Download - 1500s to 1600s PROTESTANT REFORMATION. During the Renaissance, W. Euro. was still Roman Catholic but it was beginning to weaken Rise of Humanism:


1500s to 1600s


During the Renaissance, W. Euro. was still Roman Catholic but it was beginning to weakenRise of Humanism: humanists were secular, believing in free thought and questions accepted beliefs


2 Main problems:Worldliness and Corruption w/in the churchPolitical conflict between the pope and European monarchs


By the 1300’s, Catholics felt the church was becoming too corrupt

Failed to live up to their role as spiritual leader Priests, monks, & nuns broke vows

not to marry or have children Behaved like royalty, extremely

wealthy and powerful Troubled by the way many Church

offi cials raised money in support of the Church Sold indulgences (release from

punishment for sins) Sold offi ces, simony Charged people to see holy relics of

saints Paid taxes to church & their gov.


Pope = powerful political & religious leaderChurch was wealthy & independent of political controlMonarchs wanted more power, argued over Church

property and other confl icts


France 1301, King Philip IV tried to tax Fr. Clergy Pope threated to remove him from

Church Soldiers kidnapped the Pope

1309 Clement moved headquarters from Rome to Avignon (Fr.) Appointed 24 cardinals, 22 were Fr.

1377 Pope Gregory XI moved Papacy back to Rome 1378 Gregory died & an Italian

declared pope, refused to move back to Avignon

Fr. Cardinals left Rome and declared a rival pope in Avignon

Church council elected a 3 rd pope The Great Schism


Catholics begin to challenge the Church and call for reform

John Wycliffe (Eng.) Translated the Bible into English Publicly questioned the pope’s

authority. Attacked indulgences and

immoral behavior by the clergy Believe Bible was key source of

authority Accused of heresy- his followers

were persecuted and burned to death


Bohemian priestCriticized wealth of the

ChurchSpoke out against pope’s

authoritySaid true head of Church

was Jesus ChristWanted Bible and mass

to be in other languages besides Latin

1414: arrested for heresy

1415: burned at the stake


Felt she had direct experience with God

Traveled to Rome to try and end Great Schism

Showed that people could lead spiritual lives that went beyond the usual norms of the Church

Prepared people for ideas of the Reformation

1461 declared a saint


Humanist from HollandWrote The Praise of

Folly: included abuses by the clergy and church leaders

His attacks on corruption led many to want to leave Catholicism

“Erasmus laid the egg, and Luther hatched it.”


German priestBegan the Protestant

ReformationConflict over

indulgences, only God could grant salvation through faith 1517 Pope Leo X sold

indulgences to finish building St. Peter’s Basilica


Luther posed theses, list of arguments, against indulgences and Church abuses on church door in Wittenberg

Sent the 95 Theses to Church leaders = controversial

Believed the Bible was ultimate source of religious authority

Baptism and the Eucharist only true sacraments

Everyone should study the bible


1521, Pope Leo X excommunicated him

April, brought before the Diet (assembly of state leaders) in Worms, but refused to take back teachings

Declared a heretic and forbidden from selling writings


Increased in popularity, organized a new Christian denomination = Lutheranism

Emphasized study of the bibleTranslated Bible into GermanWrote baptism service, mass, and hymns in GermanNeeded support of German princes, sided with rulers

during a peasants’ revolt in 1555 Tens of thousands of peasants died, rejected Lutheranism

Lutherans and Catholics at war until Peace of Augsburg (1555) Princes in HRE determined religion of subjects


Catholic priest in Zurich, Switzerland

Influenced by Erasmus and Luther

Wanted Christians to focus on the Bible not on relics, saints, or images.

Persuaded local gov. to ban worship not based on the bible

In his churches there were no paintings or statues

Services were simple, without music or singing.


French humanist in Geneva

Wrote Institutes of the Christian Faith

Believed that salvation came only from God’s grace

Believed in hard work & thrift

Believed in predestination – God knew from the beginning of time who would be condemned.


Led England’s Protestant Reformation.

Formed the Church of England (also called the Anglican Church)

His reasons for breaking from the Catholic Church were personal:

1. He wanted to divorce his first wife and the church forbade it (had 6 total)

2. He was tired of sharing power with the Pope


Eng. Priest, scholar, writer

Attacked Catholic corruption and defended Eng. Reformation

Arrested at Antwerp by Catholic authorities and burned at the stake

Translated New and Old Testament into Eng.Used in preparation of the King James Bible


Sects of Protestantism


Began after Martin Luther excommunicatedPeople couldn’t do anything to earn their salvation,

only God could grant through faithOnly be saved if truly believed in Jesus, were sorry

for their sins, and accepted the Bible as trueMet in old Catholic churches, Holy Communion, Bible

readings and sermons, hymns in German to popular tunes

Two sacraments: baptism and CommunionEmphasis on family: Prayer before meals and bed,

women should marry and have multiple childrenLutheran ministers could marry


Founded by John CalvinGod chose the “elect” to be

saved and enjoy eternal lifePredestinationElect demonstrated good

behavior, i.e. singing, dancing, playing cards, and wearing fancy clothes were forbidden

Bible only religious guidance, religious rules became laws for gov.

Services up to 5x a weekChurch simple, men and

women sat on opposite sides of pulpit, sang only words from Bible

2 SacramentsTheocracy


1534 King Henry VIII in Eng. Wanted to divorce Katherine of Aragon to marry Anne

Boleyn (no heir and forbidden) Parliament declared him head of the Church of England Baptism washed away original sin, but to get to heaven,

only believe in God, regret sins, and receive God’s mercy

The Monarch interpreted the Bible w/ Archbishop of Canterbury, people could interpret if loyal

Combined Roman Catholic and Lutheran services 2 Sacraments Offi cial prayer book, Book of Common Prayer , published

under King Edward VI King James Bible Queen Elizabeth I said Eng. Should choose how to

worship as long as they were loyal



1545 Catholic leaders met in Trent, Italy to combat corruption of the Church & fi ght Protestantism

20 sessions over 18 yearsRejected predestination &

justifi cation by faith aloneReaffi rmed the 7 sacramentsLatin Bible was the only

offi cial scripture and Church’s authority to interpret the bible

Better edu. and training for clergy, priests & bishops to preach more, corrected abuses w/ money and Church offi ces


Founded by Ignatius of Loyola, Sp. nobleman

Goals to preach, edu. people, & feed the poor

Founded schools & colleges, missionaries in Africa, Asia, and Americas

Brought Europeans back to the church


1. The church looked to Catholic rulers to support it and to win back lands lost to Protestantism

2. The pope started the Roman Inquisition, which condemned people whose views were considered dangerous and Jews

3. The church published a list of books that Catholics were forbidden to read, and dealt harshly with those it labeled heretics


Led to a series of wars and persecutions in the 16 th and 17 th centuries between Catholics and Protestants, as well as other religions. Fr. Protestants moved fled to

Switzerland or other countries Civil War in Fr. left over a

million dead between 1562-1598

30 Years’ War in Germany between Protestants and Protestants and Catholics, nations also fighting for power Peace of Westphalia in 1648,

set boundaries between Catholic and Protestant lands


Nationalism = people identified w/ their nation & offi cial state religions strengthened unity

Age of Monarchs claimed authority over religious and revived divine right of kings

Religious freedom, Puritans fled Eng. For N. Am.Protestant churches sought freedom and

independence and often chose their own leaders. This helped pave the way for democracy.