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203 Reasons Not to Vote For

Barack Obama

In the Words and Works of Obama, his Political Cohorts and

Those Who Know Him Best


John Wilson

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Copyright © 2012 by John Wilson Cover Design by Hugo D. Ley Cover Photo Credit: John Kershner/ John Wilson [email protected] ISBN: 978-0-9854461-0-9

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 5

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 7

BEFORE WE KNEW HIM ............................................................................................................................. 7

THE CAMPAIGN YEARS ............................................................................................................................. 10

Jeremiah Wright and James H. Cone .............................................................................................. 11

Professor William Ayers ................................................................................................................. 12

Tony Rezko .................................................................................................................................... 13

THE PRESIDENCY..................................................................................................................................... 14

African Americans for Obama ........................................................................................................ 14

Immigration................................................................................................................................... 14

Energy and Crisis Management ...................................................................................................... 15

Tea Party and “Occupiers” ............................................................................................................. 16

Healthcare Reform ......................................................................................................................... 16

Jobs ............................................................................................................................................... 16

Israel ............................................................................................................................................. 16

Spending ....................................................................................................................................... 17

SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................ 17

HOW TO READ THIS BOOK ................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

AN OVERVIEW ...................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

OBAMA AND ABORTIONS .................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

LIBERALS, AMERICA AND THE WORLD.................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.


CONSTITUTION, LAW AND JUSTICE ...................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

OBAMA AND AMERICA’S DEFENSE ....................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

OUR DETACHED PRESIDENT ................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

OBAMA AND A NATION DIVIDED ......................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

OBAMA AND THE ECONOMY ............................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

“OBAMACARE” .................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

OBAMA AND MUSLIM OUTREACH ....................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

OBAMA AND THE ENERGY SOLUTION .................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

OBAMA, OCCUPIERS AND THE TEA PARTY ........................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

RACE CARDS AND RACISM ................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

IS RELIGION SAFE IN AMERICA?............................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

OBAMA AND OUR CHILDREN ............................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

NOTES .................................................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

INDEX ................................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

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This is a book about a man, an administration – a political party. But, most of all, it is

about our Country. America has flourished through the blood, sweat, tears and selfless

sacrifices of millions of our people – and because standing beside us – guiding and empowering

us – there have always been the blessings, love, support, and protection of God the Father, Son

and Holy Spirit. I believe that our nation excels because we have always accepted on faith and

given thanks for the sacrifice made by God’s only begotten son; Jesus Christ, our Savior. Today,

many are trying to remove God from our Country and our collective memory by

misrepresenting the beliefs of our founding fathers; perverting the concept of church and state

separation; and denying that we remain a Christian nation. If they are successful, the light that

is America – the brightest light on Earth – will be extinguished and we will go the way of all

failed civilizations before us. I have faith that He will not allow that to happen, but I also

believe that He expects us to play an important role in guarding the precious freedoms he has

given us. I thank God for blessing, protecting and watching over our nation and our lives. I

thank Him for allowing me to write this book and humbly pray that it serves his Will.

I thank God also for my wonderful wife and soul-mate, who makes my darkest days

bright and my brightest days a touch of Heaven – and who reminds me – every time I look at

her – of God’s power, generosity and blessings in our lives. I could not have written this book

without her shared love of God and Country, her encouragement and her unconditional love.

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He called America “mean-spirited” – himself a “blank screen” – and we made him the

44th President of the United States!

Obama is a man that doesn’t like America very much – who, rationally evaluated, has

made all the right moves toward political self destruction, but is unable to hit bottom –

protected as he is, by the unwavering support of a smitten, liberal media.

John Podesta reportedly considered Obama as “…capable of being ruthless” and

questioned whether he “felt anything, especially in his gut.”1 Newsweek’s Evan Thomas, once

described him as “’slightly creepy’ and ‘deeply manipulative.’”2 “Spengler” writes in Asia Times,

“Obama's women reveal his secret: he hates America.”3 David Mendell describes Obama’s

“hidden side: His imperious, mercurial, self-righteous and sometimes prickly nature…” and calls

him “…a man of raw ambition so powerful that even he is still coming to terms with its full

force.”4 David Freddoso calls him “…a shrewd, machine-aligned politician from Chicago – the

kind who won’t make no waves and won’t back no losers...” a man who “…plays hardball and

knows when to look the other way.”5 Blackwell and Klukowski warn that “In President Obama’s

America, dissent will not be tolerated.”6

Given the President’s level of public exposure, it is axiomatic that it should be

impossible to conceal these traits, or his extreme partisanship, an easy disregard for the court

system, his condescension and ridicule of ordinary citizens as well as political opponents; his

Party’s disregard for the truth, his reckless spending; and his readiness to revert to community

organizing practices – rubbing “raw the resentments of the people” and fanning their “latent

hostilities.”7 Miraculously – with the media’s help – with a fear of being labeled “racist,” many

have remained unaware – even defensive – of Obama’s character. Rather than acknowledging

and confronting the true Obama, they prefer to continue projecting “their own views” onto the

“blank screen” that represents this charismatic, but duplicitous politician.

