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OUR MISSIONChanging the way America cares for children and families.


Writing the History of Tomorrow | 4-5

Vision of Helping Others | 6-7

Toddler Walks Again | 8-9

Like Father, Like Son | 10-11

Spunky Six-Year-Old Supports Boys Town | 12-13

James Family Success | 14-15

Building for the Future | 16

Boys Town By the Numbers | 17

Our Generous Donors | 18-43

2020 Financial Highlights | 44-45

Our Governing Boards | 46-47


“When you help a child today, you write the

history of tomorrow.”







Dear friend, What a year 2020 was.Not only did COVID-19 affect so many lives in our country and all over the world, there was also conflict concerning diversity, equity and inclusion. It is a time in history that will never be forgotten and causes me to reflect on these profound words by our founder, Father Edward Flanagan, nearly a century ago:

“I … see danger for all in an ideology which discriminates against anyone politically or economically because he or she was born into the ‘wrong’ race, has skin of the

‘wrong’ color, or worships at the ‘wrong’ altar.”

I am proud to be a part of an organization that has always been taking the lead to do what is right, thanks to the direction of our founder, in “Writing the History of Tomorrow.”

When Father Flanagan opened his first Home for Boys in 1917, he welcomed kids of every race, color and creed. When the leaders of Omaha informed Father Flanagan that the Jim Crow laws made this illegal, he went out into the middle of a corn field and started his own town; that’s why we’re Boys Town!

From the very beginning, our focus has been on providing an excellent educa-tion to the children in our care. We have announced we will be building a new Education Center on campus, replacing the high school that was originally

constructed in the 1940s. The new Education Center will house all our students from elementary age to high school in one location. This commitment to our students will greatly affect their futures.

We have also recently opened a new Neurogenetics and Rare Disease Clinic as part of Boys Town’s growing Pediatric Neuroscience program. It will help patients and primary doctors alike who have been searching for answers to rare medical conditions. The region had been historically underserved in this specialty. Now, Boys Town will be a premier pediatric neuroscience provider for the Midwest.

Inside this Annual Report, you will find stories and images of how your ongoing support of Boys Town is truly allowing us to play a key role in “Writing the History of Tomorrow,” and is helping us change how America saves children and heals families.

God’s Blessings,

Father Steven E. Boes President and National Executive Director, Boys Town


“When Father Flanagan opened his first Home for Boys in 1917, he welcomed kids of every race, color and creed.”

Architectural rendering



VISION OF HELPINGTo say that Kristal Platt seems to always be looking out for someone else might be a tremendous understatement.

With less than five percent vision and considered legally blind, Kristal is a licensed certified genetic counselor and vision program coordinator at the Genetics/Center for Childhood Deafness, Language & Learning at the Boys Town Hospital.

But she has made it her mission during her 30 years in the field to see that others with conditions like hers, especially children, are given the opportunity to experience normal activities they might not otherwise be able to enjoy. And today, she is also advocating for adults with disabilities facing issues with diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace, and how they can also overcome these challenges.

Kristal was 9-years old when she was diagnosed with Stargardt Disease, a form of juvenile macular degeneration. The macula is the part of the retina responsible for finest acuity.

Kristal never let her visual impairment slow her down.

Today, she says she wears two hats, in genetics and vision, her two favorite areas. She presently works in the Hearing and Neurology clinics. “I work with families to explain genetic testing, help them through the process and review test results,” she said. Kristal says her second hat is developing programs for families with children who are blind or visually impaired.

She started Camp Abilities Nebraska because there were limited opportunities for youth with visual impairments to participate in sports and recreational activities. The camp is run by Boys Town National Research Hospital and Outlook Nebraska.

Camp Abilities is filled with fun, but the experience the campers get is even more important. She says it allows the kids to run, play, fall down and get up, without their parents having to worry.

“Parents sometimes over-protect a child with a visual disability,” Kristal said. “It’s understandable. But at camp, the kids and the parents learn they can do more. It’s ok to fall down and skin up your knee. That’s why we have band-aids.”

As if she doesn’t have enough on her plate already, Kristal has also become a

“Boys Town has always supported

me. ... My colleagues make me proud to

work here.” — KRISTAL PLATT,


strong advocate for people with disabilities in their pursuit of equal opportunities in the workplace. She serves on the National Society of Genetic Counselors’ Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Advisory Committee. Kristal says many times people with disabilities have a difficult time securing workplace advancements and often struggle even getting in the door.

“We are making efforts across the country to improve diversity, equity and inclusion, but when everything is said and done, we always seem to look the same,” she said. “Minorities and those with disabilities are very under-represented. Societal misconceptions keep companies from hiring these groups.”

Kristal says she is proud of Boys Town for giving herself and others with disabilities opportunities. She said Father Flanagan laid the groundwork and led by example when he accepted all boys, regardless of their race, creed or cultural background.

“Boys Town has always supported me,” she said. “Since I’ve come here, Boys Town has allowed me to do my job by providing all kinds of assistance. My colleagues make me proud to work here. Everyone is so supportive.”

CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO about Camp Abilities Nebraska!



“ ...we’re really lucky to be at Boys Town.”


SEE PAISLEE’S STORY of her amazing recovery.


It was Christmas and Paislee was acting like any spirited tyke. The curly-haired toddler grabbed at the household furniture, pulling herself up and then swiftly shuffling in whatever direction had the most color and commotion.

Weeks later, however, this little explorer couldn’t walk or climb. She simply sat and slumped. She could not stand on her own, and many of her developmental milestones were lost.

The abrupt change in physical ability alarmed Paislee’s father, John Stahl, who was desperate for an explanation. The family was referred to Shaguna Mathur, M.D., a pediatric neurodevelopmental specialist at Boys Town National Research Hospital®. After a thorough neurological assessment and genetic testing, Dad finally had an answer. Paislee suffered from spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), type III. This rare neuromuscular disease causes muscle weakness and deterioration.

For those diagnosed with SMA, early intervention is vital to achieving the greatest long-term benefits. Dr. Mathur quickly placed Paislee on a treatment regimen that included Spinraza, the first FDA-approved therapy for treating SMA that can slow the disease’s progression and improve muscle strength.

“Without this medicine, children traditionally who had SMA would, unfortunately, have a very short lifespan,” explained Dr. Mathur. “Urgency is key. This medicine is compatible with life, so the longer the delay, the harder it is for patients.”

At Boys Town Hospital, Paislee underwent a lumbar puncture (spinal tap), a procedure where the medication was injected directly into her spinal fluid. The effects, according to John, were immediate and life altering.

“There was a night and day improvement.” John said with a smile. “She was standing and trying to move. She was bubbly. She was happy. She had more strength in her legs.”

It’s a new world for spinal muscular atrophy, according to Dr. Mathur, and Boys Town Pediatric Neurology offers many options and resources.

As for the Stahl family, they’re grateful for the tender care Paislee received and are optimistic she will have a bright, active future.

“The improvements since we went to Boys Town have been absolutely fantastic,” said John. “Every time we’re there, it feels like family. All the nurses are absolutely awesome. Dr. Mathur is an absolutely amazing doctor, and we’re really lucky to be at Boys Town.”






“We didn’t have much, but dad believed in giving to those in need.”


Inspired by his beloved stepfather, Harland Arthur Mayer, Biesterfeld has donated to Father Flanagan’s home for children for as long as he can remember. Now, he has established a legacy gift that will benefit the boys and girls in Boys Town’s care for years to come.

Biesterfeld was born in 1948, the same year Father Flanagan died. He never really knew his biological father, who was an alcoholic. Fortunately, Mayer, the man Biesterfeld considers his dad, married Biesterfeld’s mom and came into his life as a parent and a mentor. And while his early years were not always easy, Biesterfeld credits the person he calls “Dad” for the work ethic and values he has lived by throughout his life.

Biesterfeld grew up in Hancock, Minnesota, a small town of around 1,100. His dad ran a business called the Fix-All Shop. His dad also sold ice skates out of the store. It was through those skate sales that Biesterfeld first learned about Boys Town.

“Dad sold skates and he took old skates in through trades,” Biesterfeld said. “At the end of every winter, he would take some of his new skates and some of the better-condition used skates and package them up and send them to Boys Town. As long as I can remember, he was always giving to Boys Town.

We didn’t have much, but dad believed in giving to those in need,” Biesterfeld said.

Biesterfeld said he was fortunate to be a good student and a quick learner, with an ability to study hard. After graduating high school, he earned his undergraduate degree and then attended the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. He chose to become an endodontist, specializing in root canals and root canal surgery.

Biesterfeld moved back to Minnesota to begin his professional career and started what would eventually become the largest endodontics practice in the state.

It was as he established his practice that he decided to continue another tradition he learned from his dad – donating to Boys Town.

“I started donating in my 30s,” Biesterfeld said. “I was blessed by God to have a wonderful family with three healthy children. But I never forgot what I had learned from my dad about Boys Town. So, I made sure every year I made a donation.”

Now in his 70s, Biesterfeld is retired and his goal these days is to help kids who are struggling.

“Even though I’ve never been on the campus, I know how the kids are thinking, and I want them to have hope… I want them to have self-worth and self-confidence,” Biesterfeld said. “It just takes hard work.”

Dr. Robert Biesterfeld has never been to Boys Town, but he sure feels like he has.



For the last several years, Zoey has been reaching out to friends and family for donations to Boys Town for her birthday – and each year the number only grows thanks to her passion!


Zoey’s partnership with Boys Town started early on in her life as her mother has worked with Boys Town nearly 15 years. Zoey has grown up around the wonderful kids at Boys Town and knows just how lucky and blessed she is. That is why she is so passionate about helping kids less fortunate than herself.

Because of COVID, Zoey could not do an in-person birthday party fundraiser as she had in previous years, but her disappointment didn’t last long. Her talented uncle, Seth Dunlap, came to the rescue to help her create a video to get the word out virtually. This helped spread her mission nationwide!

On her birthday, Zoey was overjoyed when she learned her fundraiser (between GoFundMe, Facebook and direct donations) brought in $1,800 for Boys Town kids!

We are so grateful to Zoey and so many others like her who find a way to make a difference in their community. They are truly making the world a brighter place with their drive and determination.



WATCH ZOEY’S fundraising video.


We are so grateful

to Zoey and so many

others like her who

find a way to make

a difference in their





Nothing is worse than not having a place to live – especially for a single mother with five children. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened to Trenisha James and her family.

Trenisha’s apartment in her housing development was deemed ‘unfit for human habitation’ — due to a list of safety issues — that made it necessary for her family to leave.

That led to a lawsuit with the landlord, which ultimately played out in court in Trenisha’s favor. However, the court findings were written in such a way that future renting options became difficult. Add to that the loss of her escrow because she moved out early, and Trenisha and her five children soon found themselves homeless.

They sought shelter in the Kennedy Short Term Family Housing program, which provides emergency and temporary housing for families experiencing homelessness. During that time, they were referred to Boys Town for help.

“The James family was referred through the oldest child’s school, which at the time was KIPP Quest Elementary School,” said Chelsey Perkins, Care Coordination Consultant at Boys Town Washington DC. “I work with the attendance team there and they send us referrals.”

While living in the shelter, Trenisha found it difficult to secure new living arrangements. Several apartments turned her down. She was shifted from case manager to case manager within the shelter system. Eventually, she and her family had to move to a different shelter.

“Ms. Chelsey jumped right into advocating for me when it came to finding housing that would accept five children,” Trenisha said. “She has helped our family with so many things. From school supplies to virtual summer camps, furniture, clothing, diapers and gas cards, the resources she’s been able to provide have been phenomenal. If it wasn’t for her, I don’t think I could have made it this far.”

And the admiration seems to go both ways.

“I have spent many years working in this field, and Trenisha’s tenacity, dedication to her family, and hard work were nothing less than awe-inspiring to me,” said Perkins. “I believe that if we had more people like Trenisha in this world, it would be a better place.”

After a long year, the James family was finally able to move into their new home thanks to the ongoing support of Boys Town.



“Trenisha’s tenacity, dedication to her

family, and hard work were nothing less than

awe-inspiring to me.” — CHELSEY PERKINS,






JUNE 2021: Demolition of existing High School building

AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2021: New construction begins

AUGUST 2023: Project completion*

Because of where our children come from, our school is a critical place where growth, healing

and success takes place. This is why we are constructing our new Education Center.



*Architectural Rendering

SIGN UP TO RECEIVE building updates.

With new, innovative learning spaces, we can support our students and our educators with the tools and

environment they need to be most successful.



lives impacted by Boys Town programs each year.

455,737 children nationwide.

Boys Town services HELPED


BOYS TOWN BY THE NUMBERSIncludes youth and families that accessed Boys Town services, Boys Town National Research Hospital® services and Boys Town online services.

Also includes students and teachers who benefited from Boys Town Education Training.

45,227 children with their health care needs.

Boys Town Hospital served

2.35 million visits to

Boys Town parenting advice and service-based websites.

The Boys Town National Hotline®

and its related services handled NEARLY contacts.140,000

Last year alone, our

Hotline Crisis Counselors


579SUICIDES in progress.

Central Florida 407-588-2170

North Florida 850-575-6422

South Florida 561-612-6000

Iowa 712-302-7900

Louisiana 504-293-7900

Nebraska 531-355-1111

Nevada 702-642-7070

New England 401-845-2250

Washington, DC 202-832-7343





SEE THE GRATITUDE from Boys Town youth!


BECAUSE OF YOUBecause of your generous support, Boys Town has been able to play a critical role in changing lives and helping hope grow for so many children and families across the United States.

We thank you for your help and ask for your continued support in helping us heal America’s hurting children and at-risk families.

The Honor Roll of Donors on the following pages recognizes individuals and organizations that made direct or in-kind gifts of at least $1,000 in 2020 to support Boys Town youth and families.

We also extend our sincere appreciation to our donors who requested anonymity.

Many generous supporters made lasting gifts to Boys Town through their estates. We gratefully remember individuals who made estate gifts of at least $10,000 in 2020 to support our mission.

Great care was taken to make this Honor Roll as complete and accurate as possible. We apologize if anyone was mistakenly omitted or incorrectly listed.

Estate Gifts $10,000 +

James R. Allan, MAMartha L. Allan, MAFrank S. Barks, TXHarold V. Bauch, CODonald E. Benoit, MIEugene D. and Mary A. Bergen, Sr., PARonald J. Berger, FLCecelia Birtcher, FLArnoldine Bloemberg, CATheresa R. Bobeck Bacon, CTQueenie M. Boyajian, MAJohn A. and Margaret A. Brennan, FLIra E. Brink, CAElizabeth Budrow, PAFlorence E. Burgess, MNLola Calcagno, NJDonald and Irma Chadbourne, CA

Dudley and Naomi B. Chambers, NYRuth M. Clark, COJoseph H. and Helen M. Clements, TXAugust Clouse, OHClara Cole, TXRuth G. Collins, PAColonel Julius R. Conti, USAF Ret., FLJack and Margaret Coombe, Vet, ILLoretta A. Cosca, CAEdith Y. Crafton, VAElizabeth Criscola, FLWilliam and Dorothy Cullen, CAFred L. Dake, NYVernon and Earline Dale, ILGerald Dannewitz, ILLoraine M. Degnan, ORDr. John N. Dempsey, Vet, MNRobert P. DeSanto, Esq., OHEdward and Helen Dillon, AZRegina D. Draude, PA

Now, more than ever, times are tough for kids and families. Battling through a pandemic, parents struggled to keep their jobs, or find jobs. Meanwhile, kids were out of school or attending classes virtually. It put undue stress on everyone.

During the past year, Boys Town has found new ways to reach kids and parents. We have gone virtual. When people couldn’t come to us, we found ways to get to them. But it hasn’t been easy.

Your ongoing support provides the lifeblood for Boys Town and helps us carry on Father Flanagan’s legacy of healing and hope. We continue to find new ways to meet the growing needs of America’s families.

On behalf of the National Board of Trustees, we thank you for your generous gifts and your commitment to our mission. Together, we will get through these challenging times.

Kathy R. Nieland, 2020 Chair-Elect

A Note of Thanks from Our Governing Board



Vada M. Eckard, NCRalph J. Esposito, Vet, CTVirginia Estes, MICarolyn Feintuch, NJGabriel Ferranti, NJRita I. Finigan, PAPaul R. Frazho, MILarry R. Gerevas, IDMarion D. Ghio, CAFlorence L. Grunstra, NJDavid F. Guasco, WAHansel C. Hall, Vet, MNWilliam C. and Katherine Helm, MNGladys Herman, KYJoseph F. Hoerst, OHKatherine L. Hyde, MOHenrietta Jacobs, AZPhyllis E. Jacobs, MIPaul T. and Aili R. Jeffries, OHSusan L. Joerger, NYArthur L. Johnson, Vet, MIBetty Joyce, FLJames R. Jungen, Vet, COSherwin A. Kane, Jr., CTIrvin L. Kanthak, CARose Knoop, MAKenneth V. Knudsen, WAThaddeus and Louise Konopka, Vet, WIRay Langton, TNMrs. Dorothy E. Leithead, INFrank A. Leone, PATalia C. Lynch, IDWarren F. Lyons, NYThalia C. Macarthur, CABeverly Mallett, NJHelen P. Markley, OHVirginia G. Marriott, CALouis A. Mastny, NE

James L. McCloy, II, AZJane McCormack, NYPat C. McEvoy, WAJohn L. Muegerl, NVAlan Naiman, WALucille F. Neumann, NJRosemary O’Neil, WIGarold K. Osborn, WAOuida H. Parham, MDWilliam A. Paridon, Vet, OHMarie S. Pawlak, NCJoseph and Evelyn Pertusati, CAHelen C. Pickett, GAThomas W. and Bessie A. Plante, PABernadette A. Queen, VTMary P. Reardon, FLCharles O. Roberson, MOElizabeth P. Rosenfeld, NYHazel E. Rostello, ILClement P. and

Molly O. Rutishauser, GAJohn and Joyce A. Ryan, OHEmma L. Sanders, NECamellia Sargalski, ILThomas Savoca, OHJerome F. Schmidt, TXJerome Schroeder, MIJohn T. Shea, NYLucia M. Slamon, VAWilliam and Barbara Smith, MIRebecca S. So, ILLorraine Soucy, MADelores K. Spence, KSFriederike Stadalius, ILWilma Sturgeon, ILPatrick B. Sullivan, NYSolon E. Summerfield Darrell and Catherine Summers, CA

Stewart and Mae Tait, MNWilliam Tapolscany, AZDonald P. Thomas, WAMary Thrash, WVDoris Towell, NYGayle J. Trahan, ALJohn J. and Justina H. Tzeng, MDEsther C. Valentino, TXRosemary E. Vander Schaaf, SDEvelyn M. Waldecker, MIMyron J. Walker, IAEugenie Phyllis Ward, ILLouis U. Weichman, PADavid H. Weiner, COJ. Francis and L. Grace Weisheit, CTCharles E. Werner, Vet, NYVirginia Whitney, MOJohn M. Wieser, Vet, VTIrwin and Sonia Wysocki Block, NY

Leadership $100,000 +Jack and Kristina Barta, NESister Dorothy M. Buder, WAThe Estate of Kirk Kerkorian, NVMr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Gartlan, NEGodfather’s Pizza, Inc., NEGoogle, CAKyndle Enterprises, VAThe Lowell S. Dunn & Betty L. Dunn

Family Foundation, Inc., FLCarolyn McDonnell, VAJan Moran, FLGene and Mary Murphy, NYOmaha Community

Foundation, NE

Rhode Island Foundation, RIThe Sunderland Foundation, KSTempur Sealy

International, Inc., KYSteve L. VanPetten, ILMrs. Dorothy Vasser, NVWoodhouse Auto Family, NEAlphons and Mary Yunker Family, CO

Benefactors $50,000 – $99,999Adams Family Foundation, CTThe Buckle, NERobert and Mary Ann Coates, AZDonald R. and Carol P. Lovett

Charitable Trust, NCEiner C. Elbeck, CAEugene and Sallyann Fama, ILFNBO, NEWalter Haskins, FLKen and Marianne Higdon, CAJessie Ball duPont Fund, FLLatter Day Saints, NEShirley J. Macaron, NMJohn and Mary Lee Malcolm, DCMatejek Family Foundation, TXMr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Rainey, FLFrank and Kathy Rossi, FLSeminole County

Board of Commissioners, FLJohn and Shirley Spinelli, FLRose C. Steve, COWilliam C. Demetree, Jr.

