Download - 2012 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MINUTES - WA Mining · 2014-05-29 · Stephen Huckle Peter Atkinson David Abbott David Stuckenberg

Page 1: 2012 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MINUTES - WA Mining · 2014-05-29 · Stephen Huckle Peter Atkinson David Abbott David Stuckenberg



Date: 27th September, 2012

Time: Opened: 12:29pm

Closed: 12:43pm

Venue: Grand Ballroom, Hyatt Hotel

Chair: N Watson, President

No. Item

1 Welcome

Welcome to all from N Watson.

2 Apologies

Angelo Brignoli

Carl di Lorenzo

Stephen Huckle

Peter Atkinson

David Abbott David Stuckenberg

John Simpson

Mark Kerns

Mike Kitney

Blair Duncan

James Rowdon

Mark Rafferty

Bob Agar

Darryl Burton

Craig Moulton

Craig Melville

Roy Rowe

Robert Poggioli

Bruce Lu

Garry Spouge

Tom Fallon Chris Campbell-Hicks

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No. Item

Trevor Gill

Robyn Bell

Steve Bennett

Vicky Austin Kapila Karunaratna

Clive Saunders

Kirstan Lee

Jason Holmes

Dave Hewson

Mike Hrynkiw

Kerry Lawrence

Greg Lilleyman

Gary Bennett

Simon Ward

Tony Bogue

Greg Cohen

Evelyn Tan

Steve Hall

Ross Spanbroek

Michael Shelby

Aaron Parker

John Stocco

Gregg Teets Cameron Callaway

Damian Bryant

Branden Kotyk

Damian Connelly David Kaesehagen

Mike Gloyne

Russell Goodrick

Graeme Smith

Simon Knight

John Nuttman

Peter Salfinger

Mike Allenby

Roger Simpson Daniel Bredenkamp

Jeremy Collins

3 Minutes of 2011 Annual General Meeting

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No. Item

N Watson tabled the minutes from 2011.

N Watson called for acceptance of the minutes. Moved: Jennifer Abols

Seconded: Craig Franklin

4 Business Arising from 2011 Annual General Meeting


5 Notified Business

No notified business.

6 President’s Report

Tabled by: N Watson, President

Presented by: N Watson, President

The President’s report is attached (Attachment 1 – AGM 2012 President’s Report)

Moved: Ian Finch Seconded: Reade Freeman

7 Treasurer’s Report

Tabled by: David Chandler, Treasurer

The Treasurer’s presentation is attached. (Attachment 2 – AGM 2012 Treasurer’s


Audited statutory accounts are available upon request to members.

N Watson called for the Treasurer’s report to be accepted. Moved: R Freeman

Seconded: Mick Woodley

8 Election of 5 Committee Members for the 2011/12 Committee

N Watson noted that as per the rules of the WAMC Constitution 5 members are up for

re-election. These are:

Neil Watson (President)

David Chandler (Treasurer)

Craig Franklin (Vice President)

Emma Newton (Secretary)

Doug Horak (Committee Member – took over from Lauren Adams when she

resigned earlier in the year)

N Watson noted that we have received 9 nominations this year. The nominations form

is in alphabetical order by surname. It was noted that the five persons with the lowest

scores would be appointed and advice of appointment or non- appointment would be

made to the individuals by email within the next day or so. Announcement of the new

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No. Item

committee for 2012/13 would be made thereafter to the members.

9 Other Business

No other business

Meeting closed: 12:43pm

Minutes taken by: E Newton: WAMC Secretary

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Attachment 1 - AGM 2012 President's Report



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WA Mining Club

President’s Report for 2012

It gives me great pleasure to provide the President's Report for 2012.

This is the second year that I have had the honor of representing the WA Mining Club as

President and I have to say that it is indeed an honor and a privilege to do so. I am

particularly proud of the Club and what we have achieved.

As you will no doubt be aware, 2012 represents the 40th anniversary of the Club. In 1972 a

small group of people set up the Club as a forum for members to find jobs and to keep in

touch with each other. This was at a time that there were probably more geologists driving

taxis or teaching than out in the field.

Since that time the fortunes of the club have fluctuated with the resources sector in

recent times we have seen rapid growth in membership as more people identify the value

that membership of the club provides. In fact, at the end of January this year we had 420

members and at the end of August we were approaching 800 members.

But member numbers are not necessarily what the club is about.

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The object of the Club is to..".....................

We seek to meet these objects through a range of activities including:

- monthly networking lunches with a keynote speaker. This year we have averaged more

than 400 attendees at each lunch. It is encouraging to see more and more members taking

advantage of the extended networking available at the Conservatory Bar after the luncheons.

- a series of sundowners have been introduced this year as member only events to provide

exclusive access for members to alternative networking opportunities. Speakers this year

have included Nathan Sharpe, Western Force and Australian Rugby union star and Marcus

Padley from ..............

- in addition to our annual golf day in March, this year we held a second golf day as a charity

event with proceeds going to the RFDS. Both days were sell outs and I am reliably informed

that all participants thoroughly enjoyed the days. We have some big plans for our March

event next year so keep an eye out early in the new year for details.

