Download - 2001-01 Taconic Running Life January 2001

Page 1: 2001-01 Taconic Running Life January 2001

A P P L I C AT I O N S I N S I D E - F U L L S C H E D U L E O N PA G E 2

T A C O N I C R U N N I N G L I F E mw w w . r u n n e n o r g January 2001

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Page 2: 2001-01 Taconic Running Life January 2001

TRRC 2001 Schedulecheck www.mnneKorg/tacsckhtm for links to applications and updates

Prices listed are for pre-registered members. It pays to pre-register, especially for members-prices are pretty low. TRRC is knownthroughout the tristate area for putting on great races. See individual applications for dates and other fees. Our membership applicationis on the back page: $15 for individuals and $25 for families. This newsletter is published every other month and mailed to each member.

Results from our races are usually on our website, that afternoon. Pictures and stories follow in the newsletter.

2 / 4 1 0 : 0 0 A M $4 Freezer Five 5 K F D R P a r k Jerry RadlauerB a r b a r a B r i t t a n

7 6 4 - 9 0 5 67 4 7 - 7 4 3 1

2 / 1 8 1 0 : 0 0 A M $4 Freezer Five 5 M F D R P a r k Jerry RadlauerB a r b a r a B r i t t a n

7 6 4 - 9 0 5 67 4 7 - 7 4 3 1

3 / 1 8 1 0 : 0 0 A M $9 St. Patrick's Day$9 Win airfare in our raffle

1 0 K2 M

F D R P a r k J a c k B r e n n a nTara Maguire

7 6 3 - 9 0 2 32 3 2 - 8 7 0 4

3 / 2 5 1 0 : 0 0 A M $9 Mudders & Grunters 5 M F D R P a r k Steve Quinn 8 4 5 - 6 2 8 - 0 6 4 8

4 / 2 8 8 : 0 0 A M $12 Sybil Ludington 5 0 K C a r m e l Anthony GalfanoEd McLaughlin

8 4 5 - 7 3 7 - 6 4 3 52 4 4 - 8 5 4 4

5/13 9 : 0 0 A M $ 8 l \ / I o t h e r ' s D a y 5 KWomen only-Mother-Daughter teams

F D R P a r k M a r i a C a l i d o n n a 7 3 6 - 7 6 0 7

6/2 9 : 0 0 A M $10 Nortii County News 5 K Yo r k t o w n Greg Diamond 5 2 8 - 2 2 5 1

7 / 4 8 : 0 0 A M $10 Putnam County Classic 8 M Mahopac Fred RegerChristine Reger

8 4 5 - 6 2 1 - 1 6 0 1

8/5 8 : 4 5 A M Biathlon (Run then Swim) 3M/.5MOne of the oldest biathlons in the country

Mahopac Bill FoleyJ o e J e r a c i

7 3 6 - 7 8 7 38 4 5 - 2 4 8 - 7 4 1 0

T B A 7 : 3 0 A M H a r o l d W a i l a c h M e m 1 / 2 1 3 . 1 M Yo r k t o w n G r e g D i a m o n dFree race for members-guess your time-best guess wins airfare

5 2 8 - 2 2 5 1

9 / 2 2 1 0 : 0 0 A M Te a t o w n T r a i l R a c eGreat t ra i l run

5 K Ossining Scott Abercrombie 2 4 5 - 9 6 2 9

9/30 1 0 : 0 0 A M Support-A-Walk 5 K F D R P a r k R i c h A d a m s k i 9 6 2 - 6 4 0 2

1 0 / 8 9 : 3 0 A M Columbus Day Kids5 0 0 c h i l d r e n !

1 /4 M i le P e e k s k i l l S c o t t A b e r c r o m b i eJ o h n H a l l i n a n

2 4 5 - 9 6 2 97 3 9 - 2 2 6 8

T B A 9 : 0 0 A M Age Group X-Cty V a r S o m e r s J o h n H a l l i n a n 7 3 9 - 2 2 6 8

T B A 9 : 0 0 A M V N A 5 KSupporting the visiting nurse association

F D R P a r k Ed McLaughlin 2 4 4 - 8 5 4 4

1 2 / 8 1 0 : 0 0 A M X-Country Relays V a r P e e k s k i l l P e t e r M e i s l e r 8 4 5 - 2 6 5 - 9 6 7 4

12/9 11 : 0 0 A M Couples Relay 5 K x 2 P e e k s k i l l S t e v e C a l i d o n n a 7 3 6 - 7 6 0 7

Page 3: 2001-01 Taconic Running Life January 2001

PRESIDENT'S COLUMN Well, here I am back as President again and lookingforward to 2001. Thank you all for your support in the past and your continued efforts tohave Taconic continue to remain the awesome club it has become. I hope this year willbring each of us, as individuals, success and TRRC, as an organization, growth in thenew Millennium. I must admit though, that writing this column every other month is astruggle. Please bear with me and help out along the way with any ideas you may have.

As Dr. Seuss says, "Oh, the places you'll see." Last year I had the great fortune totravel halfway around the world to run in the first marathon of the new Millennium. Edand I met other Taconic members, Michael McCormick and Adrienne Thompson, andshared dinner and hikes and, of course, a lot of laughs. The marathon itself was wonderful. Imagine people getting up before dawn on New Year's Day to hand out water or

direct traffic for runners from around the world. New Zealanders had their morning coffee while cheering us on, and shared theirwarmth and love of life with us as we toured their country. In April, we had the wonderful opportunity to visit a part of the UnitedStates that is probably as close to heaven as we can experience, Big Sur, California. The breath-taking views along Highway 1are a wake up call to all the beauty that is right here in the United States. Having traveled far and wide, like Dorothy says in theWizard of Oz, "There's no place like home". The New York City Marathon has 26.2 miles of encouragement and support that islike no other city I've visited. Along the way I was encouraged by friends and other runners that I had run with and against all yearlong. The emotion of seeing Dana, Brian and Rafi on First Avenue and seeing Ed at the finish line with my sweatshirt will foreverremain in my memory and bring a smile to my face.

