Download - 1. mednarodno klavirsko. tekmovanje “Aci Bertoncelj” 2012. · jazz and improvization. Musical critics described his interpreta-tions as exhilarating with clearly defined musical

Page 1: 1. mednarodno klavirsko. tekmovanje “Aci Bertoncelj” 2012. · jazz and improvization. Musical critics described his interpreta-tions as exhilarating with clearly defined musical

1st International Piano Competition. “Aci Bertoncelj” 2012.

1. mednarodno klavirsko. tekmovanje “Aci Bertoncelj” 2012.

V sodelovanju z / in cooperation with

Velenje, 26.–28. oktober 2012

Page 2: 1. mednarodno klavirsko. tekmovanje “Aci Bertoncelj” 2012. · jazz and improvization. Musical critics described his interpreta-tions as exhilarating with clearly defined musical
Page 3: 1. mednarodno klavirsko. tekmovanje “Aci Bertoncelj” 2012. · jazz and improvization. Musical critics described his interpreta-tions as exhilarating with clearly defined musical

“Človekov pogled naj bi bil poln upanja zazrt v prihodnost. Pride

pa čas, ko se nehote ozreš nazaj na pot, ki so vanjo vtisnjene

tvoje sledi. Če je ta pot ostala pusta in samotna, se tolažiš z

mislijo, da si njim, ki bodo prišli za tabo, le utiral stopinje, če pa se ti pogled ustavi na bogatem žitnem polju, ki si ga zasejal, te razveseli tudi pogled na žanjce

in žanjice, ki si jim s svojo setvijo omogočil uživati sadove

tvojega in svojega dela.“

Aci Bertoncelj

“A view of a man, full of hope should be cast into the future. Though the time comes when you look back spontaneously on the path marked by your traces. If their path remains barren and solitary, you are comforted by the thought of having paved the steps together with those following you; but still if your gaze rests on the cornfield that you sowed with seeds, you might rejoice at the sight of the harvesters who, by your sowing, can enjoy the crops of your and their efforts.“

Aci Bertoncelj

Aci Bertoncelj (1939-2002)

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Aci Bertoncelj je na glasbene odre prišel kot čudežni otrok. S poukom klavirja je začel pri prof. Zorki Bradač, nadaljeval pa na ljubljanski Akademiji za glasbo v razredu prof. Hilde Horak. Pomembno so nanj vplivala nadaljna leta študija v Parizu pri Pierru Sancanu in v Rimu pri Guidu Agostiju. Izpopolnjeval se je tudi v Salzburgu, kjer sta bila njegova mentorja Carlo Zecchi in Hans Leygraf.

Bil je eden najpomembnejših pianistov takratnega jugoslovan-skega glasbenega prostora. Kot solist in komorni glasbenik je

nastopal po Evropi, ZDA, Kanadi in Izraelu. Sodeloval je s šte-vilnimi tujimi in domačimi vrhunskimi glasbeniki: Ivry Gitlisom, Heinrichom Schiffom, Andreasom Reinerjem, Ireno Grafena-uer, Marjano Lipovšek, Igorjem Ozimom, Cirilom Škerjancem, Dejanom Bravničarjem in mnogimi drugimi. S Škerjancem in Bravničarjem je dolga leta zelo uspešno nastopal v Triu Tartini, deloval pa je tudi kot pianist-solist v Ansamblu Slavko Osterc.

S posebno afiniteto se je loteval slovenskih sodobnih skladb, mnoge so bile napisane prav zanj, tuja pa mu nista bila niti jazz in improvizacija. Njegove interpretacije so kritiki opisovali kot polne poleta, jasno začrtanih glasbenih vsebin, slogovno jedrnate in tehnično brezhibne. Prejel je mnoge visoke nagra-de. Za zasluge, ki jih je imel pri razvoju sodobnih slovenskih klavirskih del, je prejel (prvo) častno članstvo v Društvu sloven-skih skladateljev. Plošča, ki jo je posnel skupaj z violončelistom Heinrichom Schiffom za diskografsko hišo EMI je bila nagra-jena z Grand prix du disque Edison. Za svojo, skoraj 40-letno prisotnost na domači in mednarodni glasbeni sceni je prejel še nagrado Prešernovega sklada za pianistične dosežke (1972), nagrado Mesta Ljubljane in Društva slovenskih skladateljev.

Od leta 1979 je deloval kot profesor klavirja na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani. Klavir je mnoga leta poučeval tudi na med-narodnih mojstrskih tečajih v Viktringu na avstrijskem Koroškem in na srednji stopnji Glasbene šole Fran Korun Koželjski v Vele-nju. Vzgojil je številne generacije slovenskih pianistov, mnogi so danes pedagogi tudi na Glasbeni šoli Fran Korun Koželjski.

O Aciju Bertonclju

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From his early years, Aci Bertoncelj was considered a prodigy. He started his piano lessons under Prof. Zorka Bradač, and continued at the University of Ljubljana, Academy of Music, in the class of Prof. Hilda Horak. Studies under Pierre Sancan (Paris) and Guido Agosti (Rome) further defined him. He completed his education in Salzburg under Carlo Zecchi and Hans Laygraf.

He was one of the most influential pianists at the time in the former Yugoslavia. As a soloist and member of chamber groups he performed in Europe, the US, Canada and Israel. He col-laborated with numerous top foreign musicians including Ivry Gitlis, Heinrich Schiff, Andreas Reiner etc., and domestic musi-cians including Irena Grafenauer, Marjana Lipovšek, Igor Ozim, Ciril Škerjanc, Dejan Bravničar and many others. Along with Ciril Škerjanc and Dejan Bravničar he performed very successfully in Trio Tartini. He was a soloist for the Slavko Osterc Ensemble.

