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CAE Healthcare Catalog

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CAE Healthcare partners with educators worldwide to of-fer realistic and relevant healthcare simulation training so-lutions. With a bold mission to improve patient safety and

outcomes, we continuously strive to develop breakthrough

products that advance learning and competency within risk-

free settings.

Our end-to-end spectrum of simulation solutions includes

patient, surgical and imaging simulation, center management

and learning applications. With a broad array of products, we

are able to offer targeted training solutions to hospitals, medi-

cal schools, emergency response teams, military branches

and nursing, respiratory and allied health programs.

Each CAE Healthcare product is developed in partnership

with clinicians and clinical educators whose aim is to ensure

physiological accuracy and educational relevance.

The CAE Healthcare family of learners is highly interactive,

innovative and eager to share ideas and experiences. Join us

at HPSN, the Human Patient Simulation Network conference,

where people from around the world and from every level of

healthcare gather to push the envelope of healthcare simula-

tion to improve learning and ultimately, to save lives.

To learn more visit or

CAE Healthcare offers educational tools that help healthcare professionals deliver safe, high quality patient care.


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Table of Contents

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Patient Simulation 3 5 7 9 111213151718

Imaging Simulation 19

Surgical Simulation 212223 24

Center Management25

CAE Healthcare Academy272728293233

METI HPS®METI iStan®CAE Caesar™METIman® Nursing and PrehospitalMETI ECS®METI BabySIM®METI PediaSIM®Müse® and TouchPro®METI FX™ and Patient Simulator AccessoriesPelvic ExamSIM®, TDCK™ and Pharmacology Editor



LearningSpace® and METIVision®

Program for Nursing Curriculum Integration (PNCI®)eDose®ADVance Hospital SolutionsLearning ApplicationsTraining and Support & Maintenance InformationWhich Patient Simulator is Right for You?

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METI HPS Human Patient Simulatorthe only simulator that truly breathes—for anesthesia, respiratory and critical care


* Adult HPS Only


Palpable ribs

Chest compression




Cardiac output

Cardiac dysrhythmias

Arterial and central venous blood pressure

Reactive pupils


Airway management

Variable airway resistance


Tracheawith realisticanatomicallandmarks



Variable lung and chest compliance

Lungs respond automatically to mechanical ventilation


Independentchest excursion

Heart sounds

Spontaneous respiration

Breath sounds

IV arm



Interchangeable genitalia

Urinary output



Thumb twitch linked to neuromuscular blocking agent response


Uptake and distribution of nitrous oxide and volatile anesthetics

Interfaces with patient monitors to display invasive and non-invasive blood pressures, cardiac output, pulmonary artery catheter insertion, gas concentrations, five-lead ECG, temperatures and SpO2

Automatically responds to oxygen therapy

Supports real capnography

Drug recognition identifies drug administered, concentration and dose

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“The HPS is the Cadillac of Patient Simulators. ”

advanced FeaturesOptional anesthesia delivery system allows the lungs to uptake or excrete nitrous oxide, sevoflurane, isoflurane, other anesthetic gases

Drug recognition system uses barcode technology toaccurately identify drug administered, concentration and dose

HPS offers independent control of airway resistance, lung and chest compliance

Connects to standard patient monitors to display arterial, pulmonary, and venous blood pressure, automatic non-invasive blood pressure, cardiac out-put, body temperature, blood temperature, capnogra-phy, five-lead ECG, gas concentrations and SpO2.

Mechanical ventilation is fully supported with automatic responses to CPAP, PSV, SIMV, assist control modes and weaning protocols

Standard equipment (010 anesthesia model)HPS MannequinFull Function Monitor InterfaceInstructor’s Desktop WorkstationWireless Remote LaptopMüse SoftwareControl RackEnhanced Drug RecognitionPharmacology Editor6 Preprogrammed Adult and 2 Pediatric Patient Profiles60 Preprogrammed Simulated Clinical Experiences (SCEs), 10 Pediatric SCEsDiagnostic Peritoneal LavagePericardiocentisis

Standard equipment (020 model)HPS MannequinInstructor’s Desktop Workstation Müse SoftwareControl Rack6 Preprogrammed Adult and 2 Pediatric Patient Profiles60 Preprogrammed Simulated Clinical Experiences (SCEs), 10 Pediatric SCEs

Standard equipment PediaSIm hPSPediaSIM MannequinControl RackFull Function Monitor InterfaceEnhanced Drug RecognitionPharmacology EditorInstructor’s Desktop Workstation HPS6 Software2 Pediatric Patient Profiles10 Pediatric SCEs

hPS optional equipmentAnesthesia Delivery System (010)Enhanced Drug Recognition (020)Pharmacology Editor (020)PediaSIM Plug and Play MannequinComputer BagWireless Remote Laptop (020)Full-function Monitor Interface (020)Hands-Free Cable KitGas Accessory KitMüse and TouchPro Software UpgradeTouchPro Patient Monitor Computer (Müse only)Waveform Display MonitorTrauma Disaster Casualty Kit

The METI HPS and Pediatric HPS are the only human patient simulators on the market today that provide true respiratory gas exchange. The HPS interfaces with current clinical monitors and ventilators, and automatically responds to the administration of real anesthetic gases, oxygen therapy and medications. With patented cardiovas-cular, respiratory, neurological and pharmacological modeling, the HPS has been the gold standard patient simulator for healthcare since its creation in 1996.

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Anthony Guerne, B.A., NREMT-P, Institute for Clinical Competence at the New York College of Osteopathic Medicine



Bilateral dorsalis pedis pulse

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Realistic skin

Reactive pupils

Realistic airway

Breakaway teeth

Voice Trachea with realistic anatomical landmarks

Bilateral carotid pulse

Bilateral IV port

Bowel sounds

Bilateral brachial pulse

Interchangeable genitalia

Urinary outputBilateral radial pulse

Bilateral chest movement

Flail chest

Pneumothorax decompression

Independent chest excursion

Breath sounds

Heart sounds

Intercostal palpable ribs

Chest compressions




Fully wireless and tetherless with blood, fluids and power on-board

Cervical movement detection

Chest tube with fluid output

Five bleeding sites

METI iStanSmart. Evolved. Unplugged.



