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Human Resource Management

1st Assignment Danish Saqi

Roll No. 119467 Section: B

Semester 4th


This Assignment has 10 questions related to Human Resource Management , which include, HRM , it importance, process, methods, Leadership, organizational strategy, purpose of job analysis, and work place diversity

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Q1: What is human resource management? Discuss its importance in

modern day organizations.


Human resource management:

Human resource (HR) management is designing management systems to ensure that

human talent is used effectively and efficiently to accomplish organizational goals.

Human Resource Management (HRM) is the term used to describe formal systems

devised for the management of people within an organization. The responsibilities of a

human resource manager fall into three major areas: staffing, employee compensation and

benefits, and defining/designing work.

Importance of Human Resource Management:

An organization cannot create a good team of working professional without good

human resource. The important points of human resource management are as follow.

1. Recruitment and Training

This is one of the key responsibilities of the human resource team. The HR

managers come up with ideas and plans for hiring the exact kind of people. They plan the

values which is best suitable for a specific job description. Their other tasks interrelated to

recruitment include formulating the obligations of an employee and the choice of tasks

assigned to him or her. Based on these two factors, the contract of an employee with the

company is arranged. When needed, they also provide training to the employees according to

the requirements of the organization. Thus, the staff members get the opportunity to sharpen

their existing skills or develop specialized skills which in turn, will help them to take up

some new roles.

2. Performance Appraisals

HRM encourages the people working in an organization to work according to

their prospective and gives them ideas that can help them to bring about development in it.

The team communicates with the staff independently from time to time and provides all the

necessary information regarding their performances and also defines their respective roles.

This is helpful as it enables them to form an outline of their expected goals in much clearer

terms and thereby, helps them execute the goals with best possible efforts. Performance

appraisals, when taken on a regular basis, motivate the employees.

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3. Maintaining Work Atmosphere

This is a vital aspect of HRM because the performance of an individual in an

organization is mostly driven by the work atmosphere or work culture that prevails at the

workplace. A good working condition is one of the benefits that the employees can expect

from an effective human resource team. A safe, clean and healthy atmosphere can bring out

the best in an employee. A friendly atmosphere gives the staff members’ job satisfaction as


4. Managing Disputes

In an organization there are several problems on which disputes may rise between

the employees and the employers. You can say clashes are almost unavoidable. In such a

scenario, it is the human resource department which performances as a consultant and

mediator to sort out those issues in an effective manner. They first hear the complaints of the

employees. Then they come up with suitable solutions to sort them out. In other words, they

take timely action and avoid things from going out of hands.

5. Developing Public Relations

The duty of establishing good public relations lies with the HRM to a countless

level. They organize business meetings, seminars and various official gatherings on behalf of

the company in direction to build up relationships with other business sectors. Sometimes,

the HR department plays an active role in making the business and marketing plans for the

organization too.

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Q2: How leadership can be a source of organizational success? Differentiate

between a good leader and a good manager?


Leadership can be a source of organizational success:

It has been said that without leadership, all other business elements lie dormant.

Strong leaders can help an organization to maximize productivity and achieve business

goals, whereas weak leadership can hurt productivity and put the health of the business in


Leadership is commonly defined as establishing a clear vision, communicating

the vision with others and resolving the conflicts between various individuals who are

responsible for completing the company’s vision.


Three types of leadership are common in business: authoritarian, democratic and laissez-

faire. Each type of leadership impacts organizational performance differently. Authoritarian

leadership is commanding and sets clear expectations for employees in the organizational.

Democratic leadership encourages feedback and input from managers or employees regarding

organizational performance. Laissez-faire is a hands-off approach, where managers and

employees work according to their own preference and schedule. This leadership style can lead

to poor motivation and work practices.


Successful organizational performance relies on the proper behavior from managers and

employees. Leadership can be an evolutionary process in companies. Business owners who

provide leadership can transform an employee from a worker completing tasks to a valuable

team member. Leadership skills can help change an employee’s mentality by instilling an

ownership mindset. Employees who believe they have a direct owner-style relationship with the

organization often find ways to improve their attitude and productivity.


Leadership can help a business maintain singular focus on its operations. Larger business

organizations can suffer from too many individuals attempting to make business decisions.

