Download - 2010 ms degree comparisons

Page 1: 2010 ms degree comparisons

Emporia State Unive .edu/distance/ ] up to e cr hoursBusiness Educatlon s40 .70 GPA last 60 hrs of ] Eachelor's degree,



]_-- .iKsRs 5241/hr+tech

online I S40


I 2.5 last 60 hrsup to 9 cr nours



Up to 9 cr hours See program she

Education (Adaptive)

Education (Gifted,

concentration(Teaching English to

5e program site

See program site


*Based on information submitted April 2010. Cost subject to change

Page 2: 2010 ms degree comparisons

Fort Hays State University Virtual College www.f hsu,ed u/vi rtua lcol lege

FortHaysstdteuniversity i i - I iM.fhs!.edu/viftual6llege iHLCNCACS i tusc./BA"/BS/MS online

Liberal Studies (21 areas ofdr inei t r l r .o

. ; ofrecommendat lon,personal I Bachelor 'sOegre

392. on MAT, 850+ on Applietlon, 2 lerers ol

i GRE(comblnedrerbal& I referencqP.ofussionalcoals

i quantitative) I Statement, transcripts

85Olon.GRE(@mbinedverbal I Appltction,tran*rtpts,3 | Bachelor,sDerree& quantitative) or 40+ on MAT I lefters of recommendation

Applicatlon,tEnscdpts, Irecommendatlon lefteE, I Becheloa's Detree

lAppli@tion, transcripts, 2 i Bach€lor's Oegree, Hotd

l€fters of fecomhendation, I curst RN license, Ohe

Application, transcripb, 2 Bacheloa's D€gfee, HoldleneEof re@mmendation, ] currentRNlkense,One i 5225/cr.Hour

Professimal Stetement i yea. clinical exue.ience

Appli6tion, transdipb, 2left eE of recffi mendation,

Profesional Statmstcunent RN license, Ohe I S225lcr. Hour

.edu/virtualcollege] Applletion,transcripts,

i rccomrcndation teften, Ba.he{or's Degree ] 5rrur*. ,ou,

Education HLCNCA6

Health Care edu/vinualcolleSeAppliction, transcdpts, 2

lefteB of recommend:tid,

Prol6simal Statementcunent RN llcense, One I $225lcr. Hour

*Based on information submitted April 2010. Cost subject to change.

Page 3: 2010 ms degree comparisons

Kansas State University Distance Education www.dce.k-state.eduEUbbn/Pqrant kdbh O4eOftH Daltusy m.lhod! Compbb AB Fe Mh GPA hohXfr T6l C6e Conm6nb

tunsos State Ynlyeryity!f!l!rj]l:g4 HLGNCACS Bs/c/Ms/Ph.D

\cademic Advising HLGNCACS c/M5 s0M 3.0^ Uan3.0GPAonS 539ryc'. H@r

lgribusiness HLC{CACS M5 2.5y?aR{a2 cr. H4 s 3.S€MAI orGBE r B

S24,e {hc'de!

CompHe thsh p,oFd

Community Development HLC-NCACS 2-3yeau{37odn 340 3

English as a Second Language:Teachint Endo6ement

HLGNCACS c kEsbcatbdon[ne 15 cr. h6 $ S393+/cr. k

Curriculum and lnstruction: English Asa Second Language

HLC.NCACS MS 54 9393+/cr H.

Dietetics HLC-NCACS M5 36cr, tus w 3.0

Adult and Continulng Education HLC-NCACS M5 s 3.0 S393+/cr. Hr

Educational Leadership HLC.NCACS M5 s4 t_0 S393+/cr. Hr

Engineering (7 areasf HLC"NCACS M5 10-33.r. hrs 54 3.0 5611 +/ (- Hr


qMsC In 2s years { 20 c..

n6)mh3.5y€aE{30 30154 3.0 no 6Rt963+/cr. Hr. +tsmlsme$er

Repon orThds Odlon

Gerontoloty HLC{CACS c/Ms s/s4 t ,0

Indus$iall0rgrnkational Psychology HLONCACS M5

l' ' 38cr. hrs{2.5ysrs} s4 3,0

ttun 3.0 GPA S@/s. Hl

Merchandising HLC.NCACS MS 3q I :.0

Personal Flnancial Planning HLC.NCACS c/M9"hoonllng Pfi.Or€qur610

18/4291 cr. hr 50/s4/s4 3.0

fouth Development HLGNCACS gM5 35i l . hr so/54 3.0

{pplied Statistics HLC-NCACS 15f i . h6 s0 1.0 S{8/cr. ir

3usiness Administration HLC,NCACS c !5 cr. h6 50 3,0

'&/cr. Hr tkst 15 hou6 ofMS prcgran

:onflict Resolution HLC.NCACS c s0 G.adde and un&€rad ced

!ducational Computer, Design and)nline learning/Digital Teaching and.earning

Ic-NcAcs onrlre,co'bt 15E . h6./31rr. tus. So

;ood Safety and Defense HLC{CACS c so

{ofticulture Therapy HLC-NCACS c 15cr. h6 50

\nanagement of Animal Health Related

lJganiza!iol!qHLC-NCACS 16 cr. tut so 1,0 Se/cr. Hr

f,ccupational Health Psychology HLC.NCACS 12(-hrs 50 3.0 ss/cr. ar

;anizational Leadership HLGNCrcS 50 3! 980/rr. Hr

rlic Administration HLC-NCACS c 90 t.0 Ss/.r. Hr

nsportation Engineering HLqTACSc s0 t.0 5611+l( . Hl


Page 4: 2010 ms degree comparisons

Pittsburg State University http:llww*.Pitttt$gu&ffi!!4.aduate/


Master of Science with aMajor in Educational 53s


j Szrr/ c,. trr

of EngineeringMs

I onrin"

O"li*- *" r--

Master of Arts in History

i '*,- i I ]Proe;__+_of Science in Health, ihtto:// ] I

Human Performance andRecreation

)5) 5233/ cr hri i I i i ' ,l l r_ iUniversity of Kansas

Pharmaceutical http://www.pharm.

Ph.D in Pharmaceutical

Bachelor of Science inNursing

Sterling College

iBased on information submitted April 2010. Cost subject to cnange.

Page 5: 2010 ms degree comparisons

Southwestern College Professional Studies www. southwesterncol I ege.orgnstitutionrProgrrms Vsbalts AccEdltrtlon Dsoce OfirEd Dellwry melhod! App Fe Mln- GPA Acceotrd Xtr TeEt Adm. Rqq PnReqr Cost'

EnterpriseRiskl4CqCgItglt _

Executive Quality Managgment c ontine_-_i_-_-'--_ -

re!tq!4!!tq!.ryfo4heEv!ee4e, _ l _-_,' r__=s_-1 *"l-- -'-l--1,-__


Baker University www.bakeru.edunstitution/Programs vobEltc I Accreditailon Dsgrc OfteBd D€llvsry msthod! App Fe Mln. GPA Acc€Dted xtr Te!t Adm. tuq PBR€qs CoBi'

_. 560

._ 525

..,- 460 _


*Based on information submitted April 2010. Cost subject to change.