Download - 10 You Need To Know tips for meeting and dating hot women



10 You-Need-To-Know Tips for Meeting and Dating Hot Looking Women

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This Special White Paper Report will answer 10 you-need-to-know strategies to transform your dating life... The Approach

1. How To Approach a Woman Anywhere 2. How To Practice Approaching Women 3. How To Get a Woman To Give You Her Phone

Number/Email Address in 3 Minutes Getting Physical

4. Kissing Women and Using Humor 5. How To Tell If a Woman is Ready To Be Kissed 6. How To Kiss a Woman to Really Turn Her On 7. How To Get Physical with a Woman

Dos and Don’ts

8. Why You Should NOT Compliment a Woman 9. How To Talk To a Woman On the Phone To Create

Attraction 10. How To Talk to a Woman Online To Create

Attraction _________________________________________________ Let’s get started... Remember, you learned in the article Romantic Conversation Starters to Attract Hot Women, you want to create ATTRACTION with a woman – an emotional response that gets a woman turned on – that they can’t control and don’t want to control. You can create attraction from the moment you meet a woman and build on that initial attraction so you can date all the hot women you have time for. The secret formula for creating attraction is: Cocky + funny + un-clingy = ATTRACTION Discover how to use this secret formula in the 10 Tips revealed in this report. 1. How To Approach a Woman Anywhere

Most attractive women are BORED OUT OF THEIR MINDS by most men. One of the reasons for this is that guys have NO IDEA what to do when they run into an attractive woman, so they do the same default thing: Dumb look, compliment.


10 You-Need-To-Know Tips for Meeting and Dating Hot Looking Women Compliments of

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2) You can't BORE a woman into feeling attracted to you. If she's most likely got a boring life like everyone else, and you do something that every one of the other 499 guys she's going to walk by this month did, then you're probably not going to attract any special attention. 3) If you just start with the idea of NOT DOING WHAT OTHER GUYS DO you will be WAAAAYYYY ahead of the game. Wow, this is fun, isn't it? Bet you never thought you'd be thinking like a woman, did ya? So, what are a few things you might do? Maybe NOT be like the other 499 boring, predictable, "nice" loser guys she encountered? And maybe BE interesting, attractive, attention-getting in a way that makes her feel like you might actually be someone to provide her with a pinch of spice in her life? To start with, you'd probably want to get rid of the "Wow, you're a beautiful woman, and I'm just an average guy admiring you" vibe. That's not helping. Next, you could take a moment and think about how a guy that she would feel ATTRACTED to might act... then choose that style. Take an attitude of "I guess fate has good taste putting us in the same place, now let's see if you have a personality to match your looks", then stir in a generous portion of Cocky & Funny, you're likely to do well. Here's a variation of something I've used myself once or twice: YOU: "Hey, can I ask you a quick question?" (leaning back and playing it cool, talking cool and slow) HER: "Sure" (pause.. pause.. pause for suspense) YOU: "Are you single?" (stone cold straight face) HER: "Well, um..." YOU: "I'll take that as a yes..." (nodding, sly smile) HER: (Laughter) YOU: "Well, I just happen to know someone that I think might really like you... if you're more than just a pretty face, that is... He's funny, has great taste, and I think you'd like him... I'd love to sit down and get your life story, but I'm on my way somewhere... do you have email?" (very cool, calm tone of voice) HER: "Yes." YOU: Great... (takes out pen)... write it down for me, and I'll have, uh (clears throat) HIM send you an email." (Get email and wish the lady a good day.) Let's talk about what just happened here. First off, did I give her any compliments? Did I act like the other 499 guys? Did I instantly communicate that "I'm not worthy"? HELL NO. I said, "Hey, can I ask you a quick question?" in a very laid back, almost too relaxed and mysterious tone of voice (your body language is a VERY important component of this approach. Anyone will respond to that with a "yes".


