Download - 1976-1977 Report 1976-77.pdfSHASTA' INDO.CANADIAN INSTITUTE 92. GOlF LINKS. NEW DElHI·l l0003. 'NOlA. Mrs. K. de la Ronde, Executive Officer. Office in India 156 Golf Links New Delhi

Page 1: 1976-1977 Report 1976-77.pdfSHASTA' INDO.CANADIAN INSTITUTE 92. GOlF LINKS. NEW DElHI·l l0003. 'NOlA. Mrs. K. de la Ronde, Executive Officer. Office in India 156 Golf Links New Delhi

M~mbe, Inslitulions:





Page 2: 1976-1977 Report 1976-77.pdfSHASTA' INDO.CANADIAN INSTITUTE 92. GOlF LINKS. NEW DElHI·l l0003. 'NOlA. Mrs. K. de la Ronde, Executive Officer. Office in India 156 Golf Links New Delhi

Head Office

McGill University. 3511 Peel Street, Montreal iOA IW7. Quebec.



NEW DElH I· l l0003. 'NOlA.

Mrs. K. de la Ronde, Executive Officer.

Office in India

156 Golf Links New Delhi 110003, India .

Professor N K. Choudhry, Resident Director.

Mr P N Malik I xCtUllve SetrClluy (Delhi Officc)






Page 3: 1976-1977 Report 1976-77.pdfSHASTA' INDO.CANADIAN INSTITUTE 92. GOlF LINKS. NEW DElHI·l l0003. 'NOlA. Mrs. K. de la Ronde, Executive Officer. Office in India 156 Golf Links New Delhi


The Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute was formally

established in 1968 by joint announcement of the Governments of

India and Canada. Named in honour of the late Prime Minister

of India, Lal Bahadur Shastri, the objects of the Institute, as

outlined in its Charter, are:

To support and promote the advancement of knowledge and understanding of India through studies in the fields of the humanities and social sciences by qualified scholars and students selected by the Corporation from Canadian universities and colleges a nd approved by the Ministry of Education of the Government of India; to grant and administer fellowships, scholarships and bursaries to the end aforesaid; to support and promote other academic facilities and programmes on India and encourage Canadian universities and colleges to create chairs for the study of India; and to acquire library material relating to India and make the same available to selected Canadian universities and to the National Library of Canada.



The Institute approaches the end of its first decade of

operation, confident that it has played a major role in the support

and development of Indian Studies in Canada and has become an

important cultural link between Canada and India . The Institute's

programmes retain their good reputation in India, recognized most

recently by the award of a supplementary grant of Rs . 500,000 by

the Government of India . These funds have allowed us to regain a

significant portion of purchasing power, especially in the

library programme, lost because of the high rate of inflation in


Equally important, our grantees and officers continue

to receive cooperation and assistance from Indian academics and

Government officials. Through our Resident Director and the

Institute ' s New Delhi office, our contacts in India have

expanded. We are becoming better known and the response has

been positive and encouraging.

In Canada, the Tnstitute has developed several new

proqramme. which reflect the importAnt roc('Ont chllnqo. in this

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country and in our perception of our role in this regard. Ther.

is increasing recognition of the significance of Canada ' s large

new immigrant population, of which Indians are an important

PQrt, and both the Federal and Provincial Governments have

become involved in stimulating awareness and support for the

positive values of a m~lti-cultural national life . The Shastri

Institute is developing contacts with Indian community groups,

and with teachers in the secondary school system. We have

become concerned about the inclusion of Indian subject material

in primary and secondary school curricula as it pertains to

better understanding of India among students, many of whose

classmates are Indians.

The Institute's activities co n tinue to receive the

support of the Department of External Affairs, and we are

hopeful of obtaining increased support for 1978-79. In addition,

the Institute is seeking support from other Departments of

Government, and Governmental agencies.

This year, the Institute has benefited from the advice

and support of our reconstituted Canadian Advisory Council.

with the help of the Council, and in particular of its Chairman,

the Rt. Hon. Roland Michener, we have approached Canadian

business firms with interests in India in order to increase our

dOllar funding and to stabilize those programmes which are

dependent on Canadian resources.

Although this new venture has just begun, we have had

some initial success with a number of companies who have

recognized a responsibility to support the work of the Institute.

We are confident that a new combination of public and private

sector support will provide dollar funding stability comparable

to our triennial rupee grant from the Government of India . In

addition, the Institute will be approaching a number of

foundations for support of individual projects and programmes .