Foundation, Inc., FL

Patrons $25,000 – $49,999Robert D. Andring, MNDr. Christina C. Bodurow, INMatt and Sheri Bryan, FLKenneth and Donna Charboneau, MICrossroads Baptist Fellowship, TXThe Dr. Francis P. Chiaramonte Family

Foundation, VAElizabeth Morse Genius Foundation, FLCynthia Erickson, KYGlenn W. Foley, CAMr. Mark S. Hanley, AZChris and Susan Hinesly, ILThe Joe W. and Dorothy Dorsett Brown

Foundation, LAKETV 7, NEMr. and Mrs. Rich LaPerch, DCMarilyn Kay Lockhart, CAAudrey M. Miller, MNNorma Gilbert Farr Foundation, FLPatricia P. Peterson, ORPhilip E. Heflin

Auditory Research Fund, NEProvidence Journal Charitable Legacy

Fund, RIPucillo Family Foundation, FLMark and Sally Rosser, FLShell Exploration and

Production Company, LASiemens Industry, Inc., NESt. Peter Claver Prison Ministry, FLUnited Way of the Midlands, NEHarry and Diane Van Trees, VA


Advocates $10,000 – $24,999 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Adams, MAMickey and Krista Anderson, NEElsie J. Arbach, SDBank of the West, NEBarber DME Supply Group, VATimothy J. Barber and

Lauren Jeter, VALoice Barnes, CAAlan G. Barsumian, ILWayne and Stephanie Baumgartner, FLBaxter Auto Group, NECindy and Mogens Bay, NEBazarsky Family Foundation, RIBoard of County Commissioners, FLSister Angelica Brandt, AZA. Robert Buonanno and Liana Blatt

Buonanno, NYCarMax Foundation, VACarson Wealth, NERon and Jeanie Carson, NECIT Bank, NEThomas W. Clary, IADr. Armand and Mrs. Suzanne

Cognetta, FLCommunity Foundation for

Palm Beach and Martin Counties, Inc., FL

Community Health Endowment of Lincoln, NE

Costco Wholesale Corporation, WAPatrick J. Crowe, KYWilliam B. Dalton, NJBernadine H. Darling, SCLois E. DeFillipo, FLBrian D. Delaney, FLRobert and Claudia Dempster, CA

Dermatology Associates of Tallahassee, FL

Chris and Andrea Diamantis, GADJS Investments, MIMr. and Mrs. N. P. Dodge, Jr., NEDormie Network, LLC, NEDorothy D. Smith Charitable

Foundation, NCBrian and Melissa Dunlay, FLLeon Dutkiewicz, Jr., PAJerry and Julianne Elkington, WAEntergy, LAJudith Favell, Ph.D., FLTimothy and Dawn Fetter, NEThe Fitzgerald Family Foundation, MAFore!Kids Foundation, LARichard and Anna Fortman, NYFotsch Family Foundation, WIHelen Fox-O’Brien and

Dana O’Brien, CTStephen P. Gallagher, COJanice O. Garlock, PALaurine Garrity and

Michael Bernhart, CAGE Foundation, MAAlan Geiwitz and Mary McMahon, MNJames E. Gielty, OHMargrit Gonzalez, CAGreater New Orleans Foundation, LAMrs. Vivian A. Greiner, FLGreg K. Harper, CAHealthcare Initiative Foundation, MDHermanowski Family Foundation, FLDennis and Renee Hogan, NEHolland Pools and Spas, Inc., FLGloria Holland, FLThe Huisking Foundation, Inc., NCJim and Tresa Hussong, IAiHeartMedia, NE

Delores Ihnen, SDIn-N-Out Burger Foundation, CAGreg and Kathy Inslee, OKJoyce E. Isis, MDCarolyn J. Kelly, KSRod and Celia Kempkes, NEDawyn M. Kindt, PALamar Advertising Company,

East Providence, RILamb Family Foundation, PALamp Rynearson, NEMaxine L. Lane, CAJoseph and Susan Leonelli, VALerner Family Foundation, FLLinus R. Gilbert Foundation, FLChristopher and Tammy Loeffler, NEDr. Kathe D. Lundgren, CAMann Family Foundation, FLMargaret McCartney and R. Parks

Williams Charitable Foundation, FLMrs. Barbara A. Martin, CALeo J. McCarthy, MD FACP,

Edinburgh/Ireland, INJack and Joan McGraw, CAGreg and Lori McMillan, MNMichael W. Meister,

Attorney at Law, PC, LLO, NEMeritage Homes, FLCal and Kathy Meyer, NEMidlands Community Foundation, NEGuy C. Miller, NJMineola Veterans Association, Inc., NYKevin Mohan and Anne Williams, MAMondays Dark, NVSteven and Gayle Mooney, COJames and Cathy Moore, MODr. Kevin and Mrs. Nancy Murphy, NERobert and Bev Murray, NEMutual of Omaha Foundation, NE

Marlene J. Nally, FLNebraska Medicine, NENew Orleans Pelicans, LAKathryn and Christopher Nieland, LAJeanette M. Noel, FLNonprofits First, FLMarcia E. Norcom, TNRichard O’Neill, NYOur Sunday Visitor, Inc., INPacific Life Foundation, CAJohn and Joyce Passarelli, NEMelvin and Modesta Perriseau, CALisa M. Peters, NEPaul J. Pettinger, NVThe Pfizer Foundation, NYDavid L. Plaster, MONancy D. Plunkett, MERita Porta, UTMrs. Elfriede Prechter, TXJodi and Scott Probst, TXPromiseShip, NEChristy A. Rabetoy, TNStephen and Anne Raynor, NEMarilyn J. Reading, AZGary and Barbara Rodkin, FLRoyce Williams Trust, WYPhil and Linda Ruden, NEHenry and Sally Santeford, MIBeverly C. Saviello, FLBradley and Erin Saviello, WATimothy R. Saviello, GAMs. Cindy J. Schumacher, NEThe Scoular Foundation, NERuth S. Sigmon, NCCorey and Natasha Simon, FLKevin and Mary Jayne Sokolow, FLLarry and Bev Sokolow, FLMargaret and Bruce Soltis, LA

Clare Spitsen, NJDavid and Laura Stanton, MIState Farm Mutual Automobile

Insurance Company, AZAnn and Kip Strasma, FLDale and Pamela Tadlock, FLTadlock Roofing, Inc., FLTC Energy, NETIF Foundation Fund, GATufts Health Plan, MAUnion Pacific Foundation, NENicholas and Chay Veeder, MAVisiting Angels Tallahassee, FLDan and June Wallace, FLWalmart, Inc. - Tallahassee, FLEdward and Anne Walus, NJWarburg Pincus, NYKenneth Wargo, CTMr. and Mrs. John B. Weaver, IADarlene H. Wehrley, OHWilliam J. and Dorothy K. O’Neill

Foundation, OHWitz-Mallinger Charitable

Foundation, AZJames and Mary Wright, TXMark and Marsha Wright, NE

Guardians $5,000 – $9,999A. Duda & Sons, Inc., FLKenneth and Mary Abraham, WIAbrams Capital, LLC, MAAmy and David Abrams, MAGordy and Jean Acker, WIAegon Transamerica Foundation, IACarly M. Ambrisco, IA


John J. Angelone, NJMr. James D. Arflack, Jr., INBankNewport, RILorraine A. Barry, CAThomas A. Bickert, NVRobert Bigelow, NVKevin Bishop and Molly O’Toole, TNDianna L. Boehner, COMartha P. Bolognini, OHMr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Boucher, MAWilliam J. Brand, PAErich E. Bredl, TXJohn D. Brennan, CAMatthew G. Broms, GAMr. and Mrs. David P. Busa, ILCecil D. Bykerk, NECalvin L. Hinz Architects, P.C., NEScott and Anne Carlson, NESal and and Mary Kay Carta, NESteve and Janet Chambers, NECharles and Mary Heider Family

Foundation, NEMs. Debra Chrisp, NEClary Lake Service, IACobalt Credit Union, NETracy L. Collins, DCColumbian Towers Development

Company, Philanthropic Board of the Knights of Columbus, NJ

Tom and Pat Conlin, MAEdith R. Constantino, OHCarolyn Cooley, FLCOPIC, COMr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Coughlin, FLNorman and Pat Crandell, COTed and Jean Crouchley, NEDahl Family Foundation, Inc., FLRobert H. Davault, OH

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth DeCosta, RIBette F. Dehls, AZVincent and Susan DePorre, FLPatricia A. Devine and Stuart Ross, DCBobby and Sue Dick, FLFrancois and Mary Didot, WVMr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Driscoll, MAArt J. Duncan, ILFather Louis G. Dupuis, CAThomas and Alice Durante, PABecky and Michael Duseau, MAEdward B. and Angeline V. Bush

Foundation, MIFrank and Janet Ennis, COMr. and Mrs. Lorenzo J. Fertitta, NVFirst Presbyterian Church, FLLouis and Betty Fischer, MDChris and Ingrid Flaat, WAFlorida Power & Light Company –

South Florida, FLPaul V. Fortune, IAGeorge and Joyce Fournier, TNLewis and Carmen Gage, NVJanice P. Galloway, CAThe Gaughen Management Group, PAMr. Thomas Gaughen, PAIn Honor of Dorothy Geis, MNMs. Mary Ann George, WIPamela Giannini, RIMr. Ronald J. Goedde, CAGoogle, NJGootee Construction, LARichard and Mary Ann Greene, WICol. Stanley J. Gudmundson,

USAF, Ret., MNMs. Ceil D. Hall, CTMr. Ernest A. Hamm, Jr., AKHancock Whitney Bank, LA

Grace M. Hanson, MNMr. and Mrs. Randyl C. Hanson, MOWilliam and Margo Harding, IDJames K. Hardy, WIMaury J. Harkins, CAHarper Family Charitable

Foundation, Inc., FLCurtis and Janice Harshaw, TXJohn and Lisa Haver, NECharles H. Heide, Sr. and

Kathryn H. Heide, WIHenry Crown and Company, ILHerregan Distributors, Inc., MNKenneth and Mary Herriges, MNHigh Level Speech & Hearing Center, LAGeorge and Geraldine Hill, FLLawrence P. Hillman, MDCalvin and Laurie Hinz, NEB. Paul Hirsch, TXPam S. Holewinski, NEJan and Rich Holloway, CARonald and Michele Howe, PAHumanities Nebraska, NERichard and Karen Hutchinson, SCIllinois Tool Works, ILIntrado, NEIrving and Elizabeth Jensen

Foundation, IAJ. A. Daley, III Foundation, CAJ. Milton and Nellie Hoffa Memorial

Foundation, FLJ. W. Johnson Family

Charitable Trust, AZJason and Elizabeth Jackson, CAMs. Vivianne J. Jacoby, NVIrving and Melissa Jensen, SDJet Mobile, NEThe Joseph G. Markoly

Foundation, Inc., FL

Dr. Lana Joseph-Ford, LAJP Morgan Chase Bank, DCJungerman Foundation for Justice, MOMr. and Mrs. Albert Kalzewski, OHSharon and Ted Keahiolalo, HIMrs. Thomas A. Kenny, FLBrad J. Kimler, MAFred and Constance Kjellgren, FLAndrew and Lorraine Kocik, UTMs. Carolyn G. Koehler, ILRoger Kolodzig Larry and Jean Kruse, IAL. A. Amundson Ohana Foundation, SDL. N. Ventures, Inc., TXLeonard and Esther Nowak Charitable

Family Foundation, NEWilliam and Ranmali Leone, TNLevy Foundation, ILMr. Stephen J. Lis, PADean E. Lynch, IAElise H. Lynch, ORMr. and Mrs. James Lyons, GADavid and Jan Madsen, NEMary Ann Mahoney, ILMr. John E. Malady, NJMr. Stan Maliszewski, AZMary Maniecki, PAJ. Andrew Mankie, TXManTech International

Corporation, VAMarie Crowley Foundation, MIShirley Martindell, PAMAXIMUS Foundation, VAMarlyn and Diane McClain, IAMs. Janet L. McCrory, INNicole and Shane McCullar, VADonald and Toni McCutcheon, NHGeorge S. McLarty, FL

Tim and Jill Meenan, FLMicrosoft Corporation, WAMilford Welding & Manufacturing, IAElaine D. Moczygemba, TXJack and Marilyn Mohan, MAMr. and Mrs. Joshua Morris, NEJames Morrow, FLMary Mortimer, NMSusan R. Moul, PARobert C. Mulhern, ILDean Nader and Valerie Starkey, OHNational Christian Foundation

Tampa Bay, FLMr. Charles W. Nobbe, MIMr. and Mrs. James K. Noble, GAThe Nordson Corporation

Foundation, OHPatricia A. Nowak, OHNV Energy Foundation, NVLarry and Elizabeth O’Brien, OHMarguerite A. O’Hara, NJOmaha Lancers, NEWilliam and Jean O’Neill, ILWalter J. Otis, MIMrs. Patricia P. Page, GAMrs. and Mr. Elizabeth P. Papez, VAParelius Insurance Services, CAParker Family Foundation, NEPaul & Pearl Caslow Foundation, ILJonathan Paul, CTMr. and Mrs. Jim Perrella, FLMargaret H. Petersen, GALarry and Teresa Pfeil, MNPfizer Foundation, TXMr. and Mrs. Stan T. Pietkiewicz, FLPooldale Farms, MDEric and Patricia Poppe, MIRichard and Cynthia Potter, MO


Nicholas A. Prioli, NJJanet Randolph, GASteen and Dahlia Rasmussen, CAKyle and Peg Reit, NERichard R. and Karen Bertrand

Charitable Fund, WIThe Ritter Charitable Trust, NVMr. and Mrs. Reginald W. Robbins, COThe Robert and Ann Kennedy Family

Foundation, FLMichael P. Rogan, VAOwen W. Rottschafer, FLFrank and Maxine Roush, MISAC Foundation, NEDr. Theodore and Katherine Sandall, CAMrs. Iris Sandberg, ILCarolyn S. Santantonio, WAMary Jane E. Scanlon, FLIrl W. Schiley, MNLarry and Fern Schreder, COSeegers Foundation, TXSeminole County Airboat Club, FLJohn L. Seufert, CAPam J. Shelbourn, NEMr. Larry H. Smead, CAMs. Linda L. Smith, KSMr. and Mrs. William Smith, MAMs. Marlene E. Sorenson, WIAlan and Suzie Squier, MDMr. and Mrs. Warren R. Staley, CALawrence and Barbara Strong, WAMr. and Mrs. Jack H. Struyk, Jr., NESumner Roy Kates Charitable Trust, MAIngrid Swenson, CAMadison M. Taliaferro, DDS, ARDr. and Mrs. John P. Thomas, Jr., WIRobert and Joan Tinklepaugh, NHT-Mobile Foundation, LA

Turner Construction Company, NYJames T. Van Diemen, CAVegas Golden Knights

Foundation, NVVerint Americas, Inc., NYVerizon Wireless, NVRichard and Mary Vogel, IAMr. and Mrs. George C. Wagner, MOWells Fargo Foundation, MNWestin Foods, NEWheelock Street Capital, MADana White, Jr. and Anne White, NVMr. and Mrs. Joseph Wortman, GARaymond D. Wottrich, TXMs. Margaret Zivelonghi, KSZuffa, LLC, NV

Stewards $2,500 – $4,999 Abe’s Trash Service, NEMr. and Mrs. Charles J. Adams, NYChristine D. Alexander, VAAlfred E. Tonti Trust, OHAmazonSmile Foundation, WAAmerica First Credit Union, UTAmerican Midwest Ballet, IABeverly A. Anderson, NVElizabeth A. Andresen, ILMr. and Mrs. Paul R. Andrys, IAMr. Roland J. Armstrong, NCArthur J. Fisher Fund, MARobert Ashton and

Susan Ashton-Lazaroae, VAMr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Avera, INMr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Backes, WI

Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, FL

Bank of America Charitable Foundation, NC

Mark E. Banks, USMC, Ret., FLChris and Patty Barkas, FLMrs. Betty J. Barnes, PADennis and Marilyn Barry, MAKevin W. Bartig, CAMr. Eugene J. Bauer, MNElaine T. Bautista, NVVinia B. Bennett, GAH. Louise Bernstone, NVArthur and Judy Ann Bert, MABill Paparis Donor Advised Fund Dan Billerbeck, NEJon and Judy Billesbach, CAMr. and Mrs. Thomas Bizzell, KYBlink Marketing, Inc., IAMr. and Mrs. Kenneth Boes, MODoyle and Diane Boese, PAMr. and Mrs. John A. Bolger, III, TNGerald M. Bonetto, CAMr. and Mrs. Raymond Boulanger, MAKevin and Kerri Ann Boyer, CORichard Brain and Janet Loughry, CATerry and Pamela Brannan, TXMr. and Mrs. John T. Brett, TXKathleen A. Brosnan, VADr. Jason and Mrs. Lisa Bruce, NEGreg A. Bruening, IARenita Buchanan, FLMark and Frances Buechler, TXMr. John B. Bullard, TXMr. and Mrs. Clyde T. Bullock, PAHeather Burke, CAMr. and Mrs. James A. Burridge, CO

Cornelia Byrnes Memorial Fund for Boys Town, TX

Mr. Henry F. Cachia, NYCairns Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Caldwell, FLSalvatore Cali, TXMr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Caligan, FLMr. Timothy J. Callan, CAMr. and Mrs. Jay Carlson, MOMrs. Robbie L. Carlton, CACarma Industrial Coatings, Inc., PACarol J. Adragna Family Foundation, NYJean and Margaret Carrica, NEPeter M. Carroll, MACathay Bank, NVLiana Catterton, ILCenterbridge Partners, LP, NYRoy and Beulah Chacon, CACharles Jacquin et Cie, Inc., PAChevron Corporation, TXJohn and Peggy Christensen, NE

Mary Click, AZCM’s Outdoor Solutions Group, NEPatricia Cody and James Miller, TNThe Columbus Foundation and

Affiliated Organizations, OHKent E. Cook, INMildred J. Cook, KSMr. Norton J. Cooper, PAWalter and Christina Corney, CAGayla D. Corrigan, ILCol. Joseph P. Corso, NCSharon Covey, IARobert L. Craig, OHBridget C. Cramer, COJess and Patricia Crane, COJohn A. Croud, MIJim and Mary Czyz, NERon and Geri Czyz, NEMs. Hazel P. Davenport, MODrs. Kurt and Mary Davey, NEDolores M. Davi, CA

“I remember the agony that we had with

the decisions that Holly was making, and

we really, really did not know what to do.