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Next, I did something kind of fun: I asked her DIRECTLY if she was single. Now, most guys will say, "Uh, I'll bet you have a boyfriend, huh?" or "So, do you have a man?" or some other lame thing. The question, "Are you single?", takes women off guard. It's great. And then being assumptive when she hesitated with an answer... in a cocky & funny way... magic. Next, I followed up with a cocky, funny, semi-confusing little bit about "knowing someone" that might find her interesting. Now, she might think that it's really ME, but she won't know FOR SURE until she gets the email. And even then you might play with her a bit..."So, what did you think of my friend? I think he might like you..." etc. The point is, I can pretty much guarantee you that this particular sequence hasn't happened together lately. She's still trying to overcome her sheer awe about how many guys in a row can ask "Don't I know you from somewhere?" This kind of fun approach will be a welcome breath of fresh air. TRY IT!

2. How To Practice Approaching Women Guys – is your biggest obstacle to approaching and starting conversations with women fear of rejection? You need to change your thinking. Realize that nothing bad is going to happen to you if a woman doesn't want to talk to you. Say to yourself, “Next.” You'll also see that some women are busy, some are not nice people, and some are friendly and open. Said differently, you'll realize that it's not about YOU when a woman doesn't respond to you warmly... and it won't HURT you either. Next, get out into the real world and start making small talk with women... WITH NO INTENTION OF TAKING THINGS ANY FURTHER THAN THAT CONVERSATION. When you start a conversation thinking "I want to get that girl's number", it puts HUGE PRESSURE on you... ESPECIALLY if you're not comfortable doing things like approaching women. So chill. Go to the mall, and walk into EVERY store. When a sales girl says, "Can I help you with something?" respond by saying, "I don't think you're qualified to give me the kind of help that I need, but thanks for the offer". If you wind up buying something in one of the stores, ask the girl for a 50% discount. When she asks why, tell her that it should be obvious... it's because she thinks you're special.


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After you've had fun, walk away. Leave. Don't worry about getting numbers or dates. Just work on starting conversations in "easy" situations (where the women are PAID to talk and be nice to you). Do this three or four times over the course of a few weeks, and you'll start to change how you THINK about these types of situations. You'll SEE how women will respond, and it will change how you FEEL. Finally, remember that it's not NECESSARY to learn how to approach women that you don't know...if you don't want to. There are PLENTY of situations that allow you to meet women without ever having to "approach" them. Go check out some dance classes. Try swing or salsa. Imagine being able to: 1) Learn how to dance (which women think is hot) AND... 2) Have one conversation after another as you change partners... Now, there are all kinds of places like this where you can skip the "approaching women" step and just move right into the Cocky & Funny or getting numbers. 3. How To Get a Woman To Give You Her Phone Number/Email Address in 3 Minutes If you want to approach women and get numbers/emails quickly, then you need something a little different. I personally think that you need to convey a direct, matter of fact air of "this is the most natural thing in the world". If you act like it's normal and natural, then she will. If you act uncomfortable and nervous, then she will do that too. Most guys are very nervous about approaching and starting conversations with women. They get all uptight and start acting sketchy at just the THOUGHT of walking up to a woman and asking her for her number. If you can just realize that women WANT to meet men, and that they WANT men to approach them, it makes you consider that women probably want guys who aren't acting nervous and insecure. Right? So be direct. If you'd like, you can use the "One Compliment" approach. Give her a compliment to start the conversation (but don't give her any more for a LOOOOOONG time). Pause to create an air of mystery. Try saying, "Hi, you are...beautiful and I had to take a moment and meet you."


