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14. The true enemy of Humanity

(Hidden in plain sight)

The adoration of the golden calf by Nicolas Poussin - 1633

“All that is required for evil to prevail is that good men stand by and do nothing”. Edward Burke (Irish political philosopher)

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Monograph 14: The true enemy of Humanity? 1  

Preamble by Editor

Members of the Spiritualist Society of Athens – “The Divine Light” in Greece received a number of inspirational teachings from the Heavenly Kingdom. All spiritual communications were received by the Society’s medium: the late George Pisanis. These communications were published in a series of books in Greek (some are available in English), which can be obtained from their website The spiritual communications were terminated in 1979 with the death of the Society’s medium the day after the last communication was given and the Teaching of Heaven had been completed. For more information the reader is referred to the Society’s booklet “What is Divine Light” which can also be obtained from their website.

The series of monographs is a continuation of the four books in the series “The Purpose of Earthly Life” which can be downloaded free from the website

For further information the readers are directed to the books on this website which can be downloaded free. Each page is divided into two sections: the larger one contains the translation and the other, additional material from elsewhere to assist with your reading. The extensive margin comments have been sourced primarily from Wikipedia that has numerous web sites and comments on the subject. Please do your own research. The Internet, on-line libraries and physical libraries are a good starting point. In this monograph, I have provided references and websites as well as the date that each teaching was delivered.

The Bibliography and References are given in a separate document called “References-Bibliography.pdf” available from the website You may also find the Lexicon, Glossary-Monograph.pdf useful from the same site.

As you can see from reading this monograph, it is a difficult subject to discuss for many reasons. But together with the monograph (13) entitled: “USA-Russia-EU-Greece-China” they give a different perspective to what is happening today around us. It is remarkable that even though the texts were delivered some forty years ago, they are still topical today.

Yianni Attikiouzel Translator and Editor March 2013

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14.1 The palace and the hut

3 January 1974 [23:132-133]

Plato: My dear brethren there are two representative images: the majestic palace and the small poor house that is called a hut. In which of the two dwellings does the Holy Light reside? Not one of you knows. Maybe it is inside the bright and magnificent palace or maybe inside the dark and poor hut. If I ask you I am sure you will give the wrong answer. You must examine what is the palace and what is the hut. It is possible that the hut be a den of criminals, and the palace the mansion of the Holy Light? As I said, it is possible! The Parliament of the Lord is also a palace, and in Bethlehem the hut where our Saviour was born, was a small manger. Therefore in both these opposing images there is Divine Light. The terms are reversed. The palace falls into the hands of thieves and criminals. The light that is contained in it is not Divine but false. And in the hut, which is in darkness evil aspirations are devised as usually happens in countries of wealth and corruption. Therefore, do not seek the Divine Light in either case. The palace and the hut exist inside you. From you depends which image you are going to hold and what light you are going to provide to your dwelling. Therefore the palace and the hut have no connection with Divine Light. It is possible that you may not be able to construct the palace inside you. In which case be satisfied with the hut and give it the light of the palace. But which light? The Divine. And then the hut will become a palace.

14.2 Who is the true enemy of humanity? 8 Dec 1972 [19:217-219]

Pharah: When the Spiritual World acts against International Zionism, Its outcry is not against the Jews but only against those that become collaborators, agents and accomplices of Zionism. The Jewish people do not think with the same spirit as the underhand and sly children of Zion. A percentage of the Jewish people are truly your brothers, because they are wise and have an understanding of

About Zionism: The Khazars (meaning wanderers in Turkic) were nomadic pagan Turkic/Mongol/Nordic people who by early 600 AD established Khazaria (also called the Land of the Judahites) as one of the largest countries in Eurasia. Khazars were not only expert warriors but also aggressive merchants. At the zenith of their power they demanded payment of 10% from all traders passing through their dominion. This made them very rich. Their largest expansion occurred during the European Dark Ages. Khazars played a power-balancing role between Christian and Muslim nations. After years of fighting both Christians and Muslims their royalty and aristocracy converted from their Tengrism (pagan phallic/idolatry) religion to one of equal standing to their neighbours monotheistic religions: Judaism. This conversion and the subsequent en masse conversion of the people took place circa 740 AD and was purely political not to show alliance to either Christian or Muslim neighbours. Khazars were judged according to the Tora (Tor = customs, unwritten law in old Turkic – modern Turkish = Tore. The Khazarian language is now extinct and surviving written works are primarily written in Hebrew. The converted Khazars named themselves “Jews”. These converted Khazars have nothing in common with the Biblical Hebrews yet they lay claim to their heritage. Even with the disbandment of the Khazars, their language, Yiddish (hybrid of German, Russian and Turkish languages written with Hebrew characters) forms a bond between these people. Through the generations they have also passed down a military tradition known as Zionism and the belief that they were the chosen people and divinely ordained to have their

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their debt to their fellow men. But when the Zionists govern the Jewish nation and force the people to act one way or another to strengthen Zionism, it is impossible for the people to react and destroy the laws that aim at the ultimate future of their International government. Your opinion that all Jews are thinking this way is wrong. However they work by mutually supporting those of the same religion and for this they are worthy of congratulations. On the contrary, the Christian people try to exterminate one another, saying: “your death is my life” so they can usurp the goods of their neighbour. This is because Christians are Christians in name only. It will be to their detriment if they do not awake from their lethargy. Many Christians are caught in the many traps of International Zionism that acts treacherously, having the mask of an angel and the energy of Satan. Zionism has existed since ancient times although under a different name. At different times and depending on the circumstances they changed name. This faction of the Jewish people was organised before the times of Christ. With the passage of time they have reached the zenith of their authority so that today they govern invisibly the entire planet that they are planning to openly subordinate through economic measures. Returning to the period before Christ, I inform you that the Jews were divided into four large distinct tribes. As such you know them from history. We will examine them in a manner so that you can understand what are the distinctive points of each faction. The opinions for the distinction between the Jewish people are as follows:

1. What is mine is mine and what is yours is yours. This denotes respect for the personal wealth of the people, that is, there is mutual support of personal interests, as it is in all countries with civil laws.

2 What is mine is yours and what is yours is mine.

In this case, there exists cooperation and from this in Judaea, Mormonism was born.

3. What is mine is yours and what is yours is yours. The above is pious and God fearing beyond the measure. They self sacrifice for the good and virtuous. These people exceed the measure of love. This faction is the smallest, the humanitarians, and is not interested in matter but in Divine knowledge.

4. What is mine is mine and what is yours is mine. These people belong to the exploiters, plunderers,

own homeland at any cost.

It is important to know and recognise that the descendants of the Khazars are not the Biblical Hebrews.

Eighty to ninety percent of all the “Jews” in the world have NO Semitic ancestry; they are Khazars, of “Gentile” origin, barbarian Mongol Turks, from the area of Khazaria (now the Caucasus portion of Western Russia), people who, in about 740 A.D., accepted the religion and/or culture of Judaism. Very few, if any, “Jews” in the world today, have any Semitic blood (Semite, from the word Shemite. Shem was one of the sons of Noah). See The Thirteenth Tribe, by Jewish author, Arthur Koestler in which he advances the thesis that Ashkenazi Jews are not descendants of the historical Israelites but Khazars. four large distinctive tribes: Following the exit from Egypt the 12 tribes, in groups of three, used to camp (The Encampment) around the tabernacle. Four of the tribes: Judah (East), Reuben (South), Ephraim (West) and Dan (North) were recognized as

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oppressors and the heartless. They have created Zionism and through cunning have enslaved the other three categories of the whole; therefore to all appearances all the Jews are Zionists! However, essentially the Zionists are the only ones that visibly and invisibly govern their nation by sometimes sacrificing some of their people in order to achieve their aim.

You have a spirit to judge so you can verify what is happening and who is the invisible enemy of the world. 14.3 The dark forces have existed for centuries

2 October 1976 [25:52-54]

Euclid: The ideas behind Zionism as well as International Zionism have the Committee of Israeli Imperialism as their brain. The actions of this brain progress towards the worst dictatorship humanity will ever see. Zionists form the dark forces that are dated from centuries before the Christian era. The appearance of Zionism is two fold. In today’s era it appears as a peaceful power. Its members are made up of genuine Israelis that hold high positions in all community, political and economic layers of the world. They do not hesitate to sacrifice a small number of their population so they can achieve the macabre and evil plans that are understandably unknown to the citizens of foreign nations. Very few of their secret plans have come to light. Those that they fight with duplicity and malice are the Christian nations, that is, the gullible and naïve who are noble in spirit. For this reason they spread discord amongst Christian brothers as a unique means of sullying the religion of Love and creating confusion among the various Christian dogmas that Zionism has also brought into being. Open your eyes, at last, and follow the way they are working, so you can learn how to imitate their perfect accord and their delivery. You are blind, because without investigating you are assisting the greatest enemy of humanity. International Zionism is made up, in the main, of non-Israeli elements entangled in the income mechanisms of the unseen dark powers. These elements are made up of unscrupulous agents that have been sold to the patron of Zionism who directs them according to his will. These agents are corks that float either willingly or unwillingly because through their ignorance they serve their enemy, without realizing that if Zionism has even the slightest suspicion about their agents it kills them through fortuitous accidents. All of their agents are attracted as needles to a magnet, that is, to money. Such elements are chosen from ambitious, impious,

tribal leaders each with their own banner. The internet has extensive references and articles by scholars on this subject. Here are some examples: Also have a look at the Jewish Virtual Library: Zion also transliterated as Sion or Tzion. The word is first found in Samuel II, 5:7 dating to c.630–540 BC according to modern scholarship. It commonly referred to a specific mountain near Jerusalem –mount Zion - on which stood a Jebusite (a Canaanite tribe who inhabited and built Jerusalem prior to its conquest by King David) fortress of the same. David named it ‘The City of David’. The term Tzion came to designate the area of Jerusalem where the fortress stood. In Kabbalah the more

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fanatical, dogmatic, gluttonous, morons and scientists that have wicked ideas. That is, all of them become slaves of the Cunning Spirit on Earth. International Zionism with its various dark lodges and multinational companies, have vanquished university professors, military personnel, politicians and social workers of all branches, with its support to exploit a certain aim. This is how, you are worthy of your fate, you, who were able to react and not fall in the traps of Zionistic politics. Masonry with its different faces has quietly seized the key positions in government administrations. The economic misery of the nations is due to masonry. This is because its collaborators in society hold in their hands the keys that cause the artificial price increases of all goods. This forces nations that have been unjustly treated to revolt and the incapable and shortsighted officials to fall, so that new problems are created in your country. Do not forget the saying: “Other are the wishes of people but God commands differently”.

14.4 The danger is great 10 June 1977

[25:309-311] Pharah: Be careful. The danger is great for the whole of humanity. The enemy who you know threatens you. I mean the main enemy and the persons sold to him. ‘Purging’ will take place and with this word I mean murders of those who resist the actions of the worst enemy of humanity. There are many ways of purging that you do not know, of which the nations of the world are unaware, that involve the death or elimination of political men - even of your innocent colleagues. I will not name those in danger, even those who are in your country. I do not mean that all this will take place before your elections. It may be afterwards or later, if the many, who are interested in the events do not lose their self-control. Therefore, it depends on you what position you are going to take. Think carefully and with a clear conscience weigh the ‘for’ and the ‘against’, in depth, so you can decide to whom you are going to give your vote. Many times we stressed that the Spiritual World is not involved in politics. If by this, you understand this to mean interfering with the internal problems as well as with the external ones of the whole world, this means that you need to be enlightened, so you do not fall into the traps that have been set by the agents, your enemies. For example, Parties promise a lot without knowing the outcome of the elections. Those from the Parties who are saying lies, you ought to know and as for those who are saying the truth, it will be difficult for them to lie, without being in a position to know the outcome of the events.

esoteric reference is made to Tzion being the spiritual point from which reality emerges, located in the Holy of Holies of the first, second and third Temple.

It is interesting to note that: David’s Psalm 51 (by Greek numbering, Septuagint it is given as Psalm 50), traditionally referred to as the Miserere, its Latin incipit, begins: Have mercy on me, O God [This version is from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer translation of the Masoretic Hebrew text] includes the verse: ‘O be favourable and gracious unto Sion: build Thou the walls of Jerusalem’

In Judaism the entire psalm is recited in the rite of the bedtime on weekdays, and is also part of regular prayers. It is also one of the most frequently used psalms in the Eastern Orthodox Church and those Eastern Catholic Churches that follow the Byzantine Rite. In Western Christianity, is also used liturgically. In Orthodox Christianity, Psalm 50 (as numbered in the Septuagint) is used in the Holy Services, when the priest reciting Psalm 50 censes the Holy Altar and the Iconostasis before the Great Entrance.

