Download - 17896672 Crescent Moon Rising Chapter 7

  • 8/9/2019 17896672 Crescent Moon Rising Chapter 7




    -1Chapter seven

    Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

    "Robinski, get your butt in here!" Admiral Bramble jumped up from his desk chairand marched double-time into his outer office, searching for the absent aide. "

    Robard! God bless sunshine! I'll dip your wick in napalm and use it for a fuse,son!" Bramble was starting for the outer door just as Robinski came rushing in,holding a decoded message. Thomas T. looked over his slightly disheveled, red-headed aide, brightly reddened and sweating. "Well, what is it, Commander?"

    "We have authorization to shoot down the Russian RORSAT bird, sir, " Robinski gushed and handed Bramble the Pentagon orders.

    The Admiral was reading the full order set when the secure phone in his office w

    arbled and red light strobed out the connecting door.

    "That's probably General DeBliss, sir. Communications said he would call after we received our orders."

    "Right, Commander. Tell General Wyburton to put his satellite-killer flight up as soon as he can make ready but not to launch the ALASAT missiles except on my sayso." Thomas strode into his office and entered his personal ID code before lifting the

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    receiver on the scrambler phone, "Admiral Bramble, go ahead."

    "Admiral, General DeBliss, his gravelly voice more pronounced on the scrambler.

    Have you received your orders?" "Moments ago, General."

    "Good. Any questions?"

    "Probably several General but the only one Im going to ask is about a time frame for the ordered action. Nothing was specified."

    "At your discretion, Admiral, as long as it happens yesterday. In addition, except for Admiral Potter

    s forces, cancel the redeployment and execute operations Winter Typhoon and Wind Five. Understood?"

    Admiral Potter commanded the forces redeploying to the Indian Ocean and the Red

    Sea. For the rest of the message, Thomas flipped rapidly through his codebook. Winter Typhoon signified

    ignore cancellation orders and proceed as planned

    . Wind Five ordered Thomas to return to Washington by the quickest means available. General DeBliss

    s cautious use of the secure communications scrambler link prompted Bramble to think that the ultra secret, satellite-based communications systemcould be compromised.

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    "Understood, General. Anything else?"

    "Yes, Thomas. Read up on Operations Island Breeze and Polar Sky. We are putting

    on shows here and in L.A. to coincide with your production. Depending on what the critics say, we may be in for a long run."

    Thomas T. after another quick scan of the code book understood the General

    s cryptic message to mean, two foreign satellites in US continental airspace would bedestroyed just as Bramble would eliminate the Soviet satellite orbiting over Pearl Harbor. The mention of Island Breeze and Polar Sky brought a shiver across the Admiral

    s neck. Thomas knew the operations full well - all out, first strikenuclear attacks against Japan and Russia respectively.

    "Will do General, ah, have the show backers decided long runs are probable?"

    "Not yet, Admiral. Depends on opening night. Good luck on your show. Break a legI believe is the correct phrase. Out."

    "Good God, Almighty, " Thomas T. said as he replaced the receiver. "At least thePresident hasn

    t ordered nuclear war as yet, " he said half out loud.

    "What, sir?" Commander Robinski had only heard Admiral Bramble

    s side of the conversation with General DeBliss and the Admiral

    s last words were spoken away from

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    Thomas said, "Gentlemen, we have a few changes. Admiral Mann will assume commandof all naval forces remaining in the Hawaiians and will coordinate naval redeployment currently underway. General Morton, I

    m asking you to take up overall com

    mand of joint forces. I

    ve been urgently recalled to Washington for a session with the Joint Chiefs. I depart as soon as we strike the Russian bird. First, there

    s more you should know."

    The Generals and Admiral Mann were silent until General Wyburton caught a thumbs-up from Flight Command. Wyburton said, "We

    re ready Admiral."