He had a particular affinity for modern Slovene classical music and many pieces were written for him. In addition, he performed jazz and improvization. Musical critics described his interpreta-tions as exhilarating with clearly defined musical content, a crisp style and technically perfect. He received numerous prestigious awards. He was the first honorary member of the Society of Slovene Composers for his contributions to the development of Slovene piano music. He received the Grand prix du disque Edison award for a CD (published by EMI) recorded together with the

celist Heinrich Schiff. For his 40-year contribution to music devel-opments he received the France Prešeren award (1972, for piano interpretations), the City of Ljubljana Award and an Award of the Society of Slovene Composers.

He was a piano professor at the University of Ljubljana, Academy of Music from 1979. He also taught international piano courses at Viktring (Carinthia, Austria) for many years and at the Music Highschool Fran Korun Koželjski in Velenje. He educated many generations of Slovene pianists, many of whom are teachers at the Fran Korun Koželjski music school today.

About Aci Bertoncelj

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V spomin Aciju BertoncljuZakaj v spomin Aciju:

Prof. Aci Bertoncelj je bil med prvimi slovenskimi akademskimi profesorji, ki je spoznal in to tudi glasno povedal, da moramo v Sloveniji mladim pianistom (seveda tudi drugim instrumenta-listom in pevcem) omogočiti akademski študij poleg Ljubljane, ki je v njegovem času delovala v zelo skromnih prostorih, glas-beno neprimernih in večinoma z iztrošenimi instrumenti, še kje drugje, saj bomo sicer postali »glasbeno nerazviti«. In kje drugje kot v Velenju, ki je v tistem času zgradilo (s samoprispevkom državljanov) najsodobnejšo glasbeno šolo v Srednji Evropi, ki je imela možnost poučevanja vseh instrumentov (tudi orgle, harfo,

vsa tolkala in saksofone v vseh različkih, harmoniko…). Ob gradnji nove šole smo se že povezovali z drugimi profesorji, ki so pouče-vali po Evropi in nam bili pripravljeni pomagati: Igor Ozim, Branko Slokar, Oto Vrhovnik, Franci Žibert, István Römer.

Aci je bil prvi, ki je prišel »skoraj za stalno« med nas. Prevzel je pianistični razred in na naši srednji šoli vzgojil celo vrsto danes znanih in priznanih pedagogov, korepetitorjev in koncertantov. Da to ni bilo samo »poučevanje«, ampak širše – koncertno usmerja-nje, kažejo tudi koncerti, ki jih je skupaj s svojimi dijaki organiziral in izvajal. Naj omenim samo dva koncerta, s katerima je jasno pokazal svojo umetniško vizijo in zapriseženost slovenski glasbi in ju je prenašal celo VAL 202:• koncert v počastitev 80-letnice skladatelja Pavla Šivica –

1. 3. 1988,• koncert v počastitev življenjskega jubileja skladatelja

Primoža Ramovša – 18. 3. 1996.

Aci Bertoncelj je tudi odločno »zastavil« svojo besedo, skupaj s takratnim dekanom Akademije za glasbo, mag. Marjanom Gabri-jelčičem, pri dogovorih in načrtih za ustanovitev univerzitetnega pedagoškega programa Instrumentalna pedagogika z Univerzo v Mariboru. Za ta program je sestavil krajšo pripravo študijskega programa, ki je vključevala tudi dela slovenskih avtorjev, ki naj bi se izvajala na letnih izpitih iz klavirja na Visoki glasbeni šoli v Velenju!

Aci! Za vse kar si storil in kar si še nameraval storiti: iskrena hvala.

V imenu vseh velenjskih prijateljev glasbe, Mag. Ivan Marin

Predsednik Častnega odbora tekmovanja

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In memory of Aci BertonceljWhy do we remember Aci Bertoncelj?

Prof. Aci Bertoncelj was among the first Slovene academics who recognized and publicly acknowledged the importance of higher education for young pianists as well as other young musicians. At the time, academic studies of music at the Academy of Music of the University of Ljubljana were conducted in very humble sur-roundings with little room as well as inadequate and worn-out instruments. Therefore, he was a great supporter of expansion of academic studies beyond Ljubljana. Otherwise – in his opinion – Slovenia was going to fall back in terms of musical development.

And where else would circumstances enable us to accomplish his vision better than in Velenje, where the most modern music school in Central Europe was under construction from voluntary public funds, at the time? Students could learn any kind of in-strument including the organ, harpsicord, percussion instruments, saxophones and accordion. At the time of construction, collabo-rations were established with many professors working abroad who were willing to help, including Igor Ozim, Branko Slokar, Oto Vrhovnik, Franci Žibert and István Römer.

Prof. Aci Bertoncelj was the first among his academic colleagues who took on nearly a full time position here in Velenje. He es-tablished and led the piano department at Music Highschool and educated a whole line of recognized educators, accompanists and concert pianists. The fact that he was not only interested in teach-ing, but also in improving the artistic potential of his students, is demonstrated in concerts that he organized and conducted with his students. Allow me to mention two concerts where he clearly demonstrated his artistic vision and dedication to Slovene music. Both concerts were broadcasted on the Slovene national radio station, VAL 202 live:• Concert for composer Pavel Šivic's 80th Birthday, 1. 3. 1988• Concert to comemorate composer Primož Ramovš, 18. 3.