Pascal's Wager (also known as Pascal's Gambit) is an argument in apologetic philosophy that was devised by the seventeenth-century French philosopher, mathematician and physicist, Blaise Pascal. It posits’ that

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The time for voting is approaching and it is the most important because you are at the most critical time in your history. You do not have anyone else to direct you, to protect you and to show you what is your aim. We have spoken many times about this point and I repeat be calm. Whatever happens be assured that the Spiritual World is on your side irrespective if some of you are indifferent or do not believe what I am saying. Those of you who know from our older Texts, that our short-term prophecies have been fulfilled, be assured that something else which I am going to mention in another communication will be verified, because it is still early for you to learn some things that you do not know. It is sufficient that you remember and ask for it, for me to mention it. Hard battles are fought everywhere for the final enslavement of all the nations of your world. You ought to know that the final victory is that of the Spiritual World. Do not pay attention to the small victories of the unscrupulous and misguided. They are going to fall first into the trap of your enemies. Today we fight falsehood and slander. But tomorrow the Light of Truth will overcome cunning and scheming. Therefore do not worry from this point of view. By the nature of things we are continuously in touch. Do not fear whatever is going to happen. Spirits able and very strong in all areas have taken positions but unfortunately for you, they are invisible to you. It is superfluous for me to describe anything further since you know much of what is already known.

14.5 About the religion of the Jewish race 10 June 1973

[23:62-63] Question 1: What is the belief of the Jewish race’s religion concerning the meaning of the eternity of Man? Question 2: What is taught to their faithful so they can go forward and gain eternity? Pharah: In the religion of the Jewish race, their faith is to the creator of destruction (Baphomet). With methodical teaching of these people, their attention is turned to the value of matter only. From a psychological point of view their faith is abstract. They teach: since the spirit is immortal without anyone knowing with certainty whether this is so and whether the spirit is educated in Heaven and under what conditions, it is preferable not to be interested in what we do not know with certainty, and to remain faithful to the energy that destroys, in order to force us to create. Therefore for the Jewish element faith in eternity is something sacred but undefined. It is a force that gifts the matter in which they will find their earthly god. Except for a few, they are not interested in life after death. It is a

there's more to be gained from wagering on the existence of God than from atheism’, and that a rational person should live as though God exists, even though the truth of the matter cannot actually be known. Pascal formulated the wager within a Christian framework, and it was set out in section 233 of his posthumously published: Pensées. (Pensées = thoughts in French), was the name given to the collection of unpublished notes, which, after Pascal's death, were assembled to form an incomplete treatise on Christian apologetics. Apologetics (from Greek απολογία, "speaking in defense") is the discipline of defending a position (often religious) through the systematic use of information.

Baphomet = Beelzebub = Eosphoros = Lucifer = Evil = Snake.

The Protocols purports to document the minutes of a late 19th-century meeting of Jewish leaders discussing their goal of global Jewish hegemony (Greek = dominance, authority or control) by subverting the morals of gentiles, and by controlling the press and the world's

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consequence of an unknown development in the creation of “Man”. But what is of interest to the head of this tribe is the ardent desire to conquer all the nations of the world, even making sporadic sacrifices of their own in order to achieve their aim. The religious and political meaning of their own strength is taught to the Jewish race. That is, how to accumulate worldly gold in their hands and all the goods of the world without considering eternity but only the ephemeral, so that they do not waste valuable time daydreaming about things they do not know and doubt. As you will notice in their lodges the name of their real god is never mentioned despite that they believe in its existence, Baphomet. The lodges accept that they are not strictly religious but they perform rituals so they play with the conscience of their associates, tying them down by swearing upon swearing so that they can gain their collaboration in the religious – political conquests.

14.6 “The protocols of the wise men of Zion” 1 November 1977

[25:301-303] Pharah: For some years the Spiritual World has stressed repeatedly that the ingenuity of the Evil Spirit is impossible for you to measure. Be careful, no human entity is in a position to face Evil and all its pursuits. For this reason, in this case, the Spiritual World takes on the task of confronting Evil on earth. The Spiritual World protects those that have fallen into the trap of the enemy of humanity. Those who are tardy in comprehension and who do not understand how it is possible for the Daemons of Evil to exist among the people of your Earth and through cunning means, that is, misleading directions, disputes, greediness and debauchery, fool you by their poor perception they attributing everything superficially to factors that have no connection with the general situation. They deliberately ignore the true Source of Evil. Whereas Evil is derived from the enlisted high-ranking agents all over the world through Masonry and other different organisations. This way you come into conflict amongst you and you have no protection against the most wretched Zionism. If you do not have a grain of knowledge it is because you have undergone brainwashing, so you keep falling into an impasse. The proof of all that I am referring to and you do not want to believe exists in the satanic manual “the Protocols of the wise men of Zion” - Read it carefully so you can be convinced by whom it was written. Zionism has contradicted its source and it has deceived you. Therefore if you study these texts carefully, you will see with what accuracy and conviction they are applied today on a wide scale across the world. When previously for many years we trumpeted the danger of Lucifer on Earth you sneered, as if these written texts were myths. Today

economies. It is still widely available today and even now available on the internet or in print in numerous languages.

The document consists of twenty-four (24) Protocols, which have been analyzed by Steven Jacobs and Mark Weitzman, and they documented several recurrent themes that appear repeatedly in the 24 protocols, as shown: ( 1: The Basic Doctrine: "Right Lies in Might" 2: Economic War and Disorganization Lead to International Government. 3. Methods of Conquest. 4. The Destruction of Religion by Materialism. 5. Despotism and Modern Progress. 6. The Acquisition of Land, The Encouragement of Speculation. 7. A Prophecy of Worldwide War. 8. The transitional Government. 9. The All-Embracing Propaganda. 10. Abolition of the Constitution; Rise of the Autocracy. 11. The Constitution of Autocracy and Universal Rule. 12. The Kingdom of the Press and Control. 13. Turning Public Thought from Essentials to Non-essentials. 14. The Destruction of Religion as a Prelude to the Rise of the Jewish God. 15. Utilization of Masonry: Heartless Suppression of Enemies. 16. The Nullification of Education. 17. The Fate of Lawyers and the Clergy. 18. The Organization of Disorder. 19. Mutual Understanding Between Ruler and People 20. The Financial Program and Construction. 21. Domestic Loans and Government Credit. 22. The Beneficence of Jewish Rule. 23. The Inculcation of

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what do you have to say, when on your own you have chosen the impasse and as cowards and submissive you tolerate this catastrophe? The texts of the “protocols” are given in 24 chapters. Be careful, the chapters correspond to the 24 letters of the Greek alphabet. This is the only mistake made by Evil, even though legally they remain unshakeable. If I give you the explanation of Evil’s mistake, you will deny it because you have not delved into our meanings and you are negative. The monopolies of Zionism have one daring aim: the destruction of the national economy of every nation of the world, the artificial hunger, misery and the mutual killing of nations. A special target for them is Greece. Even though it is a small country they are afraid of it, just in case it is re-established and other countries will imitate it. For this reason they have concentrated the biggest weight of their cunning on their mercenaries, foreigners to their race, as well as on local traitors to undermine your foundations. The Spiritual World will take an active part in your defense and also in your attack, to defend your people that have suffered so much for the sake of their religion. For God’s sake, all unite together to give a harsh lesson to the enemies of your nation.

14.7 The power of Zionism 21 April 1973

[23:47-49] Question 1: Why during their diaspora throughout the universe did the power of Zionism (the 300 brains) not suffer the consequences of the Law of Attrition, as did other nations, countries, empires and civilisations? Euclid: ... My dear brother, the 300 brains of Zionism exist not very far from your epoch. Before them, they worked in the diaspora and had between them an accord that was imposed by their brotherhood. They blindly obeyed the directives and advice of their authority. They worked in total secrecy with patience and determination so they could achieve their aim. No one from those governing the various countries or empires or other people in authority was ever interested in finding the hidden enemy of humanity. So this way, this brotherly link tightens for its own benefit and at the expense of other nations. In the meantime the agents of Zionism, who were handsomely rewarded, sowed the seeds of parasites around the world while the governments of nations and empires fought amongst them as to who was going to be first. This is the difference between one way of working and the other. Question 2: What is the power that protects Zionism from the

Obedience. 24. The Jewish Ruler. See also:

"Three hundred (300) men, all of whom know one another, direct the economic destiny of Europe and choose their successors from among themselves." --Walter Rathenau, 1909, founder of the mammoth German General Electric Corporation The Committee of 300 is a product of the British East India Company's Council of 300. The British royal family chartered the East India Company in 1600. It made vast fortunes in the opium drug trade with China and became the largest company on earth in its time. Today, through many powerful alliances, the Committee of 300 rules the world and is the driving force behind the criminal agenda to create a "New World Order", under a "Totalitarian Global Government. The Committee of 300 with its "aristocracy", its ownership of the U.S. Federal

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erosion of time? Euclid: The power that protects Zionism from the ravages of time is the plan formulated by its leaders many years ago. Without deviating from it through the passage of time, they kept secret, that which others have neglected to keep. And, as an effective weapon that for many years they have perfected, was the strength of gold. Question 3: What is the power that instead of destroying Zionism strengthens it? Euclid: The absolute understanding between the key leaders of Zionism. No one talks aimlessly and irrationally when it comes to making decisions for the overall good of their race. Question 4: Until when will gold constitute an evil power in the hand of Zionists? Euclid: My friend, gold is not a malefactor power, it is the evil people that use it as a criminal weapon who are. When the nations awake from the deep sleep that the Zionists have imbued by various means, then the strength of the Christian people that has been blinded will be immense. They will find their sight and will fall as a rock on their victim. Question 5: Will gold continue to be the basis of currencies or will it be replaced by other means? Euclid: For the time being gold will remain as is. Question 6: What are the thirty traps of our country, which Lord Pharah is referring to? Euclid: There are many more of these traps today. They have extended to commerce, manufacturing, fine arts and science under an invisible cloak. Question 7: Why does the law of attrition and decline, act faster on Good and slower on Evil? Euclid: Because Evil has its centre on Earth and it is much easier to act on the weaknesses of human thought. Question 8: Is it possible for Zionism to perish by itself with the passage of time without the intervention of the Spiritual World? Euclid: Zionism cannot perish by itself, unless the Spiritual World acts to awaken the members of the Christian brotherhood, if such exist.

14.8 The spinal column of all dark societies is

Reserve banking system, insurance companies, giant corporations, foundations, communications networks, presided over by a hierarchy of conspirators-this is the enemy. Secret societies exist by deception. Each is a hierarchy with an inner circle at the top, who deceives those below with lies, such as claiming a noble agenda; thus, duping them into following a web of compartmentalized complicity. The inner circle of the Committee of 300 is the Order of the Garter, headed by Queen Elizabeth Windsor II. It is interesting to note that the Windsors changed their name from the Germanic Saxe-Coburg-Gotha during WWI, because of anti-German sentiment.

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Occultism 7 September 1975

[24:119-121] Lord Pharah: Occultism is the hidden science that has been developed by the Rabbis as well as by prominent persons of the Jewish race who belong to Zionism. All these from older times were occupied with Kabbalah and are called Kabbalists. Kabbalah, that is occultism, is the spinal column of the hideous hidden science that was transmitted and is transmitted unfortunately through spiritualism. This communication is made with the Cunning Spirit that is called Baphomet and with a mask of the pretend god Jehovah. God does not have a special name; men of faith and duty call him Anarhon. The best definition of this Supreme Power is “Unknown Authority of All”. There is no need for me to give fuller explanations. I return to the god of darkness and sin whom you men gave the name ‘Eosphoros’ (‘Lucifer’) and the Jews, ‘Baphomet’. Kabbalists communicate with Baphomet so they can harm and continue to harm humanity. In the methodical way that one can discern in the Zionists, they have managed to announce in the cleverest manner that the Jews are the chosen people of the Lord and are to be believed by the Christians. To confuse the spirits of the nations further they organized secret evil organizations that although differ in small areas, as I stressed before, they have the same spinal column, the Kabbalah. Because Man by nature tends towards evil, this facilitates their teaching and cleverly dislodges ethical principles by confusing their spirit with thoughts, through dark logic, so that in time general misery will befall nations in all sectors and be enslaved by them as future rulers of the world. Zionists kept alive magic, necromancy, alchemy and other similar means so foolish people can be occupied. As for the intellectuals, they used chained enslavement of the latter into Masonry, Theosophy, Rotary, Rosicrucian, Illuminati, Naitas, Martinistas, Kabbalism, Satanism, international companies, suspicious philanthropic institutions and a thousand other unorthodox means, wicked and evil. The president of the wise men of Zion and his committee temporarily governs all this mechanism of the Daemon on Earth. The position of president will be taken in a specific time by a descendant of David who will be enthroned as king of the Jewish Imperialism in Jerusalem. This plague of the Daemon has forced the Lord to use the same weapon, which is spiritualism, to awaken the multitudes that are asleep. The Spiritual World will confront Evil, as you will watch on

Rabbis: In Judaism a rabbi is a teacher of the Torah. Meaning "My Master" which is the way a student would address a master of Torah. The word "master" literally means "great one".