Secretions from eyes, nose, ears and mouth

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Bilateral femoral pulse

Bilateral popliteal pulse

Bilateral dorsalis and tibialis pedis pulses

Cyanosis on fingers and toes

Capillary refill

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advanced FeaturesReactive eyes provide consensual and independent, automatic pupillary response to light and trauma

Advanced cardiac life support system, which identifies effective and ineffective chest compressions, defibrillation energy, pacing, and produces appropriate physiological response

SpO2 finger probe is integrated with patient monitor display

Fully independent right and left lungs andindependent bilateral trauma features

Full articulation of neck, shoulders, elbow, wrist, hips, knees and ankles

Up to 1.8 liters of blood and 800 ml of secretions on board

Standard equipmentiStan MannequinInstructor’s Laptop WorkstationTouchPro Patient Monitor ComputerMüse Software4 SCE Development LicensesTouchPro Software4 CO2 CanistersComputer Bag6 Preprogrammed Patient Profiles14 Simulated Clinical Experiences (SCEs)

optional equipmentAdditional Battery PackMannequin Carrying CaseAdditional CO2 CanistersMannequin Tool KitTrauma/Disaster Casualty KitMETI FXICPPharmacology EditorHands-Free Cable Kit

The METI iStan is the most advanced wireless patient simulator on the market, capable of producing automatic physiological responses to therapeutic interventions with minimal input from an instructor. iStan’s integrated physiology reacts to cardiovascular changes, such as bleeding, as a human patient would, with altered blood pressure, heart rate and other clinical signs. With a realistic airway, articulated joints, independent right and left lungs, and bleeding and secretions linked to his physiology, iStan has full mobile simulation capabilities.

“I love my iStan” Andrew Gross, Medical Simulation Manager Case Western Reserve School of Medicine

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“During the First Responder Trainer Training, the NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine successfully made use of the Caesar trauma patient simulator. Caesar superbly facilitated near realistic practice of procedures that were previously taught in a classroom environment, which highly increased the success and effectiveness of the whole training.” Lieutenant Colonel Rob Meijering (RNLAF), Deputy Chief Training Branch, NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine in Budapest, Hungary


Verbal response and sounds


Bilateral needledecompression

SternalIO access

Bilateralradial pulse



Articulation of neck, back, shoulders, elbows, forearms and wrists

6 bleeding sites in arms, legs, upper body and abdomen

Wireless and tetherless with blood on board

Blinking and directional eye movement

CAE Caesartrauma training Solution for First responders

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88CAE HEAltHCArE PAtiEnt SimulAtion

Environmental conditions in combat or “point of injury” situations can be hostile and make emergency care demanding. Rugged, durable and water-resistant, CAE Caesar is a trauma patient simulator that can be used in different types of terrain, climates and other challenging elements. Caesar is wireless and can be operated remotely with an easy-to-use Müse interface.

“During the First Responder Trainer Training, the NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine successfully made use of the Caesar trauma patient simulator. Caesar superbly facilitated near realistic practice of procedures that were previously taught in a classroom environment, which highly increased the success and effectiveness of the whole training.” Lieutenant Colonel Rob Meijering (RNLAF), Deputy Chief Training Branch, NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine in Budapest, Hungary



Accurate response to properly applied tourniquets

Modular change of limbs

Advanced FeaturesRuggedized for austere environments and water-resistant

High-pressure, dramatic bleeding and hemorrhage control treatment

Articulation of neck, back, shoulders, elbows, forearms and wrists

Level of consciousness depicted in speech patterns and eye response

Modular change of limbs

Standard EquipmentCaesar MannequinInstructor’s Touchscreen Tablet PCMüse Software3 Standard Patients10 Preprogrammed Simulated Clinical Experiences

optional EquipmentAdditional Battery PackMannequin Carrying CaseWounds Kit with Right Hand GSW Glove Abdominal Multiple GSW Wrist Injury Facial Wound — Trauma Face

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METImanWireless, Affordable Patient for Nursing and Prehospital Training


Airway management (Prehospital)

Jaw thrust

Breakaway teeth


Bilateral chest movement

Pneumothorax decompression

Independent chest excursion

Intercostal palpable ribs

Chest compressions




Bilateralbrachial pulse

Bilateralradial pulse


Bilateral chest tube with fluid output

Bilateral vascular access for IV cannulation including multiple locations with flashback

Wireless and tetherless with blood on board

Two bleeding sites

Reactive pupils


Trachea with realistic anatomical landmarks

Tracheal suctioning (Nursing)

Bilateral carotid pulse


Gastric Lavage/gavage(Nursing)

Interchangeable genitalia

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Bilateral dorsalis and tibialis pedis pulses


advanced FeaturesMETIman Prehospital — Clinical signs and interventions include nasal and endotracheal intubation, laryngospasm, tracheostomy, cricothyrotomy, chest compressions, defibrillation, pacing, chest tube with fluid output, needle thoracentesis bilaterally.

METIman Nursing — Clinical signs and interventions include tracheostomy and ability to suction simulated airway secretions, nasogastric tube insertion and ability to aspirate and infuse fluids, central venous catheter, chest compres-sions, defibrillation, pacing, chest tube with fluid output.

Standard equipmentMETIman MannequinInstructor’s Laptop WorkstationMüse SoftwareTouchPro SoftwareOne Standard PatientConvulsions4 Preprogrammed Simulated Clinical Experiences (Nursing)4 Preprogrammed Simulated Clinical Experiences (Prehospital)Choice of TouchPro Patient Monitor Computer or Hands-Free KitBattery Charger

optional equipmentMannequin Carrying CaseComputer BagAdditional Battery PackMETI FXPharmacology EditorAdditional CO2 Cannisters

METIman is CAE Healthcare’s most affordable wireless patient simulator, built for both nursing and prehospital training. Designed with METI’s physiological modeling and advanced simulation capabilities, METIman offers a training solution that is mobile and easy to oper-ate. The curriculum includes turnkey solutions for teaching basic nursing and prehospital skills, including airway management, chest tube management and needle decompression.