Before We Knew Him

In 1990, Harvard student Obama called America “Mean-Spirited,” hoping we could

become more “generous” in the future.8 In 2008, his wife Michelle, echoed that position,

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saying “we’re a divided country, we’re a country that is ‘just downright mean,’ we are ‘guided

by fear,’ we’re a nation of cynics, sloths, and complacents.”9

From telling us that he is followed by security in department stores,10 to his claim that

white restaurant patrons throw their car keys to him,11 Obama’s two books are heavily laced

with perceptions of racism and thinly disguised contempt for America. He writes from the

perspective of an educated, somewhat detached observer – but, seems always less than an

arm’s length away from someone with a strong, negative racial message…so much so, that it is

sometimes difficult to tell whether one of his friends is actually speaking, or if he is using the

character to voice his own sentiments. One case that illustrates this point is chronicled in

Dreams From my Father, when Obama writes:

“I could swear that just beneath the sober expression Ray was

winking at me, letting me in on the score. Our rage at the white world

needed no object, he seemed to be telling me, no independent

confirmation; it could be switched on and off at our pleasure. Sometimes,

after one of his performances, I would question his judgment, if not his

sincerity. We weren’t living in the Jim Crow South, I would remind him…”12

Here, Obama attributes the cause of his racial epiphany to a friend he calls “Ray,”

somewhat confusing the fact that it is he – not “Ray” – who decides that his “rage at the white

world needed no object…it could be switched on and off at our pleasure.” He then immediately

switches the writing back to “Ray” and portrays himself as the adult in the room, reminding his

friend they “weren’t living in the Jim Crow South.”

Both his books and his work as a Chicago Community Organizer have proven that

Obama is good with words. As an Organizer, Obama quickly gained a reputation as an agitator.

Mike Kruglik, an early Obama mentor in community organizing, called Obama “a natural – the

undisputed master of agitation”13 and this is what Saul Alinsky wrote about that skill:

“The organizer dedicated to changing the life of a particular

community must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the

community; fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of

overt expression….

“…When those prominent in the status quo turn and label you an

‘agitator’ they are completely correct, for that is, in one word, your function

– to agitate to the point of conflict.”14

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Obama has been relentless in blending the idea of “fairness” with the need and

justification for hiking the taxes of all those making more than $250,000 annually. He has

rhetorically and obsessively worked to drive a wedge between Conservatives and Liberals,

Republicans and Democrats, the rich and poor of America; between Republicans and Latinos,

Latinos and law enforcement, blacks and law enforcement, Republicans and blacks, Catholics

and women, whites and blacks; and between Tea Party members and Liberals, blacks and

anyone else who is listening. He has sarcastically pulled passages from the bible, while

embracing the “Muslim World,” as if it were a monolithic political/religious entity. While doing

all of this, he has continued to build and benefit from community organizing efforts and has

encouraged the would be revolutionary “Occupiers,” while denigrating middle-aged and elderly

tea party members. In short, he has spit on American tradition, fomented turmoil and

resentment and recreated a level of divisiveness not scene in decades.

Four years after his return from Harvard, as he prepared for his State Senate race, the

Chicago Reader ran a story on Obama, noting that “…he's entering politics to get back to his

true passion—community organization.” And as President, he has shown time and time again

that his first love is community organizing and that he still knows how to agitate – how to “…rub

raw the resentments of the people of the community…” – how “…to agitate to the point of


Another attribute that Obama has consistently claimed is “Transparency.” But, his

brand may not be quite as clear as some would like. Choosing the time, venue and level of

disclosure convenient to his purposes –President Obama has become adept at righteously

claiming transparency, while hiding in plain sight – “…a leaf…in a forest…”15

We may have known, as Obama ran for the Presidency in 2007 & 2008, that he was pro-

choice. But, did he make it clear that he was a strong advocate for partial birth abortions, or

that he was stubbornly opposed to providing any lifesaving help to babies who survived

abortion. Perhaps, he was transparent to the extent that the person with questions had done

their due diligence in ferreting out all the facts.

But, to be fair, he has been transparent – though perhaps more in the vein of “hiding in

plain sight.” In many conversations with liberal friends, I have found that their favorable

assessment of the President has far more to do with charisma and race than with fact –

including the facts that he has placed at our disposal in his own books. Though his sales have

been tremendous, most of the people with whom I have talked, have not read either of his

books. Yet, if confronted with any fact presented in either Dreams From my Father or The

Audacity of Hope, he automatically has the high ground. He was transparent. You just weren’t

paying attention.

In Obama’s 1995 book Dreams From my Father, for example, he admitted to being a

cocaine user and to standing in a New York City meat locker, seconds and inches away from a

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shot at heroin.16 He told us about “The swagger that carries me into a classroom drunk or high,

knowing that my teachers will smell beer or reefer on my breath, just daring them to say

something.”17 To be sure, he tells us a great deal more – and having said so, he has made full

disclosure. And so, while past cocaine issues sent shock waves across the campaign of his

Democratic opponent for the U.S. Senate, the public reaction to Obama’s drug and alcohol

usage? None.

I am reminded of a friend who once said, “The best place to hide something is often in a


The Campaign Years

America knew little about Obama as we began watching him spar with Hillary Clinton.