Along with the formal Dean of the Academy of Music from the University of Ljubljana, Mag. Marjan Gabrijelčič, Prof. Aci Berton-celj also strongly advocated the establishment of the university level program, Instrumental Pedagogics, in collaboration with the University of Maribor. In support, he prepared suggestions for the curriculum and a list of pieces by Slovene composers to be per-formed during annual exams.

Therefore, Aci, for everything you have done and everything you intented to do for musical development in Velenje and Slovenia: thank you very much!

In the name of all music enthusiasts in Velenje, Ivan Marin, MA

Chairman of the Honorary Committee

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O naši šoliGlasbena šola Fran Korun Koželjski Velenje je ena najpomemb-nejših in največjih vzgojno-izobraževalnih inštitucij s področja glasbe v Sloveniji. Vsako leto se na šoli izobražuje na osnovni in srednji stopnji skoraj tisoč učencev in dijakov. Z odličnimi prostor-skimi pogoji, ne samo za slovenske razmere, temveč tudi izven naših meja, ponuja možnost našim učencem in dijakom, da ob visoko strokovno izobraženem kadru posegajo po najprestižnej-ših nagradah in priznanjih - tako doma kot v tujini.

Vsi ti žlahtni dosežki so posledica tega, da poleg osnovnega po-slanstva, izobraževalnega procesa, veliko pozornosti namenja-mo dodatnemu izobraževanji v smislu mojstrskih šol in raznih seminarjev z vodilnimi pedagogi iz celega sveta.

Poleg naštetega smo veliko pozornosti namenjali organizaciji re-gijskih, državnih in mednarodnih tekmovanj. Tako ni naključje, da v letu, ko obeležujemo deseto obletnico smrti našega klavirskega poustvarjalca in pedagoga prof. Acija Bertonclja, ki je mnogo let deloval kot pedagog tudi na naši šoli, organiziramo 1. mednaro-dno klavirsko tekmovanje »Aci Bertoncelj«. V preteklosti smo doka-zali, da takšne izzive znamo in zmoremo organizirati na najvišjem kakovostnem nivoju in prepričan sem, da bo tudi tokrat tako.

Veseli me, da je prijavljenih več kot petdeset tekmovalcev iz sedmih držav, ki bodo tekmovali v treh težavnostnih kategorijah. Vsem tekmovalcem želim uspešne tekmovalne nastope in do-brodošli v Velenju.

Naj zaključim z mislijo: »Znanje je bogastvo, ki ga je vredno ple-menititi vse življenje, glasba pa je univerzalna energija, ki pove-zuje vse ljudi sveta.«

Boris Štih, prof. Ravnatelj Glasbene šole Fran Korun Koželjski Velenje in

Predsednik organizacijskega odbora tekmovanja

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About our schoolThe »Fran Korun Koželjski« Music School in Velenje, is one of the largest and most influential educational institutions for music in Slo-venia. Nearly one thousand students attend classess at the primary and secondary/high school level every year. A combination of excel-lent facilities and highly educated teaching staff provide a nurturing and stimulating environment for students enabling them to achieve the highest honours at various domestic and international competi-tions. These achievements are related to a continuous emphasis on master courses and summer schools led by respected domestic and international music educators.

Over the years, our school has organized numerous regional, natio-nal and international competitions. So, it is no coincidence that we have decided to organize the 1st international piano competition “Aci Bertoncelj” on the 10th anniversary of his passing to commemorate his efforts as a musical artist and educator. We have demonstrated in the past that we are willing and able to organize such competiti-ons with great success and I am certain this competition will be no exception. I am delighted to welcome more than fifty competitors from seven countries who entered this competition in three categori-es. To all the competitors I wish all the best and welcome to Velenje.

Let me conclude with the following thought: “Knowledge is wealth to accumulate all your life, music is the universal energy which binds people from allover the world.”

Boris Štih, prof. Director of »Fran Korun Koželjski« Music School and

Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Competition

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Častni odbor tekmovanja• Ivan Marin, predsednik• Bojan Kontič (župan MO Velenje)• Maja Klinar-Bertoncelj

Organizacijski odbor tekmovanja• Boris Štih, predsednik• Katja Žličar Marin, vodja tekmovanja• Jerneja Grebenšek• Urška Šramel Vučina• Sanja Mlinar Marin• Ana Avberšek

Honorary committee of the competition• Ivan Marin, chairman• Bojan Kontič (mayor of Velenje Municipality)• Maja Klinar-Bertoncelj

Organizing committee of the competition• Boris Štih, chairman• Katja Žličar Marin, competition manager• Jerneja Grebenšek• Urška Šramel Vučina• Sanja Mlinar Marin• Ana Avberšek

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Komisija Junior / Jury Junior

Marija Skornšek, predsednica / president

Renata Neuvirt (Slovenija / Slovenia),

predsednica / president

Rita Kinka (Srbija / Serbia)

Jožica Grebenšek

László Baranyay (Madžarska / Hungary)

Oleg Marshev (Rusija-Italija / Russia-Italy)

Maja Klinar-Bertoncelj

Ruben Dalibaltayan (Hrvaška / Croatia)

Komisija A in B / Jury A and B

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NagradeKategorija JUNIOR:Pokrovitelja kategorje Junior sta Pika Nogavička in Festival Ve-lenje.

Kategorija Junior ima značaj revije. Vsi tekmovalci dobijo prizna-nje za udeležbo (Zlato/Srebrno/Bronasto) in simbolno nagrado.