And Boys Town was just such a wonderful,

wonderful resource… a lifesaver.”— KIM


DC Tours and Transportation, DCDr. and Mrs. Raymond De Gatson, CODiamond A Towing, WYRobert and Patricia Doffing, TXMr. and Mrs. Charles T. Doidge, CADonald W. McIntosh Associates, Inc., FLMr. Sam Donato, NYGeorge L. Donnell, TXDoughty Valley Holsteins, LLC, OHJudy and Jeff Doussan, LALynnette Downs, VARobert E. Dunbar, PAJerry and Nancy Duncan, COMr. and Mrs. Robert G. Dunham, CAKenneth and Joanne Dunn, NCMr. Mike Durbin, NEMr. and Mrs. John T. Eagan, CAHerman Edds, KSMr. and Mrs. Kenneth Efferding, NEMichael and Debbie Eglseder, NEWilliam and Bertha England, PADiane M. Enloe, NEJason and Rhonda Espy, MOGertrude E. Evans, MAJohn A. Farnan, Jr., GAFather Harold Vieages

Charitable Trust, LAClaude Faulkner, DEElizabeth A. Felgar, MOThomas and Janet Ferlic, NEMr. John L. Fitzgerald Mr. William M. Fitzgerald, MASean and Cindy Fitzpatrick, PAJeffrey Flanagan and Tracey Giles-

Flanagan, NJFlorida Power & Light Company

– North Florida, FLMarie M. Forbes, FL

Mr. and Mrs. John N. Forte, VAMr. and Mrs. Craig Frahm, NEMr. and Mrs. Robert G. Freidenrich, NJMr. Millard L. Fretland, FLEdward Frey, Jr., NJDavid and Mindy Fuchs, MIJackie Full, ILThe Galloway Foundation, FLCharlene B. Ganzer, TNGary and Kathy Gates, NEMs. Bernadette Geraldi, ORMr. and Mrs. James A. Godfrey, WAMark and Shirl Gooch, OHGordon H. Dickinson & Co., Inc., PAPeter and Grace Gossel, NJTim and Brenda Graumann, NEGreat Plains Communications, LLC, NEMr. James F. Greene, TXEd Grellner, MOWilliam H. Grizel Ms. Missy Gunnels, FLMrs. Rita K. Haase, MIJoan A. Haddock, COHerb and Marian Hames, NEDorothy T. Hann, WVRobert E. Hanna, CAGabriele A. Hardin, TXHarrah’s New Orleans, LAHawking Financial Group, ILSuellen Hawking, ILMr. Robert E. Hedin, PABob Heeks and

Kathleen Murphy Heeks, CTMr. and Mrs. Donald L. Hernandez, LAMr. Edmund Hill, NJMarc J. Hock, NEHoke Maroon Foundation, FLRichard and Deborah Hollister, AZ

Honermann Brothers, SDRonald and Audrey Huiras, WIMr. and Mrs. Paul Huygens, NVHyVee - West Des Moines, IAIowa Western Community College, IATom and Bess Ison, GAJ.C. Kellogg Foundation Fund, NJMs. Cathy A. Jackson, GAErik Jaffe and Chris Mahoney, DCThe James and Geraldine Godfrey

Foundation, WAJames F. Greene Commercial Cattle, TXDavid and Ellen Japikse, MEJasperson Family Foundation, Inc., WIJill Schwartz & Associates, PA, FLJohnson and Johnson, NJEleanor N. Jordan, TNMr. John M. Jorgensen, NYThe Judith C. White Foundation, NYMichael and Sharon Kaulakis, WAMarie and Melvin Kay, CAMs. Patricia A. Kehoe, NYPhilip and Tamara Kerbs, CARichard and Mary Ketchum, NYMr. and Mrs. Robert N. Kindel, ORMrs. Stephen T. Kingsford, KSKingsfords, Inc., KSLillie K. Kinney, NCSFC Albert L. Kittle, USA, Ret., TXMrs. Leontine M. Klarich, CAKLM Foundation, CAEdward C. Kloppin, III, WAKoeller Nebeker Carlson Haluck, LLP, NVClair Kore, PAC. R. and Margaret Korten, FLDr. Peggy J. Kreshel, GAJoe and Barb Lamoureux, NELamson Dugan & Murray Law Firm, NE

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lanspa, NECheryl and Michael Larson, CALes and Phyllis Lawless, NEMr. and Mrs. Harrison F. Leamon, TNMs. Angela M. LeDay, TXNormand R. Ledoux, CAConnie Lees, CABarry and Susan Leibert, ALLenin, LLC, CALeon County Sheriff’s Office, FLDrs. Patrick and Kirsten Leu, NEBarbara Levinge, ALMr. and Mrs. Robert C. Lewis, OHGary Lightman, PALil & Julie Rosenberg Foundation, Inc., CTJohn and Donna Lipinski, SCFather Frank Lordemann, NDMaureen T. Luby, TXMr. and Mrs. Geoffrey R. Luchetta, CODrs. Michael and Mary Lee Lynch, MDMr. Patrick L. Maloney, INAmbrose F. Mantegani, TXMr. Richard Marqua, FLMs. Sharon C. Martenson, CAGreg and Anne Martin, FLMary E. Van Drew Charitable

Foundation, Inc., INMarilyn Matthews, CAEmory L. Mayfield, Sr. and Cathy

Mayfield, FLDr. Charles D. McAllister, MOMr. Patrick J. McGrane, NJMr. and Mrs. Bruce McKeag, NEDan and Sandra McKenzie, NCMr. and Mrs. John T. McLaughlin, Jr., TXMr. Ronald McLeod, ORKevin E. McMullen, ILJoseph D. Merrell, FL

Mr. Andy C. Messer, WARuth M. Michalets, WIJoe L. Miller, OHMatt and Mimi Miller, NETim J. Miller, OHMr. and Mrs. William E. Minerva, II, AKMissy Gunnels Flowers, FLMoessner Charitable Lead Annuity

Trust, NJMr. and Mrs. Chuck A. Monico, Jr., NEMr. Russell J. Morsheiser, OHMrs. Jean M. Mortensen, FLMountain State Hands On, Inc., WVMark Murphy, IANebraska Crossing Outlets, NENebraska Total Care, MOMr. Andrew G. Nelson, PAAlan Nemeth, FLNew Orleans City Council, LAMr. Henry C. Norris, TXBrian A. O’Brien, NCGreg Olavarria and

Tori Goldhammer, MDMr. Stephen H. Otis, OKMrs. Sandra D. Owen, TNMarian G. Owusu-Akyaw, OHMs. Stella A. Paganello, FLMr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Parker, GASharon Pedroncelli, NMJoann C. Peterson, WADonna B. Pfeiler, CAPhillips 66

Corporate Giving Program, TXDoug and Janice Pick, NEBarbara K. Pigott, AZRanell H. Pilch, FLPio Costa Foundation, NJWillard and Mary Ann Pitzner, MN


Mr. James G. Plackis, NYAnders S. Platou, MERandall S. Porter, TXWilliam and Norma Pretsch, FLProvince, NVJohn and DeLois Radke, IARalph J. Leuschke Trust, OHSteven and Judy Rasmussen, NECharley and Leslie Redding, FLMr. Myron P. Redmond, FLMr. John T. Reed, Sr., NEM. C. Reiff, WYMr. Johnny D. Reitinger, TXMr. Charles R. Reusing, VAMs. Barbara F. Ritenour, OHMrs. Julie A. Roberts, CAMr. Steven L. Robey, OHNancy M. Rodemann, IASherry M. Rose, CODaniel Rowland and

Patricia Colleton, NVRT Bigelow Charitable Institute, NVThe Rubel Family Foundation Kevin and Cristi Ryan, TXMr. Dan M. Sadovsky, CASaint Augustine Catholic Church, FLDr. John H. Sanders, Jr., INSBJ Resch Family Foundation, Inc., FLScheels, NESharon M. Schiefelbein, CAMark and Sandi Schmitt, WIStephen Schnakenberg, NJSusan Schreiber and Robert Bogan, NJJoseph L. Seidl, WIDr. William R. Seitter, AZSerendipity Garden Weddings, Inc., CAWilliam and Barbara Serpe, NYKateri T. Setser, OH

John and Barbara Shannon, GAMr. and Mrs. Boyd E. Sharp, Jr., WAMs. Rita Sherman, NJMr. Leonard L. Signeski, AZShirley B. Simpson, FLJohn Sinkular, MIRichard P. Sivicek, ILSleep Number - West Center, NEMs. Ann Smith, CAMrs. Anna M. Smith, MDGregory and Patricia Smith, WYPeter S. Smith, AZMr. Richard L. Smith, AZLawrence Smyrski, MIDorothy T. Sodano, NYFather John Sohm, ILCarla Soracco, CALinda E. Spadafora, PAPeggy Sperrico, CAMrs. Linda L. Spolar, WADianne Spooner, INRosario O. Spruell, CAStarlight Children’s Foundation, CAFlorian and Karen Steffen, FLLaurie Stevenson, KSDonald G. Stewart, TXRobert Stocker, TNBarbara A. Sullivan, NJSynergy Settlement Services, FLAndrew and Mary Szczawinski, ILMarlin R. Taylor, PADr. Travis and Wendy Teetor, NEMr. and Mrs. Frank Tewsley, CAMr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Thomas, LADr. and Mrs. Michael R. Thompson, NMRobert and Sandra Thompson, HIThrivent Choice, WITiberti Family Foundation, NV

Toys for Tots, NEToys for Tots, NVEllen M. Trebilcock, PRTregurtha Family Foundation, CTDr. Kathleen A. Trickle, NCJ.T. and Jan Trily, CAMr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Trinko, CAGene and Jimena True, TXDavid and Eileen Tura, FLTurner Construction Company, VAJames and Marsha Tuttle, NJUnited Healthcare Services, Inc., MNShirley A. Vallort, ILMr. and Mrs. William M. Valverde, MD, MSDavid and Joan Vigor, MIDennis and Barb Vollmer, NELyn B. Voorhees, KYPeter and Marilyn Voorhees, IAMr. and Mrs. Henry M. Wagner, III, CAJoyce E. Wagner, MIHelen J. Walter, WAMr. and Mrs. Darryl Washington, NEBrett and Kathy Wawers, NEWegworth Charitable Fund Sharon A. Wein, WIMike S. Wertz, CAMr. and Mrs. Rocky M. Westergard, IDMr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Westner, TNGeorge P. Whitman, GAJoseph H. Wilkens, PATyrone and Cathy Williams, NEDan and Teri Wolff, NENorvel “Lucky” Wood, DCGene Woodard, Sr., TXMrs. Merle C. Woyetz, CATrampis and Jonna Wrice, NERosalia T. Wright, AZRonald and Elizabeth Wrobel, PA

Jeffrey J. Wynne, PAJean Young, TNMr. and Mrs. Gary J. Zakrzewski, NEGeorge and Marlene Zoffel, WA

Friends $1,000 – $2,499

A–CA & J Cattle Company, NYA. A. Batarse Foundation, CAMs. Alma J. Abalos, TXMrs. Dana Abatemarco, NJMr. and Mrs. Danny L. Abbott, FLDr. Shahab F. Abdessalam, NEMs. Margaret E. Abenante, NCMrs. William J. Abendroth, WIRobbie and Tina Abercrombie, GAMr. Leon L. Abhold, WABarry Ackerman and

Jill Robb Ackerman, NEMrs. Diane K. Ackermann, NCMr. James N. Acree, TXActs 4:32-34 Foundation, NVAdams & Adams, Inc., NJDale and Helen Adams, SDDavid F. Adams, CAMr. Eugene Adams, CANorma G. Adams, ARRichard and Judy Adams, WIRobin J. Adams, MIMr. Walter E. Adams, NJDr. Mario Addabbo, MAMrs. Maria M. Aguilar, TX

Robenette M. Akers, ILMark and Donna Alarie, MAMr. Herbert M. Albert, MNFrank R. Albrecht, MNDavid and Megan Albright, IAAlden Philip Pearlstein

Family Foundation Larry and Gisela Aldrich, AKDon and Sharon Aldridge, CODr. and Mrs. Jorge M. Alegre, MOStan and Sally Alekna, PASister Patricia Alexander, VIAll American Meats, NEAllegiant Security Cameras, LLC, PAMrs. Luann K. Alleman, MNArthur M. Allen, MIMr. and Mrs. Billie O. Allen, Jr., OHBruce G. Allen, INMr. and Mrs. James R. Allen, CAMr. Richard A. Allen, COMr. Stephen R. Allen, CAMs. Suzanne M. Allen, IDPatricia A. Allison, CAMr. Richard D. Allison, OHAlly Financial, MIDavid Althaver and

Cheryl Woodside, NJEstes E. Altman, FLMr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Alvine, NEBeatrice D. Ambrosio Ron and Beth Amenta, TXThe American Center

for Philanthropy, MNAmerican Eagle Fire Protection

USA, Inc., TNAmerican National Bank, NEMrs. Dorothy Amidei, WAMr. and Mrs. Frank Amodeo, NJMs. Patricia A. Anders, CA


Beverly Anderson, NVJames M. Anderson, TXMs. Joan L. Anderson, WAJudith A. Anderson, CAMs. Lauren G. Anderson, FLMs. Lisa M. Anderson, MNMary Joy Anderson, NEPauline M. Anderson, MD, SCSsgt. Stephen A. Anderson,

USAF, Ret., NJMr. and Mrs. Mike S. Anderzack, OHMr. Fred W. Anding, AZFred and Sue Andre, NVMr. James M. Andreoli, CACatherine and David Andrews, FLMr. and Mrs. John V. Andrews, NCMr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Angel, OHFrank Angelo, PADavid and Joan Annanders, OKReza A. Ansari, CAMr. and Mrs. John Arch, NEMr. and Mrs. John Archer, KSMs. Jean C. Arena, FLMarilyn and Steve Arens, COJudy A. Armor, TXFlorence E. Armstrong, MAMs. Sara Arneson, MN

Patricia J. Arnold, MNArpin Charitable Trust, CTMs. Charlene A. Arrington, MDVirgil and Judith Arrowood, WIMr. Ronald G. Arrowsmith, FLMr. Martin J. Arroyo, COMr. and Mrs. Donald R. Arthur, KYJoyce B. Arvidson, CAMr. and Mrs. Terry R. Asbjornsen, WADick Asche Roger and Julie Ashbaugh, IAKenneth Ashby and

Laura Lopez Ashby, GAMr. Willis G. Ashby, COLee and Toni Askins, INMark and Donna Astemborski, WIPhyllis D. Astros, AZCrawford and Teresa Atkins, FLMark and Laura Atkins, COMr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Atkinson, CAMr. and Mrs. John K. Atkinson, COMs. Laura E. Atkinson, OHAttorney at Law Larson Building, WAMrs. Barbara Aubrey, PAMr. Edward J. Aucoin, MACharles W. Augat, MATerry L. Autry, TX

Avamere, ORMs. Marguerite W. Averett, FLMs. Betty J. Avery, VAMr. Richard J. Azar, GAMiss Diane Y. Azzolin, INB & T Industries, LLC, KSNancy S. Babcock, KSPat Bachrodt, ILMr. David G. Bacon, CPA, NMFaye H. Bagby, TXClaude E. Bagwell, FLMr. and Mrs. Jerry Bahnsen, MNJames Bailey, GAMr. Jerry L. Bailey, GAMs. Kathleen M. Bailey, TXPenny M. Bair, PABaird Holm, NEJohn D. Baker, KYMr. and Mrs. Roger F. Baker, AZMr. and Mrs. W. A. Baker, Jr., TXDrs. Lodovico and

Claudia B. Balducci, FLMrs. Elizabeth A. Balestrieri, VAMr. Paul J. Balfe, WIMr. George C. Balzereit, FLJim A. Banker, CAMs. Susan J. Bany, ARMr. and Mrs. Donald V. Baptist, UTRobert L. Barbre, OKMr. and Mrs. Walter W. Bardenwerper, NHMr. Ronald T. Barganier, ALMrs. Lydia X. Bargiuk, NJShirley A. Barlow, OHBarnard Construction Co., Inc., MTTimothy Barnard, MTDeacon David and Sandy Barnes, MDMr. James R. Barnett, OKMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Barnhardt, III, NC

Wayne Baron and Kathleen Biasotti, CAPatrizia A. Barone, NJLynn E. Barr, CADr. Reginald E. Barr, AZEleanor A. Barrett, CARobert and Betinna Barrett, FLMr. and Mrs. Chris Barrilleaux, LADr. David M. Barron, MD, TNMr. James R. Barrons, Jr., AZWilliam and Faye Barth, MONadia Bartlam, CAMrs. Marie Bartnick, MDDave and Donna Barton, KSMr. and Mrs. Edward J. Bartosiewicz, NYEdward W. Basaraba, ORMr. Edwin J. Basinski, Sr., WIDr. Craig A. Bassett, NERosemary V. Bates, MEMr. and Mrs. Robert Batt, CAMr. Anthony Battaglia, Sr., PAMs. Diane Battaglia-Dillon, CAR. W. Batten, AZColden and Patricia Battey, SCWayne H. Bauman, CAGeorge A. Baumann, FLMr. Timothy G. Baumgartner, ORColonel Ernest B. Beall, Jr.,

USMC, Ret., NCMrs. Marilyn P. Beaman, AZJohn J. Beaty, CAMr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Beaudoin, CAMr. and Mrs. Leo R. Beck, INMr. and Mrs. Dale H. Becker, TXMs. Anna M. Beebe, NCMr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Beer, OHDorr B. Begnal, MAMr. and Mrs. William J. Behrendt, NEMs. Jana D. Belansen, NJ

Steven and Toni Belko, CALoretta O. Bell, CAMrs. Maria A. Bellamy, CABellevue University, NEMr. Richard J. Belongia, WIKasey D. Beltz, KSMr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Bender, OHMr. Steven M. Benner, OHMr. and Mrs. Brad S. Benners, FLBenners Contracting, Inc., FLDeborah Anne Bennett, MSMrs. Mary A. Bennett, CAMr. Norman Bennicuff, ARMr. Burton A. Benson, Sr., MNMrs. Regina B. Bereswill, FLMr. Stanton O. Berg, MNMr. John H. Berge, IDMr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bergin, MOAugust Bergman, MD,

in loving memory of my mother, Elizabeth C. Bergman, AZ

Ms. Lou Ann Berlin, COMr. Timothy E. Bermingham, NYFather Michael B. Berner, IAMary A. Bernicke, OHMr. and Mrs. Jack Bernstein, SDMr. and Mrs. Harold G. Bernthal, ILMs. Georgia K. Berry Gray, CACol. and Mrs. Frank Bertagnolli, Ret., TXMr. Robert C. Berthe, CAMr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Besly, TXJim and Julie Bettinger, FLMr. Michael A. Bettinzoli, WATeresa F. Betz, MDMr. and Mrs. Craig A. Beutel, INRenate M. BeVard, NYWilliam J. Beverly, CAFrank and Marie Bevilacqua, OH

“Before I came to Boys Town, I didn’t know

what a family was.”— SHANTE


Dr. Stephen Beyer, TXMr. and Mrs. James L. Bezie, WIHenri D. Bezy, FLKankan and Samina Bhattacharyya, NJBhulabhai N. Patel Charitable Fund, GAMr. and Mrs. William B. Bianchi, ORKathryn A. Bickel, WIBiedenbach Logging, OHMr. and Mrs. John J. Biedenbach, OHBigelow Investment Co. Two, NVBill & Jean Maloney Charitable Fund Bill Lowery Foundation, Inc., GAThe Billy J. and Jeane S. Martin

Foundation, SCMr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Birck, AZMr. Calvin G. Birdsall, III, VAFr. Robert F. Birmingham, FLAnn Black, GAJoseph T. Black, CAMr. and Mrs. Lamar L. Black, GAMr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Black, COMr. Robert M. Blais, MASuzanne B. Blakeman, MINancy S. Blaker, INPatti L. Blanchette, FLSteven J. Blank, MTBobbie T. Blankenship, COMr. and Mrs. David E. Blanton, TXGeorge R. Blevins, VAVonna N. Bley, ILMorris W. Blick, CADavid L. Blisk, VAMs. Mary A. Bloebaum, CAMr. and Mrs. Robert Bloechle, NEDr. William D. Blohm, DVM, IASusan H. Blomberg, CABlue Cross and Blue Shield of

Louisiana Foundation, LA

Mr. Robert Blum, NYMr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Blum, SDDonald and Maria Blume, CABNSF Railway Foundation, TXDr. and Mrs. Mark W. Boback, MNMrs. Mary Ann Boczkowski, NYMary Jane Boes, NEFather Steven E. Boes, NEMr. and Mrs. Robert P. Bogetti, ORPhyllis A. Boggess, COMr. Robert P. Bogle, NJMr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Boileau, CAKathleen and John Boland, CAMr. and Mrs. Mark L. Bolton, KSMs. Marie Bonazinga, NYMr. David A. Bond, MAMr. and Mrs. Richard L. Bondurant, ORCarolyn Bonkoski, PAMr. George R. Bonnett, AKMr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Boone, KSPatrick and Judy Booth, NELorraine M. Bork-Rose, MIWilliam Bornander, NYBabe C. Bornhofer, WIMs. Kathleen Boryla-Payne, TNJoanne M. Bottum, WIMs. Janet D. Bouvier, MDDonald E. Bowen, NCMs. Martha C. Bowen, NCSally W. Bowler, SCGeorgia R. Bowles, WADr. A. Bowling, OHMs. Nancy Boyes, ARJohn P. Boyne, MEMs. Catherine O. Bozic, ILMr. and Mrs. Roger W. Brack, MNMr. and Mrs. Jon C. Bradford, TXMary P. Bradley, TX

Susie Q. Bradley, COColin and Norma Brady, MOLindsey Brake Mr. and Mrs. Randy P. Branco, CAMr. and Mrs. Michael Brandon, ORAllison M. Brandt, TXAnna J. Brann, CAMr. and Mrs. Robert D. Branson, INMrs. Zelma Braswell, OKPatricia R. Bratton, MOMr. and Mrs. John C. Braune, MDAndrew and Linda Brearley, AZPhyllis Bredice, MDJosefina Breen, CARoberta R. Brenman, NYMr. John J. Brennan, ILMs. Karen A. Brennan, NYMr. and Mrs. Leo W. Brennan, CAMr. Patrick B. Brennan, CAMr. Thomas D. Brennan, PAAnna Brenner, NJEdward and Janice Brent, OHMr. James L. Brewer, MAMs. Roberta Brewster, AZMr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Bridleman, CAMr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Briggs, CAMr. Maurice W. Briggs, MIBrigham Hill Foundation, MAMr. Nick Brizendine, TXBarbara J. Brock, OHMr. and Mrs. Scott A. Brock, FLMrs. Cathy S. Brockmeier, FLMs. Maxine M. Brookhart, GAMr. Gene W. Brose, NDMr. Richard L. Brosius, PAPam R. Brossman, CABrother’s Mechanical, Inc., VADr. and Mrs. Alan W. Brown, DMD, GA

