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Welcome to Room 206

4th Grade Mrs. Orr

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I will try my hardest to inspire your child to learn whatever is being taught; however, I can not force your child to give his/her best effort. I will do everything I can to encourage, support, and persuade your child to succeed.

During the year we will practice problem solving, showing respect, and making good decisions. If your child is having difficulty with these concepts you will be notified by phone, e-mail, or note home.

Since I have committed to work for your child, I would expect that each child and family commits to turning in their homework, making good use of class time, showing respect to themselves, their peers, class materials, and their teacher.

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Many Things You Need to Know For Back to School









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Students will need a three ring binder with subjects written on the tabs. (This will be a homework assignment)mathlanguagereadingwritingsciencesocial studies

Cover all textbooks (this will also be a homework assignment) no sticky covers please

Please supply your child with whiteboard markers throughout the year. We use them regularly and they clog and the point gets smushed easily.

Please have your child keep his/her backpacks and binders organized (DO NOT DO THIS FOR THEM. MANY WELL INTENTIONED PARENTS THROW AWAY IMPORTANT WORK)


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GRADING POLICYMost of your child’s grades will be based on quizes, tests, and projects.

Homework will be a small percentage of their grade.

Although we correct papers in class, I will often have a small quiz at the end of every reading assignment in each subject. This practice helps me assess comprehension and assures me that the students are learning what is being taught. If we do not have a quiz, I will collect the homework.

If your child does not do their homework his/her grade usually suffers. Also, your child will come home with a missing assignment paper for your signature. These papers are for you to be aware of a possible problem. (There may be a very good reason for your child not having his/her homework completed.) You may write a note if there is a good reason for a missing assignment (migraine headaches, family emergency, etc.)

We will have a test after every chapter and unit.

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The districts new policy is that homework should be about 45 min a night;therefore, there will be time in class to finish assignments. If your child is struggling to make good use of class time to complete his/her assignments, they will need to complete it at home.

Projects are to be worked on at home, during recess, lunch, etc.

A missing assignment paper will be sent home requesting your signature.

Your child may complete the assignment during free time in class. However, they will still be required to get a late slip.

I will have homework posted on my website. However, it is up the each student to write down the assignment during class. Sometimes changes have been made but fail to get posted on the web site. I will try my best.


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Classwork that is missed due to absence will be available to be picked up after the 3rd day. You will be able to pick up work in the office or you may come to the classroom.

The daily assignments will be posted on my website

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The students will take the responsibility of their clothespin (used for attendance and lunch count)

There will always be time in class for students to write down their class assignments (they are not to rely on my web site. Sometimes the website is not completely correct or vice versa) It is up to each student to get the correct assignments written down. I will not be able to check 30 students.

Be ready for class with pencil, paper, binder, erasers, white board markers, homework, etc.

Each week the students will rotate to help with class jobs. (Students will be rewarded with tickets to redeem during class or our monthly auction time.)

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Parents can helpPlease help your child develop an organized place and time to do their studies.

If your child comes home with a missing assignment note, etc., please talk with your child about being responsible and help them prevent further situations that require attention.

Please make sure your child has a flash drive that works with our computers. We will be using these flash drives regularly. Also, please have these drives labeled with his/her name and please make sure your child brings them to school so they can work on class projects.

Please make sure your printers and computers are in working order and stocked with paper. (We have many assignments that need a computer and printer.)

Please donate to the fund raiser for Gomes at the beginning of the year. All the money we collect from the students goes to provide students with programs and suppplies.

I may ask for volunteers throughout the year to help in the classroom or special events. It would be great to have you join us.

If you have any questions please let me know by e-mail or sending a note with your child.

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If you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday or half-birthday during the school day, please let me know ahead of time so I can make sure there is ample time to pass out the goodies.

When your child brings treats to class, please keep in mind that some children may have alergies. Please avoid treats with nuts. If there are any further alergies, I will let you know

I would also prefer treats that are easy to eat and clean up. A messy treat can take up too much class time.

Thank you