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Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova – Republic of Kosovo Qeveria – Vlada – Government


Page 2: 2008 ACTION PLAN ON IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EUROPEAN · 1. The European Partnership Action Plan 2008 and the structures aimed at the

Republika e Kosovës Republika Kosova – Republic of Kosovo

Qeveria – Vlada – Government

No. 02/29 Date: 31.07.2008

Based on the Articles 92(4), and 93(4) of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, as well as the Article 4(3) of the Rules of Procedure of the Government of Kosovo No. 0l/2007, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, in its session held on 31 July 2008, has made the following


1. The European Partnership Action Plan 2008 and the structures aimed at the monitoring/implementation of the European Partnership are approved, with remarks. 2. The Budget for implementation of the European Partnership Action Plan 2008 has to be reviewed and harmonized with the Mid-term Expenditure Framework 2008 – 2011 and budgetary planning for the same period. 3. The Agency for European Integration within the Office of the Prime Minister is charged with the incorporation of the remarks made therein. 4. The Agency for European Integration within the Office of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Finance and Economy, as well as other relevant ministries/institutions are obliged to implement this Decision. 5. The Decision enters into force on the day of signature.

Hashim Thaçi

____________________ (signed) Prime Minister of Kosovo

Sent to: - All the Ministries - Permanent Secretary of the OPM - Government Archive

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Table of Contents

1  INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................10 


ACTION PLAN (EPAP 2008) .................................................................................................... 11 1.3  OBJECTIVES OF THE KOSOVO EUROPEAN PARTNERSHIP ACTION PLAN ................................... 11 1.4  CONTENTS OF THE ACTION PLAN ............................................................................................. 12 1.5  ANNEXES/TYPE OF ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................. 14 1.6  MONITORING AND REPORTING AGAINST EPAP AND REVISION OF THE PROGRAMME .............. 16 

2  NARRATIVE COMPONENT OF EPAP 2008 ......................................................................17 

2.1  POLITICAL CRITERIA ................................................................................................................ 17 2.1.1 Democracy and the Rule of law ................................................................................................................................... 17 

a.  Constitution ...................................................................................................................17 b.  Parliament ......................................................................................................................17 c.  Elections ........................................................................................................................18 d.  Government ...................................................................................................................19 e.  Public Administration ...................................................................................................19 f.  Local Self-Government/Decentralisation ......................................................................23 g.  Judicial System ..............................................................................................................23 h.  Anti-corruption Policy...................................................................................................24 

2.1.2 Human Rights and Protection of Minorities ............................................................................................................... 25 a.  Civil and Political Rights ..............................................................................................26 b.  Economic and Social Rights .........................................................................................26 c.  Minority Rights, Cultural Rights and Protection of Minorities ....................................27 

2.1.3 Regional Issues and International Obligations........................................................................................................... 28 2.2  ECONOMIC CRITERIA ............................................................................................................. 28 2.2.1 The existence of Functioning Market Economy .......................................................................................................... 29 

a.  Economic Policy Essentials ..........................................................................................29 b.  Macroeconomic Stability ..............................................................................................30 c.  Interplay of Market Forces ............................................................................................31 d.  Market Entry and Exit ...................................................................................................31 e.  Legal System .................................................................................................................32 f.  Financial Sector Development ......................................................................................32 

2.2.2 The Capacity to Cope with Competitive Pressure and Market Forces within the Union .......................................... 32 a.  Human and Physical Capital .........................................................................................32 b.  Sector and Enterprise Structure .....................................................................................33 c.  Government Influence on Competitiveness ..................................................................34 d.  Economic Integration with EU ......................................................................................35 

2.3  EUROPEAN STANDARDS .......................................................................................................... 35 2.3.1  Internal Market ............................................................................................................................................................ 35 

a.  Free Movement of Goods ..............................................................................................35 b.  Free Movement of Capital .............................................................................................36 c.  Customs and Taxation ...................................................................................................38 d.  Public Procurement .......................................................................................................41 e.  Intellectual Property Rights ...........................................................................................41 f.  Employment and Social Policy .....................................................................................42 g.  Education and Research ................................................................................................49 

2.3.2  Sectoral Policies .......................................................................................................................................................... 51 a.  Industry and SME-s .......................................................................................................51 

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b.  Agriculture and Fisheries ..............................................................................................52 c.  Environment ..................................................................................................................53 d.  Transport Policies ..........................................................................................................55 e.  Energy ...........................................................................................................................58 f.  Information Society and Media .....................................................................................62 g.  Financial Control ...........................................................................................................63 h.  Statistics ........................................................................................................................65 

2.3.3  Justice, Freedom and Security .................................................................................................................................... 66 a.  Visas, Border Control, Asylum and Migration .............................................................67 b.  Money Laundry .............................................................................................................68 c.  Combating Organized Crime ........................................................................................69 d.  Drugs .............................................................................................................................69 e.  Police .............................................................................................................................70 f.  Personal Data Protection ...............................................................................................71 

3  PUBLIC ADMIN REFORM AND ADMINISTRATIVE CAPACITY ...............................72 

a.  Background ..................................................................................................................... 72 b.  Responsible Institution and the Current Situation .......................................................... 72 c.  What has to be done ........................................................................................................ 72 

4  TRANSLATION OF THE EU ACQUIS. ...............................................................................73 

a.  Background ..................................................................................................................... 73 b.  Responsible Institution and the current Situation ........................................................... 73 c.  What has to be done ........................................................................................................ 73 

5  INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION .......................................................................75 

a.  Background ..................................................................................................................... 75 b.  Responsible Institution and the Current Situation .......................................................... 75 c.  What has to be done ........................................................................................................ 75 

6  2008 ANNEXES: TABLES ......................................................................................................77 

a.  Table of EPAP Costs ...................................................................................................... 77 b.  Table of New Legislation ................................................................................................ 78 c.  Table of Institutional Changes ........................................................................................ 89 d.  Table of New Recruitment .............................................................................................. 95 e.  Table of Training Needs ................................................................................................. 99 f.  Table of ICT Needs ....................................................................................................... 109 g.  Table of Capital Investments ........................................................................................ 113 h.  Table of Donor Projects ................................................................................................ 115 

7  TABLE OF ACTIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARTNERSHIP ......................................................................................................................122 

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LIST OF ABREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ACCK American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo AD Administrative Directive ADR Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road AEI Agency for European Integration AETR International Road Transport AGE Agency for Gender Equality AI Administrative Instruction KBRA Kosovo Business Registration Agency ASSME Agency for Support of the Small and Medium Enterprises BAK Business Alliance of Kosovo CARO Civil Aviation Regulatory Agency CBK Consolidated Budget of Kosovo CCIU Conduct Criminal Investigations Concerning CEC Central Election Commission CEEPUS Central European Exchange Program for University Studies CHUIA Central Harmonization Unit for Internal Audit CITT Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer CJA Commission for Judicial Assistance CoE Council of Europe CPC Certificate for Professional Competence CPI Customer Price Index CSW Centres for Social Work DACS Department of Administration for Civil Service DBMA Department for Borders, Migration and Asylum DDPUE Department for the Development of Pre-University Education DEFP Department for Economic and Fiscal Policies DFID Department for International Development DGSA Dangerous Goods Security Advisor DJ Department of Justice DSP Department for Social Policies EA European Corporation for Accreditation EAR European Agency for Reconstruction EC European Commission EChSE European Charter for Small Enterprises ECK Economic Chamber of Kosovo ECT Energy Charter Treaty EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EPAP European Partnership Action Plan EPMU Establishment of Pilot Municipality Units ERO Energy Regulatory Office ESTAP Energy Sector Technical Assistance Project EU European Union EULEX European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo EUPT European Union Planning Team FIC Financial Intelligence Centre FMO Frequency Management Office GCS Government Coordination Secretariat GMF German Marshall Fund GMP Good Manufacturing Practices GTZ German Development Cooperation Agency HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Programme HRU Human Rights Unit

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ICMM Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals ICMM Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals ICO International Civil Office IMF International Monetary Fund IPAK Investment Promotion Agency of Kosovo IPO Intellectual Property Office IRU International Road Union ISK Sanitary Inspection of Kosovo ISO International Standardization Organization KAAP Kosovo Annual Action Program KACA Kosovo Anti-Corruption Agency KAI Kosovo Agricultural Institute KAMP Kosovo Agency for Medical Products KCA Kosovo Cadastral Agency KBA Kosovo Business Association CBAK Central Banking Authority of Kosovo KCPSED Kosovo Centre for Public Safety Education and Development KCS Kosovo Civil Service KCS Kosovo Correctional Service KCS Kosovo Custom Service KEC Kosovo Education Centre KCE Kosovo Energy Corporation CSPA Commission for Senior Public Appointments KFA Kosovo Forestry Agency KFOR Kosovo Force KHI Kosovo Health Inspectorate KIPA Kosovo Institution for Public Administration KCA Kosovo Cadastral Agency KCC Kosovo Chamber of Commerce KCPSED Kosovo Centre for Public Security, Education and Development (part of MIA) KIPH Kosovo Institute of Public Health KIPM Kosovo Institute for the Protection of Monuments KJC Kosovo Judicial Council KJI Kosovo Judicial Institute KOSTT Kosovo Electricity Transmission, System and Market Operator KPA Kosovo Property Agency KPC Kosovo Protection Corps KPC Kosovo Procurement Council KPS Kosovo Police Service KRA Kosovo Regulatory Authority KSO Kosovo Statistical Office KSPO Kosovo Special Prosecution Office KSS Kosovo Security Service KTA Kosovo Trust Agency KVFA Kosovo Veterinary and Food Agency LFQ Labour Force Questionnaire LGE Law on Gender Equality LPFMR Law on Public Finance Management and Responsibilities MAFRD Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development MCYS Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports MDE Municipal Directorate of Education MEF Ministry of Economy and Finance MEM Ministry of Energy and Mining MESP Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning MEST Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

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MH Ministry of Health MHA Ministry of Home Affairs MJ Ministry of Justice MLGA Ministry of Local Government Administration MLSW Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare MOC Municipal Office for Communities MPS Ministry of Public Service MRC Ministry of Returns and Communities MT Mid-Term MTFE Mid-Term Framework of Expenses MTI Ministry of Trade and Industry MTTK Ministry of Transport and Telecommunication of Kosovo NOBPDP National Oversight Body for Personal Data Protection NCSC National Centre of State Courts NGO Non-Governmental Organizations OAG Office of Auditor General OER Office of the Energy Regulator OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OGG Office for Good Governance OMAOG Office for the Management and Administration of Official Gazette OP Office of the President OPM Office of the Prime Minister ORCD Office for Regional Cooperation and Dialog OSCE Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe PAI Public Administration International PAR Public Administration Reform PCK Prosecutorial Commission of Kosovo PIA Prishtina International Airport PIP Public Investment Plan PISG Provisional Institutions of Self-Governance POEs Publicly-Owned Enterprises PPP Public-Private Partnership PPRC Public Procurement Regulatory Commission PRB Procurement Review Body PTK Post and Telecommunications of Kosovo RADP Rural and Agricultural Development Plan RIC Reconstruction Implementation Commission SAS Social Assistance Scheme SEE South East Europe SEETO South East Europe Transport Observatory SHT Short-Term SIDA Swedish International Development Agency SIGTAS Standard Integrated Government Tax Administration System SME Small and Medium Enterprises SPO Stability Pact Office SRSG Special Representative of the Secretary-General TACTA Technical Assistance to Customs and Taxation Administrations TAIEX Technical Assistance Information Exchange TAK Tax Administration of Kosovo TRA Telecommunications Regulatory Authority UITP International Union of Public Transport UNDP United Nations Development Program UNDP United Nations Development Program UNICEF United Nations International Children’s Fund UNMIK United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo

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UP University of Prishtina USAID United States Agency for International Development VAT Value Added Tax VET Vocational Education and Training WB World Bank WG Work Group WSSI Women’s Safety and Security Initiative

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1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Relations of the Republic of Kosovo with the European Union As from the Thessaloniki Summit in 2003, Kosovo is firmly anchored in the framework of the Stabilization and Association Process. On 20-th of April 2005, the European Commission adopted the Communication on Kosovo to the Council ‘A European Future for Kosovo’ that reinforces the Commission’s commitment to Kosovo. Furthermore, on 20-th of January 2006, the Council adopted a European Partnership (for Kosovo as well). The Kosovo Government adopted in January 2005, the First Action Plan for the implementation of the European Partnership. The "SAP Tracking Mechanism"(STM) is the bases for the regular dialogue between the EU and the Kosovo authorities on EU matters. In addition, a new structure of sectoral ‘Working Groups’ meetings under the umbrella of the STM was established in the areas of good governance, economy, internal market, innovation, infrastructure and agriculture since 2007. The European Union is providing substantial financial assistance to build and improve Kosovo's institutions, foster socio-economic development and further advance Kosovo's regional integration. The EU is by fare the largest donor to Kosovo allocating more resources to Kosovo on a per capita basis than to any other place in the world. The main instrument of donor assistance in 1999-2006 was Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilization (CARDS). In 2007, the CARDS programme was replaced with the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA). Kosovo is going to benefit from IPA's two components: Component I – Institution Building and Transition Support and Component II – Cross-Border Cooperation. For the period 2007-2009 the European Commission has envisaged to support Kosovo with € 199.1 million. The main priorities of IPA 2007-2009 programmes are to strengthen administrative capacity at all levels, enhance rule of law, human rights and good governance, improve socio-economic conditions for all communities, and develop regional cooperation. There are not yet contractual relations between the EU and Kosovo. On 17th of February Kosovo Assembly adopted the Declaration of Independence opening new page in the history of Kosovo and its citizens and new European future for Kosovo and for the whole region. Process of recognition of Kosovo as independent state is ongoing. Kosovo is implementing a comprehensive and complicated agenda where the process of European integration is becoming a main driving force and guidance for all progressive processes/reforms. Next step/challenge for Kosovo on the way to the European Union membership is to enter in to the next phase of the process, to open negotiations for the Stabilization and Association Agreement in line with the regular procedure. Sooner Kosovo shows clear record of full implementation of the European Partnership recommendations, in particularly unreserved implementation of the Key Priorities and Short Term Priorities, sooner the door will be open for Kosovo to show its full determination over the process of EU integration and to step in to the next phases: • Decision of the Council to give mandate to the European Commission to prepare Study for

Feasibility to start Negotiations for Stabilization and Association Agreement with Kosovo, • European Commission to prepare and present the Findings on Feasibility to open SAA

negotiations with Kosovo Government,

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• Decision of the Council to open the Negotiations for SAA with Kosovo Government and the EC to prepare Negotiation positions,

• Officially to open the Negotiations for SAA, • Negotiations to establish contractual relations through the SAA, • and later on Application for Membership, • answers to the Questionnaire, • Candidate status and to start the preparations for the last phase, • to Open the Negotiations for Membership, • to Conclude the Negotiations, • to sign the Accession Treaty and to go through the ratification procedure and most probably

on Referendum for Membership. 1.2 Initial groundwork for the preparation of the Kosovo European Partnership Action

Plan (EPAP 2008) Several important factors were taken into account while preparing European Partnership Action Plan 2008: • Kosovo independence and finalisation and implementation of the new Constitution of Kosovo, • New EU institutional structure in place in Kosovo (ICO, EULEX, ECO) • Impact of the last (November 2007) European Commission Progress Report for Kosovo

achievements and weaknesses, • Impact of the New Revised European Partnership for Kosovo for the period of 2008-2009 and

mid term perspective for next 36-48 months, • Needs concerning revision of the priorities related to use of Donor Assistance in line with

European Partnership recommendations and structured approach with clear division of responsibilities between the AEI and CDC,

• Participation in the implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan for training and Strategy and Action plan for Information and Communication.

Furthermore, the work of Kosovo institutions will be guided in all important areas by several official documents prepared and adopted by the Government during the previous period: • Programme of the Government for the period 2008-2011, • Plan for European Integration of Kosovo 2008-2010 adopted by the Government on 3rd April

2008, including: o Revised Coordination Mechanism for Management of the Process of European

integration, o Concept papers for Approximation of the Legislation and Concept Paper for Translation

of the EU acquis, o The new/revised Action Plan for European Partnership 2008, o European Training Strategy and Action Plan, o EI Communication Strategy and Action Plan.

• Annual Work Plan of the Government 2008. 1.3 Objectives of the Kosovo European Partnership Action Plan

Any further development of Kosovo (progress) will be measured through implementation of the key, short-term and mid-term priorities of the European Partnership.

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In that sense the Action Plan should be used for planning the Government activities,

• Related to the Political agenda of the Government and its priorities,

• Legislative agenda for the Government (Laws, Sub legislation, Decisions and other legal acts) and for the Parliament,

• Plan for recruitments needed for implementation of European integration agenda and enforcement of the harmonized legal acts,

• Plan for institutional building and training of the staff (general and specific training needs),

• Plan for investments and particularly for IT network building (upgrading) related to the acquis.

Further on, the Action Plan should/could be used for internal communication, • To streamline the relations between the Prime minister and international community (clear

ground to focus on the main and most important issues), • the Prime minister and the government members (common understanding of the government

agenda and results that have to be achieved), • Ministers and there ministerial staff (clear guidelines with measurable benchmarks), • Relations among the government bodies (one plan and same datelines), • Government and business community and with the social partners (warning mechanism for

changes that are going to be introduce and will have affect to the business community and to the social partners),

• Relations with the NGO sector (ground for building partnership) • Communication with the media (clear agenda for the government measurable through the

media) • And with wider public, all citizens, (citizens that would like, can measure at any time how

successful the Government is/was) …and for external communication,

• Communication with international community and better understanding of Kosovo priorities (clear and publicly presented priorities and government agenda)

• Relations with European Commission and its services (always is needed for monitoring purposes and presenting clear picture for progress achieved)

• With all EU member states (not to forget that all important decisions are taken by member states)

• With Kosovo neighbors (all in the region is and will follow\very closely what Kosovo is doing, planning and achieving)

• With European academic and nongovernmental sector and wider public (Kosovo needs all support that can get from as wider as possible environment).

1.4 Contents of the Action Plan The Programme follows the structure of the European Partnership for Kosovo 2007 and is in line with the Copenhagen and Madrid criteria, and therefore encompasses the following sections: • Political Criteria • Economic Criteria,

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• European Standards, • Public Administration Reforms and Administrative Capacity, • Translation of the Acquis in to Kosovo official languages • Information’s and communications • Annexes, and • Monitoring and Reporting against EPAP and Revision of the Programme. Contents and structure of the section on Political Criteria - is presented in the following order: • Existing condition (legal acts defining the area, level of approximation of the national legislation

with the acquis and the policies of the European Union, institutions in charge of the implementation of the legislation and their capacity);

• Reforms planned: • Legal framework (describes which national legal acts shall be approximated to those of the

European Union, which institution is in charge for the preparation of those legal acts and the proposed deadline for their adoption);

• Institutional framework (describes necessity for reorganization of the existing institutions or establishment of new institutions, the need for new employment opportunities in the institutions, needs for training);

• Review of the professional strengthening of the institutions, • Foreign aid

The activities have been divided into short-term priorities (1-2 years) and medium-term priorities (3-4 years or longer term). The contents and structure of the second section – Economic Criteria – assesses all the economic criteria, planned economic reforms and their dynamics. The contents and structure of the third section – European Standards is organized in accordance with the European Partnership chapters. The internal structure of each chapter is identical to the structure elaborated under the Political Criteria section. Public Administration Reforms and the Administrative capacity, or the ability to implement the Acquis in accordance with the standards or best practices in the Member States, contains a general overview of the public administration reform (description of the legal framework with a review of the new legal acts and a review of the policies and strategies for improving the administrative capacity); A separate section of the Programme is devoted to the process for translation of the Acquis Communitare in Kosovo official languages, whereby, the development of the system for translation of the European Union legislation and the building of capacities and resources, have been described. Last be equally important is the part describing activities of the Kosovo Government related to the implementation of the Strategy for information and communication on the process of European Integration, targeting main audience groups in and outside Kosovo, methods and ways of approaching politicians, decision makers, administration, students, journalists and widest possible public consumer of information.

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1.5 Annexes/type of activities The annexes contain the data received from the competent institutions during the preparation of the Plan and reflect current level of knowledge of the administration and degree of understanding of the complex European Integration process and the Acquis Communitare and its legal consequences. The positive movements are evident when comparing previous Action Plans prepared by the same Kosovo Administration.

a. Table of Costs This is the first year that Kosovo has calculated and specified financial aspect of European Partnership Action Plan. The process of drafting the budget has been coordinated and managed by the Agency for European Integration and it has involved many Institutions, Agencies and other bodies of Republic of Kosovo. Process itself has passed through several phases: firstly, respective ministries and other institutions have specified actions and financial implications of envisaged actions. Secondly, after AEI received necessary inputs it created special taskforce which main duty was to analyze financial data in EPAP. Finally, EPAP matrix was sent to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, officials of which did the cross checking of EPAP budgetary aspect and its compliance with other financial documents. Financial data represented in the EPAP are not final since these data will go through continuous changes and adjustment as Budget and MTEF changes. Two important elements which additionally influenced the dynamic of EPAP financial data are: Donor conference whose novelties will have to be incorporated in EPAP in due course of time, as well as, procedural preparations time discrepancy between EPAP and budget and MTEF. Financial identification of EPAP actions, as well as its budgetary burden distribution, shall deliver many advantages and benefits:

1. It will offer a clear financial overview of EPAP and its actions. 2. It will help in future planning process of Kosovo Consolidated Budget and its expenses. 3. It will help in future planning and allocation of donations. 4. It will offer to the citizens, wider public and all interested parties clear overview of how much

and from what resources is Kosovo Government spending for the European Integration process. 5. Lastly, but most importantly, there is strong belief and economic logic that by achieving

financial identification of actions, it will ensure and contribute to the realization, monitoring and control of envisaged actions.

Financial aspect in EPAP is designed in a way that offers clear picture and explanation of envisaged actions’ financing. Structure and distribution of EPAP financing is represented through 4 different columns, explanation of which are provided: Total Cost: In this column it is provided financial sum that defines total financial amount seem as necessary for successful implementation of envisaged action. Kosovo Consolidated Budget: In this column it is provided financial sum that defines total current financial amount which is deployed from the KCB for envisaged actions. Donations: In this column it is provided financial sum that defines total financial amount offered by different donations for envisaged action. Gap: In this column it is provided financial sum that defines total financial amount which lacks for ensuring total budgetary support for envisaged action.

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Financial statistics for European Partnership Action Plan 2008 Total cost of EPAP € 760,660,763 100.00% Kosovo Consolidated Budget

€ 266,595,618 35.05%

Donations € 148,700,479 19.55% Gap € 345,364,666 45.40% Percentage of EPAP actions with and without specified budget (all actions with and without financial implications) in %, Number of actions with specified budget (736) / Total number of EPAP actions (1502) X 100 = 49%. This means that 49% of total EPAP actions do have specified budget, meaning that 51% actions do not have specified budget. Numbers and data represented in the Table are of dynamic nature so changes may be expected. Reasons why some actions have not been calculated are the following:

- Actions do not have financial implications; - Actions are very hard or impossible to calculate; - Financial implications are completely covered by donors, but concrete financial data were not

available because of various reasons; and - Actions whose budgets are covered by financial sums of other actions. So in order not to double

the same sum twice, we have putted in comment to refer to concrete action for information on financial aspect of envisaged action.

b. Table of new Legislation for Harmonisation

This Table provides an overview of national legal regulations to be harmonised with EU legislation and contains the laws and bylaws, as well as the institution which is the principal responsible for the preparation of the act including the remaining institutions participating in the preparation of the legal regulations. The deadline for adoption of the regulations by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo is indicated and the deadline for adoption by the Assembly of Kosovo as well.

c. Tables of Institutional Changes and Recruitment Needs These Tables provides an overview of the necessary Institutional changes (establishment of the new Institutions, reorganisation of the existing ones, new Departments, new Units), or professional strengthening of institutions (new employments), presented per European standard chapters and by years (where possible).

d. Table of Necessary Training This Table contains an overview of the preliminary identification of the legal regulations by chapters and institutions that have the need for training courses, expertise, studies and analyses, both in the part for harmonization of EU legislation and the part for its implementation. This Table is the initial basis for further analyses for designing precise plans and training programmes.

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e. Table of ICT Systems Needs This Annex provides an overview of the needs for systems for information and communication technology (hardware, software, networks, programme applications and IT infrastructure) by chapters and institutions.

f. Table of Capital Investments This table reflects capital investment (infrastructural projects, construction of buildings, buying buildings, etc) by projects, divided according to the structure of the EPAP. 1.6 Monitoring and Reporting against EPAP and Revision of the Programme Following the initial adoption of the European Partnership Action Plan by the Government of the Kosovo, it shall be submitted for comments to the competent bodies of the European Commission. The comments received are to be incorporated into the final version of the document which shall be adopted by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo During June/July 2008. Monitoring of the Action plan will be very strict and rigid,

• Every action/implementation/progress has to be reported to the AEI the same moment (automatically) or at list two times per month -regularly (even if there is no any action), before the MIS (Quality Reporting Track Mechanism) is fully introduced.

• AEI should prepare once per month (beginning or mid of the month) short report for the Prime minister (and the Government). This should be considered as early warning system if the implementation goes well or there is a need for intervention from the side of the Prime Minister.

• Short report should be prepared by AEI every quarter (in tables) to the Government (as detailed as possible with focus on the problematic areas with recommendations how to approach them with extra efforts) and to the European Commission (and other international players) in a broader way (not so detailed) focused on the results achieved and pointing out areas where more substantial assistance/intervention from the international community is needed

• Every six months (in June and September because of the EC Progress report), AEI should prepare and the Government should revue and approves, a longer more detailed (description followed by detailed tables) Report for the Progress in the implementation of the European partnership recommendations.

• Monitoring mechanism and Reports can be very useful to better prepare all meetings with the Commission and other international players and to show progress in achievement the goals (in consistent and in order way).

The EPAP shall be revised annually, for the purpose of its updating and upgrading in line with the European Commission Annual Progress Reports for Kosovo.

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2 NARRATIVE COMPONENT OF EPAP 2008 2.1 Political Criteria 2.1.1 Democracy and the Rule of law

a. Constitution The process of preparing the Constitution of Kosovo has been continued thoroughly. The Constitution Kosovo has been adopted by Constitutional Commission and certified by the International Civilian Representative in Kosovo. The Parliament of Kosovo has adopted the Constitution in a special session on 9-th of April and it will enter into force on 15 June 2008. The Kosovo Constitution is considered as the most advanced democratic constitutions embracing in its chapter the fundamental rights and rights of communities and their members. Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo consists of chapters entailing: Preamble, Basic Provisions, Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, Rights of Communities and Their Members, Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo, President of the Republic of Kosovo, Government of the Republic of Kosovo, Judicial System, Constitutional Court, Economic Relations, Local Government and Territorial Organization, Security Sector, Independent Institutions, Final Provisions and Transitional Provisions. The Constitutional Commission was established by the President of Kosovo in accordance with recommendations of UN Special Envoys Report on the Future Status of Kosovo submitted to the UN General Secretary and is mandated with compiling the first draft of the Constitution on Kosovo. The Commission reflects the diversity of Kosovo and is responsible for drafting a Constitution that represents the best interests of all people of Kosovo and is considered among the most advanced constitutions with all democratic values embraced. The Constitutional Commission established 10 Sub-working Groups which focus on specific areas of the constitution. During the second phase of the debates on the draft Constitution of Kosovo held on 25 February in Prizren, the chapter on the Rights of Communities and their members has been a predominant theme. There was stressed the importance of establishment of transparent and unbiased institutions such as Ombudsperson and the Consultative Council on Communities and representation of this Council by members of minority community associations. b. Parliament In the process of approaching of the Republic of Kosovo to the membership in the EU and the approximation of the legislation with the acquis communautaire, the Parliament, in its capacity of a legislative power, represents a significant factor in determining dynamics of the fulfilment of necessary standards for accession to the EU. The Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of 20 May, 2005 as amended on 1 June, 2006 lays down in detail the procedure for consideration and adoption of laws and other acts. The Rules of Procedure also set forth the instruments and the procedure through which the Parliament exercises political control and supervision over the operation of the bodies of the executive power as well as other issues derived from the competences of the Parliament such as the election and dismissal of the President of Kosovo, approval of the judges and the prosecutors etc. To ensure the effective functioning of this legal order the full enforcement of Parliament Rules of Procedure is envisaged.

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The concentration of the operation of the Parliament into committees provides comprehensive expert discussions in the legislative house. Two main and a set of functional Committees review the motions for adoption of laws, drafts and proposals and draft regulations and other general acts proposed to be adopted by the Parliament, as well as other issues within the scope of competence of the Parliament. The Committees provide for an equitable representation of members of Parliament from the Parliament’s groups, as well as of those MPs who are not organized into the groups. According to the Rules of Procedure in force the plenary sessions and the sessions of the committees are open to the public. However the process of re-screening the openness of the Parliament to ensure its accountability and transparency is on the agenda by introducing quarterly reports on Parliament expenditures and publishing conclusions from Parliament Committee meetings. Within the frames of the European integration process the Parliament has a control and supervisory function over the operation of the executive power by virtue of quarterly reports on the activities undertaken within the Euro-integration process that the Government submits to the Parliament. The coordination between these two will be further strengthened by establishing focal points and establishing the regular subpoena of the Prime minister and Ministers.

In view of providing active support to the process of Euro-integration of the Republic of Kosovo, in February 2008, the Parliament established the Committee on European Integration (CEI) which had been holding regular sessions since its establishment. CEI includes representatives of all Parliamentary political parties reflecting the structure of the Parliament in order to have full support on EU related decisions. CEI is the guardian of the observance of the acquis from the moment of draft laws entering the Parliament. The Committee discusses issues related to:

- the compliance of the proposals for adopting of laws, i.e. of draft laws with the EU legislation; - monitoring of the process of harmonization of the Kosovo legislation with the acquis

communautaire; - review of the initiated draft-laws for approval by the Parliament in terms of approximation of

legislation with the acquis communautaire; - Cooperation and coordination with the institutions of the EU in terms of integration and

membership into the EU; - Cooperation and exchange of experience with the EU member states.

The administrative capacity of the Parliament is adequate to the current challenges. However the ongoing engagement of additional staff and its training remains to be the priority. c. Elections According to the agreement on Ahtisari package and taking into account the sovereign status of the Republic of Kosovo the Parliament has assumed a task of adopting a totally new legislation on elections based on three “roof” laws: Law on General Elections, Law on Local Elections and Law on Central Election Committee, merely because these laws are already in place and November 17 elections have been organized in accordance with these laws.

Based on Ahtisari's proposal on Status Settlement, the Republic of Kosovo is envisaged to held elections nine months after the transition period has ended and coming elections will heavily rely on consensus between political parties in Kosovo.

The Central Election Commission (CEC), established by UNMIK Regulation 2004/9, is responsible for the conduct of elections in Kosovo. The role of the CEC is to regulate the electoral process through the adoption of Electoral Rules and supervise all aspects of the process to ensure that the elections meet

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international standards. CEC remains capable in undertaking its activities in terms of overall organization of elections in Kosovo with focus on certification of political entities and candidates in the elections process, accreditation of observers of elections, nomination and training of polling station Councils and certification of results. CEC is committed to establish its Councils on budget, procurement, personnel and elections procedures, instructions and administrative procedures.

d. Government The Government of the Republic of Kosovo is the competent body for coordination of the public administration authorities and it supervises their operation. The Government and all of its members are accountable for their operation before the Parliament. The Government pays particular attention to improve the management and co-ordination of the EU integration process. The co-ordination of EU issues is developed with division of political and administrative responsibilities. The main decision-making governmental body – the Cabinet of Ministers under the leadership of the Prime Minister meets once a month to discuss EU integration matters. The Agency for European Integration in the Prime Minister’s Office monitors and develops the process by which legislation is brought into line with EU law. Staff members responsible for EU policy implementation and co-ordination have been assigned and operate in each line ministry in close contact with the Agency for European Integration. The Government of Kosovo has approved the Plan for European Integration 2008-2010. Based in this plan, Kosovo Government shall take a decision for appointment of responsible authority that will undertake the harmonization of all legislative acts with the acquis. Further enhancement of the line Ministries and capacity building will be a priority in this document. e. Public Administration Kosovo is seriously working at improvement of the state administration capacities. Reform and advancement of public administration is considered as a prerequisite requirement for fulfilling obligations demanded for the functioning of a democratic state, serve in adequate manner to its citizens and being capable of meeting current and future international obligations. Reform of Public Administration consists of three strategic documents: 1. Report on current state of Public Administration in Kosovo, 2. Strategy on Reform of Public Administration in Kosovo, and 3. Action Plan on Reform of Public Administration in Kosovo. For implementation of Reform of Public Administration, there are eight strategic objectives designated: 1. A professional and depoliticized Public Administration developed based on the best European policies and practices for management of human resources; 2. Structure and effective institutional horizontal and vertical organization of public administration on accordance with their competencies; 3. Qualitative, transparent, effective and accountable management in placing and achieving the objectives; 4. A mutual effective communication with citizens as a integral part in the process of policy initiatives and providing services; 5. E-governance in the function of advancing the processes within the public administration and providing services for citizens, institutions and businesses;

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6. A functional, effective, planning transparent, managing and expenditure monitoring system in public administration; 7. A functional system for prevention and combating corruption and increase of accountability in public administration; 8. Advancement during the process of drafting and harmonization of policies and legislation in compliance with the EU standards, foreseen to be achieved through composition of a national plan for approximation of legislation with the Acquis communitaire, standardization of legislative drafting format, development of a comprehensive programme for drafting of legislative policies, operationalization of mechanisms for monitoring the implementation of legislation and the action plan for elimination of legal inconsistencies, hence promotion and strengthening of legal offices in ministries and institutions remains one of the priorities. For coordination of implementation of the Public Administration Reform Action Plan a Working Group in hierarchical coordination with Sub-Working Groups has been established based on fields as following: 1. Human Resources, Institutional Organizational Structure and Management of Public Administration, 2. Communication with Citizens, 3. E-Governance, 4. Financing Public Administration, 5. Anti-Corruption, and 6. Policies and Legislation.

Since the implementation of Public Administration Reform Action Plan begun, achievements are as following: In the field of human resources, organizational structure and management of public administration and Action Plan for Reform of Public Administration in Kosovo, the draft-Law on Civil Service, draft-Law on Salaries and draft-Law on Government are in the process of drafting. Their finalization and approval is expected to be done in compliance with timeframe envisaged in EPAP 2008 and Legislative Strategy 2008. Meanwhile, MPS Ministerial Working Group has commenced drafting the Law on Kosovo Institute for Public Administration, hence the draft is currently debating in KIPA. In accordance with Regulation No 2008/12 for amendment of Regulation 2001/36 on Civil Service in Kosovo, on 27-th of February, the Independent Oversight Board was transformed into an independent body reporting to the Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo. At the current stage, Independent Oversight Board is financed by the KCB and in accordance with article 7.3 and 7.4 of UNMIK Regulation no. 2008/12, the Board has its own budget line within the KCB and is entitled to demand donations in function of accomplishing responsibilities foreseen by Law. Current budget for IOB is 8500 euro calculated only for salaries and services, whereas calculation for operational services has not been included. In this view, the MoU between MPS and the Board had been signed, where MPS has taken responsibility of allocating 14.500 Euro for the Board to cover the operational costs but these are not yet received by the Board. During this period, MPS has issued these Administrative Instructions: AI no. 01/2008-MPS on Identification Cards for officials of institutions of the Republic of Kosovo; AI no. 02/2008-MPS for registration of presents into presents catalogue within the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo; AI no 03/2008-MPS on inscription on institutions of the Republic of Kosovo; AI no. 04/2008-MPS on dressing code for civil servants; AI no. 05/2008-MPS personnel managers forum; AI no. 01/2008 on definition of the representative expenditures of the Kosovo Government institutions officers; AI no. 02/2008 on definition of the salaries for the politically nominees; AI no. 03/2008 on use of the Republic of Kosovo Government vehicles; AI no. 04/2008 on use of telephones at Government of the Republic of Kosovo; AI no. 07/2008 on stamps in institutions of Government of the Republic of Kosovo. Due to deficiency of legal acts for drafting disciplinary procedures, the AI no. 11/2008 on

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implementation of procedures for functioning of Senior Public Appointments Committee was approved, defining practical rules and procedures for effective functioning of Committee. In accordance with its mandate, KIPA continues with the training of civil servants from all levels and with training modules in many fields. KIPA offers trainings on legal drafting, information technology, general administration, general management, management of human resources and particular trainings on municipal level. Furthermore, the medium-term training programme 2007-2009, whereas the AI on training policies is in process of preparation jointly with strategy for training of civil servants in its initial phase as envisaged on Strategy for Reform of Public Administration, hence preparation of the strategy for training of civil servants remains a prioritized action in the Strategy for Reform of Public Administration The project on horizontal and vertical functional review at the central level has commenced. The Group of Experts by FRIDOM (Functional Review and Institutional Design of Ministries) have drafted the Work-Plan and ToR’s that have been approved by the Inter-Ministerial Committee for Reform of Public Administration and by the Government on 30-th of May 2008. The overall government review is in process, and all the functions and organization of the governmental institutions are also being reviewed (the ministries and governmental agencies, including the Prime Minister’s Office). The first phase of data collection on European countries which are selected as examples is completed, and the data is being elaborated through comparison with the data collected for Kosova. The pilot review of MPS has started. Initially the focus stands in the review of responsibilities and functions of MSP and its agencies, including the comparison review with seven European countries (Lithuania, Letonia, Estonia, Ireland, Slovenia, Finland, and Slovakia). The review of some horizontal functions which are part of MSP portfolio has also started, and several meetings with various officials have been organized for the purpose of gathering information through interviews. Regarding the communication with the citizens, the contact points have been established (officials for communications with the public) for the budget units that will be responsible for the communication with the public, and the first version of the strategy for communication with the citizens is being drafted. The regulation for the activity of permanent service of communication in the Government of Kosova is ratified, in order to have a basis for communication with the citizens, and on 16 November 2007 the Government Cabinet approved the Code of Conduct. The institutions maintain and update the official web-pages regularly and valuable recommendations have been received in this regard. The segment for the maintenance and update of official web-sites is being consolidated, and needs to be monitored and researched for eventual difficulties. In cases when problems are identified, further steps will be recommended. The research group will be soon established. In order to advance the function of Public Administration in Kosova, and to increase the efficiency in providing services for citizens and businesses, MSP initiated the draft for the e-Governance Strategy 2009-2015 under the framework of Governance. This strategy started to be drafted in April 2008, while the draft of the Law for Government Agencies which deals with electronic governance issues and information technologies is in the final stage. A ministerial group finalized the first draft of the project-law for the Agency of Information Society. The government services which can be offered to the citizens and businesses are identified through the internet. The development of applications has already started for some of these services on the basis of the projects drafted from ITD/MSP. Up to this date, the government services which are offered to the citizens and the businesses through the internet are of informative nature, and also in the form of publications offered through web pages of respective institutions.

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Regarding the organization of training for the personnel, during 2007 and 2008, trainings have been organized for the PA, for the ITC from MSP, and for other government institutions, and they have been separated in several cycles. Trainings have been conducted in Slovenia and Prishtina, in cooperation with the Center for European Perspective (CEP) with headquarters in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and in Estonia in cooperation with the for E-governance Academy (EGA) with headquarters in Talin, Estonia. In compliance with financing of the public administration, the Law for Public Financial Management and the Law for Local Financial Administration have been ratified in the Assembly. The central unit for Harmonization of the Internal Review started to monitor the implementation of recommendations from the review bodies. Based on the Government Decision no. 05/6 of date 07.02.2008 the Strategy for Legislation for 2008 has been approved and implemented. The Kosovo information system for financial management (KISFM) is used by all the Budget Organizations (BO). BOs register all their financial transactions in KISFM based on the accounting plan of the Government of Kosova. This made it possible for the reports from the Treasury to be drafted in time, based on the data from the general Book that are consolidated for all the BOs. In the area of Anti-corruption, the Administrative Directive no. 02/2005 for the rights and duties of the political nominees and their Code of Conduct is ratified, which aims the specification of roles and functions of political staff. In 2006 the Code of Conduct for civil servants has also been approved by the Government, and it includes the overall norms and principles upon which all civil servants should act. All civil servants are given the work contracts and the enforcement of these contracts is done in a rigorous way. The enforcement of the Administrative Directive for the implementation of Law on the Access to Official Documents is done under the framework of the promotion for transparency, hence, all the citizens have access in official documents which are not confidential by law. KAA requested from the high officials to declare their wealth and most of them have responded to this request, while KAA has published the names of the officials that have refused to declare their wealth in the press and electronic media. The KAA activated a telephone line where every citizen can claim a corruption related act of the officials. In the field of politics and legislation, the first draft of the concept document for the organization of the council of experts for politics and legislation is drafted. The legal offices have been advanced in the legal department of the line ministries. In the meeting of 17.10 2007 based on the Decision no. 04/276 the Government of Kosova ratified the AD for the activities of legal services in the executive branch. The first draft of the Administrative Directive for standardization of the format for drafting the legislation has been prepared. It has been proposed that the Legal Departments of Line Ministries should prepare the transposition of EU acts from the early stage of project-law drafting and that they should be responsible for the release of the initial Declaration of Compatibility and the Table of Concordance. The OLSS/PMO has been proposed to be responsible for the verification of the compatibility of the legislation with the EU legislation by verifying the concordance table. The Government Decision no.06/6 of date 07.02.2008 established the working group for the Elimination of Legal Collision and the unification of the current legislation. The Commission for the legal elimination has foreseen in the action plan the deadlines for organization of roundtables for the identification and then for the elimination of the collision from respective fields. The work for analyzing the current legislation has already started, and the first roundtable will be in the field of public finance on 29.05.2008. Based on the Government Decision no. 07/06, 07.02/2008 the Commission for monitoring the implementation of Laws has been established. The contact points have been decided in every institution for the cooperation with supervisory mechanisms for law implementation.

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f. Local Self-Government/Decentralisation Local governance in Kosovo is administered through various laws and regulations covering responsibilities of local and central authorities. Legal base for local power is UNMIK regulation no. 2007/30 on municipals self-governance in Kosovo, thus replacing regulation no. 2000/45. In accordance with the European Charter on Local Self-governance through the regulation 2007/30, a number of managing and regulatory responsibilities are envisaged. Concretely, main strategic objectives of Government of the Republic of Kosovo are: increase of fiscal capacity, consolidation of mid-term framework and strategy for development of local governance, increase of municipal capacities through coordination of donor assistance and through defining competencies for municipal public services. One of the key priorities for the present Government of Kosovo is reform of local self-government. In that respect the drafting and adoption of plexus of laws such as Law on Local Self-Governance, Law on Municipal Boundaries, Law on Local Finances and Law on the City of Prishtina is the major challenge at the moment. In parallel the implementation of Municipal Pilot Units by strengthening the human, administrative and technical capacities and transferring competences from Pilot Municipalities is carried out. The decentralization Action Plan has envisaged the Inter-Ministerial Council with competencies in establishment of sectorial working groups with clear responsibilities that will be dealing with legislative reform, local finance and institution of municipalities, whereby taking into consideration the three basic Laws to be adopted that will regulate responsibilities of the local level, its fiscal policies and institution of new municipalities, as envisaged in Ahtisari's proposal. In view to establishment of new Municipalities, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo has allocated 14 million euros as foreseen with the Ahtisari's Package. g. Judicial System Kosovo’s regular court system is composed of 24 municipal courts and 2 municipal court branches, 5 district courts, the Commercial Court of Kosovo, and the Supreme Court. The minor offences court system includes 25 municipal courts of minor offences and the High Court for Minor Offences. According to July 2007 KJC statistics, the judiciary had 322 judicial positions with 301 serving judges, including 13 judges serving on the Supreme Court, 4 judges on the Commercial Court, 5 judges on the High Court for Minor Offences, 49 judges on the district courts, 141 judges on the municipal courts, and 89 judges on the minor offences courts. Municipal courts serve as courts of firts instance. Municipal courts generally adjudicate in panels of one professional and 2 lay judges. Criminal offences punishable by a fine or by imprisonment of less than 3 years are considered by an individual judge. District courts are located in each of Kosovo’s 5 regional capitals (Pristina, Gjilan, Peja, Prizren, and Mitrovica). They resolve appeals from the decisions of the municipal courts. They also serve as courts of first instance for criminal offences punishable by prison sentences of more than 5 years, major property disputes, intellectual property rights disputes, and other enumerated matters. First instance panels generally consist of one professional and 2 lay judges. Panels of 2 professional and 3 lay judges resolve cases punishable by imprisonment of more than 15 years, as well as appeals from the municipal courts.

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The Commercial Court is located in Pristina, and has Kosovo-wide first instance jurisdiction over disputes between private business entities, bankruptcy proceedings, and certain commercial criminal offences. The Supreme Court of Kosovo is the highest body in the regular court system. It operates as a third instance appellate court in a limited number of criminal cases; i.e., it resolves appeals from district court decisions on appeal from municipal courts. It also resolves direct appeals in cases originating in the district courts, and serves as a court of first instance for extraordinary matters and other matters as provided by law (e.g., administrative disputes). A Special Chamber of the Supreme Court, consisting of 2 local judges and 3 international judges, was established to resolve appeals to privatization decisions by the Kosovo Trust Agency. For the purpose of acceleration of the court procedures, the most exigent action is foreseen the gradual increase of the number of judges (up to 70 judges) as well as recruiting additional administrative staff at the courts to reduce the backlog and tardiness of the cases. For the purpose of modernization of the court procedures it is planned to implement the automated case management system in courts by the end of 2008. The additional support for software users will be given as well as increase of IT staff. The judicial reform process based on the Kosovo Ministry of Justice Strategic Plan 2006-2011 and its implementing Action Plan as well as Kosovo Judicial Council Strategic plan for the Kosovo Judiciary 2007-2012 has been launched. The reform comprises essential strategic goals such as establishing a strong legal and administrative framework for court organization and operations, developing and implementing effective procedures for the appointment, development, promotion and discipline of judges, establishing effective procedures and practices for budgeting and financial management in and for the courts, eliminating case backlogs before the courts, implementing modern systems of communication and information management at the courts etc to create an efficient and modern judiciary. The crucial step for introducing the stable and pertinent trial system is made by efforts on drafting the Law on Courts whereby the key features of the judicial system will be introduced. The decision on system of administrative courts is of particular importance since the functioning of efficient governance will heavily depend on it. The basic rules on nomination and re-nomination of judges will be enshrined within this law as well. Furthermore more specific legislation on nomination, appraisal and promotion is envisaged. Actions foresee further completion of legislative framework in judiciary- Law on Prosecution, Law on Mediation, Law on forensics adoption of which is set by 2008. With regard to trainings of judges-Kosovo Judicial Institute (KJI), shall continue implementing the initial training system, advancement training and training for jury and professional staff of courts and prosecution. KJI shall be transformed into a school of post-graduate studies for practitioners. Its trainings cover a range of topics, including criminal law and procedure, enforcement of judgments, judicial ethics and trainings on IP rights. h. Anti-corruption Policy The Republic of Kosovo is determined to combat corruption through already established mechanisms. Government of the Republic of Kosovo will cooperate and strengthen the partnership with civil society and media aiming to reinforce their role in developing, implementation and monitoring of reforms to

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combat corruption and increase the transparency and accountability of governmental and none-governmental institutions in Kosovo. The Anti-Corruption Agency has submitted its first annual report to the President of Kosovo Parliament on 3-rd of March 2008. ACA is continuously undertaking administrative investigation on alleged corruption cases and proceeding complete cases to prosecution offices, undertaking disclosure and checking assets of senior public officials in public institutions, undertaking measures to prevent cases of conflict of interest in exercising public function and monitor cases of gift acceptance by public officials in compliance with the Law on Anti-Corruption no. 2004/34. The ACA has initiated the process of amending the current legislation with the aim of bringing more clarity to current legal framework on anti-corruption, hence new draft laws are on the way in the area of control of assets and conflict of interests. The new draft law on declarations of assets increases the deadline for submission of statement at the beginning of the mandate to two months and introduces two additional statements: statements upon the request of the Agency and statement at the end of public office (within 30 days after the termination). Moreover, some sanctioning measures will be introduced to the new draft law on declaration of assets and these sanctions can be applied directly by the Agency to public officials that refuse to declare their assets. The draft law on prevention of conflict of interests meets international standards and presents a very detailed piece of legislation with clear provisions both for time while in office and for post-employment period. The draft also provides for the possibility of the public official to ask for advice to higher management or the Agency in case he/she is not certain whether or not the concrete situation qualifies as a conflict of interests. In addition to all that has been implemented so far, the Republic of Kosovo still continues, with equal intensity, its fight against corruption With the Anti-Corruption Action Plan coming to an end, ACA is currently in the phase of drafting a new Anti-Corruption Strategy and Action Plan that will be submitted for approval to the Government and Parliament by the end of 2008. The new Anti-Corruption Action Plan will cover sectorial plans to fight corruption within the public administration as well as in civil society. Due to unclear definition of responsibilities between ACA and OGG/OPM, a Memorandum of Understanding shall be signed between two parties and will define ACA as a responsible institution in fighting corruption at the national level, hence OGG will develop policies at the governmental level. Budget of the Anti-Corruption Agency for 2008 has been increased and actual budget for 2008 is around 456,400 Euro comparing to 300,000 Euro for 2007. Furthermore, the Government and the Kosovo Parliament are committed to allocate sufficient financial resources for ensuring independent of efficient functioning of ACA.

2.1.2 Human Rights and Protection of Minorities

The fundamental human and citizen freedoms and rights that are recognized by the international law are directly applicable in Kosovo and after the declaring the independence their signing is one of the top priorities for the Government of the Republic of Kosovo. The Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo is in the process of establishing the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights, Gender Equality, Missing Persons and Petitions with the aim of monitoring the compliance of the proposals for adopting of laws, i.e., of draft laws with the EU legislation that relates to human rights field.

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The Office of Good Governance in currently in the phase of developing the new Human Rights Strategy and Action Plan, hence this Strategy shall be presented at the Donor’s Conference for a potential funding as such. Currently the position of the Ombudsperson is being maintained by the former Deputy Ombudsperson, who is Acting Ombudsperson, as the Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo has not yet appointed. On 21 February, the Presidency of the Kosovo Parliament decided to re-advertise the position of the Ombudsperson. Amendments to the Law on Ombudsperson are embraced in the Legislative Strategy 2008 and expected period of approval by the Kosovo Parliament is the end of 2008. Amendments will further advance the position of the Ombudsperson in terms of participation in all court sessions and monitor the court procedures do not breach the human rights legislation. a. Civil and Political Rights The penitentiary system in Kosovo in general meets the international human rights requirements. Nevertheless the decision on building a new prison with the high security and human right protection standards is on the way. With regard to Dubrava prison a set of improvements will be carried out: installing the security camera system and system against the firestorms and improving the employment possibilities during the imprisonment. Implementation of the Code of Conduct by the Kosovo Correctional Service staff and reporting on prisoners complaints is an important step introduced in this document that will guarantee well-being of the prisoners and their rights with international standards. Special re-integration programmes especially in agriculture in Dubrava and Lipjan prisons will be accomplished in a short-term period. Freedom of expression is guaranteed by Law in Kosovo. The Kosovo Media Commission will increase human capacities aiming at implementation of secondary legislation issued by the Media Commission. b. Economic and Social Rights Protection of women rights in Kosovo and gender equality has taken institutional contour with implementation of the Law on Gender Equality, although the programme for gender equality and further adaptation of legislation to current situation needs harmonization. In this regard, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo has defined its policies to improve the area of gender equality through development of mechanisms for implementation and monitoring policies and affirmative measures for gender issues in the field of education, health, media, entrepreneurship and health care. It is of utmost importance the commitment of the Government for the increased participation of women in managerial and decision-making environment. Increasing effort in terms of adopting and implementing legislation for protection of children rights is underway with the establishment of an Inter-ministerial working group to identify and implement appropriate legislation on children's rights protection and initiate the Strategic Framework for Children's Rights. Special attention on EPAP 2008 is given to improvement of the position in society for persons with disabilities. Establishment of a Inter-ministerial working group is foreseen during 2008 as a institutional mechanism that will initiate the process for drafting of the national strategy for persons with disabilities. Furthermore, functionalisation of the National Council for Persons with Disabilities, including the approval of its Work-Plan 2008-2009 shall be concluded until the end of 2008. An overall report on current circumstances for persons with disabilities shall be prepared that will be used a basic framework for future policy developments in this field.

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Anti-discrimination Law will be monitored accordingly and in the short-term period, the Kosovo Government shall conduct surveys on implementation of the Anti-discrimination Law by the officials at the Public Administration at the central level and survey on perception of citizen on discrimination and implementation of the Law on Anti-corruption, hence these surveys will be published after accomplishment. The complete functionalisation of the Units for Human Rights at the line Ministries based on Administrative Instruction 2007/04 remains a challenge for the Government that will be addressed at this document in a short-term period. To enhance the cooperation and implementation of recommendations of the Ombudsperson, regular monthly meetings between the OGG/OPM and the Ombudsperson will take place. c. Minority Rights, Cultural Rights and Protection of Minorities The rights of minorities in Kosovo are predominantly regulated by law. Major step has been taken with the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo by the Kosovo Parliament on 9-th of April, whereby articles 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 and 62 of the Constitution proclaim rights of the communities, establishment of the Consultative Council for Communities, representation in public institutions and in institutions of self-governance. The Law on the Rights of Communities and their Members has been adopted by the Kosovo Parliament on the 13-th of March 2008 and this Law has envisaged establishment of the Consultative Council for Communities under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Kosovo and will play major part in organization and the articulation of the views of communities and their members in relation to legislation, public policy and programs of special relevance to them. Pursuant to the Law on the Rights of Communities and their Members, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo in close consultation with the Consultative Council for Minorities shall prepare, adopt and publish once a year a comprehensive strategy for the promotion and protection of the rights of all communities in Kosovo. The Law on the Use of languages has been approved by the Kosovo Parliament on 27-th of July 2006 and promulgated by the SRSG on 20-th of October 2006. The Law on Use of Languages is applicable jointly with UNMIK Regulation 2006/51. It guarantees equal right on using languages for all communities in Kosovo and in all Kosovo central institutions, indeed of immense importance is equal use of all languages at the Kosovo Parliament and its Committees. At the local level, the Law guarantees that in all municipalities where the community represents with 3% within that particular municipality, particular language of the community shall be used equally with other official languages. The main challenge for the Kosovo Government is the implementation of the Law on the Use of Languages at central and local level. At this regard, monitoring of implementation shall be conducted by the MPS and MLGA at both levels and monthly reports with recommendations for services on translation in all official languages purpose shall be submitted to the Language Commission for review. The Government of Kosovo is committed to improve the living conditions for the RAE community until the end of 2008, the finalization of the Strategy for RAE is foreseen as well as implementation of project for the development of RAE community. These actions aim to improve and re-integrate the RAE community in Kosovo. The Law on Protection of Cultural Heritage has been approved by the Kosovo Parliament on 9-th of October 2006 and promulgated by the SRSG on 6-th of November 2006. At the current stage, the Ministry of Culture is in the process of drafting secondary legislation for implementation of the Law on Cultural Heritage leading to reform of cultural heritage institutions based on the new Law and commence with an integrated policy on cultural heritage at the national level.

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The Law on the Establishment of Protected Zones has been approved by the Kosovo Parliament on 20-th of February 2008 and awaits SRSG promulgation. This Law stipulates protection of the Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries as well as cultural and historical zones of immense importance for the Serbian Community in Kosovo and other communities through creation of special protection zones.

2.1.3 Regional Issues and International Obligations

Kosovo’s involvement in regional issues has for the most part taken the form of participation in the abundant number of regional cooperation initiatives. Thus, signed by UNMIK on behalf of Kosovo, CEFTA was ratified by the Parliament. Furthermore, the Republic of Kosovo has been actively involved in the transition of Stability Pact to a more regionally owned cooperation framework. In line with this Kosovo attended the last meeting of SEECP in Sophia. Moreover, Kosovo successfully participates in the South East Transport Observatory (SEETO), European Common Aviation Area (ECAA), and it also continues to implement the provisions of the Energy Community Treaty. The European Partnership requires that activities are developed in strengthening the regional cooperation and good neighbourly relations, active participation in regional initiatives as well as close regional cooperation in the field of the law enforcement. This Plan tackles the strengthening of regional cooperation through foreseeing institutional change as is the case with new structures to be in place for cross-border cooperation, signing of international agreements in various fields as is the case with Albania, Turkey, FYROM and Montenegro as well as resolving any remaining issues as is the case with the demarcation of the border with FYROM. The requirements for active participation in regional initiatives are addressed by activities that foresee a continuation of engagement on the part of Kosovo’s institutions. Furthermore, legislative and institutional changes are foreseen when it comes to the implementation of CEFTA. The further strengthening of regional cooperation in the field of law enforcement is foreseen by the signing of international agreements in this field. One of the major challenges in preparing this part of the Plan has been the lack of local institutional arrangements to deal with such issues. Nevertheless, the resolution of the political status, the ongoing engagement on the part of the Government of Kosovo to establish the Ministry for Foreign Affairs as well as the transition of competencies from UNMIK to Kosovo’s institution is expected to facilitate to a larger extent the implementation of activities related to regional issues and international obligations, foreseen in this Plan. 2.2 ECONOMIC CRITERIA Along with the implementation of activities to ensure solid legal and institutional framework and effective functioning of newly established state, the Government is equally committed to implement activities that will facilitate implementation of Short and Medium term Economic priorities. EPAP chapter on Economic Criteria includes activities that are aimed at achieving macroeconomic stability as well as developing economy of Kosovo in order to create conditions for business development that will ensure gradual increase of productivity. There is a broad consensus among political parties and other stakeholders in Kosovo's political sphere when it comes to a) integration in the Euro-Atlantic structures, b) implementation of decentralization on the basis of UN Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari's Plan, c) intensification of economic development, reduction of unemployment and poverty d) implementation of judiciary reforms which support business environment and combat crimes, grey economy and smuggling and e) intensification of regional economic cooperation schemes.

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2.2.1 The existence of Functioning Market Economy

The existence of a functioning market economy is achieved when there is a degree of consensus about the country essentials of its economic policy, when the market equilibrium is established by the free interplay of market forces, when the private sector is supported by a well established financial market, and the government builds necessary capacities in order to correct certain market failures, namely supporting businesses by building a robust regulatory framework of market entry and exit. a. Economic Policy Essentials The latest information on annual economic activity points to a more rapid pace of growth compared to that observed during the 2006. This growth was supported by improvements in both, domestic and foreign demand. There is a large current account deficit although the economy is still in the process of rapid development with accelerating investments and exports, which in turn require additional increase in imports. During 2007, Kosovo experienced a GDP growth of around 5.0%.The largest contribution to the growth is recorded for by exports which in turn improved the trade balance and current account. Investments were another factor which made large contribution to the real GDP growth in 2007, while imports, following the large increases in exports and investments, somewhat offset the positive contribution to the real GDP growth. In 2008, however, the growth is projected to be around 6.0% being mainly driven by the improvement in net exports and increase in investments. With regard to price developments, according to Statistical Office of Kosovo, average year on year inflation reached at 4.3%, mainly being a result of increase in world food and oil prices during the second half of the year. In particular during the second half o the year, CPI increased by 6.7% against an increase of 0.6% in the same period of the 2006... The annual increase in CPI excluding food and oil prices, during the second half of 2007 was 0.5% compared with the decline of 0.6% during the same period of 2006.. This suggests that following the increase in food and oil prices, other commodity prices increased slightly. An important source of labour market information is the Employment Offices (EO) of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare. However, it should be noted that the registered data on employment are not an accurate indicator of overall employment in Kosovo, considering that much of the hiring is done outside of these premises. On the other hand, registering as unemployed in order to get access to social schemes is also a known phenomenon. The number of job placements by the EO’s has increased compared to year 2006. This may be as a result of better economic performance and private sector development following the privatisation of formerly socially and publicly owned enterprises. A significant number of placements (32%) were absorbed by the trade sector, mainly because of the slow recovery of the manufacturing sector. In addition, to this also placements in the sectors of finance and education are showing improvement signs This trend suggests that much of the increase in current employment opportunities is largely concentrated in tertiary sector, with some signs of improvements in secondary sector, favouring the best educated. Females account for more than 46% of registered unemployment, though the gap has been slightly narrowed in the second half of 2007. According to the registered data on unemployment the cumulative number of registered unemployed as of the end of 2007 amounted to 334,595, which compared with the previous year is higher. This indicates that unemployment remains a major challenge also during 2008. In terms of education structure, most of the registered unemployed persons belong to the category of unskilled people, composing about 60% of the total number of unemployed. This is followed by those with secondary

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education (26%) and skilled category which amounts 9%. Further improvements in education are desirable since there is a direct correlation between the quality of education and the job opportunities. Kosovo’s financial service is small but growing rapidly in certain areas. The Central Banking Authority of Kosovo (CBAK) has the authority to licence, supervise and regulate financial institutions. The financial sector is dominated by the commercial banks, which has been stable although there are needs for further expanding the range of financial services and especially providing the economy with long term loans at lower cost. The amount of Kosovo’s trade deficit during 2007 reached 1.4 Billion Euro, or 40% of GDP. This percentage is higher than the South-East European countries average and indicates that Kosovo’s economy is opened and well integrated into global economy. The imports of goods during 2007 amounted to 1.5 billion Euro, a 20.2% growth when compared to 2006, while exports amounted to 146 million Euro, a 31.9 % increase compared to the previous year. The coverage of imports with exports improved to 9.7% compared to 8.8% in 2006 and 5.1% in 2005. b. Macroeconomic Stability Responsibility for the economic, financial, fiscal and budgetary issues is vested in the Kosovo Institutions. Public expenditure management is regulated by the Law on Public Management and Accountability 2003/2. In the absence of monetary policies instruments fiscal policy remains as the main macroeconomic instrument through which Kosovo government impacts the economy. Hence, restraint and responsibility in fiscal policy dimension is crucial to achieve government objectives. The current policy is maintained through ceilings on current expenditures and diversion of resources toward capital spending. The tax system is based on uniform and broad tax base, with very few exemptions. Tax rates are generally low and try to address issues of efficiency and enable authorities to generate sufficient incomes for financing essential expenditure without resorting to borrowing. Budget revenues have shown a significant increase in the last three years, whereas expenditure remained relatively constant. The legal framework for public expenditure management is quite sound but the problems lie with its implementation, mainly due to the lack of relevant administrative capacity and familiarization with the adopted legislation. This in many instances creates problems with budget executions in the first half of the year. The Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) and the Public Investment Programme initiatives are contributing to a more transparent fiscal management, although strategic planning and analysis of budget proposals remain to be further developed. Activities and reforms related to the status process are projected to create pressures on fiscal restraints and budget management. External assistance has been crucial to strengthening legal, institutional capacities. However, a disintegrated institutional structure and planning of donor assistance creates problems with transparency, accountability and efficiency. There are plans to reshuffle the governmental donor coordination institutional structure where both the Donor Coordination Office and Office of Coordination of EU Assistance within the Agency for European Integration will merge. The Government is committed to exercising restraint and responsibility in fiscal matters. It has adopted Kosovo’s Consolidated Budget for 2008 following necessity to pursue sound fiscal policies, particularly emphasizing the need to ensure that social policies are compatible with the long run sustainability of public finance. To ensure continuity of Government decisions Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) is going to be reviewed and updated in order to clearly be able to streamline priorities in a view to elaborate amending budget for 2008 and draft budget for 2009. The Law on Public Finance Management will be amended to suit the dynamics of governmental reforms and avoid legal and

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institutional discrepancies. Important work is envisaged with regard to evaluation of fiscal policies and subsequent legislation with the objective to ensure its compatibility with the acquis communitaire and in order to create more favourable environment for attracting Foreign Direct Investments thus promoting business development in Kosovo and increasing productivity. To achieve the objective of the Government and implement the priority, measures for strengthening administrative capacity in budget elaboration and strategic planning are envisaged on both, Government and Municipality level. Legal changes that aim at improving the public finance management in line with the best practices and consistent with those of the EU have been introduced. Several important laws and executive directives have been passed or are in the final phase of preparation i) Draft-law on Budget Approval, 1 January - 31 December 2008, ii) Draft-Law on Local Finance; iii) Draft Law on Public Finance Management and Accountability, iv) Draft-Law on amending the Law No. 2004/48 for Tax Administration and Procedures; and v) Draft Law for Financial Leasing. The Government, through amendments to the 2008 budget, considered the need for capital investments in Kosovo's economy. A qualitative increase of expenditures is foreseen, especially capital investments from 155.3 Million Euro during 2007 to 404.8 Million Euro in 2008. The Government expenditure framework for 2008 has also enshrined requirements and responsibilities following the new political developments. A post-status expenditure package consistent with Ahtisaari's Plan stipulates further expenditures on the establishment of new institutional structures, new competencies, diplomatic representation, security force, decentralization and foreign debt. The Government of Kosovo in close cooperation with international partners are working together on assessing post-status costs, which are expected to be soon finalized. On the other hand, the Government will take further steps of preparation for membership and coordination with regional and international financial institutions. c. Interplay of Market Forces Price and trade liberalization (equilibrium of demand and supply is established by a free interplay of market forces). Prices of goods and services are set freely according to market conditions where monopolies operate due the absence of competition. Independent regulators have been successfully established and are in the consolidation phase. With regard to trade, Kosovo is committed to liberalisation due to its small economy. The government is taking additional steps in the implementation of free trade agreements and getting access to other international trade regimes. d. Market Entry and Exit Kosovo economy is characterised with absence of significant barriers to market entry (establishment of new firms) and exit (bankruptcies, liquidations). An important goal of the Government is strengthening the business environment in order to enable Kosovo firms compete in the regional and global markets. Lack of clarity of the existing legislation and regulatory framework and corruption in the public sector are considered some of the main obstacles in the transition economies, and therefore the Government is committed to eliminate these deficiencies and build a healthy business environment. The deficient regulations related to business start-ups and operation translated into strong incentives to remain in the grey economy and Kosovo's attractiveness to foreign direct investment. Hence, the Government is committed to eliminate barriers to entry and company bankruptcy and liquidation procedures. With regard to the improvement of business environment and institutional capacity to cope with need of reforms, a significant progress has been achieved in adopting the best EU practices on Company Laws and business registration system. These reforms are main reasons of change in the number, structure as well as the role and position of enterprises in the economy. Kosovo has some of the best indicators in the region with regard to business registration (1-3 working days). The Ministry of Industry with the support of donor community is continuously improving its electronic based

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registration system. Evidence form MIT shows that majority registration were finished within a single day, with the overall registration timing being: 0,7 day. MIT has successfully applied a number of schemes as 'One Stop Shop' in order to facilitate new business initiatives. The market exit is regulated by the Bankruptcy Law, approved by the Kosovo Assembly in 2007. The legislation approximates EU Directives on firm exit and liquidation procedures. Streaming the bankruptcy procedure, making it faster, cheaper, cost-efficient and fairer to the creditors and stakeholder and building efficient monitoring and implementing bodies are the some of the main objectives of the Government. The government is also reviewing its fiscal and taxation policies in order to secure a more stable, attractive and efficient governing system. e. Legal System Government is committed to further strengthen property rights, rule of law, and accessibility of courts with a view to promoting a business friendly environment. The reforms in the judicial sector, namely related to business operation, are also aimed at complementing the existing activities in the business environment sphere. Securing and implementing immovable property right has also been pointed out as a potential obstacle to business operation in Kosovo, therefore the Kosovo Property Agency (KPA) has introduced an advanced property management system, cadastre, constructions permits and court administration. . Further support will be dedicated to KPA in order to establish a coordinating mechanism between Ministry of Justice, Kosovo Judicial Council, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning and Municipalities for protecting property rights. Strengthening the implementation capacities for the allocation and property administration will be a valuable step in securing a stable business environment. f. Financial Sector Development The commercial banking sector is composed of five foreign owned banks and two domestically owned banks. During the second half of 2007, the total assets of commercial banks increased by 15.9% which comes as a result of the establishment of new banks. Loans, too, have increased compared with 2006. This may be explained by the increase of deposits of households and public non-financial corporations. This suggests that households, as main depositors, are gaining more confidence in the banking sector and which is an important step in the development process. The trade sector remains the largest beneficiary in terms of loans granted to economy of Kosovo. However, a significant increase is observed in the agricultural sector, albeit from a low base. Similar trends could be recorded in loans granted to industry and construction. This suggests that trade continues to dominate the economy, manufacturing and agricultural sectors are showing sings of improvements and construction activity is continuing.