Thank you for letting me share these experiences with you but now it's like "What's the point." All around the world, runningevents are staged for people by people. Sometimes these people meet, maybe even have a conversation, or are related, but inall the cases the event becomes a part of each persons' journey. It's the nice part. It's giving and sharing and caring and notnecessarily being recognized but having the fulfillment of doing something good. I hope each of us can carry this through ourlives and enjoy our journey a little more.

If you have stayed with me so far... On Feb 3 at 11:00 AM world famous running coach Roy Benson will be at Women ForFitness in Bedford Hills to speak on training with a heart rate monitor. Everyone is invited. Please call me if you would like furtherinformation (914-244-8544).

T A C O N I C R U N N I N G L I F ETaconic Road Runners Club

PO Box 711Shrub Oak, NY 10588

www.mnner.or^ TRRC TAG Number: 0799

Taconic Running Life i.s the official publicationof the Taconic Road Runners Club, Inc.Publication is bimonthly and is distributed toclub members at no charge.

^resident L e e S a r o k e n 9 1 4 - 2 4 4 - 8 5 4 4 [email protected] P Nancy Young 914-528-2251 runs262 @ aol. comV P Fred Reger 845-621-1601 fredr@ cyburhan. comVP-Membership Greg Diamond 914-528-'?^51 g reg @ run ner. orgT r e a s u r e r R ich Adamsk i 914-528-8457 r ich t r rc@ao l . com

secretary Joanne Bertram 845-528-8767 [email protected] R L E d i t o r T i n a C u l l e n 203-253-2580 [email protected]^ublicityAVomen's Masters Team Debra Kenney 9 1 4 2 4 5 - 9 6 2 9 aberken @ ix.netcom. com• l e n ' s M a s t e r s Te a m Steve Cal idonna 914736-7607 c a l @ b e s t w e b . n e tWomen's Open Team Mar ia Ca l idonna 914736-7607 cal@ bestweb. net^ace Coord ina tor Bill Foley 914736-7873

Advertising Steve Quinn 845-628-0648 squinn43 @ aol. comv i e n ' s M a s t e r s Te a m Sco t t Abe rc romb ie 9 I 4 2 4 5 - % 2 9 aberken @ ix. netcom. comvlen's Open Team/MAC K e n M a r t i n 9 1 4 7 3 7 - 8 7 8 4 teamanlOO @ aol. comVien's Vet Team/Equip Mgr Richard Nash 845-248-6666 r a n a s fi i n c @ a o l . c o mW o m e n ' s V e t e r a n s Te a m L e e S a r o k e n 9 1 4 - 2 4 4 8 5 4 4 [email protected]

^residents Emeritus;1976-1986 Dan Caff rey (Founder) 1993-1994 FredLoehfe lm1 9 8 7 - 1 9 8 8 O w n M c C r u d d e n 1 9 9 5 - 1 9 9 6 E d M c L a u g h l i n1 9 8 9 - 1 9 9 0 J o h n H a l l i n a n 1 9 9 7 - 1 9 9 8 L e e S a r o k e n1 9 9 1 - 1 9 9 2 E d M c L a u g h l i n 1 9 9 9 - 2 0 0 0 E d M c L a u g h l i n

Rates for Advertising in Taconic Running Life:Business Card; $10 per lssue/$60 per YearQuarter Page: $40/$162Half Page: $50/$ 120Full Page: $65/$300

Page 4: 2001-01 Taconic Running Life January 2001

The Taconic Road Runners Club presents mi

TheF reezer Fives wRace #1 Sunday, February 4, 2001 10 AM - 5K

Race #2 Sunday, February 18, 2001 10 AM - 5 MilesFDR State Park-Yorktown, ny

Special Commemorative Long Sleeved T-shirt: $12.00 (in addition to race fee)Pre-Ordered shirts must be picked up at one of the races, will not be mailed after races.

A w a r d s

Top 3 overall Male and FemaleTop 3 Age group awards, under 14, 15-19,20-29, 30-39,40-49,50-59, 60-69, and over 70

Special male and female awards for best combined time of both racesSpecial raffle prizes awarded at both events.

Mail before: January 29 (race 1) and February 12 (race 2)$5.00 each race ($4.00 TRCC member)

Day of race registration: $6.00; Famity maximum: $15.00 (T-shirt is extra)All entry Fees are non-refundable.

Online Registration available via wvv^xunnenorgand

R a c e D i r e c t o r s

Jerry Radlauer (914) 764-9056 and Barbara Brittan (914) 747-7431Pleise call ore of us for more inibrmaticn or questions about the raccs

From North: Get off the Taconic Pkwy at Baldwin, turn left and get back on the Taconic Parkway going north;

From South: to FDR State Park Exit, Park in lot#l for Registration

F r e e z e r F i v e R a c e s ( d o n o t fi l l i n ) : B i b N o .!kni>w tint nrnnitv u mal ra:e k apixcntidly hamnlous aaivity. I should nu witcf and lun unkssl ammeJcally able and property 1 mined. I ajitue to abide by any dtrisim of a niccofficial relative to my i>ility tosrfely iwnpletethe lun. I issurne allfisksassocutcrf wlh nintihg in (his evoil including, but ml limited to: falls, uMitaa withotbcrparticiparLs, Iheelfccis ofth; weuher, inclviling hgb ImitanU/orhumidily. infTic and the c«)tjditionsofthen>ad. all sudi rt>ks bciri; kft)v,nand appf«:iilcdby me. Hiviig ic;iJ this waive rand Vnowingtlwse faasand h cunsUer.itpn ofyour aa-eplsig iny aitty, l.for niyjclf anJ anyone tit W toad on n>' bdialf, waive aid re)eiRetl)c Taainic Road RunneB Oub.FDRfarkand all<ponsors, their represamtives iind succissotsfn^m .-^1 claims or liabilities of any kiitJ aiding out of irj- p:rl)dpa(i>n inthisevoit even thoiifb iba iiabilty may arise (xit ofnegligenceorCirolwsnts soti pirt ofthep^;^of>i numcd in tlik waiwr. Igriit penrission to all ofthcfoci!«irv tons cany phuographs. nwtion piciores, rea>idinys oriuiyotlterra'ordofthB evoit forifly It itimite ptitpoiv. I indeFtind ihu bicycle, sbtclDards. bi y ;>ggas. roller sktt<» oibLnlA.aninsik :nd r.ilio he<idsels are not diovcd in the racc atil I will abide by tliis ijuide-l i i i t i .