Business owners can use leadership skills to get managers and employees on the same page and

refocus on the original goal. Leadership skills can also help correct poor business practices or

internal conflicts between employees.

Differentiate between a good leader and a good manager

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# Leadership Management

1 Leadership is commonly defined as

establishing a clear vision,

communicating the vision with others

and resolving the conflicts between

various individuals who are responsible

for completing the company’s vision.

Management is the organization and

coordination of various economic resources

in a business. Leadership can have a

significant impact on an organization’s


2 The leader innovates The manager administers

3 The leader is an original The manager is a copy

4 The leader focuses on people

The manager focuses on systems and


5 The leader has a long-range perspective The manager has a short-range view

6 The leader asks what and why The manager asks how and when

7 Leaders have their eyes on the horizon Managers have their eyes on the bottom line

8 The leader originates The manager imitates

9 The leader does the right thing The manager does things right

10 The leader challenges it The manager accepts the status quo

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Q3: Discuss the Role of HR Department in an organization. Elaborate

various functions which are performed by HR department.


Role of HR Department:

A human resources department is a critical component of employee well-being in

any business, no matter how small. HR responsibilities include payroll, benefits, hiring,

firing, and keeping up to date with state and federal tax laws.

HR department have important role in organization. Without HR department

organization cannot perform work properly. HR department perform various important

function in organization. The responsibilities of a human resource manager fall into three

major areas:


Employee compensation and benefits, and

Defining/designing work.

Essentially, the purpose of HRM is to maximize the productivity of an organization

by optimizing the effectiveness of its employees.

Functions of HR Department:

Different companies have different functions of HR department as required by

leadership. But most common functions of HR department are following:

1. Staffing:

An organization must have skilled persons, in specific jobs at specific places and

times, in order to accomplish its goals. Obtaining such people includes job analysis, human

resource planning, recruitment, and selection. Job analysis is the systematic process of

defining the skills, duties, and knowledge required for accomplishment specific jobs in an


Human resource planning (HRP) is the process of methodically revising human

resource requirements to ensure that the required numbers of employees, with the required

skills, are available when needed. Recruitment is the process of attracting such individuals

in enough numbers and encouraging them to apply for jobs with the organization. Selection

is the process through which the organization chooses, from a group of applicants, those

individuals best suited both for open positions and for the company.

2. Human resource development:

A major HRM function that involves not only of training and development but

also individual job planning and development activities and performance evaluation, an

activity that underlines T&D needs. Training is designed to provide learners with the

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knowledge and skills needed for their present jobs. Development involves learning that goes

beyond today’s job; it has a more long-term focus.

Human resource development (HRD) helps individuals, groups, and the entire

organization become more effective. It is essential because people, technology, jobs, and

organizations are always changing.

3. Compensation and benefits

The term compensation contains all rewards that individuals receive as a result of

their employment. The reward may be one or a combination of the following:

Pay: The money that a person receives for performing a job.

Benefits: Additional financial rewards other than base pay include paid vacations,

sick leave, holidays, and medical insurance.

Non-financial rewards: Non-monetary rewards, such as enjoyment of the work

performed or a pleasant working environment.

4. Health and safety:

Safety involves protecting employees from injuries caused by work-related

accidents. Health refers to the employees’ freedom from illness and their general physical

and mental well-being. These aspects of the job are important because employees who work

in a safe environment and enjoy good health are more likely to be productive and yield long-

term benefits to the organization.

5. Employee and Labor relationship:

The Employee and Labor Relations function of the Human Resources Department

is commonly associated with matters such as investigations, counseling and disciplinary

actions, but that certainly is not its primary mission. This critical HR component operates as

a nexus between staff and management, bridging gaps that oftentimes seem insurmountable

to either party. Through various forms of intervention, including problem-solving,

mediation, training and counseling, Labor Relations offers balanced advocacy to

management and individual employees to protect their respective rights and facilitate a more

harmonious work environment.

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Q4: HRM is the key to success. According to your opinion what is the Future

of Human Resource Management?


The Future of HRM:

The future of Human Resources is backed by the advanced technology and the

return of the human approach to our management practices. The small and nimble start-

up companies show the future of HR. They do not implement robust HR processes; their

approach is agile. The agile HR is the right approach for the near future. Most upcoming

trends require HR that is flexible, and that will shape the HR Organization of tomorrow.

