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Green, a Great Color for SportsMonday, January 16, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012 Green, a Great Color for Sports: Today’s favorite planet? Earth. And Earth’s favorite color? Green; and in a time when everybody is looking to go green, Denver is excelling with many programs in place to advance the metro area’s green initiatives. With the NFL in its playoff season, people everywhere are in a sports mode, and what better time to look at green initiatives in place at our own sports stadiums? The Pepsi Center, Sports Authority Field and Coors Field all have great “green” programs in place. The Pepsi Center was the first sports venue to join the Environmental Protection Agency’s Climate Leaders Program, and claim 100% “green” status. Termed “Play Clean,” the Pepsi Center’s green initiatives began in July 2007. In this time the facility has installed giant downdrift fans, a cardboard recycling baler, replaced lights in the building’s two club-level restaurants, and purchased renewable energy certificates. The Blue Sky Grill, a popular restaurant located in the Pepsi Center, installed 52 solar power panels on its patio roof, which produce 13,000 Kilowatt hours (KWhrs.) of energy annually, and powers the restaurant’s interior lights for the year. In one year, the Pepsi Center saves 40,000 KWhrs., recycles 100 tons of cardboard and cuts green house gas emissions by 8,000 metric tons of CO2. Impressive, considering the facility is home to over 200 sporting events and concerts each year, not to mention the Democratic National Convention, during which the venue was a part of Xcel Energy’s Windsource program which provides enough wind power to offset energy used during the convention. As charter member of the Rocky Mountain Region Greener Venues Partnership, Sports Authority Field at Mile High is also green. Since it’s implantation in 2007, “Game Plan Green” has put in place many eco-saving programs. Coming into their fifth year, Sports Authority Field has initiated a stadium-wide recycling program, installed a cardboard baler, and began compositing in the main kitchens. In 2008 the venue partnered with Johnson and Whales University to create the Green Team who distributed free trash bags to tailgaters in the parking lot prior to football games. The organization also created its own Energy Management Program which has executed 300 lighting retrofits, installed 23 motion sensors and 16 in-ceiling fans to assist with temperature control, reducing the venue’s energy use by 11%. Sports Authority Field also participated in Xcel Energy’s Windsource program during the 2011 season. Being the oldest of the three venues, Coors Field does not have the green resume that the other two do, but with its open-air design the venue is already cutting cost by not having to light day games. With the assistance of Xcel Energy, the field had solar panels installed on the Rockpile that generate 40,000 KWhrs. annually, enough to power the Rockpile scoreboard all season. Along with the installation of eco-friendly products, the Colorado Rockies also do their part to encourage fans to go green by organizing programs like “bike-to-the-game” and “Games of Green,” in which fans can purchase a $20 “Green Pack,” consisting of two tickets and a $5 donation to “Wood for Wood,” a program that plants one tree for each homerun hit during the green games. With each of our major sports venues pushing green initiatives, it is hard not to get involved. Each facility has lists of energy-saving tips posted on their websites encouraging fans to get involved with the green movement. In a day full of hybrid cars and energy-saving light bulbs, our professional sports venues are showing people nationwide that green is also a great color for sports.

Green, Now Available in BlackThursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012 Green, Now Available in Black: It’s award season once again, and celebrities in partnership with some of the most sought-out designers are doing their part to help charity. 2012 marks the third year of Livia Firth’s “Green Carpet Challenge” charity event. At the end of each year Firth, wife of actor Colin Firth, donates gowns to the Oxfam’s “Curiosity Shop” in London. Donated dresses have been worn during such award events as the London Film Critics’ Circle Awards, the LA Film Critics’ Awards and even during the Weinstein pre Oscars party. The gowns donated to Oxfam’s are auctioned off with proceeds benefitting women struggling with living in poverty (the necklace that she wore to last year’s Oscar’s went for more than $40K).  Being an Italian native, working with Giorgio Armani on such a project was like a dream come true. With Firth’s enthusiasm for the cause and Armani’s flare for beautiful gowns, how could the pair go wrong?  Firth started off this season’s contest by wearing the first ever eco-friendly black silk gown designed by Armani. The dress, which looks far too elegant to be green, is floor-length, strapless and includes a fishtail skirt that opens to a floral pattern.  Along with Armani, Firth has invited other top designers to join the efforts of the Green Carpet Challenge. Now Armani set the bar pretty high, but high profile designers such as Tom Ford, Paul Smith, Gucci, and even Alberta Ferretti are all coming along for the ride. As audiences ooo and aww at the red-carpet gowns this season, designers will be coming up with the best ways to make their stars look good while being green. It will be interesting to see who else will show up in eco-friendly formal wear.  Be sure to check out Firth’s Eco Age and Vogue pages for more information on the Green Carpet Challenge, who is going to be involved, and more pictures of Armani’s bar-setting black silk gown. And remember, on the red carpet, green is now available in black.  