Many times, he seemed to appear as the young, unseasoned “underdog” in the race, evoking

voter sympathy. But, where was the vetting? When we first heard Hillary allude to Obama’s

legal work on behalf of a “slumlord,” it seemed like a cheap shot – more angry rhetoric from

someone desperate to save an election. Indeed, as I recall, he was given reasonably free

license to define what should be considered fair and unfair, or merely a “distraction.” Clearly,

he owned the press. As the debates and interviews went on however, it soon became clear

that this was a razor sharp and tough Chicago politician – and nearly as quickly as that was

discerned, the primary was over and Obama the winner. The world was treated to watching his

nomination acceptance speech in a surreal – Roman Coliseum type exhibition.

Then came John McCain, the American patriot, war hero and seasoned Republican

Senator. It was quickly apparent that he had no idea how to handle a campaign against Barack

Obama. In fact, while Obama was slicing and dicing without pity, McCain was almost apologetic

in defending his opponent as “a good man” and telling constituents "I have to tell you he is a

decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared of as president of the United

States." 18 He was rewarded for this largesse with comments from Obama such as “It’s easy to

rile up a crowd by stoking anger and division, but that’s not what we need right now in the

United States. The American people aren’t looking for someone who can divide this country —

they’re looking for someone who will lead it.”19 America listened – and voted for the Divider,

who swore to “Fundamentally Transform the United States of America.”

Still, strange names and rumors of unsavory associations began to pop up. The name

Tony Rezko had surfaced in a debate with Hillary Clinton during the primary – and thanks to

Political Commentator Sean Hannity – it was back in the news again, along with such notables

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as William Ayers, Minister Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and through Wright – James

H. Cone.

Jeremiah Wright and James H. Cone

Recall that Obama’s minister and spiritual advisor – Reverend Jeremiah Wright –

triumphantly said after 9/11 that “America’s chickens are coming home to roost?”20 He also

graced us with such patriotic words as "The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger

prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing 'God Bless America.' No, no, no,

God damn America21…”

Political commentator Sean Hannity identified and examined Obama’s questionable

long and close relationship with an America-bashing minister, who welcomed and gave awards

to Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan and accompanied him on a visit to the late dictator,

Muammar Qadaffi.22 Wright, who also accompanied Rev. Jesse Jackson to Cuba for a visit with

Fidel Castro,23 based his philosophy on the Black Liberation Theology expounded by James H.

Cone. Examples of this philosophy are found in Cone’s own book: A Black Theology of

Liberation. Cone says, for example:

“If the oppressed of this land want to challenge the oppressive

character of white society, they must begin by affirming their identity in

terms of the reality that is anti-white. Blackness, then stands for all victims

of oppression who realize that the survival of their humanity is bound up

with liberation from whiteness.”24

“While it is true that blacks do hate whites, black hatred is not


Obama, by his own words, had known Wright for 20 years, spending 16 years in the

pews of his church and coming to him for both his marriage and the baptism of his children.

Miraculously though, Obama was consistent in his representation that in the 832 Sundays that

comprised his 16 years as Wright’s follower, he had not been present for even one of those

American-bashing, or race card throwing sermons that gained such notoriety during the 2008

election cycle. The success of this claim alone, should have sent Obama on a buying spree for

Lottery tickets – it’s amazing how lucky a politician can be when members of the press forget

the definition of journalism. Yet, despite the media help and his alleged ignorance of Wright’s

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harshest sermons, Obama gave himself away (not that anyone noticed) when he knew it best to

have Reverend Wright stand down during his initial announcement for the Presidency.26

As Wright’s vitriolic rhetoric received increased attention from conservative anchors,

Senator Obama sought to counter the political damage by treating it as a mere “distraction.”

When this strategy failed to silence the questions, the Senator did what he does best. He gave

a speech proclaimed by liberals as a blockbuster, unequaled in history. The Philadelphia speech

- “A More Perfect Union”27 – chastised Wright for his divisive comments, but went on to say:

“I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I

can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother – a woman who

helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman

who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman

who once confessed her fear of black men who passed her by on the street,

and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes

that made me cringe.”28

In the ensuing days, he would clarify his statement for Philadelphia radio host Angelo

Cataldi, saying:

“The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any

racial animosity, but that she is a typical white person.”29

In the meantime, Wright’s inflammatory language continued to take center stage in the

campaign. We were quickly reminded of the Obama living just below the easy smile of a

politician. The teleprompters were barely folded before all concerns and reluctance for

disowning him were put aside and a 20 year relationship had been severed with surgical


Hardly a whisper survived. In the mainstream media, Wright went from “hero to zero”

and disappeared from any discussion that could – in any way – impact Obama’s chances for


Professor William Ayers

2012: Professor William Ayers is shown on television, providing advice to an adoring

group of “Occupiers,” a movement that the Canada Free Press says may have been

orchestrated by President Obama. 30

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2001: Ayers – a 60’s radical, leader of the Weather Underground, who once planted

bombs at the New York Police Headquarters Building, the Pentagon and the Capitol31 –– is

photographed in an alley, an American flag under foot,32 and is quoted as saying ''I don't regret

setting bombs.'' ''I feel we didn't do enough.''33

Despite bringing in “many millions” of dollars over several years to fund education

projects of both Ayers and his radical education allies,34 when confronted with their

association, Obama told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos: “The notion that…me knowing

somebody who engaged in detestable acts…when I was eight years old somehow reflects on me

and my values doesn’t make much sense.” 35

Obama’s dismissive response made Stephanopoulos the villain and reduced the Ayers

association to a footnote.