Podeljene bodo tudi posebne nagrade:• Nagrada za najbolje izvedeno Debussyjevo skladbo,• Nagrada za obetavnega mladega pianista,• Nagrada publike,• Zlata pika - najvišje priznanje Festivala Velenje.

Kategorija A:1. NAGRADA: 500 €,2. NAGRADA: 300 €,3. NAGRADA: 200 €

Posebna priznanja:• Priznanje za najbolje izvedeno sodobno skladbo (po l. 1945),• Priznanje za najbolje izvedeno slovensko skladbo,• Priznanje za najbolje izvedeno obvezno skladbo,• Priznanje GŠ Fran Korun Koželjski.

Kategorija B:1. NAGRADA: 1000 €,2. NAGRADA: 500 €,3. NAGRADA: 300 €

Posebna priznanja:• Priznanje za najbolje izvedeno sodobno skladbo (po l. 1945),• Priznanje za najbolje izvedeno slovensko skladbo,• Priznanje za najbolje izvedeno obvezno skladbo,• Priznanje GŠ Fran Korun Koželjski.


: Pet

er M




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AwardsCategory JUNIOR:Category Junior is sponsored by Pippi Longstocking and Festival Velenje.

Category Junior has the features of a show. All contestants are awarded (Gold/Silver/Bronze) and a symbolic prize.• Award for the best performed Debussy composition,• Award for the promising young musician,• Award granted by the public,• Golden dot - award granted by Festival Velenje.

Category A:1. PRIZE: 500 €,2. PRIZE: 300 €,3. PRIZE: 200 €.

Special awards:• Award for the best performed contemporary composition

(after 1945),• Award for the best performed Slovene composition,• Award for the best performed compulsory composition,• Award granted by the Music School Fran Korun Koželjski.

Category B:1. PRIZE: 1000 €,2. PRIZE 500 €,3. PRIZE: 300 €

Special awards:• Award for the best performed contemporary composition

(after 1945),• Award for the best performed Slovene composition,• Award for the best performed compulsory composition,• Award granted by the Music School Fran Korun Koželjski.

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Urnik / TimetableČETRTEK / THURSDAY, 25. 10. 2012

19.30 Rita Kinka, recital / piano recital Velika dvorana / Great Hall

PETEK / FRIDAY, 26. 10. 2012

Tekmovanje Kategorija B (1. etapa) / Competition Category B (stage 1): Velika dvorana / Great Hall

10.00 I. del / Part I

15.00 II. del / Part II

17.00 Otvoritev razstave posvečene Aciju Bertonclju / "Aci Bertoncelj" Exhibition Opening Preddverje Modre dvorane / Blue Hall lobby

SOBOTA / SATURDAY, 27. 10. 2012

Tekmovanje Kategorija A / Competition Category A: Velika dvorana / Great Hall

10.00 I. del / Part I

15.00 II. del / Part II

NEDELJA / SUNDAY, 28. 10. 2012

10.00 Tekmovanje Kategorija B (2. etapa) / Competition Category B (stage 2) Velika dvorana / Great Hall

Kategorija Junior / Category Junior: Orgelska dvorana / Organ Hall

10.00 Dopoldanski koncert / Morning concert

14.00 Popoldanski koncert / Afternoon concert

19.30 Svečani zaključni koncert in podelitev nagrad / Closing concert and prize awarding ceremony

Orgelska dvorana / Organ Hall

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Kategorija JuniorKategorija Junior ima značaj revije.• Starost: do 11 let (rojeni 2001 in mlajši)• Program: Ena ali več skladb po izboru tekmovalca.• Trajanje: Nastop ne sme presegati 6 minut.

Category JuniorCategory Junior has the features of a show.• Age: up to the age of 11 (born in 2001 and later)• Program: One or more compositions chosen by the contestant.• Duration: The performance should not exceed 6 minutes.

1 Brunšek Rok Tadej Slovenija / Slovenia

• D. Cimarosa: Sonata in G Minor

• P. I. Tchaikovsky: April (The Seasons, Op. 37a)

2 Cokan Patricija Slovenija / Slovenia

• B. Glavina: Uspavanka morskemu konjičku

• L. van Beethoven: Gertrude’s Dream Waltz

• I. Berkovič: Toccatina

3 Čelan Matjaž Slovenija / Slovenia

• M. Clementi: Sonatina in D Major, Op. 36/6

• F. Chopin: Waltz in A Minor, Op. posth.

4 Čerček Maja Slovenija / Slovenia

• J. S. Bach: Two-Part Invention No. 1 in C Major, BWV 772

• D. Kabalevsky: Seven good-humored Variations, Op. 51/4

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5 Dresler Dora Slovenija / Slovenia

• L. van Beethoven: Menuet in C Major

• S. Maykapar: Tale

• S. Bortkiewicz: It is Quite Certain (From Andersens fairy tales, Op. 30)

6 Ernst Manca Slovenija / Slovenia

• P. Šivic: Miki pleše (Iz Mikijevega godu)

• W. Gillock: French Doll

• M. Aaron: The Breakers

7 Feguš Jerca Slovenija / Slovenia

• M. Clementi: Sonatina in C Major, Op. 36/3, 1. Spirituoso

• C. Debussy: Le petit nègre

8 Horvatić Lana Lucija Hrvaška / Croatia

• W. Gillock: Summer Storm

• J. Haydn: Variations in C Major, Hob. XVII/5

• Y. Nakada: Etude in C Major

9 Hrovat Jure Slovenija / Slovenia

• C. Debussy: Golliwog's Cakewalk (Children’s Corner)

• P. Šivic: Polž in svinčeni vojak

10 Jezdimirović Luka Srbija / Serbia

• J. Haydn: Sonata in E Major, Hob. XVI/31, 1st Mov.