Alice B. Brown, MSDavid N. Brown, WADoris G. Brown, CAMrs. Esther J. Brown, GAKeith Brown and Cheryle Watson, IDMartha A. Brown, MIMs. Martha M. Brown, NMMrs. Thomas P. Brown, MDDr. and Mrs. Thomas Browne, INBrowns Medical Imaging, NEPeter W. Brubaker, CAMr. Harold K. Brundage, FLMr. William G. Bruner, NVBruno Family Fund, FLHelen A. Brusco, MAOk Chon Bruun, WAAndy M. Bryant, ALJames H. Bryant, Jr., CARichard F. Bryant, WARonnie Bryant, LAJoanne L. Bryer, MIJohn W. Buchanan, NCMr. Shawn P. Buchanan, UTMr. and Mrs. John E. Buchner, VAMs. Connie D. Buckley, VAKevin and Silvia Buckley, NVMr. and Mrs. Stephen Buckley, KSMr. William L. Buckley, Jr., FLThomas H. Buda, NJVernie T. Buerkle, OHMr. Donald L. Buettner, NEMrs. Marcelyn M. Buford, CAGregory G. Buie, OKMr. and Mrs. Cliff E. Buller, LADelores R. Buller, CARebecca Bunge, TXAlice Bunker, WIMr. and Mrs. Thomas I. Burenga, IL

Dolores A. Burger, COMs. Karen Burkart, OHMr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Burke, GASean G. Burke, MEMr. Steven M. Burnley, VAFred A. Burns, KYLeighton R. Burns, NYMr. William F. Burns, MAPatricia J. Burt, OKJoe and Sandy Bushman, AZGary and Kathy Bussing, KSMr. John C. Bussolin, NYButch and Ruth Walker Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Butek, WIGlenn Butler, VAGary Butson, FLKenneth and Evelyn Byerly, INMs. Alicia Caballero, TXMrs. Mary A. Cabela, NEMr. and Mrs. Rich J. Cabela, NEMs. Loriane W. Cabell, PARichard H. Cady, MNMs. Elizabeth H. Cain, SCWilliam and Rebecca Cairns, ILMr. and Mrs. John E. Cakebread, CAMr. Charles B. Caldwell, CAMr. Joseph Callahan, CAMary A. Callaway Mary A. Callinan, CADon Calvert, COIngeborg A. Camacho, CAMs. Rose A. Cambio, FLMr. and Mrs. Donald W. Campbell, FLMr. John E. Campbell, MNFather Louis J. Campbell, TXMichael and Cynthia Campbell, WAMr. and Mrs. Michael W. Campbell, OH


The Campisi Family Foundation, Inc., FL

Mr. Lionel B. Campos, NEMr. Louis Canessa, CALoretta V. Cangialosi, FLRita J. Canning, ILMs. Nancy M. Cannington, GACapital Building & Design, Inc., MACapital Eurocars, FLMr. Roger W. Cappello, FLDr. Jerry Carle, DDS, FLMrs. Nancy K. Carlson, MIMr. and Mrs. Richard D. Carlson, CAStephen and Susan Carlson, INAngela M. Carlucci, CTCarmelite Monastery, PADenise L. Carmody, CAMs. Elfriede Z. Carney, MDCarol and Ned Spieker Fund Mike and Cathy Carotta, NEMr. and Mrs. William P. Carpenter, NVMr. and Mrs. Robert R. Carpignano, CAMichael Carr, MIDanny and Rita Carrier, IADoris M. Carrier, MIPeter and Gail Carriero, CTDr. Jack W. Carter, GAMs. Kay M. Casab, NYJoan Casal, FLColonel and Mrs. Conwill R. Casey,

USMC, Ret., VAMr. Donald M. Casey, VAJohn and Kathy Casey, TXKen and Lisa Cashin, FLSusan M. Casper, WIWade and Maxine Cassidy, ILMr. Don M. Casto, III, FLRichard and Lisa Cederoth, IL

Central States Health & Life Co. of Omaha, NE

Mr. Joseph Cernik, MIMaurice J. Cersovsky, KSMr. and Mrs. Raoul M. Chacon, CAMr. and Mrs. Andrew Chagnon, MAMr. and Mrs. James R. Chambers, WAMr. Cory L. Chandler, NESamuel A. Chandra, MOMr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Chang, VAStephen and Vivienne Chang, CAHarvey and Roberta Chaplin, FLMr. Lionel Chapman, NYRita B. Chappel, PAMr. and Mrs. Mladen K. Chargin, NVMr. and Mrs. David W. Charles, CAMr. and Mrs. Richard E. Chase, TNMs. Helen Chathas, ILMr. Frank L. Chavez, NMMrs. Judy L. Chavis, INPete L. Check, VACindy Chen, NJRandall and Nancy Chenevey, NMMr. and Mrs. Sheldon A. Chernov, AZLouis and Aliza Chertkow, CAChild’s Play Charity, WABarbara K. Chmura, MIMr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chovan, WIDarrell M. Christensen, MNJoe and Patty Christenson, CAMr. and Mrs. William Christley, TXLin Chu, CAJohn and Kathryn Ciechoski, AZMr. and Mrs. James G. Ciesliga, MIPeter E. Cirnigliaro, FLCity Gate, DCCity of Omaha, NEMr. and Mrs. Steve Clabaugh, NE

Sandra J. Cladianos, NVJoAnn T. Clarey, M.Ed., LAClark Interim Trust, MOArlene E. Clark, ORArthur L. Clark, ILMr. Michael A. Clark, TXMichael A. Clark, MNMr. and Mrs. John Clarke, NJMr. and Mrs. John J. Cleary, TXMs. Beverly M. Clemens, KSClifford L. Knight Foundation, OKMr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Clifford, NYCline Williams Wright Johnson &

Oldfather, LLP, NEChris J. Cloutier, MEPhilip and Betty Anne Coady, WAMr. Charles R. Coakley, AZMr. and Mrs. P. Darden Cobb, GACochlear Americas, COVivian L. Cody, OKMr. Peter H. Cohan, TNCol. Robert A. Colella, VAMr. James A. Collier, MNMr. Alfred G. Colling, MNMs. Marjorie L. Collins, TNMs. Patricia L. Collins, VAThe Colorado Trust, COMr. and Mrs. Frank Colosimo, Jr., PAS. Carol and Loyd Colson, OKColumbia Sportswear, NEBarbara A. Colvin, ILJ. Comino, CAThe Community Foundation

Martin - St. Lucie, FLCommunity Foundation of Greater

Huntsville, ALM. R. Compton, FLCol. and Mrs. Bernis B. Conatser, USMC,

Ret., NC

Mr. Harold W. Condie, NJMs. Nancy E. Condry, WVJerry R. Cone, NMMr. and Mrs. Candido J. Coniglio, Sr., FLMr. Daniel P. Connealy, KSLavinia Connors, RIMr. and Mrs. Richard L. Connors, MAMr. and Mrs. Dwight S. Conover, IAHarold and Ann Conrad, TXConstitution Cable Products, Inc., CTMr. Terry C. Converse, WIMr. and Mrs. Ambrose F. Cook, Jr., NCGrace C. Cook, MOGreg T. Cook Mr. and Mrs. James F. Cook, GAKenneth J. Cook, AZMr. and Mrs. David J. Cooper, FLWilliam and Marie Cooper, NJLaura B. Copeland, TXDonald and Bev Copoulos, AZMs. Cecilia Cordeiro, NJMr. Robert A. Corr, II, CAMr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Correa, WARobert and Rhea Corrion, FLCorymore Foundation, CAP. E. Cosby, VAMr. and Mrs. James R. Costello, ILPatrick J. Costello, AZAmy Costin, FLJames A. Cote, MTMr. Robert Coufal, NCJoan M. Coughlan, NJRonald and Rosemary Coulter, CAJames P. Cowles, WADouglas R. Cox, MDMrs. Jeanne R. Cox, ARDrs. Jose and Susanna Coy, MDMr. and Mrs. Woody S. Cozart, NC

Crabapple Community Church, PAMr. and Mrs. Russ J. Craigmile, MNMr. Robert E. Cratsley, OKMr. Edward W. Crawford, MNNancy and Greg Crawford, NEMr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Creamer, RIMr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Creech, MOMr. and Mrs. Perry B. Cregan, MDMr. and Mrs. Charles A. Creighton, NCMr. and Mrs. Henry A. Crews, FLMr. John C. Cribari, MIMr. Louis R. Criez, WALouise Crispell, NYMr. Barry Croce, NYGary Z. Crocker, KSDonald Crockett, TXJanice A. Cronenwett, TXEarl J. Cronin, LAMr. Michael J. Cronin, MAMr. Joe P. Crookham, IAPaula J. Croon, NEMrs. Betty T. Crouch, VAAngelo and Kim Crowell, FLMr. Daniel M. Crowley, ILMr. Frank Crowley, NJMr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Cruickshank, MICS Donors Fund G. Janette Cuddy, PAMr. James J. Culp, OKMrs. Millie M. Cunningham, TNRobert and Sharon Cunningham, GAMrs. Shirley A. Curley, MIThomas C. Curran Ms. Clara K. Curtis, TNDon M. Custer, NCMr. George Cyr, MDMr. and Mrs. Richard A. Czaplewski, ILMr. and Mrs. Robert Czekaj, NJ


D–FD. A. Davidson & Co., NELoretta B. Dabill, ORBernice M. Dadan, MIGail S. D’Addario, NYMary R. Dahl, MNMrs. Denise L. Dahlgren, ORMr. William R. Dail, FLMs. Marilyn M. Dale, CAMary E. Damewood, OKMr. John Dane, III, MSMr. Robert C. Daniels, Jr., MSMr. and Mrs. Walter C. Daniels, OHMr. and Mrs. Walter R. Daniels, ORPatricia L. Dardis, KSBatilde Dargis, FLMrs. Howard Daschbach, CADataVizion, NEMr. and Mrs. Gary H. Daubersmith, IDMrs. Carmen M. Davenport, IADave’s Auto Body Co., NEDavid & Jacqueline Simon Charitable

Foundation, INDavid Wheeler Memorial, MTBardee B. Davidson, ALAlma and Gwenn Davis, AZAlthea M. Davis, NCMs. Iris C. Davis, TXMr. and Mrs. James W. Davis, OHMs. Judy B. Davis, ARMs. Lorraine M. Davis, IAMr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Davis, TXSally J. Davis, OHSteve Davis, TXRandy and Cindy Davis-Mumma, NCMs. Penny A. Dawson, TNMr. and Mrs. Phillip G. Dawson, MI

Alan L. Day, ORJames and Jean Day, WVMr. Neil D. De Bruin, FLMs. Joan De Freitas Gellman, NYFaith Imogene Deal, OHBarbara Dean, MIBrenda F. Dean, VAMr. Ronald T. Dean, ILElouise H. DeAngelis, NJCharles and Marie DeBenedittis, NYMr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Decker, OHSuzanne R. Decker, IDDelbert Dees, CAMs. Kim Deffenbaugh, FLCarmen J. DeFillipps, NJMr. George W. DeJoseph, PAMrs. Sandra F. Delaria, OHMr. James D. Delelio, COMrs. Felix DeLeo, FLMs. Linda M. Deleskiewicz, NYMr. Richard Deloach, VAMr. and Mrs. Edward L. Delorme, CTJoseph J. DeLuca, NJMs. Mary L. Delucia, GAPatricia M. Deluke, VATheresa DeMarco, NCMrs. LuElla M. DeMenge, MNRoddy Dement, TXGraham N. Demont, FLMrs. Lucille F. DeMoor, COEric and Leslee Dendorfer, COBill and Peggy Denk, MDThe Dennis and Barbara Marion Family

Charitable Foundation, NJLowell and Francyen Denton, ILNancy J. Dermody, MIAnne Deschenes, CAMs. Carolyn L. Deuitch, IN

Terry L. Devlin, COMs. Ruth I. Dewey, WAMary J. DeWolf, NHBetty S. Dezauche, ALMs. Gloria M. Di Sanza, AZMr. Daniel Dibben, NEMr. Joseph M. Dibert, FLDick and Sharon Spaen Family Fund,

MNDr. and Mrs. Elwin L. Dickerson, III, PAJohn P. Didier, ILMs. Maryrose DiDomenico, MAJack and Terri Diesing, NEThomas and Laura Dietsche, MIMichael J. Digirolamo, FLJoellen P. Dillard, UTMr. and Mrs. Max M. Dillard, TXJoseph A. Dinarello, MAMr. Robert R. Dinneweth, AZMr. Guy DiPaolo, PABethany DiPetrillo, RIMr. and Mrs. Edward G. Disselkamp, VAMrs. Jacqueline Dixon, PAMr. Orval L. Dobson, VAMarjorie A. Dodson, GADeborah Doe, WYMs. Phoebe Doering, PAPatricia J. Dokman, ILBarbara Dompe, AZDon Allen Foundation, Inc., FLDon and O’Marie Harvey Charitable

Fund at East Texas Communities Foundation, TX

Don and Susan Faint Fund, ALMr. and Mrs. Robert E. Donahue, NJFrank A. Donato, MAMark L. Dorbin, FLLaverne W. Dorn, GA

Dorothy D. & John C. Fitterer Foundation, NJ

David W. Dorsey, OHCharlene S. Dory, NVDr. Phillip B. Doudna, DC, OHMr. and Mrs. Jack M. Dougherty, IAMrs. Jeannine L. Douglass, TNMs. Anne F. Doussan and Dr. Jason

Chiang, LADavid and Fleur Dowell, TNJ. Neil and Doris Downing, MSMr. and Mrs. Laurie Dozier, III, FLMs. Emily M. Drake, PAMs. Patricia Dresley, RN, MAMr. and Mrs. George W. Drewry, Jr., TXDennis and Karen Du Bois, ILPierre Duboc, AKMrs. Dolores D. Dudley, OHDue Fratelli, LLP, NEMs. Elizabeth A. Duffy, MEMrs. Elizabeth M. Duffy, ILDavid A. Dugan, FLLawrence A. Duke, ILSgt. Maj. Harold A. Dulude, CAJohn and Vera Dunagan, OHKathleen Dunbar Mrs. Nancy S. Duncan, ORMary D. Duncklee, IAMs. Martha Dunham, MAMs. Margaret M. Dunleavy, NYMrs. Erma J. Dunn, OKMr. James W. Dunn, MDMr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Dunn, CADunn’s Floor Covering, Inc., MDMr. Thomas N. Duong, CADr. and Mrs. Robert E. Durnin, CAMrs. Patricia K. Durstin, PARobert C. Duthie, NY

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Dzurik, CPA, PAMrs. Phyllis Earnheart, MOEastside Automotive, Inc., MSMary E. Eaton, WIMr. and Mrs. Michael C. Eberhardt, TXRev. Douglas A. Ebert, MNJames G. Ebert, NVMs. Virginia M. Ebey, CAPaul and Bettie Eck, KSMr. and Mrs. William E. Eckert, Jr., RIEd and Charlotte L. Ellis Giving Fund Jean L. Edes, FLEdge Natural Resources, TXCol. Carol L. Edgington, OHThe Edward J. Fletcher Foundation, MIMr. Andrew C. Edwards, Extron

Electronics, CAHarold S. Effert, AZMs. Mary J. Egbers, OHMr. Donald J. Eich, MNVictor and Nancy Eichorn, NY

“At Boys Town,

I learned that it is

ok to not be

okay. Healing

takes time.” — TIGHE


Ms. Rosalie M. Eiler, ILJohn E. Eisenbacher, IAMr. Lou F. Eisenbarth and

Mrs. Nadine C. Eisenbarth, KSRichard and Janet Ekstrom, NEMr. and Mrs. Harry W. Elbirn, NJEleven Twenty Seven Foundation, CATimothy Elia, PARebecca Elias-Craig, OHGloria R. Ellis, WAMr. John R. Ellis, Jr. and Mrs. Barbara

Ellis, LAMr. John Elmer, CADorothy A. Elsner, GACalvin W. Elston, SCElaine I. Ely, FLElaine T. Emrick, PAMs. Katharina Engel, NYMr. Lloyd G. English, CAJean L. Eno, FLMr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Enos, CA

Ms. Maria A. Enrione, NVRobert and Connie Erickson, WIMrs. Brenda L. Esper, MIMr. and Mrs. Leslie V. Esposito, CACharles and Jan Espy, IAMarjory A. Essex, GARobert and Sherry Essig, MTMrs. Constance L. Estes, AZMarvin and Mary Estes, ARNancy E. Estes, FLMr. and Mrs. Norman W. Estes, INPenny C. Estrela, AZEstrela’s Battery Services, LLC, AZRon and Mary Kay Evanko, CAMr. and Mrs. David M. Evans, MIMr. and Mrs. Kelly A. Evans, NVLinda Evans, ORRonald L. Evans, OHMr. and Mrs. Steve M. Evans, TXDonald Everett, CAElaine C. Everson, MN

Exelon Corporation, ILMr. Bill E. Exworthy, WAMs. Alicia Eyherabide, CAMs. Dorothy J. Ezzell, TXMs. Frances Fairchild, LAFaith Outreach Church, TNArthur and Deborah Falcone, FLLawrence M. Fallat, DPM, MIMr. and Mrs. Robert S. Falsone, VAAl and Jo Ann Fargnoli, NYMary E. Faria, MALelia and David Farr, MOElaine Farrell and Jason Birnholz, FLMs. Marilyn J. Farrer, NEFarris Engineering, Inc., NEMs. Audrey L. Farris, NEMargaret R. Farris, FLMarvel J. Fauquier, MNMr. and Mrs. David Feavel, TXMr. Ronald A. Feddock, OHShirley Feinberg, CA

Joseph and Bernadette Feiten, COTony and Jimenez Fely, CAJames Carter Fenton, WAMr. and Mrs. Jay D. Fenton, MSAnne Ferguson, MOMr. Michael T. Ferneding, AZJeffrey Ferrill, VARalph L. Ferro, AZRandy L. Fielding, OHDavid and Ruth Ann Figlestahler, GAMr. and Mrs. Roger Fike, MDMs. Daniela Filip, CATraci Finch, NEWilliam S. Finch, NJMr. Thomas A. Findlay, PAMr. Thomas B. Finn, NJFirst Book, DCFirst Westroads Bank, NEMs. Dorothy V. Fischer, FLMiss Marianne Fischer, TXMarilyn L. Fischer-Plowman, CAMarilyn M. Fischer, WAAaron and Jil Fisher, NEMs. Carole L. Fisher, MNMr. Robert Fisk, MEStephen Fitzer and Patti Marinelli, SCMr. James J. Fitzgerald, MALee Fitzgerald, MAJames M. Fitzpatrick, FLMr. and Mrs. Ronald Fizer, VAFKA Leasing, LLC, MIJames F. Flaherty, NYJohn W. Flanagan, CAMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Flanagan, PAMs. Kathleen Flanigan Grant, TXMr. and Mrs. Allen W. Fleming, Jr., GAMr. and Mrs. James R. Fleming, CAMs. Wendy Fleming, VA

Matt L. Flinn, III and Martha A. Flinn, NEMr. and Mrs. T. J. Flocco, Jr., NJScott K. Flood, NVFlorida Blue Foundation, FLWalter F. Floser, CAMr. and Mrs. Todd A. Foje, NEMr. and Mrs. Donald A. Foley, CAMr. Walter T. Foley, NYFollis Family FundShirlee A. Fonda, CAJanet C. Forbes, SCMr. and Mrs. Albert G. Forcucci, IAFord Foundation, NJAndrew P. Ford, WAMs. Cheryl Ford, FLMr. William D. Forington, CODr. Linden Fornoff, NEDr. Sheila Forsman-Bierman, NEMr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Foster, IAMs. Joan D. Foster, WAFour Oaks Community Church, FLMr. H. K. Fowler, OHMs. Arleene Fox Keller, OHMs. Clarine P. Fox, KSMr. and Mrs. John D. Fox, NEMrs. Margaret A. Fracassi, ILAugust Franchini, Jr., GAMr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Franks, ARMrs. Karen E. Frazier, OKFred Burns Builder, LLC, KYFaith L. Free, COMs. Velma L. Freeburg, OKMs. Maryann Frehes, MOMs. Barbara J. Freriks, NYJean A. Frese, FLMr. Bill Frey, INWilliam and Sheree Frey, PAMrs. Diane P. Frickey, KS

“Before Boys Town, I started making decisions that were really un-

healthy and dangerous for me. My parents needed help. We both

needed to make a lot of changes. And I don’t know if we were

willing to do that until I came to Boys Town.” — HAILEY


Bob Friedrich, ORMr. and Mrs. Ervin E. Friend, CAMr. and Mrs. Jay Frisbie, NEPhilip D. Frisk, COMr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Frohberg, NEBeverly J. Fry, MNMargaret S. Fuchs, NYStephen and Myra Fuguet, MDMs. Christine E. Fulkerson, CAMr. and Mrs. Gary A. Fuller, NVMr. Richard Fults, NYMr. Stephen S. Fruse, III, GAHaydn and Angie Fusia, GAJeff Fusselman, NE