Thankfully for the professor, Obama’s values did allow him to publicly endorse Ayers’

juvenile crime book – a book that compared “America to South Africa’s apartheid system, and

contemptuously [dismissed] the idea of the United States as a kind or just country.”36

And though Obama dismissed with an air of condescension, the idea of a relationship

with an unrepentant domestic terrorist, author Christopher Andersen notes that Ayers was a

very significant contributor to Obama’s first book: Dreams From my Father. According to

Andersen, “…oral histories, along with his [Obama’s] partial manuscript and a trunkload of

notes were given to Ayers.” The finished book, oddly enough, bore a striking resemblance to

“Ayers’s own writings.”37

It is safe to say that “acquaintances,” and people who just happen to serve on the same

Boards, do not accept trunkloads of notes to examine in order to effect significant contributions

to their co-member’s book. Yet, the mainstream media was only too anxious to ignore the

Obama/Ayers relationship – a relationship correctly identified and – like Wright - almost single-

handedly examined by Political Commentator Sean Hannity.

Tony Rezko

Then there was Obama’s troubling association and financial dealings – including the

purchase of his own Chicago home - with some possible help of so-called “slumlord” and

convicted felon Tony Rezko38 Anybody who was paying attention had to be seeing Obama’s

political career gone in a puff of smoke - but, only a few people were paying attention and this

shocking scenario never got traction in the mainstream media.

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The Presidency

African Americans for Obama

By early 2012, President Obama was publicly advertising “African-Americans for Obama”

saying that this campaign was “powered by folks at every level, taking ownership where it

matters most…in your faith community…at work and in school” and mentioning ways of

becoming involved, including serving as a “congregation captain”39 – all this from a President,

who has consistently downplayed the role of Christianity in America and who has taken on at

least two major religious groups. The first, through a U.S. Supreme Court case on the

“Ministerial Exception.” The second, through the inclusion of free contraceptives and abortion-

inducing drugs in Obamacare. In one sense, as President of the United States, he seems to be

urging people of faith to violate federal law by abusing their tax exempt status and engaging in

political activities through the church.40 In another sense, he has simultaneously thrown a giant

race card into his re-election bid by essentially calling for a racially motivated voting bloc.

Imagine if Mitt Romney announced a “White Americans for Romney” web-site. His political

future would end in a New York minute!


President Obama labeled a police department as acting stupidly,41 claiming police bias

against minorities42 and cautioning immigrants that a proposed Arizona immigration law would

result in their harassment.43 Then, in 2010, in a desperate attempt to retain a Democratic

Congress, he urged Latin immigrants to “punish our enemies” 44 at the polls. His Administration

went so far as to report a proposed Arizona Immigration law to the United Nations as a human

rights issue.45 Michael Posner, Assistant Secretary of State, said he used a Human Rights

meeting with the Chinese as a forum to discuss the Arizona immigration law: In a May 17th

article he is quoted as saying he spoke of the law “….early and often.”46 The proposed statute

mirrored an existing federal law in effect for more than half a century.

While people were being killed on both sides of the border, Obama provided a platform

and a supportive position for the Mexican President to lash out at Arizona’s new immigration

law. But, he answered the Arizona Governor’s plea for help47 with a lawsuit and an 80 mile “no

go” zone between parts of Arizona and the U.S./Mexican border.48 As Commander-in-Chief, he

warned Americans against travel in our own country,49 effectively ceding this 80 mile-wide strip

of the United States to Mexican criminals.

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Meanwhile, Homeland Security Director, Janet Napolitano, claimed “the border is better

now than it ever has been."50

Despite this and his reported failure to answer five letters sent by the Arizona Governor

to members of his Administration, he allegedly greeted her with icy resentment as he arrived in

Arizona to campaign for his 2012 re-election bid. But, this may be Obama protocol for airport

encounters with Republican Governors. He and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal allegedly had

a similar meeting when Obama appeared in Louisiana during the BP oil spill crisis.

Energy and Crisis Management

President Obama openly brags about his so-called “all of the above”51 energy policy – a

policy that has included drilling moratoriums, slowing the permit process, failing to handle Iran,

supporting Brazil’s, rather than U.S. oil production and constantly arguing against subsidies for

American oil companies. Only recently, did his Administration approve the building of two new

nuclear power facilities – the first such approvals since his election. Interestingly, The Southern

Company, which will be building those facilities, will also be building a large biomass facility, a

large photovoltaic (solar panel-powered) plant and installing four million “smart meters.”52

Could there be a quid pro quo here? The Southern Company will be receiving federal loan

guarantees of more than $8.3 billion through the Energy Dept., for the construction of the two

nuclear power plants.53 There is still however, a question as to whether or not the company

will succeed with the nuclear facilities over the protests of environmental groups.