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your screens. It will have your small centre as a bastion of Enlightenment. Our enormous powers are on your side for their surprise appearance that will totally destroy the enemy. The sly enemy has spread throughout the government mechanisms of nations. An unexpected mine of the Spiritual World will blow them up to dissolve their arrogance because they have exceeded the limit of what is feasible.

14.9 Theosophical centres and secret organisations

15 March 1973 [23:35-37]

Pharah: I return to fulfill an old promise to teach the subject: “The aim for the establishment of Theosophical centres and various secret organisations”. My dear brethren, I require from you to know that Theosophy has helped human knowledge by a percentage. This occurred until the last years of its existence in Egypt as an illuminating star. But from the time that Theosophists honoured Theosophy under a new transformation with key organizer Helena Blavatsky the Lord has abolished it. Without wanting to offend any one who is present, because I consider most of you to be lost sheep, I am obliged with a few words to stress, that the first danger for your world is deceitfully created by the international lodges of masons. Their metaphysical section belongs to the lodges of Theosophists. What the Theosophists teach is known. Subjects that are known to the science of earthly education with attractive words attract audiences without them learning anything about the Spiritual World. Some Theosophists even accept miracles, pretending that they believe in them. They speak about justice, love towards their brothers, respect and purity. All these are concealments of hypocrisy. Their victims are their own members who with a special method become fanatical and are attracted towards total ignorance. Until now there are in excess of thirty(30) such traps that belong totally to Zionism. The spinal column of all these traps is a strong power of Evil that rules humanity. This power has a name. It is Baphomet, whose appearance Zionists do not transmit to the wider audience, but they name this physiognomy as “The Great Architect of the Universal World”. And so as not to be at odds with other religions they say: “This power is God”. If I enter into the inner sanctum of this power, I will surprise you,

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky born as Helena Gan, 31 July 1831 - 8 May 1891 was a scholar of ancient wisdom literature who along with others was instrumental in the Western transmission and revival of Theravada Buddhism. In 1875 Blavatsky established a research and publishing institute called the Theosophical Society. Blavatsky defined Theosophy as "the archaic Wisdom-Religion, the esoteric doctrine once known in every ancient country having claims to civilization”. Blavatsky’s life is difficult for her biographers, as she did not keep diaries and there was nobody with her to tell about these events. In general, a picture of a route and course of the travels is based mainly on Blavatsky’s memoirs, which sometimes contain chronological contradictions.

‘The Lord, through the Spiritual World, abolished Theosophy as it became unacceptable after the appearance of the Polish-Jewish Helena Blavatsky’. From “Pieces from the Apocryphal years of Jesus’

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without envisaging in what position you are by supporting this power, which in the future will harm you and immobilize you. All the nations are at boiling point, because this sinister power is not visible anywhere. It works treacherously and infernally. Its aim is to overturn everything not only in your sector but also in all sectors of the world. It tries to overturn everything from its foundations. It is strange how many wise people of your world have not perceived this Evil, that today holds in its hands all the power and authority of your planet. If you do not wake up, justly you will endure the taste of bitter destruction. The spread of corruption in the whole world is due to a few exploiters and especially women; the reason for the corruption of the spirit and body is International Zionism. This way it secretly tries to corrupt everything with money and roughness.

A whole manuscript is not sufficient to analyse their meanness, shamefulness and unethical work firstly against the Christians and then against other religions that they can easily subjugate. Only the Christian power brings resistance. They have even corrupted your priests, because they have penetrated Christian flocks, as Christians fight Christianity. This is how heresies are created. And all of you are happily in a deep sleep. Not one of you thinks which way you ought to utterly defeat this invisible enemy of humanity. Soon you will see many sad images, on an international scale, so you can be convinced about what I am saying. The common enemy of humanity traps all the nations in different ways. Wake up. Do not expect help from Heaven if you are not prepared to help Heaven. Otherwise amongst the dry wood, you the green flora will also suffer extermination. This is a view of the Heavenly Enlightenment so you can repel the earthly one and be released from the great danger of international Zionism.

14.10 The burning of the Alexandrian library 6 September 1978

[17:162-163] Euclid: My brethren, you ask me to clarify if the fire of the Alexandrian library was started deliberately or was it an accident. Of course many things have been written and a lot has been said about it and its historical accuracy using erroneous calculations and an imagination exceeding the measure. No one from those who have occupied themselves with this topic has entered into the truth through

[ref 13, p56]:

See the monograph: “Hermes Trismegistus”

The Lighthouse of Alexandria or Pharos of Alexandria (in Ancient Greek, Ο Φάρος της Αλεξανδρείας), was a tower built between 280 and 247 BC on the island of Pharos a small

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eloquent speech and scientific research. This remarkable library that had gathered invaluable and unique scrolls of ancient Greek philosophers was incinerated. A symbolic example of its light was the Lighthouse of Alexandria one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The Lighthouse was essential for the commercial navigation of this prosperous city and also it had the purpose of transmitting the light of knowledge to the world. No one knows exactly how many papyri have disappeared because many of them were not entered into the catalogues of the Library. Those by Aristotle alone exceeded 1,000 works, as well as those of other unknown writers worthy of study that were not made known to the wider public. Do not define the lost works by numbers when you do not even know in which categories they were classified and what invaluable treasure they formed in the library. A library that was guarded by special guards so it could not be stolen and the meanings altered by forgers from foreign nations. The fire was lit on purpose by Semites as revenge against Alexander the Great who had absolutely forbidden his army to marry with this race. These secret enemies of the Greeks had the aim of eradicating completely the Greek morphological education and replacing it with their own religious principles that were very far from the cultivated high ideals of the noble Greek enlightenment. When enemies were occupying Alexandria, invisible mercenaries of the Semites set fire to houses near the Library to attract everyone’s attention in that direction and the Library remained undefended. But the mystics of knowledge managed to transport many of the papyri to safe places and from there with trusted men transported many of the works to secret monasteries in India. They burnt many unwritten papyri so that the enemy could not realise that many written papyri had been saved. The unlawful and inhuman actions of the Semites, a Jewish race, had the aim of stifling Greek education through the passage of time. To a certain extent in later manuscripts they have twisted the enlightening and glorious knowledge of the ancient civilisation. But the White Light disperses the clouds and a new dawn appears for Greece despite all the adversities that the enemy of the dark forces put forward. The conveyed works transported to secret monasteries of India were not known to the world of the (evil) spirit. Because the Devil perceived something but could not specify it he sent Helena Blavatsky to the monasteries of India to investigate just in case there were surviving documents from the fire of the Alexandrian Library. Helena Blavatsky found a few of them but could not delve deeper into the shelters of the Brahmins and at the directive of Jewish priests she falsely reported that she had found many of those works. She said that on purpose so that the mystics of India would decide to reveal the truth. This of course will happen after the celebratory fall

island just off the coast of Alexandria, Egypt. People would destroy any ship that was wrecked off its coast. To deter this problem, Ptolemy I had the lighthouse built. It was linked to the mainland by a man-made connection named the Heptastadion, which thus formed one side of the city's harbor. The tower erected there guided mariners at night, through its fire. With a height variously estimated at somewhere between 120 and 140 m, it was for many centuries among the tallest man-made structures on Earth. It was one of the original Seven Wonders of the World.

The term Semite means a member of any of various ancient and modern Semitic-speaking peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including; Assyrians, Babylonians, Eblaites, Ugarites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Hebrews, Israelites, Judeans, Samaritans, Ahlamu, Sufuu and many others including Ethiopian Semites. It was proposed at first to refer to the languages related to Hebrew by L Schlozer in Eichhorn’s "Repertorium", vol. VIII (Leipzig, 1781), p. 161. Through Eichhorn the name then came into general usage (cf. his "Einleitung in das Alte Testament" (Leipzig, 1787), I, p. 45). In his "Geschichte der neuen Sprachenkunde", pt. I (Göttingen, 1807) it had already become a fixed technical term. The word "Semitic" is an adjective derived from Shem, one of the three sons of Noah or more precisely from the Greek derivative of that name, namely Σηµ (Sēm); the noun form referring to a person is Semite.

The library of Alexandria was but one part of the Museum of

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of the Serpent (Satan) so that the truth of Greek knowledge can sparkle. Greek knowledge is immortal. That means it transcends the centuries because it opened the road to the Lord through the true Light that the Spiritual World transmits to you.

14.11 The big problem 9 June 1977

[25:237-238] Pharah: My dear brethren, I do not address only those of you who follow our Teachings but especially the young who ought to protect themselves from many dangers that distort the spirit and guide them towards sin and therefore towards the abyss. The Divine Word is the only life jacket for their lives, not only for their residence on earth but also for their Heavenly Life. Therefore, what is this danger of bad enlightenment of youth? This I name as being the big problem. It is essential, that if you want to work in favour of the good and pious of humanity you must first enlighten the youth. Because upon them psychical and spiritual progress will depend. There are many teachings of today’s so called philosophers who do not know what they are saying also scientists that deviate from the correct path despite their earthly education. Are these the only ones? Of course not; because you are now in the century of immorality, falsehood and delusion. Many works of the Theosophists influenced weak spirits (that they considered as naïve) and destroyed even the meaning of the Creator, in such a way that they do not appear from the start as the destroyers of the spirit. Also, there are authors who with the excuse of being realistic, guide those who do not have judgement into the mire. I do not want to talk about reporters. If they have the art of reporting they do not have objective judgement. And this you can perceive by what they are transmitting in the press. With their methods they irritate you, make you indignant and give you a psychical shock, so with your spirit reinforced with the images of life, you lose your temper where you should be calm. You follow everything without taking an active part in the demonstrations of conflict that are taking place between the citizens who are considered worthy of speaking and who expound phrases that they should keep quiet about. Today, people are not at the previous low level of knowledge and education. For exactly this reason, although everyone prefers a peaceful period to live their lives relatively pleasantly, on the contrary, they fret and get upset, they swear at the Divine, submit to rude and bad expressions of speech, written or not and they electrify situations so that you can never know when and where they will

Alexandria, which functioned as similar to a research institute. In addition to the library, the Museum included rooms for the study of astronomy, anatomy, and even a zoo of exotic animals. The classical thinkers who studied, wrote, and experimented at the museum include the fathers of mathematics, engineering, physiology, geography, and medicine. Hypatia (AD 370– 415: Υπατία) was a Greek Neo-Platonist philosopher in Roman Egypt who was the first historically noted woman in mathematics. As head of the Platonist school at the Library, she also taught philosophy and astronomy. She was the last librarian of the Ancient Alexandrian Library.

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explode. Therefore the big problem that I refer to is, that with your enlightenment to attract those who seek a helping hand. So they can restrain themselves and see to where they can turn their gaze and orient towards the Light of True Knowledge, and not towards the knowledge that confuses the spirits and makes them victims of their imprudence. With sweet words, attract those who search to find what they are seeking, while being unaware of what they are seeking. And when they find it, be assured that they will attract others.

I give a great importance to the youth. It is not what it was before. And if part of it has deviated from the correct path it is not their fault, but the fault of the elders who push them towards their aim. The youth will inherit today’s epoch. And when the correct Teaching of Heaven prepares it, then a new society will bloom and protect peace as a Palace of Divine Knowledge.