N a m e : D a t e o f B i r t h : / / A g e r a c e d a y :

E - M a i l a d d r e s s @ S e x : M a l e F e m a l e

A d d r e s s C i t y S t a t e Z i p

C I R C L E R A C E 5 K 5 M i l e B o t h T - S h i r t S i z e : X L L M ( A d d $ 1 2 . 0 0 )

S i g n a t u r e ( p a i e n t ' s s i g n a a i r e i f u n d e r 1 8 )

Page 5: 2001-01 Taconic Running Life January 2001

laconic Road Runners Club presentst h e 2 3 r d A n n u a l

Sybil Ludington Historical Run50K Road Race & 2-person Relay

Saturday, April 28, 2001

50K starts at 8:00am Relay: 9:00am

Course; single 31.1 mile loop over scenic rollingPutnam County roads following the route of SybilLudington's historic ride of April 26, 1777.Time limit: Course will close at 2:00pm

Registration & Post Race: VFW Post 1374 (basement) 32 Gleneida Ave., Carmel, NYEntry Fees: 50K $12.00 Pre-registration, $15.00 Post-registration after April 15(if it's good for the IRS, it's good for TRRC)

Relay: $24.OG perteam pre-registration, $30,00 post-registration (after April 15)Awards: 50K: overall Male/Female, then 10-yr. age groups, special "Sy Mah" av^ard for 1 st over-60 runner

Relay: 1st two teams overall, 1st mixed team, 1 st Masters (both over 40) teamRelay rules: two-person teams only. Limited to no more than 20 teams. No designated changeover locations, Runnersmay run any number of legs; legs may be of any length. Teams must provide own transportation support (water,gatorade, food, etc.) during race, (only one vehicle per team , please),T-shirts: Optional 2001 commemorative long-sleeve shirts available $10.00Aid Stations: There will be 10 aid stations on the course, every four miles or so.Race Directors: Anthony Galfano (845) 737-6435 & Ed McLaughlin (914) 244-8544

TRRC - Sybil Ludington 50K & Relay April 28, 2001 50K Relay

N a m e d a t e o f b i r t h / / A g e o n 4 / 2 8 / 0 1

A d d r e s s C i t y S T Z I P

N a m e d a t e o f b i r t h / / A g e o n 4 / 2 8 / 0 1

A d d r e s s C i t y S T Z I P

WAIVER - Read & sign below: I knmv that runtng a road race i-i a pcTtcnt iai ly hca-tfcMM act ivity. I should iMrt{Site- 9kI nn unices I am medics! ly jnd |ropo-|y traineiL I a^ee to ^idc fay any decision of a racc official relat ive to my ^i lity to safefy conyIctc the rtn. Ia»M>iw all ri9k» a^Mciatcd withnming in Ihi'S evoit including) but not limited tn falls, cwrtact with <rtba- pa-ticipantv the effects of ^veatha-| including ht^heat tnanidity, traffic skI the conditions of the road, all 4udi rieles being laiown and amB-ociated by mb Having read this waivo- and tmmving these fact«aid in consickration of you* accepting my cntry« U for myself smI iaiy<inc oitit lad to act on my bdulf, waive aid releaM the Taconic Road RuniMS^ Cliii theState of New Yoic Oqia-tmait of Psics, all <Ff the race 'sponsors and volwrteo-Si their rqa-esoitatives jstd successors from all claims or li^ilitics of aiy kinda-ising wt of my pa-ticipati«i in thiscvoit even though that Utility may a-isc out of nGgligaic:*^ or ca-elessness on the pat of the po-sons naned in this waivo-.I 9-am pomissiCTi to all of the fM-cgoing to use aiy fiioto^a|Ats, motion pictures, audio or video recordings, or aiy otho- rcoord of this evoit for aiy l^itimate(uposcs, I (nderstaKi that bicycles, skatdioa-ds, haliy joggers, rollo-skates, rollo- blades, aiimals, atd radio headsets a-e ncrt allowed in the race and I will^ i de by t h i s gu ide l i n&

S ignature (parents must s ign for ch i ldren under 18)Signature (parents must s ign for ch i ldren under 18)P l e a s e i n d i c a t e : M a l e F e m a l e O p t i o n a l T - s h i r t : M L X L

Page 6: 2001-01 Taconic Running Life January 2001

The 2001 Rye Derby5 M I L E

C h a m p i o n s h i p R o a d R a c ea n d

1 i V I i i eF u n R u n / W a l k

S U N D A Y. A P R I L 2 2 . 2 0 0 1

1 : 0 0 P . M . - 1 M I L E

1 : 4 5 P . M . - 5 M I L E

BloombergW w i A w a r d s , B a r b e c u e a n d R a f fl e A f t e r R a c e


S U N D A Y . A P R I L 2 2 . 2 Q 0 1

1 MILE FUN RUN/WALK: $10 .00 p r io r to Apr i l 22$ 1 2 . 0 0 d a y o f r a c e

5 M I L E R U N : $ 1 5 . 0 0 p r i o r t o A p r i l 1 5$ 1 8 . 0 0 t h e r e a f t e r

( P a y a b l e t o t h e R y e Y M C A )

5 M I L E :

C a s h : E a c h M a n & W o m a n

l e t

2 n d

3 r d

2 1

A P P L I C A T I O N S :

M a i l t o : R y e Y M C AL o c u s t A v e . , R y e , N Y

A t t n : R y e D e r b y

1 M I L E :

p l a c ep l a c ep l a c e ■

4 t h p l a c e5 t h p l a c e

R i b b o n s t o

$ 5 0 0$ 3 0 0$ 1 5 0

■ $ 7 5- $ 5 0

a l l fi n i s h e r s

1 0 5 8 0

C H E C K - I N :

S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 2 1 : 1 0 : 3 0 a . m . - 1 2 : 3 0 p . m .R a c e D a y, A p r i l 2 2 : 11 : 0 0 a . m . - 1 2 : 3 0 p . m .