1. The simplification

The simplification is a trend that cannot Human Resources ignore in the near

future. Running a complex organization is expensive; the sophisticated HR processes and

procedures are expensive; the long decision-making process makes organization

uncompetitive. The company can become quick, lean and competitive if it simplifies its

processes. HR has to focus on the simplification of its complex processes. It has to return

the decision making rights back to employees and managers. HR has to oversight

processes; it should not make all tactical decisions. Simplification hurts, but it is a part of

the future of Human Resources Management. Moreover, the simplification is closely

linked to another future issue of Human Resources - the globalization.

2. The globalization

The globalization is a genuine challenge for Human Resources. The real global

team is not just about one centralized Head Quarter which sends out global policies. It is

about the ability of the company to manage the rest of the team from any place in the

world. Most globally present companies miss the "global picture" as they try to manage

all countries using the same matrix and approach. HR has to develop new leaders who

will act globally. They can operate from any place on the Earth, and they can lead and

manage global cross-cultural teams. They have to find the cost effective way to manage

the organization globally as the company does not grow in number of global management

layers which do not add value and make the decision making process long and painful.

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3. Leadership development practices

Our leadership development practices will be a significant imperative for us. Most

organizations run their operation at risk because they have no successors for the leader.

Many organizations do not survive when the founder of the company leaves. The future

of HR is about making sure that the new leader grows and develops inside the

organization. The company has to be ready to shift the leadership within days because it

saves its future.

One of the trends to build a sustainable competitive advantage are innovations and

the innovations management. However, most HR Organizations do not understand how

they should support changes in the organization. HR has to be able to connect

innovations with the traditional change management to design a true powerful weapon

against competitors on the market. Supporting innovations is not easy because the

organization has to empower employees to elaborate ideas. It has to accept not to control

employees. It has to provide them with the freedom to be creative. This is the moment

where HR should step in and design essential principles and training courses for

managers. HR has to learn managers how to provide employees with freedom to be

innovative and creative. It is a task for the future of Human Resources.

4. New era of agile HRIS solutions

In the future, we can expect a new era of agile HRIS solutions. Today, we use the

robust and full scope HRIS solution which fits all our requirements and needs. However,

in the near future our requirements will start to change rapidly. The complex and

expensive HRIS solution will not be able to keep up with requirements and the

maintenance of such a system will be a nightmare. The new agile HRIS solution will be

simple, small, and it will support just the necessary administration of personnel files.

However, it will offer a rich connectivity to other systems around which will deliver HR

services with high frequency of changes. Times of old and complex HRIS solutions are


5. Social media

Social media change Human Resources (even today). HR of the future will have

to utilize social media as the best communication channel. However, it will have to define

rules for discussions that go beyond pure internal conversations. HR will have to show

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employees what confidentiality and the business secret means and how they should act.

Organizations will be extremely vulnerable to exposing its business secrets to public

audiences. HR of the future will be the master of social media, and it will teach other

business functions how to communicate internally and externally without taking

excessive risks.

6. HR in the cloud.

Last trend of the future will be HR in the cloud. HR Data will be present online

and most HR processes will be fully paperless. We dream about the paperless HR office

for many years, but HR cloud solutions will enable such a future. Yes, the history of

Human Resources is not a finished book yet. Many new HR approaches and processes

will evolve as organizations will look for new ways how to be competitive on the market.

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Q5: How workplace Diversity has created challenges for HR Department?

How workplace diversity can be managed effectively?


Workplace Diversity:

Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an

organization. That sounds simple, but diversity encompasses race, gender, ethnic group, age,

personality, cognitive style, tenure, organizational function, education, background and more.

Workplace Diversity Challenges:

There are some challenges, which are created with workplace diversity, are following:

1. Resistance to Change

Although employee diversity is a fact of life, the dominant groups in

organizations are still composed of white men.

2. Segmented Communication Networks

One study found that most communication within organizations occurs between

members of the same sex and race. Therefore diversified workforce organization may face

the challenge of segmented communication networks.

