Download - 0616 Newsletter

  • 7/26/2019 0616 Newsletter


    9:00 am9:00 am9:00 am9:00 am

    TraditionalWorshipin the Sanctuary

    10:10 am10:10 am10:10 am10:10 am

    Sunday SchoolTime

    11:00 am11:00 am11:00 am11:00 am


    in the Sanctuary

    We uphold the United Methodist Church by our PRAYERS, PRESENCE, GIFTS, SERVICE & WITNESS




    Making Disciples


    the World

    O U R M I S S I O N

    S T A T E M E N T :

    M A K I N G D I S C I P L E S . . . C H A N G I N G T H E W O R L D

    J U N E 2 0 1 5

    F I R S T N O T E S









    1st1st1st1st $6,28

    8th8th8th8th $,!8!

    1"th1"th1"th1"th $#,2#1

    22nd22nd22nd22nd $,0#

    2!th2!th2!th2!th %&'()

    May Total %ifts *ecei+ed to ateMay Total %ifts *ecei+ed to ateMay Total %ifts *ecei+ed to ateMay Total %ifts *ecei+ed to ate$21,"





    AprilAprilAprilAprilNet GainNet GainNet GainNet Gain






    /ear/ear/ear/eartotototoateateateateNet GainNet GainNet GainNet Gain


    ! am! am! am! am 11 am11 am11 am11 amSundaySundaySundaySundaySchoolSchoolSchoolSchool

    1st1st1st1st 108 #0 "

    8th8th8th8th 12 "8 !

    1"th1"th1"th1"th 80 0 ""

    22nd22nd22nd22nd !8 #! "

    2!th2!th2!th2!th -S-A/SC34










    2016 Monthly 5udet2016 Monthly 5udet2016 Monthly 5udet2016 Monthly 5udet-eeds-eeds-eeds-eeds7777$2",0"!

    The Summer Solstice is a

    pre-Christian holiday andhas been celebrated

    throughout Europe and

    many parts of the worldfor eons. The early

    Christian Church assimi-

    lated the holiday into their

    calendar and the newholiday was associated

    with the birth of John the

    Baptist which is obser!edon June "#. $Just a little

    tri!ia for you.%

    The summer solstice

    mar&s the longest hours

    of daylight in the 'orth-ern (emisphere and the

    shortest hours in the

    Southern (emisphere.)or us it is a great time

    for family**

    This Summer brea& graba friend your children

    spouse or someone and

    en+oy ,ods Beautifulcreation.

    in!ite all of you to praythis prayer on June "/th.








  • 7/26/2019 0616 Newsletter


    God not

    only seeswhere you

    are, He sees

    where you

    can be.

    Page 2F I R S T N O T E S

    Flora EricksonMary Knapp

    Terry CathersJune CathersAnne Ranz

    JoAnn MoranMike Sutcliffe

    Sherrolyn WebbDeanna arnhart

    !len S"ith(father of Glenda Getchell)

    Serving in the Military:Josh # Kenzli $n%er&oo%

    Drey ark"anSs't( Ro'er) Melissa# Ti"othy Myers

    Joshua *atchJack Martin

    (Training at a military facility .)




    3 45674849 .RE7MA0,fu"cron%a3'"ail(co"


    +RA1ER,0ST( T*A-KYOU!

    The Wisdom of

    DAVIDCOLLINSGraduating from Kansas University

    with a Bachelors in East Asian Languages !ultures"on of #eredith !ollins

    JESSIEPRINGLEGraduating from Kansas Universitywith a Bachelors of $istory

    %aughter of Kent !athy &ringle

    DANIELLERUBOWGraduating from 'orthwest #issouri "tate !ollegewith a Bachelors of "cience in Business #areting