R a f fl e D r a w i n g a t Aw a r d s C e r e m o n yD E R B Y R A C E A W A R D S :

T o p 3 H a l e a n d F e m a l efi n i s h e r s i n t h e f o l l o w i n g a g e g r o u p s :

1 4 - 1 5 , 1 6 - 1 9 , 2 0 - 2 9 , 3 0 - 3 9 , 4 0 - 4 9 , 5 0 - 5 9 ,6 0 + , 7 0 +

A l s o , t h e fi r s t R y e M a n a n d W o m a n fi n i s he r s .


From i-95 take Exit 19 (Playland Parkway). Make first possible right, then right again on Theodore Fremd Ave., and right again on Locust Ave.From Rye Train Station (Metro North New Haven Branch) the Rye Y is a five minute walk down Purchase Street to Locust Ave.

FREE T-SHIRTS to the first 600 registered runners. Size satisfaction is subject to availability

5 M I L E C H A M P I O N S H I P R A C EWAIVER ■ to be signed if over ffl; psrenfs signature if unoer IB. In consicteration of acceptance of this enlfy, I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, do hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive andrelease any and all rights and claims (or damages I may have against any and all race sponsors, the City of Rye, their representatives, successors, and assigns, tor any and ail injuries suffered by me in said event. I attest and verity that I amphysically tit and sufficiently trained for competition of this event and my physical condition has been verified by a licensed Medici Doctor within the last six months. Further, I hereby grant permission to any and all foregoing to use anyphotographs, video-tapes, motion psctures, recordings, or any other record of this event for the purpose cf whalever without corrpensation or remuneravon. Must be 14 years old. Athletes who partcipate in this competrtion may be subjectto formal dmg testing in accordance with TAC njles and lAAF Rule 55. Athletes found poslSve for batwed siAstances. or who refuse to be tested, will be disqualified from this event and will lose eligibility for future competitions. Someprescription and over-the-counter medications contain banned substances. Information regarding dnigs and drug testing may be obtained by calling the USOC Dnjg Hot Line at 1-800-233-0393.

L a s t N a m e F i r s t N a m e S e x . ^ g e o n D a t e o f B i r t h T - S h i r t S i z e *( M / F ) R a c e D a y

S t r e e t A d d r e s s C i t y S t a t e Z i p T e l e p h o n eS i g n a t u r e D a t e (P a r e n t ' s S i g n a t u r e i f u n d e r 1 8 )T O T A L F E E : $ 1 5 . 0 0 b e f o r e A p r i l 1 - $ 1 8 . 0 0 t h e r e a f t e r

M a k e C h e c k s p a y a b l e t o T H B R Y B Y M C A* S i z e p r e f e r e n c e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e

H e a r d a b o u t D e r b y f r o m E N T R Y F E E S A R E N O N - R E F U N D A B L E

R u n #( O f fi c e

U s e )

Page 7: 2001-01 Taconic Running Life January 2001

• T • B • R • C * wj m

Th' T<ii&«i(ic 0 'real / tf prtse ts

Support our sponsors: Dr. Peter Gormaiii Chiropractor (914) 628-4900Club Fit Briarcliff (914) 762-3444 - Ciub Ftt Jefferson Valley (914) 24S4040

John Jameson & Sons Irish Whisky Pepsi Cola Co. Breitling Inc.

RAFFLE!! - Grand Prize: Trip to Ireland - Pair off Air Tickets

Awards: 10K Rac«: trophies to 1st 3 overall Male/Female & ist 3 in age groups2M Fun Run: Medals to 1st 3 overall M/F (no age group awards)

Entry fees: Runners who have pre-registered by 3/9/01: TRRC members: $9.00, all others: $11.00Special pre^eglstered family discount: $8.00 for each pren-eglstered child under 15 wrhen

accompanied by a full paying adult entry.Post>4%eglstration: all entries after 3/9/01 including race day $14.00T>shlrts to 1«* 400 entrants - NOT guaranteed to Post registrantsChecics payable to: TRRC, P.O. Box 711, Shrub Dale, NY 10S88Visit the TRRC web site for info and results: Register online at www.acthre.comDirections: Talie thm Taconic Parkway to the FDR exiL From the north, you might have to exit atBaldwin Rd, go left, get iiacli on the Taconic and go north to tiie FDR exit. Parte in Lot 1.Entry fees are non-refundalrieTRRC - S t . Pat r lc lc 's Day Races - March 18, 2001 2 IM 10K

N a m e d a t e o f b i r t h t I A g e o n 3 / 1 8 / 0 1

A d d r e s s C i t y S T Z I P

e - m a i l a d d r e s s P l e a s e i n d i c a t e : M a l e F e m a l eWAIVER - Read & sign below; I know thai (unnlns a toad race is a pote(«iair haurdws 9ciK*r. I sixwU not soter and run uniess I an ffleduMy aUe and pnperiy friined. Ia7eeto8Wdet)ywydechtoflo(araceofBci r«!siK«totTiyaMilyios#elycanptetetheftin.lassunttalrtstoauoc) M(hriinnln9lnlMs«v«ntinc)(K>i g. birtrwtltrM to: Us. contact with o(h«rpartcipare.tfieefects or tMathff. MuSnt Mgh heal hun , lh« cpii(ifen$ of the road, al su risks being Ijon and apptecistod Havinp i«ad this waivv ami knovHngyouracceptnomytnfry I far mystf aid wymenMadtoadCNimybahaff. waive and i«tease the TactMic (toad Runners Oub.the orftMrYntDeparttnentofParto.iic lheracesponean and Mkintoers.the rep«enta*vet and tuccatsors from cttra or bMte c< aiy tOnd ati$mg out of my patidpaion Ms evert «KXi lhal faMty rnar arise Mit of negligenee. or caretesvcss on the pat d the personsnaned in ite aw. 1 pemteien to al or Ihe fareflcin® to any ptwlv^slcatotoads, My JoQUiert, roltf skatos. rofcr Uades, animals, and radto headsets are not Awed It race and f wfl aMe by mis guidelne.

