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President Lenore Summers

(W) 403.386.5604 [email protected]

Vice President Deborah Porath

(C) 403.969.7470 [email protected]

Treasurer Theresa Schultz

(W) 403.723.3443 [email protected]

Secretary Linda Wright

(W) 403.723.3461 [email protected]

Immediate Past President Roseline Cyr

(W) 403.296.5963 [email protected]

Parliamentarian Sharon McClare

(H) 403.246.1282 [email protected]


2011 Editor Marilyn Carter

(W) 403.386.5056 [email protected]

Photographer Marilyn Carter/Loreen Jensen

Board Contact Lenore Summers


Sincere thanks to all contributors. Editor reserves the right to edit articles for clarity and space.

The purpose of the Desk and Derrick Club is to promote the education and professional development of individuals employed in, or affiliated with, the petroleum, energy and allied industries and to educate the general public about these industries.


Communications / Website Marilyn Carter, Chair (W) 403.386.5056

[email protected]

Education Brigitte Shaw, Co-Chair (W) 403.716.6237

[email protected]

Ronda Cornell, Co-Chair (W) 403.514.7755

[email protected]

Membership Tracy Fillmore, Chair (W) 403 386.5709

[email protected]

Reservations Sharon Grocutt, Chair (W) 403.723.3450

[email protected]

Program Mary Alice Rooney, Co-Chair (H) 403.275.6187

[email protected]

Linda Topolinsky, Co-Chair (W) 403.296.3066

[email protected]

2011 ADDC President

Angie Duplessis, Westbank Club

[email protected]

2011 Region VII Director

Barb Schaefer, Southeast Saskatchewan Club

(W) 306.634.7600

[email protected]

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Springtime Wonder

The sky has never looked so blue

Never a breeze so sweet

Flowers burst forth in brilliant array

As Springtime comes to greet.

The trees stand tall in their glory

Tender leaves cover limbs once bare

Yards filled with laughing children

Can you match the splendor there.

There is nothing quite as pleasant

As a walk in Springtime hours

The bees even harmonize with life

As they drift among the flowers.

A golden rainbow after the storm

Beauty beyond compare

A taste of heaven here on earth

With green grass everywhere.

God softly whispers to us

As gentle rains caress

The countryside, with drops of life

In such pure tenderness.

And if you listen close enough

I'm sure that He'll impart

The freshness of Spring upon your soul

And a flower in your heart.

Marilyn Ferguson 1987


Inspiration Point ................................................... 3

ABFDDC President’s Letter ................................... 4

February Minutes ................................................. 5

A Thousand Words ............................................... 7

Thank You - Glenbow............................................ 8

What’s New! ......................................................... 9

MS Office Tips....................................................... 9

Upstream Dialogue............................................. 10

April Speaker Review -Orientation ..................... 12

Charity Fashion Show ......................................... 15

ADDC President’s Letters ................................... 16

Region VII Director’s Letter ................................ 17

Region VII Meeting Info ...................................... 18

Convention Info .................................................. 19

ADDC Scrapbook Committee.............................. 20

ADDC Public Relations Committee ..................... 21

ADDC Foundation ............................................... 22

May Calendar...................................................... 23

June Calendar ..................................................... 24

Change of Address Form..................................... 25

April Meeting Notice .......................................... 26



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May 2011

Can you believe it? We are already into

May and it’s time to hit the road! The Road

to Education! I hope many of you are

planning on attending this year’s Region VII

Meeting in Estevan. This is an experience

that you will talk about for years!

So, which road are you on? Are you on the

road to personal development, to learning,

to focusing on who you are and what you

want, do you want to just GO? Do you

realize that whatever road you are on

makes you a leader? You may be leading by

listening, or by participating, or by showing

people how to focus on their goals or by

simply doing. Every choice we make in life

makes us all leaders. It is a choice, so

please; choose to lead by actively

participating in our club. Vote for what you

believe is in the Club’s best interest.

Volunteer to work on, or chair, a

committee. Step up and run for a board

position. All of these things are part of your

personal road.

Our road this month is a busy one, some of

us will be attending regional, some of us will

be working on completing our

commemorative calendar, and others are

busy working out the details and logistics of

participating in a charity fashion show. All

our members are leading by participating.