2.2.2 The Capacity to Cope with Competitive Pressure and Market Forces within the Union

a. Human and Physical Capital Overall reform of Kosovo Education system is an important precondition for ensuring long term sustainability for economic development of Kosovo. Government is committed to Implementing appropriate policies for an increase in the quantity and quality of education at all levels. Adapt curricula in vocational pre-university education to market demand. To this regard, the Government is paying particular attention to elaboration and effective implementation of Action plans for all levels of Education in Kosovo, including Vocational Education, improvement of teaching quality as well as

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ensuring adequate equipment for schools, with particular emphasis on RAE community. Activities to facilitate young people to participate at the Community programs will be implemented by providing information on respective Community Programs. Measures to reduce unemployment are very important for Kosovo. The Government will undertake analysis on informal labour market in Kosovo, identifying main reasons and providing recommendations and actions to be taken, paying particular attention to measures to be introduced facilitating transfer from non-registered to registered employment. Creation of a functioning labour market requires active involvement at both, Government and Local level. The Government is committed to work on implementation of draft Labour Strategy and the Action plan for Youth Employment. Design and implement active labour market policies in close cooperation with the local business community with a view to enhancing the matching process in labour markets, and increase the share of skilled labour in the overall labour force. Human capacity building by recruiting and training Employment Policy Design Section, with the aim of preparing concrete employment plans and projects. Human capacity building through recruitment and training for Information Statistics and Labour Market Analysis Section. Draft projects on improving employment rate for certain categories: youth, age group 18-39 years, long term unemployed, seeking jobs for more than 12 months, disabled persons. Draft a medium-term sector strategy for labour force re-qualification. Capacity building by training and improvement of working conditions of Vocational Training Centres. Cooperate with foreign training providers with the aim of increasing the number of qualified staff b. Sector and Enterprise Structure Improving basic infrastructure is crucial for promoting business development. Development of transport networks with neighbouring countries and securing energy supplies will improve Kosovo's competitiveness in the regional and global markets, and become conducive to economic development. New institutional reforms, namely the introduction of Private Public Partnership in Kosovo Power Plants are planed in the short and medium term. These short-term measures will provide Kosovo with sufficient energy supplies. Government expenditures provided to this sector in the form of subsidies will be earmarked for further capital investments in improving energy infrastructure. In the long term, in n accordance with the policy guidelines set in cooperation with World Bank and European Agency for Reconstruction and USAID, in the long term, Kosovo Government is committed to further investments in the energy sector, namely the construction of a new Power Plant - Kosovo C, as well as introduce other environment friendly energy resources. Lack of investments in the capital infrastructure projects have been some of the Kosovo's deficiencies in terms of securing a competitive business environment. Therefore, the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunication has introduced plans for several capital investments in road infrastructure. Two major highways, Pristina-Skopje and Merdare - Vermice have been tendered or are in the final phase of preparations. These important projects as well as investments in regional and local infrastructure aim at improving transport networks with neighbouring countries. This will significantly impact FDI attractiveness as well as enhancing intra-regional trade. Privatisation of Kosovo's economy has been carried out by the Kosovo Trust Agency (KTA). The former has also been in charge of public enterprise management and restructuring since its establishment pursuant to UNMIK Regulation endorsed by the Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG). By the end of February 2008, majority Kosovo Socially Owned Enterprises have been privatized. The total number of contracts signed and pending signature is 450, and the total privatization proceeds received and banked is €378,124,228. According to the operational regulation, 20 % of the total amounts has been allocated to cover workers entitlement.

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To advance with privatisation process Action plan based on evaluation and analysis of existing business plan of Trust Fund will be elaborated. The review of the existing plan for Publicly Owned Enterprises' (POE) privatization aims at addressing the needs for efficiency and effectiveness of public utilities. Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK), Post and Telecommunication of Kosovo (PTK), Trepca Complex will be subject to feasibility studies on privatisation with the aim to promote PPP and elaborate strategic restructuring. The Kosovo Trust Agency (KTA) is undergoing the transformation phase, where part of competencies, particularly those related to POE’s will be handed to Kosovo institutions, while the remains of the Socially Owned Enterprises (SOE) will be administered by a separate body under the supervision of the International Special Representative. The process of SOE liquidation will move as foreseen by the former KTA Action Plan, though the transformation phase is expected to create a temporary operational vacuum. Despite the restructuring and privatization activities and despite the fact that the economy is mainly privately owned and that markets are largely liberalized, the economy is still facing numerous challenges that emanate from regional political instability as well as country level deficiencies. These include a weak judicial sector, failure to attract strategic investors for privatization of publicly owned enterprises, and a failure of owners of the newly privately owned enterprises to introduce reforms and innovations. All these factors have undermined Governments efforts and prevented the achievement of higher rates of economic growth and increased employment. This demands better designed structural reforms and further improvements of the business environment. This is the reason why the Government is continuing with its commitment to the structural reforms which have been further designed in several additional projects. Due to the recent political developments, the Government in cooperation with the international community presence in Kosovo has initiated two important legal and institutional changes i) Law on KTA Successor, ii) Law on Public Enterprises In the Medium term, Government will seek to improve the management and financial sustainability of POE’s. Measures that will improve bill collection rates of public utilities through reviewing business plans and elaborating action plans for achieving annual objectives for a bill collection will be implemented. Broad public awareness campaign is also expected to take place. A functional unbundling and restructuring in POEs in accordance with OECD Guidelines for Corporate Management will address the efficiency and accountability parameters. Foreign technical assistance is envisaged for supporting and strengthening public enterprise governance. Support of POE-s through external banking loans will ensure funds to accelerate development of POEs. The Government undertakes proper preparations for a discussion on the EC Assessment Mission Report on Regulators in Kosovo with a view of undertaking necessary measures to ensure operational and financial independence of regulators. The legal framework for the operation of regulators will enhance functional and financial independence up to the limits where transparency and accountability are not undermined. While there has been remarkable progress in this field establishment of Regulatory Authorities for Kosovo Railway, Civil Aviation Authority and capacity building for staff of Regulators through trainings and gradual increase of salaries are envisaged in the medium-term. An analysis of possible collisions between the Law on Public Finance Management Accountability and operational independence of regulators is needed in order to secure efficient and effective governance. c. Government Influence on Competitiveness Predictable and stable business environment will facilitate stable economic development, increase productivity and improve labour market conditions. Hence, the government will review tax legislation, especially excise, customs taxes, with the aim of creating better conditions for FDI. Structural reforms will be implemented in order to improve business environment and develop competitiveness of enterprises while maintaining macroeconomic stability. To this regard, a market surveillance structure

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will be established. New measures for strengthening and enforcement of intellectual, industrial and commercial property rights in line with the medium term strategy will be undertaken. Government is also committed to continued implementation of the Medium-Term Strategy for Creation of the Industrial Property Protection System. Public awareness campaigns on industrial property rights are expected to take place. Kosovo is working very actively and will continue to implement measures encouraging development of businesses. Establishment of Agency for supporting SME`s is an important step. Further capacity building for the staff and trainings provided for enterprises are envisaged. (Business incubators).Further institutional measures will be introduced in order to secure a satisfactory level of the implementation of European Charter for SME`s. New Strategy for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) will be initiated which refers to and complements the Kosovo Development Strategy (KDS). Additionally, the implement a medium term strategy to support the development of SMEs, including the strengthening of the SME support agency and the strengthening of the investment promotion agency will further improve the environment where SME operate. A gradual increase of staff of the Agency for Investment Promotion, in compliance to Kosovo Consolidated Budget rules and Agency organizational structure is expected. Furthermore, the Ministry of Trade will improve electronic access by implementing the "Enterprise Information Technology" Project. d. Economic Integration with EU Kosovo has prioritised its contribution to the implementation of regional free trade agreement (CEFTA), being among the first countries to conclude the procedures and obligation undertaken by the signing of the agreement. Trade with CEFTA members composes the most important part of Kosovo’s trade exchange, 38.6%. This suggests that Kosovo’s economy is well integrated into the regional economy. Exports to CEFTA countries increased by 34.3% compared with 2006. The amount of exports reached 47.6 million Euros or about 49% of total exports. Imports from CEFTA countries reached 569 million Euros with an annual growth of 7.4%, composing 38% of total imports. The structure of Kosovo’s exports indicates a slight improvement of industrial and food sector. An analysis of import trends shows that 2007 increase came mainly because of products used for capital investments, equipments and machineries and construction materials. 2.3 EUROPEAN STANDARDS

2.3.1 Internal Market

a. Free Movement of Goods Kosovo is just in the process of opening the full dossier of Internal Market and will make sure that every single relevant EU act will be correctly transposed in Kosovo legal environment, establishing strong structure capable to implement that legislation in line with the best practices of EU Member States. Kosovo is in the process of establishing the horizontal legal framework on free movement of goods. The Law on Metrology as well as Law on Trade Inspectorate are drafted in the spirit of the EU legislation. Also, a part of European standards has been already transposed, together with the transposition of several New Global Approach Directives: Directive 98/37/EC on Machines which has been transposed through AI No. 2007/16 on Technical Regulations for Machineries and their safety components; Directive 73/23/EEC on Electric equipment with low pressure transposed as IA No. 2005/28 Technical Rules for Electric Equipment Designed for Usage in Certain Pressures. Furthermore, consolidation of Division for Technical Regulations inside MIT (for the moment there are only 2

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officers) institutional capacities through recruitments and trainings for the implementation of legislation in this sub-field is in continuity. The European Partnership Priorities concerning Free Movement of Goods includes: approving the horizontal legislation framework which ensures proper operation in the Regulative Field, Standardization, Metrology and Market Protection. Furthermore, it is required to continue the transposition of the New and old Global Approach Directives. Moreover, The European Partnership includes the adoption of the European Standards as well as establishment and consolidation of the market surveillance structure. The priorities above are aimed to be achieved through the approval of several laws, subsidiary legislation and by creating and consolidating the institutional infrastructure. In the short term, consolidation of the legal infrastructure shall continue, consisting of the approval of the Draft Law on General Product Safety, amendment of the Law on Products and Conformity Assessment, the Law on Consumers and Law on Accreditation, and issuance of subsidiary laws for the implementation of the Law on Metrology No. 2006/02-L34 approved on 19 January 2006 and Law on Standardization No. 2004/12 approved on 29 April 2004. In the medium term, the consolidation of the legislative infrastructure shall among others, include transposition, through sub-legislation, of New Global Approach Directives: Directive 2000/9/EC on Cableway installations designed to carry persons, Directive 95/16/EC on Technical Regulations for Lifts and their safety components; Directive 88/378/EEC on Safety of toys; Directive 89/686/EEC and Directive 93/95/EEC on Personal protective equipment; Directive 89/106/EEC on Construction products; Directive 89/336/EEC on Electro Magnetic Compatibility and other directives related to Steel, Asphalt, Telphers. Furthermore, in medium term actions it is foreseen continued adoption of European standards. As pertains to institutional infrastructure, with a view of ensuring market surveillance, the intention is to establish and operationalize the Central Market Inspectorate and other inspectorates through new staff recruitment and training of existing staff. It is foreseen to recruit 2 new inspectors in the Central Market inspectorate, 2 inspectors for industry, 2 inspectors for metrology and 2 new inspectors for construction as well increase of the number of inspectors in the Municipal Inspectorates. These measures shall increase efficiency in market surveillance.

b. Free Movement of Capital Responsible institution in the field of free movement of capital is Central Banking Authority of Kosovo (CBAK). CBAK, a successor to the Banking and Payments Authority of Kosovo, is a distinct public entity with the authority to license, supervise and regulate financial institutions in the territory of Kosovo. The BPK was established in accordance with the provisions of the UNMIK Regulation no. 1999/20 issued on November 15, 1999 (as amended on October 1, 2001) “On the Banking and Payments Authority of Kosovo”. Furthermore, on August 24, 2006 Special Representative of the Secretary General has signed a new Regulation on Central banking Authority of Kosovo and transformed the Banking and Payments Authority of Kosovo into Central Banking Authority of Kosovo, also several other UNMIK regulation have been adopted among others UNMIK Regulation No. 2004/2 On the Deterrence of Money Laundering and Related Criminal Offences, UNMIK Regulation No. 2001/35 On Pensions in Kosovo, UNMIK Regulation No. 2001/26 On Payment Transactions, UNMIK Regulation No. 2001/25 on Licensing, Supervision and Regulation of Insurance Companies and Insurance Intermediaries.

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Since its very beginning CBAK’s efforts have been backed by an important capacity-building and technical assistance component provided by various institutions and partners. At the end of 2005, the Management decided to address what is probably one of the most difficult challenges: provide the CBAK and its staff members with a greater visibility towards its future objectives, responsibilities and roles. Consequently, the managers elaborated a “2006 Business Plan” which covered the main objectives of the Institution for this period of time. At the end of 2006, and based on this document, the results of each working unit have been jointly assessed and compared to the initial objectives. In 2007 it has been prepared Business plan of the CBAK 2007 – 2009 which is current basic working document. Assets of the financial sector reached euro 1.4 billion in June 2007, mainly composed of loans to domestic economy. Banking sector assets remain the main component of total financial sector assets representing 88.6% in June 2007. The number of commercial banks operating in Kosovo remained constant at 6, but the ownership structure changed with Slovenian bank Nova Ljubljanska Banka (NLB), buying majority of shares of two domestic banks, Kasabank and Banka e Re e Kosovës. Thus, from six commercial banks operating in Kosovo only two remained with full domestic ownership. Kosovo banking sector is continuously growing. This is expressed by total banking sector assets reaching euro 1.2 billion, what accounts for around 50% of GDP.1 Loans granted by the banking sector recorded an annual growth of 27.1%. Non-Financial Corporation (NFC) continues to absorb the largest share of loans, while loans maturity keeps extending. Also deposits at the banking sector recorded to be higher than in June 2006 (16.1%). The main source of deposits continues to be households, while the maturity remains mainly short term. Banking sector has shown a good performance with strong profitability indicators, while remaining liquid and solvent. Nine insurance companies that operate in the market compose around 5% of total assets of the financial sector. As in the banking sector, foreign ownership dominates this sector, with 6 foreign insurance companies. In terms of total assets, insurance companies grew by 29.5%, on yearly basis, while Third Party Liabilities (TPL) insurance remains the main activity of the industry. Apart from the insurance market, other financial corporations are composed of 2 pension funds, 16 other financial intermediaries, and 27 financial auxiliaries which act mainly as exchange bureaus and some of which as money transfer agencies. Total amount of the pension funds accumulated at the mandatory scheme Kosovo Pension Saving Trust (KPST) recorded an annual growth of 48.5%. Increased activity is also noticed in Other Financial Intermediaries (OFI) that increased the volume of granted loans by 24.9% in annual basis. Moreover, money transfer through Financial Auxiliaries (FA) recorded an annual growth of 11.1%, mainly comprising of transfers from Kosovo Diaspora. The legal framework set up by UNMIK and the CBAK is well developed and fully in line with international standards. As a result finance industry has the capacity to support Kosovo economic development in a sound and safe way, based on a comprehensive and modern set of Regulations (Laws) and Rules. Status resolution could impact the financial sector and the CBAK. This new environment could give more opportunities to enhance the integration of Kosovo in a regional ensemble and pave the way to closer links with the European Union. Already, the financial sector in Kosovo includes presence of actors from both the Balkan region and the EU. Nevertheless, there is still room for a greater international integration of the Kosovo financial sector, namely through increased capital and operational links with financial actors from the region, namely those coming from the most advanced countries. The status resolution will facilitate the integration of Kosovo into such international networks as SWIFT or Green Card.

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Pursuant to assessment of the European Commission, an immediate demand in this sub-field is unification of monetary means of payment for the whole country market, respectively enabling a more transparent transfer of the currency of the Republic Of Serbia into the Republic of Kosovo. In the short term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of free movement of capitals envisaged action shall among others, strengthen surveillance in the financial sector through implementation of policies of relevant domestic institutions which shall focus on improving the structure and operations of the Central Banking Authority of Kosovo as a regulatory institution. Within this context, the CBAK shall increase the staff number, shall analyze the banking and non-banking markets with a view of creating a database for the establishment of an “Early Warning System”, but also in improving monitoring and surveillance capacities on commercial banks. In the legislative aspect, this shall be attained through a review of the current legal framework, with a view of an effective and permanent scrutiny and complaint management in insurance sector, pension funds and other financial non-banking institutions.

c. Customs and Taxation The Customs Service was established in 1999 as part of UNMIK and up until the last year, the Customs Service has been an UNMIK body, namely a policy field reserved to the SRSG. In April 2007 it has been transferred to the local authorities. UNMIK Customs Code has entered into force in March 2004 and is largely compatible with EU legislation. New provisions have came into force regarding trade restrictions on weapons and products covered by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), a new regime of administrative penalties and a Code of Ethics has been imitated (63 disciplinary procedures have been initiated or are ongoing and a Standards Professional Unit supervises the application of the Code's provisions). The SRSG appoints the Director General of Customs Service who has statutory responsibility for exercising the main functions and powers of UNMIK Customs that are derived from UNMIK Regulation 2004/1 (Customs Code). Current legislative framework is made of number of UNMIK Regulation, main ones being 20007/31, 2006/2, 2004/1 and 2003/32. Customs Service is a budget organisation for the purposes of the Kosovo budget and wholly funded from the Kosovo Consolidated Fund. Whilst it is not part of the Kosovo Civil Service, the Director General in the exercise of his statutory powers, seeks to incorporate civil service good practises and procedures into the administration of Customs. UNMIK Custom Service is the youngest Customs Service in the world and it has progressively developed all elements of a modern Customs Service, with revenue controls, enhancement and development of systems, promoting the communication and cooperation with business community, enhancement and professionalizing of human resources, intelligence, investigation and anti smuggling elements, policy and legal units along with HQ functions. Whilst not eligible for full membership of international organisations, it participates in international and regional initiatives under the CARDS programme and the South East Europe Co-operation Initiative (SECI). It is also able to benefit from World Customs Organisation (WCO) and has applied for observer status. In this way UNMIK Customs benefits from international mutual assistance and mutual legal assistance, and sharing of good practise and procedures. The UNMIK Customs Service entered in year 2007 with a staff of 563 from ceiling set by budgetary limits of 567. At the end of 2006 there were actually 567 staff in post of which 18% are from minority groups and 24% are women.

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The organisation and shape of Custom was reviewed during 2005 with a new structure for 2006 agreed by the Deputy SRSG for Economic Reconstruction after consultation with the Government. The new Management Board took effect from 16 January 2006, consisting of the Director General (International), Deputy Director – General (National), Director Enforcement & Compliance (International), Director Revenue Operations (National), Director Finance & Systems (National) and Director Legal (National). In accordance with UNMIK Administration plans for transfer of competencies to local staff are undergoing; from 1 January 2007 the position of Director Law Enforcement was filled by a local, while from 1 April 2007 also the position of Director General has been filled by a local staff. Since being formed, the UNMIK Customs Service has received invaluable support from CAFAO-UNMIK (formerly CAM-K) a technical assistance mission of customs (and latterly tax) experts funded by the European Commission. Without the assistance of CAFAO much of the development of the UNMIK Customs service could not have taken place. Whilst the CAFAO programme has been gradually reducing, the programme for 2007 had been supporting assistance in development of a comprehensive and stabile legal system which provides clear and transparent implementation of the customs and excise legislation in compliance with EU and hereby creating of equal bases for evaluation and collection of taxes while respecting fully the rights of public, economic actors and tax officers. Continuation of customs compliance and direct and indirect tax legislation with EU acquis and further enhancement of administrative capacities to enforce the legislation and to fight the corruption, cross border crime and fiscal evasion. UNMIK Customs Service Strategic Operating Framework (SOF) 2007 – 2009 sets out 7 main Customs Service objectives: (i) Collect the right revenue at the right time from VAT at import, Excise and Customs duties. (ii) Promote communications and co-operation nationally with the Kosovo business community, government service and internationally with other Customs administration in the region and wider through seeking observer status with the World Customs Organisation; (iii) Develop further capacity within the service to foster integrity, develop human resource, policies, a legal framework, achieve more transparency, and instill best practice; (iv) Use the powers and procedures in the Customs Code and Excise Code to best effect in improving compliance and facilitate economic activity in co-operation with revenue traders. Achieve a proper balance between trade facilitation and control using techniques that utilize risk assessment, profiling and selectivity; (v) Work with participating revenue traders who wish to improve their compliance using discretionary powers, where appropriate to create a basis from which to move forward using procedures under the new Customs Code; (vi) To further develop law enforcement capabilities in order to: a) prevent and detect revenue fraud, smuggling of commercial goods, illegal drugs and other prohibited and restricted goods; and b) investigate and prosecute offences under the direction of the public prosecutor; (vii) Implementation of recommendations of the expert working groups established by the high level conference on Customs and cross border co-operation in South East Europe.

In the short term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of free movement of goods UCS shall among others, review current legislation, IA for declaration of wealth of customs officials shall be drafted and in force, several actions shall focus on regional cooperation, IT capacity shall be strengthened, institutional capacity shall be strengthened through trainings, AI for implementation of Custom Code on Rules of Origin shall be drafted and in force, AI on providence of Mandatory Informations of Goods Origin as well as Customs Laboratory shall be functionalised.

In the medium term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of free movement of goods UCS shall among others, focus on capacity building, it shall continue with implementation of Mid-term Strategy in combating corruption, inter-border crime and tax evasion and it shall continue with strengthening of regional cooperation.

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Tax Administration of Kosovo (TAK) has been established on 17 January 2000 under the administration of UNMIK. On 18 February 2003, authority for tax administration has been transferred to MEF. Since than ATK has been functioning as autonomous organization, managed completely by local staff, supported with advises and counsels of international organizations such as USAID, Pillar IV of EU and CAFAO-UNMIK of EU. During its short history, TAK has developed functional organisative structure which in its biggest part is in compliance with international best practices. It has centralized center for document procession through which all declarations are being processed. It has been created one unit for tax administration of large enterprises. Tax legislation has been accepted by IMF as well as European Commission as transparent one and of a high quality. TAX legislation is to a large extent in compliance with the European Union Sixth Directive. In the year 2006, Tax collection has exceeded predictions for almost 18%. Annual collections are showing considerable increases in comparison with previous years, even in the economy of a low economic growth.

The Tax Administration of Kosovo (TAK) is operating based on the Law No.2004/48 on Tax Administration and Procedures promulgated through the UNMIK Regulation 2005/17 on the Promulgation of the Law on Tax Administration and Procedures adopted by the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo on 27 September 2004. According to this Law TAK has the status of the Executive Agency which functions with full operational autonomy within the Ministry of Finance and Economy. The function of TAK is to administer and enforce the provisions of the present law and any other legislation applicable in Kosovo that requires it to administer any tax. It is duty of TAK to collect over time the highest revenue that is practicable within the law having regard to: a) the resources available to TAK, b) the importance promoting compliance, especially voluntary compliance, by all taxpayers with Kosovo’s tax legislation, and c) the compliance costs incurred by taxpayers. TAK employs 650 officers. TAK is responsible for collection of central government incomes including: VAT on internal supplies, Tax on Corporate Incomes, Tax on personal Incomes, Tax on Work and Personal contribution. Aside of this it is also responsible for issuance of license for Games of Chance, scrutiny of fulfillment of obligations form the activities of games of chances and implementation of regulations for games of chances.

TAK has adopted the Strategic Action Plan of the Tax Administration of Kosovo and the Strategy 2007-2010. Main goals of the Strategy are: Communication improvement with taxpayers, Establishment of Business Registration in TAK, Improvement of Procedures for Management of Debts, Increase of Voluntary Declaration, Improvement of identification of tax evasion, Increase of operational capacities of SIGTAS, Development of capacities for electronic declaration as well as Improvement of IT infrastructure.

In the short term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of free movement of goods TAK shall among others, increase administrative capacity through trainings, it will draft and implement concrete plans for debt collection as well ad it will organise awareness raising campaigns concerning Tax policy.

In the medium term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of free movement of goods TAK shall among others, review tax legislation with the aim of harmonising it with EU legislation in this field, it will upgrade identification system of persons who do not declare their incomes, it will upgrade system of information management as well as risk based system. Legislation approximation, as well as strengthening of legislation and administrative capacities in combating corruption, cross-border crime and tax evasion, remains priority also in a mid-term period. In order to tackle these issues, MEF and other relevant agencies are planning to draft, amend and adopt series of legislative acts in the field of Customs and Taxation.

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More importantly, new Law on VAT, which shall come into force during 2008, aims at creating an environment which enables better and more efficient tax collection. Additionally, much emphasis shall be placed on the area of institutional cooperation in order to create a synergy with other agencies and departments responsible in the sub-field of Customs and Taxation.

d. Public Procurement On 15 January 2004 Law on Public Procurement (LPP) no. 2003/17 has been adopted. On 08 February 2007 a Law on Amendment of the Law on Public Procurement no. 2007/02-L99 was adopted. The new Law, drafted in compliance with European standards and good international practices, provides on important changes, among others, shortening of all tendering timelines and reduction of procurement procedures from seven to six. Further, the Law on Public Procurement on has been simplified, while several functions of the Public Procurement Agency and the MEF have been transferred to the Public Procurement Regulatory Commission (PPRC). Contracting authorities have been given more independence in selecting procurement procedures. Pursuant to this Law, apart from existing competencies, the PPRC is also responsible for preparing procurement rules and the public procurement system of the Republic of Kosovo. The LPP provides also on establishment of new bodies, such as: the Procurement Review Body, the Public Procurement Agency and other bodies ensuring implementation of the Law. Furthermore, the LPP foresees the drafting and adoption of subsidiary legislation for the full implementation of this Law. Still, the above-mentioned bodies have not been established (the Public Procurement Review Body) or fully consolidated (others). There is also a lack of subsidiary legislation for the full enforcement of the LPP. In the short term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of public procurement PPRC shall among others, aim at completion of secondary legislation for implementation of LPP, including the LPP Implementation Guideline, Tender Dossier and User Guidelines, approval of the Public Procurement Regulation, and Framework Contract Guidelines. In completing the institutional frame, the establishment of the Public Procurement Review Body is foreseen, members of which shall be appointed by the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, and development of administrative capacities of this entity. Establishment of such an independent body shall have an impact on the proper enforcement of rules of procurement and in combating abuses. In the medium term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of public procurement PPRC shall among others, aim to ensure proper enforcement of public procurement rules through scrutiny of contracting authorities. Other important actions include provision of recommendations and proposed measures against authorities contradicting LPP provisions. Furthermore, efficiency improvement in the PPRC shall be accomplished through recruiting new staff and training the current staff in enforcing the LPP. All these actions shall facilitate accomplishment of priorities for the sub-field and shall increase efficiency of public procurement bodies. e. Intellectual Property Rights In the field of Intellectual Property Rights, the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo has approved four laws: Law on Patents no. 2004/49 on 27 September 2004, Law on Trade Marks no. 2006/02-L54 on 23 February 2006, Law on Industrial Design no. 2005/02-L45 on 21 November 2005 and the Law on Protection of Author Rights and other Approximate Rights no. 2004/45 on 29 June 2006. Secondary legislation for implementation of these laws have been adopted: AI “On Procedures for Patent Registration”, AI “On Procedures for Registration of Trade Marks”, AI “On Procedures for registration of Industrial Design”, AI “On Recognition of Rights to Objects of Industrial Property

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registered in former Yugoslavia”, AI “For Administrative Tariffs for Objects of Industrial Ownership” and AI “For Authorised Representative in the field of Industrial Ownership”. For implementation of the legislation in the field of industrial property it has been established Office of Industrial Property, the office has been mandated, inside the MTI, until the March 2008 the Office has received 600 demands for protection of industrial property rights. Intellectual property rights are divided into two sub-fields: Industrial Property which includes inventions, trademarks, industrial design, and geographical indications of source; and Copyright which includes literary and artistic works such as novels, films, musical works, paintings, photographs, and architectural designs. Industrial Property is regulated by three basic laws: Law on Patents, Law on Trade Marks and the Law on Industrial Design. The Industrial Property Office has been established in 19 March 2007; it has been mandated, within the Ministry of Trade and Industry, to scrutinize the implementation of abovementioned laws. Office up to date, received about 600 applications, regarding the protection of Industrial Property Rights. In the legal aspect, the Industrial Property Office has drafted and adopted subsidiary legislation acts on implementation of these laws: AI on Patent Registration Procedures, AI on Industrial Design Registration Procedures, AI on Trade Mark Registration Procedures, AI on Patent, Trade Mark and Industrial Design Transfer, adopted before entry into force of the AI on Administrative Fees for Industrial Property Objects, AI on Industrial Property Sphere Representative. Law on Author Rights has been approved for protection of author rights and other approximate rights. This Law foresees also the establishment of the Intellectual Property Rights Office. In the short term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of intellectual property rights MTI, MCYS as well as JIK shall among others, aim at implementation of measures which have been foreseen on development of administrative/judicial capacities for fighting massive violations. The objective is to ensure implementation of laws in the field of intellectual property, since there is serious stalling recorded actually, strengthening administrative capacity through recruitment and trainings as well as IT capacity, sub legislative acts which ensure author rights and approximate rights shall be prepared, capacity building of the Industrial Property Office (IPO) has been foreseen through training, establishment of Author Rights Office and administrative capacity building for the Office, and preparatory activities for signature of international convents/agreements on the industrial property sub-field. In the medium term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of intellectual property rights MTI shall among others, approve and implement Strategy for Creation of the Industrial Property Protection System, shall implement awareness raising campaigns on author rights and approximate rights as well as it shall focus upgrading of administrative capacities. f. Employment and Social Policy Since the end of the conflict in 1999 the economic recovery of Kosovo has been fuelled by donor-funded reconstruction aid, income transfers from the large international presence and workers’ remittances. In 2002 donor resources started to decline, economic growth weakened and the fiscal position deteriorated.

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In 2006 the economic growth showed some signs of recovery, with significant increases in the number of new businesses registered, in tax revenues and trade, as well as in the provision of credits to businesses. The external sector remains one of the biggest challenges for the Kosovo economy: the trade deficit stood in 2006 at 51 per cent of GDP, while the current account deficit —after foreign assistance — was close to 15 per cent. In the same year exports were 14 times lower than imports. Given the lack of foreign direct investment, the financing of the current account deficit relies on foreign assistance (21 per cent of GDP in 2005) and on private capital transfers (17 per cent). Kosovo: main economic indicators 2002-2006 2002e 2003e 2004e 2005e 2006p National accounts Real GDP Growth -0.1 -0.5 2.0 -1.5 2.0 Investment (%GDP) 23.7 22.9 26.3 28.2 28.9 Gross domestic savings (%GDP) -7.1 -5.7 -4.2 -8.3 -5.3 General Government budget/ 1 Overall balance (millions €) 98 47 -138 -67 -77 Overall balance (%GDP) 4.0 1.9 -5.4 -2.9 -3.0 External accounts Current account balance (%GDP)/2 -32.8 -26.6 -26.3 -31.5 -29.2 Foreign assistance (millions €) 887 688 570 553 546 Workers’ remittances (millions €) 341 341 341 345 347 Consumer Price Index (CPI) 3.6 1.2 -1.5 -2.1 -1.8 e= estimate, p = projections; 1/ Excludes donor designated grants and off-budget UNMIK and donor expenditures; 2/ before donor grants Source: World Bank and IMF staff estimates (World Bank, Interim Strategy Note for Kosovo 2006-2007) The post-conflict reforms of tax policy and administration generated significant domestic revenues: between 2003 and 2004 the increases in capital expenditures and on public wages and salaries resulted in a fiscal deficit of 5.4 per cent of GDP. The new financial and banking services have almost tripled the volume of credit in the period 2001-2005. However, the terms and conditions of loans do not fully respond to the needs of enterprises. The share of deposits to GDP—notwithstanding an increase of 15.4 per cent in 2006— continues to be lower than in neighbouring countries. The enterprise sector in Kosovo is dominated by micro-enterprises, employing less than five workers and mostly engaged in trade and other services. Agriculture contributes an estimated 25 per cent of Kosovo GDP, employs over one-half of the rural working population and provides about 11 per cent of the value of total exports. Agriculture productivity remains well below that of neighbouring countries and the sector faces stiff competition from imported products. The Human Development Index (HDI) of Kosovo is 0.734. In 2005, the percentage of the population living below the poverty line was 37 percent, while the poverty gap was 11.4 per cent and the severity of poverty index was 4.9 per cent. Poverty affects mostly children women headed household, non-Serb ethnic minorities, unemployed persons and precarious job holders (mainly in the informal economy). Joblessness and low educational attainment are the most important determinants of poverty: 80 per cent of the extreme poor have primary education or less, while as many as 15.6 per cent of the extreme poor are unemployed. The Kosovo population is growing faster than the population of neighbouring countries: young men and women less than 25 years of age are 51.5 per cent of the population (21.4 per cent are 15-24 years

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old). In the next five years roughly 200,000 young people will reach labour force age —and approximately 55,000 of them will enter into the labour market— while the number of persons reaching retirement age (65 years old) will be approximately 60,000. In 2002, only 13 percent of the population had attained tertiary education (18 per cent of men and 8 per cent of women) and 44 per cent had completed secondary education. Next table shows that the Kosovo education system, despite progresses, is still unable to overcome exclusion, with nearly 36 per cent of youth 15-24 belonging to the RAE community having less than primary education attainment in 2004. Youth educational attainment, by sex, age group and ethnicity

Highest attainment Total Men Women 15-19 20-24 Albanian Serb RAE Othe

r Less than primary 2.7 2.9 2.4 4.0 1.8 1.6 2.41 35.7 0.0

Primary 9.7 11.3 8.2 10.9 8.2 9.1 8.43 30.9 10.7

Vocational 16.5 16.7 16.2 19.8 16.2 17.9 4.82 4.8 3.6

High school 54.2 55.9 52.6 59.9 52.6 53.4 77.11 21.5 75.0 University and higher 16.9 13.2 20.7 5.4 20.7 18.0 7.23 7.1 10.7

Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Source: Corbanese, V., Rosas, G., Youth transition to decent work: Evidence from Kosovo, ILO Geneva 2007 The labour force in 2004 comprised 46.2 per cent of the population of working age (15 and over), the lowest rate in the CEE region. The most striking disparity concerning the activity rate is with regard to sex. While the activity rate for men in 2004 was 68.1 per cent, only 25.3 per cent of women were economically active, with a participation 37 points percentage lower than the EU average. In the same year, more than half of the economically inactive people were in the age cohort 25-39. Key labour market indicators 2001 – 2004

2001 2002 2003 2004

All Women All Women All Women All Women

Participation rates 47.0 27.0 52.8 34.5 50.3 29.5 46.2 25.3

Inactivity rates 53.0 73.0 47.2 65.5 49.7 70.5 53.8 74.7

Unemployment rate 57.0 70.0 55.0 74.5 49.7 71.9 39.7 60.7

Employment ratio 20.0 8.0 23.8 8.8 25.3 8.3 27.9 9.9

Unemployment ratio 27.0 19.0 29.1 25.7 25.0 21.2 18.3 15.4 Source: Adaptation based on Labour Force Surveys (2001-2004) Between 2001 and 2004, the employment rate did not change significantly, rising by less than 8 per cent overall. The absolute level of employment in Kosovo, at 27.9 per cent of the working age population, is alarmingly low. The year-on employment increases are more marked for men than for women (4 per cent and 1.6 per cent, respectively) and for the age cohort 25 to 39 years old. The share of private sector employment is 40 per cent of total employment, while the remainder is largely in the public sector and residually in socially-owned enterprises (49.1 per cent and 5.7 respectively). The preliminary data for the first quarter of 2006 shows that employment is increasing both in the State and the private sectors and decreasing in publicly and socially-owned enterprises. However, the increasing trend in public employment will be discontinued as the State administration is expected to downsize. The reduction of civil service workforce and the continuation of the privatization process will put further pressures on the Kosovo labour market.

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The share of temporary (seasonal) employment in total employment increased dramatically in the period 2003-2004 (from 14 to 65 per cent), while part-time work remains stable at 30 per cent of total employment. The Ministry of Economy and Finance reported in 2004 an increase of newly registered workers in retail and wholesale trade (10 per cent), services (8 per cent) and agriculture (1 per cent) and a decrease in industry (17.7 per cent), transport (2 per cent) and construction (1 per cent). The process of labour reallocation has disproportionally affected the manufacturing sector, resulting in a reduction in the share of employment in industry, while the service sector share of total employment expanded. The manufacturing sector started recovering in the last two years, while the expansion of employment in agriculture reflects the reallocation of labour towards a sector where productivity is lowest and also the movement from unemployment to agricultural subsistence. As in many other countries in the region, a source of new employment in Kosovo has been the growing sector of the self-employed. The share of self-employment shows a steady—albeit small— increase (1.8 year on). The percentage of self-employed on the total number of workers is 25.6 per cent and the share of women doubled with respect to 2003 (from 5.8 to 11.9 per cent). There is a positive correlation between employment and educational attainment: the employment rate of workers with tertiary education is 50 percentage points higher than that of people with secondary education. The informal economy plays an important role in the labour market, especially for young workers. About 50 per cent of all employment in Kosovo was informal in 2003. This figure is confirmed by the data of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which reports a number of workers registered for wage tax purposes of 160,000 units only, compared to a LFS estimated number of workers of 350,000. The average monthly wage in the private sector (in nominal terms) was €220 in 2003, €204 in 2004, €217 in 2005 and €236 in 2006. Educated workers in high-skilled occupations (such as insurance and financial services) earn a wage premium, while certain population groups —such as young people, women and ethnic minorities — face substantial wage gaps. One of the most troubling features of the Kosovo labour market is the extremely high and persistent unemployment. The overall unemployment rate in 2004 was 39.7 per cent. Young people are nearly twice as likely as adults to be unemployed and had in 2004 an unemployment rate of 49.5 per cent (45.7 per cent women and 52.8 per cent men). Another matter of particular concern is the duration of unemployment (nearly 88 per cent of the unemployed are long-term unemployed). For young people, the length of unemployment combined with other factors contributes noticeably to their vulnerability. The situation appears to be critical for all minority groups, but especially for young RAE (72.2 per cent long-term unemployed), and for young Serbs (88.6 per cent). Most of the financial resources available to the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare are absorbed by the social protection system. Public resources were first made available to finance active labour market programmes only in 2005. The framework for employment protection legislation (EPL) consists of a number of UNMIK Regulations and Kosovo Assembly’s Laws, the employment protection framework encompasses the UNMIK Regulation on Essential Labor Law 2001/27, the Labor Inspectorate Law No. 2002/9, Occupational Safety, Health and Working Environment Law No. 2003/19, Law on Methodology of determining level of pensions base No. 2002/1, Law on social assistance scheme No.2003/15, Law on pensions for persons with disabilities No. 2003/23, Law on Social and Family Services No. 02/L-17, Law on status and rights of families of martyr, war invalids and KLA veterans No. 02/L-2.

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Labour market training programmes are delivered through a network of eight vocational training centres and a number of training institutions partnered with the Ministry of Labour, in particular with the MEST based on study on SWAP in education. The vision of the Kosovo Government is centred on increasing quality as well as quantity of employment and on combating labour market exclusion along the European Union’s Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs. Key priorities of Draft Employment Strategy 2008-2013 are: (i) Implementation of Employment-centred economic and social policies; (ii) Implementation of Education and training policies to enhance employability and foster productivity; (iii) Implementation of Labour market policies that improve productivity and address exclusion. Draft Kosovo Employment Strategy 2008 – 2013 presents crucial document and of high importance with well-defined mission on policies’ determination and treatment, that aims to promote higher participation of Kosovo’s population into the labour market and at the same time it aims the contribution emphasizing the active labour market measures that determine three main objectives in the integration process: full employment, quality improvement and work productivity and social cohesion as well as social inclusion. Draft Kosovo Employment Strategy is a document that will be integrated within General Development of Kosovo Strategy and has to be ranged within budgetary processes for allocation of funds. Implementation of this Strategy will not be the responsibility only of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, but the implementation responsibility will be spread out also towards the other Ministries in central and local level. Draft Kosovo Employment Strategy is comprised of seven parts: (i) In the first part it is presented economical and social context of Kosovo; (ii) In the second part it is the labour market analysis treating demographic, educational, labour market, employment development, employment trends, labour market and institutions’ policies, employment protection’ legislation, active labour market programs and key problems to be addressed; (iii) In the third part are presented policies’ priorities with a particular stress on social and economic policies directed on employment, training and education policies on employment enhancement and productivity enforcement, labour market policies that improve productivity and address exclusion; (iv) In the fourth part are treated aims, objectives and goals of employment policies taking into consideration specific employment objectives and goals; (v) In the fifth part are filled out acting and financial implications policies while focusing on extension and improvement of investment on human capital, provision of inclusive labour market, reduction of employment rate within the non-formal economy, creation of a model for the social security system; (vi) In the sixth part it is treated the development of implementing and coordinating mechanism; (vii) And in the last one (the seventh) monitoring and evaluation. Strategy has been developed as a result of experts’ commitment and contribution from five (5) ministries, experts of employees and employers’ organizations, ILO experts, UNDP experts, suggestions by EU experts, international experts, and Statistical Organ of Kosovo’s experts. The work was managed and coordinated by experts of Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, International Labour Organization and UNDP. The Government’s efforts in this sub-field have been also affected by the constrained budgetary means as well as the pressure by the low labour demand. Unemployment in Kosovo is evaluated as one of the key problems of the Kosovo society which according to the latest statistics is around 39-42%.This

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unemployment is especially pointed among youths, long term unemployed people, women, disable people, in general among vulnerable groups. Current legal infrastructure that aims to treat the protective aspect of the employment in Kosovo is still not completed. Labour law and work relation even though it’s approved stands basic, assures limited coverage in few fields that now in some places in Europe are just fixed. General Collective Agreement that was signed in 2004 by the Trade Unions and Economic Chamber of Commerce fulfils actual measures for the protection at work, (annual leave and protection and assurance at the work place), and assures norms that regulate minimal incomes and syndicate activities. But as this memo wasn’t accepted by the Government in 2005, has not start to be implemented in general. The main responsible institution for the employment policy at central level is the MLSW and there are two Departments within the MLSW which deal mainly with the employment policy. The first one is Work and Employment Department which is divided in three Sections (divisions): Professional Qualifications Division, Employment Division, and Division of Law on Work and Relationship at Work. The second one is the Labour Inspectorate Executive Agency which has also Labour inspectors at municipal level. Within a sustainable fiscal framework presented in the MTEF, Kosovo Government is committed to the development and analysis of options for improvement of conditions for disadvantaged persons. As mentioned before, considering the severity of the problem, this is a permanent Government priority in the long term. We aim to work closely with our partners in the international community for development of structural reform for improvement of such indicators. The social protection system in Kosovo absorbs around 20 percent of the total budget and comprises social assistance benefits, a basic pension system and disability pension, complemented by special schemes for war invalids. Compared to the regional average, public spending on health (4.5 percent of GDP), social protection (5.8 percent) and education (6.1 percent of GDP) remains low. Social assistance delivery is limited in terms of both overall public spending, amount of benefits and coverage of the extreme poor, with large errors of exclusion that reflect the cash limit of the Kosovo Government. According to MLSW 37 % of population in Kosovo live in poverty, and 12 -15 % from this percentage live in extreme poverty. However, Kosovo institutions since their establishment have made efforts to create a social welfare system, which help families and people at risk. Currently the social services are delivered by the Social Welfare Centres (SWC) in the local level but they are still managed by MLSW and do not belong to municipalities). Also, a part services is delivered from the NGO-s. In the local level it appears a dual system of public services and social protection: 1) SWC that are the key stakeholders and, as was mentioned earlier, under the administration of MLSW, and 2) municipalities (Directorate of Health and Social Welfare) that have only an aside role of offering services. It should be mentioned that within the MLSW does exist a Department of Institute for Social Policy which has two Divisions: Counsellors Division and Researchers Division. Principal programs being implemented by the Kosovo institutions are focused on distribution of social assistance, payment of pensions and other social professional services for individuals and families with social problems (as, child protection, delinquency, orphans, victims of family violence, people with disabilities, elderly people etc). Main programs are a benefit with relatively tight target of social assistance with network of Centres of Social Work in each municipality offering social assistance and giving consultations and referring services to families in need, and Regional Offices of Pension Administration play a big role in that aspect as well. They offer services for realizing benefits from pension schemes. Programs of benefits in Kosovo (pensions and social assistance), according to MLSW cover beyond 325 000 persons, which means up 16% of population have access in any of

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schemes below mentioned. Deliveries from abroad have very important role as well for familiar economies and important impact in poverty reduction. Schemes of Social Payments in Kosovo – The general objective of Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare is to develop and to improve social protection network for the poorest of the society. Benefit schemes are in cash or in future can be included in public work scheme and in programs which can produce income, which can create assets. Selection in social assistance program was determined according to conditions of the country, cultural and socio-economic conditions, country’s income and possible sources for social assistance and role of civil society which means informal network (family and relatives). Social assistance Scheme – aims decreasing of poverty. This Scheme is presented for the first time in 2000 and reviewed in December 2003. It is public, general and financed by public founds. The scheme is with control of needs (property and incomes) and criteria applied in consisting aspect of families. It applies for families and individuals with urgent and special needs, which is paid with cash at once. The scheme includes two kinds of beneficiaries: a) First category- aim to provide financially support for those families that do not have any member of family able to work or without any member waiting to be come able to work; b) Second category – aim to provide families with financially support, which have members of family able to work, but actually they can not find job. Maximum of monthly amount for beneficiaries of social assistance is fixed referring to the line of extreme poverty (food basket) and it is determined by the number of family members. It is adopted every year from Government, taking in consideration living costs changes. The number of beneficiaries benefiting from this scheme on both categories is over 37,000 families with over 162,000 members, where the average of benefited amount for one family is 52.00 euro per month. During last two years the number of beneficiaries of social assistance scheme decreased for 4000 families (2000 families in a year), and decrease is more highlighted in second category.

Basic pensions (old age) – is a general scheme financed by Government. It is conceived like monthly tariff for all the Kosovo citizens and Kosovo refugees abroad who are 65 years old or older than that (independently if they worked or not and without taking in consideration if they take pensions from abroad or not). So, this is a program to help elderly people. This scheme started application in middle of 2002 and has been implemented in equal line with extreme poverty (food basket). In the beginning was 28 euro/per month and it is adopted every year in order to reflect increase of living cost. In 2003 was the amount was increased in level of 35 euro, while for 2004/05/06/07 it was at level of 40 euros per month. Starting from this year (2008) the amount of payment will change, for pensioners who have contributed and who can argue that their work experience is more than 15 years, and he/she is 65 year old. This category of people will get 75 euro per month and the number of beneficiaries could be till 30,000. But, the payment for those who are 65 years old and above (beneficiaries of basic pension scheme) will remain the same - 40 euros per month. The number of beneficiaries in basic pensions scheme over 65 year old in January 2008 was 132,421 pensioners.

Scheme of War Invalids and Families of War Martyrs – this scheme was raised from MLSW, with aim to help war invalids (including civil war invalids), families of war martyrs, families of missing persons, custodians of war invalid and currently from this scheme benefit more thane 9500 individuals. The scheme has been implemented since 2001, while currently is being implemented according to the Law on benefits for War Invalids and their Families (2006). The amount of benefit for one family or invalid can vary based on the level of invalidity and based on the number of persons killed or considered missed in one family. Te Payment from 54.60 euros is minimal amount for beneficiary like civil invalid and it depends on invalidity. There is also the maximal amount of 351 euros for family with 3-4 killed members like solders during the war.

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Scheme of Persons with disabilities – it is regulated with Law on Pensions of People with Disabilities (approved in 2004) and has been implemented since July 2004. There are more than 17675 beneficiaries and their disability to work is 100%. Monthly amount of payment to one beneficiary started with 40 euros from the beginning of 2004 and remain unchangeable. As far as the employment stimulation for people with disabilities concerns, the MLSW has drafted the draft-Law on Vocational Training and Employment of People with Disabilities. This draft-Law was drafted has been proceeded to Parliament this year and foresees training and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities and their employment. This draft-Law was approved in principle by the Parliament, but was afterwards returned to the Government resulted by high financial implications this Law would have for implementation. Currently, MLSW and MFE are reviewing budget cost for this draft-Law and recommendations given by these two Ministries to be approved and then to be proceeded to the Parliament for debate and approval. Scheme of Trepça Pensions - this scheme is dedicated only for miners of underground digs. This scheme started functioning on 1st of July 2003, and it includes more than 4642 miners of mines of Kosovo. Monthly amount for 2003/04 was 40 euros but from 2005 is 50 euros.

Current legislation that regulates all these scheme and which are in place are: two laws from time of ex Yugoslavia such as Law for Social Protection in Kosovo ( 1976 ) and Law on Marriage and Family Relationships(1984), Regulation on War Invalids and their families (2000/66), Regulation No. 2001/35 on Law on Basic Pensions ( 2002), Law on Social Assistance (2003), Law on Pensions of People with Disabilities ( 2004), Law on Social and Family Services ( 2005), Law on benefits for War Invalids and their Families ( 2006). In the short term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of employment and social policies, MWSW shall among others, adopt Laws on Pension Insurance and on the Support for the Disabled Children, as well as the amendment of the Law on the War Values, it shall establish new units within the Labour Inspectorate in the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, as well as the increase of 10 new Inspectors in this body, revision of the social scheme is to be carried out by activities that foresee the amendment of the Law on Social Scheme, as well as the drafting and adoption of an action plan for monitoring the subjects administering this scheme. Furthermore, Strategy on Employment shall be adopted and started with its implementation as well as number of activities with the aim of strengthening administrative capacities. In the medium term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of employment and social policies, MWSW shall among others, adopt changes of Law on Work Inspectorates No.2002/9; it shall focus on strengthening of the institutional capacities of labour inspectorates through trainings and recruitments as well as preparation of the mid-term strategy for re-qualifications of working force. g. Education and Research The basic principle in EU is that Member States are in charge of their education and training, and the European Commission works together with the Member States to help achieve common goals. Education was formally recognised for the first time in the Treaty establishing the European Community signed in Maastricht in 1992. The Maastricht Treaty set the scene for education and vocational training in the EU, by specifying, in Article 149 (1), that " [t]he Community shall contribute to the development of quality education by encouraging cooperation between Member States and, if necessary, by supporting and supplementing their action, while fully respecting the responsibility of the

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Member States for the content of teaching and the organisation of education systems and their cultural and linguistic diversity." In the education field, priority of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo is focused on reforming the education system, in turning it into a functional system serving a society built upon knowledge, economy and employment. Improvement of quality and efficiency of governance, leadership and management in the education system shall provide for equal opportunities of inclusion of the young generations in elementary and secondary education, creating thus a suitable and sound physical environment for teaching and learning. By erecting stable bridges between education and social-economic development, importance of vocational trainings and high education shall bring itself up on the priority list of the labour market demand. MEST through it Department for Higher Education oversee and plan the development of higher education system in Kosovo based on the Law No. 2002/03 on Higher Education (2003). Thus a Strategy for Development of Higher Education in Kosovo 2005-2015 has been approved by the Kosovo Government and published in February 2008. The main purpose of this strategy is development of an efficient system of higher education that will contribute to increase the well being of the Kosovo society by offering high quality education and research, with equal opportunities for all. MEST has already started with the implementation of the Pre-University Strategy 2007-2017. Thus, Action plans for implementation of this strategy have been drafted, and mechanisms for control and quality assurance in pre-university and university education are being built to ensure enhancement of the material situation of education, through substituting the current linear system of teacher salaries with a positive discrimination system in salaries, in compliance with licensing criteria. On the other hand, creation of mechanisms in ensuring effective management of financial sources for development of high education shall enable development of a proper functional high education infrastructure, capacity building in research-scientific work and promotion of vocational training needs and lifelong learning demands. This period also enshrines the implementation of the RAE Community Education Strategy. It is worth to mention that all the activities related to the pre-university education, MEST realize through its Department for Pre-University Education, which observes the Regional Education Offices and coordinates activities with the Municipal Education Directories. In terms of institutional structure it is important to mention that an Accreditation Agency has been established within the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. Except the above mention laws and strategies the following legislative measures regulate currently the education system and research in Kosovo: Law No. 2002/02 on primary and secondary legislation, Law No. 02/L-52 on preschool education, Law No. 2004/42 on scientific research activity, Law No.2004/37 on inspection of education in Kosovo, Law No. 02/L-24 for adult education and training, Law No. 02/L-67 on publishing teaching resources, reading materials and pedagogical documentation. In 2006 MEST has adopted 12 Annexes for the implementation of AI No. 14/2006 that deals with the organisation and evaluation of final examination for upper secondary education. In 2007 MEST approved 40 AI on duration of pre-school education program, School Grant Approval Council, Teacher Licensing, Kosovo Pedagogic Institute ct. A large number of these AI deals with the Implementation of curriculum for vocational education (in stream of economic, graphics, and administration in first level etc). In January 2008, MEST approved AI No. 15/2007 on School year calendar 2007/2008. In the short term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of education and research, MEST shall among others, try to ensure gradual increase of the education budget in compliance with the Kosovo Consolidated Budget procedures, and in strict implementation of education strategies and projects in linkage with the revised Medium Term Expenditure Framework

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2008-2011. Further, the MEST has planned a feasibility study on all education sectors, recommendations of which shall be addressed within the path of enhancement. It is worth mentioning also the provision of inclusive access to education, especially to disabled children, by training teachers and providing necessary school infrastructure. It shall focus on construction of new school environments as well as their equipment, Action Plan for implementation of Strategy for Pre-university education shall be drafted, and Strategy for RGE community education shall be implemented. In the medium term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of education and research, MEST shall among others, fully consolidate Kosovo Accreditation Agency and establishment of the National Science Council, thus paving the way for the drafting process of the National Science Strategy, in the legislative field, MEST foresees undertaking several important steps, such as: drafting new administrative instructions for implementation of the EVT Law, drafting administrative instructions on operationalization of the National Qualification Authority. Also, the drafting of the National Qualification Framework and approval of Administrative Directives on monitoring curricula, textbooks, teaching and assessment methodology, are foreseen as actions to be taken in the view of advancement in legislative aspects of education. MEST has drafted the draft-Law on National Qualification Framework and its promulgation by the President of the Republic of Kosovo is expected.

2.3.2 Sectoral Policies

a. Industry and SME-s The European Union and its Member States have agreed the Charter for Small Enterprises to improve the business environment for small enterprises. By encouraging public authorities at all levels to share experiences of their work on policies in this area, each can learn from examples which have worked for others and so speed up improvements of their own. Besides the EU Member States, the Charter has also been endorsed by Norway, the Euro-Mediterranean states, the states in the western Balkans and nine European regions. The Charter has also proven to be a successful tool to help Kosovo in its SME policy in preparation for EU membership. Considering that the ultimate orientation of Kosovo is the European Union, supervision and organization of trade, industrial property, construction, hotels, industry, and tourism are fields of a special focus for the Government. This will require development and support of small and medium enterprises, promotion of investments and investment guarantee. With the goal of improvement of physical infrastructure for the development of SME-s in Kosovo, it has been worked in programming of working environment which includes: including industrial parks, industrial zones and business incubators. Agency for the support of SME-s (as a part of MTI) has achieved to create database with informations for more than 100 companies, as well as it has finished all necessary preparations for nomination of the members of Consultative Council of SME-s. Also, this Agency is responsible for coordination of entire work for implementation of European Charter for Small and Medium Size Companies and their progress through the action lines of this Charter. In the short term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of industry and SME-s, MTI shall among others, implement medium term strategy for SME development support,

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including strengthening of the SME Support Agency and Investment Promotion Agency, but also implementation of European Charter on Small Enterprises. It shall strengthen existing institutional capacities and implementation of strategies, action plans and concrete projects in promoting small and medium size businesses. The institutional aspect includes trainings for the existing staff, and additional recruitments in agencies above, approval and implementation of a private sector development strategy, and a medium term action plan for SME Support. Within the frame of promoting small and medium sized businesses, activities include: encouraging full exploitation of business incubators, establishment of an effective data management system, establishment of Business Parks in smaller cities, continued implementation of the Consultancy and Training Voucher Scheme for businesses, promotion of women entrepreneurs, and analysis of business functioning and issuance of recommendations. b. Agriculture and Fisheries Out of the total territory of Kosovo of 1.1 million hectares, 53% may be cultivated, whereas 41% are agricultural lands. Agriculture is the most important economic sector and activity, which provides the largest part of employment in the post-war Kosovo. Kosovo’s agriculture is characterized with small farms, low productivity and lack of advisory services. Agriculture contributes with approximately 25% of the Gross Domestic Products and represents 25% to 30% of the total employment, mainly in the informal sector, which comprises 16% of the total value of exports. The general vision for agriculture and rural development in Kosovo is “To provide a balanced contribution to economy, environment, society and cultural welfare of the rural areas of Kosovo as an entirety, through effective and profitable partnership between the private sector, central and local government and local communities within the European context”. On April 04, 2007 the Government of the Republic of Kosovo endorsed the Rural and Agricultural Development Plan (RADP) 2007-2013, which consists of sector strategies. In the aspect of completing the legislative infrastructure, the MAFRD has identified national legislation enabling implementation of this development plan, legislation approximated with Acquis communautaire. Twenty five (25) draft laws were drafted, out of which 18 have been approved by the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, and promulgated by the SRSG. Seven other drafts are in the procedure of review and approval. Some of the most important laws that have been approved and some that are not yet promulgated are as follows. The Law on Fisheries and Aquaculture for the implementation of which two AI-s have been issued. The Law on Plant Protection and the Law on Organic Agriculture have been approved by the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, and promulgated by the SRSG. The Draft Law on Protection of Plant Variety was approved by the Assembly, and awaits SRSG promulgation, while the Law on Nutrition is on the second reading at the Assembly, which was approved in principle during the first reading n February 29, 2008. In institutional capacity building, the Plant Protection Laboratory, within the Kosovo Agriculture Institute, has been equipped with modern infrastructure for virus diseases. The central Institute laboratory has also been equipped with modern apparatus for daily control on physical-chemical analysis of nutrition (human and animal) and agricultural inputs (seed, fertilizers and pesticides). In the aspect of institutional framework completion, a RADP 2007-2013 Implementation Unit of 13 working members has been established, to enable sustainable development of the agricultural/rural sector in Kosovo, and approximation of the sector with the EU standards. Further, a Dairy Laboratory has been established and activated, and the Vineyard and Winery Institute of Kosovo, and projects have been initiated in rehabilitation of irrigation systems in Istog, Deçan, Viti, Gjakovë, Kaçanik and Prizren.