10 You-Need-To-Know Tips for Meeting and Dating Hot Looking Women Compliments of

The pause is priceless. Look directly into her eyes as you talk... and as you pause. This communicates that you're NOT AFRAID of her. Then make small talk for a minute. Ask her name; ask her if she's from the area, etc. Then say something like "I have to get back to work now," leave and then turn back and say "Hey, do you have e-mail?" The objective is to get her information, not to start an interesting dialogue. Now, if you want to ask her to coffee right on the spot, etc. then you might want to be Cocky &Funny right off the bat. Remember that there's always time to show off your Cocky & Funny charm the next time you see her. Here’s a real life example of getting a woman’s phone number/email: “I went to Borders Books, surveyed the area. Found my target. Hot blond, by herself, tossing hair around, looking single. I say, "Excuse me, I noticed you when I walked in, and I just had to find out what you were like." She says, "Really?" Shocked and flattered. After some small talk I asked if she was seeing anyone. Nope. "Do you have email? Oh, write your number down there too." She does and then asks me if I was available that night! I say, "No, I'm on my way out of town, but I'll call you." She was thanking me for approaching her! After a couple days I called and was prepared for her "tests of control" She tried to determine where and when the date would be. She wanted the bar, instead I said, "Why, so you can get me drunk and take advantage of me?" She loved that! I told her a different night and coffee. First test passed! My first date with her was last night. I used the cocky and funny, teased and picked on her, didn't smile much, opened doors, and most importantly stayed in control! We were holding hands and I said, "Let's call it a night." I could tell she wanted more, ‘cause she started saying how amazing the date had gone and was hugging me like I was her husband going off to war for a year!” Why this method worked: 1) You rehearsed an opening line 2) You rehearsed POSSIBLE RESPONSES to your opening line 3) You used the 3-Minute Email/Number technique perfectly 4) You didn't let her take control 5) You busted on her for TRYING to take control 6) You went to get COFFEE, and not a "dinner-type date" 7) You were Cocky & Funny 8) You ended the date early, while she was on a high 9) ...and probably did everything else right, too.


10 You-Need-To-Know Tips for Meeting and Dating Hot Looking Women Compliments of

Before we leave this section on The Approach, here’s some real examples of using cocky + funny + un-clingy in meeting women

I was at a bar and saw this hot girl. I walked up to her and said, "Hey hun, that's an interesting dress you have on" "Oh yeah, why is that?" (woman obviously trying to be mature and sexy) "Because if you put your hair up into two pigtails you'd complete the "innocent little schoolgirl" look" (I walk off into the bar, but not before I get a sock in the arm, which opens up more comments about feeling a breeze nearby.) ########### Me and a couple of buddies of mine hang out at a local bar during the week. Usually we would mess with the girls that work there with mild success (never any numbers or anything) and if you are familiar with Hooters girls think... hotter. So after learning the cocky + funny approach, I started messing and busting on this particular new girl by doing things that before I thought would surely piss people off. She would do things like empty the ashtrays and I would put dirty napkins in them, she would be all slow at getting me refills and I would bust on her for not doing her job as good as other girls there. I would catch her looking at me occasionally and I would point at my glass like, "Hellooo...". I was being a total annoyance the whole time! At the end of the night I left her a nice tip and we ran into each other at the beach about three days later. She told me that when she met me she thought I was a smartass but that "it's attractive". I thought to myself "HOLY CRAP she just admitted to me this stuff works!! Of course I continued to bust on her even then saying that she was lucky I was in a good mood and that she has a cute smile because if it wasn't for that, I would have not even remembered her. So I asked her what she was doing and she said, she was going to Sea World and that I should go with her, she would treat....again, WHOAH!!! I declined and said that I had some other plans but I was wanting some wings and she said for me to come by on her next shift where she would get off at 9 pm. She wanted me to come by at 9 so that we can have some drinks after her shift!!! Man I can't say enough how easy this stuff was to implement!!! And it works like a charm. When me and my group of friends left the beach she ran up to me (looking all fine in her bikini) and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the have to understand, this chick is a 9 easy!!!! Man I had a damn "Colgate" smile all the way home that day and still do to this day. ############# There's a very upscale restaurant/bar at which you can even buy cigars from their humidor. There's a piano player that plays jazzy tunes, and the place is pretty expensive, quiet, with the aura of big money patrons. (I love cigars and jazz, which is why I wanted to go there so badly.) So, as I've always wanted to go there, and I finally mustered the courage to put on my best suit and tie (complete with cufflinks), so I'd look the part, despite the fact that I'm not rich like the other patrons. The women there are usually in groups, and they wreak of old money. I sat alone and nursed a martini for about 30 minutes, while I scoped out the babes. I zeroed in on a tall, stunningly gorgeous blond. (I have a weakness for tall blonds.) I used the "Can I borrow her for a minute?" trick, and it worked like a charm! Then I teased her for having friends who would just let her go off with a total stranger. Then I mixed a lot of listening with a bit of cocky and funny once she joined me at my table. She told me she was hungry, so I told her I was getting hungry, too, and that I was about to become nasty if I didn't get something to eat soon. Then I said, "You're not very attractive, but since I do happen to like that dress on you, I'll be a sport and let you buy me dinner just this once." I couldn't believe I said that!!!! I was a little scared that she'd get pissed off and leave. She ended up buying me an expensive dinner!!! Plus I got her phone number and email. I told her I do a lot of traveling, which I don’t, but that I'd try to remember to call her next time I was in town. She then asked me for my number and email! ############