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“We really like the METI models because they are physiologically based. Simulation allows us to immerse a student in a near-real clinical situation.”

Carol Durham, Clinical Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Nursing

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advanced FeaturesLife-like intubation head for practice of ventilation, endotracheal intubation, retrograde, fiber optic and light wand intubation, needle and surgical cricothyrotomy

A simulated waveform monitor can display ECG leads, blood pressure, SpO2, blood and body temperature, cardiac output and more

Standard equipmentECS MannequinPower and Communications UnitInstructor’s Laptop WorkstationMüse SoftwareTouchPro Patient Monitor Computer6 Patient Profiles14 Simulated Clinical ExperiencesAir Compressor


Intercostalpalpable ribs

Chest compression




Blinking eyes

Variable pupil size




Tracheawith realisticanatomicallandmarks





Breath sounds

Heart sounds IV arm




Interchangeable genitalia

Urinary output


METI ECS Emergency Care Simulatoraffordability, Versatility and Dependability

Built with the sophisticated technology behind the gold standard HPS, the ECS is CAE Healthcare’s best selling wired patient simulator, and a cost-effective and reliable training solution for nursing, EMS agencies, hospitals, the military and health science education. The ECS includes a complete hemodynamic monitoring package, a life-like intubation head and automatic physiological responses to medical interventions and medications.


optional equipmentAuxiliary Portable Power SupplyWireless Remote LaptopHands-Free Cable KitComputer BagMannequin Carrying CaseGas Accessory KitTDCKPharmacology Editor

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Interchangeable genitalia

Urinary output

Bilateralfemoralpulse Bilateral



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Bulging fontanelcapability

Blinking eyes

Variable pupilsize

Tearing andsecretionsof fluidsfrom ears,eyes andmouth


Crying, cooing,giggling

Intraosseous insertion

Interchangeable genitalia

Urine output


Bilateral brachial and femoral pulse

Chest excursion

Seesaw breathing

Heart sounds

Breath sounds

Unilateral needle decompression and chest tube insertion

Tracheawith realisticanatomicallandmarks

advanced FeaturesExhalation of air and CO2

Trauma features include upper airway obstruc-tion, esophageal, nasal and oral intubation, bag-valve-mask ventilation, transthoracic pacing, needle decompression and chest tube insertion

Standard equipmentBabySIM MannequinMannequin Carrying CasePower and Communications UnitInstructor’s Laptop WorkstationMüse SoftwareTouchPro Patient Monitor Computer2 Patient Profiles4 Simulated Clinical Experiences (SCEs)Air Compressor

optional equipmentAuxiliary Portable Power SupplyWireless Remote LaptopComputer BagGas Accessory Kit

Driven by validated models of infant cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic and neu-rological systems, BabySIM generates automatic responses to clinical interventions to prepare healthcare professionals for critical events relating to infants.

METI BabySIMmetI’s Infant model for life-Saving critical care

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METI PediaSIMrisk-Free Practice for Pediatric critical care

Realistic airwayVoice

Bilateral brachial pulse Bilateral

radial pulse

Bilateral femoral pulse

Intraosseus insertion

Bilateral popliteal pulse

Bilateral needle decompressionHeart/Breath sounds

Independent chest excursionChest compressionECGDefibrillationPacing

Interchangeable genitalia w/urinary output

Bilateral carotid pulse


“The physiology of the pediatric simulator plays a definitive part in the students’ dissemination of the physiological changes in order for them to critically think in providing the care needed for their pediatric client.” Joy Thomason, RN, MSN, Assistant Professor at the Union University School of Nursing in Jackson, Tennessee

Bowel sounds

BlinkingVariable pupil size

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Intraosseus insertion

Bilateral dorsalis pedis pulse

advanced FeaturesCritical airway landmarks include realistic tongue, epiglottis, aryepiglottic fold, cuneiform tubercle, laryngeal inlet, vocal cords and esophagus

Airway features include upper airway obstruction, laryngospasm, esophageal, nasal and oral intuba-tion and needle cricothyrotomy

Intraosseous and IV access sites

Standard equipment PediaSIm hPSPediaSIM MannequinInstructor’s Desktop Workstation HPS6 Software2 Pediatric Patient ProfilesPharmacology EditorEnhanced Drug RecognitionFull-function Monitor InterfaceControl Rack10 Pediatric Simulated Clinical Experiences

optional equipment PediaSIm hPSFull-function Monitor Interface KitAnesthesia Delivery SystemRemote Control LaptopComputer BagTrauma/Disaster Casualty Kit (TDCK™)Hands-Free Cable KitGas Accessory KitWaveform Display Monitor

Standard equipment PediaSIm ecSPediaSIM MannequinPower and Communications UnitInstructor’s Laptop WorkstationMüse SoftwarePediatric Patient Profile6 Pediatric Simulated Clinical ExperiencesTouchPro Patient Monitor ComputerAir Compressor

optional equipment PediaSIm ecSAuxiliary Power SupplyRemote Control LaptopComputer BagMannequin Carrying CaseGas Accessory KitTrauma/Disaster Casualty Kit (TDCK)Pharmacology Editor

A complete reproduction of a six-year-old child, PediaSIM is avail-able on the HPS platform, which is specifically designed for anesthe-sia, respiratory and critical care, or the ECS platform, when economy is a priority. With a pediatric drug library, and realistic airway, thorax and anatomical features, PediaSIM supports a wide range of clinical interventions.

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“The physiology of the pediatric simulator plays a definitive part in the students’ dissemination of the physiological changes in order for them to critically think in providing the care needed for their pediatric client.” Joy Thomason, RN, MSN, Assistant Professor at the Union University School of Nursing in Jackson, Tennessee

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Patient reset button allows you to quickly save and return to the patient’s original baseline physiology without having to restart the SCE.