President Obama, who was quick to criticize President Bush for his handling of

Hurricane Katrina, defensively noted in the Gulf’s BP oil spill, that “my powers are not limitless.

So I can’t dive down there and plug the hole. I can’t suck it up with a straw...”54 He publicly

boasted that in the case of the oil spill, he was speaking to experts “…so I know whose ass to

kick."55 His Administration falsely claimed support of scientists for their Gulf drilling

moratorium56 as well as for their assumptions on the effectiveness of cleanup efforts. 57

He ignored the court ruling against his Gulf drilling moratorium by simply rescinding it

and issuing a new one.

With little fanfare – certainly, less than the word “Transparency” suggests – he has

defunded the Yucca Mountain Nuclear storage facility, essentially ignoring the Nuclear

Regulatory Commission’s warning against any attempt by the Energy Secretary to close the

facility without Congressional Approval. 58 Waste is now being spread across 104 nuclear reactor

sites around the Country.59 Is this safer than Yucca Mountain, or is the Yucca defunding simply

a political favor to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV)?

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Tea Party and “Occupiers”

President Obama has ridiculed and denigrated concerned citizens in the “Tea Party”

movement as “Tea Baggers,”60 while voicing support for the violent, drug using, business

unfriendly “Occupy” movement. And while his Justice Dept. is quick to attack voter I.D. laws as

having a negative racial impact, he apparently had no problem with permitting an armed Black

Panther member to go free after menacing voters during the 2008 Presidential election. 61

Healthcare Reform

He pushed Healthcare Reform on a disapproving public,62 labeled and promised to

defund Medicare Advantage Plans63 as unnecessary, promised to cut $500 billion from

Medicare spending64 and told America that this would help to improve health care for

seniors!65 And lest we forget, he suggested that sometimes it’s better just to give somebody a

pill, rather than potentially life-saving surgery.


Obama’s stimulus, according to a member of the San Francisco Federal Reserve,

boasted 2.4 million nonfarm jobs created or saved by March 31, 2010. By September 30th, only

700,000 remained.66 Whether any now remain is a question. The Administration takes credit

for reduced unemployment, while the 2012 lower rate still remains above the level preceding

the $787 billion dollar stimulus package and is most benefited by people simply exhausting

their 99 weeks of federal unemployment benefits and giving up hope.


After he brusquely left the Israeli Prime Minister sitting alone in the White House, while

he joined Michelle and the kids for dinner, Obama made Israel’s Maariv news, which wrote:

"There is no humiliation exercise that the Americans did not try on the prime minister and his

entourage. Bibi received in the White House the treatment reserved for the president of

Equatorial Guinea." 67

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Where does it stop? In 2009, as he pushed for the “Stimulus,” America’s National Debt

was $10.7 trillion.68 Obama screamed incessantly, that he had inherited a mess. Twenty six

months later, in his hands, the debt had increased to more than $14 trillion.69 By March, 2011,

he was fighting desperately to reduce even the meager Republican demanded budget cuts.

Finally agreeing to a cut of a token $38.5 billion. The net effect of the cut – said to be $352

million in the first year70 – compares (in the context of our National Debt) to a cut of

approximately $5.03 from a $200,000 income. By the end of February, 2012, the National Debt

had grown to nearly $15.571 trillion with some reports projecting $16.4 trillion by the Nov. 2012

elections. All the while, President Obama talks with a straight face about fiscal responsibility

and claims the high ground for spending cut recommendations.


Initially, Obama the Senator – seemingly coming from obscurity to national prominence

overnight – struck me as similar in some respects to our late President John F. Kennedy. That

was a short-lived observation. In terms of his professional life, I will always believe that the

phrase “Duty, Honor, Country” was illustrated by Kennedy – a war hero, a man who found it

painful to walk, but who never let his pain show – a man who led the country through a

potentially deadly international crisis, unafraid to go nose to nose with a super power – a man

who had the vision to launch our space program and the understanding to arguably have been

ready to extricate us from Vietnam in its earliest days. He was a man of courage and even in

the face of a disastrous decision on the Bay of Pigs invasion, he took personal responsibility and

did not attempt to pass the blame to Eisenhower, where much of it may have belonged.

By contrast, Obama remains very much the child in Indonesia who shouted “curang,

curang” (cheater, cheater)72, blaming others for anything that goes wrong. He has apologized

for our country; downplayed the role and importance of our religious beliefs; promoted

without reason or limit, the Islamic faith; vilified those with the vision and entrepreneurial spirit

to accomplish great things; attempted to gut both our military and our space program; divided

America with sarcastic and hateful rhetoric; and denigrated hardworking Americans who dare

to dissent with his policies.

Economically, he is burying us in debt, by stubbornly favoring “investments” matching

his ideological goals over sound fiscal policy. He has avoided court orders, openly bragged

about circumventing congressional authority, publicly humiliated U.S. Supreme Court Justices

and even chided an earlier Supreme Court for not breaking “…free from the essential

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constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution.” 73 He has been

embroiled in conflict with the Catholic Church and in the process has alerted and offended all

the major religious groups. His White House is involved in lawsuits with more than half the

states in the U.S. He has promoted community organizing for personal political gain and has

constantly reached out for our youth. Through zealous teachers, his message has been echoed

in classrooms from Kindergarten to high school – and it is difficult not to notice the number of

his speeches given at colleges, universities and high schools.