• V. Mokranjac: Three Dances

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11 Jordan Borut Slovenija / Slovenia

• M. Tomc: Cigančki plešejo

• D. Kabalevsky: Sonatina (30 Children’s Pieces, Op. 27)

• C. Debussy: Le petit nègre

12 Kren Iris Slovenija / Slovenia

• J. S. Bach: Two-Part Invention No. 4 in D Minor, BWV 775

• C. Debussy: The Little Shepherd (Children’s Corner)

• L. M. Škerjanc: Nočna, Quasi valse

13 Matajič Marko Slovenija / Slovenia

• W. A. Mozart: Sonata in C Major, KV 545, 1. Allegro

• E. Grieg: Puck (Lyric Pieces, Op. 71)

14 Mežnar Anamarija Slovenija / Slovenia

• C. Debussy: Serenade for the Doll (Children’s Corner)

• J. S. Bach: Little Prelude No. 4 in D Major, BWV 936

• M. Bonsack Kalan: Pomladni valček

15 Pal Laura Slovenija / Slovenia

• Fr. Kuhlau: Sonatina No. 2 in G Major, Op. 88, 1. Allegro assai

• C. Debussy: Mazurka

16 Podgorelec Anej Slovenija / Slovenia

• J. S. Bach: Little Prelude No. 3 in C Minor, BWV 999

• F. Chopin: Cantabile

• W. A. Mozart: Sonata in C Major, KV 545, 1. Allegro

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17 Pogačar Neža Slovenija / Slovenia

• J. S. Bach: Little Prelude No. 3 in D Minor, BWV 935

• J. Haydn: Sonata in D Major, Hob. XVI/4, 1st Mov.

• E. Grieg: Arieta (Lyric Pieces, Op. 12)

• E. Grieg: Puck (Lyric Pieces, Op. 71)

18 Radović Marija Srbija / Serbia

• J. S. Bach: Two-Part Invention No. 6 in E Major, BWV 777

• D. Despić: Duo pastorale, Alla marcia, Giuoco, Caccia

• G. Gershwin: Prelude No. 1 (Three Preludes For Piano)

19 Repas Ana Slovenija / Slovenia

• C. Debussy: Le petit nègre

• P. I. Tchaikovsky: The Sick Doll (Album pour enfants, Op. 39)

• M. Kozina: Divertimento No. 1 in A Minor

20 Ševerdija Nika Hrvaška / Croatia

• L. van Beethoven: Sonatina in F Major, 1. Allegro assai

• A. Gretchaninov: Happy meeting, Returning home (Grandfather’s Book, Op. 119)

• B. Glavina: Gozdne ptice

21 Škrbec Nejc Slovenija / Slovenia

• E. Grieg: Watchman’s song (Lyric pieces, Op. 12)

• B. Bartók: Bagatelle, Op. 6/2, Allegro giocosso

• F. Liszt: Galop de Bal

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22 Špehar Boris Srbija / Serbia

• G. P. Telemann: Fantasia in G Minor, TWV 33:8

• C. Debussy: Le petit nègre

• T. Hirayoshi: The Midnight Fire Festival

23 Tovšak Neža Slovenija / Slovenia

• J. S. Bach: Little Prelude No. 8 in F Major, BWV 927

• B. Martinu: I Think I Should Go To Sleep, What Shall We play Now? Tag? (Spring in the Garden)

24 Veternik Neja Slovenija / Slovenia

• J. S. Bach: Two-Part Invention No. 8 in F Major, BWV 779

• C. Debussy: The Little Shepherd (Children’s Corner)

25 Vodošek Anja Slovenija / Slovenia

• J. Haydn: Sonata in G Major, Hob. XVI/G1, 1. Allegro

• F. Chopin: Polonaise in G Minor, Op. posth.

26Zagode Vitomir Janez

Slovenija / Slovenia

• J. S. Bach: Little Prelude No. 8 in F Major, BWV 927

• J. Haydn: Sonata in G Major, Hob. XVI/G1, 1. Allegro

• F. Chopin: Klavierstück in E flat Major, KK IV b, No. 10

• F. Chopin: Polonaise in G Minor, Op. posth.

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Kategorija AStarost: do 15 let (rojeni 1997 in mlajši)

Program: • obvezna skladba - ena izmed naštetih skladb C. Debussyja:

Arabesque št. 2, G-dur (Deux Arabesques), Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum (Children’s Corner), The snow is dancing (Children’s Corner), Prélude (Suite bergamasque), Passepied (Suite bergamasque), Voiles (Préludes Livre I),

• prvi stavek iz sonate skladateljev J. Haydna, W. A. Mozarta ali L. van Beethovna,

• ena ali več skladb po izbiri tekmovalca.

Trajanje: Nastop ne sme trajati manj kot 15 minut in ne sme presegati 20 minut.

Category AAge: up to the age of 15 (born in 1997 and later)

Program: • obligatory piece – one of the listed compositions by

the composer C. Debussy: Arabesque Nr. 2, G-dur (Deux Arabesques), Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum (Children’s Corner), The snow is dancing (Children’s Corner), Prélude (Suite bergamasque), Passepied (Suite bergamasque), Voiles (Préludes Livre I),

• 1st movement of the sonata by composers J. Haydn, W. A. Mozart or L. van Beethoven,

• one or more compositions chosen by the contestant.

Duration: The performance should not last less than 15 minutes and it should not exceed 20 minutes.