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In the short term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities, clarification of competencies is aimed by improving internal structures of the MAFRD. In this context, the AI on Working Positions Systematization shall be amended, and a series of Memoranda of Understanding shall be signed and implemented with local government authorities in order to clarify competences between central and local level. The approval of the Law on Nutrition and establishment of the respective Agency for its implementation is foreseen as well. Apart from the establishment of the Agency, this Law shall be implemented through a number of AI-s, one of which is the AI on Organization of the Agency. In addition, a plan shall be drafted for modernization of food production enterprises, to be implemented through a close partnership with the private business. In this aspect, activities shall be undertaken in providing assistance to these enterprises in modernization. In relation to the operationalization of the Animal Identification System and Animal Movement Registration, a media campaign shall be undertaken for awareness rising in farmers on animal identification and registration system. Furthermore, licensing shall take place for markets, entities dealing with animal transport, and strengthening of inspection of slaughterhouses and operationalization of PDA-s. In the medium term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership requirements, a sustainable reform of land and fertile land protection against unplanned urban development shall be undertaken, through an all-inclusive project. Actions foreseen include drafting of a strategy for the sustainable land reform strategy, implementation of the Law on Agricultural Land and its linkage with other relevant laws, implementation of the AI on Changing Agricultural Land Use, reactivation of several governmental commissions, and a series of information activities. In relation to modernization of agricultural/food enterprises in compliance with EU requirements, a program of this field shall be prepared, to be implemented in cooperation with line sectors. In the field of effective control on domestic vegetable production, the enforcement of the Law on Plant Protection shall continue, together with drafting and implementation of subsidiary legislation, such as the AI’s on Lists I /A, II/ A and IV/ A of plants and plant products, by specific EU requirements, on content, form and manner of record-keeping on producers, processors, importers, distributors and depositors, etc. Also, institutional capacity strengthening shall take place with training and equipment for the Kosovo Agriculture Institute. With the aim of developing the adequate forest management structure, especially to fight forest cutting and fires, drafting and implementation of a Kosovo Forestry Development Strategy 2009-2013 is foreseen, together with an action plan for preventing forest fires. Further, completion of legislative infrastructure is aimed through drafting subsidiary legislation, establishment of the Kosovo Forest Agency Departments, and implementation of an action plan for preventing forest fires, and other activities.

c. Environment Environmental protection and spatial planning including the air, water, land, etc, has a direct impact on the economic and social development. An adverse situation has been inherited, in the field of spatial and urban planning, environment, management and protection of water resources, uncontrolled use of natural resources, uncontrolled development of industrial and business capacities, insufficient law enforcement, etc. The government will prepare a legal framework, and at implementation level, it will incorporate and enforce international norms. Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning as responsible institution for environment issues has seven departments (Department on Environment Protection, Spatial Planning, Housing and

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Construction, Water, Central Administration, Procurement and National Parks Management) and two institute such as Hydrometeorology Institute of Kosovo and Spatial Planning Institute. In 2006, the Agency for Environmental Protection has been established and one of its tasks is the establishment of the Environmental Information System. It is important to mention that under the MESP exists also Environmental Inspectorate. At local level there are environment inspectors. On 10 January 2007 Government of Kosovo approved the Kosovo Environmental Action Plan (KEAP), which was drafted in accordance with the existing Law on the Environmental Protection (LEP), and according to the priorities determined in the Strategy for environment and sustainable development. KEAP contain 50 projects and two projects on Health and Environment: 1) modernization of monitoring equipment for the Institute for public health, and 2) the review of regulations on standards for the quality of the drinking water. Up to now, most important existing laws in the field of environment protection and spatial planning that includes air, water, land, etc, are as follows. Environment Protection Law No. 2002/08 promulgated in April 2005, which aims to establish a basic legal framework that will promote an increasingly healthy environment for the people of Kosovo through the gradual of the Environmental Standards of the European Union, and also to designate the specific public authorities that are to implement the provisions of this law (and also establishes specific authorities for the purpose of implementation ( such as Environmental Inspectorate, Environmental Protection Advisory Board ect). Law on Spatial Planning No. 2003/14, adopted on 03 July 2003 regulates spatial planning over the entire territory of Kosovo. According to this law at the Kosovo level there shall be the Spatial Plan of Kosovo and Spatial Plan for Special Areas and on the municipal level there shall be municipal development plans, urban development plans and urban regulatory plan. Responsible institution for preparation of these plans is MESP, but MESP may delegate tasks related to preparation of the Plan to the Institute municipalities, and other government agencies and experts. Law on Construction No. 2004/15, adopted on 27 May 2004, aims to determine main requirements for design, construction, and use of construction materials procedures for construction permits and use permits and building inspection. Waste Law No.02/L-30, adopted on 22 July 2005, regulates the rights and obligations of natural and legal persons with regard to waste management ect. This law applies to a radioactive waste and materials, an emission into the atmosphere, waste water etc. For the implementation of these laws MESP has issued several Administrative Instructions. In field of environment MESP has issued 15 Administrative Instructions, 8 AI on Spatial Planning, 13 AI on Construction, 1 AI for defining the criteria and procedures of realising the right of providing housing needs for KLA Martyrs and disabled families, and 4 AI on water. In the short term, the EPAP 2008 foresees approval and implementation of the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment, through implementation of an AI on environmental impact assessment and an action plan for the environment, which should specifically address issues related to public health. This shall include: drafting and implementation of a number of administrative instructions (on measures for protection against erosion and for the implementation of the Law on Waters, etc.), drafting terms of reference on sanitary protection of water springs, rehabilitation of landfills in several municipalities, establishment of an air quality monitoring network, etc. Other actions aimed at approximation of this sub-field to European standards include approval of several legislative acts (Law on Biocide Products, Law on Environmental Protection, AI on Air Quality, etc.) and development of a strategy and action plan for biodiversity. EPAP 2008 foresees also public awareness raising and civil society involvement in environmental issues, through actions such as the increasing incorporation of environmental subjects in curricula of all

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education levels, regular cooperation with NGO-s and local government, and publication of an environmental magazine. In the medium term, the EPAP 2008 foresees legislative measures to strengthen spatial planning, including drafting of a Law on special protection areas, enforcement of the Law on Construction, amendment of the AI on Professional Examination and Licensing in the field of Spatial Planning, etc. Further, drafting of a Spatial Plan for the National Park “Sharr Mountains” is foreseen, together with a national strategic plan for waste management. In the institutional building and capacity strengthening, one would mention establishment of municipal planning units, training for existing staff and employment of 20 new staff by the MESP, but also improved coordination and clarification of competencies between MESP and municipalities. Finally, the EPAP 2008 foresees coordination of environmental issues with sector policies, especially energy and transport. This, among others, is related to enforcement of the Article 4 of the Directive on Conservation of Wild Birds 79/409/EEC, by its transposition to the amended Law on Nature Protection, but also by maintaining inter-sectoral working groups with the aim of implementing and coordinating environmental legislation with other sector policies.

d. Transport Policies Taking into account the difficult state in road and railway infrastructure as well as taking into consideration the importance of communication services, Government of Kosovo aims at improving this infrastructure in compliance with European standards in order to become the engine of economic development. The Republic of Kosovo actively participates in development of all key transport networks in the South-East Europe, and is maximally engaged in improving transport infrastructure within the national territory. All feasibility studies, pursuant to which transport policies were drafted, are incorporated in the Medium Term Expenditure Framework. These policies have also addressed recommendations of relevant European institutions, and are in full compliance with the priorities of the South-Eastern European Transport Observatory (SEETO). Road transport – is in a development stage. Road transport is from a special importance in the economic system of Kosovo. About 90 % of goods and passenger transport in Kosovo is being carried out through road transport. Road transport in Kosovo is mainly privatised, which is characterised with high quality transport, in Kosovo as well as in the region. According to data that MTPT owns Kosovo has 8522 kilometres of public road, without accounting roads in the cities and rural areas. Motor way roads length: 647 km, Regional roads length: 1304 km Total length of Main and Regional roads: 1951km Local roads length: 6571 km. Bridges on main and regional roads: 354 Tunnels length: 2081m. Motor way and regional roads in Kosovo are mainly with two tracks. Only several short sections around Prishtina are roads with 4 tracks. Road communication on main motor way roads and especially around Prishtina has reached very high density. Because of this reason communication on these roads is being carried out with large obstacles. Kosovo does not posses highway roads. It is planned to start this year with the realizations on the segment I of highway Morinë – Merdar. In the year 2008 it is planned to realize following projects (page 56):

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Road infrastructure projects to be realised in the year 2008

MTPT PROJECTS FOR YEAR 2008 – ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE Budget Bridge Maintenance 3,400,000 Obligations contracted in the year 2007 23,000 Maintenance and constructing of Bridges 3,377,000 Road Rehabilitation 53,671,713 Obligations contracted in the year 2007 70,000

Construction of the highway Morinë - Merdare, part Morinë – Prizren 10,500,000

Rehabilitation of the motor way Prishtinë – Kaqanik 15,957,000

Stabilization of slippery part on the motor way M2, part Kaqanik - Hani i Elezit 1,500,000

Rehabilitation of the motor way Prishtinë-Pejë 13,900,000

Enlargement of the motor way M2 Mitrovice-Prishtinë, part Prishtinë – Shkabaj 8,000,000 Rehabilitation of the motor way Prishtine- Mutivode 1,000,000 Rehabilitation of the motor way Prishtinë - Gjilan 1,044,713 Rehabilitation of the regional road Klinë – Turiqec 1,700,000 Signalization 2,964,500 Obligations contracted in the year 2007 64,500

Horizontal and Vertical Signalizations of motor ways and regional roads 2,900,000

Progreamme of cofinancing with municipalities 16,599,962 Progreamme of cofinancing with municipalities 14,099,962 Implementation of Ahtisaari plan 2,500,000 Construction of New Roads 13,320,000 Obligations contracted in the year 2007 70,000 Construction of road Kerpimeh-Kaçanoll 2,200,000 Construction of road Skenderaj-Vushtri 3,000,000 Construction of road Pejë-Kufiri me Malin e ZI 1,000,000 Reconstruction of the road Hajkobill - Zajqec ( Zajqec - Tuxhec ) 1,400,000 Reconstruction of the road Dollce - Gjakove 1,000,000 Reconstruction of the road Dushkajes 1,900,000 Construction of the road Nerodime-Jezerc 700,000 Completion of the part Gjytet – Mramor 500,000

Construction of regional road Qeskove – Nepole 400,000 Construction of transit road in Shtime, first part 500,000 Drafting of projects and technical consulting 650,000

Total value of proposed projects in the year 2008 89,956,175

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In June 2003 Law No. 2003/11 on Roads was promulgated by SRSG and it regulates the legal status of public roads, construction and Maintenance of public roads, measures for protections of roads, governing, financing and supervision of public roads. According to this law the MTC is responsible for management, Maintenance and Construction of Main and Regional Roads, while the Municipality is responsible for Local Roads and Residential Roads. The Law No. 2004/1 on Road Transport that was amended and supplemented by Law No. 02/L-127 aims to regulate Road Transport of Passengers and Goods activity and it applies to road transport of passengers and goods on public roads of Kosovo and outside Kosovo by the operators established in Kosovo. The implementation of the Law No.02/L-70 on Road Traffic Safety (as a medium term priority) has already begun, together with necessary institutional mechanisms for its implementation. For the implementation of these laws MTC has issued until now nine Administrative Instructions and one Code of Conduct for bus operators and other personnel No. 2008/01. Railroad transport - Kosovo Railway exists since 133 and is chaired by Managing Director years. Kosovo Railway is extended to entire Kosovo territory with network of 333,451 km. Railway lines are linkage between all most important centres of Kosovo except Gjakova and Gjilan. Railway lines in Kosovo have direct links also with neighbouring countries such as Macedonia and Serbia and through them with other countries. However, the Railway Infrastructure (Tracks, Station Buildings, Signalling, Telecommunication and Power Supply Equipment), than Railway Operation (Locomotives, Passengers and Freight Wagons, etc) requests big investments. On 1 October 2007 Kosovo Railway is inaugurated the railway line Prishtina-Peja-Prishtina for the passenger transport and since 2nd of October 2007 the regular movement has started in this line. Kosovo Railways have transported in the year 2007 417.193 passengers and 588.680 net tons of goods. It owns: 4 locomotives type Di3, 4 locomotives type 661, 4 engine trains, 1 new locomotive G1700, 10 passenger wagons and 70 goods wagons. There is no law on Railways; currently UNMIK Regulation No. 2006/56 of 6 December 2006 on Railways is applicable. Institutions responsible for Railroad transport are MTPT and UNMIK for the reserved part. MTPT aims at drafting the Law on Railways, membership of Kosovo Railways (KR) in International Union of Railways, it is being drafted development strategy of KR, as well as improvement of Railway Infrastructure. Ministry of Transport and Tele-Communication as responsible authority is playing an important role for the creation of necessary legislative framework and regulatory bodies for the Railroad. Establishment of the Regulatory Authority on Railways is in the final stage. This Authority shall facilitate railroad market opening for other rail operators, and in improving the railway infrastructure and operation means, to ensure a sound development of the railway transport. Air transport – in the Republic of Kosovo has marked progress as well. Kosovo is member of European Common Aviation Area (ECAA) with equal right, since 2006 when the EU member states signed the Agreement of ECAA with Western Balkan countries. This Agreement obliges Kosovo to transpose all EU legislation in civil aviation area into national legislation. The new Law on Civil Aviation has been drafted in full compliance with the provisions of this Agreement. This law it is expected to enter into force in June 2008 and this law will create a very good legislative basis for civil aviation in Kosovo in compliance with international standards. The Civil Aviation Regulatory Office that was established by UNMIK Regulation No.2003/18 has fulfilled a number of obligations as request by ECAA. MTC is undertaking the necessary preparation to functionalise the Kosovo Civil Aviation Authority that twill be responsible for certification of airports, for certification and licensing Kosovo airlines companies, for certification of pilots ect.

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Law on Aviation has been adopted but is waiting for promulgation. This law foresees: (i) development of Division of Civil Aviation; (ii) Establishment of Civil Aviation Authority; (iii) Establishment of Independent Commission for Investigation of Aeronautics Accidents and Incidents as a part of the Government; (iv) Establishment of the Office for Civil Aviation Security as a part of MIA. Responsible institutions in Civil Aviation area are: Ministry of Transport and Post Telecommunication, Authority of Kosovo Civil Aviation, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Commission for Investigation of Aeronautics Accidents and Incidents. The Prishtina International Airport (PIA) continues its advancement, both in technical and safety aspects and MTC is planning to help PIA in that aspect. The aerodrome was built during the 60's and was predominantly used as an air force base, with limited civilian traffic. Closed to civilian traffic during the conflict, it was reopened again as a military base under the control of UN on January 16th, 2000. KFOR handed over the responsibility of the Airport operations to UNMIK on 1st of April 2004. These responsibilities were placed in ATCS and PEAP. ATCS and PEAP were merged under the name of Prishtina International Airport J.S.C. on 30 June 2005. PIA operates part of the airspace over the territory of Kosovo on behalf of KFOR. Airport during the year 2007 has reached record number of flights and number of passengers. 4 316 flights with total of 990.259 passengers were receipted and escorted. In 2008, during January – April compared with the same time period previous year number of flights and passengers has increased for around 20%. Airport is in process of finalizing the Safety Management System and Quality Management System that will assure us safety and quality in all manners. Currently Prishtina International Airport is working on the following projects: (i) Resurfacing the runway; (ii) APRON extension; (iii) Lightening system within the runway; (iv) Taxi way expansion; (v) Perimeter fence; (vi) Terminal modification. In the short term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of transport policy, MTPT shall among others, continue with necessary preparations concerning identified priority projects for road directions 6 and 7, railway line 10 and International Prishtina Airport, multi annual Action Plan for transportation of passengers and goods shall be drafted and in force, it shall strengthening of regional cooperation, it shall establish International Road Union Training Centre for professional transport, it shall approve and implement charter on road safety and multi annual Action Plan on Road Safety, it shall create Council on Road Safety, it shall establish Regulatory Authority on Railways, it shall implement legislative framework on control and reduction of polluting gases emitted by vehicles while drafting of a multi-modal transport strategy is bound to be completed within a short term period and to be implemented once it is finalised. In the medium term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of transport policy, MTPT shall among others, draft and implement strategy and action plan for increasing road safety, it shall implement multi-modal transport strategy as well as it shall implement maintenance and rehabilitation programme of road network in Kosovo. e. Energy Quality and sustainable supply with energy represents a precondition for the comprehensive economic development of Kosovo.

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The following laws and regulations, compose managing framework of the Energy Sector in Kosovo: • Law on Energy 2004/8; • Law on Energy Regulator 2004/9; • Law on Electricity 2004/10; • Law on Spatial Planning (2003/4) • UNMIK regulation 2005/15 which amends UNMIK regulation 2001/19, for Executive Branch

of Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo • Law on Mines and Minerals, (draft); • Regulation on Mines and Minerals 2005/3; • Regulation on Establishment of the Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals 2005/3; • Law on Environmental Protection, 2003/9; • Law on Trade of Petroleum and Petroleum Products 2004/5; • Law on Scientific Research Activity 2004/42; • Regulation on the Long-Term Allocation of Socially-Owned Immovable Property Managed by

the Municipalities in Kosovo 2005/13; • Government’s decision on KEC restructuring (June) 2005 • Law on Foreign Investments 2005/02-L33

Above mentioned law are in accordance with EU Directives and in compliance with principles of Athens Process for creation of the Regional Energy Market (REM). On November 2002, UNMIK signed the Athens Memorandum of Understanding for the establishment of the Regional Electrical Energy Market for South Eastern Europe. In December of 2003, UNMIK signed the second Memorandum of Understanding, including the establishment of the regional gas market and the proposal for a common approach on environment. UNMIK on behalf of Kosovo Institutions, is also involved on preparation of the Treaty which is the final act for establishment of the Energy Community of the South Eastern Europe (ECSEE), a document that after being signed by respective Ministers and after ratification from Parliaments of participating countries, will be mandatory for the Kosovo Government in relation to establishment of Energy community and active participation in it. Treaty on Energy Community requires implementation of acquis communautaire of the European Commission from all participating countries, based on the time table which provides needed time for implementation of requested reforms. Briefly, acquis communautaire oversees the compliance laws and regulations of every country with the European Union Directives 2003/54/EC and 2003/55/EC, with the EU regulation 1228/2003/EC, with EU Directive 96/61/EC, with Council of Europe Directives 1985/337/EEC and 1999/32/EC and with EU Directives 2001/80/EC and 79/409/EEC. A year after the implantation of the Energy Community Treaty a time table for contracting parties will be set to further comply with EU Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC. In the context of establishing the energy market conditions in the region, Transmission System Operators (TSO) of South Eastern Europe (SEE), under the coordination of the European Transmission System Operators (ETSO), in July 2005 have implemented the compensation system within South Eastern Europe TSO-s, aiming the compensation of utilization of national transmission systems through Cross Border Trade (CBT) in South Eastern Europe. In addition the process for implementation of coordinated activities for interconnection capacities is ongoing. , cross border trading mechanism and coordinated activities for interconnection capacities, are issues that require immediate solution in short term, aiming Kosovo’s participation in it.

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In this aspect the electrical energy sector of Kosovo will engage Regional Electrical Energy market of South Eastern Europe. Further more, sector development will undergo increased regional competition, in terms of open market and highest environmental standards. The Electricity System of Kosovo has direct interconnection lines with Albania, Montenegro, Serbia and …Macedonian systems. Apart from Serbia, all these systems are net-importers of electricity. This fact presents opportunities for potential investments in the new lignite fire power plants in Kosovo. Following the partial transfer of “reserved competencies” from UNMIK to PISG and signature of Transfer Protocol in October 2004, competencies for the policy and strategy of the energy sector are transferred to the Ministry of Energy and Mining (MEM). Therefore, MEM is responsible for the energy policy making and decision making for the energy sector, which promote market reforms and good governance. The Ministry has created the organizational and institutional pre-conditions to implement these competencies. The approved legislation determines roles and responsibilities for regulation and governance of the energy industry, by Parliament, Government, Independent Energy Regulator, public producers and suppliers and transmission system operator. It is important to distinguish functioning of the policy development between the regulator and energy companies. Electricity sector in Kosovo is dominated by the power generation company, Kosovo Energy Corporation - KEC, a vertically integrated system. The integrated electricity system is composed of two lignite mines at Bardh and Mirash, two lignite power plants Kosovo A and B, with an overall effective capacity from 645 to 710 MW (from an installed capacity of 1478 MW), from network transmission and dispatching, distribution network and supply. Main energy resources in Kosovo are allocated in two big lignite basins, named “Kosovo” and “Dukagjini” with lignite exploitable reserves of good quality. The estimated lignite quantity is between 11.55 - 14 billion tons. Lignite reserves have low content of sulphur, relatively good concentration lime (calcium oxide) for partial sulphur absorption during burning. The proportion between the waste land and lignite is very favourable, a fact that makes mines very attractive for exploitation. Since may 2005 total generating system capacities in Kosovo (B1+B2, A1+A5 and Ujman hydro plant), are in the level from 585 – 745 MW with annual generating capacities around 3,800 GWh. It should be emphasized that net generation during 2000/2004 has increased continuously from 1,914 GWh year 2000, 2,568 GWh year 2001, 3,153 GWh year 2002, 3,326 GWh year 2003, until 3,501 GWh year 2004. The current technical situation of the energy capacities and their technological level does not guarantee reliable supply and competitive to fulfil consumer demand now and specifically not the anticipated increased demand. Participation of households and services has increased from 26% to 75%, respectively, from 7% to 13%, whereas the industry percentage has decreased from 67% to 12%. The overall number of KEC consumers has been estimated to be around 360,000. The electricity consumption for heating comprises 64.2% of the supplied electricity, therefore creating a huge load during the winter season. The above mentioned situation, regarding the supply in the electricity sector, has put KEC into a very unstable economical situation, with limited financial capabilities for fulfilment of its own duties. Therefore, it is of a great importance from KEC side with the political support from the government, to put more efforts in order to establish effective relationships between supplier and consumers, reduction of commercial losses which means the urgent increase in billing and collection. These are main challenges and preconditions to stabilize and immediately function of the electro system in Kosovo as well as the establishment of a stabile and competitive environment for investment attraction.

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For improvement of billing and collection condition, the KEK management is undertaking important measures towards improvement, thus making responsible the lowest levels of field staff involved in reading electric meters in correct manner and descover meters that are manipulated and other manners of thievery and undertaking of rapid measures to improve the situation, dissemination of bills on timely manner and implementation of the discipline for payment of the electricity and effective disconnection from electricity supply for consumers that did not make the payment of the electricity.

Support by the Government is of immense importance and efforts made by the MoJ for support in courts in resolving cases realted to thievery and non-payment and well as by MIA in offering police support during disconnection of problematic consumers and finally the practice of applying the criteria for showing the electricity payment receipt for registration of vehicles and with MFE in obliging budgetory organizations to make the payment of the electricity make collection vast effective. Moreover, support is being requested to the local media in directing the message to consumers to to pay the bills on energy used. Other problems that aggravate the situation are: (i) Lack of financial means for rehabilitation and revitalization, and current dilemmas on which generating units needs revitalizing and which need to be closed down; (ii) Restructuring and reorganizing in process including incorporation; (iii) Lack of staff education and training for increase of their managerial capabilities, specifically lack of new experts; (iv) Long term problems with environmental pollution; (v) Unresolved status of the KEC management; (vi) Political instability for foreign investors. The above mentioned problems can not be solved without undertaking serious measures in restructuring of the energy sector in general. Restructuring of the electricity sector can ensure operation in commercial basis and can relief the competition in the electricity market in Kosovo. This would enable the overcoming of the above mentioned problems, resulting in efficient use of current assets of lignite and electricity. The overall length of transmission lines (400 kV, 220 kV and 110 kV) is 1,187 km. During the war time in Kosovo transmission network, especially 400 kV has been partially damaged. Majority of transmission lines are back in function after the after war repairs, whereas substations are still in very bad technical condition. Kosovo transmission network of 400 kV and 200 kV is an integral part of regional interconnected transmission system. Transmission electricity system is interconnected with all neighbouring systems in 400 kV level except will Albania, where line is only on the level of 220 kV. A new interconnection line of 400 kV with Albania is consider vital for implementation of considerable exchange of electricity in medium and long term between Kosovo’s system based on power plants and Albania’s system based on hydro power plant. Kosovo Energy Strategy 2005 – 2015 sets out following strategic objectives for the development of energy for the 2005-2015 period: (i) Within this period to posses with generation capacities for electricity of at least 1800 MW, to provide steady supply for Kosovo’s consummators and export 30-50% of generated electricity; (ii) Improvement of economy sector, through finalization of KEC restructuring and reformation and increase of its competitive advantages, ensuring full revenue collection of billed electricity by 2009; (iii) Advancement of transmission and distribution network while ensuring their full integration with the regional and European energy network and reducing technical losses to the level of international standards by 2010-2012; (iv) Increase of efficiency in ensuring needed financial resources and efficient management of investments with emphasizes on creating attractive conditions for international investors who need to participate with up to 60% in financing the overall investments in this sector; (v) Up to the end of 2012 regional centres of Kosovo will have the district heating system and regional gas system; (vi) Restoration of consequences in the

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environment created around power plant up to 2010 and thorough implementation of high norms and standards of environmental protection during construction of new capacities of electricity generation aiming the fulfilment of obligation from KYOTO protocol; (vii) Increase of awareness on benefits of rational utilization of energy and usage of alternative energy resources; (viii) Significant increase of domestic capacities for research and development and implementation of advanced technology and modern management within institutions and public enterprises of energy. In the short term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of energy, MEM and other stakeholders shall among others, review and refresh existing strategy “Kosovo Energy Strategy 2005 – 2015”; it shall draft, approve and implement KEC JSC action plan which shall be of key importance, aiming stable electricity supply, elimination of illegal consumption and maximization of billing and collection of energy spent. In the organizational aspect, the EPAP foresees KEC JSC restructuring in compliance with the deadlines specified by Electricity Action Plan. A new Steering Council shall be established on the basis of international standards. In relation to obligations undertaken by the framework of the Energy Community Treaty, which is in full compliance with Acquis communautaire, and continued preparation of the electricity and supply generation project “Kosovo C”, an electricity Roadmap shall be implemented, a regulation on authorization of generation capacity development shall be drafted and approved, financial incentives shall be created for implementation of measures and achievement of indicative goals for utilization of renewable energy sources, implementation of the Energy Efficiency Program 2007-2009 shall continue, support studies on development of the Zhur Hydro-Power Plant shall continue, as well as Kosovo C project shall be finalized. In the medium term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of energy, MEM and other stakeholders shall among others, focus on development of legislative and regulatory framework for encouraging public-private partnerships and mixed investments in the field, in harmony with conclusions of the Generation Investment Study. Within this aspect, the existing legislation shall be reviewed, aiming to encourage PPP-s, while legislative and regulatory framework shall be consolidated further, including drafting and approval of a Law on Natural Gas. In relation to further improvement of service performance and integration with the regional electricity market, transit market rules shall be modified, as approved by the Energy Regulatory Office, KOSTT shall be supported in implementing the mechanism CBT / ITC (Cross Border Trade / Inter TSO Compensation for Transit), continued participation in the regional balancing mechanism, several projects shall be implemented, like SCADA/EMS (Supervisory control and data acquisition/energy management system), 110 kV network capacities shall be improved, efforts shall continue for the membership of KOSTT into the ETSO (European Transmission System Operators) and UCTE (Union for the Coordination of Transmission of Electricity), as well as 400 kV interconnection line shall be built between Kosovo and Macedonia.

f. Information Society and Media Telecommunication is a key component for national economic activities and essential one for creation of international commercial relations. The communications industry comprises one of the most profitable sectors for macroeconomic indicators and serves as an accelerator in the so-called “wise economy”. At the same time, this industry serves as a “window” for businesses and individuals by enabling a rapid and global access. Also, it is the tool for the promotion of government transparency and efficiency. The telecommunication policies are an integral part of Kosovo development policies. In May 2003, the Law No. 2002/7 on Telecommunications was promulgated. This law governs all telecommunication services and all telecommunications service providers in Kosovo. According to this law MTC is responsible to develop policies for the sector, including the legislation. Whereas the

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Telecommunication Regulator Authority established as independent body within the Kosovo Institutions by this law, is responsible to implement the policies of Kosovo Institutions and MTC pursuant to this Law. The Law No. 2003/37 on Postal Service that was promulgated in December 2003 governs the provision of Postal activities in Kosovo. The role of the Ministry based on this law is to determine the Policy and Strategy for development of Post and to govern the postal sector in Kosovo. This law foresees that Department of Post, which does also the function of Regulator until 2008, is under responsibility of Ministry and is responsible to determine policies on development of postal sector and ensure organisational conditions for their implementation by encouraging investments in Postal Sector. The Law No.02/L-23 on the Information Society Services is foreseen to make all electronic documentation legally equivalent to its traditional counterpart in paper format, in order to facilitate commercial activities. These policies reflect principles related to necessary actions to be undertaken in developing the information society, and establishing regulatory mechanisms in response to rapid technological advancements. In the short term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of information society and media, MTPT and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) shall among others, prepare Action Plan for implementation of document “Telecommunication Sectorial Policies”, shall focus on enlargement of internet in all schools and academic institutions, shall focus on development of programmes for continues learning of government officers in the area of modern information technology and communication until middle of 2009 (ECDL/ICDL), creation of national computer centres for reaction in emergency cases and beginning of information exchange, it will be carried out the study on best possible options of Public Private investments for PTK and other actions which are part of EPAP. In the medium term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of information society and media, MTPT and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) shall among others, analyse and harmonise contradictions between Law on Telecommunications and Law on Media and Transmission Commission, also it shall fully enforce TRA for monitoring, management and implementation of functions which deals with frequency spectres. g. Financial Control Public financial control (PFC) in Kosovo is regulated by the following primary legislation: UNMIK Regulation no. 2001/19 of 13 September 2001 on the Executive Branch of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Kosovo (PISG) sets out the structure of the administration and the role and responsibilities of the government, ministers and ministries. It stipulates, inter alia, that ministers are to ensure that their respective ministries implement appropriate internal controls, and it designates key elements for the establishment of sound internal control systems PISG Law 2003/2 on Public Financial Management and Accountability (PFMA), adopted by the Assembly of Kosovo and approved by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (SRSG), further defines the components of the internal control system and establishes an internal audit unit in the Ministry of Finance (sec. 8). This law is being amended. Internal Audit Law, adopted by the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo on 6 November 2006 (No. 2/L-74), promulgated by SRSG on 6 June 2007. This law foresees a decentralised internal audit system and the establishment of audit committees in budget organisations, and establishes a central harmonisation unit for internal audit, which will develop standards, train internal auditors, monitor internal audit developments, and provide a quality assurance oversight of audit work. Law on Public Finance Management approved by the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo in February 2008 and awaits promulgation. The Internal Public Finance Control Strategy is already existent, and

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initiation of its implementation is a short term priority. Nevertheless, during the next medium term, this Unit shall further be consolidated through actions such as the establishment of Internal Audit Committees, in compliance with the Law, and development and enforcement of rules on ToR of Internal Audit Committees. Secondary legislation consists of: Treasury Financial Rule – Number 01 – PIFC – February 2006: This rule has been developed to further define the accountability chain and the minimum requirements for internal control. It applies to all public administration, which includes ministries, municipalities and reserved power organisations. Its coverage includes regulatory bodies but does not extend to designated entities. Treasury Guidelines and Financial Rule – Number 02 – Expenditure of Public Money – June 2006 and as amended November 2006: In the past, the Treasury had developed administrative instructions, which addressed many aspects of the expenditure and internal control issues regarding public money. This Treasury document updates and consolidates these instructions in a single document. Regulation on the Statute of Internal Audit and Regulation on the Structure of Internal Audit, January 2004. The Investigation Task Force (ITF) was established by an UNMIK/ SRSG Executive Decision of 21 October 2003. The main objective of the ITF is to identify fraud and corruption involving any institution or entity performing activities that are funded entirely or partly from the Kosovo Consolidated Budget. Through an agreement between UNMIK, EAR and the Government of Italy, the Financial Investigation Unit (FIU) was established on 26 February 2004 within the ITF, which includes representatives of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). Each budget organisation is required to have a Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). The CAO is in charge of the budget preparation and execution processes by delegation of the minister. The CAO is also responsible for the implementation of financial control in the budget organisation. The Treasury is located in the Ministry of Finance and Economy and is responsible for managing the Kosovo Consolidated Budget. It is in charge of financial control in the completion of the payment process by all budget organisations. The Treasury is also responsible for managing bank accounts in relation to the Central Bank of Kosovo, managing the expenditure of funds, establishing processes for the collection of records, and establishing and maintaining accounting records. With regard to the processing of payments, the Treasury performs ex ante control. As soon as budget organisations demonstrate strong internal control systems, the Treasury will reduce this point of control. The Treasury is also responsible for preparing the financial accounts and maintaining the Financial Rules. To carry out its functions, each budget organisation uses the Kosovo Financial Management Information System (FMIS) for recording all transactions and the FreeBalance Government Accountability Software system (Treasury general ledger) that is installed in the Ministry of Finance and Economy (MFE). This software supports the major needs of financial management. The Central Harmonization Unit for Internal Public Finance Control, established within the MTI Treasure Department, continues to work in financial control. The Internal Audit Unit in the MFE is to carry out internal audit in budget organisations according to a work plan determined by the Permanent Secretary of the MFE. Internal audit is carried out in accordance with Internal Audit Law; according to this Law the centralised internal audit system will be decentralised. Every budget organisation and autonomous public undertaking will establish and maintain an internal audit unit. Internal audit units will be established in approximately 30 municipalities and 15 ministries, which would in total amount to approximately 50 internal audit units. At the moment there are about 100 internal auditors in the public administration: 21 in the MFE, 32 in other PISG ministries, 13 in reserved power institutions, and 32 in 26 municipalities. With regard to financial and economic crimes and on the basis of its previous experience with the Guardia di Finanzia in implementing training, the FIU has initiated a capacity-building programme, in

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close cooperation with the UNMIK Police and the Kosovo Police Service (KPS). The main objective of this programme is to provide KPS officers with the essential knowledge and skills to conduct investigations of financial and economic crimes. The Policy Paper on Public Internal Financial Control was approved by the government in January 2005, (Decision 4/130) and amended on 1 March 2006. The main objectives of the FIU for the future are to reinforce institutional co-ordination with the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) by analysing and evaluating OAG reports to determine whether there are sufficient grounds for conducting further administrative or criminal investigations, to assess possibilities of enlarging co-operation with PIFC institutions, and to extend its activity in the privatisation process. The European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR) has been the key agency supporting the development of the internal audit function in Kosovo.

In the short term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of financial control, MEF with other stakeholders shall among others, review existing secondary legislation to comply it with Law on Management of Public Finances, ensure implementation of AI No. 6/2007, also it shall focus on capacity building through training.

In the medium term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of financial control, MEF with other stakeholders shall among others, review Law on Internal Audit (LIA) and completely harmonies it with acquis, it shall draft secondary legislation for implementation of LIA, it shall create Internal Audit Committee, it shall implement Strategy for functioning of Internal Audit of Kosovo Institution, it shall focus on both the legislative aspect and in capacity building, including drafting of a new Law on the Supreme Audit Institution, and 20% staff increases each year. In the aspect of inter-departmental coordination, the OAG has requested from the Government of the Republic of Kosovo to bind budgetary organizations to submit action plans on implementation of OAG recommendations within deadlines as recommended.

h. Statistics The Statistical Office of Kosovo has operated as a professional office since 1948, and has passed through all historic phases of Kosovo. On August 2nd 1999, SOK restarted its work as an independent and professional institution of public administration in Kosovo. SOK is an executive agency attached to the Ministry of Public Services (MPS) and it has total number of 134 employees. A statistical UNMIK regulation No. 2001/14 entered into force on 2 July 2001. This regulation states following duties as SOK functions: (a) Develop and implement the overall strategy, policy and standards for collection of data, compilation of statistical data, electronic data processing and dissemination of statistical information and data; (b) Ensure that all data is obtained and communicated on the basis of recognized and appropriate methods and techniques used in the field of statistics; (c) Introduce and develop advanced statistical services; (d) Propose regulations, as appropriate, on matters related to statistical services; (e) Perform all functions of a Regulatory Authority in statistical services; (f) Provide official statistics on the economic, demographic, social and environmental situation in Kosovo; (g) Conduct statistical surveys; (h) Compile and maintain registers which shall be used for statistical purposes; (i) Ensure access to statistical information and data to all users, such as bodies and organizations of the public administration, the economy, relevant scientific and professional institutions, the media, and the general public in accordance with the applicable law; (j) Guarantee the conditions for standard interpretation of collected and processed data and develop measures to respond to accidental or deliberate wrongful use of statistical data; (k) Cooperate and coordinate with the respective bodies and organizations of the public administration with respect to statistical services; and

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(l) Coordinate activities of international and governmental agencies and nongovernmental organizations in order to promote the coherent development and implementation of statistical services. In the short term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of statistics, SOK shall among others, focus on strengthening administrative capacities and improving operational and financial independence, and in securing accuracy in statistics, including quality of data obtained in respondent surveys, submitted to the SOK without payment. Further, a Law on Official Statistics of the Republic of Kosovo shall be approved, and the SOK shall become an independent agency. With the aim of capacity building, the SOK has foreseen trainings and recruitment of 30 product statistic experts, and establishment of working groups on separate fields, with the aim of improving accuracy and quality of data. In relation to developing economic statistics and acceleration of social statistics development, a series of statistics shall be developed, such as Hotelier Services 2008, different surveys and numerous questionnaires, among others agricultural household surveys, and analysis of agricultural statistics, and other actions envisaged in EPAP. In the medium term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of statistics, SOK shall among others, focus on institutional strengthening measures as well as improved cooperation and coordination within the statistical system of the Republic of Kosovo, SOK shall focus on development and documentation of a quality management system, but also standardization of production and procedure division. Apart from these, the EPAP 2008 foresees the creation of a Statistical Council, establishment of interconnection IT capacities between SOK and other institutions, a GIS system, standardization of statistical production towards approximation with EUROSTAT, translation of EUROSTAT materials for codification, and a number of trainings for the SOK staff.

2.3.3 Justice, Freedom and Security

Given the priority of Rule of Law for the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, Justice, Freedom and Security are reflected largely within the EPAP 2008. Main responsible institution in this field is Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA). MIA was legally established by UNMIK Regulation 2005/53. According to this Regulation MIA is responsible for: (i) Development of policies within the scope of its responsibilities facilitate preparation of and implement legislation in the field of public order and safety; (ii) Administer financial and budgetary affairs of the Kosovo Police Service and the Ministry in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance and Economy; (iii) In coordination with UNMIK, be responsible for the implementation of Integrated Border Management in respect of the established border/boundary crossing arrangements in accordance with standards set by the European Union, and in particular for the effective coordination between the police and other public authorities involved in border crossing control; (iv) Implement the applicable law on the movement of persons into and out of Kosovo and, in coordination with UNHCR, assist in the consideration of applications for refugee status in accordance with the applicable law; (v) Cooperate, acting through UNMIK, with external services, agencies and international organizations which have responsibilities in the field of public order and safety; (vi) Perform functions in disciplinary proceedings against police officers, in conformity with the applicable law and the Senior Police Appointments and Discipline Committee (SPADC); (vii) Develop and implement a strategy on the public relations of the Ministry and on the cooperation between the Ministry and other public bodies with responsibilities in the field of public order and safety; (viii) Assist in the administration and maintenance of the central civil registry and database; (ix) Assist in the administration of policies related to civil documents and exercise

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responsibility for the registration of vehicles; (x) Collect, maintain and analyze statistical data and information in the field of public order and safety. As a result of further transfer of competences with the introduction of UNMIK Regulation 2006/26 which represented commencement of competences in relation to the KPS. Also it resulted in cassation of existence of what was known as Pillar I (Police & Justice) and instead established the Office of Police and Rule of Law. During this time following departments have been established: Department of Central Administration, Department for Border, Asylum and Refugees, Department for Internal Security Policies, Department for Statistics, Research and Development. Also two offices have been established: the Legal Office and the Office for Public Relations. MIA Strategic Plan 2007 – 2010 which has been approved in April 2007 sets out 8 main Strategic Priorities: (i) to build relevant legal structure; (ii) to ensure the rule of law; (iii) to ensure the protection of life and property; (iv) to secure freedom of movement; (v) to prevent and reduce crime; (vi) to maintain public order; (vii) to co-operate with all appropriate EU and other International organizations; (viii) to develop an effective and efficient Ministry. Strategic Plan also sets out 6 Strategic Objectives: (i) to develop quality Policing Services to citizens that are effective, efficient and transparent; (ii) to develop and implement Kosovo wide Community Safety Strategy; (iii) To develop and implement MIA communication strategies and plans (internal and external); (iv) to develop organizational development capacity of the MIA; (v) to build the capacity, capability and competence of the Ministry; (vi) to embed the Values of MIA. Relationship between MIA and KPS has been further developed but there is still room for improvement for communication. The establishment of Kosovo Police Inspectorate as an independent agency which serves as an element which will try to ensure qualitative provision of policing services to all citizens of Kosovo. The recruitment of inspectors is completed and training is in continuity. However further development of this new function is required. Development of Ministry’s capacity is essential for the Ministry to be able to fulfill its responsibilities and improve the provision of services for citizens. a. Visas, Border Control, Asylum and Migration Currently, there is no visa regime in Kosovo. Recently, a Law on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been approved, but its implementation has not begun yet. Kosovo authorities are responsible for border control. Nevertheless, the security of the “green boundary” is still part of KFOR competencies. The outer borders/boundaries of Kosovo (border-/boundary-length, to be precise: to Albania - 150 km; to FYROM – 140 km; to Montenegro – 70 km, and to Serbia - 245 km), are neither clearly determined, nor respectively marked. The present personnel number amounts to about 1200 Border Boundary Police (BBP), including the civil employees. An increase of the personnel number is indispensable for the successful police performance of the tasks set. The remuneration of the BBP-s (and of the customs officers) is imaginable poor, no social or legal protection is available; if this situation would not be changed, the measures for corruption combating will be considerably impaired. The competence of the BBP is essentially limited to the field of the BCP-s (Border Control Point). On the Green border the KFOR is acting, but it understands itself as being responsible only for the military safeguarding of the border/boundary.

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It is considered indispensably that the surveillance and safeguarding of the „green border“ should be transferred fully within the scope of duties and tasks of the UNMIK/BBP, in order the police border surveillance to move under one and the same responsibility runner. The current educational and training situation of the BBP is on a good way and in the right direction; however, it needs intensification in all fields and areas. Based on the preceding description, the current situation is thus represented, that the Borders/Boundaries of Kosovo are widely open, and the surveillance/control measures do not meet the European standards, amongst other things, because of insufficient legal basis, respectively due to the lacking equipment. Institutions of Republic of Kosovo have adopted the Kosovo Integrated Border Management (IBM) Strategy during the 279th session held on November, 7th, 2007. During this action the cooperation and coordination with other ministries and agencies with border responsibilities will be indispensable. Concerning its perspective role within the EU, Kosovo has advanced in achieving goal 76: ‘Strengthen cooperation between border/boundary management agencies’, from the Kosovo Action Plan for the implementation of European Partnership dated from August, 9th, 2006. This will be one of the first steps; further steps will still have to be achieved:

Concerning the improvement of bilateral and multilateral relations, in particular considering the security of the border, there is good cooperation on local level with border/boundary police in Albania and also, with reservations, with FYOM. Within legislative measures, priority is given to the approval of a Law on Migration, the implementation of which requires a relevant strategy and action plan. Other short term measures mainly address institutional issues and direct legislation implementation within the sub-field, including cooperation between agencies involved in border management, and similar agencies in neighbouring countries, and establishment of asylum-seeker shelters, and also efficiency improvement in border control, and of effectiveness and transparency of the Border Police Department. In the medium term, priority is assigned to improvement of institutional and operational capacities in the field. In the short term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of Visas, border control, asylum and migration envisaged action, shall among others, focus on institutional capacity building, IT building, enforcing of regional cooperation through several cooperation agreements, new centre for asylum seekers shall be build, Law on Asylum, Law on Foreigners and Law on Supervise and Control of National Border shall be drafted, approved and start with their implementation, Strategy for Reintegration of Returned Persons shall be drafted, approved and enforced. In the medium term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of Visas, border control, asylum and migration envisaged action shall among others, focus on upgrading the Department for Borders, Asylum and Refugees inside MIA, it shall focus on upgrading the level of cooperation between MIA and KPS and improvement of institutional capacities.

b. Money Laundry Money laundry is identified as an issue demanding urgent attention. For the moment, the Financial Investigation Centre, an UNMIK structure, is the main responsible institutions for combating money laundry. Still, given the fact that combating this economic crime demands cooperation and multi-

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dimensional approach, the EPAP 2008 addresses this issue through short term actions, requiring administrative capacity building within the Kosovo Police Service, courts, and strengthened cooperation between all institutions involved. In the short term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of money laundering envisaged action shall among others, focus on institutional capacity building, development of cooperation between MIA, KPS, Customs, TAK and CBAK as well as adoption of Law against Money Laundering. c. Combating Organized Crime Fighting corruption, organised crime and terrorism is on top of the agenda of Government priorities. Fighting corruption and organised crime requires political will. It is a commitment of Government of Republic of Kosovo to apply a zero tolerance policy against these occurrences. Directorate for combating organised crime as an integral part of Crime Pillar acts and functions on the basis of laws which are applicable such as Permanent Kosovo Penal Code and also functions on the basis of UNMIK Regulation 2005/54, as well as Regulation 2001/22 on Measures Against Organised Crime as well as on the basis of Standard Operational Principles and Procedures. Concerning institutional infrastructure and breakdown of responsibilities in the field of organised crime, MIA is responsible of development of internal security policies and in this case also of those in organised crime. UNMIK is now in the phase of transfer of competencies to the MIA and EULEX mission. EULEX will have responsibility of monitoring and advising in the security area. MIA having seen the importance of reaction in the area of organised crime has initiated draft Strategy for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, Action Plan for Prevention of Drug Trafficking as well as draft Strategy for Collection of Small Arms. In the medium term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of combating organised crime envisaged action shall among others, continue with implementation of Strategy for combating organised crime and terrorism, institutional capacity building through training and recruitment as well as continuation of cooperation with Interpol and Europol. d. Drugs Problems related to drugs, especially in drug trafficking, were identified as concerning in the last Progress Report. Thus, this issue was comprehensively addressed within the EPAP short term and mid term action. This is undertaken by an approach aiming reduction of demand and supply of drugs. Within the next short term, an inter-ministerial group shall be created to deal with drafting a drug prevention strategy. Apart from this, to fight drug-related crime, KPS capacity building is planned through trainings, equipment and staffing. The respective medium term priority and actions aim for improving cooperation with similar neighbouring institutions in combating drug-related crime. Kosovo is still transit country for heroin; however there is a tendency of lowering the level of transit as a result of fight against prevention and combating narcotics. Beginning of the year 2008 has witnessed positive results in confiscation of narcotic substances and arrestment of several criminal groups. Area of Drugs is regulated with Permanent Kosovo Penal Code and on 02 November 2007 the Law on Narcotic Substances No. 2007/02-L128 has been adopted.

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Concerning institutional infrastructure and breakdown of responsibilities in fight against drug trafficking, MIA acts and implements policies in this area. UNMIK is now in the phase of transfer of competencies to the MIA and EULEX mission. EULEX will have responsibility of monitoring and advising in the security area. MIA having seen the importance of reaction in the area of organised crime has initiated Action Plan for prevention of drug trafficking. In the short term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of Drugs envisaged action shall among others, focus on capacity building, inter-ministerial working group shall be established with the aim of prevention, investigation, fighting and education of narcotics, strategy and action plan for drugs prevention shall be drafted. In the medium term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of drugs envisaged action shall among others, focus on increasing the level of cooperation between different institutions in the field of drugs as well as strengthening regional cooperation. e. Police The KPS is the main body for enforcing the law and order in the Republic of Kosovo, a body which enjoys a high rate of citizens’ confidence. Nevertheless, in effectively fulfilling its duties, and in adequately serving the society, the KPS requires permanent capacity building in compliance with European standards and practises. In this aspect, the EPAP suggests amendments in the legal infrastructure. In the short term, the aim is to approve the respective legislation, including subsidiary acts, while implementation is expected to begin during this year, and develop in the coming medium term. Also, continuous training provision is addressed, including modern equipment for the KPS. Many actions are proposed for capacity building in KPS investigation units. Issues related to organized crime and terrorism are also addressed by the EPAP at the strategic level, namely by approval (and further implementation) of relevant strategies. KPS in its structure has approximately 8000 officers in all levels. KPSA as Executive Agency functions and acts on the basis of UNMIK Regulation 2005/54, Standard Operational Procedures as well as Law on Police which is now in approval procedure. Concerning institutional framework and breakdown of responsibilities MIA shares responsibilities in this field together with UNMIK because of the reserved competences, however with the arrival of EULEX, EULEX will be responsible for oversight and will have advisory role while MIA will take over additional responsibilities. Having in consideration demand for upgrading the KPS quality of work, MIA on the basis of Administrative Direction No. 143 of the 13 March 2008, which analysis oversight, evaluation and functionality of KPS structure, it has been drafted Analysis for KPS structure and it is also expected to establish a mutual committee between MIA and KPS for preparation of new structure. In the short term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of Police envisaged action shall among others, focus on institutional capacity building through training and recruitment, adoption and implementation of the Law on Police, as well as secondary legislation for implementation of law on Police, Strategy as well as action plan for police action in prevention of crime shall be drafted and implemented, drafting and approval of Law on small arms, drafting and approval of Strategy for arms collection in Kosovo, adoption and implementation of several laws as well as drafting of the Strategy and action plan for fighting trafficking of human beings.

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f. Personal Data Protection For the moment, there is no adequate and Acquis communautaire - complain system for personal data protection. In the short term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of personal data protection envisaged action shall among others, focus on approval and enforcement of the Law on Personal Data Protection (in accordance with the Directive on Personal Data Protection 95/45/EC) and creation of relevant independent body to be responsible for standards’ implementation on personal data protection in the Republic of Kosovo. In the medium term, with the aim of addressing European Partnership Priorities in the field of personal data protection envisaged action shall among others, focus erection of adequate personal data protection systems, in accordance with European standards as well as implementation of Law on protection of personal data, and also it will be organised self-awareness activities concerning personal data and importance of their protection.

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3 PUBLIC ADMIN REFORM AND ADMINISTRATIVE CAPACITY a. Background Institution building is one of the key priorities for the advancement of Public Administration in Kosovo. With the newly established institutions, Kosovo Government, under supervision of UNMIK authorities has managed to fully consolidate a professional and accountable civil service. Competences are gradually transferred to local authorities from UNMIK to Kosovo Institutions and will continue to be supported by EULEX mission. Despite newly established institutions, and with the status resolution, improvement and reform of public administration is considered a necessity to meet the current requests and to fulfil the obligations of creating a democratic state, to provide efficient services to its citizens and be able to meet the current and future international obligations. In the continuous efforts for accession to EU, Kosovo Institutions will need to improve the functionality of the whole public administration. b. Responsible Institution and the Current Situation Main responsibility for building the capacities of the Kosovo Public Administration lies within the Ministry of Public Services (MPS), respectively the Kosovo Institute for Public Administration (KIPA). MPS/KIPA is responsible for development and implementation of policies to create a professional, multiethnic and accountable civil service in Kosovo Institutions. Agency for European Integration, respectively the Department for Communication, Information & Training coordinates all capacity building activities of civil servants in all EU related fields. The implementation of EPAP will depend on the level of institution building and training of the civil servants on knowledge and skills to implement their obligations toward EPP. c. What has to be done

Continuous implementation of the Reform Strategy of Public Administration on eight strategic areas identified: human resources management, institutional structure, communication with the citizens, management in public administration, e-Government, financing of public administration, anti-corruption, and policies and legislation.

Main priorities include drafting and approval of legislation in line with Acquis, and functionality of mechanisms that monitor the implementation of the legislation. MPS is implementing the project on Functional Review of Kosovo institutions to initiate the reform of public administration. E-government is another priority of the Government to advance the work in public administration and provide effective services for citizens and businesses. Public Administration reform meets one of the priorities of European Partnership 2008 and complements the training activities on EU matters. The European Integration Plan 2008-2010 approved by the Kosovo Government, covers institution building, training and other capacity building related activities for the implementation of EPAP 2008. The main focus of the AEI will be strengthening of EU structures in all levels of the Government to ensure better coordination and implementation of EPAP 2008.

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4 TRANSLATION OF THE EU ACQUIS. a. Background With each new accession, the whole body of European Community law applying at the time - the acquis - has to be translated into the new country's language in advance of accession, so that the citizens would know what they were committing themselves to. In the pre-accession period, the Country's Government, not the Union, is responsible for having the EU legislation currently in force translated into their language, and has to set up a special unit to do this. The translating and revising of the acquis is probably the only task in the entire accession operation that is exactly the same for every would-be Member State. The translation of the EU and national legal acts should be understood as an integral part of the whole harmonisation and implementation process relating to the integration into the EU. It is essential that legal acts be translated in the very course of transposing them into national laws. The translations of the national legal acts harmonised with the acquis should be available to the EU institutions in charge of monitoring the progress achieved in the approximation of the legislation. The acquis presently comprises about 100 000 pages of the Official Journal of the European Union (OJ pages). It is a »moving target«, constantly being amended, modified, multiplied - over 5 000 OJ pages are adopted per year. b. Responsible Institution and the current Situation Among the responsibilities of the AEI, except harmonisation of the national legislation, coordination of EU funds and communication and information, is coordination of the translation of the EU legislation and preparation of the EU Acquis in official languages used in Kosovo as well. Dynamism of the process of approximation/harmonisation with the EU Acquis, as one of the main priorities of the European Partnership, depends directly from the success to translate correctly and timely the EU Acquis. In that sense, the translation process shall be considered as one of the most important priority in which substation effort in terms of human resources, expertise and funds should and will have to be invested. c. What has to be done Further strengthening of the Agency for European Integration and establishment of a separate Office for Coordination of the Translation responsible for preparation of the National Version of Acquis Communautaire remains one of the main priorities. The Office for Preparation of the National Version of Acquis Communautaire will have to cover two main areas:

1. Revision and Terminology, determining the criteria for consistent translation of the EU legal acts, creating and developing terminology, implementing control of the process of translation of the EU legal acts as well as the Kosovo legislation.

2. Translation Coordination, monitoring and coordination of the translation process through centralised databases.

In the execution of his responsibilities in the future the Office for Preparation of the National Version of Acquis Communautaire should have to achieve the following objectives;

- Preparation of a Kosovo version of Acquis Communautaire - one of the prerequisites for

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Accession into the EU - Translation of the Kosovo legislation - Complete support to the harmonisation and negotiation process - Central databases - Terminology, Translation Memories and Corpus of Translations - Human resources

Having in regard these objectives and existing capacities within the Agency for this purpose are envisaged short term and medium to long term priorities to be fulfilled. The priorities as such can be summarised in establishment of an Office for preparation of the national version of the Acquis, recruitment of the staff with appropriate skills and commencement of a campaign relating to the Acquis. Drafting a Strategic Plan on Preparation of the National Version of Acquis Communautaire, translation of Kosovo Legislation, regional cooperation with Albania and Macedonia and when it is possible with Serbia as well should be the next challenges for the Agency for EU integration-Office for preparation of the national version of the Acquis in the future.

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5 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION a. Background European integration has been and will continue to grow as one of the key policy priorities for the Government of Republic of Kosovo. The European integration processes will necessitate a major managed effort both internally and externally. The Government is in the process of finalizing the new European Partnership Action Plan (EPAP) 2008. Therefore, the core purpose and function of the internal communications strategy will be to reinforce and support the coordination and delivery of the EPAP. Few civil society organisations have been active of the last years and have put in place a number of structures which will provide some platform for discussion and learning on EI issues in the future. On the other hand, there is a widespread recognition that the level of basic awareness and understanding of European integration issues and its relevance to current realities is low, both for the general public and for many opinion forming leaders. There is a shared sense that while popular opinion is in favour of European integration, this is often based on a lack of informed discussion and an overly optimistic, unrealistic assessment of the choices to be made on the road towards integration. b. Responsible Institution and the Current Situation One of the main priorities of the Kosovo Government is to ensure effective information and communication on the European Partnership Action Plan (EPAP) and the process of Stabilisation-Association Tracking Mechanism (STM) across government institutions, as well as, to raise awareness and understanding of the European integration processes among the general public. The AEI has coordinated the preparation of the EPAP, thus, has overall responsibility for leading and coordinating its implementation. The success of the EPAP will depend to a large extent on the effectiveness and motivation of those who will be directly (and indirectly) involved in its delivery. It is crucially important for those involved to understand well the importance of the process, recognise the value-added of their contribution – and remain sufficiently informed of progress in that direction. For this purpose the AEI has prepared a Communication and Information Strategy c. What has to be done This year, while there will be considerable focus on the consequences of new status and governance arrangements, it is expected that a more critical spotlight will be turned on policy initiatives in the context of European integration and the implementation of the European Partnership Action Plan (EPAP). Those who have good understanding of the process recognize that European integration will not, in the future, be seen as universally benign or neutral, but rather, as in any policy field, will generate differential impacts depending upon the perspective of different interest groups. Therefore, the core purpose and function of the communications strategy is to develop the means to allow the AEI for European Integration to promote the Government’s objective of European integration by ensuring: 1. That wider society (including public opinion) are adequately informed to make reasoned and realistic assessments of policy directions;

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2. That all of the key sectoral interest groups – including the media, political (central and local), professional bodies (e.g. business community, rural sector), social partners, civil society, are consulted and included as partners in shaping a Kosovo consensus on European integration.

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a. Table of EPAP Costs Chapter Budget Area

Total KCB Donation Gap Sub-Area 0. Key Priorities 68,135,416 34,625,224 8,500,000 25,010,192

1. Political Criteria 89,208,855 26,452,790 39,661,788 23,094,277 1.1 Democracy and the rule of law 64,019,759 16,449,365 29,067,788 18,502,606

1.1.1 Provisional institutions of self government 736,003 504,003 140,000 92,000 1.1.2 Parliament/Elections 383,623 340,623 - 43,000 1.1.3 Public administration 26,729,351 11,817,808 14,196,543 715,000 1.1.4 Judicial system 36,122,782 3,786,931 14,731,245 17,604,606 1.1.5 Anti corruption policy 20,000 - - 20,000

1.2 Human rights and the protection of minorities 24,133,896 9,880,725 9,691,000 4,562,171

1.2.1 Minority rights, cultural rights and protection of minorities 22,079,600 9,030,429 9,632,000

3,417,171 1.3 Regional issues and international obligations 1,055,200 122,700 903,000 29,500 2. Economic Criteria 171,805,482 6,931,300 12,680,182 152,194,000 3. European standards 431,511,010 198,586,304 87,858,509 145,066,197 3.1 Internal market 57,531,169 36,971,016 2,035,600 18,524,553

3.1.1 Free movement of goods 369,463 320,116 - 49,347 3.1.2 Free movement of capital 1,470,000 1,470,000 3.1.3 Customs and taxation 4,610,700 2,538,100 220,600 1,852,000 3.1.4 Public Procurement 299,500 299,500 - - 3.1.5 Intellectual property rights 141,400 110,400 - 31,000

3.1.6 Employment and social policies rights 5,096,206 28,000 - 5,068,206

3.1.7 Education and research 45,543,900 33,674,900 345,000 11,524,000 3.2 Sectoral policies 295,475,833 125,499,700 83,656,909 86,319,224

3.2.1 Industry and SME 1,970,851 1,960,851 - 10,000 3.2.2 Agriculture and fisheries 7,906,249 2,168,500 1,636,109 4,101,640 3.2.3 Environment 15,193,160 4,768,160 4,650,000 5,775,000 3.2.4 Transport policy 44,783,984 7,608,000 2,080,000 35,095,984 3.2.5 Energy 181,842,560 106,325,260 73,786,000 1,731,300 3.2.6 Information society and media 35,290,000 1,600,000 - 33,690,000 3.2.7 Financial Control 6,069,814 806,214 1,504,800 3,758,800 3.2.8 Statistics 2,419,215 262,715 - 2,156,500

3.3 Justice, freedom and security 78,504,008 36,115,588 2,166,000 40,222,420

3.3.1 Visas, border control, asylum and migration 33,671,854 1,046,854 1,600,000 31,025,000 3.3.2 Fighting Organized Crime 6,562,000 4,000 8,000 6,550,000

3.3.3 Money Laundering 56,000 48,000 8,000 -

3.3.4 Drugs 334,500 72,000 - 262,500

3.3.5 Police 37,389,714 34,781,214 550,000 2,058,500

3.3.6 Protection of personal data 489,940 163,520 - 326,420

      TOTAL BUDGET 760,660,763 266,595,618 148,700,479 345,364,666

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b. Table of New Legislation

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

This Table provides an overview of national legal regulations to be harmonized with EU legislation and contains the laws and bylaws with a list of EU measures that are to be transposed into them, as well as the institution which is the principal responsible for the preparation of the act including the remaining institutions participating in the preparation of the legal regulations. The deadline for adoption of the regulations by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo is indicated and the deadline for adoption by the Assembly of Kosovo as well.

0. Key Priorities 4. Ensure full respect for the rule of law, human rights and protection of minorities and pursue a policy of zero tolerance against corruption, organised crime and financial crime.

2. Constitution of the Republic of Kosova Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government

4. Law on Rights and Interests of Minority Communities Q2-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government 6. Law on Management of Sequestered and Confiscated Assets Q3-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy 2008 9. Law on Declaration of Origin of Wealth of Senior Public Officials. Q2-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy 2008 5. Ensure democratic governance of, and delivery of public services to, all people of Kosovo, establishing a professional, accountable, accessible, representative public administration free from undue political interference.

3. Law on Public Enterprises Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government Legislative Strategy 2008

6. Law on Transfer of Publicly Owned Enterprises Q2-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy 2008 6. Advance the reform of self government and increase administrative capacity to facilitate decentralisation, taking into account the views and interest of all communities in Kosovo, adopt the legislative framework and allocate appropriate budgetary resources. 2. Law on Local Self-Government Q2-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy 2008

6. Law on Municipal Boundaries Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government Legislative Strategy 2008

9. Law on Local Elections Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government Legislative Strategy 2008

11. Law on Municipal Referenda Q3-2008

MLGA Government Ahtisari's Package, European Charter on local self-government

12. Law on Municipal Referenda Q4-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government Legislative Strategy 2008

15. Law on the City of Prishtina Q4-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government Legislative Strategy 2008

20. Law on Local Finances Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government Legislative Strategy 2008

22. Law on Amending the Law No 2003/2 on Public Finance Management and Accountability

Q1-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government

1. Political Criteria 1.1 Democracy and the rule of law 1.1.1 Provisional institutions of self government 11. Fully ensure the effective functioning of the assembly and its committees, the government and municipalities, including full respect of the respective rules of procedure and codes of conduct, and of the rights and interests of all communities.

8. Law on the Government of Kosovo Q4-2008 Kosovo Government

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Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

Assembly 25. Subsidiary legislation on local self-government. Continuous MLGA Ministries 13. Publish the Official Gazette in a timely manner and ensure that it is fully correct. Enhance checks on the respective language versions to ensure that they are identical and ensure public access to the Official Gazette.

3. Amendment of the Law on Official Gazette Q3-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Law on Official Gazette of Kosova, 2005/25

1.1.3 Public administration 19.Rigorously enforce transparent procedures on recruitment, transfer, appraisal, promotion, conduct and dismissal of civil servants, including police and justice system employees, and on financial management.

2. Law on Civil Service Q4-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government

4. Law on Salaries of the Public Administration of Kosovo Q4-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government

20. Improve the functioning and strengthen the independence of the Independent Oversight Board and the Senior Public Appointments Committee. 4. Amendment of the Administrative Instruction 09/2006 by drafting disciplinary provisions

Q3-2008 OPM

AI no.09/2006 on implementation procedures for functioning of SPAC

1.1.4 Judicial system 23. Ensure effective, independent, accountable and impartial courts and prosecution offices, free from political influence. 8. Law on Kosovo Prosecution Council. Q3-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy 2008 10. Law on Kosovo Judicial Council. Q3-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy 2008 24. Strengthen the Prosecutor’s Office to ensure that it is able to comply with the principles of autonomy and impartiality. Continue to strengthen the Special Prosecutor's Office. Ensure the implementation of an efficient witness protection security scheme. 6. Law on Special Prosecution of Kosovo Q3-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy 2008 25. Approve laws on courts and the prosecution and implement them. Develop a system of administrative justice and streamline relevant legislation and competences.

1. Law on Courts Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government MoJ 2008 Working Plan

3. Law on Prosecution Offices Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government MoJ 2008 Working Plan

29. Develop the capacity in the government free from undue political influence to take on responsibilities in the areas of justice and the interior. Implement a system of appointment, dismissal and career promotion for judges and prosecutors in line with European standards, free from political interference. 3. Law on Identification Documents Q2-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government 5. Law on Travel Documents Q2-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government 7. Law on Citizenship Q2-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government 10. Law on Autopsy Q3-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government

12. Law on Forensic Medicine Q3-2008 Kosovo Assembly


33. Strengthen the administrative capacity, coordination and effectiveness of the judiciary and all law enforcement agencies. Ensure the viability of a comprehensive legal aid system.

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Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

8. Amendment of the Regulation No. 2006/36

Q4-2009 Legal Aid

Commission MoJ UNMIK Reg. 2006/36 on Legal Assistance

1.2 Human rights and the protection of minorities 38. Elect an ombudsperson and adopt legal provisions which ensure implementation of the ombudsperson's recommendations. 2. Law on Ombudsperson. Q3-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy 2008 1.2.1 Minority rights, cultural rights and protection of minorities 44. Fully enforce the law on official languages as well as on cultural heritage and set up an/effective mechanism to monitor its implementation. 6. Subsidiary legislation on implementation of the Law on Cultural Heritage.

Q3-2008 MCYS Law on Cultural Heritage, 2006/52

45. Regularise informal settlements. Find sustainable solutions for the housing and integration of Roma communities that are living in hazardous living conditions in camps and for internally displaced persons groups living in informal centres.

1. Law on Amendment of the Law on Spatial Planning. Q1-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government 1.3 Regional issues and international obligations 48. Strengthen regional cooperation and good neighbourly relations. 8. Subsidiary legislation on intermunicipal cooperation. Q4-2009 MLGA

2. Economic Criteria 50. Maintain sound fiscal policies and, in particular, ensure that social policies addressing poverty and social exclusion are compatible with the long run sustainability of public finances.

7. Law on Amendment of the Law on Public Finance Management and Accountability 2003/2.

Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government

17. Law on Material Support to families with custody over disabled children. Q3-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government 53. Improve the governance, efficiency and financial sustainability of publicly owned enterprises. Further strengthen the operational and financial independence of regulatory authorities with a view to enhancing transparency and competition in the respective sectors. 2. Law on Mines and Minerals to supersede the UNMIK Regulation 2005/ 2 and /3.

Q2-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government UNMIK Reg. 2005/2, UNMIK Reg.


9. Law on Aviation. Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government

Ahtisaari Plan

16. Law on Amendment of the Law on Telecommunications. Q3-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government 22. Law on WWRO. Q3-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government 3. European standards

3.1 Internal market 3.1.1 Free movement of good 55. Adopt the horizontal framework legislation to establish the necessary infrastructure for the proper operation and segregation of the various functions (regulatory, standardisation, accreditation metrology, conformity assessment and market surveillance) needed to apply the acquis on the free movement of goods. 1. Administrative Instruction on Measurement Instrument of Weight - non-automatic meters of Accuracy Class I,II,III,IIII.

Q4-2009 MTI Metrology Council Law on meteorology 2006/18

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2. Administrative Instruction on Metrological conditions on pre-packaged products.

Q4-2009 MTI Metrology Council Law on meteorology 2006/18

3. Administrative Instruction on Measurement Units. Q4-2009

MTI Metrology Council Law on meteorology 2006/18 4. Administrative Instruction on the form and content of purity signs, manner of determination and review of purity rate in precious metal manufacture.

Q4-2009 MTI

KCC, Metrology Council

Law on Precious Metal Products, 2004/33

5. Administrative Instruction on sellers, production marks and importers of precious metal manufacture.

Q4-2009 MTI

KCC, Metrology Council

Law on Precious Metal Products, 2004/33

6. Administrative Instruction on payment of compensations for execution, sealing of precious metal manufacture.

Q4-2009 MTI

KCC, Metrology Council

Law on Precious Metal Products, 2004/33

7. Law on Amendment of the Law on Accreditation. Q4-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy of Kosova 2008 7. Regulation on Operation of technical committees in the Accreditation Unit. Q2-2009

MTI Law for Acreditation, 2006/15 8. Law on Amendment to the Law No 2004 / 17 on Consumer Protection. Q4-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy of Kosova 2008 9. Subsidiary legislation on implementation of the Law on Standardization.

Q4-2008 MTI Law on Standardization, 2004/15

10. Law on Amendment of the Law on Technical Requirements for Products and Conformity Assessment.

Q4-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government Legislative Strategy of Kosova 2008

11. Law on General Safety of products. Q4-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government

3.1.3 Customs and taxation 57. Further approximate customs legislation with the acquis and continue the efforts to enhance the capacity of the customs administration to combat corruption, counterfeiting and cross border crime. Enhance the capacity of the criminal investigation unit. 4. Administrative Instruction on Disclosure of Assets and properties of Customs Officials.

Q2-2008 Customs

Anti-Corruption Law 2005/26, Anti-Corruption Strategy

58. Observe the obligations related to the implementation of preferential trade measures, in particular with regard to origin. 1. Administrative Instruction on the Customs Code on Rules of Origin. Q3-2008

Customs 3. Administrative Instruction on provision of mandatory information on origin and goods.

Q3-2008 Customs

59. Continue approximation of tax legislation to the EU acquis and strengthen the administrative capacity of the tax administration. Reinforce the collection capacity of the tax administration and increase tax revenue.

1. Law on Amendment of the Law no 2004/48 on the Tax Administration and Procedures.

Q3-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government

Legislative Amandment for 2007-2008 years.