14.12 Initiation into the dark forces is a great delusion

8 December 1977 [25:321-323]

Origen: My brethren, the Spiritual World told you to ask It to give you a prayer for the neutralization of anxiety. You according to your opinion do not have any anxiety, and you did not think it necessary to ask It to dictate to you the prayer that I will leave for the next time if you need it. You either believe or do not believe in the words of the Heavenly Teachings. If you do, then act accordingly. If not, it is pointless for the Spiritual World to give you prayers that you ignore. This is one of the reasons why we have stopped giving you secrets and images from the Divine Parliament of the Lord. We do not insist that the medium calls us to give you information which you may not be interested in. Today I will confine my talk to the subject: “Initiation into the dark forces is a great delusion”. My dear brethren, you have enough spirit to understand much that interests you directly but harms you indirectly. Shall I tell you which these are? It is not sufficient when you do not have willpower and correct judgement. You have the opinion that your judgement is correct. But on what do you base it? Can you verify that you are correct? The Spiritual World wants to help you more than is necessary. But will you follow Its advice and directions? In the path of your life there is an important mistake. You are misled by the attractive words of men that appear as angels but who are

A prayer for anxiety, given by Origen on the 14 December 1977. (25:321-323): You almighty God, Protector and Light giver, I pray with devotion, that with my supplication You alleviate my anxiety that presses on my breath and confuses my spirit. You, supreme Light of life may Your Love relieve me from this burdensome weight. Amen

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followers of the Evil Spirit. You will ask me how can you identify them. My friends, when without undertaking any research you are initiated into the dark organisations I will not be able to enlighten you sufficiently, because the material part of these organisations attracts you more than does the Spiritual Divine Enlightenment of Heaven. Today as you know the whole world is in turmoil. Everyone talks about peace and brotherhood but there are very few who seek this. Most of them use the word “peace” to pacify the spirits of the people but they are ready for war. Who are the ones with nice words who convince you of their good behaviour towards their fellow men, while hiding wily plans to disrupt the whole universe? They are well known to all, but the deaf and the ambitious do not have a sharp perception and they do not recognize their deceit. The organisations that I have mentioned have superficial brotherhood. But where it is going to end, is another chapter that for the time being I am forbidden to disclose to you. For this reason as your older brother I want to open your eyes – I mean the inner ones – so you can delve into the cause and effect. Do not rely on golden speeches and hope for a prosperous new life when those announcing such promises have no basis and lead you astray into destruction. I do not accuse anyone, when he does not have sufficient knowledge about many events that are already taking place. Only the imprudent and impious maintain that you are heading towards a free and independent country with excellent prospects. It seems that they narrate summertime dreams. Therefore be careful with whom you associate and to where the good intentions of some of your friends lead you, who being blind are unable to enter into the aims of the dark organisations. The psychical world of your entity does not have the ability to protect you when the rudder is held by the spirit and does not obey the advice of your conscience. When the spirit is strong, you are able to moderate the strength of the spirit by your will and logical judgement so you can balance it with the strength of the soul. In this case your conscience is easily able to direct you in the correct path of your travel. I do not know if you have thoroughly understood correctly what I am dictating. This would be a blessing for me, your older brother, respecting the Spiritual World if you would also carry out a self-criticism. This subject has been discussed in more depth in the Parliament of the Lord. With questions and answers the Lord Himself replied to the enlightened Teachers of the Heavenly Kingdom and gave them new directions so they could take direct

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measures against Evil that could possibly explode in an instant, unforeseen by you. Unfortunately it is not easy to mention a few enlightening phrases that are about what is going to happen in the whole of your planet. If there is a delay with this, the reason is that the Spiritual World first takes measures and afterwards goes forward. In every event, as a simple citizen of Heaven I wish that those who are asleep would wake up and not only be concerned with their higher duties denying help to those who designated them able.

14.13 About the organisation “Universal White Brotherhood”

17 December 1972 [19:222-223]

Pharah: My dear sister, you have done well to knock on our door to receive knowledge about the correctness or otherwise of the teachings of this (White) Brotherhood. I do not want to disappoint you when We announce: “Act according to the words of the Pharisees, but do not imitate their actions”. Your world is full of “false prophets” who, using distinctive methods, compete for the benefit of their pockets. Bear in mind, that the word has the attraction of a magnet, whether it comes from the Devil or from Our Authority. Do not forget that the Devil uses various means to deceive you. You men with a free spirit ought by contemplation and faith towards the Lord find the path of correctness by yourselves. We do not force you to follow us. Many times I have stressed that International Zionism has many masks. It deceives people with authority and with social standing attracting them into its ranks. Do not go far away from your Lord Jesus Christ’s path. It is possible for the works of this new orator to charm you and to come close to some points of Our Teaching. But where the deception is hidden is very difficult for you to discover. Mikhaël Aïvanhov is not who you think he is. He belongs to the secret Zionists. He is of Jewish descent and he is trying to reconcile the Divine Words of the Gospel with new ones without referring to a specific religion, so he can expand the way of your thought, and you can be more easily persuaded of his piety and faith. You are going to hear many other things, not only from him but also from others who are already appearing as Yogis, Brahmins or orators of the Divine Logos. The Devil is very clever, nimble with his words and convincing in expression and with logic that deceives. Mikhaël Aïvanhov (31 Jan 1900 – 25 Dec 1986) was a Bulgarian philosopher, paedagogue, alchemist, mystic, magus and astrologer. He was a disciple of Peter Deunov, the founder of the Universal White Brotherhood.

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When you seek Our Light you will have it. But if you enjoy the deceiving light of the Devil, without understanding from where it is coming, in time you will repent with a heavy conscience. Let your aim be the Cross and let your faith turn towards Him.

14.14 An account of a humanitarian - A 27 March 1969

[18:23-24] Martin Luther King: As my brothers say, during my earthly life, I was a true martyr of the Lord. At another time I will speak of how I managed to reach this point. I believed as no one else in the greatness of the Lord; I taught of His Almightiness with respect and faith. I carved in the hearts of many the meaning of Love. I had no involvement with politics but despite this they cut short my earthly life. I am not sorry for this but for my work that has remained behind me. Of course my wife has taken on this responsibility but I had a different method of attracting crowds of men to the Lord. Do not think that only negroes followed my teachings. No, many whites found the essence of Love in my speeches. I feel pain for the sorry state of my country even from Heaven. I did not make distinctions when I was helping those that needed me, because as a communicator, I had the directive from the Lord to help even my enemy. From this basis I acted and that is why the scum of society were found to drag me away from the arena of the glory of the Lord. If the murderer had missed, there were another three ready to act. And the whole world wonders who were they that it was not to their advantage for me to live? And what wrong have they seen in me who many times was asked by their representatives for money to benefit humanity? I always gave my contribution and never referred anyone to others. All murders are carried out by the same secret organisation, which with its immense wealth corrupts consciences and eliminates people from whom the world could see better days. I have received permission to say which is this organisation; you must know it because there is nothing holy and sacred about it. It is Zion! It works underhandedly, buys consciences and fosters revolts in many nations, even in foolish China. There, they work in a different way and no one suspects what is happening because men have become ridiculous and the women have been corrupted.

Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American Baptist Minister, activist, and prominent leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He is best known for his role in the advancement of Civil Rights using nonviolent civil disobedience. King has become a national icon in the history of modern American liberalism. He established a reputation as one of the greatest orators in American history. He also established his reputation as a radical, and became an object of the FBI COINTELPRO for the rest of his life. [COINTELPRO an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program) was a series of covert and often illegal projects conducted by the USA FBI aimed at surveying, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organisations]. On October 14 1964, King received the Nobel Peace Prize for combating racial inequality through nonviolence. King was assassinated in Memphis Tennessee on April 4, 1968.

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14.15 An account of a humanitarian - B 3 April 1969

[18:25-26] Martin Luther King: I am grateful to the Lord for allowing me to return when I want to speak through this path that transmits the Truth and only the Truth. I have observed that in my country justice no longer exists. Everything has been contaminated by the actions of evil people who are also planning other murders. They have penetrated into the true mechanism of the nation. The contradicting opinions of great political men are the infernal work of those that are hiding behind powerful and determined scum. The Spiritual World will intervene actively where it is necessary. You are not in a position to judge at what point it is absolutely necessary for us to intervene because we also have our secret decisions to make. Today, the other brother of John Kennedy, Bob, was going to speak with you but he gave his place to me as a peacemaker. He knew, and today knows very well what my intentions were for the overall benefit and wellbeing of our nation. For Us Spirits there is no longer a nation but the White State as We are the souls of the immortals. But We are interested in the people, in how and by what means We may prevent them from being caught in the claws of the hidden and infernal evil spirits of your Earth. I am sorry if I have tired you but it is necessary for me to convey the Word of Heaven to you. You my dear brethren know what most other people do not know. You understand my message and you should convey it to who ever you can. It is easier to converse with God than with the leaders of bad faith. As you can see I do not want to get mixed up with the general politics of your world; this was not my area and nor from Heaven can I predict future events of the whole situation. The brother who gave me his place will speak about all of these, not because where he is he is involved in politics, but to invigorate your souls that live and suffer within uncertainty. I came to this world with a mission. In my previous existence I was not a negro but a European Christian. I say this, to prove that all men are equal in front of God. I will not return to the world of destruction, I will remain with the indestructible souls. Do not misunderstand my word, because I do not call all the souls that are due for reincarnation indestructible but destructible, because they are going to see Earth again to atone for their sins. John Kennedy born 20 December 1928 was the 35th President of the USA from 1961 until his assassination in 1963. Robert Kennedy (1925–1968), former Attorney General of the United States, Senator from New York, and assassinated Democratic candidate for the 1968 Presidential election. came to this world with a mission: See: Book 1: “The purpose of earthly life” and Book 5: “Psycho-spiritual entities”.

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14.16 The biggest enemy of the human family is today’s Zionism

Book: ‘Man and Peace’ published1992 [10:23-25]

Homer: Today I will talk about the first enemy of men. This enemy is invisible. It works like a bee sucking the sweet juice from the flowers for its own benefit and ignores the fate of others. It suffices that the aim justifies the means. But who will punish this enemy who is in hiding and has worked hard for many centuries to destroy everything good and pious? This enemy was long ago the chosen people of the Lord as was Lucifer the best of His Angels. Lucifer under the guise of Jehovah enriched the knowledge of this enemy in a way unknown to the inhabitants of Earth. He thought to bring one against the other through masonic lodges, communism, socialism and the destruction of morality. Their messages are logical and beneficial for humanity but their aim is different. They disguise themselves with the mask of an angel and undermine the foundations of all nations of your world. They have agents foreign to their race who operate as mercenaries. For this reason, for example, you value a colleague of a political persuasion, but suddenly this colleague dissociates himself from this idea and jumps to the other side of politics. Observe the actions of all political parties and you will see or rather you will ascertain the truth that is skillfully hidden so this hideous organisation that is Zionism is not revealed. From ancient times the Jews have acted in ways to enslave humanity; and Christianity has blocked their path. Today their first enemy is the Christian community that they corrupt by different unspeakable means, ignoring that in the bulwarks of conflict some of them will be sacrificed. They have conquered the largest cities of the world both east and west, and work in secrecy to manifest their dark aims. Do not be fooled by the brilliant speeches of many political men who have fallen into the web of the detestable spider and move like puppets. They propagate the idea that capital will be eliminated because it takes advantage of workers who gather it in their hands as an unbeatable weapon. The Christians kill each other without having knowledge of who has betrayed them and brought them to the impasse of political and economic situations. Zionism has other branches opposite to the ones I have mentioned, precisely to confuse the spirits so one can strike against the other without finding anyone to reconcile the opposites. This is because they intercede and remove the capital from where they think is

Man and Peace: Οµηρου: Ανθρωπος και Ειρηνη (Man and Peace) Spiritualist Society of Athens (Greece) “Divine Light”. 1992. (also in English: Translation by John Alexander. ISBN 960 85400 2 X)

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appropriate. One accuses the other and no one perceives that the big enemy of humanity is Zionism. The Jews are not the beloved nation of the Lord – this is a myth. It was for a short period to glorify Him. But they took advantage of their Prophet and sold their God to wealth and destruction. Open your eyes to see the naked truth, even if you think it is impossible to enter into the deeper reasons for the benevolence of this world. The Lord will intervene to save Love. Heaven has never declared equality for Man. “Freedom”, “Equality” and “Brotherhood” are empty words that tempt the crowds and secure their fall. Heaven has only declared Love, because only through it stems all the good things of the world. I will clarify something else, not related to my talk: in my time many wise men or speakers did not have a clear perception of Divinity. We felt that there was something higher but were not able to express it. However, I was respectful towards our artificial gods because I knew that religion was the ethical support of Man’s substance. If I had occupied myself with Divinity as the only Authority of Everything, then I would have been with my colleagues in the House of the Lord from much earlier times. I was delayed in my ascent by my wrong foresight of after-earth life. But my work was honoured for its images and for my observations and much else and was considered as the gospel of the then time. Today I do not consider it as such because I am replacing it with “Man and Peace”. When the dictation of this work finishes then with Divine Blessing I will live with the Lord as His seventh cohabitant. May the Lord bless this transmission.