10 You-Need-To-Know Tips for Meeting and Dating Hot Looking Women Compliments of

I just left a fraternity party of mine, and there was this chick there that has been hanging around the house and with some of the other guys for a while (tall, thin, blonde hair, ‘bout an 8.5). She was at the apartment we were partying at, and she sits down next to me on the couch. I introduce myself to her and have a little small talk, and she makes a comment that one of the guys told her that I am a photographer (I work for a local newspaper full time) and that she wanted me to take some pictures of her so that she can get into modeling. I say, "So, you want to be a parts model? You have some sexy toes? She says, "What, you don't think I'm hot?" I just kind of shrug that one off. She acts shocked and I just go on. Basically, all night I busted on her, looks and everything, and she would act shocked at my comments but I could tell she liked it (she's 5'11, so when I leave to go to the bathroom or whatever I tell her, "You're like 6'5, so if anybody takes my seat you can put them in a choke hold." Needless to say my seat never got taken when I told her). She even made a comment that I was such an a**hole and none of the guys had ever treated her like this. I would just smile and say "I know." She was eating it up. I even told her at one point to go get ME another beer. I was shocked when she said yes. Later I gave her a ride back to her dorm, and on the way home she was talking about how she needs to quit hitting on guys, and told me about a game she plays at parties with her friends where they bet if they can get a guy to make out with them in a certain amount of time. I tell her I wouldn't, I'm not that easy. She's like, "Not even me?" And I go on with the not easy part and she would at least have to buy me dinner. Long story short I get her number and she tells me to call her like 3 times. Right before she gets out of the car I say, "Can I kiss you?" She says yes, and I say, "Ok, I'll make sure to do that,"... She says, “Oh, right,” and leans in to kiss ME. I couldn't believe it. I am on a high that no drug could ever give and it’s all thanks to learning the Cocky + Funny Approach. ################ I had heard that a new coffee shop was opening up. No more than about two minutes after me entering the shop, a feisty definite 10 redhead walks in. I got up to try. I got behind her in line and looked at her thinking what could I say. She caught me looking and said "It's not polite to stare, you know." I snapped back with "Then why are you staring." "I am not," she said. I then mocked it, gave her the name Kid; then she was putty in my hand. I asked for email and then said, "You know you're probably just going to stare at my picture the entire time online. Why don't you give me your number as well?" She wrote it down and slammed the piece of paper in my hand. "There, happy. Now be here at 7:00 next week." I said "No, YOU be at Starbucks at 7:30 next week. And I'll think about joining you." "Think about it..?" she said in a kind of cooing voice. I said dominantly "Think about it!" Do you get the point from these success stories? Yes, women really love it when you show some interest, but then don't hang on them. Women, and especially attractive women, LOVE a good challenge. It's fun for them. Most attractive women DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL TO DO when they meet a guy that is charming, funny, un-clingy and in control of himself and the situation. They get turned on, they think about you all the time, and they generally feel a level of ATTRACTION that they can't control (and don't want to control, because they love it!). Here's the basic formula for Cocky & Funny: Take an arrogant comment, then add humor. It's a killer combination. The key is that it HAS TO BE FUNNY. It actually has to make others laugh. You must make sure that you are Cocky enough, because if you're only FUNNY, then you will come across as GOOFY, which isn't what you want.