G–JG. F. Frank & Sons, Inc., OHMs. Amy Gabriel, DCRichard and Fran Gabrielson, COMr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gaff, Jr., INMr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Gaffey, FLMark and Sherry Galambus, INMr. Kelley M. Gale, CAMr. and Mrs. Walter E. Galetti, AKMr. Joseph A. Gallagher, OKPatricia M. Gallagher, TXMrs. Rita K. Gallagher, IAMr. and Mrs. Guadalupe L. Galvan, ILRoberta A. Gancarz, NYMr. and Mrs. John D. Gannett, Jr., MAHarvey and Cheryl Ganske, WIMike Garcia, NCMr. and Mrs. Joel D. Gardberg, FLMae Otha Gardner, MSJohn “Buzz” Garlock and RBC Wealth

Management, MN

Giby Garnier, PADr. John J. Garrett, MD, MOMr. Robert C. Garrett, CASusan A. Garrett, AKDr. and Mrs. N. A. Garrison, FLRaymond J. Gartner, NEH. E. Garvin, GAMr. and Mrs. Sebastiano Gattoni-Celli, NJMr. Jean G. Gaulin, Jr., NYMr. and Mrs. John S. Gawron, NCMr. and Mrs. Ken S. Gayer, MDVernon and Nancy Gayne, FLMr. Walter J. Gdowski, INMr. Daniel L. Gee, COBruce W. Geiger, OHDebi A. Geiger, CAReverend Jude Geilenkirchen, COHans E. Geisler, MD, INTheodore J. Geitner, Jr., PAGeorge H. Gelsebach, CAMr. Frederick L. Genther, ILMr. and Mrs. David Geraghty, ILLoren O. Gerber, MIMr. and Mrs. William C. Gerhart, FLMr. and Mrs. Gary Geringer, Jr., KSThe Gerson Family Foundation, KSGGE Foundation, Inc., CAMr. and Mrs. Avinash G. Ghanekar, CAThomas and Cindy Gherini, CABarbara F. Giddens, GAMary L. Giddens, FLBill and Sharon Giesey, FLChristopher P. Gieske, MIAnthony J. Giglio, FLDwight and Judith Gilkeson, WVMs. Rachel M. Gill, MIJohn and Marty Gillin, GAMr. and Mrs. Jack B. Gilmore, WV

Ms. Barbara J. Gingrich, NCRobert G. Ginnigan, ILMs. Mary J. Giolzetti, CAMs. Virginia A. Giustini, WVJames and Betty Giusto, CAJonathan F. Glaefke, CODessa Glasser, FLGlenn “Red” Whaley Real Estate, TXRudy L. Glismann, AZMs. Jeanette T. Gloudeman, CAMs. Alicia Glowacki, FLMr. and Mrs. Richard W. Glueckert, WIMr. and Mrs. Frank M. Gobright, IV, MIMs. Denise M. Godin, MIMr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Godovchik, PAThe Goldie Anna Charitable Trust, NYMr. Leo J. Gonzales, ILBob S. Goodman, OHJim and Janet Goodman, NEMr. and Mrs. Murray H. Goodman, FLMs. Martha Goodpasture, TNMr. Bruce Goodwin, MDMs. Louise P. Googins, WIMs. Elizabeth V. Gorman, CTDeacon and Mrs. James J. Gorman, MDBill and Sherry Goucher, MOMr. and Mrs. Rick L. Graber, NMGrace and Li Yu Family Foundation, CAMr. Leonard S. Gradowski, MDJoseph M. Grady, ILJudith Grady, WIVincent and Yvonne Grainer, MIGerald and Sally Grall, WIJosephine P. Granat, ILRobert J. Grandel, OHRichard Gransee, MNMr. and Mrs. Howard A. Grant, SCLorna D. Grant, NY

Mr. Timothy J. Grau, COMr. and Mrs. William H. Graves, NERonald J. Gray, GANolan S. Greak, TXGreat Western Bank, NEGreater Cincinnati Foundation, OHGrecoCarol A. Green, CAMr. and Mrs. Gary A. Green, FLMr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Green, TXCheryl Greene, VACharles E. Greer, OKMr. James E. Greer, AZMr. Philip G. Griffin, ORMs. Barbara H. Grocki, NYRalph H. Grode, SDMr. James Grover, OHGrowth Strategies, LLC, NEMs. Linda Grundy, MIDavid and Sheila Grusenmeyer, OHMarge M. Grzywaczewski, NYMr. and Mrs. Eduardo M. Guerra, FLMarilyn A. Guest-Harris, MAMs. Patricia Guimes, NJMr. Frank Gulotta, NYMr. David N. Gumm, OHMargo J. Gunther, OHBarbara Gurtler, ILL. T. Gusler, FLMrs. Nancy F. Guth, PAMr. and Mrs. Sidney M. Gutierrez, NMMs. Joanne J. Haakinson, IAMr. and Mrs. Frank D. Haas, TNShirley Hacker, MNMs. Betty L. Haffner, ILMr. and Mrs. John P. Hagan, FLMr. David P. Hagen, FLMs. Janice A. Hages, MI

Eileen Haggerty, MDMs. Phyllis A. Hagie, TXMr. Wayne P. Hall, NJMs. Marian Halleck, OKMr. John C. Haller, NYJeanne Hall-Herrmann, WAMr. and Mrs. Ben T. Halvorson, IANeil J. Hamadey, CAJohn D. Hamill, FLMr. and Mrs. Dennis Hamilton, Sr., VTMs. Paula J. Hamilton, MDJean E. Hammer, WARobert T. Hammes, SCMr. John P. Hanavan, MAJeanette M. Hancock, INSherley L. Hannay, NYFather Dennis A. Hanneman, NEDorece Hann-Harsh, AZJohn and Peggy Hannsz, TXMs. Kay Hannum, NMJohn Hanrahan and Carolyn Lundy, MAMr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hanrahan, MNMr. Brad G. Hansen, NEMr. Brian N. Hansen, CORonald J. Hansen, SDDavid and Patricia Hanson, IARichard J. Hanson, FLMr. and Mrs. John Hardesky, NJMr. and Mrs. Steven Hariu, NYMr. and Mrs. James R. Harkey, Jr., NCDonald C. Harkins, NJLTC Donald G. Harmon, USA, Ret., VAHarold C. & Janet A. Baldauf

Foundation, MIMs. Nancy V. Harper, COGloria D. Harrell, CAMr. and Mrs. Derek Harris, FLMrs. Emmett Harris, VA


Garth and Linda Harris, WIJasper W. Harris, Ed.D., Ph.D., MOR. J. Harris, NCMr. and Mrs. Alan O. Hart, SCFelicia M. Hart, MDMr. Joseph M. Hart, FLMrs. Laura M. Hartley, WVMr. Bernard E. Hartman, NYMr. John Hartman, NYLinda E. Hartzel, CAHarvest Fund, LAMs. Regina A. Harzinski, NYMr. and Mrs. Leo J. Hasbrouck, CAHasche Family Donor Fund Charlotte S. Hatcher, KSDelsie O. Hatley, MOMr. and Mrs. John W. Haumschild, WILee K. Haupert, IAMr. and Mrs. William L. Haupt, MDMrs. Dorothy L. Hauser, SCJames H. Hauver, NYCharles and Helene Havers, NJLorene D. Hawes, NCDave and Ann Hawk, PAMs. Lori Hawkins, NCDr. and Mrs. Robert N. Hawkins, SCMs. Brenda L. Hayden-Jones, CALionel T. Hayward, FLLois J. Heath, MIMr. Thomas A. Hebert, WIMr. Earl Hebig, MNMr. Eric B. Heeck, MNFrank Heffelfinger, MNMs. Sherry D. Heffernan, MNEmily E. Heidish, PAVernetta A. Heil, MOMr. Stephan C. Heiman, PAMr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hein, UT

Mr. Steven P. Heinen, CAMs. Antoinette M. Heit-Schiraldi, NYMr. and Mrs. James J. Helbling, Jr., IAMr. Dennis P. Held, Sr., NYMr. Erik G. Helgeson, CAMr. and Mrs. Wilfrid A. Hellenbrand, WIHenry C. Hendershot, II, PACharles Henderson, FLMr. and Mrs. Wayne Henderson, INMiss Katherine Hendrick, FLMr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hendrix, CAMr. and Mrs. Bobby L. Henry, Sr., ARKen and Susan Henry, AZFather Paul J. Henry, MDThomas and Myrita Henry, CASusan Hensman, NEMs. Audrey H. Henson, TNMr. and Mrs. Robert C. Henson, OKMr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Herbert, AZEdward A. Hernandez, ILMiss Gerry Herr, ILRuth K. Herrman, PALois A. Herzog, NYMr. and Mrs. Daniel Hettich, MDMrs. Elaine J. Heuer, WIKimberly K. Hewitt, TNRick D. Heydel, TNRADM Alan B. Hicks, USN, Ret. and

Mrs. Jane B. Hicks, VAMr. Ernest R. Hilger, CABeverly A. Hill, MNMary Sue Hill, ALRichard K. Hill, CARobert and Shanta Hill, AZVirginia L. Hill, MOPaul A. Hilsabeck, OKMr. Carl D. Hinkle, NCMichael O. Hinson, GA

Mr. Gary Hinton, NJMr. and Mrs. John A. Hippert, CASFC Russell Hipplewitz, USA, Ret., NJMs. Christie Hirota, NJMr. and Mrs. Paul L. Hirschfeld, WAHIT Promotional Products, Inc., FLJohn and Mary Pat Hixon, ILMr. Rudolph G. Hlavek, FLMs. Mary Ann C. Ho, CAMr. William Hoban, MIJudith A. Hobart, MNMr. Dennis H. Hochsprung, TXSusan Hochstetler, OHRobert D. Hocker, ORNancy Hodges, FLAgnes A. Hoehn, OHJoyce Hoeksema, MIMr. and Mrs. Eric J. Hoekstra, MIMr. John W. Hoffee, II, HIMr. and Mrs. John W. Hoffert, NEMs. Corlene S. Hoffman, MIMr. Gary E. Hoffman, CAMr. and Mrs. Ted Hoffmann, TXRalph R. Hofmann, PAMr. and Mrs. Greg Hogan, FLDr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hogan, DDS, NEDiane C. Hoiler, PAVincent L. Hoing, TXCecil and Louise Holder, TXWilliam and Debra Holiway, TNMr. James R. Holland, GAJames A. Holliday, PAMelanie Hollifield, FLBarry and Marie Holt, MOMr. Ronald A. Homan, VAMr. David R. Hombach, Jr., WAHarold and Michele Honer, ORAnthony D. Hook, MI

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hopkins, ILPhyllis L. Hoppert, MISally S. Hopt, IDMonty Horine and Todd Sedlacek, NEHenry G. Horn, VAJoanne Horn-Flovin and

James Flovin, FLMr. Andrew F. Horr, NHRaymond N. Horton, ILMr. James J. Hortsch, ORRobert P. Horwath, NCMarilynn Hoskinson, IAHot Topic, NEMr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Houchin, CAMs. Virginia M. Hougasian, CAC. M. House, MNMr. and Mrs. Clarence G. Houser, TXMs. Valerie Houser, PAMs. Sandria K. Howard, OHCaptain and

Mrs. James J. Hower, Ret., VAAnn E. Hradsky, OHMr. and Mrs. John J. Hromyak, PARobert Y. Huang, CAPat Huber, CAMr. John H. Hubinsky, Jr., MOMr. and Mrs. Richard A. Huck, OHMr. William R. Huckaby, NVJudith R. Hucks, SCCathy M. Hudela, NYMr. Hugh B. Hudgens, ARLucretia and Henry Hudson, VALillian Huebsch, TXMs. Charlotte Huefner, CADaniele K. Hughes, IAMrs. Donald R. Hughes, NCMr. Lawrence Hughes, PAMarjorie A. Hughes, CA

Mrs. Patsy R. Hughes, TNJohn and Mary Huiting, COJoe and Lisa Hukill, NERichard N. Hull, NJHoward and Beatrice Hultman, OHJennie L. Hundley, FLMs. Hsiao-Ling Hung, PAJean K. Hunger, VAMs. Barbara C. Hunt, NYGannon Hunt Cooper, FLJames and Cheryl Huntley, PARobert and Paula Hurtubise, COGeorge and Julie Hushin, SDMr. and Mrs. James A. Huskey, ILHarold and Leora Husse, MIMrs. Marcia R. Hutslar, INMr. William C. Hutton, CAJohn and Juanita Hutts, GAMary L. Hylton, SCJames and Mary Ann Ianni, NJMrs. Lydia A. Ierulli Crilly, ILIglesia Cristiana La Vid Verdadera, FLMrs. Ardith P. Ille, WAJoseph R. Impicciche, FLDavid Inge, ILMr. and Mrs. Fred Ingham, COIngo Community Church, WVMrs. Lynn Ingraham, NEMr. Leon Ingram, KYMr. W. C. Ireland, Jr., TNCharles E. Irle, GAIrvin & Beverly Small Foundation, TNFred A. Irwin, CAAtef and Nancy Israel, KSMr. and Mrs. Michael A. Ittner, MOMs. Joan P. Ivansheck, NJMrs. Sally W. Ivy, TNRussell Iwanski, NE


J. P. Dermody, Inc., MIJ. W. Mitchell Co., LLC, CADenise J. Jackman, WAMr. and Mrs. Armand Jackson, NVJames R. Jackson, Jr., ILMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Jacobi, II, FLMr. John A. Jacobs, CAMs. Constance Jacobsen, VAJacobson FamilyJoseph C. Jacobucci, COMs. Maria L. Jacquard, CABernard Jacquinot, KSMr. and Mrs. Karl Jahina, CAAnna T. Jansen, CAPatricia J. Janson, CAH. Earl Jarchow, MNMr. Brad Jarrell, LAMr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Jarvis, WARon G. Jarzombek, IAJon and Kara Jelley, RINorm and Sharon Jenkins, UTMs. Hilma M. Jenus, FLJersey Mike’s Subs, FLBrian J. Jesse, CAThe Jessica Foundation, Inc., NJThe Jim & Marlene Greene

Foundation, GAJohn and Angela Stollsteimer

Gift Fund, CAJohn B. Slater Fund John Endicott Lovell

Foundation, CTMr. and Mrs. Joe C. Johns, NEJohnson Hardware Co., NEMr. and Mrs. Brent Johnson, FLBryan Johnson, MNCandace D. Johnson, AZCaroline R. Johnson, AZ

Craig and Melinda Johnson, GARev. Gerald T. Johnson, NMJean E. Johnson, IAMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Johnson, MSMargaret Johnson and

Marianne Hoosier, AKMarjorie A. Johnson, CAMr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Johnson, MOMelvylei J. Johnson, WAMelvyn W. Johnson, SCMr. Richard J. Johnson, CARonald and Geraldine Johnson, WIMr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Johnson, OHMr. and Mrs. Wayne C. Johnson, CODoris A. Johnston, CAMr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Johnston, III, VAMr. and Mrs. Gary D. Johnston, COMr. and Mrs. Gary T. Johnston, ORMr. Marvin E. Johnston, MNVerna L. Johnston, PAMr. Robert E. Jonckheere, MICarlos J. Jones, OKMr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Jones, KSMs. Constance A. Jones, CAMr. Kenneth B. Jones, WIMr. Richard C. Jones, COMr. and Mrs. Richard E. Jones, PAThomas and Frances Jones, CARuth E. Joosten, WAJosephs Foundation, NVJennifer Josephs, NVMr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Josephson, NJMs. Joanne T. Joyce, FLMichael and Anna Jugan, TNDan and Colleen Juhl, KYNicholas and Christiana Juliano, NEMs. Margaret M. Junker, WIMr. Dennis J. Jurcak, CA

Just In Queso Foundation, FLJW Marriott Essex

House New York, NY

K–MMs. Eloise M. Kaauamo, HIMr. and Mrs. Edward Kaczynski, ILDave and Carol Kalscheur, WIMr. and Mrs. George Kambouris, MOMr. and Mrs. Lester H. Kaneta, NVFrank and Sharon Kania, MIGregory Kanipe, MIMr. and Mrs. Larry F. Kannal, OHMr. and Mrs. D. Kappler, MOMr. and Mrs. Gary Karkosh, IAMr. and Mrs. William J. Kastler, TXMichael J. Katin, FLKatzAbosch, MDPranciskus Kaunelis, MIKavanewsky Family

Foundation, Inc., FLMr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Kazmar, ILMr. and Mrs. Sydney J. Keasler, III, TXMr. Thomas Keaveney, ILMr. James T. Keck, NVMr. Frederick L. Keefauver, WVMr. and Mrs. Richard S. Keefer, CAMargaret M. Keeler, MIMr. and Mrs. Jon M. Keen, FLJeanette J. Keenan, VAMr. David R. Kegris, PATom and Nancy Keiser, INCorinne B. Keleher, ILMs. Mary C. Kellen, MNCarroll and Dolly Keller, MDDick L. Keller, ND

Ms. Rosemary Keller, MNMr. Vernon P. Keller, ILMr. and Mrs. Charles T. Kelly, MOJohn J. Kelly, III, MDMs. Mary Jane Kelly, GAWilliam and Sue Kelly, OHMr. William H. Kelly, Jr., ILMary A. Kem, INMr. Douglas Kendall, Jr., CAKenneth and Anita Kendall, FLTerris E. Kennedy, VAMs. Darlene L. Kenney, ORKenny Irwin, Jr. Memorial

Foundation, Inc., INJack and Joan Keppler, TXMr. and Mrs. Philip A. Kern, WIMs. Maxine Kerns, OKMr. and Mrs. James J. Kerr, SC

Mrs. Ramona J. Kersey, IADoris K. Kerzie, MNMr. and Mrs. Robert F. Khan, CAJohn and Nina Kibblehouse, PAMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kidwell, VAJanice M. Kienbaum, WAMr. and Mrs. Harold P. Kierscht, IAKiewit Companies

Foundation, NERichard Kilian, ILMr. Mike K. Kimm, MNMrs. Patricia Kimm, ALDon and Sylvia Kimsey, MOGordon and Dara King, ORMr. Harold F. King, Jr., CAJane V. King, FLRichard and Lorraine King, CAMr. Roger H. King, GA

“I came from a broken family; my dad

was an aggressive drug addict and my

mom was an alcoholic and wanted noth-

ing to do with me. As life went on it got

worse, until the day I came to Boys Town.

At Boys Town, I have learned how to deal

with my problems and ask for help.” — JORDAN


Suzan W. King, CAThad and Suzanne King, GAMr. and Mrs. Theodore C. King, CAMs. Mary G. Kinsala, TXJoseph W. Kinsey, FLMr. and Mrs. Bill Kirkendoll, ARDrs. Gregory B. Kirkorowicz and

Maureen C. Downes, CAMs. Christina Kirkpatrick, CAMr. Richard R. Kirsch, NYMr. Richard D. Kirschner, NEKitsap Community Foundation, WAMr. Michael J. Kitson, NJMichael D. Kitto, TXDonald and Marlene Klaphake, MNMr. James W. Klapka, MDMr. Frank P. Klauda, MNKLDL, Inc., CAKlecan & Klecan, CAGilbert J. Klecan, CAMr. and Mrs. Alan A. Kleier, FLMartha W. Klein, TXMr. and Mrs. Richard P. Klenotich, FL

Terry S. Kline, MIMr. Guy C. Klitgaard, CAEvelyn D. Kluender, MNMr. Charles W. Klug, GAAlice M. Kluzak, CAMartha J. Knight, FLDavid G. Knoblock, MIMr. James T. Knowles, MAMr. John R. Knox, ALMr. and Mrs. Robert Knutson, WIWayne and Carol Knyal, CAMr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Koch, TXMr. and Mrs. Frank T. Koelble, NYMr. and Mrs. James A. Koenck, Sr., CAJulia W. Kogut, VAEdward and Sandy Kolb, NEMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Koley, NEMrs. Laura L. Kollar, OHMr. and Mrs. John A. Konfala, OHDiane R. Kooi, CORegina J. Kopsieker, IAMr. and Mrs. Harold Koretzky, LAThe Korff Foundation, MI

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Korn, WAMs. Carol J. Korte, KSMr. Dan D. Kossmann, NEMr. and Mrs. John Kostakos, ORMr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Kott, NJMr. and Mrs. George F. Kovach, VAThe Honorable Elizabeth A.

