Download - ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

Page 1: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

The Gifted Parent Online:Totally Free Internet Tools

for Parent Support & Advocacy

By Carolyn Kottmeyerand Kathi Kearney

Page 2: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

You are not alone!

• 2.5% of the population

• Identification limited by state and district mandates

• Privacy prevents contact

• Internet allows world-wide interaction…

• We are not alone!

Page 3: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Online Support

• Gifted discussion communities Homeschooling Twice Exceptional Exceptionally / Profoundly Gifted

• Gifted Blogs 2e: Twice Exceptional Newsletter Eide Neurolearning Blog Gifted Exchange – Laura Vanderkam Unwrapping the Gifted – Tamara Fisher

Page 4: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Support Communities

• TAGFAM TAGFAM –Talented And Gifted FAMilies TAGPDQ – more than plain gifted TAGMAX – homeschooling gifted

• GT-Families GT-Families – general support GT-Special – twice exceptional gifted GT-Adult – adult gifted

• Gifted Online Conferences (NING) Variety of discussion topics plus conferences

Page 5: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 6: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Support Lists

• Specialized support groups… Homeschooling Gifted Children Homeschooling 2 College Life Michael Clay Thompson’s Language Arts Gifted-NLD-Aspergers 2e Young Adults Auditory Processing Bright Kids (American Mensa) State and local gifted organizations…

Page 7: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney


• Keep your tone positive Use “I language…” No “flaming” Consider your audience (international) The “7%-38%-55% Rule”

• 7% words, 38% tone of voice, 55% body language– Albert Mehrabian, Professor Emeritus of Psychology,


• (Print and) Keep your welcome letter Unsubscribe, nomail, digest Don’t send list commands to the list

Page 8: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Online Parenting Resources

• Parents Research Resources

• Books• Products• Games & Toys

Success Stories Frequently Answered Questions A Lighter Note

Page 9: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Online Parenting Resources

• Parents Characteristics & Identification Testing & Tests Highly / Exceptionally / Profoundly Gifted Traditional School Advocacy Homeschooling Summer & Saturday / Academic Programs Parenting Social-Emotional Twice Exceptional Special Topics

Page 10: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 11: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Online Parenting Resources

• Special Topics At-Risk Gifted Children ELL (ESL) Gender Issues Gifted Adults Creative / Math / Science / Humanities /

Musical / Technologically gifted students Philosophy

Page 12: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Online Parenting Resources

• Twice Exceptional AD/HD Aspergers (AS) Auditory Processing (APD) Dyslexia / Dysgraphia / Dyscalculia Nonverbal Learning Disability (NLD / NVLD) Sensory Integration Disorder (SI) Visual Processing 2e Role Models 2e Books & Products Technology IEPs

Page 13: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Advocacy Resources

• Gifted Advocacy

• Competing with myths about the social and emotional development of gifted students Myth 1. Gifted students should be with students their

own age Myth 3. Being perfectly well rounded should be the

primary goal

• Distinguishing Myths From Realities: NRC/GT Research Useful quiz for self-discovery and professional


• Arguments and Red Herrings

Page 14: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 15: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Advocacy Resources

• ERIC EC Clearinghouse for Exceptional Children

• Davidson Institute Guidebooks Advocating for Exceptionally Gifted Young

People: A Guidebook Considering the Options: A Guidebook for

Investigating Early College Entrance (Parents & Students versions)

Mentorship: A Guidebook

Page 16: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 17: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 18: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 19: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Online Curriculum

• Enrichment Interactive Reading lists

• Curriculum Units Every topic, grade level Many include educational objectives met

• Complete Classes Middle & High school

Page 20: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Online Enrichment

• Hoagies’ Kids & Teens Links Art, Theater, Music Books & Authors Brain Teasers, Logic Puzzles & Optical Illusions Interactive Challenges For the Love of Words Math & Multiplication Science & Natural Science Social Studies, Economics, Geography Space Young Kids