Scenarios automatically load as part of the SCE. Scenario states and progression can be controlled directly from the Run Screen.

Patient Status Display provides a fully customizable, manageable view of patient data. Colors and alarms can be modified directly from the Run Screen as well.

Parameter controls allow you to affect the physi-ological modeling with the click of a button.

Recent Event Logs on the Run Screen keep you updated, while complete event and physiological data is logged in the SCE history.

Simulated Clinical Experiences (SCEs) bundle ready-to-go patient, scenarios, educational content and setup preferences to automatically loadtogether when you run a SCE.

SCE timeline provides the ability to place bookmarks throughout a SCE and to return to the patient’s book-marked physiology at any point.

Müse and TouchProoperate your patient simulator with ease by using müse.mac and Pc compatible.


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numeric Selection• HeartRate• Pulse• ArterialBloodPressure• MAP• NIBP• PulmonaryArteryPressure• PCWP• CentralVenousPressure• ContinuousCardiac Output• ThermodilutionCardiac Output• RespiratoryRate

• SpO2

• PAO2

• PaO2

• PaCO2

• EtCO2

• PvO2

• PvCO2

• ICP• BodyTemperature• BloodTemperature• AxillaryTemperature• RectalTemperature

touchPro Simulated Patient monitoring SoftwareMüse comes with the TouchPro Patient Monitoring software that looks and acts just like a real-world patient monitor including touch-screen capability and capnography.

• OperateswirelesslyorviawiredEthernet• Canberunonatouch-screencomputerortablet• Waveformsandnumericvitalscanbechangedwith drag and drop simplicity• Candisplayuptosixwaveformtracesandfour numeric vitals• Web-basedforPCorMac

waveform Selection• ECGLeadI• ECGLeadII• ECGLeadIII• ECGLeadV• ArterialBloodPressure• CentralVenousPressure

• PulseOximetryGraph• Capnogram• PulmonaryBlood Pressure• PCWP

Medication Monitor shows current concentration of any administered medication in the patient. Administered drugs can be “reset,” immediately removing all effects of the medication from the patient for training purposes.

Navigate controls by clicking the patient diagram

Multi-user, unique password system allows institutions to set privileges of users and operators.

The fully customizable Quick Links help you easily apply complex medical conditions, medications and interventions directly from the Run Screen.

SCE Development Softwarecreate and edit müse patient scenarios on any mac or Pc when away from the instructor’s worksta-tion. Four stand-alone licenses included with the purchase of each simulator.

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Drug Recognition SystemThe enhanced Drug Recognition System utilizes barcode technology to identify the drug ad-ministered and its concentration and quantifies the dosage given by the trainee. Available for HPS and PediaSIM HPS only.

Instructor’s Wireless Remote LaptopThe instructor’s wireless remote laptop allows for complete simulator operation by a single in-structor from any location within the simulation lab setting. The screens and control structure of the remote are identical to the Instructor Workstation.

Full-Function Monitor InterfaceThe Full Function Monitor Interface allows the simulator to connect with standard patient monitors produced by all major manufacturers, providing the trainee the ability to use and in-teract with the actual equipment used in the clinical setting. The physiological models within the simulator generate the appropriate signals, which drive patient monitoring equipment in a realistic way via the standard transducer inputs. Available for HPS and PediaSIM HPS only.

Hands-Free Defibrillator Cables n Hands-Free Cable Kit – Zolln Hands-Free Cable Kit – Physio Quick Combo n Hands-Free Cable Kit – Phillips

Portable Air CompressorThe Portable Air Compressor provides users with a portable air supply for running their ECS, PediaSIM ECS or BabySIM.

Wall Air KitThe Wall Air Kit includes hoses and regulators that allow any simulator to be hooked to any in-wall comprressed air supply, bypassing the compressor.

Battery SuppliesExtra batteries provide additional life for your simulator. iStan battery provides 8 hours of additional battery life. METIman and Caesar batteries provide 4 hours of additional battery life.

Deluxe Mannequin Carrying CaseThis case allows you to easily transport and store your ECS, PediaSIM or METIman mannequin, effectively increasing your mobility. The case is equipped with heavy-duty wheels, handles, zippers and internal security straps to keep the mannequin in place. Two cushioned headrests cradle the simulator head for added protection. Handles on the side permit two people to lift easily.

Deluxe Soft-Sided Laptop Carrying Case This laptop carrying case allows users to store their user laptop and important training materi-als for easy transport and safekeeping.

Disposable CO2 Canisters — 4 pack CO2 canisters are an inexpensive way to simulate gas exchange and the presence or lack of CO2. Available for the METIman and iStan simulators.

ConvulsionsThis option offers a visible cue and simulates minor trembling and shaking from head to feet. This feature can be used to support febrile chills and tremors associated with clinical symp-toms. Included with iStan and METIman, available for ECS patient simulator as an option.

METI FX Lifelike moulage wounds to fully immerse learners in trauma situations

Developed with the assistance of the U.S. Army, METI FX is a complete, turnkey mou-lage simulation solution that comes in a con-venient flight-case with organized product compartments.

Optional components include amputations, degloving of the hand and impalement.

Simulator Accessories


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Pharmacology EditorThe Pharmacology Editor takes learning to the next level by allowing users to custom-ize the drug responses on their patient simulator. With the Pharmacology Editor, users can add new drugs to the library, modify pre-programmed drug responses and adapt the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters of a specific drug or set of drugs for a specific patient or patient population.

Pelvic ExamSIM the Female Pelvic exam SimulatorTouch-sensitive technology measures depth, accuracy and palpations

Three modes for Learning, Assessment and After Action Review

Four interchangeable clinical uteri, including normal, retroverted, uterus with cyst and uterus with fibroid

TDCK Trauma Disaster Casualty KitA high-volume trauma bleeding and secretions system for additional realism in the learn-ing environment. Drive up to six bleeding sites and four secretion sites at once.