A i l f fn /sAers e l lg l l> le

Race Director: Jack Brennan (914) 763-9023

(parents must si9n for children under IS)A l l pa r t i c i pan ts mus t send in the i r own en t ry fo rm T-sh i r t : M L XL

Page 8: 2001-01 Taconic Running Life January 2001


Traditionally, Taconic Road Runners Club celebrates the holidays with acouple of parties, a couple of pancake breakfasts, and a couple of races.This year was no different! TRRC had its annual children's holiday partyon Friday, December 1 st. Santa Claus joyfully greeted each of the childrenwith ajolly smile.

Saturday began with a cross-country race. The best part of the race wasorganizing teams as well as coming up with cool names for your team. Thetough part was luiining the course in the frigid December temperatures."The Road Hogs" which included Maria Vlasak, Ann Williams, and StaceySmith placed first overall.

Saturday night the adults began their holiday party. There was tons ofdelicious food and great dancing. Deejay Eddie Mac led festivities with hishot mix of dance tunes. Some Taconics even stayed over at the BlueMountain Lodge and kept the party going.

The couples relay was the final event of the Blue Mountain Weekend forTRRC. Couples of all ages competed along the hilly terrain for three miles.Runners faced frigid temperatures once again. Thanks to Steve Calidonna'sorganization, almost everyone came home with a prize.

1.McDaniei/Grace (1/60-79)2. Cohen/Fulton (1 /40-59)3. DiLorenzo/MIIier (2/60-79)4. Oliveira/Piersal (3/60-79)5. Kenny/Abercrombie (1/80-99)6. Young/Diamond (2/80-99)7. Calidonna/Calicionna (3/80-99)8. LaBurt/Monahan (4/80-99)9. Chapman/Radiauer (5/80-99)10. Steinel/Laun (6/80-99)11.0'Sullivan/Humnicky (2/40-59)12. Richardson/Caswell (7/80-99)13. Venegas/Venegas (3/40-59)14. Ende/Jubok (8/80-99)15. Hunt/Cunningham (4/60-79)16. Koprowski/Koprowski (5/60-79)n.Ellinati/Wald (6/60-79)18. Hoff/Rust (4/40-59)19. Espinosa/Martin (7/60-79)20. Cullen/Batton (8/60-79)

Dinner Dance Brings out the Best in Show

Carmelo's Painting( 9 1 4 ) 2 4 5 ^ 9 6 9 ^Cannelo Roldan3461 Carol CourtTorktown Heights, NT 10598-2201

ISpecializing to

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Pete Meisler looked dashing while Rick Salemmo looked and soundedl i k e E l v i s !

21. Treadwell/Reynolds (9/60-79)22. Boulos/Einhom (1/100-119)23. Camacho/Rolando (10/60-79)24. Stocker/Stocker (9/80-99)25. Benvenue/Tlppin (10/80-99)26.Saroken/McLaughiin (2/100-119)27. Bleasdale/St John (5/40-59)28. Koch/Koch (11/80-99)29.GordofVTolli (3/100-119)30. Reed/Reed (4/100-119)

Jennifer Kay, C.S.W., B.C.D.Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis

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6 6 R a n d o m F a r m s C i r c l e

Chappaqua, NY 10514(914) 762-3934

Page 9: 2001-01 Taconic Running Life January 2001

T A C O N I C R O A D R U N N E R S C L U B2 0 0 1 M U D D E R S & G R U N T E R S

C R O S S C O U N T R Y R A C EMARCH 25 ,2001


1 0 : 0 0 A M

w w w . r u n n e r . o i ^

All runners compete on the same approximately 5 mile, single loop course. The course is run off road,through as much muck, mud and water as we can find. Some hills are included. Multiple water crossingsare present; depth is dependent on pre-race weather. Course difficulty is determined by weather. Wearold shoes and clothes. Eye goggles recommended.

Individual Awards: Top 3, and Male & Female Age groups.The World Famous "Geronimo Cup" will be awarded to the 4-person team withthe lowest total elapsed time. Team sign up on race day, individual entry feesa p p l y M MRegistration: Members $9.00 and non members $10.00 ffffUHPost registration: AH entrants pay $12.00 day of racePost race refreshments

Age limit - no runners under 13 years oldSpecial Commemorative Tee-shirt to first 50 pre-registered before March 11.

Race Director: Steve Quinn (845) 628-0648 Squinn43f?, Assistant Race Director Pete Meisler

MUDDERS AND GRUNTERS I know that running a road race is a potentially hazardoiis activit)'. 1 should not enter and rununless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safelycomplete the run. I understand that the course involves water crossings of about 3 feet depth. 1 assume all risks associated withrunning in this event including, but not limited to: falls, deep water, cwitact with other participants, the effects of the weather,including temperature and/or humidity, traffic and the conditions of the course, all such risks being known and appreciated byme. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of your accepting my entry, I, for myself and anyoneentitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the laconic Road Runners Club, FDR Park and all sponsors, their representativesand successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event even thou^ that liability mayarise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. 1 grant permission to all of the foregoingto use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. 1 understand thatbicycles, skateboards, baby joggers, roller skates or blades, animals, and radio headsets arc not allowed in the race and 1 willabide by this guideline.

N a m e : D a t e o f B i r t h / / A g e r a c e d a y S e x M FA d d r e s s C i t y S t a t e Z i pe m a i l a d d r e s s @Tee-shirt, please specify size M L XLS i g n a t u r e ( P a r e n t ' s o r G u a r d i a n ' s s i g n a t u r e i f u n d e r 1 8 )Make check payable to TRRC. Send to TRRC, PO BOX 711, Shrub Oak, NY 10588

Page 10: 2001-01 Taconic Running Life January 2001

Amer i can S t rokeAssoc ia t i on .A D i v i s i o n o f A m e r i c a n

H e a r t A s s o c i a t i o n

raViJl to Kona tlaWd• t

The American Stroke Association needs you!Train for a marathon, raise funds and lieip to end strokel

K o n a M a r a t h o n

June 24, 2001Attend an informational meeting and find out i - iow you

c a n v i s i t b e a u t i f u l K o n a I H a w a i i f o r f r e e ! !