It is time to just GO!


“The road leading to a goal does not

separate you from the destination; it is

essentially a part of it.” Charles de Lint


Lenore Summers

403-386-5604 [email protected]

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Alberta Foothills Desk and Derrick Club

Membership Meeting Minutes

April 13, 2011

President Lenore Summers called meeting to order at 5:55 pm

President – Lenore Summers

• Introduced guests; Mandy Olekshy and Naomi Reid from Suncor and guests of Linda Topolinsky

• Informed membership Roseline Cyr will be our guest speaker this evening

• Introduced Amber Croswell and Angela Tyler from CNRL as new members. Tracy Fillmore

presented them with new member packages

Invocation was given by Chris Carter followed by dinner

Approval of March Membership Meeting Minutes

There being no errors or omissions, minutes were approved as published

Guest Speaker

Michelle Chahley introduced our guest Speaker, Roseline Cyr who gave an informative orientation on

Desk and Derrick

Mary Alice Rooney thanked Roseline Cyr and presented her with a Certificate of Appreciation


Theresa Schultz presented 2 motions that were read at the March dinner meeting

Motion 1

Theresa Schultz moved that the President be the Official Delegate, and the Vice President be the

Alternate Delegate, of the Alberta Foothills Desk and Derrick Club at the Region VII Meeting, May 12 –

14th, 2011 in Estevan, SK, and that their legitimate expenses as outlined in Article XXI, Section 7 of the

Club Bylaws be borne by the Club.

Mary Alice Rooney seconded the motion. Motion carried

Motion 2

Theresa Schultz moved that the May Membership Dinner meeting be moved to May 4th, 2011 to

accommodate the 2011 Regional Meeting being held May 11 – 15th, 2011.

Sharon Grocutt seconded the motion, Motion Carried

Motion 3

Tracey Fillmore moved that the Alberta Foothills Desk and Derrick Club send the Delegate to the Region

VII Meeting in Estevan, SK informed but uninstructed.

Theresa Schultz seconded the motion. Motion carried

Region VII Fund Resolution

A proposal was received to increase the value of the Region VII Directors Gift from $250 to 350. The

membership wanted clarification on the reasoning for the increase and majority were not in favor of the


Kathi DesChene asked for an updated Resolution Fund report

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Past President’s Report – Roseline Cyr

No report

Vice President’s Report – Debb Porath

Absent - No report

Secretary’s Report – Linda Wright

Absent - No report

Treasurer’s Report – Theresa Schultz

- Presented updated financial information

Parliamentarian Report

Absent – No report

Communications Report – Marilyn Carter

Absent – No report

Education/Field Trips Report – Report given by Lonny Olsen for Brigitte Shaw

- Wellhead 101 seminar will be April 20th at Suncor offices starting at 5 pm

- Proposal of 2 field trips – Enform in Nisku and Weatherford

Membership Report – Tracy Fillmore

- Total of 51 members and 21 companies represented

- Handed out Name tags and Bit of Fun Books to new members

Program Committee Report – Linda Topolinsky/Mary Alice Rooney

- Guest speaker for May will be Angela Vandeponsicle with New Tech Modifications speaking on

Hydraulic Fracturing

- Guest Speaker for June will be Bradley Wamboald with Suncor speaking on TRO Project

Fundraising Report – Lenore Summers

- Calendar Committee has raised $1500 in sponsorship

Reservations Report – Sharon Grocutt

- Next general membership meeting is May 4th

- Sharon thanked all members for their help at the reservation and 50/50 table

Mary Alice Rooney won the Easter Basket draw and the 50/50.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.

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A Thousand Words!

From Our Monthly Meetings

Theresa Schultz, Sharon Grocutt, Tracy Fillmore

Lenore Summers, Joanne Riggall, Lucy Mulgrew,

Kathi DesChene

Mary Alice Rooney winner of

Easter Basket

Angela Tyler, Amber Croswell, Sandy Fitzpatrick, Kim Boyes

New Members: Angela Tyler & Amber


Front: Mary Alice Rooney, Linda Topolinsky, Naomi Reid

Back: Connie MacRae, Mandy Olekshy, Lorna Myers

Lucy Mulgrew, Kathi DesChene, Roseline Cyr,

Lenore Summers, Kim Boyes

Michelle Chahley & Sandy Fitzpatrick

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Question of the Month

Congratulations to Theresa Schultz for being the first

to email the correct answer to last month’s question.