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The CAE VIMEDIX ultrasound simulator offers physi-cians and students quick mastery of imaging tech-niques and exams related to the heart, lungs and ab-domen. CAE VIMEDIX is the only simulator that offers TTE, TEE, FAST and FOCUS exams on one platform.

Standard equipmentVIMEDIX MannequinComputer with keyboard, mouse and monitorTransducerSoftware with one normal heart and 3 pathologies

add-on SystemsTEE ModuleAbdominal-Pelvic ModuleExtensive library of pathologies


CAE VIMEDIXthe world’s most advanced ultrasound Simulator

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CAE ICCUBedside ultrasound e-learning training Solution

CAE ICCU is an interactive, e-learning curriculum for rapid mastery of ultrasound exams and procedures, including the Focused Cardiac Ultrasound Exam (FOCUS), ultrasound-guided central venous access, thoracentesis, paracentesis, and the assessment of blood vessels, pleural spaces and lungs. In addition to web-based curriculum, CAE ICCU offers collaborative learning, onsite train-ing seminars and a FOCUS exam pocket guide for the iPhone or iPad.

The CAE ICCU e-Learning curriculum is designed to conform to international ultrasound training guidelines. It is endorsed by the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) and the Canadian Critical Care Society (CCCS).

CAE ICCU And VIMEdIX ArE pArt of A blEndEd lEArnIng solUtIon thAt InClUdEs dIdACtIC, sIMUlAtIon, groUp sEMInArs, rEfErEnCE AIds And onlInE, CollAborAtIVE lEArnIng.

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CAE LapVR gives learners the opportunity to develop proficiency in basic techniques such as suturing, knot tying and loop litigation as well as general surgery and OB-GYN procedures. The simulator cart has an adjustable height, enabling hours of comfortable practice. The proce-dures are based on real patient cases and cover basic to complex scenarios.

Standard equipmentSimulator with cartHaptic componentRelevant handlesCases and pathologiesnew! appendectomy module


CAE LapVRPerform Basic to complex laparoscopic Procedures while Developing Surgical Decision-making Skills

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CAE ProMISthe laparoscopic Skills trainer with Full and accurate Feedback on Performance

The use of real instrumentation enhanced with augmented reality. ProMIS supports both basic skills and a full range of surgical procedures, including Lap Appendectomy and hand-assisted Lap Colectomy. ProMIS enables learners to practice on physical models to ensure appropriate tactile feed-back. The ProMIS Open Module is a perfect fit for surgical research and surgical procedure experimentation, including robotic surgery.

Standard equipmentProMIS Simulator with tilt baseCamera tracking systemLearning Management SystemAdd-on features


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CAE EndoVRrealistic tactile and Physiological Feedback for Gastrointestinal and Bronchial endoscopy

CAE EndoVR’s advanced haptic technology allows learners to “get a feel” for proper in-sertion and removal of a scope for both gastrointestinal and bronchial assessment. The mannequin, endoscope and split screen display offer realistic force feedback and physi-ologic responses throughout the procedures. EndoVR enables faculty to upload their own didactic content.

Standard equipmentEndoVR Simulator with cartScopesTool kitCases and pathologies


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CAE CathLabVRFor mastery of cardiac and Peripheral Vascular Procedures

CAE CathLabVR offers true-to-life tactile sensations of the forces encountered when manipulating wires, catheters, balloons and stents within a patient. The curriculum covers a range of anatomies and proce-dures, from single- or multiple-vessel coronary disease to aortic valve replacement.

Standard equipmentCathLabVR Simulator with cartCatheterTool kitCases and pathologies

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LearningSpace CAE Healthcare’s comprehensive audiovisual and centermanagement system for healthcare education

Debrief and AssessIntegrated simulator data and patient monitor streamIntegration with CAE Healthcare and other simulatorsRecorded events review with patient data for debriefReal-time feedback

Capture and ReviewDigital, analog or HD with superior video qualityWeb-based interfaceUp to 16 room views on one screenAdvanced search capability of recording library

LearningSpace Standard PackagesLearningSpace EnterpriseLearningSpace Enterprise Server (connects with four simulators)

Two Video Capture Servers

Data Storage Array (12 Terabyte RAID-6)

Rolling Rack with uninterruptible power

Network PoE Switch

Ready for 20 cameras - just add the optional cameras, microphones, audio or video encod-ers. Can be expanded to up to 80 cameras with additional optional Video Capture Servers

Onsite installation (does not include wiring, power and data)

Three-day onsite training

Priority Support and Maintenance Services


LearningSpace Enterprise Additional optionsCameras: Axis 212 PTZ, 214 PTZ, P5534 (HD) PTZ

Digital Audio Kits

Video Capture Servers (one for each additional 10 cameras)

Back-up Duplicated Application Server and Storage Array

Simulator Display Capture Unit for non- METI simulators

Simulator Data Capture Server (connects up to 10 additional simulators)

LearningSpace GO Mobile Unit

LearningSpace LearningSpace Server (connects with up to 10 cameras and one simulator)

Axis 214 ceiling/desktop/digital PTZ camera

Axis 212 wall mounted digital PTZ camera

Digital Audio Kit with bound-ary microphone

Network PoE Switch and network cables

LearningSpace Additional optionsAdditional Cameras: Axis 212 PTZ, 214 PTZ, P5534 (HD) PTZ, P1346 (HD)

Additional Digital Audio Kits

Simulator Data Capture Server (connects up to 10 simulators)

Onsite installation (does not include wiring, power and data)

LearningSpace GO Mobile Unit

Onsite training

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manage and controlSecure data entry and user authorizationIntelligent automated scheduling Comprehensive case management toolsMore than 25 reports for faculty and learnersAll report data is exportable

LearningSpace cae healthcare’s comprehensive audiovisual and centermanagement system for healthcare education

METIVisioncae healthcare’s most affordable, digital audio-visual management systemData-synchronized with simulation logs in real-time