1 Beno Stela Hrvaška / Croatia

• C. Debussy: Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum (Children’s Corner)

• W. A. Mozart: Sonata No. 10 in C Major, KV 330, 1. Allegro moderato

• F. Mendelssohn: Etuda in F Minor, WoO 1

• F. Mendelssohn: Rondo Capriccioso in E Major, Op. 14

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2 Borkovič Luka Slovenija / Slovenia

• C. Debussy: Prélude (Suite Bergamasque)

• W. A. Mozart: Sonata No. 17 in B flat Major, KV 570, 1. Allegro

• F. Chopin: Nocturno in B flat Minor, Op. 9/1

• F. Chopin: Polonaise in E flat Minor, Op. 26/2

3 Božanić Ivan Hrvaška / Croatia

• C. Debussy: Passepied (Suite Bergamasque)

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 3 in C Major, Op. 2/3, 1. Allegro con brio

• J. Brahms: Ballade in G minor (Klavierstücke, Op. 118)

4 Bucik Eileen Slovenija / Slovenia

• C. Debussy: Prélude, Clair de Lune (Suite Bergamasque)

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 1 in F Minor, Op. 2/1, 1. Allegro, 2. Adagio

• S. Rachmaninoff: Prelude in G sharp Major, Op. 32/12

5 Djedović Dunja Srbija / Serbia

• C. Debussy: Voiles (Préludes Livre I)

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 7 in D Major, Op. 10/3, 1. Presto

• J. S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue No. 10 in E Minor, BWV 855 (WTK I)

• F. Chopin: Etude in G flat Major, Op. 10/5

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6 Dunjić Đurđija Srbija / Serbia

• C. Debussy: Arabesque No. 2 in G Major (Deux Arabesques)

• W. A. Mozart: Sonata No. 14 in C Minor, KV 457, 1. Molto allegro

• J. S. Bach: Three-Part Invention No. 12 in A Major, BWV 798

• C. Czerny: Etude in D Minor, Op. 740/12

7 Frigan Josip Hrvaška / Croatia

• C. Debussy: Arabesque No. 2 in G Major (Deux Arabesques)

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 6 in F Major, Op. 10/2, 1. Allegro

• S. Rachmaninoff: Prelude in D Minor, Op. 23/3

• R. Schumann - F. Liszt: Widmung

8 Jurjovec Jan Slovenija / Slovenia

• C. Debussy: Arabesque No. 2 in G Major (Deux Arabesques)

• W. A. Mozart: Sonata No. 6 in D Major, KV 284, 1. Allegro

• J. S. Bach: Two-Part Invention No. 7 in E Minor, BWV 778

• I. Berkovič: Variations on a Russian Folk Song in A Minor

9 Kljun Maša Slovenija / Slovenia

• C. Debussy: The Snow is Dancing (Children’s Corner)

• W. A. Mozart: Sonata No. 12 in F Major, KV 332, 1. Allegro

• J. S. Bach: English Suite No. 3 in G Minor, BWV 808, 1. Prélude

• J. Brahms: Ballade in G Minor (Klavierstücke, Op. 118)

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10 Kropfitsch Theresa Avstrija / Austria

• C. Debussy: Voiles (Préludes Livre I)

• J. Haydn: Sonata in E flat Major, Hob. XVI/2, 1. Moderato, 2. Andante, 3. Menuett

• J. S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue No. 9 in E Major, BWV 854, (WTK I)

• F. Mendelssohn: Etude in F Major, Op. 104 b/2

• F. Chopin: Polonaise in A Major, Op. 40/1

11 Kulišić Danilo

Bosna in Hercegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina

• C. Debussy: Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum (Children’s Corner)

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 21 in C Major, Op. 53, 1. Allegro con brio

• P. I. Tchaikovsky: Nocturne in C sharp Minor, Op. 19/4

12 Oprešnik Lara Slovenija / Slovenia

• C. Debussy: Passepied (Suite Bergamasque)

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 17 in D Minor, Op. 31/2, 1. Largo - Allegro

• R. Schumann: Allegro (Faschingsschwank aus Wien, Op. 26)

13 Pavlakovič Blaž Slovenija / Slovenia

• C. Debussy: Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum, Jimbo's Lullaby, Serenade for the Doll, The Snow is Dancing, The Little Shepherd, Golliwog's Cakewalk (Children's Corner)

• J. Haydn: Sonata in F Major, Hob. XVI/23, 1. Allegro moderato

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14 Radovanović Ivana Srbija / Serbia

• C. Debussy: Arabesque No. 2 in G Major (Deux Arabesques)

• J. Haydn: Sonata in E flat Major, Hob. XVI/49, 1. Allegro

• F. Liszt: Valse Oublièe No. 1

• S. Prokofiev: Spring Fairy, Summer Fairy, Autumn Fairy, Winter Fairy (Ten Pieces from the Ballet »Cinderella«, Op. 97)

15 Rožič Anja Slovenija / Slovenia

• C. Debussy: Prélude (Suite Bergamasque)

• J. Haydn: Sonata in E Minor, Hob. XVI/34, 1. Presto

• P. Ramovš: Sarkazmi No. 2, 3

• F. Chopin: Mazurka in C sharp Minor, Op. 63/3

• V. Ukmar: Zamaknjenost (Ekspresije za klavir)

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Page 26: 1. mednarodno klavirsko. tekmovanje “Aci Bertoncelj” 2012. · jazz and improvization. Musical critics described his interpreta-tions as exhilarating with clearly defined musical


