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Muhammad Danish

Q: 1- Why there is needs to study organization behavior in management degree? Highlight the importance of organization behavior in organizational performance.


Organization Behavior:

Organizational behavior word has been consisted of two different words “organization” and “behavior”. Organization means a disciplined and regulatory process by which planned objective turns into realistic. On the other hand, behavior means human behavior inside an organization.

Organization behavior is the study of human behavior in the organizational settings the interface between human behavior and the organization and the organization itself.


Organization behavior is a field of study that investigate the impact that individual, group and structure have on behavior within the organization for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness.

(Stephen p. Robin)

Why study organizational behavior?

Organization behavior draws heavily from behavioral and social sciences most importantly from psychology. It studies the interrelation between an individual and an organization on the following levels.

Individual ( concerned with personal growth) Interpersonal ( concerned with social competences) Group ( concerned with group dynamics) Organization( concerned with organizational structures and culture)

Managers need an understanding of organizational behavior because a large part of their job has to do with exactly that, Organizational behavior is the study of how people behave while in groups and as individuals. With the help of organizational behavior the managers does has to do with trying to get people to work as effectively as possible. It can involve trying to motivate an individual worker or it can involve trying to understand how to get workers who are part of a team to interact with one another in such a way that they are able to work more efficiently and

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effectively. So therefore having an understanding of organizational behavior is vital to managers. Organizational behavior addresses the following points:

Organizational behavior studies the factors that impact individual and group behavior in the organization and how organizations manage their environment. Organizational behavior provides asset of tools, theories and concepts to understand, analyze, describe and manage attitudes and behavior in organizations.

The study of organizational behavior can improve and change individual, group, and organizational behavior to attain individual, group, and organizational goals.

Organizational behavior can be analyzed at three levels: the individual, the group, and the organization as a whole. A full understanding must include an examination of behavioral factors at each level.

The importance of organization behavior in organizational performance

1) Organization behavior helps to improve skills of the organization.

2) It also an important part to improve marketing process by understanding consumer

(buying) behavior.

3) Organization behavior helps to understand basis of motivation and different ways to

motivate employees properly.

4) Understanding of personnel/employee nature is important to manage them properly.

5) The scientific study of behavior helps to understand organizational events.

6) Organization behavior helps to increase efficiency and effectiveness of organization.

7) It helps to create healthy, ethical and smooth environment in organization.

8) Organization behavior improves managers as well as employees work skill.

This is all about importance of organizational behavior and its impact on overall business activities. Ultimately, organization behavior helps to increase efficiency and productivity i.e. profit of organization.


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Q: 2- To understand employee’s complex behavior why we need to understand the role of psychology, social psychology, sociology and anthropology in organizational behavior.


The Role of psychology:

The term psychology is derived from the Greek World psyche, which means soul or spirit. Organizational behavior studies human behavior, which is concerned with the psychology of the people. The psychology especially industrial or organizational psychology is the greatest contributor to the field of organizational behavior. Psychologists study behavior and industrial or organizational psychologists deal specifically with the behavior of the people in organizational settings.

Psychology is the science that seeks to measures, explains and sometime changes the behavior of humans and other animals. To use the psychological and organizational theory and research to improve organizational effectiveness and the work life of all individuals.

The Role of Social Psychology:

Social psychology generally considered a branch of psychology combined concepts from both psychology and sociology to focus on people influence on one another. Major area: change how to implement it and how to reduce barriers to its acceptance.Study area: measuring, understanding and changing attitudes, communication patters, building trust, the ways in which group activities can satisfy individual needs, group decision-making processes. Finally, they have made important contributions to our study of group behavior and power

The Role of Sociology:

Sociology also has a major impact on the study of organizational behavior. While psychology focuses on the individual, but sociology studies people in relation to their social environment or culture. Sociologists have contributed to organization behavior through their study of group’s behavior in organizations particularly formal and complex organizations. Sociologists study social system such as a family, an occupational class, a

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mod or an organization. It specifically studies, social groups, social behavior, society, customs, social classes and social mobility etc.

The Role of Anthropology:

‘Arthropod’ is a Greek word which means ‘man’ and ‘logy’ means ‘science’. Anthropology is the study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities. Anthropologist’s work on cultural and environment has helps us understand difference in fundamental value attitude and behavior between people in different countries and within different organization. Anthropology influences the employee’s behavior through motivation, interaction, goal setting, decision making, coordinating and controlling.