14.17 Historical Truth 21 August 1978

[17:150-152] John Chrysostom: Once my dear brethren, I was present in a large room full of students and I wanted to give the young participants a simple and complete image of life on the other side. The students were standing and were waiting to hear what I would say. Sit down my dear children and try to understand what you are facing in the world of matter. But do not be in a hurry to come to conclusions that without weighing them you pronounce and transmit them to others. Everything in your world has a beginning and an end, not only for the people but also for nations. Some of you would have noticed that there is an acme and a decline.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité, French for ’Liberty, equality, fraternity (brotherhood) is the national motto of France. Although it finds its origins in the French Revolution, it was then only one motto among others and was not institutionalized until the 3rd Republic at the end of the 19th century. Debates concerning the compatibility and order of the three terms began at the same time as the Revolution

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As to why we shall see this in another communication that I will give you later. For this reason, some nations prosper and others are destroyed. This of course is not correct. Do not assign the mistakes of your brothers to Divinity. Examine the depth of your inner world to find that you humans are at fault. One of the students present asked: - Teacher, you spoke about the rise and fall of different nations. But I have noticed there is a nation that since very ancient times does not have a decline. - My dear friend, to which nation are you referring, I asked. - Teacher I do not know if I am mistaken or not, or if my observation is correct or incorrect, but I refer to the race of “chosen people”. - Of course my dear, it is impossible for Evil not to be present in your life. This nation is destined to be the counter-weight to Good until the end of the world. Man, irrespective to which race he belongs ought to be balanced so he can perform his duties as Man towards God, Our Lord Jesus Christ and to the enlightening and glorious Holy Spirit. Evil, with the meaning that you give to “Zionism” has a mystical energy and when it deviates from the measure We act to moderate it so that We can balance the powers. From the mythical image of the Old Testament I mention that the symbolism of the two children of Adam and Eve, represents the Good and the Bad in battle. We will not let today’s pressured situation continue. You are not in a position to face the general Evil. This is our work so that the Christian nations return to the correct path of Your Saviour. This will not be delayed, because everything will be overturned so that peace can return. Peace that your world has not seen for so many years. My dear ones, you as philanthropists, inspired by Heaven, do not make enemies but turn towards them as brothers, so you can attract them to the chariot of goodness and piety. 14.18 The phenomenon of inflation in the world

15 September 1978 [17:165-167]

QUESTION OF THE CHANNEL: … Pharah: If a nation’s politician is unable to predict the situation in his country to prevent every damaging effect by his co-workers, in time it will be unnecessary for him to assert that he has the penetrating spirit of a political man. All those trapped in the organisations of dark forces are obviously wondering about the unsolved problem of inflation, which is not a “phenomenon” as some maintain, but a

Throughout history, various groups of people have considered themselves as chosen by a deity for a purpose, such as to act as the deity's agent on earth. In monotheistic faiths, like Abrahamic religions, references to God are used in constructs such as "God's Chosen People". In the Tanakh called the ‘Old Testament’ by Christians, the "Treasured People" is the exact phrase used in the text, referring to the Hebrew/Israelites. In Judaism, choosiness is the belief that the Jews are a people chosen to be in a covenant with God. The Jewish idea of being chosen is first found in the Torah (five books of Moses). Reverend Moon teaches that Korea is the chosen nation, selected to serve a divine mission. Korea, Moon says, was "chosen by God to be the birthplace of the leading figure of the age", and to be the birthplace of "Heavenly Tradition", ushering in God's kingdom. Rastafaris beliefs contain six fundamental principles, including the complete closeness of the black race in the eyes of Jah (God incarnate), rendering them supreme physically and spiritually to all other people. Many Rastas are also physical immoralists who believe the chosen few will continue to live forever in their current bodies. This idea of ever living (rather than everlasting) life is very strong and important. Based on Jewish biblical tradition and Ethiopian legend believe that Israel's King Solomon together with Ethiopian Queen of Sheba conceived a child which began the Solomonic line of kings in Ethiopia, rendering the African people as the true children of Israel, and thereby chosen. Reinforcement of this belief occurred when Beta Israel Ethiopia's ancient Israelite First Temple community, were rescued from Sudanese famine and brought to Israel during Operation Moses in 1985. In traditional Seventh-day Adventist theology, the Seventh-

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destructive trap for all the nations of the world. If those governing nations do not anticipate the disgraceful role of the Snake they will become its victim. And those who know the reasons for inflation and avoid disclosing them, are unscrupulous and unfit to act dynamically to combat the enemy with its own weapon. Switzerland was the most expensive country in the world because its economy depended on Jewish interests. After the establishment of the nation of Israel the cost of living there was much higher than in any other country. This was because they did not wish foreigners with little money to travel to their country. They preferred those who had the ability to spend a lot and proclaim to the world the miracle of their achievements thus publicizing in their favour. In all the capitals of the world citizens of the Israeli religion worked with duplicity and with a system, undermining invisibly the foundations of those countries without their actions being discovered. They spread deceitful theories through third persons, who were avidly or insatiably greedy, so to divide the nations and to make them fanatical about all the sections of knowledge. Usually they supported military dictatorships in a satanical way, because they knew of the cruelty of the military and the lack of humanity in their work. Do not forget that Israeli political policy first divided the people into opposing camps, the Jewish Marxists theory and its opposite the Jewish Capitalists so they could incite trouble according to the invisible Jewish empire. Their secret agents having perceived the sudden awakening of some of the English people, decided to humiliate the political spirit of this nation and let it be understood in time, that Israeli advisers within the government administration of Great Britain, have elevated its politics and they had to punish it - after they brought Great Britain to an economic impasse. The most appropriate base for the new policies of the Israeli Secret Service was moved to the USA where they created multi-national companies with Jewish capital. They started with raising the price of the gold that they had already collected in their hands, the consequence of which was the increase of goods in the market. After this they caused the partial fall of gold so they could buy it back, whereas the merchandise goods were kept at high levels. The paper quantity of the (US) dollar overseas was increasing and was losing its buying power because of the new increases in the price of gold, as well as in the price of black gold (petrol) which was artificially inflated by the agents of the dark forces. This is how the nations and national economies are being manipulated. In the meantime the spread of corruption was increasing at a fast rate in all areas including the circulation of narcotics with the aim of the easy enrichment of people and from which large profits were channeled into the accounts of the Israeli hierarchy. The great trap that the enemies of humanity had established is that

day Adventist church is identified as the end of time remnant identified in Revelation 12:17. According to this view, Adventists are "chosen" by God to proclaim the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14 to the world. The First Zionist Congress was the inaugural Congress of the Zionist Organisation (ZO) [to become the World Zionist Organisation (WZO) in 1960] was held in Basel, Switzerland 29-31 August 1897. It was convened and chaired by Theodor Herzl, the founder of the modern Zionism movement. The Congress formulated a Zionist platform, known as the Basel program, and founded the Zionist Organization. It also adopted the Hatkvah (The Hope) as its anthem later to become the national anthem of the State of Israel. The first Zionist Congress convened by Theodor Herzl as a symbolic parliament. Alongside the dynamic development of the Zionist movement, which generated waves of enthusiasm throughout the Jewish public, sharp criticism began to appear about Zionism, claiming that Zionism could not hope to resolve the Jewish problem and would only serve to harm the status of Jewish laborers and sabotage its own recognition as an independent class. While women participated in the First Zionist Congress, they did not have voting rights; they were accorded full membership rights at the Second Zionist Congress, the following year.

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their non-Israeli agents took positions of opportunity in government administration of various nations, so that a patriotic government would not to be able to control its national economy. Small nations could clear the parasites from the government mechanism more easily than the large ones. But they woke up too late to be able to succeed in their work. Their big mistake is that they allowed cunning and harmful elements into their country in the first place. The general situation is ridiculous. Nations destroy each other without knowing the reasons why and are in no position to apply logic and turn against their common enemy, without proclaiming their decisions. In the middle of this situation, inflation that has been created by the Israeli cunning and hypocrisy is of an artificial nature and is not something that cannot be solved. What are unsolvable phenomena are the heads of those who do not think with clear spirit to enable them to destroy their direct collaborators, and that they do not listen to the correct directions but implement the plans of dark forces. The time is approaching for the enemy’s big test as well as for those empty-heads that did not take advantage of the opportunities that they had. The strength of the White Powers is invincible and will suddenly strike the Monsters of the Apocalypse when they do not expect it.

14.19 The power and value of gold 28 December 1973

[23:127-128] QYESTION BY A MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY: … Aristotle: My brother, don’t you realize after all the advice that we have given you that even though it is a noble metal, the value of gold is placed by Man? Tomorrow it is possible for this value to change to that of platinum and in the future to the ‘Azure blue metal’ much more noble than the other two. Therefore, the exchange value of metal has no connection with the extensions of Heavenly Mysteries on Earth. Man dictates the strength of the price of the currency. Because the Zionists through Kabbalah have managed to accumulate the gold of the world in their hands, this does not mean that there does not still exist very rich veins of gold. If they exploit them they will significantly undervalue its value. What you are seeking to learn is what is the power that is in the hands of the Zionists. It is the understanding between them of a common plan, perfect accord, secrecy and the hidden determination

gold has been a valuable and highly sought-after precious metal for coinage, jewelry, and other arts since long before the beginning of recorded history. Gold standards have been the most common basis for monetary policies throughout human history being widely supplanted by fiat currency starting in the 1930s [Fiat money is money that derives its value from government regulation or law]. The last gold certificate and gold coin currencies were issued in the USA in 1932. In Europe, most countries left the gold standard with the start of WWI in 1914 and, with huge war debts, failed to return to gold as a medium of exchange. Besides its widespread monetary and symbolic functions, gold has many practical uses in dentistry, electronics (electronic wiring) and other fields even edible gold leaf.

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to exploit everyone by planting seeds of discord in nations foreign to them. Pay attention to the study of our Texts, so that the answer will be given as a result of our Enlightenment.

14.20 The fall of Zionism 3 January 1974

[23:131-132] Pharah: ... Watch calmly and without protest the enslaving of many nations to the chariot of Zion. Today Zion has the impression that it together with the other power, the Soviet Union, dominates the larger part of your Earth, and internally it is happy with their decision to mock everyone through the new trap that will automatically become known to everyone. The mansion of the Zionists will be blown to pieces. But do not be in a hurry and you will see how the Spiritual World operates in a way that many of the intellectuals do not believe, as an active element of the whole situation of your world. Its fall will be violent. Let them think that they hold everything in their hands. Later a big persecution of the Zionists and their agents will start in all the countries of your Earth. They make fanatical dogmas, ideas and systems! They fund their unconscionable agents at the expense of their nation and their brothers. Through discord they deride nations and obstruct brotherly accord. They use money and with it destroy everything ethical and sacred in the communities of nations. They create strikes, revolutions and wars. Because of them millions of people have found death. Through pharmaceutical preparations, they destroy the health of many of their fellow men. Before investigating if the circulating drugs are safe with least 80% success and a 3% mortality, they place them on the market. They negotiate with gangster organisations the poisons and drugs from which they receive huge profits. They instill fear and terror into nations so that through this means they enslave and divide the strength of peaceful nations. What do you say? Does the Lord tolerate these people, audacious with criminal instincts?

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They say that they are the chosen nation of the Lord, and you the Christian nations with total foolishness you say those words in your churches and you do not know that when they say “Lord” they mean Beelzebub! They are the “chosen” people of this monster that in secret they call “Baphomet”. The name has compound words in Hebrew. According to the Greek name, this daemon is Eosphoros (Lucifer).

14.21 Diplomacy and politics 1 August 1974

[23:245-248] Eleftherios Venizelos: Today I glorify the Lord because he allowed me to speak and to talk about diplomacy. Diplomacy has played a very important role between nations. Does diplomacy exist today? Facing the power of the strong there is no justice, no humanity and no diplomacy. And who is strong? Who can with violence apply what his aim dictates? Strong is he who has in his hands the world’s gold. Who has it? Zionism! And how does it fight against all the nations of the world? It fights with the mask of the CIA. It portrays America as an imperialistic nation, whilst behind it is hiding the true enemy of the Christian world and of other nations that have fallen into the spider’s web. How did this thing happen, that the world has not realized who are the sly enemies that undermine the foundation of nations and enslave them to its chariot? All these have happened invisibly and with hidden ears in masonic lodges. Masons of the whole world are responsible for today’s international situation. They have been trapped in the most hideous, sly and unmentionable way. Most of them were ignorant and still ignore their arterial motive of masonic miasma. Maybe one of you will ask me: “That is all very well what you are saying, but you my friend were you not in the lodge of masons?”