January Cause of the Month: Keep the Arts in Public Schools

Wednesday January 25, 2012

Wednesday January 25, 2012 January Cause of the Month: Keep the Arts in Public Schools There is no doubt that there is a big problem in funding for public schools. Teachers are losing jobs quicker than anyone can measure, and every time we lose a teacher our children lose another opportunity to excel. When school boards get together to make cuts for the coming year, the first place they take from is the electives, the art departments in particular (heaven forbid they cut P.E., although rumors of that happening is circulating). By arts I am not just talking about painting a pretty picture to go on mommy and daddy’s fridge, I am talking about the visual arts as well as humanities, music, dance and theater, all the classes that make a student culturally well rounded.  There are many non-profit organizations that are getting involved in the fight to save the art programs in our public schools, and it is because they are educationally important. Anyone from an artistic family can tell you, the arts are why many kids stay in school, and it is to their advantage. According to Americans for the Arts, students involved in art programs are:4 times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement3 times more likely to be elected to class office4 times more likely to participate in math and science fair3 times more likely to win an award for school attendance Many nonprofits are getting into the fight for public school art programs. Sure, some focus more on their chosen department (i.e. graphic art, visual art, music) but they all strive for the same end-goal: to save the arts. The cause Keep the Arts in Public Schools on has raised $51,444.67 with its 1,229,280 members, proving that the arts are important to the public school consumer. The organization spearheading this cause is Americans for the Arts. With offices in Washington, D.C., and New York City, this non-profit stands behind all the arts and is currently serving over 150,000 organizational and individual members along with their stakeholders. Their advocacy campaign, “The Arts. Ask for More.,” has created many creative and funny public service announcements featuring products named after famous artists such as “Raisin Brahms” and “Van Goghgurt.” The New York City based organization Art for Progress has joined the fight. Focusing on the underserved youth in NYC the organization host after school art programs in addition to their 8-week programs, workshops and Artist in Residence program.  One of the most advertised, and probably most popular, arts advocator is VH1’s Save the Music Foundation. Since the creation of the organization in 1997, Save the Music boasts $48 million in new musical instruments to over 1,800 public schools in over 100 cities reaching over 1.8 million students. In recent years the cause has prompted many partnership with companies like Billabong, Kimpton Hotels and Raymond Weil. In 2010 the foundation partnered with to create a “Battle for the Bands” contest in which local bands would upload a music or music education advocacy video to to win top prizes. It is not only faceless non-profits getting involved; big time music and screen performers are also taking their stance on the art program debate. Teamed with VH1’s Save the Music are artists such as Jordin Sparks, Miley Cyrus, Adele, and Kelly Clarkson, and they all have the same message: save the music, but more importantly, save the arts!

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White is the Color, Green is the Theme: 15 Steps to a Eco-Chic Wedding

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012 White is the Color, Green is the Theme: 15 Steps to a Eco-Chic Wedding It’s Valentine’s Day, which February is known for. This is the month people see red, good and bad, but it is also the month of white for February is National Wedding Month, and for those of you eco-lovers wanting a green theme wedding, here are 15 ways to go green on your big day. Once you have set your date, pick a venue because most need to be booked months in advance. To show your love, consider something close to home; less gas means smaller carbon footprint. Also, consider doing something outside, if the season permits.  If you must do something inside, there are several steps you could take to keep it green: consider a building that donates a portion of it proceeds to non-profits, one with good natural light reducing energy needed to light the space, or simply pick a historic building. With a venue on the books, it is time to let all your friends and family in on your plans. If you choose to make your own invitations, use recycled papers, or you can check out some cool designers who love the planet as much as you: Bag Lady Designs, Earthly Affair, Of the Earth, or Green Field Paper just to name a few. Everyone knows it’s all about the dress. Eco-conscience brides fear not, there are many ways to love the earth and yourself here. First, you could consider buying a pre-owned dress from a consignment shop, make one at home, or check out Nicole Lenzen Custom Bridal and Evening Wear. Based out of Brooklyn, Lenzen makes custom vintage gowns out of recycled and organic materials and can even turn mom’s “something old” into “something new.” Oh the beloved bridesmaid’s dresses…you want something nice, but also something eco-friendly. Well good news! Alfred Angelo, a coveted designer, has launched the new Purely collection full of dresses for the eco-smart bride. Lollipops Design offers great selection for eco flower girl dresses. Who doesn’t love something round and shinny? Well believe it or not, you can go green with your rings. Check out Fay Cullen, Brilliant Earth, Greenoro, or Green Karat for some great wedding rings.

The centerpiece of the reception: the cake. Great ways to have an eco-friendly wedding cake would be simple thing like using local organic ingredients, buying fair trade, going vegan, or if you insist on cupcakes, consider going paperless and leaving the wrappers on the shelf. As far as food goes, consider a food truck, it’s fun, unique and there are quite a few eco-conscience trucks. If catering, again, stick to local organics.