    %aughter of !huc aye *u+ow

    :lease contact the church office if you ha+e a collee raduate to reconi=e in ne>t month?s ne@sletter;:lease contact the church office if you ha+e a collee raduate to reconi=e in ne>t month?s ne@sletter;:lease contact the church office if you ha+e a collee raduate to reconi=e in ne>t month?s ne@sletter;:lease contact the church office if you ha+e a collee raduate to reconi=e in ne>t month?s ne@sletter;

  • 7/26/2019 0616 Newsletter


    M A K I N G D I S C I P L E S . . . C H A N G I N G T H E W O R L D Page 3

    ear %od;;;ear %od;;;ear %od;;;ear %od;;;ear %od, & @ant to Be ustliDe my daddy @hen & etolder; Eust not @ith so muchhair;


    ear %od, Are you a -inaF&s that @hy & can?t see youF


    ear %od, & @ould liDe toli+e !00 years liDe that uyin the 5iBle;


    ear %od, :lease chane thetaste of asparaus; &t?s ross;


    ear %od, Mommy says allBaBies cry, But & don?t thinDBaBy Eesus did; /ou mustDno@ the ans@er so please@rite BacD; We ha+e a Bet;


    ear %od, Would you maDe mea little BrotherF & need someone to Boss around;


    ear %od, & do not thinD anyBody could Be a Better %od;Well & ust @ant you to Dno@But & am not ust sayin thatBecause you are %od;


    Get to Church





    Vacation Bible School 2016

    June 610/9:00am11:30am

    For Kids Age 3 - 5thGrade

    5e sure to rememBer in prayer, all our Dids @ho @ill Be attendin Camp Chippe@a this summer;

    Teachers Needed! &t maDes no difference @hether youare 21 or #, Dids are not hun up By ae; &f you ha+e a desire toteach children aBout %od, / A*( -(((; %od has aBundantBlessins in store for Both you and the children) :lease contact

    emian at 2126"" or Boomermals26Gmail;com;

    '5S is almost here, and & Dno@ the Dids are e>cited aBout it; ur staff @ould liDeto thanD e+eryone @ho has enerously donated to '5S; & @ould also liDe to thanDmy helpers and leaders for all the time they ha+e put into maDin '5S a reality;Without my leaders and helpers this @ould not Be possiBle; %od has Blessed ourchurch family @ith some +ery @onderful people and & for one am thanDful;

    9or those @ho are reisterin at the door, '5S is startin Eune 6that !H00am and@ill finish e+ery day at 11H#0am; 5e sure your children Brin their o@n tshirt forthe @eeD;

    Summer Sunday school is startin soon, &?m still short on Sunday school teachersfor the summer classes; &f you @ould Be interested in sinin for leadin oneSunday a month let me Dno@; Summer Sunday school @ill Be startin Eune 12thfollo@in '5S;

    We ha+e our Bra+e one?s headin off to Camp Chippe@a this summer, so if you@ould send the daily prayers for @hile they are a@ay from home & Dno@ they @ouldlo+e that;

    ThanD you so much for your continued support of our churches future, ourChildren hold the Dey to a Brihter and promisin future for us all; Teachin themof %ods lo+e and mercy is so important to them, Eust rememBer it?s not ust thepeople at church?s responsiBility, its you as parents to help lead them in %od?slory; 3a+e a @onderful month of Eune and %od Bless you;

    emian Weehaupt, /oun Ministries irector

  • 7/26/2019 0616 Newsletter


    Page 4I N O T H E R N E W S . . . . .

    We @ant to thanD you fyour Dind and thouhtfuift; /our enerosity @ilhelp o a lon @ay tomeet the needs of theless fortunate; SuchDindness inspires hopea second chance; %odi+es us all manychances in life;

    ThanD yo

    May %od?s Blessins @ith yoThe 9aith 3ou

    & @ould liDe to thanDe+eryone for theirprayers, phone calls another acts of Dindnessafter my recent hipsurery; %od is ood;5lessin to you all;

    EoAnn Mor

    O U R C H U R C H


    CCCC3*C33*C33*C33*C39999CCCC3A-T(3A-T(3A-T(3A-T(, , , , A-SA-SA-SA-Sin the Search 5ar