Kovachevich, FLMr. John P. Kozimor, OHRichard and Faith Kozina, WIMs. Carol Kozlowski, FLMr. and Mrs. Wieslaw S. Krajewski, NJMr. and Mrs. Stephen K. Krallman, NVMr. and Mrs. Curt A. Kramer, ILMr. and Mrs. Kirk Kramer, MAMr. Willard M. Krause, WILillian M. Krehbiel, NEMr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Krenek, TXKresge Foundation, MIMr. and Mrs. Jeff L. Kriha, NEJanet Kroepfl, CAMs. Grace M. Kronkowski, MIMs. Irene S. Kropp, NJ

Mr. Richard E. Kufner, ILMs. Arlene R. Kulp, COStan and Phyllis Kupiszewski, FLMr. Michael L. Kuras, MIMr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kuras, MIKutak Rock, LLP, NEJay J. Kute, II, KYRalph W. La Belle, NYLA Valley Management Co., CAMr. Paul F. Laboranti, PALeandra Lack, CAMichael and Marilyn Lackey, NCMr. and Mrs. Saverio P. Ladela, III, CTRobert C. Ladouceur, KYBrenda J. LaFazia, RIMr. and Mrs. Roger D. Lageson, MNMr. Raymond Lahti, TNMr. and Mrs. Andrew Lair, OHBill and Molly Lairamore, NVJohn A. Lake, INJames E. Lalley, IADennis and Martha Lamb, PAWilliam Lamb and Barbara Cathcart,

NHPhillip A. Lambert, TNMr. Richard C. LaMore, MAMarcus Lampkin and La’Tara Lampkin,

Ph.D., FLMr. and Mrs. Jay P. Lancaster, MDJane and Mark Landry, LAMs. Charlene A. Lang, MAMr. and Mrs. Garrett Langdon, PADonald J. Lange, IAMr. and Mrs. Roger B. Lange, WAMr. William L. Lange, MOMr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Langenfeld, WIWilliam P. Lanigan, ILMrs. Lois J. Lantz, OR

Mr. Robert G. Lanz, ILJohn and Shirley Lapicola, TXMr. and Mrs. Paul A. Larpenteur, WADr. and Mrs. Michael G. Larry, ILDonovan and Mary Ann Larson, WAMs. Helen Larson, MNDr. Jane P. Lastella, NJMr. Michael A. Laszewski, NYCraig and Karen Latto, ILMr. John J. Lattuca, NMC. F. and Marilyn Lau, OHMr. and Mrs. Ervin J. Laubert, TXLinda S. Laughlin, IADoug J. Launhardt, MORuby M. Laurenzana, ILLauritzen Gardens, NEMr. Steven L. Law, MNMr. Carrol Lee Lawhorn, IDMrs. Margaret A. Lawless, OHMr. D. Russell Lawliss, NYTeresa A. Lazusky, OHMs. Jane H. LeBrun, LAJames and Linda Leahy, ILJames B. Leary, CAMr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Lebert, TNLeBlanc Behavioral Consulting, COMr. David J. LeBlanc, MILinda A. LeBlanc Ph.D., COJerry and Merri Lebo, TXMr. Alvin J. Lebsack, NCMr. John W. Leckie, PAMr. and Mrs. Floyd M. Lee, INLawrence and Shelley Lee, TNLinda R. Lee, VAMs. Margaret B. Lee, TXNatalie C. Lee, MNWilliam R. Legare, MAMr. and Mrs. Brian D. Lehman, CA

“At Boys Town, I have learned that I can do anything I set my mind

to. I have also learned that I am greater than my past mistakes

and they will not define me any longer. I’ve learned how to be a

true friend, sister, person.” — TAKANI


Mr. and Mrs. Kirby A. Lehman, OKJames and Pat Lehmann, FLMabel A. Leiser, TXAmy Lemieux, MNMr. and Mrs. Michael L. Lemmons, II, FLMr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Lempka, NEEdward M. Lenney, II, NYEdward J. Leonard, ORLarry and Debbie Leonard, MORebecca R. Leonette, WVMr. Rodney W. Leonhardt, COMrs. Judith Lepko, NJMrs. Delfina G. Lerma, TXMark W. LeRoy, TXMike and Cindy Lester, MSCynthia D. Lewis, SCJed Lewis, NEMr. William S. Lewis, CAMatthew Ley and Sandy Brown, NEMr. and Mrs. Emanuel A. Licitra, VAMarcus Lien Cheryl A. Liguori, NYMs. Marie Lijek, GAJohn and Suzie Liljestrand, OKMichael and Joanne Lima, FLLincoln Investment Planning, LLC, PAMr. Richard L. Lincoln, MOBetty A. Lind, NEKerry and Deborah Lindenbaum, KSCarole A. Lindsey, CAMr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Lindsey, FLMargarete W. Lindsley, VAJohn E. Linton, CAMs. Arlene L. Lisa, CALivaNova, TXMrs. Judy C. Livingston, MIMr. and Mrs. Gene Lizear, MDLockton Companies, NE

Dr. and Mrs. Peter Loeb, FLMonsignor Padraic Loftus, CAMs. Evelyn Lohmuller, PAMr. John A. Lombardo, SCJoseph P. Loney, INLongwisch Charitable Fund, MOLook Local Marketing, LLC, FLMr. and Mrs. Robert D. Loose, INAdrienne Lopes, CASharon B. Lord, TNShannon Lorenzo Rivero, TNPatricia Lott, CADonald E. Lotz, WARobert E. Louck, MILouis J. and Doris Lombardi Family

Foundation, Inc., NYDennis L. Love, TXMr. Donald C. Loveland, NYJohn H. Loving, TNMr. John L. Lovinger, MOMr. John Lovison, WIMr. David E. Lower, CAMr. and Mrs. William Lowndes, III, SCMs. Rachaelle Lubinski, INCarol A. Lublin, MNEmilie Lucas, TXAnnette R. Luckow, NVKen E. Ludlum, CAMr. Charlie Lugert, WAEmily Luk, CALoraine A. Lukash, CAMr. David R. Lukasik, ILMr. Lawrence S. Lumpkin, SCMr. Paul M. Lushia, NYMr. Lawrence M. Luzon, CAJohn and Janet Lyman, MNIra J. Lynch, WVJohn and Carolyn Lynch, NY

Mary Anne Lynskey, ILSuzanne and Michael Macaulay, NEMr. Joseph J. MacAvoy, VAScott MacDonald, MAGeorge Machel, PAMr. Douglas B. Mack, WAMr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Mack, OHMad Dog Construction, FLMr. Mike Madden, WAJoan M. Maegly, OHJames G. Maffett, CAMr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Magdi, FLMargaret Magee, ILFredric and Sheila Magerkurth, ILJames and Janice Magruder, MSMike and Patti Mahaffey, IAVirginia L. Maher, NYMr. Brian D. Mahoney, MACraig Mahoney and Conny Wenzel

Mahoney, MNMarie E. Mahoney, FLRoberta M. Maier, ILMakoff Family Foundation, CAMr. Wesley P. Malenke, IAMr. Michael D. Maley, WAMahamaya K. Malhotra, NJMr. Gregg H. Malicki, ILDr. Michael M. Malivuk and The Rev.

Frances Mutolo, CODouglas and Cheryl Malmberg, FLMrs. Leslie S. Malone, COMs. Joyce A. Malvin, MNAlex Man, CALouise E. Maney, NYFlorencia M. Mangune, CADavid and Ruth Ann Manley, OHMs. Frances Manley, WIMr. Austin Mansfield, AZ

Mr. William D. Mansur, TXRalph E. Maple, TXDianne M. Marchant, WIMarchewka Family Fund, MIMr. and Mrs. Gerald Marcinkowski, AZMr. and Mrs. Dewey R. Marcy, COMr. Joseph Marentic, Jr., ILMargaret Duryea Charitable Fund Margaret Marie Graf Foundation, TXMrs. Kathleen C. Mariconda, CAMarie Force HTJB, Inc., RIPatricia A. Maris, FLMs. Alicia A. Marquez, AZMarriott Capitol District, NEMr. and Mrs. Dean A. Marsh, CAMr. and Mrs. James D. Marshall, FLMs. Violeta C. Martel, MD, CARon M. Marth, FLMr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Martin, NEDon Martin, USAF, Ret., CAJeane S. Martin, FLPaulette and Wayne Martin, FLMrs. Peter J. Martin, MAMr. Terrence H. Martin, ILMs. Jane S. Martinovich, FLMr. Dick Marts, MOMrs. Ella M. Marty, CAMr. and Mrs. Michael A. Martzahl, NJThe Mary Louise Foundation, NEMaryland Plumbing & Heating, MDMs. Ellen C. Maryott, PAPhil and Ruthann Maschka, NEMr. Ralph P. Masek, ILMr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Mashnouk, FLRuth Masiel, CABarbara J. Mason, GAMr. Gary Mason, IDMr. Jack C. Mason, WA

Masse Fund MassMutual Trust Company

Charitable Giving Program, INMs. Maryann Mastoloni, NYMs. Laural L. Matthews, TXBarbara L. Matthias, ILJudith S. Mattson, ORLoretta G. Mature, CAMr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Maun, WIMr. John A. Maurer, NDMr. and Mrs. Michael F. Maurutto, CARenee R. Maxwell, NJRob J. Maxwell, FLMaxwell’s Fitness Programs, LLC, FLEleanor May, WAEddie and Mary Ann Maycen, DEMr. and Mrs. Seaynoah Mayfield, NVJoseph M. Mayo, FLMr. Donald Mays, VADr. Wallace and Catherine Mays, GAMs. Lorraine McAllister, MAMs. Mary Kay McAdams, NCMs. Susan E. McAlister, FLMr. and Mrs. Robert W. McAlpine, KYTraci McAuliffe, NEWilfreda M. McBrady, MELawrence F. McCabe, PAMr. Fred McCann, MAMs. Eleanor R. McCarthy, MAMr. James W. McClean, CAGeorge and Madeline McCloskey, CTZella M. McClure, KSMr. Richard E. McCommons, VAMr. Dennis R. McCormick, KYMs. Karen E. McCormick, CTJanelle E. McCoy, KSRobert and Judi McCoy, AZMrs. Terryann G. McCoy, OH


Dr. Ryan McCreery, NEKathleen A. McCrone, NYMrs. Norma McCullough, UTMr. and Mrs. Pat J. McDermott, IAMr. and Mrs. Shawn J. McDermott, ILMs. Jacquelyn E. McDonald, MAMr. and Mrs. Kevin McDonald, WIMrs. Eleanor E. McDonnell, OHMr. and Mrs. Matthew S. McDougall, NVJames and Carole McDowell, IAMs. Martha B. McFadden, VARichard J. McFerrin, MIWalter E. McGee, SCMr. Patrick J. McGettigan, NYMr. Leland C. McGill, COWilliam McGinnes, ALMr. Michael McGlade, ILDr. John and Mrs. Ann McGrath, INMs. Joan McGrattan, CAMr. and Mrs. Gerald W. McGuire, OHMichael and Marianne McGuire, NJDr. Michael and Mrs. Anne McGuire, NEMonica E. McGuire, CAMr. and Mrs. James R. McInerney, LAJohn T. McInerney, NYMr. and Mrs. R. Joe Mcintosh, WAMs. Rebecca H. McKeel, KSShann and Jaci McKeever, NEMr. John W. McKenna, CAMcKenzie Family, AKJody M. McKeown, ILAnne H. McKinney, TNMr. and Mrs. Terry W. McKinney, TNLaurel McLaughlin, NYWilliam and Margaret McLaughlin, IAJohn W. McLemore, INKevin D. McLoughlin, VAMr. and Mrs. Daniel M. McMahon, CF, NE

Ms. Barbara McManus, MELinda S. McNamara, NJMr. Kenneth E. McNelis, PAMr. and Mrs. John McNult, MDGloria A. McPhillips, FLMrs. Janet McQueen, INDr. and Mrs. Michael P. McQuillen, CASheilagh Means, WAMedicine Man Pharmacy, NEMr. and Mrs. Rod Meek, IAWilfried M. Meers, NDMr. and Mrs. Sammy G. Mehan, MOHitesh Mehta, TNDorothy L. Meisenheimer, WIMr. and Mrs. R. S. Meisser, NHDouglas S. Melghem, MAMr. and Mrs. Michael J. Melideo, CAMeltzer Group Employee Giving Fund,

MDMr. and Mrs. Steve G. Mendlik, NENoelle Mercer, TXMs. Elizabeth S. Merk, WAMs. Mary Gay Merritt, TXRichard G. Messer, FLRita A. Messick, TXAnne Marie Metro-Piwowarczyk, ILMr. and Mrs. Frank G. Metzger, TXMary E. Metzka, OHMr. Mark D. Mewshaw, WVMeyer Foundation, CAMr. and Mrs. Charles H. Meyer, MNMr. David P. Meyer, ILDoug and Pat Meyer, WAMr. Jesse C. Meyer, KSMs. Linda Michael, MOMr. George R. Mickel, NYMr. and Mrs. Dale B. Middleton, MIMifsud Family Foundation, OH

Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Mifsud, MIMihalich Charitable

Foundation, MIMihoko S. Miki, WAMr. Barry L. Miller, CODr. and Mrs. Bill J. Miller, NYMr. and Mrs. David L. Miller, CAMr. and Mrs. Edward A. Miller, IAMs. Elizabeth M. Miller, WAFrederick C. Miller, Jr., INKae F. Miller, NEMr. and Mrs. Larry D. Miller, MNMs. Linda M. Miller, MDMr. and Mrs. Mark E. Miller, FLMyron R. Miller, OHMs. Nancy J. Miller, CAMr. Paul T. Miller, II, FLMr. Stephen E. Miller, GUMrs. Susan F. Miller, NEMr. and Mrs. Gary K. Mills, CAE. A. Millsberg, CAMr. Joe E. Miner, NVErna M. Minkoff, CARoberta K. Minor, MIMr. and Mrs. Steve R. Miraglia, CAMr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Misner, OHHolbrook T. Mitchell, CAJ. W. Mitchell, CAMr. William N. Mitchell, VAMr. and Mrs. James P. Mockler, FLModern Plumbing Industries, Inc., FLModern Woodmen of America, ILJan Molinell, FLMr. John W. Moll, SCMr. and Mrs. Allan S. Moller, NYMonarch Investment & Management

Group, COMr. Glenn Monteith, NC

Mr. Howard E. Montgomery, II, TNMrs. Mary G. Moody, NCAl Moore, MOBonnie Moore, MOMs. Carolyn K. Moore, WYDiana J. Moore, NVMr. Steven M. Moore, CASuzanne Moore, OHMr. Thomas F. Moore, MD, AZWilliam E. Moore, COMr. William Moorefield, VAMrs. Nancy E. Morano, NYEugene and Patricia Moreno, NYRobert P. Morgal, WABetty M. Morgan, NCJeffrey R. Morgel, MIDan and Marian Morkes, TXMr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Morris, FLPaul J. Morris, TXGene R. Morrissey, ORJune Morrissey, NEMargaret M. Morrissey, ILMrs. Nancy L. Mosella, PAMr. and Mrs. Joseph Moser, MAMichael Moser, OHMs. Reta Moser, CAMr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Mosher, AZJoseph and Connie Mottes, CALee H. Mountain, TXAnna R. Mourier, CAMr. and Mrs. George H. Moyer, Jr., NEMr. Dennis I. Moyes, UTMr. and Mrs. Mike Moylan, NEGary R. Mudd, WAMs. Caroline Mulcahy, NYMrs. Marie A. Mulcahy, NJChristopher Mullen, NCRobert J. Muller, Jr., CT

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Mulligan, Atty, MI

Mr. and Mrs. Kent E. Mumma, WAMr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Munger, AZDr. Elaine and Mr. David Munitz, VARaymond and Linda Murawski, PATony Murawski, MIChris and Betsy Murphy, NEJames R. Murphy, FLKaren J. Murphy, CAMrs. Robert H. Murphy, MAMr. Robert W. Murphy, CTRuth V. Murphy, KSVincent C. Murphy, NMMr. William J. Murphy, MABilly C. Murray, TXFarrel T. Murray, IDLorraine F. Murray, NYMr. Roger H. Murray, WIMr. Robert E. Mustain, CAMr. Edward J. Muszynski, ILMutual Of Omaha, NEKathy Myers, IADr. Mohan R. Mysore, NE

N–QCharlotte T. Nadeau, NHMr. Richard L. Nagel, OHMr. Brien J. Nagle, ILCarol Nanninga, KSBernard T. Napolski, ILMr. Tokuro Narazaki, OHMs. Faye B. Nash, OKMs. Donna D. Nasset, CANational Iron &

Wrecking Co., Inc., MD


Kathleen and David Naumann, ILPatricia A. Naylor, MSFrancisca Nduku, CAMick Neal, CAPaul and Holly Neaton, MNMorgan E. Nederhiser, MNJohn and Brooke Nedza, VABettye W. Neely, COMarjorie L. Neff, KYOliver L. Neggia, NJRobert O. Negle, PAAllan Neis, FLMr. and Mrs. Larry Nelsen, ORJoan M. Nelson, ILMs. Judy Nelson, CAMr. and Mrs. Steven M. Nelson, NJMr. William D. Neu, TXMr. John J. Neubauer, ARMr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Neves, CAWilliam F. Nevins, NYNew World Somewhere Fund Mr. and Mrs. Lysle J. Newberry, NYReta L. Newman, WABernadette Nicholson, MNBob and Kathy Nicolls, COMary J. Nieman, WIMr. William J. Nienaber, NCNIKE, NEFrank and Judith Nikischer, PAMs. Rose A. Nixon, OHMr. and Mrs. Doug Nodgaard, NEAndrew F. Noha, ILMs. Mary C. Nolan, MOMrs. Mary D. Nolan, IAMr. Michael J. Nolan, NEDr. and Mrs. Andre J. Nolewajka, ARJohn P. Noonan, IL

Ann Norberto, NYMr. and Mrs. Henry G. Nordhoff, Jr., CAMrs. Phyllis Nordman, INKelli and Jon Norman, TXBetty R. North, INNorthland Royalty Corp., NDNorthwest Bank, IAClarence J. Nosal, MIMs. Denise Nosek, NERobert G. Noteboom, TXLena M. Notvall Elkey, TXKevin Nowe and Carol Noel Nowe, PAJohanna R. Noyes, OREthel I. Nugent, INMr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Nunley, Sr., TNJim and Cyd Nunley, TXMs. Carleen I. Nyhus, MNRoger and Janet Oberhelman, COMarie J. O’Brien, SCMs. Mary Ann O’Brien, NEPatrick and Martha O’Brien, CTFlorence O’Brien-Elliston, MARobert and Mary Ellen Ochocki, MNGerald J. O’Connor, PAMr. and Mrs. Joseph O’Connor, NEMr. Rusty W. O’Daniel, TNMarie O’Day, SDAdeline Odell, TXRita R. Odom, TXJames T. O’Donnell, PARyan M. O’Donnell, CARoger and Carole O’Dwyer, TXMadeline M. Oei, CAMr. Ronald D. Officer, ILRichard A. O’Gara, COAbelino Ogas, TXDon E. Ogle, TN

Mr. and Mrs. David J. O’Hara, VAMr. Robert M. O’Hara, NEOhio State Eagles, OHMr. and Mrs. Jimmy Ojeda, COMr. Timothy F. O’Keefe, CAMs. Caroline Olbis, NJBetty L. Oliver, TXDavid and Antoinette Oliver, CAMaria Oliveras, NYAndy Olivo, BT “66”, TXMs. Frances A. Olsen, NJMr. and Mrs. Robert J. Olsen, NEMr. Russell R. Olson, OHOmaha Performing Arts, NEMs. Heidi Omstead, ORMr. Billy R. O’Neal, OHGary J. O’Neil, GAS. M. O’Neil, KSTimothy J. O’Neil, AEBrian G. O’Neill, PAOnufrychuk Family

Charitable Trust, VALouise A. Orf, MOMr. Carlos S. Ortega, CAMs. Gina O. Orton, MDMr. and Mrs. Ken J. Ostapowicz, CAMr. and Mrs. Warren D. Osterberg, VAMiss Dona L. Ostermeyer, ILBobbie J. Ott, MSOutback Toy Run, OKOutdoor Enterprise, OHMr. Daniel W. Overbey, FLOviedo Woman’s Club, FLEstel and Janice Owens, MOMr. Lawrence J. Owens, INWilliam and Mary Pace, NV

Carl Pacheco and Terrie Revious Pacheco, CO

Ms. Lois Pacheco, MDPacific Hills Dental, NEDuane L. Packer, AKTimothy E. Packey, MEStephen F. Page, CAMs. Josephine Pagliaro, NYMr. Rinaldo G. Pagnucco, FLDonald and Linda Pahl, WAJanice L. Paine, NEJoseph A. Palazzolo, NYSharon Palleschi, NCMr. William J. Pananos, MA

Constantine Pandaru, TXJeyavel Pandian, CACol. J. Don Pantalone, MDDr. and Mrs. James J. Pappas, ARPaula E. Paradise, CTPare Corporation, MAAntoinette Parisi, CTDonald W. Parker, AZMr. and Mrs. Fred W. Parker, ILMr. John Parker, GAMrs. Margot Parker, MIMr. Ray J. Parker, VARick and Karen Parks, TXWynema Parks, MO

“Before I came to Boys Town, I was a lost

miserable drug addict, who used everyday

and I didn’t care how my actions were

affecting me and the others around me. At

Boys Town, I have learned that it is never

too late to succeed, it is never too late for

anything as long as you give it your all.”