    Thomas nodded his head in the affirmative and continued, "National Command Authority has issued orders to knock down two more birds over the US. I assume the targeted satellites are the Japanese COMSAT units positioned over D.C. and Los Angeles. We are also ordered to review Operations Island Breeze and Polar Sky. We are not at war but, as you all know, the placement of a geosynchronous satellite

    over a foreign nation, without that nation

    s express consent, is an act of aggression. The Soviets and the Japanese have, without explanation, illegally transgressed US airspace and continue to do so with the aforementioned satellites. Until we receive orders to the contrary, we will prepare for the worst. Hopefully, we won

    t do more than refresh our memories."

    General Morton, a quiet, slim devout Morman uttered, "Holy Mother. . .no mistake

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    in what I just heard, Admiral?"

    Bramble frowned his disapproval at the superfluous question and answered, "No mi

    stake, General. After the launch, assemble your tactical planning teams and getyour people righteous on both operations immediately. I want a complete rundownon ops and eval when I return. Morton, I want G2 fully updated and with strategic profiles in six hours, sooner if possible."

    General Morton said, "Alright, Thomas. Admiral Mann and I will start now, if youconcur."

    Bramble agreed. Morton and Mann rejoined their staff officers and left the room.Thomas said, "Let

    s bag a bird, General." Wyburton ordered the countdown to launch commenced and the room automatically quieted. Instructions were relayed to the AWACS controller who vectored the F-22 Ravens, Green flight, into attack prof


    Tracking reported Green flight approaching mach 1.2 and accelerating through angels three-zero. "Launch in two minutes, twelve seconds, " announced the flight ops officer in a voice devoid of emotion. The missiles would be fired when the attacking planes, traveling at nearly twice the speed of sound, reached 68,000 feet altitude, angels six-eight. The F-22 and the F-16, unique in American warplanes, can accelerate in vertical flight.

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    Tracking officer Kim Taylor updated, "Green flight speed Mach 1.4 and accelerating through angels three-eight." She continued the litany of tracking informationuntil T minus thirty seconds, after which only the voice of the flight ops offi

    cer would be heard until post-launch.

    "T minus thirty seconds. . .twenty seconds. . .ten seconds. . .five, four, three, two, one. . .first missile away, second missile away."

    Officer Taylor resumed, "First missile on track, target acquired, impact in twentysix seconds. Second missile on track, target acquired, impact in twenty-nine seconds. Missile one tracking nominal, impact in fifteen seconds. Missile two tracking nominal, impact in eighteen seconds. Green flight vectored out of danger zone. Missile one tracking nominal . . .,correction, missile one rotating - tracking off six degrees, eight degrees, twelve degrees. Target acquisition lost. Destruct sequence initiated."

    "What the fuck?" General Wyburton pointed at the tracking board. "Missile two inerrant tracking mode, target acquisition lost. . Destruct sequence initiated. .. Missile one destruct. . . Missile two destruct."

    Wyburton was seething but kept his voice somewhat under control as he demanded,"Failure analysis . . .NOW!"

    "Sir, systems reporting radar-guidance failure on both missiles," Officer Taylor

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    replied. "SATNAV guidance operating normally. Chase planes report negative on weather or wind anomaly. AWACS sweeps negative on bogey interference. Ground tracking also reports radar signals still positive for RORSAT."

    Thomas put a hand on General Wyburton

    s shoulder, "Bill, how long before you cantry again?"

    Wyburton frowned and several seconds later stated, "Two hours minimum, Thomas, and we will have to bust ass to make that happen."

    Admiral Bramble considered for a moment and said, "Alright. Get your people on it, and, Bill, run a complete analysis on the two missiles that crapped out. We need some answers and we need them quickly. I

    ll give the Pentagon a prelim briefand see how they fared against the other two birds."

    Thomas did not have to call the Pentagon. General DeBliss was already on the Admiral

    s secure line. The four-star did not mince words when Bramble completed theconnection. "Admiral, get on the fastest damn plane you

    ve got and report hereimmediately. We sent two ALASAT missiles against each of the Jap birds and scored a zero both times. I gather you had similar luck. We

    ve got shit in our tailpipes, Thomas, and God only knows what

    s next. Cease your attack on the Soviet bird. We are at DEFCON four now, we may be at three or worse by the time you get here. Out."

