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[email protected] • P.O. BOX 67 • BEIRA • SOFALA • MOZAMBIQUE DECEMBER | 2013


Inhaminga, December 19th, 2013

Dear friends, The desire to raise up a generation in

Mozambique that will bring the Kingdom of God to this land is something that burns in our hearts for a long time. We know that the nation will only be changed when old wounds of suffering are healed; when evil traditions and fears are cut by their roots and a generation is raised up in the principles of the Kingdom of God, full of the Holy Spirit and with a mind renewed by the Word. We are always thinking, talking and specially asking God for strategies and plans according to His heart so we can be instruments to make this desire a reality!

As part of those strategies, we held different Youth Conferences at Inhaminga last November with high expectations!


Mozambique is going through a time of great political tension. After 20 years of peace, since

the Peace Accord signed in Rome, this has been the greatest crisis with high risk of civil war. The opposition, disappointed with the way the country is being governed, seeing communist symbols not only being restored but also new ones built in each village and city, tired of corruption, power abuse and poor administration and, specially, requesting dialogue monitored by foreign representatives to ensure fair elections, started peacefully protesting almost a year ago.


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In Brazil, you can make a deposit: Personal and Ministry AccountBanco BradescoTitular: Susana Luisa WalkerAgência 0215Conta Poupança 1000159-5Education Project AccountBanco BradescoTitular: Ester Silva WalkerAgência 627Conta Corrente 105860-6

It wasn’t the best political moment to promote events involving so many people

from so many different places!

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From then on, the conflict escalated, with violence from both sides, bringing back memories from the 20 year civil war that tore the country apart two decades ago. For some weeks it was difficult to find a safe place in the country, since attacks were happening in the South, the Central Region as well as the North.

People from Inhaminga village watched us attentively. People were heard saying: “If Afrika wa Yesu people leave, we will also run away!” And we looked attentively to God! We can not be naive, risking our lives and other people’s lives in vain. We must be wise! On the other hand, we are not from this world, and can not be guided by what we hear or what we see. Our guide is the Holy Spirit and we were challenged by our leadership to trust Him, look to Him and hear from Him what we should do. We had our “emergency bags” ready in case we had to run, but we had no plans to go anywhere! We will only leave if He tells us to do so, and for that reason we must listen closely to His soft voice!

These have actually been days of much learning. We believe wars and rumors of wars will increase in the World in these last days, Christians will be persecuted around the world and we must learn how to live in this context and still bear fruit for God’s glory!

And so, though circumstances and rumors seemed to point in the opposite direction, we felt total peace to carry on with our plans. We sent the invitations, not knowing who would respond. Who would leave their supposely safe houses, travel in typically insecure transportation through roads where attacks had just happened a few days earlier to gather together before God with other young people?


What a joy to see the boldness of the youth, the hope of this nation! First 52 youth

leaders came from different provinces, some traveling more than 600 miles. Not all of them have the position of Youth Leaders, but they were hand picked: Bible School graduates, youth with potential to leadership, some who have been through many Conferences and are growing in maturity and responsibility.

We trained them for four very intense days I doubt most Western Youth would endure! We spoke about the true Gospel, what it is and how to preach it, how to pray, the importance of finding out our call, the need to seek God’s glory and the manifestation of His Kingdom and Church Revival. One of the most special moments were when we put to practice what we had learned about coorporate prayer. Every morning, at 5 a.m., after personal devotions, we agreed in prayer for this country, for the youth, for the church. Even through very hot days, teaching and

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prayer continued! While the leaders were still here, 173 youth

arrived from around Central Mozambique for our Regional General Youth Conference. These are chosen in their local churches with very few pre-requisites. They only need to desire to seek God (even if they don’t know Him yet). Our Mozambican team ministered about God, the creator; man and sin; salvation, a life of holiness and Jesus’ return.

We had a set plan, but our hearts were burning with the desire to see the Holy Spirit intervine, so we prayed that He would do whatever he pleased... and He answered our prayer!


Aquiba, a girl from Magiga, former Muslim, recently saved, came to the

conference with a strong desire in her heart: to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Some weeks earlier another girl in her church had been baptized and spoke in tongues. When the pastor explained to the congregation what had happened and what the baptism in the Holy Spirit was, a seed was planted in her heart and she had great expectation that it would happen to her here.

During an afternoon small group meeting at our matchessa (kiosk), Simona spoke about the Holy Spirit and mentioned that later we would pray for whoever wanted to be baptized. Aquiba immediately said: “Do we have to wait? Why can’t it be now?” Seeing

her thirst, Simo said they would pray for her right there, and dismissed whoever wanted to go to dinner. Around eight young people stayed seeking to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and quickly many started to speak in tongues. When Simona started to pray for Aquiba, she was also baptized... but it wasn’t just a baptism (if any can be “just”), it was such an infilling, so powerful that she was completely drunk in the Spirit! Some may think this expression to be weird, but Paul, the apostle, wrote: “Do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Holy Spirit!” and Aquiba was FULL!!!