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Q: 3- High light important feature of employee’s intellectual ability, physical ability and ability-job fit.


What is Ability:

“Ability is an individual’s current capacity to perform the various tasks in a job. Overall ability is essentially made up of two sets of factors:

1. Intellectual Abilities2. Physical Abilities

1. Intellectual Abilities:

“Intellectual abilities are abilities needed to perform mental activities, thinking, reasoning and problem solving.”

Smart people generally earn more money and attain higher level of education. They are also more likely to emerge as leaders of groups. Jobs differ in the demand they place on intellectual ability. The more complex job in terms of information processing demands the more general intellectual and verbal activities will be necessary to perform successfully.

Following are the main dimension of intellectual ability.

1) Number attitude:

Ability to do speedy and accurate arithmeticJob example; Accountant

2) Verbal comprehension:

Ability to understand what is read or heard and the relationship of words to each otherJob example; Plant manager

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3) Perceptual speed:

Ability to identify visual similarities and differences quickly and accuratelyJob example; Fire investigator

4) Inductive reasoning:

Ability to identify a logical sequence in a problem and then solve a problemJob example; Market researcher

5) Deductive reasoning:

Ability to use logic and assess the implications of an argumentJob example; Supervisor

6) Spatial visualization:

Ability to imagine how an object look if its position in space would changeJon example; Interior decorator

7) Memory:

Ability to retain and recall past experiencesJob example; Salesperson

2. Physical Ability:

“The capacity to do tasks that demand stamina, dexterity, strength, and similar characteristics.”

Strength Factors:

1) Dynamic Strength:

Ability to exert muscular force repeatedly or continuously over time

2) Trunk Strength:

Ability to exert muscular strength using the trunk muscle

3) Static Strength:

Ability to exert force against external objects

4) Explosive Strength:

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Ability to expend a maximum amount of energy in one or a series of explosive acts.

Flexibility factors:

1) Extent Flexibility:Ability to move the trunk and back muscles as far as possible

2) Dynamic Flexibility:Ability to make rapid, repeated flexing movements

Other factors:

1) Body coordination:

Ability to coordinate the simultaneous actions of different parts of the body

2) Balance:

Ability to maintain equilibrium despite forces pulling off balance

3) Stamina:

Ability to continue maximum effort requiring prolonged effort over time

Ability-job fit:“The assessment covers only the area of high work performance related to ability job

personality organization using proven research and theoretical information from a wide range of

articles and journals that are relatively current and authentic”

1) A high ability job fit necessary for improved job performance

2) Lack of fit leads to performance problems

3) If ability job requirements basic cause of poor performance

4) Ability job requirements organizational inefficiency and job dissatisfaction

5) Jobs make differing demands on people and that people differ in their abilities.


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Q: 4 - Describe the main components of attitude? How consistent are the attitudes moreover commentary that does behavior always follow from attitude:


What is attitude?

“Attitudes are evaluative statement favorable or unfavorable related to person, object or event. They reflect that how one feel about something”.

For example:

If someone says that, I like my job. This statement expresses his attitude towards his job. Every person has different attitude at different conditions.

The main components of attitude:

There are three main components of attitude as follow.

1. Cognitive component:

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Cognitive component refers that’s part of attitude which is related in general know how of a person. For example he says smoking is injurious to health. Such type of idea of a person is called cognitive component of attitude.

2. Effective component:

This part of attitude is related to the statement which affects another person. For example in an organization a personal report is given to the general manager. In report he point out that the sale staff is not performing their responsibilities. The general manager forwards a written notice to the marketing manages to negotiate with the sale staff.

3. Behavioral component:

The behavioral component refers to that part of attitude, which reflects the intension of a person in short run or in long run. For example before the production and launching, process the product. Report is prepared by the production department which consists of their intention in near future and long run and this report is handed over to top management for the decision.

Attitude and Behavior Consistency:

The study of attitude-behavior consistency concerns the degree to which people’s attitudes (opinions) predict their behavior (actions). Attitude-behavior consistency exists when there is a strong relation between opinions and actions.

For Example: A person with a positive attitude toward protecting the environment who recycles paper and bottles shows high attitude-behavior consistency.