“Name three things that the Christmas tree on a well

is used for?” The correct answer was: “Control the

pressures inside the wellbore, regulate the flow of

fluids from the well and as a point of entry to inject

things into the well.” Theresa wins a $5.00 gift card

for Tim Horton’s.

Member Changes All member information is for our members’ only

and not to be shared outside of Desk and Derrick!

Loreena Reed

- change last name to Hopkins

Linda Wright

- change work phone to 403-723-3461

- change home phone to 403-719-2972

Marilyn Carter

- change fax# to 403-517-7358

- change cell phone to 403-690-6147

- change position to Drilling Operations Technician

Mary Alice Rooney

- delete Business address, phone,fax, and email

- use home address and phone

- change email to [email protected]

Send your Membership changes to

Tracy Fillmore, Membership Chairman or

email Tracy at [email protected].

Please refer to the Address Change Form

at the back of this bulletin.

Help! MS Office Help! Submitted by Debb Porath

Page Breaks

I’m sure at one time or another, all of us have added

a page to our document by hitting the line return

(enter key) several times until we end up on a new

page. That can work fine, but if you go back and edit

previous pages, you may find that you have one or 2

lines on a page or worse yet that you have a 6 inch

blank space on a few pages where one page has

rolled over onto another.

To keep your document looking neat, you can insert a

manual page break simply and quickly by hitting your

Control/Enter keys simultaneously (clicking on Insert,

then Break and Page Break will do the same thing).

This is a simple page break. The same formatting will

remain on any subsequent page.

There are other page breaks that will help you as well

and I will explain them below. All of these breaks are

found in Insert/Break in MS Word 2003 or in Page

Layout/Breaks in MS Word 2007.

Column Break: A column break will force everything

after the break into the next column

Text Wrapping: Specifically for web pages and blog

entries, a text wrapping break separates text around

objects, such as caption text from body text.

Next Page Section Break: A next page section break

firstly marks a section break in the document (which

are very important when working with headers,

footers, and other page formatting features), and

also starts a new page, just like a page break.

Continuous Page Section Break: Same as the Next

Page Section Break, except it does not begin a new

page. You might use this if you want to change the

margin formatting and not change your whole


What’s New! Membership Changes, Job Postings, Lost & Found, Cat ch-all! This is your page –

Use it!

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Even Page Section Break: An even page break is just

like a next page section break, except that it will start

a new section on the next even-numbered page.

Odd Page Section Break: Again, just like a next page

section break or an even page section break, except

that it will start a new section on the next odd-

numbered page

Why use an Odd or Even Page Section Break? Good

question! Odd and even page breaks come in very

handy when you are printing a booklet, and you want

the next section to begin on the left hand page (even)

or the right hand page (odd) when the booklet is

open. For example, if you are writing a book, and you

want all your chapters to begin on the right hand

page when someone is reading it, you can use an odd

page section break to begin your new chapter.

Shortcut Fever: Underlining text: Put your cursor in

a single word or highlight several words. Pressing

Control + U simultaneously will underline or remove

the underline from your text.

Test this out today, and good luck! Next month, text


Fifth in a Series

The following information is taken directly from the

Booklet “The Facts on: Oil Sands 2010”. It is produced

by CAPP (Canadian Association of Petroleum

Producers). CAPP is the voice of Canada’s upstream

oil and natural gas industry – representing companies

that produce about 90% of Canada’s oil and gas.