2. Law on Amendment of the Law No 2004/51 on Corporate Revenue taxes. Q1-2009 Kosovo

Assembly Government 3. Law on Amendment of the Law No 2004/52 on Personal Income Taxes. Q1-2009 Kosovo

Assembly Government 14. Law on VAT Q4-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government

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3.1.4 Public Procurement 61. Adapt the public procurement framework by adopting the necessary implementing legislation to ensure compatibility with the acquis. Provide a public procurement institutional framework with the administrative capacity and independence to carry out its mission. 1. Regulation on Public Procurement Q4-2008 PPRC

Law on Public Procurement , Reg. No. 2007/20

3.1.5 Intellectual property rights 62. Provide the administrative and judicial capacity to implement the intellectual property law and to enforce intellectual property rights. 8. Subsidiary legislation addressing authorship rights and approximate rights. Q2-2009

MTI MCYS Law on Copyright and related Rights, 2006/46

3.1.6 Employment and social policies rights 65. Amend legislation on the social insurance and pension scheme. 1. Law on Pension and Invalid Insurance in Kosovo. Q4-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government 2. Law on amending the Law on War values. Q2-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government 3. Law on material support to families in custody of disabled children. Q3-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government 66. Review the social benefits scheme to ensure non discrimination of beneficiaries. 2. Law on Amendment of the Law on Social Assistance Scheme. Q4-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government 3.1.7 Education and research 69. Fully implement the legislation on vocational training and start implementing the law on a national qualification framework. 4. Administrative instructions on implementation of the Law on VET Q2-2009

MEST MSLW 10. Law on Private Education and Training. Q1-2009 Kosovo

Assembly Government 11. Law on the National Qualification Framework. Q4-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Pre-University EducationStrategy 12. Administrative instructions to operationalize the National Qualifiications Authority and AI on establishment of the National Qualifications Framework.



MLSW, MFE, MTI, MoH, Social

Partners, Acreditation Agnecy, UP

70. Continue the development of a national framework for monitoring and evaluating the teaching. 1. Administrative Instruction on KKK.



MLSW, MFE, MTI, MoH, Social

Partners, Acreditation Agnecy, UP Pre-University EducationStrategy

2. Administrative Instruction on the process of monitoring and assessment of qualifications in pre-university education. Q4-2009


MLSW, MFE, MTI, MoH, Social

Partners. 3. Administraive Instruction on monitoring curricula, textbooks, teaching methodology and assessment.

Q2-2008 MEST Municipalities

71. Ensure better involvement in the EU higher education programmes. 5. Administrative Instruction on establishment of the Center for International Cooperation in High Education, science and technology.

Q3-2008 MEST UP

Strategy on Higher Education, MoM with Austrian Government.

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3.2 Sectoral policies 3.2.2 Agriculture and fisheries 73. Determine clear responsibilities within the different services in the agricultural sector (including the veterinary and phytosanitary administration) and their relations with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development, local governments and municipal level. 1. Amend the Administrative Instruction of the MAFRD on Systematization of Working Positions, No 09/2003

Q2-2008 MAFRD

UNMIK Regul. No. 2001/19, on Executive Branch of PISG.

74. Adopt the law on food and the consequent implementing legislation, and establish the relevant agency to implement and enforce the law. 1. Law on Nutrition Q3-2009 Kosovo

Assembly Government Draft-Law on Food 2. Administrative Instruction on determining specific rules on organization of official inspection of food products of animal origin designated for human consumption.


MAFRD AVUK, MSH/ISK Draft-Law on Food 3. Administrative Instruction on undertaking official inspections to verify compliance with the Law on Nutrition and rules of animal food, rules of animal health and welfare.


MAFRD AVUK, MSH/ISK Draft-Law on Food 4. Administrative Instruction on hygiene control on food items of animal origin. Q4-2009

MAFRD AVUK, MSH/ISK Draft-Law on Food 5. Administrative Instruction on organization of the Agency, in compliance to Nutrition Law, and agency organograme.

Q4-2009 MAFRD AVUK, MSH/ISK Draft-Law on Food

3.2.3 Environment 77. Implement the law on environmental impact assessment adopted by the Assembly. 2. Law on Environmental Impact Assessment. Q2-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Law on Environmental Protection, 2003/9

78. Implement the comprehensive environmental action plan, particularly relating to public health issues. 3. Administrative Instruction on regulation of proclaiming and revocation of artificial water resource status.

Q4-2009 MESP

MLGA, AKK, Municipalities Water Law, 2004/41

4. Administrative instruction on classification of ground water bodies. Q4-2009

MMPH UP Water Law, 2004/41 10. Administrative Instruction on determination of measures and actions on protection against erosion.

Q4-2009 MMPH

MAFRD, Municipalities, MLGA, AKK

Water Law 2004/41, Law on Agricultural Land 2006/37

79. Continue approximation with European standards in the field of environment. 2. Law on environmental protection.

Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government

Legislative Strategy of the Government of Kosovo 2007

3. Law on Strategic Environmental Assessment. Q2-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy of Kosovo 2007 4. Law on Non-Ionizing, Ionizing Radiation and Nuclear Safety. Q3-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy of Kosovo 2007 5. Law on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC). Q4-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government

Law on Environmental Protection 2003/9, Legislative Strategy of Kosovo 2007

7. Law on Amendments to the Law on Air Protection Q2-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy of Kosovo 2007 8. Administrative Instruction on Air Q2-2008 MMPH Law on Air Protection 2004/48,

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Quality 9. Law on Amendments to the Law on Nature Protection Reg. no 2006/22. Q4-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy of Kosovo 2007 10. Administrative Instruction on Allowed Norms of Air Emissions by moving sources.

Q3-2008 MMPH Law on Air Protection 2004/48,

3.2.4 Transport policy 82. Implement the laws on road transport and on road safety Develop a multi modal transport strategy. 13. Amendment of administrative instructions with the aim of improving level of licensing criteria for all transport modes/passengers, freight, dangerous substances, and passenger terminals.



Law on Road Transport 2005/23 22. Administrative Instruction on Road Safety Audits, and use of adequate processes.

Q4-2008 MTT

Law on Road Traffic Safety 2007/33 83. Continue improving data led asset management for the maintenance and rehabilitation of transport infrastructures. Ensure EU compatibility of the legislative framework for concessions and take measures to attract investors, including through public private partnerships, for co funding large and strategic infrastructure works.

8. Amendments to legislation on concessions. Q2-2009 Kosovo

Assembly Government 86. Review and improve the system of driving licensing and technical inspection of vehicles. 1. Law on Road Traffic Safety. Q1-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government

2. Subsidiary legislation for implementation of the Law on Road Traffic Safety.

Q4-2008 MTT Law on Road Traffic Safety 2007/33

3.2.6 Information society and media 89. Adopt and begin implementing policy concerning electronic communication networks and services aimed at enforcing full liberalisation and creating a stable open and competitive environment in order to attract foreign investments and improve the quality of the service. 3.2.8 Statistics 93. Strengthen the administrative capacity of the Statistical Office and improve its operational and financial independence. Ensure the reliability of the statistics including that survey respondents provide quality data to the statistical office in a timely manner, free of charge. 1. Law on Official Statistics of Kosovo. Q4-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Draft-Law on Official Statistics of Kosovo

3.3 Justice, freedom and security 3.3.1 Visas, border control, asylum and migration 98. Adopt a law on migration in accordance with European standards. Draw up a strategy and action plan concerning migration, addressing in particular the readmission and reintegration of persons returned from abroad.

1. Law on Asylum. Q3-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government Legislative Strategy of Kosova 2008

3. Law on Foreigners. Q3-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government Legislative Strategy of Kosova 2008

5. Law on Surveillance and Control of State Borders. Q2-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy of Kosova 2008 3.3.2 Money Laundering 99. Enhance the capacity of the Financial Investigation Unit within the Kosovo Police Service (KPS) organised crime directorate. Train specialised prosecutors and judges. Streamline competencies in the area of money laundering in the different institutions involved.

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8. Law against Money Laundry and Funding Anti-Terrorism. Q4-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government UNMIK Reg. 2004/02; Legislative Strategy 2008;

3.3.5 Police 101. Adopt the law on the police.

1. Law on Police. Q1-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government Ahtisari package.

102. Improve the effectiveness of investigation of crime. Adopt and implement legislation to establish the KPS and strengthen its investigative and internal control capacities. Strengthen its leadership.

7. Subsidiary legislation for implementation of the Law on Police. Q1-2009 MIA


MoH. 103. Adopt a crime reduction strategy and implement it. Develop a strategy to collect weapons, complete and enforce small arms related legislation. 4. Law on Light Weapons. Q3-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government 5. Law on Light Weapons. Q4-2009 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy of the Government 2008

105. Complete the legislative framework concerning organised crime. 1. Law on amendment of the Provisional Criminal Procedure Code of Kosovo. Q3-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy of the Government 2008

2. Law on amendment of the Provisional Criminal Code of Kosovo. Q3-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy of the Government 2008

3. Law on Management of Assets Sequestrated and Confiscated. Q2-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy of the Government 2008

4. Law on amendment of the Law on execution of penal sanctions. Q3-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy of the Government 2008

3.3.6 Protection of personal data 108. Develop a comprehensive law on the protection of personal data in line with the acquis, in particular with the Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC), and implement it. Set up an independent data protection supervisory authority, with sufficient powers and with sufficient financial and human resources. 1. Law on Protection of Personal Data. Q3-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Legislative Strategy of the Government 2008

1. Political Criteria 1.1 Democracy and the rule of law 1.1.4 Judicial system 111. Develop an alternative dispute resolution mechanism. 1. Law on Mediation Q3-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government 2008 Legislation Strategy 5. Subsidiary legislation deriving from the Law on Mediation, such as: AI on fees to be paid upon mediation procedure.

Q4-2008 MoJ Law on Mediation

6. Law on Contested Procedure. Q3-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government 2008 Legislation Strategy

8. Law on Non-Contested Procedure Q3-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government 2008 Legislation Strategy

10. Law on Execution Procedure Q3-2009 Kosovo Assembly Government

2. Economic Criteria 123. Implement appropriate policies for an increase in the quantity and quality of education at all levels.

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8. Administrative Instructions on policies approved by the MEST on high education.

Q2-2008 MEST UP

3. European standards 3.1 Internal market 3.1.1 Free movement of good 125. Continue approximation with the new and global approach and old approach directives. 3. Administrative Instruction on Concrete Constructions. Q2-2008

MTI Law on Constrution Materials and Products, Nr.02/L-14

4. Administrative Instruction on Aggregates. Q3-2008

MTI Law on Constrution Materials and Products, Nr.02/L-14

5. Administrative Instruction on Steel. Q2-2009

MTI Law on Constrution Materials and Products, Nr.02/L-14

6. Administrative Instruction on Asphalt. Q3-2009

MTI Law on Constrution Materials and Products, Nr.02/L-14

7. Administrative Instruction on "Electro-magnetic compliance". Q4-2008


Law on Technical Requirements of Products and Conformity Assesment, Nr.02/L-20

8. Administrative Instruction on "Toy Safety". Q3-2008


Law on Technical Requirements of Products and Conformity Assesment, Nr.02/L-20

9. Administrative Instruction on "Teleferique". Q2-2008


Law on Technical Requirements of Products and Conformity Assesment, Nr.02/L-20

10. Administrative Instruction on "Lifts". Q4-2008


Law on Technical Requirements of Products and Conformity Assesment, Nr.02/L-20

11. Administrative Instruction on "Gas Equipment". Q3-2009


Law on Technical Requirements of Products and Conformity Assesment, Nr.02/L-20

12. Administrative Instruction on "Safety and Personal Protection Equipment".

Q4-2009 MTI

Law on Technical Requirements of Products and Conformity Assesment, Nr.02/L-20

126. Adopt remaining European Standards (ENs). 3. Standard Catalogue (CD, hard copy, Online) Q4-2008 MTI 127. Establish a market surveillance structure. 8. Administrative Instruction on Trading Books. Q1-2009

MTI Law on Trade Inspectorate No.02/L-1 9. Administrative Instruction on imposing and execution of fines by the Inspectorate. Q2-2009 MTI

Ligji i Inspeksionit te Tregut Nr.02/L-1

10. Administrative Instruction on confiscation of goods, tools, and their preservation. Q2-2009 MTI Law on Trade Inspectorate No.02/L-1 3.1.6 Employment and social policies rights 131. Strengthen the administrative capacity of labour inspectorates. 1. Law on Amendments to the Law No 2002/9 on Labour Inspectorate in Kosovo.

Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government Legislativ Strategy 2008

3.1.7 Education and research 135. Start developing a policy conducive to research.

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1. Administrative Instruction on establishment of QITT.   Q4-2008

MEST Strategy of Higher education 2. Law on Amendement of the Law on Research‐Scientific Activity.  Q4-2009

Kosovo Assembly Government

3.2 Sectoral policies 3.2.2 Agriculture and fisheries 136. Develop a policy and a regulatory framework to support viable land reform. Support the protection of agricultural land against unplanned urban development. 138. Start action for efficient control of domestic plant production, in particular for products with EU specific requirements. 2. Subsidiary legislation of lists I /A, II/ A and IV/ A of plants and plant products by EU specific requirements. Q4-2008 MAFRD 3. Administrative Instruction on content, form and manner of book-keeping on producers, processors, importers, distributors, and plant storages. Q4-2008 MAFRD 4. Administrative Instruction on determining territories under special oversight. Q4-2009 MAFRD 5. Administrative Instruction on proclaiming zones under protection. Q4-2009 MAFRD 6. Administrative Instruction on determining form and content of plant passports. Q4-2009 MAFRD 7. Subsidiary legislation to prevent harmful organisms in plants. Q4-2009 MAFRD Law on Plant Protection 2007/5 139. Develop a sound forest management structure, particularly in combating illegal logging of forests and fighting against forest fires. 3. Law on Amendments to the Law on Forests. Q3-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government 3.2.3 Environment 140. Take measures to enforce spatial planning. 1. Law on Amendments to the Law on Spatial Planning. Q4-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government 2. Administrative Instruction on special protection areas. Q1-2008


MCYS, MPAL/Municipaliti

es 5. Amendment of the AI on Professional Examination and Licensing in the field of spatial planning. Q1-2009


Law nr.02/L-120 Ammending Law nr.2003/14 on Spatial Planning as approved by Kosovo Assembly on 26th June 2007

6. Amendment of the AI on conditions of location, provision of urban consent and urban permit.

Q1-2009 MMPH

7. Administrative Instruction on Spatial Planning Database Q2-2009 MMPH MPS Law nr.2003/14 on Spatial Planning 18. Law on Amendment of the Law on Construction. Q4-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government 3.2.5 Energy 146. Develop legislative and regulatory frameworks to encourage public private partnerships and mixed investments in the power sector in line with the conclusions of the investment generation study.

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2. Primary legislation with a view of encouraging PPP-s in the energy sector.

Q4-2011 MEM


ICMM,KOSTT, MLGA/Municipalit

ies KEK, OPM. 3. Law on Natural Gas.

Q4-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government ECT 147. Further improve the performance of the electricity utility and integrate in the regional electricity market. 3.2.6 Information society and media 148. Align with the regulatory framework and implement the legislation on electronic communication networks and services to create a more open and competitive environment and strengthen the position and operational and financial independence of the telecommunications regulator. 2. Amendments to the Law on Telecommunications and the Law on Media and Transmission Commission, pursuant to conclusions from analysis

Q4-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government Telecomunication Sectorial Policy

3.2.7 Financial Control 149. Under the coordination of the Ministry of Finance, develop and implement the principles of decentralised managerial accountability and functionally independent internal audit in accordance with international standards and EU best practice through coherent legislation and adequate administrative capacity. 2. Subsidiary legislation for implementation of the Law on Internal Audits. Q1-2009 NJQHAB MFE 3.3 Justice, freedom and security 3.3.2 Fighting Organized Crime 155. Strengthen judicial capacities to prosecute and try organised and financial crime cases.

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c. Table of Institutional Changes

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This Table provides an overview of the necessary Institutional changes (establishment of the new Institutions, reorganisation of the existing ones, new Departments, new Units), or professional strengthening of institutions (new employments), presented per European standard chapters and by years (where possible).

0. Key Priorities

1. Continue to work closely with the planning teams preparing the envisaged international/EU mission in order to be able to fully implement a settlement.

1. Task Force for monitoring Status Settlement Implementation on a day to day basis and reports to the PM and the Government of Kosovo.


4. Ensure full respect for the rule of law, human rights and protection of minorities and pursue a policy of zero tolerance against corruption, organised crime and financial crime. 16. Agency for Management and Sale of confiscated assets.

Q4-2008 Government Kosovo Public Prosecution

5. Ensure democratic governance of, and delivery of public services to, all people of Kosovo, establishing a professional, accountable, accessible, representative public administration free from undue political interference 13. Structure to descend the KTA. Q2-2008 Government KTA Next Regulations of POE

1. Political Criteria

1.1 Democracy and the rule of law

1.1.1 Provisional institutions of self government

13. Publish the Official Gazette in a timely manner and ensure that it is fully correct. Enhance checks on the respective language versions to ensure that they are identical and ensure public access to the Official Gazette.

7. Agency for Professional Translation. Q2-2009 Government 1.1.2 Parliament/Elections 15. Hold free and fair elections. Strengthen the independent and multi ethnic Central Election Commission to administer elections in a timely manner. 7. CEC Councils on budget, procurement, personnel and elections procedures.

Continuous CEC OPM, MIA, MFE,

17. Enhance checks on EU compatibility of all new legislation. 6. EU Legislation Approximation Unit within the OPM Legal Office.

Q1-2009 OPM Strategy on Reform of Public Administration

1.1.4 Judicial system

23. Ensure effective, independent, accountable and impartial courts and prosecution offices, free from political influence.

7. Kosovo Prosecution Council. Q4-2008 Kosovo Public Prosecutor


28. Further develop legal education and training, particularly for judges, prosecutors and administrative personnel. Transform the Judicial Institute into a viable institution responsible for judicial training. 8. Transformation of the KJC into a Masters Degree School

Q4-2009 KJI

29. Develop the capacity in the government free from undue political influence to take on responsibilities in the areas of justice and the interior. Implement a system of appointment, dismissal and career promotion for judges and prosecutors in line with European standards, free from political interference.

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9. Transferring the Forensic Institute from the Ministry of Health to the Ministry of Justice

Q3-2008 MoJ MoH WG document for Preliminary Implementation Plan

23. Independent Judicial and Prosecution Commission.

Q2-2008 KJC MoJ MoU, Reg. UNMIK 2006/25 and AD 2008/2

24. Secretariat for facilitating the work of the Independent Judicial and Prosecution Commission

Q2-2008 KJC MoJ MoU, Reg. UNMIK 2006/25 and AD 2008/2

33. Strengthen the administrative capacity, coordination and effectiveness of the judiciary and all law enforcement agencies. Ensure the viability of a comprehensive legal aid system. 5. Office for free legal service in the northern Mitrovica.

Q2-2008 Legal Aid Commission

UNMIK UNMIK Reg. 2006/36 on Legal Assistance

10. Restructuring of the legal aid in respect to institutional management of the Legal Aid Commission.

Q4-2008 Legal Aid Commission


UNMIK Reg. 2006/36 on Legal Assistance

11. Monitoring body for the functioning of the Legal Aid Commission.

Q1-2009 MoJ OPM, Legal Aid Commission

UNMIK Reg. 2006/36 on Legal Assistance

1.2 Human rights and the protection of minorities

39. Define and adopt a government programme to promote women's rights in Kosovo.

1. Mechanisms for implementation and monitoring policies and affirmative measures for gender issues.

Q2-2009 OPM Relevant Institutions

1.2.1 Minority rights, cultural rights and protection of minorities

44. Fully enforce the law on official languages as well as on cultural heritage and set up an/effective mechanism to monitor its implementation. 7. Reform of cultural heritage institutions pursuant to new legislation

Q4-2008 MCYS Law on Cultural Heritage, 2006/52

1.3 Regional issues and international obligations 48. Strengthen regional cooperation and good neighborly relations.

1. Structures within the MLGA to manage cross-border cooperation.

Q2-2008 MLGA OPM

2. Structures within the MLGA to manage cross-border and inter-municipal cooperation.


MLGA OPM IPA Regulation.2007 - 2013

2. Economic Criteria

53. Improve the governance, efficiency and financial sustainability of publicly owned enterprises. Further strengthen the operational and financial independence of regulatory authorities with a view to enhancing transparency and competition in the respective sectors. 8. Regulatory body of Kosovo Railways, operationally and financially independent.

Q4-2008 Government MTT

10. Independent Civil Aviation Authority. Q3-2008 Government MTT

13. Oversight Board for the CAA. Q3-2008 Government MTT, CARO

17. Transfer of the FMO to the TRA Q3-2008 ZMF TRA Transition Plan

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3. European standards

3.1 Internal market

3.1.3 Customs and taxation

59. Continue approximation of tax legislation to the EU acquis and strengthen the administrative capacity of the tax administration. Reinforce the collection capacity of the tax administration and increase tax revenue. 6. Risk Analysis Unit. Q3-2008 MFE Strategic Plan 2007 2010 3.1.5 Intellectual property rights

62. Provide the administrative and judicial capacity to implement the intellectual property law and to enforce intellectual property rights. 9. Office for Author Rights and Approximate Rights.

Q2-2009 MTI MCYS

3.1.7 Education and research

70. Continue the development of a national framework for monitoring and evaluating the teaching.

5. Center for assessment, monitoring and standards.

Q4-2009 MEST

3.2 Sectoral policies

3.2.4 Transport policy

82. Implement the laws on road transport and on road safety Develop a multi modal transport strategy.

6. Training Center of the International Road Union (IRU) for professional transport.

Q4-2008 MTT KCC Law on Road Transport 2005/23

19. Road Safety Council. Q4-2008 MTT MIA MEST MoH, MoJ, CBAK

Law on Road Traffic Safety 2007/33

20. Technical Support Secretariat for ensuring a coordinated implementation of the Road Safety Action Plan


Law on Road Traffic Safety 2007/33

84. Ensure that the development of the railways sector is compatible with economic development strategy.

2. Railway Regulatory Authority. Q4-2008 MTT Kosovo Railways Reg. on Railwayes of Kosovo 2006/56

3. Regulatory bodies on railways.

Q4-2010 MTT Kosovo Railways Annex of MoM of SEETO-se

3.2.5 Energy

87. Ensure the viability and sustainability of the electricity utility, notably by substantially increasing revenue collection and promoting good governance. 3. KEK J.S.C. restructuring in compliance with deadlines within the Electricity Action Plan.

Q2-2008 KEK MEM, ERO Road Map for Elektricity.

4. KEK J.S.C. Board, pursuant to international standards.

Q2-2008 MEM MFE Regulation on Bussines Associations

88. Continue implementing the commitments undertaken in the framework of the Energy Community Treaty. Continue preparation of the "Kosovo C" project for electricity generation and supply in full compliance with the acquis as provided for in the Energy Community Treaty.

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15. 'Community Development Forums' in area of project development and ensure access in environment information (according to Aarhus convention).

Q2-2008 MEM OPM, MESP, MLGA/Municipalities, MFE, MLSW, ERO, ICMM, KOSTT, KEK

Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANT H254KOS H318KOS

3.2.6 Information society and media

89. Adopt and begin implementing policy concerning electronic communication networks and services aimed at enforcing full liberalisation and creating a stable open and competitive environment in order to attract foreign investments and improve the quality of the service. 10. State computer centers of emergency response and initiate information exchange.


Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

3.2.7 Financial Control

92. Continue efforts to implement the public internal financial control strategy and relevant laws as a basis for fulfilling the medium term priorities in this area.

5. Organizational and authorizing structure for internal audits following approval of the Law on PFMA.

Q4-2008 MFE

3.2.8 Statistics

93. Strengthen the administrative capacity of the Statistical Office and improve its operational and financial independence. Ensure the reliability of the statistics including that survey respondents provide quality data to the statistical office in a timely manner, free of charge. 3. Transforming SOK into an independent agency.

Q2-2009 SOK Draft-Law on Official Statistics of Kosovo

5. Working groups on specific fields with the aim of quality improvement and data accuracy.

SOK Kosovo Institutions

Quarterly Strategic Plan of SOK

3.3 Justice, freedom and security

3.3.1 Visas, border control, asylum and migration

95. Enhance the efficiency of the control of the flow of persons at the borders/boundary and enhance the effectiveness and transparency of the department of border and boundary police.

3. Specialized training structure for the Border Police at the KCSPED.

KPS, Customs, MAFRD.

Strategy on managment of Integrated Border (MIB )Nov 2008

3.3.6 Protection of personal data

108. Develop a comprehensive law on the protection of personal data in line with the acquis, in particular with the Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC), and implement it. Set up an independent data protection supervisory authority, with sufficient powers and with sufficient financial and human resources. 3. National Oversight Body for Personal Data Protection.

Q1-2009 Government Kosovo Assembly Law on Personal Data Protection

1. Political Criteria

1.1 Democracy and the rule of law 1.1.3 Public administration

109. Proceed with a sustainable public administration reform while respecting budgetary constraints. Improve the capacity of local administrations to provide services to their constituencies in an equitable and effective manner.

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5. Reorganization of Departments of Administration and Personnel in all municipalities, pursuant to Regulation 2007/30

Q1-2009 Municipalities MLGA

1.1.4 Judicial system

110. Define and consolidate a complete body of law that respects the rights and interests of all communities, drawing from all legal sources currently applicable in Kosovo. 1. Consultative Council for Communities. Q3-2008 Office of the

President Kosovo Parliament, OPM, MRC

111. Develop an alternative dispute resolution mechanism.

3. Commission on Mediation. Q4-2008 MoJ Law on Mediation 112. Improve the penitentiary system with particular attention to security, control, management, vocational training and reintegration schemes, as well as the condition of facilities. 2. Restructuring KCS in terms of management of correctional institutions

Q2-2008 MoJ KCS Law on the execution of penal sanctions

1.2 Human rights and the protection of minorities

1.2.1 Minority rights, cultural rights and protection of minorities

115. Ensure the viable existence of minority communities and their non discriminatory participation in society, taking concrete measures to ensure their safety and freedom of movement, as well as the equitable provision of and access to public services. 4. Mechanism for Systematic Monitoring of Minority treatment in Justice institutions.

Q2-2009 MoJ Rregullorja e UNMIK-ut ; 2006/25

117. Develop an integrated conservation policy for cultural heritage. Actively engage in increasing the general awareness of and respect for cultural heritage. 2. Cultural Heritage Center. Q4-2008 MCYS MESP, MLGA,

KPS, Customs MoU, Strategy for Integrated Conservation 2006

6. Promotion of the Cultural Heritage Division into a Department of the MCYS

Q3-2008 MCYS

2. Economic Criteria

120. Further strengthen property rights, rule of law, and accessibility of courts with a view to promoting a business friendly environment. 1. Coordinating mechanism between MoJ, KJC, MIA, MESP and Municipalities in protecting property rights.

Q1-2009 MoJ KJC, MIA, MMPH, MLGA/Municipalities

3. European standards

3.1 Internal market

3.1.1 Free movement of good

126. Adopt remaining European Standards (ENs).

1. Technical committees on standards most required by interest groups.

Continuous MTI

131. Strengthen the administrative capacity of labour inspectorates.

4. Administrative structures within the Executive Agency of Labor Inspectorate.

Q4-2009 MPMS Reg. 2001/27 on Basic Labour Law

132. Strengthen mechanisms for quality assurance in the education sector.

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2. Quality assurance centers in all institutions of high education in Kosovo.

Continuous MEST UP Strategy on Higher education

135. Start developing a policy conducive to research.

4. National Scientific Council. Q1-2009 MEST Kosovo Assembly Law on sientific and research activities 2005/8

3.2 Sectoral policies 3.2.2 Agriculture and fisheries 136. Develop a policy and a regulatory framework to support viable land reform. Support the protection of agricultural land against unplanned urban development. 11. Municipal commissions on land regularization by Municipal Assembly proposals

Q4-2008 MAFRD MLGA/Municipalities

139. Develop a sound forest management structure, particularly in combating illegal logging of forests and fighting against forest fires. 5. Transform the Offices of KFA into Regional Forest Departments.

Q3-2008 MAFRD MLGA AI of MAFRD for Job Clasification Nr 09/2003

7. Forest Cadastre, including boundary delineation between private and public properties, and GIS development.

Q4-2010 MAFRD MPS (AKK), MLGA/Municipalities

Law on Forestry Nr.2003/6

3.2.3 Environment 140. Take measures to enforce spatial planning. 9. Spatial Planning Council. Q4-2008 Government MESP Law nr.2003/14 on Spatial Planning 10. Expert Spatial Planning Councils at the municipal level.

Q4-2008 Municipalities MESP, MLGA

11. Office for organization of professional examinations and license provision in the field of spatial and urban planning.

Q2-2009 MMPH

12. Municipal Planning Units in 7 main centers of Kosovo.

Q3-2009 Municipalities MESP Law nr.02/L-120 Amending Law nr.2003/14 on Spatial Planning as approved by Kosovo Assembly on 26th June 2007

15. Municipal and Central GIS offices. Q4-2010 Municipalities MESP Law nr.02/L-120 Amending Law nr.2003/14 on Spatial Planning as approved by Kosovo Assembly on 26th June 2007

3.2.7 Financial Control 149. Under the coordination of the Ministry of Finance, develop and implement the principles of decentralised managerial accountability and functionally independent internal audit in accordance with international standards and EU best practice through coherent legislation and adequate administrative capacity. 3 Internal Audit committees pursuant to the Law.

Q2-2008 NJQHAB Government

3.2.8 Statistics 151. Increase cooperation and coordination within the Kosovo statistical system, develop a quality management system and document, and standardise production and dissemination procedures. 1. Statistical Council. Q2-2010 SOK Law on Official Statistics 2. Expert Group. Q2-2010 SOK

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d. Table of New Recruitment

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6. Advance the reform of self government and increase administrative capacity to facilitate decentralisation, taking into account the views and interest of all communities in Kosovo, adopt the legislative framework and allocate appropriate budgetary resources. 26. Recruit necessary staff. Continuous MLGA MFE, MPS, KIPA

1. Political Criteria

1.1 Democracy and the rule of law

1.1.1 Provisional institutions of self government

12. Increase executive oversight by, and accountability and transparency within, the assembly. Strengthen the assembly's own administrative capacity. 5. Recruit new staff. Continuous Kosovo

Assembly Rules on the status for Civil Servants

of Assembly Administration 1.1.2 Parliament/Elections

17. Enhance checks on EU compatibility of all new legislation.

3. Recruitment of three officers for harmonization of domestic legislation with acquis.

Q4-2008 OPM Plan on European Integration 2008-2011

5. Recruitment of two senior officers to check compliance with EU legislation, within the Legal Standardization and Legal Advice Unit within the Assembly

Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly

8. Recruitment of new staff in legal offices of line Ministries.

Continuous Government OPM, KIPA

1.1.3 Public administration

20. Improve the functioning and strengthen the independence of the Independent Oversight Board and the Senior Public Appointments Committee.

3. Selection of the 7th member of the Board.

Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly


6. Recruitment of relevant staff in SPAC Secretariat.

Q4-2008 OPM Government

1.1.4 Judicial system 23. Ensure effective, independent, accountable and impartial courts and prosecution offices, free from political influence.

2. Increase the number of judges to 80. Q4-2008 KJC Kosovo Assembly, Government.

Analisis of KJC

6. Recruitment of necessary staff members pursuant to analysis on the number of necessary administrative staff members to be recruited in courts.

Q3-2008 KJC Kosovo Assembly, Government

Strategic Plan 2007-2012

24. Strengthen the Prosecutor’s Office to ensure that it is able to comply with the principles of autonomy and impartiality. Continue to strengthen the Special Prosecutor's Office. Ensure the implementation of an efficient witness protection security scheme.

1. Recruitment of three additional prosecutors.

Continuous Kosovo Public Prosecutor

Government UNMIK Administrative Direction 2006/15

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26. Implement the automated case management system fully in all courts and prosecution offices. Reduce the backlog of cases and the enforcement of civil court decisions.

2. Recruitment of additional IT staff. Q4-2008 KJC 3. European standards

3.1 Internal market 3.1.2 Free movement of capital

56. Adopt appropriate prudential requirements and strengthen the supervisory process in the financial sector.

2. Recruitment of new local staff. Q3-2008 CBAK 3.1.3 Customs and taxation

57. Further approximate customs legislation with the acquis and continue the efforts to enhance the capacity of the customs administration to combat corruption, counterfeiting and cross border crime. Enhance the capacity of the criminal investigation unit. 9. Gradual increase of staff in the Directorate of Rule of Law (16 Customs officials).

Continuous Customs Strategic Operative Framework, Strategic Plan 2009

3.1.5 Intellectual property rights 62. Provide the administrative and judicial capacity to implement the intellectual property law and to enforce intellectual property rights. 7. Recruitment of new staff gradually. Continuous MTI 3.2 Sectoral policies

3.2.1 Industry and SME

72. Implement a medium term strategy to support the development of SMEs, including the strengthening of the SME support agency and the strengthening of the investment promotion agency. Continue implementation of the European Charter for Small Enterprises.

9. Recruitment of additional staff based on budgetary lines of the SMEA, in compliance with KCB Rules and organigram of the Agency.

Q1-2009 Agency for Support to SME

MTI Law no. 02/L-5, on support to SMEs; AI 2006/28on Establishment of Agency for support to SMEs

13. Recruitment of new staff of the Agency for Investment Promotion.

Q1-2009 Investment Promotion Agency

3.2.8 Statistics

93. Strengthen the administrative capacity of the Statistical Office and improve its operational and financial independence. Ensure the reliability of the statistics including that survey respondents provide quality data to the statistical office in a timely manner, free of charge.

3. Recruitment of 30 professional officials in productive statistics.

Q4-2009 SOK Working Plan 2008 of SOK

6. Appointment of a focal point in line ministries to ensure quality and accuracy of data.

Q4-2008 SOK Ministries Quarterly Strategic Plan of SOK

3.3 Justice, freedom and security

3.3.2 Money Laundering

99. Enhance the capacity of the Financial Investigation Unit within the Kosovo Police Service (KPS) organised crime directorate. Train specialised prosecutors and judges. Streamline competencies in the area of money laundering in the different institutions involved.

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1. Recruit additional staff at the Financial Investigation Unit of the KPS.

Q4-2008 MIA KPS Existing Structure aproved by Pilar responsible for Crimes and the head of KPS

3.3.4 Drugs

100. Develop a drug prevention strategy and a relevant plan of action to implement it. Further strengthen local capacity in the narcotics investigation section. 5. Recruitment of additional personnel in the Narcotics Investigation Section of the KPS.

Q4-2008 MIA KPS Organisative Structure

1. Political Criteria

2. Economic Criteria

122. Design and implement active labour market policies in close cooperation with the local business community with a view to enhancing the matching process in labour markets, and increase the share of skilled labour in the overall labour force. 2. Recruitment of additional staff in the Employement Policy Design Section.

Q4-2009 MPMS IKAP Action Plan for Youth Employment (2007/2010) Labour Draft Strategy in Kosovo 2008/2013

124. Enhance the export capacity. 3. Recruitment of additional staff at KAIP. Continuous MTI IKAP

3. European Standards

3.1 Internal market

3.1.1 Free movement of good

127. Establish a market surveillance structure.

2. Recruitment of 12 to 14 new staff members for the Market Inspectorate.

Q4-2008 MTI Law on Market Inspection, Nr.02/L-1Law on Turistic and Ligji per Veprimtarit Hoteliere dhe turistike Nr. 2004/ 16

3. Recruitment of two inspectors for industrial sector for Operationalization of market oversight on this sector.


4. Recruitment of two inspectors for construction products for market oversight.

Q2-2009 Law on Trade Inspectorate No.02/L-1 Law on Construction Products No. 02/L-14, Law on Inspectorate for construction products No.02/L-62

5. Recruitment of two metrology inspectors for market oversight.

Q2-2009 MTI Law on Trade Inspectorate No.02/L-1 and other secondary legislation and Law on metrology02/L-34

6. Recruitment of new inspectors in municipal inspectorates.

Q2-2009 Municipalities MTI, MFE, MLGA Law on Trade Inspectorate No.02/L-1 and other secondary legislation and Law on metrology02/L-34

3.1.4 Public Procurement

129. Ensure that public procurement rules are implemented effectively by contracting authorities and entities at all levels, including through developing operational tools, providing training and strengthening the administrative capacity. 6. Recruitment of new staff in PPRC. Continuous PPRC 3.1.6 Employment and social policies rights

131. Strengthen the administrative capacity of labour inspectorates.

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3. Recruitment of 10 new labor inspectors. Q1-2009 MPMS Law 2003/19 on Safety at work, health protection of employees and the working environment.

3.2 Sectoral policies

139. Develop a sound forest management structure, particularly in combating illegal logging of forests and fighting against forest fires. 6. Recruitment of professional staff and training 28 forest engineers, and provision of post-graduate studies for 6 persons

Q4-2010 MAFRD

3.2.3 Environment

141. Enhance the institutional capacity of the Ministry for Environment and Spatial Planning, improve coordination between administrative bodies in charge of environment related issues. 1. Recruitment of 20 additional staff members in accordance with organigram.

Q1-2010 MMPH

3.2.7 Financial Control

150. Strengthen the operational capacity as well as the financial and operational independence of the Supreme Audit Institution. Follow up and implement the recommendations of the latter.

2. Recruit additional auditing staff at the Office of the General Auditor up to 100% - a 20% increase each year, in a period of five years.

Q4-2012 OGA Government, Kosovo Parliament

Law on Office of General Auditors

3.3 Justice, freedom and security

3.3.1 Visas, border control, asylum and migration

152. Further enhance the capacity of the directorate for borders, asylum and migration within the Ministry of Interior. Further strengthen the operational capacity of the border and boundary police service within the Kosovo Police Service. 1. Recruitment of additional staff for the Department of Borders, Asylum and Migration.

Q3-2008 MIA

3.3.2 Fighting Organized Crime

155. Strengthen judicial capacities to prosecute and try organised and financial crime cases.

3. Increase the number of judges in cases of organized and financial crimes.

Q4-2008 KJC Government, Kosovo Parliament

KJC Analysis

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e. Table of Training Needs

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Supporting Institution Referring Document

This Table contains an overview of the preliminary identification of the legal regulations by chapters and institutions that have the need for training courses, expertise, studies and analyses, both in the part for harmonization of EU legislation and the part for its implementation. This Table is the initial basis for further analyses for designing precise plans and training programmes.

0. Key Priorities

4. Ensure full respect for the rule of law, human rights and protection of minorities and pursue a policy of zero tolerance against corruption, organised crime and financial crime.

8. Training for prosecutors. Q3-2008 MoJ Kosovo Public Prosecution

MoJ Work Plan 2008

6. Advance the reform of self government and increase administrative capacity to facilitate decentralization, taking into account the views and interest of all communities in Kosovo, adopt the legislative framework and allocate appropriate budgetary resources. 25. Training to new municipalities. Continuous MLGA MFE, MPS, KIPA

1. Political Criteria

1.1 Democracy and the rule of law

1.1.1 Provisional institutions of self government

11. Fully ensure the effective functioning of the assembly and its committees, the government and municipalities, including full respect of the respective rules of procedure and codes of conduct, and of the rights and interests of all communities. 26. Training to MLGA and municipalities on best practices in local self-government.

Continuous MLGA Municipalities

12. Increase executive oversight by, and accountability and transparency within, the assembly. Strengthen the assembly's own administrative capacity. 6. Training to civil servants of the Assembly of Kosovo on executive oversight, accountability and transparency.

Continuous Kosovo Assembly


1.1.2 Parliament/Elections

15. Hold free and fair elections. Strengthen the independent and multi ethnic Central Election Commission to administer elections in a timely manner.

5. Training to Polling Station Councils on elections administration.

Q2-2008 CEC OPM, MIA, MFE,

17. Enhance checks on EU compatibility of all new legislation.

7. Training and increased staff number in legal offices of line ministries

Continuous Government OPM, KIPA

1.1.3 Public administration

20. Improve the functioning and strengthen the independence of the Independent Oversight Board and the Senior Public Appointments Committee. 5. Training to Permanent Secretaries, CEO-s and Ministers related to implementation of AI.

Q4-2008 OPM Relevant Institutions

24. Strengthen the Prosecutor’s Office to ensure that it is able to comply with the principles of autonomy and impartiality. Continue to strengthen the Special Prosecutor's Office. Ensure the implementation of an efficient witness protection security scheme.

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2. Training on investigation and pursuit of serious crimes.

Continuous Kosovo Public Prosecutor


26. Implement the automated case management system fully in all courts and prosecution offices. Reduce the backlog of cases and the enforcement of civil court decisions.

1. Training on user support in software implementation.

Q4-2008 KJC

28. Further develop legal education and training, particularly for judges, prosecutors and administrative personnel. Transform the Judicial Institute into a viable institution responsible for judicial training. 1. Training for legal education for judges and prosecutors.

Continuous KJI KJC, MoJ Law on Establishment of KJI, 2006/24

5. Training to Panel (Jury) Judges Continuous KJI KJC, MoJ 6. Training to other collaborators (professional aides in courts and prosecution offices) related to judicial areas.

Continuous KJI KJC, MoJ

9. Training of trainers on modern training techniques and methodologies.

Continuous KJI

29. Develop the capacity in the government free from undue political influence to take on responsibilities in the areas of justice and the interior. Implement a system of appointment, dismissal and career promotion for judges and prosecutors in line with European standards, free from political interference.

21. Professional trainings for candidate judges and prosecutors in the actual system

Continuous KJI KJC, MoJ Law on Establishment of KJI, 2006/23 and Regulation of KJI 2005/52

30. Increase efforts to meet international standards in the handling of mutual legal assistance requests in criminal matters and extradition requests. 2. Training to the Division of International Judicial Cooperation of the Ministry of Justice

Continuous MoJ Government Penal Code Procedures no.2003/27

33. Strengthen the administrative capacity, coordination and effectiveness of the judiciary and all law enforcement agencies. Ensure the viability of a comprehensive legal aid system. 3. Trainings for officials providing legal support, on human rights-legal aspect.

Q4-2009 Legal Aid Commission

UNMIK Reg. 2006/36 on Legal Assistance

1.2 Human rights and the protection of minorities

37. Strengthen the legal framework related to the freedom of expression. Provide the independent media commission with the relevant resources to respect the provisions of the legislation. Remove any legal ambiguities in relation to insult and defamation. 1. Training on the field of cable, digital transmission and media analysis

Q4-2008 KPM Kosovo Assembly

8. Training on implementation of subsidiary legislation issued by IMC.

Q4-2008 KPM Kosovo Assembly

40. Implement the anti discrimination law effectively. In particular, make the human rights units within ministries fully operational, and ensure their independence and coordination with Ombudsperson's activities. Organise awareness campaigns to inform the private sector, civil society and academic circles about this law. Monitor the implementation of the law and report on it. 2. Trainings for MoJ staff on implementation of Anti-Discrimination Law.

Continuous MoJ OPM AI. 2005/08 and 2007/04

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1.2.1 Minority rights, cultural rights and protection of minorities

45. Regularise informal settlements. Find sustainable solutions for the housing and integration of Roma communities that are living in hazardous living conditions in camps and for internally displaced persons groups living in informal centres.

9. Training to municipal urban planners involved in informal settlements, spatial and urban plans.

Continuous MMPH MLGA, MoJ, Municipalities

Guideline on Spatial Planning, amandment of LSP

46. Strengthen administrative structures and accountability mechanisms in the Ministry of Communities and Returns. Clarify the division of responsibilities regarding the return between the Ministry of Local Governance and the Ministry of Communities and Returns, at central and local levels. Further develop and implement the joint strategic framework on communities and returns, and develop mechanisms at municipal level for facilitating the sustainable integration of returnees and existing minority communities. 1. Training to the Ministry of Communities and Returns.

Continuous MRC Mandate of MCR, Terms of References of the Project

1.3 Regional issues and international obligations

48. Strengthen regional cooperation and good neighborly relations.

3. Training on cross-border cooperation. Continuous MLGA OPM 6. Training on drafting projects of cross-border cooperation nature.

Continuous MLGA Municipalities

2. Economic Criteria

50. Maintain sound fiscal policies and, in particular, ensure that social policies addressing poverty and social exclusion are compatible with the long run sustainability of public finances.

9. Training to DPEF and Municipalities on preparing budget.

Continuous MFE

10. Training on strategic planning to MEF and municipalities.

Continuous MFE MLGA/Municipalities, KIPA

53. Improve the governance, efficiency and financial sustainability of publicly owned enterprises. Further strengthen the operational and financial independence of regulatory authorities with a view to enhancing transparency and competition in the respective sectors.

1. Training on the field of financial management and internal audits.

Q4-2008 KTA

25. Training to Regulators. Continuous WWMR KIPA 3. European standards

3.1 Internal market

3.1.2 Free movement of capital

56. Adopt appropriate prudential requirements and strengthen the supervisory process in the financial sector.

1. Training to CBAK. Q4-2008 CBAK 6. Training to CBAK in using the new database and compiling improved reports of stability and banking analysis.

Q4-2010 CBAK

7. Training to CBAK on monitoring the banking sector, especially through better external oversight (on commercial banks) and "comprehensive risk analysis".

Q4-2010 CBAK

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3.1.3 Customs and taxation

57. Further approximate customs legislation with the acquis and continue the efforts to enhance the capacity of the customs administration to combat corruption, counterfeiting and cross border crime. Enhance the capacity of the criminal investigation unit. 16. Training in the field of: criminal investigation, interviewing techniques and methods, narcotics and criminal intelligence.

Q3-2008 Customs Training Plan- programme of Customs

58. Observe the obligations related to the implementation of preferential trade measures, in particular with regard to origin.

5. Training to UNMIK Customs in the field of preferential measures and origin of goods.

Q4-2008 Customs Training Plan- programme

59. Continue approximation of tax legislation to the EU acquis and strengthen the administrative capacity of the tax administration. Reinforce the collection capacity of the tax administration and increase tax revenue.

5. Trainings for the TAK staff pursuant to demand analysis for training in relevant areas.

Continuous TAK MFE

60. Commit to the principles of the Code of Conduct for business taxation and ensure that new tax measures are in conformity with these principles. 1. Trainings on implementation of the Code of Conduct on Business Taxes.

Continuous MFE KCC, KCC, CABK.

3.1.4 Public Procurement

61. Adapt the public procurement framework by adopting the necessary implementing legislation to ensure compatibility with the acquis. Provide a public procurement institutional framework with the administrative capacity and independence to carry out its mission. 12. Training to the Procurement Review Body.


3.1.5 Intellectual property rights

62. Provide the administrative and judicial capacity to implement the intellectual property law and to enforce intellectual property rights. 3. Training to OP staff on patent examination, trademarks, industrial design and geographical indicators.

Continuous MTI Office Working Plan for Industrial Ownership, MTI

11. Training to the judiciary in the field of protection of author rights.

Q4-2008 KJI

3.1.6 Employment and social policies rights 64. Improve public information on access to social security systems and enhance municipal capacities in social assistance matters. 3. Trainings to municipal officials on providing social services.

Continuous MPMS Municipalities Law on Social and Family Services, 2005/46

4. Training to responsible institutions responsible for provision of social services, including NGO-s.

Q2-2009 MPMS Municipalities

66. Review the social benefits scheme to ensure non discrimination of beneficiaries.

8. Trainings to the staff of SWC in maintaining database.

Q4-2008 MPMS Municipalities,

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3.1.7 Education and research

68. Develop action plans to implement the education strategies with increased dialogue and coordination between all levels and all stakeholders and allocate necessary resources. 5. Permanent training for RAE community teachers.

Continuous MEST

11. Training to teaches on the education of special needs children.

Continuous MEST

70. Continue the development of a national framework for monitoring and evaluating the teaching.

8. Training staff on set standards in the courses of native language and mathematics.

Q4-2008 MEST UP,

9. Training staff to set standards on social and natural sciences for three education levels: grades 1-5, 6-9, 10-12/13.

Q4-2010 MEST UP

3.2 Sectoral policies

3.2.1 Industry and SME

72. Implement a medium term strategy to support the development of SMEs, including the strengthening of the SME support agency and the strengthening of the investment promotion agency. Continue implementation of the European Charter for Small Enterprises. 11. Training to Agency staff, pursuant to analysis, in cooperation with international and local experts.

Q4-2009 Agency for Support to SME


14. Training to the Agency for Investment Promotion Staff.

Continuous Investment Promotion Agency

3.2.2 Agriculture and fisheries

75. Ensure the operational character of the system for identification of animals and registration of their movements.

3. Train veterinary inspectors and authorized veterinaries in using the PDA .


3.2.3 Environment

77. Implement the law on environmental impact assessment adopted by the Assembly. 4. Training on implementation of the Law on EIA.

Continuous MMPH Draft-Law on EIA

3.2.4 Transport policy

82. Implement the laws on road transport and on road safety Develop a multi modal transport strategy. 9. Training on preparation and implementation of digital tachographs.

Q1-2009 MTT MIA Law on Road Transport 2005/23

83. Continue improving data led asset management for the maintenance and rehabilitation of transport infrastructures. Ensure EU compatibility of the legislative framework for concessions and take measures to attract investors, including through public private partnerships, for co funding large and strategic infrastructure works.

10. Training on PPP-s at governmental and ministerial level.

Q1-2009 MTT MFE

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86. Review and improve the system of driving licensing and technical inspection of vehicles. 10. Training to vehicle inspectors on licensing.

Continuous MTT

3.2.5 Energy

88. Continue implementing the commitments undertaken in the framework of the Energy Community Treaty. Continue preparation of the "Kosovo C" project for electricity generation and supply in full compliance with the acquis as provided for in the Energy Community Treaty. 14. Training to MESP, KTA and Kastrioti Municipality with regards to review procedures and appoval of EIA and SIA.

Q2-2008 MEM OPM, MESP, MLGA/Municipalities, MFE, MLSW, ERO, ICMM, KOSTT, KEK

Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANT H254KOS H318KOS

3.2.7 Financial Control

92. Continue efforts to implement the public internal financial control strategy and relevant laws as a basis for fulfilling the medium term priorities in this area.

8. Training to the budgetary organizations' officials to implement internal public finance audits.

Continuous MFE Government LMFPR 2003/17 Tresury Regulations

3.2.8 Statistics

93. Strengthen the administrative capacity of the Statistical Office and improve its operational and financial independence. Ensure the reliability of the statistics including that survey respondents provide quality data to the statistical office in a timely manner, free of charge. 4. Training to build SOK capacities (methodology, EUROSTAT practices and methods, samples, software and analysis).

Continuous SOK Working Plan

7. Training to officials in providing accurate parameters in the survey.

Continuous SOK Working Plan 2008 of SOK

3.3 Justice, freedom and security

3.3.1 Visas, border control, asylum and migration

95. Enhance the efficiency of the control of the flow of persons at the borders/boundary and enhance the effectiveness and transparency of the department of border and boundary police.

7. Basic training for the Border Police. Q4-2008 MIA Kosovo Police Academy

Training Programme 2008

8. Advanced training for the Border Police. Q4-2008 MIA Kosovo Police Academy

Training Programme 2008

9. Specialized training for the Border Police.

Q4-2008 MIA Kosovo Police Academy

Training Programme 2008

10. Basic training for Investigations. Q4-2008 MIA Kosovo Police Academy

Training Programme 2008

11. Advanced training for Investigations. Q4-2008 MIA Kosovo Police Academy

Training Programme 2008

12. Training on forged documents. Q4-2008 MIA Kosovo Police Academy

Training Programme 2008

13. Training on human rights. Q4-2008 MIA Kosovo Police Academy

Training Programme 2008

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97. Establish shelters and reception facilities for asylum seekers.

3. Training to staff in relation to asylum/refugee issues, including EU Acquis and best practices.

Continuous MIA Training Plan of Officials for 2008 year

3.3.2 Money Laundering

99. Enhance the capacity of the Financial Investigation Unit within the Kosovo Police Service (KPS) organised crime directorate. Train specialised prosecutors and judges. Streamline competencies in the area of money laundering in the different institutions involved. 2. Training to the staff ofthe Financial Investigation Unit of the KPS.

Continuous MIA KPS Working Plan of KPS; Memorandum on training KPS-AER (B&S) drafted on Nov. 2007 - Aug 2008

6. Training to the judges on specialized fields such as: money laundry, financial crimes and human trafficking for categories of judges and prosecutors dealing with these cases.

Continuous KJI

3.3.4 Drugs

100. Develop a drug prevention strategy and a relevant plan of action to implement it. Further strengthen local capacity in the narcotics investigation section. 7. Continuous training to the police in narcotics section.

Continuous MIA KPS Training Plan for 2008-2010

3.3.5 Police

102. Improve the effectiveness of investigation of crime. Adopt and implement legislation to establish the KPS and strengthen its investigative and internal control capacities. Strengthen its leadership. 3. Provision of continuous training for police officers in Crime Pillar.

Continuous MIA KPS Annual Training Plan and projects with other organizations

106. Further strengthen local capacity in the organised crime directorate within the KPS.

1. Training to police officers in the Directorate Against Organized Crime.

Q4-2008 MIA KPS Training Plan for officials for year 2008

1. Political Criteria

1.1 Democracy and the rule of law

1.1.4 Judicial system

112. Improve the penitentiary system with particular attention to security, control, management, vocational training and reintegration schemes, as well as the condition of facilities. 6. Training to the Kosovo Correctional Service staff.

Continuous MoJ KCPSED

1.2 Human rights and the protection of minorities

116. Implement the law on gender equality. Ensure mainstreaming of women's rights in all existing policies and legislation. 2. Training to the GEA staff and structures on gender equality, both centrally and locally.

Continuous OPM Ministries, Municipalities

118. Ensure that the Cadastral Agency and the municipal cadastral offices offer transparent and non discriminatory access to full property records and have functioning accountability mechanisms. 2. Training for technical and legal personnel in KCA and MCO-s.

Continuous MPS MLGA/Municipalities, KIPA

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2. Economic Criteria

122. Design and implement active labour market policies in close cooperation with the local business community with a view to enhancing the matching process in labour markets, and increase the share of skilled labour in the overall labour force. 1. Training to Employment Policy Design Section, with the aim of preparing concrete employment plans and projects.

Q4-2009 MPMS IKAP Action Plan for Youth Employment (2007/2010) Labour Draft Strategy in Kosovo 2008/2012

6. Training to Vocational Training Centers. Q4-2010 MPMS Vocational Education 2005-2008 Strategy

124. Enhance the export capacity. 3. Training to KAIP. Continuous MTI IKAP 4. Training to the local business community with the aim of promoting export.

Continuous MTI IKAP, OEK, AKB,

3. European Standards

3.1 Internal market

3.1.1 Free movement of good

125. Continue approximation with the new and global approach and old approach directives.

2. Training in compliance with needs assessment.

Continuous MTI IKAP

127. Establish a market surveillance structure.

7. Training for inspectors on increasing efficiency and legislation implementation.

Continuous MTI IKAP Law on Trade Inspectorate No.02/L-1 and other secondary legislation and Law on metrology02/L-34

3.1.3 Customs and taxation 128. Continue approximation of tax and customs legislation to the EU acquis. Further increase the administrative capacity of tax and customs services to enforce legislation and to combat corruption, cross border crime and tax evasion. 4. Permanent staff training on eventual amendments to customs legislation

Continuous Customs Training Plan

3.1.4 Public Procurement

129. Ensure that public procurement rules are implemented effectively by contracting authorities and entities at all levels, including through developing operational tools, providing training and strengthening the administrative capacity. 5. Training in conformity to needs assessment and training plan.

Continuous PPRC IKAP

3.1.5 Intellectual property rights

130. Continue strengthening the enforcement of intellectual, industrial and commercial property rights, in line with the medium term strategy. 2. Training to the Office for Author Rights and entities certified by law.

3.1.6 Employment and social policies rights

131. Strengthen the administrative capacity of labour inspectorates.

2. Training on professional exercise of inspection duties in accordance to European standards.

Continuous MPMS IKAP Yearly Working Plan of Executive Inspectorate for Labour

3.2 Sectoral policies

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3.2.2 Agriculture and fisheries

10. Training to farmers undertaking use and application of pesticides (10 training sessions).

Q4-2008 MAFRD UP

11. Training to agricultural pharmacies dealing with import and trade of pesticides (5 training sessions).

Q3-2008 MAFRD UP

139. Develop a sound forest management structure, particularly in combating illegal logging of forests and fighting against forest fires. 6. Training to 28 forest engineers. Q4-2011 MAFRD 3.2.3 Environment

140. Take measures to enforce spatial planning.

14. Training on Geographical Information system (GIS).

Q4-2010 MMPH MPS Law nr.2003/14 on Spatial Planning

141. Enhance the institutional capacity of the Ministry for Environment and Spatial Planning, improve coordination between administrative bodies in charge of environment related issues. 3. Training to Legal Office Staff with the aim of approximation of legislation with EU legislation.

Continuous MMPH Yearly Working Plan 2008 of MESP

4. Training to MESP Inspectorate and municipal environmental inspectors.

Continuous MMPH MLGA, Municipalities

5. Training to permit drafters (environmental, water, urban, building permits).

Continuous MMPH

6. Training to municipal officers in implementing environmental legislation in municipalities.

Continuous MMPH MLGA

7. Training to Water Department staff on river basin management.

Continuous MMPH

3.2.8 Statistics

151. Increase cooperation and coordination within the Kosovo statistical system, develop a quality management system and document, and standardise production and dissemination procedures. 7. Trainings in the managerial and statistical fields.

Q4-2009 SOK

10. Training on statistic codifications Q4-2010 SOK 3.3 Justice, freedom and security 3.3.1 Visas, border control, asylum and migration

152. Further enhance the capacity of the directorate for borders, asylum and migration within the Ministry of Interior. Further strengthen the operational capacity of the border and boundary police service within the Kosovo Police Service. 3. Training to the Department of Borders, Asylum and Migration and KPS staff - Department for Foreigners.

Continuous MIA

5. Trainings on use of long-barrel weapons in the green zone.

Q4-2008 MIA Kosovo Police Academy

Training Programme 2008

6. Training on mass control. Q4-2008 MIA Kosovo Police Academy

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7. Training for field commanders. Q4-2008 MIA Kosovo Police Academy

3.3.2 Fighting Organized Crime

153. Implement and update the strategy against organised crime and terrorism. 3. Training to KPS for the implementation of Strategy against Organized Crime and Terrorism.

Continuous MIA KPS, ATK, Customs, FIC, Prosecutor, KJC, AAK

KPS Strategic Plan KPS-se 2008 - 2010

154. Strengthen local capacities to investigate organised criminal activities.

1. Training on fighting organized crime. Continuous MIA KPS,OPM,Customs, ACA

155. Strengthen judicial capacities to prosecute and try organised and financial crime cases.

1. Training for judges and prosecutors in cases of organized and financial crimes.

Q3-2008 KJI KJC Annual Training Programme 2008

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f. Table of ICT Needs

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

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This Annex provides an overview of the needs for systems for information and communication technology (hardware, software, networks, programme applications and IT infrastructure) by chapters and institutions.

1. Political Criteria 1.1 Democracy and the rule of law

1.1.1 Provisional institutions of self government

11. Fully ensure the effective functioning of the assembly and its committees, the government and municipalities, including full respect of the respective rules of procedure and codes of conduct, and of the rights and interests of all communities. 22. Web-applications for all municipalities. Q4-2009 MLGA Municipalities 14. Further increase minority representation in all institutions and the civil service at municipal and central level.

3. Database on minority representation in institutions and public services at all levels.

Q4-2008 MPS Government

1.1.3 Public administration

21. Improve quality and availability of basic public services to all communities, including a contribution to reduce the demand for services provided by parallel structures. 3. Improvement of Health Care Information Systems.

Continuous MoH

1.1.4 Judicial system

26. Implement the automated case management system fully in all courts and prosecution offices. Reduce the backlog of cases and the enforcement of civil court decisions. 3. WAN and internet services. Q4-2008 KJC 8. Insertion of all of the prosecution offices in Court Domain and installation of CMIS (Court Management Information System) and PMS (Penal Management System)

Q3-2008 MoJ Kosovo Public Prosecutor

MoJ 2008 Working Plan

29. Develop the capacity in the government free from undue political influence to take on responsibilities in the areas of justice and the interior. Implement a system of appointment, dismissal and career promotion for judges and prosecutors in line with European standards, free from political interference.

8. Necessary software and electronic databases and archives to transfer data from DoJ-UNMIK to MoJ.

Q3-2008 MoJ WG document for Preliminary Implementation Plan

33. Strengthen the administrative capacity, coordination and effectiveness of the judiciary and all law enforcement agencies. Ensure the viability of a comprehensive legal aid system. 9. Database for all cases sent to the Legal Aid Commission.

Q3-2008 Legal Aid Commission


UNMIK Reg. 2006/36 on Legal Assistance

1.2 Human rights and the protection of minorities

37. Strengthen the legal framework related to the freedom of expression. Provide the independent media commission with the relevant resources to respect the provisions of the legislation. Remove any legal ambiguities in relation to insult and defamation. 10. Equipment for reception of analogue and cable media transmission and archiving.

Q4-2009 KPM Kosovo Assembly

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1.2.1 Minority rights, cultural rights and protection of minorities

44. Fully enforce the law on official languages as well as on cultural heritage and set up an/effective mechanism to monitor its implementation. 9. Cultural Heritage Database in Kosovo. Q4-2008 MCYS Law on Cultural Heritage, 2006/52

2. Economic Criteria

53. Improve the governance, efficiency and financial sustainability of publicly owned enterprises. Further strengthen the operational and financial independence of regulatory authorities with a view to enhancing transparency and competition in the respective sectors. 20. Advanced software for frequency range management.

Q2-2009 ZMF TRA UNMIK Reg. 2006/36 on Legal Assistance

3. European standards 3.1 Internal market

3.1.2 Free movement of capital

56. Adopt appropriate prudential requirements and strengthen the supervisory process in the financial sector.

5. Expansion of database to fulfill requirements of the Early Warning System.

Q4-2009 CBAK

3.1.3 Customs and taxation

57. Further approximate customs legislation with the acquis and continue the efforts to enhance the capacity of the customs administration to combat corruption, counterfeiting and cross border crime. Enhance the capacity of the criminal investigation unit. 15. Automatization of the system of oversight of customs procedures impact on economy.

Q2-2009 Customs Strategic Operative Framework of UCS, AI- no 2004/3

17. New information system, (an I-Base, with the aim of Rule of Law information exchange, analysis, etc) with the KPS, UNMIK Police, FIC, MIA

Q3-2009 Customs

58. Observe the obligations related to the implementation of preferential trade measures, in particular with regard to origin. 9. Operationalization of the Customs Laboratory.

Q2-2008 Customs KVFA EU Blueprint, Strategic Operative Framework

59. Continue approximation of tax legislation to the EU acquis and strengthen the administrative capacity of the tax administration. Reinforce the collection capacity of the tax administration and increase tax revenue. 10. Separate database through SIGTAS with the aim of inspecting taxpayers.

Q3-2008 MFE TAK Operative Plan of TAK 2008

3.1.5 Intellectual property rights 62. Provide the administrative and judicial capacity to implement the intellectual property law and to enforce intellectual property rights. 2. Official website of the OIP. Q2-2008 MTI 4. Database program (IT program) for the OIP.

Q4-2008 MTI

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3.2 Sectoral policies

3.2.1 Industry and SME

72. Implement a medium term strategy to support the development of SMEs, including the strengthening of the SME support agency and the strengthening of the investment promotion agency. Continue implementation of the European Charter for Small Enterprises. 12. Database of SME contact details. Q4-2008 Agency for

Support to SME

MTI Law no. 02/L-5, on support to SMEs; AI 2006/28on Establishment of Agency for support to SMEs

3.2.6 Information society and media

89. Adopt and begin implementing policy concerning electronic communication networks and services aimed at enforcing full liberalisation and creating a stable open and competitive environment in order to attract foreign investments and improve the quality of the service. 2. Mobile Services - establishment of at least one operator of Mobile Virtual network.

Q2-2008 TRA MTT Policies of the Sector of Telecommunication

5. Wide area internet in all schools and academic institutions.

Q4-2010 MTT MEST, TRA eSEE Agenda Plus & Policies of the Sector of Telecommunication

8. Operationalization of utilization of standard emergency number “E-112”.


Policies of the Sector of Telecommunication

24. Conditions for electronic trade, electronic procurement and application of electronic signatures.


eSEE Agenda Plus & Policies of the Sector of Telecommunication

3.3 Justice, freedom and security

3.3.5 Police

106. Further strengthen local capacity in the organised crime directorate within the KPS.

3. b) audio and video surveillance equipment, c) IT GPS equipment and

Q4-2008 MIA KPS Capital Investments 2008

1. Political Criteria

1.1 Democracy and the rule of law

1.1.3 Public administration

109. Proceed with a sustainable public administration reform while respecting budgetary constraints. Improve the capacity of local administrations to provide services to their constituencies in an equitable and effective manner.

9. Installation of Wide Area Network in the MLGA, linking it with all municipalities in managing electronic data.

Q2-2010 MLGA Municipalities PIP Project of MLGA

1.1.4 Judicial system

112. Improve the penitentiary system with particular attention to security, control, management, vocational training and reintegration schemes, as well as the condition of facilities. 1. Camera and security systems in Dubrava Prison.

Q4-2010 MoJ KCS Rregullorja on fire rescue

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117. Develop an integrated conservation policy for cultural heritage. Actively engage in increasing the general awareness of and respect for cultural heritage. 3. Completion of the Central Database Q1-2009 MCYS

2. Economic Criteria

124. Enhance the export capacity. 2. Database on export, by sector and countries of export.

Q2-2008 MTI Customs Agency for the Promotion of Investments Action Plan

3. European standards

3.2 Sectoral policies 3.2.2 Agriculture and fisheries

136. Develop a policy and a regulatory framework to support viable land reform. Support the protection of agricultural land against unplanned urban development.