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    Thomas updated Generals Wyburton, Morgan and Ogilvy as well as Admiral Mann while he donned his flight suit. His F-14 Tomcat departed Hawaiian airspace nineteenminutes later.

    University of Houston, Computer Center

    Neal Palmer looked up from the computer printout he had examined for the eighthtime and removed his reading glasses. Miriam Goodman was still bent over a copyof the listing, working her calculator in a flurry of computations. When the numbercrunching ceased Miriam said, "You were right, Neal. Japan

    s gonna get clobbered."

    Neal grinned, "Well, you know, when you

    re right, you

    re right. Hawaii is stillin for a bad time, but if Japan gets it first, and it should, we might get a postponement."

    Miriam said, "If Japan gets the monster this data indicates, everything in the Western Pacific could change, probably will, but the likelihood of triggering theHawaiian Ridge quake is very high, Neal."

    "Maybe, " Neal countered, "but I think the pressures will shift north and southof the Japan trench. My guess is that quakes will follow in the Mariana and Kuril Trenches. If that happens, the lateral zones like the Aleutian Trench, The Mendocino Fracture Zone and the Hawaiian Ridge will bleed off pressure like your granny

    s steam cooker. A lot of noise and maybe some smoke, but nothing that mightscare the grandkids.

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    re saying eruptions and not earthquakes then for the laterals?"

    "You got it, Schweet-hawrrt, " Neal answered.

    Miriam breathed heavily out her nose and said, "Your Boggie is terrible, Dr. Palmer. Let

    s hope your predictions are better. I suppose we should contact AdmiralBramble and give him an update on our findings?"

    "The question is, how? The phone lines are jammed up with callers trying to reach relatives and workers in the blacked out areas. I doubt we could get out a telegram or anything else over public circuits." Neal bit his thumb in concentration. "What do you say we take a ride over to Ellington Field and see if we can

    t get them to send a message to Pearl Harbor?"

    "Good idea, " Miriam said. "I have the name and phone number of the Admiral

    s ai

    de. Grab your notes. I

    ll summarize on paper while you drive."

    "I just hope we can talk our way in, Miriam."

    "Oh, pshaw, worrywart! You get us there. I

    ll get us in or my name isn


    FemmeFatale Goodman


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    Neal watched Dr. Goodman stride away. He thought her shoulders were a little more square and her hips a little more swinging than usual. "Well, well, " he thought, "perhaps our retiring Miss Miriam has some spit in her fire after all."

    Washington, D.C., CNN offices

    Bob Miller, CNN bureau chief, liked most of what he saw and he saw a lot. LeighRoper was smart, beautiful and feisty. She would also be difficult to manage, impossible to control. Pittman, who sent Leigh to Miller, was introduced to Leighby Senator Gradisson Henrys wife. He wanted her on board but to work WashingtonD.C. took discipline and patience and juice. Juice was the most difficult to achieve. Juice was stroke; the power to make the

    hooking bulls

    of government tell you what you want to know. If she could pry open Willem Gorse

    s can of worms,she might be a winner.

    "Ms. Roper, how do you propose to verify your theory that Gorse is holding backvital information regarding the power outages?"

    Leigh gave Miller a knowing smile while Lee-Roy wanted to bite his eyeballs forhis many scans of her figure, "First, a heart-to-heart with Neuberger, the Mid-Atlantic VP. He has a lot more to tell and in private conversation, no one will be around to shut him up if the interview gets into sticky territory."


    ll have an attorney in the room. Neuberger may not be brilliant but his boss,

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    the Chairman of Mid-Atlantic is nobodys fool. How will you handle that?"

    "The attorney will be alert for anything that might finger Mid-Atlantic as the c

    ulprit. I make sure they understand we at CNN see them as the victim. Then I point out the Feds don

    t seem to be doing all they could to find the bad guys - perhaps administration officials like Willem Gorse are holding out on Mid-Atlantic,and the nation."

    Miller agreed with Leigh

    s scenario so far. He asked, "And then?"

    "Then I chat with Graddison Henry. Senator Henry doesn

    t like people who keep secrets from him on national security issues, and he doesn

    t like Secretary Gorse."