Our first priority is the reinstitution of our Summer

Programme in Canada, which was cancelled in 1976 because of lack

or aul j lcicnt fundln". DU I trHJ th(' lIu~r. oC 1972,1975, this

1' l Oql tUMl provided undcrqraduate students and school teachers

wLl" .... n opporlunity to rC!ceive university credit for courses in

1IIIIItln history, culture and languages. We are particularly

f'onccrned about the limited opportunity for language study in

l'l\ nada and the Institute is currently developing proposals for

bursary support for students participating in existing summer

programmes .

We have continued our efforts to add to our University

mombership in order to enhance knowledge of India in all parts


of Canada . In 1977, the UniverSity of Alberta and the university

of Calgary joined the Institute, and we are delighted with this

*ignificant increase in representation from the West. At

present, however, there remains no member university from the

Maritime Provinces and no Francophone member. The Institute has

established contacts with a number of Francophone universities,

and we are currently discussing some form of association with them.

While maintaining our core commitment to University

l ibrary and research support, we are attempting to increase the

impact of our services and programmes for secondary school

teachers and students, and for the Canadian community in general.

The Institute organized a small conference in this regard in

March, and a number of new proposals are currently under

consideration which may involve our participation in secondary

school curriculum development as it pertains to Indians and

I ndian Studies.

Our desire to expand intellectual contacts between

I ndians and Canadians , and in particular, knowledge of Canada in

India, has involved the Institute in a proposal for a Canadian

Studies Programme in India. The current status of this proposal

will be noted later in this report.

We are also carrying an discussions with the National

Library of Ca~ada in order to facilitate the provision of

l iterature in Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu in the Library ' s Multi­

l ingual Biblioservice. The National Library will provide the

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dollar funds for the purchase of this material, which will be

placed in public libraries in those parts of Canada where these

books are in demand.


1. Fellowship Programme


The Institute continues to attract excellent senior and

junior scholars to its pre and post doctoral research fellowship

programme . In addition , the Institute has sent a number of young

students to study in Indian universities and others to participat.

in short and long term language training opportunities.

The number and distribution of fellows is summarized in

Table I, and a list of fellows for 1977-76 with their research

topics is given in Appendix III. Since the inception of our

fellowship programme in 1966, seventy scholars representing

eighteen disciplines and the study of six Indian languages

completed research and training in India as Shastri fellows.

They affiliated with approximately forty-eight academic

institutions in India, and consulted or worked in another hundred

or more Indian libraries, museums, institutes, and government

offices . Thirty-four senior fellows and seven junior fellows

now hold teaching positions in nineteen universities and college.

across Canada. Five junior fellows have completed their Ph.Os,

and fourteen others are in various stages of completing their

doctoral studies at nine universities in Canada and abroad.

Shastri sponsored research has resulted in the

publication of some one hundred and sixty-two books , articles,

monographs, conference papers , film and film scripts, etc. A

list of publications by Shastri fellows for 1976-77 is provided

in Appendix IV . A copy of the "Report of the Activities of

Past Shastri Scholars" may be obtained by writing to the Head

Office in Montreal .

Our experience in the third grant period suggests th~t

we should be able to maintain the current level of participAtion

in Institute programmes. In particular, we anticipate incr.~ •• d

participation In l/tn'lIJIlq. study.




Category Applications


Applications Approved by

Board of Oirectors

Applications Approved by

Indian Ministry of Education

lenior Long Term Senior Short Term J un ior La nguage training -

senior La nguage training -

j unior

9 10





5 , , 1



" , '" 1



.The Ministry of Education requested revision of the remaining •• n ior long term application, and approval has not as yet been Obtained .

.·Th e Institute is still awaiting Ministry of Education approval ot the two remaining junior applications.

In addition to the nineteen applications confirmed by the Board ot Directors, five other scholars were listed as "alternates· .

Finally, the following proposals for expanding grant

opportunities have been made to the Government of India :

.) A new grant category for the performing arts. Currently such

applications cannot be considered by the Institute.

b ) Travel support for non-Shastri Canadian scholars in India who

are invited to lecture at an Indian University or participate

in a learned conference.

0 ) The establishment of a new "Faculty Training Grant " category

tor scholars who are not specialists in some area of Indian

studies but wish to develop a teaChing or research interest

roquiring field work in India.