8. Database on land areas included within land consolidation and condition of documentation.

Q2-2008 MAFRD MESP, AKK, Municipalities, Municipal Courts

Rural and Agricultural Development Action Plan 2007 -2013 and Law on Agricultural Land 2006/37, and Strategy for Land Upgrading

3.2.3 Environment

140. Take measures to enforce spatial planning.

16. GIS database network. Q4-2011 Government MESP Law nr.2003/14 on Spatial Planning 3.2.7 Financial Control

149. Under the coordination of the Ministry of Finance, develop and implement the principles of decentralised managerial accountability and functionally independent internal audit in accordance with international standards and EU best practice through coherent legislation and adequate administrative capacity. 7. Creation of Continuous Professional Training System for Internal Auditors

Q2-2010 NJQHAB MFE Law on Internal Audit 2007/19

3.3 Justice, freedom and security

3.3.6 Protection of personal data

157. Implement the law on personal data protection in line with the acquis and ensure efficient monitoring and enforcement. 2. Personal Data Protection System. Continuous National

Oversight Body for Data Protection

Law on Protection of Personal Data

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g. Table of Capital Investments

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

This table reflects capital investment (infrastructural projects, construction of buildings, buying buildings, etc) by projects, divided according to the structure of the EPAP.

1. Political Criteria

1.2 Human rights and the protection of minorities

37. Strengthen the legal framework related to the freedom of expression. Provide the independent media commission with the relevant resources to respect the provisions of the legislation. Remove any legal ambiguities in relation to insult and defamation. 9. Capital project of digitalization: a) provision of hardware and software.

Q4-2008 KPM Kosovo Assembly

2. Economic Criteria

53. Improve the governance, efficiency and financial sustainability of publicly owned enterprises. Further strengthen the operational and financial independence of regulatory authorities with a view to enhancing transparency and competition in the respective sectors. 21. Fixed range monitoring station. Q4-2009 ZMF TRA UNMIK Reg. no 2003/16; Document

Policy of Telecommunication Sector, 2007

3. European standards

3.1 Internal market

3.1.7 Education and research

67. Increase the budget for education, in particular to improve school infrastructure, end the teaching shifts and address the lack of materials and equipments.   Continuous MEST Pre-University Education Strategy

CI Continuous MEST Pre-University Education Strategy and Annual Working Plan

3.2 Sectoral policies

3.2.1 Industry and SME 72. Implement a medium term strategy to support the development of SMEs, including the strengthening of the SME support agency and the strengthening of the investment promotion agency. Continue implementation of the European Charter for Small Enterprises. 5. New incubator to provide business premises.

Q4-2008 Agency for Support to SME


3.2.3 Environment 78. Implement the comprehensive environmental action plan, particularly relating to public health issues.

8. Infective waste sterilization plants. Q4-2009 MESP MoH Kosovo's Plan for impact on Environment, Mid-Term Framework

9. Air Quality Monitoring Network. Q4-2008 MMPH Law on Air Protection 2004/48, Kosovo's Plan for impact on Environment, Law on Hydro-metrological Activity 2007/2

3.2.4 Transport policy

85. Ensure that the Pristina airport operates at an adequate level of security and has sound and accountable management.

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1. Re-pavement of the landing area, expansion of parking and necessary taxiway space.

Q4-2008 MTT AKM, ANP Master Plan of IAP and the priorities of certification of Airport according to ICAO-s.

2. Perimeter road. Q4-2008 MTT AKM, ANPP Master Plan of IAP and the priorities of certification of Airport according to ICAO-s.

3. Airport lighting of the air field. Q1-2009 MTT AKM, ANP Master Plan of IAP and the priorities of certification of Airport according to ICAO-s.

5. Water drainage within Airport area. Q1-2009 MTT KTA, ANP, MESP, Lipjan Municipality

Master Plan of IAP and the priorities of certification of Airport according to ICAO-s.

8. New Control Tower and Administration Building.

Q4-2008 MTT AKM, ANP Master Plan of IAP and the priorities of certification of Airport according to ICAO-s.

9. Radio Communications Coverage System.

Q4-2008 MTT AKM, ANP Master Plan of IAP and the priorities of certification of Airport according to ICAO-s.

3.2.5 Energy

88. Continue implementing the commitments undertaken in the framework of the Energy Community Treaty. Continue preparation of the "Kosovo C" project for electricity generation and supply in full compliance with the acquis as provided for in the Energy Community Treaty. 17. Installation of monitoring system for air quality in area of project development. Data gathering and monitoring of environment.

Q4-2008 MEM OPM, MESP, MLGA/Municipalities, MFE, MLSW, ERO, ICMM, KOSTT, KEK

Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANT H254KOS H318KOS

3.3 Justice, freedom and security

3.3.1 Visas, border control, asylum and migration

97. Establish shelters and reception facilities for asylum seekers. 1. New center for receiving asylum seekers.


Working Plan of MIA for 2008 year

1. Political Criteria

1.1 Democracy and the rule of law

1.1.4 Judicial system

112. Improve the penitentiary system with particular attention to security, control, management, vocational training and reintegration schemes, as well as the condition of facilities. 3. Top-Security Prison. Q4-2009 MoJ Government ToR 'Feasibility Study on High

Security Prison in Kosovo 3. European standards

3.2 Sectoral policies

3.2.5 Energy

147. Further improve the performance of the electricity utility and integrate in the regional electricity market.

10. Interconnection Line 400 KV Kosovo - Macedonia.

Q4-2011 KOSTT MEM Investment Plan for the Development of TNDP Transmission.

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h. Table of Donor Projects

European Partnership Priority  Existing Projects 

Key Priorities 6. Advance the reform of self government and increase administrative capacity to facilitate decentralisation, taking into account the views and interest of all communities in Kosovo, adopt the legislative framework and allocate appropriate budgetary resources.

BDPA; USAID (Iniciative for effective municipality); B&S; World Bank (Project for support of local finance support).

Short-Term Priorities

Political Criteria Democracy and Rule of Law Provisional institutions of self government 11. Fully ensure the effective functioning of the assembly and its committees, the government and municipalities, including full respect of the respective rules of procedure and codes of conduct, and of the rights and interests of all communities.

IPA 2007- Project: Capacity Building of Kosovo institutions for developing legislation and policies commensurate to EU's legislation and policies.

12. Increase executive oversight by, and accountability and transparency within, the assembly. Strengthen the assembly's own administrative capacity.

IPA 2007- Project: Capacity Building of Kosovo institutions for developing legislation and policies commensurate to EU's legislation and policies, 5 milion Euro.

13. Publish the Official Gazette in a timely manner and ensure that it is fully correct. Enhance checks on the respective language versions to ensure that they are identical and ensure public access to the Official Gazette.

1. IPA 2007- IPA 2007- Project: Capacity Building of Kosovo institutions for developing legislation and policies commensurate to EU's legislation and policies. 2. IPA 2008 - Project: "Support for the Agency for European Integration", Activity 1.

14. Further increase minority representation in all institutions and the civil service at municipal and central level.

IPA 2007, Project: "return, reintegration and cultural heritage in Kosovo. Creation of conditions for return and reintegration and internally displaced persons", Component 1, 7 Million Euro.

Parliament/Elections 17. Enhance checks on EU compatibility of all new legislation. 1. IPA 2007- IPA 2007- Project: Capacity Building of

Kosovo institutions for developing legislation and policies commensurate to EU's legislation and policies.

Public Administration 18. Reinforce capacity for government coordination and define more precisely the responsibilities of the central and local authorities for ensuring consistency of policy implementation. Strengthen the efficiency of the government's functions of monitoring the performance of the public service.

1. IPA 2007, Project: “Assistance to local governance and decentralizationi”. 2. IPA 2008 - Project: "Support for the Agency for European Integration". 3. IPA 2008, Project: "Public Finances"

21. Improve quality and availability of basic public services to all communities, including a contribution to reduce the demand for services provided by parallel structures.

IPA 2007, Project: "return, reintegration and cultural heritage in Kosovo. Creation of conditions for return and reintegration and internally displaced persons", Component 1.

22.. Advance the decentralisation process and adopt inter alia the laws on local government and municipal boundaries.

1. IPA 2007, Project: “Support to local governance and decentralizationi”. 2.IPA 2008- Project: Social and Economic Infrastructure for Municipalities'.

Judicial System

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European Partnership Priority  Existing Projects 

28. Further develop legal education and training, particularly for judges, prosecutors and administrative personnel. Transform the Judicial Institute into a viable institution responsible for judicial training.

IPA 2008- Project: Reform of Legal Educational System'.

29. Develop the capacity in the government free from undue political influence to take on responsibilities in the areas of justice and the interior. Implement a system of appointment, dismissal and career promotion for judges and prosecutors in line with European standards, free from political interference.

IPA 2008- Project 'EU Standards for the Ministry of Justice'.

Anti-Corruption Policy 34. Implement the law on the suppression of corruption and the anti corruption plan. Strengthen the anti corruption agency and take measures to ensure fully its independence and functioning.

IPA 2007, Project:“Enhancing Rule of Law”, Component II.

35. Streamline the competencies of the Anti corruption Agency, the Office of Good Governance and the Anti corruption Council.

IPA 2007, Project:“Enhancing Rule of Law”, Component II.

Human rights and protection of minorities Minority rights, cultural rights and protection of minorities 44. Fully enforce the law on official languages as well as on cultural heritage and set up an/effective mechanism to monitor its implementation.

IPA 2007, Project: "return, reintegration and cultural heritage in Kosovo. Creation of conditions for return and reintegration and internally displaced persons", Component II.

45. Regularise informal settlements. Find sustainable solutions for the housing and integration of Roma communities that are living in hazardous living conditions in camps and for internally displaced persons groups living in informal centres.

IPA 2007, Project: "return, reintegration and cultural heritage in Kosovo. Creation of conditions for return and reintegration and internally displaced persons", Component I.

47. Facilitate and encourage the return of refugees and displaced persons from all communities and finalise the rehabilitation of properties damaged and destroyed by the March 2004 events, including historic and religious sites.

IPA 2007, Project: "Return, reintegration and cultural heritage in Kosovo. Creation of conditions for return and reintegration and internally displaced persons", Component I.

Regional issues and international obligations 49. Implement the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) and participate actively in all relevant regional initiatives, inter alia under the auspices of the Stability Pact, including the process of its transition towards a more regionally owned cooperation framework.

IPA Multi-Beneficiary 2008, Project: Regional Programme in Trade Investments in Western Balkans.

Economic Criteria 53. Improve the governance, efficiency and financial sustainability of publicly owned enterprises. Further strengthen the operational and financial independence of regulatory authorities with a view to enhancing transparency and competition in the respective sectors.

IPA 2007- IPA 2007- Project: Capacity Building of Kosovo institutions for developing legislation and policies commensurate to EU's legislation and policies.

European standards Internal market

Free movement of goods 55. Adopt the horizontal framework legislation to establish the necessary infrastructure for the proper operation and segregation of the various functions (regulatory, standardisation, accreditation metrology, conformity assessment and market surveillance) needed to apply the acquis on the free movement of goods.

IPA 2007 'Development of economic environment for all communities in Kosovo'. CARDS 2006-2008 'Support to Kosovo Standardization Agency'.

Free movement of capital

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European Partnership Priority  Existing Projects 

56. Të adoptohen kërkesat e duhura (prudential) dhe të forcohet procesi i mbikqyrjes në sektorin financiar.

IPA 2007 'Assistance to MFE for enhacing capacities in planning and developing strategic plans'.

Customs and Taxation 57. Further approximate customs legislation with the acquis and continue the efforts to enhance the capacity of the customs administration to combat corruption, counterfeiting and cross border crime. Enhance the capacity of the criminal investigation unit.

Support in Training and technical aspect for MIA in developing policies, legislation and institutional framework in accordance with obligations deriving from regional agreements for combating organized crime', CARDS 2006

59. Continue approximation of tax legislation to the EU acquis and strengthen the administrative capacity of the tax administration. Reinforce the collection capacity of the tax administration and increase tax revenue.

CAFAO 2005,1.5 Milion CAFAO 2006, 2Milion

Public Procurement 61. Adapt the public procurement framework by adopting the necessary implementing legislation to ensure compatibility with the acquis. Provide a public procurement institutional framework with the administrative capacity and independence to carry out its mission.

IPA 'Implementation of EU standards on Public Procurement'.

Intellectual Property Rights 62. Provide the administrative and judicial capacity to implement the intellectual property law and to enforce intellectual property rights.

IPA 2007 Regional Programme on Intelectual Propoerty.

Employment and Social Policies Education and Research 68. Develop action plans to implement the education strategies with increased dialogue and coordination between all levels and all stakeholders and allocate necessary resources.

IPA 2007 Education in Kosovo: Inter-culturalism and the Bologna Proces

69. Fully implement the legislation on vocational training and start implementing the law on a national qualification framework.

IPA 2007 Education in Kosovo: Inter-culturalism and the Bologna Process; CARDS Projects: 1. Direct assistance to employers in Kosovo for VET training 09/07 – 02/09; 2. Vocational Education and Training (VET) programme

71. Ensure better involvement in the EU higher education programmes. IPA 2008 Tempus - Higher Education; Young Cell Scheme

Sectorial Policies Agriculture and Fisheries 73. Determine clear responsibilities within the different services in the agricultural sector (including the veterinary and phytosanitary administration) and their relations with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development, local governments and municipal level.

CARDS projects- Institutional support in various areas(starting date 2007) Strengthen MAFRD staff operating at municipality level.

74. Adopt the law on food and the consequent implementing legislation, and establish the relevant agency to implement and enforce the law.

IPA 2007 Meeting EU Standards Food Safety & Veterinary Services; IPA 2008 Animal diseases (national component of multi-beneficiary IPA)

75. Ensure the operational character of the system for identification of animals and registration of their movements.

IPA 2008 Registration of animals; CARDS Support in Livestock Breeding (Starting date 2007-implemented by WYG)

Environment 78. Implement the comprehensive environmental action plan, particularly relating to public health issues.

IPA 2008 - Closing of 6 waste dumps

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European Partnership Priority  Existing Projects 

79. Continue approximation with European standards in the field of environment.

CARDS Projects -Support to the improvement of enforcement of environmental legislation in municipalities (December 2007 - 1 milion Euro).

Transport Policy 82. Implement the laws on road transport and on road safety Develop a multi modal transport strategy.

IPA 2007: "Building the capacity of Kosovo’s institutions to develop EU compatible legislation and policy" 6 Milion Euro.

83. Continue improving data led asset management for the maintenance and rehabilitation of transport infrastructures. Ensure EU compatibility of the legislative framework for concessions and take measures to attract investors, including through public private partnerships, for co funding large and strategic infrastructure works.

IPA 2007: "Building the capacity of Kosovo’s institutions to develop EU compatible legislation and policy" IPA 2007: "Essential Reconstruction of roads and bridges"

Energy 87. Ensure the viability and sustainability of the electricity utility, notably by substantially increasing revenue collection and promoting good governance.

IPA 2008 1. Building the institutional capacity of the MEM to formulate and implement energy policies and strategies (January 2005-July 2008. Support to improve technical and management skills in KEK (January 2007.

88. Continue implementing the commitments undertaken in the framework of the Energy Community Treaty. Continue preparation of the "Kosovo C" project for electricity generation and supply in full compliance with the acquis as provided for in the Energy Community Treaty.

IPA 2007 Meeting EU Standards in the Energy sector 3 Milion Euro

Information Society and Media Financial Control 92.. Continue efforts to implement the public internal financial control strategy and relevant laws as a basis for fulfilling the medium term priorities in this area.

IPA 2008: "Support during improvement process in controling public managing and accountability in Kosovo". EAR-EC: "Further support to the Public Internal Financial Control and Internal Audit" 1.5M Euro

Statistics 93. Strengthen the administrative capacity of the Statistical Office and improve its operational and financial independence. Ensure the reliability of the statistics including that survey respondents provide quality data to the statistical office in a timely manner, free of charge.

IPA 2008: "Training and recruiting of civil servants through KIPA and cvil service agency" IPA 2007 Multi-beneficiary: "Enhance statistical system in countries of Western Balkans" CARDS: "Improvement of the production of statistics"

94. Continue developing economic statistics and accelerate the development of social statistics.

CARDS: "Improvement of the production of statistics" CARDS: "Further build the capacity of the SOK in the preparation and organization of a housing and population census" CARDS: "Further support to SOK to carry out the census: including the production of reliable statistics deriving form the housing and population census" 1

Justice, freedom and security Visas, border control, asylum and migration

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European Partnership Priority  Existing Projects 

95. Enhance the efficiency of the control of the flow of persons at the borders/boundary and enhance the effectiveness and transparency of the department of border and boundary police.

1. IPA 2007 - Project Rule of Law, Component I- Border Police. 2. CARDS 2006 - Further suppor to integrated border management.

96. Strengthen the cooperation between border/boundary management agencies and with neighbouring countries.

IPA 2007 - Rule of Law Component I - Border Police.

97. Establish shelters and reception facilities for asylum seekers. IPA 2007 - Rule of Law, Component III - Building Center for Asylum-Seekers.

Money Laundering 99. Enhance the capacity of the Financial Investigation Unit within the Kosovo Police Service (KPS) organised crime directorate. Train specialised prosecutors and judges. Streamline competencies in the area of money laundering in the different institutions involved.

CARDS 2006 - Fight against money laundering, financing of terrorism, economic and financial crime.

Drugs 100. Develop a drug prevention strategy and a relevant plan of action to implement it. Further strengthen local capacity in the narcotics investigation section.

CAFAO, 2005( Italy), approval of this project commenced on April 2006.

Police 102. Improve the effectiveness of investigation of crime. Adopt and implement legislation to establish the KPS and strengthen its investigative and internal control capacities. Strengthen its leadership.

CARDS 2005 - Support to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

105. Complete the legislative framework concerning organised crime. CARDS 2006 - Support to Institutions in the field of Justice.

106. Further strengthen local capacity in the organised crime directorate within the KPS. 107. Implement the action plan and strengthen legislative provisions and structures to fight more efficiently against trafficking in human beings.

CARDS 2005 - Support to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Mid-Term Priorities Political Criteria Democracy and Rule of Law Judicial System 112. Improve the penitentiary system with particular attention to security, control, management, vocational training and reintegration schemes, as well as the condition of facilities.

Sweden 2006, Project: support in the field of evidence and alternative in imprisonment, in correctional service in Kosovo.

Economic Criteria 122. Design and implement active labour market policies in close cooperation with the local business community with a view to enhancing the matching process in labour markets, and increase the share of skilled labour in the overall labour force.

IPA 2007 Education in Kosovo: Inter-culturalism and the Bologna Process

European standards Internal Market Free Movement of Goods 127. Establish a market surveillance structure. CARDS 2006 'Institutional Support to the Ministry of Trade

and Industry'

Customs and Taxation

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European Partnership Priority  Existing Projects 

128. Continue approximation of tax and customs legislation to the EU acquis. Further increase the administrative capacity of tax and customs services to enforce legislation and to combat corruption, cross border crime and tax evasion.

CARDS 2006 'Support to Integrated Border Management'. CARDS 2006 'Overall Training for Police Service in combating inter-national crime and facilitate movement of people and goods'. CARDS 2006 ''Support to Customs and fiscal assistance'.

Public Procurement 129. Ensure that public procurement rules are implemented effectively by contracting authorities and entities at all levels, including through developing operational tools, providing training and strengthening the administrative capacity.

IPA 2007 'Implementattion of European Standards on Public Procurement'. IPA 2007 'Support during the process of improvement of Public Control Management and Accountability'. CARDS 2005 'Support to further reform of Public Procurement System in Kosovo'.

Education and Research 132. Strengthen mechanisms for quality assurance in the education sector.

IPA 2007 'Professional Education and system of prividing quality through the system of certificattion and teacher qualification.

134. Promote the regional cooperation in the field of higher education. 135. Start developing a policy conducive to research. CARDS projects: 1. Support in Agricultural Land

Utilisation(Starting date 2006) 2. Local Development strategies( 2007 implemented by BDPA) Technical assistance and training to help local communities to use and manage agricultural and pasture land on a sustainable basis.(May 2007-May 2009)

Agriculture and Fisheries 136. Develop a policy and a regulatory framework to support viable land reform. Support the protection of agricultural land against unplanned urban development.

IPA 2007 Meeting EU Standards Food Safety & Veterinary Services

Transport Policy 143. Take measures to improve road safety. CARDS: "Technical assistance in identifying the priorities

and the development of strategies and planning systems for transport network"

144. Plan and implement maintenance and rehabilitation of transport infrastructures, including the construction of new infrastructure through public private partnerships, if necessary.

IPA 2007: "Essential Reconstruction of roads and bridges"

145. Develop and implement a multi modal strategy. CARDS: "Technical assistance in identifying the priorities and the development of strategies and planning systems for transport network"

Financial Control 149. Under the coordination of the Ministry of Finance, develop and implement the principles of decentralised managerial accountability and functionally independent internal audit in accordance with international standards and EU best practice through coherent legislation and adequate administrative capacity.

CARDs: "Support to the public internal financial control and internal audit", Human Dynamics. IPA 2007: "Building the capacity of Kosovo’s institutions to develop EU compatible legislation and policy". IPA 2008: "Support to improvement of the public control management and accountability system in Kosovo'.

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European Partnership Priority  Existing Projects 

150. Strengthen the operational capacity as well as the financial and operational independence of the Supreme Audit Institution. Follow up and implement the recommendations of the latter.

CARDS: "Further support to the Office of the Auditor General" IPA 2008: "Support to suprem audit institution to fulfil EU standards'.

Statistics 151. Increase cooperation and coordination within the Kosovo statistical system, develop a quality management system and document, and standardise production and dissemination procedures.

IPA 2007: "Strengthening statistical system in Western Balkans countries'. CARDS: "Improvement of the regular production and dissemination of relevant, timely, accurate official statistics by SOK-National Accounts" CARDS: "Census Observation and Monitoring mission in Kosovo" CARDS: "Support to carry out the census"

Justice, freedom and security Visas, border control, asylum and migration 152. Further enhance the capacity of the directorate for borders, asylum and migration within the Ministry of Interior. Further strengthen the operational capacity of the border and boundary police service within the Kosovo Police Service.

1. IPA 2007 - Rule of Law, Component I - Border Police. 2. CARDS 2006 - Further Support to Integrated Border Management. 3. IPA 2008 - Capacity Building for return and asylum.

Fighting Organized Crime 153. Implement and update the strategy against organised crime and terrorism.

CARDS 2005 - 'Fight against money laundering, financing of terrorism, economic and financial crime'.

155. Strengthen judicial capacities to prosecute and try organised and financial crime cases.

CARDS 2005 - Fight against money laundering, financing of terrorism, economic and organized crime.

Drugs 156. Ensure inter agency and international cooperation, to considerably improve results in the fight against drug trafficking.

1. IPA 2007 - Rule of Law, Component I - Border Police. 2. CARDS 2006 - Further Support to Integrated Border Management'.

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Total KCB Donation Gap

1 1

2 1 11. Establish a Task-Force supported by a secretariat that monitors Status Settlement Implementation on a day to day basis and reports to the PM and the Government of Kosovo.


3 1 2 2. Cooperate constructively on matters relating to Serbia. Continuous GovernmentRelevant Institutions

4 1 3 3. Monitor and report on the implementation of Status Settlement Continuous GovernmentRelevant Institutions

5 2

6 2 11. To identify issues for the future cooperation with Serbia


7 38 3 1 1. Draft a legislation that wil regualate the cooperation with ICTY. Continuous MoJ Government9 4

10 4 1 1. Draft the Constitution of the Republic of Kosova Q1-2008 GovernmentConstitutional Commission

11 4 2 2. Approval of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosova Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly

12 4 3 3. Draft the Law on Rights and Interests of Minority Communities Q1-2008 OPM 15,000 15,000

13 4 4 4. Approval of the Law on Rights and Interests of Minority Communities Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly

14 4 5 5. Implementation of the Law on Rights and Interests of Minority Communities

Continuous OPMRelevant Institutions

15 4 6 6. Approval of the Draft Law on Management of Sequestered and Confiscated Assets

Q3-2008Kosovo Assembly Legislative Strategy 2008

16 4 77. Implementation of the Law on Management of Sequestered and Confiscated Assets Continuous

MoJKosovo Public Prosecution

Law on Management of Sequestered and Confiscated Assets 1,264,200 1,264,200

17 4 88. Capacity building for prosecutors and provide necessary and technical equipment (appointment of 30 prosecutors, supporting staff andtechnical equipment for prosecutors)


Kosovo Public Prosecution MoJ Work Plan 2008 376,000 376,000

18 4 9 9. Approval of the Draft-Law on Declaration of Origine of Wealth of Senior Public Officials.

Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly MoJ Legislative Strategy 2008

19 4 1010. Implementation of the Law on Declaration of Origine of Wealth of Senior Public Officials. Continuous ACA

Law on Declaration of Origine of Wealth of Senior Public Officials 178,818 178,818

20 4 11 11. Establishment of a Task Force on disclosure and prosecution of criminal deeds and perpetators

Q4-2008 GovernmentKosovo Public Prosecutor

21 4 1212. Strengthen cooperation between prosecution offices and customs, through signature of a Memorandum of Understanding, with the view of prosecuting criminal deeds in customs field

Q3-2008 Kosovo Public Prosecutor Customs

Conclusions between prosecution and custums

22 4 1313. Implementation of the agreement between Prosecution offices and the ACA, with a view of improving efficiency in disclosing and prosecuting criminal perpetrators

Continuous Kosovo Public Prosecutor ACA

Agreement between Prosecution and AAC

23 4 1414. Demand reports the Office of Auditor General for the Prosecution to commence investigations. Continuous Kosovo Public

ProsecutionOffice of the Auditor General

Agreement between Prosecution and General Auditor

24 4 15 15. To provide support to MEM by investigating and prosecuting criminal acts related to electricity abuse.

ContinuousKosovo Public Prosecution MEM

Agreement between Prosecution and MEM

25 4 16 16. Establishment of an Agency for Management and Sale of confiscated assets.

Q1-2009 Government Kosovo Public Prosecution

26 4 17 17. Transfer of competencies of the Office of Special Prosecution from DoJ UNMIK to the Public Prosecutor of Kosovo

Q4-2008 UNMIK MoJAdministrative Instruction No. 2006/15

27 5

28 5 11. Regular quarterly reporting on implementation of the PAR Strategy and Plan Continuous


Strategy and Action Plan on Reform of Public Administration

BudgetExisting Projects



n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline

4. Ensure full respect for the rule of law, human rights and protection of minorities and pursue a policy of zero tolerance against corruption, organised crime and financial crime.

1. Continue to work closely with the planning teams preparing the envisaged international/EU mission in order to be able to fully implement a settlement.

2. Cooperate constructively on matters relating to Serbia.

3. Ensure full cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

5. Ensure democratic governance of, and delivery of public services to, all people of Kosovo, establishing a professional, accountable, accessible, representative public administration free from undue political interference

Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

Key Priorities



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Total KCB Donation GapBudget

Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

29 5 2 2. Draft the Law on Public Enterprises Q1-2008 Government MFE Ahtisari's Package 5,000 5,000

30 5 3 3. Aproval of Law on Public Enterprises Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly Legislative Strategy 2008

31 5 4 4. Implementation of the Law on Public Enterprises Continuous Government32 5 5 5. Draft the Law on Transfer of Publicly Owned Enterprises Q1-2008 Government MFE Ahtisari's Package 5,000 5,000

33 5 6 6. Aproval of the Law on Transfer of Publicly Owned Enterprises Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly Legislative Strategy 2008

34 5 7 7. Implementation of the Law on Transfer of Publicly Owned Enterprises Continuous Government

35 5 8 8. Implementation of relevant international principles of corporate governance

Continuous Government

36 5 9 9. Ensure protection of the POE status as joint stock companies Continuous Government37 5 10 10. To ensure protection of corporate governance implemented so far Continuous Government38 5 11 11. Authorization and quality assurance of POE Boards Continuous Government

39 5 12 12. Improvement of POE transparency through disclosure of additional financial requirements

Q4-2008 Government

40 5 13 13. Timely creation of an adequate structure to descend the KTA in exercising trustee rights

Q2-2008 GovernmentKTA

41 6

1. BDPA; 2. USAID (Iniciative for effective municipality); 3. B&S; World Bank (Project for support of local finance support)

42 6 1 1. Draft the Law on Local Self-Government


Ahtisari's Package, European Charter on local self-government 10,000 10,000

43 6 2 2. Approval of the Law on Local Self-Government Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly

Legislative Strategy 2008

44 6 3 3. Implementation of the Law on Local Self-Government Continuous MLGARelevant Institutions 23,888,824 10,074,774 13,814,050

45 6 4

4. To continue with implementation of municipal pilot-units: a) Strengthen human, administrative and technical capacities; b) transfer of competencies from pilot-municipalities to municipal pilot-units; c) Evaluation of the progress in MPU's;d) MLGA to address the future status of MPU's


MLGALine Ministries, Municipalities

SRSG and Government Decision for establishment of MPU's, Framework document for reform of self-governance 2,732,068 1,000,000 1,732,068

46 6 5 5. Draft the Law on Municipal Boundaries


Ahtisari's Package, European Charter on local self-government 10,000 10,000

47 6 6 6. Approval of the Law on Municipal Boundaries Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly Legislative Strategy 2008

48 6 7 7. Implementation of the Law on Municipal Boundaries Continuous MLGA 13,976,256 7,273,000 6,703,256

49 6 88. Draft the Law on Local Elections


Ahtisari's Package, European Charter on local self-government 10,000 10,000

50 6 9 9. Approval of the Law on Local Elections Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly Legislative Strategy 2008

51 6 10 10. Implementation of the Law on Local Elections Continuous MLGA 4,543,360 4,543,360

52 6 1111. Draft the Law on Municipal Referenda


Ahtisari's Package, European Charter on local self-government 5,210 5,210

53 6 12 12. Approval of the Law on Municipal Referenda Q4-2008Kosovo Assembly Legislative Strategy 2008

54 6 13 13. Implementation of the Law on Municipal Referenda Continuous MLGA 500,000 500,000

55 6 1414. Draft the Law on the City of Prishtina


Ahtisari's Package, European Charter on local self-government 60,000 10,000 50,000

56 6 15 15. Approval of the Law on the City of Prishtina Q4-2008Kosovo Assembly Legislative Strategy 2008

57 6 16 16. Implementation of the Law on the City of Prishtina Continuous MLGA

58 6 17 17. Re-assessment of the cost study for budget needs for new municipalities


6. Advance the reform of self government and increase administrative capacity to facilitate decentralisation, taking into account the views and interest of all communities in Kosovo, adopt the legislative framework and allocate appropriate budgetary resources.


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Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

59 6 1818. To provide budgetary resources for new municipalities and conditions for accomodation. Assessment for budgetary needs for the coming years



60 6 1919. Draft the Law on Local Finances


Ahtisari's Package, European Charter on local self-government 10,000 10,000

61 6 20 20. Approval of the Law on Local Finances Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly Legislative Strategy 2008

62 6 21 21. Draft the Law on Amending the Law No 2003/2 on Public Finance Management and Accountability

Q1-2008 MFE MLGA 5,000 5,000

63 6 22 22. Approval of the Law on Amending the Law No 2003/2 on Public Finance Management and Accountability

Q1-2008 MFE MLGA

64 6 23 23. Implementation of the Law on Amending the Law No 2003/2 on Public Finance Management and Accountability

Continuous MFE MLGA

65 6 24 24. Establishment of new municipalities, as required by Decentralization Program and Government Decisions

Q4-2008 MLGA 28,680 28,680

66 6 25 25. Human capacity building in new municipalities, recruit necessary persons and provide necessary training

Continuous MLGAMFE, MPS, KIPA 500,000 500,000

67 7

68 7 11. Approval of the Draft-Law on the Rights of Communities and Community Members. Q1-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Legislative Strategy 2008

69 7 22. Implementation of the Law on the Rights of Communities and Community Members. Continuous


70 7 3 3. Preparation and proclamation of a competiton (annually) for NGO-s in reconciliation, tolerance and multi-ethnicity project development

Continuous MRC Relevant Institutions 2,000,000 2,000,000

71 7 44. Development of partnership programs with municipalities and other parties to aim for financial resources for a sustainable community development, enabling returns


Relevant Institutions 7,000,000 3,500,000 3,500,000

72 7 5 5. Identification of incentive mechanisms for minority businesses Q4-2008 MRCRelevant Institutions

73 7 6 6. Explicitly condemn all manifestations of anti minority sentiment. Continuous GovernmentRelevant Institutions

74 7 7 7. Public Prosecution Office of Kosovo addresses inter-ethnic crimes as a priority

ContinuousKosovo Public Prosecutor

75 7 88. To review the status of the municipal return strategy in coordination with municipal offices for returnees. Q4-2008


MLEW, MLGA, Municipalities, Customs.

MCR Mandate, Law and Government Decisions

76 7 9 9. To initiate programmes and projects related to creation of the tolerant multi-cultural atmosphere.

Q4-2008 MCR Government MCR Mandate 200,000 200,000

77 7 10

10. Implementation of the Law on the Rights of Communities and Community Members.


MCR Government

78 7 11 11. Implementation of projects for multi-sectoral return. Q4-2008 MCR GovernmentSustainable Return Manual 5,000,000 2,500,000 2,500,000

79 7 12 12. To implement the project for inter-ethnic dialogue and community integration at the local level.

Q4-2008 MCRGovernment, Municipalities 2,000,000 500,000 1,500,000

80 7 13 13. Implementation of the projects of regional units for return and re-integration.

Q4-2008 MCR Government 2,000,000 2,000,00081 7 14 14. To continue with outreach campaigns for minorities. Continuous Government

82 7 1515. Strengthen the cooperation with UNHCR and other origanisation involved in the return process to extend protection and to assist retrurnees.

ContinuousMCR Government Ahtisari Package

83 7 1616. Undertake periodic assessment and issue a public reports on the conditions of return and the situation of internally displaced within Kosovo.

ContinuousMCR Government Ahtisari Package 300,000 300,000

84 7 17 17. Strengthen the functioning of the Communities Outreach and Communications Group.

Q4-2008 MCR85 7 18 18. Implement the returns outreach and communication strategy. Continuous MCR

7. Create a climate for reconciliation, inter ethnic tolerance and sustainable multi ethnicity which is conducive to the return of displaced persons. Ensure the respect, security, freedom of movement and participation of all communities. Explicitly condemn all manifestations of anti minority sentiment. Vigorously prosecute all inter ethnic crime.


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Total KCB Donation GapBudget

Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

86 8

87 8 1 1. Protection of religious freedoms is provided on by the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo.

Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly OPM

88 8 2 2. Implementation of the Law on Cultural Heritage. Continuous MCYS Government

89 8 3 3. Improve investigations pertaining to attacks on religious monuments. ContinuousKosovo Public Prosecutor

90 9

91 9 11. Organization of a comprehensive awareness campaign related to human rights promotion - principle of diversity without discrimination in any grounds.


Anti-Discrimination Law 2004/32 15,000 15,000

92 9 22. Proclamation of the Anti-Discrimination Month by the Prime Minister, including many awareness activities led by the Institutions and civil society, with the motto "All equal and without discrimination".

Q2-2008 Cabinet of the Prime Minister OPM

Anti-Discrimination Law 2004/32 12,000 12,000

93 9 3 3. Refer to Priorities: 34, 35, 36 for more actions.94 1095 10 1 1. Refer to Priority: 30 for actions addressing particular Priority.

96 111. IPA 2007- Project: Capacity Building of Kosovo institutions for developing legislation and policies commensurate to EU's legislation and policies.

97 11 1 1. Enforcement of Assembly Rules of Procedure. ContinuousKosovo Assembly

Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of Kosovo 23,520 23,520

98 11 2 2. Preparation of Annual Calendars on activities of the Assembly and its Committees.

ContinuousKosovo Assembly

99 11 3 3. Strengthened coordination and communication between the Assembly and Government, by establishing focal points.

Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly

100 11 4 4. Amendments proposed by the Committee for Community rights and interests are carefully reviewed and voted.

ContinuousKosovo Assembly

101 11 5 5. Representatives of all communities take part in reviewing and monitoring implementation of laws.

ContinuousKosovo Assembly

102 11 6 6. The Committee for EU Integrations ensures that laws sponsored by the Government are in compliance with key principles of Acquis.

ContinuousKosovo Assembly

103 11 7 7. Draft the Law on the Government of Kosovo. Q3-2008 MPS OPM Legislative Strategy 2008 5,000 5,000

104 11 8 8. Approval of the Law on the Government of Kosovo. Q4-2008Kosovo

Assembly105 11 9 9. Implementation of the Law on the Government of Kosovo. Continuous Government

106 11 1010. Government prepares and presents to the Assembly its quarterly activity reports. Continuous

GovernmentRules of Procedure of the Government of Kosovo

107 11 11 11. Monitor establishment of mandatory committees in Municipalities after the last elections, pursuant to UNMIK Reg No 2007/30.

Q2-2008 MLGA Municipalitites

108 11 12

12. Operationalization of Quarterly Progress Assessment on mandatory committees:a) Committee for Policy and Financesb) Community Committeec) Mediation Committee


MLGA Municipalitites

109 11 13 13. Provision of opportunities for participation of all citizens in decision making at the local level, by public debates, meetings with citizens.

Continuous Municipalities MLGA

110 11 14 14. Preparing biannual reports and reporting to MLGA in relation to meetings and debates with citizens.

Continuous MLGA Municipalities

111 11 15 15. Disaggregated data and statistics maintenance (gender, ethnicity, age) at the local level, and biannual reporting to MLGA.

Continuous Municipalities MLGA

112 11 16 16. Monitor implementation of the Law on Use of Official Languages and Administrative Instructions deriving from the law.

Continuous MLGA Municipalities

Short-Term Priorities

11. Fully ensure the effective functioning of the assembly and its committees, the government and municipalities, including full respect of the respective rules of procedure and codes of conduct, and of the rights and interests of all communities.

9. Create a society free from discrimination of any kind and promote the integration of disadvantaged groups.

10. Continue to strengthen property rights, the legal framework and the accessibility of courts, with a view to promoting a business friendly environment

8. Ensure the full respect of religious freedom. Ensure the protection of cultural and religious heritage and take measures to prevent and prosecute attacks on sites.

Political CriteriaDemocracy and Rule of LawProvisional institutions of self government


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Total KCB Donation GapBudget

Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

113 11 17

17. All municipalities draft their Statutes and all other acts in its competency, in compliance with the Law on Local Self-Government. Q3-2008

Municipalities MLGA

Law on Local Finances (AP), Strategy on Local Administration and Local Development.

114 11 18

18. Municipal Assemblies draft regulations on Municipal Revenues, in compliance with the Law on Local finances. Q3-2008


Law on Local Finances (AP), Strategy on Local Administration and Local Development.

115 11 19

19. Division of grans by observing budgetary capabilities of municipalities. Continuous


Law on Local Finances (AP), Strategy on Local Administration and Local Development.

116 11 20

20. Municipalities draft their annual own-source revenue plans, and provide long-term projections on revenues.


Municipalities MLGA

Law on Local Finances (AP), Strategy on Local Administration and Local Development; Municipal Regulations on individual incomes.

117 11 2121. Identification and setting criteria on assessing municipal service performance. Measures to be set based on results. Q3-2008

MLGA Municipalities

Strategy on Local Administration and Local Development B&S

118 11 22 22. All municipalities are supplied web-applications. Q4-2009 MLGA Municipalities 120,000 120,000USAID/EMI (Effective Municipal Iniciative)

119 11 23 23. Monitor legal compliance of Municipal acts. Continuous MLGA Ministries120 11 24 24. Support drafting of local regulations. Continuous MLGA Ministries121 11 25 25. Draft subsidiary legislation on local self-government. Continuous MLGA Ministries 30,000 30,000

122 11 26 26. Permanent capacity building within the MLGA and municipalities in relation with best practices in local self-government.

Continuous MLGA Municipalities

123 11 27 27. Publish monitoring team reports on the MLGA website, in the manner of keeping citizens informed on results.

Continuous MLGA

124 11 28 28. Legal advice to municipalities, and review complaints from third parties.

Continuous MLGA

125 11 29

29. Certification of Municipal Regulations on own-source revenues by MEF and MLGA for 2008 and for each subsequent fiscal year. Continuous


Law on Management of Public Finances and respons 2003/17 Law on Local Finances

126 11 30

30. Draft programs for facilitated tax payment for low-income categories and incentives for businesses.


Municipalities MLGA, MFE

Municipal Regulations on taxes and charges;Strategy on Local Administration and Local Development.

127 11 31

31. Draft Strategies for collection and improved planning of own-source revenues.


Municipalities MLGA, MFE

Municipal Regulations on taxes and charges;Strategy on Local Administration and Local Development. 5,000 5,000

128 11 32

32. Organization of introductory meetings to present methodologies of drafting Strategies for collection and improved planning of own-source revenues.


MLGA Municipalities

Unique Methodology on drafting the SPDSE, drafted by MALG; Strategy on Local Administration and Local Development. 30,000 8,000 22,000

129 11 33

33. Ensure that drafting of new Strategies for municipalities be based on the unified methodology for drafting of the Municipal Economic and Social Development Strategic Plan.


Municipalities MLGA, MFE

Unique Methodology on drafting the SPDSE, drafted by MLGA; Strategy on Local Administration and Local Development. 5,000 5,000


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Total KCB Donation GapBudget

Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

130 11 3434. Assessment of the Strategic Plans for Social and Economic Development of the Municipality, SPSED in annual periods. Continuous

Municipalities MLGA, MFE

Strategy on Local Administration and Local Development.

131 11 35 35. Undertake a detailed analysis of political and administrative structures on gender and ethnic representation.

Q3-2008 MLGA Municipalities 700 700

132 12

2. IPA 2007- Project: Capacity Building of Kosovo institutions for developing legislation and policies commensurate to EU's legislation and policies, 5 milion Euro.

133 12 1 1. The Prime Minister and ministers attend mandatory parliamentary sessions, and undergo questioning by MP-s, at least once a month.

ContinuousKosovo Assembly

Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of Kosovo

134 12 2 2. Draft quarterly reports on Assembly expenditures. ContinuousKosovo Assembly

Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of Kosovo

135 12 3 3. Kosovo Parliament meetings and Parliament Committee meetings are open and transparent.

ContinuousKosovo Assembly

Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of Kosovo

136 12 4 4. Publication of conclusions from Assembly Committee meetings. ContinuousKosovo Assembly

Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of Kosovo

137 12 55. Recruit new staff with the view of capacity building.

Continuous Kosovo Assembly

Rules on the status for Civil Servants of Assembly Administration 40,623 40,623

138 12 6 6. Further training to civil servants of the Assembly of Kosovo. ContinuousKosovo Assembly KIPA 21,000 21,000

139 13

1. IPA 2007- IPA 2007- Project: Capacity Building of Kosovo institutions for developing legislation and policies commensurate to EU's legislation and policies.2. IPA 2008 - Project: "Support for the Agency for European Integration", Activity 1.

140 13 1 1. Discuss and decide on division of the Official Gazette from the OPM. Q3-2008 OPM

141 13 2 2. Publication of Official Gazette promptly after promulgation, in all official languages of Kosovo.

Continuous OPMLaw on Official Gazette of Kosova, 2005/25 140,000 70,000 70,000

142 13 3 3. Amendment of the Law on Official Gazette. Q3-2008 OPMKosovo Assembly

Law on Official Gazette of Kosova, 2005/25 15,000 15,000

143 13 4 4. Prepare a Draft Plan for increasing the OG Office Budget with the viewof increasing staff members and permanent training.

Q3-2009 OPM MFE

144 13 55. Capacity building of the Standardization Unit of the Kosovo Assembly through employment of two legal linguists to check the coherence between the different language versions of legal acts.

Q1-2009 Kosovo Assembly

145 13 6 6. Decide on establishment of the Agency for Professional Translation. Q3-2008 Government146 13 7 7. Establish the Agency for Professional Translation. Q2-2009 Government147 13 8 8. Maintenance of the Official Gazette website. Continuous OPM

148 14

1. IPA 2007, Project: "return, reintegration and cultural heritage in Kosovo. Creation of conditions for return and reintegration and internally displaced persons", Component 1, 7 Million Euro.

149 14 1

1. Oversight by central and local institutions on the Kosovo Civil Service on minority representation in institutions and public services at all levels.



Regulation on CSK 2001/36 and AI 2003/02 and AI 2003/12 DCSA/MPS as well, Procedure on equal oportunities 2003/12 7,200 7,200

150 14 22. To continue with encouragement of minorities for applying at central and local institutions through vacancy announcements in albanian and serbian media.


Regulation on Civil Service No.2001/36

151 14 3 3. Set up of a database on minority representation in institutions and public services at all levels.

Q4-2008 MPS Government 248,000 248,000

152 14 4

4. Set employment policies with the aim of encouraging minority members, through implementation of positive discrimination in rectruitment, in the way of increasing minority employment as per quota set by the Kosovo Civil Service institutions


MPSProcedure on equal oportunities 2003/12 24,960 24,960

12. Increase executive oversight by, and accountability and transparency within, the assembly. Strengthen the assembly's own administrative capacity.

13. Publish the Official Gazette in a timely manner and ensure that it is fully correct. Enhance checks on the respective language versions to ensure that they are identical and ensure public access to the Official Gazette.

14. Further increase minority representation in all institutions and the civil service at municipal and central level.


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Total KCB Donation GapBudget

Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

153 14 5 5. Quarterly reporting on minority representation in all civil service institutions.

Continuous MPS MLGAProcedure on equal oportunities 2003/12

154 14 6 6. Hold workshops in 5 regional centers to encourage minorities to apply to vacancies advertised by civil service institutions.

Continuous MPS MLGAProcedure on equal oportunities 2003/12 20,000 20,000

155 14 7 7. Monitor vacancies published in information media, newspapers and radio channels in official languages.

Continuous OPM GovernmentProcedure on equal oportunities 2003/12

156 14 8 8. Dissemination of vacancy publications to all community offices (in all municipalities).

Continuous MPS MLGAProcedure on equal oportunities 2003/12

157 15

158 15 1 1. Certification of political entities and their candidates in the elections process

Q2-2008 CECOPM, MIA,

MFE, 159 15 2 2. Ballot design and printing Q2-2008 CEC


160 15 3 3. Accreditation of observers of elections Q2-2008 CECOPM, MIA,

MFE, 161 15 4 4. Generation of the Voters' List Q2-2008 CEC


162 15 5 5. Nomination and training of Polling Station Councils Q2-2008 CECOPM, MIA,

MFE, 163 15 6 6. Compilation and certification of results Q2-2008 CEC


164 15 77. Establishment of CEC Councils on budget, procurement, personnel and elections procedures, and working groups, instructions and Administrative procedures



165 15 8

8. Improvement of cooperation with homologue entities, such as Civil Registry, Statistical Office and relevant Ministries Continuous



MEST166 16

167 16 1 1. Prepare Polling Stations for next elections, based on their placement in past elections, and open new centers as needed.

Continuous CEC CEC, MLGA List of Polling Centers 2007

168 16 2 2. Voter Service and Confirmation Period. Continuous CEC CEC, MIA, MLGA

Voters List 2007 50,000 50,000

169 16 3 3. Voting by Post. Continuous CEC CEC Voters List 2007 - out of Kosovo

250,000 250,000 IOM

170 17

1. IPA 2007- IPA 2007- Project: Capacity Building of Kosovo institutions for developing legislation and policies commensurate to EU's legislation and policies.

171 17 1 1. Establishment of the Committee for EU Integrations. Q1-2008Kosovo Assembly

Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of Kosovo

172 17 2 2. Make the decision on responsible authority to harmonize all legal acts. Q2-2008 GovernmentPlan on European Integration 2008-2010

173 17 3 3. Increase staff number in the European Integration Agency to harmonize domestic legislation with EU.

Q4-2008 OPMPlan on European Integration 2008-2011 43,000 43,000

174 17 4 4. Monitor the process of harmonizing legislation with Acqui communitaire.

Continuous OPMPlan on European Integration 2008-2010

175 17 55. Employment of two senior officers to check compliance with EU legislation, within the Legal Standardization and Legal Advice Unit within the Assembly.

Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly 40,623 40,623

176 17 6 6. Establishment of the EU Legislation Approximation Unit within the OPM Legal Office.

Q1-2009 OPMStrategy on Reform of Public Administration

177 17 7 7. Capacity building through training and increased staff number in legal offices of line ministries.

Continuous Government OPM, KIPA

178 17 8 8. Launch legal remedies for checking compliance (statement of compliance and legal opinion).

Q4-2008 Government

179 17 99. Intensification of cooperation between OPM Legal Office, Legislation Directorate within AEI and Legal Standardization and Legal Advice Unit within the Kosovo Assembly.


Kosovo Assembly

17. Enhance checks on EU compatibility of all new legislation.

15. Hold free and fair elections. Strengthen the independent and multi ethnic Central Election Commission to administer elections in a timely manner.Parliament/Elections

16. Make sure that adequate voting sites, security and other measures are provided to all communities to exercise their voting rights. Enable internally displaced persons and refugees to participate in the elections even if their ability to return to Kosovo is limited.

Public Administration


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Total KCB Donation GapBudget

Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

180 18

1. IPA 2007, Project: “Assistance to local governance and decentralizationi”.2. IPA 2008 - Project: "Support for the Agency for European Integration".3. IPA 2008, Project: "Public Finances"

181 18 11. Further development of planning and monitoring system for the work plan and annual report of the Government, by creating a unique work plan table.

ContinuousOPM Government

Rules of Procedure of the Government of Kosovo

182 18 2 2. Coordinate policy making and implementation by Ministries on issues which affect more than one MInistry, or the whole Government.

Continuous OPM Government 30,000 15,000 15,000

183 18 33. The Government Coordination Secretariat liases with the Ministry of Economy and Finances in the process of drafting and approving the budget.

ContinuousOPM MFE

Budget Circular 2009/01

184 18 4 4. Monitor implementation of Government decisions and draft quarterly plans on implementation of conclusions.

Continuous OPM Government

185 18 55. Horizontal and vertical review of organizational structures of institutions. Q4-2008 MPS


Strategy and Action Plan on Reform of Public Administration

1,300,000 1,300,000

186 18 6 6. Approval of structure proposed after horizontal and vertical review of organizational structures of institutions.

Q1-2009 MPS

187 18 7 7. Report on implementation of this project on monthly basis. Continuous MPS188 19

189 19 1 1. Draft Law on Civil Service. Q3-2008 MPS MFE, Kosovo Assembly

Legislative Strategy 2008 5,000 5,000

190 19 2 2. Approval of the Law on Civil Service. Q4-2008 Kosovo Assembly

191 19 3 3. Draft Law on Salaries of the Public Administration of Kosovo. Q3-2008 MPS MFE, Kosovo Assembly

Legislative Strategy 2008 5,000 5,000

192 19 4 4. Approval of the Law on Salaries of the Public Administration of Kosovo.

Q4-2008 Kosovo Assembly

193 19 5

5. Monitor all institutions of the Civil Service on implementation of administrative instructions on recruitment, assessment and procedures of employment agreement termination. Continuous MPS


AI No. 2003/01 DCSA/MPS; 2003/02 DCSA/MPS;2003/06 DCSA/MPS;2003/04 DCSA/MPS;2003/08 DCSA/MPS

194 19 6 6. Undertake adequate measures in cases of violation of administrative instructions.

Continuous MPS Government

195 19 7 7. To review the MoJ organizational chart and its implementation with the aim of MoJ operationalization.

Q4-2008 MoJ MoJ Work Plan 2008 202,672 202,672

196 19 8 8. To continue with implementation of the Code of Conduct by all civil servants in MoJ.

Continuous MoJRegulation on Civil Service No.2001/36

197 20

198 20 1 1. Transform the Independent Oversight Board (IOB) into an entity appointed by the Assembly.

Q2-2008 MPSKosovo Assembly Regul. no. 2008/12

199 20 2 2. Allocation of necessary budget for a proper functioning of the IOB, considering staff building and capacity building through training.

Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly MFE, KIPA

200 20 3 3. Selection of the 7th member of the Board. Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly SPAC

201 20 4

4. Amend the Administrative Instruction 09/2006 by drafting disciplinary provisions. Q3-2008


AI no.09/2006 on implementation procedures for functioning of SPAC

202 20 5 5. Training provision for Permanent Secretaries, CEO-s and Ministers related to implementation of AI.

Q4-2008 OPMRelevant Institutions 33,000 33,000 PAI-DFID

203 20 6 6. Capacity building for the SPAC Secretariat, by recruiting relevant staff. Q4-2008 OPM Government

204 21

1. IPA 2007, Project: "return, reintegration and cultural heritage in Kosovo. Creation of conditions for return and reintegration and internally displaced persons", Component 1.

19. Rigorously enforce transparent procedures on recruitment, transfer, appraisal, promotion, conduct and dismissal of civil servants, including police and justice system employees, and on financial management.

20. Improve the functioning and strengthen the independence of the Independent Oversight Board and the Senior Public Appointments Committee.

21. Improve quality and availability of basic public services to all communities, including a contribution to reduce the demand for services provided by parallel structures.

18. Reinforce capacity for government coordination and define more precisely the responsibilities of the central and local authorities for ensuring consistency of policy implementation. Strengthen the efficiency of the government's functions of monitoring the performance of the public service.


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Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

205 21 1

1. Capacity building of institutions of employment services offered to communities.



Draft Strategy on employment 2008/2013, National Action Plan on employment of youngsters 2007/2010 50,000 50,000

206 21 2

2. Improvement of working conditions for employment services personnel.



Draft Strategy on employment 2008/2013, National Action Plan on employment of youngsters 2007/2010

207 21 3 3. Continued improvement of existing Health Care Information Systems. Continuous MoH

208 21 4 4. Continued assessment of health care services provided to all communities, and publish quarterly reports.

Continuous MoHMLGA, Municipalities

Decision of Government and mandate of MH

209 21 55. Continued financial and technical support for health care institutions providing services to minority communities and minority-inhabited municipalities.

ContinuousMoH MFE, MLGA

210 21 66. Continued provision of health care services through mobile teams in minority settlements and to returnees, through District Health Authorities and Municipal Health Departments.


MLGA, Municipalities

211 21 77. Review complaints and undertake legal and disciplinary measures against ethical, professional and legal violations, in cases of failure to provide health care services to all communities.


212 21 8

8. Ensure continued operation of Vehicle Registration Centers in all municipalities.



UNMIK Reg 1999/15; AD 1999/3 on implementation of Reg 1999/15, AI of MPS 2005/7 on registration of motor vehicles no. 2005/14, UNMIK excecutive decision 2003/13 on registration of 1,300,000 650,000 650,000

213 22

1. IPA 2007, Project: “Support to local governance and decentralizationi”.2.IPA 2008- Project: Social and Economic Infrastructure for Municipalities'.

214 22 1 1. Refer to actions in Priority 6. Project - International Borders and cooperation beyween municipalities' 2005 - 2008.

215 23

216 23 11. Increase the number of judges to 80.


Kosovo Assembly, Government. Analisis of KJC 850,000 750,172 99,828

217 23 2 2. An analysis on the number of necessary administrative staff members for the courts.

Q4-2008 KJC Strategic Plan 2007-2012

218 23 3 3. Draft rules on court management. Q4-2008 KJC Strategic Plan 2007-2012 219 23 4 4. Draft rules on internal activities in courts4 Q4-2008 KJC

220 23 55. Recruit necessary staff members pursuant to analysis on the number of necessary administrative staff members to be recruited in courts. Q4-2008


Kosovo Assembly, Government Strategic Plan 2007-2012

221 23 6 6. Establishment and operationalization of the Kosovo Prosecution Council.

Q4-2008Kosovo Public Prosecutor MoJ

222 23 7 7. Approval of the Draft-Law on Kosovo Prosecution Council. Q3-2008Kosovo Assembly Legislative Strategy 2008

223 23 8

8. Operationalization of the Coordination Council for Rule of Law, including establishment of Secretariat. Q4-2008


MIA, Kosovo Public Prosecutor, KJC PM Decision 08/274

224 23 9 9. Approval of the Draft-Law on Kosovo Judicial Council. Q3-2008Kosovo Assembly MoJ Legislative Strategy 2008

Judicial System23. Ensure effective, independent, accountable and impartial courts and prosecution offices, free from political influence.

22.. Advance the decentralisation process and adopt inter alia the laws on local government and municipal boundaries.


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Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

225 23 10 10. Implementation of the Law on Kosovo Judicial Council. Continuous KJC

226 23 1111. Verification of Judges and Prosecutors: re-appointment of all Judges and Prosecutors of Kosovo, in compliance with best practices in verification procedures.

Q3-2009KJC MoJ

AI no. 2008/2, MoU between MJ, KJC and support patners 3,550,000 3,550,000

227 23 12 12. Approval of the Law on Attorney Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly

MoJ Legislative Strategy 2008

228 23 13 13. Establishment and operationalization of the Commission for issuance of attorney exams.

Q3-2008 MoJ

229 23 14 14. Approval of the draft-Law on Notaries Q3-2008 Kosovo Assembly

MoJ Legislative Strategy 2008

230 23 15 15. Implementation of the Law on Notaries Continuous Notary Chamber

KJC Law on Notaries

231 23 16 16. Systematic and obligatory use of the Case Management System (CMIS) by all courts

Continuous KJC

232 23 17 17. Accelerate procedures for transferring judges to courts with excessive caseload

Q4-2008 KJC

233 24

234 24 1 1. Recruitment of three additional prosecutors. Q3-2008Kosovo Public Prosecutor Government

UNMIK Administrative Direction 2006/15 1,598,254 601,399 996,855

235 24 2 2. Continued capacity building for investigation and pursuit of serious crimes through mentoring, training and monitoring.

ContinuousKosovo Public Prosecutor MoJ

236 24 3 3. Establish a sustainable witness protection program. Q1-2009Kosovo Public Prosecutor MoJ, MIA, KJC

237 24 4 4. Appointment and sanctioning prosecutors. Continuous MoJ KJC Strategic Plan 2007-2012

238 24 55. Enforcement of the Code of Conduct for prosecutors, judges and lawyers, and reporting on potential complaints on misconduct of prosecutors, judges and lawyers.

ContinuousKJI MoJ, KJC, OAK

Code of Conduct for Prosecutors, Judges and Lawyers

239 24 6 6. Approval of the Law on Special Prosecution of Kosovo. Q3-2008Kosovo Assembly MoJ Legislative Strategy 2008

240 24 7

7. Implementation of the Law on Special Prosecution of Kosovo.


Kosovo Special Prosecution Office

MoJ, Kosovo Public Prosecutor 630,078 630,078

241 24 8 8. Draft regulation on internal activities of public prosecution offices of Kosovo.

Q1-2009 MoJKosovo Public Prosecutor

Law on Prosecution Office 2,500 2,500

242 24 9 9. Draft Terms of Reference for the Kosovo Prosecution Council. Q1-2009 MoJKosovo Public Prosecutor

Law on Prosecution Office 3,000 3,000

243 24 10

10. Enforcement of regulations on activity of public prosecution and ToR on Kosovo Prosecution Council. Continuous Kosovo Public


Kosovo Prosecutor Council

Law on Prosecution Office, Law on Kosovo Public Prosecution Council

244 24 11 11. Systematic and obligatory use of the Case Management System (CMIS) by all prosecutors

ContinuousKosovo Public Prosecutor


245 25

246 25 1 1. Approval of the Law on Courts. Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly Legislative Strategy 2008

247 25 2 2. Implementation of the Law on Courts. Continuous KJC MoJ Law on Courts

248 25 3 3. Approve the Law on Prosecution Offices. Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly MoJ Legislative Strategy 2008

249 25 4 4. Implementation of the Law on Prosecution Offices. ContinuousKosovo Public Prosecutors Law on Prosecution

250 26251 26 1 1. User support in software implementation. Q4-2008 KJC 754,400 754,400

252 26 2 2. Increased IT staff members, including replacement and supply of necessary IT equipment.

Q4-2008 KJC

253 26 33. Provision of WAN and internet services.

Q4-2008 KJC

254 26 4 4. Analysis on the number of pending cases by type. Q4-2008 KJC Strategic Plan 2007-2012

26. Implement the automated case management system fully in all courts and prosecution offices. Reduce the backlog of cases and the enforcement of civil court decisions.

25. Approve laws on courts and the prosecution and implement them. Develop a system of administrative justice and streamline relevant legislation and competences.

24. Strengthen the Prosecutor’s Office to ensure that it is able to comply with the principles of autonomy and impartiality. Continue to strengthen the Special Prosecutor's Office. Ensure the implementation of an efficient witness protection security scheme.


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Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

255 26 5 5. Regularly report on unresolved cases and unexecuted civil justice decisions.

Continuous KJC Strategic Plan 2007-2012

256 26 66. Inserting all prosecution offices in Court Domain and installation of CMIS (Court Management Information System) and PMS (Penal Management System).


Kosovo Public Prosecutor MoJ 2008 Working Plan 60,000 60,000

257 26 7 7. Monitor operation of CMIS and PMS systems and maintenance. Continuous MoJKosovo Public Prosecutor MoJ 2008 Working Plan 1,200,000 1,200,000 Project 'Further Support to Justice'.

258 26 8 8. Transfer all pending cases into the CMIS Continuous KJCKosovo Public Prosecutor

259 26 9 9. To improve working conditions (office space, telephone, computer access) for all public prosecutors

Continuous MoJKosovo Public Prosecutor

260 26 10 10. To establishing procedures for cooperation with the police and the Anti-Corruption Agency

ContinuousKosovo Public Prosecutor

ACA, Kosovo Police

261 26 11 11. To provide regular feedback to the Anti Corruption Agency on the follow up of forwarded cases

ContinuousKosovo Public Prosecutor ACA

262 27

263 27 1

1. Strengthened cooperation between municipal courts, KPA, Inspection and police in execution of decisions Continuous


KPA, SHPK/MIA, MLGA/Municipalities, KKA

264 27 2 2. Report regularly on cases related to occupation, use of property and illegal constructions

Continuous KJC

265 27 3 3. Effective resolution of cases related to occupation, use of property and illegal constructions on such property

Continuous KJC

266 27 4

4. Police assists in enforsment of the verdicts in relation to property.



MoU between Police and KPA 10-Mar-06; Regulation No. 2006/10 and 2006/ 50. 34,295 34,295

267 27 55. Police assists by means of request from the competent body/municipal court, in enforcing the verdict to stop the ilegal construction of the property.

ContinuousMIA KPS

Law on Execution Procedure 106,200 11,200 95,000

268 281. IPA 2008- Project: Reform of Legal Educational System'.

269 28 1 1. Organization of continuous training for legal education for judges and prosecutors.

Continuous KJI KJC, MoJLaw on Establishment of KJI, 2006/24 196,000 196,000

270 28 22. Organization of Preparatory Examination for Judge and Prosecutor Candidates and set up institutionalized training courses for candidates to the bar examination.

Q2-2008KJI KJC, MoJ KJI Statute 34,295 34,295

271 28 33. Begin implementation of Induction Trainings for legal education of Candidate Judges and Prosecutors. Q4-2008


Regulations of KJI which are drafting by Steering council of KJI 106,200 11,200 95,000

272 28 4 4. Initiate implementation of training for promotion of judges and prosecutors.

Q4-2008 KJI KJC, MoJ 5,960 1,960 4,000273 28 5 5. Training for Panel (Jury) Judges. Continuous KJI KJC, MoJ 6,500 6,500

274 28 6 6. Trainings for other collaborators (professional aides in courts and prosecution offices) in judicial fields.

Continuous KJI KJC, MoJ 3,500 3,500

275 28 7

7. Scientific research and publication of scientific documents and works in the judicial fields. Continuous

KJI 21,800 21,800276 28 8 8. Transformation of the KJC into a Masters Degree School. Q4-2009 KJI

277 28 9 9. Training of trainers in the spirit of modern training techniques and methodologies.

Continuous KJI 65,000 65,000278 28 10 10. Prepare and publish commentaries on Laws. Continuous KJI 30,000 30,000

279 28 11 11. Strengthened cooperation with other judicial training institutions in regional level and wider.

Continuous KJI KJC, MoJ

280 28 12 12. Establishment and operationalization of the Commission for issuance of bar-exams.

Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly SRSG Law on Bar Exams

281 28 13 13. Organization of Bar Exams. Continuous MoJ Law on Bar Exams

282 28 14 14. Draft and develop the regulation on the programme and method of holding and issuing Bar Exams.

Q2-2008 MoJ 326,000 326,000UNDP Project: 'Support to Bar Exams"

27. Strengthen municipal courts and police action to address, prevent and sanction illegal occupation, use and construction of property in an impartial manner.

28. Further develop legal education and training, particularly for judges, prosecutors and administrative personnel. Transform the Judicial Institute into a viable institution responsible for judicial training.


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Total KCB Donation GapBudget

Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

283 29 1. IPA 2008- Project 'EU Standards for the Ministry of Justice'.

