Download - 20 Inspiring Reasons Why You Love to Teach


#LiveLoveTeachWe asked our community about why they teach.

The response was amazing. Here are some of our favorites...

To spend each day helping children unravel their uniqueness is the best job in the world. All I know how to do is teach and I wouldn't trade it for anything!

– Melanie Perez

To see a child fall in love with something, to watch them go head over heels for a concept or idea, to be completely enthralled in a moment of joy – curiosity spills over, their excitement becomes contagious, and a life-long seeker is born.

– Bob Knipe

After 25 years, I still get butterflies every fall for my new kids!

– Robyn Gunther

I hated school! I did not always want to be a teacher! However, I did have a handful of teachers who inspired me. Not because they necessarily knew their content, but because they attempted to know me! I will never forget them and how they made me feel.

– Cynthia Anne Osborne

I teach because it is what I am meant to do. I've always wanted to teach. I can't imagine doing anything else. I love seeing the light bulbs come on for the kids.

– Elizabeth Byrnes Egesdahl

I believe education is life changing. As a beneficiary of stellar public education, I teach to return the gift that was bestowed upon me.

– Mallory Flavell

I teach because every day is different, every second counts, and I learn something new every day!

– Ashley Cavazos

I grew up in poverty but was taught by my family and many great teachers alike that knowledge is power. I teach because I want to hand the gift of knowledge to others.

– Amy Rowan Smith

It's the ah-ha moments, laughter, sincerity, the unexpected that keeps me on my toes, being able to adjust in a moments notice, accepting and giving hugs, showing forgiveness, giving second chances, being a role model – being that go to person when there's no place to go, validating their unique individual struggles ... a long fulfilling journey for sure!

– Sue DeCoite

Students are each their own world, and when all those worlds collide,magic happens.

– Rosanna Ovalles

Because education is a civil right.

– Matt Caprio

I am addicted to the challenge of how to get students even more engaged in loving and learning. Thirty years have passed by, and I still come back for more. I love every minute with them.

– Teresa Martinho Marques

What other job could I have where I discuss Beowulf, Le Morte d'Arthur, Slaughterhouse Five, and other absolutely awesome pieces of literature year after year and get paid for it?!

– Patty Plowman Wallesverd

Being a teacher is a profoundly challenging and rewarding job. I wake up everyday smiling, knowing I can grow, influence a life, love a child, and love what I do.

– Colette Byrne

There is nothing better than watching an ah-ha moment, participating in a student discovering their own gifts, empowering young people to take control of their own learning, and witnessing the evolution of their behavior, attitudes and thinking from youth to young adult.

– Rosie Venezia Singalewitch

I love teaching high school students. They are amazing, and they just need someone other than their parents who has faith in them to be successful. Every day is a chance to make a difference.

– Petrie Franke

My students hold me to a high standard, have expectations for me, and make me laugh and tear up all in the same class period. They make me feel that what I do makes a difference, especially when I talk to them years or when I see their posts on Facebook or their engagements, graduations, and such in the newspaper.

– Pam Click

I love learning. I want to help students love it too. :) I also want my students to discover their own talents and feel good about themselves.

– Linda Buckland Lanier

To change the world… one child at a time!

– Vickie Purcell Harris

I have learned way more from my students then I have taught them. I love our inside jokes. I love their view of life. I love that for 7.5 hours a day, they are truly loved and cared for and are safe. I love the amazing men and women who teach beside me and share my joys and my sorrows. I love that we never give up on kids.

– Ann Sveen

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