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An Introduction To Practical Broadcast 113Mc

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I think that Loose Women is a general magazine show as it covers a wide variety of topics such bullying, swearing, celebrity culture, fashion, relationships and the environment (just to name a few.)-This works well as it keeps the public interested, they don’t just discuss the same issue all the time, it has a good diverse selection of themes.

A typical show normally includes, several discussions and debates, one or more interview with a special guest (normally celebrity), and a competition. - This is effective as it is the same every day so regular watchers feel comfortable and first time viewers find it a simple running order

The atmosphere to the programme is very relaxed and light-hearted, whilst the tone is very warm and welcoming.-This is successful because the viewer then becomes comfortable with content and therefore almost becomes ‘friends’ with the programme because they feel so at ease. I think that this is one of the qualities that Loose Women pride themselves on; the fact that it is such easy watching.

The language used again is very ‘every-day’, very relaxed and often humorous. -This works well as it is the language that is used by most of the viewers and again make it easier for them to relate about the issues raised.-This sometimes fails to work as it is a lunch-time show, and the presenters/guests have been known to get too ‘relaxed’, forget that they are live, and use the occasional swear word. Guest star Joan Rivers called Russell Crowe a very rude word in June 2008.

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Each new show there are four women panellists, who are all involved in various professions in the entertainment business and journalism industries, including actresses, singers, authors, presenters, journalists and reporters.

One of the four, acts as an anchor, who links to breaks and competition and addresses the audience.-This works as it keeps the programme moving and keeps the viewer interesred.

A key moment involving the presenters i think is the introduction, the anchor will read out a recent newspaper headline, and then applies it with a personal touch to each of the presenters when introducing them.-This is effective as it is very humorous and happens regularly at the beginning of every show, so the views come to expect it.

Also the presenters act in friendly manner towards each other: giving advice, mocking each other and reliving old memories together as a old friends do.-This adds again to the idea that they want to audience to feel as though they are friend with them as well, and that they know the presenters well.

The fact that the panel is all women, coincides with show’s name, so is obviously done deliberately.- This is done to create their target audience which is women!Which is mainly women above 25, however as a women of under 25 I also find it highly entertaining.

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The set itself as you can see is decorated with very warm shades of red and pink, very feminine but not too harsh.

The wallpaper around some of the panels gives it a homey feel, in order to make the viewer comfortable.

The jingle sound is very light and bubbly which coincides with the tone of the show trying to be light-hearted and friendly

The graphics and titles have the same colour scheme in every show, in order to convey familiarity, and again they have used feminine colours, but quite soft in order to not be seen as bold.

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I think that Top Gear is a specialised magazine show, as it as a focus area of automotive products and industry. Whilst being specialised they cover a wide variety of sub categories: Cars, Lorries, Caravans, Bikes, Boats and much more-This is done to keep the audience interested and entertained, they don’t want any one show to be the same as another, otherwise this will loose them ratings.

A typical show normally includes, several discussions and debates about latest models, an interview with a special guest (normally celebrity) who completes a timed lap in car, several videos of them trying out new, old or an interesting automotive product (often a new car). And their mascot ‘The Stig’ racing a different car each week.-Whilst there is a lot of variety, key components are kept the same, like Loose Women, to keep familiarity with the layout of the show

The atmosphere to the programme is, to sum up in a word: Fun. I think the atmosphere feels like it should be quite professional as it is a factual based programme, but the producers have told the presenters to always be unprofessional and extremely humorous.-This is successful because once the viewer find the show funny, he is then immersed into the show, and then once familiar with its style will probably become a regular viewer; something creators strive for.

The language used again is very ‘every-day’, very relaxed and often humorous. - Again similarly to Loose Women this works well, as it is the language that is used by most of the viewers and again make it easier for them to relate about the issues raised.

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I think that the presenters are the key to Top Gears success. Quite like a sit-com have character stereotypes and they play up to these for entertainment value and to create humour.

James May comes across as slightly foolish, overly clever and is treated by the other presenters as ‘know-it-all’.

Richard Hammond is treated on the show in childish manner, due to his small size the other presenters play on this and mock him for it.

Jeremy Clarkson acts very arrogantly and is often sarcastic. He is seen as the ‘main’ presenter and the other presenters love it when he gets something wrong and tease him for it.

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The Top Gear studio is set out to look like a partially decorated warehouse.- This make it instantly recognisable and ties in with the theme of automotive design.

The audience is always visible around the outskirts of the set, and is always packed out with them standing-This gives the impression that the show is so in-demand they have a full audience and they have to stand to fit everyone in. Therefore subconsciously we see this is a successful show!

The graphics and title sequence all involve automotive products, and the sound mirrors this with revs of cars and horns being blown. -This all adds to the theme of the show and ties it in together adequately