Download - 1 Conclusions of Workshop 1: Monitoring and evaluation (M+E) financial engineering instruments for SMEs Fifth Plenary Meeting JEREMIE Networking Platform.

Page 1: 1 Conclusions of Workshop 1: Monitoring and evaluation (M+E) financial engineering instruments for SMEs Fifth Plenary Meeting JEREMIE Networking Platform.


Conclusions of Workshop 1:Conclusions of Workshop 1:

Monitoring and evaluation (“M+E”) financial Monitoring and evaluation (“M+E”) financial engineering instruments for SMEsengineering instruments for SMEs

Fifth Plenary Meeting JEREMIE Networking Platform

Brussels, 20 May 2011DG REGIO D3 - Financial engineering, major projects

Joanna Mouliou & Welsh European Funding Office, Managing Authority,

Geraint Green

Page 2: 1 Conclusions of Workshop 1: Monitoring and evaluation (M+E) financial engineering instruments for SMEs Fifth Plenary Meeting JEREMIE Networking Platform.



• Cohesion Policy will focus more on performance for the next programming period (2014+),

• Monitoring and Evaluation systems need to be strengthened along Europe for both accountability and learning,

• Programmes with a clear identification of objectives and concentrated on a limited number of activities are needed.

Page 3: 1 Conclusions of Workshop 1: Monitoring and evaluation (M+E) financial engineering instruments for SMEs Fifth Plenary Meeting JEREMIE Networking Platform.


Conclusions (1)local and project specificities

Attracting SMEs and Financial Intermediaries at national and regional level can be complicate for small regions,

Lack of consistancy about the reporting requirements accross projects and regions,

Comparing outcomes and performance across regions is not feasible as the partners involved (MA, HF, FI) have different scales of operation, functions & activities,

Difficulty to assess the quality of data.

Page 4: 1 Conclusions of Workshop 1: Monitoring and evaluation (M+E) financial engineering instruments for SMEs Fifth Plenary Meeting JEREMIE Networking Platform.


Conclusions (2)needs

Relevant and precise definitions and indications of the sources of data,

A limited number of indicators,

The Commission should set up Common Output indicators (discussion in the next meeting),

Cautiosness about the retrospective implementation on requirements (we can not ask for data which is not included in the initial agreement).

Page 5: 1 Conclusions of Workshop 1: Monitoring and evaluation (M+E) financial engineering instruments for SMEs Fifth Plenary Meeting JEREMIE Networking Platform.


Conclusions (3)administrative system’s flexibility

Attract private partners through a more flexible administration system

• tackling administrative burdens and bottlenecks – all presentations,

• using a flat management fee, • assist in dealing with complicated state aid rules

applied to the FEIs.

Establish a dialogue between MAs and FIs in order to make the administrative system more flexible in the next Programming Period (FIs decline participation because of administrative burdens which raise high for them)

Page 6: 1 Conclusions of Workshop 1: Monitoring and evaluation (M+E) financial engineering instruments for SMEs Fifth Plenary Meeting JEREMIE Networking Platform.


Need for a flexible


All phrases can be replaced with

your own text.

Need for specific

guidelines with precise glossary for definitions


Need to strengthen the role of

the JEREMIE NP for

exchanging information

Need for a monitoring template

exercise to define the

appropriate stepsNeed to reduce

administrative burdens and bottlenecks,

which can discourage potential Financial

Intermediaries Need for DIALOGUE