3. Resentment

Equal employment opportunity that can be defined as fairness of employment

that is free from all sort of discrimination in majority of organizations was a forced change

rather than a voluntary one.

4. Backlash

While women and minorities may view a firm's “cultural diversity policy” as a

commitment to improving their chances for advancement, white men may see it as a threat.

5. Retention

The job satisfaction levels of women and minorities are often lower than those of

white men.

6. Competition for Opportunities

As minority populations grow in the U.S., competition for jobs and opportunities

is likely to become much stronger.

7. Lower Cohesiveness

Diversity can create a lack of cohesiveness. Cohesiveness’ refers to how tightly

knit the group is and the degree to which group members perceive, interpret and act on

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their environment in similar or mutually agreed upon ways. Because of their lack of

similarities language, culture, and/ or experience, diverse workforce typically are less

cohesive than homogeneous groups. Often mistrust, miscommunication, stress and

attitudinal differences cohesiveness, which inurn can diminish productivity.

8. Communication problem

Perhaps the most common negative effect of diversity is communication

problems. These difficulties include misunderstanding, inaccuracies, and slowness. Speed

is lost when not all group members are fluent in the same language or when additional time

is required to explain things.

9. Stereotyping

We learn to see the world in a certain way based on our backgrounds and

experiences. Our interests, values and cultures act as filters and distort, block and select

what we see and hear. We see and hear what we expect to see and hear. Group members

often inappropriately stereotype their “different” colleagues rather than accurately

perceiving and evaluating those individual’s contributions, capabilities aspirations and

motivations. Such stereotypes inurn affect how people employee stereotyped as

unmotivated or emotional will be given less -stress – provoking jobs than their coworkers.

Those job assignments will create frustrated employees, perhaps resulting in low

commitment, higher turnover, and underused skills.

Management of workplace diversity:

Following are the different steps for manage the workplace diversity.

1. Emphasize communication:

Ensure that all employees understand your policies, procedures, safety rules, and

other important information. Work to overcome language and cultural barriers. Have key

materials, such as safety information, translated when possible. Use pictures and symbols on

warning signs so that everybody can understand.

2. View employees as individuals:

Avoid both positive and negative stereotypes. Don’t make assumptions about

employees from different groups. Judge successes and failures individually. Respond

promptly and firmly when employees express prejudices or stereotypes. Remind them of

your policies that prohibit discrimination. Encourage employees to view co-workers as

individuals and judge them on their work, not on personal factors.

3. Encourage employees to work in diverse groups:

Assure that work teams reflect the diversity of your workplace. Diverse work

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teams let employees get to know and value one another as individuals. Diverse teams also

expand the experiences and views of all the workers on the team and help them recognize the

strength of their combined talents and perspectives.

4. Base decisions on objective criteria:

Expect all employees of all backgrounds to meet required standards and perform

to the best of their ability. Don’t set different criteria for different groups. Don’t make

excuses or allow employees to make excuses for shortcomings. Base all employment actions,

including discipline, on specific, performance-related criteria. Always focus on job-related

issues, not personal issues, when dealing with employees.

5. Be open-minded:

Recognize, and encourage employees to recognize, that one’s own experience,

background, and culture are not the only ones with value to the organization. Set an example

of encouraging diversity by developing relationships with colleagues whose backgrounds

differ from yours. Look for ways to incorporate diverse perspectives and talents into efforts

to achieve organizational goals.

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Q6: Being an HR Manager which kind of issues you can face at workplace?

Elaborate the issues and discuss their remedies?


HRM Issues and their remedies:

There are number of human resource management issues that need to be address as it is

an important function of any organization. These issues might be;

Environmental issues,

Organizational issues and

Individual issues, etc.

Always remember that these Issues are not related to the single dimension; rather they are

directed towards multi-dimensional issues that should be tackled with immediate care.

Following are the broad categories of the Human Resource Management issues in the today’s

competitive world.

(A) Environmental Issues:

There are following environmental issues:

1. Rapid Change

The world is changing at a faster rate because change is constant from several

centuries. So the management of the organizations should be quickly adaptive to the

changing requirement of the environment otherwise they become obsolete from the

market. The human resource management of an organization plays a basic role in

response to the environmental change. The HR department should adopt such policies

that can avail the new opportunities of the environment & keep the organization away

from the newly emerging threats.