    "Yes, I heard that you know Graddison Henry, Chairman of the Armed Services Comm


    "Very well, " answered Leigh. A lot more man than you, Miller, a grumpy LeeRoywhispered to herself.

    Miller said, "I think you

    ll do kid, You

    ll do just fine. When can you start? Ineed you now."


    m on two weeks of vacation, starting yesterday. I gave the Chronicle notice before I left Houston."

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    Miller lifted an eyebrow. "Pretty sure of yourself, weren

    t you?"

    "Absolutely, " answered Leigh. Abso-fucking-lutly you pinhead, hissed Lee-Roy

    who blushed when she realized Miller may have heard. She stood Leigh up in a luscious manner and extended her hand. "I

    m ready if you are." Lee-Roy clamped hermouth, then broke a fabulous smile while planning what would befall Miller should he later try a pass on Leigh.

    "Yes, yes, I can see you are." The bureau chief shook her hand a bit too long and said, "OK, you

    re on. Now get to work. We

    ll do the paperwork tonight or tomorrow." Whats that tonight crap? whispered Lee-Roy. Ill squash your wee-weeinto silly-putty if you pull that shit!

    Tripoli, Lebanon, CMR headquarters

    Mustafaa Daoudi

    s secretary interrupted his work with a buzz on the office intercom. "A Miss Oragi Shomi and associates are asking for a few minutes of your time. They do not have an appointment and I have explained how impossible your schedule is, but they are quite insistent."

    Mustafaa ran his hands through coal-black hair and straightening his $200

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    American dollar custom tie said, "It is quite alright. Please show them in and prepare tea for our guests."

    Oragi, with a face to make you throw your mama off the train, entered the spacious office, followed by a portly Japanese executive and several technicians who carried cartons of what appeared to be electronics. Once inside, the group bowedlow to Daoudi. Oragi

    s bow was extremely low as she said, "Thank you for seeingus, Daoudisan. It is my great honor to introduce, Hykomo Nagasi, executive VicePresident of Akamatsu Industries and personal friend of Shinsu Iragawa. Nagasi-san brings a gift."

    Nagasi, as huge as a Japanese Sumo wrestler, stepped around Oragi and approachedMustafaa with his enormous hand extended, Western style. He spoke English witha perfect British accent. "How do you do? Mr. Iragawa sends his personal regardsand hopes you are well."

    Mustafaa shook hands and said, "I am. My thanks to Mr. Iragawa for his concern.Please, make yourselves comfortable. Tea will be served momentarily."

    "Ahhh, tea would be most welcome but I am afraid time does not permit such comforts. Mr. Iragawa wishes his gift to be readied for use without delay." Nagasi barked a command in Japanese and the technicians began to hurriedly unpack the cartons. Hykomo Nagasi smiled broadly, his bulk planted firmly in front of Mustafaa.

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    Daoudi returned to his desk chair and asked, "Miss Oragi, perhaps you could explain this wonderful gift?"

    "Yes, of course, Daoudi-san. Mr. Iragawa has sent a special phone system. A scrambler/descrambler system of the latest Japanese design and one that assures complete privacy in future communications. An exact duplicate will be installed in Damascus and. . . also in your bank . . . and in your home."


    s face hardened. "And when will the other units be installed?"

    Oragi stood and bowed very low again. "It is being done as we speak, Daoudisan."

    Nagasi spoke into the silence that ensued, "I shall be pleased to demonstrate the systems features in approximately twenty minutes. It seems we have time for tea after all, that is, if your kind offer is still open?" Nagasis face was set h

    ard with a smile similar to a slight indention in a rock face crookedly creasingaround his mouth.

    Mustafaa locked his eyes with Nagasi

    s and after a long moment, opened his mouthwith a small click and said, "Why not? It would appear we have a great deal todiscuss. One question comes to mind. Is it possible to route calls from other locations in Tripoli through this unit?"

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    Nagasi slowly answered, "Unfortunately, that feature is not included in this unit."

    "And your unit, Oragi, " Mustafaa said, "how many of my conversations have you enjoyed?"