Kategorija BStarost: do 19 let (rojeni 1993 in mlajši). Program:

1. etapa:• obvezna skladba - ena izmed naštetih skladb C. Debussyja:

Toccata (Pour le piano), Jardins sous la pluie (Estampes), Mouvement (Images I), Le vent dans la plaine (Préludes Livre I), Les collines d’Anacapri (Préludes Livre I), La danse de Puck (Préludes Livre I), Les tierces alternées (Préludes Livre II), Feux d’artifice (Préludes Livre II), Pour les »cinq doigts« (d’aprés Monsieur Czerny) (Etudes Livre I), Pour les Octaves (Etudes Livre I), Pour les huit doigts (Etudes Livre I), Pour les Degrés chromatiques (Etudes Livre II), Pour les Notes répétées (Etudes Livre II),

• prvi stavek iz sonate skladateljev J. Haydna, W. A. Mozarta ali L. van Beethovna,

• ena ali več skladb po izbiri tekmovalca.Trajanje: Nastop ne sme presegati 15 minut.

2. etapa:• preostali stavki sonate skladateljev J. Haydna, W. A. Mozarta

ali L. van Beethovna, katere 1. stavek je bil izveden v 1. etapi,• ena ali več skladb po izboru tekmovalca, od tega obvezno

eno reprezentativno delo romantike.

Trajanje: Nastop ne sme trajati manj kot 20 minut in ne sme pre-segati 25 minut.

Category BAge: up to the age of 19 (born in 1993 and later). Program:

Stage 1: • obligatory piece – one of the listed compositions by the

composer C. Debussy: Toccata (Pour le piano), Jardins sous la pluie (Estampes), Mouvement (Images I), Le vent dans la plaine (Préludes Livre I), Les collines d’Anacapri (Préludes Livre I), La danse de Puck (Préludes Livre I), Les tierces alternées (Préludes Livre II), Feux d’artifice (Préludes Livre II), Pour les »cinq doigts« (d’aprés Monsieur Czerny) (Etudes Livre I), Pour les Octaves (Etudes Livre I), Pour les huit doigts (Etudes Livre I), Pour les Degrés chromatiques (Etudes Livre II), Pour les Notes répétées (Etudes Livre II),

• 1st movement of the sonata by composers J. Haydn, W. A. Mozart or L. van Beethoven,

• one or more compositions chosen by the contestant. Duration: The performance should not exceed 15 minutes.

Stage 2: • other movements of the sonata by composers J. Haydn,

W. A. Mozart or L. van Beethoven, whose movement was performed in the first stage,

• one or more compositions selected by the contestant; one of these is a compulsory work representing Romantics.

Duration: The performance should not last less than 20 minutes and it should not exceed 25 minutes.

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1. etapa / Stage 1 2. etapa / Stage 2

1 Apor Szüts Madžarska / Hungary

• C. Debussy: Mouvement (Images I)

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 22 in F Major, Op. 54, 1. In tempo d'un menuetto

• F. Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 8 in F sharp Minor

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 22 in F Major, Op. 54, 2. Allegretto - Più allegro

• F. Schubert: Adagio and Rondo in E Major, Op. 145 (D. 506)

• G. Gershwin: Rhapsody in blue

2 Dadić Ana Hrvaška / Croatia

• C. Debussy: Pour les huit doigts (Études Livre I)

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 21 in C Major, Op. 53, 1. Allegro con brio

• F.Liszt: Concert Paraphrase of 'Rigoletto', S.434

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 21 in C Major, Op. 53, 2. Introduzione. Adagio molto - attacca, 3. Rondo. Allegretto moderato - Prestissimo

• F. Liszt: Consolation in E Major, S 172/2

• S. Prokofiev: Sonata No. 3 in A Minor, Op. 28

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1. etapa / Stage 1 2. etapa / Stage 2

3 Dovhanj Tihana Hrvaška / Croatia

• C. Debussy: Feux d’artifice (Préludes Livre II)

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 24 in F sharp Major, Op. 78, 1. Adagio cantabile- Allegro ma non troppo

• S. Rachmaninoff: Prelude in C sharp Minor, Op. 3/2

• S. Rachmaninoff: Etude-tableau in C sharp Major, Op. 33/9

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 24 in F sharp Major, Op. 78, 2. Adagio cantabile- Allegro vivace

• J. S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in B flat Minor, BWV 867 (WTK I)

• F. Liszt: Sonetto 104 del Petrarca (Années de pèlerinage – Deuxième année – Italie, S161)

• F. Chopin: Nocturne in C Minor, Op. 48/1

4Dujaković Danica

Srbija / Serbia

• C. Debussy: Jardins sous la pluie (Estampes)

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 26 in E flat Major, Op. 81a, 1. Das Lebewohl: Adagio - Allegro

• F. Chopin: Etude Op. 10, No. 5, G-flat Major

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 26 in E flat Major, Op. 81a, 2. Abwesenheit: Andante espressivo, 3. Das Wiedersehen: Vivacissimamente

• S. Rachmaninoff: Prelude in G Major, Op. 32/5

• F. Liszt: Concert Paraphrase of 'Rigoletto', S.434

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1. etapa / Stage 1 2. etapa / Stage 2

5 Gergely Kovács Madžarska / Hungary

• C. Debussy: Feux d'artifice (Préludes Livre II)

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 17 in D Minor, Op. 31/2, 1. Largo - Allegro

• R. Schumann: Sonata No. 2 in G Minor, Op. 22, 1. So rasch wie möglich

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 17 in D Minor, Op. 31/2, 2. Adagio, 3. Allegretto