All of these proposals are subject to Government of

approval and requiro addttional funding which has been

In our appl ic~atlon for contlnuod .upport lifter tho

ry of t ho curr.nt porln<1 ot Ilrant nn NUVIIlI\ber 2A, lQ77.

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2. Library Programme

The Shastri Institute library acquisitions programme

has been the major source of support for the development of

research and programme support collections by our ten university

members and the National Library . The programme continues to

operate effectively , although the extraordinary inflation in the

cost of books and the increase in the volume of publications haa

constrained our ability to maintain satisfactory coverage in

building research and teaching collections . The book programme

was , however, a major beneficiary of the supplemental grant from

the Government of India. During the period December 1, 1976 to

March 31, 1977 , the Institute sent 5,193 books to member librariea

in Canada . Since the inception of the programme approximately

1 72,854 books have been sent to Canada .

3. Microfilm Project

The Institute is continuing to film the private papers

of M. R. Jayakar. This project has taken much longer than

anticipated and is now expected to be completed in September,

1977. The following items will be filmed during 1977-78 :

Dadabhai Naaroji Papers; Public Proceedings 1748-1859 (644

volumes); Legislative Consultations 1794-1854 (200 boxes);

Separate Revenue Proceedings (bound) 1790-1856 (110 volumes);

Banarsides Chaturvedi Collection, containing groups of papers

on Indians overseas, C. F. Andrews, Indian revolutionaries, and

Hindi literary figures .

The Institute is working with the National Archives

of India in establishing filming priorities and is currently

discussing policy questions in regard to distribution of Shastri

films with the Director, Dr . Prasad . The Institute has agreed to

provide the National Archives with one negative and one positive

copy of all Shastri films and, in addition, to provide without

charge positive copies for four Indian universities . In Canada,

arrangements have been made to house the Shastri film collection

in the National Library .


We have agreed to the loan of one of our portable

('nmeras to the vrindaban Research Institute. In this way , we

.hall be playing a small role in helping to preserve an

important collection of Sanskrit and medieval Hindi manuscripts.

The Vrindaban Research Institute has agreed to provide us with

one positive copy of everything filmed with the camera for

deposit in the National Library of Canada . A similar arrangement

for our other portable camera is under discussion with another

Indian institution .

4. Summer Programme in India

This Programme continues to be well received in India,

and the competition for participation increases each year. For

the summer of 1977, over one hundred applications were received

for the twenty places available. There has also been a

substantial increase in secondary school teacher participation.

In 1976 , two of the fifteen participants were teachers. For

1977, eight teachers will share this experience.

The 1976 Programme was co-directed by Professor Eduard

Lavalle, Department of Political Science and Labour Studies,

Capilano College and Professor A. C. Nagar, Department of

Economics, Delhi University . This was Professor Lavalle's

second year as Director, and his commitment and experience were

especially important and appreciated .

The Programme tried to combine academic instruction,

cultural experience, scenic opportunities and social contact.

Much of the goal was achieved, and the small disappointments

were insignificant for these wandering scholars who travelled in

six weeks from Srinagar to Cape Cormorin, talked with the Prime

Minister, lived in a village, stayed with an Indian family,

listened to a sitar concert at Kh ajuraho, visited Salar Jung ' s

Museum in Hyderabad, watched a Bharatnatyam dance performance in

Madras, saw the Taj, etc . etc .

The 1976 Programme benefited from the participation

of distinguishe'd Indian scholars· during the seminar period in

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, Jllllhi. 111 addition, Shastri (ollo ..... s studying in India during t hat

yl!sr made important contributions when the summer group visited

their area .

The 1977 Summer Programme will be co-directed by

Il rofessor James Alcock, Department of Psychology , Glendon

College , and Professor M. S . A. Rao , Head of the Department of

Sociology, Delhi university. A list of the participants in

both programmes is given in Appendix VI .

5 . Visiting Lecturer Programme

This Programme continues to bring leading Indian scholars

t o Canada for lecture tours of Universities as well as community

q r o ups across the country . While most of our activities involve

Lhe sending of Canadian stUdents, teachers and research scholars

t o I ndia, this programme remains our single opportunity to make

the l i nk a two-way street . We hope to increase the volume and

variety of traffic in both directions through the proposed

Canadian Studies Programme exchange . The participants in the

1976-77 ViSiting Lecturer Programme are listed in Appendix VII.