2. Work Force Diversity

The changing environment provides both the opportunities & threats to the human

resource management of the organization. The HR manager should adopt such policies

that can make possible the diverse work force of employees. Although on one hand

diversity creates big problem but in the long run, the survival & performance of the

organization is flourished.

3. Globalization

One of the serious issue that today’s organizations are facing is the issue of

globalization. The world is converting into global business and severe competition is

started between domestic & foreign companies. Such competition results in the laying off

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the effective workforce of the organization. The HR department can play an important

role in keeping the culture of the organization as global & wider.

4. Legislation

It is the old environmental challenge that is faced by organization since many

decades. There are certain labor laws that are declared by the government for the benefits

of the working employees. Some of these laws are disadvantageous to the interests of the

organizations so it is a one of the big challenges for the HRM to implement all those

labor laws within the organizations. If any of such law is violated, serious actions are

taken by the relevant government authority that may result into serious penalty for the

management of the organization.

5. Technology

The technology is also growing with great speed especially in the field of

computer & telecommunication. New methods are emerging that quickly dominates the

older ones & makes them obsolete. Therefore the skills required by the employees also

changes with the changing technology & this would compels the worker to advance the

skills three to four times throughout their working lives. So there comes a burden on the

HR department to constantly update the skills & expertise of their employees.

6. Job & Family Roles

In recent years, dual-career families are increasing in which both the wife &

husband work. This creates a serious burden on the women that they have to give time to

their families also. In many organizations the policies of HR favors the employment of

more than 10 years. The working hours of the organizations are also strict and tight for

the employees. Moreover, the selection & training procedures are two tough and time

consuming so most of the talented women hesitate to join any organization which would

result in the wastage of talent and potential. Even working men also suffer from these

employment policies because they do not properly give time to their families. So the

challenges for the HRM increases with this particular issue & special favorable working

policies are needed to be employed in all organizations.

7. Lack of Skills

The service sector development is expanding due to many reasons like change in

the tastes & preference of customers, technological change, legal change etc. All of this

affected the structure and managing style of the business organizations. The skills

required in the employment of service sector is also advancing but the graduates of the

technical colleges & universities are groomed according to the latest requirements.

Therefore most of the employees lack the standard required skills to perform their duties

and it becomes a big challenge for HRM to properly train these new & old employees to

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become an efficient & effective workers.

(B) Organizational issues

There are following organizational issues, which are faced by HR department:

1. Controlling Costs

An organization can avail the competitive position by lowering its cost &

strengthening its cash flows. For this purpose, the labor cost of the organization is

minimized through effective compensation system that adopts innovative reward

strategies for good performances. In this way the favorable behaviors of the employees

are rewarded so the organization would get the ultimate advantage. Moreover the policies

of compensation should keep the labor cost under control. The effective employees

should be selected that keep with the organization for a longer duration & proper training

should also be provided to these employees. The HR department should also restore the

work of the employees along with the improvement in the health & safety issue of

working environment. All of these efforts would limit the cost of labor.

2. Improving Quality

The quality improvement can lead an organization towards competitive

advantage. The total quality management programs are employed that improves all the

processes within the organization which would ultimately result in the improvement of

the final product or service.

3. Developing Distinctive Capabilities

Another method of gaining competitive advantage is to employ the people that

have distinct capabilities to develop extra ordinary competence in specific area.

4. Restructuring

Another technique is the restructuring of the organization in which the

methods of performing different functions are altered positively. In case of HR

department, the majority of functions are still performed within the organization.

In some organizations the major functions of HR department are now transferred

to the other parties in the shape of outsourcing, shared service center etc. The sizes of HR

department in those organizations are shrinking because most of functions are performed

by outsiders. But in most of the organizations the HR manager performs all the relevant

functions of HRM. The HR department is now involved in the mission oriented &

strategic activities.

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(C) Individual Issues:

There are following Individual issues faced by individual issues:

1. Productivity

Productivity is defined as the measure of the value that an employee can add to

the final product or service of the organization. The increased output per employee is

reflected as increased productivity. Ability & motivation are two important factors that

affect the employee productivity. The ability of the employee can be improved by the

hiring & replacement along with the proper training & career development. On the other

high quality of work life serves as accelerator to the motivational factor of the employees.