Beelzebub = Baphomet = Eosphoros = Lucifer = Evil = Snake.

Eleftherios Venizelos (23 August 1864 – 18 March 1936) was an eminent Greek revolutionary, a prominent and illustrious statesman as well as a charismatic leader in the early 20th century. Elected several times as Prime Minister of Greece and served from 1910 to 1920 and from 1928 to 1932. Venizelos had such profound influence on the internal and external affairs of Greece that he is credited with being "the maker of modern Greece", and he is still widely known as the “Ethnarches”. Athens airport is named after him..

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I was, I confess a decorative element without understanding the aim of Zionism through this international trap. Of course, I am to blame because even though I was sharp in politics never could I have perceived their aim. I considered the lodge to be a temple of humanity. Truly within the lodge we debated, we made speeches, we analysed our philosophical views etc. But, our lodge had hidden ears as do all the lodges of this world. Today masonry is not the only trap that the Zionists have set. There are also many other organisations with different names. These cannot be easily identified as being agents of Zionism and they operate in a diabolical way as if sold to the enemy. Today there is a lot of enlightenment and people are reasonably developed, so they can take this into account and refuse to become a member of such a dark and unconscionable environment. My dream for Greece if it has not materialised is due to these lodges of the world. They have played a major role in the secret views of their partners as well as the various agents and advisers of the major powers who in the majority were Israeli Zionists. I do not blame the Jewish people - they are like sheep that are being guided by the shepherd who is a Zionist Rabbi. This invisible power has conquered the world to enslave it into slavery without precedent. And the executioners of the various nations are those who apply torture to those that do not obey, so they can force everyone to accept the Jewish imperialism as their patron and their religion. There is a national need to destroy those priests from the high echelons of the church that impose and work for the destruction of Christianity. The Church has such traitors and depraved priests within its bosom. They are snakes with efficacious venom. Likewise, politicians should not be allowed to be members of lodges. Do you not see how the United States follows their god Baphomet, without knowing its true name because from a young age they have become members of other preparatory organisations so they can eventually enter the lodges of the Jewish miasma? Europe that is so developed and has clear-sightedness in politics, fighting spirit in ideas and sentiment so it feels pain where there is misery, what has it done so far, since daily it took the poisonous medicine of the masonic idea about humanity and yet does the opposite? You congratulate the Democratic Senators of the United States for the speeches that are warm and full of kindness. But they are all freemasons. If they were not, they would not have become

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Congressmen or Senators. Therefore I classify this higher class amongst the other Mafiosi, since they do not have a deeper perception to be able to foresee and attack the head of this snake. Zionism as I said does not have diplomacy. And this is its big mistake. It will fall into the trap of Divinity. For Greece I have nothing to say because it is being looked after by the Spiritual World. Do you understand what this means? If not, you will learn. Hale Greece. Hale the free spirit. I greet you with a patriotic sentiment.

14.22 Admonitions 28 October 1976

[25:84] Pharah: My dear brethren, I recommend that you be careful and do not enter into disputes about political situations. This area does not concern you. You should stay out of this subject. Take care of yourself and do not occupy yourselves with political disputes! It is correct that Masonry has played the key role in the conquest of the world by the Israelis. But many of the masons, even today, do not know if they are playing a role against Christianity or not. You are not able to enlighten or disperse the dark powers, because they are dark. This is the work of the Spiritual World and as you observe you will see in which way We also work invisibly.

14.23 Zionism without mask 3 August 1974

[23:249-250] Pharah: It is very strange that nations cannot perceive the sinister activity of American power and also dare not reveal who drives it and who gives it direction. Divinity of course knows the results of every movement, but it does not announce them to mortals for reasons that only It knows. The Spiritual World takes its directions according to changes of the ruling spirits. But because it is about the extermination of Christianity We take very strict measures against this sly and invisible enemy, that is Zionism, behind the mask of the CIA. The CIA works very intensively for American imperialism, as some accuse it, whereas in reality it is heading for the establishment of Jewish imperialism. Many years ago We drew your attention to this danger but no one

Pharah = ΦΑΡΑΧ = Φωτος = Light Απεριγραπτου= of Indescribable Ραγδαιας = Rapid Αναστασεως = Resurection Χριστανων = of Christians

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paid attention because you had classified these as “myths” of Heaven. Now that people have already started to feel the consequences of what you have showed indifference to, they now wonder: why has democratic America suddenly changed politics and what is it aiming at? People in government responsible for the future of nations have become so foolish that when they do awaken they will not be able to investigate more thoroughly into the side of Evil to enable them to discover the centuries old enemy of humanity, “Zionism”. When the authority of Zionism realizes that it is losing its game in the USA, that is, its invisible power, it will mobilize the CIA in such a way that everything in that country will be mortified. All the syndicates of workers and gangster organisations will be at its disposal since they secretly collaborated with it. Zion has stores with food and all kinds of ammunition. All these are stored carefully by the strong forces of the CIA, which from a distance will watch the ethical fall of the citizens and the dismantling of the mighty national economy. At the appropriate time of its wretchedness, it will try to take control of the Government. And when it is stabilized it will announce the Jewish imperialism and with the collaboration of Russia will fulfill their dream. These are the clear projections of Zionism which is based on Kabbalah, from which it has the explicit promises from its god Baphomet, that is, the Evil Spirit without these extremely clever people being aware of what is going to happen from the opposite side of the Light of Indescribable Rapid Resurrection of Christians (Pharah). The various hidden centres of the Zionists must be abolished. First of all the lodges of masons and the theosophists and afterwards all their sub-branches with the other guises and infernal plans. The Spiritual World will help you in this work because the defense of Christianity is Its supreme duty. The Lord was not enslaved by the Devil and He said to him “Go behind me Satan”. How much more so now that the whole Spiritual World is fighting to subvert the establishment of Satan’s appearance on Earth.

14.24 The traps of Zionism 4 August 1974

[23:250-252] Plato: Be careful ... do not tie yourself spiritually to any organisation because then you will have no initiative. All the organised interests tend to be enslaved by the invisible and sly racial interests of Zion. Open your eyes and sharpen your spirit, so you will not become submissive to an organisation that is malevolent and destructive to humanity. A horse with blinkers submits to its master by serving him. You are not horses with blinkers to become slaves of an unnamed

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harsh and inhuman organisation, behind which the satanic Zionism is hiding. Men of letters, science and of fine arts who you assume to have a perception of life and much knowledge but through naivety, egoism, boasting and most of all personal interest, can willingly or unwillingly fall victims to the veiled traps of Zionism. In this case don’t they commit a crime against their conscience through the preparatory branches of Zionism such as masonry, theosophy and the illuminati? Knowing today the disquiet that surrounds these organisations, why do they insist upon enlisting in these dark traps for their spirit? Be careful … because in vain will you bitterly repent when you will ask to be released from these traps, but you will be unable to move. It is a big mistake for politicians, judges and the clergy and many others, to enter into the chambers of these abominable centres where hidden ears and eyes follow your actions, words and orientation from the sidelines. At another time two neighbouring countries were unable to solve their differences because secret agents intervened as advisers to cancel their agreement. Today these so called advisers - intentionally placed agents of Zionism - entered the state political arena, so that within the countries opposing opinions would exist between Governments and Oppositions so that the country would not prosper. No one until now was interested in finding where this Evil exists and in destroying it. And if someone does realize it, he keeps quiet so as not to lose his status and economic benefits. Learn, all of you the venerable and arrogant, that the Jewish mafia has tied your hands and feet whilst you were asleep, to show you how foolish you are by thinking of yourself as very clever and being deceived by it. When politicians cannot make up their minds, what do you expect the people to do when they do not have a government to bring them a better life, and live with unfulfilled promises? Here is the trap for the people that appear and enter into the ranks of Jehovah, who buys consciences with money, so that the people do not realize that their protector is their worst enemy, Zion. Therefore it sacrifices its foreign martyrs where it thinks it is good, for its racial superiority. This is the aim of this dark heretical trap. Those who embrace the glorification of Jehovah are unscrupulous apostate from the conscientious Christian religion. These Jehovites, apostate that have split from Christianity with a wretched spirit and conscience, become the cause of their future enslavement by the hooked claws of Zion. Willingly they will accept the self-punishment without pity from the Spiritual World, since they knew the preaching of the Lord and ignored it, and embraced the anti-Christ so they could be attached to the chariot of Satan. We teach the White and eternal Light of our Kingdom. If someone likes the black light of sin, let him consider his responsibilities

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faraway from Our salvation. The biggest deceit of all centuries and in all areas is that of the Zionist propaganda. Be careful not to fall into the abyss.

14.25 What is happening with Zionism 26 August 1975

[24:110-112] Medium: My request Lord Pharah is that you give me an understanding of what is happening with Zionism? It is an organization that holds in its hands the future of the world, without its imperialistic aim being apparent. Why did you let the Christians fall into the trap of this organisation and be ransomed by the chosen people of the Lord? The other nations what are they? Are they bran to feed the chickens? From all that Heaven is saying and supporting, must the Christian nations bend their necks to the executioner? I am very anxious to learn what is your aim? Lord Pharah: My brother, that you help us so much, I want to speak openly. But because I know beforehand that whatever I am going to say will be made known, for this reason I will give you a clear explanation but covertly so that your apparently faithful will understand what is happening. Gold represents the motive power for the developments on Earth. Therefore, it becomes the reason for Evil, as a very powerful weapon. The Zionists realised this and decided by various means to take control of the sources of gold in their hands and apply their evil plans excluding “humanitarianism”. Christian nations are attracted to the various goods of Earth that can only be acquired with money. Without thinking holistically but only of their own personal benefit they have diverged from their obligation. Zionists work treacherously and infernally without being noticed. Christians proclaim their thoughts without systematically safeguarding the Christian communities and leave them to their fate. Thus, with appropriate means Zionism managed to trap those Christians who were powerful and ambitious with money, with fanaticism and what you call brainwashing. Confusion came into your world across the centuries, through various propagandistic means disturbing your thoughts and causing you to lose the correct path of your destination, in front of your fellow man. Many Christians who recognized the nest of this evil Snake, did not gather close together and work secretly to fight the enemy that

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appears in the centre stage of the battle with bribed and unscrupulous Christians. Through their inaction they allowed the spread of Zionism. When one loses his God, how do you want Him to give a helping hand? Because the whole of evil is moving towards causing general destruction, We are confined to events that are taking place locally. This is so that all the nations of the world awaken against the common enemy and draw closer as brothers so to eventually clear the manure of the Augean (stables). My brother, God does not make distinctions amongst His creations. He left Evil undisturbed, so that the materialists awaken and remember that Christianity does not give priority to matter (as a means) but to the fulfillment of your duty. Zionism, as a fruit has ripened, so it will fall rotting. The plans of the Lord are hidden. For this reason I keep silent. Observe in what way He is going to overturn the situation and by what means. Also observe the achievements of your small country, which is seen at first sight as being small as the sun. But in reality the sun is huge as will be the radiant contribution of Greece to Earth. Greece is especially honoured, because it is the leader of Christianity. The wicked and unclean spirits will be killed irrespective if they want to be or not. The messages from your bright sun are favorable. With admirable rebirth it will radiate upon the gloomy world of injustice, sin and falsehood. Greece, as the Sun, will revive the uncultured ground of Knowledge.