Each month I will share information from the booklet

so that you can help to fulfill our organizational

purpose of educating the general public about our


The Environment - AIR

Canada’s oil sands industry continues to reduce

greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Canada, with 0.5%

of the world’s population, produces 2% of global GHG


Oil sands account for 5% of Canada’s GHG emissions

and 0.1% (1/1000th) of global GHG emissions. In

2008, Canada’s GFG emissions by sector were as


• 22% - transportation

• 16% - electricity

• 15% - manufacturing & heavy industry

• 12% - conventional oil & gas production

• 10% - agriculture

• 8% - service industries

• 7% - residential

• 5% - other fossil fuel

• 5% - oil sands

The oil sands total GHG emissions in 2008 were 37.2

megatonnes. This equivalent to 2% of 2008

emissions from U.S. coal fired power generation


Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas. CO2 is

emitted into the air by burning fossil fuels for

electricity generation, industrial uses, transportation,

and for heat in homes and buildings. About 75% of

oil-related CO2 comes from combustion – including

automobile exhaust. Measuring CO2 emissions from

the start of oil production (wells) through to

combustion (wheels) is called a wells-to-wheels or life

cycle analysis.

Oil sands crude has similar CO2 emissions to other

heavy oils and is 6% more intensive than the U.S.

crude supply average on a wells-to-wheels basis.

Since 1990, GHG emissions associated with every

barrel of oil sands crude produced have been

reduced by 39%.



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Upstream Dialog - Cont’d

The Government of Alberta implemented GHG

regulations in 2007 (the first jurisdiction in North

America to do so) requiring a mandatory 12%

reduction in GHG emissions intensity for all large

industrial sectors including existing oil sands facilities,

or payment in lieu (current carbon price is


The Federal and Provincial governments are investing

approximately $3 billion to help make Canada a

global leader in carbon capture and storage (CCS)

technology. Industry and government are

cooperating to demonstrate the commercial and

technical viability of CCS in Canada.

The Wood Buffalo Environmental Association (WBEA)

monitors the air in the oil sands region in and around

Fort McMurray – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

WBEA’s air quality monitoring network is one of the

most extensive in North America. Air monitoring

information is available in real time at

Data collected over the past 10 years at monitoring

stations across Alberta indicate an improving or static

trend in air quality across the province.

Based on analysis of average concentrations of

common air pollutants, air quality has generally not

deteriorated in the Wood Buffalo region even with an

increase in emissions-associated activities and

population growth. Air quality in Fort McMurray is

better than North American cities – including

Toronto, Edmonton and Seattle – benchmarked by

the Alberta Clean Air Strategic Alliance (CASA) and


Industry in Action

Imperial Oil Limited

Generating steam for the drilling (in situ) process

creates greenhouse gases. In 2005, Imperial’s Calgary

research centre developed Liquid Addition to Steam

for Enhanced Recovery. This new technology makes

the process more efficient, reducing GHG emissions

by 25%.

Canadian Natural Resources Limited

At Canadian Natural’s Horizon mining facility, CO2 is

being injected into tailings before they reach the

storage ponds. The CO2 helps tailings settle faster

and accelerates the water recycling process. Not only

does this reduce the size of Canadian Natural’s

tailings pond but, when capture facilities are

installed, it is expected to eliminate over 200,000

tonnes of CO2 emissions every year.


Question of the Month ��

How much of the global greenhouse gas emissions does Canada produce?

Send your answer to Marilyn Carter at [email protected].

You could win a $5.00 Tim Horton’s Card


Good Luck!

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Who? What? When? Where and Why?

These are the questions that I always ask myself whenever I am interested in joining an organization or club and I am delighted to be able to share what I have discovered about Desk and Derrick with all of you. In this article I will touch upon a bit of information regarding the organization, but rather than inundate you with too much detail at this time, I will provide follow-up orientation articles in future club bulletins. Watch for Part 2 in the next bulletin.

WHO is this organization for?

Desk and Derrick, says it all. This organization is for men and women who are employed in the petroleum, energy and allied industries. It is for people who work within the industry but work at a desk/office, and who would like to learn more about the industry they work in (i.e. see a derrick close up and see what happens out in the field).

WHAT is Desk and Derrick all about?

Our Motto spells it out in just a few words: Greater Knowledge – Greater Service! Simply, if we have greater knowledge of the industry we work in, we could surely provide a greater service to our employer.

All great organizations need some direction, so the following Mission Statement was developed:

“To enhance and foster a positive image to the global community by promoting the contribution of the petroleum, energy and allied industries through education by using all resources available.”

This mission statement gave the organization and, therefore, clubs within the organization a Purpose for operating, which is:

“To promote the education and professional development of individuals employed in or affiliated with the petroleum, energy and

allied industries and to educate the general public about these industries.”

