Download - 1 PhD research plan purpose and requirements



PhD research plan purpose and requirements

Astrid Aksnes, Professor Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunications IME Faculty, NTNU



•  Purpose of the PhD research plan •  Requirements •  Contents of the PhD research plan

–  Background –  Objectives –  Research topics –  Research methodology –  Work plan –  References


Purpose of the PhD research plan

•  Develop a PhD project with realistic goals that can be achieved within the timeframe of the PhD period (normally 3-4 years).

•  Ensure that the PhD student and PhD supervisor(s) are aligned wrt goals of the project and the work plan/schedule.

•  Critically evaluate the overall objectives. •  Identify necessary tools and infrastructure needed e.g.

–  hardware –  software (e.g. design and simulation tools) –  laboratory facilities and equipment –  funding for e.g. equipment and travel

•  Plan research abroad (if relevant). •  Enable the Department and Faculty to quality control the PhD



Requirements •  Provide a 5-10 page PhD research plan within 6 months

of being admitted to the PhD programme. •  Develop the plan in cooperation with your supervisor(s). •  Include the following points in the research plan:

–  Background –  Objectives –  Research topics –  Research methodology –  Work plan –  References



•  What is the motivation for this PhD project? •  Which topics and challenges will be addressed? •  Why are these topics of relevance (or interest)? •  Describe concisely the state-of-the-art. •  What will the PhD project address that goes beyond

the state-of-the-art?



•  Describe precisely the academic objectives of the PhD project (preferably in bullet form).

•  Formulate the objectives so that they can be verified.


Research topics

•  Describe the topics and challenges that will be pursued in more detail. –  Why? –  What? –  How?

•  If relevant –  Who? (e.g. with collaborators) –  Where? (e.g. NTNU Nanolab, St. Olavs hospital, Harvard Univ).

•  Briefly describe the tasks which must be performed to achieve the objectives.


Research methodology

•  Describe the research methods that will be used to achieve the objectives. Examples are –  literature study, statistical analysis, modeling, numerical

techniques, simulations, design (HW and SW), experimental techniques, testing and verification.

•  If experimental data will be used, describe the –  experimental setup, acquisition strategy and the planned

methodology for analysis of the results.

•  If applicable, use a table to describe the research methods for the specific research topics.


Research methodology example

Ref: Lukasz Paluchowski


Work plan

•  Make a work plan/schedule for the PhD project period. Include: –  planned attendance at conferences and workshops –  targeted journal articles –  research studies abroad


Work plan – Gannt chart example

Ref: Lukasz Paluchowski



•  Include references used in the description of the state-of-the-art and elsewhere.


Living document

•  Note that the project plan should be a living document that is updated periodically.

•  The plan is an aid to achieve your objectives on time.


Good luck!