10 You-Need-To-Know Tips for Meeting and Dating Hot Looking Women Compliments of

So, for instance, you might be at a bar, and you're having a drink. Let's say your drink has too much alcohol in it, and you're going to comment on it. An arrogant comment might be: "This bartender sucks. There's too much booze in my drink." Add a touch of humor, and it turns into: "Whoa, this bartender either loves me or is trying to kill me. This drink is pure alcohol. Is there an AA meeting nearby? Cuz I'm gonna need it when I'm done with this one." It's the COMBINATION that makes Cocky + Funny work like magic. Too little or too much of either and you will come off as an idiot. And remember, have fun. Practice is what will help you improve. Here’s another example of Cocky + Funny + Un-clingy = ATTRACTION There is something very powerful about demonstrating that you're not needy, acting "too comfortable" around women, and even teasing them. It says all the right things, and it triggers something that you can't trigger with "being nice." One of my favorite jokes to use with waitresses is to wait until they make a mistake, forget something, or even just say, "I'm sorry, we're out of that tonight". I shoot right back, "Could we get a new waitress please? I'm afraid you're just not going to work out tonight." Of course, I have a very serious face when I say this. It's obvious that I'm exaggerating, so it makes her laugh. It's arrogant, crass, and kind of rude. But, it's also damn funny, and it says ALL the right things. 4. Kissing Women and Using Humor How to successfully ask a woman, “Can I kiss you?” using Cocky + Funny + Un-clingy One of the things guys need to do is TEASE women. Teasing can mean one of a couple of things. Teasing can mean starting to kiss her, then stopping, starting, then stopping... over and over again. In this context it's usually considered a good, pleasurable thing. For instance, if you kiss a woman gently, then pull away... then do it again... then again... and you can tell that she wants more, but you're not giving it to her, you're teasing her. Also, teasing can mean "poking fun." An example would be saying, "Wow, those are some tall shoes. What, are you like three feet tall without them?" Think of how you used to tease girls on the school playground when you were a kid. That's a different kind of teasing.


10 You-Need-To-Know Tips for Meeting and Dating Hot Looking Women Compliments of

Now, BOTH kinds of teasing are great to use with women who you have a romantic interest in... You wait for a moment when it’s clear to you that it would be OK to kiss her. She wants it. Then you say... You: "Can I kiss you?" Her: "Yes" You: "OK, I'll make sure to do that." At this point, she said "Right"... and leans in to kiss YOU! What happened here? What happened was a little bit of GENIUS. That's what happened. You were TEASING HER. You were doing something that, at first glance, was kind of Wuss/Nice Guy thing to do. But remember, you have so much momentum built up, that this little "slip" is perceived by her as OK. In fact, you have so much momentum and ATTRACTION built up that SHE wanted it. You say, "Can I kiss you?", she says, "Yes", then you TEASE her by saying, "OK, I'll make sure to do that." Yeah! In that moment, she realizes that your Wuss behavior was actually a JOKE, and that you were actually MESSING with her and teasing her. And at that point she leaned over and kissed YOU. 5. How To Tell If a Woman is Ready To Be Kissed Never fear rejection again if you follow this KISS TEST If you’ve been talking to a woman and want to know if she’s ready to be kissed, simply reach over and touch her hair while you’re talking and make a comment about it. Say, “Your hair looks so soft” and just touch the tips of it. If she smiles and likes this, reach back over and start stroking it again, but this time also glance down at her lips and back up to her eyes a couple of times. If she lets you keep touching her hair, you know she’s ready to be kissed. By using this kiss test, you are being kind and complimentary, but very subtle about it and you haven’t given her anything she can object to. Now you have a way of knowing if she’s ready to be kissed that never gets you rejected – and you know within 5 minutes. HOT! 6. How To Kiss a Woman to Really Turn Her On The secret to kissing a woman and making her all hot and bothered is ANTICIPATION. Anticipation is such an important concept when it comes to "getting physical" with a woman. I believe that it's important to incorporate it into every part of your interactions with a woman... really. Now, if you really don't know how to kiss a woman, then I have a recommendation: START SLOW, THEN MIRROR WHAT SHE DOES. Here's how to mix this strategy with ANTICIPATION. Let's say that you decide it's time to kiss her. You use the "Kiss Test", and she's enjoying it... so you lean over to kiss her. Just as you start to kiss her... when you first feel your lips touching hers... stop right there. Brush your lips back and forth on hers a little bit... then pull away without actually kissing her. Then smile at her.