    "Only your last conversation with Iragawa-san was linked through a system like this. Your phones are not tapped, Daoudi-san."

    "Yes, we have made sure of that, " Nagasi added.

    "What? " Mustafaa questioned. Then after a pause wherein the Japanese said nothing, he rose enough to lean on his desk with hands fisted and continued in a lowvoice, "Do you think Mr. Iragawa wants to discuss matters in remarkable secrecyin, ah, fifteen minutes?"

    Nagasi, less threatening in voice and demeanor, answered, "I believe I said thatI would demonstrate the systems features. I did not mean to imply a conversation with Mr. Iragawa. Akamatsu Industries feels it is time to convey another warning to the Americans. This time, please inform the US Secretary of Defense and the Pentagon that their military will suffer a crushing defeat should America again attack the personal property of CMR Corporation."

    "You are speaking of the satellites I presume? And what of this scrambler?

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    "Exactly, Mr. Daoudi, but if I were you, I would also be concerned about my property in the Middle-East." Nagasi turned as Mustafaa

    s secretary shouldered the door open, bringing tea. "Here, let me help you, " he said. "We must assist our L

    ebanese friends in every possible way." He continued while carrying a heavy silver service, The scrambler will be most useful for further planning and debriefing each party after steps have been taken. We must be prepared for foolish actions by the Americans. They are slow to great anger but beware angry attempts of reprisal by a great nation.

    Washington, D.C., Pentagon, Joint Chiefs Gold Room

    Jimmy McCullum, the taciturn Secretary of the Navy, escorted Admiral Bramble into the crowded room. Jimmy had not uttered more than one-word replies during theride in from Dulles airport. Thomas looked around for familiar faces and was again surprised. The Samuel Douglass, himself, was presiding. When the Secretary of

    the Navy met Brambles plane on the tarmac, that was surprise enough for one day. McCullum now ushered Bramble to a seat at the conference table, another surprise. Only the Joint Chiefs and Administration bigwigs were normally afforded seats at this table. The President welcomed Thomas and said, "Admiral, I have several reasons to be here today. One is I want your first hand account of what happened when your forces attacked the Soviet satellite."

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    Bramble recited the planning and launch particulars and concluded with, "We arerunning a complete strike analysis but I believe the initial log of missile radar-guidance failures will stand up."

    Douglass asked, "Why do you say that, Admiral?"

    "Mr. President, six missiles were fired at roughly the same time from three locations and all six failed in the same manner. The testing preformed on this missile system prior to deployment, and continued periodically thereafter, gave the guidance system a clean bill of health. It

    s one of the most reliable weapons wehave ever fielded. A six out of six no-go? That says sabotage to me, sir, possibly what my techies call an



    Douglass blustered, "What the hell is an unk-unk?"


    s an unknown element we are not aware of - an unknown, unknown if you will.I think it possible we have a mystery component in the guidance system. One we did not specify and obviously one we did not consider in testing." Thomas caughtthe unspoken exchange that flashed between Douglass and Horton Timmons, NationalSecurity Advisor. The President asked, "Would it surprise you to learn we havediscovered two


    in connection with the power failures?"

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    Thomas answered, "Not really, sir. I thought it likely when the second group went down."

    "Well, we have, " Samuel continued. "The power distribution control systems havea printed circuit board that left Kirijo Computer Corporation prepared to fail,or infected, as the whiz kids like to say. The same with the computer systems that control the turbines for power generation. Same basic technique, different application, all made by Kirijo. The turbines are from Yamahoto. Kirijo and Yamahoto are asshole buddies with Akamatsu Industries who, by the way, manufactured most of the critical components for the guidance system used in our anti-satellite missiles."

    Thomas nodded his head, indicating he was following the President

    s logic. The room was deathly quiet.

    Douglass twirled his fountain pen. "The most interesting fact is that Kirijo, Yamahoto and Akamatsu are the Japanese money-boys behind CMR Corporation. Think that over for a bit, Admiral, while I go on to another subject."

