Download - 15089 NHS Phlebotomy booklet.indd


Hey, everybody let us welcome our

new friend welcome our

new friend Splood.

What happens when you have a blood test with Splood

You must be Splood!



Hey, everybody let us welcome our

new friend welcome our

new friend Splood.

“Hi, I am Splood, I am going to show you what happens

when you have a blood test...

Come on let’s go...”Come on let’s go...”2

Our heart is really important as it pumps the

blood to our arteries and veins and carries

it to all parts of our body.

What is blood?What is blood?Everyone

has blood zipping

around their bodies, even Splood.

Blood is carried to all parts

of our bodies in special tubes called

arteries and veins.

Our heart is really important as it pumps the

Everyone has blood zipping

around their bodies, even Splood.

Blood is carried to all parts

of our bodies in special tubes called

arteries and veins.

What is blood?What is blood?

around their bodies, even Splood.

Blood is carried to all parts special tubes called

arteries and veins.

It is

that red

stuff t

hat you see when you

graze your knee. But did

you know that

lobsters h


blue blood?


She has come to the blood clinic to

have this done.

She sits in the waiting area where there

are lots of toys to play with.

Evie’s doctor has said that she needs a blood test

to check that her blood is doing what it should.


Evie, Splood and Evie’s grown up meet

the play specialist who shows her the

comic book. This explains what is going to

happen. She is really nice and friendly.


Hi, I am Poppy, I ama phlebotomist.

F lee bot a mist!That is a funny word.

Evie meets Poppy who f irstly checks they are

seeing the right person. She then looks to see

which is the best vein (wiggly line) to use.


Poppy needs a lot of things to do a blood test.


First she puts Evie’s arm f lat on a pillow and

then puts the colourful strap around it.

Poppy is very gentle.

This may feel a little bit tight but there is nothing to worry about.

It will not be on for very long.


I can feel that vein nicely.

Poppy feels Evie’s arm for a vein. She cleans

the area with a special wipe to make sure

there are no germs on the arm.

I can feel the B-BOOMB-BOOM.


This will feel really cold for 2-3 seconds and

may tingle a bit.

Poppy then squirts special spray to numb Evie’s

arm. However, sometimes a blob of cream may

be used instead to help numb your arm or hand.

The blob of cream will be covered with a clear

sticky plaster or even cling f ilm. You may have

cream on more than one place, but this does not

mean you will have more than one blood test.

Wow that has made her arm go



The play specialist reads Evie a story and

helps her stay as still as a statue. Poppy

then does the blood test.

It might sting a little but do not worry it will soon be over.

You might feel a little scratch.


Poppy draws Evie’s blood into the syringe

ready to f ill up the little blood bottles.

Your blood is really red. It is ok to look if

you want to.


Poppy undoes the strap on Evie’s arm

and gently takes the needle out.

It is f inished now, you were fantastic, well done.


Poppy presses some gauze on to the tiny

hole which heals really quickly. She checks

with Evie’s grown up to make sure

that it is ok to put a plaster on.

Wow there is a smiley face on your plaster.


Poppy squirts the blood from the syringe into

the little blood bottles. 15

Poppy puts Evie’s name on the labels on each

of the little bottles. She puts these in a special

plastic bag with Evie’s blood request form. It is

now ready to be sent to the laboratory. 16

Poppy puts her apron and gloves into the

bin. Evie is now ready to go back to school

and she can have her drink and snack that

Evie’s grown up has brought with them.

Thank you for my certif icate

and sticker - I am going to show all my friends when I

see them.

You were a star!


Evie’s blood goes to the laboratory to be

tested. The results will be sent back to

her doctor.


Certif icate


You can f ind out more about having a blood test on:

Certif icate





has had a blood

test today.

has had a blood

test today.test today.You

were a star

You can find out more about having a blood test on:


Date implemented: September 2015Lea� et No. 375 - Edition 1 Review date: September 2017