6 . Canadian Studies in India

Last year's Report described a new proposal to

establish in India a Centre for Canadian Studies. A great deal

of exploratory work was undertaken by officers of the Institute

in Montreal and New Delhi, and, in particular, by Professor

Victor Fic of Brock University.

The Department of External Affairs provided a small

deve lopment grant and a work plan was prepared outlining stages

ror possible implementation of our plan.

These proposals envisaged the establishment of a

Ce ntre at a university in India, a Chair in Canadian Studies,

tea ching and research in Canadian fields, and the exchange of

Canadian and Indian academics. In addition, we proposed the

establishment of a Canada House in India to work in the broad

a rea of cultural activities and communications between our two

coun tries . ,.


It i.s clenr that we should begin with those parts of

I hOS8 projects wh ich can most easily gain support in Ne w Delh i

nd Ottawa , and conti n ue discussions in rega r d to other areas .

'l'h o Committee on Canadian Studies in I ndia of the I ndi a n

Uni versity Grants Commission sup ported the feasibil i ty of

d ove l oping Canadian Studies in Indian universities and has

r ecommended the estab l ishment of academic e x changes in a r e as to

be specified by each country . The Committee also recommended

t he i dentification of four or five Canadian and Indian

i n s t itutions which would conduc t the e xchan ges . The Committee

ho ped these institutions woul d eventually develop i nto centres

f or ho using special i zed libraries and for organized well­

f ocussed seminars .


We have been considering the implications and

limitations of an academic exchange as the only cultural activity

f or the immediate future . Further discussions will take place in

New Delhi and Ottawa, and we hope some significant beginning can

be made without losing sight of the larger context noted above .

In a small way, the Institute has attempted to promote

knowledge of Canada in India . Our Canadian Journal Programme

continues to provide twenty-six journal subscriptions for

fourteen Indian universities . We actively supported the

inclusion of significant Canadian participation in the World

Commonwealth Literature Conference held in De l hi in January,

1977. Our Resident Director , Professor Bharati Blaise , was

responsible for the success of this i mportant new initiative .

As a result , we are seeking funding to provide support for

Canadian scholars, artists, and experts in various fields who

are already in India and wish to make contact with Indian

colleagues and institutions .


This has been a busy and productive year for the

Shastri Institute . We share with most Canadian and Indian

institutions the difficulties of budget constraints and high

inflation. We have managed , however, to retain most of our

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,,, basic proq' ,1rnmo. "nd J(1'o'UH.I OUI ~ct ivitie. into new areas in

response to new ch"llt'llyos Ln Canada lind India. We have grown

stronger with the addition of two member universities, and wilh

the active support of new friends and colleagues in both

countries. Both the Governments of India and Canllda continue to

support our work and to encourage the strengthening of the

important cultural link provided by the Institute. We are

optimistic lIbout the continued development of good relations

between our two countries and the useful role that can be played

by the Shastri Institute in this regard.

In conclusion, I would like to thank the members of the

Board of Directors for the devoted manner in which they have

shared the burdens of guiding the Institute's policies and

programmes. I am most appreciative of the opportunity they have

given me as President of the Institute during 1976-77, and of

their demonstration of confidence in electing me to a second

term. My colleagues on the Executive Committee, Professor

William Carment of McMaster University, and Mr . Andre Preibi sh

of the National Library, have given their time, advice and

friendship without limit and we have been partners in the work

of the Executive throughout the year.

The Rt. lion. Roland Michener is one of our founders

and remains an active and interested supporter of the Institute.

The Resident Director, for 1976-77, Professor Bharati Blaise, is

about to complete her very successful appointment in New Delhi.

Through her professional contacts in the Arts and her commitment

to the Inst i tute, she has brought our programmes and knowledge

of Canada and Canadians to the attention of many new colleagues

and friends in India. Whatever success we have achieved in our

relations with government, universities, the administration of

our lIead Office, our search for new sources of funding, our

contacts with grantees, the inter-relationship between our

Montreal and New Delhi offices, in fact in all of our

activities, is largely due to the tireless efforts and commitment



111 th~ Instituto of our I: oculivc Officer, MIS. Kay de la Honde.

Llk~ my predecessors in this 01 fice, 1 would like to record my

I'preciation and admiration.

