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  • 1. The Cappuccino Froth of Social MediaChris FarranceFounding DirectorFrontier Coaching
  • 2. HypothesisTypically a cappuccino is 30% frothAt this point in time Social Media represents no more than30% of the overall benefit that Digital Technologycan deliver to Business
  • 3. The Agricultural Revolution
  • 4. The Industrial Revolution
  • 5. The Digital Revolution
  • 6. Marketings Gone SocialMarketing is Going Social
  • 7. The Worlds Gone SocialSocial Media is the next phase of humanityDeepak Chopra September 2012
  • 8. MillennialsGeneration Y the born digitaland digital nativesSpend 25 hours a week online.on smartphones 59%on tablets 35%on their laptops 70%Forrester Research.
  • 9. Big Data
  • 10. Digital and socially enabledbusiness competence gapBusinessas UsualBusinessGrowthTime and ThinkingInstitutional Business Thinking Ceiling
  • 11. FinancialServicesTravelYourMusic &BooksRetailThe Voracious Digital MonsterYourBusiness?
  • 12. A New Way of Thinking
  • 13. A New Way of Leading and Influencing
  • 14. UnlockingProductivity Revenue Potential
  • 15. ClosedSelectiveControlling
  • 16. Small businesses that heavily use the internet todo business grow four times faster than those thatdo not
  • 17. Dont Be A Boiling Frog
  • 18. e: chrisfarrance@frontiercoaching .comw: www.frontiercoaching.comm: 07770 46 55 60