Obama’s is a fast moving administration. He has many things on his agenda and many

people placed to initiate and push that agenda. Even as he golfs, plays basketball and enjoys

family vacations, all cylinders are firing. The idea that he is “Governing” seems a stretch. In

fact, his administration appears to be checking off items on a list and doing whatever is

necessary to accomplish them. Healthcare Reform is a great example. Even today, more than

50% of Americans want this law repealed and Obama busies himself instead with making it

more encompassing – more deeply entrenched. He has no interest in what America wants.

During February, while the polls showed 50% to 39%, the desire of Americans to repeal

Obamacare, DNC Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Rep. D-FL) attempted to reframe the

argument to show Americans as “overwhelmingly” in support of the bill.74 By the end of June,

2012, we will have the Supreme Court’s decision on the Constitutionality of “Obamacare” and

that result may very well define the amount of power the federal government will – from that

day forward – exercise over the lives of all Americans.

Obama’s staff and Party have taken their lead from the top and it is Over the Top! We

are now in a time, according to Obama and his cohorts, when it is o.k. to “punish our enemies,”

when it is o.k. to suggest that white conservatives want all blacks to be hanging from trees, 75

when it is o.k. to suggest that honest, hardworking people – when dissenting with Obama’s

policies – are the same people who once wore sheets (KKK), 76 and when it is o.k. to say on the

floor of Congress that the Republican health care plan is to have people “Die Quickly.”77

Too often, all of these things go unnoticed. Single actions and sound bites are blended

with the events of the day and soon forgotten. When we have the opportunity to look at the

cumulative impact – the relentless march of these words and actions in a compressed format –

only then can that vague sense of uneasiness be replaced by a clear understanding of the

current assault being made on both our Country and our values. The problem is exacerbated by

a mainstream media that has, in some cases, abdicated their journalistic responsibilities and

opted instead to become press agents for Obama and Attackers of his political opponents.

203 Reasons Not to Vote for Obama is not a book based on, or written to justify

personal opinion – though the author’s opinion is expressed without apology. The decision to

write this book was based on numerous events and statements made over the course of the

2008 Democratic Primary and general election campaigns, as well as during the three year

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period following Obama’s inauguration. To the extent possible, it is my belief that the

Presidency should be Party neutral and representative of all the people of this country. This

Presidency has been the polar opposite and the result has been a continuous effort to dim the

bright light that has since 1776, shone as a beacon from the greatest nation on Earth. In his

personal arrogance, Obama believes he has a better idea for our Country. He said it himself,

when he announced that “

“We’re only five days away from fundamentally transforming the

United States of America.” 78

I believe our country is in jeopardy today and that if President Obama is re-elected, the

change will truly reflect his promised fundamental transformation. I say this with the greatest

of regret, because for a fleeting moment, I believed we were on the edge of the greatest, most

productive Presidency in the history of this Country. Fortunately, my mind was changed before

election day, 2008. And of all the simple things, it was Obama’s terse, dismissive response to a

child that began to clear my eyes.

When I see a President sneer at any group of Americans – when I see a President that

openly brags about circumventing Congress and who speaks about the opposition party as if

they were enemies of the American people, I know as an American, that there is something

fundamentally wrong. When I see a President who forgets the name of a Congressional Medal

of Honor Winner and who keeps an Attorney General who cannot so much as pick up the

phone to express his condolences to the parents of a U.S. Border Patrol Agent murdered as a

result of his Department’s operation, I see the absence of patriotism and of fundamental

decency. When I see a President who takes sides and picks winners and losers, who goes to

war with one religion while pandering to another, who misrepresents scientific opinion, who

disregards court orders, who sticks to an agenda, undeterred by the will of the people, I see

elements of an ugly moment in European history being seeded here – needing only time and

votes to grow.

But these are my own thoughts and opinions, developed over time. Yours may be

different. It is not my intention in this book to beat an opinionated drum in anyone’s ear.

The preference in this book is to have Obama, his political cohorts and those who know

him best, show you in their own words and actions, why this country loses, if Obama wins re-

election in 2012.

Through examples, speeches and comments, the racial core, divisive nature and

duplicity of Obama’s partisan politics emerge, along with his continuous campaign posture, his

application of community organizing methods to politics, his impact on our youth and his

disregard – even contempt – for dissenters.

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203 Reasons Not to Vote for Barack Obama


These are the facts that demonstrate unequivocally, Obama’s disdain for historic

America, the place it has occupied as a world leader and what he surely sees as its complete

failure to provide social justice and positive economic outcomes for all its inhabitants – citizens,

immigrants and illegal immigrants alike.