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PAST PRESIDENT - Professor Michael Ames University of British Columbia

PRESIDENT - Professor Milton Israel University of Toronto

SECRETARY - Professor D. W. Carment McMaster University

TREASURER - Mr . Andre Preibish National Library

Mr. U. S . Bajpai - High Commissioner for India

Professor Brenda Beck - University of British Columbia

Professor Victor M. Fic - Brock University

Professor Elliot Tepper - Carleton University

Professor John Hill - Concordia University

Professor G. N. Ramu - University of Manitoba

Professor R. W. Stevenson - McGill University

Professor K. B. Sayeed - Queen's University

Professor Joseph T . O'Connell - University of Toronto

Professor J. D. Schmidt - University of Windsor

Mr. N. E. Omelusik - Chairman , Library Committee



Hrs. Thomas Data - Data Industries Ltd ., Don Mills, Ontario.

Mr. James Cameron - Executive Vice-President, Alcan Aluminium Ltd . , Montreal, Quebec.

Mr. Lawrence Dampier - Chairman of the Board, Nabob Foods Ltd., Durnaby North, D. C.

Mr . Charles Delafield - Montreal, Quebec.

Dr. W. David Hopper - President, International Development Rescerch Centre, Ottawa, Ontario.

The Rt. Hon. Roland Michener - Chairman, Toronto , Ontario.

Mr. Geoffrey Pearson - Department of External Affairs, Ottawa . Ontario.

Mr. Arnold Smith - Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton UniVersity, Otta\·/a, Ontario.

Representative of the lIigh Commission of India, Ottawa, Canada.


Mr . K. N. Channa (Chairman) - Secretary, Ministry of Education and Social Helfare, Shastri Dhavan, New Delhi

Mr. R. K. Chhabra - Secretary, University Grants Commission, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi

Professor V. P . Dutt - Department of Chinese and Japanese Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi.

Mr. John R. J·laybee - High Commissioner for Canada, Canadian High Commission, Shantipath, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi .

Mr. A . Madhavan - Joint Secretary (MIS) Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi.

Professor K. Satchidananda 11.urty - Vice-Chancellor, S . V . University, Tirupati

Professor K. A. Nagvi - !lead, Department of Economics, University of Delhi, Delhi.

Dr. Niharranjan Ray - Professor Emeritus, Calcutta University, Calcutta

Dr. Madhuri R. Shah (Mrs.) - Vice-Chancellor, S.N.D.T. Homen's university, Dombay.

Professor Bharati Blaise (Secretary) - Resident Director, Shastri Indo- Canadian Institute, New Delhi .


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fll'I'r.NIlt)( III

Slll\STn I t' 1:1.IJJW:. "Nil Tin; I R ImSEARCIl TOPICS


Senior Long Term

PROFESSOR N, K. CHOUDHRY, University of Toronto . "Econometric Essays on the India-Economy , 1951-1970"

PROFESSOR CLIFFORD G. HOSPITAL, Queen's University. "Bali and Ravana: A Study in Hindu Demonology"

PROFESSOR BALDEV RAJ NAYAR, McGill University. "India's Quest for Technological Independence ft

PROFESSOR RAVI RAVINDRA , Dalhousie University . "Comparative Study of Eastern and Western Philosophies of Nature"

PROFESSOR MARY CICELY WATSON, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.

"Aspects of Educational Planning, at the State Level in India and Canada"

Senior Short Term

PROFESSOR ASHOK AKLUJKAR, University of British Columbia . "Towards a Critical Edition of the Vakyapadiya-vrtti"

PROFESSOR KENNETH BRYANT, University of British Columbia. "Examination of Braj-Bhasa Manuscripts"

PROFESSOR CHRISTINE FUREDY, York University. "Entrepreneurs in Modern Retailing and Trades in Calcutta 1830-1900"

PROFESSOR ANTHONY WELCH, University of Victoria. "A Study of the Architecture of the Delhi Sultanate"

Junior Fellowships - Ph.D.

MISS MARTHA LILE LOVE, University of Toronto. "The Sphota Theory of the Vaiyakaranas"

Junior Fellowships - M.A. (in Indian Universities)

MISS JEAN CHAPMAN, McGill University . "Urbanization as an Aspect of Social Change in Contemporary India"

WJ\L'1'I~R J. t:Hi l~N III':Hl

"Early Writ.inql of t.he Chblltl. Order of Sufia"

MARK LEONARD STEVENSON "Recent Developments in Foreign Policy Decision Making in India"

MR. JAMES CONNELLY , University of Montreal . Hindi Language Study.

MRS. ANNE MARIE FENGER, University of British Columbia. Tamil Language Study .