284 29 11. Implementation of the Transitional Plan (transition documents) on competency transfer from UNMIK to MoJ and MIA Q3-2008

Government MoJ, MIA

Document of Working Group for Transition Documents

285 29 2 2. Draft the Law on Identification Documents Q2-2008 MIALegislative Strategy 2008 1,000 1,000

286 29 3 3. Approval of the Law on Identification Documents Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly

287 29 4 4. Draft the Law on Travel Documents Q1-2008 MIALegislative Strategy 2008 1,000 1,000

288 29 5 5. Approval of the Law on Travel Documents Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly

289 29 6 6. Draft the Law on Citizenship Q1-2008 MIALegislative Strategy 2008 1,000 1,000

290 29 7 7. Approval of the Law on Citizenship Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly

291 29 88. Provision of necessary software and creation of electronic databases and archives by the MoJ to transfer data from DoJ-UNMIK to MoJ Q3-2008

MoJ WG document for Preliminary Implementation Plan

230,000 230,000

292 29 9.9. Transferring the Forensic Institute from the Ministry of Health to the Ministry of Justice Q3-2008

MoJ MoH WG document for Preliminary Implementation Plan

293 29 10 10. Approval of the Law on Autopsy Q3-2008 Kosovo Assembly

294 29 11 11. Implementation of the Law on Autopsy Continuous MoJ 90,000 90,000

295 29 12 12. Approval of the Law on Forensic Medicine Q3-2008 Kosovo Assembly

296 29 13 13. Implementation of the Law on Forensic Medicine Continuous MoJ 1,517,800 1,517,800

297 29 1414. Authority transfer of the Office for Missing Persons and Forensics from the DoJ/UNMIK to MoJ Q3-2008

MoJ UNMIK WG document for Preliminary Implementation Plan

298 29 1515. Competency transfer from the Conditional Freedom Panel DoJ/UNMIK to the MoJ Q3-2008

MoJ UNMIK WG document for Preliminary Implementation Plan

299 29 1616. Competency transfer of the International Legal Cooperation from DoJ/UNMIK to the MoJ Q3-2008

MoJ UNMIK WG document for Preliminary Implementation Plan

300 29 17

17. Securing the Judge function as a permanent function


Independent Judiciary and Prosecutor Commission KJC AI no.2006/18

301 29 18

18. Development of appointment process


Independent Judiciary and Prosecutor Commission KJC AI no.2006/18

302 29 19

19. Draft and approve rules and procedures for: a) Permanent and Provisional Appointment of Judges; b) Assessment; c) Transfer and d) Promotion



Strategic Plan 2007-2012, Regulotion of KJC 2005/52 and Internal rules of KJC

303 29 20

20. Draft and approve rules and procedures to investigate allegations on misconduct Q1-2009


Strategic Plan 2007-2012, AD no.2006/8 and Internal rules of KJC

304 29 21

21. Professional trainings for candidate judges and prosecutors in the actual system Continuous


Law on Establishment of KJI, 2006/23 and Regulation of KJI 2005/52 196,000 196,000

305 29 22 22. Implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Projectof appointment of judges and prosecutors

Q4-2009 KJCGovernment MoU, Reg. UNMIK

2006/25 and AD 2008/2 5,700,000 5,700,000

306 29 23 23. Establishment and operationalization of the Independent Judicial and Prosecution Commission

Q2-2008 KJCMoJ MoU, Reg. UNMIK

2006/25 and AD 2008/2

29. Develop the capacity in the government free from undue political influence to take on responsibilities in the areas of justice and the interior. Implement a system of appointment, dismissal and career promotion for judges and prosecutors in line with European standards, free from political interference.


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Total KCB Donation GapBudget

Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

307 29 24 24. Establishment and operationalization of the Secretariat to facilitate the work of the Independent Judicial and Prosecution Commission

Q2-2008 KJCMoJ MoU, Reg. UNMIK

2006/25 and AD 2008/2308 30

309 30 11. Further proceeding of all demands for international legal aid by foreign authorities in Kosovo and vice versa, in high efficiency and proper time Continuous

MoJPenal Code Procedures no.2003/26

310 30 2 2. Capacity building for the Division of International Judicial Cooperation of the Ministry of Justice

Continuous MoJGovernment Penal Code Procedures

no.2003/26311 31312 31 1 1. Refer to priority Nr. 33 actions 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9313 32

314 32 1 1. Commission for Representation of the Less Represented Communities continues to function.

Continuous KJC MoJ315 33

316 33 1

1. Operationalization of the Coordination Council for Rule of Law



KJC MIA, KJI, AKK, Customs, Legal Aid Cmmission

317 33 2

2. Professional trainings for officials providing legal support, including topics such as human rights-legal aspect, in order to increase the regional officials' efficiency offering legal support.

Q4-2009Legal Aid Commission

Government, UP

UNMIK Reg. 2006/36 on Legal Assistance 250,000 132,000 180,000

318 33 3 3. Ensure free legal support services.Continuous

Legal Aid Commission

Government, UP

UNMIK Reg. 2006/36 on Legal Assistance 3,000 3,000

319 33 44. Establish support Office for free legal service in the northern Mitrovica in order for all communities, especially the Serb community, to have access to the free legal services

Q2-2008 Legal Aid Commission UNMIK

UNMIK Reg. 2006/36 on Legal Assistance 125,000 125,000

320 33 5 5. Ensure necessary equipment, including vehicles, for Legal Aid regional offices Q4-2008

Legal Aid Commission

UNMIK Reg. 2006/36 on Legal Assistance 10,000 1,000 9,000

321 33 6 6. Organize comprehensive media campaigns for awareness raising of the general public and institutions.

Q4-2008Legal Aid Commission

322 33 7 7. Amendment of the Regulation No. 2006/36Q4-2009

Legal Aid Commission MoJ

UNMIK Reg. 2006/36 on Legal Assistance

323 33 8 8. Development of a database for all cases that have been sent to the Legal Aid Commission.

Q3-2008Legal Aid Commission


UNMIK Reg. 2006/36 on Legal Assistance 50,000 50,000

324 33 10 9. Restructuring of the legal aid in respect to institutional management of the Legal Aid Commission.

Q4-2008Legal Aid Commission


UNMIK Reg. 2006/36 on Legal Assistance

325 34 1. IPA 2007, Project:“Enhancing Rule of Law”, Component II.

326 34 11. Undertaking administrative investigation on allegated corruption cases and proceeding complete cases to prosecution offices Continuous

ACAKosovo Institutions

Anti-Corruption Law, 2005/26

327 34 22. Undertake disclosure and checking assets of senior public officials in public institutions Continuous

ACAKosovo Institutions

Anti-Corruption Law, 2005/26

328 34 33. Undertake measures to prevent cases of conflict of interest in exercising public function Continuous

ACAKosovo Institutions

Anti-Corruption Law, 2005/26

329 34 44. Monitor cases of gift acceptance by public officials in compliance with the Law Against Corruption Continuous

ACAKosovo Institutions

Anti-Corruption Law, 2005/26

330 34 55. Draft a new anti-corruption strategy and action plan


Kosovo Parliament, Government

Anti-Corruption Law, 2005/26 20,000 20,000

331 34 6 6. Endorsement by the Government of the new anti-corruption strategy and action plan

Q4-2008Kosovo Assembly


332 34 77. Implementation of new anti-corruption strategy and action plan

ContinuousACA Government

Anti-Corruption Law, 2005/26

Anti-Corruption Policy34. Implement the law on the suppression of corruption and the anti corruption plan. Strengthen the anti corruption agency and take measures to ensure fully its independence and functioning.

30. Increase efforts to meet international standards in the handling of mutual legal assistance requests in criminal matters and extradition requests.

31. Strengthen the access to justice of minority communities and reinforce mechanisms such as the courts' Liaison Offices.

32. Continue to take measures to facilitate an equitable ethnic representation of judges.

33. Strengthen the administrative capacity, coordination and effectiveness of the judiciary and all law enforcement agencies. Ensure the viability of a comprehensive legal aid system.


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Total KCB Donation GapBudget

Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

333 34 88. Regular cooperation with other public institutions competent in fighting and preventing corruption Continuous

ACA GovernmentAnti-Corruption Law, 2005/26

334 34 99. Allocation of funds to secure independence and operation of ACA pursuant to its mandate Continuous Kosovo

Assembly MFE Anti-Corruption Law, 2005/26

335 34 10 10. To create a legal base for cooperation with the police and the public prosecution service

Q4-2009Kosovo Assembly Government 30,000 30,000

336 34 1111. To increase the effectiveness of cooperation with the police and with the public prosecution service Continuous

ACAKosovo Police and Prosecution

Law on amended Anti-Corruption Law

337 35 1. IPA 2007, Project:“Enhancing Rule of Law”, Component II.

338 35 11. Sign a Memorandum of Understanding for coordination and harmonization of activities between Anti-Corruption Agency and the Office for Good Governance - the Prime Minister's Office

Q2-2008OPM ACA

Anti-Corruption Law, 2005/26

339 36340 36 1 1. Prepare the Draft Law on Property Restitution Continuous OPM Ahtisari Package 15,000 15,000

341 36 2

2. Establishment of the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights, Gender Equality, Missing Persons and Petitions

Q1-2008Kosovo Assembly

Decision of Kosovo Parliament on establishment of Parliamentary Commitees

342 36 33. Finalization of matrices designed by Ministries for facilitation of fulfillment of recommendations of the Council of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

Q2-2008OPM MRC

Framework Convention for Protection of Natinonal Minorities 2,000 2,000

343 36 44. To organize meetings with civil society to discuss matrices.

Q2-2008OPM MRC

Framework Convention for Protection of Natinonal Minorities 1,500 1,500

344 36 55. Implementation of recommendations given by the Council of Europe.

ContinuousOPM MRC

Framework Convention for Protection of Natinonal Minorities

345 36 6 6. Finalization of the Human Rights Strategy and Action Plan Q2-2008 OPM 5,000 5,000

346 36 7 7. Public launching of implementation of Strategy and awareness campaign to promote the strategy

Q4-2008 OPM 20,000 20,000

347 36 8 8. Presentation of the Human Right Strategy before the Kosovo Donor Conference

Q2-2008 OPMStrategy on Human Rights and Action Plan 5,000 5,000

348 36 9 9. Implementation of the Human Rights Strategy and Action Plan Continuous OPM

349 36 10 10. Summary and publication of the Anti-Discrimination Law and Administrative Instruction for implementation of the law

Q2-2008 OPMAnti-Discrimination Law, 2004/32 10,000 10,000

350 37

351 37 1 1. Human capacity building in the field of cable, digital transmission and media analysis

Q4-2008 IMCKosovo Assembly 21,096 21,096

352 37 2 2. Provision of necessary resources for monitoring/inspection and assessment of media in the process of re-licencing

Continuous IMC Kosovo Parliament 60,000 60,000

353 37 3 3. Undertake re-licensing process, as per Chapter III, Part A of the IMC Law

Continuous IMCKosovo Assembly Law of ICM 2005/34 120,000 120,000

354 37 4 4. Hiring foreign experts to implement the re-licensing project Q2-2008 IMCKosovo Assembly 20,000 20,000

355 37 5 5. Enforcement of the Regulation on Advertising Q2-2008 IMCKosovo Assembly 10,000 10,000

356 37 6 6. Draft and approve the Regulation on protection of minors, and guidelines for implementation

Q3-2008 IMCKosovo Assembly 10,000 10,000

357 37 7 7. Implementation of the Regulation on Minor Protection Continuous IMCKosovo Assembly

358 37 8 8. Human capacity building for implementation of subsidiary legislation issued by IMC

Q4-2008 IMCKosovo Assembly 20,000 20,000

359 37 99. Preparations for the capital project of digitalization: a) provision of hardware and software; staff training and establishment of relevant working groups


Kosovo Assembly 150,000 150,000

36. Complete the legislative framework and enhance the respect of mechanisms for the protection of human and minority rights in line with Council of Europe recommendations. Adopt and implement a comprehensive Human Rights Strategy.

37. Strengthen the legal framework related to the freedom of expression. Provide the independent media commission with the relevant resources to respect the provisions of the legislation. Remove any legal ambiguities in relation to insult and

Human rights and protection of minorities

35. Streamline the competencies of the Anti corruption Agency, the Office of Good Governance and the Anti corruption Council.


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Total KCB Donation GapBudget

Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

360 37 1010. Implementation of the Monitoring Project through providing equipment for reception of analogue and cable media transmission, and archiving


Kosovo Assembly 400,000 400,000

361 37 1111. Amendment of Civil Law No. 02/L-65 Against Defamation and Insult to provide incorporation of Articles 187 and 188 of the Code of Criminal Procedure that cover defamation and insult

Q4-2009 Kosovo Assembly


362 38

363 38 11. Appoint the Ombudsperson, observing legal procedures and timelines

Q3-2008 Kosovo Assembly

UNMIK-ut Reg. on Ombudsperson 2000/38 20,000 20,000

364 38 2 2. Approve the Law on Ombudsperson Q3-2008Kosovo Assembly Legislative Strategy 2008

365 38 3 3. Implement the Law on Ombudsperson ContinuousOmbudsperson

366 39

367 39 1 1. Development of mechanisms for implementation and monitoring policies and affirmative measures for gender issues

Q2-2009 OPMRelevant Institutions

368 39 22. Improvement of infrastructure, transport and safety in schools, and monitoring academic achievements of boys and girls in mandatory education


MLGA, Municipalities 20,000 20,000

369 39 3 3. Drafting programs and curricula, and preparing training modules for teachers and professors, integrating gender as a specific topic Q2-2009 OPM

MEST, Municipalities

370 39 4

4. Improve the legal infrastructure to promote equal participation and employment in leadership positions in education, state and university institutions


Kosovo Parliament, Government, Municipalities 35,000 35,000

371 39 5 5. Allocation of at least 5% of the national budget for education and improvement of literacy in women

Q2-2009 OPM MFE

372 39 6

6. Increase the number of entrepreneur women through providingopportunities for greater access to property, capital and loans, byerecting women loan programs, and special rural women loansspecifically

Q2-2009OPM MFE

373 39 77. Development of salary subsidy programs for marginalized women categories, such as trafficked women and girls, women in the age of retirement or disabled or invalid women (women in risk).


374 39 8

8. Promotion of development of small women-managed businessesthrough micro-financing programs, business clubs and developmentfunds for crediting small businesses, combined with vocational trainings,transfer of know-how, development of services and marketing




375 39 9

9. Development of transparent schemes for information provision on rightto employment and labor legislation, information on labor market, accessto education and vocational training, access to property and loans


OPM MSLW, MLGA, 200,000 200,000

376 39 10 10. Formulate policies to support poor women, with social services and social assistance in cash

Q2-2009 OPM MLGA, MLSW 300,000 300,000

377 39 11 11. Ensure health care policies and programs respond to genderdifferences and health needs of women Q2-2009 OPM

Government, MoH

378 39 12 12. Increased participation of women in political decision-making andmanagement and social awareness raising on gender equality values

Q2-2009 OPM Government

379 39 1313. Improvement of the women image in media and in culture with theaim of diminishing gender stereotypes through media institutions andoutlets


380 39 1414. Media monitoring with the aim of monitoring integration of gender perspectives and promotion of gender equality in designing programs and articles


381 40

382 40 1 1. Monitor implementation of Anti-Discrimination Law Continuous MoJ OPM AI. 2005/08 and 2007/04 UNIFEM / Project 'Human Rights Strategy'.

383 40 2 2. Organization of Trainings for MoJ staff on implementation of Anti-Discrimination Law

Continuous MoJ OPM AI. 2005/08 and 2007/04 20,000 20,000

38. Elect an ombudsperson and adopt legal provisions which ensure implementation of the ombudsperson's recommendations.

39. Define and adopt a government programme to promote women's rights in Kosovo.

40. Implement the anti discrimination law effectively. In particular, make the human rights units within ministries fully operational, and ensure their independence and coordination with Ombudsperson's activities. Organise awareness campaigns to inform the private sector, civil society and academic circles about this law. Monitor the implementation of the law and report on it.


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Total KCB Donation GapBudget

Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

384 40 33. Publication of survey results on the level of implementation of Anti-Discrimination Law by civil servants at the Central Public Administration Q4-2008

OPMRelevant Institutions 17,500 17,500

385 40 4 4. Publication of survey results on citizens' perception related to discrimination, and implementation of the Law Against Discrimination

Continuous OPM Ministries 17,500 17,500

386 40 55. Full operationalization of Human Rights Units in all line Ministries, pursuant to AI 2007/04. Continuous

OPM Ministries AI. 2007/04 1,000 1,000

387 40 66. Organization of regular monthly meetings between OGG/OPM and Ombudsperson Institution, with a view of activity coordination and implementation of recommendations by Ombudsperson


Ministries, Ombudsperson, AI. 2007/05 5,000 5,000

388 40 77. Monitor implementation of the Training Program on "Professional Development" of the Human Rights Units Q4-2008


Programme on professional development for UHR 20,000 20,000

389 40 8 8. Operationalization of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Children's Rights

Q3-2008 OPM GovernmentPM Decision on Committee 200 200

390 40 99. Establishment of an Interministerial Working Group for drafting a National Plan for Disabled Persons Q3-2008



Working Plan of OGG-PMO for 2008 year.

391 40 10 10. Approval of the National Plan for Disabled Persons Q4-2008 Government

392 40 1111. Operationalization of the National Council for Disabled Persons, including capacity building for this Council and approval of the Work Plan 2008- 2009.

Q1-2009OPM Ministries

PM Decision on the Council

393 40 12 12. Continued process of Sign Language Standardization Continuous OPMRelevant Institutions 2,000 2,000

394 40 13 13. Marking the Disability Mentoring Day - Vocational opportunities Day, by hiring disabled persons to use their vocational skills

Q4-2008 OPM GovernmentWorking Plan of OGG-PMO 500 500

395 40 14 14. Marking the International White Stick Week Q4-2008 OPM GovernmentWorking Plan of OGG-PMO 1,000 1,000

396 40 15 15. Marking the International Day for Disabled Persons Q4-2008 OPM Government 4,000 4,000

397 40 16 16. Prepare a comprehesive report on the condition of disabled persons Q4-2008 OPM

398 40 17 17. Organization of awareness campaigns on importance of the Anti-Discrimination Law implementation

Continuous OPM Government 15,000 15,000399 41

400 41 1 1. Operationalization of Community Houses in Deçan and Dardanë for mental disability persons

Q2-2008 MLSW Strategic Plan 2001-2008 46,000 46,000

401 41 2 2. Operationalization of Elderly and People with Unsolicited Family Care Homes in Skenderaj and Burim.

Q4-2008 MLSW Strategic Plan 2001-2008 108,000 108,000402 41 3 3. Draft adequate legislation for provision of home services Q1-2009 MLSW

403 41 44. Professional NGO involvement, through purchasing services, with the aim of providing better service to the community, namely homes - whereved needed the most

Q4-2009MLSW 250,000 250,000

404 41 5 5. Strengthened cooperation with Mental Health Centers Continuous MLSW MoH405 42406 42 1 Refer to the Priority 40.407 43

408 43 11. Establishment of an Interministerial Working Group to identify and implement legislation on children's rights protection Q2-2008


MEST, MoJ, MCYS, MLSW, MoH 5,000 1,000 4,000 UNICEF

409 43 2

2. Identification of the highest priority issues in relation to necessary legislation Q3-2008

Inter-Ministerial Working Group


410 43 3

3. Prepare and submission of recommendations to the Interministerial Committee in relation to necessary legislation on protection of children's rights

Q4-2008Inter-Ministerial Working Group


411 43 4 4. Initiate draft on the Strategic Framework for Children Rights Continuous OPM K4-2008 15,000 15,000 UNICEF

42. Promote anti discrimination policies throughout the country, addressing all groups at risk.

41. Develop community based services and aid to dependent persons, including in the field of mental health.

43. Adopt and implement adequate legislation in order to ensure legal protection for children.


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n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

412 43 55. To continue with posing diversity measures and alternative convictions for minors by the Prosecutions and Courts as well as execution of these convictions by the Kosovo Correctional Service. Continuous MoJ

Kosovo Correctional Service

Law on Minors, Law on Execution of Penal Sanctions

413 43 66. To continue with training of Kosovo Correctional Service regarding the treatment, supervision and correction of minors.

Continuous MoJ

Kosovo Correctional Service

Law on Minors, Law on Execution of Penal Sanctions 12,000 4,500 7,500

414 43 77. To continue with ensuring assistance and direct service for children including monitoring and prevention of children ill-treatment and prevention of hazardous works for children. Continuous MoJ MLSW MoJ 2008 Working Plan

415 43 88. Organize study visits for officials of Correctional Service in EU countries with the aim of appropriating from best practices in the field of correctional service. Continuous MoJ

Kosovo Correctional Service

Law on Minors, Law on Execution of Penal Sanctions 70,000 70,000

416 44

1. IPA 2007, Project: "return, reintegration and cultural heritage in Kosovo. Creation of conditions for return and reintegration and internally displaced persons", Component II.

417 44 1 1. Regular monitoring of implementation of Law on Use of Languages at the central level

Continuous MPS Government AI 2006/10 14,000 14,000

418 44 2 2. Regular monitoring of implementation of Law on Use of Languages at the local level

Continuous MLGA Municipalities AI 2007/02

419 44 3 3. Drafting monthly and periodical reports on translation services in all official languages in all Ministries of the Government of Kosovo

Continuous MPS Government AI 2006/10 10,000 10,000

420 44 4 4. Draft biannual and periodical reports on translation services to all official languages for all municipalities

Continuous MLGA Municipalities AI 2007/02

421 44 55. Recommendations from Monitoring and Reports on implementation of the Law on Use of Languages are reviewed and decided upon by the OPM Language Commission

Continuous OPM Language Commission

422 44 6 6. Draft subsidiary legislation on implementation of the Law on Cultural Heritage

Q3-2008 MCYSLaw on Cultural Heritage, 2006/52 5,000 5,000

423 44 7 7. Reform of cultural heritage institutions pursuant to new legislation Q4-2008 MCYSLaw on Cultural Heritage, 2006/52 15,000 15,000

424 44 8 8. Operationalization of the Cultural Heritage Council Q3-2008Kosovo Assembly MCYS

Law on Cultural Heritage, 2006/52

425 44 9 9. Creation of the Cultural Heritage Database in Kosovo Q4-2008 MCYSLaw on Cultural Heritage, 2006/52 235,000 10,000 225,000 British Embassy Pristina

426 44 10 10. List of Cultural Heritage under Protection Q4-2008 MCYSKosovo Parliament

Law on Cultural Heritage, 2006/52 50,000 24,000 26,000

427 45

1. IPA 2007, Project: "return, reintegration and cultural heritage in Kosovo. Creation of conditions for return and reintegration and internally displaced persons", Component I.

428 45 1 1. Approval of the amended Law on Spatial Planning Q4-2008Kosovo Assembly MESP

429 45 2 2. Approval of the Law on Social Housing Programs Q2-2008 MESPKosovo Assembly

430 45 3

3. Implementation of the amended Law on Spatial Planning



MPS, KCA, MLGA, Municipalities

Guideline on Spatial Planning,Report on Existing situation research October 2005 150,000 150,000

431 45 4

4. Draft the Action Plan on Identification of Informal Settlements



MPS, KCA, MLGA, Municipalities

Guideline on Spatial Planning,Report on Existing situation research October 2006 200,000 200,000

432 45 5

5. Implementation of the Action Plan on Identification of Informal Settlements Continuous


MPS, KCA, MLGA, Municipalities

Guideline on Spatial Planning,Report on Existing situation research October 2007 500,000 500,000

44. Fully enforce the law on official languages as well as on cultural heritage and set up an/effective mechanism to monitor its implementation.

45. Regularise informal settlements. Find sustainable solutions for the housing and integration of Roma communities that are living in hazardous living conditions in camps and for internally displaced persons groups living in informal centres.

Minority rights, cultural rights and protection of minorities


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Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

433 45 6

6. Draft Strategy and Action Plan for regularization of informal settlements



MLGA, MPS, MoJ Municipalities,MoH, MEST, MLSW

Guideline on Spatial Planning,Report on Existing situation research October 2008 250,000 250,000

434 45 7 7. Present the updated version of the Program and Guidelines on Social Housing in municipal sections on Housing

Q2-2008 MMPHMLGA, Municipalities

Guideline on Social Dwelling 600 600

435 45 8

8. Prepare a report and recommendations on the existing situation in informal settlements Q4-2009


MPS, KCA, MLGA, Municipalities

Guideline on Spatial Planning,Report on Existing situation research October 2005 70,000 70,000

436 45 99. Continued training of municipal urban planners involved in informal settlements, spatial and urban plans Q4-2008


MLGA, MoJ, Municipalities, UN-HABITAT

Guideline on Spatial Planning, amandment of LSP 20,000 20,000

437 45 10

10. Continued comprehensive campaign on the need to prevent information constructions and regularize informal settlements Q4-2008


MLGA, MoJ, Municipalities, UN-HABITAT, ACA

Declaration of Viena, Guideline on Spatial Planning 25,000 25,000

438 45 11 11. Finalize drafting of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian Community Strategy


Kosovo Strategy on Communities RAE

439 45 1212. Implementation of the project for development of RAE community.


OPM, Municipalities

Kosovo Government Strategy for RAE Community 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000

440 45 1313. Intitutional and organizative infrastructure building for re-integration of RAE community in labour market through training and employment Q2-2008

MRCOPM, Municipalities

Kosovo Government Strategy for RAE Community 500,000 250,000 250,000

441 45 1414. Compilation of validity for economic development of RAE community.


OPM, Municipalities

Kosovo Government Strategy for RAE Community 4,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000

442 46

443 46 1

1. Human capacity building through trainings for the Ministry of Communities and Returns Continuous


Mandate of MCR,Terms of Refernces of the Project

1,000,000 1,000,000

444 46 2 2. Implementation of the Administrative Instruction 2005/15 clarifying competencies on returns of displaced persons

Continuous MRC AI 2005/15 200,000 100,000 100,000

445 46 3 3. Clarification and refreshment of strategic objectives of the MCR and development of partnerships with other local and international entities

Q4-2008 MRCRelevant Institutions 100,000 30,000 70,000

446 46 4 4. Monitoring and reporting on human rights violation. Continuous MRCRelevant Institutions MRC Mandate 100,000 100,000

447 46 5 5. Strengthen organizative capacities for complete representation in implementation of return and reintegration strategy.

Continuous MRCRelevant Institutions MRC Mandate 100,000 50,000 50,000

448 46 6 6. Set up a database on adequate services at local level on socio-economic condition

Q1-2009 MRCMLGA, Municipalities

449 46 7 7. Coordination with MIA to improve security situation Continuous MRC MIA

450 46 8 8. Implementation of Action Plan on Sustainable Return Continuous MRCMLGA, Municipalities

451 47

1. IPA 2007, Project: "Return, reintegration and cultural heritage in Kosovo. Creation of conditions for return and reintegration and internally displaced persons", Component I.

452 47 1 1. Monitoring and coordination in implementation of capital projects. Q4-2009 MRCGovernment, Municipalities

Sustainable Return Manual 50,000 25,000 25,000

453 47 2 2. Participation in Working Groups for Return aiming to gather data for displaced persons.

Continuous MRCGovernment, Municipalities

Sustainable Return Manual 50,000 25,000 25,000

454 47 3 3. Participation in implementation of CMPR projects. Continuous MRCGovernment, Municipalities

Sustainable Return Manual 10,000 5,000 5,000

455 47 4 4. Monitoring the implementation of the projects for building houses for returnees.

Continuous MRCGovernment, Municipalities

Sustainable Return Manual 10,000 5,000 5,000

46. Strengthen administrative structures and accountability mechanisms in the Ministry of Communities and Returns. Clarify the division of responsibilities regarding the return between the Ministry of Local Governance and the Ministry of Communities and Returns, at central and local levels. Further develop and implement the joint strategic framework on communities and returns, and develop mechanisms at municipal level for facilitating the sustainable integration of returnees and existing minority communities.

47. Facilitate and encourage the return of refugees and displaced persons from all communities and finalise the rehabilitation of properties damaged and destroyed by the March 2004 events, including historic and religious sites.


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Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

456 47 5 5. Follow-up on economic sustainability post return. Continuous MRCGovernment, Municipalities

Sustainable Return Manual 10,000 5,000 5,000

457 47 6 6. Monitor the individual return. Continuous MRCGovernment, Municipalities

Sustainable Return Manual 10,000 5,000 5,000

458 47 7 7. Collection and processing of requests by displaced persons. A Continuous MRCGovernment, Municipalities

Sustainable Return Manual 5,000 5,000

459 47 8 8.Follow-up and inspection of building projects. Continuous MRCGovernment, Municipalities

Sustainable Return Manual 5,000 2,500 2,500

460 47 9 9. Foundation of grants for socio-economic sustainability after return. Continuous MRCGovernment, Municipalities

Sustainable Return Manual 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000

461 47 10 10. Programme ``SUTRA``- assistance to sustainable return of minorities in Kosovë Plus.

Continuous MRCGovernment, Municipalities

Sustainable Return Manual 7,000,000 3,500,000 3,500,000

462 47 11 11. Offer of assistance to intern displaced persons, their participation in working groups and establishment of contacts.

Continuous MRCGovernment, Municipalities

Sustainable Return Manual 500,000 250,000 250,000

463 47 12 12. Monitoring and evaluation of all activities and reintegration projects of returns.

Continuous MRCGovernment, Municipalities

Sustainable Return Manual 5,000 5,000

464 47 13 13. Monitoring in building of objects and economic sustainability after return.

Continuous MRCGovernment, Municipalities

Sustainable Return Manual 5,000 5,000

465 47 14 14. Data gathering for refugees and IDP's and processing in database. Continuous MRCGovernment, Municipalities

Sustainable Return Manual 5,000 2,500 2,500

466 47 15 15. Establishment of unique database for returnees in municipalities. Continuous MRCGovernment, Municipalities

Sustainable Return Manual 50,000 25,000 25,000

467 47 16 16. Compile database for changes of addresses in the field in the process of return (individual and collective).

Continuous MRCGovernment, Municipalities

Sustainable Return Manual 50,000 25,000 25,000

468 47 17 17. Continued activity of the Commission for repairing 34 Serbian Orthodox ensembles damaged in the events of March 2004

Q4-2008 MCYS CoE, KOS MoU

469 48

470 48 1 1.Establish necessary initial structures within the MLGA to manage cross-border cooperation

Q3-2008 MLGA OPM

471 48 22. Establish necessary structures within the MLGA to manage cross-border and inter-municipal cooperation Q4-2008

MLGA OPM IPA Regulation.2007 - 2013

Project CBC will commence in May 2008 and will support MLGA in cross-border issues.

472 48 3 3. Establish central administrative capacities for cross-border cooperation

Continuous MLGA OPM 3,000 3,000

473 48 44. Initiate establishment of other structures such as committees and secretariats, and other stakeholders for cross-border cooperation management

Q1-2009MLGA OPM 900,000 900,000

474 48 5 5. Initiate identification of idea projects with neighbouring countries on cross-border cooperation

Q4-2008 MLGAMunicipalities, OPM, Ministries

475 48 6 6. Establish capacities at the local level to draft projects of cross-border cooperation nature

Continuous MLGA Municipalities

476 48 7 7. Draft models of inter-municipal and twinning models by the MLGA, through preparation of manuals and guidelines for municipalities

Q4-2008 MLGA 1,000 1,000

477 48 8 8. Issuing legislation and subsidiary legislation on intermunicipal cooperation with the aim of legal regulation of this field

Q4-2009 MLGA 2,000 2,000

478 48 9 9. Implementation of the Agreement with Albania on the energy sector Q2-2009 MEM GovernmentAgreement signed with Albania

479 48 10 10. Signature of Bilateral Agreement with Macedonia on energy sector Q4-2009 Government MEM

480 48 11 11. Signature of Bilateral Agreement with Montenegro on energy sector Q4-2009 Government MEM

481 48 12 12. Initiate negotiations for signature of Free Trade Agreement with Turkey

Q2-2008 MTI Government Regulation 2001/18 2,100 2,100

482 48 13 13. Actively participate in the Initiative for Removing Non-Tariff Barriers, under the competency of the Stability Pact

Continuous MTI OPMRules of Procedure for the Stability Pact 4,000 4,000

483 48 14

14. Implement provisions from the Memorandum of Understanding on Standardization and Accreditation signed between Kosovo and Albania Continuous

MTI Government

MoU between Agency for Standardisation of Kosova and that from Albania 50,000 50,000

Regional issues and international obligations48. Strengthen regional cooperation and good neighbourly relations.


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n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

484 48 15

15. Implementation of the Operational Plan for adopting European standards as domestic standards for productive businesses and others Continuous


MoU between Agency for Standardisation of Kosova and that from Albania 58,000 58,000

485 48 16 16. Proposals for new International Agreements in the field of international criminal/civil legal aid

Continuous GovernmentMoJ

486 48 1717. Continued implementation of existing Agreements between DoJ/UNMIK and regional countries, up to a political decision making the MoJ a signatory party instead of UNMIK



Applicable Law in Kosovo for mandate of DÇL/DD

487 48 1818. Competency transfer from DoJ/UNMIK to MoJ in the field of international judicial cooperation Q4-2008


Document o WG for Alkline Plan for implementation

7,200 2,500


488 48 19 19. Definite demarcation of the border between Kosovo and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Q4-2009 Government

489 491. IPA Multi-Beneficiary 2008, Project: Regional Programme in Trade Investments in Western Balkans.

490 49 1 1. Establish technical sub-committees working under the Joint Committee of Trade Ministers of CEFTA Member Countries

Q2-2008 MTIMAFRD, Customs Agreement of CEFTA

491 49 2 2. Monitor implementation of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA).

Continuous MTI Agreement of CEFTA 7,200 2,500 4,700

492 49 3 3. Oversight of exports and imports of Kosovo with CEFTA signatory countries

Q4-2008 MTIMTI, MAFRD, Customs Agreement of CEFTA

493 49 4 4. Oversight of trading exchanges, through meeting businesses Q4-2008 MTI Customs Agreement of CEFTA 1,400 1,400

494 49 5 5. A survey of businesses related to non-tariff barriers Q2-2008 MTICustoms, MAFRD Agreement of CEFTA

495 49 6 6. Removal of non-tariff barriers with CEFTA Signatory countries Q4-2009 MTICustoms, MAFRD Agreement of CEFTA 14,000 14,000

496 49 7 7. Active participation in the process of integrating the Initiative for Removing Non-Tariff Barriers under CEFTA

Continuous MTICustoms, MAFRD Agreement of CEFTA 5,300 5,300

497 49 8 8. Continued participation in meetings of the EU Charter on Small Enterprises

Continuous MTI OPMRules of Procedure for the Stability Pact

498 49 9 9. Continued implementation of provisions of the European Civil Aviation Area Agreement (ECAA).

Continuous CARO MTT

499 49 1010. Active participation in the Investment Reform Index for South-EasternEurope, organized by the Stability Pact and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

ContinuousMTI OPM

Rules of Procedure for the Stability Pact

500 49 11 11. Active participation in South-Eastern Europe Cooperation Process (SEECP) summits

Continuous OPM OPM

501 49 1212. Engagement within the Stability Pact Office to involve Kosovo in the process of transition of the Stability Pact into the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)

ContinuousOPM Government

502 49 1313. Participation and representation in meetings organized by the RCC General Secretary, pursuant to other member countries of the RCC Board

ContinuousOPM Government

Statute of RCC (approved on 10th of May 2007 in Zagreb )

503 49 14

14. Participation in the first RCC Meeting, where MoU-s shall be signed on establishment of the RCC and Rules of Procedure on the RCC Board, to be held in SOfia (Bulgaria)


OPM Government

MoU on Establishment of RCC-së and Rules of Procedure of RCC Board .

504 50

505 50 1

1. Review and update the MTEF



Revised and approved by the Government with Decision no. 13/24, date 12.06.2008

506 50 22. Draft and approve amendments for the 2008 budget, with the aim of ensuring long-term sustainability of public finances Q2-2008

MFEKosovo Assembly

Regulation 2008/13 was amended Law on Budget no. 03/L-088

507 50 3

3. Improve management of committed expenditures


MFE Government

Instructions to budgetory organizations on monthly reporting on status of capital projects

50. Maintain sound fiscal policies and, in particular, ensure that social policies addressing poverty and social exclusion are compatible with the long run sustainability of public finances.Economic Criteria

49. Implement the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) and participate actively in all relevant regional initiatives, inter alia under the auspices of the Stability Pact, including the process of its transition towards a more regionally owned cooperation framework.


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Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

508 50 4

4. Approve Draft Law on Consolidated Budget 2009.

Q4-2008 Kosovo Assembly Government

On 31 October the Government submits to the Assembly for approval

509 50 5 5. Comprehensive review of fiscal policies and legislation, with the possibility of amendments to comply to Acquis

Q3-2008 MFE ATK, CustomsAnnual Working Plan MFE 2009 550,000 8,000 542,000

510 50 6 6. Review tax legislation, especially excise, customs taxes, with the aim of creating better conditions for FDI

Q3-2008 MFE Customs, ATK 3,000 3,000

511 50 7 7. Draft and approve amendments to the Law on Public Finance Management and Accountability 2003/2.

Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly Government 2,000 2,000

512 50 8 8. Review tax exemptions and import tax exemptions Q3-2008 MFE Customs, ATK 6,000 6,000

513 50 9 9. Analytical capacity building for the DPEF and municipalities in preparing budgets

Continuous MFE

514 50 10 10. Capacity building for strategic planning at MEF and municipalities Continuous MFEMLGA/Municipalities, KIPA

515 50 11 11. Awareness raising for the public in relation to role and importance of fiscal policies, through transparency improvement

Continuous MFE TAK 15,000 15,000

516 50 12 12. Analyse the level of food basket and comparison to the level of social assistance

Q4-2008 MPMS MFE, SOK,

517 50 13 13. The Government decides on adapted family food basket with the social assistance level

Q4-2008 GovernmentMFE, MPMS, SOK

518 50 14

14 Identify categories not included in existing schemes


MPMS Municipalities

Mid-Term Framework of expences, Annual Plans of MLSW-DMS, Municipal Plans of Indivdual incomes

519 50 1515. Comprehensive analysis to review demand for amendments in legislative and financial terms (impact assesment analysis) with the aim of including identified categories


520 50 16 16. Decision on amending social and fiscal policies to include identified categories

Q2-2009 Government MSLW, MFE

521 50 1717. Approval of the Law on Material Support to families with custody over disabled children Q3-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government

Draft-Law for Support to Families of disabled persons 1-18 years old 3,600,000 3,600,000

522 51

523 51 1 1. Update business plans of publicly owned enterprises with the aim of providing annual objectives for an efficient bill collection

Q2-2008 KTA Bussines Plans of PE

524 51 2 2. Draft a plan for achievement of these objectives Q2-2008 KTA525 51 3 3. Organization of awareness campaigns to improve bill collection Q3-2008 KTA 500,000 500,000526 52

527 52 1 1. Review the KTA privatization schedule in order to excelerate the privatization process.

Q2-2008 KTA UNMIK Regulation 2002/12 (as amanded) 10,194,182 2,820,000 7,374,182

528 52 2 2. Draft Action Plan to enhance the privatization process Q3-2008 KTAUNMIK Regulation 2002/12 (as amanded)

529 53

1. IPA 2007- IPA 2007- Project: Capacity Building of Kosovo institutions for developing legislation and policies commensurate to EU's legislation and policies.

530 53 1 1. Establish capacities in the field of financial management and internal audits

Q4-2008 KTA12,000,000 1,200,000

531 53 2 2. Approve the Draft Law on Mines and Minerals to supersede the UNMIK Regulation 2005/ 2 and /3.

Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly

ICMM, MEM UNMIK Reg. 2005/2, UNMIK Reg. 2005/3

532 53 33. continued Geo-Chemical studies in 2008 and 2009 to complete one of technical components for a database for attracting investors to the mineral sector of Kosovo


1,000,000 1,000,000533 53 4 4. Undertaking of a Ultra-Violet Reflection Spectroscopic Study Q2-2008 ICMM 30,000 30,000

534 53 5 5. Undertake necessary preparations (legal and financial) for a Geological Study of Kosovo

Q3-2008 ICMMMEM, MFE 1,000,000 1,000,000

51. Establish annual targets for improved bill collection rates of public utilities and define and implement strategies to reach those targets.

52. Significantly advance the privatisation of former socially owned enterprises in accordance with the Trust Agency schedule.

53. Improve the governance, efficiency and financial sustainability of publicly owned enterprises. Further strengthen the operational and financial independence of regulatory authorities with a view to enhancing transparency and competition in the respective sectors.


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Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

535 53 6

6. The Government undertakes proper preparations for a discussion on the EC Assessment Mission Report on Regulators in Kosovo with a view of undertaking necessary measures to ensure operational and financial independence of regulators


OPM Assesment Report of the Mission of European Comission for Regulators in Kosovo - 2007

536 53 7 7. Establish a regulatory body of Kosovo Railways, operationally and financially independent

Q4-2008 Government MTT 50,300 50,300

537 53 8 8. Approve the Law on Aviation Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly

Ahtisaari Plan

538 53 9 9. Establishment of an Independent Civil Aviation Authority Q3-2008 Government MTT

539 53 1010. Levying existing passenger fees, through an adequate legal instrument, in compliance with the Law on Civil Aviation, to enable financial self-sustainability of the ICAA in Kosovo


UNMIK Reg. 2003/18, AI 2003/14 and 2006/2 2,000 2,000

540 53 11 11. Approval of an adequate scheme of taxes and fees on licencing, certification and oversight activities undertaken by the CARO/CAA.

Q3-2008 MTT CARO 10,000 10,000

541 53 12 12. Establishment of an Oversight Board for the CAA to secure operational independence of the CAA

Q3-2008 GovernmentMTT, CARO 30,000 30,000

542 53 13 13. Full implementation of the Agreement on Joint European Aviation Area and the EC Aviation Law

Q4-2009 MTT CARO Agreement ECCA 100,000 3,000 97,000

543 53 1414. Analyse and identify possible collisions between the Law on Telecommunications and the Law on Public Finance Management and Accountability


544 53 15 15. Draft and approve the amendments to the Law on Telecommunications

Q2-2009 MTTKosovo Assembly

545 53 16 16. Transfer of the FMO to the TRA Q3-2008 ZMF TRA Transition Plan 8,000 8,000

546 53 17

17. Harmonization of frequency allocation table in compliance to the Random European Table of allocation, and Decision 676/2002/EC.



UNMIK Reg. no 2003/16; Document Policy of Telecomunication Sector, 2007

547 53 18

18. Draft Regulation on Range Tariffs



UNMIK Reg. no 2003/16; Document Policy of Telecomunication Sector, 2007

548 53 19

19. Provide electronic tools (advanced software for frequency range management)



UNMIK Reg. no 2003/16; Document Policy of Telecomunication Sector, 2007 200,000 200,000

549 53 20

20. Establishment of a fixed range monitoring station - Capacity building in range monitoring and measurement in a distance of broadcast parameters, keeping range, identification of broadcast and source location of harmful intrusions



UNMIK Reg. no 2003/16; Document Policy of Telecomunication Sector, 2007 800,000 800,000

550 53 21 21. Approve the Law on WWRO Q3-2008Kosovo Assembly Government

551 53 2222. Prepare and publish Annual Performance Reports on operational andfinancial performance of water and waste collection service providers Q3-2008

WWMR 10,000 10,000

552 53 23

23. MEF coordinates options with WWRO to ensure financial independence Q3-2008


Based on Law no. 03/L-088 is financed by KCB and is treated as budgetory unit 222,820 222,820

553 53 24 24. Capacity building for Regulators Continuous WWMR KIPA

554 53 2525. Ensuring ERO financial independence, by observing legal provisions related to ERO budgeting Continuous

MFE2. Bussines Plan of OER for years 2005-2009.

555 54

556 54 1 1. Preparation of a proper analysis of the informal labor market in Kosovo

Q1-2009 MSLWMFE, MTI, MEST, KCC 35,000 35,000

54. Develop and implement policies facilitating the transfer from non registered to registered employment in order to create a functioning official labour market and to enhance the effectiveness of labour market polices.


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Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

557 54 2 2. Drafting of policies and recommendations that facilitate he transfer from non registered to registered employment.


558 54 33. Identifying responsible institutions for implementation of the policies and recommendations as a result of the analysis of the informal labor market in Kosovo



559 55

1. IPA 2007 'Development of economic environment for all communities in Kosovo'.

2. CARDS 2006-2008 'Support to Kosovo Standardization Agency'.

560 55 1 1. Draft Administrative Instruction on Measurement Instrument of Weight -non-automatic meters of Accuracy Class I,II,III,IIII

Q4-2009 MTIMetrology Council

Law on meteorology 2006/18 1,000 1,000

561 55 2 2. Draft Administrative Instruction on Metrological conditions on pre-packaged products

Q4-2009 MTIMetrology Council

Law on meteorology 2006/18 500 500

562 55 3 3. Draft Administrative Instruction on Measurement Units Q4-2009 MTIMetrology Council

Law on meteorology 2006/18 500 500

563 55 44. Draft Administrative Instruction on the form and content of purity signs, manner of determination and review of purity rate in precious metal manufacture


KCC, Metrology Council

Law on Precious Metal Products, 2004/33 500 500

564 55 55. Draft Administrative Instruction on sellers, production marks and importers of precious metal manufacture Q4-2009

MTIKCC, Metrology Council

Law on Precious Metal Products, 2004/33 500 500

565 55 66. Draft Administrative Instruction on payment of compensations for execution, sealing of precious metal manufacture Q4-2009

MTIKCC, Metrology Council

Law on Precious Metal Products, 2004/33 500 500

566 55 7

7. Amendment of the Law on Accreditation pursuant to ECA requirements (European Corporation for Accreditation) Q4-2008


MAFRD, MoH, National Public Health Institute, MESP

Legislative Strategy of Kosova 2008 5,000 5,000

567 55 8 8. Draft Regulation on Operation of technical committees in the Accreditation Unit

Q2-2009 MTILaw for Acreditation, 2006/15 10,000 10,000

568 55 99. Amendments to the Law No 2004 / 17 on Consumer Protection


Customs, MAFRD, MEM, MESP Legislative Strategy 2008 500 500

569 55 10 10. Issuance of subsidiary legislation on implementation of the Law on Standardization

Q4-2008 MTILaw on Standardization, 2004/15 9,000 9,000

570 55 1111. Amendments to the Law on Technical Requirements for Products and Conformity Assessment, using the Directive on Conformity Assessment


MoH, MEM, MLSW Legislative Strategy 2008 50,000 50,000

571 55 12 12. Approval of the Draft Law on General Safety of products Q4-2008Assembly of Kosovo MTI, UNMIK

572 561. IPA 2007 'Assistance to MFE for enhacing capacities in planning and developing strategic plans'.

573 56 1 1. Strengthen institutional capacity of CBAK, Regulatory framework and bank and non-banking institutions oversight

Q4-2008 CBAK1,470,000 1,470,000

USAID & FNM, Project "Technical Assistance in Financial Sector'

574 56 2 2. Increase local staff at the CBAK with the aim of ensuring its long-term sustainability

Q3-2008 CBAK

575 56 33. Comprehensive financial analysis and external audits on banking and non-banking institutions with the aim of strengthening regulatory and oversight capacities of the CBAK


576 56 4 4. Process regulatory data to be finalized and further developed Q4-2009 CBAK

577 56 5 5. Further expansion of database to fulfill requirements of the Early Warning System

Q4-2009 CBAK

578 56 6 6. Capacity building of the CBAK in using the new database and compiling improved reports of stability and banking analysis

Q4-2010 CBAK

Free movement of capital56. Adopt appropriate prudential requirements and strengthen the supervisory process in the financial sector.

Free movement of goods Internal marketEuropean standards

55. Adopt the horizontal framework legislation to establish the necessary infrastructure for the proper operation and segregation of the various functions (regulatory, standardisation, accreditation metrology, conformity assessment and market surveillance) needed to apply the acquis on the free movement of goods.


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n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

579 56 77. Strengthen CBAK capacity in monitoring the banking sector, especially through better external oversight (on commercial banks) and "comprehensive risk analysis"


580 56 8

8. Review legal framework for permanent effective oversight and complaint management in the insurance sector, pension funds and other non-banking institutions (NBFI).



581 56 99. Draft a permanent oversight strategy on life insurance companies and other insurance in the insurance sector, pension funds and other non-banking institutions(NBFI).


582 57

1. 'Support in Training and technical aspect for MIA in developing policies, legislation and institutional framework in accordance with obligations deriving from regional agreements for combating organized crime', CARDS 2006

583 57 1 1. Undertake an analysis of current legislation to define legal acts which need approximation with the acquis.

Q3-2008 CustomsStrategic Operative Framework of UCS

584 57 22. Review legislation in the Customs field to approximate and amend the Customs Code to comply to Acquis communautaire and EU Directives in the field of Custom


585 57 3 3. Amend the Code of Disciplinary Procedures and the Code of Conduct Q1-2008 Customs 800 800

586 57 44. Draft Administrative Instruction on Disclosure of Assets and properties of Customs Officials Q2-2008


Anti-Corruption Law 2005/26, Anti-Corruption Strategy 800 800

587 5 5. Implementation of the Administrative Instruction on Disclosure of Assets and properties of Customs Officials

Continuous Customs 2,000 2,000

588 57 6 6. Improved communication and cooperation with Customs Administrations in neighboring countries

Continuous Customs 5,000 5,000

589 57 7

7. Signature of Cooperation Agreements with countries on common interests (Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia and Greece). Continuous

Customs MFE 7,000 7,000

590 57 8

8. Implementation of obligations and conclusions deriving from participation in regional and international conferences which produce important documents and actions on fighting corruption, forgery and organized crime


Customs 10,000 10,000

591 57 99. Gradual increase of staff in the Directorate of Rule of Law (16 Customs officials), pursuant to KCB Rules Continuous


Strategic Operative Framework, Strategic Plan 2009 85,500 85,500

592 57 1010. Signature of agreements with all regional countries on electronic data exchange on periodical basis, on transit and export goods Q3-2009

CustomsMoUs with Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro 85,500 85,500

593 57 11 11. Signature of agreements (MoU) with different agencies of rule of law in Kosovo (KPS, FIC, UNMIK Police and MIA);

Q3-2009 Customs Government 9,000 9,000

594 57 12 12. Establishment of Task Groups in fighting cross-border crime, in coordination of relevant Prosecutor

Q4-2008 Customs MoJ, MIA 2,000 2,000

595 57 13 13. Cooperation with international units of rule of law acting in Kosovo, especially in northern areas (CCIU, KFOR, UNMIK) etc.

Continuous Customs KPS

596 57 14 14. Supply of necessary equipment to improve operational capacities of Customs

Q4-2008 Customs MFE 1,758,600 1,538,000 220,600

597 57 1515. Automatization of the system of oversight of customs procedures impact on economy Q2-2009


Strategic Operative Framework of UCS,AI- no 2004/3 152,000 152,000

598 57 1616. Hold advanced trainings in the field of: criminal investigation, interviewing techniques and methods, narcotics and criminal intelligence Q3-2008

CustomsTraining Plan- programme of Customs 90,500 90,500

599 57 1717. Design and develop a new information system, an I-Base, with the aim of Rule of Law information exchange, analysis, etc - with the KPS, UNMIK Police, FIC, MIA

Q3-2009Customs 200,000 200,000

Customs and Taxation57. Further approximate customs legislation with the acquis and continue the efforts to enhance the capacity of the customs administration to combat corruption, counterfeiting and cross border crime. Enhance the capacity of the criminal investigation unit.


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Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

600 58

601 58 1 1. Draft Administrative Instruction on the Customs Code on Rules of Origin

Q3-2008 Customs 3,000 3,000

602 58 2 2. Implementation of Administrative Instruction on the Customs Code on Rules of Origin

Continuous Customs MTI 2,000 2,000

603 58 3 3. Draft Administrative Instruction on provision of mandatory information on origin and goods

Q3-2008 Customs 3,000 3,000

604 58 4 4. Implementation of Administrative Instruction on provision of mandatory information on origin and goods

Continuous Customs 2,000 2,000

605 58 5 5. Professional capacity building of the UNMIK Customs in the field of preferential measures and origin of goods

Q4-2008 CustomsTraining Plan- programme 2,000 2,000

606 58 6 6. Regular information to the business community on preferential trade measures and rules on origin

Continuous MTI

607 58 7 7. Quarterly analysis of data obtained by the Customs Service in relation to origin of goods

Continuous MTI Customs

608 58 8 8. Strengthen contacts between Customs Units for Goods' Origin and other neighboring Customs administrations

Q3-2009 Customs 5,000 5,000

609 58 9 9. Operationalization of the Customs Laboratory Q2-2008 Customs KVFAEU Blueprint, Strategic Operative Framework 160,000 160,000

610 591. CAFAO 2005,1.5 Milion 2. CAFAO 2006, 2Milion

611 59 1 1. Amendment of the Law no 2004/48 on the Tax Administration and Procedures in compliance to Acquis

Q3-2008 MFE ATK Legislative Amandment for 2007-2008 years. 2,000 2,000

612 59 2 2. Amendment of the Law No 2004/51 on Corporate Revenue taxes in compliance to Acquis

Q1-2009 MFE ATK 2,000 2,000

613 59 3 3. Amendment of the Law No 2004/52 on Personal Income Taxes, in compliance to Acquis

Q1-2009 MFE ATK 2,000 2,000

614 59 4 4. Undertake analysis of demands for administrative capacitiy building at the TAK

Q3-2008 TAK MFE

615 59 5 5. Provision of trainings for the TAK staff pursuant to demand analysis for training in relevant areas

Continuous TAK MFE 40,000 40,000

616 59 6 6. Establishment of new units, such as the Risk Analysis Unit. Q3-2008 MFE Strategic Plan 2007 2010 30,000 30,000

617 59 7 7. Improve Taxpayers Register, through regular registration and de-registration of taxpayers

Continuous MFE Customs27,000

27,000618 59 8 8. Disclosure and payment through barcode forms Continuous MFE ATK 150,000 150,000

619 59 9 9. Gradual increase of taxpayers to be inspected in cases of high risk of fiscal evasion

Continuous TAK MFE

620 59 10 10. Establishment of a separate database through SIGTAS with the aim of inspecting taxpayers

Q3-2008 MFE TAKOperative Plan of TAK 2008

9,500 9,500

621 59 11 11. Implementation of joint inspections with Customs in fighting fiscal evasion

Continuous TAK CustomsMoM between TAK and UCS

2,250 2,250

622 59 12 12. Draft concrete plans for collection of debts Q4-2008 TAK MFEOperative Plan of TAK 2008

2,250 2,250

623 59 13 13. Cooperation with other institutions of rule of Law, by signing Memoranda of Understanding

Q2-2008 TAK Government900 900

624 59 14 14. Approval of the VAT Law Q4-2008Kosovo Assembly Government

100,000 100,000

625 59 15 15. Implementation of the VAT Law Continuous TAK Customs

626 59 16 16. Awareness raising on tax policies by organizing round tables, information seminars and media campaigns

Continuous TAK MFE 31,000 31,000627 60

628 60 1 1. Capacity building for members of working groups, trainings on implementation of the Code of Conduct on Business Taxes

Continuous MFEKCC, KCC, CABK. 1,510,000 10,000 1,500,000

629 60 2 2. Review existing legislation on fiscal policies and approximation with the Code of Conduct of Tax on Businesses

Q1-2009 MFEKCC, KCC, CABK 8,000 8,000

630 60 3 3. Draft and Approve amendments to actual legislation to ensure compliance with the Code of Conduct on Tax on Businesses

Q3-2009Kosovo Assembly Government 2,000 2,000

631 60 4 4. Ensure that new tax measures are in compliance with principles for any exemption measure in the future

Continuous MFEKCC, KCC, CABK 2,000 2,000

632 60 5 5. Regular biannual reporting (more frequent as needed) by the WG, including recommendations on implementation of Code principles

Continuous MFEKCC, KCC, CABK

59. Continue approximation of tax legislation to the EU acquis and strengthen the administrative capacity of the tax administration. Reinforce the collection capacity of the tax administration and increase tax revenue.

60. Commit to the principles of the Code of Conduct for business taxation and ensure that new tax measures are in conformity with these principles.

58. Observe the obligations related to the implementation of preferential trade measures, in particular with regard to origin.


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n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

633 611. IPA 'Implementation of EU standards on Public Procurement'.

634 61 11. Draft - adopt the Regulation on Public Procurement


Law on Public Procurement, Reg. No. 2007/20 1,500 1,500

635 61 2 2. Draft - adopt the Guidelines on implementation of the Regulation on Public Procurement

Q4-2008 PPRC 1,500 1,500

636 61 3 3. Draft - adopt guidelines on utilization of Regulation on Public Procurement

Q4-2008 PPRC 1,500 1,500637 61 4 4. Draft - adopt Guidelines on Framework Contracts Q4-2008 PPRC 1,500 1,500638 61 5 5. Draft - adopt Guidelines on Immoveable Property contracts Q4-2008 PPRC 1,500 1,500639 61 6 6. Draft Tender Dossiers Q4-2008 PPRC 2,000 2,000640 61 7 7. Draft Standard Forms Q4-2008 PPRC641 61 8 8. Draft - adopt Guidelines on use of Tender Dossiers Q4-2008 PPRC 1,500 1,500

642 61 9 9. Draft - adopt Guidelines on Minimal Value Purchase (under 1000 Euro)

Q4-2008 PPRC 1,500 1,500643 61 10 10. Drafting, publication and dissemination of Manuals Q4-2008 PPRC 15,000 15,000

644 61 1111. Nomination of members of the Procurement Review Body (PRB) by the Assembly of Kosovo Q2-2008 Kosovo


Law on Public Procurement, Reg. No. 2007/20

645 61 12 12. Capacity building for the members of the Procurement Review Body Q4-2008 PRB PPRC 260,000 260,000

646 621. IPA 2007 Regional Programme on Intelectual Propoerty.

647 62 1

1. Review ADministrative Instructions: AI on Trademarks, AI on Industrial Design, AI on Patents, AI on Administrative Fees

Q3-2008 MTI MCYS

Law on Trade Marks 2006/38 , Law on Industrial Design, 2006/17 and Patent Law, 2004/56, Law on Copyright and related Rights 2006/46


1,000648 62 2 2. Setup and maintenance of the official website of the OIP Q2-2008 MTI 2,950 2,950

649 62 33. Capacity building for the OP Staff, training on patent examination, trademarks, industrial design and geographical indicators Continuous MTI Office Working Plan for

Industrial Ownership, MTI 15,000 15,000

650 62 4 4. Secure the Database program (IT program) for the OIP Q4-2008 MTI 5,000 5,000

651 62 5 5. Signature of Memoranda, bilateral agreements with regional Homologue offices

Q4-2008 MTI OPM 3,500 3,500

652 62 6 6. Procedural preparations for signature of international conventions, agreements and protocols in the field of industrial property

Q4-2009 MTI MCYS, 2,000 2,000

653 62 7 7. Gradual staff increase in compliance to KCB rules Continuous MTI

654 62 8 8. Draft and approve subsidiary legislation addressing authorship rights and approximate rights

Q2-2009 MTI MCYSLaw on Copyright and related Rights, 2006/46 40,000 10,000 30,000

655 62 9 9. Establishment of the Office for Author Rights and Approximate Rights Q2-2009 MTI MCYS

656 62 10 10. Administrative Capacity building for the Office for Author and Approximate Rights

Continuous MTI MCYS

657 62 11 11. Organize trainings for the judiciary in the field of protection of author rights

Q4-2008 KJI 65,000 65,000

658 63

659 63 11. Update and approve the Strategy of Employment, taking into consideration the improvement of data collection on employment Q3-2008



660 63 2 2. Draft and approve the Action Plan on implementation of Employment strategy

Q1-2009 MSLWMFE, MTI, MEST, KCC 15,000 15,000

661 64 64. Improve public information on access to social security systems and enhance municipal capacities in social assistance matters.

Intelectual Property Rights

Employment and Social Policies

61. Adapt the public procurement framework by adopting the necessary implementing legislation to ensure compatibility with the acquis. Provide a public procurement institutional framework with the administrative capacity and independence to carry out its mission.

62. Provide the administrative and judicial capacity to implement the intellectual property law and to enforce intellectual property rights.

63. Adopt an employment strategy, including improving the collection of data on employment matters.

Public Procurement


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n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

662 64 1 1. Continuous publication of manuals for citizens' information on obtaining social services

Continuous MLSW Municipalities Working Plan 2008 50,000 50,000

663 64 22. Develop coordination activities with responsible institutions for a more professional provision of social services Continuous


MLGA /Municipalities Courts

664 64 33. Capacity building of municipal officials through trainings on providing social services Continuous

MLSW MunicipalitiesLaw on Social and Family Services, 2005/46 DFID Project on decentralization of social services.

665 64 4 4. Train other responsible institutions responsible for provision of social services, including NGO-s

Q2-2009 MLSW Municipalities 900,000 900,000

666 64 5

5. Gradual transfer of competencies from the MLSW to municipal departments for health care and social welfare Q4-2009


Strategy on Decentralization 2007, Law on Local Self-Government Ligji (AP) 3,600,000 3,600,000

667 65

668 65 11. Approval of the Law on Pension and Invalid Insurance in Kosovo, to create a sustainable, efficient and functional pension system in Kosovo Q4-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government

669 65 2 2. Approve the Law on amending the Law on War values Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly Government 1,000 1,000

670 65 3 3. Approve the Law on material support to families in custody of disabled children

Q3-2008Kosovo Assembly Government

671 66

672 66 1

1. Provision of services to all citizens of Kosovo in the field of invalid pension security, through the Medical Commission which reviews requests by employees working abroad, pursuant to agreement on implementation of international conventions



673 66 2 2. Amend the Law on Social Assistance Scheme, with the aim of including marginalized groups

Q4-2008 MPMSKosovo Assembly 2,000 2,000

674 66 33. Provision of social assistance to families in difficult social and economic situation, which fulfill legal criteria for social assistance and emergency assistance


Municipalities, Courts Law 2003/15 in force

675 66 4 4. Permanent control and implementation of criteria in compliance with existing legislation

Continuous MPMS Municipalities

676 66 5 5. Draft an Action Plan on Control and Monitoring of Entities administering SAS

Q2-2008 MLSWMunicipalities, Courts 5,000 5,000

677 66 6 6. Approval of the Action Plan on Control and Monitoring of Entities administering SAS

Q3-2008 MLSWMunicipalities, Courts

678 66 7 7. Implementation of the Action Plan on Control and Monitoring of Entities administering SAS

Continuous MLSWMunicipalities, Courts

679 66 8 8. Organize and hold trainings for the staff of SWC involved in maintaining database

Q4-2008 MPMS Municipalities, 20,000 20,000

680 67

681 67 1 1. Gradual increase of education budget in compliance to KCB rules Continuous MEST MFEMid-Term Framework of Expences

682 67 2 2. Feasibility study "Sector Wide Approach" on the educational sector, at all levels

Q2-2008 MEST OPM 120,000 120,000

683 67 3 3. Addressing recommendations from the Feasibility study Continuous MESTMunicipalities, MFE, 50,000 50,000

684 67 4 4. Identification of schools in dire need of construction and refurbishment, and draft a priority list

Q2-2008 MEST Municipalities

685 67 5 5. Prepare and complete documentation on school construction Projects (BoQ, BoW)

Continuous MEST Municipalities

686 67 6 6. Construction of new educational premises and oversight of construction activities on the field

Continuous MESTPre-University EducationStrategy 28,448,000 28,448,000

687 67 77. Improve existing educational facilities (refurbishment), and oversight of refurbishment activities on the field Continuous


Pre-University EducationStrategy and Annual Working Plan 834,000 834,000

688 67 8 8. Identification of demands for materials and equipment and prioritization of schools with greater demand

Continuous MESTPre-University EducationStrategy

66. Review the social benefits scheme to ensure non discrimination of beneficiaries.

67. Increase the budget for education, in particular to improve school infrastructure, end the teaching shifts and address the lack of materials and equipments. Education and Research

65. Amend legislation on the social insurance and pension scheme.


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Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

689 67 9 9. Equipment of schools with education materials and tools Continuous MESTPre-University EducationStrategy 1,300,000 1,300,000

690 681. IPA 2007 Education in Kosovo: Inter-culturalism and the Bologna Proces

691 68 1 1. Draft Action Plan for implementation of the Pre-University Education Q4-2008 MESTPre-University EducationStrategy 25,000 25,000

692 68 2

2. Draft an Action Plan in consultation with all stakeholders and interested parties in the high education system Q4-2008

MEST UPStrategy on Higher Education 5,000 5,000

693 68 33. Implementation of the Strategy for RAE community education


MRC, Municipalities

Strategy on Community Integration RAE-Education Component 530,000 530,000

694 68 4 4. Curriculum Development for the Roma language as a course language Continuous MEST 150,000 150,000695 68 5 5. Permanent training for RAE community teachers Continuous MEST 150,000 150,000696 68 6 6. Inclusion of RAE community children in pre-school education Continuous MEST Municipalities 150,000 150,000

697 68 77. Provision of educational textbooks (texts, authorship, proofreading, translation) in native minority languageve. Continuous


Law on Primary and Secondary Education, 2002/19 500,000 500,000

698 68 8 8. Provision of education materials and tools in compliance to curricula in implementation

Continuous MEST 7,800,000 1,300,000 6,500,000699 68 9 9. Provide comprehensive access for children with special needs Continuous MEST 300,000 300,000

700 68 10

10. Provide necessary infrastructure for pupils with special needs



UP, Municipalities, MFE

Pre-University EducationStrategy and Law on Primary and Secondary Education, 2002/19. 1,900,000 200,000 1,700,000

701 68 11 11. Train teachers for education of special needs children Continuous MEST 100,000 100,000

702 68 12 12. Initiate the process of licensing teachers, headmasters and deputy headmasters

Q1-2009 MEST

703 69

1. IPA 2007 Education in Kosovo: Inter-culturalism and the Bologna Process; CARDS Projects: 1. Direct assistance to employers in Kosovo for VET training 09/07 – 02/09; 2. Vocational Education and Training (VET) programme

704 69 11. VET System Analysis in compliance to European System


MLSW, MFE, MTI, MoH, UP Social Partners

Law on Vocational Education and Training, 2006/24 96,900 96,900

705 69 22. Draft and appove the Strategy on VET in cooperation with social partners Q1-2009


MLSW, MFE, MTI, MoH, UP Social Partners 100,000 100,000

706 69 3 3. Review administrative instructions on implementation of the Law on VET

Q1-2009 MEST MSLWPre-University EducationStrategy

707 69 4 4. Draft new administrative instructions on implementation of the Law on VET

Q2-2009 MEST MSLW 20,000 20,000

708 69 55. Operationalization of the Council for VET


MLSW, MFE, MTI, MoH, UP Social Partners

Law on Vocational Education and Training, 2006/24 500,000 500,000

709 69 66. Determination of a priority list for VET


MLSW, MFE, MTI, MoH, UP Social Partners

710 69 77. Recommendations from the CVET on final examinations


MLSW, MFE, MTI, MoH, UP Social Partners

711 69 88. Quality monitoring and assurance in VET


MLSW, MFE, MTI, MoH, UP Social Partners 720,000 120,000 600,000

68. Develop action plans to implement the education strategies with increased dialogue and coordination between all levels and all stakeholders and allocate necessary resources.