2. Empowerment

In the modern days many organizations make changes in such a way that

their individual employees exert more control on their work as compared to their

superiors. This individual control of employees is called empowerment which helps the

employees to work with enthusiasm, commitment & learn new skills because they are

more make normal decisions about their work by themselves & hence enjoy their work.

3. Brain Drain

One of the challenges for HRM is the detachment of the key potential employees

from the organization which link with the competitors for higher remunerations etc. In

such cases the organization loses its intellectual property & in many situations the leaving

employees at the higher levels also take with them the potential lower level employees.

This brain drainage is becoming serious issue in the high-Tec companies.

4. Ethics & Social Responsibility

Under this challenge, the organizations make an effort to benefit some portion of

the society. This is now considered to the social responsibility of the organization to

show favorable behavior towards the society. The ethics serves as the basic principle for

the socially behavior of the organizations. Within organizations, the HR departments

develop a code of conduct & principles of code of ethics that serve as the guidance for

the personal behavior of the employees of the organizations. The employees also expect

from the management to show favorable decisions.

5. Job Insecurity

In the recent years, restructuring & downsizing develops the sense of insecurity of

job within the employees of the organizations. Now many employees only desire to get a

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steady job rather than a job with promotional future. Even most successful organizations

lay off its employees in the period of cut throat competition. The stock market also shows

favorable results when layoffs has been made. All these things create a fear among

employees about the insecurity of their jobs which would hinder their effective


6. Matching People & Organizations

It has been proved from the research that the HR department contributes to the

profitability of the organization when it makes such policies of employee selection in

which those employees are selected & retained that best suits the culture of the

organization & its objectives. For example it is proved from research that those

employees would become beneficial for the high-Tech companies that can work in risky,

uncertain environment having low pay. In short it is an important challenge for the HR

department to hire and keep such employees whose abilities & strengths would match the

requirements & circumstances of the organization.

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Q7: How an organizational strategy can be linked to Human Resource



Organizational strategy:

An organizational strategy is the sum of the actions a company intends to take to achieve

long-term goals. Together, these actions make up a company's strategic plan. Strategic plans take

at least a year to complete, requiring involvement from all company levels. An organizational

strategy is the creation, implementation and evaluation of decisions within an organization that

enables it to achieve its goals or objectives.

Human Resource Planning:

Human resource planning is a process that identifies current and future human resources

needs for an organization to achieve its goals. Human resource planning should serve as a link

between human resource management and the overall strategic plan of an organization. The

objective of human resource planning is to ensure the best fit between employees and jobs while

avoiding manpower shortages or surpluses. The human resources department is a critical

component for employees in any business, regardless of its size.

Linking organizational strategy to Human Resource planning:

Human resource planning ultimately translates the organization’s overall goals the

number and types of workers needed to meet those goals. Without clear cut planning, and a

direct linkage to the organization’s strategic direction, estimation of an organization’s

human resource needs are reduced to mere guesswork. This means that human resource

planning cannot exist in isolation. It must be linked to the organization’s overall strategy.

The steps involved in linking are as follows:

1) Assessing current human resources:

Assessing current human resources begins by developing a profile of

organizations current employees. This is an internal analysis that includes information

about the workers and the skills they currently possess. From a planning viewpoint, this

input is valuable in determining what skills are currently available in the organization. The

profile of the human resource inventory serves as a guide for supporting new organizational

pursuits or in altering the organization’s strategic direction. This report also has value in

other HRM activities, such as selection individuals for training and development,

promotion, and transfers.

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2) Determining the Demand for labor:

Once an assessment of the organization’s current human resources situation has

been made and the future direction of the organizations has been considered, a projection of

future human resource needs can be developed.

3) Estimating the future supply of labor:

Estimating changes in internal supply requires the HR to look at those factors that

can either increase or decrease its employee base. An increase in the supply of any units’

human resources can come from a combination of four sources, new hires, contingent

workers, transfers in, or individuals returning from leaves. Decreases in the internal supply

can come about through retirements, dismissals, transfers out of the unit, layoffs, voluntary

quits, sabbaticals, prolonged illnesses or deaths. HRM manager should consider these

increases and decreases to estimate the future supply of labor.