MI SS EVELYNE L. MEYER, university of Toronto. Tamil Language Study.

PROFESSOR J . O'Connell , University of Toronto . Medieval Bengali Language Study.

MRS. KATHLEEN O'CONNELL, University of Toronto. Modern Bengali Language Study.

MR S . PAMELA ORMSTON, University of British Columbia. Bengali Language Study .

Al ternate Scholars

PROFESSOR DAVID MILLER , Concordia University . "Historical, Philosophical and Sociological Study of SWami Sivananda (l887-l963)"

PROFESSOR PAUL YOUNGER, McMaster University. "Two Temples of Tiruchirapalli"

PROFESSOR KENNETH KELLY , Guelph University. HAgricultural Change in a Part of Nineteenth Century West Bengal "

MRS. CRISTYN McCARTHY, University of British Columbia . Sanskrit Language Study.

MR. JAMES McCARTHY, University of British Columbia . Sanskrit Language Study.

Page 11: 1976-1977 Report 1976-77.pdfSHASTA' INDO.CANADIAN INSTITUTE 92. GOlF LINKS. NEW DElHI·l l0003. 'NOlA. Mrs. K. de la Ronde, Executive Officer. Office in India 156 Golf Links New Delhi

brPlnpll Iy


ABERLE, Eleanor Kathleen Gouqh. "Changing Agrarian Relations In Thanjavur, 1951-1976" Kerala Sociological Review , 1976.

ATTWOOD, Donald \'1 . "Factions, Class Conflict in Western India" in A House Divided, edited by Silverman and Salisbury. (in press).

IARKER, M.A.R. A Reader of Classical Urdu Poetry, 3 Volumes, tapes and a set of sl1des, published by s\,oken Language Services, Inc ., Ithaca, New York, spring 977.

BECK, Brenda. ~Centres and Boundaries of Regional Caste Systems: Toward a General Model~ in Reaional Anal*sis: Volume II, Social Systems , C . A. Smith, e ., New Yor Academ1c Press, 1976. "Perspectives on a Regional Culture: Essays about the Combatore District of South India~ Carolina Academic Press, (in press).

CARMENT, D.W. and Alcock, J.E. Behaviour in India and Psychology, ll, 57-64,

~Some Psychometric Correlates Canada" International Journal 1976 .

of of

CHAUDHRY, Mahinder D. "Theory of Infant Mortality and Birth Rate" Contribution to Asian Studies, Vol. l:2. (in press) .

"Some Economic Aspects of Educational Policy for South Asia" Journal of Asian and African Studies, Vol. 12, (in press). -

GARTRELL, John. "Inputs and Inequality: Toward an Assessment of Community Development in Andhra Pradesh Villages" Indian Sociologist, Val. 4, No.2, fall 1976

"Status, Inequality and Innovation: The Green Revolution, in Andhra Pradesh" American Sociological Review, Vol. 42, No.2, April, 1977.

CUPTA, S.K. "Toward Radical Humanism: Cinema with an X-Ray Eye" Onlooker, June, 1976.

LEHMANN, Fritz. "Locomotive Building in Engineering and Locomotive Co." (in press) .

India. Motive

2. The Tata Power International,

"The Kitabkhanah in Islamic India" Hikmat, Vol. 3" No.1, March, 1977 (in press) .

IN(iIU:. M. L. M Borne ['rob iem. in the 'I'hird world" university ot ".ml,u"q~:<rE "Aima and Policies of Reception Statutes" East African Law Journal, 1st issue of 1977.

.,'.LAL, Bimal. Sasadhana's "NY~YASIDD~NTA-D!PA ", L.D. Indological Series , L.D. Institute of Indo1ogy, Ahmedabad, India. 1977.

!allONOUC;I!, Sheila . contribution

"Charisma - Gandhi, Iqbal and Muhammud Ali" to Festscript for Niyazi Berkes, 1976.

1I"':Ll:N"ER, Elizabeth . analysis: Kunst

"Seven Tombs at Holkonda : a preliminary des Orients, X 1/2, 1976.

"The Madrasa of Mahmud Gawan" Kunst des Orients, XI, 1977.

"',"'''''N, Edward C. "British Radicals and India in the Early Twentieth Century" Edwardian Radicalism, 1900-1914, (ed . A. J.A. Morris) London : Routiedge and Kegan Paul, pp. 26-46.

R.M. Bead and Reel in India: Paranav1tana Memorial Volume,

Musings on Mihintale, East and West, 1976.


