Download - 1 EXES Development Status Matt Richter University of California, Davis 28 Apr 09.



EXES Development Status

Matt Richter

University of California, Davis

28 Apr 09


EXESSOFIA Echelon X Echelle Spectrograph

A High Resolution Mid-Infrared Spectrograph

Three Spectral Modes:R = 50-100,000 cross-dispersed

R = 15,000 long-slit

R = 4,000 long-slit

plus source acquisition and pupil imaging camera

Protoplanetary disksH2, H2O, CH4 in emission and absorption

line shapes give spatial distribution in Keplerian disks

Gas in star-formation regionsH2O, CH4, C2H2, HCN, CH3, NH3, HNCO

Fe, Fe+, O+3, Ne+, Ne+4, S, S+2, S+3, Ar+, Ar+2, Ar+4

Atmospheres of Planets and Satellites


H2O Rotational Emission Line Resolved


SOFIA/EXES provides access to stronger lines near 18 m

Water emission resolved:90 km/s FWHMFrom r = 0.3--1 AU

Gemini/TEXES R=100,000

Carr, Knez, Richter, Knez et al.

Spitzer/IRS R=600


EXES Summary StatusCategory Item Technical Budget Schedule Comments/Mitigation

Structures Cryostat Received and tested

Mounting Received

OptomechanicalPositioning of flip mirrors for changing modes still TBD

Optical Echelon Grating Received 2000

Echelle X-D grating Talking about custom with Bach Research

MirrorsMirror fixed by warping. Long term stability will be watched

Filters Still need custom flight filters

Detector 10242 arrayArray being tested. Must run fast for low resolution and long slit. Talking with JPL about alternate array

Electronics 10242 readout Received early April

Control and HK Work with J. Schoenwald on FPGA software

AirworthinessConformity Audit in Austin and Code QS on team

Software Instrument Control Modify TEXES

Quicklook Modify TEXES

Pipeline Use TEXES


Issues and Mitigations

Issue Sev’ty Description Impact Mitigation Who

Cal Unit major Cal unit (blackbody & gas cell) not designed

sci produce more detailed design


x-d grating major need two rulings for all modes. custom grating is top choice

sci go with back-to-back depending on sensitivity, cost, and risk

mjr, jl

flip mirrors major performance of mode switching mirror not tested

sci. use test images to refine during observing

jh, mm, mjr

flight filters major need order sorting filters for 5-7 um region

sci. discussions with IRML in Reading, UK


detector major is fast enough for full low-res operation?

sci. read out subarrays. look into new array with JPL


MOU/transfer of PI

critical EXES still PI instrument through UCD, although hardware work at Ames

sci, sched

finalize in June mjr, pz, sh, mr, mc

Airworthiness minor Knowing where we are and getting approval

bud, sched

audit in Austin, Code QS on team

pz, mjr, ei, rg

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EXES Instrument Project - Completion and Commissioning Timeline

2nd SOFIA CommissioningFlight Series(2 flights-12 hrs)

1st SOFIA CommissioningFlight Series (3 flights-18 hrs)

2nd Ground-Based Test

~ 3 mos.1st Ground-Based Test

~1 year

Project ATP

Airworthiness Approval Received

EXES in Flight Mode

Final Performance Report,

Prep. @UTA

Ship to ARC Assemble Instrumentin Lab @ARC

1st Cold EngineeringTest Complete

1st Cold ScienceTest Complete

Lab Test and Evaluation

Evidence Complete forGround-Based Test


Baseline Project PlanFY 2009-2013









EXES Development Complete

Based on EXES IMS version 7, 4/6/09


Overview of Progress and Status

• Project Management• EXES ATP granted for UCD/Ames team• EXES will be based at Ames with Richter as PI

• Treated as other PI instruments

• Project airworthiness audit scheduled for May 6 in Austin

• Mechanical/Cryogenic Design and Fabrication• Most parts done. Will test after shipping to


• Optics• Still need cross-dispersion grating and full filter


• Electronics & software• Electronics for 10242 array delivered to Ames

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EXES Major Milestones

Project Major Milestones 04/12/13 EXES Project Plan (Draft) 02/27/09 Cornell Boxes Receival 04/10/09 EXES Project ATP 04/16/09 Deliver EXES Instrument to Ames (From Texas) 06/25/09 Submit Proposal for First Ground-based Observatory 03/09/10 First Observations at Ground-based Observatory Start 08/15/10 Submit Proposal for second Ground-based Observatory 03/23/11 Second Observations at Ground-based Observatory Start 08/15/11 EXES Commissioning Plan Submittal 01/19/12 EXES Commissioning Plan Approval 03/16/12 EXES Airworthiness Approval 04/05/12 EXES Delivered to DAOF 07/16/12 EXES Line Ops starts 11/15/12 EXES Commissioning Flights Start 12/04/12 EXES Development Complete 04/12/13

Based on EXES IMS version 7, 4/6/09


Last four monthsProgram Management

Detailed Schedule and budget

Received ATP

Cryogenic FabNo activities

Mechanical fabNo activities

Optical fabDiscussions with Bach Research regarding x-d grating options

Working on Dacron shield to prevent scattered light

Electronics design and fabMcKelvey and Hanratty visited Cornell to see electronics

FORCAST delivered 10242 electronics

Ames developing new thermal mount

SoftwareDiscussions with Schoenwald at Cornell regarding FPGA code


Next 4 months plan of work

Complete MOU

Conduct EXES Audit in Austin

Prepare lab space (N211 Rm 121)

Ship EXES to Ames

Duplicate performance at Ames that was achieved in Austin

Order remaining opticscustom filters, cross-dispersion grating

Test array and electronics at all EXES backgrounds in Ames Dewar

Get new team members up to speed

System testing warm with bare readout and cold with 10242