4) Estimated Changes in future supply:

There are some factors outside the organization that influence the supply of

available workers. We should review these changes outside the organization to estimate

changes in the future supply.

5) Matching the demand and supply of labor:

The objective of human resource planning is to bring together the forecasts of

future demand for workers and the supply for human resources, both current and future.

The result of this effort is to. Pinpoint shortages both in number and in kind, to highlight

areas where over staffing may exist.

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Q8: What is job analysis; discuss the purpose of Job analysis.


Job Analysis:

Job analysis is the process of gathering and analyzing information about the content and

the human requirements of jobs, as well as, the context in which jobs are performed. This

process is used to determine placement of jobs.

Job Analysis is a process to identify and determine in detail the particular job duties and

requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job. Job Analysis is a

process where judgments are made about data collected on a job.

Purpose of Job Analysis:

Job Analysis plays an important role in recruitment and selection, job

evaluation, job designing, deciding compensation and benefits packages, performance

appraisal, analyzing training and development needs, assessing the worth of a job and

increasing personnel as well as organizational productivity.

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1. Recruitment and Selection:

Job Analysis helps in determining what kind of person is required to perform a

particular job. It points out the educational qualifications, level of experience and technical,

physical, emotional and personal skills required to carry out a job in desired fashion. The

objective is to fit a right person at a right place.

2. Performance Analysis:

Job analysis is done to check if goals and objectives of a particular job are met or

not. It helps in deciding the performance standards, evaluation criteria and individual’s

output. On this basis, the overall performance of an employee is measured and he or she is

appraised accordingly.

3. Training and Development:

Job Analysis can be used to assess the training and development needs of

employees. The difference between the expected and actual output determines the level of

training that need to be imparted to employees. It also helps in deciding the training content,

tools and equipments to be used to conduct training and methods of training.

4. Compensation Management:

Of course, job analysis plays a vital role in deciding the pay packages and extra

perks and benefits and fixed and variable incentives of employees. After all, the pay package

depends on the position, job title and duties and responsibilities involved in a job. The

process guides HR managers in deciding the worth of an employee for a particular job


5. Job Designing and Redesigning:

The main purpose of job analysis is to streamline the human efforts and get the

best possible output. It helps in designing, redesigning, enriching, evaluating and also cutting

back and adding the extra responsibilities in a particular job. This is done to enhance the

employee satisfaction while increasing the human output.

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Q9: Discuss the various methods of Job analysis?


Job Analysis:

Methods of Jobs Analysis:

Common methods are observations, interviews, questionnaires, and specialized methods

of analysis. Combinations of these approaches frequently are used, depending on the situation

and the organization. Each of these methods is discussed in some detail next.

1. Observations:

A job analyst observes an employee and records all his performed and non-

performed task, fulfilled and un-fulfilled responsibilities and duties, methods, ways and skills

used by him or her to perform various duties and his or her mental or emotional ability to

handle challenges and risks. However, it seems one of the easiest methods to analyze a

specific job but truth is that it is the most difficult one. Why? Let’s Discover.

It is due to the fact that every person has his own way of observing things.

Different people think different and interpret the findings in different ways. Therefore, the

process may involve personal biasness or likes and dislikes and may not produce genuine

results. This error can be avoided by proper training of job analyst or whoever will be

conducting the job analysis process.

This particular method includes three techniques: direct observation, Work

Methods Analysis and Critical Incident Technique. The first method includes direct

observation and recording of behavior of an employee in different situations. The second

involves the study of time and motion and is specially used for assembly-line or factory

workers. The third one is about identifying the work behaviors that result in performance.

2. Interviews:

In this method, an employee is interviewed so that he or she comes up with their

own working styles, problems faced by them, use of particular skills and techniques while

performing their job and insecurities and fears about their careers.

This method helps interviewer know what exactly an employee thinks about his or

her own job and responsibilities involved in it. It involves analysis of job by employee

himself. In order to generate honest and true feedback or collect genuine data, questions

asked during the interview should be carefully decided. And to avoid errors, it is always good

to interview more than one individual to get a pool of responses. Then it can be generalized

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and used for the whole group.