O u r M a r a t h o n T r a i n i n g P r o g r a m I n c l u d e s :

'Personalized training, team motivation, weekly runs & walks.

*Training seminars & clinics.

*Round Trip transportation, hotel accomodations, and marathon fees.

F o r M o r e I n f o r m a t i o n P l e a s e C o n t a c t :S a r a S k i n n e r

A m e r i c a n H e a r t A s s o c i a t i o nPhone: (914) 694-6464Fax; (914) 694-1285

Email: [email protected]

Page 11: 2001-01 Taconic Running Life January 2001


m 5El ua n d 2 M I L E W A L K

F D R S T A T EP A R K -

Y O R K T O W N -L O T l

May 13,20019 : 0 0 A . M .

Check in 7:30-8:45W O M E N

O N L Y !


Raffle prizes from Jacob's Creek & Women for Fitness

Fees: Pre-registered TRRC members: $8 noPre-registered non-TRRC members: $10 refundsAfter 5/6/00 and day of race registration $ 12

Special Mother-Daughter Team Awards in 5K Race

• T ▶ o • H • c -

5K Awards: Top 3 Overall and in each TRRC age divisionRace Director: Maria Calidonna (914) 736-7607

Please note: parking fee may be in effect for FDR park - please consider car poolingResults on the internet: httD://

Mother's Day 5KI know that running a road race is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter and run imless I am medically able and property trained.I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to tny ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with nmning in thisevent including, but not limited to: falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, traffic and theconditions of the road, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these fects and in consideration of youraccqjting my entry, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the laconic Road Runners Club, FDR Park and all sponsors,their representatives and successors from ail cUims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event even though that liability may anseout of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver.1 grant permission to all of the foregoing to use any photographs, motions pictures, recordings or any other record of this event for any legitJinaie purpose. 1understand that bicycles, skateboards, baby;'««'ere, roller skates or blades, animals, and radio head.sets are not allowed in the race

J - L C h e c k o n e :

S K R i m □

2 M i l e W a l k □





Signature. D a t e Amount enclosed:

(Parent's Signature if Under 18 years of age)Checks payable to TRRC. Send to TRRC, PC Box 711, Shrub Oak, NY 10588 T-SHIRT SIZE S M L X L

Page 12: 2001-01 Taconic Running Life January 2001

T A C O N I C S S H I N E A T 2 0 0 0 N E WY O R K C I T Y M A R A T H O N !

TA C O N I C O P E N W O M E N ' S T E A M U P D AT EBy Maria CaUdonna

The 2000 New York City Marathon was held on Sunday, November 5th.This year Taconic had almost 40 members finish the 26.2 mile adventure.Fortunately, the weather was just about right for the competitors. Runnerswere greeted with cheers from each of the five boroughs as winds sweptthrough the city blocks. There wasn't a trace of precipitation! Taconicrunners were especially thrilled with the big Taconic cheers on theQueensboro Bridge going into Manhattan. On the bridge, a group of Taconicmembers braved the high winds to 'guard' the clock and support all of theTaconic runners coming from Queens. The runners were happy to celebrate their accomplishments at the Taconic Post-Marathon party held atthe Mayflower Hotel. Thank you to Ed McLaughlin and Lee Saroken fororganizing the transportation as well as the great party following the event.

B O B S W E E N E Y 2 : 3 8 : 2 3SETH DENENBERG 2 :52 :38A R T H U R W E I S B E R G 3 : 1 1 : 5 2

T E D P E R N I C A N O 3 : 1 9 : 3 5J O S E P H P O R C A R O 3 : 3 9 : 3 7A L A N B . P O L L A C K 3 : 4 3 : 5 6J U D S O N R A M A K E R 3 : 5 9 : 1 5

J A N E T H A R T M A N 3 : 5 8 : 5 9MICHAEL MCCORMICK 4 :13 :41R AY M O N D M A R R E R O 4 : 2 8 : 4 9GEORGE BATTON 4:03:37GLENN NILSEN 3:50:17I L E N E D AV I S 3 : 4 4 : 3 8GIA BOULOS 4:04:15F R A N K D O R S A 4 : 0 9 : 2 4D O N J V A S T A 3 : 0 8 : 0 0

MEHRDAD SANAI 3 :59:44JOHN DEAN 2:56:13KEITH J BENKOV 3:33:26JAMES RUBAS 3:30:58HELEN GORDON 4 :05 :57PAT R I C I A R O B A K 4 : 3 5 : 5 1B R O N C Z E C H 3 : 3 9 : 2 1

RON DUBE 3:29:21JIME MARTIN 4:13:22RICHARD ANDRON 3:07:51JOSHUA KNIGHT 3 :58 :47G A R Y E S T R U V E 3 : 3 4 : 5 0

M A R C S . O X M A N 4 : 0 5 : 5 7

R O B E R T W O L F E 5 : 0 9 : 4 7D I C K M U R P H Y 5 : 1 9 : 4 9M O I S E S S A L A M A 4 : 3 1 : 4 2

ROBERT DAUBENBIS 4 :06 :46L E E K S A R O K E N 3 : 4 5 : 4 1

A D R I E N N E T H O M P S O N 4 : 2 6 : 1 3SHERYL BEREZIN 4:37:53KATHLEEN BERTOLINE 4:19:01STEVE CAUDONNA 2:44:10T I N A C U L L E N 4 : 0 6 : 0 2


For the 2000 year, many thanks to the veterans and master's women forrunning and scoring for us in the MAC series. It is because of you that wewill finish strong!

Congratulations to all runners on surviving yet another year of running andracing. We are still waiting for the full calendar for next year's race schedulefo r the NYRRC C lub Counc i l Se r ies .