Here was a girl who had never heard about Azuza Street, Toronto or Pensacola Revivals... but full of the Holy Spirit she couldn’t stand up, first crying, then speaking in tongues, and laughing. For a long time! I had closed my meeting when I heard the noise coming from our matchessa and came to see what was going on. Mae Ellie and others also came. The presence of God in that matchessa was so strong! After a while Aquiba calmed down, but she was so radiant and happy, she didn’t want to stop! She could hardly speak Portuguese, so she started to point at people, prophesy in tongues and then translate in Portuguese! It was beautiful! On her way back to the dorms she screamed to people she saw, totally unashamed: “You need to know: God loves you so much!!!!”

She didn’t want dinner, because she said she was so satisfied, what she had eaten was much better then any physical food. When Simo arrived at her room, the girls surrounded her as she told them how much God loved her, and how good He was, and how He loved each one of them, and He was her beloved groom!!!


About the Pictures: 01 - Youth Leaders Training02 - Questions and Answers 03 - Intense Head04 - Anita and Aquiba after hearing “The Gospel”05 - Amélia and Anita baptizing other girls in water 06 - João and Luís praying for another boy07 - The Holy Spirit moving during worship

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Seeing all this, we decided to cancel the night games and leave time for the Holy Spirit to opperate as He wished! The organizing team was very tired and most hadn’t been at Simo’s small group or seen Aquiba. Even after hearing all that happened and our expectation they didn’t have strength to take anything forward! When we arrived at the hall, the youth were distracted, expecting a night of games. But after speaking a little bit, Simo let Aquiba say what had happened to her and then invited whoever wanted to meet with God to come forward and start praying. With no other effort, the presence of God came again as a mighty wind... powerful... touching, bringing conviction of sin, baptizing, setting free and healing!

Wow! It is difficult to describe what happened there! Truly, it is impossible! Even beeing there, experiencing it all, we know we can’t see with our natural eyes the deep work the Holy Spirit do inside the hearts! But what a refreshing thing it is to see God moving, without our effort, with no need to push or pull anything! Simply pray, desire, prepare and then obey Him! There are many things that are our responsibility, but nothing is under our control! Our God is beautiful and wonderful!

Many, many were touched that evening, and in the following night we decided to have water baptism! We taught about it, answered their questions, talked in the small groups about it and our last night was one of great celebration! The joy that overflowed from the youth was something from another world! Many that were baptized in waters, layed in the grass afterwards enjoying the move of the Spirit, the joy and the freedom!

A girl that called my attention was Izabel. She had been baptized in the Holy Spirit at the same time as Aquiba, but there was a strugle in her soul. I can’t really comprehend what happened but while she prayed she felt pain inside, she was afraid! We had prayed a lot for her the night before and after she was baptized in waters I prayed for her again. She started to shake, as before, but just for a few seconds, and then it was as if something was taken from inside her and she freely spoke in tongues, in a beautiful spiritual language, full of words and sounds, with a smile in her face, free!

So awesome! Just writing this, I wish to be back then! And to think that there is so much

more! Much, much more that God wants to pour over this generation and over this nation... and, really, over all our lives! If we only open ourselves, desire and let His Spirit do the work!


Local elections were held while we were in this last conference and something amazing took

place in the country. After voting, the youth stood next to the stations to see what would happen to the votes and not allow them to be stolen. Many suffered violence because of that, and some paid the high price of their lives! I cry for the ones that died, but my heart is full of hope for a generation that doesn’t accept corruption and injustice and is willing to pay a price to see change!

There was shooting in many cities after the election when a party had the victory and went out to celebrate and the police shot at them! A few days after elections, the national army (controlled by the party in power) started to “enlist” young people by force in the streets. We hear some of them are being sent to fight (“defend their country from the rebels”) after only two or three months of training! They are being sent to die! Many protested! The population doesn’t want to be silenced... even if that causes tension in the country, it also gives us hope!

I ask for prayer for the youth that participated on the conferences and are now back at their homes, that the flame that started to burn in their hearts will grow. That they may continue praying for revival in their nation and that the fire of God may continue to come down, each time stronger and more powerful!

Please also pray for the country, that violence against inocents may stop. That the nation may be changed by this new generation, against corruption and injustice!

As for us, our words are like Paul’s: “But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” Acts 20.24

Thank you for being a part of this walk with us, through your love, prayer and support!

At His Service,With much Joy,