The class warfare promoted by this President, the divisiveness, arrogance, stubbornness

and partisanship reflected in his words and actions; the distance of his Administration from

American values and traditions, his own over the top and disingenuous rhetoric, the

marginalizing of our religious foundations and the perversion of a free press - all of this and

more could easily fill another book of equal or greater length. But there is no time. The issues

are too urgent and the potential consequences of an Obama win, too grave to delay another


We are rapidly closing on the 2012 Presidential election. As Obama activates his

community organizers around the country and as Democrats begin spouting their practiced

talking points – ignoring the real questions and concerns of the American people – America

must be armed with as much information as possible. We are witnessing, as all students of

history know, a very dangerous relationship between this Administration and the media – in

this case, the liberal majority of the media. In this relationship, President Obama, his

Administration and supporters are all shielded from any critical analysis of their failures, words,

actions, and their most indefensible attacks against others. At the same time, conservatives –

whether politicians, members of the media, or simply engaged citizens – are considered “fair

game” and characterized as extreme – even un-American. Officials in the Obama

Administration aggressively attack, or stand mute as others attack conservative media and they

are represented by “czars” with such frightening and toxic positions as considering freedom of

speech and of the press as “distractions,” or believing that there should be a two-tiered 1st

Amendment – separating high and low value speech.

I dislike half truths and lies whether they come from the Left, or the Right. I have come

to expect them from the Left, but, it makes them no less disappointing. There are no shortage

of problems in government today – certainly, no reason to invent, or embellish. Yet, too often,

we find ourselves in the middle of coverage that is more targeted to personal attacks and knee-

jerk responses than to important public policy. Ask a policy question directly to a politician and

you’re likely to have the back cover of the phone book read to you. In a word, we should all be

shouting “ENOUGH.” We have real problems and a country full of people with great ideas. But,

those great ideas don’t matter if we’re not talking to each other in an open and honest manner.

If the government is spending our money – and certainly, government has none of its own –

then we should have clear, easy and full access to every piece of information (with the

exception of classified information, information concerning active investigations, or other

clearly defined exceptions) that has resulted from the use of that money. When a Bill is

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203 Reasons Not to Vote for Barack Obama


written, it should be written in a way that every American can read and understand it. Does a

Healthcare Reform bill really require 2,700 pages with constant cross references? When a U.S.

Congressman laughs at the prospect of reading a bill – even with attorneys to help – we should

be very concerned. Just how “Transparent” is the Obama Administration really?

When I see a politician like Paul Ryan, who rolls up his sleeves, develops a plan and

presents it clearly and openly, I am encouraged. When I see a Peter King, or Darrell Issa –

undeterred in their search for truth – I am encouraged. When I hear a Marco Rubio speak, I am

inspired. But, for each of these, there are also the Maxine Waters’ and the Sheila Jackson Lee’s,

who use over the top rhetoric to divide us; the Holder’s, who want the position but are quick to

suggest that it comes without responsibility or accountability for them; the Alan Grayson’s, who

seek to gain through fear and the demonization of their opponents. While conservatives seem

for the most part, to engage in conversation and to make statements regarding policy, liberals –

especially under Obama – seem unrestrained in their use of provocative, racially charged, and

attack-oriented language.

I am thankful for people who cut through the endless, unproductive rhetoric – who

deliver truth and are guided by patriotism – who question boldly and refuse to accept double

talk in answer to serious questions of the American people. Those who are given a microphone,

be it radio, television, internet, or symbolically, through the written word, are also given a great

responsibility. One of their greatest tests – one failed by many – is delivering the unfiltered

truth, even when it argues against their own political positions.

I once considered Glenn Beck extreme. Today…I’m not so sure. People like Glenn, Bret

Baier, Bill O’Reilly, Deneen Borelli, Stephen Hayes, Charles Krauthammer, Neil Cavuto, Dana

Perino, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Greta Van Susteren, David Barton, Brit Hume, Megyn

Kelly, Chris Wallace, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Stephen Moore, Steve Forbes, Michelle Malkin, Laura

Ingraham, Kirk Cameron, Jonah Goldberg, Mark Steyn and Mark Levin - a very diverse group

themselves – are part of a much larger group of journalists, commentators, writers and

producers still dedicated to our country and to the truth.

So, in that sense, Journalism is still very much alive. So long as the truth lives, there is

hope – not Obama’s idea of hope – but, real hope that inspires people to achieve, to honor and

preserve our traditions, and to leave our country and our people better than they found them.

But, as you will see later in this book, there are still those who would unapologetically

discard our First Amendment rights and use the façade of “journalism” as a “Front” for targeted

political attacks and racism.

Republicans, Independents and all those who love and cherish America bear a

tremendous responsibility in 2012 to vote in large numbers for a return to the path on which

our Founders set us in 1776 and to the principles for which so many have since given their lives.

I have spent my life in public service – first in the military as a Navy Journalist in Vietnam and

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then in law enforcement - and I am proud to say that military service is a long honored tradition

in my family, that started with the War of 1812. All of this makes me an average guy, who like

you, can see and feel the cynicism, negativity and divisiveness that was sold in 2008 as “Hope

and Change” and who, like you, experiences the frustration of not being able to do much about

it. I have no radio, or television show. I have no newspaper column. I have no other way, but

for this book, to share my concerns with you.

I am blessed to be an American and to live in a generous, loving and culturally diverse

America – an America of equal opportunity that values and applauds life, individualism, hard

work, competition, innovation, service to country and personal achievement – an America

where an average guy still has a voice and still has a chance.

I pray that America will always be first, last and always “…one nation under God,

indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

And, I

When former Governor and conservative activist Sarah Palin suggested that Obama

Care would lead to “Death Panels,” the Left went ballistic. But, was it true?