3. Questionnaires

Another commonly used job analysis method is getting the questionnaires filled

from employees, their superiors and managers. However, this method also suffers from

personal biasness. A great care should be takes while framing questions for different grades

of employees.

In order to get the true job-related info, management should effectively

communicate it to the staff that data collected will be used for their own good. It is very

important to ensure them that it won’t be used against them in anyway. If it is not done

properly, it will be a sheer wastage of time, money and human resources.

4. Quantitative Job Analysis Techniques

a. Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) is a questionnaire used to collect

quantifiable data concerning the duties and responsibilities of various jobs.

Having decision-making/communication/social responsibilities,

Performing skilled activities,

Being physically active,

Operating vehicles/equipment,

Processing information.

b. Department of Labor Procedure (DOL) is a standardized method for rating,

classifying, and comparing virtually every kind of job based on data, people, and


c. Functional job analysis:

Rates a job on data; people; things; the extent to which specific

instructions are necessary to perform the task; the extent to which

reasoning and judgment are required to perform the task; and

mathematical ability required to perform the task; and

Identifies performance standards and training requirements.

5. Using Multiple Sources of Information

a. Where possible, collect job analysis data using several types of collection

techniques and respondents.

b. Potential inaccuracies in peoples’ judgments could lead to inaccurate conclusions.

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Q10: What is human resource planning? Discuss the process of human

resource planning?


Human Resource Planning:

The Human Resource Planning is the process of finding the right number of people for

the right kind of a job, at a right time and the right place, by forecasting the organization’s

demand for and supply of human resources in the near future.

In other words, Human Resource Planning is responsible for arranging the right people

for the right job from all the available sources. And not only this, it also anticipates the vacancy

arising due to the promotion, transfer, retirement, termination, of an employee and thus, plans for

the manpower accordingly.

Process of Human Resource Planning:

The Human Resource Planning is a process of forecasting the organization’s demand for

and supply of manpower needs in the near future.

1. Determining the Objectives of Human Resource Planning:

The foremost step in every process is the determination of the objectives for

which the process is to be carried on. The objective for which the manpower planning is to be

done should be defined precisely, so as to ensure that a right number of people for the right

kind of job are selected.

The objectives can vary across the several departments in the organization such as

the personnel demand may differ in marketing, finance, production, HR department, based on

their roles or functions.

2. Analyzing Current Manpower Inventory:

The next step is to analyze the current manpower supply in the organization

through the stored information about the employees in terms of their experience, proficiency,

skills, etc. required to perform a particular job.

Also, the future vacancies can be estimated, so as to plan for the manpower from

both the internal (within the current employees) and the external (hiring candidates from

outside) sources. Thus, it is to be ensured that reservoir of talent is maintained to meet any

vacancy arising in the near future.

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3. Forecasting Demand and Supply of Human Resources:

Once the inventory of talented manpower is maintained; the next step is to match

the demand for the manpower arising in the future with the supply or available resources

with the organization. Here, the required skills of personnel for a particular job are matched

with the job description and specification.

4. Analyzing the Manpower Gaps:

After forecasting the demand and supply, the manpower gaps can be easily

evaluated. In case the demand is more than the supply of human resources that means there is

a deficit, and thus, new candidates are to be hired. Whereas, if the Demand is less than

supply, there arises a surplus in the human resources, and hence, the employees have to be

removed either in the form of termination, retirement, layoff, transfer, etc.

5. Employment Plan/Action Plan:

Once the manpower gaps are evaluated, the action plan is to be formulated

accordingly. In a case of a deficit, the firm may go either for recruitment, training,

interdepartmental transfer plans whereas in the case of a surplus, the voluntary retirement

schemes, redeployment, transfer, layoff, could be followed.

6. Training and Development:

The training is not only for the new joins but also for the existing employees who

are required to update their skills from time to time. After the employment plan, the training

programs are conducted to equip the new employees as well as the old ones with the requisite

skills to be performed on a particular job.

7. Appraisal of Manpower Planning:

Finally, the effectiveness of the manpower planning process is to be evaluated.

Here the human resource plan is compared with its actual implementation to ensure the

availability of a number of employees for several jobs. At this stage, the firm has to decide

the success of the plan and control the deficiencies, if any.