All activities and programs revolve around this purpose and give true meaning to the individuals who are members of this organization.

WHEN did it all begin? Now that we know who makes up this organization and what it is about, I will take you back through a bit of history. Here are just some of the highlights of dates and events:

• March 1949 – The first club was founded in New Orleans, Louisiana by Inez Awty Schaeffer

• July 1951 – Association of Desk and Derrick Clubs of North America incorporated in the US

• March 1952 – The Desk and Derrick Club of Edmonton, AB joined the Association (1st club outside the US)

• 1952 – Desk and Derrick Club of Calgary received its charter (first club in Calgary)

• 1960 – Name and trademark “Desk and Derrick” was registered in Canada

• May 2002 – Alberta Foothills Desk and Derrick Club received its charter (second club in Calgary)

WHERE do we fit in?

The association is comprised of three levels:

• Association • Region • Club


Part 1

Presented by Roseline Cyr

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The Association

You will often hear the acronym ADDC being used in reference to the Association of Desk

and Derrick Clubs. There are 7 Regions in North America which are identified on this map.

There are currently Sixty (60) clubs in

seven (7) regions throughout the United States and Canada.

The head office of the Association is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which is also known as the Association Distribution Office (“ADO”). This is where the Association maintains its archival history. There is only one paid employee for the organization, Andre Martin and he manages the office and administrative functions of the Association. All members of the Board of Directors of the ADDC are volunteer members, just as you and I.

The 2011 ADDC President is Angie Duplessis and her theme for this year is ‘Gateway to Growth and Opportunity’.

The first association convention was held in 1951, so this year ADDC celebrates sixty (60) years of service to its members and the energy industry. The 60th Annual Convention will be held from September 21st to 25th, 2011 in St. Louis, Missouri.

In order to assist the members in accomplishing their purpose, ADDC offers several resources, as follows:

Publications • Desk and Derrick Standard Oil Abbreviator,

6th Edition • Fundamentals of Petroleum • Land and Leasing • Practical Petroleum Geology • The “Bit of Fun” Energy Activity Book Foundations • Desk and Derrick Educational Trust • ADDC Foundation

Activities and Awards • Conventions are hosted by a different

Region every year. This is where association business is discussed and

where we vote on motions affecting the Association.

• “Achievement in Maintaining Energy Excellence” (“AIMEE”) award

• Canadian & U.S. Energy Person of the Year

For more information on ADDC, please visit the Website at

Region VII: We are now getting closer to home, as you will see by the map. Region VII is unique in that it has clubs on both sides of 49th parallel and is comprised of:

• 5 Canadian clubs: Alberta Foothills, Calgary, Edmonton, Grande Prairie in Alberta and Southeast Saskatchewan, in Estevan, SK.

• 2 U.S. clubs: Denver and Grand Mesa, both in Colorado

Our 2011 Region VII Director is Barb Schaefer and her theme for this year is ‘Riding the Road to Education’.

We will soon be riding this road to education at the upcoming Regional Meeting which will be held in Estevan, Saskatchewan from May 12th to 15th, 2011. These Regional Meetings are held yearly and this is where all the clubs from our region get to discuss Desk and Derrick business, enjoy field trips and seminars, receive Awards of Merit and especially reunite with friends from other clubs.

The Club: Alberta Foothills Desk and Derrick Club (“ABFDDC”).

This is a fairly new club, but many of its charter members belonged to the Desk and Derrick Club of Calgary, which was chartered in 1952. This means

that some of our members bring many years of experience to this club and are great mentors for new members. Here is just a bit of history to help orient you about this very active club.

• May 2002 – received its charter (28 charter members)

• May 2005 – hosted 101 members and guests on an international field trip to mainland China

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2010 ADDC Convention Houston Ocean Star & NASA Tour

2009 Region VII Meeting Grand Prairie - Dinosaur Dig

• October 2008 – a second trip with 72 Desk and Derrick members and guests from Canada and the United States, experienced Australia’s Energy Excursion

• September 2009 – hosted the 58th Annual ADDC Convention

• June & July, 2011 – another international trip is planned to the British Isles. Further information can be found on our Website at

• At this date our membership stands at 51 members representing 21 different companies

Our 2011 President is Lenore Summers and her theme for this year is: ‘Circle of Energy’. Don’t you just love that theme? I sure do!