    "I am sure you noticed the absence of Admiral Richleau at this table. You are, in fact, sitting in his chair. Our esteemed naval Chief of Operations suffered aheart attack this morning and he is slated for by-pass surgery as soon as he stabilizes. Admiral Richleau

    s son, Captain Richleau, his daughter-in-law and theirthree children were murdered last night in Baltimore. Due to communications problems with the blacked-out

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    areas, Admiral Richleau only learned of the deaths this morning." Douglass was fighting to control anger, and losing. "They were murdered by thugs, Thomas. . .thugs! The areas where power is unavailable are overrun with the Goddamned miscr

    eants. Anytime a group of people are in trouble, the rotten evil-doers crawl outof the sewers to prey upon and murder them." Douglass paused, recalling in hismind the latest crime and violence statistics for the cities without power. Forpeople trapped there, civilization was crumbling. Angry anguish shined in the President

    s eyes but he resumed with dignity, "That

    s not your problem, it

    s mine.Jimmy, take over."

    "Yes, Mr. President." Jimmy was a tough campaigner, aboard a ship or behind a desk, but he could not do what the President was asking of himself. He and everyone else here knew Douglass took personal responsibility for the suffering inflicted by others on millions of Americans. "Admiral Bramble, what the President hasin mind for you is occupancy of that chair while Admiral Richleau recovers, and

    probably thereafter. It is doubtful at this time that Richleau will remain on active duty after his convalescence. This will, however, be a temporary assignmentas far as the media is concerned. Are you willing to accept this responsibilityunder these conditions?" Before Thomas could answer, Douglass said, "We are ata crisis point unequaled in American history, Admiral. We are faced with an enemy we neither know nor understand. An enemy who possesses mysterious weapons capable of striking the core of this nation

    s industry. An enemy who cares not for the sufferings and deaths of the innocent. If there were a battle theater out there where you could defeat this enemy, I would send you there in a heartbeat. Wecan strike at the enemy, and we will, but the

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    real battlefield is here. Here we can peel away the layers of subterfuge and chicanery and expose the true face of our enemy. Here is where I need you."

    Not many men or women refuse a call to duty from the President, especially in atime of crisis. Admiral Bramble resented loss of Fleet command, as would any commander in time of conflict, but the President

    s words echoed in his mind, stripping duty of it

    s glamour and exposing freedom as the fragile creation of a few patriots, protected only by sacrifice. Thomas stood and replied in a firm voice,"Sir, I will do my best."

    "I knew I could count on you, " the President pronounced. "Ladies and gentlemen,we have two more items on the agenda. The first I

    ll handle in update fashion.It will, I am sure, have a bearing on the second item. I have asked the JusticeDepartment to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate and determine how elements of special interest managed to sabotage this nation. I have since been info

    rmed that Mr. Alger Brighton will assume this responsibility. He and his staff will need, and they will receive, unqualified cooperation from every agency and department of this Administration. For the second and final item, I will turn over the meeting to General DeBliss. Those of you not directly involved in active military operations or not here as members of the National Security Council are excused. General DeBliss?"

    The JCS Chairman waited a few moments for the room to mostly clear. He began, "The President has asked for a surgical strike against CMR Corporation

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    headquarters, located in Tripoli, Lebanon. An operation has been mounted to accomplish that strike." DeBliss paused as an aide uncovered a show-and-tell seriesof white, plastic sheets. The first represented the Middle East, centering on Le

    banon. Strikes will commence at 03:40, Lebanon time tomorrow. Thats 20:40 tonight, Washington time. Admiral Pierce has moved his forces east of Malta in the Mediterranean and will launch a cruise missile attack. We expect maximum success with minimal collateral damage. We assess the risk factor for our ships to be very slight."

    The meeting went on for some time, with numerous obfusticating questions from Willem Gorse, Secretary of State, clouding the real issue - showing CMR Corporation and the world, the US was not defeated, only royally pissed and looking to lopoff some heads. Unknown to anyone in the situation room, CMR had just deliveredanother ultimatum - this time vowing to meet any aggressive actions by the US with total destruction of American military might everything currently deployed

    and active.

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