Wayne and Denise Parsons, MORobert L. Paska, ARMr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Pasquale, NJJames A. Patterson, KYMrs. Sherry A. Patterson, OHBetty L. Patton, COMonica A. Patton, MOMr. and Mrs. Dean K. Paulsen, TXMr. and Mrs. Donald E. Pauly, VAMr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Pavey, WAMarion A. Pavur, TNBernard C. Pawlicki, MNMichael and Anne Pawlowski, MIMr. and Mrs. John W. Payne, TXDr. Walter L. Payne, DDS, AKMrs. Nuel L. Pazdral, VARobert L. Peake, KYPearce Family Foundation, FLDr. and Mrs. Trevor J. Pearson, NEMr. and Mrs. George J. Pedersen, VADr. Ellinor I. Peerschke, MD, NYMr. and Mrs. Hollis O. Peery, NCJames T. Pelham, SCRobert J. Pellegrini, WASharon H. Penk, COCathy Pepe, CTRoxelyn M. Pepper, ILMs. Charlotte H. Percha, MIBill and Sandee Perez, ILCarlos Perez, FLMr. Stephen H. Perich, ILLauren M. Permuy, FLMr. George J. Perry, CAPeter & Paula Uccelli Foundation, CAMr. and Mrs. F. Michael Peter, ARWilliam and Karan Peters, MNDora E. Peterson, TN

Gary A. Peterson, INJeffrey and Barbara Peterson, NELeann Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Peterson, SDMr. and Mrs. Paul A. Peterson, CARobert Peterson, NYMr. William J. Petriko, INMr. Samuel Petteway, Jr., NCMrs. Nancy Pettit, AKMr. Don K. Pettus, MOMs. Joyce Phelps, MDPhilip M. Hogan Family Fund, FLDom C. Piazza, NYMr. and Mrs. John G. Picerne, RITonya E. Pickle, MSMr. and Mrs. Mario Pierro, SCBimbo and Diane Pietro, DDS, NEGary and Dr. Cassandra Pietrok, NEMs. Barbara A. Piette, MAMs. Lori J. Pingel, LAJeanne A. Pink, ILPinnacle Bank, NEMr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Pionkowski, WIMr. Phil J. Pipkin, OKMr. and Mrs. Duane H. Pitts, FLPK Network

Communications, Inc., NYMs. Linda A. Placzek, NEMrs. Gloria C. Plassmeyer, CAMr. and Mrs. Harold J. Pliska, ORMr. Thad A. Podbielski, TXMrs. J. Polehn, WAClaudia Polite, NYMichael V. Polito, NYMrs. Judith N. Polomsky, OHAnna L. Pommer, ILJaymeson Pon, NE

Thomas A. Pons, FLSteven and Paula Poplawski, KYKarolyn H. Porter, TXFrancelia O. Portzline, PAMr. James H. Posch, ILMargaret Postich Carlsen, OHMs. Nina A. Poto, CAMr. and Mrs. Earl T. Pottorff, FLJames O. Powell, ALMajor Raleigh B. Power, ALMr. Robert H. Powers, FLMr. Robert A. Pratt, KYMary A. Pratto, CAPremier Tool & Die Co., ORThomas G. Preston, NYRichard and Debra Pretorius, NYMs. Audrey W. Price, NYMrs. Thea Price, WAPricewaterhouseCoopers, LAMr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Prieshoff, KYHelen Prikes, FLMr. and Mrs. Dale W. Prim, WVJohn and Norine Prim, OHMr. Glenn C. Pritchard, MIRobert E. Pritchard, FLMrs. Margaret A. Prola, ILMs. Sally A. Pruett, ILMr. Peter P. Pryor, III, ALPublix Grocery Store #329, FLMr. William R. Puchner, WIMr. and Mrs. Ben D. Puck, IABrent Puckett, OHDennis and Delores Puffer, CODr. John A. Puglisi, MD, FLMr. Mark L. Pulaski, PAMr. and Mrs. William T. Pullin, Jr., MDGary L. Purnell, AR

Mr. Stanley W. Pursley, COMr. and Mrs. James E. Purvis, ALMr. and Mrs. Richard H. Puryear, WABarbara Pyles, ILPhyllis F. Quade, WIMichael and Lucille Quigley, FLMr. Marc L. Quin, CAMargo Quinlan, FLStephen Quinn, RISteve and Janet Quirico, CA

R–SR. and J. Lucas Living Trust, CARobert and Shirley Rachinskas, MDPaul and Susan Radcliffe, NJRobina B. Rader, PAStephen A. Raffaelli, TXMr. Gerald P. Rafferty, FLMiss Maureen E. Raidy, NYRalph G. or Cherie Gorenstein

Charitable Foundation, Inc., WIMr. William F. Ralph, TNNancy J. Ramler, MNSarah E. Ramuglia, AKMr. James J. Rank, VAMs. Mary A. Rasmussen, NYMrs. Nancy S. Rasmussen, INThomas H. and Mary Lou

Rasmussen, ORMr. and Mrs. Bobby J. Rast, ALDr. Otto and Janet Rath, MD, AZSandra L. Rausch, AZTerence W. and Ann B. Rave, DEGary and Pat Ray, IAJoanne Ray, CAMs. Sandra W. Ray, OK

Mrs. Sandra Rea, IALinda J. Ream, MNBarbara J. Reasoner, WIFred E. Redd, III, TXMr. and Mrs. Harold J. Redelsperger, ILMr. and Mrs. James Redmon, KYThomas P. Redmond, CABill L. Reece, WAMs. Krista Reed, NEMr. and Mrs. Michael J. Reed, ARDonald J. Reese, OHMr. John B. Reese, OHSusan A. Reese, CAReeser Rentals, LLC, OKMr. Pete Reeser, OKBarbara T. Reiche, PAMr. Donald F. Reid, CANorman and Susan Reid, FLMr. Alan Reilly, MAMr. and Mrs. John J. Reilly, NJDr. Adam Reinhardt, NEGail H. Reining, PAMr. and Mrs. Chris R. Reinoehl, COJill Remick, MIMr. and Mrs. Todd Remmereid, NEMs. Josephine Remsberg, MDRita M. Rengel, MNElizabeth J. Renn, NMMathew and Audrey Reno, WYMrs. Joyce Reparsky, ILKenneth L. Reppart, SCRobert and Judith Retsch, ALCarl Reynolds, MORhode Island Turnpike and Bridge

Authority, RIMr. Joseph T. Ricci, AZMs. M. Riceiardone, IL


Donald E. Rice, SDMr. James M. Rice, CAJesse and Pat Rice, FLThe Richard and Barbara Whitcomb

Foundation, CTBrett and Mary Richards, NVThomas N. Richards, OHMr. Barry L. Richardson, Sr., MOMr. and Mrs. Robert F. Richardz, LARussell E. Richtarcik, NYWells and Karen Ridenour, MDJudy Ridgley, COMr. and Mrs. A. R. Rieschl, WIMs. Francine C. Righter, CAAlan A. Rigling, OHIra D. Riklis, NYMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Riley, FLMr. Patrick J. Riley, MNMr. Henry J. Rinna, MILawrence and Edna Ripperger, ILMr. and Mrs. William Rishel, NEBill and Linda Ritchie, MNRitz-Carlton, Washington, DCRiverview Cattle Company, LLC, IAMr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Rizzo, NCRichard Robb and Rebecca Crown, ILDarlene R. Robbins, KSJanice Roberson, TNThe Robert J. Avila Foundation, RIRobert M. Hogan, DDS, PC, NELynne Roberts Gillum, TXMr. and Mrs. David J. Roberts, FLHarley C. Roberts, ORHarlan and Susan Robertson, TXCheryl A. Robinson, CAMrs. Janet Robinson, TXMrs. Marcia L. Robinson Wolf, Ph.D., MD

Wilmer and Judith Robison, IAMichelle A. Roblee, ILLeo J. Rocca, MDMr. Mario L. Rocci, NYMsgr. Arthur E. Rodgers, NJChris Rodgers, NEChris Rodriguez, VACorine T. Rodriguez, FLFrank U. Rodriguez, CAMr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Rodriguez, OKMr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Roell, AZMr. and Mrs. James P. Roemer, FLMs. Vera J. Roese, OHAltha W. Rogers, GAMr. and Mrs. Carl Rogers, NCMrs. Elna H. Rogers, MISam and Laura Rogers, FLMr. and Mrs. Steve S. Rogers, AZMr. and Mrs. George K. Rohner, CAMr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Rohr, OHMr. Thomas E. Rohr, FLGretchen S. Rolighed, MNMr. Joseph J. Roman, PATony and Barb Romano, ARJacob Romig, FLMichael John Romont, GAMr. Edmund T. Ronan, VAMs. Bridget D. Roots, PAMary A. Rose, ORMr. and Mrs. G. F. Ross, MIMr. and Mrs. Richard E. Ross, MAMaryanne Rossini, ORThomas and Elizabeth Rosso, MDMr. Ron Roth, NEMr. and Mrs. Roy Rotnofsky, DEMs. Teresa Rotondo, NYPatricia B. Rousey, GA

Arlene S. Rowland, SCElaine Rozic, OHJanie R. Rozier, NCRSVP International, Inc., WARobert Rucinski, WYGary C. Rude, CAThe Rudolph V. Pitts Memorial

Charitable Trust, TNSharon I. Rudy, PAMichael J. Runnebohm, INMr. James M. Runnels, FLMr. and Mrs. Mickey E. Rupp, OHEd and Sharon Rush, FLMark and Lucy Rushfeldt, COMr. and Mrs. Arnold P. Ruskin, CALela C. Russell, FLThomas E. Rust, WIJohn Ruta, CALudeane J. Ruzicka, MOAvita Ryan, NHDavid G. Ryan, MIMr. Nicholas M. Ryan, ILMr. Patrick A. Ryan, ILTimothy P. Ryan, WIMs. Michele Saad, COMs. Pasqualina Sacchetti, NYMr. Larry J. Sack, CAWilliam and Catherine Sackley, NCCarlos A. Saenz, Jr., FLSafety First Compliance

Management, MNRick and Christal Safee, NYMr. Harry Sagheb, CAFlorence A. Sakaley, OHShane Salerno, CAMrs. Melinda J. Salisbury, VASalonCentric, NE

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Salvaggio, PAThe Samowitz Foundation, FLSamuel Weinstein Family

Foundation, ILMs. Elizabeth M. Sanchez, CAJose M. Sanchez, GASanderling Resort, NCMs. Buna Jeannine Sanders, CATom and Kathleen Sands, TXMary Ann Sandvold, IAMrs. Joanne K. Sapers, NHThomas S. Saphar, CAJoe and Kim Sapienza, CAClara V. Sarno, MALeonora Sarno, MAMr. and Mrs. John W. Sartori, CADave and Linda Sass, ILMr. and Mrs. Eric O. Satterley, INJaniece Sattler, NEHelen M. Sauer, WASteve and Anne Marie Saunders, NYSawyer Parks Charitable

Foundation, MASazerac Iowa, IAMr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Scaturro, FLMr. and Mrs. Henry R. Schaar, TXMr. and Mrs. Donald J. Schade, OHMs. Gaye Lynn Schaffart, NEMr. and Mrs. Virgil B. Schaffer, ALMs. Ruth Scharnweber, IASchauble Family Fund, MDWilliam Scheib, NYMr. Leonard Scheid, NCMr. Carl P. Scheidegg, NHEdward and Gail Schenck, WAMr. and Mrs. Gary Scher, VAMr. Wesley H. Schermann, Jr., CA

Marilyn F. Schieble, WIDr. Dave Schleinkofer, INCarol S. Schlichtemeier, TXRichard W. Schmiderer, Sr., IDMr. and Mrs. Gregory Schmidt, WAAllan and Luann Schmitt, IAEd and Gail Schmitt, TNRichard Schmitt, CABarbara A. Schneider, ILMrs. Sharon Schnier, NYMr. Frederick J. Schoettler, TXWaina S. Schofer, MIMr. Robert Scholle, CAMr. and Mrs. Michael E. Schommer, ILMrs. Kathy Schoonover, MOEllen R. Schopis, OHJohn Schott, MIMr. Kelly Schrad, NEMr. and Mrs. Marvin C. Schrieber, ILMr. and Mrs. Walt L. Schroeder, TXMr. and Mrs. Roy J. Schroer, NEBarbara A. Schroeter, WASchron Family Foundation, OHDoug and Jacquie Schumacher, NEHerbert and Karola Schumacher, CAMark and Kim Schumacher, NETheresa Schumacher, NEChristine M. Schverak, FLKatie Schwarting, NCThomas A. Schwartz, MBA, PAMs. Dorothy V. Schwehr, MTReverend Joseph Scorzello, Jr., MAMrs. Dorothy R. Scott, CAGary R. Scott, OHJeffrey Scott and

Susan DeMando-Scott, MDMs. Karan D. Scott, MO


Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Scott, TXJennifer Scottberg-Hojnacki, ILMr. Victor V. Scudiery, NJJohn Scully Ms. Sheila D. Searcy, VAMonica S. Sebenick, MITroy E. Seckinger, TXKaren W. Sed, PASteve W. Sedy, IDSue H. Sehon, ALMiss Charlotte L. Seifert, PAJerry D. Seimers, ALMr. Hubert J. Seipel, MOMr. and Mrs. Karl H. Selle, NJRuth C. Sellew, OHSenior Market Sales, NECharles M. Seno, OHSentry Insurance

Foundation, Inc., WIMs. Denise B. Sepe, NYJoyce A. Serrano, FLAlberta C. Servaty, MNS. Monica Sesko and

S. Nancy Gannon, ILMs. Adele L. Setten, FLMr. James T. Sevenich, ILChris Severo, RIDr. Charles W. Seward, TXDr. John S. Seybold, FLMr. Richard C. Seymour, COIbrahim A. Shalaby, MD, TXSandra D. Shambley, NCSusan M. Shanks, ILMr. and Mrs. Don J. Shannon, NJRichard W. Shapiro, CANancy J. Sharigan, FLMrs. Veronica G. Sharnick, CT

Mr. Jerry W. Sharp, FLKathaleen Sharpe, ALRobert J. Shaub, TNMichael J. Shaughnessy, ILMr. Robert J. Shea, MAHarry and Melanie Shearer, WAMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Shebell, Jr., FLDavid and Paula Sheehan, WAStefanie W. Sheehan, NYShell Oil Company Foundation

Matching Gifts, NJRobert E. Shepard, CAMichael J. Sherman, PADr. Kelli J. Shidler, MD, NEMr. and Mrs. John A. Shilling, AKMr. Robert J. Shinagle, COMarion F. Shipley, VAWalt and Sally Shipley, MOMary A. Shipman, CAShiu-Yueh Chu Charitable Fund Gary and Debra Shives, NEMr. and Mrs. Michael J. Shonsey, NEMr. and Mrs. Edward P. Showtis, ILMichael and Sandra Sicilia, WATerry and Patty Siebenmorgen, ARMr. and Mrs. Eliot Sieloff, FLMr. Joseph M. Siemann, ILBenita M. Sievers, DEKathleen Sikentanz, CABeverly J. Siller, NYR. D. Silver, NMPatricia E. Simmons, WARicky and Chae Simmons, MDDr. William and

Mrs. Joyce Simmons, FLMr. Michael J. Simon, MDMrs. Virginia D. Simpson, CA

Sixty Five Plus, LLC, AZDrs. David and Ann Sjulin, NEAnthony and Mary Skenzich, MNMr. George Skrivan, INCharles L. Slater, NVMs. Florence A. Slater, CAMrs. Lynn B. Slaydon, CASleep Number – Westroads, NEJustin Sleight, MIJames S. Slosberg, MIJames M. Smiley, MDSmith, Bryan & Myers, Inc., FLMs. Belva B. Smith, IADavid G. Smith, IADonald Smith and

Lyn Sapowsky-Smith, CAMs. Doris Smith, VIDorothea A. Smith Ms. Eleanor Smith, IAFerdinand and Elaine Smith, NYJames U. Smith, III, KYJessie F. SmithJimmie M. Smith, OKJo Ann M. Smith, ILMs. Kay L. Smith, WAKenneth J. Smith, UTKyle Smith, SCMr. and Mrs. Michael C. Smith, WARobert and Miriam Smith, NHTherese G. Smith, ILMr. William H. Smith, PADr. Shirley A. Smoyak, NJSnake River Supply Co., IDDr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Snell, CAEston M. Snide, CAJoan M. Snyder, TXMr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Snyder, PA

Mary Bea Snyder, CHM, IAMr. Paul Snyder, OHRichard and Anita SnyderSmith, COSOAR Behavior Services, WAIola M. Sobeck, MIKenneth M. Soda, CAGlenn and Judy Soileau, MSDavid S. Sokolow, CAMs. Frances C. Soley, MIDr. Otto P. Soltes, MIChristine E. Somers, NCMs. Vicky L. Soper, KYAllyn and Becky Soppe, NEPeter and Alice Soracco, CAMs. Mary L. Sorg, INCapt. Charles D. Soto, USN, Ret., OHRalph A. Southerland, NCSouthern & Caribbean Agencies, Inc., FLSpada Family Foundation, NYJoan C. Spaite, WIBrenda S. Sparkman, TXSPay, Inc., TXDiana M. Spear, MNCynthia M. Speyrer, TXMr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Spichalsky, NYMs. Rosemary Spillane, MAMr. and Mrs. Chuck J. Sprague, NEMr. and Mrs. Donald R. Sprise, WIRaymond L. Squaglia, CAJoan C. Srednicki, NJGary Sroufe, OHSt. Catherine of Siena Parish, LADan and Dilnawaz Stack, ILMs. Cheryl Stahl, OKSue Stains, COMr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Stalford, OHBrian Stamper, ID

Mr. Edward J. Stanchak, PAMatthew and Dana Standridge, FLDr. and Mrs. James A. Stangl, WAMr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Stanks, MIHoward M. Stanley, FLMiss Shirley C. Stanoch, MNAlicia Stansfield, ILMr. and Mrs. Frank Star, OHMr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Stark, NYMr. and Mrs. Frank L. Starkey, CAPatrick J. Starr, MNMr. and Mrs. Paul F. Starzynski, VAStatewide Products Company, Inc., NMReverend Thomas R. Statt, NYMr. James K. Staufenberg, PAMr. and Mrs. William J. Stauffer, NEJohn M. Stedman, MEMs. Betty-Routh Steele, SCMarcia A. Steele, MIMr. Robert M. Steele, OHMr. Thomas Stefanek, SDLarry and Ielene Steffes, IARobb and Melissa Steffes, NEMr. Gordon Steib, ILMr. Mark L. Steinberg, NYRoger and Kay Steinert, KSMr. David R. Stelzer, TXDavid W. Stenjem, AZMr. and Mrs. Wesley D. Stephens, MDTerri L. Stephenson, OHStephen Stepler and Susan Scarritt, NVMr. Donald Stepp, WVSteve McDougal Giving Fund Chris and Kim Stevens, LAChristine M. Stevens, CAMr. and Mrs. Virgil L. Stevens, MO


Col. Michael A. Stevenson, USA, Ret., OH

Mr. and Mrs. Randy J. Stevenson, NEMr. Gene A. Stewart, WIMalcolm and Michele Stewart, VARobert W. Stewart, FLMr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Stewart, COMr. and Mrs. Doran Stienike, NEMr. John T. Stirrup, FLWilliam J. Stock, NEMr. Delbert M. Stockinger, CAMr. and Mrs. Edward K. Stockwell, MIMs. Janet L. Stodter, VAMr. Dana C. Stone, MNMr. Rex D. Stone, RIEllen V. Stoneham, NJMr. and Mrs. Jackson D. Stormer, CAMr. and Mrs. Victor L. Stosik, GAJon and Jenny Strako, NEMr. Dennis W. Strasburg, FLStrategicPoint Investment Advisors, RISusan Stratta, NESteve Stratton Mr. Larry A. Straub, ORMr. Bobby R. Strickland, LAHarrell L. Strickland, GADr. David W. Stroud, MOD. Stroup, VAVelta Stubblefield, OKMr. Peter G. Stuber, MNThomas and Constance Stubits, GAMr. David A. Stuntz, MAMs. Phoebe A. Sturm, NYMr. and Mrs. Edward J. Styler, INMrs. Jeanette B. Styres, ALMs. Anne M. Sullivan, COMs. Diane Sullivan, GA

Jeanne and Peter M. Sullivan, PAJohn and Cathleen Sullivan, MAKevin J. Sullivan, KSMr. Michael P. Sullivan, MAMs. Pauline M. Sullivan, VAMr. and Mrs. Milton R. Summerall, GALaura Summers Mary F. Summerville-McCauley, ILSunbelt Vacuum Service, Inc., TXDale Sunderman, WARebecca E. Sundholm, WAMs. Patricia M. Surd, MIMr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Susmarski, ILMr. John Suszko, NCMr. and Mrs. Alan G. Sutcliffe, FLJudith Sutherland Mr. Richard K. Sutherlin, WAElberta Sutton, MOMs. Michele A. Sutton, FLMr. and Mrs. Brian R. Swanson, MNTopper Swanson and Robbie

Lamoureux-Swanson, FLRexford and Janice Swartz, WAMr. and Mrs. Lydon J.

