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1800’S ROAD TRIP Lexi Malpass

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The Mormons are a religious group that sought land in the West for a much different reason. They are a newly formed group, founded by believed to be prophet Joseph Smith who wrote the Book of Mormon. They face many hardships, as American people are unaccepting due to their beliefs, such as the belief of polygamy. Joseph Smith himself seems to be gaining a lot of power in the Mormon community. Maybe they will find refuge in the west.

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THE CALIFORNIA GOLD RUSH OF 1849 A large amount of gold was discovered out west in California. Settlers are rushing to get their share of fortune from the gold rush, as expected. These people have been nicknamed 49ers by a lot of Americans. I suspect California will be crowded and flourishing in no time at all.

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Not only gold, but also silver has been discovered in the west! A large amount of silver was found by a man named Comstock, and provides another source of hope for settlers in search of profit from the west. People are more encouraged than ever to venture west.

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Recently, the government enacted a decree that allowed people the gift of free land in the west if they cultivated 160 acres of western land for five years. This provided an immense opportunity to many settlers, and people are rushing to the west as we speak in seek of their own plot of land. I’m headed out there right now myself.

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Farmers are taking their place on the Great Plains. Farming life out here is definitely not easy, but could be profitable if you know what you’re doing. Someday I think I’d like to become a farmer as well to contribute to eastern industries. Maybe I’ll wait until farming becomes a bit more efficient.

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The government just passed the Morrill Land Grant Act, stating the state governments own property out west to do as they please. Just nearby, an agricultural college is being built right now. This will provide even more great opportunities to people in the west. I’m thinking of attending an agricultural college while I’m here so I can learn to farm.

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The government finally opened up Indian land in Oklahoma to be taken my settlers. Probably hundreds of thousands of settlers waited on that Oklahoma border, hoping and praying for a spot of land of their own. Expansion in the west is getting harder and harder on settlers, I can only wish well for those settling in Oklahoma now.

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TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILROAD The revolutionary Transcontinental Railroad has finally finished construction! I can’t imagine the amazing possibilities now that this great feat of man has been built. It just amazes me what we can do. Now, the sky is the limit, and so much more is possible now we have easy access to either sides of the continent.

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I see more and more pastures of cattle every day. Ranchers seem to be taking over the west. Native American land is being taken away fast. I feel bad for them, but also afraid of what they might do to take that land back. Something is bound to happen eventually.

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Recently, a group of Cheyenne Indians retaliated against settlers taking their land. In response, the U.S. military sent troops in the deal with the problem. About 200 Natives were killed, including women and children. I feel like this is only the beginning of these major conflicts. I wish there was a way to maintain peace.

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Conflict is finally starting to get intense between us settlers and the Natives. The Sand Creek Massacre angered many, many Native tribes in the west. They’re all starting to rise against settlements across the western nation. The Sioux tribe recently attacked, and General Custer and his men intervened. Custer was killed along with the soldiers. I really don’t know what to expect next, but it’s not looking good for either side.

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Settlers in the area have been anxious lately, keeping their eyes wide open for Indian activity. There’s rumors that the Ghost Dance is a Native war cry. I’m not sure what to believe at this point. I just want this conflict to end and for everyone to find happiness here in the west.

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People took the rumors of the Ghost Dance too far. Feeling threatened, the military sent yet another round of troops to face the Natives. I’m told it was a total bloodbath, ending in the death of the Indian leader Sitting Bull. I’m scared for my fellow settlers but I can’t help but be scared for the Indians as well. Their actions, after all, are very justified.

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If it couldn’t get any worse between us and the Natives, the government has passed the Dawes Act. This allows assimilation of the Natives by law. Natives are to be “converted” into American society and they must forget their Native origins completely. For them, that fate is probably worse than death. At least at Wounded Knee, Natives died protecting their home land. Bottom line, I’m tired of being afraid of the Natives too, but this doesn’t have to be the answer.

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A Century of Dishonor is a book written by Helen Hunt Jackson which has gained quite a bit of popularity lately. I attended a live reading yesterday, and found that the talk was true. A Century of Dishonor is all about the injustice that we as Americans have caused the Natives. It has developed a bit of controversy around itself, but I wholeheartedly agree with this book now that it has been read aloud to me word for word.

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There have been some great inventions that have made the lives of all the settlers here easier. Life in the west is definitely not easy. At least farming tools like the steel plow make it far more efficient work. I installed barbed wire a few weeks ago to my property, another new product of invention. This technology will be a great help.

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Today I was called to a farmer’s alliance meeting. Due to the recent financial issues in the farming community, farmers have teamed up in order to use all of our resources in the best way possible. Hopefully these organizations can bring to attention this issue we have with inflation and railroad taxes.

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The Populist party is taking over this year’s election, mostly formed by farmers and those concerned. There was recently a meeting to discuss the party’s platform, in which ideas like graduated income tax and direct election of U.S. Senators were approved.

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Another meeting for the Populist party was held. According to word of mouth, bimetallism was discussed. Bimetallism being used in our country’s currency will fix inflation and downfall of the economy, so I’m definitely for this cause as a farmer.

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Candidate for the Populist party, William Jennings Bryan, gave his famous Cross of Gold speech today in town. It was a memorable moment for me and all my fellow Populists, to see our ideals before us. We were given a voice and a chance for once, which is all we can really ask for.