Page 21: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 22: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 23: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 24: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 25: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Curriculum Units

• Internet Investigations Lesson Plan Collections K-12+

• Illuminations (math)• JetStream (weather)• Kennedy Center ArtsEdge (art)• NASA Educational Materials Finder• NOVA (PBS programs)• Smithsonian• Xpeditions (geography)

Individual Lesson Plans, too

Page 26: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 27: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 28: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 29: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 30: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Complete Online Courses

• (Free) Online High School Courses Ready-made curriculum

• Content, Evaluations, Text Some kids respond better than others to online

learning• Run trial lessons• Determine if course suits child

Include discussion time…• Parent, teacher, mentor, older student

Download the course website• WebWhacker**

Page 31: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Convincing Your School…

• Review the materials thoroughly

• Learn school policy on independent study for credit State policy / accepted course list Find advocate within the system

• Get necessary approval

• Excellent option for… Lower-SES schools Block / 6-day scheduled schools High-level acceleration at any grade level

Page 32: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Middle & High School Options• Assorted

MIT OpenCourseWare Video Courses National Repository of Online Courses, Monterey

Institute UCBerkeley on YouTube

• English / Literature SCORE Literature Cyberguides Principals of Composition Debate Central: Critical Advocacy

• Science Forensics Illustrated: Step Under the Tape General Biology, Chemistry AP Physics, Biology, Environmental Science

Page 33: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 34: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 35: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 36: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 37: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 38: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Middle & High School Options• Math

Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Statistics AP Calculus, Statistics

• History Digital History AP U.S. History, U.S. Government My Own Business

• Languages Ancient or Modern Greek, French, German, Italian,

Icelandic, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese

• Electives Astronomy, Music Theory & Appreciation, History of

Religion, Computers

Page 39: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 40: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 41: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 42: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 43: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 44: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Online Professional Development• Support our teachers!

• Online Communities, Blogs, Support Lists Gifted Online Conferences (NING) 2eEducator Unwrapping the Gifted Davidson Institute Educators Guild CGEP Network (APA) Belin Blank Gifted Teachers Listserv

• Professional development curriculum…

Page 45: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Gifted Education Professional Development Package

• Early childhood, primary & secondary

• Core, extension and specialisation Understanding Giftedness Identification of Gifted Students Social and Emotional Development Underachievement Curriculum Differentiation Developing Programmes and Provisions


Page 46: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Page 47: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

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©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Online Social-Emotional Support• SENG Articles and research Annual Conference

• Davidson Young Scholars Exceptionally / profoundly gifted ages 5-18 Wide variety of support available…

Page 49: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

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©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

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©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Online Access to… Conferences• Local, State, National, International…

NAGC NAGC State Affiliates Local school district groups SENG SENG Parenting Groups Beyond IQ CTY / CTD / TIP Family Conferences

Page 52: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Internet Safety

• PC Security It’s not just your mother’s antivirus program any


• Privacy You may be surprised what’s known about you And your home And…

Page 53: ©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy By Carolyn Kottmeyer and Kathi Kearney.

©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

PC Security

• Anti-Virus Current definitions!

• Anti-Spyware One scan, one memory resident

• Windows critical and security updates

• Phishing! Don’t click anywhere on an unexpected pop-up

• Google Toolbar


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©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney


• Learn all about yourself…

• Learn about your house!

• Set up Google Alerts on yourself and family

• Register for Do Not Call; renew every 5 years

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©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Privacy Loss is Forever…

• Wayback Machine Historical snapshots of websites back to 1996

• Boards and Mailing Lists Archives

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©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

Special Note…

• The internet is free, but Internet websites are not…

• Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page is supported by your affiliate program purchases Shop through Hoagies’ Page links No cost to you; small percentage goes to


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©2008 C. Kottmeyer & K. Kearney

The Gifted Parent Online:Totally Free Internet Tools for

Parent Support & Advocacy


Thank you!