Download - 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.

Page 1: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.


Binary Search Trees

Chapter 6

Page 2: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.



You will be able to Implement and use binary search

trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity of

searching binary search trees.

Page 3: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.



We often need to find a specific item in a collection of items. Or determine that it is not present.

The simplest strategy is a linear search. Traverse the collection looking for the

target item. Time for a linear search is O(n).

Grows in proportion to the number of items in the collection, n.

Page 4: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.


Binary Search

If an array is ordered, we can make the search much faster by doing a binary search.

If length of the array is 0, Search target is not present. Report failure.

Check the middle item. If search target is equal

Return that item. If the search target is less:

Do a binary search of the lower half. If the search target greater

Do a binary search of the upper half.

Page 5: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.


Binary Search

Usually outperforms a linear search Disadvantage:

Requires a sequential storage Not appropriate for linked lists (Why?)

A linked structure is desirable if we do very much inserting and deleting.

It is possible to use a linked structure which can be searched in a binary-like manner.

Page 6: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.


Binary Search Tree

Everything in left subtree is less than root. Everything in right subtree is greater than root.









Page 7: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.



A data structure which consists of a finite set of elements called nodes or

vertices. a finite set of directed arcs which connect

the nodes.

If the tree is nonempty -- One of the nodes (the root) has no

incoming arc. Every other node can be reached by

following a unique sequence of consecutive arcs starting at the root.

Page 8: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.


Tree Terminology

Root nodeRoot node

Leaf nodesLeaf nodes

• Children of the parent (3)

• Siblings to each other

• Children of the parent (3)

• Siblings to each other

Page 9: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.


Binary Tree

Each node has at most two children

Examples Results of multiple coin tosses Encoding/decoding messages in dots

and dashes such as Morse code

Page 10: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.


A binary tree ADT can be implemented either as a linked structure or as an array.


Page 11: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.


Array Implementation of Binary Trees

Store node n in location n of the array.







Page 12: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.


Array Implementation of Binary Trees

Works OK for complete trees, not for sparse trees

Page 13: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.


Linked Implementation of Binary Trees

Uses space more efficiently for incomplete trees

Provides additional flexibility Each node has two links

One to the left child of the node One to the right child of the node If no child node exists for a node, the

link is set to NULL

Page 14: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.


Structural Recursion







The subset of a binary tree consisting of any node an all of its descendents is a binary tree.

Invites the use of recursive algorithms on binary trees.

Page 15: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.


Recursive Algorithm for Binary Tree Traversal

If the binary tree is empty Do nothing

Else N: Visit the Node, process data L: Traverse the left subtree R: Traverse the right subtree

The "anchor"The "anchor"

The inductive stepThe inductive step

Page 16: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.


Binary Tree Traversal Order

Three possibilities for inductive step …

Left subtree, Node, Right subtreeInorder traversal

Node, Left subtree, Right subtreethe preorder traversal

Left subtree, Right subtree, Nodethe postorder traversal

Page 17: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.


Binary Search Tree

A Collection of Nodes Data

Must have <= and == operations Left Child Right Child

For each node x value in left child ≤ value in x ≤ value in right child

Binary Search Tree ADT

Page 18: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.


Construct an empty BST Determine if BST is empty Search BST for given item Insert a new item in the BST

Maintain the BST property Delete an item from the BST

Maintain the BST property Traverse the BST

Visit each node exactly once The inorder traversal will visit the values in the

nodes in ascending order

BST Basic Operations

Page 19: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.



Create new empty C++ console application project.

Add to project: genBST1.h main.cpp

Page 20: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.



#include <iostream>

#include "genBST1.h"

using namespace std;

int main(void)


cout << "This is BST_Demo\n";


return 0;


Build and test.

Page 21: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.



Copy from Downloads area:


This is a subset of Drozdek’s genBST.h template. Figure 6.8, page 221 ff.

All textbook examples are available on the author's web site:

Page 22: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.



//************************ genBST1.h **************************

// generic binary search tree

#pragma once;

template<class T>

class BSTNode





left = right = 0;


BSTNode(const T& el, BSTNode *l = 0, BSTNode *r = 0)


key = el; left = l; right = r;


T key;

BSTNode *left, *right;


Page 23: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.


Class BST

template<class T>

class BST



BST() {root = 0;}

~BST() {clear();}

void clear() // Overloaded



root = 0;


bool isEmpty() const {return root == 0;}

void insert(const T&);

T* search(const T& el) const // Overloaded


return search(root, el);


Page 24: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.


Class BST


BSTNode<T>* root;

void clear(BSTNode<T>*);

T* search(BSTNode<T>*, const T&) const;

//void preorder(BSTNode<T>*);

//void inorder(BSTNode<T>*);

//void postorder(BSTNode<T>*);

//virtual void visit(BSTNode<T>* p) {

// cout << p->key << ' ';



Page 25: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.



template<class T>

void BST<T>::clear(BSTNode<T> *p)


if (p != 0)




delete p;



Page 26: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.



template<class T>

void BST<T>::insert(const T& el)


BSTNode<T> *p = root, *prev = 0;

// find a place for inserting new node;

while (p != 0)


prev = p;

if (p->key < el)


p = p->right;




p = p->left;



Page 27: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.



if (root == 0) // tree is empty;


root = new BSTNode<T>(el);


else if (prev->key < el)


prev->right = new BSTNode<T>(el);




prev->left = new BSTNode<T>(el);



Page 28: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.



template<class T>

T* BST<T>::search(BSTNode<T>* p, const T& el) const


while (p != 0)


if (el == p->key)


return &p->key;


if (el < p->key)


p = p->left;




p = p->right;



return 0; // el was not found


Page 29: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.


Test BST Template

#include <iostream>

#include "genBST1.h"

using namespace std;

int main(void)


cout << "This is BST_Demo\n";

BST<int> my_BST;









Page 30: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.


Test BST Template

cout << "Items in the tree: ";

for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)


int* result =;

if (result != 0)


cout << i << " ";



cout << endl;


return 0;


Page 31: 1 Binary Search Trees Chapter 6. 2 Objectives You will be able to Implement and use binary search trees in C++ programs. Determine the time complexity.


Test Running

End of presentation