The study of attitude-behavior consistency is important because much of the usefulness of the attitude concept is derived from the idea that people’s opinions help guide their actions. Our attitudes (predispositions to behavior) and actual behaviors are more likely to align if the following factors are true:

Our attitude and behavior are both constrained to very specific circumstances. There have been many opportunities to express attitude through behavior. We have a history of attitude-behavior consistency. The attitudes are based on personal experience, rather than being copied from others.

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The attitudes are proven by past experience. There is no social desirability bias, where the presence of others will lead us into

uncharacteristic behavior. We are low in self-monitoring, so we do not distract  The attitude is strongly held and is around core beliefs.

So What?

Using it:

If you want people to behave in a certain way, check out the above list before assuming their attitude will actually lead to the desired behavior.

Defending:Beware of causing confusion and sending mixed messages if you act outside of

your visible attitudes.


Q: 5 - What is personality and how we can measure personality through different means?


Personality:The word the personality is derived from the Latin word persona that was

associated with Greek theatre in ancient times. Persona was meant a “mask”, which a Greek actor commonly used to wear when they work on the stage. We can say that the mask for persona of the actor implied a cover for the real person behind it.

Definition:“A personality is a mixture of a person’s characteristics, beliefs and qualities

which make them who they are.

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(Common definition)“The personality of an individual is that which enables us to predict what he will

do in a given situation” (R.B.Cattell)

Common means of measuring personality Personality test is useful in hiring decisions and help managers forecast who is

best for a job. There are two common means to measuring personality:

1. Self Reports Surveys2. Observer rating Surveys

1. Self-reports Surveys

Most common Prone to error

Individuals evaluate themselves on a series of factors such as “I worry a lot about the future.” Though self-report measures work well when well constructed, one weakness is that the respondent might lie or practice. Impression management to create a good impression. When people know their personality scores are going to be used for hiring decisions. It can be missing used. Another problem is accuracy. A perfectly good candidate could have been in a bad mood when taking the survey and that will make the scores less accurate.

2. Observer-ratings Surveys

Independent assessment May be more accurate

Observer-ratings surveys provide an independent assessment of personality. Here, a co-worker or another observer does the rating (sometimes with the subject’s knowledge and sometimes not). Although self- report surveys and observer-ratings surveys are strongly correlated. Research suggests observer-ratings surveys are a better predictor of success on the job. However, each can tell us something unique about an individual’s

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behaviour in the workplace. An analysis of a large number of observer-reported personalities. Studies shows that a combination of self-report and observer-reports predicts performance better than any one type of information.


Q: 6 - Describe following theories:

a) Hierarchy of need theory

b) Theory x and Y

c) Two factor theory


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Maslow’s hierarchy of need theory:

The best-known theory of motivation is probably Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of need theory. Maslow was a psychologist who proposed that within every person is a hierarchy of five needs;

1) Physiological needs;

A person’s need for food, drink, shelter, sex, and other physical requirements

2) Safety needs;

A person’s need for security and protection from physical and emotional harm, as

well as assurance that physical needs will continue to be met

3) Social needs;

A person’s need for affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship

4) Esteem needs;

A person’s need for internal esteem factors such as self-respect, autonomy, and

achievement and external esteem factors such as status, recognition, and attention

5) Self-actualization needs;

A person’s need for growth, achieving one’s potential and self-fulfillment; the

drive to become what one is capable of becoming

McGregor’s theory X and Y;

Douglas McGregor is the best known for proposing two assumptions about human nature; theory X and theory Y. Very simple,

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Theory X is a negative view of people that assumes workers have a little ambition, dislike work, want to avoid responsibility, and need to be enjoying work effectively.

Theory Y is a positive view that assumes employees enjoy work, seek out and accept responsibilities and exercise self-direction.

McGregor believed that theory Y assumptions should guide management practice and proposed that participation in decision making, responsible and challenging jobs and good relations would maximize employee motivation.

Herzberg’s two factors theory;

Fredrick Herzberg’s two factor theory (is also called motivation hygiene theory) proposes that intrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction, while extrinsic factors are associated with job dissatisfaction.

Hygiene Factors Motivator Factors Salaries, Wages & other Benefits Company policy & Administration Good inter-personal Relationships Quality of Supervision Job security Working Conditions Work / life Balance

Sense of Personal Achievement Status Recognition Challenging / stimulating work Responsibility Opportunity for advancement Promotion Growth

When in place, these factors results in: When in place, these factors result in:

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General Satisfaction Prevention of Dissatisfaction

High Motivation High Satisfaction Strong Commitment

The extrinsic factors that create job dissatisfaction were called hygiene factors. When these factors are adequate, people won’t be dissatisfied, but they won’t be satisfied either. To motivate people, Herzberg suggested emphasizing motivators, the intrinsic factors having to do with the job itself.