    :antry Sunday:antry Sunday:antry Sunday:antry Sunday

    Sunday, Eune 26this:antry Sunday;

    Dont forget to bring youronation for the !oo

    "antry #ith you$Challene forChallene forChallene forChallene forEune @ill BeEune @ill BeEune @ill BeEune @ill Be


    *elay for 4ife 3elp*elay for 4ife 3elp*elay for 4ife 3elp*elay for 4ife 3elp

    -eeded-eeded-eeded-eeded3elp is needed at theSur+i+or?s SnacD Bardurin this year?s *elayfor 4ife Bein held on9riday, Eune 10thfromH#076H00pm; CallCharlene *iley at

    ##0!0! or email her,

    charlenemrGhotmail;comif you can help;

    Mission :enniesMission :enniesMission :enniesMission :ennies;;;for the month ofEune @ill Be used forthe 5acD to School 3aircuts for ids proram;

    %ifts . :ri=es -eeded%ifts . :ri=es -eeded%ifts . :ri=es -eeded%ifts . :ri=es -eededThe Church I Societycommittee is in need of

    ifts and pri=es to Bei+en to the residents atthe Murray 3ill Apts;The committee hosts aparty . Bino amethere each month;

    A%A:(A%A:(A%A:(A%A:(7A Gree% #orfor self&giving love.The Aape 9und is aministry that allo@s theparticipant to i+e$";00 or more fourtimes per year; Thismoney is used to help aspecific area person ora family in need; &f you@ould liDe to Be addedto our participants list,

    please contact thechurch office G#120 and talD to*onda; :articipantsare Dept secret andconfidential;






    Please join us for a

    honoring bride-to-be

    Madison WendtSaturday, May 28 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm

    Fire s!ape "offee #ouse,

    $2% &' Main, "hanute, (ansas

    #osted by "arrie )ilby, Marilyn #arms,

    and Parrian #at!h

    *S+P to "arrie at %20-2$2-$40

    Madison is registered at

    arget and

    )ed, )ath, and )eyond

  • 7/26/2019 0616 Newsletter


    Page 5M A K I N G D I S C I P L E S . . . C H A N G I N G T H E W O R L D

    T3( 9&A-CJT3( 9&A-CJT3( 9&A-CJT3( 9&A-CJAfter 4eslie Brouht home

    her fiancK to meet herparents, her father in+itedthe youn man into hisstudy to find out moreaBout him;

    What are your plansF heasDed Eoseph;


  • 7/26/2019 0616 Newsletter


    First United Methodist Church

    202 S. Lincoln

    Chanute, KS 66720


    U.S. Postae Paid!on-Pro"it #r.Chanute, KS

    66720Per$it %13

    'o# to become a member....'o# to become a member....'o# to become a member....'o# to become a member..../ou are @elcome to attend @orship ser+ices, memBer or not; 9orthat matter, you can attend anyacti+ity of the church and arein+ited to do so; 5ecomin amemBer is, in faith, sayin you@ant a deeper commitment to thechurch; ur +o@s asD us to faithfully participate in the life of thechurch @ith our prayers, ourpresence, our ifts, our ser+iceand our @itness;

    We hope you @ill Be a part ofthe ministry of the 9irst nitedMethodist Church; &f you @ouldliDe to Become a memBer, pleasei+e usH -ameLs, address, phonenumBer, email address, anni+ersaries, Birthdays and if you arealready a memBer of some otherchurch or not; &f you are, @e alsoneed the name of the church and,if possiBle, the address; :leasei+e this to the pastor, or lea+e inthe church office;

    Return Service Requested

    202 S; 4&-C4-202 S; 4&-C4-202 S; 4&-C4-202 S; 4&-C4-C3A-T(, A-SAS 6620C3A-T(, A-SAS 6620C3A-T(, A-SAS 6620C3A-T(, A-SAS 6620