WHY should I become a member?

Each individual would derive the following benefits by becoming a member of this club:

• Develop communication and leadership skills

• Become educated about the petroleum and energy industry through: o field trips and seminars o monthly meeting programs (industry

guest speakers) o opportunities to participate in

international field trips o involvement in community events

• Acquire professional development through: o business sessions o informative programs o public speaking training

• Networking with industry peers and making new friends

• Become a part of the Circle of Energy and have FUN, FUN, FUN

In closing, I hope that I have been able to provide you with enough information about this wonderful organization to spark and keep your interest. It is such a great learning opportunity for each and every one of us and getting involved is always the best way to learn.

Until next time, enjoy our Desk and Derrick activities and stay tuned for Part 2 to follow in the next bulletin.

2007 Formula Powell

Mud Tour

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Alberta Foothills Desk and Derrick Club

Supporting “Making Changes Association”

Walk In ClosetNeeds your donationsfor Charity Fashion Show on

Wednesday June 8, 20115:30 – 9:00 PM

Calgary Petroleum Club - McMurray Room319 5 Avenue Southwest Calgary

Tickets $50.00( get $20 tax receipt)

Email: [email protected] Tel: 403-514-7587

To donate or participate in the show contact

Lucy Mulgrew

Front: Lili Bunce, Deb Rice-Salomons

Middle: Kathi DesChene, Jo Laird, Lucy Mulgrew

Back: Wendy Gibson, Lorna Myers, Joanne Riggall

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May 2011 Dear Members, You should have received the first issue of the Desk and Derrick Journal. Thanks to Audra Horton and Debbie English for their hard work in getting this issue out to all the members. Please send your clubs news and information from your region meetings to the DDJ. In keeping with this year’s theme of then and now, if you have any photographs of meetings from the past; send them to Audra and Debbie to be included in the next issue. The deadline for the second issue is August 1st. I also want to thank all the clubs who have sent me a copy of their club bulletin. I’ve enjoyed reading about all the activities and opportunities each club is doing to promote growth for your members and awareness in your community about your local club. I have been on the GO, the last couple months attending region meetings. Each meeting was unique and very informative. Each offered an abundance of field trips and seminars. I was unable to visit all the regions, but the ones I did not attend were well represented by other members of the Board of Directors. Now that convention registration packets are available, I hope that many of you can Meet Us in St. Louis. ADDC Nominations are open for qualified candidates. There are many opportunities available to begin your journey as a member of the Board.

You may have been a Regional Director many years ago, and felt the time was not right for you to push forward. Take time now to re-evaluate your future and the contributions you can make to our organization. Volunteers are needed as ADDC Committee Chairmen or a Regional Representative. Judi Adams is currently accepting volunteer forms for all 2012 Committees. Fill out a form and return it to Judi today. The Public Relations Committee is looking for nominees for the Distinguished Service Award (DSA) and Special Achievement Award (SAA). I’m sure you know of someone in your club or community that meets the criteria for these awards. Updated guidelines and nomination forms are available on the website. The deadline for submitting entries is May 31st.


Angie Duplessis ADDC President [email protected]

President’s Newsletter

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Region VII Director’s Newsletter

Barb Schaefer Region VII Director [email protected] [email protected]

Letter No 5 May 2011 Are you ready to do business and have some fun at the same time? Region VII Meeting will be here before you know it. If you haven’t done so already, get your registration sent in before the deadline of April 27. I’m looking forward to seeing all your smiling faces. The Southeast Saskatchewan Club has been working hard in preparing educational seminars and field trips for you. If you have ever been to a regional meeting hosted by Southeast Saskatchewan Club you know that you are in for a fun filled time. Presidents/Delegates please come prepared to do business. We will have our first meeting Friday morning and will cover the agenda for Saturday’s business session and instructed on the procedures to vote for 2012 Region VII Director. Binders of ADDC reports, procedures and ADDC Bylaws will be provided. Remember Club Bylaws are due June 1, 2011, so review and submit any questions and changes to your Club Bylaw Region Rep. Roseline Cyr, [email protected]. It won’t be long now before you’ll need to start planning ahead for our 60th Annual Convention in St. Louis, Missouri September 21-24, 2011 for the “Gateway to Growth and Opportunity” with our Association President Angie Duplessis. Next month I’ll have lots to fill you in on from the happenings at our 59th Annual Region VII Meeting. Until then keep “Riding the Road to Education ” .