Capture, store and broadcast simulations in full 360 degree video

Convenient web-based solution for easy access

Superior video quality

Integration with CAE Healthcare and other simulators

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n On-site faculty development by experienced nurse educators ensures optimum success

n Meets 2010 NCLEX Test Plan

n Subscription Service Model available

n PNCI-CANADA and PNCI-UK are available for specific nursing curriculums in those regions

Developed in partnership with: Texas Woman’s University Dallas, Prairie View A&M University, Fox Valley Technical College, Mount Car-mel College of Nursing, Golden West College, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Delgado Commu-nity College, University of Glamorgan and Thames Valley University

PNCI® Program for Nursing Curriculum Integration

eDose for Hospitals and Healthcare StudentsWeb-based learning to ensure medication dosage and delivery proficiency

PNCI is a powerful learning package that inte-grates patient simulation into existing prelicen-sure nursing curriculum. With 100 evidence-based Simulated Clinical Experiences (SCEs) with integrated learning curriculum, PNCI helps deans, directors and faculty of nursing program provide complete education to learners with established competency standards and educa-tional objectives. PNCI additions for 2012 include the Joint Com-mission’s National Patient Safety Goals, Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competen-cies and the Institute for Safe Medication Prac-tices (ISMP) list of error-prone abbreviations, symbols, and dose designations.


Each year, patients are needlessly harmed by medication errors. eDose, the web-based dosage calculation program, targets 26 potential dosage errors to ensure the right drug is administered in the correct dose via the proper delivery method.

n Free training for administrators and instructorsn Web-basedn Fully narratedn Realistic representations of clinical practicen Immediate assessment or competency evaluation

New! eDose Pediatric Module

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Hospital Services — CAE ADVance assess—Develop—Validate

Simulation Solutions for hospitals and healthcare organizations One of the biggest challenges for hospitals and healthcare organizations is assuring that clinical staff provide competent, safe patient care. CAE Healthcare ADVance offers custom simulation solutions to help organizations safely assess, de-velop, and validate the competency of clinical personnel and interdisciplinary teams. The ADVance subscription service model in-cludes simulators, software, maintenance and repairs, peer-reviewed experiential learning modules, and ongoing support by CAE Health-care educators.

cae healthcare learnInG SolutIonS 28

n Assess performance and compliance to hospital procedures, especially those designed to prevent hospital- acquired conditions and never eventsn Train staff on new procedures or new tools such as electronic medical record systemsn Perform trial runs of new techniques or new patient care areasn Develop and validate patient care teams, code teams, rapid response teams and surgical teamsn Onboard new hires and train current staff in new specialtiesn Improve sentinel event reviews and morbidity and mortality reviews by providing the ability to reproduce the events, assess clinical interventions, and improve future practices

cae healthcare hospital Services Supportn Experienced educators — peer-to-peer nurses, physicians, EMTs, respiratory therapistsn Hospital Services account managers — support for planning, customization, education, implementation, and optimizationn Technical and clinical support 24/7

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CAE Healthcare Academy Learning Applications

Acute Coronary Syndrome and Acute Myocardial Infarction

Acute Respiratory Distress Secondary to Trauma and Pneumonia

Anaphylactic Reaction to Blood Administration

Asthma Adult Home Care

Basic Assessment of the Adult Patient with Asthma

Basic Assessment of the Post-operative Gastrectomy


Cardiopulmonary Arrest

Cerebral Vascular Accident

Chest Pain Management of the Medical Surgical Patient

Chest Tube Insertion and General Ongoing Care

Chronic Diabetic

COPD Exacerbation with Respiratory Failure

Diabetic Ketoacidosis


Hypnotic Overdose

Motor Vehicle Crash with Abdominal Injury

Postoperative Care of the Patient with a Ruptured Diver-ticulum

Postoperative Pulmonary Embolism

Preoperative Care of the Patient Scheduled for a Chole-cystectomy

Adult Nursing

CAE Healthcare Academy learning applications provide an effective solution for quickly and easily integrating human patient simula-tion in specific curriculums. Each application provides carefully defined Simulated Clinical Experiences (SCEs) designed to immerse learners in the clinical environment and develop critical skills to provide the highest quality of care. Each evidence-based practice SCE includes: documentation, appropriate corresponding intervention scenarios, descriptions and references, scenario scenes and background, learning objectives, fa-cilitator’s notes, equipment and supply list and software application.

Abandoned Healthy Newborn

Congenital Cardiac Abnor-malities


Newborn with Respiratory Distress

Care of a Baby with RSV Bron-chiolitis

Septic Baby Secondary to Prolonged Rupture of Mem-branes

Shaken Baby Syndrome

Substance Exposed Neonate

Infant Nursing

Abnormal Variations in Heart Rate in a Six Year Old Patient

Acetaminophen Poisoning

Amputation Secondary to Osteosarcoma

Asthma Attack in the Pediatric Patient

Care of a Young Child with Meningitis

Cystic Fibrosis

Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Pneumonia

Fluid and Electrolyte Imbal-ance

Foreign Body Aspiration

Fractured Radius with Com-partment Syndrome

Near Drowning

Postoperative Care with Complications_ Seizures and Allergic Reaction

Renal Dysfunction Second-ary to Acute Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis

Septic Pediatric Patient Secondary to a Ruptured Ap-pendix

Terrorism by Chemical Agent

Traumatic Brain Injury

Pediatric Nursing


Page 31: 2012 CAE Healthcare Product Catalog

Basic Assessment of the Adult Patient with Asthma

Basic Assessment of the Car-diac Patient

Basic Assessment of the Teen-age Athlete with Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance

Basic Assessment of the Hip Replacement Patient

Chest Tube Insertion and General Ongoing Care

Postoperative Care of the Patient with Complications: Deep Vein Thrombosis

Postoperative Care of the Pa-tient with Complications: Ileus

Preoperative Care of the Patient Scheduled for a Cholecystectomy

Skill Validation

Suctioning and Trachea Care with Hypoxia

Foundations of Nursing Practice

Basic Assessment of Asthma

Basic Assessment of Emphy-sema

Drug Overdose

Sleep Apnea

Palliative Care

Basic Mechanical Ventilation

Guillian Barre with Mechanical Ventilation

Myocardial Infarction

Chronic Obstructive Pulmo-nary Disease (COPD)