R.W. "Interpretations Bhagavadgita" Journal 1, March, 1976.

of of

the Doctrine of Varna Social Research, Vol.

in XIX,

'l'ATZ, Mark J. Buddha

"A Buddhist Game of Rebirth" in Jagajjyoti, a Jayanti Annual, 1976, Calcutta.

"T'ang Dynasty Influences on the Early Spread of Buddhism in Tibet" The Tibet Journal, Dharmaaala, II.P. 1976.

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At the time of membership restructuring, the library programme was modified to provide library materials to support both teaching and research for Indian Studies on a national basis. The policy provided for two kinds of library collection. I

1) Resource Libraries

National Library - Federal and State Government documents and current periodicals .

University of British Columbia and University of Toronto -Broad coverage of currently published books covering all subjects (subject to Charter of Institute) in all languages.

McGill University - English language publications in humanities and social sciences i ncluding Central Government publications; selected vernacular and classical language material.

2) Programme Support Libraries

For all other participating libraries the selective purchases of materials (both current and retrospective) for the support of teaching programmes generally up to the master's level including doctoral programmes in specific fields.

A condition for the receipt of material through the Institute is that it will be reported to the Canadian Union Catalogue in Ottawa and be available on inter-library loan. The Institute insists that each university and its library is also providing significant support for Indian Studies from its own resources .

Allocation 1974-77

Resource Libraries Ba.sic Supplement

University of British Columbia RB. 375,000 " . 46,620 McGill University 285,000 79,000 National Library 375,000 12,000 University of Toronto 375,000 47 ,500

"'. 1 1 410 1 °00 Rs . 185 1 120

Progranvne Support Libr!Hl~ Dilsic SupplC1Tll'nt

Brock University Rs . 55,500 "'. 46,000 Carleton University 55,500 24,000 Concordia University 55,500 62,150 McMaster University 55,500 97,000 University of Manitoba 55,500 67,200 Queens University 55,500 65,500 University of Windsor 55,500 51,500

"B. 388,500 RB. 413,350

TOTAL -Resource Libraries "B. 1,410,000 RB . 185,120 Programme Support Libraries 388,500 413,350

RB. 1,798,500 "B. 598,470

GRAND TOTAL "B . 2,396,970

Note o n Supplement

The supplementary funds allocated above are derived from two sources.

First, funds which remained unspent at the end 01 ttl' previous grant period were allocated on the IUllli"

a) Rs . 46,620 to the University of British Columbt.1, lotllrnlru, funds which had been consolidated at the .. nd I)r " ptavlou. grant period.

b) Rs . 45,000 to McGill University to, fOI order. out. standing at the end of the qr",nl I' r lutl.

c) Rs. 24,000 to each ot the seven pJ"o(lralMlG .upport libraries.

d) Enhanced support to proqramrne ,uPl'orl ) ibrllries which were able to establish a need for additional funding.

The second source was a supp l ementary grant made by the Government of India in 1976 to offset effects of inflation . The total available for library programmes was Rs. 350,400 of which Rs. 109,050 had not been allocated as this report went to press.

above are The amounts which appear in the supplementary derived from a combination of these factors.


Page 13: 1976-1977 Report 1976-77.pdfSHASTA' INDO.CANADIAN INSTITUTE 92. GOlF LINKS. NEW DElHI·l l0003. 'NOlA. Mrs. K. de la Ronde, Executive Officer. Office in India 156 Golf Links New Delhi