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Region VII Director - Barbara Schaefer

Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada

May 12 – 14, 2011

The full package and registration form can be found on the

ADDC Website:

(click on the tab ‘About ADDC’, click on ‘Regions & Clubs’, and click on

Regional Meetings – scroll down to Region VII to find the attachments)

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Association of Desk and Derrick Clubs

60th Annual Convention St. Louis, Missouri

September 21-25, 2011 Association President Angie Duplessis

and the members of Region II invite you to join them in St. Louis

The full Registration Package is available on the A DDC Website at . Just click on Upcoming Conventions and download the registration form, hot el, field trip, and seminar information.

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To: All Members First, congratulations to Angie Duplessis, our 2011 ADDC President and to the 2011 ADDC Board! I know all of you will join me in wishing them a successful and memorable year. With that said, the word “memorable” is exactly what this letter is about. I had the honor of being named the 2011 “Electronic” Scrapbook Chairman and I am thrilled about the opportunity to serve. However, my service is just a small part of the Scrapbook Committee overall. This Committee is made up of other’s just like me across the US and Canada collecting photos, newspaper articles, Region meeting CD’s or any other type of memorabilia that will represent their Club in Angie’s scrapbook. It is our desire to represent all Association Clubs, so please remember to collect and send in those items that will represent this year’s memories from each and every one of your Club’s functions. You may send items to me via the postal service at the above address or digitally emailed to me at [email protected]. Otherwise, if you know your regional scrapbook representative and wish to send it directly to them, please do so. Region I Donna Siburt Region II Betty Wajda Region III Dolores Hawkins Region IV Peggy Lloyd Region V Kate Ediger Region VI Susan Cook Region VII Lynn Dunstan Angie’s theme, Gateway to Growth and Knowledge is a perfect setting for collecting memorabilia. So this year you can provide the Gateway to view the history of this year. Growing, as we experience our first Electronic Scrapbook and providing Knowledge to future members of our past events and memories. We look forward to all you can share with us and providing this great collection of memories for Angie’s year as the ADDC President. Warm regards, Glenda Gaither

Glenda Gaither Scrapbook Committee


420 S. Keeler (AB 4-430-4) Bartlesville, OK 74004

(918) 661-1528 O (918) 661-3049 F (918) 331-8538 C

[email protected] (o)

[email protected] (h)

Board of Directors PRESIDENT Angie Duplessis ConocoPhillips PRESIDENT ELECT Judi Adams Shell Exploration VICE PRESIDENT Marilyn Carter Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. SECRETARY Linda Clark A Plus Well Service TREASURER Ada Weeks B&B Oilfield Services, LLC IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Donna Siburt Contractor EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Gabriella Hunter Halliburton-Retired PARLIAMENTARIAN Sheryl Minear, RP WolfePak Software REGION I DIRECTOR Candi Miller Marathon Oil Company REGION II DIRECTOR Betty Wajda Michcon DTE Energy REGION III DIRECTOR Lori Landry Bean Resources, Inc. REGION IV DIRECTOR Connie Harrison Valero Energy Corp REGION V DIRECTOR Diana Walker Stephens Engineering REGION VI DIRECTOR Sharon Hiss Bentley & Associates, Inc. REGION VII DIRECTOR Barb Schaefer Weatherford Wellhead Systems

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April 1, 2010 Dear Club Presidents, The Public Relations Committee is pleased to report that we will soon be sending out an official nomination request for the ADDC Distinguished Service and Special Achievement awards. These prestigious awards are presented at ADDC Convention to deserving members, clubs, and ADDC Committees for their work in promoting the Association’s educational goals. Start thinking now about possible nominees from your club – or of clubs and ADDC Committees that have done outstanding work that meets the criteria. Distinguished Service Awards candidate criteria: I. Widely benefit the petroleum, energy or allied industries and/or the Association. II. Be well known and/or merit recognition. III. Be through individual effort and knowledge:

A. In public relations, education or other fields resulting in extensive benefits. B. By inventing or improving equipment, tools, methods or procedures resulting in A wide-range of benefits. C. In a research project resulting in extensive benefits.