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You'll probably be sitting there thinking, "Why the hell didn't I just kiss her?" She'll probably be sitting there tingling all over, and feeling like she wants to jump on you. Next, lean back. Talk a little more. A few minutes later, touch her hair again. Then lean over to kiss her again. This time, go VERY slowly... gently press your lips against hers. Hold them there for a moment, and feel how she responds. If she kisses you the same way, then just stop, lean back, and relax again for a few minutes. The next time you kiss her, open your mouth just a little bit, and see if she does the same. Do this a couple of times. At some point, she will probably start "escalating" the kisses, because the anticipation is just too much for her. At this point, stop her. Push her away, and smile. MORE ANTICIPATION. Just keep mirroring how she's kissing you as things get more and more intense. This is a great way to "learn" how to kiss... and she'll enjoy it, because you'll be doing exactly what she likes! 7. How To Get Physical with a Woman In their book "Sexual Interactions", Albert and Elizabeth Allgeier mention that in one study almost 40% of women reported refusing sexual intercourse when they actually WANTED it. They call this "The token no". So, what's going on here? Hold on... one more thing before I discuss this, I want to point out that this DOESN'T mean that a woman wants a man to force himself on her. NEVER force a woman to do anything! Here's what's going on... Women enjoy ANTICIPATION. Anticipation leads to sexual arousal. You need to remember that women like the idea of WANTING and EXPECTING what's going to happen. The reason why a lot of women say that they don't want to sleep with men, even when they do, is because the man doesn't GET IT. Men act like they would enjoy it if a woman just took off her clothes and said, "Let's do it." Women act like they want a man to chase them around all night... and then MAYBE do it. Maybe. So if you want her to feel more turned on, and to get less "resistance", then USE ANTICIPATION. Use a technique called "Tw o steps forward, one step back." This is a way to INCREASE a woman's sexual arousal and AMPLIFY the ATTRACTION that's already present in the situation.


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Here's how it works: Let's say that you're talking to a woman at your place, and you start holding her hand. After a few minutes, take your hand back and STOP. Lean back. Keep talking. A few minutes later, reach over and take her hand again... and keep talking. Then, lean over and kiss her if you pass The Kiss Test described earlier. After you've kissed her, STOP. Lean back again. Keep talking. A few minutes later, reach over and kiss her again. This time, kiss her for a little longer. Kiss her a little deeper. Then stop. Lean back. Smile. ARE YOU WITH ME? When you use this technique, you will be absolutely STUNNED at the results. First of all, it completely changes the situation. Instead of a woman RESISTING you, she'll be MUCH more likely to try to get you to DO MORE. She'll very likely be confused. She'll be thinking to herself, "What's going on here? Most guys try to push themselves on me, or they don't do anything at all. This guy seems like he's so in control of himself. And I keep getting more turned on. Maybe I should tell him that we're not going to sleep together tonight. But this is so great..." And the best part of this technique is that IT'S WHAT WOMEN WANT YOU TO DO! Of course, they'd never TELL you this. And even if a woman COULD explain it, she wouldn't WANT to tell you. Women want men who ALREADY GET IT. 8. Why You Should NOT Compliment a Woman To Get Her Attention If you have ZE RO GAME, then showering a woman with compliments will work better than NOTHING. But, think about it... If you walk up to a woman and start giving her compliments left and right, what is she going to be thinking? Right. She's going to think to herself, "Yeah, this guy is obviously into me big time. I own him." There's no mystery, no challenge, nothing interesting at all. It's what EVERY guy does. And it's usually perceived as BORING and PREDICTABLE. Attractive women get compliments in various forms all the time. In fact, they're so used to getting compliments, that's what they EXPECT. As a matter of fact, if you start talking to an attractive woman and say, "Wow, you're really beautiful. I mean, you're like a goddess...are you a model or an actress?" etc., the most LIKELY response you're going to get is her giving you the cold shoulder. Why? Because SHE GOT WHAT SHE NEEDED FROM YOU and you showed her that you're JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER guy out there that will worship her for her physical beauty.