Jo- Anne A. Allison

Margaret A. Chalmers

Anne-Marie Fenger

Taimi Henderson

Deborah J. Jessop

Saroj ini Kanhai

Anne-Marie Majtenyi

Robert P. fo\.cNeil

Evelyne L. Meyer

Betty G. Rodway

Sanda Schmelter

cynthia D .. Telfer-I':alker

Ingrid van Rotterdam

Mark Alan Warrick

shirley ~lon

Sponsoring Institution

McGill University


University of British Columbia

University of Toronto

University of 1'1indsor

University of Manitoba

Brock University


Concordia University

University of Hanitoba

McGill University

Acadia University

Brock university

Brock University

Carleton University


Andrew Cohen

Carlita Delion

Johanne du Bergcr-!;owse

Andrew Fenus

Carolyn Pil teau

Marilyn Goldstein

Heather Irwin

Marilyn Jennings

Mo r ny Joy

Mary Ellen King

Mary Ann Kingsbury

Menona Logan

Maur ice Rheaume

Joyce Rogers

McGill University


University of Toronto

Queen's University

University of British Columbia




McGill University

St. Mary's University

Carleton University

Social ~]crker with Toronto Board of Educa tion

Concordia University


Maureen Salkald Concordia Univareity

Bruce J. Smardon McGill University

Catherine Sparling Teacher

Christine Spoerel university of western Ontario

Hanif Virani University of British Columbia

David Whiting University of British Columbia

Laura Jane wilkins University of Manitoba

Page 14: 1976-1977 Report 1976-77.pdfSHASTA' INDO.CANADIAN INSTITUTE 92. GOlF LINKS. NEW DElHI·l l0003. 'NOlA. Mrs. K. de la Ronde, Executive Officer. Office in India 156 Golf Links New Delhi

",.mIX V!I


The following Indian scholars visited Canada durinq lh. past academic year under the sponsorship of the Institute:

Dr. G. S . Bhalla Centre for the Study of Regional Development Jawaharlal Nehru University Delhi .

Mr . Nirad C. Chaudhuri 41 Harefields Oxford, England.

Dr. Gapal Krishna Oxford University Oxford, England.

Prof . Niharranjan Ray C-17 Green Park Extension New Delhi, India .

Dr. Prabhu Shankara Banaras Hindu university Varanasi, India.




Anthropologica , 1955, new series 1959


Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue Canadienne d ' Economique, 1968


Arts Canada, volume 27, 1970


Canadian Geographical Journal, 1930


Canadian Historical Review, 1920


Canadian Forum, 1920

Dalhousie Review : a Canadian Quarterly of Literature & Opinion, 1921

3) Nouvelle France, 1957

4) Queen's Quarterly: a Canadian Review, 1893


1 ) Canadian Literature/Litterature Canadi~nne, 1959

2) Contemporary Literature in Translation, 1968

3) Etudes Francaises: Revue des Lettres Francaise8 ot Canadiennes-Francaises, 1964

Page 15: 1976-1977 Report 1976-77.pdfSHASTA' INDO.CANADIAN INSTITUTE 92. GOlF LINKS. NEW DElHI·l l0003. 'NOlA. Mrs. K. de la Ronde, Executive Officer. Office in India 156 Golf Links New Delhi

J\ppon{H x V I I I Contd • .•.• •.•


1) Dialogue (Canada) 1962


11 Canadian Dimension: an Independent Journal of Fact and Opinion, 1963

21 Canadian Journal of political Science/Revue Canadienne de Science Politique, 1968

II Last Post, 1970

.) Pacific Affairs, 1928


11 Behind the Headlines, 1940

21 International Journal, 1947

1) Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism


11 Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des Sciences du Comportement, 1969

21 Canadian Journal of Psychology/Revue Canadienne de Psycho logie, 1947


11 Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, 1971


11 Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology , 1964

21 Recherches sociographiques, 1960

3) sociologie et Societes , 1969

J\prrml)lX IX


Aligarh Muslim University North-Eastern Hill University

University of Bombay University c f tladras

Banaras Hindu university University of Mysore

M. S. University of Baroda Patna University

University of Calcutta University of Poona

Lucknow University University of llnjtlflthlln

Jawarharlal Nehru University Utka1 University

Page 16: 1976-1977 Report 1976-77.pdfSHASTA' INDO.CANADIAN INSTITUTE 92. GOlF LINKS. NEW DElHI·l l0003. 'NOlA. Mrs. K. de la Ronde, Executive Officer. Office in India 156 Golf Links New Delhi

F'I NM1(']"'1. ST!\TI:MI:NT - ImAD OF~' leI:: - -F'o~ the Year Ended 31st March 1977


Bank Balance April 1st, 1976 Bank Interest F'ees - Membership

- Library Depa~tment of External Affairs Miscellaneous


Administration Programmes - Li b rary

visiting Lecturer - Summer P~ogramme in India

Educational Resources Learned Jou~na1 Distribution

Projects - Canadian Studies in India

Bank Balance April 1st, 1977

·Includes $34,639.70 for library programme

$ 66,955 . 26 1,260 . 69

33,000.00 6,795.00

63 , 089.68 313.21

$ 171!413 . 84

$ 65,098.70 5,064 . 24 9,225 . 83

31,347.73 1,028.05 7,752 . 56


$ 120,426.23

$ 50!987.6P