Swartzendruber, IAMr. Donald S. Sweeney, WAMr. and Mrs. Roy P. Sweeney, CAMr. William R. Sweikert, III, PAMr. and Mrs. Nathaniel J. Swett, MASwift Family Foundation, FLMary B. Swisher, ILIreene H. Symm, VASynergy Mortgage Services, LLC, FLCol. and Mrs. Ambrose A.

Szalwinski (Ret), TXGene B. Szustakowski, VAMr. and Mrs. Ronald Szymanowski, MI

T–VT & M Towing & Hazmat, Inc., ORT. W. Barker Family Foundation, Inc., KYMr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Tabor, TNMr. and Mrs. Calvin Taggart, UTMr. and Mrs. Guy S. Tagliavia, ILMs. Melanie Tallman, TNMr. Ron Tamura, CADr. and Mrs. Tom J. Tapper, MNPasquale J. Tarangelo, CTDr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Tarpy, Jr., TNEdward J. Taubert, DEMr. and Mrs. James A. Taylor, CAMargaret E. Taylor, ARNancy A. Taylor, OHRawley R. Taylor, WAMr. and Mrs. Richard D. Taylor, MIMr. Patrick J. Teague, OKMs. Shirley Tegarden, MO

Mrs. Hilke Teichmann, CAAlyson Telford, CAPatricia A. Temple, FLMrs. Barbara J. Tennessen, MNDonald E. Termont, TNThomas and Tracey Tesauro, NYNorman A. Texeira, WIDr. and Mrs. Avirachan T. Tharapel, TNMr. Allan E. Theobald, MTThomas and Nancy Kuhl

Charitable Fund David and Sharon Thomas, WIMrs. Joan L. Thomas, NYMs. Mary Ann Thomas, NJMr. and Mrs. Milton Thomas, CAMr. Paul F. Thomas, MNMrs. Betty J. Thompson, CAMr. George A. Thompson, MIMr. and Mrs. J. D. Thompson, FLMr. Matt J. Thompson, FLMr. and Mrs. Roland C. Thorne, AL

Mr. Mark C. Tilden, COMr. and Mrs. Warren Tillapaugh, VAMr. Fred J. Tiller, WIDean Tillison, VAMr. Detlev H. Tiszauer, FLConnie K. Todd, AZKai Y. Toh Mrs. Jennifer L. Tomas, WAMr. Glenn M. Toney, PATony Watson Electric, Inc., MSMr. and Mrs. Edward E. Torres, INLila M. Touhey, COMs. Dolores H. Toye, CAVincent C. Tragesser, INLawrence C. Trame, CAMichael D. Tramutola, CAMr. and Mrs. Claude J. Transue, CAMs. Mary Ann Trapp, OHMr. and Mrs. Todd R. Trautman, NEDonna M. Traver, NY

“Before I came to Boys Town, I was a mess. My home life wasn’t good,

my mental health kept getting worse and I chose not to go to school

causing my grades to drop. I was stuck and alone in my situation.

At Boys Town, I have learned what family really means.”— ELIZABETH

Mr. Leonard Travers, ILMr. and Mrs. David J. Treinen, NEAndra Trengove, MEEvelyn R. Trepasko, PAMr. Carl Trevisan, VAMr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Trigger, VAMr. Edwin C. Trisler, CAMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Trobec, MNJohn J. Troisi, NYRichard H. Troth, CAMr. and Mrs. Michael C. Troy, NJMr. and Mrs. Paul I. Troyer, INLinda L. Trucks, ALPaul A. Truesdell, IATSDC, Inc., VAMr. Chun Tsui, NYMs. Mary Kay Tubello, KYGriselda A. Tuberson, VA

Terence Tungseth and Cristina Silveira-Tungseth, CA

Ms. Yvonne B. Turcotte, NHMr. John D. Turnbull, ORRobert and Jane Turner, VASusan M. Turner, VAMs. Patricia A. Turner Dupuis, NHBill and Justina Tuttle, ORMr. David M. Twomey, ILGeorge and Patricia Tyler, NJVirginia M. Tyler, INRonald Underwood and Sharolyn

Robillard-Underwood, LARobert A. Unger, COReverend Robert J. Urlage, KYMs. Sandra K. Usher, FLMark V. Vail, KSMr. and Mrs. Thomas R.

Vaillancourt, NMMs. Elizabeth J. Valente, WAFrancis J. Valenti, NYPaul J. Valentino, NJMrs. Val Valiquette, MTShirley A. Van Buren, MDMr. Randy Van Der Aa, INMr. and Mrs. Herman

Van der Dussen, TNMr. and Mrs. Erik H.

van der Kaay, MEC. L. Van Duyn, WYMr. and Mrs. John A. Van Hill, IARobert J. Van Horn, FLDavid J. Van Horne, TNMr. Ted R. Van Kirk, CAAlice W. Van Klaveren, CADavid H. Van Meter, OHJosephine Van Oort, COMary Vandenack, NE

Dr. Barth and Mrs. Elizabeth Vander Els, VT

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Vanderbroek, GAMrs. Joan F. Vanhal, IALoretta Vanhove, CAMr. and Mrs. Terry W. Vargo, FLMr. and Mrs. John Varin, IDMs. Jill S. Varney, NCMs. Rosario M. Vasquez, CAMr. and Mrs. William R. Vaughn, WAJames M. Vaught, KYPat Vaught, ILMr. and Mrs. Glenn Vavra, AZMr. and Mrs. Eduardo Vega, Jr., TXVermont Mutual Insurance Group, VTMr. James R. Verner, Jr., FLLuz C. Vignali, CAGuadalupe S. Villafuerte, TXVincent J. & Barbara Smith Giffuni

Foundation, NYMr. Dennis C. Vincent, TXMr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Vitale, NYMr. Floyd J. Vlasak, ILMs. Patricia M. Vogt, MIRichard Vogt Volunteer Case & Container, LLC, TNMs. Karen Von Amelunxen, NYRay Von McLeod, NCDr. and Mrs. Brian N. Vonk, MD, NEGeorge A. Voss, IL

W–ZBernita J. Wade, OHMs. Reba Wade, TXMr. and Mrs. John G. Waechter, Jr., MIMr. Stanley A. Wager, IL

Mrs. Carol L. Wagner, ALHarold E. Wagner, TXMs. Mary A. Wagner, IAMr. Rod J. Wagner, MDMr. Raymond T. Waite, OREdward S. Waits, ORVerne and Emma Waldner, WYDale and Becky Walker, MNMsgr. David M. Walker, CTMr. Donald Walker, OKGene and Jean Walker, ORMr. Timothy C. Walker, WAEdward and Donnie Wallace, ILFred J. Wallace, NYMr. Jack F. Wallace, Jr., NJDoris Wallain, ORMark Walmesley and Lonnie Kwa-

Humphries, TXWalter D. and Julianne Sullivan

Foundation, FLMarie C. Walters, MIMr. Tom Walters, INMr. Reino I. Wantin, CACassandra Ward, AZJanet Ward, MOMr. Jerome D. Ward, SCThe Watkins Family Foundation, CTCharles H. Watkins, FLMr. and Mrs. Henry D. Watkins, WIMr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Watson, MSMr. and Mrs. Jack T. Watzke, OKMr. and Mrs. Donald L. Waymire, INWayne Henderson Enterprises, Inc., INMr. John D. Weaver, LAJohn Webb, INVincent and Ronda Weber, WIMs. Arlene Webster, GABetty Weeks, TN

Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Weidner, PAWeill Family Foundation, NYMarshall S. Weiner, FLDennis D. Weiss, MNKenneth Weiss and Betsy Bishop, VAKevin Welker, NEDaniel J. Wellehan, Jr. and Lise

Wellehan, MEMr. John L. Welsh, VAMr. James W. Wenning, FLMrs. Eleanor B. Wessner, TNWest Indian Franciscans, VIMs. Alice M. West, TXMr. Richard H. Westbrook, NCMr. Paul F. Westerhaus, LAMr. Victor Westhall, FLMs. Betty J. Westmoreland, FLMr. and Mrs. Robert B. Weston, ALHelena A. Whalen, NYHelen O. Whaley, TXMr. and Mrs. Patrick V. Whelan, INWilliam and Carol Winning, TXMr. Paul O. Whitaker, MTDr. Andrew M. White, ILMr. and Mrs. Ted W. White, MOTerry A. Whitecotton, WVBetty L. Whitt, WYMr. Michael D. Whittaker, OHJanet E. Wible, MSDr. and Mr. Claudia B.

Wickham, Ed.D, NELouise S. Widdup, MDMr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wiebe, UTGertrude D. Wieber, AZRodney Wiegand, NELoretta Wiehr, TXMr. and Mrs. Rick Wiener, MNMs. Susan E. Wiesner, CA


“This place has

seriously helped

turn my life

around. Now I’m

using what I learned

to change my life.” — ISAAC

Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Wiggins, Sr., GAMr. and Mrs. Grady T. Wigley, GAMr. and Mrs. Calvin R. Wilder, Jr., CAMs. Mary E. Wile, PAIda L. Wiley, TXJanie S. Wilkerson, OKCarol Wilkinson Keenan, ILMs. Brenda F. Wilkinson, VAWillard & Frances Hendrix

Foundation, TNMr. Philip T. Willauer, DCDaniel M. Willeford, AZWilliam and Marian Ghidotti

Foundation, CAMr. David B. Williams, TXDr. Della C. Williams, NCDonald E. Williams, MDJerry and Jaslyn Williams, NVJohn E. Williams, MIMargaret A. Williams, ILNadine B. Williams, GAMr. Todd A. Williams, OHMr. Richard Williamson, CARobert L. Williamson, IDShianta Williford, FLTheresa A. Wills, TXWilson Sexton Foundation, TXMiss B. Y. Wilson, MDDr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Wilson, MNMs. Kay Wilson, IALarry Wilson, KYMrs. Susan F. Wilson, LAMr. and Mrs. Terry M. Wilson, AZVirginia F. Wilson, NYMike and Becky Wincek, NEMr. and Mrs. Harry W. Wing, Jr., CAWinspire Mrs. Wilma Winterbower, OK

Ms. Melinda Winterschied, NEThe Wireless Zone Foundation

for Giving, Inc., CTMr. David T. Wirth, NJElmer F. Wirth, CAMr. and Mrs. Joseph Wisnowski, FLSister Pauline Wittry, WIWL Lange & Associates, LLC, MOMrs. M. E. Wobb, PAS. M. Woellert, ILMr. and Mrs. John E. Woestman, ILPaul R. Wolf, IAMr. and Mrs. Richard A. Wolfe, MDSuzanne Wolfe, CAVictoria A. Wolfe, MTMs. Peggy L. Wonderley, VAAngela Wong, CAMrs. Julie D. Wood, INMr. and Mrs. Richard A. Woodin, AKLucille Woodring, CAGlenda Woods, CAJohn E. Woods, Jr., WAMr. and Mrs. Danny R. Worley, TNLinda L. Worley, MOMr. and Mrs. Edward A. Wortman, NEChristine R. Wright, NCMr. Robert A. Wright, NCMs. Tami J. Wright, WAMr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Wulf, MNThe Wurst Foundation, COBernard and Carol Wysocki, WIMr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Wzorek, FLThe Yang Foundation, NYDr. Anita Yap, NHMr. and Mrs. Thaddeus A.

Yarrish, Jr., PAMr. and Mrs. Sealy Yates, CAPatti J. Ybarra, NE

Susan and David Yeager, FLMs. Karen N. Yee, MIHelen M. Yglesias, OHMichael and Teri York, MDBarbara Young, NYJohn and Maria Young, CAJames and Terry Youngblood, TNMr. and Mrs. Daryl Youngman, OKSue T. Yount, ORLou Zabbia, CADr. and Mrs. Jon Zajicek, NEMr. and Mrs. George M. Zaki, Jr., CASharron Zakus, CAMr. Vincent M. Zarbo, NYRobert Zayas, FLGreg Zbylut, FLJulius and Nancy Zebehazy, GAMr. Anthony D. Zelano, RIMr. and Mrs. Leon J. Zender, MNJames M. Zeug, MNMr. and Mrs. P. Wayne Ziebell, NCJames A. Ziemkowski, CAMr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Ziino, Jr., WIMr. and Mrs. Ervin M. Zimmerman, Sr., PAGary N. Zitterkopf, WYJean Zitzler, WIDorothy A. Zolandz, DCZucaro Family Foundation, FLNicholas and Judith Zuk, OHMr. Dave Zumpano, NYZweifel Farms, LLC, ORMr. and Mrs. Larry J. Zweifel, ORMr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Zych, ILMr. Robert C. Zych, Jr., DE

OF OUR YOUTH GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL or continue their high school education after leaving Boys Town.


WATCH SOME RECENT Graduation Highlights.




For more than 100 years, Boys Town’s growth and success in saving children and healing families has been possible thanks to generous donations and the foresight and courage of Father Flanagan. Boys Town maintains high standards of fiscal responsibility, working to ensure that its resources will last for generations to come to serve America’s children, families and communities.

Father Flanagan’s Hope for Endowment Fulfilled

In 1930, in the heart of the Great Depression, Father Flanagan wrote that he hoped Boys Town could set up “an endowment fund, the interest of which will pay for the upkeep of our home, so that it will be unneces-sary for us to spend a good portion of our time in the appeal and collection of funds.”

Boys Town established the Father Flanagan’s Fund for Needy Children (Fund for Needy Children) in 1941 to provide investment income to support current programs and investment growth to sustain these programs in future years.

Helping Children Today and Into the Future

The Fund for Needy Children is operated as a de facto restricted fund for the purpose of helping children today and into the future. All current unrestricted donations – direct mail, wills and bequests — are spent on the direct care of children. None of these donations are put in the Fund for Needy Children unless directed by the donor. Today, as Boys Town continues to balance the competing needs of current and future generations, the Fund for Needy Children is as important as the day it was established. Based on expected investment returns and inflation factors, the Fund for Needy Children can spend, on average, between 4 and 5 percent of its market value in order to maintain its purchasing power.

Reasonable Risk-Taking to Help More Children

Father Flanagan and his successors trusted God’s goodness and took reasonable risks in order to help more and more children. Boys Town is what it is today because of this trust and risk-taking.

Sound Investments, Solid Management

During 2020, the Father Flanagan’s Fund for Needy Children provided $46,560,000 of support, or 12.00 percent of the funds necessary to operate Boys Town. This was 4.7 percent of the Fund’s January 1, 2020 value.

Sound investments and solid management of the Fund for Needy Children has allowed it to provide stable support for Boys Town at times when markets have been volatile.

Boys Town always strives to be prudent with the dollars received from outside sources, including donations from the public. In 2020, 83.88 percent of every dollar received was spent on the care of children. Supporting services comprised only 16.12 percent of total expenses, which is significantly lower than the national benchmark of 35 percent the not-for-profit industry utilizes.

Recognized for Fiscal Responsibility

Boys Town has been named a BBB Wise Giving Alliance Accredited Charity by the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance.

Charity Navigator, one of the nation’s largest and most-respected charity rating systems, has awarded Boys Town one of its highest ratings for the sound management of its finances.

Boys Town was recently recognized for its transparency with a Platinum Seal on its Nonprofit Profile on GuideStar, one of the world’s largest sources of information on nonprofit organizations.


PROGRAMS 84 %84 %



4 %4 %

Members of the Boys Town National Board of Trustees and the Father Flanagan’s Fund for Needy Children Board of Directors support Boys Town’s Mission selflessly with monetary gifts and gifts of their time, talent, thought and concern.

On behalf of the children saved and the families healed by their generosity, Boys Town says

“thank you” to our Trustees and Directors for their contributions and leadership.

2020 Boys Town National Board of Trustees

Kate C. DodgeCHAIR Trustee since 2012PresidentNEI Global Relocation | Omaha, NE

Keith D. Allen, Ph.D.Trustee since 2019Director/Professor of Psychology, Academic Affairs DirectorMunroe-Meyer Institute | Omaha, NE

Thomas B. BarkerTrustee Since 2020Retired CEO and Chairman of the Board,West Corporation | Omaha, NE

Robert A. BattTrustee since 2016 Retired Executive Vice PresidentNebraska Furniture Mart | Omaha, NE

William M. BryantTrustee since 2016Student AdvocateLincoln Public Schools | Lincoln, NE

The Rev. Steven E. BoesTrustee since 2005President and National Executive Director Boys Town | Boys Town, NE

Richard A. Chole, M.D., Ph.D.Trustee Since 2018Professor of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck SurgeryWashington University in St. Louis School of Medicine | St. Louis, MO

Kathleen F. DriscollTrustee Since 2018Senior Vice President and Chief Philanthropy Officer UMass Memorial Healthcare | Worcester, MA

Judith E. Favell, Ph.D.Trustee since 2013 Retired Behavioral Psychologist and AnalystMount Dora, FL

Laurine M. GarrityTrustee since 2016Executive Vice President, Chief Global Marketing Officer Private Client GroupFisher Investments | San Mateo, CA


100% PARTICIPATION!In 2020, all of our National Board of Trustees

made substantial donations to support Boys Town’s Mission, demonstrating their strong commitment to our efforts to save children, heal

families and strengthen communities.


Susan M. Nemer-HaddixTrustee Since 2018Community VolunteerOmaha, NE


Dorr B. Begnal Director since 2017Managing Director, Park Street CapitalBoston, MA

The Rev. Steven E. Boes Director since 2005President and National Executive Director, Boys TownBoys Town, NE

Rebecca E. Duseau Director since 2014Founding Partner, Adamas PartnersBoston, MA

L. Erik Lundberg Director since 2017Chief Investment Officer, University of MichiganAnn Arbor, MI

Robert R. Matejek CHAIR Director since 2013Co-Founder, White Rock Oil and GasDallas, TX

Kevin P. Mohan, J.D. Director since 2010Faculty, Harvard Business SchoolCambridge, MA

Senior Advisor, Summit PartnersBoston, MA

Helen Fox O’Brien Director since 2016Managing Director, Church Pension GroupNew York, NY

Philip J. Ruden Director since 2001Chief Investment Officer, Father Flanagan’s Fund for Needy ChildrenBoys Town, NE

Michael P. SullivanDirector since 2015Managing Director, Dartmouth CollegeBoston, MA

2020 Father Flanagan’s Fund for Needy Children Board of Directors

William J. Gerber, CPATrustee since 2014 Retired Executive Vice President, Chief Financial OfficerTD Ameritrade | Omaha, NE

Linda A. LeBlanc, Ph.D.Trustee since 2019PresidentLeBlanc Behavioral Consulting, LLC | Golden, CO

Robert R. MatejekTrustee since 2016Co-FounderWhite Rock Oil and Gas | Dallas, TX

Kevin P. Mohan, J.D.Trustee since 2011FacultyHarvard Business School | Cambridge, MASenior AdvisorSummit Partners | Boston, MA

Kathy R. Nieland, CPACHAIR-ELECT Trustee since 2013Assurance Sector Leader for Industrial ProductsPricewaterhouseCoopers LLP | New Orleans, LA

John J. Passarelli, J.D.Trustee since 2016PartnerKutak Rock | Omaha, NE

Jodi L. Probst, CPATrustee Since 2018Managing PartnerPricewaterhouseCoopers LLP | Houston, TX

Peter P. JonesTrustee since 2020Co-Founder/ Senior Advisor,Mind Safety Management, LLC | Washington, D.C.

D. Bradley Welling, M.D., Ph.D.Trustee Since 2017Walter Augustus LeCompte Chair, Harvard Department of Otolaryngology, Chief Otolaryngology Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Chief Otolaryngology Massachusetts General Hospital | Boston, MA




NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 14100 Crawford Street, Boys Town, NE 68010

800-217-3700 | 

Please visit us online to see a full listing of our Affiliate Sites and our Behavioral Health Clinic and Health Care locations across the nation.

NATIONAL RESEARCH HOSPITAL 555 North 30th Street, Omaha, NE 68131 531-355-1234 |