Our first race is the Chicken Soup Loop lOK on January 21st in CentralPark. On February 24th we will be racing in the Snowflake 4 Miler. If youare interested in either or both of these races, please contact Maria Calidonnaat [email protected] or 736-7607. We'll have a strong team this year and afew runners have come aboard. Remember, we encourage runners of allspeeds to join us!

M A R K K O C H 4 : 1 6 : 1 4J A S O N L E E D S - G R A N T 4 : 1 9 : 1 5

JOHN MACLEAN 6:06:50ROSE ANN MARTIN 5:17:13E D S H A W 5 : 1 4 : 5 7

F R A N K S T R A U B 4 : 1 6 : 1 4

J I M W H A L E N 4 : 5 7 : 5 3J 0 E G R A M M AT I C 0 4 : 3 1 : 1 2

Reger Construction CompanyBuilding Contractor

Fred Reger8 Oskar Drive

Mahopac, NY 10541

O f fi c e : 8 4 5 - 6 2 1 - 1 6 0 1

F a x : 8 4 5 - 6 2 1 - 7 0 7 6C e l l : 9 1 4 - 9 5 3 - 1 0 6 1

E-ma i l : fTedr@cvburban .com

Carpentry - Framing to FinishAddi t ions and Al terat ions

Sheetrock and TapingGarages and Carports

BCitchens and BathsFinished basements

Decks and Patios

Roofing and SidingWindows and Doo rs

Hardwood and Ti le F loorsCustom Cabinetry and Built-ins

Architectural Woodworking and Trim

Page 13: 2001-01 Taconic Running Life January 2001

5K Run- SaturdayJ U N E 2 , 2 0 0 1 ' 9 : 0 0 A M

Race Director: Greg Diamond 914-528>2251The North County News Road Race was developed 23 years

ago and continues to be organized byT H E TA C O N I C R O A D R U N N E R S C L U B

H ' U ' W ' . r H / i n f r . o r g

T h e C o u r s e

•Starts and finishes at the North County New s•Very accurately measured!!•M ile splits and half mile splits

Results-posted after the race and onour web sitew w M ' . r u n n e r. o r g

AWARDS:Cash Awards (male &. female are same):• Overall: $ 200, $100, $50 no duplication• Masters: (over 40): $100 first place only• Usual age group aw(rds-no duplications• First place all age groups; highquality race

sweatsh i r t• Second/Third place all age groups: medals


This race is a Men's and Women'sMAC Grand Prix Championship

T h e Wo r l d ' s B e s t M u f fi n sfrom Country Muffins

mN u m i a ^ ^isjioABs:

i w y m A K i t m m


Register online at by mail postmarked by May 26:

TRRC members pay $10.00All others pay $13.00Make check payable to TRRCMail to PO Box 711, Shrub Oak, N/ 10588All mailed by the cut-off date are guaranteed to receive ar a c e T- S h i r t

Register in person on the day of the race:• Register from7:00-8:45 AM• (registration after 8:45 is allowed, but you m^t not be scored)• All entrants pay $15.00• T-Shirts guaranteed to first 100 race day entrants.


Fro m the North or South: Take the Taconic P arkway to Underhil 1 Avenue. At theend cf the exi tramp, go right from the south, left from the north into Yorktown. Gothrough the first light, tske a ri ght at U nderhill and take a right at Fro nt Street. Go tothe end.From East: Take Ro ute 35 into Yorkto wn. Go 2 lights past the 118/202 intersection and take a le ft at U nde rhill. Ta ke the n ext right to continue on Underhil I. Takea n ght at Fro nt Stree t and go to the end.From West: Take Route 35/202 i nto Yorktown and lake a right at the 118/202/35inteRection. Take a left at Underhil I. Take (he next righ t to co ntinue on U nde th ill.Take a ri ght at Front Stree t and go to the end.

Official Entry form (may be duplicated) - North Co un ty New s 5K) ^ • r . t ' J i t ^ i . 1 « : A p o v : . ' , , . 1 , . , k • . ■ \ \ ■ ' - 1 , ' 1 : u ■ 1 : . i i ' J n h > H : i i T i p r ^ r i y . n e i i t x o t i b i c i f b y • j r i y i i n u : 4 i O n o !

1 . a 1 , 5 ' ' » • t - w \ t K n . n r . ) n i J u < 1n o K , \ v v r : t . r j < ^ W i t h o t h e r

, r . • j i M ; r . U 7 r i t . 1 ' r • . . r . i . : v , n r . 4 t f . * " C O n t J i t J n f t b < T o a H , j ) 1 :• . n i 1 : k h > : n 9 k r , < v n T . i i f c y r r t * , K a v u i g : e a : )

i h l i i k n o w j n ; } i r i y ' u y r . * t o n o t v t I t ; n s > n . y x : c x l y r I , t < r r y > c : i d h d a n y t r , ' ^ a t r j u c H < 1a 1 o j f l y « ( . v « i t v r i ; ( i t v t h t f \ i co r i i c R u n

r * c i u D f N o t t h C o u r u y , I ' l l 1 o i v i- > u ; U v r ' u U i i r d l C c r i ^ c i r ' . v v t; Q i M A . , 0 ) c > ( h l l f h *N r t i n 6 * j r a » » R O T H f r o f f i A \ \ d r t l r t o r

U a c i . m c ^ o i * r , y K ) t \ j j : i ; . i r . g . / J i x . f f Y } t i r u t d r . i n t h i s c v o t R : i l y T f t y o t n c ^ h fl ^ r v ^ t O f t p . i t o f t h e p k > r . ' ^ o n H n a m r o i n t h i s

w . i i v o r . ! p e r p v s n o n t 0 a ) 1 c f m o t f t o u s a ^ r y i fi C K v > n i > f n c x i t h s -. r o r . m y 6 u h i ? r r « c c t d o f t h i s ^ v c n t i <j r a n y l e g i t l u r p o p . I u a l i ' t fi t . a n i' ' t ; y : ; . d c r j L . i t J - : - g ^ r \ , i o t l e r 5 k a i < ? 5 o r t n a l s . t a d v o K e o U ^ a r c n o c a U p w t ' d m t h n l I v U 1 a h U P I v t h i : . r

