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Angular MeteorAngularJS Meetup May 12, 2015

Mike Seidle & Rick Wehrle@indymike & @wehrlock

Client Server


Node.js Javascript

Validate & UpdateSimulate DB




Database Everywhere

Data on the wire

Latency Compensation

Validate & UpdatePersist DB


One Language


Full Stack Reactivity

Simplicity = Productivity

Embrace the Ecosystem

7 Core Principles

Meteor Core Projects

Meteor has six core projects in their reactive isomorphic platform.

Angular Meteor adds a simple way to augment or replace the Blaze reactive template library.

urigo:angular most active

➔ 6K+ app installs and 50+ stars➔ Community around package adding

support for migrating to Angular 2➔ Recently added Angular Server

Side-by-side with file extensions

.ng.html files will parse angular directives and interpret double curly braces as expressions with bindings

.ng.js files are annotated and safely minified

$meteor.collection Service wrapper for reactive collections.

$meteor.object Service wrapper for one reactive object.

$meteor.subscribe Service wrapper for Meteor.subscribe and Meteor.publish that returns a promise.

$ Service wrapper to call Meteor.methods and return promises.

$scope.getReactively Method to reactively watch a $scope variable.

meteor-include Directive to include Meteor Blaze templates.

Angular-Meteor API

Example appsMeteor Angular Server Example Angular Material TODO with Camera Angular Material TODO Angular Socially Angular 2 Socially

Migration to Angular 2

Angular 2, ES6/7 syntax on Angular 1

Angular 2 with TypeScript dependency

Must See Videos by Uri Goldshtein

Angular 2 and Angular Server (May 2015)

Angular Meteor at ng-conf (March 2015)