Home Health Ventilated Pa-tient with Tracheotomy

Respiratory Education Simulation Program (RESP)Module 1

Treatment of Chest Trauma

Treatment of Advanced Asthma


Treatment of COPD Exacerbation

Hemodynamics and Re-intu-bation of Ventilated Patient

Transportation of Ventilated Patient

Treatment of Isolated Patient

Mechanics of BiPAP


Conscious Sedation

Module 2

HE/O2 Asthmatic

Cystic Fibrosis

Near Drowning

Chest Physiotherapy

Obstructed Airway

Treatment of Burn Patient

CO2 Poisoning

Pulmonary Function Test and Weaning

Care of Tracheotomy Patient

Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis - ALS (Lou Gehrig Disease)

Developed in Partnership with the American College of Chest Physicians

Module 3

Adult Asthma

Altered Mental Status/Cardiac Arrest

Cerebrovascular Accident Brain Attack

Introduction to Sounds of the Body

Periods of Apnea

Pulmonary Embolism


Respiratory Medications

Spinal Cord Injury

Thermal Injury

Emergency Medical Services EMS I Module

Acute Ischemic CVA

Anaphylactic Reaction to Blood Administration

Cardiopulmonary Arrest

Care of the Seizure Patient

The Deteriorating Client with COPD

Deep Vein Thrombosis, Pul-monary Embolism

Myocardial Infarction

Postoperative Diabetic Patient

Postoperative Hemorrhage

Sepsis with Hypotension

Developed in partnership with CHART.

Rapid Assessment and Intervention

Heroin Overdose

Tension Pneumothorax

Agents for Rapid Sequence Intubation

Epidural Hematoma

Megacode Challenge

Kidney Stones

Increasing Intracranial Pressure

Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance


Pelvis and Leg Injury

EMS II Module

Acute Coronary Syndrome

Acute Myocardial Infarction with Hypotension

Airway Management Intuba-tion

Altered Mental Status

Cardiac Arrest

Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Flail Chest and Spinal Cord Injuries

Multiple Gunshot Wounds

Unstable Angina

Ventricular Fibrillation and Pulseless Ventricular Tachy-cardia

EMS III Module

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Alcohol Gastritis/Bleeding Ulcer/Esophageal Varices

Chlorine Poisoning

Cold Water Drowning and Hypothermia

Motorcycle Crash with Trau-matic Evisceration

Nerve Agent Organophos-phate Poisoning

Rattlesnake Bite

Sickle Cell Crisis

Spontaneous Abruptio Placenta

Stoma Patient

EMS IV Module

cae healthcare learnInG SolutIonS 30

Developed in partnership with Fox Valley Technical College and Advanced Life Support Institute

Page 32: 2012 CAE Healthcare Product Catalog

Pediatric EmergenciesBurn Injury

Submersion Injury



Gunshot Wound


Methamphetamine Exposure

Traumatic Brain Injury

Infant EmergenciesBurn Injury

Submersion Injury



Gunshot Wound


Methamphetamine Exposure

Traumatic Brain Injury

Cardiopulmonary Critical Situations (CCS)Acute Allergic Reaction

Acute Asthma

Burns with Airway Compro-mise

Heroin Overdose

Inferior-Posterior Myocardial Infarction

Ludwig’s Angina

Stab Wound to the Upper Neck

Tricyclic Antidepressant Overdose

Disaster Medical Readiness (DMR)Anthrax



CHI with Chest Trauma Earth-quake

CHI with Chest Trauma IED



Dehydration Hurricane

Laceration to Arm Earthquake

Laceration to Arm Hurricane

Multiple Injuries with Amputa-tion Earthquake

Multiple Injuries with Amputa-tion IED

Mustard Lewisite

Pandemic Flu


Pneumonic Plague

Pneumothorax IED

Radiation Criticality

Radiation Trauma


Tactical Medical Care (TMC)Allergic Reaction

Amputation, TBI and Abdomi-nal Injury

Arm Laceration

Barotrauma/Decompression Sickness

Blast Injury

Burns and Spinal Shock

Cardiac Arrest

Cervical Injury

Closed Head Injury, Chest and Abdominal Trauma

Closed Head Injury and Blunt Trauma to Chest

Dehydrated Sniper

Diabetic with Altered Mental Status

Exposure to Chemical Nerve Agent

Fatality From Fall

Flail Chest and Spinal Cord Injury

Gun Shot Wound

Head Injury and Femur Fracture

Hip, Pelvis and Sternal Trauma

Leg Amputations and Burns

Multiple Gun Shot Wounds

Multiple Trauma from Hand to Hand Combat

Near Drowning In Cold Water

Pelvic Trauma and Pneumo-thorax

Pelvis and Leg Injuries


Respiratory Distress


Tension Pneumothorax

Trauma with Hypoglycemia

Unconscious after Explosion

Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)In accordance with AHA 2010 guidelines

Acute Coronary Syndrome

Acute Stroke


Bradycardia and Heart Blocks

Pulseless Electrical Activity

Pulseless Ventricular Tachycar-dia and Ventricular Fibrillation

Respiratory Arrest

Supraventricular Tachycardia

Ventricular Fibrillation AED

AVentricular Tachycardia

Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)In accordance with AHA 2010 guidelines

Asthma AttackAsystoleBradycardiaIngestionMotor Vehicle CrashPEASeptic ShockShockSupraventricular and Ventricu-lar TachycardiaVentricular Fibrillation

Perioperative ManagementAnaphylaxis and Anaphylactic Shock

Blunt Trauma Patient Care

Bradyarrhythmia and Cardio-genic Shock

COPD Exacerbation

Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage

Hemorrhagic Shock PACU

Myocardial Infarction in the Postoperative Setting

Postoperative Fever

Sepsis and Septic Shock

Tachyarrhythmia and Cardio-genic Shock

Patient-Centered Acute Care Training (PACT)Acute Myocardial Infarction

Acute Renal Failure

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Airway Management

Altered Level of Consciousness


Brain Stem

Chronic Obstructive Pulmo-nary Disease



Intoxication 1

Intoxication 2

Neuromuscular Disease 1

Neuromuscular Disease 2


Sepsis 1

Sepsis 2


Traumatic Brain Injury 1

Traumatic Brain Injury 2

Developed in partnership with ESICM.