69. Fully implement the legislation on vocational training and start implementing the law on a national qualification framework.


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Supporting Institution Referring Document

712 69 9

9. Propose education curricula, materials and textbooks



MLSW, MFE, MTI, MoH, UP Social Partners

Law on Vocational Education and Training, 2006/24, New Curiculum Framework of Kosova.

713 69 10 10. Draft and approve the Law on Private Education and Training Q1-2009 MESTKosovo Assembly 5,000 5,000

714 69 11 11. Approve the Law on the National Qualification Framework Q4-2008Kosovo Assembly Government

Pre-University EducationStrategy

715 69 12

12. Draft administrative instructions to operationalize the National Qualifiications Authority and AI on establishment of the National Qualifications Framework Q1-2009


MLSW, MFE, MTI, MoH, Social Partners, Acreditation Agnecy, UP 4,000 4,000

716 69 13

13. Draft the National Qualifications Framework



MLSW, MFE, MTI, MoH, Social Partners, Acreditation Agnecy, UP 15,000 15,000

717 69 14

14. Draft and develop sectoral qualifications



MLSW, MFE, MTI, MoH, Social Partners, Acreditation Agnecy, UP 20,000 20,000

718 69 15

15. Development of vocational standards on VET



MLSW, MFE, MTI, MoH, Social Partners, Acreditation Agnecy, UP

Law on Vocational Education and Training, 2006/24 250,000 50,000 200,000

719 70

720 70 1

1. Draft and approve the Administrative Instruction on KKK.



MLSW, MFE, MTI, MoH, Social Partners, Acreditation Agnecy, UP

Pre-University EducationStrategy 2,000 2,000

721 70 2

2. Draft and approve Administrative Instruction on the process of monitoring and assessment of qualifications in pre-university education Q4-2009


MLSW, MFE, MTI, MoH, Social Partners. 6,000 6,000

722 70 3 3. Draft and approve AI on monitoring curricula, textbooks, teaching methodology and assessment

Q2-2008 MEST Municipalities 2,000 2,000

723 70 4 4. Establish monitoring groups on implementation of curricula, textbooks, teaching methodology and assessment

Q3-2008 MEST UP, DKA, 96,000 96,000724 70 5 5. Establishment of a Center for assessment, monitoring and standards Q4-2009 MEST 600,000 600,000

725 70 6 6. Draft standards of achievement by courses in pre-university education Q2-2012 MESTMSLW, UP, MFE. 20,000 20,000

726 70 7 7. Cooperation with other centers in neighboring countries and wider on assessment processes

Continuous MEST Municipalities

727 70 8 8.Train staff to set standards on courses of native language and mathematics

Q4-2008 MEST UP, 35,000 35,000

728 70 9 9. Train staff to set standards on social and natural sciences for three education levels: grades 1-5, 6-9, 10-12/13

Q4-2010 MEST UP 35,000 35,000729 70 10 10. Organization of an annual Conference on the Assessment process Q4-2008 MEST Plan of DPUDA 10,000 3,000 7,000

730 711. IPA 2008 Tempus - Higher Education; Young Cell Scheme

731 71 1 1. Government decides on prioritization of EU programs Kosovo wants to benefit from

Q2-2008 GovernmentMEST, MSLW, MFE, OPM

71. Ensure better involvement in the EU higher education programmes.

70. Continue the development of a national framework for monitoring and evaluating the teaching.


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Supporting Institution Referring Document

732 71 22. Draft and approve the AI on establishment of the Center for International Cooperation in High Education, science and technologyeknologji

Q3-2008MEST UP

Strategy on Higher Education, MoM with Austrian Government.

2,000 2,000

733 71 3 3. Operationalization of the Center for International Cooperation and human capacity building

Continuous MEST UP 160,000 35,000 125,000

734 71 4 4. Capacity building of staff for preperation of project proposals for EU assistance

Continuous MEST UP 15,000 5,000 10,000

735 71 5 5. Regular provision of information for stakeholders on manners of benefiting from EU programs on HE

Continuous MEST UPStrategy on Higher Education

736 72

737 72 11. Implementation of the Action Plan for Support to SME-s 2008-2010

ContinuousAgency for Support to SME


738 72 2 2. Approve and start implementation of the Private Sector Development Strategy

Q4-2008 GovernmentMTI, MFE, MLSW

739 72 33. Finalization of the Drenas Business Park Project, with the aim of providing working space for establishment of business activities Q4-2008

Agency for Support to SME

Dinamic Working Plan of Agency 2007-2008 and EChSE 1,660,000 1,660,000

740 72 44. Encourage businesses to use Business Incubators in Shtime, Gjilan and Decan Q4-2009

Agency for Support to SME

741 72 55. Initiate construction of a new incubator to provide business premises

Q4-2008Agency for Support to SME MTI 185,000 185,000

742 72 66. Continued implementation of the Voucher Scheme for Business Advice and Training Continuous

Agency for Support to SME MTI 19,000 19,000

743 72 77. Promotion of entrepreneurship through organization of "Women in Business" Fairs Continuous

Agency for Support to SME MTI 7,475 7,475

744 72 8

8. Publication of SME surveys, realized through surveys and observation, with the aim of analysing business performance and issuing recommendations

ContinuousAgency for Support to SME

MTI , SOK, MLSW, MFE, CBAK, Customs 3,500 3,500

745 72 9

9. Allocation of additional staff based on budgetary lines of the SMEA, in compliance with KCB Rules and organigram of the Agency

Q1-2009 Agency for Support to SME MTI

Law no. 02/L-5, on support to SMEs;AI 2006/28on Establishment of Agency for support to SMEs 54,876 54,876

746 72 1010. Demand analysis for SME Agency staff training

Q4-2009Agency for Support to SME MTI

747 72 1111. Provide training to Agency staff, pursuant to analysis, in cooperation with international and local experts Q4-2009

Agency for Support to SME MTI 11,000 11,000

748 72 12

12. Establish a database of SME contact details

Q4-2008 Agency for Support to SME MTI

Law no. 02/L-5, on support to SMEs;AI 2006/28on Establishment of Agency for support to SMEs 13,000 13,000

749 72 1313. Gradual increase of staff of the Agency for Investment Promotion, in compliance to KCB rules and Agency organizational structure Q1-2009

Investment Promotion Agency

750 72 1414. Training for the Agency for Investment Promotion Staff

ContinuousInvestment Promotion Agency 10,000 10,000

751 72 1515. Improved electronic access by implementing the "Enterprise Information Technology" Project Q4-2008

Investment Promotion Agency

MEST, MTT, KCC, MLSW, 7,000 7,000

Industry and SMESectorial Policies

72. Implement a medium term strategy to support the development of SMEs, including the strengthening of the SME support agency and the strengthening of the investment promotion agency. Continue implementation of the European Charter for Small Enterprises.


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Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

752 73

1. CARDS projects- Institutional support in various areas(starting date 2007) Strengthen MAFRD staff operating at municipality level

753 73 11. Amend the Administrative Instruction of the MAFRD on Systematization of Working Positions, No 09/2003 Q2-2008


UNMIK Regul. No. 2001/19, on Executive Branch of PISG. 1,100 1,100

754 73 22. Sign Memoranda of Understanding with municipalities on agricultural lands with the aim of implementation of the project on land consolidation. Continuous

MAFRD MLGA/Municipalities

Law on Agricultural Land 2006/37

755 73 3

3. Implementation of Memoranda of Understanding with Municipalities, KPS and Customs on veterinary fields


MAFRD MLGA/Municipalities

UNMIK Regul. No. 2001/19, on Executive Branch of PISG and Law on Veterinary No.2004/21

756 73 4

4. Implementation of MoU with municipalities on protection and development of the forestry sector


MAFRD MLGA/Municipalities

Law on Forest in Kosovo No.2003/3 të dt. 20 March 2003, UNMIK Regul. No. 2001/19, on Executive Branch of PISG.

757 74

1. IPA 2007 Meeting EU Standards Food Safety & Veterinary Services;

2.IPA 2008 Animal diseases (national component of multi-beneficiary IPA)

758 74 1 1. Approval and promulgation of the Law on Food Q3-2009Kosovo Assembly Government Law on Food

759 74 22. Draft and approve the AI on determining specific rules on organization of official inspection of food products of anial origin designated for human consumption

Q4-2009MAFRD KFVA, MoH/KSI Law on Food 50,000 50,000

760 74 33. Draft and approve AI on undertaking official inspections to verify compliance with the Law on Nutrition and rules of animal food, rules of animal health and welfare

Q4-2009MAFRD KFVA, MoH/KSI Law on Food 2,000 2,000

761 74 4 4. Draft and approve AI on hygiene control on food items of animal origin Q4-2009 MAFRD KFVA, MoH/KSI Law on Food 2,000 2,000

762 74 5 5. Draft AI on organization of the Agency, in compliance to Nutrition Law, and agency organigramme

Q4-2009 KVFA MoH/KSI Law on Food 2,000 2,000

763 76 6 6. Draft and approve the AI on internal and border control of the food of non-animal origin

Q1-2009 MAFRD Law on Food 2,000 2,000

764 751. IPA 2008 Registration of animals; CARDS Support in Livestock Breeding (Starting date 2007-implemented by WYG)

765 75 1

1. Repeated information campaign for farmers related to animal identification and registration system Q4-2009

KVFAMAFRD, Municipalities

1)AI -MA 03/2005 2) AI-MA 05/2007.3) AI-MA 09/2005.4) AI-MA 01/2006 400,000 300,000 100,000

766 75 2 2. Licence animal markets Continuous KVFA Municipalities AI-MA 05/2007

767 75 3 3. Train veterinary inspectors and authorized veterrinaries in using the PDA .

Continuous KVFA 5,000 5,000

768 75 4

4. Strengthen inspection and reporting system in licensed slaughterhouses


KVFAMAFRD, Municipalities

MoU with municipalities on organization of veterinary control in licenced Butcheries AI -MA 03/2005; AI on circulation of Livestock. 72,000 72,000

769 75 5 5. Identification and licensing of entities dealing with animal transport Continuous KVFAMAFRD, MTT, MTI

AI for transport of livestock 31/2006 5,000 5,000

770 75 6 6. To register, evidence and tag small animals and update the central database.

Continuous KVFA MAFRDAI -MA 03/2005 1,800,000 300,000 1,500,000

771 76 76. Draw up a plan to upgrade agri food establishments.

73. Determine clear responsibilities within the different services in the agricultural sector (including the veterinary and phytosanitary administration) and their relations with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development, local governments and municipal level.

Agriculture and Fisheries

74. Adopt the law on food and the consequent implementing legislation, and establish the relevant agency to implement and enforce the law.

75. Ensure the operational character of the system for identification of animals and registration of their movements.


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Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

772 76 1 1. Creation of a group for drafting the Plan for capacity building in agricultural and food manufacture enterprises

Continuous KVFA

773 76 2

2. Draft the plan for capacity building in agricultural and food manufacture enterprises Continuous


MAFRD, MoH,MESP, National Public Health Insititute Draft-Law on Food 2,000 2,000

774 76 3

3. Data collection on food enterprises, by type of food



MAFRD,MoH,MESP, National Public Health Insititute, MTI Draft-Law on Food

775 76 4

4. Assessment, data analysis and recommendation of actions with the aim of harmonization with EU requirements Continuous


MAFRD,MoH,MESP, National Public Health Insititute Draft-Law on Food

776 76 5

5. Provide regular information for business operators on importance of implementing international standards on food hygiene (ISO, GMP, HACCP etc)



MAFRD/AVUK,MESP, National Public Health Insititute Draft-Law on Food 16,000 16,000

777 76 6 6. Provide advice to business operators in the field of food safety Continuous KSIMAFRD, KVFA, MoH Draft-Law on Food 6,000 6,000

778 77 1. "Human resource capacity building on implementation of legislation on environment - AER"

779 77 1 1. Implementation of AI on Environmental Impact Assessment up to the approval of the Law on EIA

Continuous MESP MunicipalitiesLaw on Environmental Protection, 2003/9 25,000 25,000

780 77 2 2. Approve the Law on EIA Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly Government

Law on Environmental Protection, 2003/9

781 77 3 3. Implementation of the Law on EIA Continuous MESP Municipalities Draft-Law on EIA 60,000 60,000782 77 4 4. Institutional capacity building on implementation of the Law on EIA Continuous MESP Draft-Law on EIA 30,000 30,000783 78 1. IPA 2008 - Closing of 6 waste dumps

784 78 1 1. Implementation of AI on Rules and Norms on Air Emissions by Static Pollution Sources

Continuous MESP MEM, MTILegislative Strategy of Kosovo 2007 3,000 3,000

785 78 2 2. Initiate rehabilitation of waste landfills in Kacanik, Fushe Kosove, Prishtine,Kline, Gjakove, Podujeve, Ferizaj and Lipjan.

Q4-2008 MESP MunicipalitiesKosovo's Plan for impact on Environment 5,000,000 1,000,000 4,000,000

786 78 33. Initiate construction of infective waste sterilization plants

Q4-2009MESP MoH

Kosovo's Plan for impact on Environment, Mid-Term Framework 1,750,000 1,750,000

787 78 4

4. Initiate construction of an Air Quality Monitoring Network



Law on Air Protection 2004/48, Kosovo's Plan for impact on Environment, Law on Hydro-metorogical Activity 2007/2 3,000,000 965,000 2,035,000

788 78 5 5. Amendment of the Waters Law with administrative directions Q4-2008 MESP MAFRD Water Law 15,000 15,000

789 78 6

6. Drafting of programs for appointment of protected sanitary zones of drinking water springs Q4-2009


Law on Health, Water Law, Public health law, Law on sanitary inspection 1,000,000 1,000,000

790 78 7 7. Take administrative measures for protection against acumulations Q4-2009 MESPMoH, KPHI, HIK, KARP Water Law 50,000 50,000

791 78 8 8. Afforestation of open areas. Q4-2009 Municipalities MEST, MLGA

792 791. CARDS Projects -Support to the improvement of enforcement of environmental legislation in municipalities (December 2007 - 1 milion Euro).

793 79 1 1. Draft the Law on Biocide Products Q4-2008 MESP Legislative Strategy 2008 22,200 7,200 15,000

794 79 2 2. Approve the Law on environmental protection Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly Government Legislative Strategy 2008

795 79 3 3. Draft the Law on Strategic Environmental Assessment Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly Government Legislative Strategy 2008

78. Implement the comprehensive environmental action plan, particularly relating to public health issues.

77. Implement the law on environmental impact assessment adopted by the Assembly.

79. Continue approximation with European standards in the field of environment.



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Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

796 79 4 4. Approve the Law on Non-Ionizing, Ionizing Radiation and Nuclear Safety

Q3-2008Kosovo Assembly Government Legislative Strategy 2008

797 79 5

5. Approve the Law on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Q4-2008 Kosovo

Assembly Government

Law on Environmental Protection 2003/9, Legislative Strategy of Kosovo 2007

798 79 6

6. Draft and approve the Strategy and Action Plan on Air Protection


GovernmentMESP, MoH, MAFRD, MTT.

Kosovo's Plan for impact on Environment, Law on Air Protection 2004/48, 200,000 100,000 100,000

799 79 7 7. Amendments to the Law on Air Protection Q2-2008 MESP Legislative Strategy 2008 15,000 15,000

800 79 8 8. Approve the AI on Air Quality Q2-2008 MESPLaw on Air Protection 2004/48

801 79 9 9. Amend the Law on Nature Protection 2006/22. Q4-2008 MESP Legislative Strategy 2008 19,000 19,000

802 79 10 10. Approve AI on Allowed Norms of Air Emissions by moving sources Q3-2008 MESPLaw on Air Protection 2004/48

803 79 11

11. Development of a Strategy and Action Plan on Biodiversity



Kosovo's Plan for impact on Environment, Law on Nature Conversation 2006/22 200,000 100,000 100,000

804 80

805 80 1 1. Inclusion of environmental issues in curricula of all education levels Q3-2008 MESPKosovo's Plan for impact on Environment 71,000 71,000

806 80 2 2. Continued cooperation with NGO-s in improving public awareness and participation of civil society in environmental issues

Continuous MESP KPIE 10,000 10,000

807 80 3 3. Improved cooperation with local governments Continuous MESPMunicipalities, MLGA KPIE 10,000 10,000

AER- Support in implementation of legislation in municipalities.

808 80 4 4. Publication of an Environmental Newsletter for a permanent public information on environmental issues

Continuous MESPKosovo's Plan for impact on Environment, 26,360 26,360

809 80 5 5. Organization of awareness campaignes for protection of environment. Continuous Municipalities MESP, MLGA

810 81

811 81 11. Continued participation in implementing MoU-s in all levels, through Ministers' Meetings, Steering Committees, National Coordinators and Working Groups


MoM for SEE 65,000 65,000

812 81 2

2. Continued preparations on priority projects identified in road corridors 6 and 7, railway line 10 and the International Airport of Prishtina


MTT PIA, Kosovo Railways

Fisibility Project on Road Directions 6 and 7, Annex of MoM SEETO-s and Applicable standards on Civil aviation Industry

813 81 3 3. Preparation for participation in EU programs and funds with the aim of implementation of MoU

Continuous MTT MFE Policies of Multimodal Transport of Kosovo 45,000 45,000

814 821. IPA 2007: "Building the capacity of Kosovo’s institutions to develop EU compatible legislation and policy" 6 Milion Euro.

815 82 1 1. Draft a long-term action plan on passenger and freight transport Q2-2009 MTT Law on Road Transport 2005/23 25,000 25,000

816 82 2 2. Approve the long-term action plan on passenger and freight transport Q2-2009 MTT Law on Road Transport 2005/23

817 82 3 3. Preparation of the implementation framework for the long-term action plan on passenger and freight transport

Q2-2009 MTT Law on Road Transport 2005/23

818 82 4 4. Continued signature of bilateral agreements on passenger and freight transport with neighboring and other countries

Continuous MTT Law on Road Transport 2005/23


819 82 5 5. Identification, assessment and licensing of freight terminals on the best practice criteria for logistical centers

Q3-2008 MTT Law on Road Transport 2005/23

8,000 8,000

820 82 6 6. Establishment of an accredited and independnt Training Center of the International Road Union (IRU) for professional transport

Q4-2008 MTT KCC Law on Road Transport 2005/23

180,000 180,000

82. Implement the laws on road transport and on road safety Develop a multi modal transport strategy.

80. Continue efforts to increase public awareness and civil society participation in environmental matters.

Transport Policy81. Continue implementing the Memorandum of Understanding on the development of the South East Europe (SEE) Core Regional Transport network including the Addendum on a SEE Rail Transport Area.


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Supporting Institution Referring Document

821 82 7 7. Prepare legislation for European Agreement related to activities of AETR transport means crews

Q1-2009 MTT Law on Road Transport 2005/23

822 82 8 8. Initiate implementation of legislation for European Agreement related to activities of AETR transport means crews

Q1-2009 MTT Law on Road Transport 2005/23


823 82 9 9. Initiate training activities in preparing and implementation of digital tachographs

Q1-2009 MTT MIA Law on Road Transport 2005/23

300,000 300,000

824 82 10 10. Harmonize local transport plans for a central level transport planning Q4-2008 MTT MLGA/Municipalities

Law on Road Transport 2005/23


825 82 1111. Continued improvement of quality of existing inter-urban transport network, with the aim of securing economic sustainability for businesses and affordability for users


Law on Road Transport 2005/23

40,000 40,000

826 82 1212. Continued subsidization of transport modes which are economically unsustainable, but necessary to exist in certain locations and relations Q4-2008

MTT MRC, MLGA, MIA Policy of multimodal


5,900,000 5,900,000

827 82 1313. Amend administrative instructions with the aim of improving level of licensing criteria for all transport modes/passengers, freight, dangerous substances, and passenger terminals


Law on Road Transport 2005/23

25,000 25,000

828 82 14 14. Initiate participation in regional initiatives strengthening facilitation of trade and transport

Continuous MTT Policy of multimodal transport


829 82 15 15. Continued membership, annually, a the International Public Transport Union (UITP).

Continuous MTT Law on Road Transport 2005/23

6,000 6,000

830 82 16 16. Approve the Road Safety Charter and a long-term action plan on Road Safety, including annual goals in reducing fatal accidents

Q3-2008 MTT MIA, MEST, MoH, MoJ

Law on Road Traffic Safety 2007/23

831 82 1717. Implementation of the Road Safety Charter and a long-term action plan on Road Safety, including annual goals in reducing fatal accidents Continuous

MTT MIA, MEST, MoH, MoJ Law on Road Traffic

Safety 2007/23 50,000


832 82 1818. Creation of the Road Safety Council



Law on Road Traffic Safety 2007/23

833 82 1919. Establish a Technical Support Secretariat to ensure a coordinated implementation of the Road Safety Action Plan Q1-2009


Law on Road Traffic Safety 2007/23

834 82 2020. Develop a program focussed on road safety campaigns, based on road accident database and by support of Traffic Police, on implementation of the Law


Law on Road Traffic Safety 2007/23 100,000 100,000

835 82 21 21. Approve the AI on Road Safety Audits, and use of adequate processes

Q4-2008 MTT Law on Road Traffic Safety 2007/23

836 82 2222. Implementation of AI on Road Safety Audits, and use of adequate processes Continuous

MTT Law on Road Traffic Safety 2007/23

837 82 23

23. Improved emergency services by improving coordination in responding to road traffic accidents


MIA MoH, MTT Law on Medical Emergency Services 2006/21 and Law on Road Traffic Safety 2007/23

838 82 24 24. Participation in SEETO activities on Road Safety Audits Continuous MTT MoM on Transport network of SEE.

839 82 25 25. Draft a Multimodal Transport Strategy and sub-sectorial action plan Q1-2009 MTT Policies of Multimodal Transport of Kosovo

1,000,000 1,000,000

840 82 26 26. Institutional capacity building in multimodal transport planning Q1-2009 MTT Policies of Multimodal Transport of Kosovo 100,000 100,000

841 82 27 27. Continued transport and passenger data collection, analysis and forecast

Continuous MTT Policies of Multimodal Transport of Kosovo

842 83

1. IPA 2007: "Building the capacity of Kosovo’s institutions to develop EU compatible legislation and policy" 2. IPA 2007: "Essential Reconstruction of roads and bridges"

843 83 11. Continued improvement of road database and economic assessment of project-proposals as instruments for programming and budgeting road asset management


Law on Roads 2003/24 300,000 300,000844 83 2 2. Approve a multi-year plan on road asset management Q4-2008 MTT Law on Roads 2003/24

845 83 3 3. Prepare and approve a multi-year performance based contracting system, for summer and winter maintenance

Q1-2009 MTT Law on Public Procurement 2004/3

83. Continue improving data led asset management for the maintenance and rehabilitation of transport infrastructures. Ensure EU compatibility of the legislative framework for concessions and take measures to attract investors, including through public private partnerships, for co funding large and strategic infrastructure works.


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n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

846 83 4 4. Re-categorization of existing road network Q1-2009 MTT Law on Roads 2003/24

847 83 55. The Government decides on prioritization of large and strategic road and transport projects, and ensures they are fully included within the TRansport Plan and Investment Prioritization Strategy



848 83 66. Establish and maintain contacts between the Government and International Financial Institutions (World Bank, European Bank for INvestment, European Bank for Reconstruction and DEvelopment)



849 83 7 7. Review existing legislation on concessions, to validate compliance to EU legislation

Q1-2009 GovernmentMTT, MFE, MMPH, MEM

850 83 8 8. Draft and approve amendments to legislation on concessions, as a result of action 83.7.

Q2-2009 Government Kosovo Assembly

851 83 9 9. Initiate a PPP in the transport sector Q4-2009 MTT MFE852 84

853 84 1 1. Draft a Railway Development Strategy, which ensures compliance with Economic Development Strategy, amongst others

Q1-2009 MTT Kosovo Railways

Policies of Multimodal Transport of Kosovo 300,000 300,000 EAR Project on Multi-modal project.

854 84 2 2. Establishment of the Railway Regulatory Authority Q4-2008 MTT Kosovo Railways

Reg. on Railwayes of Kosovo 2006/56 330,000 330,000

855 84 3 3. Establishment of other regulatory bodies on railwas Q4-2010 MTT Kosovo Railways

Annex of MoM of SEETO-se 600,000 600,000

856 84 4 4. Domestic market opening for other railway operators Q4-2010 MTT Kosovo Railways

857 84 5 5. Request membership at the International Railway Union Q4-2008 Kosovo Railways

MTT Reg. on Railwayes of Kosovo 2006/56

858 84 6 6. Improvement of railway infrastructure and operation tools with the aim of safe railway transport

Continuous MTT Kosovo Railways

Reg. on Railwayes of Kosovo 2006/56

859 85

860 85 1

1. Re-pavement of the landing area, expansion of parking and necessary taxiway space Q4-2008 PNA MTT

Master Plan of IAP and the priorities of certification of Aerport according to ICAO-s

14,000,000 14,000,000

861 85 2

2. Construction of the perimeter road

Q4-2008 PNA MTT

Master Plan of IAP and the priorities of certification of Aerport according to ICAO-s

800,000 800,000

862 85 3

3. Airport lighting of the air field

Q1-2009 PNA MTT

Master Plan of IAP and the priorities of certification of Aerport according to ICAO-s

5,882,251 5,882,251

863 85 4

4. Expropriation of lands for IAP

Continuous PNA MTT

Master Plan of IAP and the priorities of certification of Aerport according to ICAO-s 6,931,233


864 85 5

5. Water drainage within Airport area

Q1-2009 PNA

MTT, Lipjan and Fushe Kosovo Municipalities

Master Plan of IAP and the priorities of certification of Aerport according to ICAO-s

865 85 6 6. Implementation of the Quality Plan and Safety system management Continuous MTT PNA, CARO Law on Civil Aviation. (to be signed by SRSG)

866 85 7 7. Implementation of training plan to fulfil certification and licensing requirements

Continuous PNA MTT, CARO Law on Civil Aviation. (to be signed by SRSG)

867 85 8

8. Construction of the new Control Tower and Administration Building

Q4-2008 PNA MTT

Master Plan of IAP and the priorities of certification of Aerport according to ICAO-s 2,500,000 2,500,000

868 85 9

9. Radio Communications Coverage System

Q4-2008 MTT PNA

Master Plan of IAP and the priorities of certification of Aerport according to ICAO-s 1,350,000


869 85 1010. To draft adequate legal framework for selection, structure and respeonsibilities of managing institutions of Prishtina International Airport. Q1-2009

MTTCARO Law on Civil Aviation

870 86 86. Review and improve the system of driving licensing and technical inspection of vehicles.

84. Ensure that the development of the railways sector is compatible with economic development strategy.

85. Ensure that the Pristina airport operates at an adequate level of security and has sound and accountable management.


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Total KCB Donation GapBudget

Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

871 86 1 1. Approve the Law on Road Traffic Safety Q1-2008 Kosovo Assembly

872 86 2 2. Draft subsidiary legislation for implementation of the Law on Road Traffic Safety

Q4-2008 MTTLaw on Road Traffic Safety 2007/33

25,000 25,000

873 86 3 3. Membership at the international committee for driving licenses (CIECA).

Q2-2008 MTT Working Plan of MTPT 2008

42,000 42,000

874 86 4 4. Approve the design and replacement of driving licenses Q1-2009 MIA MTT 500,000 500,000875 86 5 5. Improve the driving candidate testing methods Continuous MTT 700,000 700,000876 86 6 6. Licensing and relicensing examinators Continuous MTT 300,000 300,000877 86 7 7. Permanent capacity building for examinators Continuous MTT 150,000 150,000

878 86 8 8. Implementation of the legislative framework on control and reduction of polluting gasses emitted by vehicles

Q4-2009 MTTLaw on Road Traffic Safety 2007/33

170,000 170,000

879 86 9 9. Licensing and relicensing vehicle inspectors Continuous MTT 1,500,000 1,500,000880 86 10 10. Permanent capacity building for vehicle inspectors Continuous MTT 300,000 300,000

881 87

1. IPA 2008: Building the institutional capacity of the MEM to formulate and implement energy policies and strategies (January 2005-July 2008.Support to improve technical and management skills in KEK (January 2007.

882 87 1 1. Review and refresh existing energy sector strategies and policies MEM 100,000 100,000

883 87 22. Draft and Approve KEK J.S.C. Action Plan with the aim of regular electricity supply, elimination of illegal consumption and maximization of billing and collection rates on electricity consumed

Q2-2008 KEK MEM, MIA, MoJ, ERO

Bussines Plan of "KEK" sh.a. 19,000,000 19,000,000

884 87 3 3. KEK J.S.C. restructuring in compliance with deadlines within the Electricity Action Plan

Q2-2008 KEK MEM, ERO Road Map for Elektricity. 23,850,00023,850,000

885 87 4 4. Establishment of the new KEK J.S.C. Board, pursuant to international standards

Q2-2008 MEM MFERegulation on Bussines Associations 131,300 131,300

886 88 1. IPA 2007 Meeting EU Standards in the Energy sector 3 Milion Euro

887 88 11. Implementation of detailed "Road Map" for electric energy.


Energy Community Treaty 100,000 100,000

888 88 22. Draft and regular approval on authorization for construction of generation capacities. Q2-2008 ERO


Law on Energy Regulator No. 2004/9 150,000 150,000

889 88 3 3. Harmonization of tax and customs policies for support of import of solarand wind energy technology

Q4-2008 MEM MFE, Government

890 88 4 4. Preparation of ‘feed-in’ tariffs on electric energy generated by renewable resources

Q1-2009 ERO MEM

891 88 5 5. Preparation of the authorization procedure on construction of new generic capacities by BRE

Q4-2008 ERO MEM

892 88 6 6. Definition of standards and norms for thermal isolation (energy code) Q2-2008 MESP MEM, MTI

893 88 7 7. Amendment of legal and regulatory basis for implementation of norms saving energy in buildings


894 88 8 8. Capacity building for energy auditing in buildings Continuous MEM MESP, MTI

895 88 9 9. Indicate policy, a programme and action plan for promotion of use of alternative energy resources in business and private houses

Q4-2009 MEM ERO, MTI

896 88 10 10. Continuation of implementation of programme for energy efficiency 2007-2009 Q4-2009 MEM

MLGA/Municipalities, MESP, ERO, KOSTT, KEK

Energy Community Treaty 1,700,000 100,000 1,600,000

897 88 11 11. Supporting studies for developing of Zhurr Hidro-central (feasibility study, environment impact assessment, social impact assessment). Q4-2008 MEM


Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANT H254 KOS. 500,000 500,000 Project 'Energy from Lignite', World Bank.

898 88 12 12. Feasibility study for increase of capacity of Ujmar hidro-central and covert into reversible hidro-central. Q4-2008 MEM


Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANT H254 KOS. Project 'Energy from Lignite', World Bank.

88. Continue implementing the commitments undertaken in the framework of the Energy Community Treaty. Continue preparation of the "Kosovo C" project for electricity generation and supply in full compliance with the acquis as provided for in the Energy Community Treaty.

Energy87. Ensure the viability and sustainability of the electricity utility, notably by substantially increasing revenue collection and promoting good governance.


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n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

899 88 13 13.Finalization of the project in accordance with agreement with World Bank signed on 13 December 2006 Q4-2009 MEM


Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANT H254 KOS.

900 88 1414. Implementation of ramework for Environment Protection and Social measures per TC Kosova C Q4-2009 MEM


Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANTH254KOSH318KOS 460,000 460,000

901 88 15 15. Preparation for Strategic Environment and Social Assessment for TC KOsova C. To consult and have public hearings in accordance with EU Directives and WB standards. Q2-2008 MEM


Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANTH254KOSH318KOS

902 88 16

16. Prepare draft Dvelopment Plan for Sibovc. Q2-2008 MEM


Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANTH254KOSH318KOS

903 88 17

17. Draft ToR for Environment Impact Assessment for TC Kosova C. Q2-2008 MEM


Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANTH254KOSH318KOS

904 88 18

18. Draft ToR for Social Impact Assessment for TC Kosova C. Q2-2008 MEM


Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANTH254KOSH318KOS

905 88 19 19. Prepare Action Plan for new moulding.

Q4-2008 MEM


Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANTH254KOSH318KOS 1,570,000 1,570,000

906 88 20 20. To increase human capacities in MESP, KTA and Kastrioti Municipality with regards to review procedures and appoval of EIA and SIA. Q2-2008 MEM


Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANTH254KOSH318KOS 460,000 460,000

907 88 21 21. Establishment of 'Community Development Forums' in area of project development and ensure access in environment information (according to Aarhus convention). Q2-2008 MEM


Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANTH254KOSH318KOS 38,000 38,000

908 88 2222. Registration of family economies in area of development of preject"Kosova C". To interview 1500 housekeeprers in: Hade, Shipitulle, Sibovc, Lajthishte, Grabovc, Dardhishte, Plemetin, Palaj, Janjina Vode, Zhilivode, Hamidi, Kastriot. Q2-2008 MEM


Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANTH254KOSH318KOS 31,400 31,400


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Supporting Institution Referring Document

909 88 2323. Instalation of monitoring system for air quality in area of project development. Data gathering and monitoring of environment. Q4-2008 MEM


Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANTH254KOSH318KOS 380,000 380,000

910 88 2424.Develop the Legal and Regulatory Framework necessary for development of project "Kosova C" through direct foreign investment. Q4-2008 MEM


Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANTH254KOSH318KOS 1,570,000 1,570,000

911 88 25

25. To increase the staff in legal matters. Q2-2008 MEM


Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANTH254KOSH318KOS

912 88 26

26. Draft necessary legislation.H Q4-2008 MEM


Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANTH254KOSH318KOS

913 88 2727. Preparation of documentation and necessary agreements for completing successfully of new termo-central. Q4-2008 MEM


Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANTH254KOSH318KOS

914 88 2828. To manage the offering investor selection process based on principles of transparency and competition. Q4-2009 MEM


Agreement for financing by WB IDA GRANTH254KOSH318KOS 2,450,000 2,450,000

915 89

916 89 1 1. Preparation of Action Plan for Implementaiton of the "Telecommunications Sector Policies" Document

Q4-2008 MTT TRA Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

917 89 2 2. Mobile Services - establishment of at least one operator of Mobile Virtual network

Q2-2008 TRA MTT Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

918 89 33. Distribution of wide area internet in all schools and academic institutions Q4-2010 MTT MEST, TRA

eSEE Agenda Plus &Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

15,000,000 15,000,000

919 89 44. Development of programs for continuous learning for government officials in the field of modern information and communication technology until mid-2009 (ECDL/ICDL)

Q4-2013 MTT MPSeSEE Agenda 840,000 840,000

920 89 55. Development of the programme for operationalization of utilization of standard emergency number “E-112” Q1-2009 MTT


Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

50,000 50,000

921 89 66. Creation of implementing plans for integrated emergency and communication services for public safety Q1-2009 MTT


Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

5,000,000 5,000,000

922 89 77. Establishment of state computer centers of emergency response and initiate information exchange Q4-2009 MTT


Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

3,500,000 3,500,000

923 89 8. 8. Definition of Access and Universal Services regime Q1-2009 MTT TRA Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

100,000 100,000

924 89 9. 9. Engagement in obtaining telephone codes and Top National Domain Level for internet services - Internet Country Code

Continuous TRA MTT, Office of the President

Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

100,000 100,000

89. Adopt and begin implementing policy concerning electronic communication networks and services aimed at enforcing full liberalisation and creating a stable open and competitive environment in order to attract foreign investments and improve the quality of the service.

Information Society and Media


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Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

925 89 10 10. Promotion of Joint/Exchange Internet Lines Q4-2010 TRA MTT Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

50,000 50,000

926 89 1111. Creation of a study group to lead the process of recommending best options of PPP-s for PTK J.S.C., and conclusion of activities of the study group

Q2-2009 MTTTRA, MFE, PTK, World Bank, EBRD

Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

250,000 250,000

927 89 12 12. Market definition study with the aim of defining service providers with a considerable power in the market

Q4-2008 TRA MTT Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

300,000 300,000

928 89 13 13. Analysis of relevant markets in electronic communications sector Q2-2009 TRA MTT Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

250,000 250,000

929 89 14 14. Regularization of services provided by operators with a considerable market power

Q3-2009 TRA MTT Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

200,000 200,000

930 89 15 15. Prepare and Approve Regulation on Number Portability Q4-2008 TRA MTT Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

100,000 100,000

931 89 16 16. Prepare and Approve Regulation on Carrier Selection and Carrier Preselection

Q4-2008 TRA MTT Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

150,000 150,000

932 89 17 17. Prepare and Approve Regulation on RUO - Refference Unbundling Offer

Q4-2008 TRA MTT Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

150,000 150,000

933 89 18 18. Development and Implementation of policy systems on prices/tariffs Q4-2008 TRA MTT Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

50,000 50,000

934 89 19 19. Implementation of PTK Tariff rebalancing Q3-2008 TRA MTT Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

935 89 2020. Provision of conditions for electronic trade, electronic procurement and application of electronic signatures Q4-2009 MTT PPRC, MTI,


eSEE Agenda Plus &Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

6,000,000 6,000,000

936 89 2121. Draft Basic Regulation on Client Protection and User Confidentiality in electronic communications services Q4-2009 TRA MTT, MIA

eSEE Agenda Plus &Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

50,000 50,000

937 89 2222. Conclusion and Implementation of the National Strategy for Wide Area Wireless Infrastructure Access Q4-2008 TRA

Law and Policies of the Sector of Telecomunication

250,000 250,000

938 90

939 90 1

1. Approve 2008 budget. Additional requests to be considered in KCB 2008 review

Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly

Law on Telecomunication 2003/16, Law on Management of Public Finances and respons 2003/17

940 91

941 91 1 1. The Kosovo Budget has to foresee funding for RTK for 2008. Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly Law on RTK 2006/14

942 91 22. Approve 2008 budget as proposed by the Government

Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly

Law on the Independent Media Commission 2005/34

943 92

1. IPA 2008: Support during improvement process in controling public managing and accountability in Kosovo". 2. EAR-EC: "Further support to the Public Internal Financial Control and Internal Audit" 1.5M Euro

944 92 1 1. Implementation of AI no.6/2007- UNIREF-it (reference number for revenue collection and identification)

Continuous MFE GovernmentLMFPR 2003/17 Tresury Regulations

945 92 2 2. Monitor implementation of AI No 6/2007. Continuous MFELMFPR 2003/17 Tresury Regulations

946 92 3 3. Adaptation of Regulation on Internal Audits, pursuant to Administrative Directive 2007/30.

Q4-2008 MFE LMFPR 2003/17 1,500 1,500

947 92 4

4. Review of all administrative directives of the Treasure, to adapt with amendments to the Law on Public Finance Management and Accountability and other laws impacting internal audits of public finances

Q4-2008 MFE

LMFPR 2003/17 4,500 2,100 2,400

948 92 5 5. Establishment of organizational and authorizing structure for internal audits following approval of the Law on PFMA

Q4-2008 MFE 4,680 2,280 2,400

90. Strengthen the administrative capacity of the regulatory authority. Reinforce its position and ensure its operational and financial independence.

91. Ensure stable and sustainable funding of the Public Service Broadcaster RTK, the Independent Media Commission and the media fund.

Financial Control 92. Continue efforts to implement the public internal financial control strategy and relevant laws as a basis for fulfilling the medium term priorities in this area.


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Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

949 92 66. Ensure signatures of authorizing persons for spending budgetary lines: Authorizing Officer, Financial Officer, Commitment Officer, Certification Officer, Procurement Officer

Continuous MFE Government LMFPR 2003/17 Tresury Regulations

950 92 77. Signature verification in case of spending processing, verification of necessary documents (contract, receipt, handover of goods and services)

Continuous MFE Government LMFPR 2003/17 Tresury Regulations

951 92 8 8. Continued training of budgetary organizations' officials to implement internal public finance audits

Continuous MFE GovernmentLMFPR 2003/17 Tresury Regulations 9,760 960 8,800

952 93

1. IPA 2008: Training and recruiting of civil servants through KIPA and cvil service agency" 2. IPA 2007 Multi-beneficiary: "Enhance statistical system in countries of Western Balkans" 3. CARDS: "Improvement of the production of statistics"

953 93 1 1. Approve the Law on Official Statistics of Kosovo Q4-2008 Kosovo Assembly


954 93 2 2. Implementation of the Law on Official Statistics of Kosovo, by issuing subsidiary legislation

Continuous SOK Kosovo Institutions

Draft-Law on Official Statistics of Kosovo 250,000 250,000

955 93 3 3. Transforming SOK into an independent agency Q2-2009 SOKDraft-Law on Official Statistics of Kosovo 60,000 60,000

956 93 4 4. Recruitment of 30 professional officials in productive statistics Q4-2009 SOK Working Plan 2008 of SOK

120,000 120,000

957 93 5 5. Professional training to build SOK capacities (methodology, EUROSTAT practices and methods, samples, software and analysis)

Continuous SOK Working Plan 59,000 59,000

958 93 6 6. Creation of working groups on specific fields with the aim of quality improvement and data accuracy

SOK Kosovo Institutions

Quarterly Strategic Plan of SOK

25,000 25,000

959 93 7 7. Appointment of a focal point in line ministries to ensure quality and accuracy of data

Q4-2008 SOK Ministries Quarterly Strategic Plan of SOK

960 93 8 8. Train officials in providing accurate parameters in the survey Continuous SOK Working Plan 2008 of SOK

50,000 50,000

961 94

1. CARDS: "Improvement of the production of statistics" 2. CARDS: "Further build the capacity of the SOK in the preparation and organization of a housing and population census" 3. CARDS: "Further support to SOK to carry out the census: including the production of reliable statistics deriving form the housing and population cens s" 1

962 94 1

1. Preparing and publication of National Accounts (Expenditure Approach 2004 - 2006, Supply and User Tables - SUT 2005) Q2-2008 SOK


Annual Working Plan 2,600 2,600

963 94 2 2. Structural Enterprise Survey 2007 (collection, logical control, inclusion, processing and data analysis)

Q4-2009 SOK CBAK, TAK Annual Working Plan 23,500 23,500

964 94 3 3. Publication of Structural Enterprise Survey 2007 Q4-2009 SOK Annual Working Plan 1,500 1,500965 94 4 4. Data Collection for Production Price Index 2008 Continuous SOK CBAK, TAK Annual Working Plan 1,200 1,200966 94 5 5. Hotelier Statistics Realization 2008 Continuous SOK MTI Annual Working Plan 1,000 1,000

967 94 6 6. Annual Publication of Consumer Price Index statistics, inflation and foreign trade for 2007.

Q3-2008 SOK Annual Working Plan 2,600 2,600

968 94 7 7. Collection of consumer prices and publication of Consumer Price Index (inflation statistics)

Continuous SOK Annual Working Plan 500 500

969 94 8 8. Monthly publication of Foreign Trade Statistics Continuous SOK Customs Annual Working Plan 500 500

970 94 9 9. Implementation and publication of agricultural household survey, and extraction of agricultural statistics

Continuous SOK MAFRD Annual Working Plan 41,500 41,500

971 94 10 10. Survey on agro-monetary statistics (agricultural tools prices) Continuous SOK 15,000 15,000972 94 11 11. Survey on fruit and vineyard statistics (agricultural tools prices) Continuous SOK 30,000 30,000

973 94 12 12. Implementation of environmental statistics and publication every two years

Q3-2008 SOK Working Plan 3,000 3,000

974 94 13 13. Realization and publication of Family Budget Survey (FBS) Continuous SOK Working Plan 82,500 8,700 73,800

Statistics93. Strengthen the administrative capacity of the Statistical Office and improve its operational and financial independence. Ensure the reliability of the statistics including that survey respondents provide quality data to the statistical office in a timely manner, free of charge.

94. Continue developing economic statistics and accelerate the development of social statistics.


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n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

975 94 14 14. Realization and publication of Labor Force Survey (LFS) Continuous SOK MPS, MFE Working Plan 28,715 28,715976 94 15 15. Realization and publication of education statistics Continuous SOK MEST, MTI Working Plan 10,000 10,000

977 94 1616. Realization and publication of sports statistics

Continuous SOKMCYS dhe MLGA/Municipalities

Working Plan 2,700 2,700

978 94 1717. Realization and publication of culture statistics

Continuous SOKMCYS dhe MLGAMunicipalities

Working Plan 900 900

979 94 18 18. Realization and publication of health care statistics Continuous SOK MoH, NPHI Working Plan 1,800 1,800980 94 19 19. Realization and publication of judicial statistics Continuous SOK MoJ Working Plan 4,200 4,200981 94 20 20. Realization and publication of social welfare statistics Continuous SOK MSLW Working Plan 1,500 1,500

982 95

1. IPA 2007 - Project Rule of Law, Component I- Border Police. 2. CARDS 2006 - Further suppor to integrated border management.

983 95 11.Draft and amend standard procedures on border checking

Continuous MIA KPS, Customs, MAFRD.

Strategy on managment of Integrated Border (MIB )Nov 2007 10,000 10,000

984 95 22.Draft and amend training curricula

Continuous MIA KPS, Customs, MAFRD.

Strategy on managment of Integrated Border (MIB )Nov 2007 120,000 120,000

985 95 33. Undertaking a joint evaluation of threat and risk in relation to the "green border" and passing points channeled at distributing resources against risks

Q4-2008 MIA KPS, Customs, MAFRD. 200,000 200,000

986 95 44. Continue and develop operational cooperation (including intelligence) between all border agencies (Customs, Fito-Sanitary, Sanitary and Veterinary services), on regular basis and all levels

Continuous MIA KPS, Customs, MAFRD. Strategy of MIB 400,000 400,000

987 95 5 5. Provide necessary equipment to strengthen checking of incoming persons

Q4-2008 MIA KPS 400,000 400,000

988 95 6 6. Provide basic training for the Border Police Q4-2008 MIA Kosovo Police Academy

Training Programme 2008 28,000 28,000

989 95 7 7. Provide advanced training for the Border Police Q4-2008 MIA Kosovo Police Academy

Training Programme 2008 28,000 28,000

990 95 8 8. Provide specialized training for the Border Police Q4-2008 MIA Kosovo Police Academy

Training Programme 2008 28,000 28,000

991 95 9 9. Provide basic training for Investigations Q4-2008 MIA Kosovo Police Academy

Training Programme 2008 28,000 28,000

992 95 10 10. Provide advanced training for Investigations Q4-2008 MIA Kosovo Police Academy

Training Programme 2008 28,000 28,000

993 95 11 11. Provide training on forged documents Q4-2008 MIA Kosovo Police Academy

Training Programme 2008 28,000 28,000

994 95 12 12. Provide training on human rights Q4-2008 MIA Kosovo Police Academy

Training Programme 2008 28,000 28,000

995 961. IPA 2007 - Rule of Law Component I - Border Police.

996 96 1 1. Review and further enhance the Cooperation Agreement with Albania Continuous MIA KPS MoM with Republic of Albania

997 96 2 2. Review and further enhance the Cooperation Agreement with Macedonia

Continuous MIA KPS MoM with Macedonia

998 96 3 3. Review and further enhance the Cooperation Agreement with Montenegro

Continuous MIA KPS MoM with Montenegro 999 96 4 4. Sign a Cooperation Agreement with Serbia Q3-2008 MIA KPS Strategy of MIB

1000 971. IPA 2007 - Rule of Law, Component III - Building Center for Asylum-Seekers.

1001 97 1 1. Construction of a new center for receiving asylum seekers Q1-2009 MIA MPS, MMPH, MLGA, MSH

Working Plan of MIA for 2008 year 2,000,000 400,000 1,600,000

1002 97 2 2. Operationalization of the Asylum Seekers Center Q2-2009 MIAWorking Plan of MIA for 2008 year 200,000 200,000

Justice, freedom and securityVisas, border control, asylum and migration

96. Strengthen the cooperation between border/boundary management agencies and with neighbouring countries.

97. Establish shelters and reception facilities for asylum seekers.

95. Enhance the efficiency of the control of the flow of persons at the borders/boundary and enhance the effectiveness and transparency of the department of border and boundary police.


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Supporting Institution Referring Document

1003 97 3 3. Continuous staff training relevant to asylum/refugee issues, including EU Acquis and best practices

Continuous MIATraining Plan of Officials for 2008 year 15,000 15,000

1004 97 4

4. Development and enhancement of procesdures of application proceeding in compliance with the Law on Foreigners, Law on ASylum Seekers, Law on Control and Oversight of State Borders and relevant strategies

Continuous MIARegul. 2005/16 on movement of persons in and out of Kosovo 10,000 10,000

1005 97 5 5.Set up an operational body for managing the asylum centre and for implementation of asylum policy /handling cases of involuntary returns

Q4 - 2009 MIA Law on Asylum; MIA Work Plan for 2008

50,000 50,000

1006 98

1007 98 1

1. Draft the Law on Asylum, in compliance with EU acquis

Q3-2008 MIA

Kosovo Parliament KPS,MoJ,MLGA,MoH,MEST, MLSW 11,500 11,500

1008 98 2 2. Approve the Law on Asylum, in compliance with EU acquis Q3-2008 Kosovo Assembly Legislative Strategy 2009

1009 98 33. Implementation of the Law on Asylum


Draft-Law on Foreigners (PH) 2,000,000 2,000,000

1010 98 4

4. Draft and approve the Law on Foreigners

Q2-2008 MIA

Kosovo Parliament, KPS,MoJ,MLGA,MoH,MEST, MLSW Legislative Strategy 2008 12,000 12,000

1011 98 5 5. Approve the Law on Foreigners Q3-2008 Kosovo Assembly Legislative Strategy 2008

1012 98 66. Implementation of the Law on Foreigners


Draft-Law on Foreigners (PH) 1,200,000 1,200,000

1013 98 7

7. Draft and approve the Law on Surveillance and Control of State Borders

Q2-2008 MIA

Kosovo Parliament, KPS, Customs, MAFRD, MTT, KKA Legislative Strategy 2008 10,000 10,000

1014 98 8 8. Approve the Law on Surveillance and Control of State Borders Q2-2008 Kosovo Assembly Legislative Strategy 2008

1015 98 99. Implementation of the Law on Surveillance and Control of State Borders Continuous MIA

Draft-Law on Survailance of State Border Control (PH) 13,615,000 13,615,000

1016 98 1010. Draft a strategy on reintegration of repatriated persons

Q1-2008 MIAMESP, MLGA, MLSW, MEST, MoH Policy on Repatriation 4,000 4,000

1017 98 1111. Draft an Action Plan for the implementation of the strategy on reintegration of repatriated persons Q2-2008 MIA


Strategy on reintegration of repatriated persons 5,000 5,000

1018 98 1212. Implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan, in compliance to migration, including reacception Continuous MIA

MESP, MLGA, MLSW, MEST, MoH 12,870,000 12,870,000

1019 98 1313.MLGA to coordinate activities between MESP and MLSW and municipalities with regards to menaging of centers for temporary accomodation and centers for social residence.

Continuous MLGA OPM, MLSW

1020 98 1414. Support to local governance in identification of potential donors through best practices exchange from regional and EU countries. Continuous MLGA MIA,

MunicipalitiesReintegration Strategy for Repatriation Persons.

1021 98 15 15. Development of common projects with municipalities for the benefit of repatriated persons.

Continuous MLGA MIA, Municipalities

1022 98 1616.Coordination of activities between institutions od local and central governance and donors through defining future programmes of assistance in the process of reintegration.

Continuous MLGA MIA, Municipalities

1023 98 1717. Monitor the progress in implementation of reintegration strategy by municipalities and prepare periodical reports for the Government with the aim of informing in the process of reintegration at the local level.

Continuous MLGA MIA, Municipalities

98. Adopt a law on migration in accordance with European standards. Draw up a strategy and action plan concerning migration, addressing in particular the readmission and reintegration of persons returned from abroad.


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Supporting Institution Referring Document

1024 98 18 18. Recommendation in sustainable solutions and adoption of good practices for implementation of the strategy by municipalities.

Continuous MLGA MIA, Municipalities

1025 99 1. CARDS 2006 - Fight against money laundering, financing of terrorism, economic and financial crime.

1026 99 1

1. Increased staff at the Financial Investigation Unit of the KPS

Q4-2008 MIA KPS

Existing Structure aproved by Pilar responsible for Crimes and the head of KPS 12,000 12,000

1027 99 2

2. Staff training for the Financial Investigation Unit of the KPS

Continuous MIA KPSWorking Plan of KPS; Memorandum on training KPS-AER (B&S) drafted on Nov. 2007 - Aug 2008 20,000 20,000

1028 99 33. Continued operation of the Task Force between KPS< MIA, Customs, TAK and CBAK Continuous MIA KPS, Customs,


1029 99 4

4. Development of operational cooperation between Financial INvestigation Unit of KPS with other relevant stakeholders in combatting and preventing money laundry

Q4-2008 MIAKPS, FIC, Customs, TAK, CBAK

Memorandum on training KPS-AER (B&S) drafted on Nov. 2007 - Aug 2008 between EU and Department of Training of KPS, other Agencies dealing with this matter as TAK, Anti-Corruption Agency, Customs.

1030 99 5 5. Supply adequate equipment for the Financial Investigation Unit in proportion with personnel

Q4-2008 MIA KPS 12,000 12,000

1031 99 66. Train judges on specialized fields such as: money laundry, financial crimes and human trafficking for categories of judges and prosecutors dealing with these cases

Continuous KJI12,000 4,000 8,000

1032 99 7 7. Establishment of a Task-Force mandated to clarify competencies Q3-2008 Government OPM, MIA, MoJ, MFE, FIC

1033 99 88. Approve the Law against Money Laundry and Funding Anti-Terrorism

Q4-2008 Kosovo Assembly MFE UNMIK Reg. 2004/02;

Legislative Strategy 2008

1034 100 1. CAFAO, 2005( Italy), approval of this project commenced on April 2006.

1035 100 1

1. Establishment of an Interministerial Coordination Group to deal with prevention, investigation, combatting, education and treatment of narcomany. Q2-2008 Government


1036 100 2 2. Establishment of an Interministerial Coordination Group to coordinate activities in Drafting and implementing the Strategy.

Q3-2008 Government

1037 100 33. Draft Strategy on Drug Prevention.

Q4-2008 GovernmentMEST,MoHMFE, MLSW, KPS, Customs 20,000 20,000

1038 100 44. Draft an Action Plan on implementation of the Strategy on Drug Prevention Q2-2009 Government

MEST,MoHMFE, MLSW, KPS, Customs 2,500 2,500

1039 100 5 5. Increase personnel in the Narcotics Investigation Section of the KPS Q4-2008 MIA KPS Organisative Structure 12,000 12,000

1040 100 6 6. Ensure sufficient equipment for Narcotics Investigation Unit KPS Q4-2008 MIA KPSAction Plan of KPS for 2008 50,000 50,000

1041 100 7 7. Provision of continuous training for police officers in narcotics section Continuous MIA KPSTraining Plan for 2008-2010 10,000 10,000

1042 101 101. Adopt the law on the police.

99. Enhance the capacity of the Financial Investigation Unit within the Kosovo Police Service (KPS) organised crime directorate. Train specialised prosecutors and judges. Streamline competencies in the area of money laundering in the different institutions involved.

100. Develop a drug prevention strategy and a relevant plan of action to implement it. Further strengthen local capacity in the narcotics investigation section.Drugs


Money Laundering


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Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

1043 101 1 1. Approval of the Law on Police Q1-2008 Kosovo Assembly

MIA, KPS Ahtisari package.

1044 102 1. CARDS 2005 - Support to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

1045 102 1 1. To take decision by the Commisioner for increase personnel at the crime Pillar.

Q4-2008 MIA KPSAI on functional review of the KPS structure.

1046 102 2 2. Ensure sufficient equipment for the Crime Pillar KPS. Q4-2008 MIA KPSBudgetory Plan 2008-2010 25,000 25,000

1047 102 33.Provision of continuous training for police officers in Crime Pillar, in particular in the field of forensics Continuous MIA KPS

Annual Training Plan and projects with other organisations 25,000 25,000

1048 102 44. Development of operational cooperation between KPS and other stakeholders responsible for crime prevention and combatting. Continuous MIA

KPS, MLGA, MoJ, Customs, TAK

Strategic Plan of KPS and Working Plan of KPS. 50,000 50,000

1049 102 55. Continued cooperation with international organizations for crime prevention - Euro-Pol and Inter-Pol. Continuous MIA

Strategic Plan of KPS and Working Plan of KPS.

1050 102 6 6. Implementation of the Law on Police. Continuous MIA MLSW, MFE 33,009,214 33,009,214

1051 102 77. Draft subsidiary legislation for implementation of the Law on Police.


1052 103

1053 103 1

1. Draft Strategy on police activities in community for crime prevention.

Q4-2008 MIAKPS, OPM, Customs, ACA, MoJ, MLGA

Documents drafted by the KPS, analisys for coummunity police units and analysis on Police actions on community on prevention and revealing the crime. 10,000 10,000

1054 103 2 2. Prepare an action plan for the Implementation of the Strategy approved.

Q2-2009 MIA KPS, OPM, Customs, ACA 2,500 2,500

1055 103 3 3. Implementation of Action Plan and Strategy on Crime Reduction. Continuous MIA KPS, OPM, Customs, ACA 500,000 500,000

1056 103 4 4. Draft the Law on Light Weapons. Q3-2008 MIA KPS, OPM, Customs, ACA 50,000 50,000

1057 103 5 5. Approval of the Law on Light Weapons. Q4-2009 Kosovo Assembly Legislative Strategy 2008

1058 103 6 6. Prepare and approve a Strategy on Weapon Collection in Kosovo. Q4-2008 MIA OPM, Customs, ACA 50,000 50,000

1059 103 7 7. Implementation of legislation on light weapons. Continuous MIA OPM, Customs, ACA 1,000,000 500,000 500,000

1060 104

1061 104 1

1. Draft strategy on fighting and reducing organized crime and terrorism

Q2-2009 MIA

KPS,OPM,Customs, ACA, ATK, FIC, MoJ, Kosovo Special Prosecutor Office, OGA, SOK

Strategic Plan of MIA 2007-2010 5,000 5,000

1062 104 2 2. Prepare an action plan for the implementation of strategy Q2-2009 MIA OPM,Customs ACA

Strategic Plan of MIA 2007-2011 5,000 5,000

1063 105 1. CARDS 2006 - Support to Institutions in the field of Justice.

1064 105 1 1. Approve the draft Law on amendment of the Provisional Criminal Procedure Code of Kosovo.

Q3-2008 Kosovo Assembly

MoJ Legislative Strategy 2008

1065 105 2 2. Approve the draft Law on amendment of the Provisional Criminal Code of Kosovo.

Q3-2008 Kosovo Assembly

MoJ Legislative Strategy 2008

1066 105 3 3. Approve the Draft Law on Management of Assets Sequestrated and Confiscated.

Q3-2008 Kosovo Assembly

MoJ Legislative Strategy 2008

1067 105 4 4. Approve the Draft Law on amendment of the Law on execution of penal sanctions.

Q3-2008 Kosovo Assembly

MoJ Legislative Strategy 2008

103. Adopt a crime reduction strategy and implement it. Develop a strategy to collect weapons, complete and enforce small arms related legislation.

102. Improve the effectiveness of investigation of crime. Adopt and implement legislation to establish the KPS and strengthen its investigative and internal control capacities. Strengthen its leadership.

105. Complete the legislative framework concerning organised crime.

104. Set up a strategy and an action plan to combat organised crime and terrorism.


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Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

1068 105 5 5. Implementation of the Law on amendment of the Law on execution of penal sanctions.

Continuous MoJ KCS, PSK, KPS 936,000 936,0001069 106

1070 106 1 1. Provision of training to police officers in the Directorate Against Organized Crime.

Q4-2008 MIA KPSTraining Plan for officials for year 2008 10,000 10,000

1071 106 2

2. Development of operational cooperation between KPS and other stakeholders responsible for fighting and preventing organized crime.

Continuous MIA

AHPK, MoJ, Customs, TAK, FIC, Prosecutor, KJC

Strategic Plan of KPS 2008-2010

1072 106 3

3. Sufficient equipment for the Department against Organized Crime, such as: a) civilian vehicles, b) audio and video surveillance equipment, c) IT GPS equipment andd) night goggles

Q4-2008 MIA KPS

Capital Investments 2008 1,200,000 1,200,000

1073 107 1. CARDS 2005 - Support to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

1074 107 1 1. Continued cooperation with international organizations in fighting organized crime, such as Europol and Interpo.l

Continuous MIAStrategic Plan of KPS 2008-2010

1075 107 2

2. Draft concept Document for the National Strategy on fighting human trafficking. Q1-2008 MIA

Action Plan of OGG 2005-2007 in field of prevention on human beigns trafficing.

1076 107 3 3. Survey - questionnaire with the public on knowledge on human trafficking.

Q2-2008 MIA 7,000 7,000

1077 107 4

4. Draft strategy on combatting human trafficking.

Q3-2008 MIA


Criminal Code of Kosovo, UNMIK Reg. 2001/4 from 11.02.2005 and AI no. 2005/3 2,500 2,500

1078 107 5

5. Draft Action Plan on combatting human trafficking.

Q4-2008 MIA


Criminal Code of Kosovo, UNMIK Reg. 2001/4 from 11.02.2005 and AI no. 2005/3 2,500 2,500

1079 107 6

6. Initiate implementation of the strategy on combating human trafficking, which also envisages the strengthening of the organized crime department of the KPS.

Q1-2009 MIA

KPS, MLSW, OPM, MoJ, MEST, MFE, MLGA 2009 - 2010 Strategy 500,000 500,000

1080 107 77. Review the cooperation mechanisms between central and regional units against trafficking of human beings.

Continuous MIA Kosovo Police Action Plan and Strategic Plan 2008-2011

1081 107 88. Increase number of staff of female gender in units against trafficking of human beings.

Continuous MIA Kosovo Police Action Plan and Strategic Plan 2008-2012

1082 107 9 9. Sign MoU's with neighbouring countries against trafficking of human beings.

Continuous MIA Kosovo Police MoU's with neighbouring countries

1083 108

1084 108 1 1. Approve the Law on Protection of Personal Data. Q3-2008 Kosovo Assembly Legislative Strategy 2008

1085 108 2 2. Implementation of the Law on Protection of Personal Data Continuous MIA MoJ

1086 108 33. Establishment of a National Oversight Body for Personal Data Protection, by ensuring independence, necessary powers and human and financial resources

Q1-2009 Government Kosovo Assembly

Law on Personal Data Protection 163,420 163,420

1087 109

Protection of Personal Data108. Develop a comprehensive law on the protection of personal data in line with the acquis, in particular with the Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC), and implement it. Set up an independent data protection supervisory authority, with sufficient powers and with sufficient financial and human resources.

109. Proceed with a sustainable public administration reform while respecting budgetary constraints. Improve the capacity of local administrations to provide services to their constituencies in an equitable and effective manner. Public Administration

Mid-Term PrioritiesPolitical CriteriaDemocracy and Rule of Law

107. Implement the action plan and strengthen legislative provisions and structures to fight more efficiently against trafficking in human beings.

106. Further strengthen local capacity in the organised crime directorate within the KPS.


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n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

1088 109 1

1. Continuous coordination and monitoring implementation of Public Administration Reform (PAR)

Continuous MPS Government

Strategy and Action Plan on Public Administration Reform

Government Decisions no.05/243, dt.21.03.2007 and no.03/256, dt 20.06.2007

1089 109 22. Continued implementation of PAR through mechanisms created, through regular operation of working groups and sub-groups for the implementation of the PAR Action Plan Continuous MPS Government 22,408,679 9,545,136 12,863,543

1090 109 3 3. Regular reporting on achievements and challenges to the PAR process Continuous MPS Government

1091 109 4 4. In implementing PAR, close cooperation with MEF with the aim of ensuring financial support for each action Continuous MPS MFE

MTEF-2009; 2010; 2011 8,150,000 1,430,000 6,720,000

1092 109 5 5. Reorganization of Departments of Administration and Personnel in all municipalities, pursuant to Regulation 2007/30

Q1-2009 Municipalities MLGA

1093 109 6 6. Monitor efficiency and effectivity of municipal administrative bodies, and publication of regular reports Continuous MLGA Municipalities

1094 109 7 7. Demand assessment and human capacity building for all municipalities of Kosovo

Q4-2009 MLGAMunicipalities, KIPA

1095 109 8 8. Service provision without any ethnic or religious discrimination, in observation of legal provisions in force Continuous Municipalities

1096 109 9 9. Installation of Wide Area Network in the MLGA, linking it with all municipalities in managing electronic data Q2-2010 MLGA Municipalities PIP Project of MLGA 1,395,000 1,395,000

1097 109 10

10. With the aim of providing quality services, draft plans regulating municipal territories, pursuant to the Law on Spatial Planning:- Municipal Development Plan- Urban Development Plan and - Urban Regulatory Plan


Municipalities MMPH; MLGA

Law on spatial planning,Law on Municipal Borders,Strategy for Local Administration and Local Development.