- the Gala Ball is always a highlight of the year and this year was no different. Despite strong

competition from the Rugby international and another Ball we once again had a sell out

crowd dancing from the start of the night with the theme being "best disco in town"

All of these events are provided for the benefit of members to allow the opportunity to

network, find jobs, find people for jobs and to build friendships but none of this would

happen without our sponsors. There are too many to thank individually but I would like to

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take this opportunity to thank all of the sponsors who have so willingly supported us this


While doing this i need to give particular thanks to Craig Franklin who is constantly on the

phone to potential sponsors - so if you get a phone call from Craig, watch out!

Seriously though, we believe that we provide great value to sponsors so if you are interested

for next year see Craig before he sees you.

I firmly believe that a club such as ours will become self serving without contributing to the

community in which we exist.

We have two key areas of focus for our community support. The first is our regular support

of the RFDS. Over the past 4 years we have donated some $80,000 to RFDS through our

annual raffle and Grange auction. Once again we have some great prizes this year and our

donation will be supplemented by the proceeds of our charity golf day so please continue to

support the raffle this year.

The second and major avenue by which the club puts back into the community is through

our scholarship programme. We now provide in conjunction with our co-sponsors five

scholarships in the fields of mining engineering, geology, metallurgy and environmental


Each of these provide $10,000 to the scholarship winner over 2 years and the opportunity for

mentoring and vacation work with the sponsor during this period.

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This year the winners will be announced at an awards dinner to be held in November. I

encourage you to attend this new event and take the opportunity to recognize some of the

best of the current crop of students at our tertiary institutions.

Each year we finish the year with our annual St Barbara's Day celebration. This commences

with a remembrance service at UWA where we take a brief time to remember that this

industry sector which provides great opportunities for all of us can also be a harsh working

environment and unfortunately each year too many people lose their life while working in the

industry. This is a short but moving ceremony and I encourage as many of you as possible to


The day culminates in a more festive mood with the St Barbara's Day lunch which is always a

great extended opportunity to enjoy yourself.

In closing, all of this does not just happen. While I would like to take credit for it the reality

is that we have a dedicated committee of nine people who all provide their services in a

voluntary capacity on top of their busy jobs.

This years committee comprised me, Craig Franklin as vp, David Chandler as Treasurer and

Emma Newton as Secretary. Other committee members this year are:

Mike Gloyne

Terry Quinn

Reade Freeman

Damian Connelly and Lauren Adams.

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Lauren had to resign during the year following a move to Queensland but her role has been

admirably filled by Doug Horak for the past few months.

Please join me in thanking the committee members for all their hard work this year.

In addition to the committee we have the services of the best event manager in town in

Cassandra Brennan who knows everyone of you on sight and keeps the Hyatt staff on


We also have the services of a dedicated bookkeeper in Pauline. Many of you would not have

met her but she makes sure we get paid on time and our finances are in the strongest

position they have ever been in. Our treasurer David Chandler will elaborate on This in his


Please join me in thanking Cassandra and Pauline.

On that note I will close and hand you to our Treasurer for his report, thank you David.

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Attachment 2 - AGM 2012 Treasurer’s Report

Good morning everyone.

I’m very pleased to again be able to report a strong and healthy performance for the Club for

the year ended June 30, 2012.

On your table you’ll find a copy of the WA Mining Club Balance Sheet and P & L for 2011/12.

There are spare copies available at the registration desk in the foyer and this information is

also on our website.

Once again I’ve decided to present the financial results for the year using a couple of bar

chart slides.... there are only two of them and I think they best summarise the key financial

status of your Club.

(Chart 1: Assets and Liabilities)

This is my third year as Treasurer so I decided to compare all three in this first chart. It

shows quite graphically how the major factors making up assets and liabilities for 2012

compares with previous years.

Our assets and liabilities both increased from the previous 2011 year shown in blue in a

reasonably proportional manner so accumulated funds have continued to improve


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The income and the expenses for the Club throughout the year remained pretty much in pro

with the previous two years. This indicates the continuing healthily growing membership

base of the Club.... which is all pretty good news... we may even crack the 1,000 during this


Our high interest earning deposits have made an increasingly significant contribution, and

your Committee is discussing how best we might increase our Scholarships program.

(Chart 2: Income and Expenses)

This slide shows where our money came in and went out during the year on an events basis.

Couple of points of interest... Membership fees are still by far the greatest income earner,

followed by the Golf Day and St Barbara’s Day. The awards and prizes category, which is

mostly Scholarships and RFDS donations, was obviously the major cost centre again, behind


In summary, as you can see, we ended up with enough surplus to enable yet another year

of very generous tertiary mining student scholarships to be awarded as well as continuing

with our very healthy donation to the RFDS.

There are quite a few of us who work pretty hard to keep the club ticking along but I’d like

to single out two in particular - Vice President Craig Franklin and Events Manager Cassandra

Brennan. I think the skills and expertise these two continually provide the club in their

respective areas of sponsors and publications, and creating and running such high calibre

events, are pivotal to the clubs success.

Well done to the two of you.

So it’s been a very good year again and unless there are any questions I’ll be happy to let

you enjoy what you came here for, rather than listening to me any longer.

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Chart 1: Assets and Liabilities

Chart 2: Income and Expenses

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