14.26 The stumbling block (stone) (Η πετρα του σκανδαλου)

16 May 1977 [25:216-218]

Moses: My dear brethren of your whole world, as you know from your sacred history, Moses guided his people after the exodus from Egypt into a new land, where he was going to consolidate his flock to become an entity. In the mean time so many events took place that it is impossible for me narrate in detail. Today I do not belong to any race. As a Heavenly Spirit I am interested in all my brothers on Earth, without distinction. I am in favour of universal peace and a normal life for all the races of your world.

inaction: “all that is required for evil to prevail is that good men stand by and do nothing”. Edward Burke (Irish political philosopher) The twelve labours of Hercules or dodekathlon are a series of trials concerning a penance carried out by Heracles, the greatest of the Greek heroes, whose name was later called (Anglicized) Hercules. The fifth Labour of Hercules was to clean the Augean stables. This assignment was intended to be both humiliating and impossible, since the livestock were immortal and produced an enormous quantity of dung. These stables had not been cleaned in over 30 years, and over 1,000 cattle lived there. However, Heracles succeeded by rerouting the rivers Alpheus and Peneus to wash out the filth. stumbling block or stone is a behavior or attitude that leads another to sin. In the Hebrew Bible, the term for "stumbling block" is skandalon (σκανδαλον). The English term "scandal" derives from this Septuagint Greek (Old Testament Greek) term skandalon, which in turn stands for the Greek term skandalon has little relation to the modern meaning of scandal”. The Greek noun skandalon also has an associated verb skandalizo meaning literally "to trip

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Unfortunately a tribe of the Jewish people, contrary to the Will of the Lord and Father of all, managed after many struggles to keep as its weapon the “stumbling stone” and keep it secret. So this faction demagogically prevailed with the result of economically subjugating all the nations of this world - through its agents, who were of course foreign to their own race. This is contrary to the Will of Anarhon. For this reason I say that Zionism that has become the main “trump card” of the Jewish nation has caused much evil on your planet while at the same time digging its own pit. From the time of the appearance of Christianity, the sacerdotal of the Jewish people managed to systematize their energies on secret plans delving into the government mechanism of all nations so that with the passage of time they could undermine their foundations. For this reason, they organised secret factions, parties with contrary opinions and clubs with deceptive ideologies, under various names and made their members fanatical with specialist personnel without anyone suspecting their satanical work. The organizing scheming Rabbis without becoming noticeable, through their catechism, indoctrinated their special agents so they could through many various methods push them forward into the politics of various countries. At the same time, through indirect means their agents entered into the religious area, to corrode the perception of those in authority and bring about confusion within the nations. These secret organisations stimulated the wishes, the aims and views of one group against another. This lever of wretchedness shook humanity in such a way that it could not understand who instigated it and with what aim. Zionism has managed to push to the highest echelons mediocre men unworthy for important work and to distance spiritual values as obstacles to their aim. Through its special agents they taught on a wide scale and by every means that corruption is a physical necessity; immorality is a shield of human existence; and atheism an enlightenment of the spirit, so that Man could be liberated from the non-existing idea of his imagination that there is a Higher Critic. The most profitable factories of narcotics are in their hands to enrich the few at the expense of the many, with the awareness that narcotics easily enslave the masses and lead them in the direction of their aim. Organisations of the treacherous Zionism with the mask of international Zionism are traps, some specially for the so-called intellectuals, the wealthy, the vain etc. with charitable slogans and humanitarian motivations that have the aim of enslaving them. They fund multinational companies whose major shareholders are Zionists so they can keep the international economy in their hands. All this is carried out in total secrecy for the achievement of their wretched aim. By other cunning means they corrupt the sacerdotal

somebody up" or, idiomatically, " to cause someone to sin" or “to tempt”. Apart from skandalon the idiom of "stumbling block" has a second synonym in the Greek term proskomma "stumbling." Both words are used together in 1 Peter 2:8; this is a "stone of stumbling" (lithos proskommatos, λίθος προσκόµµατος) and a "rock of offense" (petra skandalou, πέτρα σκανδάλου). 1 Corinthians 1:22-23 “ For the Jews seek miracles, and the Greeks seek wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness,” 1 Peter 2:8 “and A stone of stumbling and a rock of offence”. They stumble, being disobedient to the word, to which they also were appointed.

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of other religions especially Christianity which they consider as the first enemy of their work. They forged the international press with money, dividing it into two opposing camps, so the readers cannot know who is lying and in abnormal situations only the Zionists benefit from this. The Jewish nation is taught with dexterity without being totally responsible for what is happening. The hard-hearted are holding the scepters and lead the sheep to the slaughter. The old Rabbis from their studies of human nature discovered and concluded that a male tends more towards his bad nature rather than the good; and that a female as a malleable entity tends more towards matter rather than spiritual sharpness. Taking advantage of this realisation, they worked appropriately to give superficially the same rights to the two sexes and create amongst them mutual doubt of trust. So that Man, by his nature may not to be able to impose where he should, and the woman may not be able to resist the correctness of his word with a light conscience, so inside her she cultivates deceit. This way it is easy to dissolve the family nucleus and no one is in a position to understand from where the evil stems. On the contrary, Zionists bind the family link of their nation through brotherhood. All these are the works of many years of study and practical application to achieve the aim they are seeking in favour of the central government of the Jewish imperialism. What the Zionists have totally forgotten is that God punishes malevolent lies and those disobeying His commandments. 14.27 The international establishment, a weapon

of Zionism 3 February 1977

[25:153-155] Pharah: My dear brethren, I do not come to talk to the deaf but to those who have understanding and are able to delve into the meaning of what I give you. Your small country is under the protection of the Spiritual World. But those responsible for the future of your country under whose protection are they? They have the impression that they are protected by the great powers! And they have still not understood that if the underground of your country were not rich, as we have been trumpeting for so many years, no one would have been interested in you. Firstly, because your country is between East and West. And who are they who are interested for the good of your country. Do you want to know? They are your worst enemy, Zionism, which for many years has organised October 15th, 2012. It turns out that the poster child for the European debt crisis is not actually poor at all. In fact, the truth is that the nation of Greece is sitting on absolutely massive untapped reserves of gold, oil and natural gas. If the Greeks were to fully exploit the natural resources that are literally right under their feet, they would no longer have any debt problems. Fortunately, this recent economic crisis has spurred them to action and it is now being projected that Greece will be the number one gold producer in Europe by 2016. In addition, Greece is now opening up exploration of their massive oil and natural gas deposits. Reportedly, Greece is sitting on hundreds of millions of barrels of oil and gigantic natural gas deposits that are worth trillions of dollars. It is truly sad that Greece should be one of the wealthiest nations in all of Europe but instead the country is going through the worst economic depression that it has experienced in modern history. It is kind of like a homeless

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itself in such a way that without realizing who is governing you, you attribute the failures elsewhere. Your secret government without you perceiving it is Masonry. For the young men and women it is Rotary and Lions. All these are funded by the multinational companies, irrespective if some disagree about the truth because they prefer the darkness. And I warn you that you will see in what pitiful situation your economy is heading led by the “establishment”. And if one or two of the governors wish to strike down profiteering, bureaucracy, corruption and narcotics, they will pay with their lives. The work of the United States’ first cook in your country is being pushed forward intensively and the falsehood is continually spreading to cause confusion and create a dangerous situation for your government. Never have your governors since the 1821 period, managed to enforce their will as defenders of the nation. Those from the governing body who did not listen to the voice of Evil on Earth were exterminated. You can blame many of those, because they really were to blame. They did not have foresight and gave in to the directives of the voice of darkness. At the end, their conscience could not tolerate it any more, and then another method of killing them was found. I will only mention one: Ioannis Metaxas. He fell victim to Zionism as a Mason, despite the fact that superficially he closed the Lodges. From another point of view, Eleftherios Venizelos was also a Mason. They managed to assassinate him by other means. But I am not going to spend time on history or mention many others who you think were distant from all these organisations but who in reality worked secretly within them - without knowing their purpose. And you consider them clever, when they work for the sly enemy of their country, always enforced by the established state mechanism. Greece has become a country of large enterprises. For this reason be careful where you are heading so you will not bitterly regret it, especially those of you who are distant from these dark organisations. Are you of the opinion that Turkey does not covet conquering many parts of Greece? There are many ways Zionism by its international spread is trying to tie you up through the enforcement of Masonry. Those to blame are the cowards and liars that govern your country. The nations of the world have awoken and they collaborate better between themselves rather than through their representatives. Altogether they will attack the Daemon. It looks as though some of you are in a deep sleep. They will awaken quickly once they realize the general situation. The Greek nation is protected by the Spiritual World in its battles and it will win, so that all the nations of the world will perceive the glory and the sacrifices of this small David who conquered Goliath.

man that sleeps on the streets every night without realizing that a relative has left him an inheritance worth millions of dollars. Greece is not poor at all, and hopefully the people of Greece can learn the truth about all of this wealth and chart a course out of this current mess. first cook in this context = biggest trouble maker. The Ottoman oppression of the Greeks sparked the war of independence. Greeks fought for Liberty, Human Rights, and Independence. Their Nation was buried since 1453 by the Ottomans but again was reborn by its ashes like the mythical bird "Phoenix". For over 400 years, the Greeks were slaves to the Turks, deprived of their human rights, education … and were considered as second-class citizens who worked and lived only for their rulers. Harems of Pashas were full of Christian girls while the bodyguards of Sultan (Yenitsars) were Christian boys who were taken by force from their parents. The passion for freedom is best described in the war song written by Rigas Velestinlis (Ferreos) in 1797: "Better one hour of free life, than forty years of slavery and prison". Many attempts were made by the Greeks to gain their freedom, but they were unsuccessful and Greeks paid a very high price. The population was reduced to a critical level, and after thousands years of existence the Greek race was in danger of extinction – the extinction of the people who brought philosophy, arts, sciences etc in other words, civilisation to the world. Greeks in Constantinople although educated and used by the Turks in public posts were also eliminated. In the islands, Greeks had better conditions

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This is a prophetic image.

14.28 Examine its depth 12 November 1976

[25:101-102] Pharah: … (ADDRESSING A MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY) … You entered Masonry for the reasons you mention but without knowing and you do not know the ultimate aim of the organisation. Superficially, this organisation is irreproachable with ethical principles. But is it so? Examine its depth, so you can be convinced of its purpose. It is somehow difficult to understand what Masonry hides, because you have consciously become superficially aware of its teaching and you did not perceive its dark plans objectively. These are not known to all but only to a devoted few of the international Jewish link of the central brain of the wise Rabbis who are based in the USA. From many enlightening examples I mention one who is very well known amongst the leaders of the great lodges. It is the eminent secretary of the Grand Lodge of Paris, Denair a man with immense encyclopedic knowledge of many secret texts of Masonry. He lived and knew this organisation as no one else, and not being able to tolerate it denounced it announcing in the newspapers the following which is given word for word: “I am not able to verify that all Masons are deceivers (because with good faith they become victims). But that which I am able to verify, is that all deceivers are Masons”. If you understand the phrase of this distinguished member of the lodge, good. If not, I am sorry! As a researcher of truth, are you able to tell me what was the destiny of Denair after he first expressed his opinion in the press? No one was able to investigate it. The reason is understood. Now tell me: This very powerful organisation of Masons, what good has it given to humanity? Very easily it could have averted the last two destructive wars; but it did not. On the contrary it has created sad fluctuations of abnormal life including even immorality. It is natural that it is not possible for those who are asleep to perceive the infernal energy of the enemy. What I want to know from you is that you tell me: who directs the fortunes of your world? Of course you will answer Zionism because many accept this including the incorrigible. Good! Is masonry the organisation that takes the pulse of the opinions of the people through the various branches of Jewish-Masonry or not? Therefore the hidden collaboration with Zionism opens the road to the destruction of Christianity. This is one truth that the narrow-minded do not wish to accept.

after a treaty between the Ottoman Empire and Russia; they could travel in their merchant ships under a Russian flag, and they could also arm their ships to fight Algerian pirates. Many Greeks rebelled against the Turks and hid in the mountains and caves. The Turks called these men "Klephtes" (Thieves). The Turks gave Greek villagers, who were called "Armatoloi" (Guerillas), weapons in order to protect the Turks against brigands. However, the Armatoloi avoided fighting their "brothers" and in most cases, they united with the Kleftes and went against the Turks in order to destroy them. These types of Greek troops such as the kleftes and armatoloi were of great importance because they gained a significant amount of combat experience. This group was based on a simple order of rank. The "Kapetanios”, (Captain) held the most prominent position and was usually from a family of great warlords. The captain had to have experience in battle and had to be accepted by the men he would command; his orders could not be questioned or disobeyed. The phrase "FREEDOM or DEATH" signified the Greeks commitment to achieving their independence. On February 22, 1821 General Alexandros Ypsylantis along with a small army crossed the Pruth River, which marked the border between Russia, Bessarabia, and Moldavia. But the Turks defeated him and his army. The unofficial but actual date of the beginning of the revolution was March 23, 1821, when captains Mavromichales, Kolokotronis, and Papaflessas liberated the city of Kalamata. 25 March 1821, Bishop Germanos declared Greek Revolution in Patrai. Turks found refuge in the castle of the city. As retaliation Turks massacred thousands of Greeks in Constantinople, Adrianople, Smyrna, Kydonies and

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My friend, you are well versed in a few of the things I mentioned. But alas, because of the position you hold in masonry, do not change direction at your own expense. Stand alone as an individual and do not abandon the Divine Light of Heaven so you will not get mixed up in the deep darkness. You have a spirit as well as faith towards the Lord for you to accept the truth in preference to falsehood. Our Centre always has open arms towards everyone who is without distinction or wicked aim.