1098 109 11 11. Strengthen coordination of professional assistance and financial source generation, to ensure strategic planning for all municipalities Continuous MLGA OPM

1099 109 1212. MLGA and MEF support municipalities in preparing their budgets

Continuous MLGA MFELaw on Management of Public Finances 2003/17

1100 109 13 13. MLGA supports municipalities in identifying and prioritizing projects (PIP) and orientation to potential donors Continuous MLGA

Municipalities, OPM, MFE

1101 110

1102 110 11. Establish and operationalize the Consultative Council for Communities

Q3-2008 Office of the President

Kosovo Parliament, OPM, MRC 10,000 10,000

1103 110 2 2. Prepare and publish a summary of legal provisions in force on rights and interests of all communities

Q2-2008 OPM MRC 10,000 10,0001104 111

1105 111 1 1. Approve the Draft Law on Mediation Q3-2008Kosovo Assembly Legislative Strategy 2008

1106 111 2 2. Implementation of the Law on MediationContinuous MoJ

KJC, MLSW, KLC 1,200,000 1,200,000

1107 111 3 3. Establish the Commission\ on Mediation Q4-2008 MoJ Law on Mediation1108 111 4 4. Draft the Code of Professional Ethics on Mediation Q4-2008 MoJ Law on Mediation

1109 111 5 5. Draft subsidiary legislation deriving from the Law on Mediation, such as: AI on fees to be paid upon mediation procedure

Q4-2008 MoJ Law on Mediation

1110 111 6 6. Approve the Draft Law on Contested Procedure Q3-2008Kosovo Assembly Legislative Strategy 2008

1111 111 7 7. Implementation of the Law on Contested Procedure Continuous KJC MoJ 30,000 30,000

1112 111 8 8. Approve the Law on Non-Contested Procedure Q3-2008Kosovo Assembly Legislative Strategy 2008

1113 111 9 9. Implementation of the Law on Non-Contested Procedure Continuous KJC MoJLaw on Non-Contentious Procedure 30,000 30,000

Judicial System110. Define and consolidate a complete body of law that respects the rights and interests of all communities, drawing from all legal sources currently applicable in Kosovo.

111. Develop an alternative dispute resolution mechanism.


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n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

1114 111 10 10. Approve the Draft Law on Execution Procedure Q3-2009Kosovo Assembly

1115 111 11 11. Implementation of the Law on Execution Procedure Continuous KJCLaw on Executive Procedure 30,000 30,000

1116 111 12 12. Ministry of Justice continues legal representation of the Government of Kosovo in all court proceedings

Continuous MoJ2008 Work Plan of the Ministry of Justice 160,000 160,000

1117 1121. Sweden 2006, Project: support in the field of evidence and alternative in imprisonment, in correctional service in Kosovo.

1118 112 1 1. Installation of camera and security systems in Dubrava Prison Q4-2010 MoJ KCS Rregulation on fire rescue 320,000 320,000

1119 112 2 2. Restructuring KCS in terms of management of correctional institutions Q2-2008 MoJ KCS Law on the execution of penal sanctions 3,000 3,000

1120 112 33. Construction of a Top-Security Prison

Q4-2009 MoJ Government

ToR 'Feasibility Study on High Security Prison in Kosovo 15,000,000 3,000,000 12,000,000

1121 112 44. Setup and improvement of agriculture in Dubrava and Lipjan prisons

Q4-2010 MoJ KCS

KCS Project on Agriculture in Dubrava and Lipjan Prison 620,000 310,000 310,000

1122 112 5 5. Completion of Prisoner Transport Unit Q4-2010 MoJ 1,200,000 800,000 400,000

1123 112 6 6. Capacity building and trainings for the Kosovo Correctional Service staff Continuous MoJ KCPSED 47,000 47,000

1124 112 77. Implementation of the Code of Conduct by the KCS staff, and reporting on prisoners' complaints on potential misconduct of correctional officers Continuous MoJ KCS

1125 113

1126 113 1 1. Monitor Implementation of the new Anti-Corruption Strategy and Action Plan Continuous ACA OPM

1127 113 2 2. Setup cooperation with relevant institutions and citizens with the aim of reporting corruptive cases to the ACA Continuous ACA Government Anti-Corruption Law

1128 113 3 3. To establish mechanisms for cooperation with public prosecution. Q4-2008 ACA MoJ Anti-Corruption Law

1129 113 4 4. Organization of awareness campaigns on prevention and fighting corruption, at least twice a year

Q4-2011 ACA OPM 13,000 13,0001130 113 5 5. Organization of seminars and various trainings against corruption Continuous ACA OPM 15,000 15,0001131 114

1132 114 11. Decision of the Government to establish a 'Track Record Mechanism', including agreement and approval for the methodology, type of data and institutions to be involved. Q2-2008 Government MoJ, ACA

1133 114 22. Precise inventory of all reported corruption cases since the establishment of the ACA and their current status.

Q3-2008 ACA

MoJ, MIA, Prosecutor's Office, Courts

1134 114 33. ACA to prepare 'First Status Report' and to present to the Government with full explanation for every single case.

Q4-2008 ACA

MoJ, MIA, Prosecutor's Office, Courts

1135 114 4

4. Government to present the Report and Plan for further measures to be taken in fight against corruption to the Assembly of Kosovo.

Q1-2009 Government

MoJ, MIA, ACA, Prosecutor's Office, Courts

1136 114 5 5. Assembly and the Government to agree to review the report on anti-corruption measures, status and results every on the quarterly basis. Q1-2009

Kosovo Assembly Government

1137 115

1138 115 11. Organization of comprehensive campaigns with communities in Kosovo with the aim of promoting human rights and inter-ethnic dialogue

Continuous MRC OPM 5,000 5,000

1139 115 22. Organization of a series of trainings and information sessions in all municipalities of Kosovo, dedicated to all communities

Continuous MRC

OPM, MPS, MLGA/Municipalities, 20,000 20,000

Anti-Corruption Policy

114. Establish a track record in the fight against corruption.

115. Ensure the viable existence of minority communities and their non discriminatory participation in society, taking concrete measures to ensure their safety and freedom of movement, as well as the equitable provision of and access to public

Human rights and the protection of minoritiesMinority rights, cultural rights and protection of minorities

113. Develop sectoral action plans to fight corruption and increase awareness of the corruption problem within the public administration as well as in civil society.

112. Improve the penitentiary system with particular attention to security, control, management, vocational training and reintegration schemes, as well as the condition of facilities.


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Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

1140 115 3 3. Development of an efficient system of legal, judicial and technical services to improve the position of minorities in Justice institutions Continuous MoJ

UNMIK Regulation 2005/53 and 2006/25

1141 115 4 4. Creation and Operationalization of a mechanism for Systematic Monitoring of Minority treatment in Justice institutions Q2-2009 MoJ

UNMIK Regulation 2005/53 and 2006/25 145,000 145,000

1142 115 5 5. Capacity building in municipal leadership and civil society in integrating all communities of Kosovo, without any discrimination Continuous OPM MLGA, KIPA

1143 115 66. Full Operationalization of all Court Liaison Offices and opening new offices pursuant to Decentralization Process Q3-2009

MoJMLGA/Municipalities, KJC, KJI,

UNMIK Regulation 2006/25 1,300,000 1,300,000

1144 115 77. Completition and development of effective system for technical and logistical services with the aim of ehnancing participation of minorities in Justice institutions.


UNMIK Regulation 2005/53 and 2006/25

1145 1161146 116 1 1. Monitor Implementation of the Law on Gender Equality Continuous MoJ OPM 10,000 10,000

1147 116 2 2. Capacity building of the GEA staff and structures on gender equality,both centrally and locally Continuous OPM

Ministries, Municipalities 200,000 57,829 142,171

1148 116 33. Inclusion of gender equality officers at central and local levels indrafting legislation and policies, and regular reporting from ministriesand municipalities on implementaiton of gender equality policies Continuous OPM MLGA 528,000 120,000 408,000

1149 116 4 4. regular reporting from ministries and municipalities on implementaitonof gender equality policies Continuous OPM

1150 116 5 5. Regular reporting to CEDAW in relation to implementation of gender equality policies and observation of women's rights in Kosovo Continuous OPM 30,000 18,000 12,000

1151 116 6 6. Advocacy for the Law on Gender Equality through information campaigns in the media Continuous OPM 40,000 20,000 20,000

1152 116 7 7. Undertake a survey on violence on women / domestic violence Q3-2008 OPM 100,000 21,000 79,000

1153 116 8

8. Draft the Law against Domestic Violence



Government, Kosovo Parliament 7,000 7,000

1154 116 99. Draft the Strategy Against Violence on Women/Domestic Violence

Q1-2010 OPMMoJ, MIA, MLSW 25,000 5,000 20,000

1155 1171156 117 1 1.Draft Integrated Cultural Heritage Policy at the central level Q3-2009 MCYS 30,000 5,000 25,000

1157 117 2 2. Erection of an Interministerial and Inter-sectoral Working Group on Cultural Heritage preservation Q4-2008 MCYS

1158 117 3 3. Signature of a Policy Statement with line Ministries on the Regional Development Project on Cultural and Natural Heritage

Q4-2008 MCYS

1159 117 4 4. Promotion of the Cultural Heritage Division into a Department of the MCYS

Q3-2008 MCYS 50,000 50,000

1160 117 5 5.Implementation of the MoU on Cultural Heritage Presevation with Police and Customs

Continuous MCYSMESP, MLGA, KPS, Customs

1161 117 6 6. Signature of MoU with Ministry of Education on addressing Cultural Heritage in education curricula


1162 117 7 7. Continuous awareness campaigns on Cultural Heritage Continuous MCYS 80,000 20,000 60,0001163 117 8 8. Organization of "Days of European Heritage" Continuous MCYS 80,000 15,000 65,0001164 118

1165 118 1 1. An analysis of KCA and MCO-s operations, including needs assessment for a more efficient function.

Q1-2009 MPSMLGA/Municipalities,

1166 118 2 2. Capacity building by trainings for technical and legal personnel in KCA and MCO-s Continuous MPS

MLGA/Municipalities, KIPA 20,000 20,000

1167 118 3 3. Operationalization of the vertical and horizontal reporting system for the KCA, respectively MCO-s Continuous MPS


1168 118 4 4. Monitor sale/purchase of immoveable properties to ensure fraudulent practices of transfer registration are prevented effectively Continuous MPS


1169 118 55. Strengthen cooperation between MCO-s and Competent Courts in immoveable property transfers


116. Implement the law on gender equality. Ensure mainstreaming of women's rights in all existing policies and legislation.

117. Develop an integrated conservation policy for cultural heritage. Actively engage in increasing the general awareness of and respect for cultural heritage.

118. Ensure that the Cadastral Agency and the municipal cadastral offices offer transparent and non discriminatory access to full property records and have functioning accountability mechanisms.


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Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

1170 119

1171 119 1 1. Signature of Bilateral Agreements with different countries on international legal (criminal/civil) aid Q1-2009 Government MoJ

1172 119 22. Continued implementation of existing agreements between UNMIK and various countries, to ensure continuity of MoJ as a signatory party replacing UNMIK Continuous Government MoJ

1173 120

1174 120 1

1. Establish a coordinating mechanism between MoJ, KJC, MIA, MESP and Municipalities in protecting property rights

Q1-2009 MoJ

KJC, MIA, MMPH, MLGA/Municipalities

1175 120 22. Publication of private, commercial and agricultural property claims, and identification of properties claimed Q3-2008

KPA Municipalities, Municipal Courts

UNMIK Regulation 2007/5

13,100,000 3,075,000 3,000,000 7,025,000

1176 120 3 3. Verification of documentation and preparation of Claims for the Commission Q2-2009

KPA KPA Municipal Cadastral Offices

UNMIK Regulation 2007/5

1177 120 4 4. Decision on claims by the Property Claims Commission, first instanceQ4-2010

KPA UNMIK Regulation 2006/10 and 2006/50

1178 120 5 5. Implementation of decisions by allocation of property, auctioning, eviction or mediation Continuous


MoU with Kosovo Police Service

1179 120 6 6. Property administration and implementation of the rental schemeContinuous

KPA Municipalities, MFE

UNMIK Regulation 2006/10 and 2006/60

1180 121

1181 121 1 1. Review the existing plan for publicly owned enterprises' privatizationQ4-2008


1182 121 2 2. Draft a feasibility study on privatization, PPP (Public-Private Partnership) and restructuring of each POE on strategic orientations

Q1-2009 KTAGovernment

3,000,000 3,000,000

1183 121 3 3. Draft a strategy to promote privatization of public enterprises Q2-2009 KTA Government OECD Guidelines 2,000,000 2,000,000

1184 121 4 4. Improve public enterprise governance by providing foreign technical assistance

Q2-2009 KTA Public Enterprises

1185 121 5 5. Support POE-s through external banking loans to ensure funds to accelerate development of POEs Continuous


1186 121 6

6. Removing POE balances from the Government decision in addressing enforcement of bad/suspicious debts on new taxed revenues of VAT legislation, to approximate tax legislation with EU legislation

Q4-2009 Government1187 121 7 7. Continue functional unbundling and restructuring in POEs Continuous KTA Government 20,000,000 20,000,000

1188 121 8 8. Implementation of capital projects by the electricity transmission operator to facilitate regional cooperation Q4-2009


100,000,000 100,000,000

1189 122 1. IPA 2007 Education in Kosovo: Inter-culturalism and the Bologna Process

1190 122 11. Human capacity building by recruiting and training Employment POlicy Design Section, with the aim of preparing concrete employment plans and projects Q4-2009 MLSW IKAP 14,000 14,000

1191 122 2

2. Human capacity building through recruitment and training for Information Statistics and Labor Market Analysis Section


Action Plan for Youth Employment (2007/2010) Labour Draft Strategy in Kosovo 2008/2013 14,000 14,000

1192 122 3

3. Draft projects on improving employment rate for certain categories: a) youth, age group 18-39 years,b) long term unemployed, seeking jobs for more than 12 months,c) disabled persons

Q4-2009 MLSW

Action Plan for Youth Employment (2007/2010) Labour Draft Strategy in Kosovo 2008/2013 420,000 420,000

1193 122 4 4. Preparation of Memoranda of Understanding for mediation in seasonal employment abroad Q3-2009 MLSW

Regional issues and international obligations

122. Design and implement active labour market policies in close cooperation with the local business community with a view to enhancing the matching process in labour markets, and increase the share of skilled labour in the overall labour force.

119. Further strengthen of regional and international cooperation, including in the field of law enforcement, including by transfer of suspects and sentenced persons and mutual legal assistance.

120. Further strengthen property rights, rule of law, and accessibility of courts with a view to promoting a business friendly environment.

121. Develop a strategy for the privatisation, and restructuring where necessary, of public owned enterprises, with a view to strengthening corporate governance and performance of these enterprises and reducing subsidies to the enterprise

Economic Criteria


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Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

1194 122 5

5. Draft a medium-term sector strategy for labor force requalification



Action Plan for Youth Employment (2007/2010) Labour Draft Strategy in Kosovo 2008/2013 8,000 8,000

1195 122 6 6. Capacity building by training and improvement of working conditions of Vocational Training Centers Q4-2010 MLSW

Vocational Education 2005-2008 Strategy 800,000 200,000 600,000

1196 122 7 7. Cooperate with foreign training providers with the aim of increasing the number of qualified staff Continuous MLSW IKAP 600,000 200,000 400,000

1197 123

1198 123 1 1. Implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan on Pre-University Education Continuous MEST 600,000 200,000 400,000

1199 123 2 2. Implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan on University Education Continuous MEST UP 300,000 100,000 200,000

1200 123 33. Setting training and educational goals based on European Qualification Framework

Q4-2009 MEST

MLSW, MoH, MTI, MFE, Social Partners

Pre-University Education Strategy 50,000 25,000 250,000 NQF Demand Driven - IPA

1201 123 4

4. Evaluation of pre-university curricula in conformity to accomplishment of modern quality and standards

Q4-2010 MEST QEK, UP

Pre-University Education Strategy, Kosovo New Education Curriculum 400,000 25,000 375,000

1202 123 55. Setting proper criteria related to licensing teachers

Continuous MEST

UP, MLGA/MunicipalitiesMFE

Pre-University Education Strategy

1203 123 66.Complete operationalization of Accreditation Agency.

Continuous MEST UP

Pre-University Education Strategy/MoU with Austria 160,000 35,000 125,000 Austrian Agency

1204 123 7 7. Draft Administrative Instructions on policies approved by the MEST on high education

Q2-2008 MEST UP 3,000 3,000

1205 123 8 8. Implementattion of Administrative Instructions on policies approved by the MEST on high education

Continuous MEST UP

1206 123 9 9.Ensure the largest possible involvement of marginalized groups in high education Continuous MEST UP

Higher Education Strategy

1207 1241208 124 1 1. Draft and approve the Strategy on Exports Q4-2009 MTI Government

1209 124 22. Creation of a database on export, by sector and countries of export

Q2-2008MTI Customs

Agency for the Promotion of Investments Action Plan

1210 124 3 3. Capacity building of KAIP through trainings and recruitment of professional staff

Continuous MTI IKAP 20,000 10,000 10,000

1211 124 4 4. Provide trainings and seminars on the local business community with the aim of promoting export

Continuous MTIIKAP, OEK, AKB, 64,000 32,000 32,000

1212 124 5 5. Selection of international fairs to promote local producers' participation to the fairs Continuous MTI KCC, AKB,

Law on Foreign Investments 45,000 45,000

1213 124 66. Promotion of local resources by organizing two international conferences with foreign investors

Continuous MTI

Agency for the Promotion of Investments Action Plan 50,000 50,000

1214 124 77. Negotiations to expand the agreement on guaranteeing investment with countries of CEFTA: Croatia, Montenegro, BH, Moldova, Serbia

Continuous MTI

Agency for the Promotion of Investments Action Plan 12,000 12,000

1215 125

1216 125 1 1. Staff training needs assessment for the staff dealing with implementation of New Approach Directives

Q3-2009 MTI1217 125 2 2. Ensure adequate training in compliance with needs assessment Continuous MTI IKAP

1218 125 33. Draft Administrative Instruction on Concrete Constructions


Law on Constrution Materials and Products, Nr.02/L-14 15,000 15,000

123. Implement appropriate policies for an increase in the quantity and quality of education at all levels.

124. Enhance the export capacity.

European standardsInternal MarketFree Movement of Goods

125. Continue approximation with the new and global approach and old approach directives.


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Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

1219 125 44. Draft an AI on Aggregates


Law on Constrution Materials and Products, Nr.02/L-14 15,000 15,000

1220 125 55. Draft an AI on Steel


Law on Constrution Materials and Products, Nr.02/L-14 15,000 15,000

1221 125 66. Draft an AI on Asphalt


Law on Constrution Materials and Products, Nr.02/L-14 15,000 15,000

1222 125 7

7. Draft an AI on "Electro-magnetic compliance"



Law on Technical Requirements of Products and Conformity Assesment, Nr.02/L-20 12,000 12,000

1223 125 8

8. Draft an AI on "Toy Safety"



Law on Technical Requirements of Products and Conformity Assesment, Nr.02/L-20 12,000 12,000

1224 125 9

9. Draft an AI on "Teleferique"



Law on Technical Requirements of Products and Conformity Assesment, Nr.02/L-20 4,000 4,000

1225 125 10

10. Draft an AI on "Lifts"



Law on Technical Requirements of Products and Conformity Assesment, Nr.02/L-20 4,000 4,000

1226 125 11

11. Draft an AI on "Gas Equipment"



Law on Technical Requirements of Products and Conformity Assesment, Nr.02/L-20 15,000 15,000

1227 125 12

12. Draft an AI on "Safety and Personal Protection Equipment"

Q4-2009 MTI

Law on Technical Requirements of Products and Conformity Assesment, Nr.02/L-20 15,000 15,000

1228 126

1229 126 1 1.Establishment of technical committees on standards most required by interest groups Continuous MTI 10,000 10,000

1230 126 2 2. Purchasing standards, with a priority on harmonized standards Continuous MTI 58,000 58,0001231 126 3 3.Draft Standard Catalogue (CD, hard copy, Online) Q4-2008 MTI 10,000 10,000

1232 127 1. CARDS 2006 'Institutional Support to the Ministry of Trade and Industry'

1233 127 1

1. Staff recruitment for the existing Market Inspectorate from 12 to 14 persons, and restructuring of the existing organigram

Q4-2008 MTI

Law on Market Inspection, Nr.02/L-1Law on Turistic and Ligji per Veprimtarit Hoteliere dhe turistike Nr. 2004/ 16 47,263 36,716 10,547

1234 127 2 2. Recruitment of two inspectors for industrial sector for Operationalization of market oversight on this sector Q2-2009 MTI 8,250 8,250

1235 127 3

3. Recruitment of two inspectors for construction products for market oversight


Law on Trade Inspectorate No.02/L-1Law on Construction Products No. 02/L-14, Law on Inspectorate for construction products No.02/L-62 8,250 8,250

127. Establish a market surveillance structure.

126. Adopt remaining European Standards (ENs).


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Supporting Institution Referring Document

1236 127 4

4. Recruitment of two metrology inspectors for market oversight

Q2-2009 MTI

Law on Trade Inspectorate No.02/L-1 and other secondary legislation and Law on metrology02/L-34 16,500 16,500

1237 127 5

5. Recruitment of new inspectors in municipal inspectorates

Q2-2009 MunicipalitiesMTI, MFE, MLGA

Law on Trade Inspectorate No.02/L-1 and other secondary legislation and Law on metrology02/L-34

1238 127 6

6. Organization of trainings for inspectors in the manner of increasing efficiency and legislation implementation in this field



Law on Trade Inspectorate No.02/L-1 and other secondary legislation and Law on metrology02/L-34 10,000 5,200 4,800

1239 127 7 7. Draft AI on Trading Books Q1-2009 MTILaw on Trade Inspectorate No.02/L-1 400 400

1240 127 88. Draft Administrative Instruction on imposing and execution of fines by the Inspectorate

Q2-2009 MTILaw on Trade Inspectorate No.02/L-1 400 400

1241 127 9 9. Draft an AI on confiscation of goods, tools, and their preservationQ2-2009 MTI

Law on Trade Inspectorate No.02/L-1 400 400

1242 127 10 10. Improvement of communicaiton with citizens through creation of open communication lines

Q3-2008 MTI MPSLaw on Trade Inspectorate No.02/L-1

1243 128

1. CARDS 2006 'Support to Integrated Border Management'.2. CARDS 2006 'Overall Training for Police Service in combating inter-national crime and facilitate movement of people and goods'.3. CARDS 2006 ''Support to Customs and fiscal assistance'

1244 128 11. Permanent follow up of Acquis with the aim of amending and fulfilling customs legislation

Continuous Customs ATK, MFE

Legislation on Customs, EU regulations and directives

1245 128 2 2. Permanent staff training on eventual amendments to customs legislation Continuous Customs Training Plan 15,000 15,000

1246 128 33. Implementation of changes made to the customs legislation

Continuous Customs

Legislation on Customs, EU regulations and directives 3,000 3,000

1247 128 44. Implementation of the medium-term strategy for Customs Service in the fight against corruption, cross-border crime and tax evasion

Continuous CustomsKPS, TAK, Prosecutor, FIC

Operational Strategy of Customs; MoU with supporting institutions 4,000 4,000

1248 128 55. Continuous establishment of communication and cooperation with Customs Administrations of neighboring countries with the aim of fighting cross-border crime Continuous Customs MFE, ATK

MoU's with regional countries

1249 128 66. Sign and implementation of cooperation agreements with countries on common interests in preventing corruption, cross-border crime and tax evasion Continuous Customs 10,000 10,000

1250 128 7 7. Continuous participation in regional and international initiatives and conferences preventing corruption, forgery and organized crime Continuous Customs OPM 8,000 8,000

1251 128 88. Implement recommendations on which consensus has been achieved in international conferences, especially in fighting corruption, forgery and organized crime Continuous Customs TAK 3,000 3,000

1252 128 99. Review Kosovo tax legislationwith the aim of harmonization with the EU acquis. Continuous


1253 128 10 10. Increase the workers awareness of code of conduct. ContinuousTAK Strategic Plan 2007 2010 5,000 5,000

1254 128 1111. Improve the identification of un-pleaders and those that terminated pleading. Continuous

TAK Strategic Plan 2007 2011 13,500 13,500

1255 128 12 12. Improve the system for information management. ContinuousTAK Strategic Plan 2007 2012 30,000 30,000

128. Continue approximation of tax and customs legislation to the EU acquis. Further increase the administrative capacity of tax and customs services to enforce legislation and to combat corruption, cross border crime and tax evasion.

Customs and Taxation


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Supporting Institution Referring Document

1256 128 13 13. Improvement of the system based in riskt. ContinuousTAK Strategic Plan 2007 2013 12,600 12,600

1257 129

1. IPA 2007 'Implementattion of European Standards on Public Procurement'.2. IPA 2007 'Support during the process of improvement of Public Control Management and Accountability'.3. CARDS 2005 'Support to further reform of Public Procurement System in Kosovo'. �

1258 129 11. Regular supervision of procurement activities by contracting Authorities in relation to implementation of Law on Public Procurement in Kosovo and rules by the PPRC Continuous PPRC

1259 129 2

2. Provision of recommendations and proposals to undertake measures by responsible Authorities in cases of violation of procurement procedures

Continuous PPRC

Law on Public procurement and Reg of Public Procurement Regulative Commission

1260 129 3 3. Creation of an adequate reporting methodology Q4-2009 PPRC

1261 129 4

4. Prepare a needs assessment and training plan



Law on Public Procurement , Reg. No. 2007/20 , Training Plan 2008

12,000 12,000

1262 129 5 5. Identification of professional staff and holding trainings in conformity to needs assessment and training plan Continuous PPRC IKAP

1263 129 66. Administrative capacity building for the PPRC through staff recruitment for surveillance and oversight of procurement activities by Contracting Authorities by increasing staff numbers Continuous


1264 130

1265 130 1 1. Continued implementation of the Medium-Term Strategy for Creation of the Industrial Property Protection System

Continuous MTI Working Plan of MTI 2,000 2,000

1266 130 2 2. Capacity building of the Office for Author Rights and entities certified by law Continuous MCSY MTI, MEST

1267 130 3

3. Cooperation with Courts, Customs, Market Inspectorate, municipal inspectorates and KPS in protecting industrial property system

Continuous MTI

MoJ, KJC, MIA/SHPK, MLGA, Municipalities, Customs, 2,000

1268 130 4 4. Promotion of industrial property rights in Kosovo by raising awareness on author rights and approximate rights Continuous MTI MCYS 2,950

1269 131

1270 131 1 1. Approve amendments to the Law No 2002/9 on Labor Inspectorate in Kosovo

Q2-2008Kosovo Assembly Legislative Strategy 2008

1271 131 22. Training on profesional exercise of inspection duties by European standards

Continuous MPMS IKAP

Yearly Working Plan of Executiv Inspectorate for Labour 10,000 10,000

1272 131 3

3. Recruit 10 new llabor inspectors



Law 2003/19 on Safety at work, health protection of employees and the working evironment. 66,787 66,787

1273 131 4 4. Establishment of new administrative structures within the Executive Agency of Labor Inspectorate Q4-2009 MPMS

Reg. 2001/27 on Basic Labour Law 104,816 104,816

1274 131 5 5. Equip labor inspectors with necessary worktools, pursuant to International Convention No 81 Q4-2010 MPMS 321,603 321,603

1275 1321. IPA 2007 'Professional Education and system of prividing quality through the system of certificattion and teacher qualification.

132. Strengthen mechanisms for quality assurance in the education sector.

129. Ensure that public procurement rules are implemented effectively by contracting authorities and entities at all levels, including through developing operational tools, providing training and strengthening the administrative capacity.

Public Procurement

130. Continue strengthening the enforcement of intellectual, industrial and commercial property rights, in line with the medium term strategy.Intellectual Property Rights

131. Strengthen the administrative capacity of labour inspectorates.Employment and Social Policies

Education and Research


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Supporting Institution Referring Document

1276 132 11. Cooperation with the Quality Assurance Center at UP and initiate establishment of similar offices in all institutions of high education in Kosovo Continuous MEST UP

Strategy on Higher education

1277 132 2 2. Professional supervision through inspection sectorsContinuous MEST

Pre-University Education Strategy 20,000 20,000

1278 132 3 3. Provide expertise for the Institute of Pedagogical Studies Q4-2009 MEST UP 100,000 100,000

1279 132 4

4. Internal and external audits of High Education Institutions

Continuous MEST UP, AAK,

Law on Higher Education 2003/14 and Strategy on Higher education

1280 133

1281 133 11. Adapt curricula in vocational pre-university educaiton to market demand

Continuous MEST MSLW, KCCPre-University Education Strategy

1282 133 2 2. Adapt curricula of university education to market demandContinuous UP MSLW, KCC

Strategy of Higher education

1283 133 33. Implementation of Labor Law and Vocational Training Law

Continuous MEST MSLW, UP

Labour law and Law 2006/24 on Education and Vocational Training

1284 133 4 4. Strengthen cooperation and coordination with small and medium enterprises Continuous MEST


1285 1341286 134 1 1. Implementation of MoU with Albania Continuous MEST UP MoU with Albanian 1287 134 2 2. Implementation of MoU with Macedonia Continuous MEST UP1288 134 3 3. Implementation of MoU with Turkey Continuous MEST UP1289 134 4 4. Implementation of MoU with Croatia Continuous MEST UP

1290 135

1. CARDS projects: Support in Agricultural Land Utilisation(Starting date 2006)2. Local Development strategies( 2007 implemented by BDPA)3. Technical assistance and training to help local communities to use and manage agricultural and pasture land on a sustainable basis.(May 2007-May 2009)

1291 135 1 1. Draft an AI on establishment of QITT Q4-2008 MESTStrategy of Higher education 3,000 3,000

1292 135 2 2. Establishment and operationalization of QITT Q4-2008 MESTStrategy of Higher education 160,000 35,000 125,000

Austrian Government

1293 135 3 3. Review and amendment of the Law on Research-Scientific ActivityQ4-2009 MEST UP

Strategy of Higher education 15,000 15,000

1294 135 4 4. Fund publication of scientific work and support to publication of scientific journals

Continuous MEST UPStrategy of Higher education 50,000 50,000

1295 135 55. Establishment of the National Scientific Council


Kosovo Assembly

Law on sientific and research activities 2005/8 50,000 50,000

1296 135 6 6. Creation of the Working Group on Drafting National Strategy on Science Development

Q4-2008 MEST

1297 135 77.Draft a Science national Program and Strategy of Science

Q2-2009 MESTLaw on sientific and research activities 2005/8 60,000 60,000

1298 135 88. Ensure a sustainable partnership with various donors to ensure funds for financial support of scientific projects and increased human capacities

Continuous MEST 10,000 10,000

1299 135 9

9. Involvement in the European Research Zone

Continuous MEST

Strategy on Higher Education and Law on sientific and research activities 2005/8

1300 136 1. IPA 2007 Meeting EU Standards Food Safety & Veterinary Services

134. Promote the regional cooperation in the field of higher education.

Agriculture and Fisheries

135. Start developing a policy conducive to research.

136. Develop a policy and a regulatory framework to support viable land reform. Support the protection of agricultural land against unplanned urban development.

133. Continue efforts to link vocational education and training and the higher education sector with the labour market and economic needs.


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Supporting Institution Referring Document

1301 136 11. Existing Situation Analysis to enable a sustainable land reform

Q2-2009 MAFRD

Rural and Agricutural Development Action Plan 2007 -2013 150,000 3,000 147,000

1302 136 22. Pursuant to existing situation analysis, drafting of a Strategy-Plan on sustainable land reform in Kosovo

Q4-2010 MAFRD

Rural and Agricutural Development Action Plan 2007 -2013 382,500 7,500 375,000

1303 136 3

3. Approval of Land Regularization Strategy



Rural and Agricutural Development Action Plan 2007 -2013 and Law on Agricultural Land 2006/37, and Law for Treatment of Ilegal Construction

1304 136 4

4. Implementation of the Law on Agricultural Land, liaising it with the implementation of the Law on Spatial Planning, Law on Environment, Law on Constructions and Law on Treatment of Illegal constructions

Continuous MAFRDMESP, Municipalities

Law on AL nr 2006/37., Law on Spatial Planing 2003/30, Law on Environment Protection 2003/9, Law for Reconstruction 2004/37 800,000 800,000 Local Development Strategy - EAR

1305 136 55. To establish the Office for Land Consolidation within MAFRD that will be responsible for management and monitoring of the land consolidation process. Q3-2008 MAFRD

1306 136 66. Implementation of the AI 41/2006 on changing use of agricultural land

Continuous MAFRD

MESP, Municipalities/MLGA

Law on Agricultural Land 2006/37 68,000 68,000

1307 136 7 7. Ensure financial resources by KCB and identification of potential donors to support land reform

Q4-2010 MAFRD MFELaw on Agricultural Land 2006/37

1308 136 8

8. Reactivation of the Interministerial Coordination Committee on Land Administration



MESP, MPS, KKA, Municipalities

Rural and Agricutural Development Action Plan 2007 -2013 and Law on Agricultural Land 2006/37, and Law for Treatment of Ilegal Construction, Government Decision

1309 136 9

9. Creation of a database on land areas included within land consolidation and condition of documentation



MESP, AKK, Municipalities, Municipal Courts

Rural and Agricutural Development Action Plan 2007 -2013 and Law on Agricultural Land 2006/37, and Strategy for Land Ugrading 1,200,000 1,200,000

1310 136 10 10. Designation of cadastral zones and plots to be included in land regularization project.

Q2-2008 MAFRDMLGA/Municipalities

1311 136 11 11. Signature of MoU-s with municipalities in which land regularization is to take place

Q3-2008 MAFRDMLGA/Municipalities

1312 136 12 12. Operationalization of municipal commissions on land regularization by Municipal Assembly proposals

Q4-2008 MAFRDMLGA/Municipalities

1313 136 13 13. Continued voluntary process of land consolidationContinuous MAFRD


1314 136 14 14. Information campaign for land owners on the land regularization project

Q3-2008 MAFRDMLGA/Municipalities

1315 136 15 15. Initial registration of plots within cadastral zones Q2-2008 MAFRDMLGA/Municipalities

1316 136 16 16. Defining the property prior the owner seal agreement for land regularization.

Q3-2008 MAFRDMLGA/Municipalities

1317 136 1717. Support to owners in negotiations on voluntary regularization of land and Property REgistration within the Immoveable Property Rights Register Q4-2008 MAFRD


1318 136 18 18. Preparing standard contracts on land rentalQ4-2008 MAFRD MFE

Law on Agricultural Land 2006/37


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Supporting Institution Referring Document

1319 136 1919. Reactivation of the Interministerial Working Group on Protection of agricultural lands against pollution

Continuous MAFRD


1320 136 20 20. Continued campaign to raise awareness on implementation of the Law on Agricultural land Continuous MAFRD 8,000 8,000

Agriculute Land Utiliatiopn. Project financed by the EAR

1321 137

1322 137 1

1. Establishment of a Working Group to draft the Agro-Nutrition Enterprise Enhancement Program

Q4-2009 KFVA

MoH, MESP, MAFRD, National Public Health Institute Law on Food

1323 137 2

2. Addressing recommendations by the Working Group and identification of sectors and enterprises to be involved in enhancement programs

Q3-2010 KFVA

MoH, MESP, MAFRD, National Public Health Institute Law on Food

1324 137 3

3. Draft a Program on Agro-Nutrition Enterprise Enhancement as per EU requirements

Q4-2010 KFVA

MoH, MESP, MAFRD, National Public Health Institute Law on Food 10,000 2,000 8,000

1325 137 4

4. Implementation of the Agro-Nutrition Enterprise Enhancement Program

Continuous KFVA

MoH, MESP, MAFRD, National Public Health Institute Law on Food 10,000 10,000

1326 137 5

5. Evaluation of implementation of the Agro-Nutrition Enterprise Enhancement Program

Continuous KFVA

MoH, MESP, MAFRD, National Public Health Institute Law on Food 15,000 15,000

1327 138

1328 138 1 1. Implementation of Law and subsidiary legislation on plant protectionContinuous MAFRD

Law on Plant Protection 2007/1 31,200 31,200

1329 138 2 2. Draft subsidiary legislation of lists I /A, II/ A and IV/ A of plants and plant products by EU specific requirements Q4-2008 MAFRD

Law on Plant Protection 2007/1 4,500 1,000 3,500

1330 138 33. Draft the Administrative Instruction on content, form and manner of book-keeping on producers, processors, importers, distributors, and plant storages Q4-2008 MAFRD

Law on Plant Protection 2007/1 1,000 1,000

1331 138 4 4. Draft an AI on determining territories under special oversightQ4-2009 MAFRD

Law on Plant Protection 2007/1 1,000 1,000

1332 138 5 5. Draft an AI on proclaiming zones under protectionQ4-2009 MAFRD

Law on Plant Protection 2007/1 1,000 1,000

1333 138 6 6. Draft an AI on determining form and content of plant passportsQ4-2009 MAFRD

Law on Plant Protection 2007/1 600 600

1334 138 7 7. Drafting subsidiary legislation to prevent harmful organisms in plantsQ4-2009 MAFRD

Law on Plant Protection 2007/1 600 600

1335 138 8 8. Implementation of subsidiary legislation for prevention of harmful organisms in plants Continuous MIAZHR

Law on Plant Protection 2007/1

1336 138 9 9. Human capacity building and laboratory infrastructure of the Kosovo Agriculture Institute in Peja Continuous MAFRD KAI 2,400,000 2,400,000

1337 138 1010. Train farmers undertaking use and application of pesticides (10 training sessions)

Q4-2008 MAFRD UP 4,000 500 3,500

Center for Agriculture and Bionsence International, Intercooperation, Swiss Project for Horticulure Promotion -Kosova

1338 138 11 11. Training on agricultural pharmacies dealing with import and trade of pesticides (5 training sessions)

Q3-2008 MAFRD UP 2,000 500 1,500 CABI, Intercooperation SPHP-K1339 1391340 139 1 1. Draft the Kosovo Forestry Development Strategy 2009-2013 Q1-2009 MAFRD MESP 20,000 20,000

1341 139 2 2. Draft Forest Management Plans for 22 units, out of 82 total economic units 2008-2011 Q4-2011 MAFRD

Law on Forestry Nr. 2003/6 1,000,000 158,000 477,860 364,140

"Sustainable Forest Management", financed by the Norvegian Government, implemented by NFG

1342 139 3 3. Amendments to the Law on Forests Q3-2008 MAFRDOPM, Kosovo Parliament

Law on Forestry Nr. 2003/6 3,000 3,000

1343 139 4 4. Approval of all subsidiary legislation Q4-2008 MAFRDLaw on Forestry Nr. 2003/6

1344 139 5 5. Transform the Offices of KFA into Regional Forest Departments Q3-2008 MAFRD MLGAAI of MAFRD for Job Clasification Nr 09/2003

138. Start action for efficient control of domestic plant production, in particular for products with EU specific requirements.

139. Develop a sound forest management structure, particularly in combating illegal logging of forests and fighting against forest fires.

137. Assess the compliance of agri food establishments with EU requirements and prepare a programme for upgrading those establishments.


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Supporting Institution Referring Document

1345 139 66. Capacity building by recruiting professional staff and training 28 forest engineers, and provision of post-graduate studies for 6 persons

Q4-2010 MAFRD 511,749 511,749

Project 'Support to Educationa and Training in the sector of Forestry' funded by the Swedish Government.

1346 139 77. Establishment of a Forest Cadastre, including boundary delineation between private and public properties, and GIS development

Q4-2010 MAFRD

MPS (AKK), MLGA/Municipalities

Law on Forestry Nr.2003/6

1347 139 88. Delineation of special protection hunting areas

Q4-2008 MAFRD

MESP, MLGA/Municipalities

Law on Hunting no. 02/L-53

1348 139 99. Re-Afforestation of burnt and cut areas

Continuous MAFRD

MESP, MLGA/Municipalities

Yearly Action Plan for Menagment of Forestry 158,000 158,000

1349 139 10

10. Sign the MoU-s with Municipalities, Courts and KPS with the aim of forest preservation Q3-2008


MoJ, MIA/KPS, KJC, MLGA/Municipalities

Law on Forestry Nr.2003/6

1350 139 11 11. Licensing wood processing enterprisesContinuous MAFRD

AI for licencing of private sawmills

1351 139 12 12. Licensing economic operators dealing with forest useContinuous MAFRD

AI for Licencing wood processing enterprises

1352 139 13 13. Implementation of a media campaign on forest protection Q4-2009 MAFRD KPM 40,000 40,000

1353 139 1414. Draft an Action Plan on Prevention of Forest fires



AI for Protection of Forestry from Forest Fires 1,500 1,500

1354 139 15 15. Implementation of the Action Plan on Prevention of Forest firesContinuous MAFRD

MIA, MLGA, MESP, KPC 150,000 150,000

1355 139 16 16. Opening protection belts in endangered forest areas Continuous MAFRD MESP 250,000 250,000

1356 139 1717. Identification of areas affected by harmful organisms and diseases


Action Plan for Menagment of Forestry 2008 52,000 52,000

1357 139 18 18. Draft a Program on Remedies to areas affected by harmful organisms and diseases Q4-2008 MAFRD MESP, APK

1358 139 19 19. Implementation of the Program on Remedies to areas affected by harmful organisms and diseases Continuous MAFRD MESP, APK 67,500 67,500

1359 140

1360 140 1 1. Promulgation of amendments to the Law on Spatial Planning Q4-2008Kosovo Assembly MESP

1361 140 22. Draft the Law on special protection areas


MCYS, MPAL/Municipalities Ahtisay Plan 10,000 10,000

1362 140 33. Presentattion of the Law on special protection areas in all Kosovo municipalities Q4-2008


MCYS, MPAL/Municipalities Ahtisay Plan 14,000 14,000

1363 140 44. Monitor implementation of the Law on Spatial Planning No 2003/14 up to the approval of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Spatial Planning, and monitor implementation of the amended law. Continuous MESP Municipalities

Law on Spatial Planning nr.2003/14

1364 140 5 5. Implementation of the Law on ConstructionsContinuous MESP

MTI, MIA,MTT, Municipalities

Law on Construction 2004/15

1365 140 6

6. Amendment of the AI on Professional Examination and Licensing in the field of spatial planning



Law nr.02/L-120 Ammending Law nr.2003/14 on Spatial Planning as approved by Kosovo Assembly on 26th June 2007 1,000 1,000

1366 140 7 7. Amendment of the AI on conditions of location, provision of urban consent and urban permit

Q1-2009 MESP 1,000 1,000

1367 140 8 8. Draft an AI on Spatial Planning Database Q2-2009 MESP MPSLaw nr.2003/14 on Spatial Planning 10,000 10,000

1368 140 9 9. Draft an AI on important objects that MESP issues urban permit Q1-2009 MESP 1,000 1,000

140. Take measures to enforce spatial planning.Environment


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Supporting Institution Referring Document

1369 140 10

10. Draft the Spatial Plan for the National Park "Mountain Sharr"


MESPMAFRD, Municipalities

Law nr.2003/14 on Spatial Planning; Draft Spatial Plan 2005-20015 50,000 50,000

1370 140 11 11. Establishment of the Spatial Planning Council at the central level Q4-2008 Government MESPLaw nr.2003/14 on Spatial Planning 50,000 50,000

1371 140 12 12. Establishment of Expert Spatial Planning Councils at the municipal level

Q4-2008 Municipalities MESP, MLGALaw nr.2003/14 on Spatial Planning 400,000

1372 140 13

13. Establishment of the Office for organization of professional examinations and license provision in the field of spatial and urban planning



Law nr.2003/14 on Spatial Planning; Law on Construction 2004/15 20,000 20,000

1373 140 14

14 . Establishment of Municipal Planning Units in 7 main centers of Kosovo Q3-2009

Municipalities MESP

Law nr.02/L-120 Ammending Law nr.2003/14 on Spatial Planning 700,000 700,000

1374 140 1515. Initiation and progress in the process of establishment of post-graduate studies in urban and spatial planning, management and development - organization of the study process in two starting years. Q4-2011 MESP MEST, UP

Law on Higher Education 2003/14 600,000 600,000

1375 140 16 16. Training on Geographical Information system (GIS). Q4-2008 MESP MPS

Law nr.2003/14 on Spatial Planning 100,000 100,000

1376 140 17

17. Establishment of Municipal and Central GIS offices

Q4-2009 Municipalities MESP

Law nr.02/L-120 Ammending Law nr.2003/14 on Spatial Planning 300,000 300,000

1377 140 18 18. Creation of a GIS database networkQ2-2010 Government MESP

Law nr.2003/14 on Spatial Planning 30,000 30,000

1378 140 19 19. Draft the law on amendment of the Law on ConstructionQ3-2008 MESP Municipalities

Law on Construction 2004/15 1,000 1,000

1379 140 20 20. Approval of the law on amendment of the Law on Construction Q4-2008Kosovo Assembly MESP

1380 140 21 21. Awarding building permits for special importance objects Continuous MESP Municipalities1381 140 22 22. Draft Technical Construction Rules Continuous MESP MTI, MIA,MTT 50,000 50,000

1382 140 23

23. Organization of professional examinations, licensing and authorizations for planers in the field of Spatial planning Q2-2009


Law nr.2003/14 on Spatial Planning; Law on Construction 2004/15 700,000 350,000 350,000 134,000

1383 140 24 24. Development of the Management Plan for the National Park "Sharr Mountain"


Law on National Parks 'Mali Shar' 200,000 100,000 100,000

1384 140 25

25. Development of the Kosovo Strategic Plan on Waste Management Q4-2010 MESP MoH, MAFRD, MTI, Municipalities

Kosovo's Plan for impact on Environment, Waste Law 2006/31

134,000 134,000

CARDS: 1. Institutional strengthening including the water Department 2. Support to the improvement of enforcement of environmental legislation in municipalities

1385 141

1386 141 1 1. Strengthen MESP structure with 20 more positions, as planned by organigram Q1-2010

MESP174,600 174,600

1387 141 22. MESP coordination with municipalities on implementation of responsibilities deriving from applicable law and inspectional oversight by MESP and municipalities Continuous


MunicipalitiesLaw on Protection of Environment

EPTISA 'Institutional support to municipalities to implementation of environmental law'

1388 141 3 3. Legal Office Staff training with the aim of approximation of legislation with EU legislation Continuous

MESP Annual Work Plan 2008 of MESP 3,000 3,000

1389 141 4 4. Train MESP Inspectorate and municipal environmental inspectorsContinuous

MESP MLGA, Municipalities

Annual Work Plan 2008 of MESP 3,000 3,000

1390 141 5 5. Train permit drafters (environmental, water, urban, building permits)Continuous

MESP Annual Work Plan 2008 of MESP 3,000 3,000

1391 141 6 6. Training for municipal officers in implementing environmental legislation in municipalities Continuous


Annual Work Plan 2008 of MESP 3,000 3,000

1392 141 7 7. Train Water Department staff on river basin managementContinuous

MESP Annual Work Plan 2008 of MESP 3,000 3,000

1393 142 142. Streamline environmental issues in sectoral policies, in particular on energy and transport.

141. Enhance the institutional capacity of the Ministry for Environment and Spatial Planning, improve coordination between administrative bodies in charge of environment related issues.


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Supporting Institution Referring Document

1394 142 11. Implementatiojn of the Article 4 of the Directive on Wild Bords 79/409/EEC, through transposing the Directive to the amended Law on Nature Protection Q4-2009


MEMEnergy Community Treaty 25,000 25,000

1395 142 2 2. Identification of IBA (important Bird Area) in Kosovo Q4-2009 MESP MEM 30,000 30,0001396 142 3 3. Proclamation of protection areas and protection implementation Q4-2009 MESP MEM 70,000 70,000

1397 142 44. Strengthen inter-sectoral working groups with the aim of implementing environmental legislation


MESP MLGA, MEM, MTT, Municipalities

Environment Legislation and Kosovo Action Plan on Environment Impact

1398 1431. CARDS: "Technical assistance in identifying the priorities and the development of strategies and planning systems for transport network"

1399 143 1 1. Evaluation and analysis on implementation of the Law on Road SafetyQ3-2010

MTT MIA/KPSLaw on Road Safety

1400 143 2 2. Draft a Strategy on Improving Road safety Q4-2008 MTT KPS, MEST, MoJ, MoH, 10,000 10,000

1401 143 33. Prepare an Action plan for implementation of the Strategy on Improving Road safety Q4-2008


Strategy for Road Safety Enhancment 2,500 2,500

1402 144 1. IPA 2007: "Essential Reconstruction of roads and bridges"

1403 144 1 1. Implementation of the Road Network Maintenance and Rehabilitation in Kosovo Continuous

MTT Strategy for Multi-modal transport

1404 144 2 2. Implementation of strategic projects for road corridors 6 and 7 Q4-2011 MTTGovernment

Strategy for Multi-modal transport

1405 145

1. CARDS: "Technical assistance in identifying the priorities and the development of strategies and planning systems for transport network"

1406 145 1 1. Implementation of the Multi-Modal Transport Strategy Continuous MTT

1407 146

1408 146 1 1. Review existing legislation with a view of encouraging PPP-s in the energy sector Q2-2009 MEM Government 15,260 15,260

1409 146 2

2. Draft necessary primary legislation with a view of encouraging PPP-s in the energy sector

Q4-2011 MEM

MESP, MFE, MSLW, ERO, ICMM,KOSTT, MLGA/Municipalities KEK, OPM. 600,000 100,000 500,000

1410 146 3 3. Draft the Law on Natural Gas Q4-2008 MEM Government ECT 16,600 10,000 6,600

1411 146 4 4. Completion of regulatory framework in compliance with the energy sector legislation developments Q4-2011 ERO MEM, KOSTT

ERO Business Plan 2005-2009 1,100,000 1,100,000

IPA 2007 Meeting EU Standards in the Energy sector.

1412 147

1413 147 1 1. Modification of transit market rules approved by the EROQ4-2011 KOSTT ERO, MEM

Internal Market transition rules 120,000 120,000

1414 147 2

2. Organization of auctions for transmission interconnection capacities

Continuous KOSTT ERO,

Operational Rules, Action Plan for CAO-s (Capacity Alocation Office) 20,000 20,000

1415 147 3 3. Support to KOSTT in implementing the CBT / ITC (Cross Border Trade / Inter TSO Compensation for Transit) mechanism


Agreement for ITC ((Cross Border Trade) 6,000 6,000

1416 147 4 4. Continuous participation in the regional balancing mechanismContinuous KOSTT ERO

Market Balanced Regional Design 50,000 50,000

1417 147 55. Implementation of the SCADA/EMS (Supervisory control and data acquisition/energy management sytem) System


Fisibility Study for technical specification ESBI (2005) 18,000,000 18,000,000


144. Plan and implement maintenance and rehabilitation of transport infrastructures, including the construction of new infrastructure through public private partnerships, if necessary.

145. Develop and implement a multi modal strategy.

Transport Policy143. Take measures to improve road safety.

146. Develop legislative and regulatory frameworks to encourage public private partnerships and mixed investments in the power sector in line with the conclusions of the investment generation study.

147. Further improve the performance of the electricity utility and integrate in the regional electricity market.


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Total KCB Donation GapBudget

Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

1418 147 6

6. Implementation of the OHL 400 kV Project Kosovo-Albania

Q2-2011 KOSTTGovernment, MEM

Fisibility Study ESTAP II/2, Technical Assistance project for energy sector 18,000,000 18,000,000

1419 147 77. Implementation of the Package Project 400/110 kV - Peja III


Government, MEM

Investment Plan for the Development of TNDP Transmission 24,500,000 11,000,000 13,500,000

1420 147 88. Implementation of the Ferizaji Project 2400/110 kV


Investment Plan for the Development of TNDP Transmission 15,000,000 7,500,000 7,500,000

1421 147 99.To increase capacities of grid 110 kV


Investment Plan for the Development of TNDP Transmission 50,000,000 25,000,000 250,000,000

1422 147 10 10. Establishment of the KOSTT Regulatory (Checking) ZoneQ4-2009 KOSTT

Government, MEM Network Code 1,000,000 1,000,000

1423 147 1111. KOSTT Membership to ETSO (European Transmision System Operators) and UCTE (Union for the Coordination of Transmision of Electricity). Q2-2009 KOSTT

Government, MEM Network Code 100,000 100,000

1424 147 1212. Construction of an Interconnection Line 400 KV Kosovo - Macedonia

Q4-2011 KOSTTGovernment, MEM

Investment Plan for the Development of TNDP Transmission . 500,000 500,000

1425 148

1426 148 1 1. Analysis of collisions between the Law on Telecommunications and the Law on Media and Transmission Commission Q3-2008 MTT IMC, TRA

1427 148 22. Amendments to the Law on Telecommunications and the Law on Media and Transmission Commission, pursuant to conclusions from analysis



Telecomunication Sectorial Policy

1428 148 3 3. Develop pricelists for the frequency range Q3-2008 TRA Telecomunication Sectorial Policy

1429 148 4 4. Full empowerment of the TRA in monitoring, management and implementation of functions related to frequency range


Telecomunication Sectorial Policy

2,600,0001,600,000 1,000,000

1430 148 5

5. Creation of adequate categories for licencing/authorization/registration and adequate guidelines to pass from actual regime into the licencing/authorization/registration category regime

Q4-2008 TRA

MTT Telecomunication Sectorial Policy



1431 148 66. Approve Terms of Reference on TRA functioning, including Approval of Essential Status, completion of organizational and systematization directives

Q4-2008TRA MTT Telecomunication

Sectorial Policy

1432 148 7 7. Draft Job Descriptions for the Personnel and personnel planning Q4-2008 TRA MTT Telecomunication Sectorial Policy

1433 148 8 8. Draft the regulation on the right for pathway for licenced operators for offering telecommunication services.

Q3-2008 TRA MTT Telecomunication Sectorial Policy


1434 149

1. CARDs: "Support to the public internal financial control and internal audit", Human Dynamics.2. IPA 2007: "Building the capacity of Kosovo’s institutions to develop EU compatible legislation and policy". 3. IPA 2008: "Support to improvement of the public control management and accountability system in Kosovo'

1435 149 1 1. Review of the Law on Internal Audits and approximation with Acquis. Q3-2008Internal Audit Central Unit MFE

Law on Internal Audit 2007/19 4,240,874 740,874 1,500,000 2,000,000

1436 149 2 2. Draft subsidiary legislation for implementation of the Law on Internal Audits Q1-2009

Internal Audit Central Unit MFE

Law on Internal Audit 2007/20 10,000 10,000

1437 149 3 3. Creation of Internal Audit committees pursuant to the Law Q2-2008Internal Audit Central Unit Government

Law on Internal Audit 2007/21

1438 149 4 4. Draft Rules on Internal Audit Committees Operation Q2-2008Internal Audit Central Unit MFE

Law on Internal Audit 2007/19 20,000 20,000

148. Align with the regulatory framework and implement the legislation on electronic communication networks and services to create a more open and competitive environment and strengthen the position and operational and financial independence of the telecommunications regulator.

Information Society and Media

Financial Control 149. Under the coordination of the Ministry of Finance, develop and implement the principles of decentralised managerial accountability and functionally independent internal audit in accordance with international standards and EU best practice through coherent legislation and adequate administrative capacity.


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Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

1439 149 5 5. Creation of Rules on operation of the Central Internal Audit Harmonization Unit Q1-2010

Internal Audit Central Unit MFE 30,000 30,000

1440 149 6 6. Creation of the System for Licensing and recruiting certification Auditors

Q2-2009Internal Audit Central Unit MFE

1441 149 7 7. Creation of Continuous Professional Training System for Internal Auditors Q2-2010

Internal Audit Central Unit MFE

Law on Internal Audit 2007/19

1442 149 8 8. Monitoring and evaluation of Internal Audit Units in Budgetary organizations Continuous

Internal Audit Central Unit MFE

1443 149 99. Implementation of the Strategy for functioning of Internal Audits at the Kosovo institutions.

ContinuousInternal Audit Central Unit MFE

Strategy for functioning of Internal Audit in Kosovo Institution

1444 150

1. CARDS: "Further support to the Office of the Auditor General"2. IPA 2008: "Support to suprem audit institution to fulfil EU standards'

1445 150 11. Develop a new legal framework and compile the new law on the Supreme Audit Institution of Kosovo Q1-2009


Government, Kosovo Parliament

Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo 100,000 100,000

1446 150 22. Increase auditing staff at the Office of the General Auditor up to 100% - a 20% increase each year, in a period of five years

Q4-2012 OGA

Government, Kosovo Parliament

Law on Office of General Auditors 400,000 400,000

1447 150 33. Professional certification: 20% audit staff at the Office of Auditor General obtain international certification Q4-2011


Government, Kosovo Parliament 250,000 250,000

1448 150 4

4. Establish partnership with a Supreme Audit Institution with the aim of further strengthening of the OAG and knowledge and experience sharing with a mature supreme audit institution from EU member countries


OGA Government 1,000,000 1,000,000

1449 150 5

5. Ensure submission of action plans by each budgetary organization

Continuous OGA

Government, Kosovo Parliament

Regulation on Establishment of General Audit Office 2002/18;

1450 150 66. The Office of Auditor General keeps books on all audit recommendations on each entity and follows up on implementation of same Continuous OGA

Government, Kosovo Parliament

1451 151

1. IPA 2007: "Strengthening statistical system in Western Balkans countries'. 2. CARDS: "Improvement of the regular production and dissemination of relevant, timely, accurate official statistics by SOK-National Accounts" 3. CARDS: "Census Observation and Monitoring mission in Kosovo" 4. CARDS: "Support to carry out the census"

1452 151 1 1. Establishment of Statistical Council Q2-2010 SOK Law on Official Statistics 30,000 30,0001453 151 2 2. Creation of an Expert Group Q2-2010 SOK 30,000 30,000

1454 151 3 3. Cooperation and statistic informantion exchange with all relevant stakeholders Continuous SOK 10,000 10,000

1455 151 4 4. IT linking capacity building between SOK and other institutions Q4-2011 SOK Government 800,000 800,000

1456 151 5 5. Erection of the GIS systemContinuous SOK Project on population

registration600,000 600,000

1457 151 6 6. Standardize statistics production as required by Eurostat Q4-2010 SOK SOK Strategy 30,000 30,000

1458 151 7 7. Establish capacities by adequate trainings in the managerial and statistical fields Q4-2009 SOK Work Plan 30,000 30,000

1459 151 8 8. Increase control on all research stages Continuous SOK Work Plan 20,000 20,0001460 151 9 9. Translation of EUROSTAT documents for modification Q4-2009 SOK 40,000 40,000

1461 151 10 10. Establish capacities through SOK staff training on statistic codifications

Q4-2010 SOK 10,000 10,000

Justice, freedom and security

151. Increase cooperation and coordination within the Kosovo statistical system, develop a quality management system and document, and standardise production and dissemination procedures.

Visas, border control, asylum and migration

150. Strengthen the operational capacity as well as the financial and operational independence of the Supreme Audit Institution. Follow up and implement the recommendations of the latter.



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Total KCB Donation GapBudget

Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

1462 152

1. IPA 2007 - Rule of Law, Component I - Border Police. 2. CARDS 2006 - Further Support to Integrated Border Management. 3. IPA 2008 - Capacity Building for return and asylum

1463 152 1 1. Capacity building for the Department of Borders, Asylum and Migration by increasing relevant staff

Q3-2008 MIA 14,354 14,354

1464 152 2 2. Ensure sufficient working premises for the Department of Borders, Asylum and Migration

Q3-2008 MIA

1465 152 3 3. Provision of continuous training for the Department of Borders, Asylum and Migration and KPS staff - Department for Foreigners Continuous MIA 15,000 15,000

1466 152 4

4.Draft operational cooperation plans for the MIA Department of Borders, Asylum and Migration with the KPS - Border Police

Continuous MIA KPS

Law on Control and surveillance of national borders; Law on Foreigners; Law on Asylum.

1467 152 5 5. Provision of trainings for use of long-barrel weapons in the green zone Q4-2008 MIA Kosovo Police Academy

Training Programme 2008 50,000 50,000

1468 152 6 6. Provision of training on mass control Q4-2008 MIAKosovo Police Academy

Training Programme 2009 50,000 50,000

1469 152 7 7. Provision of training for field commanders Q4-2008 MIAKosovo Police Academy

Training Programme 2010 30,000 30,000

1470 152 8 8. Provision of sufficient equipment for the Border Police Q4-2010 MIA 228,000 228,000

1471 152 9

9. Development of operational cooperation of KPS with relevant institutions in compliance with principles and guidelines of the Integrated Border Management Strategy

Continuous MIA

MCYS, MTT, MoH,MPS, MLGA, MoJ, Customs 6,000 6,000

1472 152 1010. Approved Standard Operational Procedures on effective information flow and exchange at local, regional and central level.

Continuous MIA Kosovo Police Deparment for Border Management Action Plant 2008

1473 152 1111. Review the organization of MIA with regards to the authority for border management in accordance with recommendations of the European Commission.

Continuous MIA

1474 1531. CARDS 2005 - 'Fight against money laundering, financing of terrorism, economic and financial crime'.

1475 153 1

1. Implementation of the Strategy for Fighting Organized Crime and Terrorism, based on Action Plan

Continuous MIA

S, O ,Customs, AKK, ATK, FIC, MoJ, Kosovo Special Prosecutor Office, OGA, SOK 3,500,000 3,500,000

1476 153 2

2. Review the strategy and adapt to new circumstances

Continuous MIA

KPS, OPM, Customs, AKK, ATK, FIC, MoJ, Kosovo Special Prosecutor Office, OGA, SOK

1477 153 3

3. Capacity building of KPS for Strategy implementation

Continuous MIA

KPS, ATK, Customs, FIC, Prosecutor, KJC, AAK

KPS Strategic Plan KPS-se 2008 - 2010 400,000 400,000

1478 154

1479 154 1 1. Personnel capacity building through training on fighting organized crime Continuous MIA

KPS,OPM,Customs, ACA

KPS Strategic Plan KPS-se 2008 - 2010 50,000 50,000

1480 154 2 2. Provision of necessary equipment for fighting organized crimeContinuous MIA

KPS,OPM,Customs, ACA 2,000,000 2,000,000

Fighting Organized Crime

154. Strengthen local capacities to investigate organised criminal activities.

152. Further enhance the capacity of the directorate for borders, asylum and migration within the Ministry of Interior. Further strengthen the operational capacity of the border and boundary police service within the Kosovo Police Service.

153. Implement and update the strategy against organised crime and terrorism.


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Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

1481 154 3 3. Provide necessary working premises to ensure working efficiencyQ4-2010 MIA

KPS,OPM,Customs, ACA 600,000 600,000

1482 154 44. Development of operational cooperation between the Kosovo Police Service and other institutions involved in fighting organized crime

Continuous MIAKPS,OPM,Customs, ACA

1483 154 5 5. Continued cooperation with international police organizations in fighting organized crime, such as Interpol and Europol Continuous MIA

KPS,OPM,Customs, ACA

1484 1551. CARDS 2005 - Fight against money laundering, financing of terrorism, economic and organized crime.

155. Strengthen judicial capacities to prosecute and try organised and financial crime cases.


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Total KCB Donation GapBudget

Existing ProjectsNo. EPP


n European Partnership Priority

Action Deadline Responsible Institution

Supporting Institution Referring Document

1485 155 1 1. Training for judges and prosecutors in cases of organized and financial crimes

Q3-2008 KJI KJCAnnual Training Programme 2008 12,000 4,000 8,000

1486 155 2 2. Alteration of the statistical reporting manner to ensure accurate and comprehensive statistical data, from monthly to daily reporting Continuous KJC MoJ Strategic Plan 2007-2012

1487 155 33. Increase the number of judges in cases of organized and financial crimes Q4-2008


Government, Kosovo Parliament KJC Analysis

1488 155 4 4. Undertake an analysis with the aim of determining the necessary number of administrative staff in courts

Q4-2008 KJC Strategic Plan 2007-20121489 155 5 5. Draft Rules on court Management Q4-2008 KJC1490 155 6 6. Implementation of the Rules on court Management Q1-2009 KJC1491 155 7 7. Draft Rules on Internal Court Activity Q4-2008 KJC

1492 155 8 8. Implement the Rules on Internal Court Activity Q1-2009 KJC Strategic Plan 2007-20121493 155 9 9. Draft the Strategic Plan on Information Technology Q4-2008 KJC

1494 156

1. IPA 2007 - Rule of Law, Component I - Border Police. 2. CARDS 2006 - Further Support to Integrated Border Management'

1495 156 1 1. Sign agreements with neighboring, regional countries and widerContinuous MIA

MoJ, KPS, Customs, MIA and KPS Mandate

1496 156 2 2. Continuous development of operational cooperation with relevant services of neighboring countries Continuous MIA MoJ, Customs,

1497 156 3 3. Participation in seminars/conferences and international task-forces Continuous MIA KPS 200,000 200,000

1498 156 4

4. Operationalization of an operational mechanism between KPS, Customs, Anti-Corruption Agency, TAK, Prosecution, Judiciary and relevant institutions to fight drug smuggling

Q4-2009 MIA

Customs, KAA TAK, Prosecutor and Judiciary

MIA Strategic Plan 2007-2010, 40,000 40,000

1499 157

1500 157 1

1.Implementation of the Law on Personal Data Protection


National Oversight Body for Data Protection

Law on Protection of Personal Data 163,000 163,000

1501 157 2

2. Creation of Personal Data Protection Systems


National Oversight Body for Data Protection

Law on Protection of Personal Data

163,520 163,520

1502 157 3

3. Awareness raising of the citizens on the importance of personal data and its protection


National Oversight Body for Data Protection


157. Implement the law on personal data protection in line with the acquis and ensure efficient monitoring and enforcement.Protection of Personal Data

156. Ensure inter agency and international cooperation, to considerably improve results in the fight against drug trafficking.