10 You-Need-To-Know Tips for Meeting and Dating Hot Looking Women Compliments of

As a general rule, you ALWAYS want to avoid being mentally slotted into the "average" and "like all the other guys" category at ALL COST. You can start conversations by giving a woman a compliment, but NEVER let it become part of the actual conversation. If anything, begin teasing and making fun of her looks as soon as possible, if she's REALLY hot-looking. And never give the compliment in a way that says, "I'm intimidated because you're obviously very powerful and desirable." Now, there are ways to give women compliments that don't give all your power away... but giving a woman a compliment is usually a SELFISH thing to do. It's using words to try to GET something from a woman. 9. How To Talk To a Woman On the Phone To Create Attraction Let's say I'm out and I meet a woman walking down the street, and I get her email and phone number. You decide to call her. Use the Cocky + Funny + Unclingy Formula to create attraction on the phone. Continue to tease the woman just like you did when you met her. So in that first phone conversation you can say: You: "You know, I was telling my mom about you today" Her: "Really?" You: <Pause... for effect> "NO, you dork! Why would I tell my MOM about you? Get over yourself!" Are you with me? Remember, you’re being charming, Cocky, Funny, and unpredictable from the start... and YOU KNOW that she's enjoying it. The tension is building, even as you have during your first phone conversation. Then say something that just plain doesn't fit ("I was telling my mom about you today?"). She says, "Really?" in a half flattered/half surprised way, wondering what's going on. Then pause to build up the suspense. As the pause is happening, and she's starting to think to herself, "Uh oh, he really likes me", you drop the "No, you dork! Why would I tell my MOM about you? Get over yourself!" line. It's funny, confusing, and a HUGE tease. It usually gets a huge laugh... and it communicates that I not only "get" what's going on, but you’re so confident that you’ll tease her about it. Remember, your purpose in calling her is not to have a long, drawn out conversation, but to be brief and to set up a “date,” which should be simply getting a cup of coffee or tea to bust on the girl some more and build more attraction. 10. How To Talk To a Woman Online To Create Attraction If you want to meet women online, the Cocky + Funny + Un-clingy Formula works great, too. Let’s look at two types of emails, the WUSSY email you don’t want to send and the Cocky, Funny and playful email you do want to send to build attraction. WUSSY email: "I saw your profile and think we might have some things in common. I have included my profile for you. Please let me know if you are interested in knowing more. Hope to talk to you soon."


10 You-Need-To-Know Tips for Meeting and Dating Hot Looking Women Compliments of

Cocky + Funny email: "Saw your profile and I think you deserve a chance to get to know me. I think we could get along well. I've included my profile. If you are interested (which I know you will be). drop me a line, and if you sound as interesting as your profile says I might write back ;)" See the difference? If you act like a Wussy, women will not be attracted to you... it's just that simple. Your first response sounded weak and AVERAGE. It sounded like every other guy in the world. Your second is Cocky, Funny, and playful. Women aren't interested in being BORED TO TEARS by some uninteresting guy who says, "Hi, here's my profile, please let me know if you're interested in knowing more". They want a challenge, they want electricity... they want someone who can hold their interest. Women aren't interested in finding another FRIEND when it comes to dating and romance. They want someone who makes them feel ATTRACTION! Summary: If you put these 10 tips for meeting and dating hot women into use, you’ll be way ahead of the pack – and that’s what you want – as little competition as possible. These 10 tips will make a big difference in your success rate with women, but we’ve really only scratched the surface of successful strategies. Wouldn’t you love to know... » More tips and tricks to meeting women online » How to text message women to meet and date women » 4 traits of a “cool guy” » 4 tips for keeping a woman’s attention » How to avoid the most dangerous dating mistakes men make » A secret body language women find irresistible » Exactly what to say when you first meet a woman » How to make a woman fascinated by you » How to tell if she’s interested » Why women are annoyed by average guys » How to increase a woman’s desire for you » How arrogant men attract women » How to get rid of your inner WUSSY » What to do before a hot date » 3 major mistakes to avoid on a date » How to talk to any woman in any situation » And much, much more Then check out these insightful guides for greater dating success...

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