In June, 2009, speaking on ABC’s “Prescription for America,” Townhall on Health Care,

President Obama was questioned by a lady, whose mother – at 100 years old – had been told

there was nothing that could be done for her unless she had a pacemaker. She indicated that

while one of the doctors at the time, thought her mother too old for the surgery, he changed

his mind when he spoke to her and “saw her joy of life.” The lady’s question was whether,

under Obama Care, such subjective evaluations would be considered, or if the availability of

such surgeries would be unavailable based solely on age.

Obama’s response, while agonizingly vague until the last few words, should tell all of us

exactly where his program leads.

“Well, first of all, I want to meet your mom. (Laughter.) And I want

to find out what she's eating. (Laughter.)

“But, look, the first thing for all of us to understand is that we

actually have some choices to make about how we want to deal with our

own end-of-life care. And that's one of the things, I think, that we can all

promote. And this is not a big government program. This is something that

each of us individually can do, is to draft and sign a living will so that we're

very clear with our doctors about how we want to approach the end of life.

“I don't think that we can make judgments based on people's spirit.

That would be a pretty subjective decision to be making. I think we have to

have rules that say that we are going to provide good, quality care for all

people –“ (Emphasis added)

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Translation? These decisions will be based solely on statistical norms – on age – not on

Physician evaluations based on live observations and findings.

He keeps going and eventually gets to the meat:

“But what we can do is make sure that at least some of the waste

that exists in the system that's not making anybody's mom better, that is

loading up on additional tests or additional drugs that the evidence shows is

not necessarily going to improve care, that at least we can let doctors know,

and your mom know, that you know what, maybe this isn't going to help,

maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller.” 79

(Emphasis added)

Translation? Under Obama Care, your mom would have gotten a pill instead of a

pacemaker. That means, according to her doctor, that nothing could have been done for her.

The logical conclusion. She would have died.

But, a few months later, in his weekly address to the nation, Obama scoffed at the

criticism of so-called “Death Panels,” saying:

“And as every credible person who has looked into it has said, there

are no so-called ‘Death Panels;’ an offensive notion to me and to the

American people. These are phony claims meant to divide us.”80

At the time of the townhall, the questioner’s mother was 105 years of age. She had

already been given an additional five years of life, because a qualified, examining physician had

the sense to make a decision based on the individual, rather than the numbers – and was not

restricted in that decision by government imposed regulations.

She was given the pacemaker instead of the Obama pill and was still enjoying life at


America should be very wary of a President who can – for all intents – pass a death

sentence with humor, a smile and positive spin, while calling the recognition of his actions

“offensive.” Let’s not forget that this is the same politician who fought for a continuation of

partial birth abortions and the denial of medical care to babies who survived abortion.

203 Reasons Not to Vote for Barack Obama

Available at

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See Amazon Author Page and Video Trailer at:

See Author’s Blog at:


1 Bob Woodward, Obama’s Wars, (2010, New York, Simon & Schuster), 38

2 Dinesh D’Souza, The Roots of Obama’s Rage, (2010, Washington, DC, Regnery Publishing),


3 “Spengler”, (February 26, 2008), Asia Times Online, Obama's women reveal his secret,

retrieved October 25, 2010 from

4 David Mendell, From Promise to Power, (New York, 2007,Harper Collins Publishers),7

5 David Freddoso, The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda

of the Media’s Favorite Candidate, (2008, Washington, DC, Regnery Publishing), ix,xi

6 Ken Blackwell & Ken Klukowski, The Blueprint: Obama’s Plan to Subvert the Constitution and

Build an Imperial Presidency, (2010, Guilford, CT, Lyons Press), 17

7 Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals, (New York, 1989,

Vintage Books), 116

8 Allison J. Pugh, Associated Press, (Cambridge, MA 1990), “Law Journal’s Leader Wants to Help

Poor,” appearing in National Section of Altoona Mirror, April 16, 1990, p. B7, retrieved from Newspaper

ntResult=5&currentPage=0&fpo=False, using search terms “Barack Obama” “between years 1987-1995”,

(Retrieved June 8, 2010)

9 Lauren Collins,(March 10, 2008), The New Profiles, The Other Obama: Michelle

Obama and the Politics of Candor, retrieved November 2, 2010 from

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203 Reasons Not to Vote for Barack Obama


10 Barack Obama, The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, (New

York, 2006, Three Rivers Press), 233

11 Ibid, 233


Barack Obama, Dreams from my Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, (New York, 2004,

Crown), Kindle Version, 81 13

Kyle-Anne Shiver, (January 8, 2008), American Thinker web-site, Obama’s Alinsky JuJitsu,

retrieved January 31, 2011 from


Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals, (New York,

1989, Vintage Books), 116-117


Bill Ayers, Fugitive Days: Memoirs of an Antiwar Activist, (Boston, 2001, Beacon Press), 229

16 Barack Obama, Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, 1st pbk Edition,

(New York, 2004, Three Rivers Press), 93


Ibid, 269-270


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1992, Ballantine Books), 301


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Story: The Speeches of Barack Obama ,(March18,2008),p261


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