• F. Chopin: Etude in C Minor, Op. 25/12

• F. Liszt: Légende No. 2 »St. François de Paule marchant sur le flots« , S .175/2

6 Golob Kristina Slovenija / Slovenia

• C. Debussy: Jardins sous la pluie (Estampes)

• W. A. Mozart: Sonata No. 12 in F Major, KV 332, 1. Allegro

• J. S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue No. 3 in C sharp Major, BWV 848 (WTK I)

• W. A. Mozart: Sonata No. 12 in F Major, KV 332, 2. Adagio, 3. Allegro assai

• F. Chopin: Balade No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 23

7 Jančar Tim Slovenija / Slovenia

• C. Debussy: Feux d’artifice (Préludes Livre II)

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 2 in C sharp Minor, Op. 27, 1. Adagio sostenuto

• J. Matičič: Toccata

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 2 in C sharp Minor, Op. 27, 2. Allegretto, 3. Presto agitato

• F. Chopin: Scherzo No. 1 in B Minor, Op. 20

• F. Chopin: Prelude No. 15 in D flat Major, Op. 28

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1. etapa / Stage 1 2. etapa / Stage 2

8 Jones Luke

Velika Britanija / Great Britain

• C. Debussy: Les collines d'Anacapri (Préludes Livre II)

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 21 in C Major, Op. 53, 1. Allegro con brio

• F. Chopin: Etude in A Minor, Op.10/2

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 21 in C Major, Op. 53, 2. Introduzione, 3. Rondo

• A. Scriabin: Etude in C sharp Minor, Op. 2/1

• J. Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Paganini, Op. 35, Book 1

9 Pušnik Špela Slovenija / Slovenia

• C. Debussy: Toccata (Pour le piano)

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 6 in F Major, Op. 10/2, 1. Allegro

• M. Moszkowski: Etude No. 8 in C Major, Op. 72

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 6 in F Major, Op. 10/2, 2. Allegretto, 3. Presto

• J. S. Bach : Prelude and Fugue No. 5 in D Major, BWV 850 (WTK I)

• J. Brahms: Rhapsody No. 2 in G Minor, Op. 79

10 Rippert Péter Madžarska / Hungary

• C. Debussy: Jardins sous la pluie (Estampes)

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 18 in E flat Major, Op. 31/3, 1. Allegro

• S. Rachmaninoff: Etude-Tableau in E flat Minor, Op. 33/6

• L. van Beethoven Sonata No. 18 in E flat Major, Op. 31/3, 2. Scherzo, 3. Menuetto, 4. Presto con fuoco

• F. Liszt: Mephisto- Waltz in A Major No. 1, S. 514

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1. etapa / Stage 1 2. etapa / Stage 2

11Spengler Krisztina

Madžarska / Hungary

• C. Debussy: Toccata (Pour le piano)

• W. A. Mozart: Sonata No. 13 in B flat Major, KV 333, 1. Allegro

• J. S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in C Minor, BWV 871 (WTK II)

• W. A. Mozart: Sonata No. 13 in B flat Major, KV 333, 2. Andante cantabile, 3. Allegretto gracioso

• F. B. Mendelssohn: Fantasy in F sharp Minor, Op. 28

12Verhovnik Barbara

Slovenija / Slovenia

• C. Debussy: Les tierces alternées (Préludes Livre II)

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 8 in C Minor, Op. 13, 1. Grave – Allegro di molto e con brio

• C. Debussy: Bruyères (Preludes Livre ll)

• L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 8 in C Minor, Op. 13, 2. Adagio cantabile, 3. Rondo: Allegro

• F. Chopin: Scherzo in B flat Minor, Op. 31

• M. Moszkowski: Etude in A flat Major, Op. 72/11

13 Zoltán Németh Madžarska / Hungary

• C. Debussy: Toccata (Pour le piano)

• J. Haydn: Sonata in C Major, Hob. XVI/50, 1. Allegro

• F. Chopin: Mazurka in E Major, Op. 6/3

• F. Chopin: Etude in A flat Major, Op. 10/10

• J. Haydn: Sonata in C major, Hob. XVI/50, 2. Adagio, 3. Allegro molto

• F. Liszt: Mephisto-Waltz in A Major No. 1, S. 514

• B. Bartók: Romanian Dance No. 1, Allegro vivace (Two Romanian Dances Op. 8a)

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Beležke / Notes

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Beležke / Notes

Page 34: 1. mednarodno klavirsko. tekmovanje “Aci Bertoncelj” 2012. · jazz and improvization. Musical critics described his interpreta-tions as exhilarating with clearly defined musical

Organizator se opravičuje za morebitne napake in si pridržuje pravico do sprememb.The organizer at all times reserves the right to alter the existing program and has the right for changes.

Izdal / Published by: Društvo Consortium musicae VelanensisUredila / Editor: Katja Žličar MarinJezikovni pregled / Revision: Marjan VoglarPrevod / Translation: Vasilisa Sazonov, Matthew KerriganOblikovanje / Design: opa:celicaTisk / Press: Eurograf, d.o.o.250 izvodov / CopiesVelenje, oktober 2012

Sponzorji / Sponsors

Page 35: 1. mednarodno klavirsko. tekmovanje “Aci Bertoncelj” 2012. · jazz and improvization. Musical critics described his interpreta-tions as exhilarating with clearly defined musical
Page 36: 1. mednarodno klavirsko. tekmovanje “Aci Bertoncelj” 2012. · jazz and improvization. Musical critics described his interpreta-tions as exhilarating with clearly defined musical