There are many helpful sites that help you plan a green honeymoon:,, and are just a couple. The best green practice for your men, rent! Renting tuxes (which 90% couple already do) reinforces recycle and reuse. Flowers; consider local farmers’ markets, dried/silk flowers, or even growing your own. Another fun idea is to donate your flowers to area hospitals or senior homes when all the festivities have ended, because everyone loves something beautiful. Some fun gifts for the bridal party could be something as simple as flip-flops (check out iPANEMA for cool eco options), to custom beach jewelry (Liliana Designs) and cufflinks, or baseball bat bottle openers. The little things such as favors, centerpieces and boutonnieres can be made at home just days before the wedding. Consider using recycled glass as the focal point of your centerpiece; VivaTerra, Recycled Glassworks and Greenfeet have great choices. Favors could be as simple as trees, flower seeds/bulbs or organic chocolates. And you can make some really unique boutonnieres out of things like feathers, recycled butting or cool paper pinwheels. Whether you do it yourself, or enlist some help, there are many great ways to show your love for each other and the planet on your wedding day.

A-Listers Gather for some Socially Good Entertainment

Wednesday March 7, 2012

Wednesday March 7, 2012 A-Listers Gather for some Socially Good Entertainment For years there has been debate on who should be allowed legal marriage rights, and with the passage of Proposition 8, homosexual couples were banned from obtaining legal rights to marriage. The issue has become very controversial and led to the organization of many causes, non-profits and marches. Over the weekend Hollywood stepped in to raise lots of awareness, and a little money, for the cause. Believing that every American should have equal rights, Proposition 8 (commonly referred to as Prop 8) has seen more requests for repeals than almost any other constitutional issue. If you go to, you will see hundreds of posting for anti-prop 8 cause pages. While searching “Prop 8” on the site, the first cause page to come up was REPEAL PROP 8!! The cause was founded on November 6, 2008 by Benjie Perez, and in its short time has collected 43,505 members who have raised $3,200.   While Perez collects donations on the small scale, Hollywood A-listers are giving a big boost to anti-prop 8 efforts. This past Saturday (March 3) actors such as George Clooney, Kevin Bacon, Jamie Lee Curtis, Brad Pitt, and Martin Sheen came together for a live reading of Dustin Lance Black’s “8,” a play written about the Perry v. Brown case in California. The Prop 8 controversy brought forth the formation of Broadway Impact. Founded by three friends working in legendary stage industry, the organization gathered thousands of volunteers and has organized rallies, “be-ins,” writing campaigns, and produced a summer concert series all in support of gay marriage. Known for such award-winning screenplays as Milk and J. Edgar, Black was approached by Broadway Impact and the American Foundation for Equal Rights (AFER) to write the script for “8.” Using actual words straight from the court transcripts, first-hand observations and interviews from the plaintiffs and their families, Black brings Prop 8 to the stage.  In addition to the live stage performance attended by stars such as Sally Field, Barbara Streisand, Olivia Wilde, and Hayden Panettiere, the reading was streamed via YouTube to over 200,000 viewers. By the end of it all, the event raised $2 million for the social cause. If you missed it, as I did (I just came across the story this morning, thanks Ecorazzi), the video is still available to view in its entirety on YouTube until Saturday. And be sure to check out to find out how to bring a reading of “8” to your school or local theater. Whether on the small scale or the major stage, we can all do our part to ensure that all Americans have the equal rights we are promised.

What to do with your Earth DayTuesday April 17, 2012

Tuesday April 17, 2012 What to do with your Earth Day It’s been all over the news, the Internet, and even our own blog, and yes, here we go again with another post for Earth Day 2012. I wanted to take this time to tell you all about a great event that I stumbled upon this afternoon, Earth Day on the National Mall: Mobilize the Earth. Any American will be familiar with the National Mall, well maybe not the name, but the place; it is shown in blockbuster movies and featured in hit TV shows based in Washington D.C. Until today I had no idea that the National Mall was actually a big green space in the heart of our country’s capitol. That’s right, this public lawn stretches for two miles between the White House, U.S. Capitol Building, Lincoln Memorial, and the Potomac River. This great space is home to the Smithsonian, the greatest collection of free museums and memorials. It is also the #1 destination for D.C.’s 16 million annual visitors, and, of course, April is the month that the mall gets visited the most. Mobilize the Earth is a project back by the Earth Day Network. The purpose of this movement is to bring millions of people together to celebrate our beautiful planet. This is a great chance for all us Earth lovers to come together and “speak with one voice, one message,” that we need a sustainable future. The network has created a platform that allows “people of all nationalities and backgrounds voice appreciation for the planet and demand its protection.” Mobilizing the Earth and the National Mall come together to put on a whole day of live music and guest speakers. In 2010 the event attracted headliners like Sting, John Legend, Joss Stone, The Roots, and Jimmy Cliff, and environmentalists such as James Cameron, Jesse Jackson and EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson made appearances as well. For the 2012 celebration, Earth Day Network will bring in Cheap Trick, Dave Mason, Kicking Daisies, and Explorers Club. This event has brought thousands together in celebration of Earth, but if you are not in the D.C. area, like us, the Earth Day Network has a couple of recommendations for you to celebrate in your own way:Attend a local Earth Day event, orJoin Earth Day campaigns, such as the network’s A Billion Acts of Green. Whatever you do, be sure to get out there and celebrate the great things our planet has provided to us. Happy Earth Day, everybody!