21 days. While the routine is designed to be done 5 days a

week, if you don’t have that kind of time, then simply do a Chest/Back/Calves workout on

Monday, Legs on Wednesday and Shoulders/Arms on Friday:

5 Days A Week Workout Routines

Week 1


Supersets Exercises Sets Repetitions Rest Weights

Used and


#1 Incline Dumbbell Bench


8 13-15 0

Close Grip Pull-ups w/

Reverse Grip or Pull-

Downs (preferably use a

chin assist machine or a

smith machine if you

can’t do pull-ups)

8 13-15 0

Calf Press 8 13-15 1 minute


Supersets Exercises Sets Repetitions Rest Weights

Used and


#1 Bent Over Lateral Raises 3 13-15 0

Dumbbell Upright Rows 2 13-15 0

Dumbbell Shoulder


2 13-15 1 minute

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Copyright © Hugo Rivera


#2 Dumbbell Curls 8 13-15 0

Triceps Pushdowns

(straight bar)

8 13-15 1 minute


Supersets Exercises Sets Repetitions Rest Weights

Used and


#1 Dumbbell Squats 8 13-15 0

Lunges (Press with


8 13-15 1 minute

#2 Crunches 4 15-25 0

Leg Raises 4 15-25 1 minute

Saturday And Sunday: Relax and Rest

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Copyright © Hugo Rivera


Week 2


Supersets Exercises Sets Repetitions Rest Weights

Used and


#1 Wide Stance Squats

(press with ball of foot)

10 10 0

Lying Leg Curls 10 10 1 minute


Bicycle Crunches 4 15-25 0

Knee-Ins 4 15-25 1 minute


Supersets Exercises Sets Repetitions Rest Weights

Used and


#1 Flat Dumbbell Bench


10 10 0

Wide Grip Pull-ups to

Front or Pull-Downs

(preferably use a chin

assist machine or a

smith machine if you

can’t do pull-ups)

10 10 0

Seated Calf Raises 10 10 1 minute

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Copyright © Hugo Rivera



Supersets Exercises Sets Repetitions Rest Weights

Used and


#1 Rear Delt Machine or

Bent Over Lateral Raises

performed on Incline


4 10 0

Lateral Raises 3 10 0

Dumbbell Shoulder


3 10 1 minute

#2 Incline Curls/Hammer

Curls (as many as you

can once you fail at ten

reps for the incline curls)

10 10 0

Bench Dips 10 10 1 minute

Saturday And Sunday: Relax and Rest

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Copyright © Hugo Rivera


Week 3




Exercises Sets Repetitions Rest Weights

Used and


#1 Rear Delt Machine 3 10, 8, 6 90


Dumbbell Shoulder


3 10, 8, 6 90 seconds

#2 Lateral Raises 3 10, 8, 6 90 seconds

Reverse E-Z Curls 3 10, 8, 6 90 seconds

#3 Concentration Curls 3 10, 8, 6 90 seconds

Parallel Bar Triceps


3 10, 8, 6 90 seconds

#4 Dumbbell Curls 3 10, 8, 6 60 seconds

Close Grip Bench Press 3 10, 8, 6 60 seconds




Exercises Sets Repetitions Rest Weights

Used and


#1 Barbell Lunges (Press

with ball of foot)

3 10, 8, 6 90 seconds

One Legged Leg Curls 3 10, 8, 6 90 seconds

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#2 Wide Stance Squats 3 10, 8, 6 90 seconds

Lying Leg Curls 3 10, 8, 6 90 seconds

#3 Leg Press 3 10, 8, 6 90 seconds

Stiff Legged Dead-lifts 3 10, 8, 6 90 seconds

#4 Hanging Leg Raises 3 15-25 60 seconds

Partial Sit-ups 3 15-25 60 seconds




Exercises Sets Repetitions Rest Weights

Used and


#1 Incline Barbell Bench


3 10, 8, 6 90 seconds

Wide Grip Pull-up to


3 10, 8, 6 90 seconds

#2 Flat Barbell Bench


3 10, 8, 6 90 seconds

Low Pulley Rows 3 10, 8, 6 90 seconds

#3 Incline Dumbbell Bench

Press (75-Degree

Angle on the Incline)

3 10, 8, 6 90 seconds

T-Bar Rows 3 10, 8, 6 90 seconds

#4 Calf Press 3 10, 8, 6 60 seconds

Standing Calf Raises 3 8 60 seconds

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Copyright © Hugo Rivera


By the way, if you have not done so already, be sure to sign up to your F R E E phone

consultation (valued at over $500) here:

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Take care and train hard!

Hugo Rivera

President/CEO HR Fitness Inc.

International Best Selling Fitness Author

(Over 2 Million Books Sold)

Former NY Times Guide to Bodybuilding

Champion Natural Bodybuilding Competitor

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