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FRPA Quiz Show

Harvesting & Roads Module

FRPA Training Program

February 2004

Page 2: 1 FRPA Quiz Show Harvesting & Roads Module FRPA Training Program February 2004.

Harvesting & Roads Module


Practice Requirements

The practice requirements in FPPR can be changed through an approved:

a) Exemption to some practice requirements

b) Alternative in FSP to “default results and strategies” in FPPR

c) Both “a” and “b”d) “a” only

Page 3: 1 FRPA Quiz Show Harvesting & Roads Module FRPA Training Program February 2004.

Harvesting & Roads Module


Practice Requirements

Answer: C – “a” and “b”

The practice requirements in FPPR can be changed through an approved:

a) Exemption to some practice requirements

b) Alternative in FSP to “default results and strategies” in FPPR

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Harvesting & Roads Module


Transition to FRPA

Harvesting under a cutting permit issued for areas under an approved FDP can continue once FRPA is in effect.



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Harvesting & Roads Module


Transition to FRPA

Answer: True – in this case, harvesting follows the requirements of the FPC

Harvesting under a cutting permit issued for areas under an approved FDP can continue once FRPA is in effect.

Page 6: 1 FRPA Quiz Show Harvesting & Roads Module FRPA Training Program February 2004.

Harvesting & Roads Module


Notify Government

Licensees must notify government before:

a) Starting timber harvesting

b) Starting construction of roads that are permanent access structures

c) Starting layout of cutblocks and roads

d) All of the above

e) “a” and “b”

Page 7: 1 FRPA Quiz Show Harvesting & Roads Module FRPA Training Program February 2004.

Harvesting & Roads Module


Notify Government

Answer: E – “a” and “b”

Licensees must notify government before:

a) Starting timber harvesting

b) Starting construction of roads that are permanent access structures

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Harvesting & Roads Module


Maximum Cutblock Size

An alternative result or strategy to the maximum cutblock size of 40 ha and 60 ha can be proposed in the FSP.



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Harvesting & Roads Module


Maximum Cutblock Size

Answer: True

An alternative result or strategy to the maximum cutblock size of 40 ha and 60 ha can be proposed in the FSP.

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Harvesting & Roads Module



An exemption to the requirement for harvesting adjacent to another cutblock can be obtained from the Minister of Forests.



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Answer: False – an alternative result and/or strategy can be proposed in the FSP but not an exemption.

An exemption to the requirement for harvesting adjacent to another cutblock [cannot] be obtained from the Minister of Forests.

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Harvesting & Roads Module


Wildlife Trees Retention Areas

An alternative result or strategy to the restriction on harvesting in a wildlife tree retention area can be proposed in the FSP.



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Harvesting & Roads Module


Wildlife Trees Retention Areas

Answer: True -- an exemption can also be requested from the Minister of Forests.

An alternative result or strategy to the restriction on harvesting in a wildlife tree retention area can be proposed in the FSP.

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Harvesting & Roads Module


Course Woody Debris

Course woody debris requirements include retaining at least 4 logs per hectare on a cutblock.



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Harvesting & Roads Module


Course Woody Debris

Answer: True

Course woody debris requirements include retaining at least 4 logs per hectare on a cutblock.

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Harvesting & Roads Module


Defences under FRPA

Defences under FRPA are:a) Due Diligence

b) Mistake of Fact

c) Officially Induced Error

d) Consistency with objectives

e) “a”, “b” and “c” only

f) All of the above

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Harvesting & Roads Module


Defences under FRPA

Answer: E – “a”, “b” and “c”

Defences under FRPA are:a) Due Diligence

b) Mistake of Fact

c) Officially Induced Error

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Harvesting & Roads Module


Annual Report

One of the items to report in the Annual Report is the location of wildlife habitat features in or contiguous to a cutblock/road that has not previously been reported (and required to be reported).



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Harvesting & Roads Module


Annual Report

Answer: True

One of the items to report in the Annual Report is the location of wildlife habitat features in or contiguous to a cutblock/road that has not previously been reported (and required to be reported).

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Harvesting & Roads Module


Road Layout and Design

RLAD plans are required but not approved under FRPA .



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Harvesting & Roads Module


Road Layout and Design

Answer: False -- FRPA requires roads and structures to be constructed such that they are structurally sound and safe and to engineering requirements were established.

RLAD are not referred to, nor required, nor approved under FRPA.

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Harvesting & Roads Module


Road Deactivation

Under FRPA , how long does a District Manager have to approve or disapprove a licensee’s declaration that a road is deactivated?

a) 60 days

b) 15 months

c) 15 years

d) Length specified by licensee in declaration

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Harvesting & Roads Module


Road Deactivation

Answer: B

Under FRPA , how long does a District Manager have to approve or disapprove a licensee’s declaration that a road is deactivated?

b) 15 months

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Harvesting & Roads Module



When harvesting and constructing roads under FRPA , licensees are responsible for:

a) Delivery of results and strategies in an approved FSP

b) Delivery of government objectivesc) Meeting practice requirements in

regulationd) All of the abovee) “a” and “c”

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Harvesting & Roads Module



Answer: E – “a” and “c”

When harvesting and constructing roads under FRPA , licensees are responsible for:

a) Delivery of results and strategies in an approved FSP

c) Meeting practice requirements in regulation