Page 33: 2012 CAE Healthcare Product Catalog

Training Programs

CAE Healthcare offers product training at client sites, at our European headquarters in Mainz, Germany or in the U.S. offices in Sarasota, Florida. Reflecting our belief in the importance of peer-to-peer training, our courses are taught by practitioners and health-care educators with advanced degrees. The targeted, hands-on courses prepare learners to fully apply simulation that is relevant to their own professional environments.

Core Training includes:n System set-up and overview, simulator operation and caren Software orientation and introductory scenario programming

Essentials of Simulation includes:n Scenario design and programming conceptsn Experiential learning and maximizing the use of simulationn Debriefing techniques

Simulation in Practice includes:n Advanced programming involving patient and scenario developmentn Curriculum integration strategies

Product TrainingSupport and Maintenance Programs

Support and Maintenance ProgramsCAE Healthcare products are backed by a one-year support and maintenance plan, an international customer support staff and on-call telephone support at 866-462-7920 (North America) or +49 6131 4950 (Europe and Asia). The tech-nical support team members are regionally based in the U.S., Canada and Europe for fast and accessible service. Additionally, CAE Healthcare operates service depots at distributors¹ locations throughout the world.

To ensure optimum product performance without interruption, CAE Health-care is pleased to offer three levels of support and maintenance programs. Ask your regional sales manager which level is best for you.

n Extended Support and Maintenance Programn Premier Support and Maintenance Programn Premier Plus Support and Maintenance Program




% defects in products thatare shipped from our plant

day turnaround when products require repair

% on-time delivery ofour products

Quality Pledge:

Page 34: 2012 CAE Healthcare Product Catalog


Which Patient Simulator is Right for You?

* Müse for PediaSIM HPS coming soon.




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& N








METIman Prehospital

METIman Nursing ECS

HPS/ PediaSim HPS PediaSIM BabySIM

Warranty-Standard One Year Included Included Included Included Included Included Included IncludedArticulation Full Wireless Hours of Battery Operation 8 Hours 4 Hours 4 Hours N/A N/A N/A N/A up to 4 HoursAutonomous Operation Realistic Skin Interface with Anesthesia Machines Administer Anesthetic Agents Drug Recognition System Modeled Modeled Modeled Modeled Modeled ModeledLinked to Physiology Cyanosis Capillary Refill Logs Müse * Diaphoresis Blinking Eyes Reactive Pupils Eye Secretions Ear Irrigation Nasal Intubation Procedural Suctioning Simulated

Trismus Co2 Exhalation Articulated Mandible Throat Sounds-Stridor Oral Intubation Cricothyrotomy/Tracheostomy Cric onlySwollen Tongue 3 States 2 States 2 States 3 States 3 States 3 States Pharyngeal Swelling Laryngospasm Bronchial Occlusion Airway Resistance Variable Variable VariableBVM Supported Pulse Sites 14 14 14 12 12 10 4 8Physiologically Driven Pulses Sensed Independent Control


Page 35: 2012 CAE Healthcare Product Catalog

whIch SImulator IS rIGht For You? 34

Which Patient Simulator is Right for You?BabySIM















iStan METIman

PrehospitalMETIman Nursing ECS HPS/

PediaSim HPS PediaSIM

Sternal IO Tibial IO Option Flashback Jugular IV line Femoral IV line Subclavian IV line IV Cannulation 2 Ports 1 Port 2 PortsBP Bilateral Left Only Left Only Left Only Left Only Left OnlyCuff Palpation Auscultation Blood on Board Blood Tank Capacity 1.8L 1.5L 1.5L Clear Fluid Tank Cap 800mL Tourniquet Sensor Needle Decompression Bilateral Bilateral Bilateral Bilateral Bilateral UnilateralChest Tube Placement Bilateral Bilateral Bilateral Bilateral Bilateral Bilateral UnilateralConvulsions Option Bulging Fontanel GU Catheterization Male/Female Genitalia Reservoir for Output No (IV Bag) No (IV Bag) No (IV Bag) No (IV Bag) No (IV Bag) No (IV Bag)Output Control Variable Gravity Gravity Gravity Variable Gravity GravityVocal Sounds Pre-Programmed

Breath Sound Locations 8 Anterior 8 Anterior 8 Anterior 4 Anterior 4 Anterior 4 Anterior 2 Anterior 6 Posterior 6 Posterior 6 Posterior 2 Posterior 2 Posterior 2 Posterior Heart Sound Locations 4 4 4 4 4 4 4Bowel Sound Locations 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 Interface with Real Clinical Monitors Interface with Ventilators Various Modes of Ventilation Quantify CO2 Presence Pulmonary Artery Catheter Insert NG or OG Tube Lavage/Gavage Gastric Distension with

Esophageal IntubationInstallation On-Site (Optional) Included Training On-Site (Optional) Training at CAE Healthcare (Optional) Included


1.2 Liters


Automatic Recognition of 02 Administration

Page 36: 2012 CAE Healthcare Product Catalog

CAE Healthcare offers advanced patient, imaging, surgical and learning simulation-based

solutions to improve patient safety and outcomes. Our leading-edge products and learning

applications provide risk-free practice and professional development to physicians, nurses,

EMS responders, military medics, students and allied health professionals around the world.

For more information about cae healthcare products, contact your regional sales manager, the cae healthcare distributor in your country, or visit tel +1 941-377-5562 toll-free in north america 866-233-6384

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