Download - 11 th grade Trigonometry Ms. Kavanaugh Remember: Tan x = sinx/cosx.


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Tangent(tan)Remember:Tan x = sinx/cosxBack tomain menu

11th gradeTrigonometryMs. Kavanaugh

Start!The Three Trig Functionsand Their Reciprocals

Sine(sin)Back tomain menu

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Cosecant(csc)Remember:Csc x = 1/sinx

sinecosecantBack toMain menuCosine(cos)Back tomain menu

AmplitudeAmplitude is the height of the wave. The amplitude works in both directions. Every wave has a positive amplitude, meaning you take the absolute value of the amplitude of the wave. The amplitude works in both directions. The amplitude is usually written as a numerical value in front of the function.Back toMain menu

Secant(sec)Remember: secx= 1/cosx

cosinesecantBack tomain menuCotangent

Remember: cotx=cosx/sinx

tangentcotangentBack tomain menu