Download - 015 Early Christian Art

  1. 1. THEANCIENTWORLD REVIEW (chapter 17) Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
  2. 2. The Life and Death ofa Pumpkin Its almost thanksgiving. What are you are most thankful for?
  3. 3. What is the assumed function this art work?
  4. 4. What is this drawing made from, what media?
  5. 5. PALEOLITHIC fertility idols, cave paintings NEOLITHIC crafts such as pottery and weaving,megaliths
  6. 6. Why was this builtwhat are some of the theories?
  7. 7. What is the most important physical feature on these deities? What does deity mean?
  8. 8. EGYPTIAN
  9. 9. What was the function of this art work?
  10. 10. Is this statue naturalistic?
  11. 11. Who is this?
  12. 12. Who is this?Queen Nefertiti
  13. 13. Who did this belong to?
  14. 14. AGEAN
  15. 15. Where is this? What is it called?
  16. 16. This is the Goddess of ________________.
  17. 17. This statue is in which famous European museum?
  18. 18. THE CHRISTIAN ERA (chapter 18)
  19. 19. Timeline of Religion
  20. 20. By the year 250 c.e., 60% of Asia Minor was Christian
  21. 21. Christian Art was not concernedwith worldly subject matter
  22. 22. ...but with making Christian culture comealive through imagery.
  23. 23. Santa Costanza . c. 354CE .
  24. 24. San Vitale . 52647CE .
  25. 25. Constantine wanted early Christian churches tolook as little as possiblelike earlier Classicaltemples.
  26. 26. Theodora and Her Attendants . c. 547
  27. 27. San Vitale, interior. c. 547 .
  28. 28. Theodora and Her Attendants . c. 547.
  29. 29. Islam 662 (approx) Beginning of Islam
  30. 30. Hagia Sophia . 53237 .
  31. 31. Hagia Sophia , interior. 53237
  32. 32. Christ , fromDesismosaic. Thirteenth century.
  33. 33.
  34. 34.
  35. 35. Courtyard of the Great Mosque of Damascus. 70516.
  36. 36. Tile mosaicmihrab . c. 1354 (restored). 11 ft. 3 in. x 7 ft. 6 in.
  37. 37. The Expansion of Islam to 850 CE.
  38. 38. Djingareyber Mosque. Eleventh century .
  39. 39. Interior of the sanctuary of theMosque at Crdoba , Spain. 786987.
  40. 41. Religious imagery went throughtransformationstoward naturalism. (Based onearlier Roman naturalism)
  41. 42. St. Matthewfrom theLindisfarne Gospels . c. 700. 11 x 9 in.
  42. 43. St. Matthewfrom theGospel Book of Charlemagne . c. 800810. 13 x 10 in.
  43. 44. Romanesque
  44. 45. Gislebertus.Last Judgment , tympanum and lintel, Autun Cathedral. c. 112535. approximately 12 ft. 6 in. x 22 ft.
  45. 46. "We must...begin by distinguishing between that which is and never becomes, and that which is always becoming and never is." - Plato
  46. 47. Gothic 1100s+ Large catherdrals floodedwith light (not gold)
  47. 48.
  48. 49. Chartres Cathedral . 11451220 .
  49. 50. Choir of Cologne Cathedral . Thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.
  50. 51. Florence Cathedral(Santa Maria del Fiore). Begun by Arnolfo de Cambio, 1296; dome by Filippo Brunelleschi. 142036.
  51. 55. Central portal of the west facade ofReims Cathedral . c. 122590 .
  52. 56. Annunciation and Visitation , detail, west portal, Reims Cathedral. c. 122545.
  53. 57.,18509/