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    C3*C3 STA99HC3*C3 STA99HC3*C3 STA99HC3*C3 STA99H

    :astorH:astorH:astorH:astorH *e+; April Weehaupt

    irector of Adult Ministry I :arishirector of Adult Ministry I :arishirector of Adult Ministry I :arishirector of Adult Ministry I :arish'isitor'isitor'isitor'isitor

    4inda ArnettfumclindaGmail;com

    &nffice 3oursH Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday Mornins

    irector of /oun MinistriesHirector of /oun MinistriesHirector of /oun MinistriesHirector of /oun MinistriesHemian Weehaupt


    &nffice 3oursHMonday Wednesday . 8am7-oon

    SecretaryHSecretaryHSecretaryHSecretaryH *onda :hillipsfumcrondaGmail;com

    CustodianHCustodianHCustodianHCustodianH Easen 5auhnasenBauhn1Gmail;com

    :3H L620212168

    Music irectorHMusic irectorHMusic irectorHMusic irectorH:aul Myers

    ranistHranistHranistHranistH Terri e%eerdeeerGerieDs;net


    ()e sure to chec% insie for more etails on these events$*

    Sunday, May 2!HSunday, May 2!HSunday, May 2!HSunday, May 2!H 9ello@ship on the 9ifth @ill taDe place at 10H00am; This is acomBined @orship ser+ice; Their @ill Be no Sunday school classes held;

    Sunday, Eune "HSunday, Eune "HSunday, Eune "HSunday, Eune "H A -e@ 8WeeD Sermon Series 5eins on the Wisdom of :i>ar

    Monday, Eune 6Monday, Eune 6Monday, Eune 6Monday, Eune 677779riday, Eune 10H9riday, Eune 10H9riday, Eune 10H9riday, Eune 10H 'acation 5iBle SchoolH Ca+e Nuest taDes place

    each day from !H00am711H#0am;Tuesday, Eune 21HTuesday, Eune 21HTuesday, Eune 21HTuesday, Eune 21H Today?s Concerns meets for a Salad 4uncheon at -- in the9ello@ship 3all;

    Wednesday, Eune 2!HWednesday, Eune 2!HWednesday, Eune 2!HWednesday, Eune 2!H 9amily 9un -iht on the 4a@n taDes place from 6H0078H00pm at 3ihland :arD;

    U P C O M I N G E V E N T S

    F I R S T U N I T E D

    M E T H O D I S T

    C H U R C H

  • 7/26/2019 0616 Newsletter


    Sun Mon Tue Wed Tu F" S#$

    18:30 am Alzheimers

    Support Group, FH11:00 am Walkercize,


    2 3 4



    * See Regular SundaySchedule


    )*S: +ae -uest.:00 pm Fi/a/ce, 11.:30 pm -uilt Guil,



    )*S: +ae -uest2:00 pm %rustees


    )*S: +ae -uest


    )*S: +ae -uest


    )*S: +ae -uest




    * See Regular SundaySchedule

    13':30 am Ge/esis thru

    Reelatio/, 10211:00 am Walkercize,


    142:00 pm +hurch

    +ou/cil, 102

    15':00 am $eotio/s

    56 $oroth7, arlor11:00 am Walkercize,


    16 179:00 pm Wei/


    189:00 pm Wei/

    We/t 6 Hae;ke



  • 7/26/2019 0616 Newsletter


    June "/01

    "lease contact the office if your )irthay has been omitte or misreporte."lease contact the office if your )irthay has been omitte or misreporte."lease contact the office if your )irthay has been omitte or misreporte."lease contact the office if your )irthay has been omitte or misreporte.

    We ont #ant to forget you$ +,-We ont #ant to forget you$ +,-We ont #ant to forget you$ +,-We ont #ant to forget you$ +,-&&&&++/++/++/++/

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Tu F" S#$


    +hro/icles 19(1.oh/ 1:2(90

    A/ie Hasletta/ie Hutso/*o//ie