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Q: 7 - How we can use changing the nature of work environment to motivateemployees?


What is motivation?

“Motivation is a need or desire that energizes and directs behavior”.

“A reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way” motivation is a process of stimulating and inducing the people to take a course of action to achieve motive.

Motivation by changing the nature of the work environment:

Increasingly research on motivation is focused on approaches that link motivational concepts to changes in the way work is structured.

Research in job design provides stronger evidence that the way the elements in a job are organized can act to increase or decrease effort. We will first review the job characteristics models and then discuss some ways jobs can be redesigned.

Any job can be described in term of five core job dimensions:

1. Skill variety:

The degree to which the job requires a variety of different activities so the worker can use a number of different skills and talent. For example of a job scoring high on skill variety would be the owner operator of a garage who does electrical repairs, rebuilds engines, does body work and interacts with customers. A job scoring low on this dimension would be a body shop worker who sprays paint eight hours a day.

2. Task identity:

The degree to which the job require completion of a whole and identifiable piece of work. An example of a job scoring high on identity would be a cabinet marker who designs a piece of furniture, selects the wood, builds the object, and finishes it to perfection. A job

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scoring low on the dimension would be a worker in a furniture factory who operates a lath solely to make table legs.

3. Task significance:

The degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the lives or work of other people. An example scoring high on significance would be a nurse handing the diverse needs of patients in a hospital intensive care unit. A job scoring low on this dimension would be a janitor sweeping floors in the same hospital.

4. Autonomy:

The degree to which the job provides substantial freedom independence and discretion to the individual in scheduling to work and in determining the procedures to be used in carrying it out. An example of a job scoring high on autonomy is a sales person who schedules his or her own work each day and decides on the most effective sales approach for each customer without supervision. A job scoring low on this dimension would be a sales person who is given a set of leads each day and is required to follow a standardized sales script with each potential customer.

5. Feedback:

The degree to which carrying out the work activities required by the job results in the individual obtaining direct and clear information about the effectiveness if his or her performance. An example of a job with high feedback is a factory worker who assembles iPods and then tests then to see if the operate properly. A job scoring low on feedback would be that same factory worker who after assembling the iPod is required to route it to a quality control inspector who tests it for proper operation and makes needed adjustments.


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Q: 8 - What is perception and describe factors that influence perception?


Meaning of perception:

Perception as a process by which an individual selects, organizes and interpret the sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment.

The process by which people notice and make sense of information from the environment


“Perception is the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.”

“Perception is the way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted.”

Factors that influence perception:

1) Attitudes:

Evaluative statements or judgments concerning objects, people or value

Reflect how we feel about something.

2) Motives:

It reflects stimuli that cause to perform particular action, states goals, purpose perceived by perceiver from event, situation, etc.

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3) Interest:

Interest that` power the force an attitude has towards manifestation in a person’s behavior.

4) Experience:

Experience and knowledge serve as basis for perception. While ones successful experience enhances his or her perceptive ability, failure erodes his or her self-

confidence. Successful experience also helps perceiver understand stimuli with more accuracy.

5) Expectations:

Expectations state that anticipation of a particular behavior from a person. Affect what a person perceives.

Factors in the situation:

1) Time:

Time perception is a construction of the brain that can also be manipulated and studied through a variety of experiments. The factors that affect your perception of time passes.

Level of fatigue Level of concentration Depression and happiness

2) Social setting:

Social perception is the part of perception that allows people to understand the other people in their social world. Social perception can obviously be flawed even skilled observers can misperceive, misjudge, and reach the wrong conclusions. Once we form wrong impressions, they are likely to persist.

Factors in the target:

1) Novelty;

Novel or something unique or a peculiar idea is likely to attract anyone attract attention. White person or a black person in any country catches attention faster.

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2) Motion:

A person gives more attention to moving objects than the stationery objects.


Moving object Stationery object

3) Sounds:

Sound level or noise level is a physical quantity measured with measuring instruments. Loudness is a psycho physical sensation perceived by the human auditory perception or the human ear or brain mechanism. That is not the same.

4) Size:

Larger object is more likely to be noticed than a smaller object. Because in smaller object does not clear the object of the statement than larger object.