14.29 Stand at the bulwark of your duty 26 August 1975


Charilaos Trikoupis: I greet the genuine patriots of my country, and I hope that they awaken from the lethargy that has overcome them so that they do not become prisoners in the many different traps of the Daemon that is furious because everyone understands its dark actions. Greek citizens, stay awake on the ramparts of your duty. The enemy is lying in ambush waiting to find the appropriate moment to exterminate you. The prelude of your extremely sad situation is the Government Advisory Committee that consists of members of the known organisation that is seeking to enslave you and bind free speech that is your weapon against the enemy. These forces exterminated me, so they could enslave our country to the invisible and malevolent enemies of our nation. But Greece lived and will live even though even today force creates fear and fear the ethical fall. Do not be frightened; be imperious, proud and faithful to Divinity, that is protecting our country from the vendors of our land to foreign conquerors. No one is able to conquer this sacred land, because he will pay with his life. David will wound Goliath and neutralise him, to save all the people of the world under pressure from the Bad Daemon. Turkey is in no position to show strength. The self-proclaimed strong will become victims of their greed and will not be in position to help the ethical instigator of Evil, the sinister manipulating Zionism which has the mask of the CIA as well as of many other varied organisations. Greeks, be assured that the great victory is waiting. The cowards will be removed from the scene be they governors or officers, traitors of the Nation.

elsewhere in Asia Minor. On the 10th April 1821, Patriarch Gregorios the 5th was lynched. In 1822, the Turkish fleet reached the Island of Chios. The Turks murdered 50,000 of the inhabitants, burned their homes and property, and the rest were sold to slave bazaars. With the help of a French expeditionary force, the Greeks drove the Turks out of the Peloponnese and proceeded to the captured part of Central Greece by 1828. As a result of years of negotiation, Greece was finally recognized again as an independent nation in May 1832 by Bavaria and the then great powers. Greeks did not participate in the meeting. The agreed borders at that meeting only encompassed a 1/3 of the Greek population. Since then Greece has struggled to extend its borders to also encompass the other 2/3 of its Greek population.

Charilaos Trikoupis - Χαρίλαος Τρικούπης) 1832 - 1896) was a Greek politician who served as a Prime Minister of Greece seven times from 1875 until 1895. After studying law and literature in the Universities of Athens and Paris where he obtained his doctorate, he was sent to London in 1852 as an attaché of the Greek legation. Trikoupis' family had been original supporters of the English Party; that and his reserved nature bestowed on him the nickname "the Englishman." In 1865,

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The time has come to show that the neck of a Greek cannot tolerate yoke or foreign direction. The Spiritual World is on your side and is invincible. It will strike the inner and outer enemies that have a common source, Zionism. Hail the Greek Nation and its brave people. With my love.

14.30 The American people are not to blame 26 September 1976

[25:47-49] Pericles (of the golden age): My dear brethren, those of the strong psycho-spiritual entities who are about to reincarnate, do not make use of the words “I bless”. Some of those entities have the impression that they are going to manage to avoid the return to Earth and they bless without being obstructed by anyone. This is a subject that is not of interest to you, so I will continue with the topic. Many people on your Earth that accuse the USA of being responsible for the wretchedness of the world, because by its abductions it goes forward to enslave the people, are making a mistake. The American people are not to blame since its majority lives comfortably despite increases in the price of goods. Theculprit is the secret committee of Israelis that has its headquarters in the USA and has managed through third parties and with immense amounts of money to deceive greedy, exhibitionists who are vain and who float like corks covering their depraved world since they are bought easily and they become members and agents of organisations and traps that have been set from immemorial times by the tribes of Israel. The deceiving method of the invisible committee of Israeli imperialism today has Kissinger as a primary leader. He plays the role of mediator in the disputes between nations but he undermines everything to ignite a new world war with the aim of eliminating dangerous small nations, amongst them being Greece as the most dangerous. I wonder how it is that you are against American imperialism and yet you do not disclose the truth. The USA is the mask. Israel is hidden behind it, this wily monster of the universe. You do not dare to name it and accuse it of being the carrier of evil and not the double mask that it is wearing. The great enemy of the world is Israeli imperialism. This Lernea Hydra, Israel, has a thousand heads and represents all the dark forces under the guise of organised lodges, the multi-national companies etc with traps and such baits that the poison enters government organisations to form the “establishment”, to poison the clergy of Christianity throughout the world, bringing discord and

after he had concluded the negotiations for the cession by UK to Greece of the Ionian islands, he returned to Athens and in 1865 he was elected to the Hellenic Parliament, , and in the following year was made Minister for Foreign Affairs, at the young age of thirty-four.

Pericles Περικλης, Periklēs, "surrounded by glory"; c. 495 – 429 BC was a prominent and influential Greek statesman, orator, and general of Athens during the city's Golden Age - specifically, the time between the Persian and Peloponnesian wars. He was descended, through his mother, from the powerful and historically influential Alcmaeonid family. In Greek mythology, the Lernea Hydra was an ancient serpent-like under-water beast, with reptilian traits that possessed many heads — the poets mention more heads than the vase-painters could paint,

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humiliation to its standing. You are vain and cowardly in front of this monster that enslaves you through the excessive prices of goods and the mania of some to compete in luxury. You have been totally blinded and you do not see how the Evil Snake acquires your collected wealth, that you have sucked from the labours of people. Be careful how the Snake spreads discord amongst brothers, enabling them to buy guns to kill each other, so it can benefit and at the end subdue you as slaves unable to defend your interests. Censure the war. If you help the enemy you become its victims. Then where is your political ability? In empty words only? At last understand it. Israel is deceiving everyone. It threatens nations because it knows that only fear neutralizes the strength of the opponent. Until now who from the major powers has dared to say what is the aim of Israel with its sly politics and the role it is playing throughout the lengths and breadths of this world? They all keep quiet about the truth. No one mentions the name of the Snake because the “establishment” and the dark forces prevent it. They should not be dismayed according to the oath that they give at the altar of the Satanic Snake.

14.31 Eye for an eye 27 October 1976

[25:82-83] Moses: Do not forget that I the humble slave of the Creator, after many ethical pressures and long time patience and anticipation have managed to receive the title of Heavenly Orator. I do not belong to any tribe but only as a spirit to the human family and as a Teacher I appear to give you my blessing for the work that you have undertaken for the enlightenment of the whole of humanity. Be careful my brothers. Human mistakes are many and with some judgement you ought to balance those ‘for’ and those ‘against’ looking to the side that raises you and not the side that tempts for personal advantages. To talk to you this way, you understand that as a spirit I know much that you totally ignore. The meaning that I gave to “an eye for an eye” has been translated badly. If a villain tried to kill a peaceful innocent, should he not defend himself against the murderer? Heaven gives this right to him. This is why I said “an eye for an eye” without giving further explanation. Today the most dangerous nation is the USA because they hold in their hands the keys of government mechanisms of all nations. Such internationally unknown scum are bought by the organisation of Zionistic mafia. In this case it is in opposition to the salvation of my

and for each head cut off it grew two more — and poisonous breath so virulent even her tracks were deadly. Heracles as the second of his twelve Labours killed the Hydra of Lernea.

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words “eye for an eye”. The salvation or destruction of the world will depend on the elections in the USA. The most wily and dangerous in the existing situation is Kissinger. Carter’s other competitor needs to be alert, since he has perceived the political mafia of the enemy of nations. The battle in the USA and all its territories is going to be great. The propaganda is very active. One of the main reasons for Carter’s success is the Greek element in the USA, that Jacob is trying to corrode by convincing his flock to be in favour of Ford. He is not a clergyman but is the manifestation of the Evil Spirit, unethical, unpatriotic and your greedy enemy. I wonder how you received him as a Danaan bringing with him the proposals of Kissinger, that are camouflaged traps. You are a clever nation, but unfortunately very gullible and this is your biggest weakness. You have never managed to totally balance your interests even at the expense of your personal interests, to enable you find the cohesion that your country needs for its salvation. Your government unfortunately came from people of the “establishment”, that is why they have never managed to prove worthy of the people who trusted them with the authority. The gross errors will first be paid by those responsible for the political world. Because of their extreme egoism they have the impression that they know how to politick, and totally ignore the needs of the people which are the basis of every government. It is pointless to bring forward baseless excuses. Returning to the USA I have to say, that is where the headquarters of Zionism is, and also the hidden grand lodge of Masons who are aiming to enslave the world and annihilate Christianity. The Spiritual World has taken measures to disclose this sick and anti-human trap that you scorn. We continuously point out your enemy and you do not understand it, so distance yourself from it, especially since you know that it is cunningly set against you. Wake up and try to anticipate every bad eventuality.

14.32 The boat of Zionism is sinking 30 October 1977

[25:301] Aristotle: Zionism is at its highest intensity revealing that the boat has crevices that it is not able to close because new ones appear and this weakness has nervous hyper intensity to prevent the sinking of the boat. All the actions are spasmodic and it does not know which way to achieve the desired aim. It has forgotten it is battling the greatest super-power of the whole universe, an invisible enemy. It will corner him in the trap that has been set up by Zionism that is for the hole it has dug for the others. Because the Spiritual World is not earthly it follows a different strategy that is unknown to all. The small achievements of Zionism are exactly those that will attract it into the trap of the Spiritual World.

Archbishop Iakovos (James – Jacob - Ιάκωβος), 1911 - 2005, born Demetrios Koukouzis, was the Primate of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America now the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America) from 1959 until his resignation in 1996. He was born on the island of Imbros, Ottoman Empire and died in Connecticut, USA. Danaans (Δαναοί, Danaoi) was the name used by Homer in the Iliad for Greeks (138 times).

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Many other aspects will depend upon the general direction of the situation. You will be receiving updates from Us and directions so you do not succumb to human errors. Be calm as much as you can and await more complete news.

14.33 How the end of the world will come 26 September 1977

[25:288-290] Pharah: Every eminent scientist according to his imagination specifies the time when the fire in the bowels of the earth will be extinguished. One must be very naïve to make such predictions that only Divinity knows. This unsubstantiated idea of the end of the world shows how wrongly they perceive the meaning of God. Not one of the future scientists will ever be able to give a specific time for the completion of the earthly world. Therefore, you incorrectly mention timeframes for subjects that you do not know of, nor have you foreseen during your travel throughout your earthly life. It is impossible to be involved into the Will and decisions of the Creator. Do not occupy yourself with such unspecified images from which it is impossible to derive any benefit. At time X, without exception all psycho-spiritual entities will reach perfection and they will all be recalled, humans, animals and everything else living and the earth will remain empty, totally deserted. Because of the climatic conditions the last vegetation will have dried out and died. As Creation started its work in a slow rhythm with the development of everything, on the contrary its destruction will be at a fast pace and the morph of the earth will have the appearance of a burning star. The destruction will start from areas where the temperature of the atmosphere will be unbearable, and from other areas where the glaciers will be incredible. So those two elements by themselves will clash because of their physical attraction. The evaporation of water will cover the whole world with dense clouds. The unceasing lightning, the very heavy rain and the continuous earthquakes will plow everything. The previously inhabited Earth will become unrecognizable, burning and engulfed in steam, and will have the same look as it had during its creation. All these things will solidify; rings of electromagnetic clouds able to repel every foreign body that tries to penetrate its ring will surround Earth. Question: Will Earth be dissolved within the universe or will it remain as a star? Pharah: It will remain as a star for balancing the surrounding planets. From there onwards only God knows how and where He is going to use the earth’s volume. I have gone forward quite a bit giving an image of the end of the earth up to a point. What will be the new morph of the Earth this only the Creator knows. The same way as your world was created its destruction will occur

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the opposite way in a shorter time. At last, perceive how futile are the material benefits for which you are fighting, and for which you ignore the cultivation of your spirit through our Divine Light. Do not forget the image that I transmit. From the Earth all that is living will disappear and it will be burning in the middle of so many other stars. Have you scientists ever thought how they expose themselves when they announce “in the future within the centuries the fire within the earth will be extinguished”. Of course the Earth will be purified burning all your infinite sins. Do not provide conclusions on subjects you do not know about. The wheel that you sharpen your knife on, in time will perish and in this way Earth like another wheel sharpening your spirit, after it has fulfilled its destiny as a Divine Creation, it will also change morph. Something that I did not mention is that when Lucifer starts the fires in the flaming Earth, for some time it (Earth) will experience the meaning of evil with the apology of its re-purification. You, as simple creations have the time to purify yourselves the quickest.