The Special Achievement Award - may be given to a club, a club member or a committee within the Association of Desk and Derrick Clubs for an outstanding contribution to the Association in the form of a program, project or an individual accomplishment which benefits the Association and furthers its educational purpose. Updated guidelines and nomination forms are being reviewed by the ADDC Board and will be sent out as soon as possible after their approval. The deadline for submitting entries is May 31st. Ieasha Stewart Public Relations Chair

Ieasha Stewart Public Relations

Enduro Resource Partners 777 Main Street, Ste. 800

Fort Worth, TX 76102

(817) 847-9200 O (817) 915-6004 C

[email protected] (o)

Board of Directors PRESIDENT Angie Duplessis ConocoPhillips PRESIDENT ELECT Judi Adams Shell Exploration VICE PRESIDENT Marilyn Carter Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. SECRETARY Linda Clark A Plus Well Service TREASURER Ada Weeks B&B Oilfield Services, LLC IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Donna Siburt Contractor EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Gabriella Hunter Halliburton-Retired PARLIAMENTARIAN Sheryl Minear, RP WolfePak Software REGION I DIRECTOR Candi Miller Marathon Oil Company REGION II DIRECTOR Betty Wajda Michcon DTE Energy REGION III DIRECTOR Lori Landry Bean Resources, Inc. REGION IV DIRECTOR Connie Harrison Valero Energy Corp REGION V DIRECTOR Diana Walker Stephens Engineering REGION VI DIRECTOR Sharon Hiss Bentley & Associates, Inc. REGION VII DIRECTOR Barb Schaefer Weatherford Wellhead Systems

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May 2011

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Membership Meeting

Giselle Mayert

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Darlene Gaunt

Mary Alice Rooney

Lenore Summers

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Linda Wright

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Wendy Gibson

Board Meeting

5 PM

29 30 31

Region VII Meeting, Estevan, SK

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June 2011

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Membership


Susan Warren

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Marilyn Carter

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Linda Topolinsky

26 27 28 29 30 Board

Meeting 5:00 PM

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Mail to: Association Distribution Office Date:_____________________ 5153 E. 51st St. Ste 107

Tulsa, OK 74135 ================================================================================

PRINT OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION Name:___________________________________________ Member No.:_____________________ Club:_____________________________________________________________ Region:_______ Please update my membership information to reflect the following changes. If you are a Club President, ADDC Committee Chairman or Representative, fill out this section. President of:____________________________________________________________ ADDC Committee Chairman of:_____________________________________________ ADDC Committee Rep of:__________________________________________________ ================================================================================ Check ALL that apply: ________ 1. Name Change (Previous last name: _____________________________________) ________ 2 E-Mail Change ________ 3. Mail information to HOME instead of Office. ________ 4. Mail information to OFFICE instead of Home. ________ 5. Company Address Change. ________ 6. Home Address Change. ________ 7. Employment Change:_____________________________________(New Employer)

NEW OFFICE ADDRESS NEW HOME ADDRESS _______________________________________ __________________________________________ _______________________________________ __________________________________________ _______________________________________ __________________________________________ City State Zip City State Zip New Office Phone : (____)__________________ New Phone : (____)___________________________ New Office Fax : (____)____________________ New Home Fax: (____)________________________ New Office E-mail :________________________ New Home E-mail :___________________________ ================================================================================ IF APPLICABLE: 1. I transferred from Desk & Derrick Club of _____________________________ in Region ________ to Desk & Derrick Club of ______________________ in Region ________. 2. _________ I am no longer a Member. Rev 06-01 ADO 30

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Location: Greenwood Inn

3515 – 26 Street NE

Speaker: Angela Vandeponseele, Completions Engineer

Suncor Energy

Topic: Unconventional Gas – Information Sharing

Members $30, Guests $35

Please call or email Sharon Grocutt

403.723.3450 or [email protected])

to confirm your reservation.

There will be a, 50/50 draw (cash only) and the meal can be cash or cheque only.

Membership Meeting