Q: 9 - What are emotions and moods? Explain emotional labor and emotional intelligence.



“Emotion is a strong feeling deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationship with others.”

Emotions are very short-lived feelings that come from a known cause.


Emotion are form mechanisms for motivating behavior, helping us to seek what we need to survive by guiding us towards what may be harmful, damaging or painful. Emotions are way to assess and interact with our ever changing environment. Taking into account our current needs and past experiences.


“Mood is the overall atmosphere of a piece of the literature”.

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“The mood is created by the setting, the characters, and their actions”


Mood is the feeling the reader gets from a work of literature. Another way to describe mood is atmosphere. When you walk into a place it has an atmosphere that makes you feel a certain way when you walk into a text it too has an atmosphere that makes you feel a certain way. For example the mood could be creepy, romantic, gloomy or tense. Another create mood through word choice, imagery, dialogue, setting and plot. The mood can stay the same from the beginning to the end of a text or it can change.

Emotional labour

Emotional labor refers to the process by which workers are expected to manage their feelings in accordance with organizationally defined rules and guidelines. Hoch child’s (1983) The Managed Heart introduced this concept and inspired an outpouring of research on this topic.

Role of Emotional Labour:

It is important for workers to understand the impact that emotional labor has on their performance. However, it's essential that organizations are also aware of this requirement, so they can find ways to provide support to their workers, and help them deal with the impact of emotional labor.

Service workers typically need to perform in a certain manner if they're going to provide high quality service. This is usually defined by management, then strictly regulated and monitored. For example, customer service rules might be 'The customer is always right,' or 'Always greet customers with a smile.'

Emotional Intelligence:

Emotional intelligence refers to having the ability to recognize and understand emotions and their impact on behavior and attitudes. Those who have a high degree of emotional intelligence are in tune with both their own emotions and the emotions of other people with whom they come in contact.

Role of Emotional Intelligence:

In an economy characterized by scarce labor, it's going to become increasingly important to hold on to the good employees. At the same time, competition for the best employees is going

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to become even fiercer, and good workers who feel they are not treated fairly at work will have an easy time finding employment elsewhere.

The best way to hold on to the employees that you want to keep is to incorporate emotional intelligence into your personal and organizational management philosophy. Managers and business owners cannot let themselves lose sight of the fact that their employees are people, with real lives and emotions that impact how they think, feel, and act. Managers with emotional intelligence understand that their staff members are people first and workers second. This understanding guides how the best managers treat their employees at all times.


Q: 10 -Define and classify groups. Explain five-stage model of group.



“Group as two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent, who have come together to achieve particular objectives”

“A number of people or things that are located, gathered or classed together”

Classification of group:

There are two basic types of group as under.

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1) Formal group:

A formal group defined by the organization’s structure with designated work assignments establishing tasks. In formal groups the behaviors tea members should engaged in are stipulated by and directed toward organizational goals. The six members of different department who have regularly lunch in formal group.

2) Informal group:

An informal group is neither formally structured nor organizationally determined. Informal groups are natural formations in the work environment that appear in response to the need for social contact. Three employees from different departments who regularly have lunch together are in informal group.

Stages of group development:

Following are the main stages of group development as under:

1. Forming:

The forming stage has a two phases. The first occurs as people join the group. In a formal people join because of some work assignment. Once they have joined the second stage phase begins defining the group’s purpose, structure and leadership. This stage is complete when members begin to think of themselves as part of group.

2. Storming:

The storming stage is appropriately named because of the intragroup conflict. There is conflict over will control the group and what the group needs to be doing. During this stage a relatively clear hierarchy of leadership and agreement on the group direction emerge.

3. Norming:

The Norming stage is one in which close relationships develop and the group becomes cohesive. There is now a strong sense of group identity and camaraderie. This stage is complete when the group structure solidifies and the group has assimilated a common set of expectations regarding member behavior.

4. Performing:

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The fourth stage is the performing stage. The group structure is in place and accepted by the group members. Their energies have moved from getting to know and understand each other to working on the group task. This the last stage of development for permanent work groups. However for temporary group project teams, task forces, or similar groups that has a limited task to do.

5. Adjourning:

The final stage is adjourning. In this stage, the group prepares to disband. The group focuses its attention on wrapping up activities instead of task performance. Group members react in different ways. Some are upbeat thrilled about the group’s accomplishments. Others may be sad over the loss of camaraderie and friendships.

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