N a m e B i r t h d a t e / I A g e R a c e D a y ,

A d d r e s s C i t y S t a t e Z i p C i r c l e : M a l e F e m a l e

G r a n d P r i x p a r t i c i p a n t • U S A T F # Te a m

S i g n a t u r e ( p a r e n t i f u n d e r I 8 ) : T - S h i r t S i z e M L X L P h o n eEnclosed: Race entry: + Norih County News subcription (special rate-$25/I year-optional) +TRRCM ember ship ($19 under 19 years old, $15 individual, $25 family-opdonal) =TOTALMake check pa yable to TRRC. PO Box 711, Shrub Oak, SY 105 88- fee is non-refundable

Page 14: 2001-01 Taconic Running Life January 2001

Tacon i c Road Runne rs C lub Runs and Workou ts


We run from Croton Gorge Park - about 3 miles west(toward Croton) from the Underhill/Rte 129 intersection.The entrance is .3 miles east of Croton Dam Road.

We start at 7:30 - sometimes during the summer we runearlier to beat the heat.

Water and gatorade are placed on course. Distances varyfrom 4 to 20+ miles at a wide variety of paces

Run at FDR during the weekday evenings...Many of our runners meet at Downing Park from late afternoon through about 6PM for run.s through FDR park rightthrough the winter into spring and summer

Coming in the Spring-Track Workouts...After the clock springs forward we will be meeting at theYorktown High School Track for workouts with ourcoach, Doug Miller, Join us at 6PM,

Cl ick on www.runner.orQ/workouts .htm for more in format ion



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Hours: Mon.-Wed. 8:30-6 • Thurs. 8:30-7 • Fri. 8:30-5 • Sat. 9;00-4

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2 4 5 - 3 6 2 5 ■ 2 4 5 - 8 5 8 7 FA X


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W I T H O U T D R U G S O R S U R G E R Y.Our goal is to keep you training or help you get back to form as soon

as possible.

Peak performances should be something to look forward to....Not back on.

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D r . R i c h a r d A . I z z o

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Dedicated to Your pain-Free Health and Fitness

Page 15: 2001-01 Taconic Running Life January 2001


M S S S k

▼The Tacon ic Road Runners C lubpresents the 29*** annual

P U T N A M C O U N T Y C L A S S I C8 M I L E R O A D R A C E

Wednesday. July 4,2001 8:00 AM (check in begins at 7:00am)Mahopac High School, Mahopac, New York

♦♦♦Scenic course around Lake Mahopac witfi plenty of water stops, traffic control, and mile markers* ^Race Directors: Fred and Christine Reger Phone (845) 621-1601 e-mail fredr@Cyburbanxom

Pre-registration Entiy Fee (postmarked by 6/27/01) TRRC Member - $10Non-TRRC Member - $14

After 6/27/00 (including race day) Entry Fee - $18(sorry, do refunds)

Sponsored by;F I S H E R B R O S . C H E V R O L E T- G E O I N C .

R E D M I L L S M A R K E T I N C .

Awards Presented in Ail TRRC Age Categories Pre-registration guarantees T-shirt to participants

REFRESHMENTS/FOOD/ MUSIC - Post race 4th of July Party and Award Ceremony

Note: Check out TRRC's website at (or register online at www.actlve.coni>Directions: Taconic State Parkway to Route 6/Mahopac Exit. Go East on Rt 6 to Baldwin Place Road & Rt 118 intersection (7-11 onleft). Go left onto Baldwin Place Rd. follow for 1-1/2 miles to Mahopac High School. (Road closes at 7:50 AM) Look for signs.

Putnam County Classic, Wednesday, July 4,2001Race Registration - 8 mile road race

Name - (print clearly)

A d d r e s s -S t r e e t C i t y S t a t e Z i p C o d e ( c ^ a i l a d d r e s s )

Ma le o r Fema le (c i r c le one) Age on Race Day. B i r thda tc : Te l . No . :

I Icnow thai running a road racc is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter and tun unless I a n medically able and properly trained, I agree to abide by anydecision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running in this event including, but not limited to: falls,contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, trafTic and the conditions of the road, all such risks being known andappreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these effects and in considenuion of you accepting my entry, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on mybehalf waive and release Taconic Road Runners Club, the Hamlet of Mahopac, Mahopac Schools and all sponsors, their representatives and successors from all cJaimsof liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event, even though that liability may arise out of negligence ot carelessness on the part of the personsnamed in this waiver. I grant permission to all of the foregoing to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of this event fw any legitimatepurpose. 1 understand that bicycles, skateboards, baby joggers, roller skates or blades, animals, and radio headsets are not allowed in the race and I will abide by thisguideline.

Si^atnre (w - parent's signature if under 18 years of age) Date $ amount enclosed

(do not write in box)

rOotjonal ** Membership in TRRC (ChcckOne)^^ Fam}ly = $25 Individual Aduk = $15 Smdent 19&under = $10 )Mail applicatioDS to TRRC, P.O. Box 711, Shrub Oak NY 10588. Make checks payable to TRRC.

Page 16: 2001-01 Taconic Running Life January 2001

Membership ApplicationNameAddress

Date of Bi r th

Membership opt ions: Student-under 19 years old only $ 10.00I n d i v i d u a l $ 1 5 . 0 0

Family-please write names and birthdates below $25.00

Please make check payable to TRRC and mail to PO Box 711, Shrub Oak, NY 10588

Optional survey:At what age did you start runningFavorite raceFavorite race distanceMost important factor in choosing a raceOne most likely thing to turn you off at a race.Would you like to volunteer at our races?

Favorite place to runWhat time of day do you usually run_


If you would like to be left off our mailing lists (made available to other races, etc) check here

Club Meetings: The second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 P.M.January 10th and February 14th at Teatown Lake Reservation


Taconic Road Runners ClubR O. B o x 7 11

Shrub Oak, New York 10588

N O N P R O F I T O R GU . S . P O S TA G E PA I D

BALDWIN PLACE, NY 10505P E R M I T N O . 1 5